E r vs with nearly everybody. Mr. Carnegie, be tween shakes, said to The Dispatch man: "I consider that it would scarcely be proper lor me to say anything about the objects of the Congress. I am traveling -with the, delegates and hearing what they have to say, and in advance of the formal sessions, I do Hot care to say anying." Ex-Senator John B. Henderson, of St "Louis, -was found -when he had a few mo ments of leisure, outside of the whirl. He said: "In the course of our journeys about the country the delegates have informally discussed the objects of the conference. Nothing has been done in the way of coming to formal conclusions, and I take it that it would be improper to do so until the formal sessions begin at Washington. TV1LI. IMPEOTE XBASE. The journey has served to make the dele Sates acquainted with one another. There is an evident desire among the foreicn dele pates to cultivate closer relations with the "United States. They desire their trade with this country increased, and it is my opinion that they are ready to grant to us what they would not grant to any other na tion. Ot course, nobody contemplates any political union, unless it be that as far as possible, without impairing their revenues, they may grant a large measure of free trade in the commerce of all the American States: something like Zollverein among the German States. "It is impossible to say what the dele gates consider to be the most remarkable city or thing that they have seen. Every day they see new cause for wonderment. Every place has its special revelation." Judge Morris M. Estee arrived from Union City at 8 P. SL, and participated in he reception. THE GUESTS PRESENT. A Brilliant Array of Kniars rrotn Homo find Abroad Industries end Professions Represented- The police regulations at the Mononga lela House last night were admirably car ried out under the direction of Inspector McAleese and Captain Dan Sylvns. Five of Chief Brown's "Finest" were in uniform in the corridors of the hotel, and Superin tendent O'Mara, Detective Sol Coulson and others in plain clothes walked around and watched the interests of the visitors. The people present embraced the best citizens of Allegheny county, and that may be regarded as the indication of the attend ance better than any 400 list of New York could convey. There were labor men pres ent, "William "Weihe, President, and "Will iam Martin, Secretary of the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel "Workers, jiromenading the reception room with An drew Carnegie, B. F. Jones and "William Park. J. B. Scott was asked for a list of the people invited to get an idea of who were present and replied: "It is impossible to tell you who are here, but one thing is cer tain there is a large number present who were not invited." He closed the door of his private room as he said so, and evidently thought the number present included more than were needed for the cultivation of the business interests of Pittsburg in relation to South American trade. Dnring the promenade last evening in the -fining room of the Monongahela House these jieople were noticed among the SOO present: Judges Evring and White, Joseph Walton, General Wilev, D. C. Herbst and ladies, Hon. John Dalzell, Hon. Geonre H. Anderson! Alex under Dempster. John W. Chalfant, V. E. Schmertz. Captain J. W. Batcbelor, John Bindley, C W. Batchelor, H. G. Darsie, H. Kirk Porter, Judge of the SuDremo Court; George A. Kellv, Addison L. Griffin, Thomas Ward, Charles G. Milner. Gilbert Follansbee, D. Trevor Lewis Thomas Evans, William Scbuette, Robert Pitcairn, George A. Berrv, D. W. C. BidwelL Colonel K. Monroe and E. Jionroe, Jr., G. E. Godrtard. William Eisner, J. H. Smttley, Henry Roberts, J. J. Vandergrift. J B. Vandergrift, H. P. Ford, D. C. Ripley. J. A. Brashear. H. u. W. English, Ralph Bagaley, J. W. Drape. T. G. McCatcheon, James McCutchenn, Colonel X P. Roberts, H1 1 Brunot. R. E. Mercer, Heber McDowell, the re-elected Coroner: Dr. C. Evans. T. B. Everson, J. R. McCreer-, C E. DeaD Dr. J. C. Berger. G. Y. McKee, Charles Dans. J. V. Patton, George Barker, F. G. Wallace. A J. Speck, W. H. Williams T. "W. Smith, John McKibbon, William Roseberg, J. J. Buchanan, Thomas P. Day, George C Davis, L. C. Pbmps, William P. Talmer. H. P. Chess, R. H. Johnston, Win. Martin, Win. Weihe, H J. Lindsay, W. H. Graham, E. S. Pearson, George Heard, Mr. and Mrs. Neal, C L Wade, Rev. S. J. Fisher, Mrs. Wade (Bessie Bramble), Archibald Mar shall, H. T. Halleck. b. Severance, Jr.. and Miss Schmertr. Captain Alfred E. Hunt, W. C. Connolly. Dr. J. C. Lang. A. W. McCandless. Daniel McWllliamsOtisH. Child,S.L. Schoon inaker. Charles Abel, E. M. Qumby, Baron J. W. Lagerf eld. A. V. D. Watterson, Frank P. Smith. Mayors Wm. McCallin and R. Pearson. A. r". Brown, Charles F. Jabn. Charles p. and Guv L. Livingston, C. H. McKee, Liviurston Gnffin, W. C. Moreland, C. A. Feely, T. C. Jenkins, Joseph Kichbaum, William Schoyer, R. N. McElroy. William McClelland, R. J. Cos ter, Frank Moore, B. L. Woods. Jr., Edward C. Bates. James B. Scott, W. T. Bradbury, Mr. and Miss Jennie Ralston, T. M. Bayne. H. Sell ers McKee. William H. Hays, John W. Echols, G. W. Morris. Georco Best, Har old Pierce. Omar Decker. O. F. Felix, G. T. Rafferty, Philip G. Roder, Cleveland; "W. H. Cassiday, Thomas Hackett, G. W. Blair. C. B. McLean and Miss Savage, of Chicago; W. J. Crawford, Stephen Collins, A. J. Heinz, "William Vankirk, W. L. Vankirk. C F. Hold Ehlp, John M. Kennedy, Charles Hays, Charles Meyran, B. Ford. Jr., T. M. Latimer, Major S. L. McHenrv. Charles J. Clarke. D. C. Noble. "W. C. Pyne, J. a Read, W. T. Dcarnutt, Major G. W. McKee, George Sbcppard, Dr. J. G. Brown, Colonel W. A. Stone, W. A. Magee. George A. Kelly. Jr., John B. Jackson, William E. Holmes, Dr J. B. McClelland. N.W. Steven son. Judge blagle. John S. Slacle. Controller Morrow, Chief Bijrelow, Dr. D. M. Anderson, o. P. Scaife, S. S. Marvin, Otis Atwood. Colonel A. P. Burchfield, H. C. Bair, John Eaton. W. TV. Lawrence, Edward Bindley, W. A. Jami son, W. B. Rboadcs, M. Trump, W. G. Muzzy, M. L. Myers. John A. Bower, F. E. Alden.Win. McConley, T. J. Keenan, S. P. Harbison. David McCargo, John G. A. Leishman. Colonel L. M. Davton, of Cincinnati; J. D. Long, E. H. Utley, A. French, P. M. French, 8. C. McCance, J. P. Knable. D. E. Jackman. Alex. McClure, John S.Stephenson, Colonel S. W. Hill, Captain Geo. C. Hamilton, or Warren: W.J. Young, James Darsie, Dr. J. H. McClelland, Judge Christopher Magee. General D. H. Hastings, A. G. Morns, ot Tyrone: Geo. W. Darr. C. L. Magee, J. H. Page. Chas. R. Dallas. W. W. Snow, Tbos. A. Parke, U. Baird, Ch?s. A. "Wolfe, Wm. B. Wolfe, Geo. W. Chilos. of Philadelphia, and A. J. DrexeL DALZELL'S GREAT SPEECH. Tho Supper to the Delegates at tfao Rfonon cahela Honsc Presentation of Pretty Medals to tbe Guests. The Pan-American delegates and the Pittsburg committeemen sat down to snpper at the Monongahela House at 6 o'clock. About 90 gentlemen were present. The dinner was a social one. After the meal lad been pretty well demolished, Congress man John