M fl THEv PITTSBURG-. DISPATCH, TUESDAY t HG"yE&BER 6.- 1889. ?K Ps MILLIONS INVOLVED. , A Barlied "Wire and Nail Trnst An Assured Fact. f. OPTIONS ON LOCAL MILLS And'the Eighth Floor of (he Lewis Block for Offices. tKNOWH AS THEFEDERAL STEEL CO. tA Gigantic Combination of Western Wire Manufacturers. WABHBUM & HOUN ABE EXCLUDED William J. Lewis, proprietor of lhe (Lewis block, yesterday care an option to the Federal Steel Company for the whole eighth floor of his building, corner Smith field street and Sixth avenue. The Federal Steel Company is the new Barb Wire Trust which was organized in this eity over two -weeks ago. The fact that they asked for an option on the rooms indicates that they will aiakelhis city the general headquarters of the combination, and will locate their office here. The work on the organization of the syndicate is still progressing, and a meeting will nrobably be held within the next two veeks. A coherence was held in Chicago last week, and a number of details about the organization of the conmany completed. On Saturday, October 19, The Dispatch exclusively published an acconut of a three days' meeting of a number of barb wire and wire nail manufacturers from all over ihe country in this city. It was known at the time that a company was to be formed 'to purchase the large plants in the United .States and run tbem under one manage fen est. KEPT THE SCHEME QUIET. At the solicitation of those engaged in the formation of the company nothing was said about the gigantic combination. The scheme was written up as a kind of an agreement to advance the price nf finished product so as to enable the manufacturers to toate a small margin of profit. No perma nent organization was formed at the time. It was given out by those who were interested in the matter ihat the publication would interfere 'with the completion of the organization, and for -that reason it was not described as a combi nation. Since then the syndicate has so far progressed that the details can be given out The Oliver & Eoberts Wire Company, of this city, Carnegie, Phipps & Co., ot Beaver rails, the Gantier Steel Department at Johnstown and the Braddock Wire Com pany at Braddock are now engaged in taking stock in their plants preparatory to selling out to the new combination. The latter will be known as the Federal Steel Company and will be a chartered corpora lion. A If EW JEESET CHABTEB. It is proposed to have it chartered either binder the lawstif New Jersey or Illinois, hut this point has not yet been settled. Some of those forming the company say the laws of Illinois will give them greater ad Vantages than any other State, while others hold a New Jersey charter would be the hest. la conversation with George T. Oliver yesterday the gentleman stated that they had pnt a price upon their plant and wonid turn it over to the new company. The plan of the latter is to pay either in cash or stock for every large wire mill in the coun try they wish to control. The Pittsburg concern will go in and take stock in the company. Some of the stockholders who do not favor the combination will be paid cash for what they now own in the companies. As soon as permanent officers are elected the 'company will open offices in this city, and the clerical forces in the other offices will be dispensed with. This matter of economy was the chief cause of the lorma tion of the combination. It is very prob able that John W. Gates, of St. Louis, Vice President of the Braddock Wire Company, "will be the president. THE TLAUS IX DETAIL. In speaking of the matter yesterday, Mr. George Oliver was loath to give the real na ture of the combination. When asked if it was not true that he and others in this jTicmity were taking stock to sell out to tthe Federal Steel Company, he said: f "Yes, it is true that there is a scheme on foot to buy up all the large wire plants in tthe country tor the purpose of combining the bnsiness and thjs reduce expenses. We have gone so far as to place a valuation on our mills and will be paid in cash, or we lean take stock in the general concern. The new company for which there will be a 'charter issued in a few days will buy out right any large concern in the United States wich may be thought advisable to purchase. It is not intended to have all the wire manufacturers in the company, and for that reason a number of the small concerns will he left out. There is sufficient capital (behind the scheme to buy up all the mills in ihe country if necessary. There will be no effort made to squeeze anybody out of the business. NOT FORCIXG ANYBODY. ''Those who do not wish to come in can go Along doing business as usual, and we will Sot meddle with them. It is not our inten tion to build up a monopoly, but find that it is to the best interest of the bnsiness to go into the combination. When the subject was first broached to our company we re fused to go in. We were afterward con vinced that it wonld pay us to do so and are now ready to sell out. We were averse to jroing into any pool. The others showed that it was to our advantage, and as it is a straight business transaction we are going in. I do sot know anything about the other plants about here, but think they will also join." "Will Washburn & Moen, the large con cern Iiat fought everybody about infringing their, patent, be in the new company?" was asked. "2Jo. Tbey were not asked to come in. It was the intention to confine the combina tion to Western companies. The concern you mention is in Massachusetts. No, it is not yet settled what the capital stock will he, but it will run into millions. A confer ence was held in Chicago last week, but this was not determined. HEADQTTABTEBS HEBE. "I do not know whether the headquarters of the company will be here or not, and do not care to speculate on the matter. It is a little premature to sayjthat they will be in this citv, hut I think it would be advantageous to locate their officers here. Since the first meeting was held prices have stiffened con siderably, but the advance in the price of billets was the main cause." From another source it was learned that there was considerable opposition to the new company, and there is a strong probability that the manufacturers will also form a combination to compete with the large mill owners. It was stated that Washburn & Moen would go in with the others and try to break the Federal company. The small producers of wire and nails who were not taken in the large combination expect that they will be forced to sell their plants to the big concern. It is also understood that the latter have offered them what they con eider a low price for their works. This has been refused and the owners think that sooner or later they will have to accept them. To offset the effect of the