".'f;- v, ' .." X " .iltt.'" ,?.r I-?- ;'j ' -V- "jKfr.v;' 3Sti THE PITTSBUEQ" DISPATOK SUNDAY: NOVEMBER : 3, 1889; ti .fJs': ?v , jwwi -iJfmmi fAS.J . - p, $. Jv.- h r n ' -TT1XI BE- REPLETE HTH M FEATURES. SV ft cjx r. J .. - fp. rt.c. ...- J3E, now Traveling through the Buckeye l? State, will Wire the Very f v Latest Phases of OHIO'S POLITICAL'CRISIS. another Noteworthy Feature will be Rev.T. ' De WITT TALMAGETS SERMON, Preached on a Steamer in Mid-Ocean, A MW AND ORIGINAL STORY, Written by a Home Author, "Will Constitnte Another Specialty. Finally, in Addition to all the latest news from all Quarters of the Globe, there will be An Arabian Sight's Pitts burg Vision. YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS THE READING OF SO EXCELLENT A NEWSPAPER AS Tn-Mnrraw's Dispatch. ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY 8, 1846. Vol. 44, "o.IS9. Entered at Pittsburg Postofficc J ovembcr 14, 13S7, as secona-lss matter. Business Offlce--97 and99 Fifth Avenue. News Rooms and Publishing' House 75, 77 and 79 Diamond Street. Eastern Advertising Office, Koom 46, Tribune Building, JiewYork. Average net circulation of the dally edition of the Dispatch for six months ending October 31, 1SS9, as sworn to before City Controller, 30,128 Copies per Issue. Average net circulation of the Sunday edition of The Dimmtcu for fire months ending October 17. 1SS4 53,477 Copies per Issue. TERMS OF THE DISPATCH. TOSTAGE THEE IX THE UXTCID STATES. Dailt Dispatch, One Year. f 8 00 Daily DisrATCH, Per Quarter 2 00 Daily DisrATCH. One Month "0 Daily Dispatch. Including Sunday. 1 year. 10 00 Daily Dispatch, including Sunday, Sm'ths. 2 SO Daily Dispatch, Including Sunday. 1 month 90 Ecxday Dispatch, One Year 250 Weekly Dispatch, One Year 1 25 The Daily Dispatch Is delivered bT carriers at iScentsper -week, or Including fannday edition, at SOcents per week. This issue of THE DISPATCH contains 30 paces, mnde np of THREE PARTS. Failure on the pun of Carriers, Agents, Newsdealers or Newsboys to supply pa trons 'with n Complete Number should be promptly reported to thffiis occ Voluntary contributors should keep copies of articles. Jf compensation is desired the price expected must be named. The courtesy of re turning rejected manuscripts will be extended tohen stampsor that purpose are enclosed, but the Editor of Tns Dispatch" trill under no circumstances be responsible for the care of un solicited manuscripts. POSTAGE All persons who mail the Sunday issne of The Dispatch to friends should bear in mind the fact that the post Ego thereon Is Two (2) Cents. All double nnd triple number copies ol The Dispatch require a 2-cent stamp to Insure prompt delivery. PITTSBURG. SUNDAY. NOV. 3. 1S89. THE PEOSFECIS FOE TUESDAY, for all practical purposes the political eampaign in the different States which hold elections on Tuesday may be regarded as having closed last night. Public interest centers in Ohio and Virginia. Where the claims are so violently confident there must be an element of guesswork in predictions; "but the signs rather point to Foraker's re election in Ohio, while in Virginia they look adverse to Mahone and the Republicans. In Pennsylvania, the choice of Boyer, Ee publican, for State Treasurer, is reasonably assured. The Republican estimate of 30,000 to 40,000 majority will not prove very far, if at all, astray. In the District Attorneyship contest in Allegheny county the indications during the wsek just closed only tend to confirm the opinion already expressed in these columns, that Johnston, the Democratic nominee, will be elected by a pronounced majority. On behalf of Eowand special effort has been made to draw support from the ranks of organized labor. But there is no reason to think it will succeed. The iorce of the considerations which operate against Bowand's candidacy, and -with which the public is fully familiar, shonld be felt by the workingmen as clearly and as strongly as in any other quarter. If the Democrats poll their full or average vote tor Johnston, his election will be assured. Put little interest attaches to the canvass for the remainder of the local ticket, Be pnblican success being assumed almost as a matter ot course. THE HEW STATES. ' -The proclamation of the President admit ting North and South Dakota to the Union, is the formal step which increases the num ber of States to forty. It will be followed in due time by the same action with regard to Montana and 'Washington. The new States are creditable additions to the roll of the Union. Although comparatively virgin territory, having been within the memory of all adults unsettled and .almost unex plored wilds, thy now comprise a popula tion which presents the most sterling quali ties of intelligent citizenship. The increase in the number of States is not so narked a feature cf this- step as the increase in the number of sturdy, hard working people ad mitted to a share in the selection of legisla tors and Executive, and of the control by their votes of our national policy. Pros perity and honor to the new States as to the oldl THE MONTH OF DIVORCE. The readers of this paper know that the month just gone out saw a multitude of marriages. The last days of October were busy ones for Hymen all over the world. In fact the record of this autumnal month in the highest courts of Cupid must run that of June, the bridal month, mighty close. It looks like the harvest ot the summer courtships, the fruit of the blossoming of ' 'lore In the vacation. "We know that more .' than the usual proportion of the population Hie Stftraftfr. took a holiday this summer. The bonds ot business are apt to be loosed a little when money is not tight, and the era of prosperity we are now enjoying set in before the sum mer holidays. Hence the exceedingly large crop of fall marriages. The statistic mongers having proclaimed that October is a wonderful month for mat rimony, will some of them figure out which month bears off the honors of divorce? It would be interesting to. know at what time in the year men and women find the bur dens of matrimony-most grievous, its yoke most galling. Can it be that winter's icy breath nips the conjugal affections, or is it summer's parching heat that dries up the lawful rivulets of love ? Perhaps the" sexes have each their favorite time for sundering the ties of Hymen. Women, maybe, leave off loving when they shed their sealskins, or again divorce to them seems dear when the leaves begin to falL Men we may be sure allow the weather and the temperature to bend their desires in this as in other direc tions. If they have a favorite month for divorce as they haTe for shooting ducks or whipping the brooks for the speckled trout will not some kind statistician inform us? Armed with this new knowledge the re formers who benevolently plan to diminish the grist of the divorce mills may take heart of grace and procure some remedy for the national disease. NOT A PROTECTION. The verdict of murder in the second degree in the Lee case adds another to the long list in which wanton homicide, committed under the influence of liquor, has been visited with a punishment totally inadequate to the offense. The action of the jury in this case does not essentially differ from that in previous cases, save that the charge of the Judge to the effect that if premeditation was proved before the drunken fit in which Lee shot Natcher, the intoxication at the time of the shooting would not lessen the degree of the crime, while in other cases the law as laid down by the Supreme Court hardly per mitted any other verdict than the one of second degree. But ihe verdict contains the same quality as nearly all similar ver dicts in taking advantage of a legal doubt to escape the grave and disagreeable duty of sending a prisoner