Dalzell arose and made a brief Epeech, as follows: Fellow-Americans, travelers from this side of the equator and from beyond, I bid you wel come to tbe hospitality of the city of Pitts burg. Travel-worn and necessarily somewhat weary, as you are, it will be a kindness to you to make our words of greeting few; be assured, liowever. that they are hearty and sincere. "With respect to the great object of your mis Bion the wedding of these Western Continents, eo that commercially they may be as near as can be one, and move with common purpose to tbe attainment of the highest ends of civiliza tion we are of one mind: and hence our meet ing. It is a matter of congratulation that now at last the opportunity has come to yon and to ns to materialize the dreams of more than half a century of statesmanship, and to evoke from the deliberations of a congress of all tbe Americas such schemes of international co-operation and comity aa shall best secure our mutual prosperity. The things to be ac complished are patent and on the surface; the means of their accomplishment will tax yonr wisdom and conscientious thought. These are sot now and here tbe proper subjects of dis cussion. Suffice it to say that we would pro Tide that forever the banner over us shall De peace. We would provide that in every harbor of your continental domains you should greet as a daily and welcome visitor tbe flag that it is our pride to honor. We would have it that we ebould know you and that you should know us as honorable, merchants, worthy of credit and receiving it, in great transactions of mutual profit. Involving our interchangeable products; to be weighed and measured and paid mr without necessary resort to our youthful Jeons in arithmetic And we trust that oat of exioting circumstances our joint wisdom may prove fruitful of results without the sac rifice on the part of any of us of policies, theories or principles deemed essential. OUB OWU" GBEAT INTEEEST. In such a consummation the city of Pitts burg has an incalculable interest. At the headwaters of the Ohio, she commands the natural highways of the continent Twelve railroads radiate from her as a center. Her surrounding hills are filled with mineral wealth in stores practicably inexhaustible. She grasps on every hand the territory from which flows tbe oil that lights the world. Her homes are heated and her ponderous machinery is turned by tbe force of natural gas. To her wealth of natural advantages she has added the pro pellant force of capital and intelligent labor, and the multiplying power of inventive genius. She is distinctively the iron and steel manu facturing city of the continent; and these products in varying forms and for innumerable uses aro known the world over. Her manu factures of glass of all kinds are unrivaled and in some shapes reach all quarters of the globe. Her plate glass, a recent industry, to the ex tent of an immense output, has driven foreign competition from onr markets. Steamboats of her construction are no strangers on your waters and ber locomotives now make the echoes of your hills. I cannot describe ber. We Intend that jou shall see her for j ourselves this our city set upon an hill, crowned with the wealth of nature and the industrial achievements of man. Such as she is she gives vou kindly greeting a handclasp for tbe indi vidual whom we would not have a stranger in this our land; a wish for your prosperity, that it may be as our own, and sympathy for your mission, herald, let us hope, of the day when tbe war drums shall throb no longer and the battleflags be furled, in the Parliament of Man, the Federation of the World. Captain C. "W. Batchellor, of the Com mittee on Entertainment, then arose and said that he had a souvenir to present to the delegates and other gentlemen connected with the continental tour. It was given as a memento of the visit to Pittsburg. He trusted that the gentlemen would wear it while here as a badge of identification, and afterward preserve it as a recollection of the Natural Gas and Iron City. He then presented to each one of the 66 visitors present a beautiful medal. It was received with applause, and several of the Southern visitors said they considered it the finest tribute received in any city they had vis ited. A AVOBTHY MEMESTO. The medal is of bronze, plated with gold. It consists of a large circular pendant at tached to a gold bar. The bar bears the word "Souvenir." In its center is a key stone showing iu relief a natural gas der rick and flame. On the obverse of the medal is a relief of the Pittsburg Exposi tion building; above it "Pittsburg, 'Gas City," " and below "Chamber of Com merce." On the reverse of the medal are the words, "International American Con ference, Nov., 1889," surrounded by a laurel wreath. The visitors all placed this upon their coat lapels and wore it during the evening, with apparent pride. After the tupper Captain Batchellor sent to the room of each ot the visitors a souve nir copy of a book entitled "Pittsburg, Its History and Resources." It is a volume prepared expresslv for the occasioi?'It is a union in one voiume of George A. Thurs ton's two recent books on Pittsburg. The volume is bound handsomely in morocco and the edges are gilded Tnese two me mentos were prepared by Captain Batchel lor very quietly, and few Pittsburg people knew of them. The medal was his own de sign and its work was done by Mr. Heeren, the jeweler. Captain Batchellor thought that the tourists had grown weary of speech making, and he decided to give them a wel come change in this city. It was at his re quest that Congressman Dalzell made his speech brief. HOW THEY TRAVELED. All the Arrantemenls Made by tbe Pennsyl vania Road Brawn bj One Engine and lllanned by One Creiv. The tour now drawing to a close is, in many respects, the most celebrated railroad journey ever made in the world. To begin with the train is a remarkable one. It con sists of six Pullman vestibnle cars, drawn by an engine of the Pennsylvania .Railroad Company, No. 1053. The entire crew of the train are Pennsylvania Railroad employes, most of them having been engaged on the limited express of that line. It is the first instance in the history of railroading in tbe United States where a complete train of one company, drawn by its own engine and run by its own crew, has been allowed to pass over tbe lines of other roads. The train will return to "Washington made up just as it left there. The first car is the Esperanza, a Pullman library and smoking car. It is finished in bronze and gold, and has a card room, barber and bath saloon, buffet and escritoire. A description of the train in detail fol lows: In the Esperanza car is located a dynamo, by means of which the train of six cars 19 illumin ated with electric lights, aud which charges storage batteries under the cars, capable, when charged, of running tbe light for ten hours without tbe use of dynamh. From this dynamo are lighted tbe signal lights on the rear ot tbe train; and from it, also. Is established the cur rent from which may be lighted, at pleasure. In