Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, November 07, 1889, Image 1

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That is the Way Foraker
Himself Sizes Up the
Situation in Ohio.
Has Swept the State, "With Both
Branches of the Legislature.
Bis Friends 6eo Vo Limit to the Future Pos
sibilitiesChairman Neal and AI Carlisle
Holding a Continuous Levee Foraker
Will Resume His Lnw Practice, but
Wilt be Koady to Respond to the Party's
Call A message of Congratulation to
the Snccessfol Candidate The Demo
crats Will Elect the Next Senator
Brico and Thomas in the Field Payne
Don't Want It Campbell's Majority
Nearly complete returns from Ohio con
firm the tidings of Foraker's defeat, along
with the balance of the ticket and the Legis
lature. The Governor takes the catastrophe
good-naturedly, and his friends assert that
he is still a Presidental factor. The enthu
siasm of the Democracy knows no bounds,
and Campbell is already entered for Vice
President or a still higher position, as
future eTents may determine. Brice appar
ently leads for United States Senator.
Columbus, November 6. The great de
feated takes things with remarkable equa
nimity. His friends' faces are measurable
by the full length of yard sticks, but he is
blithe and unconcerned. The man who
was prevented by a Democratic landslide
from being elected "Governor, Senator and
King of Ohio," as one of his friends put it,
sras early astir this morning.
He breakfasted and drove to his office at
the State House, where he found a num
ber of Republican leaders and The DIS
PATCH correspondent sitting in solemn and
lugubrious silence. The Governor entered
with a cordial greeting, and strove to dispel
the gloom by remarking that there was frost
on the soup.
greeted this sally. After a few inquiries
the Governor said that he was beaten, and
he knew it, and that he was going to con
gratulate Jim CampbelL He thereupon sat
down at the self-same desk whereon the
rebel flag message was indited, and wrote a
congratulatory telegram to his victorious
rival. He was for sending it immediately
st 9:00 o'clock, but was dissuaded by those
surrounding him. At 12-30 the returns
were so emphatically against him that all
hope vanished, as did a messenger boy with
the telegram.
"I should have liked to have gotten out
of politics long ago," said Mr. Foraker,
"but I did not want to be driven or kicked
out. I only wish I could quit right now
and call it a term. I shall return to Cin
cinnati and practice law. I am
A pooe sus
and intend to take some active steps to
build up my law practice. I bave abso
lutely no political plans, and don't expect
to have. "Whenever my party wants me
they will always know where to find me.
My adversaries will also find me in. The
election indicates that the Republican
party can ill afford to yield to pressure in
favor of sumptuary legislation. An un
popular law has been enforced with a relult
inimical to vote gathering. That is the
sum and substance of the election."
Judge Brown, of Columbus, at present
Consul at Glasgow, Scotland, came home to
Tote for Foraker. "Pretty tough, is it
not, to travel 8,000 miles to vote, and. meet
such a landslide," said the Judge. "For
aker's defeat has not injured him one par
ticle. Nothing will keep him down. He is
too brilliant and magnetic a man. Even
James G. Blaine's palmiest days present no
comparison with Foraker's stump oratory.
He stands
of nomination on the national ticket in '93
as before his defeat. It's ali very well to
point to the crushing nature of his defeat,
but that don't signify that he will retire
from the arena. The country is through
with General Mahone, but General Foraker
will be doing business at the old stand in
the near future."
There's a new national Slogan for the
Democratic party. It is "the Campbells are
coming! Aha! Aha!"
Just now Columbus is ringing with it.
Jim Neal is holding high carnival at the
Neil House, with Al Carlisle, of Pittsburg,
in attendance as master of ceremonies.
Neal is happy, as he has a right to be. The
great victory is the theme of every tongue.
Neal says that out of 36 State Senators the
Democrats have 19 sure. Out of 114 As
semblymen they surely have 61 a Demo
cratic majority of ten on joint ballot.
Calvin S. Brice is the most talked of man
in Ohio for the Senatorship, and John H.
Thomas, of Springfield, comes next Both
men have barrels, and both are said to be
itching for a chance to smash in the barrel
As for Campbell, he is already mentioned
as a component part of the National ticket
reading either Grover Cleveland or David
Bennett Hill and James E. Campbell. Jim
Neal says that if the next two State elec
tions in Ohio, between this and '92, go Dem
ocratic, Campbell will be the head of the
ticket Columbus Democrats see in their
mind's eye, Horatio. Columbus made the
Mecca of the Democratic party the In
dianapolis of 1892. It's a chaste and beauti
ful vision. Wales. .
Mr. Tbnrman Sends Tidings of Joy to the
Democratic Lender.
Columbus, November 6. Allen "W.
Thurman sent the following:
Columbus, 0.. November 6.
Hon. Grover Cleveland, New Yorkt
Governor Foraker has surrendered all the
Republican flags in Ohio.
J., mJk m m u jO
Mw MIm'K ill 1 W Pit
Governor-Elect McKinney (to Mahone) Give up your
gun, General; you've no further use for it in Virginia.
Governor-Elect Campbell (to Foraker) Let me relieve
you of those troublous rebel flags, Joseph; and you may
keep that forged contract "all to your loney."
Campbell Defeats Foraker by a Plurality
of Abont 10,000 A Comparative
Table Showing Wbero the
Republicans Lost.
