": ';? XTiTrsr.t 'iOlWte-arcR.CftBSr9 M. ; iart-K. Kzr,Bi 5?Sif'S'aIW3S!3SSg,l?:S THE HTTSBtTBG DISPATCH; SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1 4 3;?--"1889. r I IEEE SAYED fflS NECK. The Jury Ends Him Guilty of Mur- Stf - mC UCIA.UU VCglCC rDBHEWCOlIERHELD IN $3,000 BAIL ?Troly Bhanl Acquitted of the Charge of Felonious Shooting. fpHES. H'MASTEBS MUST PAT THE $19,000 A verdict of murder in the second degree ,iru rendered yesterday morning in the '' case of William E. Lee tried for killing . John T. Catcher, the contractor. Shortly after the opening of court the jury filed in and Clerk Long received their verdict It was murder in the second degree. Lee looked ranch relieved, and was congratulated by his attorneys. The verdict was received by those in the court room with mingled ex pressions of approval and disapproval. Many thought it was a clear first degree case. Lee was remanded to jail for sentence next Saturday. SHE MUST PAT. Jndge Swing Decides That Mrs. McBIaiters Owe 819.000. In Common Fleas Court No. 2 Judge Kwing; yesterday, banded down au opinion upon the exceptions to the master's report in the suit of J. W. Johnston vs the Markie Paper Company, Margaret Ann McMasters and others. The suit was a creditor's bill to compel stockholders of an insolvent corporation to pay an alleged balance remaining unpaid on the stock sub scription. The debts remaining unpaid amount to over $11,000. Mrs. McMasters was a sub scriber to the amount of $32,250 ot stock. The master reckoned Mrs. McMasters share of the property at $9,053. This sum added to the amount of unpaid stock made Mrs. McMasters indebted J19.U00 to the corporation. Mrs. Mc Masters filed exceptions to the report on the ground that certain of the managers promised to take all of the unpaid stock tor which she had subscribed. Judce Ewlnc dismissed the exceptions, ruling that she had no legal way of escaping from her liability. THOSE DIVORCE CASES. in connection with the murder of Thomas Garritson at Hastings station, on the Pan handle railroad, last Sunday. 'It was stated that the doctor refused to attend Garritson, when the latter was In a djlng condition, thereby committing criminal neglect. TRUBY ACQUITTED: Brttton Filed a Sole for Damagea Against Officer Shawl. The jury in the case of Poli6e Officer Trnby Shawl, who was tried for felonious shooting, for wounding James Bntton while the latter was resisting arrest, filed into court yesterday morn ing, after having been out all night The fore man announced that they could not agree, standing 11 to 1 against. Jndge Magee gave them some advice, stating that the probabili ties were that it was the Cone who was wrong and not the 11. The jury retired again and in a few minutes returned a verdict of acquittal. Yesterday afternoon Britton filed a suit for damages against Officer Shawl for the injuries received by him, and a capias was issued for Shawl's arrest. JUDGE WHITE'S REBUKE. PiltsbBrgb Keeplne Up Its Chicago and . Illinois Reparation. The testimony taken in the divorce case of Mrs. Louisa Boeck against Max Boeckwas filed yesterdav. The couple was married in Philadelphia in 1S70. They removed to Pitts burg and Boeck deserted his wife in 1SS3. Mrs. Emma Kacle yesterday sued for a di vorce from Wm. G. Kagle, alleging that he beat and abused her. Mrs. Margaret Eunkle sued for a divorce ftom Stanislaus Eunkle, alleging desertion. Is the divorce case of Mary si. Spielman against Edward Spielman, R. C. Kankin was appointed commissioner. W. X. Bruno was ap pointed in the case of A. L. Houch against Clara Hough, and H. B. H err on in the case of Samuel Dougherty against Mary Dougherty. He Sends Two Boys to Jail for Neglecting to Support Their Mother. Judge White yesterday committed John and Stewart Morrow to jail for contempt of court. At the suit of Agent O'Brien, of the Humane Society, the Court had ordered the two men to contribute S2 SO per week for the support of their mother, Mrs. Jane Morrow. Recently Agent O'Brien again filed a petition stating that the sons had failed