each section of the different cars, portable lights, ot eight-candle power each, lor individ ual ue. Next comes the Pullman vestibule dining car, Windsor, finished in oak and olive green, with a capacity of serving simultaneously 40 persons; the Pullman vestibule sleeping cars, Washington and Columbus, bnisbed in satin wood, mahogany and imperial purple, with ma roon nangings,and lastly the Pullman vestibule sleeping cars, India and Japan, finished in satin-wood, mabogany and turquoise blue, with garnet, purple and maroon bauglngs, and with drawing rooms finished in ivory, gold aud ma roon. Baths are connected with the toilet rooms In theso cars, in which, as in the lavatories throughout tbe train, hot and cold water is supplied by air pressure from tanks beneath the cars. This pressure is obtained from an improved air pump, located in the combination car, Esperanza. The train throughout is heated by steam from the engine. The tour is tendered to the International Congress by the Government of the United States, and' is under the "Personally-Conducted Tourist System" of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. This system was es tablished about two years ago in the East. The advance arrangements for the train at all places are made bv Mr. William "W. Lord, Jr., traveling passenger agent of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. GETTIKG OVEK THE GBOITXD. The entire distance traveled by the train is 5.40G miles, going over the lines of 29 railroad companies. Over the lines of the Pennsylvania Company and the Pennsylva nia Railroad Company, 1,174 miles wlll'have been traveled. Overthe Chicago, Milwaukee and St Paul 410 miles have been made. Over the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha, 377 miles; over the Lake Shore aud Michigan Southern, 561 miles, and over the New York Central and Hudson Biver, 306 miles. The Congress left "Washington City on the morning of October 3, and will return to that point on tbe evening of next Wednesday, November 13. The time of the trip is thus just six weeks. The distance traveled averages nearly 129 miles Der day. The places visited have been West Point, Boston aud Massachusetts manufacturing towns, Manchester, N. H., Portland, Mr., Albany, Niagara Falls, Buffalo. Cleveland, Toledo, Detroit, Grand Bapids, Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Sioux City, Omaha, St. Louis, Springfield, Indianapolis, Louisville, Mammoth Cave, Lexington, Ky., Cincin nati and Pittsburg. Alter leaving here Saturday morning the Congress will visit Jeannette, the Grapeville gas fields and the steel works at Latrobe. and will then snend 4 hours in Altoona, inspecting the loco motive and car shops. Philadelphia will be reached Saturday night and the party will remain there until Wednesday morning. The following is a complete list of the members of the International American Congress: NAMES HARD TO PBONOUITCE. Argentine Republic Delegates Roque Saenz Pens and Manuel Quintana, Secretaries Fed erico Pinedo, Ernesto Bosch Attwell and Adolf o G. Calvo. Bolivia Delegate Juan F. Velarde, Secre tary Melchor Obarrlo, Attaches Alcibiades Velarde and Mariano Velarde. Brazil Delegates Lafayette Rodriguez Per eira, J. G. do Amaral Valente and Salvador de Mendonca, Secretaries Jose Agosto Ferreira da Costa and Joaquim deFrietas Vasconcelles, Attaches Alfredo de Moraes Gomez Ferreira, Carlos Silveira Martini and Mario de Mendonca- Chill Delegates, Emllio C. Varas, Jose Al. fonso; Secretaries, Beltran Mathieu, Carlos Zanartu. Paulino Alfonse.DomIngo PenaToro. Columbia Delecates,JoeM. Hurtado.Carlos Martinez Silva, Climaco Calderon; Secretary, M. Amador. Costa Rica Delegate, Manuel Aragon; Secre tary, Joaquin Bernardo Calvo. Ecuador Dclagate, Jose Maria Placldo Caa mano; Secretaries, J. R. Gill, Antonio Ecbever-, ria. Guatemala Delegate, Fernando Cruz; Sec retary, Domingo Estrada; Attache, Javier A. Arroyo. Haytl Delegate, Arthur Laforestrie. Honduras Delegate, Jeronimo Zelaya; Sec retary, E. Constantino JPlallos; Attache, R. Villalrania. Mexico Delegates, Matias Romero, J. N. Navarro. Joe Yves LImantour: Secretary, Adnlto Mujica Y. Sayago. Nicaragua Delegate, Horatio Guzman; At tache, R. Mayorga. Pern Delegate, F. C. C. Zegarru; Secretary, A. Falcon. Salvador Delegate, Jacinto Castellanos: Sec retary, Samuel Valdivieso; Attache, J. Arrleta Rossi. Uruguay Delegate, Alberto Nin; Secretary, Henry Dauber. Venezuela Delegates, Nlcanor Bolet Peraza and F. A. Silva; Secretary, N. B. Monegas. United States Delegates, J no. B. Hender son, Cornelius N. Bliss, Charles R. Flint, Clement Studebaker, Andrew Carnegie, Henry G. Davis, Morris M. Esteeand John F. Hanson. C0MIKG PEOil STEUBENVILLE. Delecntes Not Fattened nnd Glnt to meet rittsbnreers Chnts About Their Trip and the Country The Pittsburg Committee on Reception of the Pan-American Congress left this city in two special cars at 11:40 A. M., yesterday, and met the train at Steubenville. The train from this city was in charge of General Manager McCrea, of the Pennsylvania Com pany's Lines. It consisted of two Pullman cars, which were occupied by the Reception Committee and newspaper representatives. The following named gentlemen comprised the local committee of reception: John H. Ricketson. W. E. Schmertz. Mayor William McCallin, of Pittsburg: Mayor Richard T. Pearson, of Allegheny; Congressman Bayne, Congressman Dalzell, James B. Scott, C. L. Ma gee. James A. Chambers, W. Dewees Wood, D. C. Ripley. Captain J. J. Vandergrift, John Chal fant. Captain C. W. Batchellor and George A. Kelly. These gentlemen were accompanied by Andrew Carnegie, Hon. John F. Dravo, of Beaver; H. K. Porter, of the Pittsburg Loco motive Works, and J. V. Patton, Superintend ent of the Pittshnrg Division of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. MET AT STEUBENVILLE. The train reached Steubenville, by the Panhandle road, at 1:04 P. M., and there waited for one hour for the Pan American special. About 2 o'clock it reached Steuben ville, and the two Pittsburg cars were im mediately attached to it. The Pittsburg gentlemen entered the parlor cars ocenpied by the tourists. Messrs. Ricketson and Schmertz made themselves known to Mr. W. E. Curtis, tbe special agent of the State Department, and a general introduction followed. Mr. Carnegie, who is one of the delegates for the United States, was ac quainted with the visitors and introduced many of his townsmen to them. There was no speech making, and on the rapid trip to Pittsburg the time was spent in conversa tion. The following is a list of the persons on the train who arrived in this city at 3:45 p. m.: Argentine Republic Secretaries Ernesto Bosch Atwell and Adolfo G. Calvo. Bolivia Delegate Juan F. VelardcSecretary Melchor O barrio. Attaches Alcibiades Velarde and Mariano Velarde. Brazil Attache Carlos Silveira Martins. Chili Delegate Judge Jose Alfonso, Secre taries Beltran Mathieu and Paulino Alfonso. Colombia Delegates Jose M. Hurtado and Climaco Cealderon. Costa Rica Secretary Joaquin Bernardo Calvo. Ecuador Delegate Jose Marea P. Caamano, Secretaries