3? fIT!ron?wii Bezrtneomir'ilemtiTtt. ft Heln, a'dverdse Id THE Dlfel'ATCH. Pnrcbner can be found far everything offered Fer Sale In THE DISPATCH. THE DISPATCH U the best ndvertislng medium U Western Pennsylvania. Try It w TORTT-FOUBTH TEAE. It ism. "The Mannington Region West Virginia Goes in on Grease. LEASES COME VERY HIGH, But lTo Such Fabulous Deals Are Made as Eumor , Set on. loot. SHREWD GOBBLING PLANS Deprive Hundreds of Greedy land Owners of Coveted Bonuses for leases. 4K0T;A SINGLE GUSHER AS YET, fkn& That Alleged 500-Barreler, the Ham r ' ilton, lields Possibly 40 or 50 Barrels at Best. FACTS GLEASED WITHOUT PREJUDICE. The Mannington, W. Va., oil boom has seemingly set hundreds of good sober citi zens crazy, on the smallest capital that Oil dom has ever ret discovered producing snch results. A good quality of oil, in dread fully small quantity, has been found; that is all. The great Hamilton well which, so recently as Friday morning last, was with out contradiction reported to hare belched forth at the rate of 600 barrels the day previous, "into hidden tanks," had, as a matter of cold, stubborn, unquestionable fact, yielded on that day less than 50 bar rels. They are making mighty mysteries of their new-found grease, to profitable pur pose it would seem; and now they talk of going down to the Gordon sand. Leases command almost any price within the range of insanity of a milder form. The strangest part of it all is that prospectors who say there is no oil there are looking earnestly for leases. A full and accurate array of facts fails to develop the new Lima field which the mountaineers laid claim to. TFKOM OUR ErECIAL COMMISSIONER. Mxxsisgtox, W. Va., .November Theresidents of this ordinarily staid a and quiet village have lived more in the last two weeES than they did in the preceding two years. The grooves of their lives were greased, as it were, and they shot along at such a wonderfully accelerated speed that it turned their heads. It was oil that did it a little bit of oil that came out of the ground, and grand visions of vast quantities that were yet to come. It was on Friday two weeks ago that the drillers of what is known as the Hamilton well thought they had struck a great sub terranean lake of the oleaginous fluid. A Perfect Spurt of It. The oil shot out of the ten-inch hole with such force and volume as to go higher than the 70-foot derrick, and drench the flag which was nailed on the top so thoroughly that it has hung limp and greasy ever since. It looked for the time being as though the well was a thousand-barrel gusher at the lowest estimate, and ought to be even greater than that. The story of the strike flew with the speed of electricity. If ot only was there the wild est excitement among the people in this sec tion o Marion county, but, the news reach ing the oil regions and oil speculators of Pennsylvania and Ohio, created little less sensation. "With snch a foundation upon which to build, wildly exaggerated stories of the fer tility of the field gained currency and credence. In an incredibly short time Man nington found itself overwhelmed by a throng of oil operators and speculators. The number was far too large for the exceedingly limited accommodations of the little Til lage. Some of the Rnmors. Prom Oil City The Dispatch received private information that rumor had it that the new oil field was likely to eclipse the Lima field in productiveness, and that one company alone had leased 60,000 acres. After the first grand spurt of the Hamilton well it had been shut up and closely guarded. The "mystery" tactics were used with an effectiveness that defied overthrow. It was then that The Dispatch correspondent came down to this region to make thorough and impartial investigation. It is well enough to state right here that he didn't find any 1,000-barrel well, nor anytliing that Indicated that the region was jg to equal the prolific Lima field; nor SSThVfind that anyone company had leased ,ofer,S3 square miles of territory. But he did find indications that the oil belt of "West Virginia is likely to produce much oil in the near future, and Oil of a Superior Quality. Prom the time oil was struck up to Thursday afternoon, October 31, the Hamil ton well was worked as a nuttcry, being carefully boarded up and closely guarded. OnThursday the guard was removed, and, when the correspondent visited the well, there was not a soul to be seen around it, nor was there any attempt at concealment The reason for this change of tactics will appear further on. At the time of the visit ! to the well it was as quiet as the surronnd- ing hills. But it had flowed for a few min utes during the day previous into a small tank with which procs had been connected 1 after the first big spurt. Prom Mr. Fleming Hamilton, the owner r& E4 of the farm on which the well is drilled, it was learned that a small flow occurred every 12 or 14 hours. That is, that the accumula tion of trts in the well under the oil which gradually gathered in the hole, forced the heavier liquid up about once a day. The tank with which the pipes are connected will not hold more than o0 barrels. On Friday the well was Capped and Plugged to protect any further flow while waiting for pumping machinery, which has been or dered. When the well was capped there were not more than 30 or 40 barrels of oil in the tank, as near as could be ascertained by climbing on top of it and looking through the gas vent hole of the cover. This, posi tively, is all thewell has done so far, yet a Wheeling paper of Friday morning, under a display head, said: The Hamilton well, which has been kept by its proprietors a secret, Is no longer a mystery. Yesterday it gave to the owners new and last ing encouragement. No one was astonished when, abont 3 o'clock, she showed In one-half hour a production of an average per day of 500 barrels. Oil is flowing freely into the hidden tanks regularly. It is needless to remark that the 500-barrels-per-day idea caused many amused smiles among the shrewd oil operators here, who knew the facts and read the paper. There was some talk of organizing a bat talion to go ont and search for the "hidden" tanks; but it was abandoned on account of the weather, and the intense absurdity of seeking for a hidden thing which was not hidden any more than is "a city set upon the hills." What It May Do. It is not at all possible yet to determine what the Hamilton well may do eventually. On account of the jealousy naturally exist ing among rivals in business, the oil opera tors here searching for leases seek facts and express views as will best suit their own in terests, and they do not agree upon a unani mous verdict. Some say that it has gone through the Gordon sand, and that as a pumper the well will not be better than a five-barreler. Others with equal confidence assert that it will be about a 25 barrel pro ducer. None go higher than the latter figure. Yet mark thts fact: All of them want leases! It they can convince the farmers that the territory is only wildcat, they can get leases at a much less bonus than if they admitted that the Hamilton well is likely to prove a big producer. The actual depth of which the Hamilton well has been bored Is 1,804 feet The oil that was found was in the Big Injun sand. The drill went down 14 feet in the slate be neath the Big Injun, and there stopped, ostensibly for fear that the salt water might be struck. 