to the gallows. Experience has amply shown that im prisonment for twelve years does not place a restraint upon the class who are accus tomed to drink themselves crazy in order to pursue murderous quarrels. Since the action of juries, or the instruction of courts, or the pleas of counsel for the defense, appear to have established a practical law that members of that class cannot be hanged, as sober men can, it becomes a cogent inquiry whether the law should not be amended so as to punish wanton though unpremeditated murder. There is certainly a need for legal pro tection of the citizens against people who drink themselves into a state of incapability to premeditate; and it is" equally evident imprisonment for twelve years furnishes no such protection. , H0K0EING THE PE0FESSI0N. The lawyers of Allegheny county what ever part they may bear of the stock critic ism which it is the fashion of laymen to visit on lawyers in general have, -as a body, al ways shown an honorable pride in their pro fession and a deep interest in its local tradi tions. There was a happy illustration of this sentimental side of the lawyer, both on the part of donor and recipients, in the pro ceedings of the Bar. Association yesterday, formally accepting the inaugural offerings by Fred M. Magee, Esa., for the associa tion's proposed new portrait gallery. As one of the leading functions of the associa tion is to foster high standards for the pro fession there can be no more fitting adorn ment of its quarters than the counterfeit presentments, handsomely executed, of men who, locally, by their genius and their merits, do honor alike to bench and bar. The influence of example, powerful in all professions, is especially 'so in the practice of the law. It is well, therefore, that the recollections of the most worthily notable judges and practitioners De preserved thus vividly for those who are to follow. The selection of Judges Sharswood and Stowe and Mr. Marshall, as the initial subjects is in the order of seniority, and when it is sup plemented, as wiirdoubtless be the case, by portraits of the many able men, living and dead, who have won eminence in the calling in this county, the collection cannot fail to be suggestive at once of helpful reminis cence and inspiration for the Biackstonians of the future. The Bar Association is to be heartily con gratulated on .the interest shown by its members in making its influence felt in everything that tends to illustrate or uphold the dignity of the profession. It will have frequent and important opportunities before it for a high degree of usefulness both to the profession and to the community at large; and from the spirit so far shown by the or ganization it is not to be doubted that it will meet them fitly. THE PARE DONATION. The cable dispatch from London stating that Mrs. Schenley has given 300 acres of land for a park to Pittsburg, may be taken to announce the definite conclusion of the negotiations, the favorable progress of which has heretofore been stated from time to time. We conclude from this that it is definitely settled that the stretch of land lying , to the south of Eorbes avenue is secured to the city, in perpetuity for park purposes. This fortunate and generous donation raises Pittsburg from its hitherto unpleas ant position of a city of great wealth, but discreditable poverty in open spaces, to that of possessing a site for a park which pre sents peculiar attractions of natural beauty and varied scenery. The property donated comprises the wide variety between wide spaces of level ground to the boldest con trasts of hill and dale. It can be improved as a park at comparatively slight expense; and every year after its opening the expend iture can be made to add to its beauties. The donation is a munificent one, and its benefit to the public will give 'the name of the donor a claim upon the gratitude of Pittsburg so long as the attractions of the park shall afford the tired city workers a grateful change from the heat and bustle of the city. A UNITY OF INTEREST. The recent publication of the applica-' tions for passes to Mr. Chauncey M. De pew, President of the New York Central Railroad, contained one, at least, which fnrnishes evidence that the documents were, not given to the press with the genial presi dent's knowledge or consent. It also has such bearing on important political ques tions that it deserves considerable attention. The application was from the Hon. W. Iu Scott, who has such a pull, on the corpora tions that it may be presumed he does not have to apply for passes for himself. But he wanted passes for a friend of his, who could be of 'great aid Jo him in his Congres sional fight. Mr. Scott and Mr. Depew are on opposite sides of the political house, but Mr. Scott sweeps that slight consideration aside with a single sentence: "We do not differ much in regard to our views in con nection with corporate property, and T may be able to serve those interests should I pull through again." This declaration in the private corre spondence of one corporate magnate to an other states exactly the fact that should be kept prominently before the people. The division between Republicans and Demo crats is of slight'importance beside the unity of representatives of corporate interests. The assertion was not intended to be made public because the application is so evident that party lines should not be permitted to di vide those who are in. favor of reforming corporate abuses. But since it has slipped out, it should contain a whole sermon of in struction for the people. Without definite information on the sub ject it is safe to take it for granted that Mr. Depew recognized the cogency of Mr. Scott's unity with himself on corporate issues, and that Mr. Scott's friend got the pass. We are interested to observe that our esteemed cotemporary, the Chicago infer Ocean, in discussing the relative wages of bookkeepers in England and America, declares that salaries in the old country "are far more than 200 per cent lower." This is alarm ing. As the subtraction of 100 per cent from anything leaves. exactly nothing, the statement of the Inter Ocean points to the dread conclusion that British bookkeepers1 are living on the starvation wages of over 100 per cent less than nothing. Since two of the Benders have been arrested, hope springs eternal in the human breast that Charley Ross may be found and, in the fulness of time even Tascott may be discovered. The brilliant New York Sun suggests that the new international postage stamp should hear the face of Christopher Colum bus. The Sun is authority on postage stamps, althongh a little radical in ques tions of color, and its opinion in this re spect should be adopted. If the Sun cannot secure to the memory of Columbus the honor of a World's E"air in New York, it is a compensation that it stands a good chance of getting him on the postage stamps. When ihe German and Bussian Emper ors have visited all their neighbors, will they have anything else left to do other than to go to fighting their recent and respective hosts? The fact that a Chicago man, just re turned from Alaska, sawa beantiful mirage in Glacier Bay, arouses the sarcasms of the New York Sun, But New York has too much of the spirit of rivalry to permit a Chicagoan to see anything which she can not show. She therefore has just been treat ing her population to the sight of a beauti ful mirage of a World's Exposition which is just fading out ol both sight and site. And now is the time when the offensive partisan engages in the effort to elect his candidate by the resort of betting large amounts of wind upon his success. The report that British syndicates are proposing to gobble up the patent medicine business, need cause no fear of a