J. R. Gill and Antonio Echeverria. Guatemala Secretary Domingo Estrada and Attache Javier A. Arroyo. Havtl Delegate Arthur Laforestrie. Honduras Delegate Jeronimo Zelaya, Secre tary E. Coustantio Fiallos and Ayache R. Vil lafranca. Mexico Delegates J.N. Navarro and Jose Yves LImantour. Nicaragua Delegate Horatio Guzman. Peru Delegate F. C. C. Zegarra. Salvador Delegate Jacinto Castellanos. Sec retary Samuel Valdivieso, and Attache J. Ar rleta Rossi. Venezuela Delegate Nicanor Bolet Peraza and Secretary N. B. Monegas. United States Delegate John B. Henderson; Attaches, Captain John G. Bourke, U. S. A.; First Lieutenant, Henry R. Lemly, U. S. A; Surgeon. H, C. Yarrow. U. S. A; Lieutenant nenry aici-Tea, u. . im.; Mmuoa y. r. smith, Edward A Trescott and T. Jefferson Coolidge, Jr. In addition there were Mr. William E. Cur tis, Special Agent of the State Department; F. G. Pierra and his secretary: Nelson Polb imus, representing the Spanish-American Commer cial Union, and S. W. F. Draper, for the Penn sylvania Railroad Company. The foreign delegates expressed them selves generally as feeling well and being delighted with their tour. The reports that they have been greatly fatigued by their journey is not borne out by their statements. Thev have been well rested, and while some of them were wearied by railroad travel at the outset, they have grown accustomed to their life on the rail. JUDGE ESTEE COMING. Mr. Clement Studebaker, of South Bend, and Judge Morris M. Estee, of San Fran cisco, were with the party as far as Cincin nati. From that place Mr. Studebaker re turned to his Indiana home, and Judge Estee went to Union City to visit his parents, who live at that place. Of the foreign delegates, 13 of whom ar rived on the special train, Messrs. Velarde, of Bolivia; Hurtado. ot Colombia; Guzman, ot Nicaragua, and Zegarra, of Peru, are the Ministers of their countries at Washington. Senor Calderon, of Colombia, is Consul Gen eral to tbe United States. Senor Romero, who arrived last night on the limited, has been the Mexican Minister to the United States lor many years, and is the dean of the diplomatic corps at Washington. Senor Caamano, of Ecuador, is ex-President of that Republic and at present Governor of Gnyaquil. One of the most prominent of the visitors is Judge Jose Alfonso, of Chili. In con versation on the train he expressed the heartiest approval of the objects of the con ference. He said he was entirely in favor of improving the trade relations between North and South America. One of the principal leaders to that improvement he said he considered to be the increase of ac quaintance between the people of tbe vari ous countries. The present trade of Chili, he siid, is with England, France and Ger many. Judge Alfonso said he was de lighted with bis tour and had been highly edified by what he had seen. Senor Ve larde, of Bolivia, said that his countrymen were desirous of extending their trade" with the United States, and be thought that the International Congress wonld do much to promote that extension. "Your manufac tures" he said, "are not unknown in our country, and every year they are becoming better knonn there." Senor Hurtado, of Colombia, who speaks Euglish with facility, in talking ot the commerce between 'his country and the United States, said that one of the reasons why it was not more extensive was that the manufacturers of the United Slates do not give such long credits as those of Europe. English, French and German merchants," he said, "give credit sometimes for ns long as two vears, and charge low rates of inter est The Euglish have been very liberal in their dealings with our people." Senor Hurtado spoke of the resources of his coun try, saying that it was rich in minerals, but that the mountainous character of the coun try prevented the extensive working of mines. Senor Zelaya, of Honduras, in the course of a brief conversation, said that the main thing necessary to increase the commerce between the United States and Central America wasthe establishment of facilities for quicker direct communication. Some of the older members of tbe party speak En glish imperfectly or scarcely at all. It is the younger men, who have been attached to the legations at Washington, who have the best command of the English language. BIO CEOWD AT THE DEPOT. The special train drew into the Union depot at 3:45 o'clock yesterday afternoon. At least 1300 people were gathered in the depot, and outside of the gates there were as many more who crowded to catch sight of the distinguished visitors. The committee on carriages, consisting of Major R. Mon roe, Ralph Bagaley, B. L. Wood, Jr.. A. Dempster and Peter Dick, were at the depot r. t? THE'' I?ITTSBURG5DISPXTCH, and met the visitors at the cars. Outside the gates, at the western end bf the depot. were 27 carriages to convey the party to the hotel. A passage through" the crowd was opened by the police, and the delegates and members of the reception committee passed through, by twos, to the carriages. They were at once driven to the Monongahela House. Nearly all the foreign gentlemen retired directly to their rooms, where they had fires built. A few of them spent some time before supper in the hotel lobby, smoking cigarettes and chatting one with another. Mr. Curtis was kept busy listen ing to complaints abont baggage, fires, mail, etc., and did not get a minute's rest. Many people collected abont the hotel and tried to secure admittance. Captain Daniel Silvia was on hand with five police officers, and held tbe curious in check. A few of the prominent business men of the city, in addi tion to those on the Reception Committee, were admitted to the lobby. President Schmertz, ot the Chamber of Commerce, re ceived from Secretary Blaine the following telegram, in response to the invitation sent to him on Monday: Very much regret that I cannot accept your kind invitation. Owing to pressure of business it is impossible for mo to leave Washington at this time. CHAEMED WITH THE LADIES. Opinions of Drleentea About the Bonnty of American Women. In an interview with Jose Alfonso last evening regarding the ladies of America, and Pittsburg in particular, he said he thought them very interesting. There was no comparison, he said, between the ladies of tbe United States and those of Chili, on acconnt of tbe Dosition occupied in the social world by them being so very differ ent. He thought the ladies in America felt their importance to a considerable de gree, but he had found them charming." Dr. Carlos Silvera Martins found that the beautiful ladies in the United States kept his heart in the same conflicting state. The ladies in his own country have suc ceeded in doing that. He admires them all so much it is impossible to devote his whole heart to any one of them, consequently he is a handsome bachelor. Regarding the reception, they united in saying it was by far the most elegant they had received. They were profuse in the use of adjectives in expressing their admira tion of the decorations of the Monongahela House. They thought the costumes