THEPEICEADYANCED Findlay Follows Pittsburg's Example in Kegard to Window Glass, INCREASING JUTES 15 PER CEKT. Johnstown Again Complains About the Dis tribution of Relief Funds. KEWSI ITEMS FKOM XEAEBI IOWSS tETECUL TXLECEAJt TO TUB DISPATCH.1 Fctdlay, November 4. The window glass manufacturers of this city held a meet ing this morning and advanced the price of window glass 15 per cent over present rate3, in order to conform with the recent advance made by the Pittsburg houses. There will be a meeting in this city on Tuesday, November 12, of all the window glass manufacturers of Ohio and Indiana for the purpose of forming an in dependent association of the houses in these States for mutual profit and protection, the intention being hereafter to operate on plans of their own, regardless of the Eastern and Western associations. TflE JOBKsTOWK DEAD. Several Bodies DUInlerred and Identified Dlseatisfeetlon About the Fond. Johnstows, November 1 Quite a cumber ot the bodies of the unidentified being transferred from Prospect to Grand View, are being recognized and claimed by friends, and many aQecting scenes are witnessed at the cemeteries. To-day the body of Miss Grace Gorman, one of the Western Union telegraph operators, was identified and taken to her late home at Berlin, Pa., for burial. The body of Miss Jennie Paulson was f nlly identified by her brother and will be taken to Pittsburg for burial. The remains of the 'late Prof. & F. Pink, of the Johnstown Tribune, were also identified. Ibe body ot a boy was found to day mtbe Cambria Iron Company's yard, but not recognized. A largely attended meeting of tboso who are dissatisfied with the distribution of the relief fund was held here this afternoon. A petition reciting, among other things, thatthree-fourtus of the relief money will, under the present awards, be given to those who already Have a competence, while the needy receive bat little, was numerously signed andplacedin the hands of a committee to be presented to the Flood Commission. A report reaches hero to-night that at a depth ot 2,300 feet, gas was struck at an experimental well, which is being drilled in Carrollton, in Cambria county, about 80 miles north ol here. 200 NEW COKE OVENS. Evidences of Prosperity In the West Vir ginia Kilning Region. ISPECLft. TX3.EGBAM TO THE DI8TATCH.1 Pelkyvtlle, W. Va., November 1 The ut most activity prevails in the mining region throughout this and Mercer counties, and more men are employed than ever before. The total production of coal in this basin is about 100,000 tons per month, of which amount the Turkey Gap mines get out about 23,000 tons, the re mainder being scattered. About 1,000 coke ovens are in operation, and 200 more are build ing, 100 being erected by the Powhatan Com pany. These latter will be fired in about a week. One hundred and fifty miners' cottages have been built in this count during the past 0 days, and they are all tenanted by families. About 20 miles of railroad branches have been put down dnring the j car, and the whole region is in a prosperous condition. HC8 SENT TO JAIL. Three of the Assailants of Ibe McKeesport Policemen Imprisoned. rSFECUI. TELEGKUC TO THE DISPATCn.1 McKEESroET, November 4 The four Hungarians, who came within an ace of murdering two policemen Saturday night, were sent to jail to-day. The bail was fixed in each case at $1,000. but no bail was accepted by 'Squire Berry, as the condition or Officer James MrQnade, who was so badly slashed up, is such that it cannot be determined as yet whether he will pull through. Tbe parties sent ud are Steve Sandro, latere Kovonsgh and George KapastkL James Blusem, another of the gang, was captured this evening, and will be sent to jail to-morrow. HIS INJURIES PROVE FATAL. Death oT the Yonneslown Man Who Wu Beaten by His Son-In-Law. tSPECIAI. TXLZGBAM TO THE DISPJLTCH.1 YotJKGSTOWir, November 1 John C. Mc Creery, the old man who was caught in a com promising position with Mrs. Edmonds, his daughter and so terribly beaten by her hns. b-ind, C orles Edmond, diea at S o'clock this evening at tbe Hospital. Edmonds, his assailant, gave himself up im mediately upon bearing of McCreerj's death. He has employed counsel, and is confident of his ultimate acquittal. BRICKS WITHOUT STRAW. A BIcKecsport rii-m Proposes to Make Them Ont of Stone. ISrECTAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.! McKeesfoet. November 4. Robert Logan t Son will