monopoly in that interest. If there is one class of enterprise that defies all restrictions it is that of turning out patent medicines for all classes of ailments and compounds of all sorts of drugs. Yet it must be admitted that prices of patent medicines are generally a good deal more than they are worth. Botanists have discovered an electric plant in India; but Pittsburg is going to put one into China. The offer of 52,000 for ideas with regard to the New York World's Fair has developed a number of suggestions; but the mast pert inent idea yet brought out in connection with the whole business is that since New York has not enterprise enough to raise the guarantee fund she had better simmer down, and let the fair go to a city of national char acter. These is beginning to be strong ground for suspicion that hanging is played out in Allegheny county. A league has been formed in New Hampshire, to suppress the stealing of um brellas; and two offenders are sent to jail for thirty and sixty days respectively. Now when the public makes np its mind to punish bigger thieves in proportion, honesty may rise to a premium. PEOPLE OP PROMINENCE. Pktsce Bismabck is troubled with insomnia. He has tried an orris root pillow, but is still wakeful. Secretary Ruse has developed a great fondness for chrysanthemums. He always wears one now in his buttonhole. Me. Dwight L. Moody is said to have pro pounded in a recent sermon the dogma that nobody who plays progressive euchre can hope to go to heaven. Bishop Coleman, of Wilmington, Del., well known in ecclesiastical circles, is of Quaker birth and was formerly an Episcopal minister, bnt resigned that calling to study for the priest hood. His wort since his, ordination has been devoted to the education of the colored race, and in this he has met with considerable suc cess. Being a candidate for the Sneakership, Con gressman Cannon, who has been living with bis family at an unassuming boarding honse, thought he would pnt on rather more style, and applied at a Washington hotel for board. On asking for terms, the landlord replied, "$900 a month," and it is said that no Cannon ever went off quicker than the Illinois Congressman. Daniel L. Dawson, of Philadelphia, is one of the most versatile men in the country. He is a clever poet, a skillful pugilist, the head of a large iron ma!, a great traveler and a widely read student. He owns a steeplechaser which has made a good record on the turf. He knows all the leading actors and actresses in the country. He is a member of many Phila delphia and New York clubs. He has remark able nervous energy and the ability to excel in the various antagonistic pursuits in which he is engaged. Empekob William'H. of Jermany has or dered another crown, and they are busy now at Berlin making it np. The crown will weigh three pounds and will have 109 diamonds spark ling all over it, with a sapphire sunk Into the top. The lining will be red velvet. The young Empress declined to be left out In the cold. If crowns are going, she remembers that she, too, has a head. There's no sapphire for the Em press, but in diamonds she beats her husband hollow. Fifteen hundred of them are being set. and their blaze will be tempered by the virginal simplicity of 11 pearls. A formeb Fennsylvanian who has achieved distinction in distant parts is the Hon. Thomas Ryan, Minister to Mexico, now sojourning in Washington on a temporary leave ot absence. He spent the first 28 years of his life in Brad ford county, entered the Union army as a vol unteer, and in 1861, after the battle of the Wilderness, where he received serious wounds, was mustered, ont with the rank of captain. Then he moved to Ransas and resumed at Topeka the practice of the law, in which he had gained four years' experience in Bradford county. Subsequently be served in Congress for six successive terms as a Republican, and was elected also to the Fifty-first Congress, but resigned last March to accept the Mexican xolssian. THE TOPICAL TALKEK. All Sorts or Odd Little Incidents in Onr Dally Llfo That Usually Escape Busy Men's Attention. A Pittsburqer sends to me from St. Paul, an account ot a" queer proceeding which he thinks may-interest the readers of this column. The letter runs: "As I was standing outside the Clifton Hotel, in this city, last night, a well dressed man with a pleasant rather handsome face, crossed the street in front of me, walking diagonally from corner to corner, bearing his hat and shoes in one hand and two long lighted candls in the other. When he came near me 1 saw that bis feet were bare. He did not seem" to see anyone, and when he reached the curb he turned about and crossed the street again. He' kept at this strange performance for a long while, andnobody seemed to pay any attention' to him. I inquired of a St. Panl friend -what tha meaning of all this was. He told me that the actor in this odd play is a wealthy Irishman, who at one time, with his brother, was mixed up in an accidental killing. For his share in the fatality he has performed this self-imposed penance every evening for several years. I won der that the papers here have not written up the story." Well, the story is a peculiar one to tell in the last quarter of the nineteenth century. Among the correspondence of the sporting euitor of this paper the other day I came across a letter containing a challenge to fight some Philadelphia pugilist with bare' fists. Such epistles are not uncommon, of course, ana the sporting editor regards them much as sweet seventeen would a billet-doux writ in violet ink and sealed with a cnpid's mask. But there was something about this letter which fascinated my eye. The challenge was written on paper which bore the headline: Young Men's Christian Association, Johnstown, Pa. Can it be true that a Y. M. C. A. young man of Johnstown wishes to pound some one and be pounded in a 12-foot ring? With bare fists, mind you. The millenlum Is not approaching after all. V "That woman," said a green Hungarian as he came out of an American boarding house near Brownsville the first morning after his arrival, '.Is a fraud. She gave us the water off the coffee, and kept the coffee herself," and the boss of the gang hearing the fellow grum bling, made inquiry, and found that the gentle man from Hungary considered himself abused necause he had received no coffee grounds in his cnp. This is a fact. A few days ago I had business with a rail road contractor who is working near Wood's Run, and it was no easy job to find him. After a good deal of inqniry.I stopped at a doorway in what is known as Shanghai Row, a newly painted block of tenement houses near the rail road. There was a iolly-lookine old lady at the door, and I appealed to her io set me on the right trace, sue smiiea graciously, ana saia with the speed of a shell in its first flight: "Ye'llflcd him by Tim Grady's bethune the lnmber yards. 