of tbe ladies especially tasty and beautiful. Tbey comprised everything from handsome street costumes to full dress reception toilets. The directoire, Watteau, empire, Greek and Princess styles were all to be s'een aud cor responding" accessories. THE DELEGATE FROM MEXICO Says AH Is Tranquil Between Ills Conntry and Uncle Sam. Senor Romero, Secretary of State for Mexico, and representing bis country at the Pan-American Congress, has so far failed to profit by his extensive travels through the States as to appreciate the sweet sim plicity of the "interview." A re porter for The Dispatch was de sirous last night of obtaining his views onmany points of interest, but when a leading question, as to "his impres sions of the country,", was fired at him in the center of the corridor in tbe Mononga hela, he commenced to heat n retreat up stairs. He talked as he walked, however, and said: "My impressions of your country are not of recent date. Why, I have been through it on many occasions before and have traveled over it Irom Maine to Califor nia, und really I cannot see how I can an swer you." "Well, how about the present relations of your country with the United States?" "Everything is tranquil between my country and the United States, at least I am not aware of any unpleasantness that exists. I thought that the official correspondence on the matter, about which there seemed to be a misapprehension, would have been suffi cient to prove that." I A P1LLAE OF LIGHT. Tho Court House Illumination Generally Admired. The Court House tower last night was illuminated as already described in The Dispatch in welcome of tbe South Amer ican visitors. The display was the finest, according to the statement of Senor Romero and other members of the delegation in the way of electric illumination they had seen since they visited this country. The blending of colors by the staining of the globes and the beauty of the lines composing the shield, vfsth the word "America" showing up across the top, at tracted general admiration. The County Commissioners are very prqud of the show, and the work of C. R. Shepler, chief engi neer of the Court House, and his assistants, is much admired and commended. The tower will be illuminated again to-night. Gas Display To-Nlghf. Mr. D. C. Ripley, of the Committee of Arrangements, received yesterday from T. A. Gillespie, Superintendent of the Phila delphia Gas Company, a letter saying that it would be convenient for the company to give a displav of natural gas at the Expo sition only this evening. To give a good display on two nights would cause great inconvenience and expense. The local com mittee returned its assent. The exhibition will, therefore, take place to-night and there will be none to-morrow night A NOTABLE DISPLAY. Beautifully Carved Lumber for Decorative House FInlsblnsr. There are few exhibits at the Pan-American Exposition that are attracting more gen eral attention than that made by Dr. C. L. Goehring, of Allegheny. Being something entirely new, and as ar tistic as it is unique aud useful, it appeals directly to all classes. It consists of a full line of samples of beautifully carved lumber for decorative house finishing, and any other purpose for which carved or figured lumber may be used. The samples of panfjs, wainscoting, ceil ing, molding, etc.f shown here are suf ficient to give a fair idea of the many uses to which this lumber may be nut That it will be popular there seems to be no doubt, because the ladies pronounce it just the thing, because it is prettier thro paper and richer than fresco. Some of the effects produced ,bv alternat ing light and dark woods and mingling different tones, are remarkably pretty. The beauty ot it all is that each piece, no matter how knotty, or gnarly, or burly, is finished as smoothly as if polished by hand. There seems to be no end to the fig ures this machine will make. They are all geometrical, and consist of curves, wave lines, diamonds, vines and their various combinations. The singular thing about it is that one machine does it all at one motion, and as rapidly as the ordinary planer turns out plain, straight goods. This makes it possi ble to have a honse finished in these beauti ful designs at a cost very little above that of plain lumber. Dr. Goehring made similar exhibits at the Minneapolis, Chicago, St Louis and Dallas expositions, which led to the sale ot 20 machines, to be delivered as soon as they can be completed. Architects and build ers were unanimous in the opinion that this will revolutionize bouse finishing, as this artistically carved and highly finished lum ber will cost no more tlfan the plainest finish. ' The machine on which this lumber was dressed may be seen at the shops on North avenue, near the railroad, Allegheny. The contract for building the new ones has been given to J. S. Graham & Co., Rochester, N. Y. They will soon put their shop on double turn in order to meet the demand. The company organized to operate the machines in Western Pennsylvania, East ern Ohio and West Virginia is getting things in shape to begin filling orders very soon. j&WS"! w5," IK-Tv THIJRSDAYyQEMBER THE POLITICAL HASH. udds and Ends of the Tuesday's Gen eral Election Outcome. TALK ABOUT FEDERAL OFFICES. The Flan of Campaign for Next Spring of the Local Democracy. THE KEPLT OF INSPECTOR M'ALEESE The topic of general discussion yesterday was the election, and its effects upon Alle gheny county politics. There was a very quiet amount of satisfaction among the friends of Harry J. Ford in the postoffice fight at the rebuke which the administration has received in the States voting. It. was said that when John Dalzell had almost the cast ing vote in the House of Congress there was a decided leaning toward giving him the Congressional rights of appointing the post master. After the admission of the new States, which settled the Republican major ity in Congress, it was said that the admin istration and Senator Quay both became more independent, and said that they wonld consider the matter from their own stand point Tuesday's elections made another change in the programme, and the latest news from Washington was to the effect that the office of Collector of the Port would be filled to day. This had previously been offered to Senator Rutan, according to tbe statement of one of John Neeb's friends, so as to leave the Senatorial track clear lor Mr. Speer. Mr. Rntan peremptorily declined the ap pointment while he was upon his European trip, but on last Friday night it was stated that he telegraphed the fact that he would reconsider his declination. This virtually gives tbe office to Senator Rutan, if he noti fied the powers that be he was willing to accept it C. L. Magee was asked last night if he thought tbe change would be made to-day, and said he supposed the postmastership would be the first Federal office arranged, but at the same time would not be sur prised if the appointments would all be settled in a very short time after the elec tions of Tucsdar. QITAY SILENT AS TJSTAI,. S. D. Warmcastle said he had seen