Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, November 04, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Va T'rr. A -Ki- Tr; A f:.T-'r iTS&Hjkttaite 2SC 'MESTrerffAEim SSs:,asara TgM'EW OF TRADE. MriKlir'ffffiIH:B" """"TTl
t Al" " """ 0 safM hmb Kant in hr rhulr and lntjTiinc ftt him. c,,. .w A.- o -,? ... -.--t .
Bgsmm ' .. - v-n- T..T i aa us w tow w; wjiea i u j
HK v "ioureareamiiic, oia woman i uu com- straw, ss wu ax
iiS BT - oanion said for nim. fnr he could not speak. Mild WaifhAr flnrtiiila UptnJlTld for
HEBE is a plain city
oi lime Kilns on the
Northern coast In it
are a thousand men
with cracked hands
and blistered lips and
eyes that if wiped
would stain the hand
kerchief red. They
feed the kilns broken
stone, or stand by the
wide furnace doors thrusting dry Iocs into
fires the smoke of which, like that of Ge
henna, goes up forerer and ever; or, amid
clouds of suffocating dust that fills eyes and
throat, draw and barrel the glaring white
lime, every touch sending a shivery thrill
of repugnance through physically sensitive
bodies. The men are divided into two
divisions, one working all day, the other
all night Those who work by day are poor,
and those who work at night are just as
These men have homes, not as warm as
the kilns to be sure, or as well built Lime
cannot be made in old or unrepaired kilns;
but men and women can be had anvwhere,
so particular care about them is unneces
sary. Most of the lime burners live near
their work, too tired 10 walk far away, per
haps, and as the kilns take up the entire
water front, thev live on the streets next
back, which have all the mud and none of
the ocean look. This does not matter,
cither, for such men nave no time for sea
dreams. Their wives and daughters
strange to say they have wives and daugh
ters; they ought to prefer celibacy, one can
live on so much less than a family. The
lest a man wants the more contented he is,
and content is absolutely essen
tial in a good lime burner. I
forget, though, there must be recruits,
young men to take the places of the old,
and lime burners grow old very fast Yes,
it is best they should marry, even if they are
less content. But I was going to say that
their wives and daughters mignt enjoy the
sea view if they could have it It is true the
poor things would probably prefer better
if- - .d
32- Q
food and more finery, and also that -some of
them have lived so long on Sea street so
named for its ocean ot mud or other of the
Point's less famed thoroughfares, that the
ocean and fair earth have lost their inspira
tion and charm. Nature is an artist and
will not allow inharmonious things. If she
cannot remove the filth men make, she
tones them down to it, making them take
its color and nature.
There are other inhabitants of the lime
burners' district, a few Hebrews not those
with the look of the Christ in their faces,
but miserable hawkers a score or more of
pimply-faced men, who seem to do nothing,
but do much on the sly; some with packs ot
greasy cards, others with wicked-looking
black bottles, others with nimble fingers;
and there are women with staring eyes, who
jeer at passers by day, and at night hiss
things women ought never to say husband
less women, childless women, yet lhing on
the passion tbat makes wives and mothers
of others.
There is no park on the Point, and the
few trees Jhcre do not thrive. "Why do trees
never thrive in the poor quarter? Is it be
cause they, too, are half starved? There is
one church, at least it is said to have been a
church, but a fellow uses it now for a pawn
broker's shop.
Xo need of churches! "What a mistake
Jesus made when he said the poor should
have the gospel preached unto them. But
there is a dauce hall, and a dozen "holes"
out of which the pimply-faced dip liquors
viler than the water in the gutter outside.
It is thought the poor lack entertainment;
but thatis another mistake. No class
sufier so little from ennni. There are street
fights, dog fights, and hundreds of thines to
interest them. These things might no"t in
terest you; but you are not poor.
One hot evening in July, while the
creatures of the kilns were enjoying them
selves in the different wavs I have men
tioned, a young girl, dressed with that
pinched prettiness peculiar to girls of her
class, left a house nearer the kilns than any
other, and walked slowly up Sea street into
the better portion of the town. For all the
bouses of the city of kilns do not sag at the
doors or have broken windows, borne of
the streets overlook the ocean, and are wide,
and dry, and elm shaded. The rich live on
them, the men who do not work in kilns,
who have soft hands, and clothes with no
lime dust upon them. All was still here,
unless the distant cries of the city and
sleepy murmur of waves be considered dis
turbing. The kiln smoke covers the low
lying Point like a forest of gigantic trees,
branched hich up into waving clouds.
Above them were stars, and, low down in
the west, red flashes of lightning. There
was a hush in the world that was almost
Bnt the girl, walking a lifeless step, with
knit brow and eyes bent on the ground, as if
trying to read words a Christ or some other
had written there, seemed to see or feel none
of this world witchery. Past the stores, the
fat pompous stores, past churches, past beau
tiful homes into the countrv she walked; the
poet's country with its smell of new hay,
young fruit, and wild flowers, never lifting
her head or stopping, though going more
slowly at every step.
By and by a light carriage with one man
in it overtook and stopped as if for her,
thongh the driver did not speak or offer to
help her in, and started before she was
seated, or even out of the way of the wheels.
He made no approaches, though they could
not have been unfamiliar, and she shrankas
far to her end ol the seat as possible. Evi
dently the two were not on a pleasure trip.
Each seemed waiting for the other to speak,
and, as neither offered to do so, the ride
promised to be a still one, until the silence
was broken bv a quivering sob.
"What are you crying about?" the man
said, accenting his .words with the slightest
possible roughness just enough to grind
them to an edge.
"Because you do not love me, because I
am miserable, miserable, because "
"Ob. bother! whv not be sensible?"
"Mother knows."
"'Did you tell her of me?" he asked ua-
easily, with a sudden tightening of the lips
that showed the ends of his teetb.
"No, I kept my promise to you, and to
morrow, when I am your wife, there will be
no need."
"M wife?"
"Xes, is not that what you-told me to
meet you here for? See You cannot see in
the dark though, but the ribbon you gave
me matches my eyes, as you used to say. I
wanted to be married at church, where they
have beautiful flowers, and I saw the lovely
girl made a wife. "What wonderful music
it was, 'Lohengrin,' you said. But I am
content any way you think is best You do
love me, just a "little as vou did, don't you
Allan? I thought to-day that even this
that makes me miserable is after all only
an earlier taste of the future's great happi
ness. "What ails you Allan?"
Fortunately it was dark, or the girl would
have Btopped before, terrified by the awfnl
passion sweeping across bis face, Every
sweet word of her's seemed to sting him;
her last wrung a low groan through his
clenched teeth, a sound almost like the cry
of a punished animal. She would have
comforted him; but he thrust her away, ex
claiming: "I cannot! I cannot!" and sud
denly urged his horse forward with whip
and voice.
JAt every stroke the pain-maddened beast
leaped forward, throwine them back in the
carriage. Red sparks flew from the wheels
and horse's feet, as they do under black
smiths' hammers. The still air beat their
faces like a tornado. Everv loose stone
gave the wagon a terrible twist To go over
was death, for the road is filled with sharp
lime rock chips. The girl knew this; but
she was with him, with her lover, with the
man to whom she had given all, and was
not afraid. It is not terrible for such women
to die if their lovers lips press the same
cup. At the height of his fury, the man's
mood suddenly changed. Instead of beat
ing or urging the horse he drew him back
on his haunches with a strength that set the
girl glorying.
"I am going to England to-morrow," he
said, as the horse came down to a panting
"And leave me?"
