? n 3 - jP1 ! Ilcln. advertUo In THE DISPATCH. ") Psrchascrs cnn be foand for everything offered For Sale In THE DISPATCH. THE DISPATCH U tbo best advertising tnedlam in Western Pennsylvania. Trr it. FORTY-FOTJUTH TEAR 11 Among Those Who Think That Money Talks in Alh Mat ters of Chance, THE ODDS CLIMBING UP. Conner Says the Governor Will Hare About 15,000 to Spare. DEMOCEATIC HOPES ON HAMILTON CO. Both Portlei Claim the Legislature by Very Small Hnlorities Chairman Conger's Renaons for Expecting a Big Vote A Fnctor That Has Been Somewhat Over looked Bettlng-aienlncreaioTbelr Odds on ForaUcr The Vote To-day to be Compared In the Returns With That of 1SS7 A Table for Uses of Comparison The Outlook tn Olhcr States-A Light Off Year Vote Anticipated in Most of Them. On the eve of the election in Ohio, Foraker stock took an upward turn. Colonel Conner now figures out about 15,000 majority for the Governor's third term indorsement. The Democrats still claim the State, bnt give no figures. They depend on great expected gains iu Hamilton county. The outlook in other States is also given. . rTBOSI A, 6TATF COBRESrOJTDENT.l Columbus, O., November 4. Everybody is girding up his loins for the great contest of to-morrow, and Ohio bubbles over with enthusiasm and voters. Several gentlemen who fear immersion in the consomme have been getting themselves into a proper frame of mind to take the plunge. Several more, who are very well satisfied that the por tentous liquid is not for them, may receive an unwelcome awakening from their dreams of victory. Meanwhile the political Esaus are smack ing their lips over the prospective pottage. Nothing so pleases yonr average voter of elastic principles as to learn that both par ties are well heeled -with the rhino that agi tates into a forward motion the political mare. There are a few people who are un comfortably prone to the belief that the re sult will be jdose, but the pernicious parti sans of both parties heartily indorse and put into vigorous practice the famous advice of Hon. Bill Chandler. ALL COSE HOME TO VOTE. The leaders have all gone home to vote. Governor Foraker went to Cincinnati to day, having recovered his spirits by the rest of yesterday. He spoke at Lebanon to night, and returned from there to Cincin nati, where he will occupy his own home on "Walnut Hills, and cast his ballot in the first Congressional District. Hamilton county is so awfully close that the Governor will march up to the polls and deposit a straight Republican ballot He might give Campbell a courtesy vote, if he wasn't pretty sure that Campbell will deposit at Hamilton a straight Democratic vote. Chairman Neal, of the Democratic Com mittee, went to Hamilton, where he will vote. He left at 2 o'clock to-day. He was claiming everything in sight when seen at the TJuion depot "You can depend upon my prediction," said he. "We will have a safe Legislative majority, and will elect Campbell." CONGEE'S LATEST FIGUEES. Chairman Conger, of the Republican State Executive Committee, went home to Akron to vote this afternoon. There were several inquiries at State headquarters for his opinion, and Colonel Conger wired ' the fol lowing from Akron, in response to an in quiry from headquarters for a statement of his opinion: Onr poll of over 2,200 precincts In the State shows a plurality for the Republican State ticket of over 21,000 outside of Hamilton county. To be conservative, we deduct 5,500 on account of local aificrencss, waiving strength that may come to us from the same cause, on the other side. Figuring Hamilton connty as a standoff, I do not believo our plurality can possibly fall below 15,000, and may greatly exceed that figure. (We estimate our majority in the Senate at three, and in the House at 17. This prediction is the most positive yet given, and its comprehensive terms are very encouracingto certain weak-kneed Republi cans who are enacting the role of a doubt ing Thomas, hoping yet fearing. Before Colonel .Conger went to Akron, early this morning, he gave The Dispatch correspondent an outline of his reasons for expecting a vote in the State of a high water nature. A BIG FEATUBE. There is one very important element which has been entirely overlooked in this fight so far as its bearing upon a big vote is concerned. I have heretofore made no mention of it be cause it has been my policy to give our workers a little scare about the apathy of voters. But there are candidates for Land Appraisers in tvery township In the State. This position is of more local importance than any ottier office of a local nature. The pay is good, S3 a day, and a good class of men Is generally nominated. "While the rural voter may cars very littlo who rules the State, he cares very much who appraises his land, and he will be out in force to vote on that office. 1 know of townships where party lines have been so broken In the nomination of land appraisers that from two to seven different men are actual candidates for the sune oGice. This means a not fight, with every vote out. Our big .Re publican majorities come from the rural dis tricts, and you can see that It is fair to pre sume that there will be an immense vote through the State. AX ENOEMOTJS TOTE EXPECTED. The vote last year was eOOu; in round num- , bers, and mark my prediction, thero will be SaiODcast to-morrow, and even it there are WOO less in the aggregate, our percentage woulcl. be so slightly diminished that roraker's election would bC assured by from 10,000 to 15,000 votes. It is undeniably close in Hamilton county, and we neither claim nor concede it. J may say In conclusion, that although the Democratic State Committee has been active, there has been a dismal failure to reduce the energy expended to actual, practical politics. Secretary Doane seated to-night that the . Bepnblican estimates would he based upon the Forakcr-Poweil vote o! 1887. The "West ern Union Telegraph Company will collect and handle all the returns in a thorough manner, centering in Cincinnati. As the polls close in Cincinnati and Cleveland at FORAKER FAVORITE I-!J I IT ". U-ti T . 