'Tell it to the Marine. But there is strong reason for saying that the fear of salt water might be told to the marines, those hermophrodites of the sea who are credited with gullibility. The Gordon sand is not reached in the Mt .Morris dis trict short of 2,100 feet; if thejcalculations in regard to the dip of the various strato are correct, it could not be found at the point where tbe Hamilton well is located short of 2,400 to 2,500 feet It is not at all pro bable that there is any more salt water be tween the Big Injun and the Gordon sands, at the point where the Hamilton well is lo cated, than there is in the Mt Morris dis trict It is not necessary to draw the moral. Extent of tbe Belt. So much attention has been given in the foregoing to the" Hamilton-well, for the rea son that it is the key to the situation. The finding of oil, either in small or large .quan tity at that point, settled the question as to the continuity of tbe oil belt. "Whatever the Hamilton well may yet do, it is certain there is oil in the territory; and it may be a big field. One experienced operator says he believes it is a pocket field only. He was hunting leases, however. But how came anyone to go into the wildest kind of wildcat territory, land which no oil operator ever dreamed would produce oil, and bore a hole? That ques tion leads up to the story.- Prof. H.C. White, State Geologist of "West Virginia, became convinced, through his investigations of the mineral wealth of tbe State, that there was oil in localities not hitherto supposed to be petrolenm territory. Long before the first producing well was found at Mt Morris, which is in Pennsyl vania, Just Beyond the I.Ine of Monongalia county, West Virginia, Prof. White had followed the Pennsylvania oil belt from that point through Monongalia and Marion counties up to, and for some miles south of Mannington. The out- croppings oi the rock appeared on the east side of the belt at a general aver age of about 45 degrees southwest of Mt Morris. He calculated that the east side of the belt would probably produce gas wells, on the west side oil. The average width of the belt is three miles, according to surface indications. Acting upon the faith of his convictions, Prof. White associated with himself Prof. T. M. Jackson, a civil engi neer, of Morgantown, and Clarence Smith, formerly of Fairmont, and the company proceeded to visit the farmers in the neigh borhood of Mannington to procure leases of land under guarantees of tests within three years. Before any work would be done the White, Jackson, Smith Company desires to secure leases of 2,500 acres. For Simply tlio Royalty of one-eighth of the oil, and without bonus. The 2,500 acres were secured without much difficulty. Prof. White wanted to put down the first test well on Plum run, but as he could not secure enough leases in that neighborhood, concluded to try first on the Hamilton farm, about a mile and a half from Mannington, and that is how the Ham ilton well became an entity. The original company, consisting of the three persons already named, took in a fourth partner for tbe purpose of develop ment This person is Mr. John Montgom ery, of Washington, Pa., who agreed to put down the wells in two tracts for three tourths of the oiL It was he who bored the Hamilton well. Now there is a very bitter feeling against the original company, and against Prof. White especially. Mr. J. H. Firby, of this place, who is a member of the State Senate, owner of much laud, a lumber manufac turer, merchant, and in various ways prom inent and active in the community, was one who put in 200 acres at the start He now says that the White Company did not stop at the 2,500 acres, but went on until They Secured Many Thousands. No one can tell exactly how many acres the White Company controls; but it is cer tain that it is over 6,000. The persons who cave these leases will receive nothing but Lthe royalty, while they see their neighbors getting big bonuses. Prof. White's geo logical knowledge and his business acumen were demonstrated by the finding of oiL Bat Prof. White himself acknowledges that Ptotpot it requires actual teats to demonstrate the localities in which oil in paying quantities is to be found. He already had plenty of territory to the west of the Hamilton well, but since the strike he has been active in securing further leases on the east While Prof. White's company did not commence operations -on Plum run, another company did, almost as soon as work began on the Hamilton farm. Bufbad luck has atten A i the venture. For some days, and even a. to last Friday, there was much in clination to believe that the hard luck stories were only intended to conceal potent facts of a slippery nature; but they were not The well is down 1,140 feet When an attempt was made to put in the first, or 10-inch casing, it parted of its own weight, owing to defective material, and there was A Lone Fishing Job hardly had this been successfully ended when the bailer was lost in the hole. It was was finally fished out, but only in part, as the bottom of the bailer remains in the well. Mr. Willett, who is generally sup posed to be really the representative of Booth & Flinn, of Pittsburg, is the con tractor, and has not been near the well for over a week. Tn the meantime the lour drillers aro drawing their 5 a day each, simply for going to the rig once a day and seeing that no person has stolen the hole. The Hamilton and Plum run wells are the only two which haye been drilled as yet in the Mannington district, but prepara tions for others are being pushed with great activity. The Standard has enough confi dence in, or fear of, the territory to try it, and is putting up a derrick about two miles north of