1 lived fominst Tim, the poor bye he had his leg cut off with the shifter bless his sonll He's awf nl poorly!" I found my man. " "BtJToldMr. B was not such a bad lot?" I asked of a man who had been giving, as the vulgar have it, fits to Mr. B -'s sons. " "Oh, no," cheerfully responded the critic, "he's was a good enough man. He was a blatherskite, and in many respects a fool, but he was good enough, you know." V These is a farmer in this county wno ought not to stay farming a day longer. He is too enterprising by far. The Stock Exchange should be his pasture. A while ago this same farmer came to town and entered into negiotations with some mer chants of this city to do a piece of work for bim. The merchants agreed, but after several conferences with the farmer found that they could not carry the undertaking further. They notified their bucolic customer of their resolve and very fairly offered to pay him hi3 railroad expenses and for the time he bad spent in the city negotiating with them. The merchants were surprised mightily when they received one day last week a bill from the farmer in which the railroad fare figured as a small item beside one for a good many dollars which represented his per diem expenses. The farmer had charged for his time 810 a dayl V Soars women I say some, mind cannot keep their months shut when to open it means disgrace and loss of money. When a steamer from the port of Glasgow arrived at New York during the initial rush of tourists from abroad last September, there was a certain lady, whom we may call Mrs. Jen nings, among the first-class passengers. She had several articles upon which she would have to pay duty in her trunk, and she was particu larly anxious to get a large roll of costly velvet through the Custom 'House free. She went to a friend, a gentleman, and persnaded him to take the velvet and stow it in his steamer trunk. When they were on tho steamer pier in New York at last Mrs. Jennings trotted about from one passenger to another saying goodbye, and adding in a whisper that she intended to evade the Customs House inspectors. Several Pitts burgers remember all this very well. After awhile and jnst as Mrs. Jennings bad satis factorily passed through her own ordeal with an inspector, she addressed herself to a lady who stood beside her. Said she to the stranger for Mrs. J did not know her: "Do you see that gentleman over there? He's just had his trnnk examined, and they didn't find a fine piece of velvet I hid in it." "Didn't they?" said the strange lady, "then I'll find it now. I am an officer of the Customs House, madam." She was one of the new female inspectors, 'j ana sne xouna tne velvet NEW TOTING MACHINE. An Invention Designed to Prevent Fraud nt the Foils. From the Philadelphia Record. Louis Braur, of No. 1611) South Second street, has invented a novel machine for the registra tion of votes. Mr. Brau'r's- invention is a box like structure, abont seven feet high and four feet wide. It is designed to stand in a room or on the sidewalk. The voter enters the box at one side and passes out the opposite side. The election officers are snnposed to stand in front of the structure and see that none but voters enter. Once inside a voter pulls out a small lever and drops bis ticket in a slot, a bell ring ing as soon as the vote is cast, there being slots for each political party. Dials in front of the Blot register each ballot as it is cast, bnt the total number of votes polled is not shown until after the polls close. The number of voters entering the box Is recorded by an automatic machine. Mr. Braur claims that his invention not only preclndes the possibilityof fraud,but is cheaper than any system of registering votes yet de vised. PREACHERS ARE POOR LISTENERS. Clergymen Nat Attentive Hearers When Their Brethren Are Talking. From the New York World.l A prominent clergymen said the other day that clergymnn who are in the habit of preach ing in pulpits Sundty after Sunday are among the worst listeners in the world. They have be come accustomed to speaking and expressing their own ideas that to sit and hear somebody else do it is almost Intolerable. More than this, the habit of nnttlnc forward their own notions in weekly installments Is apt to make them self-. oplnlonatea ana Dreeas a latent controversial spirit which only-lacks opportunity for develop ment. This state of affairs is said to be responsible for the many discussions which marked the recent Episcopalian Convention. When a clergyman sits down quietly to listen to another clergyman and hears statements with which be disagrees the temptation to get up on his feet and state his own opinions is almost irresisti ble. A Much-Needed Motto. From the Louisville Courier-Journal.:' There is nothing in the Constitution prohibit ing the marriage of American girls to foreign persons with titles, but It almost seems that there ought to be. "American girls for Amer icans" might at least be pnt on the flag with the new stars. ' Friendless nnd Starving. ' From the Mew Torfc Herold.2 -, You wouldn't think it possible, but Mary Baron was driven crazy by the want of food. She was yesterday taken to fieUevue Hospital. New Y ork nineteenth ceatoiy-WO chafches-f , nothing to eat. - . 'Ar. A CHINESE COUBIER'S RECEPTION. The Bearer of nn Imperial Edict Treated Like a Great Prince. The Chinese papers describe the reception of the imperial courier from Pekin who con veyed to the Viceroy of Canton the news of his transfer to another province. Arriving' at the Viceroy's Yamen m the afternoon, be was re ceived with a salute of nine guns. Everyone of the doors from the outer gate into the sanctum sanctorum of the Viceroy was in stantly thrown open, and the courier, dismount ing from his horse, was met by the Viceroy in richly embroidered robes of State. After greetings, the courier was conducted into the great hall of justice, where a table with in cense and candles was set "facing northward. The courier walked up to the table and took from the 'folds of bis dress the imperial edict, gorgeous in yellow satin, and, with averted face, unfurled tho roll in front of the Viceroy. Suddenly every one in the room, from the Viceroy to his lowest attendant, fell down on his knees, and performed nine prostrations, at the end of which, all still kneeling, the courier read out in a sonorous sing-song style the imperial command. The Viceroy then rose, and taking the edict in both hands-raised it aloft. The courier then retired, not a word having been spoken, bnt instead of going out as he had come in, by the front door, he went bv an obscure siriarinnr fminhln tn his rank. as once the edict was delivered he reverted to his own rank, and being now without a message, lost all his honors as an imperial messenger. A few moments before he was treated as all but an Emperor: now he was only a small official. SIOUX C1TTS CORN PALACE. An Interesting Description of a Unique Ex position Building. Letter to Philadelphia Ledger. A palace of corn. A vast exposition build ing of graceful proportions, larger, probably, than any church in Philadelphia, built with a lofty central tower and having minor towers at the comers. The exterior galleries, arched portals, moresque windows, are all sheathed with corn, which glistened in the clear sunshine, a golden vision against the sky. Every foot of space in view was worked out In intricate designs of corn, corn cobs, bnsks and stalks. In the absence of exact figures, I should place the length of the frontage at 250 feet, and the height of the central tower at 170 feet. The in terior fully bears ont the Idea of the exterior stairways, railings, galleries, window casings are all made np of the same cereal. Large and well executed cartoons, mosaics in corn grains cover the walls of the "art gallery." This is the third corn palace erected here, and is the largest of the three. The present structure was finished In early September and used for an exposition, now terminated. Next season, doubtless, a still more ambitious affair, if possible, will arise. These Sioux City folks created a great furore last spring by journey ing to the inaugural ceremonies at Washington in a train of Wagner sleepers covered with striking designs and mottoes paneled in corn. They deserve all the benefit that their clever advertising brings them. Sioux City has a present population of 45,(100. AN ACCOMMODATING ORATOR. Willing to Oblige HIaHearers and Let Them Name Tbelr Own Subject. From the New York Star.l While passing through the Astor Honse rotunda yesterday I saw the sometime humor ous cirens clown, Dan Rice. In dress and per sonal appearance he looked like "old