build a S10000 machine bnck plant on Pearl street McKeesport, to manufacture brick from stone, which will be ground up and molded into brick. The plant will be operated with gas. and will employ 25 men and have an output of 15,000 brick per day. A Fall From n Moving Train. rSF ECI AL, TELEGKAM TO THE PIS ATCH. 1 Rankin, November 4, William Nanlder, 25 years or age, jumped a freight train here to night to ride to Bessemer He fell off on the bridge and had his right leg taken off and his head split open. He is in a dangerous con dition. Roller's Successor Elected. rsractAL telegram to the Disr-ATciM ToukgStown, November i. Arthur J. Thomas, a prominent Republican and member of the City Council, was to-night elected City Clerk to succeed John 8. Roller, the defaulting clerk, who resigned. His Child Accidentally Shot. rEFECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE OISFATCH.1 Weston, W. Va.. November 4. While Fil ipore Wilson was cleaning his gun to-day tbe weapon discharged accidentally and his 3-year-old daughter received the contents, causing her death. Tickets and Express Matter Stolen. .SPECIAL TXLEOEAM TO TOE DISPATCH.! Tiffin, November 4. Burglars stole an en tire case of tickets and two valuable express packages from the Toledo and Ohio Central depot, at New Beigel, to-night. There is no clew. Kews Notes From earb v Towns. The Miller Forge, at Rankin station, yester day morning returned to the use of coal, be cause the Philadelphia Gas Company, from whom they received their supply, wanted to In crease their rates. CoeonebBootii, of Yonngstown, who is in- vestigating tne ocatn or Anthony Matee, kilted by a train, ascertained to-day that last week deceased had S1S0, and on Saturdav received $15. Only SI was found in bis clothing and it is believed he was sandbagged, robbed and thrown on the track, where the wheels finished him. Portions ot the remains were f onnd on the track for two miles. Two freight trains on the Pittsburg and Lake Erie Railway collided at Brighton station yesterday morning, the two engines were con siderably damaged and several cars were smashed. Alex. Morrison, County Treasurer was watching a locomotive pulling one or the disabled engines on to the track, when tho cable parted and one end or it struck him and broke one of his legs. Thompson Is All Right. Mr. O. D. Thompson states that he was the attorney of Mrs. Lida Curry, and he charged her 550 for his services, which she paid. His interest In the case was legiti mate, and he merely assisted the lady as a lawyer to get her out of trouble. Y. M. C A. Offlecrs Ite-Elrcted. The trustees of the Young Men's Christian Association held their annual meeting yes terday afternoon. The only business done wij the re-election of all of the old officers. ON MONUMENT HILL Plaus for Iti Improvement Befcrred to Mr Hamilton Chief Crow's Favorite florae to be Killed. The Allegheny Park Committee met last night and approved bills and the pay roll, amounting to $1,708 06. The resolution pro viding for an expenditure of $25,000 in im proving Monument Hill, and which was sent to the committee for definite plans for the proposed improvement, ras referred to Superintendent Hamilton and City Engi neer Ehlers, with instructions to present the plans to Common Council. The plans, con sisting of two driveways up and down the hill, have already been published in THE Dispatch. The Committee on Fire Department ap provod the payroll for October, amounting to $7,775. Fire alarm boxes were ordered to be placed at the corner of Irwin avenue and Marshall street, ond on Perrysville ave HUe near Marshall street. A resolution was passed that an old horse long in use by the late Chief Crow, and which has been for the past eight years standing idle in the stable of No. 9 Com pany on Troy Hill, be sent to the city Fall Master and killed. The horse in question is about 30 years old. Chief Crow used H when he first became the Chief of the De partment of Allegheny, and drove him un til he had grown too old. That was eight years ago, and the Chief would never con sent to have him killed. The horse has grown gray and is now mouse-color. He is well known as "Sir Henry." The Allegheny Committee on Ordinances .met last night and ordered the following or dinances printed: ibe ordinance prohibit ing boats from locating permanently along the Allegheny wharf, except those used for pleasure or by regularly chartered boat clubs. This