4 o'clock, early returns will be sent out from there, and will very clearly indicate the correctness of estimates. . HOPES OH HASIILTON.t The Democrats are unquestionably bank ing on Hamilton county for a big majority. Should the result prove close the Democratic sponge will ascend in the ambient air, while Candidate Campbell is descending into the appetizing -pottage, all at an early hour in the evening. Colonel Yeoman, of this city, known as the boss political bettor in -the Stale, was loudly parading around a noted resort to night with $50 bills radiating from his fingers in all directions. The enrrency was conversing loudly. They were saying Foraker. Colonel Yeoman has had a bet of 5500 to $400 that Foraker would have 7,000 plurality in the State posted for several days. To-night he increased the odds to $500 to $350 on the same basis, but no Democrat bit at the bait. "It's 3 to 2 and no takers, and 2 to 1 and a few small bettors, with Campbell on the Short end," said the Colonel. "I won 8,000 pa Foraker two years ago, but can't place my money as well as I would like to this year. There are a few bets on county officers, but the Gubernatorial bettors don't seem to be getting on deck. This TALK ABOUT DISAFFECTION don't amount to much. Foraker is a posi tive man. He makes tracks when it snows. Of course he has enemies, but those enmities make other friends. Foraker will be elected by a handsome majority." It is announced here to-night that the registration of this county beats that of last fall, the P resldental year, by 24 votes. This is a mighty significant straw, and shows that a fall vote is sin assured fact. In a summary of the real business of to morrow, many interesting things are devel oped. In the 1887 campaign, which will furnish the basis of estimation for to-morrow's figuring, there were four candidates, Foraker, Powell, and John Seitz, Labor Greenback, and Morris Sharp, Prohibition ist. Foraker received 356,534 votes; Pow ell, 333,205; Seitz, 24,711, and Sharp 29,700. Foraker's plurality over PowT ell was 23,39i, It is the latter fiju res which Campbell is forced to stand off, and eye with something of the feeling in which he would regard a stone wall. In order that an intelligent idea maybe obtained of the counties and relative votes of Ohio in the 1887 contest, a list is appended for refer ence when figures begin to fly: FIGUBE8 FOB COMPABISON. Forager's Powell's Counties. 'Adams., ..,,, Allen .......... ....,,. Ashland Asbtabula Athens Auglaize...., , Uelmont Brown., .'.. Butler Carroll Cbampstgn Clarke 'Clermont Clinton Columbiana.,.,.. ., Coshocton Crawford Cuyahoga Darke Defiance 'Delaware , 'Erie F&lrfleld Farette Franklin Flarai'y. Plur3l'y, va sss 716 0,946 1,763 ""m 1,418 t,13S 640 S3 2,301 117 l,fcH L919 784 Last ""778 933 '"isi 1,553 3,031 HI 673 Fulton 743 Gallia L.J2 Geauga i.:i 2,105 714 8,692 "in Greene , -Guernsev... Hamilton... 'Hancock... Hardin Harrison..,. Henry. Hlrhland,.. I,2fl5 ""tSi 5,033 154 nocking..., , . ., Holmeg , , Huron 1,031 Jackson 993 Jefferson LS32 Jvuox . ...:...,., s Lake ...?Wrr- M.716 Lawrence..., L333 Licking Logan , Lorain Lucas :... Madison Mahoning Marlon Medina Jlclgs ... ... Mercer Miami Monroe Montgomery.. Morjrau Morrow Mqskingum... "Noble Ottawa 1'auldlng Ferry. Pickaway ,.1,187 1,417 1,853 966 EM 897 'V914 "'iii 274 964 L517 i,S3 16 3u0 26 914 315 J'lkC.. Portage, sss 'Preble 241 Putnam , Blchland. Boss 283 Sandusky fccioto :. 958 beneca bbelby. , 1,K3 1,001 C31 "963 LI24 363 -stark. ... ........ .............. bummit Trumbull... Tuscarawas., , Union an Wert 'Vinton t arren. ....... .,,..,.. ........ 'Washington L5G3 2,635 "i,"035 1.4G8 2 Wayne. Williams , Wood 747 "Wyandot,...?. ..,.,., , , 6SS 63 Total 5S.4H S5.1K THE DOUBTFUL COUNTIES. Those of the above counties marked with an asterisk, 21 in number, are considered doubtful by both parties. It may be also put down as pretty certain that in Hamilton county both parties will get Assemblymen out of the nine of the lower House and three in the Senate, The present Legislative dis tricts run by counties, so that it may be readily seen that the above tabic will en able the public to foilow the "United States Senatorship fight closely. A constitutional amendment is pending to make Legislative districts on the Penn sylvania plan. Should it carry, and -should the Bepublicans have the Legislature, Mr. Gerrymander will have a luscious time of it this winter. TJie total pluralities of these 21 doubtful counties amounts only to 4,940, or a little over 240 votes per connty. On this slender number of votes depends this United States Senatorship, so that it will be seen that a very slight error in the calculations of either side will knock their claims higher than Gilroy's kite. TO BE KEPT SEPABATE. It is announced late to-night that the Foraker vote and the Legislative strangle will be separately tabulated. Here in Ohio the gubernatorial question Is of course par amount, but elsewhere the question of Sher man's colleague in the Senate has a pro found intertst. There are full State and county tickets to be voted for, .and three Constitutional amendments, one to redistrict the Legisla ture; one providing for biennial elections, and one relating to taxation. Since the well-defined talk about Foraker for Senator, E. L. Sampson, candidate for Lieutenant Governor, and Foraker's suc cessor, should he go to Washington, has been much courted by politicians. At this writing telegrams to the Ohio State Journal (Republican) from all parts of the Ste are indicative of the greatest Bepnblican confidence in Governor For aker's re-election by .between 14,000 and 20,000. It will, however, be closer than that. Waxes. A LIGHT TOTE PB0BABLB. Pennsylvania Voters Apparently Little In terested In Election Results. Philadelphia, November 4. The only officer to be voted for in Pennsylvania to morrow is a successor to State Treasurer Hart Three candidates are in the field: Henry K. Boyer, Bepnblican; Edmund A. Bigler, Democrat, and J. B. Johnston, Prohibitionist. Advices from all parts of the State indicate that the rote will be light. There has been comparatively little, campaigning, at this is considered an "off year," and there appears to be little or no interest in the result of the election. The Democrats claim that "the usually large Bepnblican majority In the State will be greatly reduced, while the Republicans are confident their majority will be about as heretofore. The Prohibitionists, as usual, claim that ajarge vote will be cast f or-their candidate. NEW YOBK DOUBTFUL Complications That Blake It HnnTto Tell Which Way the pat Will J"nip-The Main Contest on Senators and Assemblymen. New YoBK,.November 4. -The greater interest in the elections to be held in this State to-morrow centers in the