Cincinnati, November 6. Unofficial
returns from 81 counties in Ohio give Camp
bell a plurality of 8,905. The few remain
ing counties, which are Ashland, Geauga,
Ottawa and Paulding, gave Powell a plu
rality in 1887 of 430. The following is the
Adams , 123
Allen 888
Ashland 716
Ashtabula 3,846
Athens 1,763
Auglaize 1,418
Belmont 484
Brown 1.102
Butler "U98
Carroll WO
Champaign 922
Clarke 3.301
Clermont 117
Clinton 1,53:
Columbiana 1,919
Coshocton 784
Crawford 1.9(3
Cuyahoga 3,081
Darke 778
Defiance 993
Delaware Ill
Eric 485
Fairfield 1,553
Fayette 973
Franklin 903
Fulton 743
Gallia 1,32
lieauKa j,ks
Greene 2,105
Guernsey 748
Hamilton - 6,692
Hancock. .......
Hardin 1T1
Harrison " 603
Holmes.. .. ...
Huron ! 1.093
Jackson 993
Jefferson 1,532
Knox 9
Lake 1,716 ... ..
Lawrence 1,333
Licking 1,187
Logan 1,417
Lorain 1,853
Lucas 9G6
Madison 299
Mahoning 603
Marlon 897
Medina 964 ... .
Meigs.... 1,517
Mercer L914
Miami 1,253
Monroe 2,132 2,254
Montgomery 274 1,300
.morgan.. . .. aio ......
Morrow 300 ......
Mnskingnm 26
Noble 200
Ottawa 1,240
Paulding 93
Ferry 5
Pickaway 914
1'ikc 1 315
Portage 539
Preble 244
Putnam 1,623
Klchland 1,001
JtOSS ....1. M -. U
Sandusky 6S1 780
Scioto 958 700
Seneca 9C9 1,200
bhelby. 1,124 1,196
Stark 363 LOOO
Summit 1.503 400
Trumbull.. 2.655 2,700
Tuscarawas mv
Union 1.093
Van Wert
Warren 1,468
Washington 296
Wood 747
Wyandot 769 825
Northern Ohio Voted for Foraker and Is
Now In the Damps Senator Payne
Not a Candidate for Ee-Elecllon
The Summit Conuty Idea.
Cleveland, November 6. The Eepub
licans in the city of Cleveland are in retire
ment this evening. They are cogitating in
the privacy of their homes on the vanities
and vexations of all earthly things politi
cal things especially, xney were not so
terribly taken back to know that Campbell
had been elected, but the generous propor
tions of his plurality as it grew to-day, hour
by hour, fairly staggered them. They have
carried their own connty of Cuyahoga sure
enough, and every man on their ticket,
State, countv. district and citv. except a
justice of the peace, has been elected, but
they are inconsolable nevertheless.
Complete returns from Cleveland and the
county give Foraker 20,403 votes and
Campbell 18.168. JToraker ran from 800 to
1,500 votes behind his ticket In fact he
was "cut" by Republicans in nearly every
one of the 100 precincts in this county. The
eight Republican candidates forthe General
Assembly were elected by ample pluralities,
and the result in this county, all things
considered, met the expectations of Gov
ernor Foraker's friends. In Northern Ohio
the Democrats' lost and gained votes in
spots. In Summit county, of which the
flourishing and populous city of Akron is
the capital, the Republican loss was some
thing like 1,100. Akron is a manufactur
ing city, and the tariff was made more or
less of an issue in the campaign there.
Late this evening the impression prevails
here, and it is based on a careful review of
all the returns now at hand, that the Demo
crats bave ainajonty ot two in the House ot
Representatives ana possibly a majority of
two in the Senate. If this should prove to
be the case a Democrat will succeed Hon.
Henry B. Payne, also a Democrat, in the
Senate of the United States. The Senatorial
election will occnr in January, 1890. Ohio
has been known as a Republican State,
when all the Republicans voted, yet it has
never been represented at Washington by
two Republican Senators. Senator Sher
man has always had a Democratic colleague,
and now Mr. Payne, who is a very old man,
and who save that he will sot be a candidate
for re-electfon, will be followed by another
Democratic by a Majority of 10 Upon Joint
Ballot Democrats Claim 13,000 to
15,000 for Campbell and Re
publicans Concede 8,000.
Coltjmbtjs, November 6. The Demo
cratic State Committee is claiming the elec
tion of Campbell by a plurality of 12,000 to
15,000 and the rest of the ticket by plurali
ties ranging from 4,000 to 8,000. These
conclusions are reached from meager
returns and mostly by estimates,
but are believed to be reliable within the
range of pluralities which are given. The
Republican Committee has nothing upon
which they can reliably dispute the figures,
further than that they do not think the
plurality of Campbell will reach over 8,000
or 10,000, and that the rest of the State
ticket will not be elected bv more than
2,000 or 3,000 plurality.
D. K. "Watson, Republican candidate for
Attorney General, and TJ. H. Hester, Re
publican candidate for ClerK of the Su
preme Court, are not satisfied as yet that
they are beaten'; as the news from Cleve
land and other parts of the State show that
they have run ahead, and especially so Hes
ter. The Republican committee, though,
do not think that the complete figures will
be sufficiently fsvorable to save any part
of their ticket. Both Commissioners and
Chairmen seem to be acreed that the Demo
crats will carry the Legislature in both
branches. It is not probable the figures as
agreed on as to membership will be changed
from that which has already been an
nounced, though in some of the counties
they do not have conclusive information.
From the best at hand, gathered from both
headquarters, the House will stand 61 Demo
crats and 53 Republicans, and the Senate 19
Democrats and 17 Republicans. This
would give the Democrats a majority of 10
on joint ballot.