Mannington. Several other der ricks are going up, or have been contracted for, two of them being within the borough limits. Two or three weeks will demon strate whether or not tjie field is a good one, whether or not anything further is done with the Hamilton well during that time. A Golden Stream Monopoly. "Wherever there is a great deal of oil ex citement somebody is destined to get cash, whetherhegetsoilor not So far as Man nington is concerned, one man has had a monopoly of the golden stream which flowed to the place. There is only one hotel in the village, and the proprietor of that hostelry is the person who has been reaping the autumnal harvest When the crowds began pouring into the territory they naturally drifted to the Commercial Hotel. Every thing in the shape of a bed was filled, two or three deei. Then every evailable cot was put np, wherever room t could be found for one, until even the hallways became almost impassable. When this space was all taken the later comers had to get accommodations wherever they could, at prices commensurate with the necessities of the occasion. Vacant space in storehouses was used for sleeping pur poses, and when this was all taken the last stragglers were informed that they might get within the shelter of a chicken coop, which had been emptied of its original oc cupants by the voracious appetites of the bediess visitors. As a consequence Fair mont, which lies outside the oil belt, got a portion of the overflow,, persons going to that village on tbe last train at night, and returning to Mannington on the first train in the morning. Showmen and Fakirs. Snide showmen and fakirs of various kinds flocked to the village to capture a few ot the stray nickels which wandered about, and left with heavier pockets than they brought with them. The excitement, however began to wane by Thursday of last week, and, many visitors having departed, it became possible to get a bed in the hotel. -Nine-tenths of all the territory that is supposed to be, by any possible stretch of imagination, within the oil belt has already been leased. As has already been said, much of this is decidedly wildcat territory. What little good land still remains is held by the owners at such stiff bonus prices that only daring and reckless speculators care to invest One man, who is not particularly sharp-witted, but who is the owner of 100 acres of land near the edge of the belt, wanted a bonus of $10 an acre, with the usual royalty. All tbe Oil and a Bonos. No one had the slightest idea of taking it at that figure, butone waggish individual among the speculators remarked to the hay seed: "Ten dollars an acre is too much bonus. I tell you what I'll do; I'll give you 5 and eight-eighths of the oil." "No," replied Mr. Hayseed, "I'll not let my land go for 5 an acre unless I get more of the oil." The Hamilton well is about 35 miles by air line from Mt. Morris. In the latter field there has been but little activity of late. Only five wells came in during Octo ber, of which two were dusters. The other new West Virginia field,, the Eureka, in Ohio county, west ot tbe old exhausted Volcano field, is likely to create t stir before long. Last week a 330-barrel well was brought in on territory which two weeks ago was offered for sale in fee simple for 525 an acre. Now 560 per acre bonus is offered for some of this laud for leases. Dawson. SUICIBE OF A DKFMHEE. A Well-Known Philadelphia Traveling Dion Takes Ills Life tn Chlcngo. ISFECtAJ. TELEGBAM TO THE DISrATCH.1 Chicago, November 3. Gus Winelan der, representing the wholesale umbrella firm of N. Winelander & Co., of 17 North Third street, Philadelphia, committed sui cide in his room on the sixth floor of the Palmer House, some time last night by in haling illuminating gas. He was fonnd in bed to-night by a servant girl who made re peated attempts to arouse him. Mr. Wine lander was one of the best known drummers in the country. He came here from St. Lonis on October 30. An entry in his note book shows that while in St. Louis he drew on his firm for 535. Only 52 was found in the clothing. The body was taken to an undertaker's rooms by traveling men who knew the dead man for years. Mr. Winelander was in good spirits yesterday, and not one of his colleagues can ,assign a cause for the suicide. VERY DETERMINED TO DIE. He Took Foison, Tried Hanging, 'Cat His Tbront and Jumped Off the Roof. ISPICIAL TEI.FBRAM TO THJt DISPATCH. j Geajjtoit, W. Va., November 3. John Armbr'uster, who killed himself yesterday by jumping off a four-story house, was bound to die. He first broke into a drug store and swallowed poison. The doctors saved him, but he followed this up with three attempts to hang himself. Failing to leave the world by this route, he cut his throat with a razor, and with the blood streaming from his wound, he went to the roof and sprang off. While the body was being prepared for burial, 12 wounds made with a pair of scis sors were lound on his body. He was 64 years old. Jealousy the Cause of a Murder. fFrECIAL TELEGRAM TO TUX DISPATCH.! Pabkersbueq, W. Va., November 3. At a dance at Valley Mills, on Friday night Frank Seisk and Kirk Padget en gaged in a row abont a girl, and Seisk .fractured Padget's skull with a poker, The wounded man will likely die, PITTSBURG, MONDAY, A HOWLWG H00SIER full of Sneers and Hatred for Har rison, Whom Ho Calls a Traitor. , ONCE THE PEESIDENT'S -FBIEM). The Man Who First Toted for the General for U. S. Senator, and FIRST HAMED HIM FOE PRESIDENT, Now, Failing to Get a ConsnlsMp, Cites Mr. Har rison an Awful Boast Hon. David V. Baker, a disappointed In dianian, failing to get a consulship, is out in a long attack on Ihe President, whom he accuses of being ungrateful and forgetful of past favors. Mr. Baker claims to be the original Harrison man, and the very first one who, as member of the Indiana Legis lature, voted for the General for United States Senator. .. ISFECIAL TIXEQBAM TO TBS DISPATCH. 