result of the balloting for members of the Legislature. The Bepublicans had a majority in the last Legislature of about 40 on joint ballot. It is their ambition, this year to increase it to a two-thirds majority, so that it will be pos sible to pass measures over the Dem ocratic Governor's vetoes. On the other hand, the Democrats hope to reduce the Bepnblican majority and, il possible, to wipe it out entirely. It is possi ble that they may succeed in the first re spect, but they will hardly be able to effect such a change as the securing of a majority would involve, particularly as the efforts made in New York Citv to arrange a com bination between the Tammany Hall and Connty Democracy organizations on Legis lative candidates proved in some cases a failure. The State officers to be chosen are Secretary of State, Controller, State Treas urer, Attorney General. State Engineer and a Judge of the Court of Appeals. As the State is considered naturally Democratic, and no issues have arisen to divert votes in large numbers, there is reason in the claim of the Democratic lead ers that their ticket will be successful. It will be remembered that the New York City. representatives in the Syracuse convention opposed the renomination of Messrs. Wemple and Tabor for Controller and Attorney General respectively, and there is a likelihood that these two candidates may rnn behind their ticket General Knapp, Chairman of the Republican State Commit tee, asserted to-day that Tabor's and Wemple's defeat was certain and that he thought the whole Republican ticket would be elected. In New York City the preparations for the election were all completed to-night. The situation is complicated by the singular combination which has been made between the County Democracy and the Bepublicans to defeat the Tammany Hall ticket, and the impression prevails in some quarters that this will lead to a good deal of trading, and it has, already beep charged that more or less'colonization of voters has been indulged in. In line with the decision of the Supreme Court that the voter may not visit the polls twice or oftener in order' to deposit his full ballot, the Police Commissioners have issued instructions to the force to see that no one be permitted to present his ballots eicept'in the proposed form. OUTLOOK IN IOWA. Democrats Think the Election Is Close Bepublicans Don't Fenr That the Growing Anil-Prohibition Sen. tlment Will Work Them Much Ilnrm. Davenpobt, Ia., November 4. J. J. Bicharason, the Iowa member of the Na tional Democratic Committee, was asked this evening for his views on the outcome of to-morrow's election in this State. Mr. Richardson said that dnring the past week he had received .advices from all parts of Iowa of the most assuring nature. Enough changes are being noted, if correspondents are not misinformed, to overcome the majority given Governor Larrabee two years ago. In this part of the State, Mr. Bichardson said, many Bepub licans declare they will vote for the Demo cratic nominee, Boies, on account of his pledged opposition to prohibitory legisla tion. Mr. Bichardson is' confident of the defeat of the Bepnblican State ticket, and particularly its head, Senator Hutchison. George D. Perkins editor of the Sioux City Journal, in nn interview, said he has no doubt or Republican success to-morrow. Hutchison has been outspoken in support of prohibition, and thus invited whatever antagonism the opponents of this policy can muster. Mr. Perkins expects the Re publican majority on joint ballot in the Legislature will be increased, rendering cer tain the re-election of Senator Allison, As a matter of fact, Mr Perkins says, the only fight is oyer the saloon question, and the vote against prohibition in nearly all the larger cities is likely to show an increase. In the rural districts the sentiment in favor of prohibition is generally increased. M. M. Ham, formerly member of the Democratic National Committee far Iowa, in an interview this evening, said that the coming election was the most doubtful of any held in Iowa for 35 years. Most of the Democrats expect to elect Boies, and the Bepublicans, as a rale, are more lrightened than they have ever been before. The reac tion from prohibition is great, the stand of the druggists. Farmers' Alliance and work ingmen are all encouraging to the Demo crats. Hopeful reports have been received from all parts of the- State, and great dis affection has been shown among Bepubli cans, while the Democrats are solid. SO DIBSAT18PACTI0K TH15EB. Northwestern Ohio Expccipd to Give For nkcr n Great Bis; Boost. SPECIAL -rXXEQUAH TO TIIE DISFATCn. Toledo, O., November 4. There has been no dissatisfaction, to speak of, in the Bepnblican ranks in Northwestern Ohio, and Governor Foraker will get the party vote, with the possible exception of a few Germansand the liqnor element. On the other hand, the Northwestern Ohio Demo crats are not enthusiastic for Campbell, be cause they favored the nomination of Law rence T. NeRl. Two counties, particularly Henry and Lucas, sent mass delegations to the convention for Neal, bnt were euchred out of their votes by Campbell's supporters. Democrats are apathetic in this section, and while Bepublicans have not been stirred np to fever heat, they will get out almost the vote. In the city of Toledo hundreds of Democrats failed to register. Again, North western Ohio is the strongest Blaine and Foraker section of the Stat:, and the third term cry is not even heard. It is also a strong Grand Army section, and the veterans are enthusiastic for Foraker. A PBETTI FIGHT IN JEESEI. Republicans and Democrats Eqaally Con fident of Victory. Jebsev Cmr, November 4, At the headquarters of the Republican and Demo cratic State Committee this evening ap parent confidence. was evinced in regard to to-morrow's election. Assistant Secretary J. Herbert Potts, of the Bepnblican Committee, said: "We have every reason to believe that the re sult will prove a sorry surprise to 'our friends the enemy.' Careful estimates from all parts of the State point to the election of General Grubb as Governor by a plurality ranging trom 1,500 to 4,000." Secretary Willard C. Fiske, ot the Demo cratic State Committee, said: "Governor Abbett will certainly be elected to-morrow, and there is no such thing as speculation RbputU.'