A Combination of Circumstances Led to the
Defeat of the Republicans The
Great Futnro Before the
Young War'Eaglc.
rsraexu. txleqram to tub dibpxtcba
Columbus, November 6. A. L. Conger,
Chairman of the present Republican State
Executive Committee, has been pressed all
day for his views of the causes which
brought the Republican disaster and to
night said:
In defeat there is nothing so much becomes a
man as modest silence. Yet I know of no
secrets the Republicans have to keep from the
public. So far as the State Executive Com
mittee are concerned they have worked hard
and faithfully. We knew from the flrst that
we were battling airainst great odds. The
apathy of an oil year, the effect of Commis
sioner Tanner's removal on the soldiers, the
usual unrest and discontent following a dis
tribution of patronage by a new administration
all contributed, but the principal cause of our
defeat was the array of the saloon interest
against us. backed by large contributions from
brewing and whisky interests inside and out
side of the State, giving the opposition a cam
paign fund which was wielded with telling ef
fect against our cause; and, of course, the pro
hibition vote pulled them through.
Governor Foraker wasbattling for the right:
he is the representative of coon government,
honesty, and made a gallant fight. He broke
down in the campaign from over-work, and I
believe his sickness cost our ticket 12,000 votes.
He is one of the most effective speakers on
the stump, brave, honest and aggressive.
He is the young war eagle of the
Republican party and American politics.
He will De to the Bepublican party in the
f utnre what James G. Blaine has been in the
past, a brilliant, able and dashing leader. He
was battling for the right, and while he has
gone down, his defeat will only make him
more friends, ana he has a great future before
The Text of the Message He Sent to Gov.
ernor-Elect Campbell.
Columbus, November 6. The following
is Governor Foraker's graceful concession
of defeat:
Bon. James E. Campbell, Hamilton, O.:
To the full extent that a defeated candidate
can do so with propriety, allow me to offer my
congratulations and assure you it will give me
Dleasure to extend you every courtesv I can
show you in connection with your inaugura
tion and the commencement of your adminis
tration. J. B. FOBAKER.
Campbell sent the following reply this
Hamilton, O.. November 6.
To Hon. J B. . Foraker, Governor of Ohio:
Permit mo to thank you most heartily for the
cordial telegram just received. I accept with
high aporeclation jonr tender of courtesies
upon the occasion referred to.
James E. Campbell.
The Natural Article Can bo Piped Out of the
Stnto at Pleasure.
Indianapolis, November 6. For the
first time in the history of natural gas its
commercial standing has been fixed by a
court of appellate jurisdiction. To-day the
Supreme Court handed down a decision in
which all the Judges concur, in which it is
held that natural gas may oecome a com
mercial commodity, and that the State
Legislature cannot enact any law regulating
commerce between the States, for the reason
that the Federal constitution forbids the
States from legislating on that subject.
Therefore, the legislative act of last winter
prohibiting the piping of gas out of the
State is unconstitutional.
The law was passed to prevent the Chi
cago Gas Trust from piping gas to Chicago,
and under this decision work will begin at
once to connect the gas fields with the city
by the lake. The home gas companies
hoped thatthe court could give the law
some standing by holding that foreigners
might not condemn the right of way over
which to pipe gas. This was a strong hope,
but it comes to nothing-
Virginia Was Laying fof Mahone, to
Show What it Thought of Him.
Every White Man in the Slate Toted
Who Could Crawl to the Foils.
Ono of General
Mahone's Assistants
la Gaining
Well posted Republicans in Virginia say
that Mahone was defeated simply because
he is Mahone, and it was the first time the
State had the opportunity to show him just
what it thinks of him. A genileman well
acquainted with the General tells of the
ways in which the latter has managed to
keep himself well advertised.
Richmond, Va., November C No cry
of fraud on the part of Mahone can prevent
a general perception of the fact that the
victory yesterday was the result ofb ground
swell ot the people against Mahoneism and
Mahone personally. Every white man in
the State that could walk or ride went to
the polls. There was a sentiment that this
was the first oppoitunity Virginia has liad
to hit him directly. Mahone's ways are
so well known, that had any other but him
self been a candidate for the Governorship,
he would have placed the defeat to some
miscarriage or disobedience of his orders.
He has done this over and over again, in
former campaigns, and always with such
success as to fool somebody else, "until at
last there came to be a suspicion that this
man was after all not the smart man and
leader that reputation had accorded him.
The man who whispered this a few years
was poo-poohed at, but as Mahone's political
career is reviewed it is apparent that these
prognosticators were right.
One of the brainiest Republicans fa th e
State said to-day: "Mahone has bee1! living
on the work of other men's brains fill his
life, and the fact is pretty well demonstrated
to-day. He has simply humbugged the
country, such humbugging having been
made more possible by the support that
humbugged Republican administrations
and their claquing press have given him.
Mahone has always had an eye to the value
of advertising, and has never lost an oppor
tunity of keeping himself before the public.
He has bestowed all kinds of high-sounding
titles upon himself, beginning with his act
of signing himself on hotel registers as 'Ma
hone, Virginia.' He has advertised himself
as the 'Little Napoleon,' and then again as
the "Little Giant.'