is Mayor Pearson's "shanty boat" ordinance. The committee also or dered to the printer the ordinance for abol ishing tbe rjracticejof ringing bells on loco motives while passing through the city, and tbe ordinance providing for the arrest of boys' under 15 years for jumping on or off street cars while in motion. ALDERMAU MAXEESE RETURNS. He Says He Left Town to Visit His Friends In Butler, Pa. Alderman William Maneese turned up at his office on Fifth avenue last evening. He told a reporter that he had been at Butler, Fa., visiting some relatives, and had re turned Saturday night The Alderman ex pressed himself very forcibly about the way the newspapers had written him up as hav ing jumped his bail in the conspiracy suits against him, simply because he had gone away for a couple or days. He said he had never thought ot jnmping his bail. He wanted to visit his friends, and did not think it necessary to go around notifying every body of his intention before he started, be cause it was nobody's business but his own. He remarked that he would be on deck when his case is called ior trial, and would vindi cate himself of the charges against him. The Young Wanderer Again. Florence "Wilson, (he 12-year-old girl who was at the Central station part of last week, having been picked up as lost, has turned up again, this time at the Twenty-eighth ward lockup. The girl is demented and wanders away from her home at Chartiers unknown to her parents. Her father was notified last night, and it is probable that she will be sent to some institution. LOCAL ITEMS, LIMITED Incidents of a Day In Ttvo Cities Condensed for Ready Readies. William Haeyet. a painter in 'the employ of Robert Jamison, while at work yesterday af ternoon on the roof of a new building on Dia widaie street, lost his balance and fell to the ground, sustaining serious injuries. The patrol wagon conveytd him to his home at No. 8 South Diamond street. Alleehenv. Little Bert Myers, the 11-year-old grardson I left his homo last Tuesday and has not been seen since. The boy has a habit of running away, but has sever before remained away so long at a time. Stephen 8ander, Joseph Kapcsta and Stephen Kobasb, the three Hungarians who murderously assaulted two policemen in Mc Keesport Saturday night, were arrested yester day and lodged in jail in default of $1,000 bail each. John Dub AN and Maria Duran were com mitted in default of $500 bail eacn yesterday by Alderman Beilly on a charge ot keeping a dis orderly house. J. SI. Faas is tbe prosecutor and the hearing will take place on Thursday. The fogs of some nights past and tbe heavy river of Sunday night so delayed the packet Rainbow that she did not arrive until 9 o'clock last evening, with a large cargo. She will de part down early this morning. rf he Reading Coal and Iron Company has an nounced an advance of 15 cents per ton on fur nace coal at the mines, making the price 2, which is not up to last winter's rate. Mb. Carnegie's donation to the Excelsior Band of Homestead was SMI 42. Ihe balance of the bill for their new instruments was paid vj me memuera. The alarm from box 163 about 5 o'clock last evening was occasioned by a chimney on fire in a bouse on ML Washington. No damage was aone. Joseph Ferry, of Collier township, was committed to jail yesterday Dy 'Squire Dren nan for keeping an alleged speak-easy. No Criminal Court will be held to-day, owing to its being election day. Rheumatism, BEING due to the presence of uric acid in the blood, is most effectually cured by the use of Ayers Sarsapa rUla. Be sure you get Ayer's and no other, and take it till the poisonous add is thoroughly expelled from the system We challenge attention to this testimony : "About two years ago, alter suffering lor nearly two years from rheumatic gout, being able to walk only with great discomfort, and having tried various remedies, including mineral waters, without relief, I saw by an advertise ment in a Chicago paper that a man had been relieved of this distressing com plaint, after long suffering, by taking Ayer's Sarsapanlla. I then decided to make a trial of this medicine, and took it regularly for eight months, and am pleased to state that it has effected a complete cure. I have since had no re turn of the disease." Mrs. R. Irving Dodge, 110 West 125th st., New. York. ' One year ago I was taken ill with inflammatory rheumatism, being con fined to my house Bix months. I came out of the sickness very much debili tated, with no appetite, and my system disordered in every iy. I commenced using Ayer's Sarsaparilla and began to improve at once, gaining in strength and soon recovering my usual health. I cannot say too much in praise of this well-known medicine." Mrs. L. A. Stark, Nashua, N. H. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, TEEPAEED ST Dr. J. C Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price $1; six bottles, $5. Worth (5 a bottle. BLOOKER'S DUTCH COCOA. ISO CUPS FOB SL CHOICEST, PUBEST. BEST. je24-MTTF THY IT. For a DISORDERED LIVER Try BEEGEiflSS'S PILLS. 25cts. a Box. or atiTj aazl.TrGMs-zsvs. . Tea, We WIU Sell for to-day about 480 handsome over coats for men, in imported Kerseys and heavy Chinchillas. The attractive price is 12. If vou east your eyes on them one glance will suffice to show you that they are big bargains, worth a great, deal more than 512. Make a point to see 'em to-day. P. C. C. a, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. Finest Silk Seal Plash Jackets, Jaunty and Stylish. "With popular rolling collars, trimmed in Persian lamb and sealskin one of the hand some novelties in the cloak rooms. JOS. HOBN B & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores, Ladles' Bibbed Bnlbrlggnn Tests, Winter weight, H. N. L. S. at 35c and 50a each, extra value. Hobnb & Wabd, 41 Fifth avenue, B.&B. Sell you one or a pair or more of the "bagdada" for door hangings. Upholstery department. " Boggs & Buhl. Go to Groetxinger's great kale of carpets, carpet remnants and rugs, beginning to-day. 627 and 629 Penn avenue. TX Ladles' Gaiter Tops, All Colors And black, all sizes, tl 50 a pair. Hobse & 'Wabd, 41 Fifth avenue. "What drink is the most healthful and re freshing? P. &V.'s Pittsburg beer. All dealers. Cabinet photos, fl per doz. ular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st Lies' Pop- TTSU Mnrrlnae licenses Granted Yesterday. Kims. Beildenes. ( Charles Richer; Duquesne ( Lena Guth Duquesne August Wagner ",5ur8 t Kosabcamldt Pittsburg ) Frank Kunz bprlne Garden borough I Marie John Allegheny 5 Dewar itennle Mciveesport iurle McMichael Elizabeth JWenzelSpitxner MlUvsle Maria Pschierer Snarpsburg ( David Morrison PitUburg IJaneMeChesney PitUburg James Caflrey Tarentnm Mary Foley Pittsburg I Charles Abbott McKeesport 1 Agnes btenart McKeesport l Louis Bachmann Lower St. Clair twp I Eliza blmmen Lower St. Clair twp (Patrick Joyce Pittsburg I Mary Joyce Pittsburg JohnLani A Natrona (Mary KoenlE Harrison township (George A. Kearn Pittsburg IMaryMcGuff. Pittsburg ( Frank Kelch Pittsburg I MonlLa Czaplewska Pittsburg I John Enrifht. mttstrarg I Josephine Enrlght nttsDur ( Martin 'Wittling Montour Theressa Gelger Montour ( Charles H. Sorg Allegheny UloseWohnhas Deny, 0 ( Frank E. Wecm Pittsbnrg Alice U Brown flltsburg (JohnlL Barns Pittsburg I Lizzie H. Tarr West Middletou (Ferdinand J. Feder Pittsburg I Caroline Bricks.... Pittsburg ( Philip H. Heck .'. Pittsburg ( Maggie Blschoff. Pittsburg (Thomas H ruler Braddock ) badle Mulvehill Braddock (Martin Costello Pittsbnrg ( Maggie Murray ruuDurg ( Peter Borner Pittsburg I Katie Doll Pittsburg I Ivan Peter Johnson Braddock (Jennie Nystrom Braddock ( Wm. S. Bumbaugh McKeesport ( Dora Taylor McKeesport t John M. Phylbln Allegheny I busan Howley Allegheny (Gnstav A. Ludwig Pittsburg (Louisa Bauer PitUburic J George Phillips Bellevernon ( Allie Sisley Bellevernon MARRIED. YON KLEISRR THOMPSON-At Alle gheny City, Pa., November 1, 1889, A. Von Kxeisee and Anna 21. Thompson, of Butler county, Pa. Baltimore, Md., anq Martlnsburg, "W. Va, papers please copy. DIED. BROWN November 3, 18S9, at Florence, Italy, Nellie, only daughter of Captain S. S. and Lizzie P. Brown, in her 14th year. CARVfiY Ida Fbaitces Carvxt, daugh ter or Daniel and Martha E. Carrey, agedl year 12 days. "Fold her O, Father in thine arms and let her henceforth be a messenger of love between our human hearts and Thee." Funeral from the residence of her parents, 63 Martin street, Allegheny,ou Tuesday, Novem ber 6, at Friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend. COLKMAN On Monday. November i. 1SS9. at 3 P. x., Richard B, only son of James and Margrett Coleman, aged 1 year and 11 months. Funeral will take place from the residence of his parents, Butler street. Eighteenth vara, near Sharpsbnrg bridge, on "Wednesday, No vember 6, at 2.30 r. SL Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 CAMPBELL On Monday, November 4, 1SS9, at S 30 p. M., James H. Camfbeix, in the uh year of bis ace. Friends of tbe family are respectfully invited to attend tbe funeral services at his late resi dence, 393 Beaver avenue, Allegheny City, on Wednesday at 10 A. at. Interment private. 