"Yes 1"
He waited for her to reply, spoke to her
again, shook her, stopped" the horse and
lilted her, as if dead, to the ground. As he
did so Iiis foot struck a stone that bounded a
iittle and then fell d0wnj"d8wn his heart
beat a hundred times before it smote the
ground far below with a thud that sent a
shudder through him.
Then a demon inspired lim. The world
that had swept around in giddy circles stood
immovable. In an instant he was cool and
collected. He ielt lor the railing of the
quarry, for such it was; broke the rotten
timbers at a stroke, and picking up the girl,
carried her to the edge, held her there for
an instant one mad instant in which every
thing looked into his face then let go and
listened; made eyes of his ears and peered
down alter her, saw her clothes tear, saw
her face strike the sharp rocks, saw some
thing shoot out clear and fall, fall with
dizzy swiftness, saw something still and
shapeless and small on the far-away bottom,
and crept away, crept into the wagon, drove
softly home, crept to his rooms, packed his
things hurriedly and took the first train for
New York, and the first boat for Europe.
And no man ever knew what he had done.
The lime burner's daughter did not fall
into the quarry, however. A log that
stretches lrom bank to bank of the chasm,
alongside the roadway, and only a few
inches below it, and a'few inches from the
stonework, caught her when she dropped
from the man's grasp, and held her there
until morning. "What he heard was what
he expected to hear, which sometimes be
comes real as actual noise; or a stone tbat
had hung pivoted, which a touch of her
dress cr body disturbed and sent spinning
in her place down and down into the
quarry's vast emptiness to break on its
rocky floor. The quarrymen found her
there when they went to their work the next
day, knew who she was, and carried her
home to the house that is nearest the lime
She was sick many davs. sick in the room
where all ate and slept, sick among flies and
noises, in summer and stove heat But she
was delirious-most of the time, and only a
lime burner's daughter, anyway. Many
things happen in many days," Many days
will take a man to Europe, or entirely out
of a lime burner's world; and many days
make changes in such girls. They ween
much at first; when that fountain dries, de
spair parches them. Eyen ground, it treated
so, will become hard; why not a woman?
The hardened daughters of the rich can be
good; a lime burner's hardened daughter
has but one opi or.unity, but one door open
to her the doer behind which women who
jeer at passers by day, and at night hiss
things women ought never say, and shelter
themselves where husbandless women, child
less women live on the passion that makes
wives and mothers ot others.
Everybody was talking in the limekiln
city; at least they were who lived on the
best streets ot the town. Allan Hall, who
left so suddenly many years before, had re
turned to his native place, wealthier than
his lather, a successful man with a handsome
wife and a boy just entering his nineteenth
year. There were unpleasant rumors when
he wentaway; but they were long forgotten,
and, bad they not been, would be forgotten
now. He was dined and feted, driven about
the city.invited to inspect the new-fashioned
kilns, taken everywhere, in fact, except into
the lime burners' district or homes. It was
left for his son to go there. Not that he
sent him, or a committee took him; that
Higher One come call Providence and some
call fate le t it for him to go there.
There were two, Allan Hall's son and a
fellow, and tbey went with gay bravado
down Sea street, past pawnshop and rum
hole, past dens and hovels, into the house
nearest the lime kilns, no longer the house
of a lime burner, but a house lull of laugh
ter, where men shout wild jests and women
still wilder, where fun becomes fnrious,
where where a girl lets you in and a hag
lets you out
The bag was half asleep in a chair by the
door when the two were ready to go," and
hardly noticed them as she grumblingly
unfastened the door would not have no
ticed at all if Hall had sot tiered to help
"Mv GodlMt is Allan. Allan Hall,"
she cried, with terrified eagerness, sinking
back in her chair and clutching at him.
"You're dreaming, old woman 1" his com
panion said for him, for he could not speak,
and pulled htm info the street with a ban
tering,jest But Hall did not laugh. It
waR the first time he had been in such a
house, his first escapade, first handful of
wild oats. And who could that horrible old
woman be? What did she know of his
father? That proud, still man had been his
divinity, hedged iff by an exact correctness
which passes forrighttousness in this world.
Could it be that he knew this woman, or
had known her? And why her terrified
eagerness? It was sickening, sickening.
He could hardly walk; would have fallen
once, if his companion had not saved him.
He did not come down to breakfast the next
morning, and avoided his father for weeks
"H.," Gazette office.
So read an advertisement in the- Lime
Bock Gazelle 12 months later. The Halls
were in trouble in sickness; trouble that
hid their boy, their only child, from the
eyes of the world, and must hide him for
ever. He lived five years, five years that
made his mother insane and his father old.
No one kissed him or said goodby when he
died. Only one went to the grave a bent
and weary old man, with dry eyes and
drawn mouth.
Another hearse met theirs at the gate of
thecemetery; the two went in almost together.
It was poorer the kind paupers ride to the
grave in had no followers, and came from
the house nearest the lime kilns, and held
all that was left of the girl Allan Hall
thought he threw into the quarry one hot
July night. But Allan Hall never knew.
Pittsbubg, November 1, 1889.
Hints That May be Ynlnnble to TJouiekeep-
era In Coming Months.
Ladles' Home Journal. J
Doors opening into the room in which yon
keep flowers should have strips of listing
tacked about them in such a way as to close
all cracks through which the wind can
enter. A strong wind will blow more cold
into a room in moderate weather than will
be likely to penetrate in still nights when
the thermometer is down to zero. There
fore jbe sure to fortify against the admission
of air through these inlets. It is a good
plan to take a day for doing this work, and
begin at one corner of the room, and eo over
it thoroughly, finishing up each part as you
go along. By systematizing the work in
this way, you are sure to have it well done,
but if you stop a crack here and there, and
now and then, as it happens to be dis
covered, you will be pretty sure to have a
poor job of it taken as a whole.
If your plants should freeze, as soon as
vou discover what has been done put them
in a dark room, or the cellar where the tem
perature is but little above freezing, and
sprinkle, or rather, shower them with cold
water. In most cases, such plants as abutil
ons, geraniums, and others of similar char
acter, can, if taken in time, before allowed
to thaw, be saved, and i have quite tender
plants come through the ordeal with com
paratively little injnry. The frost must be
extracted gradually, and with the applica
tion of as little heat as possible. Keep them
away from the light and warmth for two or
three days.
If the tops wilt after the frost has been
extracted you may feel qnite sure that the
wilted portion cannot be saved, so cut it off
at once, and be sure to cut below the part
which appears aflected by the frost If some
of the frosted partis left on, very often decay
sets in which extends to the stalk below.
Should the whole top seem killed, it does
not follow that the roots have not vitality
enongh left to send up new shoots, so do not
throw them out until you have given them
a trial.
A Chlcnso Reporter Dressed Up In Style for
n. swell Reception.
Chlcairo Herald.
"Nowadays the newspapers have their
sporting editors, their society editors, their
religious editors, and, in fact, an editor for
every department" said an old-time news
paper publisher yesterday, "but in the old
days things were different I remember
well when the Herald was in its infancy and
when its men turned their hands to almost
every line of work. "When "Will Eaton was
in charge there was a reception to be given
to Jim Blaine by the Union League Club in
the old rooms in the Honore building.
"Will summoned a reporter and tola him to
take the affair in and do it up in stvle.