''No campaign has ever left Mahone any
poorer in pocket, whatever it has done to
his reputation. He has always made some
body else do the paying. He has made the
A,, M. & O. R. R., when ho was its Presi
dent, pay 570,000 toward the support of the
Richmond ffTiig, and when he was
shoved out of the eoad
because his incompetent management had
forced it into the hands of a receiver, he
had the newspaper with which he abused
the owners ot the road, and from that time
on he had an organ. The Cincinnati Com
mercial Gazette, and Mr. Frank Hatton,
and even the respectable New York Tri! une
took him up. He made the Virginia o ce
holders, while he had the,. Statu un.lWhia
control, pay forthe support of the TF7t'sr by
organizing a joint stock company and forc
ing them to take stock in it, and many a
poor fool to-day has a bit of paper repre
senting that he owns $5 worth oi stock in
the defunct concern. Then he went into
the so-called Florida ship canal, and at
tempted the play of rewarding his political
workers by letting them in on the ground
floor. But stuff was floating around for a
while, some of it being hypothecated for
drinks. Where is the Florida ship canal
to-day? They paid 55 for stock with the
idea that something would be made out of
the investment."
"What do you think of his future now?"
asked The Dispatch correspondent.
"His future? Why should anybody
bother about bis future? He is a very or
dinary man, and so iar as Virginia is con
cerned, she can manage him, no matter
what power takes him up. My own opinion
is that the administration bewails the mo
ment it took a man up when the voice of a
State had declared him unclean."
The speaker, though an old-time Republi
can, voiced the general sentiment here re
gardless of party. Wherever any trouble
in the State occurred it was forced by Ma
hone men, who were foolish enongh to at
tempt to carry ont bis scheme of attempted
bulldozing. It is significant that wherever
a gun was fired, it was from the hands of a
Republican, Mahone himself being among
the shooters. The shooting of Hon. Mr.
Noblin, in Halifax, was a wanton
to which a gang of whisky-filled negroes
were impelled by a tew miscreant whites
who took care to get ont of the way in the
time of danger. Mr. Noblin will probably
be totally blind, if he does not lose his
An attempt at intimidation in Fowhattan
conies to light to-day. Johu Wallace, a
worthy colored man, bad expressed a deter
mination to vote the Democratic ticket. On
the day before election he received an anony
mous letter, warning him that if he voted
against Mahone he would be shot and his
house burned. The authorship of the letter
was traced directly to Sam Goodson, a negro
Mahone leader. When he went to put it in
the mail the mail had closed, and the post
master opened it to let the letter in. He re
membered its appearance from this circum
stance, and .testified that Goodson had
mailed it. When Goodson heard the officers
were on his track he fled from the county
and has not been apprehended.
Is Said to De Fixing a Ropo for Hnllfnx
County Republicans Who Shot nt
Democrats How the
Fight Occurred.
Richmond, November 6. Full particu
lars are received here of an attempted as
sassination in Halifax county to-day. At
Omega precinct yesterday morning Mr. A.
M.Terrygotintoadifficulty with aiiegro, who
seemed to be trying to obstruct the window
at the polls. This brought on a general
row and several negroes told Terry that if
he was at Omega at sundown he would be
Terry then came to South Boston to vote,
and returned to Oemga, accompanied by
Hon. R. R. Noblin, Messrs. E. N. Hardy,
W. B. Williamson, H. C. Poindexter,
Henry Howard, Julian Chappell.
Arriving at Omega they say that the polls
and ballot boxes had been taken possession
of by the Republicans who refused to leave
the room, and were preventing the count
ing of the vote. A fight ensued, and
it was, from all accounts, a lively
scrimmage. Terry and his friends came out
all right, and started back to South Boston.
About four miles from there, in a
dark body ot woods, they were fired
on. They stood tneir ground and returned
the fire, their assailants running away.
assailants running away. I
Noblin was shot in the right eye. He came
to Richmond this morning for treatment.
Mr. Chappell was peppered with shot on the
hip and head.
Last night a body of armed men on horse
back went to search for the would-be
assassins. They succeeded in catch
ing all the parties. There is an under
current of great excitement; but
ordinarily everything is quiet. It is
reported here that Mr. Noblin will lose one
eye, if not both. There is further trouble
feared, and it is expected that all the pris
oners will -be lynched.
Suggestions Contained in the Annual Report
of General Greelv Tho Percentage
ot Successful Forecasts The
System of Military
Washington, November 6. The re
port of General Greely, Chief Signal Offi
cer of the Army, to Secretary Proctor, of
the operations of the signal offices lor the
year ended June 30, 1889, has been made
public General Greely says:
In the performance of the strictly military
duties which by law devolve upon him. the
Chief Signal officer of the army has found him
self seriously embarrassed by an utter lack of
facilities for using or caring for the field tele
graph trains or other signal equipments under
his charge; for the practical training and drill
ing of the officers and enlisted men of the
signal corps, and lastly, but to a minor extent as
compared with the foregoing conditions by the
need of liberal appropriations. It goes without
saying that under such conditions the officers
and men of this service are gradually but
surely retrograding as regards their
military dnties. The deterioration of military
signaling has steadily increased, and at the end
of the fiscal year the condition of signal in
struction in the army is at the lowest ebb it has
ever known.
He recommends, therefore, either that in
struction in the art of military signalling be
abandoned or ample material and moral
support given the chief so that he may raise
it to a high standard of efficiency. Speaking
of weather forecasts, General Greely calls
attention to the fact that under present conditions-
the forecast officer can devote barely
half a minute to all the predictions for any
particular State or district. The de
mand for weather forecasts is con
tinually increasing, and they are ap
preciating in value in the estimate of the
public. The percentages of successful fore
casts, made by Prof. Charles F. Marvin are
for weather, 84.4; temperature, 75.8, with a
general average of 81. During the year
1,066 storm signals of all kinds were" or
dered of which 680 were wholly,
and 74 partly justified as to velocity
and 980 justified as to direction. On the
Pacific coast territory, in charge of Lieu
tenant J. F. Maxfield, the per cent of suc
cessful forecasts increased from 73.8 in 1887
to 83 in 1888.