. PITTSBURG, TUESDAY, RIGHT FROM STANLEY A Dispatch From the Great Explorer Eeceived by Mr. McKinnon. HE LEFT ALBERT NYANZA MAT 8, And Is Expected to Beach the Coast in January or February, HIS ACCOUNT OP HIS ADYENTTJRES. The City cf Constsntlaeple a Ecene or Hsgiul Splendor. Henry M. Stanley, the African explorer, has at last been heard from direct. A dis patch from him has been received by the head of theEmin relief committee. Stanley's dispatch tells fully of the capture and host age pf Emin Bey and Jeppson. He left the Albert Nyanza, homeward bound, on the 8th of May. He is expected to reaeh the coast in January or February. Londos", November 4. Mr. Mackinnon, the head of the Emin Belief Committee, has received a dispatch from Henry M. Stapley. The explorer says; "I reached the Albert Nyanza from Banalya, for the third time in 140 days, and found out that Emin and Jeppson bad both been prisoners since the 16th of August, 1883, '.being the day after I made the discovery that Barttelot's caravan had been wrecked. The troops In the Equatorial province had re. volted and shaken off all allegiance. Shortly after the Mahdists invaded the province in full force. STBUCK BIT A PAJIIC. "After the first battle,in May,the stations yielded and a panio struck the natives, who joined the invaders and assisted in the work of destruction. The invaders subsequently suffered reverses, and despatched a steamer to .Khartoum for reinforcements. "I fonnd a letter waiting for me near the Albert Nyanza, exposing the dangerous po sition of the survivors and urging the imme diate necessity of my arrival before the end of December, as otherwise it would be too late. I arrived there on the 18th of January for the third time. From the 14th of February to the 8th of May I waited for the fugitives, and then left the Albert Nyanza homeward bound. THE COUBSE TBAVEBSED, "By the course taken I traversed the Semliki valley, the Awamba, the Uson gora, the Toro, the TJhaiyana, the TJnyam paka, the Anhori, the Karagwe, the TJzinza, the South Victoria and the Nyanza, TXo hostile natives were met. Since we left Sabbarejawe traveled along the base of the snowy' range, Rnjeniori. Three sides of tbe Southern Nyanza, or Nyanza of TJson gora, which is called now Albert Edward Nyanza, are about 900 feet higher than Albert Nyanza, having an exit at Semliki which receives over 50 streams from the Bujenzori and finally enters the Albert Nyanza, waking the Albert Edward the source of the southwest branch of the White Nile, the Victoria Nyanza being the source of the southeast branch." Mr. Mackinnon -ayithe "committee has given orders that supplies for Stanley be hurried on to Mowapa, and beyond there, if possible. Stanley is expected to reach the coast in January or February. THE SULTAN'S ItOlAL GUESTS. A Grand Banquet nnd Benntifal Illumina tions In Their ilpuor. Constantinople, November 4. This afternoon the Imperial visitors made an ex cursion to Thorapia. In the evening the Sultan gave a banquet; in honor of his guests and afterward escorted the Empress to the royal harem, where she remained nearly an hoar. The Sultan's two oldest daughters, at the request of the Empress, played upon the piano, finish ing their performance with the Prussian anthem. In the evening Emperor William and the Empress drove through the city in order to see some illum inations and fireworks which had been pro vided fqr their entertainment. There was a blaze of lights from the streets, palaces, bar racks and gunboats. In the Boyal Gardens acres of ground were covered with lamps and transparencies of various colored de vices. The scene was ono of magical splendor. The streets were for a time im passable on account of the crowds which thronged them. It has been decided that the imperial guests will stav till Wednesday, in order that Emperor William's desire for it shoot ing excursion on the Asiatic side of the Bosphorus may be gratified. A PLOT AGAINST FEAN0E. Sensational Chnrges Blade Against Italy In a Paris Periodical. Pabis, November 4. Daloncle, Min ister Spuller's secretary, in an ar ticle in the XIX. Skcle, declares that during the recent electoral cam paign in France, the Italiau Government hoping for a Boulangist triumph, bad 80, 000 troops waiting for the signal to invade France, Signer Crispj, the writer farther says, wanted England and Germany to consent to Italy's sending a note to France, demanding the abandonment of the French protectorate over Tunis, in order to provoke a quarrel. England declined, and Germany, the writer believes, sharply rebuked Signor Crispi. The triumph of President Carnot upset Italy's plans, THE NEGRO'S WBOKGS Stronety Set Forth In on Address by Mr. Fortune, Who Advises That a Na tional Lensno bo Formed Earnest, Organized Effort. rSFECIAL THUtOBAM TO TUB DIBrATCH.1 New Yobk, November 4, Mr, T. Thomas Fortune, formerly editor of the Freeman, and at present proprietor of the Age, has issued this call to all the members of the Afro-American League in this coun try: To the Colored Citizens of the Bepuhllc: Being convinced that the time Is ripe for the organization of the National Afro American League proposed by me two years aco, to successfully combat the denial of our constitutional and inherent rights so generally denied or abridged through out tho Republic, and, being urged to da so by members of branch leagues all over the coun try, I, with much reluctance, issuo a call to all branches of the Afro-American League and invite all clnbs and societies, organized to secure the rights denied the race, to meet by their renresentatives in national convention at Nashville, Tenru Wednesday, January 15, 1890, for the purpose of organizing a National Afro-American League, the basis of representation to be three delegates for every hundred members constituting the branch league, club or society desiring $o co-overnto in the move ment for national .organization. Correspon dence from all organizations desiring to join uj tais xuoYemeut urejit6ieo- very respectfully, J. 1A1UE), JC O Caos. FoBTtnrs. New Yobk, November I, l. rt -T NOVEMBER 5, 1889. A BATH OF DEATH. Molten metal Breaks From b Lebanon Fnrnace Seven Laborers Horned Almost Beyond Recognition Sad Scenes Anions" the Friends of the Victims. rerxcLtirTzlza&iu to tbx sisfxtcb.1 Lebahon-, November 4, Bobert H. Coleman's furnace, No. 1, situated in West Lebanon, along the Lebanon Railroad, broke at 5 o'clock this afternoon In the rear of the stack, and hurled forth the molten metal, which soon spread over that part of the furnace, while the escaping gas was