'Have you a full-dress suit?' he asked. The
man had not 'Well,' said "Will, 'I think
that mine will just about fit you. I'll give
you an order for it You go to your room
and put on your very best shirt. Then you
take this order, and go to mv house, and put
jon my dress suit. We'll show them that
we can do things in style, even it this is a
young paper.' Well, the reporter started
out with his instructions and the order for
the suit
"Along about 10 p. M. one of Eaton's
friends, who had shaken hands with Blaine,
dropped in at the office and asked: 'Will,
who in is that man you've got over at
the Blaine blowout?' Eaton mentioned the
man's name and proudly remarked that he
had gone there in proper style. 'I should
think he had,' said the caller. 'He's got on
a dress suit, bnt his dress shirt is a
deep blue, with polka dots as big as silver
dollars.' This was really the case, but the
reporter had followed instructions, and put
on 'the best Bhirt he bad.' "
Some of II1 Habits That Afford Amusement
to Hi Colleagues.
Brooklyn Standard Union.
A gentleman familiar with the habits of
Senator Evarts says that he is noted, among
other things, for always introducing bills,
resolutions, petitions and various routine
business entirely out of order. He is never
in the Senate when the gavel falls at 12
o'clock, and hence he misses the chaplain's
morning prayer. Mr. Ingalls was very
punctillious about observing the regular
order in receiving and disposing of the
routine morning business, bat his rules of
discipline were often obliged to give way to
Senatorial courtesy. Almost every morning
when Mr. Evarts comes into the Senate
Chamber he has a large number of bills and
petitions to present
He generally forgets all about them until
the session is well under way, when he
wakes up and begs le-ive to present a few
matters out of order. Of course, the leave is
always granted, but it annoys the presiding
omcer ana puis me cieriv to considerable in
convenience. The Senators make laughing
remarks and the only person entirelv un
moved -by his careless habit is Mr. Evarts
New York. November 2. Business in drv-
goods was quiet, as usual on Saturdays, tbongh
there was no change in the general character of
demand, cotton goods having retained strength,
and to-day there was an advance of z on Clif
ton C C. C. brown sheetings and Clifton ana J.
P. King drills. Print cloths are also firmer, as
are also all low grade plain cottons. Clothing
woolens were quiet and that market continues
undisturbed by failures.
Movements ofSpecie.
New York. November Z The exports of
specie from the port of New Yoik last week
amounted to 421.284, of which 63,030 was
In gold and S35S.234 silver. All silver went to
.Europe and the sold to South America. The
imports of specie for the week amounted to
4351,272, of which 1301,895 was In gold and $49,
377 in silver.
PIttsbcrg BEEF Co., wholesale agents
for Swift's Chicago Dressed Beef, sold for
week endine Nov. 2, 1889, 134 carcasses of
beef; average weight per carcass, 638 lbs.;
average price per lb., 5.57c.
Abhottb & Co. sold dnring week ending
Saturday, November 2, 154 carcasses dressed
beef; average weight, 680 pounds, at an
average price of 5 20 per hundred.
Largest Grain and Hay Eeceipts for Tftrs,
and Trade Slow.
Office of Pittsburg Dispatch,
Saturday, November 2. S
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
A rainy Saturday is not a helpful element of
trade. The week has been a quiet one In pro
duce lines, and winds np without Improvement.
Dairy products continue slow, and poultry and
eggs are firm and active. Soft weather for a
few days past has curtailed demand for fruits
and vegetables to some extent Choice potatoes
are steadier, bnt common grades, with which
markets have been glutted for some weeks
past, are very weak and are only sold at liberal
concessions. Sweet potatoes are steady. De
mand tor tropical fruits has declined within a
a few days, oreinr, no dnubr, to mild weather.
Butter Creamery. Elein, 252ar: Ohio do,
2425o; fresh dairy packed, 2123c; country
rolls 1920c.
Beans Navy hand-picked beans, S2 252 40;
medium, S3 302 40.
Beeswax 28S0c ft for choice; low grade,
Uider Sand refined, J6 507 50; common,
S3 50(24 00; crab cider, $8 008 60 fl barrel:
cider vinegar, iu!ize t gallon.
Chestnuts 5 0035 60 9 bushel; walnuts,
6070c 9 bushel.
CHEESE-Ohio, llUc: New York. llKc;
Limburper, 9llc; domestic Sweitzer, 110
13Kc; imported Bweitzer, 23Kc
Egos 2223c -p dozen for strictly fresh.
Kruits Anples, 50O3OO $ barrel; grapes.
Concords, 4045c a basket: Bartlett pears. Jo ft
barrel; quinces, 6006760 ?) barrel; cranber
ries, Jersevs. 2 60 per bushel box; Cape Cods,
box. 2 753 00; Malaga grapes, large barrel.
Feathers Extra live jreese, 5060c; No. 1,
do. 4045c; mixed lots, 8035c ) ft.
Poultry Live chickens, 6070c$ pair; old,
6570c pair: live turkeys. 1214o f ft.
"EDS Clover. Choice, 62fts lo bushel. 5 OOlgl
5 2( $ bushel; clover, large English. 62B3, $5 50:
clover, Alsike. 8 00; clover, white. 9 00; timo
thy, choice. 45 fts, 1 50; blue grass, extra
clean, 14 fts. 90c; hluo crass, fancy, 14 fts, 1 00;
orchard grass. 14 fts. 1 85; red top. 14 fts, 1 25;
millet, 60 fts. 1 00; German millet, 60 fts, 1 50;
Hungarian grass. 50 fts. 1 00: lawn grass,
mixture of line grasses, 2 60 fl bushel of 14
Tamow Country, 4Jc; city rendered, 4JJ
Tropical Fruits Lemons, common, 3 50
4 00: fancy, 4 O05 00: oranges, 4 50a 00:
bananas, 2 00 firsts 1 60 good seconds. $
bunch; rncoannts, S4 O04 60 fl hundred; figs,
eve fl m; aates.oseoc y is; new layer uso.
allude; new aaies, $c t i.
KfJF.TABT.KS Potatoes, from store. 50055c:
on trapk 4550e: tomatoes. 75etfi)Sl H bushel:
wax beans. 75e f bushel; green beans, 4050c
9 bushel; cabbages, 4 005 00 a hundred;
celerv, 40c t dozenr Southern sweet potatoes
S2 252 50; Jerseys. 3 5063 75; turnips, 1 76
2 00 a barrel; onions, 2 a barrel.
Sugars are still weak, and a lower level of
prices on certain grades bas been reached, as
our quotations will disclose. Coffees are a
shade firmer than our last report, but price
of packages remains as before. Groceries are
moving out freely.
Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 2223c;
choice Rio, JM21Jc; prime Bio, 20c; low grade
Rio, 18Q19Kc; old Government lava, 27c: Mar
acaibo, 2324c: Mocha, 2829c; Santos, 20
23c: Caracas, 2123c; peaberry, Rio, 2323c;
la uuayra, -hsmc.
Roasted (m papers) Standard brands. 23c;
high grades 24J2Sc; old Government Java,
bulk, 3132c: Maracaibo 2&27c; Santos, 22J$
27c; peaberrv, 28c; choice Rio. 24c; puma
Rio, 22c; good Rio, 21J; ordinary 20c "
Spices (whole) Cloves, 1920c; allspice, 10c;
cassia, 8c; pepper, 17c: nutmee, 70S0c
Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c;
Ohio, 120, 8Kc; headlight 150, 8c; water
white, 10Kc; globe. 1414K4: elaine, 14c; car
nadine, HKc; royaline, 14c; globe red oil, 11
Miners' Oil No. 1 wintor strained, 4748c
fl gallon. Lard Oil, 70c
Strups Corn syrup, 2830c; choice sngar
sirup, 5.338c: prime sugar syrup, 3033c;
strictly prime. S335c: new manle syrup, 90c
N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c: choice, 46c:
medium, 43c; mixed, 4042c; choice new crop,
Soda Bl-carb in kegs, 3K4c; bi-carb in Js.