Mrs. T. A. Hendricks Addresses the Women's
Home missionary Society.
Indianapolis, November 6. To-day's
session of the Women's Home Missionary
Society was a busy one, and especially in
the committees. Mrs. Rust, of Cincinnati,
on behalf of the bureau for children's work,
reported an increase of over 200
bands and circles during the past
year. Mrs. T. A. Hendricks was presented
to the society and made a brief address in
commendation of the society and its aims.
The Committee on Resolutions reported
favorablr the resolution to limit future con
vections to six days. A permanent com
mittee to establish the Lucy W. Hayes
memorial was elected and August 28 fixed
upon as Lucy W. Hayes' memorial day.
The night session was almost entirely
taken up with a discussion on some pro
posed changes in the by-laws. The subject
was finally laid over until to-morrow. The
amounts appropriated by the Committee on
Finance and Mission Fields are -as follows;
Southern work, 541,827; for Indian work,
?18,662; for Mormon work, 59,945; for city
work, 519,640; for Alaskan work, 59,130; for
immigrant work, 513,840; for conference
work, 55,200; for deaconess' work, 520,300.
The total amount appropriated, including
some allowances for incidental expenses, is
5180,000. The final adjournment will take
place to-morrow.
Tbe Western Union is Getting a. More
rest Lino to England.
Manhattan Beach, CoNev Island,
November 6. The steamer Faraday arrived
off Coney Island'last evening and is prepar
ing to lay the first shore end of the new
Western Union cable between that place
and Canso, N. S- She will lay the shore
end to-morrow morning and will then steam
back to the end of the cable which
has been buoyed about 40 miles south of
Fire Island, and make the splice there,
which will complete the first of the two
cables to be laid. She will then return to
Coney Island and lay the second shore end,
from which she will pay out the second
cable, probably completing it in about ten
These cables will give the Western Union
Telegraph Company direct cable connection
between New York City and Great Britain,
and will make its service absolutely free
from interruptions incident to the winter
storms on the land lines in Noya Scotia.
Practically Driven Tbelr Canadian
Competitors Out of the Field.
Ottawa, Ont., November 6. The fail
ure of the Labrador fishery and destitution
of the fishermen are attributed principally
to inroads of American and French fisher
men, who used trap nets and other
engines for the wholesale destruction of fish.
It has been stated that during the past sea
son vessels from Gloucester swept the shores,
getting lull cargoes and absolutely treating
the three-mile limit with contempt.
Inquiry was made at the Fisheries Depart
ment here, where it was stated that the Gov
ernment were inquiring into the matter, it
having been brought to their notice by the
Quebec .Board of Trade. JMo inlormation
could be given until the report of the inves
tigation hud been made to the department.
Young Phil Armour Elopes With a Pretty
Daughter of Johu T. Lester.
CniCAGO, November 6. Miss Mae Les
ter, the pretty blonde 19-year-old daughter
of John T. Lester, the $10,000,000 Board of
Trade operator, has eloped with yonng Phil
Armour. They left the city to-day,
and their wbereabonts are at
present unknown. The marriage of the
young couple was to have taken place in
this city, and great preparations had been
made for the event. The lovers mysterious
ly disappeared to-day, and it is "supposed
they went to Milwaukee.
John T. Lester, the father of the bride, is
ill in bed. He admitted to-night that his
daughter had left the city, but professed
ignorance as to her whereabouts,
The Prairie State Rolls Up n Round Repub
lican Majority.
Omaha, November 6. Returns from this
State are still very incomplete, but there is
no doubt whatever that the Republicans
have elected Laws to Congress in the Sec
ond district by from 2,000 to 3.000 majority,
and that the Republican candidate tor Su
preme Judge and the Regents of the Uni
versity have from 20,000 to 25,000.
Tlnnrrlna rmintv nn plentpri thft pntirn
Democratic ticket with the exception of one
The Coils Tighten Around Another of
the Cronin Suspects.
The First Direct Evidence That Had Been
Given Against Him.
The Frosecatioa Mates Another Strong Point Against
the Ice Man.
The testimony in the Cronin trial yester
day was in many respects sensational, and
tended to strengthen the State's case
against two of the prisoners,-Kunze and
O'Sullivan. The defense made every effort
to break down this evidence upon cross
examination, but without success.
Chicago, November 6. The testimony
introduced in the Cronin t:ial to-day all had
a direct bearing on the great murder con
spiracy and was for the most part sensational.
Regiuning with R. T. Stanton, editor of the
Lakeview Record, who printed Iceman
O'Sullivan's business cards, and concluding
with little Willie James, a stenographer's
clerk, it was one of the best days of the en
tire session.
Editor Stauton showed that the particular
card of O'Sullivan's which wasused to en
tice Dr. Cronin from his home to the Carl
son cottage had been delivered to the ice
man but two days before the murder, May
2. O'Sullivan had had a card for the firm
of P. O'Sullivan & Co., printed early in
March, and it was one of these he gave to
Dr. Cronin the day he made the contract
for protessional services in the doctor's
office. The card that the stranger who
drove Dinan's old white horse handed the
doctor was one of the packages that was de
livered to O'Sullivan on the afternoon of
May 2.
