i r LADIES' HANDS JStretcliefl Erom the Spirit Land to Guide a Life. 'A MAE'S TOES SUSPECTED. Dr. Slade Holds a Successful " Interesting Seance, and -CURIOUS EXHIBITIONS OP POWER If there is anything more commendable than another, whether in spirit or mortal, it is punctuality, and the spirits were on time yesterday in their appointment with The Dispatch reporter and Dr. Slade, in fact all had a celestial time. Notwithstand ing the edicts of Judge "White and the operation of the Brooks law against the traffic in spirits on Sunday, the reporter again took his S3 bill in hand, with a good stout string attached, and called on Dr. Slade at Ko. 4 John street, where he is stop ping with J. II. Lohmeyer, Secretary of the Spiritualists Society of Allegheny county. The doctor appeared quite recovered from iis indisposition of the previous night, and as a lew rays of sunshine were at the time "& permeating" the atmosphere, thought the "conditions" favorable for a good manifes tation. The pine table was again brought into requisition, and the connection made of hands on the table, when the doctor de manded if the spirits were willing to com municate then. The table resounded with several vigorous thumps, followed up by several others indifferent portions ot the room, showing that the spirits, having no use lor window-shutters, chair or bedsteads themselves, had very little respect for the Tarnish on those of others. Having thus emphatically ratified their intention of doing business at the old stand, some coy spirit tapped the reporter familiarly on t'he right knee several times as if to call his attention under the table. Hot knowing whether the tapping spirit was the disembodied presence of a lady or gentleman, the situation was for the mo ment embarrassing, the light, gentle touch at first suggesting the former, while subse onent nroceedings at once indicated the lat ter. The visitor looked under the table, and saw the doctor's feet were encased in a pair of low, easy shoes, which could be easily pnt on or of! by a simple contraction of the foot THE DOCTOB IS CLEVEB. The suggestion that the doctor is qnad rumanal through his dexterity in handling things with his toes flashed upon the report orial mind, but if he is so, and manages the experiments by that means, he is certainly phenomenal, for at no time was he caught either with his shoe off and stockings cnt 'away from the toes, or in the act of per forming any of the tricks. One of the slates purchased the night be fore by The Dispatch was taken by Dr. Slade," ana saying that the "influences" were remarkably powerful, he placed it under the table, and asked if the spirits were willing to be interviewed. "With that promptitude to answer questions ,which is a latal delect in Matt Quay's character, they wrote "yes," with a final flourish to the s, and the scrap of pencil lying exactly at the termination of the final line. The spirits then commenced to play with the doctor apparently, for he squirmed and started back from his hold on the other per sons' hands several times, saying he conld not bear the shock, although the reporter's backbone was still in position. and no tremor was felt in his taper and cream-tinted fingers. The doctor, although physically much larger, stronger, and in every way of a less nervons appearance, ap peared to feel theonslaughtsof the spirits as keenly as one of the owl gang would the sudden appearance of a squad of Chief Brown's "finest" The slate, too. refused to stay still in his hand, and possibly actuated by malice prepense battered a tattoo on the reporter's knee, of which the imprints yet remain in a black and blue landscape of the SalvatorBosa style. In fact the set of spirits now at work ap peared to have been doing business with some spiritual speak-easy, for not content with banging the newspaper man's knees, they kicked up didos generally, knocking over a table upon which stood a pile of slates, banging the shutters and putting themselves generally on a par with the drunk and disorderly denizens of the Cen tral station. the spieit of db. mavis. After the painting red process had been completed Dr. Slade called upon his famil iar spirit, whom he called Dr. Davis, and who announced his presence in the same manner prescribed by the average ritual for seating the brethren with three raps. He was asked whether he thought Dr. Slade a humbug or not, and the followinc reply was written between two slates, held face to face, with a somewhat lofty contempt for bo.th grammar and punctuation: ily Friends give the story no credence, it is beneath your notice, a person like our medium is above all abuse that can be uttered against him, the best way to treat such an outrage, is to Show vour cuotemnt. tills medium is anil has did to much for this glorious cause to allow anyone to abuse or to slander him, we are hi3 Iriends. 1 am Db. Davis. This was so real pleasant of the doctor out of the flesh coming, at a sacrifice of time and the elements of English grammar, to the defense of his friend in the flesh, that the reporter asked for some direct messages from the spirit world, and received two from ladies whom Dr. Davis terms bis guides. One is written presumably iu Spanish and the other in French, and although The Dis patch man cannot say much about S. E., never baying had the pleasure of her ac quaintance, can congratulate Marie, upon laving to give her own words a liberal translation, having reached the top of the tree. THE SPIBTTTJAI. ANSWEIIS. All three messages are apparently in dif ferent handwriting, and, as the reporter's wife cannot read either Spanish or French, are given below, although, as no date line is given, all spirit communications being alike in being charmingly indefinite, it is impos sible to say wbether the lady correspondents are alow or aloft, to put it in nautical lan guage. The Senora gracefully remarks: ' Yo soy de vel de todo corazon, no huy nada ' Cue yo no hicise por veL s. K. The communication would have been much better appreciated had it been written in "United States, and besides gives the re cipient away as a member of the American Mechanics as it indicates his foreign origin. The French spirit shows more elan, as it were, a verve and several otherthings found in the back of the dictionary. She says: Ah! quel bonheur. rien nc pouvait me ren ore plus herein. Je suis au comble de mes vera. JIaeie. Then came a private and confidential note .from Dr. Davis to the reporter, couched in the following terms: My friend Tbeabove is from some friends of yours. I do not know them; they claim to be your guides. I am De. Davis. All three communications were apparently written on the npper side of a slate, held firmly against the underside of the table leaf by the reporter at one end and the Doc tor at the other. The sound of writing was regular and distinct, and the long dash lines drawn by