Federal combination the small manu facturers bave.taken the initial steps to form a combined company of their own. tIi.t have pone so far as to make an offer to i' two large Bessemer manufacturers for the latter to Dnua a pianu iacj wiroi u the product of the mills to be used to make irire for some years. ALABMINQ THE TAKMEBS. They Jailed in this and now express an 'Intention and their ability to wort up such a granger sentiment throughout the country as will secure a reduction in the tariff on wire rods at the next session of Congress, and thus defeat the aims of the syndicate to monopolize the barb wire business of the country. They cite the results of their efforts in 1883, when they had the duty on wire rods reduced by "working" the Western farmers. Such a large reduction was then made that they claim they can do it again. The latter information was obtained from a Western jobber who was in the city yester day. He said if the new Federal svndicate went through there would be a big tariff fight in the West. The farmers will be made to believe that the syndicate will force the price of "wire up, and they would have to pay it or do without this kind of fencing. The builders who use wire nails wonld also also be asked to work against it The job ber stated that if the tariff agitation was started, the Republican representatives from the West could not stop it. There is in the neighborhood of 200,000 tons of barbed wire manufactured annually. It is worth about $75 pe? ton. EBUPFS AGENT AGAIN. Is He Authorized to Establish a Big New Gun Flanf , or Not f The following telegram, clipped from the Milwaukee Evening TFJscormn, is interest ing only as showing what different founda tions there might easily be for the rumors of a week ago, that Krupp was negotiating for an extensive site for manufacturing pur poses near Pittsburg. The agent of Krupp is here quoted as saying he has "very strong inducements from Pittsburg." The telegram is dated Meuasha. Wis., November 1, and says: UerrKoenigJohan, who represents that he is an agent of Krupp, tbe gunmaker of Essen, Germany, is a gnest of M. JI. Schoetz, and will remain in this citv for several days. His visit ostensibly ix to examine localities with a view of constructing and maintaining a plant in this coun-ry forthe manufacture ot modern guns. He says: "We can see money by locating either at Pennsylvania, where iron and coal are cheap, or in the West where the same inducements are afforded, particularly Wisconsin or Michigan. It is too early to yet determine what will be the ultimate action. I have received very strong inducements from Pittsburg, Pa., but my im pressions are that Pittsburg is too far East. I admire yonr elegant water power, your railway facilities and the intelligence of your com mnnity. I cannot see why the advantages offered here are not as good as any which can be had in the East." 0DT OF THE ASHES. The Wcstlnghonie Compnny' New Build ing: Will Cost 3100,000. The work of rebuilding the Westinghouse Electric Works, on Garrison alley, which was destroyed by fire some time ago, is rapidly progressing. A large force of workmen is employed on the building, and the contract stipulates its completion within 60 days. Tbe work on the building is to be much stronger than it was formerly. The old wooden beams are being replaced with iron girders, and thus the structure is to be made fireproof as nearly as possible. The com pany intends to put an additional story on the building, which will be fitted up with entirely new and additional machinery. affording tbe company the opportunity of increasing the capacity and giving a large number of new employes work. The cost of the, improvements is estimated at about $100,000. PEAES0X STILL AT IT. Another Raid on an Allrgrd Gambling: Home In Allegheny. Chief of Police Kirschler and Officer Thornton raided an alleged gambling room on Ohio street, near Madison avenue, Alle gheny, last night about 1Q:30 o'clock. Only lour men were captured, the balance, among whom was the proprietor, a man named Coppers, escaping. The tables, cards and chips Were also brought to the station house. The arrested men. who gave their names as Gordon Lewis, Andrew Hall, Albert Leon ard and C. A Wilson, will be given a hear ing this mornibg. SCALDED IN THE BATH. A SIx-Montb-01d Child of Attorney J. B. DfT Badly Burned. Yesterday afternoon the little 6-months-old son of J. B. Duff, Esq., who resides on Barkbeimer street, Sonthside, was painfully scalded. A small bath tub filled with hot water, ia which the child was about to be bathed, was sitting on a footstool. The lit tle fellow in some way managed to get hold of the tub, upsetting it and spilling the con tents all over himself. The child was very badly scalded about the face and body. THE PAX-AMERICAN KECEPTION. Holders of Tickets to Obtain Badges at the Ladle' Entrance. W. E. Schmertz, Chairman of the Com mittee of Arrangements for the Pan-American reception at the Monongahela House to morrow evening, stated yesterday that hold ers of tickets to the reception must present them at the ladies' entrance on Smithfield street, where they will be given badges. THE COSTS OX MARTIN. Alderman McNully Reversed on the Son dnv Working Case. The Wishart Detective Bureau scored another triumph yesterday on an appeal from a conviction for Sunday labor, in Alderman McNulty's court. Detectives Hester and Young were fined for working on Sunday. The decision yesterday puts the costs on John F. Martin. HITHER AiTO THITHER. Movements of Plttabnrccr nnd Others of Wide Acquaintance. District Passenger Agent E. D. Smith, of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, returned yesterday from his trip .to California. The heavy summer excursion business prevented him from getting away sooner. He visited the principal cities of the plains, stopped a few dan in San Francisco, gazed on the wonders of the Yosemite Vallev, and whiffed the perfume of sweet flowers in libs Angeles and San Diego. He was very mnch pleased with the country, but says it doesn't half come up to Pittsburg as a place of residence Councilman O. A. Waggoner, of the Bixteentb ward, was presented yesterday with a very handsome gold-mounted cane. Mr. Charles Stewart, of the Sixteenth ward School Boird. who has just returned from Ireland, brought the cane with him. It has quite a his tory and many quaint legends are connected with it. Tho wood is nearly petrified, and is said to be 200 years old. Miss Frances Clare Cusack, the "Nun of Kenmare," was expected to arrive at the Home Hotel yesterday. She mlsed a train from Buffalo and wired that she would not ar rive until this morning. At least a score of people called at the hotel yesterday to see her. W. H. Vanderbilt and President Newell, with a number