Sena tor Quay yesterday afternoon, and nothing had been mentioned about the CollectorshiD appointment; that ir it were to be made to day, tbe Senator would undoubtedly have mentioned the fact Mr. Warmcastle also thought that the first appointment which would show up would be the postmastership, and that, he thought, would be made very shortly. He would not venture upon a pre diction iff the personality ot the postmaster, bnt had an idea that the first letters 'of his name would be J. S. McKean. Congressman John Dalzell was captured at the Pan-American reception last night and asked what he thought of the probabil ity of federal appointments being made this week. He laughed at the report that the appointments would be made so soon, but s.ud that if something was not done pretty soon it would be very appropriate lor someone to go down to Washington and wake up the President, who has apparently gone to sleep upon the question. Senator Rutan said lust night that he had been offered a position this year, but he pro posed to run for the Senate, and he was not after a Federal office, and neither does he want one nor would he accept It has been common talk for some time among politicians on the street that FranE Case is a candidate for the Collectorship, but his friends state that Mr. Case is skir mishing for something else. Mr. Case made an appointment with a reporter last night to talk about the collectorship, but he could not be lound when the hour ar rived. The air is full of rumors, however, and the lightning is liable to strike some one in Pittsburg very soon in the way of Federal appointments. DEMOCEATIC PLANS. Tte election of Mr. Johnston on Tuesdays nas given tne .Democracy great nopes lor tbe l ebruary ngnt At a meeting ot the Demo cratic leaders held early yesterday morning it was agreed that Judge "Bailey should be the nominee for Mayor. The campaign it was tbonght could be better carried out by attacKing the city government on the score of extravagance and general misuse of the taxpayers' money than by any personal fight against Mr. Gourlay, whose record leaves no opportun ity for such an attack. The principal point in the attack will be based upon the testi mony of Inspector McAleese at a recent trial that there are 700 speak-easies in active operation in Pittsburg. Injction on the part of the Police Bureau will be one of the principal planks in the spring Democratic platform. Inspector McAleese was seen last night and asked what he thought of the pro gramme. He replied: "There is but little use in reviewing that question. It I had about twice the force I now have I might do something with the speak-easy business. It really belongs to the couuty officials. On Sunday tbe public sees through the papers what I have done, or rather what the bureau has done. That is the time when the speak-easy business becomes disorderly and comes under our supervision. The weekday work in a speak easy ifl comparatively nothing and should be watched by the constables of the various wards. The police have nothing to do with them until they make crowds and create disturbances, when they are at once pulled iu without the slightest ceremony. "There is another point which our Demo cratic friends should remember, aud that is nine out of ten speak-easv proprietors are Democrats, as can easily be shown by their records, and names, so if the Democratic contingent find fault with the police for be ing too lenient with their co-workers, it is very strange." E1VEE MEN ON GDAKD. They Arc Wn tclilng the Bridge to bo Bnllt Near the Blr Sandy. The river men will have something to say before the bridge of the West Virginia and Ironton Railway Company, to be con structed across the Ohio, near the Big Sandy river, is built. The company has given notice that the design and drawings of the proposed bridge and piers, with maps and other information, will be sub mitted to Secretary Proctor, ot the War De partment, for his examination. Tbe river men and coal operators will also examine these plans and maps. If the bridge is built high enough and the piers set far enough apart, they will offer no interfer ence; but if the channel is obstructed in any way, they will enter a protest with the Sec retary. John A. Wood said yesterday that hereafter the river men would take good care not to allow the river to be obstructed as it is now at Beaver Falls. UNFAITHFUL TO THE CAUSE. A Member of the Flinn CInb Expelled for Yotinc tbe Wrone Ticket. The Flinn Republican Club, of the Eleventh ward, held its regular meeting last night. Mr. Samuel Harris presided. "Broad-Ax" Smith started the ball by moving that U. S. McGuire be expelled from the club on the grounds that he failed to live up to the rules by working for "Dick" Johnston on Tuesday. McGuire was not present, and after some discussion the motion was adopted. "Broad-Ax" said if any others were found to have followed the same course, they would also be ex pelled. A committee of ten was appointed to elect a delegate to the city convention to be held next Tuesday. Evening Entertainments. Music makes long evenings pass quickly and pleasantly. Violins, flutes, mandolins, guitars, zithers, concertinas and musical boxes are sold for less than half price at N. Gallinger's, 1106 and.1200 Penn ave. xhsu "5Jt - y'i S&S&'Wr 1" fr '1889y A FAMILY BATTLE. . Alderman Hartman Had a Picnic Last Night Father nnd Mother. Brother and Sitter, Punching; Each Other. Seldom does such a lively hearing take place in an ordinary criminal suit as that which occurred in Alderman Hartman's office last night It is getting a little beyond tbe ordinary when witnesses on opposite sides of a case engage in calling each other vulgar names, come to blows and require the services of officers to keep them within peaceable bounds. Mrs. Elizabeth Werling was charged by her husband Michael Werling, with steal ing a lot of household furniture and $100 in money. Mrs. Werling's delense was that there bad been frequent family quarrels be tween herself and her husband. The last one resulted in Mr. Werling telling her to take what she wanted from the house and leave him, which she did. At the hearing last night, Werling said he had married Mrs. Werling two years ago. 6he had been married previously and had several childien. He had also been married before and had three children. They had only been married a short time when the children began to make trouble in the household. Once Mrs. Werling called the police and had her husband arrested. While he was being taken to the Twenty eighth ward station house he says Officer William Williams took $15 from him. Mrs. Werling's testimonv was to the ef fect that her hnsband drank and neglected her and her children to look after bis own. The night she caused his "arrest- he kicked her out of bed. The fun began when Werling's children testified in their father's behalf while Mrs. Werling's daughter was her only witness. While one of Werline's bovs was telling how unpleasant the girl made times for his father by her incorrigibility, the latter in terrupted him with, "You're