the alleged spirit between mes sages could be distinguished when made, from the regular writing. THE EEPOETEE'S QUESTION. The mystery was certainly deep. Dr. Slade then gave permission to the reporter to ask a question of some dead person, and he wrote a question to a dead child, asking if it remembered a certain incident in its life. The slate was placed beneath the table, the doctor said it must be some new spirit that had not been called before, as it found difficulty in answering, bnt when the reply came it read: Ye, papaj I remember it well. C. ''Ihe signature was correct, as It was the initial of the pet name of the babv, but if they have graded schools in the spirit land it must have climbed Terr rapidly, for it was bnt 17 months old at the time it was killed in the flood of 1884, and certainly showed remarkable progress in writing for the time which has elapsed. The seance was inrther enlivened by other experiments, such as the slates flying across under the table, being transferred from, the doctor's to the reporter's hands underneath. This last, however, seemed to demonstrate f that tiie spirits were working in tne aarc or were near-sicbted. as it took four trials to I get the slate into the reporter's hand, and the motion ot tne doctor s hios at tne time suggested the use of his toes, but he was not caught in the act Altogether the sitting was exceedingly lively and interesting. HjEASANT WEATHER AHEAD. Some of the Abandoned River Signal Sta tions to be Restored. The cheerful information that the beauti ful weather of yesterday is to continue for several days was given out at the Signal Service Burean last night The tempera ture was 46 at 8 o'clock in the morning, but it raised somewhat later in the day. The rainfall of the night before was fifty-three hundredths of an inch, and at 3 o'clock there was a stage of 6 feet in the rivers. The indications are that there will be a scant coal boat rise probably 7 or 8 feet Advices have been received from the de partment at Washington to the effect that several of the signal stations that were aban doned some time ago are to be re-estab lished. From the first of December until April 31 next full reports will be received from 14 station. Those that are to be re vived are the ones at Warren, Parker, Clarion. Brownsville. Saltsbure. Greens boro, Bowlesburg and "Weston. Steps will Jrobably be taken to have the station at ohnstown re-established. The present ap propriation does not provide for this one nor the one at West Newton. Nothing can be done for the latter place until after the close of the present fiscal year, which ends July 1, 1890. The weather crop bulletin for the month of October shows that the weather was cooler than usual iu all agricultural dis tricts. The line of killing frost has extended South to the northern portion of the Gulf States. Light frosts occurred as far south as Southern Alabama, Central Georgia and Northern Louisiana. There was less rain in October than usual in the central valleys. The greatest rainfall was in California, where it exceeded six inches. The drought condition which existed in the central valleys has been succeeded by rains, which have greatly improved the condition of the winter wheat crop. DEAD BEFORE THE STOYE. Sin. O'Rourkc, Living In tho West End, Found In Her Kitchen. Mrs. Ann O'Bourke, a woman about 60 years old, was found dead in her kitchen, before the stove, at noon yesterday. She lived in a two-storv frame house on Wabash avenue, near Independence street, West Bud. A policeman who was informed of the woman's death notified Dr. T. M. ByalJ, who examined the body. The woman had been dead a very short time. The doctor thought the cause of death was neuralgia of the heart She had been lighting the fire to prepare dinner when she fell. Mrs. O'Bourke had lived for many years in the West Bnd. She had four children. A grown son and a grown daughter do not live at home. Another son, George, is a teaser in the mill of J. Painter & Sons. The third son is 12 Tears old. Both boys living at home were out ot the house at the time of their mother's death. Nearly three years ago some of the neigh bors called the attention of the Humane So ciety to the treatment which Mrs. O'Eourke's husband was receiving. When an investi gation was made, the old man was ionnd confined in an apartment in the basement of the house. He was in poor health, ragged and filthy. He had. been kept there for three months on meager food. He was unable to work and was sent to the Boor Farm. The Coroner will investigate Mrs. O'Bourke's death to-day. A SERMON TO MECHANICS. Rev. R. F. Farrnnd Trenches to tbe South, aide Councils. Eev. B, F. Farrand, of the Southside Presbyterian Church, preached to the Southside Council of the American Me chanics at his church yesterday morning, taking for his text: "They that sow in tears, shall reap in joy." Mr. Farrand referred to the breaking of the chains of Babylonish captivity, and said it was the outcome of a seedtime in tears. As the text applies to the American nation, the speaker placed the Plymouth colony at one end "sowing in tears," and the people of to-day at the other "reaping in joy." "As a nation." said he, "we are sailing in the world's tidal wave. In all the cen turies gone by no nation has ever attained tbe title of our general prosperity. In their palmiest days Egypt, Greece and Borne were but barbaric nations when compared with us. We assemble in the house ot the Lord to-day in an atmosphere of religious liberty so like the ambient air that we forget we breathe it In all our borders there is not even a rumor of war. But all this prosper ity is the result of a sowing in tears." Mr. Farrand referred to Sabbath breaking as inimical to the welfare of tbe republic T7EEE HATING A PICXIC. A Fenn Avenno Man Who Wns Surprised Upon Goinc Home. James Dolfess has a home in the rear of No. 4022 Penn avenue, but rarely occupies it, his work necessitates him boarding in Chartiers, but his wife lives at the Penn avenue house. Early Sunday morning Mr. Dolfess came into the city and made straight for his home. Whe he reached the househe was surprised to find it full of men and women, who were acting in a very boisterous manner. He discovered a number of bot tles of whiskey in the room, beside beer galore. The men and women were in an intoxicated condition. He remonstrated with bis wife at the disorderly state of af fairs but she took no heed of" his remarks. He called Officer Andy Orth. who made the following arrests for disorderly conduct: Mrs. Nancy Dolfess, Blanch Dolfess, Bosita Ferguson and her daughters, Hugh Stew art, William Nicholson and James Bates. Mrs.a Dolfess was 'fined $20 and costs for keeping a disorderly house, her -two daugh ters were sent to jail for ten days, and the balance were fined from $10 to 520 each. C0PPEES TOOK THE POT. A Qolct Little Game of Poker on