Dan" of bygone days, with the exception of a few silver threads among his hair and beard, which gave him a more venerable appearance. When I saw him I was forcibly reminded: .of an inci dent that happened while Dan was engaged as a temperance lecturer. After a successful lec turing tour of six weeks, in which time Dan had succeeded in accomplishing a great good for the temperance cause, he landed in St. Joseph, Mo. While there he met old Eph Horn, the witty minstrel, whom .he had not seen in years. Both being delighted at meet ing; they retired to Dan's room, where, over numerous bottles of the "rosy," they related reminiscences of show life. When Dan started for the hall where he was billed to lecture he found that be bad imbibed too much. Dan's great weakness when under the mellowing influence of John Barleycorn is to talk garrulously upon every subject, from theology down to civil service reform. Upon facing his audience, Dan, feeling that he ought to give them the best at his command, exclaimed; "Gentlemen, Tm here to enlighten yo" so name your subject." BITTEN BI-A TARANTULA. Terrible Suffering of a Servant Girl at a Cincinnati Hotel. CrxciffifATi, November 2. Mary Dounegon, a pantry girl at the Grand Hotel, had a fearful experience at noon to-day, which nearly cost her her life. She was bitten in the left hand by a tarantula which was concealed in a bunch of bananas. Tho girl, who is a buxom lass of 19, was ordered to cut the bananas for dinner from a large bunch hanging in the storeroom. She reached her left hand under the fruit, wben she felt a sharp sting; thee a huge tarantula jnmped ont. Several other servants were near by who rushed up to the girl, and one of them promptly killed the spider. Two or three colored men who had lived in the South added to the terror of the girl by telling her that she would die in a short time. Her hand commenced to swell almost instantly, and when the doctors arrived she was in a pitiable plight from pain and fear. xni he nhvsicians saw that the case was critical and dosed her with whisky until she was stupe- neu. sriauipb attention savea ner uie, as one of the doctors declared that she would have died within a conple of hours. To-night Miss Dounegon is still delirious, bnt there is little danger of a fatal result. On the bunch of bananas was found a nest containing four half-grown tarantulas. The bananas came from the West Indies abont a week aeo. FUNERAL OP A WAR HOEiSB. Old Restless Dies, Aged 33, and Is Burled With Military Honors. Hamburg, N. J., November a Restless, the famous charger, owned by Colonel Sam Fowler in the late Civil War, died of old age on Thurs day, and was given a military burial to-day at the stables of Chaplain A. A. Haines. The several public schools of the town participated in the exercises, and addresses were made suit able to the occasion. On the retirement of Colonel Fowler from the service, this celebrated army horse was presented to Chaplain Haines,' of toe Fifteenth New Jersey Infantry. He was in more than 30 engagements, and was sired by old Rysdick Hambletonian. He was S3 years old. FOUND AND THEN LOST. The Discoverer of a Gold Mine Dibs Re joicing; Over His Lnck. Panama, November 2. A letter from the in terior is published in the Arequipa papers which contains the following: An Angentlne has discovered a gold qnartz lode at Sindla, In the Aporoma district, from which he chipped off pieces with a chisel in which the gold and quartz are blended. We have seen a snecl men which weighs B ounces which was thus cut out. Tbe discoverer on finding the lode went to a village where he celebrated his discovery so heavi ly that he died without stating where the lode was situated. The Governor or the Pbara district has taken charge of the pieces of gold and quartz, and a company of prospectors Is about, to leave for tbe region where the pioneer said the vein was located. As Viewed From Afar.v From.the Boston Herald. Both sides profess to be serenely confident In Ohio, but they are not specifying their respect ive majorities. With about 800.000 voters oing to tbe polls, prophesying is manifestly risky business. An Expressive Language. From the Chicago Times. Sine Wo 4 Co. or China are the largest ex porters of opium to this country. Singular thing how expressive tbe Chinese language is. A LADY, A beantiful and graceful head The artist would have worshiped If copied Into marble white Not turned by praise that's sung or said, Poised like a lily In the light. Her eyes are large, of heavenly hue, In which are seen the image true Of a sweet woman's stainless heart; Her features captivate the view; Her nature triumphs over art. Her faultless form, well posed and fair; The sunlight tangled in her hair A sheaf of soft and radiant gold; Her buoyant step as light as air; i Hot gifts and graces manifold. Add to her sweet, attractive grace And loveliness ot lorm and face Tbe'glfts of mind by nature given; " Then in her life of beauty, ttace 'Something Of earth and more of heaves. , , BEAUTIES OF WASHINGTON. Chnugcsandlmpi-ovementsThat Are Making the National Capital the Handsomest City in the World An Era of Progress Street and Suburb Transformed. ICOBRESFONDEMCE OT THE DISPATCH. Washington. November L Residents and visitors are forever singing tbe praises ot Washington as tbe most beautiful city In the woild something of an overgrown village; to be sure, but Still the most beautiful and yet few, even of the residents, appreciate the vast work that is being done constantly to enhance the beauty of tbe place, and wbatmust unavoidably be done in that direction in tbe near future. Those who call Washington beantiful now will have no adjective to express their admiration 10 or 20 years from now. It does not require the inspiration of the prophet to foretell what Is going to happen in this instance. Washington is beantiful now, In Its broad streets and avenues, lined with trees: parks iu front of nearly all the residences, planted with flowers and vines and shrubbery; the houses various in their architecture; the great masses of public buildings seen from a distance giving tbe eye a sense of the grandeur that is em bodied in all ponderons things except ponder ous Intellects: the whole relieved by fine church towers, the shaft Of the monument, the dome of the Capitol and with all this, tbe admira ble expanse of landscape, the view down and up the river from the score of surrounding hills all combining to make up a very lovely spot. This landscape never will ckange except for the worse, through the polling down and building up by the tireless real estate specula tor, wnu cares nomine lor one views or grace ful outlines,.but reduces every thought and action to tbe level of dollars and cents. Some Recent Improvements. The material improvements in progress in Washington at this time would do credit to tbe richest and most rapidly advancing city of tbe country Pittsbure, for instance. Whole blocks of vacant land are suddenly built up with fine residences. On a block lying above Q, street, between Seventeenth and Eighteenth, there is now being finished a "row" of upward of 10 dwellings, costing from itfOOO to .810,000 each, some with mixed stone and brick fronts, some all brick, some all stone, each having its own design and its own individuality, ana alto gether one of the most attractive "rows" of the city. Thus whole blocks are being Im proved at once, and what was a desert is transformed in. a night so that it blossoms like the rose. The same thing on a lesser scale is going on in every part of the city. Fine man sions are everywhere springing up in the midst of the cottages and hovels ofthe poorer class, uprooting the latter, and driving their occu pants from these streets destined for tbe abodes of the