a liar!" "Who's a liar?" retorted the young lad, and would have struck ber but tor his father, who caught him by the arm. He was interrupted again. The father and mother, son and daughter and another wit ness got involved in the confusion this time. Vile epithets were applied to each other, several people were on their feet, apparently ready to do battle, and matters began to look pretty serious, when Alder man Hartman culled in Constable Schuet zinger, who was in the adjoining room. The office was crowded almost to suffoca tion, and it was with great difficulty that quiet was restored-. Several other witnesses gave corroborative testimonv and the hear ing was adjourned until Friday evening. Mrs. Werling said all she wanted was for her husband to give her her 14 months old child and let her alone, but this he said he would never do. EECE1YED CATHOLIC YISITOES. The Nnn of Kenmaro Says Two Priests Called on Her Yesterday. Miss M. F. Cusack, the "Nun of Ken mare," was called upon by quite a number of persons yesterday. Among them, she said, was a Catholic priest, prominent mem bers of tbe church and a member of the faculty of the Catholic college in this city. Miss Cusack has decided to give a lecture on "Convent Life" at Lafayette Hall next Monday evening. After her lecture she will go to Detroit. She was to have lec tured in Detroit last week, but was pre vented by antagonistic influences from se curing a hall. The Detroit Y. M. C. A. has taken up her cause, however, and she will appear under its auspices. IN A PECK OP TE0UBLB. William Woodruff and His Wife Made. De fendnnts In Several Salts. William Woodruff and his wife waived a hearing and were held for court last night by Magistrate McKenna on a charge of keeping a disorderly house, entered by James W. Tygard, the proprietor of the house, which theyoccupy at No. 231 Second avenue. Woodruff and his wife are now on trial in court on a similar charge entered by In spector McAleese a few weeks ago. Tygard is also a defendant in court on another charge. A FIRE AT CHAETIEES. The Railroad Hotel Completely Destroyed, Causing n 89,000 Loss. Between 9 and 10 o'clock last night the Railroad Hotel in Chartiers was totally con sumed by fire. The building was owned by the railroad company. Tbe loss on hotel and furniture will be about $9,000. To this will be added the loss of nearly all the per sonal effects ot the small army of railroad men who lived in the place. The fire originated from natural gas. Thrown From a Buggy. A horse attached to a buggy, and driven by a young man named Harry Schielp, ran away on Spring Garden avenue, Allegheny, yesterday. Schielp was thrown out of the buggy, and rendered unconscious. Don't Be Deceived, Especially when your health may be at stake. Ifanyone offers you Johann HofTs Malt Extract and it does not have "Johann HofTs" signature on the neck of the bottle, do not take it under any circumstances. THE DOCTOR HAS ARRIVED. Services for the First Tbree Months Free ot Charge. Dr. Smith, an eminent specialist, has ar rived in Pittsburg, and has permanently located at 315 Penn ave. All who visit the Doctor before Nov. 28 will receive services for the first three months free of charge. This eminent physician treats every variety of chronic disease and deformity, but will iu no instance accept an incurable case. If your malady is beyond hope he will frankly tell you so; also advise you not -to spend any more money for useless treatment Call on the Doctor, as an examination costs you nothing, and may be tbe means of restoring you to health and happiness. His treatment lor epileptic fits guaranteed to cure. Office hours 9 a. ai. to 8 P. si.; Sundays, 10 A. M. to 12 if. Thsu SMYRNA RUGS AT HALF PRICE. Four Sizes Smallest to Lnreest 81 75, S3, S3 SO and S5. During this week we will offer extraordi nary bargains in Smyrna rugs. The $5 rugs are tjie same the peddlers carry around and sell at $10 to $12. All the rest are sold by the peddlers at a corresponding increase over our price. Edwaed Groetzutgeb, tt C27 and 629 Penn avenue. Our Grand Winter Millinery Opening;. To-day, To-morrow And Saturday. The grandest display this city has ever seen. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. B. k B. Robe Department Did lots or business vesterdav inch choice bargains at $7 CO, $10, $12 50 and $20 is what did it. Boggs & Buhl. Wnll Papers. A large line of special patterns that will not be found in other stores. Cbiuibine, Bane & Bassett. Order your photos and crayons for the holidays now at Lies Popular'Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st. Cabinets $1 per doz. and extra panel picture. ttsu Dolls given away Worth from 23c to $2, with purchases in all departments this week. Busy Bee Hive, Sixth and Liberty. A glass of F. & V.'g Iron City beer at night insures quiet sleep. HEBREWS IN SPAIN. Interesting Lecture by George J Lindner, the Missionary. Mr. 'George J. Lindner, the Hebrew mis sionary, delivered one of his lectures last night to a large audience at the First U. P. Church, on Seventh avenue. His subject was, "The Jews in Spain." During his re marks, Mr. Lindner said: "The history of tbe Hebrews is one long monotonous record. In all lands tbey have been treated with the same merciless cruelty. Let us select one page from the many-leaved narrative. In no European country have darker stains fallen on tbe white livery of Christianity" than in Spain. Intolerance and bigotry, merciless persecution and unrelenting cruelty, such have been the characteristics of Spanish Catholicism in the past. And notwithstanding the boasted enlightenment and progress of the present, rerent events have shown that the old cruel spirit is not dead, that the fire still smolders, that the sword is not rusted in its scabbard." The speaker continued further, dwelling especially on the history of the Inquisition. TO OPEN THE E0AD. Railroad Officials to Make an Inspection of tbo New B. Jt O. Feeder. The opening of the Confluence and Oak land Railroad will take place to-day. The road is a new line just completed from Con fluence to Manor Lands, Garrett county, Md., and will be a valuable feeder to the Baltimore and Ohio. It will open up a rich coal and lumber territory in that section. A large number of railroad officials and manufacturers of this eity will leave in a special train over the Baltimore and Ohio road at 8 o'clock-this morning for an inspec tion of the new road. The Baltimore and Ohio officials will come in from Baltimore and Philadelphia in a special train and will meet the Jfittsbnrg party. Joseph M. Craw ford is President and J. Bavard Henry, of J Philadelphia, is secretary ot tbe company. A DIAMOND BULLETIN TO INTENDING DIAMOND PURCHASERS. An Important increase has taken place in the price of diamonds. It is extend ing to the markets of all countries, and those contemplating purchases must look to higher prices in the future. South Africa supplies the world, and the product is controlled by large com panies, viz-, the De Beers, the Consoli dated Bultfontatne, the Kimberlv Cen tral, the Pullingerand