Chatham Street Disturbed. In response to a number of complaints made by neighbors that parties were going in and out of No. 7 Chatham street, at all hours of the day and night, Officers Cross and Hanley last night made a raid on the house of J. Friedman. They found a poker game going on and quite a pile of money on tbe table. Friedman made his escape, but four other Hebrews, named M. Arnfeldt an Eighth ward Democratic hustler, S. Fried man, Isaac Samuels and Anton Beman were arrested. HITHER AND THITHER. niovementa of PIttiburcen nnd Other of Wide Acaualutnnce. G. B. Blanchard, Chairman of the Cen tral Traffic Association, passed through the city last night on bis way to Chicago from Washington, where he had been visiting nil mother. James Calhoun, prescription clerk for S.E. Carouthers, of McKeeeport, was acci dentally splashed in the face by some acid yes terday, and will lose tbe right eye. Miss Sadie Freyvogle, of Fifth avenue, returned borne last evening from a two weeks' visit at Qreensbarg. George Pearson, Private Secretary to the Governor, was in the city yesterday. S2L" 3ZP- - v" f'ywMi NATURE HAS BEEN JOIWTIFUL, And the Board of Public TFprks Can Supply the Dollars and the Art, ONLY 20 MINUTES" BIDE FBOH THE CITY So much has been said and written of late about parks for Pittsburg that the subject had become a little stale, but the generous donation of 300 acres of the Mt. Airy tract. by Mrs. Sehenley has revived hope as well as interest. Just where the Mt Airy land is, is news to many people, so a Dispatch reporter visited the scene of the proposed park yesterday. It is safe to suppose that the laying out of the new park will be pro ceeded with as rapidly as circumstances will allow. The location of the proposed pleasure re sort is, perhaps, as desirable as could bs wished. Situated as it is, along the margin of a rapidly growing residential neighbor hood, and within 20 minutes' drive from the Citv Hall, it will be within reach, as well of the hard-worked toiler in the mills and his family, when he desites to recuperate from the effects ot tbe week's wort by spending a holiday 'midst sylvan glades and purling brooks, as his richer neighbor, who pilots his trotter or takes the air in his carriage along the shady roads and grassy anves ot the wild-wood. Just how the park will belaid out it is impossible to say, but judging from the natural advantages of the site, the beauty of the surrounding country and the unlimited opportunities which the occasion presents of providing a healthful place of recreation for the masses, it may be expected that those in whose hands the project will be placed, will so carry out the details to make the new park, not alone unusually attractive, but a credit to the city which has long lelt the want of a place suitable for the entertain ment and exercise of its citizens. NOT TAB FEOM CITY HALT.. The nearest point of the park to the city is at Boquet and John Caire streets, which intersect with Forbes street and Fifth avenue, about two miles from the City Hall. On one side it is bonnded by the west fork of Four Mile run and by the Junction Bail- road. On another side it is confined by Forward avenue, which is located on Four Mile run, and reaches to within 800 feet of Second avenue. The property of the Mur doch heirs adjoin it on another side, and Judge Magee and Mr. Hoch are the owners of lands which lie adjacent At a point be yond Forbes avenue bridge can be seen Murdoch Hill sloping away on either side to form a thickly-wooded ravine, down a murmuring creek carries the waters of numerous springs to the river in the dis tance. One of the most beautiful spots in the whole locality is Panther Hollow, which is a part of the ravine along which the west branch of Four-Mile run finds its course. Here there is a possibility of a charming drive, winding in and out along the sinuos ities of the stream, shaded by the heavy growth of timber which abounds. At times expansive plateaus are met with, but the ground is mostly broken and undulating, rising at times into abrupt bluffs, as at the east side where there is a heavy slope over hanging the east branch of the Four-Mile run. The property is generally thickly covered with white and red oak, hickory and sycamore, especially in th ravines. A portion of the land has-been in the oc cupation of farmers for some time, and it is supposed that they would be required to yield up their leases when the time arrives. It is not thought that anything will be done toward laying out the site until next spring. AN ENGINEEE'S YIETVS. An engineer familiar with the tract stated that the first thing to be done is to make .a thorough survey, leveling up the ravines and laying down contour lines, so as to as certain the exact irregularities of the ground. From these data a map can be prepared, and the disposition of the roads. walks, sites for a promenade and band en closures, and other matters of detail deter mined upon. All this will take a consider able time, and another winter will probably come and go before the Sehenley Park is an accomplished affair and thrown open to the public for its enjoyment and delectation. Mr. Thomas D. Carnahan, whose father is Mrs. Scheuley's attorney, said yesterday that he had not received any intimation of the donation, and declared his inability to locate tbe site of the park. He further said that he was aware of matters in connection with it, which he was not at liberty to men tion. For the present also Chief Bjgelow de clines to disenss the park question or tell what he knows about the Sehenley gift. though he is loaded with good stuff in the slang of newspaper parlance. What plans the Chief has in view to make the tract pleasing and inviting would make interesting reading for those who have tbe welfare of Pittsburg at heart It will certainly require the expendi ture of some money to put the land in shape, but how much is a question. At any rate the biggest part of the contract is the ground, and as that has been secured, Pitts burgers feel pretty safe that a parte is as sured. Mrs. Schenley's generosity was the subject of much comment on the streets yes terday. HEBREW H1ST0EI. Sir. Scbelmnan Deiircr an Intereitioc Lecture on the Subject. The first of a series of lectures was given yesterday afternoon before the Young Men's Hebrew Debating Society at their rooms, 384 Fifth avenue, by Mr. J. G. Scheinman. The subject was, "A Glance at Hebrew His tory Since the Dispersion." Mr. Schein man took up his subject, beginning with the year 70 of the present era, and referred to the revolt against the Bomans under the championship of Barcochba,who proclaimed himself the messiah of the prophets. He then referred to the establishment of the celebrated school in Tiberias and Babylonia, from whence sprung the stupendous mass of literature known as the Talmud. The ac quisition of wealth and influence