of other officials of the Pitts burg and Lake Erie Bailway, went over the road yesterday on an inspection tour. When ths special came last night it gave the South side station the go-by. F. E. Seward, editor of the Coal Trade Journal, hasoeen appointed by the Committee on Permanent Organization of thelnternational Exposition a member of that body, as a coal trade representative. John M. Tiernan, the attorney, who has been the victim of a serious illness for some six weeks, appeared among his friends yesterday and has returned to his old home at the Monon gahela House. Mr. N. A. Gilbert and wife were at the Monongahela House yesterday. Mr. Gilbert was formerly President of the Cleveland Coun cil, and is a prominent business man of that city. Captain Thomas Pagan, who went to Chicago the first week in May on a visit, re turned home last night to rote, and to get clear ot threatened blizzards. . Dr. J. D. Mitchell, of' Philadelphia, is at theJMonongahela Home. B. F. Jones arrived in the city last night from the East, THE SCHENEEI PARK. t Prices of Adjacent Oakland Property Increased 250 Per.Cent. MR. CARNAHAK'S HASTI FLIGHT. Tbe Taxes Must ba Raised One Mill to Pay for the Property; CHIEF BIGELOW'S INDIVIDUAL TBU8T The Schenley Park, as announced in the Sunday Dispatch, is nowan assured fact. Mrs. Schenley last Saturday signed a deed of gift of 300 acres of her property to the city for park purposes, and coupled with it an offer to sell another 100 acres at $1,250 per acre. This property is to-day regarded as worth nearly $6,000 per acre. Controller Morrow and Chief Bigelow agree in saying that the prices of property in the locality of the proposed park have increased 250 per cent since the announcement of the gilt has been made. The gill and sale of the property leaves Mrs. Schenley without a lot in the Twentjr second ward, where the park is principally located. Her offer at the price stated has been outbid several times by individuals. The whole tract will cover 415 acres, and the condition under which she offers the ground to the city at $1,250 do not include competition from any other buyer. Controller Morrow said yesterday after noon: "I'd like to see you purchase any property in the Twenty-second ward just now. You might have had it last week, but to-day it takes capital to get the ground." Chief Bigelow, of the Department of Public Works, was naturally jubilant over the snecess of his pet scheme. He said: "This has been the dream of my life and is at last a reality. The park will be estab lished, ana there is not the slightest doubt that tbe necessary appropriations will be made. The park will be within easy access of the city by the cable cars, and its natural advantages I have already spoken of. The main entrance will be nearly opposite tbe Bcllefield church, aud 120 feet wide. I am decidedly now a woman's rights man, as tbe first move made for the beautifying of the city is made by a woman." TAXES MUST BE EAISED. The purchase money must be raised by direct taxation, a mill "added to the regular taxes being sufficient, in the opinion of Chief Bigelow and Controller Morrow, to raise the necessary amount. The money can be paid either in mstallments'or iu cash, as the eity chooses. Both the above mentioned officials think it would be much better to pay spot cash. The first work that can be done toward improving the park will be, after the city has closed np the agreement, the employ ment of surveyors to get an accurate knowl edgeof the topography of the land so that plans for laying it oat, constructing paths, roadways and other improvements can be formulated. Until this is done it will be impossible to sav what plans will be carried our, or how much money will be required to improve the park. Mr. Bigelow was asked if it was not prob able that some public spirited citizens might not take sufficient pride in the city and her new park to contribute something toward its improvement. Some iron manu facturer, iFwas suggested, might offer to pnt up a neat iron feuce about the park. He thought not, nnd referred to his former opinion that the ladies took the lead in Pittsbnrg progress. SAT THESE WAS SO JOB. Mr. Bigelow said that Mrs. Schenley had received over CO letters from Pittsburg people advising her and urging her not to give the property to the city. Among the numerous reasons offered for their oppo sition, some of these people wrote Mrs. Schenley that the city officials, intimating Mr. Bigelow particularly, had property near to the proposed park, which they were trying to realize on at her expense. That was why they took snch a deep interest in the scheme. Mr. Bigelow said" that, as far as that statement was concerned, he does not own a foot of ground anywhere near enough to the park to be influenced by its location, nor did be know of any other city official who did. The property around the park had increased in value, however, fully 250 per cent since the time the Schenley Park matter was first agitated. He knew of one tract of 20 acres in that neighborhood that had gone begging before that for $20,000, but for which the owner declined 565,000 a few days ago. Mr Bigelow said further that property in the city everywhere was advancing rapidly in value, to prove which and to show how easy it would be for him to clear a nice big snm himself, he said he had purchased lor the city last summer a few acres of land for which he paid 530,000. There was no money in the Citv Treasury to buy this land, so he pnt it up himself until the city is ready to supply it. Since making the purchase he has refused offers of $120,000 tor that same land, and could have taken it too without any breach of honesty, but there would have been a howl about jobs if he had. The property is still where the city can have it when she pays what it was bought Tor. ANOTHER MAN IHWAKTED. Mr. Bigelow, who mar be regarded aa the father of the park projects in Pittsburg, was so deeply interested in the perfection of tbe scheme that when he learned another person, representing interested parties in Pittsbnrg, had started for Europe to dis suade Mrs. Schenley from her generous in tentions he at once notified Mr. Carnahan. This was at midnight, and Mr. Carnahan caught the 3 A. M. train for the East, get ting the Etruria, the same vessel which the opposition's representative sailed upon. It was a rather remarkable fact that Mr. Bigelow received on the next morning a cablegram from Mrs. Schenley telling v him to hold all negotiations off for tbe present. To this he replied at a cost of $5 75, saying he had no chance to make any arrangements as Mr. Carnahan was then on the ocean. The prompt action of the Chief of the De partment of Public Works is regarded as all that saved the park for Pittsburg against he