5c: biacarb assorted packages, 5K6c; sal
soda in kegs, ic; tlo grannlated. 2c '
CANDLES-fetar, full weight 9c; stearine, fl
set. 8Kc; paraffine, ll12c
Rice Head, Carolina, 6M"c: choice, 6
6c: prime, 5K08C: Louisiana, 56c
feTABCH Pearl, 2Jjjc; cornstarch, 56c; gloss
staroli, 4J7c
Foreign Fruits Laver raisins, 2 65; Lon
don layers, 2 75; California London layers,
2 75; Muscatels. 2 23; California Muscatels,
$1 85; Valencia, 7c; Oadara Valencia, oS$e;
sultana, 9c: currants, 6oc; Turkey prunes,
4K5c; French prunes. 69)c; Salonica
prunes, in 2-ft packages, 8c; cocoannts, fl 100,
$0 00; almonds, Lan., ft ft, 20c: do Ivica, 19c;
do. shelled, 40c; walnuts, naD.. 12K15c; SIciJy
filnerts, 12c; hmyrna figs, 1314c: new dates,
66c, Bnzil nuts, 10c: pecans ll15c; cit
run, fl ft, 1920c; lemon peel, fl ft, 15c; orange
peel, 4c
Dried Feuits Apples, sliced, per ft 6c ap
ples, etaporited, 9c: apricots California, evap
orated. 1416c: peaches, evaporated, pared.
262Sc: peaches, California, evaporated, un
pared, 1921c; cherries. pitted,13!4Kc; cher
ries, unpitted, 56c; rapbernes, evaporated,
25V2GMc; blackberries, 78c; huckleberries,
faUGARS Cubes "ici powdered, 7Je: granu
lated, TJc; confectioners' A, 7c; standard A,
7c: soft white, 6K?;;yellow,cboice,o6c;
yellow, good, G6c: yellow, fair, 5c; yellow,
dark, 5Ja .
Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), 5 60; medi
um, half bbls (600), $3 25.
S ALT N o 1. ft bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex, ft bbl, 1 05;
J.l.... ria l.t.1 CI On. nnnre. ..! OS kl.1 01 Oft.
Higgins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, $2 80; Higgins'
Eureka. 16-14 ft pockets, $3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches 2 25
2 60; 2ds, 1 651 80; extra peaches, 2 402 60;
pie peaches, 95c; finest corn. 1 001 50; Hid Co.
corn, 7090c; red cherries 90cl: Lima beans,
1 20; soaked do, 85c: string do, 6065c: mar
rowfat peas $1 101 15; soaked peas 707oc;
pineapples. 1 40$1 50; Bahamxdo, 2 75; dam
son plums, 05c; greeneaces, 1 25: egg plums 2;
California pears, 2 60; do greengage, 1 85: do
egg plums, SI 85; extra white cherries, 2 40: red
cherries, 2Bs, 80c; rasi berries, 95cl 10;
strawberries, 1 10; gooseberries, 1 Sol 40:
tomatoes, S590c; salmon, 1-6, 1 651 90;
blackberries, toe! succotash, z-u cans, soaked,
90c; do green. 2-ft, 1 251 60; corn beef, 2-ft
cans, 2 05; 14-ft cans, 14; baked beans, 1 45
1 50: lobster, 1-ft, U751 SO: maLerelr 1ft
cans, broiled, 1 SO; sardines, domestic, Us,
4 254 50;,sardines domestir. s, 7 257 50;
sardines, imported, 14s- $11 5012 50, sardines,
imported, Ks, 18; sardines, mustard, 3 30;
sardines spiced, $3 50.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, 36 fl
bbl.: extra No. 1 do, mess $40; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, 32; extra No. 1 do, incfs,
36: No. 2 shore mackerel. 24. Codfish Who'e
pollock, 4c fj ft; do medium. Gcoree's cod,
8c; do large, 7c: boneless hake, in strips. 6c: do
George's cod in blocks 67Kc Herring
Round shore, 4 60 fl bbl: split, 6 50; lake,
2 75 fl 100 ft half bbl. White fish, 6 00 fl 100
ft halt bbl. Lake trout, 5 50 fl half bbl. Fin
nan haddock, 10c ft ft. Iceland halibut, 13c fl
ft. Pickerel, bll,2 00: lA I'M. 110; Poto
mac herring, $5 00 ft bbl, 2 60 ft bbl
Oatmeal S6 006 25 fl bbi.
Grain, Flour nnd Feed.
Total receipts, as b ulletmed at the Grain Ex
change, 71 car loads.
By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St, Louis 13 cars
of bay, 23 of oats, 6 of bran, 6 of corn, 2 of feed,
1 of rye. By Pittsburg. Ft. Wayne and
Chicago, 6 cars of oats, 6 of flour, 1 of wheat. 1
of hay. By Pittsburg and Western, 2 cars of
hay, 1 of oats, 1 of wheat. By Pittsburg and
Lake Erfe, 1 car of barley, 1 of hay, 1 of oats
Sales on call. 1 car hmh. mixed shell corn.
39cfive days. Pennsjlvania Railroad; 1 car
new high mixed shell Com 35Kc, ten days,
Pennsylvania Railroad; 1 car No. 1 timothy
hav 11 25, 10 days, Pennsylvania Riilroad.
Total receipts for the week 359 cars, the
largest of the season.
Last week's receipts were 278 cars, and the
previous week 223
Supplies are far beyond demands of trado
and markets are weak. Prices below are for
car load lots
Wheat New No. 2 red, 8283c: No. 3, 78$
Corn No. 2 yellow, ear. 4243c; high mixed, i
ear. 4U8j4ic; no. z veiiow, sneilea, Hioc: men
mixed, shelled, 39d9c; mixed, shelled, 38
Oats No. 2 white. 270274c; extra. So. 3,
25K26c; mixed. 23M24'c,
Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 6051c;
No. 1 Western, 48049c; new rye. No. 2 Ohio, 45
Flour Jobblinr prices Fancy winter and
spring patents to O05 50; winter straight,
4 254 50; clear wfnter, 1 004 25; straight
XXXX bakers', 3 503 75. Rye flour, 3 603
i 75.
Millfeed Middlings, fine white, 16 00
16 60 fl ton; brown middlings 13 0013 50:
winter wheat bran, 11 50011 75; chop feed,
15 5016 00.
HAY-BaUed timothy, No. 1, 111 C0U 60;
Sugar-cured hams, rge, 10c; sugar-cured
hams, medium, lljc: sugar-cured hams, small,
llc; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar
cured shoulders, 6c; sugar-cured boneless
shoulders 7c; sugar-cured California hams 7c;
sugar-cured dried beef flats, 9c; sngar-enred
dried beef sets 10Kc; sugar-cured dried beef
rounds 12Kc; bacon shoulders, 6Jc; bacon
clear sides, 7c; bacon clear bellies le; dry
salt shoulders, tic: dry salt clear sides 7c
Mess pork, heavy, $11 60; mess pork, family,
12 00. Lard refined. In tierces. &Kc; half
barrels 6c; 60-ft tubs 63c; 20-ft pails, 7c; 50
ft tin cans, 6c; 3-fc tin pails 7Kc; 6-ft tin pails
7c; 10ft tin pails, 6c;6-fi tin pails. 7c: 10-ft tin
palls, 7c Smoked sausage, long, 6c; large, 6c
Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless hams, 10Kc
Pigs feet, half barrel, 4 00; quarter barrel,
2 15.