The S tate's object in introducing this evi
dence was to prove that the new card,
though it was in the stranger's possession,
could not bave been in general circulation
when Dr. Ctonin came in possession of it.
Ex-Police Captain Villiers, who in the
earlier stages of the trial testified to the find
ing and identification of Dr. Cronin's body,
was recalled, and after being shown a map
of Lakeview. he traced on it what he be
lieved to be the route traveled by the wagon
containing the trunk and the murderers.
He said he believed the wagon went west on
Belmont avenue to Rlston road, southeast
on that thoroughfare to Fnllerton and thence
east to Clark street, as has been so fre
quently described by other witnesses.
He described the trunk at length, claim
ing that when he first saw it much of the
blood-soaked cotton was still wet. Of the
small tuft of hair that was found clinging to
the one end o the trunk, he said he had ex
hibited it to a number of persons who
promptly identified it as Dr. Cronin's. The
hair was about 3 inches in length, was
held together at one end by coagulated blood
and bad been described by a number of
physicians as human hair.
A lock of Hint.
Judge Wing made an ineffectual attempt
to show that the hairhad been passed around
so much that the original tuft was undoubt
edly lost, but Paptain Villiers wavcoufident;
that the hair tad never passed out ot his
sight until he finally delivered it to his suc
cessor, Captain Wing.
Officer Phillips, of the Lakeview patrol
wagon, was a clear-headed, intelligent wit
ness. He described accurately how he had
been called to the trnnk on Evanston ave
nue, above Sulzer road, on the morning of
May 5, how he had moved the little bunch
of clotted hair that was clinging to one of the
ends, and made an examination of the bloody
cotton. A day or two after the body was
found, Officer Phillips was sent to the house
of P. O'Sullivan to place him under arrest.
He found the iceman standing near his barn
in his shirt sleeves, and after notifying him
that he was wanted at the station permitted
him to go into his house for his coat and
When O'Sullivan returned he directed
the officer's attention to the famous Carlson
cottage. Phillips saw a reporter and a man
who he thought was a detective ascending
the back stairs.
eathee stbono language.
"I wonder," exclaimed O'Sullivan, with
an oath, "what in them fellows are
going up there for? They are fools."
Phillips, who had paid little attention
to the iceman's apparent excitement,
started for the station without a word. He
did not realize the significance of O'Sulli
van's qnestion until he read of the discov
eries that were made in the cottage. Dan
Donohne made an ineffectual attempt to
break down Phillips' testimony in a sharp
cross-examination, but he was unsuccessful
at every point. Ex-Captain Wing, of the
Lakeview police, told the jury of the find
ing of the key to the trunk under the blood
stained dresser in the parlor of the Carlson
cottage by Officer Larch.
This was one of themost important bits of
testimony offered during the trial, as it is a
direct connection between the trunk, Dr.
Cronin's body and the cottsge of which
Martin Burke was the tenant. He said the
key was partly covered with paint of a yel
lowish tinge, and that when he tried it, it
exactl v fitted the lock of the trnnk. He de
scribed the condition of the interior of the
cottage, corroborating the Carlsons in every
particular, and finally described how a goo j
deal ot the blood-soaked flooring and wains
cotting had been removed for the purpose of
exhibiting it to medical experts.
Willie James, a 16-year-old lad, formerly
worked in his father's office on the sixth
floor of the Opera House block. One aiter
noon late in February or early in March,
while he was standing at the window of an
office adjoining his lather's, he happened to
look across the street into the top flat of the
building at 117 Clark street, where J. R.
Sinionds had the furniture and trunk. His
attention was attracted by a man in the
buildinir across the street engaged in wash
ing his feet. The stranger saw James after
a few minutes, and hastily pulled down a
"Who was that man?" Judge Longenecker
"That's him there leaning on the pil
low," replied the lad, pointing at the re
cumbent Kunze. The little German face
grew paler, his eyes flashed a vindictive
light, and despite his weakness he struggled
out of his chair, and dragged himself to
Dan Donohue's side. It was the first time
anybody bad swoin to his connection with
the murderers or their different places of
an important stoet.
James continued his story without notic
ing Kunze. He said he had frequently
seen men in the flat, and had noticed par
ticularly that two of them were in the habit
oi going to bed every afternoon about 3
o'clock. Dan Donohue's face fairly
gleamed when he arose and faced the
youthful accuser of his client. Hit cross
examination was bright and keen, and
though he was advised at every point by
Wing and Forrest he was unable to break
down a single statement made in the direct
examination. This worried Douobue a
good deal, and more than once he was on
tne point oi giving up in uespair, wnen ne
would be urged on anew by his associates'.
A Prominent Citizen of AIIssou ?$
Called to Account for a Strang
ot Incendiarism He May ?
IhUfnR.Mlitfhn ItTflttpr.
. ,,. i .
Chicago, JNovemoer o. anis eryrvx
wuiio BUJfJpiu uvu ai urns v nut. uwM
Detective John T. Norris, of SpringfijL
O.. the man who followed Jake Kilral.r
through the South while on his way to fight
Sullivan, said:
I have just returned from a trip to JopUo,
Mo., where I wa compelled to throw a shadow
on a highly respected family. The husband.