forced up a distance of over !00 feet, enveloping the elevator and tunnel head- A similar break occurred there on Saturday night and con siderable slag was forced out, but the break was repaired this morning. John Snider was placed in charge of a force of laborers to remove the slag, and while removing a heavy piece over the spot where the break had occurred, it again burst forth. The following laborers were caught in the molten flood and burned to death: HARVEY BOHR. ' HENRY FERTIQ. ISAAC SIEGRIST. WILLIAM SNIDER. JOHN SNYDER. BENSRVILLE ECK. HARVEY BEOKV Those injuried badly were John Bohr and Henry Eisenhauer. Nearly all the killed and'injured have families. Harvey Bohr was caught by the flames while in the elevator, and bnrned to death. Harvey Beck was caught on the first land ing above the break, and his body bnrned black. He was Identified by his watch, which stopped at 5 o'clock, and his pocket knife. Eck jumped from the elevator and rolled down over the casting bouse, and fell into the pit. His clothing was burned off his body, but he walked to the office, and died while being taken home. William Snider was found in the slag with his arms and legs burnt off, while his body remained above the molten petal. Several more bodieshaye been removed from the slag, but they can hot be recognized. An alarm of fire was sounded and the steam engines ot the city went into service, throwing water op the slag so as to cool it off, allowing the men to go to work at recov ering the bodies. There was intense excite ment among the several hundred women who came rushing to ascertain whether their men were safe. There were some sad scenes but all of them bore up bravely under the circumstances. The dead so far recovered were placed in the office at the works, while the injured were conveyed to their homes. The work of recovering the dead will be continued all night. AN INTERESTING DOCUMENT. Adjustment of tho Differences Between Fern 1 and the English Bondholders, fSr-XCUL TKLEOUAM TO TBI DISPATCH, New Yobk, November 4. Within a few days there will arrive in London a docu ment of the highest importance to many cit izens of Great Britain, The people of Peru are equally interested in it, and W. B. Grace & Co. and other New Yorkers have moro than ordinary interest ;a ta contents. The document represents the labors and negotiations of four years between W. R. Grace fy Co. and the owners of 56,000.000 of Peruvian bonds on the one hand, and the Bepublio of Peru on the other, to bring abont an adjustment of the difference be tween the English owners of the bonds and Peru. The document in transit from Catlap and London contains the settlement of these differences. It it signed by Michael P. Grace and Lord Dunemore, representing the English bondholders, and President Caereze, of Peru. It was only accepted and passed by the Congress of Peru before the President's signature was appended. By the provisions of this paper the owners of the 06,000,000 bonds relinquish their se curities as a claim on Pern in retnrn for a contract, to last 66 years, .whereby the man agement of all of the railroads, large min ing interests, all of the guano deposits not now owned by Chili, extensive concessions of land said to be in the neighborhood of 4,000,000 acres and the payment of 80, 000 annually by the custom house at Callao, are turned oyer to the representatives of the English bondholders. These repre sentatives are to develop the mines and the guano deposits, to improve the lands turned over to them, and to develop and improvethe railroads. It will require something like $30,000,000 to put the railroads in first-clas3 shape. ' HAD TO HATE A PLACE. How Ex-Scnnor KeJIogg Gpt a Job for a Colored Constituent. rSrXCTAIj TELEGRAM JO TUB DieFATCH.1 Washington, November 4.-The priv ate office of Public Printer Palmer was this afternoon the scene pf a lively conversation between Mr. Palmer and ex-Senator William Pitt Kellogg. The ex-Senator called upon the public printer and urged the appoint ment of a colored man to a place as a laborer, and he was met by the answer that there were no vacancies. "No vacancies," fairly yelled the white-haired carpetbagger from Louisiana. "Make vacancies. Turn out these Democrats with whom yonr department is filled, and put Republicans in their places. I am tired of being met by the answer which yon have given me. Dozens of colored men, good and loyal Republicans, have walked the ' shoes off Uieir feet going from one department to another, trying to get something to do, and although wtyh the best indorsements, they are met in nearly every instance by the most arrogant rebuffs. But for the colored man Harrison never would have been elected, and he has done nothing for the race, except to make a few fancy appoint ments." When the ex-Senator got through and Mr. Palmer could catch his breath, he said the colored man should have a place within three days. A CELI INSTEAD OP A COFFIN. For One of Two Women Who Acreed to Commit Sulcldo Together. tSriCIAL TELZOnAM TO THX SISFATCB,! Habbisbubg, November 4. Mrs. Mary Crater tried to commit suicide at Steelton, to-day, by taking poison. She was arrested this afternoon and Iqdged in jail for the at tempt oh her life. Mrs. Crater, shortly be fore she attempted suicide, sent the follow ing to her husband, whom she married re cently: "Dear husband Come as soon as you get this, or you might never see me alive." It is understood that Mrs. Crater and another woman had agreed to commit sui cide, but the latter backed out Mrs. Cra ter's arrest has caused a sensation at Steel ton. A TRAVELING MAS MUEDEEBD. Tho Body of a Chicago Drummer Foand Floating; In the Mlssoarl. Kansas Oitt, November 4. Yesterday morning the body of an unknown man was found floating in the Missouri river near Independence, a short distance from this city. At the Coroner's investigation the body was identified ns that of O. J, Beed, a traveler In the employ of Chapman Bros., doing busitiess at No.ti2 North Clark street, Chicago, III. ' The coroner's jury brought in a verdict this evening that the deceased met his death at the hands ol unknown persow. IT MAY BE IAH0NE, Though Old Dominion Democrats Are Confident He Can't he Elected'. BOTH 61DES IELLIKG FEAUD. The LitUe-Boss Said to Have Plenty of Good Money to Hack Him Up. HE IS SURE HE WILL BE ELECTED, Bat Keitber Be Nor Bis Opponents Care to Venters oa Any Figures, . ' Mahone's defeat to-day is confidently pre dicted by Virginia Democrats. The Be publicans of the State are just as confident that he will be elected. Charges of fraud ulent registration are made by Democrats, they claiming that many negroes who voted forGoffin 'West Virginia have been taken to "Virginia to yote for Mahone. rsriciALTZLsawLM to ra pispatch. 