Dressed Menu.
Armour & Co. furnished the following prices
on dressed meat: Beef carcasses 450 to 650 ft s
5c; 550 to 650 fts 6c; 650 to 750 fts, 6Ji7d. Sheep,
8c ft ft. Lambs; 9efl ft Hogs, bc Fresh
poric loins, 8c
Tho Wheat Pit Without Feature, bat Prices
Give Way a 'Utile November nnd
January Pork Active and Un
settled, Cloalns Steady.
Chicago Wheat ruled weak and averaged
lower than yesterday. A fair business was
transacted, but there was no decided action to
the market either one way or the other, and
after a decline of ctbe market held fairly
steady most of the day. and the closing was
about 3Jc lower for December and Jc lower for
May. There was nothing new in outside Influ
ences and the market was governed by local
speculators. The impression was that parties
who were buyers yesterday were principal
sellers to-day. Shorts covered moderately,
the market really was without special feature.
The receipts in theNorthwestcontinuelarge.
Five loads were reported taken for export at
New York to-day and 3K boatloads at Balti
more. European advices quoted dull markets.
Domestic markets were weaker, though Minne
apolis held up steadily at the start. It was es
timated that the visible supply would show an
increase of about 2,500,000 bushels, and may go
above these figures
lorn ruiea quiet me greater park ui ins ses
sion, less interest being manitested than for
several days past. Fluctuations were confined
to a Me range, and trading was mainly of a
local character. The feeling prevailing was on
the whole firm. The market opened at yester
day's closing prices, was firm.changed but little
and closed same as yesterday.
In oats a moderate business was transacted,
and a steady feeling prevailed. May received
the most attention. A fair business was also
reported in changing trades from January to
ay, at 2Kc difference.
Pork trading wa quite active, with the bulk
ot the business in November and January de
liveries The tact that the supply on hand is
nearly five times as large as that reported on
hand one year ago, and tbat the manufacture
for October was equal to about 66 per cent of
the total of last season, had a depressing effect.
Prices declined 2027Kc on November and
year deliveries, and 710c on January, rallied
slightly and closed steady.
In lard only a moderate business was trans
acted. Prices ruled about 2c lower, and the
market closed steady.
In nbslde3 a little more activity was notice
able. The feeling was stronger for November
delivery, and prices were advanced 1012Jc;
J anuary was easier, and changed hands at 2
5c decline.
The leading futures ranged as Ioitows:
Wheat No. 2. December. 793SOQ79a!
79Kc: January, 797979Ji79c; May, 83
Corn - No. 2. December. 31K31J31K
31; Jannarr, 31K6313131ko; May, 33&
Oats No. 2, December, 19191919c;
January. WAWl4c: May. 21222122c
JtESS PORK, per bbL-Year, 8 92K&8 92K
8 -08 75;January.922V1922)4912H9 17&;
May, $9 579 57K9 49 hiXL
Lard, per 100 fts Year, 5 85(85 S7V5 82
65 85; January, 5 S75 875 825 85:
May. 6 056 05.
Short Bma, per 100 fts January. 4 72K
4 72K4 67K4 70; May, 4 90S4 904 804 90.
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour quiet
and unobanged. No. 2 spring wheat. 78
78c: No. 3 spring wheat. 63c; No. 2 red. 78c;
No. 2corn. 32c No. 2 oats 18?c No.2rye,
42c. No. 2 b?rlev. nominal. No. 1 flaxseed.
1 28. Prime timothy seed, 1 16. Mess
pork, per bbl. 9 629 75. Lard, per ICO
pounds 6 076 10. Short ribs sides (loose),
5 30 5 50. Dry salted shoulders (boxed),
4 504 62. Short clear sides (boxed), 5 50
5 62. Sugars, cut loaf unchanged. Receipts
Flour, 16.000 barrels; wheat, 112.000 bushels;
corn, 127,000 bushels: oats 147,000 bushels; rye,
14,000 bushels; barley. 108,000 bushels Ship
mentsFlour, 12,000 barrels; wheat, 47,000 bush
els: corn. 151,000 bu'hels; oats, 277,000 bushels;
rye, 8,000 bushels; barley, 88,000 bushels
On the produce exenange to-day the butter
market was unchanged. Eggs 1819c
NEW York Flour dull and easy. Cornmeal
quiet and unchanged. Wheat Spot quiet, a
lower and weak: options dull, c lower and
heavy: Rye quiet: Western, 49jJo2c Barley
quiet: Canada, 6368c: Western. 66fi!65c Bar
ley malt dull; Canada, 8095c Corn Spot dull
arid firmer; options dull and firmer. Oats Spot
dull and steady; options firm and quiet. Hay
weak and dull; shipping, 4045c: good to choice,
7090c Hops quiet and steady. Coffee Op
tions opened steady. 5 points down to 5 points
up, closing steady 1020 points up and auiet;
sales, 19 500 bags, including November, 14.40
14.50c; December, It60gl4 75c; January, 14.65
14.75c; February, 14.fi514.75c: March. 14.65
14.85c; May, 14.70S14 85c; July, 14.65c; August,
14.60c: September, 14.S5c; spot Rio quiet; nom
inally 19c for fair cargoes Sugar Raw dull
and weaK; centrif ugal,C6 test,5c; refined quiet,
unchanged. Molasses New Orleans quiet;
open kettle, good to fancy, 2S46c Rice easy
and quiet; domestic, 46jc; Japan, 45k"c
Cottonseed oil dull; crude. 30c Tallow steady.
Rosin fairly active and steady; strained, com
mon to 'good, 1 lOfiil 15. Turpentine quiet
and steady at 4819c Eggs strong; west
ern, 2324c; receipts, (5,659 packages. Pork
easy; mess inspected 11 7512 00. do unin
spected. 11 50: extra prime, 9 7510 00. Cnt
meats dull: pickled bellies 12 pounds, at 6c;
pickled should r , 4Jc; pickled hams, 9Sc;
middles, dull; .iiirt clear, 6 75. Lard easier
and qnlet; western steam. $6 60: sales: Novem
ber. 6 43; December, 6 25; January, 6 25:
March, 6 3206 34. Batter easier and quiet;
Elgin. 2425c; western dairy, 915c; do
creamery, L!24c; do held. 1219c: do factory.
712c Cheese quiet and easy: western, 7
St. Louis Flour steady and unchanged.
Wheat All influences were depressing to-day.
Trading was onlv moderate but the demand
was well up to offerings. The close was firm
atc below yesterday. N 2 red. cash,
new, 7677c; new December, 7Sk7B
closing 78K"SVc bid; January, closed 79e
bid; May, 83S3jc: closing at 83S3Jc bid: old
December 7a78Jc, closing at 78c asked:
May,82 X3c; closing at 83VCc asked. Corn
No. 2 mixed, cash, 29c30ii: new No. 2, De
cember and January closing at 28c; February
closing at 28c bid; May closing at30Jc bid;
year December and January closing at 28c
Oats weak; No. 2, cah; May closing at 22c, and
more offered at that. Rye quiet and unchanged.
Barley slow: low a 30c Flaxseed quiet at 8125
1 25; Proviions higher and strong for
bacon; pork, 11 25.
Philadelphia Flour quiet; Wheatl Op
tions inactive and closed Jic lower; Nu 2
red, November, 808Ic; December, 81?