1 Washington, November a There is in Washington to-day an Indiana Repub lican, who six months ago was the most en thusiastic and irrepressible Harrison man in all Hoosierdom. To-day he has nothing but sneers and hatred for the President, who he says, has betrayed the Republican party. This much disappointed man is the Hon. David Y. Baker, one of the tnost widely known and effective stump speakers in the State of Indiana. Mr. Baker's grievance against the administration is embittered by the fact that he is an unsuccessful candidate for appointment to a good, fat consulship. He says, however, that whether he is to get the office or not, he cannot refrain from showing upthe treachery and ingratitude of Benjamin Harrison. There are just two things, in Mr. Baker's opinion, that are responsible for the flat failure of Harrison as President. First, he turned his entire policy in the direction of PLEASING THE MUGWUMPS instead of the Republicans who made him, and second, he has allowed his actions to be controlled by the Indianapolis gang of poli ticians who could not carry their own county for him, while he has utterly forgot ten the men who made him what he is. Mr. Baker claims to be one of the men mainly responsible for the advancement of Benjamin Harrison in public life. In 1860 he helped to nominate him for the first of fice he ever held, that of reporter of the Supremo Court of Indiana. In 1881, Mr. Baker was a member ot the Indiana Legis lature, and was the first man to vote for Benjamin Harrison for the position of United States Senator, and on May 30, 1888, in a speech in Portland, Ind., he nom inated him for the office of President of the United States. That speech was the first gun of the Harrison campaign, and was the text of the numerous editorials of tbe East ern press on the subject of grandfather's hat HE GETS THE COLD SHOULDER. Now Baker is a candidate for appoint ment to a consulship, and he gets the cold shoulder at the White House because he is neither amugwump, or a member of the In dianapolis gang of politicians who are run ning the administration of Benjamin Har rison. The eulogies of Mr. Harrison which Mr. Baker delivered while he was his ardent admirer were not of the ordinary sort, by any means. There were no bounds to the eloquence of the Hoosier orator when speak ing of the man whom he now distrusts and dislikes. For instance, he said in the Port-! land speech reierred to, among other pleas ant things, tha "Harrison is Indiana's choice, her only choice." The speech con cluded with a lofty peroration that contained these words: "The tongue of slander will be silenced when the people know the ability and purity of our man that the old blood still flows that the old stock still lives, and in the person of General Harri son, ot Indiana, has not degenerated, but is noble, pure and good as in the days that tried men's souls." ALli IS NOW CHANGED. Now all is changed, and in the opinion of his former eulogist, no man lives or ever did live, who was such a traitor to his party as Ben Harrison has been to his. Baker says that Harrison sounded his death-knell when he wrote that clanse in his message an nouncing that be would follow out the civil service policy laid down by Grover Cleve land, and which cost that disappointed man the electoral vote of the State of New York. "I told President Harrison these things to his face," said Mr. Baker, to-day. "In the New Denison House, of Indianapolis, I told him frankly that the people of the West, and particularly the people of In diana, are opposed to the Chinese civil service law; that they demanded the fruits of their hard-earned victory, and they will bury deeD and forever the man who was so false to his past friends and his party as to accept the Presidency as the result of the Republican support, and then sell out to Mupwumps. If we cannot haye the Re publicanism of the "immortal Lincoln," Mr. Baker says, "then we of the West wonld much prefer the herolo Democracy of Jackson." ntoors of his chabges. As proof of his charge that the gang of Indianapolis politicians are running the ad ministration, mr. .Baser points to the ap pointment of Private Secretary Halford, Consul General New, Marshal Ransdell, Minister Porter, Attorney General Miller and others. "They haye all the offices," he says, "and all tbe influence, and yet what did they do in the campaign? Why, thy lost Marion county to the Republicans for the first time that any Republican candidate for President failed to carry it." Mr. Balder says tbstit is thehonestopinion of a large majority of the Republicans of Indiana that the man closest to the Presi dent is Attorney General Miller, a man who knows less of law than of politics, and precious little of either. The Mugwumps and the Indianapolis gang, he says, have more influence over Harrison's acts than the combined Republicanism of the country, and lie gives it as his opinion, which he thinks is heartily concurred in by the rank and file oi the party throughout the State that were there an election in Indiana to morrow the Republican ticket would be BURLED OUT OP SIGHT. Mr. Baker has in bis possession a hat fall of letters written to him by Benjamin Har rison at different times, all in his own hand and all testifying to Baker's Republicanism, his services to the party, and the Presi dent's own sense of obligation. He has on file in tbe State Department the strongest letters of recommendation ever penned, signed by all the Republican leaders in the State, urging his appointment as Consul, and yet he is turned down because his name does not happen to be on the slate fixed up by the Indianapolis gang. He can make no headway with Blaine because that official keeps his bands off when Indiana appoint ments are concerned, and defers entirely to the President. Mr. Baker has been for many years an in tense admirer of James G. Blaine, and was so badly disappointed when the Plumed Knight was cheated out of the nomination in 1876 thafrhe voted for Samuel J. Tilden. He got back into the traces when Garfield was nominated, and has since then been Tftun to the rAiTn. Mr. Baker has had two conversations with President Harrison within the past few days, and finds that he now has little remembrance or appreciation of- the work NOVEMBER 4 1889. that the Eepnblican party ot Indiana did for iim last fall, and is inclined to charge most of his successes to destiny and tbe gang of Indianapolis politicians who lost him the county of Marion, and then proceeded to gather in, as the reward of their services, all the choice offices at the disposal of the -executive. "The people of Indiana understand these things," Mr. Baker says, "and are ut terly disgusted with Harrison and his ad ministration. They are keeping somewhat quiet now, in hopes that the situation will improve. However, the policy of catering to the Mugwumps, playing into the hands of the men whose influence during the cam paign was of no benefit to him, and ignor ing the rank and file of the Republicans of the back counties who elected him. He 'will find himself withont a corporal's guard in his own State when he comes to setting up the pins for a renomination." STILL A MYSTERY. "The Story of