to comply with the order and were fully $180 in arrears. The men were unable to give a sufficient excuse for not paying and were sent to jail until they comply with the order of Court. Si 69 November Lafct Month $1 00 For fine cabinets at $1 00 per dozen' at Aufrecht's Elite Gallery, 516 Market street, Pittsburg. Elevator. Fine crayons. MThSSU fel PURE I p?pRictr$ CREAM &AKINJJ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. He Wants His Money. A bill inequity was filed yesterday by Henry Berkman against William C. and George L Drum and A. C. Weaver. Berkman and W. C. Drum were sureties on the bond of Weaver, who, with George L. Drum, had the contract for making improvements on the water works at Braddock. weaver and Drum failed, and Berkman bad to pay 11,795, W. C. Drum refus ing to pay anything. He states that be had an agreement with the defendants that they were to reimburse him for any loss .he might sus tain. He claims that Weaver received large sums for the work, and asks for a decree to compel them to give an account of the money received and to pay him for his loss. Monday's Trial 1,1st. Criminal Court Commonwealth vs W. C. Williams. Charles Gunther, Robert Clark, Franz Kellner, Florence Donaldson, Laura Bailey. Minnie Fleming Christ Anderson, An drew Scbuetz, Louis Hilke, John Lutz, Henry Schilling. Nancy Brown, L. Parker. Philip Seibert, Charles Brooks, William Woodruff et al, James W. Taggert. NEW JAIL MATRON. The Prison Board Makes Arrangements for Caring for Insane People. The regular monthly meeting of the Prison Board was held yesterday. Bills to the amount of $435 were approved. A committee composed of Judges White, Slagle and Magee, was ap pointed to make arrangements with some hos pital to care for insane patients at the jail, pending their commitment to Dixmont. The Quarterly Committee reported on the contro versy between Warden Berlin and ex-Matron Mrs. Railing, that both had been evidently much incensed, and as Mrs. Railing had sub mitted her resignation, they had determined to close the matter. The report was received and the appointment of Mrs. Florence Van Ostend to the position of matron, was approved. Held In Heavy Ball. Dr. F. 8. Newcomer, of Bridgeville, was re leased on 13,000 bail by Judge White yesterday, J. P. Hanna furnishing the necessary bond. Dr. Newcomer was held with Edward Abbott What Lawyers Have Done. . A charter was granted yesterday to the National Relief Association, a beneficial society. John Meters and Henry Albright entered suits against the Birmingham and Brownsville Turnpike Company yesterday to recover 15,000. damages, it is auegeo. mat me aeienaants tore up a culvert in the street in front of the plain tiff's property. Thirty-first ward, and that the overflow of water damaged their property con siderably. Register Conner yesterday received a letter from Ruth J. Trimble, of Hackney. O. The writer inquired for information regarding an aged man named John Trimble, of this county, and his sister Nancy. The latter was the writer's aunt, but was twice married and she did not know her name. She had (beard that her Aunt Nancy was dead and had left an estate, and as she would De one of the heirs, wished to know about it. The register's office was in possession of no information regarding the matter. V Horsford's Acid Phosphate. Beware of imitations. Its superior excellence proven in millions of homes for more than a quarter of a century. It is used by the United States Government. Indorsed by the heads of the great universities as the Strongest, Purest and most Healthful. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder does not contain Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Sold only in cans. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. UKW YOKE. CHICAGO. ST. LOOTS. myS-S2-TT8eosu Latest improved Spectacles and Eye-Glasses; will fit any nose with ease and comfort. The largest and best stock of Optical Instruments and Artificial Byes. KORNBLTTM, Theoretical and Practical Optician. No. 60 Fifth avenue, near Wood street. Telephone No. 1686. selS-rjsu PATBInTTS. O. D. LEVIS, Solicitor of Patents, 311 Fifth avenue, above Smithfleld, nextLeader office. (No delay.) Established 20 years. se25-C0 Finzer's NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ft.......HBHBSSSnBli Old Honesty The Chewers of OLD HONESTY TOBACCO will soon find that It lasts longer, tastes sweeter than other tobaccos, and will please yon. ' Ask your dealer for it and insist on getting it Genuine has a red H tin tag on every plug. &$.--fr mh2S-S5-S8a J. DIAMOND, S3?fev, 22 SIXTH STREET. The Eye examined free of charge. Spectacles perfectly fitted, ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted and warranted to suit. SC12-6-TTSU Cracker Jars Specially for soda and other square crackers, at French, Kendrick & Co.'s, 616 Smithfield street, opposite City Hall. Al.1 the best makes kid gloves at closing out prices. F. Schoekxhai,, 612 Penn avenue. CABINET photos, 51 per doz. Lies' Pop ular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st. TTSu s'i m gtuai J' Mi aaW I m HHiiMP' suww-aax JPmvtenGi "MEDICINE M For Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such aa Wind and Pain In the Stomach, Sick Headache, Giddiness, Fatness, and Swelling after Meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flashings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costiveness, Scurvy, Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and aUNorvons and Trembling Sensations, &c. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. This is no fiction. Every sufferer is earnestly Invited to try one Box oi tnese nus, and they will be acknowledged to be a Wonderful Medicine. "Worth a guinea abox." BEECHAM'S PILLS, taken as directed, will quickly restore females to complete health. For a WEAK STOMACH; IMPAIRED DIGESTION; DISORDERED LIVER; they ACT LIKE MAGIC : a few dose will work wonders upon the Vital Organs, Strength ening the muscular System; restoring long-lost Complexion; bringing back thekeen edge of appetite, and arousing with the ROSEBUD OF HEALTH the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are " facta " admitted by thousands, in all classes of society, and one of the best guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated is that BXICHAU'S FILLS EATS TEE LABQISI SALS CT AU7 PATEL'T UESICOtX IS THE WOSLS. Full directions with each Box. Prepared only by THOS. BEECHAM, St. Helena, Lancashire; England, Sold by Druggists generally. B. F. ALLEN & CO., 365 and 367 Canal St., New York., Bole Agents for the United States, who inquire first), if your druggist does not keep them, WILL MAIL BEECHAM'S PILLS ON RECEIPT OF PRICE, 25 CENTS A BOX. HALLOWEEN SPECIALTIES ! English Walnuts . 16c & Brazil (Cream) Nuts lOolb Pecans 120 ft Filberts I6clb Almonds 25c ft Mixed Nuts ; 15o ft Nuts in Cartoons, with nut-cracker and pick .... 25oeach Miietl Candies ani Confections. Extra Cream Mixed ...........'...30c ft Fancy Cream Mixed 20c ft Good Mixed l&cfi Chocolate Creams 25c ft Chocolate Nut Pralines 40e ft Caramels 25oft Fancy Layer Figs, new 22c ft Malaga Grapes 20c ft Table Raisins Z0c ft FANCY CRACKERS AND BISCUITS (Eastern manufacture); largest line of any house in the city. Japanese Candy Baskets, 6c, 10c and 16c each. JAPANESE WARE DEPARTMENT. GRAND HOLIDAY DISPLAY. h I tJ-llIUAUlUU M UVill Select Family Grocers, 18 DIAMOND, Market Square, PITTSBURG. PA." ocZSau SEAL ; KILLING IN AT.ABTCA. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IRTTBIElsr'S Buckle Derby a Decided Success. Success the Criterion of Merit, JmMmSL J. mi fflf TnEBErOBB, THE BUCKLE DERBY -isa- MERITORIOUS 1190,52 20,53 40, $2 90, $3 40. HAT. From the rast number of BuckleDerbys sold by us the last few weeks, one would judge that the young men of Pittsburg had been anxiously waiting for something new in the way of a Derby, and if not that, at least some new fea ture to distinguish it from the staid and con ventional appearance of the past few seasons. It is conceded by all, eren those who object to the buckle feature, that the Derby