work of people wh j aiwagood chance to invest a little money and tried to make use of it. Mr. Carnahan returned from Europe last Saturday evening and he feels as good over the successful outcome of his visit as Chief Bigelow does. THEI TORE BIS WB1STS. An OQcer Reprimanded for Too Tightly nandcnfllag a Prisoner. Last night Constable Altmyer, of Lower St. Clair Township, appeared attheXwenty eighth ward lockup, having in charge a prisoner whose hands he had so tightly handcuffed in front of him that the skin had been torn from his wrists. The constable stated the man had been arrested for dis orderly conduct and he wanted him locked up. Inspector McKelvv, who was at the lockup, was so incensed at the manner in which the prisoner had been handcuffed that he ordered the constable out ot the sta tion and informed him if he did not go he would lock up both of them. Constable Altmyer thereupon departed with his pris oner, vowing that heTvould release him and hold the Inspector responsible. TU0 MUCH GAS FOB MM. Fred Eaw Badly Burned by a Natural Gas Explosion. i Fred Baw, an employe in Beynold's fac tory on Smallman street, was seriously burned yesterday afternoon. Baw went to turn on the natural gas in tbe furnacr. When he applied the light a quantify of gas which had accumulated exploded. He was badly burned about the face and body, and was removed to the West Penn Hospital. His condition is-serious. He is 47 years of age, and lives in the Sixteenth ward. Fob a disordered liver trySeecbam's Pills.1' Peaks' Soap the purest and best ever made A BIG BOILEB COKCEBN Will Succeed the Old Dlnnnraetorlng Firm ofD. W. C. Carroll 8s Co. An old established boiler and tank manu facturing firm has been reconstruct under a new title and with tbe infnsion of new blood. Captain J. W. Porter is associated with other large capitalists in the erection on Penn avenue and Second street of a large and well-equipped boiler and tank factory. The works are being built for the Carroll-Porter Boiler and Tank Company. The officers are J. W.Porter, President; J. E. Porter.Secretary and Treasurerjand D.W.C. Carroll General Superintendent The works willover about an acre of ground, the main building being 210 feet long and 81 broad and constructed of iron and wood. Auother building will be 40x200 feet. In every respect tbe works are being built to suit their special purposes, a notable feature being the tower, 70 ieet high intended to house the large steam riveter which will be nearly double the size ot any now in use. The latest and best machinery will be set up, including bending rolls of the unusual length of 21 feet. It Is intended to manu facture steam boilers, bridges, oil tank cars, oil and water tanks, iron griders, iron and steel rivets and all kinds of sheet iron works. It will take some little time to get all the machinery in place.bnt the riveters, 'rolls, shears, cranes, etc., will be in oper ation by the beginning of the year 1890. The new company succeeds D. W. C. Carroll & Co. Captain Porter, the Presi dent, has been engaged in the iron business for a number of years. Mr. Carroll has had much experience in the special linesof man ufacturing which the new concern will un dertake. The company will employ 200 men to start with. THE TELLTALE PHOTOGRAPH. A LawrcnceTllle Woman Thinks Her Hus band Has Eloped. Yesterday afternoon a woman, who gave her name as Mrs. Annie Dunmeyer, of Law renceville, called upon Agent Dean, of the Humane Society, and related to him that her husband had run away from her with another woman. The story of the elopement is as follows: About three weeks ago Jo seph Dunmeyer, who had been in this coun try about three years, told his wife that he bad lost his position with a certain baker for whom he had been -working. He said he desired to go to Dixmont to seek work. Before he left the fatal photograph was discovered She drew from his coat pocket, while he was sleeping, the photograph of a pretty woman. When he awoke she upbraided him for his stray love, and he denied the charge. He demanded the picture, which his wife refused to furnish. According to the story told to Agent Dean by Mrs. Dunmeyer, her hnsband thereupon assaulted her and forcibly tore the photo graph from her. Last Tuesday Mr. Dun meyer told his wife that he was going to Dixmont to look for work. She has not heard from him since, and is living upon the charity of the neighbors. She believes that he has gone to Bochester, where the picture which she found was taken, and has eloped with a Bochester woman. Mr. Dean is totally at a lots what action to take. The deserted wife, who has applied to him, is left absolutely destitute. She has two children, one 21 and the other 2 months old. Mrs. Dunmeyer has been in the United States only about 12 mouths, and cannot talk a word of English. THE WRONG J0HS8T0N. Samuel A. Besieged by People Who Wanted Money for Totes. S. A. Johnston, Esq., the Diamond street attorney, is a large man. He wears side whiskers and mustache, and resembles B. H. Johnston, Esq., candidate for District Attorney, though they ?o not otherwise look more alike than two large men ordi narily dc Evidently somebody had considerable enjoyment yesterday at the expense of the first-named. Every few minutes from morn until even a patriot would call in and ask for funds. Some wanted money for one pur pose and anothers for another, bnt all were able to assure Mr. Johnston that the expen diture would conduce to mace his calling and election sure. As ibis particular Johnston wasn't running for tbe office the freqnent interruption wasn't always pleas ant. He bore it tolerably well, especially when he notic-d how much pleasure ex County Commissioner Beckert was deriving from reminiscences of the days when he was expected to bny tickets for everything irom a churcn lestivat to a prize-ugnt. AN ALLEGHENY GIEL MISSING. Strayed Away From Her Homo and Has Not Been Henrd of Since. Inquiry is being made in Allegheny for an 18-year-old girl named Lavinia Boyd, who has been missing since Friday; October 25. The girl's home is not known, but for several months she lived as a domestic at the house of William Greenawalt ,at 14 North Canal street, Allegheny. About a week before her disappearance she went to Father Mollinger, of Troy Hill, for relief from a sickness she then endured. She left ostensibly to return to Mr. Greenawalt's on Friday, tbe 25th, but she has not been heard of since. The girl is affected in a peculiar manner, being at times overcome by faint? ing spells, which leaves her speechless for hours at a time, though not unconscious. ' TUB BITER KIS1NG. A Number of Coal Bom Sent Ont Yesterday and Last Night. The river rose very rapidly yesterday, and at noon showed over nine ieet of water in the harbor. The