tbo Commander of the Party of Vigilantes Which Started to Lynch Ihe Benders Failure of Attempt at Identification. Kansas City, November 3. H.A.Lewis, ex-Assistant Adjutant General of the State oinansas, at present a resident of this city, was in command of the vigilance committee Which, in 1873, was organized at Parsons, 'Kan. to bring the Benders to justice. In an interview he tells the story of the vigi lantes' fruitless chase after the murderers from the scene of the crimes, throughout toe surrounding country to Cherryvale, Kan., near the Indian Territory line. From Cherryvale, the committee returned in a body to Parsons and there disbanded with out having even seen the Benders, much less lynched them. Mr. Lewis says another committee continued the search from Cherryvale. ' Some say they lynched the murderers, others say they did not. In the light of these conflicting statements it may be that the members of the Bender family still live, and that the two women arrested in Michigan are old Mrs. Bender And Kate, On the latter point, a special frpm Oswego says: A large number of per sons were here to-day to identify the prison ers. The majority were from Parsons and' me vicinity ot the .Benders home. Out ot the 12 persons who had known the Benders, only four could see any resemblance, and conld make no positive identification. The others were positive that the prisoners were not the Benders. There is no excitement here oyer the presence of the prisoners as was expected, and the extraordinary vigil ance exercised by the officers' to prevent violence is wholly needless. Another dispatch says: Mrs. Myran, who caused the arrest of the supposed Benders, is about the only person here who has any confidence in Holding the prisoners to the grand jnry. She is positive that she has caught the right persons, but she is regarded here as a "crank" by those who know her. Her mesmeric power over Mrs. Davis is re garded as the means by which she procured the alleged confession. Interest in tha, prisoners has about died out, and will not be revived until the day set for the prelimi nary examination, November 18. AGAINST GREAT ODDS, Still Baltimore Democrats Expect to Carry Tbeir City by 1,500 or So-Tho Ele ments Against Which They Have Contended Gamblers Fight Them. ISPECIAL TELEQEAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 Baltimore, November 3. The warmest and bitterest canvass in the political history of Maryland closed last night with two monster mass meetings. Both sides say they are sure of a victory, and if the claims made by tbe managers .at either headquar- I ters can be believed, the city has been thoroughly blocked, and the intention of every one of the 90,000 registered voters as certained. The fusionists are more thoroughly organ ized than ever before, and have spent a barrel of money. They retained the services of the adherents of the Morrison and slater factions of the Democratic party, who are even more bitter in their antagonism than the Republicans, because their demands for office were not complied with. They say they want revenge. . f Morrison himself says he will vote the regular ticket, but as President of the Cres cent Club he has said and done much to in jure the party organization. The men who have followed his lead will, it is thought, stab the ticket in the upper district, which is always close. If they do the Republicans will certainly send six delegates to the Legisla ture. Slater, the one-time boss, who until recently condncted the most elabor ate gambling house in this city, is more open in his opposition. When the order was given that all gambling dens must be closed, he was forced out of business and now he is on the warpath. He has some influence with the rougher element in the lower wards, and the fusionists count on his as sistance to cut the Democratic vote suffici ently to defeat the candidate for Mayor. With all these elements combined against them, the regular Democrats have made a gallant fight, and from present indications they will elect their candidate for Mayor by 1,500 to 2,000 majority. PAET OF THE MONEY FOUND. The Conshohockcn Bank Will Not Get Into a Receiver's Hands. Nobristotvn, Pa., November 3. A dis covery has been made at the Trades men's National Bank of Conshohocken which will shed some light on the mystery . as to what disposition Cashier W. Henry Cresson, who fled to parts unknown after a discovery of a short age of 580,000 in his accounts, made of his ill-gotten gains. The missing cashier's private box, which had hitherto been deemed worthless, was opened yester day and securities worth several thousand dollars were found. Other valuable securities belonging to Cresson have been unearthed and con fiscated, and his shortage is thus materially reduced. On of the strength of these discoveries, it is announced that the bank will not go into the hands of a receiver, but will resume business in a few days. STANLEY. IS ALL EIGHT. Letters From the Explorer Have Been Re ceived at Zanzibar, mr CABLE TO THE DISPATCn.l Paeis, November 3. The following tel egram has been received from Zanzibar dated November 1: "Letters haye been received from Stanley, dated Victoria Nyanza, August 29. Stanley has with him Emin Pasha, Captain Casati, Marco, a Greek merchant; Orman Effendi Hassan, a Tunisian apothecary; Lieutenant Stairs, Dr. Parke, Captain Nelson, Mr. A, M. Jcppson, Mr. Bonny and 800 people, all well. Wadelal is in the hands of the Mahdists." The Rejoicing In South Dakota. rSPEOXAL TXUCOBAX TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Hueon, DAE., November 3. South Da kota is open to congratulations from her sister States. Tbe news of issuance of proc lamation by the President admitting both Dakotis was received here late last evening. The city is wild with enthusiasm. Cannons and fireworks were shot off all night, and general celebration is the order. Dis patches from other towns indicate that the wildest enthusiasm prevails. mam. DEMOCRATS ALAEMED Gen, Mahone Give? His Opponents Something of a Sunday Scare. BOGUS TRANSFERS TO "BE USED. Still McKInney's Friends Are Bare That the Boss Eeadjnster WILL BE BEATEN BI ABOUT 20,000. Jlahone's Baciers Drop Their: Fignres From 15,000 to Abont 6.000. Democrats in Virginia now claim Mahone will be defeated by somewhere from 4.000 td 20,000 votes. On the other "hand, Mahoue's friends still say he wili be elected, but give no figures. As election day approaches there is less fear of bloodshed at the polls. The Republican National Committee is said to he standing the great expense of the