in Itself possesses decided merits in the way of shapeli ness and grace of outline, which, with the novel trimmings, makes it unquestionably the hand, somest, dressiest and most stylish hat out this season. RUBEN, The Hatter and Furnisher, 421 and 423 Smithfield St. P. R Mail orders promptly filled. no3-WFSU I AniPQ '"'snine to purchase Genuine LMUIUO Alaska Seal Garments can get them at Bennett's. We are direct importers of Sealskins. We know good Sealskins. We cannot be deceived in bad Sealskins. We are manufacturers of Seal Garments. We are the only manufacturers oi Seal Gar ments in Pittsburg. We can give you a perfect fit. If you wish your old Seal Garments made over or changed into any other shape.no difference how diffi cult it should be, we can do it. Our work will always be the best, our fits perfect and our prices the lowest. J. G. BENNETT & CO., Hatters and Furriers, COR. WOOD ST. AND FIFTH AVE no3-l-jrwsu HERBERT WALKER ARTIFICIAL EYE MAKER, nruiar sa .ninth ht. Office hours for inserting eyes, 1 to ST. a. Saturdays, 1 to 6 p. m. seffi-eu stwnL oSt NEW ABYKTISEJKEXTS. 1 I I I I I3IBIEI' k.fJ A RED-LETTER SAll HOUSEHOLD 'FU R N ITU R 850,000 THE ABOVE AMOUNT OF FURNITURE BE DISPOSED OF r 5C3 W V BT- JiUSJTTAJRY 1, M?3 GUN WA is a Chinese Physician. Owing to existing laws he cannot practice medicine in America. So he has prepared a line of Chinese herb and vegetable specifics, which, instead of simply relieving symptoms, strike at the VERY ROOT OF DISEASE, and perform cures that are nothing less than mar velous. A friendly talk and CONSULTATION with Gun Wa COSTS NOTHING. He charges but a small sum for his remedies, which, though gentle and harmless to take, are certain and unerring in their effects. They SPEEDILY CURE all blood, nervous and chronic diseases. Young, middle-aged or old men, suffering, quickly restored to PERFECT PHYSICAL HEALTH. GUNWAIsaFFJENDTOTHE AFFLICTED. If you cannot call, write him, in perfect confidence. Send for history of bis life, and his circular on. Cancer Tumors, Tape Worm, Rheumatism. Catarrh. Female Weak ness, or Piles. Inclose 4c stamps for reply. Office hours, 9 A. M. tol3 x.;Ito5and7to9 'a-TrnsT "W"-a3 040 Penn Ave., Alttstmrgr, Pa. OC3-WSU fsftlP ' ON ACCOUNT OF QUITTING BUSINESS; THE STOCK EMBfcACE! BEDROOM SUITS in Walnut, Oak and Ghenp PARLOR SUITS of the latest designs. SIDEBOARDS, BOOKCASES, L0OT&ES; Mc . .-AJ&euA fact all Furniture necessary to fix a complete' household. Remember the place and number; :.' , 4 ?5.' " ' ") ty- l&fo' 'r fatir' t'&SSSF vrswhIF LlK MICHIGAN FURNITURE CO 437 Smithfield Street sr 4.4K fcj m I I I I I I I I ILI--IM THINGS EVERYBODY KNOWS! - '. r . 2 EVERYBODY KNOWS that Kaufmanns' stock of Men's Sack Suits is by far the largest in the city. It embraces over 1,500 dif ferent styles of Cassimeres, Scotch Cheviots, Worsteds, Corkscrews, Diagonals, eta Prices, $6, $7, $8, $g and $10 for good; $12, S13, 14, 15 and 16 for better; $18, 20, $22 and $25 for best qualities. , EVERYBODY KNOWS that Kaufmanns' keep the handsomest assortment of Men's three and four-button Cutaway Frock Suits and sell them at matchlessly low figures (7 to 30). ,-"' EVERYBODY KNOWS that Kaufmanns' Prince Albert Suits are equal to the finest custom work and range 40 per cent less than the tailors' prices. EVERYBODY KNOWS that Kaufmanns' showing of Over coats exceeds in variety, excels in beauty and beats in prices that of any other house in this "neck of the woods" at least Magnifi cent Fall Overcoats, including English Box styles, from $7 . 