comfortable and rich to more ab senre corners. This is the present blight of Washington that fine dwellings are necessarily intermixed with miserable hovels, destroying tbe harmony of tbe streets, contrasting expensive artificial, itywith primeval simplicity, detracting from art on the one hand and destroying tbe pirtur esqueness that is found in decay and simplicity on the other. Such is the unavoidable condi tion at some stage of the growth of all new cits. Of course this is changing everyday. EaEh year whole streets are transformed, and it will be but a few years before all of tbe prin cipal streets of the city will be built np with unemngs uniionn in tneir pretention, harmon ious and yet various. Additions to Public Buildings. In the matter of public buildings there must be a vast chance within 10 or 15 years. Not withstanding the recent additions, and the new building of the Way, State and Navy Depart ments, every department Is crowded for room, and is spread out in private edifices all over the city. Tbere is hardly a single department which will not of necessity have double its present space within the next 20 years. A new postofflce and other district buildings are greatly needed at this time and will probably be provided for in the appropriation bills of tbe next Congress. The construction of these has been deferred for so long that wben they are built they will doubtless be designed with a view to the growth of the city and the public business for a century to come, and will, there fore, be on a grand scale. Congressmen can see now what the city is destined to be and can provide for. the future. They no longer look on tbe national capital as a town which will always have the likeness of a country village set in the mnd. Tho build ing for the National Library, now in course of erection, will be one of the finest library piles of the world, and will make tbe Capitol look less lonely in its sky-piercing glory. New Tarks and the 300. As to parks, the whole country has heard time and again of what is contemplated in that line. The Zoological Gardens are already pro vided for. The land has been surveyed and practically purcDasea. ana-within a year tbe most beantiful part of Rock Creek valley will be peopled with specimens of every' kind ot animal known to America, and as time passes, with those of the whole world. The remainder of the valley of Rock creek will undoubtedly soon be purchased and devoted to a public park, and doubtless also that part of the valley ol the Potomac lying between Washington and tbe Great Falls, including some of the most ro mantic scenery ot tne .bast, ana at the alls one of the most extraordinary geological for mations to be found outside of the valley ot the Yellowstone. From the city to tbis spota grand boulevard will be constructed similar to that one soon to be made extending from Arlington to Monnt Vernon, and which will be one of the finest highways of the world, rivalling in beauty the famous Champs Elysees, and far exceeding that boulevard in tbe beauty of its scenery. Advnnce In Real Estate Prices. It is a sure sign of rapidity of growth and prospective greatness of population when the people of a city begin to reach out to tbe suburbs, and this is being done in Washington as in few cities of the country. Outside the city to the north for miles hills are being cut down and valleys filled up. Streets are being extended out from the city, with paving and sidewalks. Syndicates, notwithstanding the prophecy of a crash in the price of real estate, go on spending tens and scares of thousands of dollars in cutting streets and grading and pav ing. Nine miles ont in tbe country land Is sell ins, not by the acre, but by tbe square foot. Poor men, or tbose who were poor a few years ago, have recently sold little farms On which they had starved for long years, not knowing how to make out of them the fortune that lay in garden farming, for thousands of dollars per acre.and are now rich and spending their money as people always do who nave no idea of the value of money. Growth ofthe Suburbs. To reach these suburban places electric rail roads are being built One reaching four miles out. to Brigbtwood, close to one of the most beautiful spots on Rock creek, is already finished and in operation, temporarily with horses. One is in operation on New York avenue, to Eckington, directly north of the Capitol, and will shortly be running cars to the northeast entrance to the.5oldiers' Home and the new Catholic University. In the suburb of Eckington asphalt streets have been laid, beantiful cottages are springing up, and lots are selling as high as in some of the desirable quarters of the city. Old Georgetown is also being waked up by the construction of an electrio railroad. It is to extend to Tenleytown, and on its route are to be had some of tbe most beautiful views of the city and tbe Lower Potomac as far as Mount Vernon. A short distance from the country house of the late President Cleveland the road will intersect with the extension ot Massachusetts avenue, which within a few years will have all the aristocratic air of Piccadilly and Hyde Park. Street and Stenni Railways. Within the city tbe smooth asphalt paving is being extended as fast as discretion will per mit. Pennsylvania avenue has recently been re-surfaced, and 'Is now aa smooth as a floor. At the same time the street car tracks have been improved with the best available rails, and tbe Seventh street lino is almost ready to exchange its poor horses for tbe latest form of tbe cable road. It is intended within the near futnre to change all the horse railroads to electric or cable lines. ...... Last but not least in importance, the steam railroads which now center near the Capitol, and mar and annoy that portion of the city, cut through one of the most beautiful parks, and fairly destroy tbe whole southern section, must soon be forced to move their depots ont to the suburbs and cease traversing and crossing streets at grade, something that is not per mitted in any other city the size of Washing, ton in the whole world. E. W. L. Timely Advice. From the Detroit Free Prejs.l Let the political leaders file their briefs and submit their case without argument for decis ion at the polhi IN A SOCIAL WAI. A YOTTWO woman's reading room will be opened Monday evening over theEnterprise Bank, on Beaver avenue, Manchester. Miss Annie S. Phillips has charge' of this new en terprise. The Young People's Society of tbe Arch Street M.E. Qnurch will give an sunflower concert and entertainment oa next Friday evening. THZCBsradBglfttto farce of w Beard will be elven November 7 and 8 at ttse Lary HH, .MtWasbinsinnvV- HEW I0BI NEWS 30TES. v Tried to Bunko a Reporter. fHXW TOES BUBZAU SrXCULBvJ New Yoek, November Z Two -men tried to bunko Richard H. Davis, a Sun reporter; this morning. One of them is already oh tktf Island and the other one will get there as soon as the "police find him. The man in tbe "old ac quaintance" role Introduced himself as ''young Wanamaker, nephew of George jVanaaaker, Postmaster General," and professed to nave known' the reporter In boyhood. Tbe old story concerning tbe case of goods at a railway office, tbe call upon the ticket agent, the appearance of the weathy cattle man, with the three cards on which be had won so much money,, were re peated without variations! The reporter pro fessed a desire to join in the game, and said that bnt for the fact that his JL000 bills were away in his trunk at the Astor House ha would take a turn at once. "Young Wanamaker" offered to help the reporter letch the money, and together they went to tbe Astor House office. Tbere tbe reporter grabbed bis man by the collar and called to a policeman near the door. In a second the bnnko man bad