82V(; Januarv, Sfyinbt&Ac; February, 83k
84c Corn firm: No. 2 mixed, in Twentieth
street elevator. 41c; No. 2 high mixed, in
grain depot, 42c; No. 2 yellow, in do, 42c;
No. -2 mixed, in export elevator, 40c; No 2
mixed, November, 40K41c; December, 39
40c; February, 4040lic Oats firm, but de
mand for car lots limited and speculative mar
ket ruled quiPt; No. 2 mixed. 26c; No. 3
white, 28c; No. 2 white, in Twentieth street ele
vator, awaio, ao.ou tracx anu gram aepot,49c;
No. 2 white. Nuvember. 2SK2oc: December."
January, zsGKS:: February,
30c Provisions firm: fair demand.
Western steam, 0 506 62.
Cincinnati Flour dull. Wheat In fair de
mand; No. 2 red, 777Sc; receipts 3,000 bushels:
shipments, 3,500 bushels Corn stronger; No. 2
mixed, 3536Kc Oats strong; No. 2 mixed,
22c Rye quiet; No. 2. 45c,Pork dull, lower
at 10 60. Lard dull, weaker at 6 00. Bulk
meats dull; short ribs 5 60. Bacon firm:
short clear, 6 5a Whisky steady: sales 1,447
barrels; finished goods on basis of 31 02. But
ter quiet. Sugar dull, drooping. Eggs strong,
higher at 18X19c. Cheese barely steady.
Milwaukee Flour dull. Wheat auiet:
cash and December, 73c; No. 1-Northern, 80c
Corn firm; No. 3, 34c. Oats ste?dy: No. 2
white, 22c. Ryeq.iiettNa 1, 44c Barley fair:
No. 2 in store, 52?c Provisions quiet. Pork.
9 25. Lard, 5 25.
Baltimore Provisions unchanged. Pntter
firm; Western packed, 1316e; bet roll, I618c;
creamery,21c Eggs lirm at 2324c Coffee
steady; Rio, cargoes fair. 19c
Toledo Cloverseed active and lower: cash,
November and December, 3 60; January, 3 53:
March, 3 75.
When baby was sick, we gave her CastorUi,
Wheu she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Miss she clung to Castoria,
When she had Cbildren.she gave them Castoria
Kailroad Blockades Breaking Up Too
Eapidly for Comfort.
Wrestling With the Problem of Placinjr
Their Supplies.
Office of Pittsburg Dispatch, (
Saturday, November 2, 1889.
In produce lines trade shows a slight
Improvement over last week. Potatoes
from the West have been in a measure cut
off by railroad blockades. The Chicago,
Burlington and Quincy and Chicago and
Northwestern roads have been refusing
freight for Pittsburg, Philadelphia, Wash
ington and Baltimore the past week. The
result is beneficial to our trade since New
York potatoes, which are of better quality
than those from the far West, begin to come
to our markets. The cold weather, which
cannot be far away, will bring still further
embarrassments to Western shippers There
is an improvement in quality of potatoes
since last week, and for choice stock prices
are a shade higher.
Tropical and Other Fruits.
The mild, soit weather of the past few
days has had the effect of checking the de
mand for tropical fruits. The first carload
ot Florida oranges for the season put in their
appearance the fore part of the week.
Of domestic fruits grapes have still the lead,
bnt are growing scarce. Concords are about
the only variety now on the market, and prices
arel015cper basket higher than last Satur
day. Apples still go very slow.
In the line of dairy products trade has been
quiet the past week. Prices of creamery but.
ter and cheese are unchanged. Jobbers report
this the quietest week for a month or two past.
The upward movement of German cheeses re
ported a week or ten days ago has been arrested
and trade is quiet.
Poultry and eggs have been unusually active.
There is a scarcity of choice eggs, and has been
for a month past. Our supplies are in the main
from Chicago. Home raised eggs retailed in
Diamond market this week at 35c per dozen
Exceptional Cereal Receipts.
By reference to our domestic market column,
it will be seen that receipts of grain and
hay this week reached 369 carloads, the largest
in any one week this season. The Panhandle
road delivered on Friday 51 carloads according
to the Grain Exchange bulletin, about one-half
of which were oats.
It is a problem with which our grain dealers
are wrestling, as to where and how these Im
mense supplies are to be placed. When it is
remembered that some of the main railway
lines ot the West are of late refusing freight
for Pittsburg, there is no prospect for a let up
to large receipts in the near f uture. Last week
dealers complained of a difficulty in receiving
stuff. This complaint no longer holds. The
prayer now is that the blockade may not be
broken soon. Corn holds np fairly well, and is
id fact a shade higher than last week. Wheat
also holds its own.
Flonr is quiet, buyers being Inclined to fol
low the hand-to-mouth policy in hope of lower
prices Millfeed is in active demand with
prices steady.
Groceries Quite Active.
Unusual activity is reported by all Jobbers
in this line. Goods are moving out freely.
The lull which immediately followed the Ex
position in all lines is certainly at an end so far
as the wholesale grocery trade is concerned.
The weak factor of 'the trade is sugar, which
bas had more than one fall in the past tea
days Through 1888 the steady upward move
ment of sngar, through manipulations of the
trnst, furnished jobbers here and elsewhere a
constant source of profit. Now the boot Is on
the other leg, and the downward drift of sugar
can hardly fail to bring frequent losses to those
wbo carry large stocks Coffee has followed
sugar In the downward drift, and our quota
tions are a shade off from last week.
For a Market House on the Allegheny In
dorsed by Bleb Authority.
Hon..David Kirk: indorses the Boston
gentleman's scheme for building a market
honse on the Allegheny river, as presented
in The Dispatch a few days ago, Mr.
Kirk said yesterday: "It is coming to that.
Land in the heart of the cities is already
too valuable to be wasted. The market
houses occupy much space that should be
devoted to other purposes. A market
honse on the river, as proposed, would
afford the necesary relief.
"I think the scheme is entirely feasible.
The cost would not be great Bonds issued
to pay for the work would command a
premium, and could be paid off with money
received for rents and other market privileges
Such a bmldiug would be a great advertise
ment for Pittsburg."
The oil crowd bad good reason yesterday for
taking more interest in the New York stock
quotationsthan in the commodity to which
they are supposed to be wedded. It Is reported
that a good many of them lost heavily on the
break in the Cotton Oil and Lead Trusts.
It is also strongly hinted that quite a number
of Pittsburg speculators not connected with
the Exchange dropped large amounts on the
same delusive securities. The child immortal
ized In the old saying knew nothing about fire
until it burnt its finger, Then it kept at a safe
A. Pittsburg gentleman just returned from a
visit to "Kansas City, said yesterday that real
estate there is advancing so rapidly that noth
ing but a cabU car can keep up with it, so they
have built 60. miles or more of cable lines In
that city. The gentleman was so lavorably im
pressed with the appearance of the place with
its business bustle so like Pittsburg that he
thinks its destiny is to become one of the great
cities of the country.
Quite a number ot old-time Pittsbnrgers are
la business there.
There was nothing peculiar in business condi
tions in Pittsburg last week. The iron market
was less excited, but active and Arm. Money
was. plenty at 67- per cent, with a certainty of
continued ease during the remainder of the
year. There was a liberal movement of all the
staple products, with values about steady. Real
estate developed considerable activity, and a
number of important transactions were con
cluded. There was a good inquiry for and a
large number of sales of small properties.
In local securities the break: in Philadelphia,
Gas was the feature of chief interest. It re
covered most of the loss and closed steady. Pe
troleum was for the most part active and firm.