coal men were very busy yester day afternoon. W. H. Brown Sons sent down three large tows, O'Neill & Co., John A. Wood & Son, and Joseph Walton & Co. two each. So sudden a rise has seldom been known in the river history. The steamer Time left Cincinnati Sunday evening with 21 empty boats, and will arrive here about Saturday. MISS WOLFE SUSTAINED. There U No High School Class at tbe Spring, field This Year. Miss Wolfe, the teacher in the Springfield school, has been sustained by the directors. They have made a thorough investigation and found that there is no material in the school this year for a high school class. The residents of the ward are principally working people. When their children reach the age of 14 or 15 years they are, as a rule, withdrawn from school and com pelled to work. Tired Eyes. We often hear people speak of their eyes getting tired, as though the retina or nerve that takes the picture does the Seeing was fatigued. Such is not the case. The retina seldom tires. The power of seeing clearly at different distances is called accommoda tion. This is effected by the action of the cilliary muscle upon the lens which it sur rounds. When tbe sight is fixed at a dis tance, say 20 feet, it is nt rest; when we look at objects say one foot the muscle has grasped the lens around its edge, nnd by this pressure made it thicker, so as to con verge the rays of light on the retina, which would without this action have fallen be behind the retina. The more necessity there is for this accom modating effort, cither irom naturally far, or mixed sight, or by increased age, which hardens the lens, or contiuuous use over work, or feeble health the harder the muscle has to work to keep the sight satis factory, and hence the "tired eyes." Glasses are the only remedy, the proper adjustment of which is a science, and those who value their eyes at their real .worth, appreciate the services of those who' have mastered the subject as has Dr. Sadler, 804 Penn avenue. Sate Monet Buy blankets, comforts, etc., nt Busy Bee Hive, Sixth and Liberty. BIG SATM6 Iff FUEL Successful Experiment Tried in tbe Macbeth Glass-Honse. MIXIflG Alfi WITH KAT0EAL GAS. A Kew Field for the Supply of Ore Under Consideration. MAKING POSSIBLE A CUT HWEIGHT8. T An experiment was tried in George A. MacBeth's chimney factory on the South side yesterday, which is of very great im portance tp manufacturers who use natural gas. If subsequent trials are as satisfactory, something is promised in the way of saving gas, which will put the meter system in the sbadeand save shut-downs in mills and factories when the pressure is low. The new invention is very simple. It consists of nothing more than the combina tion of air with the gas as it issues from the burner, aud bv this combination using a heavy percentage of the oxygen which enters largelj into the constituency of air. The experiment made was with a small, revolv ing fan on the same shaft that runs the other machinery. A pipe from this con nected from beneath with a glory hole and ran up to the center of the burner. Hereto fore it has required the valve wheel on the gas supply pipe to be turned once and a half around to supply enough pres sure for the glory hole, but yesterday when the air waB turned on the wheel only required to be moved one-fourth of an inch. The usual pressure to a glory hole is one ounce, while yesterday the pressure was a very small fraction of this amount. Mr. William Boot, paymaster for the firm, who is the iqventor or discoverer of this new saving process, said that by put ting the air in all the burners the pressure in the factory could be reduced to three ounces where 16 to 20 are now required. To-day further experiments are to be made and the air supplied to other glory holes and furnaces. Before putting the process in practice and fitting up their factory the firm will see the Philadelphia Company and try to obtain a reduction in gas bills according to the amount used. Mr. Boot could not be seen last night, but it is understood that be al ready has a patent on the process which pre vents others from trying it without his. con sent. If it is a success the value of the invention can readily be seen by all manufacturers, as the cost of a fan and the fittings necessary to snpply the air to the burners would be very cheap and easy to put in. The saving in gas, if anywhere near that predicted, would practically settle the question of shortage and inadequate supply. ORE FROM NEW YORK. A Company to Bring: it Here Valuable De poslts on the New York Central It May Displace Lake Superior Ore. The increase in the. iron -business around Pittsbnrg was never better exemplified than in a meeting held yesterday in H. E. Collins' office, Lewis block, of capitalists to consider the best means of getting magnetic ore to the furnaces at the least possible cost. As the railroads, it was said, generally have discriminated against Pittsburg in tbe mat ter of Treights until Andrew Carnegie made bis attack on them, the principal subject of discussion yesterday was to secure some eompetition. This is to be afforded by the company op erating the Benson Iron Ore Mines at Carthage, N. Y. The company claims to have an iron ore vein exposed, 10,000 feet in length and from 5,000 to 6,000 feet in width. It is regarded as the greatest de posit of magnetic iron ore in tbe world. The niost important point, however, in dis cussion was the question of freights, which coming over the Lake Erie, Eoad, would, if the arrangements contemplated could be completed, set the ore down in Pittsbnrg cneaper tnin it could be brought irom Lake Superior, and of fully as good a qual ity. The ore in the Carthage district is of a heavy, red character, very soft and fully as good in the opinion of experts as that from tbe Lake Superior district. The object in forming the Pittsburg company is apparently to save on freights by getting the shipments over the New York Central, Lake Shore and Lake Erie lines, thus form ing a competitive run with the Pennsyl vania system. This is the first time an effort has been made to place New York oro on the Pittsburg market, and will be narrowly watched by the furnace men who have long contracts ahead. NO HURRY TO ADTANCE BATES. The Western Associations to Meet and Decide TJpoo Future Rates. The Pittsburg Window Glass Manufac turers' Association held its usual weekly meeting at the office oi E. C. Schmertz & Co., First avenue, yesterday afternoon. The attendance was small. It was said by a gentleman present that no decision was ar rived at vrith regard to advancing the price of the product on a level with the last rates made by the Cbambers-McKee Company. It was stated that a meeting of the associa tion and the Western Window Glass Manu facturers' Association