by the Hebrews for several centuries previous to the development of Christianity; tbe cause of the intellectual and physical isolation of the nation Sot centuries following; their subsequent sufferings and persecutions un der the Boman Empire, and their expulsion from England, France and Spain were touched upon. The Young Men's Society has been re cently organized with a view to promote mutual improvement and the study of He brew literature and history. The officers are: President, S. Cohen; Vice President, J. Finkelpearl; Secretary, L. Scheiuman; Treasurer, C. Bosenbaum. The society starts out with a membership of about 40. It is1 the intention to fit np a library and reading room. BROKE iilS OTHER LEG. lA70-Yenr-0!d Wan Who Played In Hard Lack Sntarday Night. " Thomas Malley, 70 years of age, who was walking on crutches on account of a broken leg, was attacked by Coleman Wallace, a young man, at the "Castle," in the Point district, Saturday night Malley was knocked down and'his other leg was broken in the scuffle. He was taken to the Homeo pathic Hospital. Wallace was arrested by Officer Pat Farrell. A Pleasant Family Row. Frank Williams and his wife (colored), living at No. 233 Wylie avenue, had a fight last night, during which she attempted to carve him with a knife, and he beat her with a club. They made anch a noise that both were arrested. APAlKA'MOM'BaKS Is What Mrs. Schenley's Generous Donation Should Result In." rv. .-! FRIGHTENED TO- SUICIDE. " 4 The Death of Henry Feldara, of FIttsbure. In the Wheeling; Jail Denouement of a Ghastly Joke. Particulars were yesterday received from Wheeling in regard to the suicide of Henry Feldam, of Pittsburg, in the Wheeling jail, which was briefly noted in the Sunday Dis patch. The man, it appears, was fright ened into hanging himself. Feldam was a peddler. He sold writing paper, envelopes, handkerchiefs, suspenders, etc. He went to Wheeling about two weeks ago, and the money he madcthere he spent for liquor. Last Friday night he was found in North Wheeling in company with a young girl. He was under the influence of strong drink, and he was booked at the North Wheeling lockup for drunkenness. While he was being searched a crowd of the curious gathered about Feldam asked someone what punishment he would proba bly get. One man replied, jokingly, "Oh, about 10 years." Another man added, "If the people get hold of you they'll hang you." Feldam was frightened by these remarks, and a short time after he was put into a cell, he was seen standing upon a box, with a piece of small cord about his ueck, looking for a place to which to fasten the other end. Not long after that he was removed to the lockup in the City Hall, and there put into a cell alone. About ten minutes after 7 o'clock Saturday morning Lockup Keeper Meehan discovered Feldam hanging by a snort rope fastened to one ot tne bars at tne top of the cell door. The prisoner was at once cut down. His body was warm, bnt as soon as a doctor arrived he declared life ex tinct The hemp cord with which the ped dler hanged himself must have been tied aronnd his waist, as nothing of tbe sort was in his pockets when he was searched It The remains, after being seen by the Coroner, were turned over to G. Mendel & Co., un dertakers, for interment No trace of any relatives conld be secured, and the peddler was buried as a pauper. When arrested he gave the name Henry Shelton, but papers in his pockets contained the name Henry Feldam. The discovery of the dead body in the lockup was a tragical realization of a ghastly joke of the day preceeding. On the night ot Halloween boys had hanged a dummy man to a tree in East Wheeling. A police man captured it, and carried it to the lock up. There some of the officers hanged the effigy in a cell, and on Friday morning gave out the word that a prisoner had committed suicide. Scores of people crowded to the jail to see the corpse. Twenty-four hours later an actual dead man was hanging in the cell. Nobody went in this time, because they believed it was the same old joke. A BLOOD-STAINED WEDDING. A Hungarian Kupilols Followed by a Drunken Riot A Chief of Police nnd nn Officer Nearly Killed. A Hungarian wedding, followed by a drunken riot on Fourth avenue, McKecs port, lata on Saturday night nearly caused the murder of the Chief of Police, James Bobinson, and Officer James McQnade, who attempted to subdne it Clubs and knives were used with deadly intent and the police fared badly. Bobinson was stabbed in the head, and cut about the arms and hands, while McQuade was cut in three places, any of which might prove fatal. A deep cut below the ribs in the back, one as long on the neck, another under the shoul der, besides a bruised head, constitutes his injuries. There were about a dozen of the Huns fighting, and most, if not all, of them were very drunk. They charged on the officers when two were being arrested, and although tbe fiolice used the maces vigorously, they had ittle or no effect One of the men used a large knife, and while several others had McQuade on the floor, stabbed the officer. As Bobinson felled one who came at him the man with the knife struck at the head of the Chief with all his might. The Chief dodged and he got it on the head, but not with full force, as the knife would have penetrated his skull and passed through his head had he not dodged. He fell against the side of the house and, pulling his revol ver, shot at the man with tbe knife and the) latter fell, but was not hit He was cap tured, as were four other men and are in the lockup, closely guarded. They will be charged with felonious assault and battery with intent to kill, and the proprie tor of the place will be charged with seeping a disorderly house. The men are all Hungarians and their names will not be learned until the hearing takes place. The eelothing was almost torn off tbe two officers and had it not been that they were reinforced y other officers at the right moment, two more murders would be added to the county list. Bobinson is not badly hurt, but McQuade is, and while the chances are in his favor his wounds may yet prove fatal. ' CAUGHT IN THE ACT. A Pair of Dnjllebt Robbers Taken Red- Hnnded Ye.terdny Forenoon. Officer Edward Cross was notified by resi dents near the corner of Wylie avenue and Elm street, about 11 A. M. yesterday, that two gentlemen were making a forenoon call upon McSteen's grocery store, at the corner, without the formality of notifying the pro prietor, and they were afraid the visitors would not be properly entertained, as they were going in the back way. Officer Cross at once started for tbe rear of the building, and two men skipped out as he entered. He gave chase, and, drawing his revolver, ordered them to stop, which they did, and returned, one throwing something over a fence on Elm street as he approached. The nffippr tool; hoth men to Central