It reached thehighest price recordedfornearly
five years, bnt weakened under free realizing,
closing steady at 105.
Bales of local stocks on call yesterday were
210 shares, the contributors being Philadelphia
Gas, Trust and regular. Central Traction,
Switch and Signal and Columbia OIL There
were no important changes Philadelphia Gas
held close to the closing price of Friday, with
light offerings The Trust brought 33. The
other natural gassersabout held their own in the
bidding. Central Traction opened fractionally
higher, but lost the advance and closed weak.
Tne other tractions were neglected. There was
.1 hetter feelins in Electric 49 being asked.
There er no quotations on insurance
stocks, indicating tbat tbey are held above the
market. Bank shares werelu good demand,
but none of them were gathered in. Bidders
will have to use longer poles to knock these
The following tatiie snows tne prices oractive
stocks on the New York Stock Exenange yester
day. Corrected dally for THE UlSPATcn by
WiIITNET it STEPHENSON, oldest Pittsburg mem
bers of New York Stocx Xxcnange, 57 fourth ave
In v.
Am. Cotton Oil 33
Ateh Top.fi a.F.....
Canadian Pacific 63
Canada southern 84
Central of New Jersey.lEM
CbecaocakeA Ohio .34$
C. Bur. X Ouh.T,.... 105)4
C. Mil. a St. Paul....- eii
- ln
Hign- iaw-
t. est.
S3 31
31 SI
&s esfe
HH st;
ini4 mv
10oJ 10SK
C, MU.ASt. r, PL... " ..
C, BOCtL AP 73 875
C St. L. APltU......
C, St. L. X Pitts, pt
C St. P.. M. A O
C. SI.P..M. AO.. Pf.
C .Northwestern 111K 111X
C, & O. X I. . .
.... 112H
coi.Hocing vat ..v
Dei.. L.iff. .....141!
Del. a Hudson.
E.T.. 7a. Ada..
Illinois (Jen trat...... ..117
Lake En x Western.. ....
Lake Erie & Weit. Dr.. 63K
Lsxe Snore & M. 3 107k
LonlsvUieA Nashville. siK
Michigan Central 83 S
Missouri Pacific 6SH
.New Vork Central I06K
h. V.. UE.& W .V28K
N.Y.,L.E.W.prer.. ...7
X. I.. C. iSt. L,
h. It., U ft St. L. or.
S.I.. C. JtHS-l.M pf ....
N.YJfcN. K i
h. r o. w. un
Norfolk x Western
.Norfolk Western, pf. ....
Northern Fscmc iWi
Kortnern faelflc uref. TS.
Ohio A Mississippi..... 22
Oregon Trancon....v S3
Pacific Mall ....
Peo. Dec x Evans
Phlladel. X Readier.. W4
l'nllman Palace Car. ..185
Blcnmona X W. P. T.. 2K
Klchmondft W.P.T.pf ....
St. P., Minn. X Man..llS
Texas Pacific 19K
Union Pacific 67H
Wabaen U
Wabash preferred SI
Western Union 84 ij
wnneung x U.&.
Suirar Trust 71H
.national Lead Trust..
". iHi
UHcago tiu Trust.,
Closing Bond Quotation.
U. S. 4sreg 127
U. S.U. coup 127
U. S. 4HS reg. 104H
U. 8. 4)4s conn.... IMS
Paelflcesor'95. wa
Louis lanas tamped 4a 89
Missouri 8s 101
U.K. AT. Gen. Is .59
Mutual Union &S....10O
N.J.C.Int. Cert...U3
Northern Pac 1JU..114
Northern Pae.2ds..l09K
Northw't'n consols. 1
Northw'nr deben's.,112
Urcgon X Trans. 6s. 103
St. L. 41. M. Gen. U 85M
Tenn. new set. 69... 106k
Tenn. new set. 5s....l0l5
uenn. uewsei.as.... n
Canada Eo. 2ds KH
Cen. Pacificists. ...114
Den. X K. O., lata.. .119)
Ben. &K.G4S 77
U.B.G.Weat,UU. 97
Krle,2d J04M
U.K. iT.Gen.es., IK
St. L.B.P.Gen.M.120
Su Paul consols ....I27X
St. PL Chi X Pr.lsti.llS
TX., PcL. G.Tr Es. 90!,
Tx..PcK.G.lT.KcU M
union rac. uuiu
West Shore .103?
.Boaton Stocks.
Ateh. & Toe. 1st "s, lis
A.JtT. Land Or' 1 7s. 103
Wls.fjcntraL.eom... 234
AllonezMgCo 1
Calnmet X fiecl....224
mnxiln. mi
Huron IV
Osceola. MX
Pewablc ............ 1.H
QolncT ...- 53
Belt Telepnone.. ..SZi
Boston Land s
Water Power 5
Atch. ATop.K. K... SIX
soswniX Aioanj...ii51
Boston X Maine. ....21S
C. B. 4(i 1M4
Clnn. San. X Cleve. 23
Eastern R. it ..119
Flint APereM. pfd. 95
Mexican Cen. com.. K
Mex.C.lstmtg.bds. 65ft
. Y. AAewJSng... 45
N. Y. X S. E. 7S....127X
Old Colony. 177
Tamarack 25J4
San Diego.... 22!$
Santa, Fe copper.... 55
Philadelphia Ntoeks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by "Whitney X Stephenson, brokers Ko. ST
Fourth avenue. Members Hew York Stock Ex
change. BM.
Pennsylvania BaUroad. . BZV
Heading 21 X
BuOalo. Pittsburg and Western
Lehigh Valley 52
Lehlcn Navlcauon 54
Northern Pacific JIM
Northern Pacino preferred
Batnrdaj'a Oil Range.
Corrected- dally by John M. Oasuey & Co., 45
Sixth street, members ot the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened 106'4 Lowest vsfii
Highest 106HlClocd 10534
Average runs... 54,923
Average shipments 81,080
Average cnarters 40,630
.Refined, New York. 7.35c
Refined, London, i S-18d.
Beflned, Antwerp, 17HL
Kenned. Liverpool, S 1-ISd.
A. B. McGrew & Co. anote:
Puts, 11 04
1 04K: calls, 31 07.
The Condition of Bnalneaa at the East Dfeertr
Block Tarda.
Omci orPiTTSBtTEo Dispatch.!
Satttedat, November 2, 1839.
CATTXE Receipts. 80 head; shipments),
660 head; market closed fair; two cars of cattle
shipped to New York to-day.
Hoas Receipts 3,800 head: shipments. 300
neau; marget slow; ail grades $4 w&i Zi.
Sheep Receiots. 400 head: ahinments.
heaa; market dull at unchanged prices
Br Telegraph.
Chicago The Drover? Journal reports
Cattle Receipts 4.000 head: shipments none.
Market dull: choice to extra beeves (4 404 90;
steers & 25)4 30; stoclcera and feeders 12 00
3 75; cows bulls and mixed. SI 002 0: Texas
cattle. SI 402 7o; Western rancers, 3 4033 50.
Hogs Receipts; 12,600 head; shipments- 6.000
head. Market steady, closing wont; mixed,
$3 8004 05: heavy, $3 704 05; light, S3 804 20;
skips S3 003 75. Sheep Receipts 2.000 bead;
shipments, none. Market steady; natives S3 60
3 90,;Texans S3 50 1 00; lambs, $4 255 50.
St. Louis Cattle Receipts 800- head; ship
ments, none; market strong: choice heavy
native steers, J4 304 75; fair to- good. do.