1 Pzikbbbubo, Va., November 4, The eyes of the whole country are turned on the election to be held iu Virginia to-morrow for State officers. With the election of Mc Kinney the State enters upon another era of prosperity and peace; with the election of Mahone, the solid South is broken. That McKinney will be elected and Mahone de feated admits of scarcely a doubt Conserva tive Democrats place McKinney's majority at 15,000 or 20,000. Frauds B. Lassiter, Chairman of the Fourth District Demo cratic Committee, asked for his views to night in regard to the outlook, said: "The normal Ee'publican majority la the Fourth district has been rather more than 7,000. Through the energetic management of the November flection last year thi3 was re duced to 3,$79. This year there is a great disaffection among the Bepublicans, and unless Mahone spends extravagant sums In BUYING HIS OWN NEOBOE3 we cannot fail to do as well as we did last year. The Democrats are greatly encour aged and in excellentwprking trim. Hope ful accounts come from every county. I hope to see something like a political revo lution. The Democratic ticket will receive the support of a large number of colored voters who are violently opposed to Mahone and his tyrannical methods- One of the most prominent colored Bepublicans in the State stated, to-day that there were about 90,000 col ored voters in the State, and that in his opin ion 20,000 of this number wonld cas their ballots for McKinney and the other Demo cratic nominees. It is believed by many that Langston's sudden change in the past few davs will avail Mahone but little in this political fight, for the change came too late, MAHONE'S MONET JIGHT. It is reported that Mahone has been fur nished with $25,000 by the Bepnblican Na tional Committee with which to insure his election, He had a large number of callers to-day, and to-night his residence is besieged with his friends, anxious te get some cheer ing news and learn what the little General thinks of his chances. Mahone says that he will be elected, but declines to say by what majority. His friends say that be will de feat; McKinney by at least IO.OOO majority. Ex-Congressman James D, Brady says that with a fall ballot and fair count Mahone will bave a majority over McKinney anywhere from 6,000 to 10.000. . W. W, Evans, editor of the JJroj&iaacef, therganctthetsoU ored peppjphlerei and who is also a colored member of the. Virginia Legislature, of Petersburg, says fbat in his opinion Mar bone's majority will be 10,000. Aa a pre cautionary Eieasure, and with a view of quelling any disturbance that may occur, Mayor Collier thia afternoon swore n an extra police Ibrce cf 60 men to do duty at the polls to-morrow. CHABOE3 OF FBATJD. ' A letter has just been received at Chat ham, in Pittsylvania connty, from; the clerk of Mercer county, West Virginia, giving the names of 67 negroes from Pittsylvania county who are registered in Mercer and McDowell counties, West Virginia, and voted there last fall for Goff, the Bepnbli can candidate for Governor. They are all registered in Pittsylvania county, and haye returned to that county to yote for Mahone. But for this timely information here over 67 illegal votes would have been cast for the Republican ticket. A fraud of another kind comes from Roanoke City, Eighteen negroes are registered there in one ward upon transfers from Dry Fork precinct, in Pittsylvania. The Registrar t Dry Fork states that he only isued four transfers, and that the other 14 are forgeries, no such names having been on the Pry Fork books. Such fraudulent practices on the part of the Mahoneltes are coming to light in all of the counties, and in spite of the scrutiny of the Democrats (hey say several thousand negrpes are still ILLEGALLY BEGISTEBED and will vote. Mahone's agents are devot ing tneir greatest energies to tne aistnou tion ot these bogus transfers, and large num bers of negroes are reported as arriving from different points to-day to Vote. Many come from the Maryland border, but the largest number are from Tennessee and North Caro lina. ''Poor, blind, driven creatures," said a Democrat from Amelia to-day, as he ex hibited a list of 43 of these illegal voters that he had been commissioned to watch. "We hate o pat them in the penitentiary, in accordanee with the law, for it doesn't deter othersof the race from thessme offenses. They don't dare to refuse to do as Mahone or anybody who represents the Republican! party tells them to do, Many of these ne groes have left their bread-earning employ ments in other places to come here and vote because they are superstitious abont the penalty that will fall upon them if they do not obey." MAHONE GAINS IN ONE "WAT, This campaign has proved a blessing to Mahone in a respect which, according to some high authorities, js of more value than a Governorship or any other political place. For many years he has been a confirmed ays peptic. When he was railroad president his private car was stocked witn an Kinas ot waters and nostrums, - His Senatorial term increased his malady. The long rides in the open air, the walks oyer rough country roads and the enforced physical exertion entailed by his campaign haye jolted the dyspepsia out of him anqreadjusted the stomach of the former rearlluster to such a decree that he weighs more than he ever did, The crane like abdomen is swollen until it is a tolera bly fair miniature of the bloated bondholder section once the subject of derision by (be General in his readjuster speeches and pamphlets. His cheeks are round and rosy and the signs of good health are apparent. TROOPS ATTACKED BY INDIAN8. Soldiers Flffht a Band of 'Redskins, bat Escape Witboat Wounds. Tucson, Akiz., November 4. News was received here this morning of a fight be tween a detachment of troops from Fort Huachaca, under Sergeant Pickets, and In dians, ten miles from Crittenden, at 4 o'clock this morning. A number of shots were ex changed, but none of the joldiers were hit. Corporal Griffip is missing, Sigpal res are seen fn the Whetstone Mountaips, to the sonjh, and Salt Biyer Final Moqntalns, to the northwest, From