John S. Wanton, a wealthy farmer, with an
interesting family and a fortune of about $100,
000, has been called to account for implication
In the burning of the large mill of A. D. Packard,
near Iowa City, in 1863. The story of this man's
life is a stranire one. His earlv career was
very checkered, and many were his escapades
from justice. But what is straneest of all, he
palled . through unscathed, and has now been
living in luxury and enjoying the peace of per
fect comfort. The old adage "Murder will
out" has at last risen before him like a phan
tom. During the war Swanton was a member of
Quantrell's band of raiders, who followed the
Union and Confederate armies through Mis
souri. In this same campaign were two inti
mate friends, one of whom was James Bailey.
The two were accustomed to separate from the
main hand and skirmish and plunder for them
selves, and on one particular night in the year
1882 came upon the farm owned by wealthy Jo
siah Holbrook. Tho horses they had been riding
were almost exhausted, and finding In Hol
brook's barn three others in condition they ap
propriated the fresh animals, left their old ones
in the barn and set fire to It. On making their
escape they were seen by a son of old man Hol
brook, who was just returning home on a fur
lough. Taking in the situation at once, Hol
brook soon organized a poaso of men and started
in pursuit. The party caught up with
the thieves and a skirmish ensued, in
which one of Swanton's party was killed and
Bailey captured, while Swanton alone escaped.
Being tired of the life be had been living be
pushed eastward and finally went to Ohio and
decided to settle down. Bailey in the mean
time had been placed in jail, but managed to
escepe, and hearing of Swanton's whereabouts,
joined him. The union resulted in no eood to
either, for they determined to return to Iowa
and wreak vengeance for the death of their
This they did bv burning the Packard mill at
Iowa City, because one of the Pacxard family
was a member of the Holbrook party. The
Packard mill was insured for S5.000 in one of
the largest New York fire insurance companies,
and after its burning the full amount of insur
ance was paid. With the great excitement at
tending the closing of the war the case was
soon foreotten, and in the course of a few years
Swanton thought he could return in safety to
his old home, which he did, and since that time
has beeruiiospered in his every undertaking. 1
called on" him at bis .beautiful borne, and
he appeared very willing to discuss the subject,
and at first tried to make himself feel secure
by saying the case was outlawed. The sight of
an indictment before the grand jury at Iowa
City made him change color, however, and be
come very much excited, tie asked on what
terms the cafe could be settled. I told him by
Saying the 15,000 insurance. Whether he will
o this or not, I can't say, but nnless he takes
some action he will most likely have to pay the
penalty for a crime committed many years ago.
As to Bailey, he is living in the West, and will
be arrested as soon as I can get back from
Ohio. Swanton cannot get away on account of
nis large interests, so I am sure of both my men.
The Closing Speech of Their Attorney In the
Parnell Case.
London, November 6. Sir Henry
James continued his speech for the Times
before the Parnell Commission to-day. He
quoted from speeches made by Mr. Michael
Davitt in 1880 to show that the object
of the Land League, under a cloak of con
stitutionality to affect a combination be
tween the forces of the moderates
and extremists belonging to the
American Clan-na-Gael and the Irish
constitutionals in the work of keep
ing Ireland unsettled. Mr. Parnell
had not then assumed the disgnise of mod
eration, but associated with Fenians.
Hir reception at Cork in March,
1880, npon his return from America
had a Fenian character. At the dinner
given to welcome Mr. Parnell, Mr. Biggar
made the memorable Hartmann speech in
which assassination was encouraged and ap
plauded. The commission, Sir Henry declared, had
evidence regarding the importation of arms
into Ireland from men who were openly sup
porting Mr. Parnell and who were members
of associations which were in active sym
pathy with the objects of the League. Surely
if it was proved that crime was rile in many
districts in Ireland where there was no dis
tiess, but where the Leagne had roused the
people against the authorities, the charges
made by the Times against the League as
the source of crime must be held to be
proved. '
The President Joins In Kicking; tho Man,
Now That He's Down.
Washington, November 6. The full
extent of yesterday's landslide is only now
beginning to dawn upon the administration.
Explanations and apologies are in
order. Such as are offered are
feeble in the extreme. "I was in no sense
responsible for General Mahone's candidacy
in Virginia," said the President this morn
ing, ''and I fail to see how his defeat can
be regarded as in anyway a rebuke to
my administration. It seems to my to have
been brought about in ways that are familiar
to the elections in Southern States, and
which I have more than once alluded to in
mv public messages and speeches.
"Whatever aid and assistance it may be
claimed was given to General Mahone by
the administration was no more than
I should feel bound to give
to any candidate regularly nominated
as the representative of the Bepublican
party. He was not my personal candidate,
and the effort to make him appear so is un
The TiOndon Lightermen Intend to Quit
Work on Friday.
London, November 6. The dock labor
ers, through their leaders, decided and an
nounced to-day that they would on Friday
decline to perform further work until
the master lightermen accede to the terms
demanded by their employes. Although
this action was not unexpected, in view of
the fact that the lightermen struck in sym
pathy with the dockmen on the oc
casion of the latter's great strike,
it was not believed by many that any con
siderable number of the dockmen would al
low their trratitnde to lead them to the
length of deserting their posts while they
were reyeiviuK hue lugiciucu pa niiiuu uie
lightermen helped them to get.
The Master Lighterman had a conference
with the Lord Mayor and Cardinal Man
ning this morning which was also attended
by Burns, Tillott and Buxton, on
behalf of the dock men and
their allies. The questions at
issue were exhaustively and somewhat
warmly discussed, but no decision was
reached, and the meeting adjourned.
The Prloce of Wales Mot Honored.