would he called to assemble in about two weeks' time to con sider the advisability of a further advance. Mr. William Loeffler said that the condi tion of the trade warranted an advance, and thateven with an additional increase, prices would be lower than they were last winter. Mr. Thomas Wightman was of opinion that a further advance would not injure the market, and gave it as his belief that very many manufacturers had sold three months ahead, whereby, as far as their present busi ness was concerned, the advance in rates affected them to a very small extent. THE HOLDERS' TROUBLE OYER. Thirty Founders Hnve Yielded to the Dr. mnnds for Increased Wages. Four other founders yesterday conceded the demand ot their molders for an increase of 10 per cent. They are: Mackintosh, Hemphill & Co., whose men will likely go to work on Wednesday should the damage occasioned by the late explosion be repaired; Sterrit & Thomas, the Pittsbnrg Foundry Company and the McKeesport Machine Company. H. T. Porter & Co., locomotive builders of Lawrenceville, are likely to sign to-day, as are one or two others. The molders who worked in Einzer & Jones' foundry turned in yesterday morning, the firm having signed the scale, but were not permitted to work. One of the firm said that he no longer had use for all of them. He declared his intention of picking his men in the future. Some 28 firms have so far conceded the de mand of their men, and the strike is regard ed as virtually over. Another firm expected to sign to-day is the Pittsburg Manufactur ing Company. The most prominent firms still holding out are Jones &Laughlins and the Oliver Iron and Steel Company. MORE IRON RATES ADTANCE. The Volley Fnrnnce Men Will Also Have to ftnnd Tbctr Share. Tbe Youngstown Freight Committee, com posed of representatives from the railroads running through the Mahoning and Shenan doah valleys, wjll hold a meeting to-day at Cleveland, O., to take action on the late advance in iron rates. Tbe new rates were published in The Dispatch on Saturday last. Down With Scarlet Fever. Members of labor organizations, and miners in particular, will regret to hear that George Harris, ex-President of the Miners' Association, has just burled one of his sons. Fred, aged 5 yean, who succumbed to as attack of scarlet fever. Four other of Mr. Harris' children are suffering from the same disease, and many letters' of condolence and sympathy daily reach him at his home in Beynoldsville. MINERS WANT AN INCREASE. " If Not Granted, tbe Demand Hay Result Is a General Strike. Several miners who were in the city yes terdar reported that .Stone's McKeesport miners had preferred a demand for an addi tional cent on the present rate, or a snm of 3 cents per bushel. The firm was to have given -an answer yesterday, but it had not been heard irom. A similar demand has been made by Joseph Walton Ss Co.'s West Elizabeth miners, whose present rate ia 2J cents. It is thought a general strike may ensue if tbe increase is not granted. MINISTERS 8TILL UNITED. The Evangelical Ministerial Association. Not Yet Disbanded. The Evangelical Ministerial Assoeiatlon met yesterday afternoon in the Y. M. C. A. building, and discussed the advisability of dissolving the association. After prayer the minutes of. the last meeting were read. Dr. Felton read a paper on "Ministerial Visiting:" After comments were made upon the paper, the question of dissolution was taken np. Dr. Felton favored the continuance of tre association, even under some changes, as it would promote brotherly love among the ministers, and be a power in Pittsburg Protestantism. Bev. J. W. Sproull said that if there was no more interest to be dis played in the future than there had been in the past, they had better disband. As the association stood it was a failure. Just here Bev. I. N. Hays and Bev. Dr. Boyle had a short wordy war About whether or not tbe association had ever been an auxil iary of tbe National Evangelical Alliance. Dr. Hays said that it had not, but he was in favor of making it such, and admitting laymen as members. Another minister thought that the asso ciation was dead, and the best thing that could be done was to give it a decent burial. After more talk it was proposed that the local denominational societies give up their morning meetings one Monday in each month, so that the various ministers could attend the meetings of the Evangelical As sociation. A motion was carried that three ministers, members of the association, he appointed from each denomination to see the local societies in regard to the above, and another motion to make the time of meeting the last Monday in each month, except July, August and September, was carried. This is looked upon by the minis ters as a final attempt to save the associa tion. After some fruitless talk as to the ad visability of making tbe association a branch of tbe Evangelical Alliance, the meeting adjourned. ALLEGHENY STREET CARS. Difficulties In the M ay of m Control by a Syndicate. Tbe Allegheny street railway pot is again bnbbling, and tbe air is filled with rumors and counter rumors without number. Mr. J. W. Daliell, President of tbe TJhion Line, when asked if that line was to be sold to the Allegheny Traction Company, said: "Not that I know of, and if it was, I think that I would be aware otthe fact. Ot course, I expect that the road will be, in time, either a cable or an electric line, but which I cannot say. It depends altogether on which system proves the best and cheap est, hut for some time to come horses will furnish our motive power." Another gentleman, who is prominent in stre'et railway circles and who is a stock holder in the various roads, says that the Allegheny Traction Company, as it now ex ists, is not much more than a charter. It was formed for the purpose of gaining con trol of the various Allegheny roads, and making cable roads of them, but it has, as ?et, not accomplished its object, and irnot ikely to, as none of the lines canr be sold without tbe unanimous consent of the stock holders. This consent, he says, will not be given, and if any of the lower Allegheny lines change their motive power, the change will be made under their present manage ment. FAILED ON THE CONTRACT. A Bnllder Who Did Not Keep His Agree meot Jailed Yesterday. J. S. Mock, the contractor brought back from Johnstown last week on the charge of obtaining money on false pretenses, was arraigned before 'Squire Burns yesterday. It is charged that he obtained $200 from a Twelfth ward woman- on contract to erect her a house and failed to fulfill his agree ment. He had a hearing Wednesday before Alderman Warner on a similar charge, the complainant being Bridget Kenney.of Jones avenue above Twenty-eighth street. SMYRNA BUGS AT HALF PRICE. Four Sizes Smallest lo Largest $1 75, 82, 83 SO and 85. During this week we will offer extraordi nary bargains in Smyrna rugs. Tbe $5 rugs are the same the peddlers carry around add sell at $10 to $12. All the rest are sold by the peddlers at a corresponding increase over our price. Edwaed Gboetzinoeb, . tt 627 and 629 Penn avenue, Yes. Wo 1 111 Sell for to-day about 480 handsome over coats for men, in imported Kerseys and heavy Chinchillas. The attractive price is 812. If you cast yonr eyes on them one glance will suffice to show you that they are big bargains, worth a great deal more than 12. Make a point to see 'em to-day. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. If Yon Want Ladle.' Skirts Examine our stock, which includes merino at SI and f 1 25, stockinette at $1 and $1 25, knit wool, 51 25, $2, $2 50, $3 50, white, nat ural, cardinal, natural wool cashmere, $3 25 and $3 75. Hokhe & Ward, 41 Fifth avenue. Ladles' Peasant Clonks, fffedtnm and Heavy Weights, Plain And fancy cloths, with and without vest fronts, all extra value, from $10 to 20. JOS. HOKNE & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Do yon want a piano or organ? Do you want to"save 50 to 75? Do you want to know how this can be done? For full information write to W. L. Thompson & Co., East Liverpool, O. TT3 B.&B. Very choice bargain lot new black silk drapery net, striped and figured at 1, worth 1 50. Bogos & Buhl. Ladles' Swiss Ribbed Wool Drawers, Just received. All sizes in white and natural. Hobne & Ward, 41 Fifth avenue. Don't be misled. 8tick to the old relia ble Wainwright's beer. All dealers keep it 5525 is their telephone number. Tusu Go to Groelzinger's great sale of carpets, carpet remnants and rngs, beginning to-day. 627 and 629 Penn avenue. tt Nothing contributes mora toward a sound digestion than tbe use of Angostura Bitters. What is the best thirst quencher? F. & V.'s Pilsner beer. All dealers. Cabinet photos, 1 per doz. Lies' Pop ular Gillery. 10 and 12 Sixth si. xrsu HAS HE TW WIVES? The Peculiar Case That is Agitating the Gossips of Baltimore. A WIFE'S lETTE&S ONABSWERED. Superintendent Jatveett Says His Servant is a Bigamist. THE WIFE SUBSTANTIATES HER CLAIM. The Tthirty-third ward has been torn up for some time over s case of alleged bigamy, the material portions of which ars thus re lated by Mr. J. W. Fawcett, Superintend ent of the Pitisbnrg Harbor Company's landing, above the Point bridge: Eight years ago, last February, a young man applied to Mr. Fawcett for employment, and securing it, worked for Mr. Fawcett until last Anril with. out any special incident occurring. For a long tine he kept company with a girl in the Thirty-fourth ward, and married her on tbe 20th of last May, Father Mcxigne penorming tne ceremony, ilr. Fawcett was not satisfied with some phases of the man's conduct. His name is Samuel Kelly, and their business connection iceased when he married the girl. Last month Mr. Fawcett got a letter from a woman in Balti more, who said she was Kelly's wife. Some three weeks ago, shortly before the re ceipt ot tne letter irom Baltimore. Kelly called at tbe Fawcett resi dence, and, calling Mrs. Fawcett out. said he must go away. Mr. Fawcett bought him a ticket to Baltimore and since then the girl he married has been missing. Some people think she has followed Kelly, while others indignantly deny it Mrs. Fawcett states that she and her husband want to tell all they know and place themselves straight on the record. A Z.ETTEB 7BOU HIS 'WIFE.' The following letter, which Fawcett read to Kelly, seems to have precipitated his re moval. It war written to Fawcett and Kelly disappeared the day following: Baltikobk, October 19, 18S9. Mr. Kelly: Deab Sir I will take the time to write you these few lines to let yon know that your son and myself still live, and I want to know what you intend to do for your child. I bave sup- fiorted him eigbt years, and he is now a very argeboyand it takes a great deal money to support him. I sent a dispatch to yonr super intendent, bnt received no answer. I went to See your brother, and he told me the best thing I could do was to send a dis patch, and I did so, which I have told yon. and now I have taken tbe time and trouble to write to you, and must receive an answer immedi ately and let me know what you intend to do. Now, if yon don't send a answer as soon as pos sible I will dispatch to tbe Cblet of Police, then I will be sure tn receive a answer, as you have neglected it Write immediately and oblige your wife, Mfia. Lizznt Kelly. P. 8. Direct Mrs. Lizzie Kelly. No. 1720 Frederick avenue, Baltimore City, Md. The Fawcett family, having taken an in terest in Kellv were somewhat angered at the turn affairs had taken. They expressed their opinionrof Ma somewhat freely and as this stirred up some of the people of the ward to a great extent, there is MUCH ANOKT DISCUSSION'. The Fawcetts decided to inquire into the case more folly and have since maintained a considerable correspon dence with the Baltimore woman. Mrs. Fawcett also states that she had an examination made of the marriage license list of this countv and satisfied herself as to the proceedings at mis en a oi ins line, xo snostantiate her story the Baltimore lady sent a record ot her marriage with Kelly at St. Thomas' Church, Woodbury. Mr. Fawcettstatesthat he has heard that Kellv was in Baltimore and also that he was fn Brooklyn. Its would not have said anything about tbe matter publicly had it not been that it became necessary for him self ana wife to speak out in self justification. He U Ifat-tBo nfao. ' Ttia ..urns tT S AVtflfJf - w.mm ..i. ..rain w ... . . .u. ... ...c.a bujuu others as one of tne paen arrested in a' poker raid Sunday night. Some have confounded the name with M. Arnfeld, a respectable young Hebrew of the city, and it has caused him no little annoyance. He is not the man who was arrested. Coal Moving by Ri II . The Pittsburg and Western road is now getting out coaHa fairly good shape. The shipment of slack has been resumed and is foing on well. Operators are encouraged to elieve that they wiITbe able to fulfill their contracts with the lake trade before tbe close of navigation. BIBER iEABTDN, Special Bargains THB5WEEK1 A few of many Dress Goods bargains 40-Inch All-Wool Henriettas at 60c. 40-Inoh All-Wool Serges at 60c 49-Inch All-Wool Extra Fine Henriettas at $100. 42-inch All-Wool French Bearetz at $1 091 42-inch All-Wool Boyal Cords at SI 00. 