2 HULPZ On Saturday, November 2, 1889, at 2.30 p. it., Harrison Hdxpz, aged 78 years. Funeral on Wednesday, at 10 a. jt from bis late residence, five miles ont Southern avenue, Baldwin township. Interment in Bethel Cemetery. Carriages will leave Sem melrock's undertaking rooms, 1720 Carson street, Sontbslde, Pittsburg, at 8.30 a. h. Friends of tbe family are respectfully invited to attend. 3 KENT Suddenly, on Monday mornine. No. vember4, 18S9, William Kemt, aged 66 years. Funeral from bis lata residence. No. 14 Ella row. Second avenue, Frankstown, on Wedhes day mouidg, the 6th inst., at 8 o'clock. Services at St. Stephen's Church, Hazelwood, at 9 A. it. Friends of tbe family are respect fully invited to attend. KAY November 4, 1S89, at the Monongabela House, Helen Waeeen, wife of J. Conrad Kay. Notice of funeral hereafter. MAXWELL On Sabbath evening, Novem ber 3, 1S9. William A Maxwell, In the 25th year of bis age. Funeral services on Tuesday at 1:15 r. k. at Third IT. P. Church, Ridge avenne, Allegheny City. Friends of the family are respectf ally invited to attend. PAULSON At Jonnstown, May SL 1889, Jennie C, daughter ot the late Charles H. and Elizabeth D. Paulson Services and interment private this after noon from Samson's Chapel. MNAMAN On Sunday. November 3. 18S9. at 1025 a. v., Blanch W. Bjnaman, In her 20th year. Funeral services at her mother's residence, 41 Charles street, Allegheny, on Tuesdat, 6th inst., at 2.30 v. ac Interment private at a later hour. 2 SULLIVAN At the residence of his uncle, John Sullivan, Lecky's road, Allegheny: on Saturday, November 2, 1SS9, at 11 p. M.PAT rick Sullivan, aged 24 years and 4 months Requiem mass at St. Andrew's R. C Church, Beaver avenue, Tuesday, 6th inst, at 8 a. m. Interment in St. Mary's Cemetery later. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to bttend. 2 TARPY On Saturday, November 2, J8S9, at 1-4-5 p. M., Thomas T. Tarpy, son of James and Briaget Tarpy, aged 31 years 10 months and 12das. Funeral from his late residence, 99 Rebecca street, Allegheny, on Tuesday, at 8.30. High mass at St. Andrew's Church at 9 o'clock. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. Yonngstown (Ohio) papers please copy. 3 JAMES ARCHIBALD A BRO LIVERY AND SALE STABLES, H7, 119 and 138 Third avenue, two doors below Smitbncld St., next door to Central Hotel. Carriages for fanerals,S3. Carriages for operas, parties, ta, at the lowest rates. All new car nages. Telephone communication. myl-11-TTS pEPRESENTED XN PrXTSBURO IN ISO, Asset! . t9fn,09833. Insurance Co. of Worth America. Losses adjusted and paid by WILLIAM L JONES. 84 Fourth avenue. u20-s2-D WESTERN XNSVBANCE CO. OF PITTSBURG. Assets fUS,601S7 NO. 411 WOOD STREET. ALEXANDER NIMICK, President JOHN B. JACKSON. Viea PrMideat JJeZHS-iTS WM. P.HKRBEBT. Secretary.. THE PITTSBUBG DISPATCH,' i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LACE AND HEAVY CURTAINS FORCE? SALE. The re ceipts of new Cur tains are too large for our available space. We have ticketed a large number of last season ' s Curtains for pass age on the toboggan slide of prices. LOOK IN OUR WINDOW FOR CURTAINS MARKED DOWN. From $ From $ From$ 25 to 75 to to to , 50c ; 1 00 3 00 5 o 6 00 12 50 13 00 14 00 15 00 From $ 8 00 to . . . From $10 00 to . . . From $18 00 to . . . From 20 00 to . . , From 22 00 to . . . From $25 00 to . . . THEN VISIT OUR DRAPERY DEPARTMENT And see eighty other patterns of Lace Curtains in all grades; also Heavy Curtains for Por tieres and Heavy Hangings at similar reductions. 