50 to $27. Heavy Winter Overcoats in Chinchillas, Meltons, Kerseys, Beavers, Elysians, Montagnacs, etc., from $6 to S30. EVERYBODY KNOWS that Kaufmanns' make a specialty of Men's Cape and Storm Overcoats. These garments will be worn quite extensively this season by the fashionable element. Acom- plete variety, also, of Men's Reefers or Pea Jackets and Vests. t W ' WW EVERYBODY KNOWS that Kaufmanns are self-made men in the truest sense "of .the word. They commenced at the bottom- of the ladder and by dint of industry, perseverance, energy and integ rity have reached the pinnacle of success. EVERYBODY KNOWS that Kaufmanns' Merchant Tailoring department is patronized by the best dressers of Pittsburg. $28 to , 50 for Suits to order; $6 to $15 for Pants to order. A perfect fif guaranteed. EVERYBODY KNOWS that Kaufmanns'- exhibit a larger variety of Children's Kilt Suits, sizes 2 to 6, than all others in both cities combined. This a broad but truthful statement. EVERYBODY KNOWS that Kaufmanns' have no competition in Boys' Short-Pant Suits. Prices range by degrees of 25c from $1 50 to 10, and about a hundred styles are shown at each price. The same state of affairs exists about Long-Pant Suits. '.i- - EVERYBODY KNOWS that Kaufmanns' carry, the banner stock of Boys' Overcoats. The cute Lord Chuniley Overcoats for the small fellows, and the stylish English Sacks for the bigger ones. As for Prices, they will please you, rest assured. .. t EVERYBODY KNOWS that Kaufmanns' constantly increas ing trade has again compelled them to considerably enlarge their store, and that, when their new addition will be ready (December i) they will have the largest store between Philadelphia and Chicago. EVERYBODY KNOWS that Kaufmaaas' Cloak 'departmeafl is the most popular place in the city, and contains a complete variety of all kinds of Ladies', Misse3 and Children's, garments. EVERYBODY KNQ.WS that Kaufmanns' are the oaly Cloak.- amImwk . A?ttia.. n!tw n.1, mVit T.& T?rftnan Tnarlrmttf n nW... .A uciuua 1U auiw ibjr nuu I"" "V " .wv... iii.. va u.. Ji( JUU jtUU fil show the choicest products of Berlin, Vienna, Paris" aad Lbadoa manufacturers. - I & ;' pMa J t KVF.RVBOnV KNOWS that Tailor-made Cloaks. Taefcet. tr- ', . . are tne Dest maae ana Desc nrang ana mac x.aqimaans- are me OBly-fJil dealers in town who show them. -37 EVERYBODY KNOWS that Kaufmanns' Plash garments' (Sacques, Jackets. Wraps and Newmarkets) are made exclusively - from the celebrated Lester and Walker English SearjPJttbjHtite . best in the world. EVERYBODY KNOWS that Kaufmannsr 'stock of Footwear. embraces all the staple and fashionable styles for Men, W.omen and'X Children, and that their jrices are considered rock-bottom by-itke most economical purchasers. y i m-f ml EVERYBODY KNOW'S that Kaufmanns' keep all, difereajj lengths and widths of every kind of a Shoe they handle- aadsrthatij they never "talk a customer into" a wrong size in order" to e'ffecTa tfJ EVERYBODY KNOWS that Kaufmanns' advertisements are not only original but truthful, and that in this respect they stand alone among the Pittsburg Clothiers. EVERYBODY KNOWS that Kaufmanns' do business on. a" strictly Cash basis and don't make one customer pay for the bad . debt of another. EVERYBODY KNOWS that Kaufmanns give a written guar antee (if desired) with every purchase, warranting the goods as represented and their price the lowest in the city. KAUFMANNS " ' - If- 1 ' I t t 1 T7TrETiroriTW vwnwc Li: ir..rnnnno i.11i..- TTJa. Jj-.J iiiIVIi)Ul J.U.1WHVJ uut. iUUUUUUU w "luyJB,ila StU ftl Caps .and sell them at lower prices than any house ia the citf.' fj They have the celebrated Youman, JJunlap, -Knox and Miller shapes at one-third less than exclusive hatters' prices. - ""' EVERYBODY KNOWS that Kaufmanns' keep a xaost -bewiK dering variety of Boys' and Children's Hats and Caps in Cloth, ' y" Fur, Felt, Plush, Silk, Velvet, corduroy, etc., at surpnsiagly low figures. ' , s- EVERYBODY KNOWS that Kaufmanns' Furnishing Goods department is replete with everything thafs fine and fashionable ia Shirts. Neckwear, Collars, Lufis, Underwear, Hosiery, Handker chiefs, Mufflers, Gloves, Jewelry, eta, etc., and that a"o dealer caa touch their prices. EVERYBODY KNOWS that Kaufmanns' are headquarters for Trunks, ..Satchels, Valises, Carriage Robes, Blankets,. etc. ' ikfSt ftVy GRAND -DEPOT, ' KAUFMANNS KAUFMANNS' . FIFTH AVE. and SMITHFIELD ST. MSl .&&.'J3&' Alt 8i$$?SfiJfr!-v :'-iiH,'f. . -,.,.,agsJtjj&- .-WM.l:f.-'J5 r,Vf..P,u- - vtKsv- -..jriLj - ' u , .,. j-!!aaB- "ijyaL."- -.Ct- if.' jj-.-. '.: Mil i. .i..