shed bis coat and was on tbe run for the back door.' The reporter caught bim as he was opening the door and held bim for the. policeman, who car ried him off to. jail. The bunko man gave bis name in court as George Mortimer, and got six months because he could not pot up a (1,000 bond. The police are looking hard for Morti mer's pal. Trae Love Twice Triumphant. Young Adolph Schwartz worsted Mr. and Mrs. Limbeck to-day in the legal possession of tbelr 15-year-old Ernestlna. Schwara is 19 years of age and boils linen for a laundry company for (10 per week-. Tina's parents contracted sometime ago to deliver her over to Edward Lederbecker, an admirer who earns $13 per week, but the girl left home on Thursday in order not to be separated from Adolpn,whom she loves. The elder Limbeck secured the writ directing Adolph to prodace the girl in Supreme Court Chambers to-day. After the writ had been secured the warrant was Issued charging tbe young man with abduction. Adolph bronght his sweetheart to court to wit ness bis triumph over her parents. OldLim beck related in conrt how, in bis opinion. Schwartz had abducted little Tina, and showed a Hebrew marriage agreement signed by Tina and the discarded Lederbecker. Tina declared, however, that she was forced to sign the paper by her parents, and that she was over IS years old, and that she was not under Schwartz's In fluence, but earning her living as a domestic The Justice dismissed tbe case. Tbe entire party appeared in the Supreme Court; half an hour afterward. The same performance was enacted there, and the writ was dismissed. Limbeck, Sr.. bolted ont ofthe courtroom and seized bis daughter while she was walking In the corridor with Schwartz. The twice vic torious lover rushed back and reported to the Judge that the girl's liberty was threatened. Tbe Court told him that she was free to go where she pleased, and she went with them. Minister Washbarn Sails. The Hon. John D. Washburn, United States Minister to Switzerland, sailed for bis port' to day on the steamship La Bretagno. Sorry and Allowed to Go. A little German band, in complete ignorance of the city ordinance against street music, be gan to play "Johnnie. Get Your Gun," before a police station in tbe Eighth district this morn ing. They were arrested in tbejmiddle of the first verse and hustled directly Into court. None of them knew a word of English. Through an interpreter, however, they said they were sorry they had played "Johnnie, Get Your Gun," and they wouldn't do It again. At the instance of "Silver Dollar" Smith, a poli tician with a John-J.-0'Brien pull, they were discharged. ' Crazed by Domeatle Troubles. Mrs. Matilda O'Brien went crazy at 10 o'clock this morninc.and jumped from the window of her third-story bedroom in "Canal street. She fell to a broad coping under the seebnd-story windows, and stuck there behind a big, sign board. Mrs. O'Brien's brother crawled out on the coping from a window on Hudson street. whll a neignoor maae nis- way along the Canal street side. They met at the' corner add dragged the struggling, shrieking woman along the perilous path to the window and-to safety. She was uninjured. Domestic trouble deranged Mrs. CErfen's mind.' She was mar ried in 18S3, and left her 'husband four years later because lie continually beat her. She bas had a hard trae earning a living for the last year. Her mind began to give way two months ago; although She wasfnever violent till last night. She is in tne Tombs, and .to-morrow will probably be sent to an asylum. A WAGOfl LOAD OF SNAKES. Two New York Laborers Find a BUI FaH of WrlgsHng Reptiles. (SFXCXAI. TILIOKAM TO TUX DISPATCH. 1 Glens Falls. N, Y., November i Tbis afternoon Albert Tenant, an employe of John Miller, a farmer living about Hi miles north of the village of Glens Falls, drove Into town with a wagon load of snakes., It. seems that Tenant and two other meD were occupied in building a blind ditch and had occasion, for a few sods. The ditch' was being built through a piece of low lying swamuy ground. Tenant went over to a sandy knoll" near by and began to remove tbe sods from the top with a shovel. The loose sand soil beneath tbe sods seemed to be a mass of squirming snakes. He called the others to his assistance and they dug down about four feet throwing ont snakes by the shovel toll. The reptiles were from three or four inches to two feet long and were none of them proba- Diy over a year oia. xnree men uuea naes until they grew tired. One man slaughtered 500 and then stopped counting. One estimate places tbe number at 10,000 while others declare it must have exceeded that. Uncomfortable Head-Gear. From the Courier-JournaLI The new erown of the Emperor of Germany will weigh three pounds. If be goes to bed with all that weight there can be no doubt that his head will "uneasy lie." Far better would it be for Wilbelm were he a plain American citizen in a soft hat. . The Editor's Congratulation. From tbe Kansas City Star. J The editor of tbe Knobnoster, Mo Gem was married last Tuesday, and in the' most laconic fashion that paper thus offers congrat ulations: "The Gem congratulates its editor, and sympathizes with his bride." v Gotham Generosity. From the Washington Press.1 The arch fiend gels heavier contributions In Gotham than the arch fund. TEI-STATE TBIPMS. Ax Beach City, Om a queer but fatal accident befell Miss OUie Baltzly's pet dog the other day. In attempting to escape from two fight ing curs he. ran with such .force against a store box as to break his neck. M. C. Gates, of Bedford county, shot a fins deer In his yard the other day. Dofi had chased it from the mountain. YnraoxMAKrrs, a 12-year-old boy ot Baxton, Pa., encountered a black bear while out hunt ing. He had only x shotgun with, him. but he stood his ground and shot two loads Into the animal. One of the shells then stork in tbe gun and he was unable to repeat the o'ose. Tbe bear made a break for the boy and t.& took to his heels. AL8IH3, an Ohio river fisherman, caught a finny curiosity a day or two ago la Indian ran, a few miles below Park ersbarg.. Tbe fish is a foot long. It is part buffalo and part catfish. Alternate rows of scales of the buffalo and smooth sxia of tbe cat extend from bead to tail. The fish is plainly marked, and shows both the cat and, buffalo. Nothing like it was ever caught in that locality before. Jacob RrrrsB, a farmer of Salisbury town ship, near Allentown, te the proud owner of a pair of men's morocco leather hoots that he has been wearing as his Suaday-go-to-aveetae boeto for SS years, and they bid Sate te fest many more years. Az WlWamsport a.Demeeratle candidate for office is opposed on tbe grewd thathemade beta oa Harrison. Fij-TT.dotf ars has been Msvned to the "West Chester eee of tsWPaaa. MHtaalLUe rasur see. gsMtaajtsyi jwisjhmi ilrtssiia Met? Mivi tt s. -JUAJiAuid, . jf.,iJi CUfilODS CONDENSATIONS. A London firm has a contract with thij. French Governnrent, under wb!cl'Une4annoi ally supply France-with thousand'oftons of. dried fruits. The French Government require' this large suppy of dried fruit to make the wine which they supply to the French arroy At Leighton Buzzard, EnglanJ$Hha other day, a chapel was burned down injrhlclj It had previously been arranged tocelebratea wedding. The destruction of tbe sacred edifice had no effect in postponing tbe ceremony,?! an the man and woman were made one amidltha smoking ruins. - 'Afc A correspondent of a New York4 naner; "". . " """8 are probably laoooineaaj oi deer in Maine. This statement was shoial . Jr ' Stanley, game commissioner! in Portland. Ha ahnnlr hUhnul. "TnnmiTT8 o?311." ho said, "there are nearerJB.OOOjl In Nanlea tf,M -.