0. McCLINTOCK & CO., 33 FIFTH AVENUE 33 no5-TTS KEEP WARM. THEEB IS LIFE IN HEAT. We wish to call your attention to our stock of Night Shirts iu Muslin, Twilled Muslin, Cambric, French Balbriggan, Can ton Flannel and Wool. Plain Muslin Night Shirts at 50c, 75c, 1 and $1 SO each. Fancy Trimmed Muslin and Cambric Night Shirts at 76c, $1, 51 25 and 1 50 each. Also fine Embroidered and Trimmed Night Shirts, from 52 to 54 50 each. Fine Cambric-Night Shirts, 51 25. Fine Barred Jaconet Night Shirts, $1 50. Canton Flannel Night Shirts, all sizes, 51 25 each. We also call special attention to our Wool Night Shirts, which are growing in favor very rapidly. We have them in White Angora Flannel, Fancy Striped and Flaid Flannels; also the celebrated DR. JAGEB'S Flannel Night Shirts and Underwear for Men, Women ana Children, for which we are the SOLE AGENTS in this city. Men's Pajamas, in Cheviot and Fancy Flannels very soft and comfortable. We are prepared to furnish anything wanted in Night Clothing for Men, Women and Children. We also call attention to a few of our lines of Men's Underwear. Scarlet Wool Shirts and Drawers at ?1, 51 50, 52 and $3 each. Men's Natural Wool Shirts and Drawers at 51 25, 51 50 and $2 each. Men's Jersey Bibbed Shirts and Drawers, in Tan and Natural Wool, at 52 each. Also our very full line of Enelish-made. Natural Wool, Silk and Wool, Cashmere and Merino Shirts and Drawers, in Light, Medium and Heavy Weights. White Merino and All-wool Shirts and Drawers at 51, $1,50, 52 25 and 53 each. Also our 4 lines ot Scotch Lamb's Wool Shirts and Drawers, oi our own Importation, at from 52 to 53 50 each. HORNE & WARD, 41 FIFTH A KEJfUE. no5-D EHTABLISHED 1870. BLACK GIN FOB THE KIDNEYS Is a relief and ure core for tho Urinary Organs, Gravel and Cnronlo Catarrh oi the iimuuor v The Swlti Stomich Bitieri are a snre cure for Dyspepsia, Lilver Comnlalnt anrl ATArv Tbade Mabk species of indigestion. Wild Cherrv Tome. tho most nonulir tirenar- ation for cure of Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis and Lnnz Troubles. Either of the above. Si per Dottle, or $3 for S5. If your drneglst does not handle these goods write to WM. F. ZOELLER, Bole Mil., ocS-71-TTS Pittsburg, Pa. TEETH, $5, $8, $10. Gold fillings from Jl no. AmalgaJT, 60c; silvrr. 75c: white alloy, H, Gold Crowns a specialty, DB. J. M. McCLABEN, . Cornet SmIUi4l4Bd Fourth avtwMt - Jeas-rrsu fgfMffiHKi XTTJESDAY, ( tfQVE .EH MKW AllVklU'IMttnlriVT.. &D B. If we could not offer you, any ad vantages we could not expect you to give us any preference on your purchaser. We propose to demonstrate that we can and do. Quality and prices on a few items that illustrate-in a practical way the advantages of trading here : 40-inch SILK WARP CASH MERES at 75c, choice shades; value, $1. 50-inch ENGLISH SUITINGS at $1 15 and $1 20. 40-inch BLACK SILK TOSCA NETS at $2. Lace department lor these. 5? Departments vantages. offer similar ad- BOGGS & BUHL, 115,117,119.121 Federal st,Allegheny. Cloak Rooms crowded with goods and buyers daily. Tbe styles and prices must be tbe reason. " no5-D CLOAKS! Purchasers of the above will find it greatly to their advantage to Inspect our line of MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S CLOAKS! We are not only Bhowtni; a superior line of garments, f rices from $12 to $25, Bat alsosomeWONDERFDL VALUES. Age 4 to 12 years, from $4 -bo $8- We are now showing tbe Newest Styles in KILT SUITS and OVERCOATS, both in our own and Eastern manufacture. HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR This department is VERY ATTRACTIVE. Prices Positively the Lowest. Latest Novelties In Ladies' Jewelry, Collars and Cuffs, Dress Trimmings, Handkerchiefs, Etc I G, CAMPBELL & SOUS, 710 Penn avenue, 710. PENN BUILDING. Open until 9 ?. M. Saturdays. oc29-TUJ'Su URATEFUL-COMyORTlNU. EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. By a thorough knowledee ot the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nntrition,and and by a caret ol application of the fine properties of well-selected Cocoa, Mr. ppa has pro tided onr breakfast tables with a deli cately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use oi sucn articles oi met mat a constitution may be gradually built up untU strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal sbaft by keeping our selves well fortified with pure blood and a prop erly nourished frame." Cwt Service QazttU, Made simply with boiling: water or milk. Bold only in half ponnd tins by Grocers, labeled thus: Jas.Epps &Co. .2$ogsiH: no3hSOrns JAS. MOTEL & BRO., BOILERS PLATE AND SHEET-IRON WORK. PATENT SHEET IRON ANNEALING m . BOXES. With an increased capacity and hydraulic machinery we are prepared to furnish aU work in our line cheaper and better than by the old methods. Repairing and general machine work. Twenty-ninth street and Allegheny Val ley Railroad. ieo-55-iT3 DRUNKENNESS OrtheLlqbor Habit Poiiiiveli by Administering Dr. Ha Golden Specif e. Cured es It can be given in a cap of coffee or tea without the knowledge of tbe perton taking It: Is abto- Intel it uarmiess. ana wui enecc a permanent and ay care, whether tbe patient 19 a moderate spec drin Drunkards bare been made temperate men who bare taken Golden Specific in their coffee without their knowledge and to-day believe thev quit drinking from their own free will. IT KEVER FAILS. The system once Impregnated with the Specific, It becomes an utter Impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist. For saleby A.J. Rankin. oijkm auu jrcun &ve.. jriiisDurg: ju xioiaen & uo. W . federal St., Alleehenv. Meo. A. Kelly & Co.. 2 iltsbt inhu.. annnlln 1. 