Ma hone campaign. rSFZCUL TELIORAM TO THE DISPATCH. Eichmond, VA.,November 3. Although the Democratic headqnarters at Alexandria were formally closed last night, the Chair man has discovered something. of grave im portance, as Hon. J. P. Ellyson, mem ber of the State Committee, was to night summoned from church by a messengar from headquarters. This oc currence' has cansed a little apprehension to the Democrats. It is supposed that the alarm was sounded because of the alleged discovery of a Mahone plot to flood the State with bogus transfers. In the counties a vote by transfer is allowable. The plot is alleged to have been fixed to enable the voting of negroes whose names were purged from the registration lists. Intelligence from the various counties shows that both side are worked up to the highest pitch. A leading Democrat said to night that he did not think serious trouble would ensue, as everybody knows that ev erybody else is armed, and that when one pistol is drawn it means a hundred. both sides confident. McKinney, the Democratic nominee, who has been stumping in the wilds of the south west, and who has been out of communi cation with the headquarters of his party for a week, has emerged from the wilder ness. He confidently claims that debat able territory, though the Republicans are equally confident in their claims. The chairman of fhe Richmond Demo cratic committee has issued an address in which he asserts that the campaign has been conducted by the Democrats with great dignity and fairness, and he trusts there will be no collision at the polls, but if the negroes by insults or violence provoke a difficulty, the blood will be upon the heads of the instigators. AN OLD SONG HEARD. The negroes have been singing and whistl ing the once familiar Northern song, "We will rally around the flag, boys, rally once again, shouting the battle cry of freedom." This air has not been heard here since the early years of reconstruction, and the Demo crats allege that the negroeshave been made to revive it to convey the idea that their reinslavement hinges upon tbe result of the election. One of Mahone'a committee said to-day that Mahone said last night he" would be elected if there was a fair election. Demo cratic Chairman Barbour says Mahone will be defeated if there is a fair count Care fully reviewing the field, there is every indication that Mahone will be defeated by not less-than 4,000 voter. 'Snch of his friends as are predicting his election do not claim that his majority will exceed 6,000, while ten days ago they were claiming 15,000. Thus far no personal collisions have taken place. SOME LABGE FIOUBES. A special from Petersburg says; The Democrats are confident of the election of their entire ticket by a majority of from 10, 000 to 20,000. In no political contest have both parties manifested so much earnestness. General Mahone has made this fight the ef-, fort of his political life, but to no purpose, as all the indications point to the fact that he will be bnried beneath Democratic votes on next Tuesday, and that very deep. In this campaign Mahone did not appear satisfied to rely only on his Virginia campaign speakers, but invited a large, number of prominent Northern politicians to come here and aid him. John M. Langston has made only two or threo speeches here in Petersburg, and a noticesblo feature of his speeches hat been that in not a single speech has ha mentioned tbt name of Ma hone. It is true tba t a speech made by him on Friday nlgt"1 said that he would support the entire Republican ticket, but the name of Mahone did not escape his lips. MAHONE'fl EXPENSES. Mahone has had printed over 1.000,000 election tickets. It is estimated that the cost of printing Mahona's political literature in this campaign will not be less than $50, 000. Most, if not all, of this expense will be borne, by the Republican National Committee, which, it is said, has sent thousands of dollars here to be expended in the purchase of votes. In some sections of the State, on the day of election it is feared that there wilL be trouble at the polls, but the Democrats do not propose to be in any way bulldozed byMahone's supporters. Here in Peters burg every step will be taken to insure a quiet ana oraeriy eiecuou. TWO WITES WITHIN 40 MILES. A Bigamist who Failed to be Punished, Though Proven Gallty. niPICIAI. TILEOBAH TO THE DISPATCH.1 Kingston, N. Y., November 3. That there is a serious flaw in the criminal laws of this State, is evident from the case of Stephen Shurragh, who has just been dis charged from the Columbia county jail at Hudson, because of al leged want of jurisdiction, after having been indicted by the Grand Jury for big amy. Shurragh has made his home for sev eral years at Valatie, Columbia county, Where he has a wife and two children. During his perambulations about the conn try he met and married a girl living at Rif ton, in this county. The latter, on ascer taining that he had another living wife, had him indicted. He escaped through legal technicality. ....... Wife No. 1 then caused his indictment in Columbia county, and Judge Edwards decided that the Court had no jurisdiction. The bigamist is now free, with two wives living within 40 miles of each other. HE HAS BTE0NQ BACKING. Tho Mnn Who Will be United States Judge for South Dakota. Washington, November 3. The Sen ators from the newly-admitted State of South Dakota will present to tbe President the name of Judge Edgerton for the posi tion of United States District Jndge for South Dakota. The Senators are joined in asking this appointment by the Governor of South Dakota and most of the State offi cers, the Judges of the State Supreme Court, and a large number of members of the State Legislature and many other citi zens. Judge Edgerton served during the war In the Union army, was a Senator from Min nesota, and has served u Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Dakota. VTktfMF VZi rsJOT W- . WASH pjf 'fr AN IMPORTANT EVENT. Welcoming, the Rcproentat.Tes of. tn fftiM r,nrlnlt rl.t ITI(1 at Baltimore Their Arrlra. In New Tork Citr. rsrSCTAI. TELEOKJDtTOTBTE DI3PA' NeV Yobk, November 3. When United States revenue cutter Chand pulled out of her berth at the barge offii shortly after 7 o'clock this morning, to meet the big French steamship La Champagne, there was on board the delegates sent by Cardinal Gibbons to meet Archbishop Satolli and his Secretary, Dr..Martin How lett, bf the Academy of Rome, who were coming to this country to represent the Pope in the centennial celebration of the Roman Catholic Church of