-r-4 " nf which live in churches. They are kept and'fed ' kMj 'o-ou'uwuosonpurposetaeatmicBjrmca,.' infest all old buddings there. The animal "f may often be seen walking- abontraraoagths) congregation, or sitting gravely before thealtasuT during the time of mass! iSf A Saco. Me., blacksmith it thjuStn convert to the belief that early iaios:W<' always In practice what it is in theory. HeSetfc up dark and early, the other morningjand BaAf- his fire blazing by 4 o'clock. The next thine hoi," knew the Saco fire department had tbejlio)"; turned on his blaze and tho neighbors Jwex:-screaming- "fire" at the top of their voicesS-jgjJf Brooklyn specialists for diseases ohf eye, ear and nose are much mterestM;inytn5,i result of an unusual operation on a womaaK that was performed in th in.- r.i-.t "(ThIim . TTfrtnltill nn M nn1, 1 -? tt.- .. T-r fXZ7UrJZi'J???:'I xaonuiauisuo- ?-"" w ..jK5,uBO i navrag a portion of the breast bone of a. i.v ...i .n.h. part other face where a nose should have been." William Loofbonrow, a pearl fisherta? '""'"i i,aiui a peart lor u wmcn ns bad taken from a clam shell la the Fecatonlca? It weighed 21 Jf grains. It is a beauty: of wine) bottam A. llttl Th(llKfthflnflri.Ml. .T.....-'V bourow has one more, of lozenge-shape, wlna color, which weighs 21 or 23 grains. It 6 proba bly worth 1200. California engineers have accomplished' the difficult task of lirtingthe Feather river,', fast flowing stream, SB feet and carrying itIo ' more than half a mils' in an artificial bed at'-'-; that height above iu old channel. 1 1 has been 'r accomplished in little less than a year. Tha uuject was to arain tne river near.uravulenx order to reach the very rich gold deposits be lieved to exist in its bed. Tha promoters of the great enterprise are chiefly Englishmen The latest development of ihe advertis ing art comes from Paris, where anenterprlslrjg t publish Br has employ ed a large force, of.- sand , . wich men to advertise a book by walking dowaMi" the boulevards and reading It with rapt vattenflf tion. An Inquisitive gentleman, anxious StoWE know how far this would have an edncationaiyB effect upon the readers, crept np behind ones? who seemed more rapt than all the others,"! and. t'-, fauna that he was reading the book UBB-idtsF iom- $&& A contagious eye disease has kadeitsf appearance in the public schools of Chilton, Wis. SomelOorlSseboIanhavebeenattacked, and the disease is rapidly spreading: As Soon- as tuo disease- is nonceaniu us pnpu is sent home. They generally recover in about four days. The disease is of such a nature as to in. flame the lids and under portions of 'the eye. The epidemic, it is thought, will spread 'over the entire schools, as nearly every scholar has been exposed. Chicago policemen and detectives hava had more or less irrelevant fun poked at them, but they are not nearly as ludicrous' as certain Chicago burelars. One of the latter recently broke into the residenca of a ve<h-vrfeium-Ji Seeing his image in a mirror the burglar thoneht be was detected. Ha draw h) re volver. His image did the same. Then loKr, lowea a iusiuaae oi snots which- smashed the mirror, aroused the household and scared .tha burglar off. It is rumored that the borglar.iSTS now reading "As In a Looking Glass." - & The first white settler In the city of 9t Paul came In the year 1532. To-day the' popo Iation ofthe capital of Minnesota is 2eo,OOflC' th ritr bnoatjs nf RnmAflf thuSsott fnul). v?' and residence bailouts an the American con. J& nnsns. Ana town site was toesvtea is uwf the capital in 183. Tha first survey of tea city was ixuiuB ! .looia loauunDflr oi uoiaznArrA I pauea in xzm. tss original bc jrwt , . ... -'.v i . . r r- r - present area of the city contains Xjm William S. Boberts, who is a. erifjSJ taught school In the country norta at Jfeaj-,' Men-ana at the same time, won the Been. ol Miss Mlnnla Bears, tha result, beia aa iiiwasii raent. Tha fickle Minnie afterward ehaeceel' her mind and married another man. For.wla' breach of promise Roberts, brought action lat in e court ana ootainea a juagment ior asmssysi in the sum of 38,000, but as Minnie is wealthy in! affection only It is probable that Mr. Roberta win do compelled to continue school for a livelihood. The site of the Jefferson, Madise'i4 Indianapolis Railroad depot at FrankUnflaC? was formerly a graveyard. A ghost -asiM cently made its apnearance in the vicinity.' a conductor saw lt.walkhu' on the nlatf arm other night. It is tha snncositioB of soma aft tbe denizens that the dry bones of the ureas miruaer were overlooked ana stui uemt&eir; locality, and ooeaaoaallv bis snint comes to view the surroaadiaaB. .Arain sose think i Is a put up job by J. X. Dunlap. who has a coatl yarn were ana. wwnsttto Ingoten awavtsvel uueves wno save Deem manng zugatiy raids oal uiatwau, ?s: A rather eurioHs illustration of ttMjaSl perstsUous belief is sians ami ona oasis . jtwt seen in the opposition te ism aamo givsa Hhi new cruiser laaaeaea mm etfasr day at the' Sax Francisco navv yard. laaaswr of thatdtylis uau ueeu ueciueu so oau aae sstsa Ban JtrrancucBtfJ but no sooner was tha bbq aweaaced than" tha Ns.-rrDfmarmHfr !.! rn wtMClt.1 thabnshel. Anclmrimtr thc ttvM'ianaiBii-nf.'y bod lock, and tha vessel da as -nssmd wold !&:. evitablygoto tbe bottew with aji a4ierdii auu source otuuasapersusiea aeooqsy aaaatSt to know. There are no records of lavfft "ssW-f aster on which it aslant ha-rcr smisMip Whatever it was feaaded c. itTsad-aMt- ters iBto the WMtobaisket, aad tatoaaaatjasl ia- H officials at Mare's Island to stiek ffniMin San Francisco. The cruiser la new sat sssder that name, and the cranks are aresaMy osr tha lookout for tha news of agia suseiaedis-''' uter. ewtW-NATUKMi It does Bet-take a very lutni kit to f&eek some people suiy,-Aom 0M3m, In an oyster campaign of, course thflj enemy's shelled. Bummers American. . jS When mosey gets tif at it ought to siksj? a man's Tfocinaoo iuu.juatnt nterprue.-j There are sosm things a dwarf can't deS? bathe can catch Jnst as big a cold as agiiat. S jjanrnue urtttt. r?fJ The surest way for a' man to havegreat ness thrust on htm is to xt himself lost inAfriat , Washington Frets. When the stars afeey are not ont shiniag they are probably locked us in tho star chamber.! sew oruan rtimytint. , One disagreeable feotare about poMagijI stamps U that tMf.sn sat to get stack on stem. KUet.-BtnaltamtemLt&icr. -"iSiSSl Strange that fee White House soaI4ij overran with rats wbes it Is such a strong PbJw-. establishment. BmWmert American, Answer to "Querist;" The famoss Wf who bunt a great tower "a, Paris was never oele-1 orated in song. The weeds yon quotessssy letter from thy tin, bakr nine,, baby mfa-eta dieate that yon mast bare learned the '; Istl question by ear. CJMsaa Triiunt. Willing to "Bisk-It.-. Insurance AgSt awt-K you are mnis,i suppose yoa wlil teta -" oui potior.- ' mam Young Blcgs-O, ne, I itw not. I don't talnkl she's going to be danasroo. Tern Man japrew. A T J ' fif.L A .A .. .. f S VB AUKI1 ! HJUU JteSW WQWtUlU.TO,!. don't propose te have ysa dan ma for.tstat hstj anymore. . Angry Collector-yea don't ear gswjM'jsQ going to prevent Mf, .'! 'By paying up."-Mhibampton 1 "My lad,' remarked Judge; ;i the little bov who had Inst taken the W "do'you understand tbe nature or aaVx "res, sir, 1 was In pap's omee yes Ms coal bill was presented-." Mr. Clerk, enroll the, witsMst.' 2fas. Sefys I set taatsoa-e of t6M jaaa olsy SMttas tMaaas with eonsi-aet by sadi tiring eat. What do yon sappeie ts ttn'i oritr ,3 jMogfs-i esvtsasewvsaiess k mm trick dhvturfcMsa m the bawds ef tssfc Etiroit Journal. In a New York newspaper i Editor (to repomrJ-BMtaaa; yea saal worses. Sl-1-atTS-X fasts est. , OK? JMHsr-Toa tsssMaas. sat,' .atawal, satVsaarw fltarTV Xt tW MIHpl 1 ' atrasawav SataVM i was i lawaV T MnkatPVj. , mm s-v.-j . -,- tfy&j-fcZftfca s; & te.