'trade sunDlled bT Ittsbure. l'a. Qel7-S$-TTB SNAP NO. 6. "We announce tho arrival of an entire new line oi English Double-Barrel Breech Loaders they are the best lot of the season consisting of Guns made by C. G. Bonehill, "W. & C. Scott, Greener, Eichards, Loomis and other manufacturers of equal note, which ire are able to sell at lower prices than ever before offered. Also on hand L. O. Smith, Parker Bros., Baker & Colt Guns, at lowest prices. Give us a call and satisfy yourself. DEC. no3-TTBSn SIMm?, 934 fillTinM W. L. DougUs name and tne once are stamped on the bottom of x rVJ I IVJlY Shoes advertised by him before leaving his factory; this protects the wearers against high prices and Inferior goods. Take none unless so stamped, nor be deceived by others claimed to be as good, on which dealers make more profit, bnt send direct to factory, and receive bv return mail what you want State kind, bntton, congress or lace, wide or narrow toe, size and width usually worn, and inclose price with order. Prompt delivery and satisfac tion guaranteed. Address, W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mats. 2 25 2 00 J2 00 AU made in Congress, Bntton and Lace: W. L. DOUGLAS $3 AND $2 SHOES -,', Both Ladies' Shoes are made in sizes from 1 to 7, inclndlnfhalf elus, and B, C, D, E and EE STYLES OF LADIES' SHOES. "The French Opera." "The Spanish Areh Opera," "The American, Common-Sense," "The Medium Common-Some." All made in Button in the Latest Style.., Alto, French Opera in 'Front Lace, on S3 Shoo only. SPECIAL J '. L. DOUULASS 03AIN SHOC (laced) for id strictly waterproofLis Jutt out. W. l ' TTTVFt. HAT.T1 T-V H.J.4Q.E Lang. Fortv.flf th and Butler IOartet 73 Fifth avenue. E. a Sperber. U98 Carson street. la AUtgWX CK7a bf JaeafT SeW. 1W Federal street, And a a.HoUaia, 72 Sebema atrnv - - - eit.TMv 6' 1889L. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TO-MORROW Grand Double Opening. MILLINERY AND CLOAKS. Finest Display of the,Season Don't miss seeing our Fur-:- Department. Beplete with all that isseasonable and, stylish in Muffs, Stoles, Boas and Capes. -- Fleishman k Co.,' PITTSBURG, PA. N. B. Dolls given away to all purchasers in our Infant LONGER. Department ior ONE WEEK S05-D OUR GREAT 49c Dress Goods Sale -BEGINS To-Day (Monday Morning) Goods Worth 75c, 85c and $1 for 49c Per Yard. CLOAK DEPARTMENT We are selling a better and finer grade of Ladies Cloaks and Wraps at less money than any 'other house in the city, for instance our Seal Plush Jackets at J8 57-JU 49. Seal Plash Sacques at 815 98 $20 (XX Seal Plush Wraps at S9 E0-S15 00. Every one sold with a full guarantee to give perfect satisfaction. Our Hue of Cloth Gar ments are worth your while to see, whether you purchase or not MiriiiizsriE K"5T. Our Untrimmed Millinery Stock is celebrated for the newest of shapes, the richest of colors, the best of quali ties and the most moderate of prices. In feathers we show Black Ostrich Tips. Black Ostrich Plumes. Colored Ostrich Tips. Colored Ostrich Plumes. Birds of Paradise. Aigrettes of every Color. Pompons, all Shades. Black Birds and Humming Birds. Parrots and Wings. In Trimmed Millinery we show the latest and mbst novel ideas in Hats, Bonnets and Turbans an innumer able variety of styles, and all at our famous low prices. (Millinery Parlors second floor.) k Sixth St. and Penn Ave. col Liberty St, Cor. Smithfleld. W. L DOUGLAS PO SHOE GENTLEMEN. Our claims for this iboeor til other S3 shots advertised are: It contains better material. It is mora ityliih, better fitting and durable. It gives better general satisfaction. Itsavesmore money for tbe consumer. Itt great success is due to merit. It cannot be duplicated by any other manufac turer. It is the best In the world, snd haa a larger de mand than any other S3 shoe advertised, K nnnwlll be paid to any person who will JUUU prove theabove statements to be untrue. Tbe following line of shoes will be found to be of tbe same high standard of excellence. SS 00 GENUINE HAND-SEWED SHOE.' 4 00 HAND.SEWED WELT SHOE. 3 SO POLICE AND FARMERS SHOE. 12 5(1 FXTBA VALUE CALF SHOE. WORKINGMAN'S SHOE. GOOD-WEAR SHOE. and II 75 BOYS' SCHOOL 8HOE8. Gentlemen, with heavvtao sole l DOUGLAS, BroektonMast. streata. J N. Freferinar. 