S3 254 30: stockers and feeders Si 802 60;
range steers & 102 SO. Hogs Receipts 1,600
head: shipments none; market steady; fair to
choice heavy, S3 401 00; packmz grades
S3 703 00; light, fair to best. S3 804 05.
Sheep Receipts, 1.10O head; shipments, none;
market firm; fair to chojpe, S3 JOQl 60.
Buffalo Cattle steady and unchanged; re
ceipts, US loads through, 10 sale. Hogs fairly
active; .receipts 20 loads through. 30 sale;
Yorkers, S4 054 15; mediums and heavy, S4 00
4 15; pigs, 4 004 05; roughs, SS.253 0.
Cincinnati Hogs easier; common and
light, S3 15g4 05; packing and butchers, S3 7o
4 00. Receipts, 3,000 head; shipments, 2;000
A Brave and Strong-Hluded Race That b
Fast Deierleratlnr. '
New York SUr.J
The Eev. James F. Taylor attended the
meetings of the American Board of Missions
held recently. He is an Englishman who
has seen service in most parts of the world,
and though now too old to engage in active
work he takes a keen interest in every moye
' meat having for its object the conversion of
the heathen. In a chat I had with him yes
terday, previous to his departure for home,
he said that of all the natives he has come in
contact with those of New Zealand interest
him most.
"The Maoris, as the aborigines of New
Zealand are called," said Mr. Taylor, "are
a noble race, and offer a startling contrast
to the now almost extinct aborigines of the
neighboring island of Tasmania, physically
and intellectually. The Tasmanians, if
indeed any of them are yet an re, cannot be
taught to count beyond 20, the number of
their lingers and toer, whereas the
Maoris are capable of a classic
education. Indeed, many .of them
are in the New Zealand Parliament, and
one of them at least Wiremn Otaki is an
accomplished speaker. As warriors, fighting
man to man, they are equal in every respect
to the British, upon whom tbey have often
inflicted disastrous defeats. Unfortunately,
tue white man's rum and the wbite'man's
vices are driving them out of existence, and,
thongh a dash of their blood will show itself
in the future Australian, as a race they
are bound to ;o. The most erudite
ethnologist cannot tell how the Maoris got
I feel like toying
something II AD I
Alwavslaokneat EaoslIygoodforXea's.'Woisea'a
or Child's Shoo. Ha MacMag brash leqsdred, sad
the poOshlss Is dene in ttree saiaatef without teboc
WATERPROOF and wimale to preserve
batter, and keeps H soft and dantMe.
Bald by Shoe Bteres, Grocers, SnggMa, 4a.
Trv tt on your Araw.
WILFF k RANMlMf. mumrm.
' Atf K5ra.Vv
i- sJT Av?V M
The old worn out Potash, Mercury and &r
taparitta mixtures all left far behind.
I have seen Swift's Specific used, and know
of many cases of the worst form of blood dis
eases which have been cured by it I know the
proprietors to be gentlemen of tho highest typeg
and utmost veliabillty. I recommend it as a,
great blood remedy, uneqnaled by anything I
know of. M. B. WHARTON.
Pastor First Baptist Church, Montgomery, Ala.
Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed
free. SWUT Spzcmc Compast. Drawers;
Atlanta, Qa. anlS55-y9nr
This Is now conceded to be the best in the
market, u witnessed bv the fact that we have
lust secured the DIPLOMA FOB, EXCEL
LENCE at the Pure Food Exposition, now be-'
ing held in Philadelphia.
cleanly in manufacture,
superior in Quality;
And with the bright appetizing: flavor of fresV.
ly roasted beef.
Transact a General Banting BnMesf..
Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letters
of Credit, for use of travelers and Commer
cial Credits,
Available In all paita of-the world. Also issue
Credits ,
For use in this country, Canada, Mexico, 'West
Indies, South and Central America.
Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.,'.- , a
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this week la
For largest assortment and lowea price calt
and see na, r
iei-ro)-iJ sAFJ
J! 121 and 123 Fourth ave.
capital oW,tt. .F'nupaia, ,:.$.,,.
Acts iixall fiduciary capacities Deals is reli
able investment securities Rents boxes iBt
superior vault from S5 per annum upward.
Receives deposits And loans only on saeffr
gages and approved collaterals " '
aB.MoVAY.Sec'yandTreas. r
7 KOtTRTH AVENUE. - ., -
Issue travelers' credits through M cusrs'DreksL "i-'
jttuiuuvu,.tcn Aw.jta Aoafvno yita;&cva
apsw i C"
Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Petroleum.
Private wire to New York and Caieafsvn
.rarnrr, v,, ' Slf
As old residents know and back flies of Pitttw "'
burg papers prove, is the oldest estabUMM
and most prominent physician in the city,
voting special attention to all chronic ditaqf. .
lUCDUnilOauu mental diseases phjuilisHT
ll Lll V UUO decay, nervous debtllty,laek a
energy, ambition and nope, impaired meatory,
disordered sight, self distrust. baeblBlMesv
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples,ernptioM, Im
poverished blood, falling powtre.nrgaaic wet
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consamptkm, us-
nnmg ma person tor Dusuiese,sociey a mc
rlaee. permanently, safely and priTatelr owe. '
blotches, falling- hair, bones, pains, glaniinsir M
swellings, ulcerations of tonguejuoath, thw..,
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and Heasi
liniklinv kidnersnd bladder it
Uniiinn I jmen,weak back, gvosvl
tarrnai aiscnarges, inmunmation m oMrj
Bain ml trrantoms receive searching frniirrnsnr
prompt relief and real cures. ..jW"-y
ur. wnuuers uie-iong. exiensn) uiuan f
ence, insures scientific and reliable triitiiiUjt
on common-sense principles. iansuiisaBjML
Patients at a distance as carefully treated m If
here. Office hours 9 a. M. to S P. JCSawswtf
10 A. St. to IF. a. only. DR. WHITTUIC mS
Fenn avenue, Pittsburg; "a. .-,
roll nartleslan Is pjjenMt
sent free. The renuina Gcf'sf
opecinc soia oy arurui osiy iscf
yellow wrapper. Price. -MjBerJl
package, or six for S5. or by smIUs
on nrffini R nniK or XAorefla
soia rax-insDUTg oys. a. uubUAJiu, cornet
Bmlthae lit and Liberty lU. asB-SS
SPECIALISTS in all cases re- :
quiring scientific and coaSdea-.
tiai treatment! ur. a.&.ii
M. R. C. P. S is the oldest
most experienced spacliUsS.hat
the city. Consultation free s4;.
strictlT confidential. OSesui
hours 9 to4 and 7 to 8P.X.: Sundays. Zto4K?
KConsult them personally, or write. DQCTOi3
iakk. 325 fenn ave, .rutsourg; r-a.
'a Ootrtcm.
posed of Cotton Root, Taasv aj
Pennyroyal a recent discovery I
ovary Mr sag
Old nnvsician. ia lucccayaaw
Mnti-Safe. Effectual. .Price L or
sealed. Ladies, ask your drturslst ter MHd
Cotton, Root Compound ana take bo whwhkx
er inoiose s stamps tor waiou paruetusn. A
Sock, 131 Woodward aveDettoH, 2tMh
, Jar-Sold In Pittsburg; Pa by Joaeaii
fag 4 Hon. Diamond and Market tts. a
Til WEAK VCHrrilr
uSiSood.ete. IwtuSrysteaMIa(iBs4.
COniaUXllXlK P ' "" u mbw uss
' r- , . . mm f, , . ,-, , - ....-m
itjz. Aotxrep. .
9 raWfrwntHi irvwv
i i