several others. The mining of diamonds has not been profitable to these companies by reason of the great competition and the ex pense of working the mines at their present depth. Tbe De Beers Company ha3 lately se cured a large interest in almost all these mines, which has resulted in tbe forma tion of a syndicate controlling tbe sup ply. The output of diamonds is now limited; the shares of tbe companies have greatly increased in value, and the rough diamonds have advanced 80 per cent in price. The quantity of cut dia monds in dealers' hands is very limited less than for years and it is highly probable that prices will steadily ad vance. We obtain our diamonds direct from the diamond cutters, and by our connection with a member of the syndi cate we gained an advance knowledge of what the state of the diamond mar ket would be; hence, early placing of orders to an important amount enables us to furnish from now till January 1 all diamonds at the same prices as last year. Intending purchasers should avail themselves of an opportunity which cannot occur again. BAITKS & BIDDLB CHESTNUT AND TWELFTH STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. Goods sent by express on approval, satisfactory reference being given. noT-ZT-ThS BIBEH 1EABTDN, Special Bargains THIS WEEK! A few of many Dress Goods bargains 40-Inch All-Wool Henrietta at 50c 40-inch All-Wool Serces at 50c 48-inch All-Wool Extra Fine Henriettas at $1 00. 42-inch All-Wool French Bearetz at $1 00. 42-lnch All-Wool, Royal Cords atSl 00. 52-inch All-Wool Extra Serge at Soc We aim to offer at all times the choicest prod ucts of lorelgn looms in BLACK DBES3 GOODS In Silk Warn Cashmeres, Henriettas, etc. We carry several popular linosothat our custom ers have a wide range of choice as to shade, weight, finish and price FRENCH DRESS GOODS. Our stock of medium prico foreign dress fabrics was never more complete, embracing many and choice effects in pretty combination and pattern dresses. SPECIAL VALUES at our Silk Counter. We offer on very close margin a large purchase of reliable Black Silks. We name as unusual good value grades at SI 00, 31.2 ALL BILK SUKAHS Full line of colorings, at 40c, 65c, 75c. 85c StripeSilksin new effects 75c High novelties in Silks, Persian effects, etc, at SI 60 to S2 50. OUR CLOAK DEPARTMENT. We call special attention to our very large and complete assortment ot Ladies, Misses and Children's Cloaks and Wraps. Our Stock was never more carefully selected, and we believe wo ran suit every taste and every pocket. Ax our variety Is almost endless, we ask all bnven of cloaks to give our stock s careful examination. BIBER & EASTON. 505 and 507 MARKET STREET no2-TTsa,u r - "&- HE HAS THE JIMEr.. Chief Btgelow Hnggests 9tr. Carnegie Might Help the City With Its Parks. Chief Bigelow, of the Department of Pub lic Works, yesterday resumed the subject of the porks in an indirect way by saying: "I see that Andrew Carnegie is in the city. It would not be a bad scheme to see him and say that the library gift, although very ac ceptable, would now be a sort of duplication of benefits. We will have a Caraezie li brary anyhow when we take in Allegheny, aud the amount of money he would donate for library purposes would make a much better showing iu beautifying ourparks. By the way, as he is a Scotchman, just'men--tion that Highland Park would be a nice place to beautify, and be sure you spell the name right, as he might think it was Hiland, and that would never do. Just see what Mr. Carnegie says on the question, and I am pretty sure he will agree with you on the park improvement project" About our Winter Millinery Opening To-Day. 9 JDS. HDRNE I QE3l PENN AVENUE STORES;,T Pittsbueo. Thursday, November 7. ISSR. It begins this morning; None the less intsr esting to every reader because wo didh not announce it a long time ahead. It's a regular event here. Oc curs frequently. Why. herald It for weeks? But, let us whisper. This will eclipse all .former Millinery 9.1 Openings. An extraordi nary preliminary season has beenourcue. We confidently ex pect tbe createst season la Ladies' Head Gear that bas ever before been enjoyed by any three firms in this city. It is not only our guess, but we have mads preparations for it. Our grand ex hibit tbe balance of the week of united ceuius and taste in millinery will give you an idea of the extraor dinary prepara tions we have made. Nor has It been to pile up hap hazard heaps of bats and the like, with hopes of "rushing" them on the people. The largest and most extensive purchases we have ever made, but tbey have been'madewith the utmost cars. Everything you will see to-day U abso lutely new. The very latest conceptions from VirotHeitz-Boyer. Ponzannie, Uautler, Louise, Higgms, Halsey Carter and our own Modistes. The latest Up-town New York Fash ions in choicest assortments. To-day, to-morrow and Saturday, our Grand Winter Millinery Opening dajs. "Are you going to Home's Millinery Opening this weekr" "Certainly. I never miss their grand shows. We always buy our fine head gear there. They don't carry trashy stuff, but their prices on new and sty lish and good things are way below any store in town. It always pays I11 the end to get the best, and there you get it" What an adververtisenient that lady U. But it costs something to hare such advertisers. It costs constant watch fulness and time and money to make each customer go away filled with words of praise in our behalf. .If we can get half the ladies of these cities to visit our opening we we will have an "ad" worth pages in tbe newspapers. But it costs some thing to make the necessary preparations for it But it pays to win worthy praise. Besides beautiful Hats and Bonnets and Toques for evening, reception or street. There are rare and beautiful birds; Flowers that would puzzle the shrewd--est bee garnitures ot beautiful flowers for evening gowns: Ribbons, Ribbons, Ribbons: exquisite novelties; exquisite colors; beautiful, rich and new. Rich and neat Ideal-reals In Mourning Millinery. The only complete line in the city. Girls' Hats In nobby shapes and rich colorings. A Felt Sat (black and all colors) at fl that beats the world. It has no equal at the price. New Seal Plush Jackets, 110, $12 50, JIG, S18, $20 to S10. New Seal Plush Mantles, excellent value, 120 and $23. JDB. HDRNE k CIl'B PENN AVENUE STORES. -SFURMTURE.H- E. J. HORHER & C0 61, 63 AND 63 WEPT TWENTY-THIRD SZ, ' NEW YORK. LARGEST EXHIBIT OF ARTISTIC FURNITURE IN AMERICA. Ten Show Rooms filled with the latest pro ductions of tbe Furniture and Upholstery Art from the recognized manufacturing ceo--ters of the world, j " Novelties of London production. , ,4 Novelties of Paris prodnction. jn oveities 01 Vienna proaucujn. , Ourownlmporitlon. ' ,- Novelties of American production. Including;; those of our own manufacture. Visitors to'New York are cordially Invited toj call' and examine our stock and prices. Thel central location of our establishment (adjoins lnc Eden Mnseel makes it easy ot access fron all parts of the city. se22.106-TTStt no7 3 ygm r - r V, ., t;