Qfafi.n where they registered as Fred Miller and William Welsh, from Newark, N. J., and a charge of suspicious, persons was placed against them. On searching the ground where Welsh threw the small object over the fence Officer Cross found a key, which fitted the rear door of the grocery. The New Jersey men wijl probably enjoy Penn sylvania hospitality for some time to come. CALLED THEM BABIES. A Priest at St. Paul's Give the Young- Men a Few Hard Knock. A special meeting of the Young Men's Catholic Club connected with St Paul's Cathedral was held yesterday afternoon. The object was to take action in regard to contributing money for decorating and fur nishing the church. At the several masses in the church yes terday, Father Mollineaux called attention to the fact that the young men of the congre gation had not contributed anything toward the fund, to pay for the work in the chnrch. He stated that the young men were alwavs ready to spend money for entertainments, etc, but wnen they were asked for a couple of dollars they replied: "Oh, let the old man contribute." The priest compared the young men of the chnrch to babies cling ing,to their mother's garments. A LETTER PROM HIS SISTER. The Missive Cane After the Body of the Owner Was Ground Up. The man who was killed on the Lake Erie Bailroad Saturday night, was identified last evening by a fellow workman as Thomas Beiss, a Pole, 40 years of age. He worked at tbe Clinton rolling mill and boarded at No. 27 Limerick street, West End. The de- f eased has a sister at Scranton, Pa., and a etter for him came from her on Saturday afternoon, after he started away from his boarding house. Magistbate Bbokaw yesterday fined John Gribben, of Carson street, Sl&.O for beating his wife. Pbominent saloons, hotels, clubs and restaurants have Baeuerlein Brewing Co.'s Wiener, standard and f ulmbacher lager T.eer on tap. jtwar BM?l . suwtaisf-ij-B'ifiRirsjTi. t8jrj KiliJN UM UKCfAJN JZLN ( Southside Natives of Alsace and Lor raine Band Together FOR A VARIETY OFG00D PURPOSES. The Political Interests of the People Will be Cared For. , EDUCATION WILIi K0T BE NEGLECTED. A meeting was held in a hall at the head of South Eighteenth street yesterday aiter noon for the purpose of forming a perma nent organization of the French natives of Alsace and Lorraine who live on that side of the river It is said there are between 3,000 and 4,000 of this class of people in Pittsburg, the majority of whom live on the Southside. They are very much scattered, however, and have very few acquaintances. Most ot those who come from that small province cannot speak English. They come to America with a good trade in anticipa tion of getting better wages. The principal object of the organization on the Southside is to get all the .French natives together if possible; to cultivate a more fraternal teeling. among them; extend moral and financial support to those who are worthy and to help them in any way possible. A library will be established in connection with the organization, stocked with ancient and modern French history and literature, together with all the best American works. PBENCH BECOME CITIZENS. About four-fifths of the French who'come to this country, come from Alsace and Lor raine, icey become citizens just as soon as they can after their arrival, the proportion of them who never take out naturalization papers being very small. Another object in forming the present association is to secure, if possible, some recognition in politics. It is claimed that what history shows France as a nation did for America is sufficient grounds upon which to base their claims for this recognition Similar organizations have been formed in New York, Cincinnati, St Louis and New Orleans, and they are said to be meet ing with considerable success. The Pitts burg association will endeavor to enlist the sympathies and substan tial encouragement of all who came from the French Province in advanc ing their people in civilization, education and refinement The matter of education is beginning to attract tbe attention of the French natives in America. Previous to 1870 the system of education in France was not of a very high standard. Since that time the nation lias endeavored to pattern after the American system, and it is meet ing with much favor. rOEMINO A LIBRARY. Many of the older people who came to this country, however, are not well educated. It is the " intention to establish literary and scientific reading circles in connection with the organization. Then a greater effort will be made to have the children get the full benefit of the public schools of the city. Every feature that can be made conducive to the advancement of the people, that will place them on a higher plane of civilization, that will add to their home comfort and happiness, will be made an object of the organization, and the zeal with which the members seem to have started out indicates that the organization will be a benefit to the people. The association will also adopt a bene ficial feature. Members taking sick will receive a weekly benefit, and when a death occurs the association will make an assess ment on the members for tbe benefit of the deceased's family. The officers of the asso ciation are: President, Andrew Gerard, Vice President, Nicholas Martenet; Secre tary, John Beinbold; Treasurer, Eugene Bitter. Meetings will be held once a month from this on. MOHAMMEDAN CUSTOMS. They Eat Little Meat and Go to Church Five Times on Sunday. Mr. S. H. Bedikian, of Constantinople, delivered an address in the Mt Washing ton Presbyterian Church last night on the "Native Beligions and Mission Work in Turkey." Mr. Bedikian appeared before the audieuce dressed in the habiliments of his native country. He stated that there arc three religious sects in Turkey the Jewish, the Mohammed and the Christian. Mr. Bedikian paid particular attention to the customs of the Mohammedans. "These," said he, "go to church five times a day. Imagine Americans being compelled to do this. Twice is as often as they can endure, and they complain then if the sermon is a little too long. The Mo hommedans always wash their feet, face and hands each night before retiring. They eat no pork. Mutton is preferred. They eat very little beef. And I can very readily understand why there are so many dentists, and so .many mouths full of false teeth in America. It is all on account of tbe quan tity of tough beef consumed. "Intoxication is so absolutely prohibited by the Mohammedan religion that if a sheep has been known to drink from a river in which even a drop of liquor has been spilt, it is considered unfit for sacrifice. The great hindrance to mission wort among the Mo hammedans is the fact that there is so much drunkenness in the civilized nations, and so long as a saloon exists in one of these they will hesitate to accept the Christian religion. As they become