America, at Baltimore, next week. Mgr. O'Connell, rector of the American College at Rome, the Very Rev. P. T. Donohue, Chancellor of the arch' diocese of Baltimore, and Colonel Jamieson, the representative of Cardinal Gibbons, reached New York on Saturday on a private car from Baltimore. La Champagne passed Sandy Hook at 3:45 o'clock. Sue had just passed quarantine when the Chandler met her. Cardinal Gib bons' representatives were soon on board, welcoming Archbishop Satolli and Dr. How lett Archbishop Satolli said that the voyage had been a pleasant one, without incident. He comes to this country for the celebration at Baltimore, and shortly after that is ended he expects to return to Rome. While in New York he is to be the guest of Archbishop Corrigan. Mgr. O'Connell said to a DISPATCH re porter that there had been very complete preparations to make the centennial celebration in Baltimore an important event in . the history of the church. On Sunday next tho church will cele brate the consecration of John Carroll, the first Catholic Bishop of Baltimore and of the United States. Archbishops Will iams, of Boston, Evan, of Philadelphia, Heiss, of Milwaukee, and Ireland, of St Paul, will take part in services on Sunday. The Catholic Congress will be formally opened on Monday, November 11, by Arch bishop Corrigan, of New York, and will end on Tuesday night. Ex-Governor John Lee Carroll will probably preside at the Congress. A number of priests from New York will attend. BUSSIA ISFOR WAB. TheCzar's Peaceful Intentions Have Been Abruptly Checked The Proposed Alliance- ef Gerssany WKh England and Tarksy. London, November 3. While there is the usual amount of curiosity as to the con ference between Prince Bismarck and Count Kalnoky, it seems certain that the only subject of discussion which could have brought about the meeting at this time Is the triple alliance. Tbe only room for speculation is as to the exact effect of the exchange of views between the two premiers. Germany has already, according- to semi-' official announcements, induced Austria to adopt a more conciliatory attitude toward Russia, in order to remove all possible ex cuse lor the Czar's suspicion of an un friendly purpose on the part of tbe alliance. But, if the-latest advices from St Peters burg are to be trusted, the Czar has, since his return to the Russian capital, again lis tened with credulity to the fanatical asser tions of the Pan-Slavists and is once more, ready to believe, with or with ont evidence, that the hand of every European power except France is against Russia. The exertions which; Em peror William is making to gain the per sonal friendship of the Sultan will, if suc cessful, go very far toward neutralizing; the effects of the unfavorable stand taken by Russia, and will relieve the.Dreibund from much of its present embarrassment in respect to the Eastern situation., , It is given ont that tha Emperor is surprised at the military strength, displayed by the Sultan in the welcome accorded him. Whether the German monarch was really surprised may well be doubted, for he is1 as well acquainted with the size of the armies and navies of his neighbors as with that of his own. But under present circumstances he was doubtless well pleased to have ocular proof of a good degree of strength on Turkey's part, for it may prove to Germany's inter est to have Turkey as strong as possi ble, in playing her off against Russia. A good understanding between Berlin and Constantinople would also be another bond of good feeling between England and Germany, for nothing would please the English bondholders more than to have an other great power interested in maintaining Turkey as an independent nation until her securities are all paid. SUJJDAI AT MAMMOTH CATI. The Pan-American Delegates Spent the Day Under the Ground. LomsviXLE, November 3. With the sun shining gloriously oyer the "Kentucky hills the All-Americas' travelers have spent the greater part of the day under ground in Mammoth Cave. Each with a lantern and led, by guides, the party entered the cave directly after breakfast on board the train. The route taken covered about eight miles and the visitors saw the chief features. The lowest water level was reached, ihe narrow cut in the rocks known as "Fat Man's Grief", was passed, and subsequently all wormed themselves through the Corkscrew passage, where each was forced to crawl. The party was photographed with flash light in one of the gTeat chambers, a plucky little lady named Garrity, from Louisville, making tbe negative zuu tees neiow tne sur face. At a depth of 300 feet below the sur face luncheon was served by Steward My rick from the train, a basket oi provisions being lost over a high ledge on the way down, and a waiter nearly following. As the day was closing the special train re sumed its journey, the route lying through this city to Lexington, Ky., where the party will arrive during the night SHOT A SMALL BDKGLAE. A Jersey Cigar Manufacturer Lascs a Lit tle Midnight Customer. tSrXCIAL TXIEOKAX TO TSE DUrATCH.1 New Yobk, November 3. Theodore Muehling manufactures cigars and keeps a handsome cigar store in Carlstadt, a vil lage' ten miles out from Jersey City, on the line of the Erie Railroad. He and bis fam ily live over his store, which is a large three-story bnck building on Hackensack and Broad streets. Mr. Muehling is wealthy, and be is one of those men generally supposed to have a good deal of ready money in bank. Mr. Muehling's wife aroused him Satur day night to tell him there were burglars in the store. He went downstairs with his re volver and shot at a small man he found there, aiming at his legs, and, he think, lamed him, as he can find no trace of the course of the bullet, and a mail answering bis description of, the burglar was seen shortly afterward limping down street and swearing horribly. AHI M0BE AUNTS THESE? A Western Reporter is Heir to a 9M9,6M 8cottlB Sstate. Kansas City, Mp.,Novemb'er 3. Alex ander Simpson, for some years a reporter on the Kansas City Timet, received word to day from. London that he bad, fallen heir to the estate of his aunt in Edinburgh, Shet land, The estate Is yalwd at fsW.OW. ' Km raoa. rcHsannL TIZiMe ItSMttMMTM MHnV ..