this it would seesa there were isorg, Indians out than the fugitives who murdered Sheriff Beyjwld, Mg grd e Satrdy. - - WABTKKTIS J. - un .. ,c " - A FEASIBLE PLAN. Nothing to Prevent Mrs. Grant Peine Barfed Near the General la ArHagtsfl Specu lation oa the Removal of tboHero's Remains General Tboaa' Last Resting- Place. rsrxcuL txxsqbaJi to tos cisrATCX.t Washisgtoit, November 4. It having been reported that an obstacle in the way of transferring the remains ot General Grant to Arlington would be his stipulation that wherever he was entombed his wife must be placed beside him after his death. Gen eral Holabird was to-day asked whether there would be any objection to the burial of Mrs. Grant at Arlington. The General said in reply that there would be no diffi culty whatever iaproyiding a place alongside the General for the interment of Mrs. Grant when she dies. "The law," said be, "takes no cognizance of the burial of any person other than an officer, but custom has made regular the burial of wives and chil dren of officers in national cemeteries. Each officer on duty in this vicinity is entitled to a lot 12 feet square, and his family is at liberty to bury more than one person in the lot; there is ample room. Where the dead are buried in 'the ranks, I have frequently given permission to the children of a vet eran to bury their mother in the father's grave. Arlington is not in the city, and no harm caa result If General .Grant's re mains are removed to Arlington, and Mrs. Grant desires to be buried near her husband, there will be no obstacle in the way." An army officer of promipenee was very emphatic in the expression of bis views as to the removal of General Grant's remains. "liine-tenthsoftne army officers," said he, "are opposed to burying Grant Jn Virginia. Relatives of long-dead array officers have been besiegine the War Department for I. permission to have their loved ones removed to Arlington, the emigratory mqvement being started by the burial at that place of Sheridan. If they want to bury Grant at the national capital why don't they take him to the Soldiers' Home, instead of uidto? him away across the Potomac? You will find that the army is almost a unit against Arlington as a resting place for Grant "While the removal of General Grant's body is being agitated," he continued, "why doesn't somebody say a word about General Thomas? His tomb at Troy is by no means what it should be, and it J far away from thousands qt the General's ad mirers, who wpuld see it were it in Wash ington. Of course, General Grant was the great figure ol the war, but General Thomas comes mighty near being at tbe top." TflKEB MEN FROZEN TO DEATH. Cattle Herders Perish In a Bllndlas Blizzard oa Western rials. Denyeb, November 4. A report of one of the results of the terrible blizzards which swept over Eastern Colorado and Northern New Mexico Thursday and Friday of last week reached herf from Folsom, N, M., Thursday night Henry Miller, the range foreman for Colonel K, O. Head, with several .cowboys camped near Sierra Grande with 1,800 beef cattle, which they were holding for the pur pose of loading1 in cars; At 4 o'clock that morning a blizzard from the northwest struck the herd, drfving the cattle toward Panhandle, Tex., the cowboys being unable to hold them.' The snow was so blinding that it made It impossible to see CO feet ahead. Miller called his men together and tbey started to follow the ,hrd and made aa. attempt to keep them bunched, as far w possible, The men bmBue separated, ajd Jrjday night one of thra wandered into Head's borne ranch, half dead with cold and hunger. He told hbatory, and reseating party was immediately sent out and at noon the frozen bodies ot Henry Miller, Joe Mar tin and Charlie Jolly were found lying on tfee open plains not far from Folsom. The, otnermen succeeaeain nnaing tneir way into camp before being overcome with cold. Miller bad been' foreman foe Coloael Head for VA years, and came here from Louisiana. EAUH MAKES A NEW EULB. Fessisa Applicants &wt Jfot Go la Wak Infffsu for Medical EssuaJaattea. Washington, Noyember 4. Commis sioner Baum, of the Pension Bureau, baa announced that hereafter, in all cases where a medical examination s desired, or re quired under any of the several pension lews, such examination must be made by tbe local board of examining surgeons in the district in which the claimant resides. General Baum said to-day that in many in stances claimants come to Washington from a great distance, and at considerable ex pense, in the erroneous belief that by an examination by the Washington board, and personal solicitation, their cases will be more-promptly acted; upon, and possibly with a greater degree of liberality. Some of these are indeed poor and cannot afford the expense, and it is more to save these people from needless expense than it is to give tbe several examining- boards their proptr share of the work of making exam inations that this policy has been .adopted. If the local boards are Incompetent or are influenced by prejudice or favoritism, said General Baum. thev will be removed. and competent surgeons appointed in their E laces. The Washington board will not ereafter be allowed to examine claimants for pensions -whose residence is not within its jurisdiction. TQE0UGB BATES ADTANOED. Shippers Want Pay Higher Tariff Between )be West nnd the Seaboard, Chicago, November 4. A special meet ing of the Western and Northwestern divi-r sions of the Western Freight Association was held to-day to further consider the proposition to advance through rates from the seaboard to St. Panl and Minneapolis. The Burlington and Northern withdrew, or modified its objections of last week, and tbe outcome of the conference was an agreement to establish through rates on the following basis, taking; effect November 20: First class, 51.15; second, $1; third, 80 cents; fourth, 56 cents; fifth, 48 cents; sixth, 40 cents. , The local rates from Chicago to St, Paul, which were reduced a short time ago to the basis of 40 cents a hundred pounds first class, will be restored to the fSO-eent basis. The rate on wheat and its products will be advanced from 7 to 10 cents a hundred pounds from Minneapolis and St Paul to Chicago on shipments destined to points east of Chicago. NO PABTIALITI 8B.0WN. No One Ever to Knew WHth of the Bakoilaa fSMtea Is the Elder. rsrzeui, tuxobak to m msrAToa.1 Washington, November 4, There waa quite a