enlightened, how ever, they endeavor to pattern after Ameri can customs and habits of living. They try very bard tft imitate the missionaries." FIFE WORKHOUSE VICTIMS. Judge Grlpp's Sunday Morning Scrrico Well Conducted. Out of 31 cases at the Central station hear ing yesterday morning, but five received workhouse sentences. Thomas Porter, an innocent, guileless, colored man, who prof fered a confederate $10 bill-in payment for some cigars in a Franklin street store, was discharged after he had demonstrated his ignorance of the character of the bill. George Norton was seen acting suspici ously on Second avenue by Officer Boyd. When the officer went after him he made his way through a back alley and up to the third story of No. 125 before he was captured. He got a 30-day sentence. James Brown and George Shrader were fighting on Green street, and when Officer Beckett arrested them. Brown kicked the officer several times in the breast. They each got 30 days. Jacob DrambelL and Frank Wilson, for fighting and acting disorderly, each got 30 davs. The balance of the cases, 15 of which were drunks, were let off with light fines and sentences. THEIR RANKS THINNED. memorial Services for Those Who Died During the Fast Tear. Yesterday afternoon Col. J. B. Clark Post No. 162, G. A. B., held their annual mem orial services for the comrades of the post who died during the year. These were Bobert Neilie and George Burnside. The hall on West Diamond street was packed with people, representatives of the Grand Army and lheir friends. The ritual as pre scribed by the organization was followed throughout. The memorial address was de livered by B. C. Miller, Esq. - Liquor Hen Awake. The Southside Anti-Prohibition Associa tion, composed of 45 German societies, held a meeting last night in Druid's HalL Sev eral thousand tickets Trere distributed for I the coming election. r - TANNERS0RGlNlZE.rfW They Are Sore ou ttio Kstcht of Idibar Proprietor Threaten to B-lscBargo Mem bers of the Union Ko Strike nt Fresesl. The Tanners and Curriers8 Union of Allegheny connty was formed yesterday afternoon in Walter's Hall, corner of Chest nut and O'Hara streets, Allegheny. The new organization, which is entirely inde pendent of the Knights of Labor, has 80 members, and more are expected to join at tbe next meeting. Link's Hall, on Chest nut street, has been secured as a permanent place of meeting. Herman Benke, one of the leading spirits in the new union, said last night : , . "We are tired of the K. of ., and its treatment of the tanners. The K. of L. ex pects us to help them when they have a strike on hand, but they will not help us. They deserted ns in our last strike and would do so again. This is our reason for organizing an independent union. We do not expect to strike just at present, but when we do, we da not wish to be handi capped in our efforts by outsiders. Onr or ganization is at present incomplete, but it will be entirely completed on Thursday next, when the constitution and by-laws will be submitted by the committee ap pointed to draft them. We will also elect permanent officers at that meeting." "How do the bosses like the movement?" asked the reporter. "They do not like it all," replied Mr. Benke. "J. O. Lappe Ss Sons, for whom I have been working, discharged me Satur day evening because I would not promise to have nothing to do with the proposed union. And William Flaccus & Son have posted cards in their works giving notice that no union men will be retained in their em ploy." "Will your discharge cause a strike?" "I do not know. I believe that it hastened the organization. However, I expect to get work soon. There are other tanneries in town than those of Lappe and Flaccus. These two are the only ones that have taken a de cided stand against the union." TEACTION ROAD TROUBLES. The Employes May Strike for tbe Superin tendent's Removal. The discontent among the employes of the Citizens' Traction Company, which has been simmering for some time past, is said to be rapidly approaching a boiling point. The trouble, it is claimed, is due to the change in the management, and dates from the time that Superintendent Bngg took hold of the active management vice Mr. Murray Verner A number of tbe men seen last night drew some contrasts between the conditions of affairs which existed under the regime of the latter gentleman and the manner in which the business of the road was con ducted at present, and which were rather unfavorable to the gentleman who, at pres ent, actively represents the company, When Mr. Bugg began to operate the cable road in Boston- the men under his direction were well organized, had the sup port of a strong union and were contented, but that in a very short time affairs took a different aspect " They were frequently at loggerheads with the company, and that finally Mr. Bugg succeeded in breaking up the union and introdncing scab labor. They think that a similar state of affairs may result here. The employes of the Citizens' Traction Company are beginning to regard, them selves as having strong grounds for com plaint against the present superintendent. and it was more than hinted last night that unless things ran along more smoothly in the future, they would move for his re moval by going on strike. One of their chief grounds for complaint is the number of discharges which they say have occurred of late, and which the men claim were arbi trary. Some of the conductors laid off have been reinstated, but others have conceived themselves to be so aggrieved as to refuse to again work for the road. One instance was related of a conductor who was dismissed for indulging in a drink while wearing the uniform of the company, though he was at the time off duty. Some of the directors seen expressed them selves as fully satisfied with the manner in which Mr. Bngg was conducting the affairs of the company. An effort was made to see the superintendent in his own defense, but he could not be found. ANOTHER FOUNDRY SIGNS. The 75 Moldera of the Rosedale Foundry to Resume Work. An intimation was received at molders' headquarters last night to the tfiect that the Bosedale Foundry Company, Washington and Preble avenue, Allegheny, had con sented to its men returning at the increased rate of wages. The firm employs 75 men, and is one of he largest in the city in the foundry line. Some employers will probably regret not having yielded sooner, as they may not be able to obtain molders or, at any rate, skilled men when they need them. Sev eral founders have already found it neces sary to advertise for molders, and as about 30 or 40 men have found ready employment in other cities, firms may be unable to fill their requirements when they decide to open np once more for business. Work in the foundry business Is reported as brisk in the principal cities, and there is an acknowl edged scarcity of molders at the