-i" -it,; jsw"? are'alwsjB Mrosstir T lwiilertUe4teraBBWIfATClti XealKstate can fc wM tlrts-B aarern ttseauat fa THE DISPATCH. TffREE CENTS,-?, BEFORE THE $101 Politicians are Now ady for the KnaLSpiiri. . asMiio rlkJrS'lZflaa4 cSlssltk ill tc n t rr-cn x TTA T? ri xo jauiiuu, a. xujxjx Byi KTrrnan Seal. Who Yet Claim - !... ! ...J ETerjthins With ConfideEce.:, f M cm ' 514 F0EAKEE IS QUITE SICK AffiUSSg ilia Great Effort at Cincinnati Told Ufo His Strength! uW : i h SCHEMING TO GET THB-C0L0EED YOTl ...ji ? r Chairman Neal assert that Colonel Con-" ....... . .... . .i . .1 - ger laisinea in saying that neaanuitea.cie; feat, and is confident of a Democratic victory. The Republican manager, never theless, insists" that tbe prospects for the sue cess of the whole ticket are growing brighter ever hour. Governor yorakerfs effort at Cincinnati exceeded his strength, and he is looking badly. j : 1 ' .,. CoLTTitBUS, November 3vr-Thi has beeaj rjB(IKA.STA7COBKXgr03TINT. - -l a rlflv etf glmnlt .ntlr. Yltti? In flnlft "Ll . J W. ....". 1...-.W (... WW. ... W.-.OT , laid aside the weighty cares of State and ara& , resting preliminary to the excitement ana if hard work of the next 4S hours. The bulk: 9 of the boodle to be used has beenalready "f S J.nnfi7a1 tn ..nnm... .li.tmian nt IvttTi nomM -t k their regular business nowadays. , , o lm j eai is out in a most Diner interview in wnicn. he accuses iMionet conger ot sey- j.., eral calendar crimes. ent NmI ;i!(f! "Tnfl w . .... ww.w. - -...V. .', WK I..-.IM J Colonel Cnncer fravftfirnrM vexrerdav. Is iW'mS ' ' . ....- B,-. . j -.-.. j , , W". atrocious misrepresentation, he said tnass our side had beaten ourselves already by our J decreased estimates. He said that two weeks ago we claimed Hamilton county, bya 7,000 votes and other Democratic counties! by absurd majorities, and that we had nows dropped to 2,000 on Hamilton county aa4 a elsewhere in proportion. M 1 rr.-,n . .-,......- . "Now all this is sheer imagination.i;3l have given no figures whatever on anything'' except to tell you Saturday that we expect aA -ton nrtii WflUii. ... ti Q(.f.mf. ,J ' AVVjVVV "M"S5 " " ""r" v!r' "" A! tnat presages our success, uoionei uong- simply falsifies, in figures and in fact. Thft ifft!mr b mnlrpfl ar th rpn1fc.Vnf& ft.OTa.atB a.iwa in nl aAw ... .)ia CTTVfl. of despondent Republicans in the Westers Bsserve and elsewhere. We shall eleet Campbell and the entire State and Legisli-. tive ticket, and our chances iaHamiltoa AAflfl4 A 1AA4 W tVtfS.A.'T hAHA nAAn IVUfitft healthy boost by the Music Hall meeting." iSi Governor Jforaker arrived iromuincinnau. to-day and was driven- immediately to his home. He looked very worn and is" feeling i very poorly to-night. With unflinchiitei courage and resolution he has annouBcjM that he will roealc at Lebanon io-morrWl pvpnintr. t. ' . .i... l. r;-.3 TZiim z"y:o'r:c:z"srj,rzrczLrn spcecu uau .ueeAciwuicub tuiu vexjr uokifisy, y upon tne executive. j nignrs rest, wug, however, fetch him arotuad all right' 'if-fl COLOKEI. COKGEB'S CDAMSV M. v iwtonei. linger, tne xi.epnmicair inisi -,-. man, said.to-night: "We are. nowia"?? session of lull Doll reDorts frosa"en county in tbe State, and onr prospectefsw extremely favorable for a'larget Wi'sJMi than we have heretofore expected. TfialeS committees exert taeraseiyes. tue. vow.1 come out in so decisive s manner as to ! Campbell under by a big old-fashioiSsll nluralitv. Eeuorts of disaffectiOB havefl the first been exaggerated, and whea'Swy are simmered down are1 found to have Mt i small foundation, iirfkct" . '. -S There are some rumors in circalatiiJ5.; to-night that the Marion county gamfSiti repeaters, who have been trainee! stamj Cov. the Allen O. Myers of Indiana B9l&isvl have invaded the western portion, of Hm State and will do some missionary wksJ tjampoeu in xurai districts. via 31 Like many. Democratic State ChiHst Jim Neal has had a desperate flirtntiiKi with the colored vote, estimated to asae to 35.000 in the State. The incideai-n which ha pinned his hopes was, as 'feUa'iwstj On October-8, there was a parade of uWl Columbus colored men, who maichti WJ grove outside of the city, Foraxer B. sag accompany the parade and make aspsisii Colored men. here say that s-i IN ORDEB TO AVOID -4 parading with the colored voters, 7goimm fated a telegram calling, nira-to liinciaaMU j He then drove to the grounds aadmada Jtk speech, accounting-for bis" presence &mr mo by saying that a subsequent telegnss. fatj him out There, was soma soreaes orF tksil episode and Jim Neal seized upon ftosw Dortnmty to worfc tho colorea vote i circulars. But the whole affair is long s&ce gotten, and it is likely that Broadax'Sasi? coulan t una a colored uemocrsri ere ww j a Diogenian lantern in the lespihaad1 breadth of Ohio on election day. They"s58; sar that the Democratic State Comstlitauj has an arrangement with a big grocery t here by which a number of colored Tstast? are kept in daily rations. A good storv is current here la this nection. In the Powell campaign a pwtj nent colored leader was given daily DfevsjK) der in reward for his- adhesion to Dessouralw interests and "inflooence." Early o .si morning of election day he went np tatiWj Democratio headquarters got an order foe. two pounds oi bacon, went home, nakssU and ate it, and then stood at tha foml day and worked for Foraxer. UCIX. Jnx.1. OAUUA&fl j .a. new argument win bo iprKB j ojim publican orators and papers to-matwM PjmnhiIl has been savin? that elactiaw board officers should be elected, and Btvs-i pointed, as at present The RepHUieissJ statement will be that, whan appoiaJM'sj fine class of citizens are secured, ac-flM choice of others would raise a howl; MtjJ if elected, the officials might bo ward mm& men, or other undesirable timber. ?A The following message was received UstJ Foraker meeting in Cincinnati last nigMsjsE I sincerely regret that Zwas notable taa3 cept the Invitation to be with yon tola evi Idespread Interest is felt In yonr ele The eagerness ot tbe Democrats to derive t a. Tmrtl.il vletorr In Tonr Btata should OI ere rr Republican from the lake to tba rivet tsl exert himself until, tbe polls are closed-asij Tnesdar. Pride and nrindnle corabls ,! stimulate Republicans to preserve taelrjrwstj record in Ohio. JASiaU. JXUAAilJbf M AH0TIBR PSNSI0H KABl;, Prominent People of Bellalra ArraaMd tfji a Tery Serious Cisrge- ISrlCIAL TXLXOSXK TO THE BtSrAlGS. BELLA1BE, November 3. Captaiavw ?. AT Little, of the police force, Mrs. CarelisSij Sweltzer and Charles Zimmerman wweta rested and lodged in jail to-dar Qsva eaWN ot having defrauded the Goverauwst oi.t about ,DUUinrouga a oogvs pews eMSSsWa A pension had been issued to Mh. "nnlissafl Hanke, amounting, with bck sy;4ta S2 500 " rhbI The'check fell into the haeik o&J2i Sweitxer and she presented it fcrttmmmk Little and Zimmerman idHfyiYllsTli but. joanse. ah mawrow art iww MM a udttasicreMdssidistta " Sf!- w LA&sJ