rivalry between Bepresentitaves of North and South Dacota as to which should be first admitted to the Union, tbe lucky one being tbe one whose proclamation of admission was first signed by tbe President. Tbe influences used to secure this priority were not only amusing but absurd, and the President, not to bej'secused of favoritism determined that not even he should know which was first admitted,, Consequently, when the proelassations were brought to the; Executive Mansion, from tbe War Department, they were shuffled and cut and shuffled again, and then the President scrawled his autograph, without agaia'lBpklng at the proclamations. Therefore, sejthtrtbe Dstotiaai, the Presi dent, nor anyone in the wi4e world will . Irnntr whither North or Hcisth Dslcnla aadpieeedemeoof alMlirigftktoOttUajieL j " r" r.r .. TOr btaKlfi THE MS- 4- nam a p - --. JS WANTS are always proswtly renMHe M wbea advertised la THE BIPATCH. Real JsSsrto caa soliTtfcre Barer, litcateat la THE BL8PATCH. THREE OENTSi 'l " - j AKES ITS. BUR to Issued by the Naf Brotherhood of I PJayers. , r. WHY THEY'LL 60 IT ALONE.? The GrieTance3 Which Led Them-f Form Co-OperatiTO Clubs. V: - THEIE BID FOB PUBLIC STMPATIM They Say Their Fealty to lbs League I Ma aa End Honest Ball One of TMtti rrAesU R3TCtltl V.7VW 1 ISSaWrTBpK m. $& 1 Alms Wbr They Won't Trast TheWi-Cj Farmer Es!yers Important Resnls of- the Brotherhood's Last JKeetlpg The-; J Hew Ordsr of Things ts Begia Te-Mr row Why Fantr Thinks There's Mosey -p la Baseball An Enthusiastic Meeting; of. Player la New Tork-Tho Dlea ri denily la Dead Sanest. At its meeting in New York yestSrdiyj the Ball Players' Brotherhood Issued, c aw manifesto giving its 'reasons foT embarking! in business for itself. It claims that tho ! League, as now conducted, subordinates everything to its greed for tbe dollar ia ib; business. The League's grievances' are set) : ortb, and a bid made for patronage In iUfS . ,,- ., , " u unuena&ing, wnicu, iibmiuw wo puvuoj; sjfi is a sure "go. ' rSreCIJU. TXlXOBJUtTO TBS PISTATPJU NewTobk, November 4.-rThe Basehallj Players' League, which has been a nysieryj to almost every baseball enthusiast, will'bai started Wednesday. 'j.ne move flag talked over and contemplated for some time,'!1 butno move could be made until the regut lar meeting of the Baseball Players' Brother i hood, which is composed of National LeagHOKJ players only. This meeting waa field at tn- ' Trffttl A MnilA TlAfaf f n-ilav Vf will )a fllA 4.U.U ..tU(BWfcV4 .V-U.J, M W last meeting of the Brotherhood,, so Ward: , says, and after to-morrow the new syndicate'' will take charge. "vTHO AB5 THE PEOPLE7" This syndicate is composed of players aadA'i capitalists. Each, club u allowed $10,060 , worth of stock, which tha players can sab-?' scribe for U they wish. M far M known alCf the stock attested to the elubs hail taken and more is wanted, hut cannot btl had, The meeting did not begin until Beslfi 2 Q'clock, and it was after 1 o'cloc, wiei came to an end, TJie two was W8wtt M taking testimony as to the abuses oftiil League managers, and a general tajik ovacj utnre plans. Tho following eatd was tfHMJ ittaetl to the public: THE FIyTOtjaifirJNiXO, "TothepubUcr "At last the Brotherhood ef BasfctEH Players feel a liberty to make fcrnrwav" intentions, and defend itself ageJMt iki'i aspersions and misrepresentations wh3eat for weeks it has been forced to safer in s- lenee.; It is nq longer a secret that the' ers of the League have dojerm'ned, t pkw next season under different raana but for reasons which will, we think, be. w derstood,it was deemed advisable, to makes announcement of this intention, until ttttj close of the present season. But bow the struggles for the various peaaante over, and the terms of our contracts explreil there Is no longer reason ibr withboIiijlJM il nu ias.iDg wis step we isei tnas.wo r)WS it to the public and to ourselves to expIajM briefly some of the reasons by which, u have been moved.. .THIS. PICCTTBE, AND THAT, "There was a time when the League !! for integrity and fair dealing tMlay Ufi stands for dollars and cents, unce it looN. to the elevation, of the game and w h.atf,4 AYTiihiftinn tf tho STVrt- 4fi?av fte su mmm?A on the turnstile. Ken have cosse into tfes business for no other motive than: to txplott it for erery dollar in sight Me9Ues orisinallr intended for the good of tbe sjasMtii bave been perverted into instruments wrong. The reserve rule and the natiosjalf agreement .gave the managers pnliasitidl power, and tbey have not hesitated to this in the most arbitrary and merceaaryl way. Flayers have been bought aad e changed as though they were sheep tajrieftdjc of American citizens. 'Beservatio stasKl with them another name for property rigMl in tbe player. By a combination themselves, stronger than tbe atranjjutl trust, tbey were able to enrore the vrwv A-n-nrn't? Alrv Winruu I M .. . .,, , and the player had either to submit or Mill out oi tne profession in wnica as naa me years in attaining proficiency. Even tb disbandment and retirement of a club disla not free the players from tbe octopuVjj clutch, lor tney were thenpeoaiea area to the highest bidder. That the playwl sometimes profited by the sale has nothing to do with the case, but only proves thaja.- jnsuce of his previous restraint "Two years ago we met the Leagf HHlj attempted to remedy some of the erlj,'fc but through what has been politely oaliaU 'League diplomacy' wa completely failed.! Unwilling longer to submit to such treaV ment wamade ajtrong effort last spring toj3 men an understanding with the League.'; To our application for a hearing tbey,r-j puea unat too matter was not 01 fumcteaad importance to warrant a meeting,' aad ssm gested that it be put off until fall. Oi committee replied, that the players felt tfcitl the League had BROKEN VATTK with them; that while tbe results might Wj of little importance to the managers, tfeiyj wereofcreat Importance to the nlaversr 1 the League would not concede what S fair, we would adopt other means to prcsitl ourselves; that if postponed until fall wa would be separated and at the merey oHisj League, and tha.tas the. oply course left w required time and labor M develop, w must therefore insist upon aa itimiiaesl conference. "Then, upon their final refusal to us, we began organizing for ourselves, naif are in shape to go ahead next year uwJerj tbe new sssnageneat and new ausnieewi PsftttflUf Oft MtMk, Aff. f - zr -j