nresent time. About 100 men are unemployed a number insufficient to fill the shops still on strike to their capacity of a month ago. A WARNING TO WITES. Henry Carrlgan Reals Ills Wife far Tak ing Bis Money. Henry Carrigan, about 45 years old, who resides near the Colfax school honse, in the Twenty-second ward, was arrested yesterday afternoon, and lodged in the lockup at Hacelwood by Officers Madigan and Smith, on a charge of felonious cutting. Mrs. Car rigan makes the information. She alleges that her husband drinks a great deal and when he is not drinking he works in tho Keystone mill. Yesterday, she alleges, her husband came home drunk. As she needed money to buy food for her self and three small children, she went to his pants and took out 82.50. The husband, upon discovering this, assaulted her, using a knife. Mrs. Carrigan screamed, and a man named Henry Beitzel, who lives close by, ran to her assistance, and rescued her from her brutal husband, who at the time had her down in a closet, and was as saulting her with the knife. Mrs. Carrigan received an ugly gash back of the ear, and was badly bruised from blows. The police report the case to be oneof extreme sadness. All the furniture in the house was broken up by the drunken husDand, and the wife and little ones were left without a bite to eat Agent Dean will be asked to investi gate the case. Meanwhile, Mrs. Carrigan and her children are being cared for by charitable ladies. A BLOODY ENCOUNTER. A Sister Uses n Hatchet on a Qaarrelsorao Brother to Good Effect. A bontS o'clock last evening an affair took place on West Carson street, Southside, which might have resulted iatallyto John O'Brien. Shortly before that time O'Brien, who is said to have been under the in fluence of liquor, began a quarrel with his mother. Mrs. O'Brien is over 50 years of age and has been ill for some time. Her son abused her, it is alleged, by choking her and throwing her on a bed, when Annie, his sister, interfered. O'Brien then tnrned on bis sister and knocked her down. She retaliated by getting a hatchet and planting it in her brother's thigh. A desperate struggle followed between the two. While the fight between brother and sister was in progress a boy attracted the at tention of Officer O'Donnel, who arrived just as the sister was about to make a second assault on ner orotner. xne oncer locsea both of them up in the Thirtdetb. ward tt Jtioa house. WBHJi!fiiE?Wtiim. , ' : : -ps? t - Engineer Moody, of Erie, Defeids His Plan for a Water Supply. REPLYING TO COLONEL MERRILL He Thinks the federal Engineer Bid Not Understand Him. A CONDUIT EAST OP CONSTRUCTION Mr. G. Lyman Moody, the Erie engineer, who proposed a plan lor securing a water supply for the ship canal to Lake Erie, to the commission when it metrecenty in Pitts burg, is not satisfied with the criticism of hisjscheme made by Colonel W. C. Merrill, the Government river engineer for this dis trict In an interview vesterdzv Mr. Moodv states that he believes Colonel Merrill was either misinformed or misquoted, and that be evidently did not understand the plans in detail. In justice to Colonel Merrill, it may be stated that he happened to be in The Dispatch office on the day the commission met here, and a description of Mr. Moody's ideas was read to him. NO MOBE NECESSABT. The reporter had not proceeded very far when the Colonel threw up his hands, say ing it wasn't necessary to read further, and declaring the scheme 'was nonsensical, and he afterward made the statements as quoted. In hw reply to. Colonel Merrill, Mr. Moody says: '"I think Colonel Merrill must have been misinformed and not correctly quoted, for I have never advocated drawing any water from Chautauqua Lake. There is very lit tle overflow at its outlet at any time, and none in the driest times. Its watershed is exceedingly limited, while the Chautauqua basin, including all of the sources of the affluents of the Allegheny, reaches from Dayton on the north to Sane on the sontb, and from east of Coudersport to Corry on the west, having an area of 3,200 square miles, mostly well wooded, with a precipi tation of about ten inches each season. All of this drainage passes through the only gap in its rim, at Thompson's, in the Allegheny river bed, which is here many feet above the summit of the old canal from Erie to Bea ver. Hence, I have no hesitation in saying that as long as water runs it can be con ducted to the summit of the proposed ship canal, which may, perhaps, be fixed at a lower level than that of the old canal. THE AVAILABLE DBAUTAOE. "This plan is theresultof inquiry to deter mine the possibility of a permanent water supply. To reach the source in the river bed, I show that the drainage of the Con neant and Oil Creek basins are also avail able, and, finally, that enough of the drain age of 4,000-Equare miles may be had at the summit to float any vessel which can be built to navigate the lakes. The question of building this conduit is merely a matter of excavation, involving no difficult prob lems in engineering; no water rights will be interfered with, only the least valuable land in the State is to be acquired for right of way, and all along this is the best of build ing stone for locks. "Further, no long or costly experiments are necessary to determine the flow of water in canals or conduits. The velocity of the stream, its sectional area, and consequently its capacity to deliver the requisite amount of water at the summit, is a yaj simple matter of substitution in formula; long since determined with the greatest exactness by distinguished, engineers, and the flow of the river, be it fast or slow, has nothing what ever to do with the uniform motion of the water in the feeder." Temperance Meeting Yesterday. A W. C. T. IT. Bjeeting was held at the corner of Bearer and Washington avenues, Allegheny, yesterday afternoon. Addresses were made by Mr. Corfield, and Mr.. Walker, of England. T. P. Hershberger, L. S. Jack and L. Mooney addressed a meeting nnder the auspices of tbe Sons of Temperance at 68, Ohio street, Allegheny, lastpight Bis Arm Blown OtC A man named Miller was brought to the St Francis Hospital yesterday from Glen shaw, having had his arm very nearly blown off at that place Saturday night It could not be ascertained in what manner Miller suffered his injury. Communicated. A TEST OF STRENGTH- How an Attempt to Commit the BarAsse , elation to Johnston Failed. All last week the friends of K. H. Johns ton were at work: in an attempt to induce the Bar Association, at its meeting on Satur day, to indorse Johnston, the Democratic candidate for District Attorney. All the members of the association were visited. The result of the canvass was to convince the Johnston men that the lawyers are not for Johnston, but for Bowand, for District At torney. Better evidence of Bowand's fitness, could not be presented. EXCURSION TO BAIriiHOBE Via Washington. Tbe B. & O. E. K. will sell excursion tickets to Baltimore, good to stop at Wash ington, D. C, at -rate of 3 for the round trip, from Nor. 7 to 12 inclusive, good to return until the 16th. on account of the Catholic Congress. 