810 Fifth immul D. "W? $r NEW ADVERTISEXETTTS. EVERYBODY should read should ba in, everybody's home poor, younff and old, Democrats and Republicans should allgetj one. oent .civcr every mosui and address and we'll man itt THE OLD, .Our liberal methods, reliable .moth store with bargain hunters, and fashion seekers, and drive -'.- valL competitors to the walL yCIotmng in Pittsburg; .usually nave tbeir domes made to order to come in ana seorc the remarkably .themselves the .bill of rare .early visit J15, and ?i8. I I Q If V " O f W OfV Vi 300 TO 400 MARKET STREET. OUR PRICES TOUCH TENDER SPOISt N. In economical mothers purses. Children's Uothing such, as- you never saw before, and the beaag tiful feature regarding it is that there's Clothing at pricesltoj Vsuit every boay's poctet. every boy in town, lowest in the city. it There's very city that we V rr ioimng Margest, made. 2 ?2 A IIA If 19C coats, 3 50, $4, $5, $6, $8 and 10. 4WlV Wm 300 TO 400 MARKET STREET, , No Department Has given greater evidence ox Hat Store. We Have revoluBemzed the hat bade of the? a Never retailing a hat for suLueuines scuiog uais Xbuy same quaUtTji or out big lots at Xcomes we buy ttem low and sell them low. Our cm We have as xshow, but so GUSKY'S, come 300 TO 400 MARKETSTREET. MODELS OF . A as a CiiftA rt!t? k'tilliohinrf TlanhMAnfM ttz jill. tjuuc ana a. iu&uauu vwu.s j-mykx iuiuiu Nsize tney are mr long oaas Vcapacity for hundreds VeverythinE' belonging . . - - . . - . mg uooas cosiness. play or Jtootwear desirable make lar sizes, but too, the elsewhere any pity fM Olf A3C member A J t f i 9m Xevery and 300 TO 4U0 MAIML. &IKLtl. LET YOUR CHILDREN call Drawing Books which we are giving Dresent but a mighty useful and entertainingonc 13 Orders by MaH Promptly Attended toll 1 3 3G USK Y'Sa 300 T0.400 -MVsm our "Illustrated Monthly." I! and everybody's mouth. Richandl 10 any auuress. aena us your nana 3 tree of cnarge, regularly. 'vS &a goods, fairest prices, fill our mam- "" .... m ."Vi.1 We show the grandest stock of Jbiaejj and we urgently invite, gentlemen who elegantgoods we re displaying see fort rich, materials, the- faultless shapes audi .the skilled workmanship. We offer a particularly gooc this week, and we would suggest at Elegant Overcoats at xo, $12 and most beautiful Suits at ?i2, f 15 audi We have 50 styles of Overcoats andl mts at f 20 very little more than half merchant tailor's charge. Be suretyo visit us for cither Suit or OvercoaW v a m ..... .... r-d auu ncuaivcjfuu uiuucj. n- We've got a stock of Boysanql Weve got enough to clothe aim and as for prices, they're certainly, How do we know this? We do know! little about the clothins trade of don't know. Our present display bfl ior ooys, Dig7 ana iiiue, is inennesrA choicest and most perfect that can baj i i t. . . -2 JPnces: Small Boys' Overcoats, $1 50J 5 PS, P4 and $5. Big Boys' Over same prices. Mothers, you should visit thir popular department of ours,fo: Eoysjl it's a safe place to buy your Clothing. X of Our Businej the approval of the people thanTosu more than the wholesale priceA: jur iew (uau any uaucx m ion we are constantly on the alert to cIom closer price?,, and as the. opportuai tom is not confined to the cheap and medium gr, fine hats, as any fashionable hatterlcui we don't charge an extra. for the privilege (?) of hai fashionable maker's name the? m ana we wiu snow fyo' 1 mac we can save von moa il 4 . .. gtVe you as good quality as anybody can. THEIR KIND4 tne largest in tne city, attoraiajil of customers at once. We bare to both the Shoe and Furakk . . .. . '.i we nave, tne grandest lais m tne country, snowiag eyerjrj and grade, not alone in rega also in all widths, and thean prices are not only lower taut ia. Pittsburg, but lower thkayjSI in the United States, Jti3 this: Every shape and corafortjl grace and beauty, every excelleactl finish that can be put into Footwear,! in. oe louno. at our popular m Xbtore. , M ,H J at our Store for, one of the beaatiiSfl away. It's sot only- aa "clef a MARKET 4&