62-inch All-WooL Extra Serge at 85c. We aim to offer at all times the cholcestprod nets of foreign looms In BLACK DBES3 GOODS In Silk Warn Cashmeres, Henriettas, eta We carry several popular lines so that our custom ers bave a wfde range of choice as to shade, weight, finish and price. FRENCH: DBESS GOODS. Our stock of medium price foreign dress fabrics was never moro complete, embracing many and choice effects In pretty combination and pattern dresses. SPECIAL VALUES at our Sflk Counter. We offer on very close margin a large purchase of reliable Black Silks. We name as unusual good value grades at SI 00, II 25. ALL BILK SU3AHS Full line of colorings, at 40c 65c, 73c, 85c. Stripe Silks in new effects 75c High novelties in Silks, Persian effects, etc. at Jl SO to S3 60. OUR CLOAK DEPABTMENT. We call special attention to our very large and complete assortment of Ladies, Misses and Children's Cloaks and Wraps. Our Stock was never more caref ally selected, and we believe we. can salt every taste and every pocket. As our variety Is almost endless, we ask all buyers ot cloaks to gireonrstecka careful examination. " BIBER & EASTQN. 505 and 507 MARKET STREET no2-TTSSu -3FLI.RNITIIRE E. J.:H01pR &C0, 61, 68 and 65 wert twenty-thh1d st, Hew yobk. LABGEST EXHIBrr OF ARTISTIC FURNITURE IN AMERICA Ten Show Rooms filled with the latest pro. dnctlons I the Furnltaro and Upholstery Art ftom the. recognized manufacturing cen ters of the world. Novelties of London production. Novelties ot Paris production. k Novelties of Vienna prodaettea. Our own Importation. Novelties of American prodaeWen, taelaaMac those ot our owa manufacture. Visiters to New York are cordially iarited teT call and exacalae our seeefc sad prises. The central leMa of oar. esUMlshment (adjola tefcBeeaMsase) makes it Mrs asesssfrssBi an parts or tne our. if iw tssh THK DBEXfcb RKCEPrHWE Many People Who Wool Invitations Will bo Dlnoppololed. K. Miss Kate Drexel.-who is to be received into the convent of St. Mary of Mercyqn Webster avenue. Thursday morning, -has decided to take the name of 8t. Catherine and will be known as Sister Catherine. 'Jit is stated that her first assignment will bejw a nurse in the Mercy Hospital, on Sleven on street She will also be sent to the young ladies' academy at St. Xaviers.rk 1 j "v eonw'lerable skirmishing being done by persons who wish to attend' e recephon, for invitations, but they will be sadly disappointed. The affair will be ' very exclusive. Outside ot her family and ' near friends none bnt thtf clergy wiU.be present. ArchbishopByan.of Philadelphia, -and Bishop O'Conner, of Omaha, her spiritual advuer, will arrive in the city to- morrow evening. The lormer will preach f the sermon of tbe new postulant. A telegram from Philadelphia last night , stated that relatives of Miss Kate Drexel say that from what they know of herinten- tlon She Will not return In ih world sflif taking the white veil, bnt will eontihuTiffl her novitiate until she becomes -a fall'mema DprnftliA am3i Tk. - -. s.L"V --- -- - -... j.uc story pnoicu ia moi ,--- ;- ..urn jTKuourg is annuo in this partipular, as it is in its other refers ?,uk" " " 7"ug woman's cloister lue,-aat iuw u uuv s roaTemnu one. 2 vft BPK BOWS BY A TRA1K. . J& Narrow Kscspo of" asoothildf Party FroMsE a Railroad Wreck. - lf A number of Sonthsiders who went to tW pany at onarpsDurg in a waeon last Fridsr jj-ra.i.. nigbt had a very narrow escape. After the v it t.j : - : r .' -v uaucs wvj ncic returning nome ana just as ' they were about to cross tbe Pittsburg- and Western tracks a train wasseen approaching. ' Two of the men jumped out and Just suc ceeded in getting the horse off the track, when the train dashed by, striking one ot wheels' of the wagon bnt doing no particular damage. The ladies who were iof the wagon at the time, became so badlv frightened that one of them. Miss Laura Kencel, who lives on Carson streets, between South S'venth and Eighth street, jumped out and si stained injuries that hare since confined her to the house. To Get Early TWIns. ' The Kandall Club win have a specials wire run into their clubhouse on Sixth a've-sV. nue to-day to receive -election returns this'?' evening. 'Hjt m About Linings, Skirts, Cloak Room Items: .inR HflRNR xm Jb" J PENN- AVENUE? STORES, PiTiaauno. Tuesday, November avian" '' Even If of least Importance linings "ars'stm- 'j& ot considerable importance In connection, with Dress Goods. - t .&" What for linings there's a long list of them. A few: A good standard Cambricat...., 5c ' The best Berlin Foulard Cambricat. 7o Agood gray Drilling at go' 1 French Cambrics, 28 inches wide. at. .10c ' Percallnea. 38 inches wide, at. .... .36c Imported EogUshPercaIioesat......25eaBd30a Good Una Sllidasat .:.J0a1 Gray Mixed Hair Cloth, Besvat. .350 Finer and strongerwltb each rise, at 12J$o to 25c? Satlne Waist Lining at ascaadrs' Printed "Satlnes and .Fancy Waist Unin Fine materials for lining costing as muck" Dress Goods, Included In what we have left na-f mentioned. There's UtHe tbe imitator can't Imitate. FewS Dress Goods turned out under favoring stars! that arenotimltated In cheap fabrics Imitated! In stand-off looks. A closer look, a casual fselA or at any rate the wear, shows up thei Bnt In most It's not necessary even to wear! to And it out. One line of goods of the few never Imitated.! and that in wearing tbe best you never meet a ' cheap imitation These distinctively English., Serge Cloths, In dead blacks and grape blues. Why are they not imitated it doesn't matterJi These elegant goods. 52, 51 and 56 inches wide,-, range In price from J2 23 to 18 S a yard. And! they are wen worth it. Ladles' Underskirt Deparsnsst store. Seven of the kinds tor be-feasxtlj all sizes, excellent, good, warm and sorrleeoWsii, skirts, that would stand many words bffaVerJg able comment: SiSm SATIN-Sstin and Wool sad SsttiMjsST Italian Cloth. fS to $18. X" MORES E The old fasWeeed, ever-wear ing.! , . 8ATINE Choice colorings, fl 88. ALPACAS And the good old Lusterine. IS 50 and $3. WOOL In good coloriBgs, 91 X to K GERMAN COTTON-Good sad strong. TSe . sndfL BEERSUOKER-Good. clear patterns, oat- season prices, 1 la-seasoa price, 1 50. -, f i ,- .Mr. A word f n a general way4 about our stock of Traveling Bags; Complotanow.bot new goods. coming: , u No Imitation. ' Nothing is imitation herW Real within and real without What U grain Is the real cowhide. What Is alligator Is Wreal alligator. Th niniVVnMi kAf m w f?MiratfUw PV Tii eiisrles . ... ,, Trf-T.' values ana always the most stylish goods. A few specials: Ladles' Peasant Cloaks, medium and heavy weights, plain and fancy cloths, with and with out vest fronts, extra value, 10 to S3X Three special bargain lots of Una Imported. Cloth Newmarkets, In plain sad fancy color-, lngs,8,tl0and-15. f , Finest Silk Seal Plush Jackets. Jiuaty.s4 stylish, rolling collars. Sealskin and nnttnti Lamb trimmed, at Interesting prices. V-?) job; hdrne iw -; knnIatenue storm i JJ values are the strongest card. Quality prleeiKW the combination for values. Always the best J -JSk 4- m a if i f'Ja.&M w