'Trains leave Pittsburg at 8 A. ar. and 920 p. at. B. fcB. Bear of dress goods rooms. 100 pieces ladies' cloth (double Idih 36-incb), at 25c choice mixtures. Wtcent goods at half price 25c. Are easy to sell. B0003 Ss BtOTL. Opera Glasses. Quite a variety of pearl, gilt and oxydized, at Henry Terheyden's Jewelry House, 530 Smithfieid st inrr Don't let whiskv get the best of you, bnt get tbe best of whisky. Klein's Silver Age rye only $1 50 per fall quart For sale everywhere. Ask for it arwir Nnturnl Gas Bills Reduced 75 Fer Ceot. CKeete Gas Appliance Co., 34TifthaT. Royal Worcester Vases, jars, pitchers; beautiful goodsr a fresh Invoice. HunbtTerhetdeit, mwf 530 Smithfieid at Avoid shrinking your flannels, and keep them soft by using Walker's wax soap. MWThP A glass of P. & V.'s Iron City- beer at night insures quiet sleep. EVIL AIR Front bad sewerage or undralned swamps, deranges the liver and un dermines the system, creates blood , diseases and eruptions, preceded by headache, biliousness and constipa tion, which can most effectually be cured by tbe use of the genuine Dr.O.McLane's celebrated - Liver Pills. . Frlee, 38c Sold by all draipata, wd pre pared only by Fleadsg BretbaN, Pitm barg. Pa. Get the 4eafei cawsarsaltf .,. are made In St Look. 4 sS m wmBmmi rr77j7t7v-Hli glsrwJm tjj Th Clels Xxerckw t&WtTmv3fl Church Anniversary-Rev. BHJM Wot, Praise the Farmer Pastor. lB The three divs'eetnivratiim of the tkirtiethr anniversary or the First PlymouttiCongTe gationsl Chnrch, in Allegheny, elosejJ lart night in a blaze of glory. In tteBorning there was reunlar unlm rrUh mmmunion. In the afternoon, instead of the regulir!Sab--bath school a sort or an experieneeMe'eting a i"a,a wBich lnr addressesTwwe made by- former Sabbath school teachers. Among them were ex-Superintendent Grey, 1J0??ES'-JJr- er. Mrs- B! read a l-5?,Ur Hi,b' ttS, pai JSS'" 1868 to 187- Th &M ?u M n?PPterms t Ms connection wiffiLs o ,.u "EeT.B. M. George. oftthoS Southside Congregational Church, wilF StSS ? Pa,tor nl congregation: re. m1 !heJ' ha doue-well'iff the ptst, but could do better in the future. J Bev. HIUs, the pastor, made thetelosins; address. He did not praise theVfbrmer pastor, and said: "Your history has.bee a. strange one. Your former pastor was igreat man, but he was your evil "cenius-fiYosifc mortgaged your church for him; he IedlroS? just as he-wanted you to go.' Hrdidatf? preach the Gospel. He launched joaSintc debt and left you, and the church wentwithf l.m:. , ETTtiing but the downright' Christian characters he found whetfhe camel here, and that he could not take. GodE has? taught yon a lesson. Never let the magnet ism of the public orator take hold of.'vbu again. Mr. Moore went from here, to jCii einnati, and tried the same thing- Then hoi . went on the stage, and was a failure." ' rA Rv. .1 XT D i ... .- i't:' -"arue" maoetne eiosingt ri ? "";" wa an. earnest appeal.Jfoi, blessings on the pastor and congregation!! CLEYEIiAND'S LOCAL BOOSTERS, A Permanent Organization of the KewL Society to b Made. -s7-. The G rover Cleveland Democratic Society, of Latfrenceville, will meet to-night' to form a permanent organization. Tbe rule pertaining to charter membership will'' likely be repealed to admit many persons desirous of joining the society. Colonel Ji W. Echols signified his intention of being present to deliver a speech. jg &-. JOB. HDRNE PENN AVENtJE STORES About Silks, "a Dress Goods' jOTgafy' Bulgarian Scarfs. fiffslfri ' PrrTSBUBO. Monday.Novemoel., When you think of the origlnat color. -of the 811k and then sea tbe myrlaasotr colors shown: In our great Bilk stock you wonder how it can be made to'taieso many shades; Such delicate shades, so soft and mellow, to tbe strong; positive colon, front Green, down, from. Red, -down, from BlUe down, from Brown. down, ettv etc. Every popular weave of the best shades are In all, but everi? line has a number of shades exclusively f-i IBS own. Colors, colors, colors; Bach a place,', 's iu. UJ9 uuuio sou. to reyci. xne plains and the combinations xrn"s. feast to the eye. " But buyers want quality. It's the ' quality or our Silks that brings to as the great body of payers fait cities and vicinity; Wa havet thoroughly the world's makesj Silks,- We and our custo-me- Plenty of time was give toji U1C-BU. IBS UC3- UBJJ j here now. What's the dlffenraea T-rhtT Gulnets. Bonnets, or whanot'''W,a way have these, and we may' not? A What we want is to impress yoa'- with the Idea that ,,' -fii Otrs ows jfAKS is, practtaangA stamped on every yard toe sell.- Isn't our name sufficientr ton i-aew more about us than you do about aav fancy named Bilk maker. You dags hold of an Inferior silk of the best brand. But we ara not tho ones to illl it to yon. TbeSUKweBeUyoij-oCwsaS ever name, is Just what we r ep reseat it to be, and jast what you pay fasti Whether you biryColedSiIks;whetla you buy Blacks, yon bava the assuranoa of baying; real quality and not,t The public, as rule, kaefn too maays names of makes. Better buy what' is i offered yon. by reliable de-Jars sad let ' names go. A dealer who woaldraSter always sen an article on tie mariss'of ija. ' . j --. . T another name than his owa doas Bat SmrM rue public connaenee. Krmn.sirirM.iS mV Stop a moment by those Ccdatatl Surahs. A stack ot -SSfflF' i shades aad colors and cotaNlandT '-''. shades 50c and 6Se a yd some'oF' them. Full 2i-lnch Sarahs TSctto 11 10 a yard. 1 And a. moment ta the shades of.' Gros Grams,,asd as to. prices. 50b, 63c, 75c, ?6c and a yard on goods fully worth telr priced or more. - A wider range of Faille Fraai-' ,. v t , caijse, facto S2 a yard. - Rich Satin Bhadames, 75s to 31! Beautiful Peas de Bole, SI, fl 253 and tl 50. ' Arranre Royales, many beautif weaves, excellent goods, for beanty." and for quality, all the way from t to 16 a yard. - Crepe d Cheaes and every others Of Evening Sillri'n K-rnrv shu!. As to novelties, there's really no eacfl ..J , From a couple of 'dollars a yard to thai moat saperb goods, in a number; of I magnificent styles at 175 a yard tM patterns so elaborate that the goodfl bad to be made of extra width. HererAn"dV-rorthe Dress Geoajsl worth columns of talk. Forty () inch Woolenriettas at Beventy-Sve (75) cents' a yard. In abontl -30 elegant shades, aad goods good ralaaj attl2fiyard. "" 3d Those Balearian Scarfs are not soldjfatj their beauty. It's their oddity. Tboa-l sands upon thousands were sold 1MB New York. Onrlotoisoowasa AsjMHMriitfr0nrid ftn .M ' Saturdar- Prices, $1, 1 J, 4l JUU . " JOB. HDRNE i Wm HNS" AVENUE SIOl ilnl iHimmmV -ITSmJmmmmmmT. 9 Id- jffucnr b& '-.V - ,--!. tJ&2 i,rx rfV "V Jj2fiSflLtSir "i T i