Caibo, November G. It is learned that
at a recent conlerence of the foreign consuls
here Mr. Schuyler, the American represen
tative, proposed that the diplomatic body; in
full uniform, meet the Prince of Wales on
his arrival here. The majority of the con
suls, it is Bald, negatived the proposal;
hence their abstention from the reception.
Tho Legislative majority Not So Large.
Baltimore, November 6. The latest re
turns from throughout the State indicate
that 'the Democrats will bave a majority in
the State Senate and House of Delegates.
1 but not so large as in the last Legislature.
Pittsburg's Hearty Welcome
to the International
Nearly All Foreign Delegates Assem
ble in the Iron City.
Prominent Tlsltors From Other Places
An Overflow nt tho Monongahela House
Lnxnriance of Flowers, Mnslo and
Beauty The Tlsltors Express Their
Pleasure and Surprise at the Grandeur
and Possibilities of the United States
Elegant Souvenirs Presented to theTonr
ists by the Local Committee Address of
Welcome by Congressman Dalzell The
Big Dfiplay at Me hanlcal Hall To
Night Natural Gas on Exhibition.
The Pan-America delegates arrived in
Pittsburg yesterday afternoon and wero
given a rousing reception at the Moncnga
hela House in the evening. Congressman
Dalzell made an address of welcome. The
majority of the delegates are present in tha
city and will visit the various mills to-day.
They expressed themselves as pleased -with;
America and charmed with Pittsburg's hos
pitality. The Pan-American delegates were given
a brilliant reception at the Monongahela
House last evening. The parlor floor was
luxutiant with tropical and hotbousa
plants and gorgeous flowers. Every turn
of the halls, every nook and window corner
was a new revelation of botanical loveli
ness. There were great fan palms, ferns of
long leaf and intricate lace work, and
spreading bouqueta of crimson roses and
multicolored chrysanthemums. All was
brilliantly lighted by electricity.
The guests began to arrive abont 9 o'clock
and continued in a steady stream until
shortly after 10. There were about 00
ladies and gentlemen present. All came by
special invitation. The carriages stopped
at the ladies' entrance, whence the gaests
ascended to the south lobby. There they re
ceived the tri-colored badges of the evening,
left their coats and wraps, and proceeded to
the reception room, the new north dining
room on the First avenue side.
This room was splendidly ornamented.
The walls were almost covered with silks
and satins, flags and flowers. The windows
were each devoted to one of the represented
nations. Over each window, on a banner ot?
white satin, was revealed in large golden,
script the name of the country to whiclT
that window was devoted. Out from the top
of the window depended a silken flag of that
nation, and the satin hangings of the win
dow showed the appropriate national colors.
The draping of each window differed in
manner, as well as in color, from all the
others, and was a work of great taste. Be
ginning at the right hand, upon entering,
the nations and their colors were as follows
rnnning around the room:
Uruguay, blue and white; Bolivia, green,
red and yellow; Peru, red and white; Ecua
dor, white and blue; Brazil, green, yellow,
red and blue; Venezuela, yellow and blue
Colombia, red, yellow and blue; Costa Eica,
red, white and blue; Nicaragua, red, white
and blue; Hondnras, white and bine; San
Salvador, red, white and blue; Guatemala,
yellow, white and blue; Mexico, red, white
and green; United States, red, white and
bine; Argentine Bepublic, white and blue;
Chili, red and white.
In the center of the room was an immense
floral strnctnre representing a blast furnace.
It was a work of art, beautiful and at the
same time accurate. Within the building
the molten metal was seen flowing lrom the
furnace. The appearance of the metal was
produced by electric light, placed under
neath the floor, showing through red isin
glass. The outside was decorated with roses.
By 10 o'clock the reception room was
crowded. At the east end George W.
rhilla nf IliB Pbilndolnbin. Lfdner' r.hlefl
Justice Poison, of the Supreme Court; An
drew Carnegie, John W. Cbalfant and a
few other gentlemen held a private sort of
reception which drew much attention.
On the Limited Express, which arrived
at 930 o'clock, there came George W. Childs
and A. J. Drexel, from Philadelphia; and
from Washington, Walker Blaine, of tha
State Department; Ex-Senator Henry G.
Davis, of West "Virginia; Senor Eomero, tha
Mexican Minister; Senor J. G. de Amaral
Valente, the Brazilian Minister; Senor
Emilio C. Yaras, the Chilian Minister, and
Senor Fernando Cruz, the Guatemalan Min
ister. The foreign delegation took part in the
reception until about 11 o'clock, when they
began to retire one by one. They were tired,
and must be up this morning to take the
train at 9 o'clock for the Monongahela Val
ley. The United States members of the
tourist party remained longer in the crowded
rSoms, and evidently heartily enjoyed tha
evening. At 10 o'clock the serving
of luncheon began in the ordinary
adjoining the reception room. The luncheon
was an elegant one, prepared in the best of
style, but served with numerous inconveni
ences. The partakers were compelled to
stand, and the room was constantly over
crowded. The waiters were capable, and
left no one who could get a place long to
wait. While the home people seemed to
enjoy the push and hustle of the lunch room
very few of the Spanish Americans ventured
into its crowded precincts. When they con
templated it they shrugged their shoulders
and retired to the lower corridor to smoke"
Mr. Walker Blaine was assigned to room
13 and remained there during the evening.
He received a few of his friends. At 11
o'clock the guests began to depart and by
midnight the reception was practically
oyer. Andrew Carnegie, Pittsburg's mem
ber of the International Congress, was one
of tha notable men of the evening. He
moved abont everywhere, and shook hah'd: