? 0 - .THE PITTSBUEG- DISPATCH, SUNDAY,; NOVEMBER' ;1889." f ft f TMCiniT thaturAWB fhllf ttnNviiiiio 4l!iiuHt1i l3 year she should hare professed the Chris- The following touching and beautiful account of her conversion is in her own trotis: It was about this time tbatlfirst believed . myself to be a Christian. I was spendinc; a; kammer vacation at home. In Litchfield. I shall erer remember that dewy, fresh, summer morning. I knew that it was a sacramental Sunday, and thought with sadness that when an. the goad people should taVe the sacrificial . ueadand 'nine! should be left out. I tried bard to feel try sins and count them up, but what with the birds, the daisies, and the brooks that rippled by the way, it was impossible. I came into cburch quite dissatisfied with niyaeli, tmds 1 looked upon the pure white cloth, the Fnowy bread and shining cups of the com munion table, I thought with a sigh: "There won't be anything for me to-day; it is all for these crowu-up Christians." Nevettheless,when rather began to speak 1 was drawn to listen by a certain pathetic earnestness in his voice. Most of father's sermons were as unintelligible to me u if he had spoken in Choctaw. But sometimes he preached what he was accustomed to call a frame sermon!" that is, a sermon that sprung out of the deep feeling of the occasion, and which, consequently, could be neither premed- ivhi nor repeaieo. iiis text was taKen irom the Gospel of John, the declaration of Jesus: "Behold, I call you so longer servants, but friends." His theme was Jesus as a soul friend offered to every human being. Forgetting all his hair-splitting distinctions and dialectic subtleties, he spoke in direct, sim ple and tender language of the great love of Christ and His care for the soul. He pictured Him as patient with our errors, compassionate Mn. Harriet Beecher Stowe. with our neatnesses and sympathetic for our sorrows. He went on to say how He was ever sear us, enlightening our ignorance guiding our wanderings, comforting our sorrows with a love unwearied by faults, unchilled by ingrati tude, till at last He should present us faultless before the throne of His glory with exceeding joy. I sat Intent and absorbed. Oh! how much I seeded just such a friend, I thought to myself. ,Then the awful fact came over me that I had never had any conviction of my sins, and con sequently could not come to Him. I longed to cry out. I will." when father made his passion ate appeal, "Come. then, and trust your soul to this faithful friend." Like a flash it came over me that if I needed conviction of sin. He was able to give me this also. I would trust Him for the whole. My wholo soul was illumined with joy, and as I left the church to walk home It seemea to me as if .Nature herself were liushing her breath to hear the music of heaven. As soon as father came home and was seated in his study I went up to him and fell in bis arms, saying: "Father, I have given myself to Jesus, and He has taken me." I never shall forget the expression of bis face as he looked down in my earnest, childish eyes; it was so Sweet, so gentle, and like sunlight breaking out upon a landscape. "Is it so?" he said, holding me silently to bi&heart, as I felt the hot tears tail on my head. "Ifcen has a new flower blossomed in the kingdom this day." At the age of 25 Mrs. Stowc married Prof. Calvin E. Stowe, whose former wife had been one of her intimate friends. A bbide's sensations. Her last act before the welding was to write the following note to the friend of her girlhood, Miss Georgians May: January 6 1838. 'Well, my dear G about half an hour more and your old friend, companion, schoolmate, sister, eta, will cease to be Hatty Beecher and change to nobody knows who. My dear, you are engaged, and pledged in a year or two to encounter a similar fate, and do you wish to know how you shall feel? Well, my dear, I have been dreading and dreading the time, and lying awake all last week wondering how I should lire through this overwhelming crisis, and lol it has come, and I feel nothing at all. The wedding is to be altogether domestic; nobody present but my own brothers and sis ters, and my old colleague, Mary Button; and ""-s tnere is a sufficiency of the nhnistry in our family we have not even to call in the fojelgn aid of a minister. Sister Katy is not here, to she will not witness my departure from her care and guidance to that of another. Xone of my numerous friends and acquaintances who have taken such a deep interest in making the connection for me even know the day, and it will be all done and o er before they know anything about it. well, it Is really a mercy to have this entire Stupidity come oyer one at such a time. I should be crary to feel as" I did yesterday, or in deed to feel anything at all. "But I inwardly rowed that my last feelings and reflections on this subject should be yours, and as I have not cot any, it is just as well to tell you that. well, here comes Mr. S., so farewell, and for the last time I subscribe your own H, E. B. In 1876 Mrs. Stowe wrote in a letter to cne of her children, of the period of her life -during which she was writing "Uncle Tom's Cabin:" 1 well remember the winter ton wer a Tmli andlwas writing "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Mv heart was bursting with the anguish excited by the cruelty and injustice our nation was show ing to the slave, and praying God to let me do a little and to cause my cry for them to he beard. I remember mau v a night weeping over you as you lay sleeping beside me, and I thought of the slave mothers whose babes were torn from them. MEETING CIIABLES DICKENS. In 1852, while in the zenith of her fame, while abroad Mrs. Stowe thus speaks of Charles Dickens, whom she met for the first time at the Lord Mayor's dinner in London: Directly opposite me was Mr. Dickens, whom I now beheld for the first time, and was sur prised to see looking so young. Mr. Justice Talfourd, known as the author of "Ion," was also there with his lady. She had a beautiful antique cast of head. The Lord Mayor was sim ply dressed in black, without any other adorn ment than a massive gold chain. We rose from table between 11 and 12 o'clock that is, we ladies and went into the drawing room, where 1 was peented to Mrs. Dickens and several other ladies. Mrs. Dickens is a good SDecimcn of a trulv English woman: tall, large and well developed, with fine, healthy eoler, and an air of frankness, cheerfulness and reliability. A friend whispered to me that she was as observ ing and fond of humor as her husband. After a while the gentlemen came back to the drawing room, and I had a few moments of very pleasant, friendly conversation with Mr. Dickens. They arc both people that one could not know a little of without desiring to know more. Daring tbe summer of 1874 while Mrs. Stowe's brother, the Eev. Henry "Ward Beecher, was the victim of a most revolting, malicious and groundless attack on his purity, Mrs. Lewes (George Eliot) wrote the following words of sympathy: MY Deab Feiend The other day I had a letter from Mrs. Fields, written to let me know something of you under that heavy trouble, ot which such information as I have had has been untrustworthy, leaving me in (entire incredu lity In regard to It except on this point that you and yours must be suffering deeply. Naturally I thought most of yon in the matter (its public aspects being indeterminate), and many times Del ore our friend's letter came I had said to Mr. Lewes: "What must Mrs. Stowe bo feel- lagf" I remember Mrs. Fields once told me of the wonderful courage and cheerfulness which helonged to yon. enabling you to bear up under exceptional trials, and I imagined you helping the sufferers with tenderness and counsel, but 5 et, nevertheless, I felt that there must oe a bruising weight on your heart. Dear honored friend, yon who are so ready to give warm fel lowship, is it any comfort to you to be told that those afar off are caring for you in spirit, and will be happier for all good issues that may bring you rest? I cannot, dare cot, write more in my ignor ance, lest I should be using unreasonable words. But I trust in your not despising this scrap of -paper which tells you, perhaps rather for my relief than yours, that I am always in crateiul, sweet remembrance ot vour goodness tor me and your energetic labors for all. " VEFESVlXa HEE BEOTHEB. The following are extracts from Mrs. Stowe's reply: It was very sweet and kind of you to write what you did last. Isnppose it is so long ago you may have forgotten, but it was a w ord of tenderness and sympathy about my brother's trial; it was womanly, tender, and sweet, such bj at heart you are. After all, my love for you it greater than my admiration, lor I think it more and better to be really a woman worth loving than to have react Greek and German nnd written books. And in this last book I read. I more feel with you in some little fine points- that stare at you as making an amusing exhibition. For. my dear, I feel myself at last as one who has been playing and picnicking late in the afternoon to nnd that everybody al-1 punt fcadgoaa OTUtothe. beyond, .And ttoJ rest are sorting their things and packing their trunks, and waiting for the boat to come and take them. It seems now but a little time since my broth er Hsnry and I were two young people togeth er. He was my two years junior, and nearest companion out of seven brothers and three sisters. I taught him drawing and heard his Latin lessons, for yon know a girl becomes ma ture and womanly long before a boy. I saw him through college and holped him through the difficult lore affair that cave him his wife: and then he and my husband had a real Ger man, enthusiastic love for each other, which 'ended in making mo a wife. Ah! in those days we never dreamed that he, or L or any of us. were to be known in the world. All he seemed then was a boy full of fun, full of love, full of wronged people, which made him in those early days write editorials, and wear arms and swear himself a special policeman to protect the poor enuiusiasm tor protecting aDusea sua tieuuuk nerroes in Cincinnati where we then lived. when there were mobs instigated by the slave holders of Kentucky. Henry told me then that be meant to fight that battle in New York; that he weuld have a church that would stand by him to resist the tyrannic dictation of Southern slave holders. I said: "I, too, have begun to do something; I have begun a story, trying to set forth tbe suf ferings and wrongs of the slaves." "That's right, Hattie," he said, "finish it. and I will scatter it thick as the leaves of Valambrosa," and so came "Uncle Tom," and Plymouth Church became a stronghold where the slave always found refuge and a strong helper. One morning m v brother found sitting on his step poor old Paul Edmonson, weeping; his two daughters, of 16 and 18, had passed into the slave warehouse of Bruin A Hill, and were to be sold. My brother took the man by the band to a public meeting, told his story for him, and in an hour raised the 32,000 to redeem his chil dren. Over and over again, afterward, slaves were redeemed at Plymouth Church, and Henry and Plymouth Church becaroo words of hatred and fear through half the Union. He has had the misfortune or a popularity which is perfectly phenomenal. I cannot give you any idea of tne love, worship, idolatry, with which he has been overwhelmed. He has something magnetic about him that makes everybody crave his society that makes men ioiiow anu worsmp mm. But all this time I saw and suspected the two men wno nave urougut on an tne persecution. I saw the long-haired, handsome Tito, follow ing, frowning, harrassing, using and abusing his confiding nature but in vain. My brother is hopelessly generous and confiding. His ina bility to believe evil is something incredible, and so has come all this suffering. You said you hoped I should be at rest when the first investigating committee and Plymouth Church cleared my brother almost by acclamation. Not so. Tbe enemy had so committed them selves that either they or he must die, and there has followed two years of the most dreadful struggle. This has drawn on my life my heart's blood. He is myself; yes, I know you are tbe kind of woman to understand me when t say that I felt a blow at him more than at myself. I, who know Jtfs purity, honor, delicacy, know that he has been lrom childhood of an ideal purity.who reverenced his conscience as bis king, whoso glory was redressing human wrong, who spake no slander; no, nor listened to it. Never have I known a nature of such strengthana such almost childlike innocence. He is of a nature so sweet and perfect that, though I have seen him thunderously indignant at moments, I never saw him fretful or irrit ablea man who continuously, in every little act of life, is thinking of others, a man that all the children on the street run after, and that every sorrowful, weak or distressed pei son looks to as A NATURAL HELPER. In all this long history there has been no cir cumstance of his relation to any woman that has not been worthy of himself pure, delicate and proper; and I know all sides of him, and certainly should not say this if there were even a misgiving. Thank God there is none, and I can read my New Testament and feel that by all the beatitudes my brother is blessed. His calmness, serenity and cheerfulness through all this time has uplifted us all. Where be was. there was no anxiety, no sorrow. My brother's power to console is something pe culiar and wonderful. I have seen him at death-beds and funerals, where it would seem as it hope itself must be dumb, bring down the very peace of heaven, and change despair to trust. He has not had less power in his own adversity. You cannot conceive bow he is be loved by those even who never saw him old, paralytic, distressed, neglected people, poor seamstresses, black people, who have felt these arrows shot against their benefactor as against themselves, and most touching have been their letters of sympathy. From the first be has met this in the snirit of Frances de Sales, who met a similar plot by silence, prayer and work, and when urged to defend himself said "God would do it in His time." God was tbe best judge how much reputation he needed to serve Him with. Iny our portrait of Deronda, j on speak of him as one of those rare natures in whom a private wrong bred no bitterness. "The sense ot Injury breeds, not the will to inflict injuries, but a hatred of all injury;" and I must say, through all this conflict my brother has been always in the spirit of Him who touched and healed tbe ear of Malcbus; when be himself was attacked. His friends and lawyers have sometimes been aroused and sometimes indignant with his hab itual caring for others, and his habit of vindi cating ana extending, even to his enemies, every scrap and sired of justiee that might be long to them. From first to last of this trial, he has never for a day intermitted his regnlar work. Preaching to crowded houses, preaching even in bis short vacations at watering places, carrying on his missions which have regener ated two once wretched districts of tbe city, editing a paper, and in short giving himself up to work. He cautioned his church not to be come absorbed in him and his trials, to prove their devotion by more faithful church work and a wider chanty; and never have the Plymouth missions among the poor been so energetic and effective. He said recently, "The worst that can befall a man is to stop thinking of God and begin to think of himself; if trials make us self-absorbed, they hurt us." 'Well, dear, pardon me for this nut pour. I loved you I love you and therefore wanted you to know just what I felt. Now, dear, this is over, don't think you must reply to it or me. I know how much you have to do, yes, I know all about an aching bead and an overtaxed brain. This last work of yours is to be your best, 1 think, and I hope it will bring you enough to buy an orange grove in Sicily, or somewhere else, and so have lovely weather such as we have. It is of course impossible to give in such a limited article an adequate conception of the wonderfully interesting material with which the 500 pages of this life of Mrs. Stowe is filled, nor would it be right to further anticipate the pleasure of the thous ands of readers who will enjoy the book. It may be proper in closing to add that I although Mrs. Stowe is now in her 79th year r !... V.IIv ln.lfli is .......l a t.&-i- JlCl VUU11J UCUII.lt 49 ftUVU, HUU 1113 b BUG IS spending the declining years of her life sur rounded by the tender ministrations of chil dren and tree from cares and anxieties. Her life has been indeed a glorious one filled with good works. SMYRNA BUGS AT HALF-PRICE. Four Sizes Smallest to Largest 81.75, S2, $3.50 nnd S5. During the week beginning Nov. 4 we will offer extraordinary bargains in Smyrna rugs. The $5 rugs are the same the peddlers car ry around and sell at $10 to 12. All the rest are sold by the peddlers at a corresponding increase over onr price. Edwabd Geoetzingeb, 627 and 629 Penn avenue, EXCURSION TO BALTIMORE Tin Wnsblngton. The B. & O. E. B. will sell excursion tickets to Baltimore, good to stop at Wash ington, D. C, at rate ot $8 for the ronnd trip, from Nov. 7- to 12 inclnsire, good to return until the 16tb, on acconnt of the Catholic Congress- Trains leave Pittsburg at 8 A. if. and 920 P. M. Happy Little Ones. Make the children happy by getting them some of Marvin's Little Xiord Fauntlerov Cakes, the newest and most delicious cake on the market. Grocers keep them, ttssu Don't he misled. Stick to the old relia ble "Wainwright's beer. All dealers keep it. 5525 is their telephone number. Tusu Pbomikekt saloons, hotels, clubs and restaurants have Baeucrlein Brewing Co.'s Wiener, standard and Kulmhacher lager beer on tap. Cat Flower Stands Specially designed to economize flowers in winter, at French, Kendrick & Co.'s, 16 Smithfield street, opposite City Hall. OUE assortment of kid gloves is still com plete. Prices below nil others. F. Bchoexxhal, 612 Penn avenue. Furs watch repairing at Hauch's, lowest prices. No. 295 Fifth ave. wrsu Cabotex photos, 51 per dox. Lies' Pop ular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth at TTSu -A. GLASS of F. & V.'s Iron City beer at night insures quiet sleep. flYDKOPHOBlA'S (JURE Louis Pasteur, the Famous French Specialist, Describes the SYMPTOMS OP THE DREAD DISEASE. A (Speculation Upon the Origin of BaMes in Animals. THE EFFECTS OF AELT INOCULATION WBITTEJrrOE TBI DISFATCH.l Babies is a disease which has been known from the earliest times. The dog may give it to the man and to domestic animals. Animals, again, may communicate it to each other. At the time of writing this paper rabies is raging in England in a herd of deer in the park ot the Marquis of Bristol at Ickworth. The herd was composed of COO animals, and 200 of them have died already, though the disease still rages. A rabid dog fonnd the way into the park during the month of April last, bit several animals, which died of rabies, but only after they had bitten a large number of their fellows. A short time ago our knowledge of this disease was still surrounded by many popu lar fallacies. Old writings, recent papers even, state that rabies may originate spon taneously, and the occasional causes pro ducing the disease are likewise described. In the streets of certain towns one mar see along the walls, in the summer time, small tin vessels filled with water in order that dogs may satisfy their thirst Many think that unless such precautions are taken some animals may become rabid. Never theless it is a fact that in whatever physiological or pathological condition a dog or any other animal is placed, rabies never makes its appearance in that animal unless it has been bitten or licked by another suf fering from rabies at the time the wound was inflicted. Every person who is of opinion that rabies may originate spontan eously an opinion'I am even now fighting against will at once answer: "Bnt there must have been, at some time or other, one first animal spontaneously afflicted with rabies." That answer simply opens up the whole question of the origin of things, a question which is altogether outside the do main of scientific investigations. Whence came the first man? Whence came the first oak tree? Nobody knows, and it is useless to discuss such mysteries. Observation alone shows us that rabies - XETEE OBIGINATES 8PONTAITEOUSI.Y. Nobody has ever proved the existence of spontaaeous rabies, though many have at tributed it to the symptoms of epilepsy, a disease frequently met with in tne canine species. Further it never breaks ont in any country nnless introduced there by an ani mal bitten in another place where rabies is endemic Many islands in the Pacific Ocean are quite tree from it. It is not met with in the wide Australian continent, Nor way or Lapland. And yet these countries will be free of it only as long as they take proper measures to prevent the introduction of dogs which, after being bitten in another country, carry the virus with them in a latent form. Moreover.it is not difficult to prove that rabies is a disease which cannot appear de novo under any physiological conditions, and that in spontaneous origin is quite im possible. We know nowadays that conta gious or virulent affections are caused by email microscopic beings which are called microbes. The anthrax of cattle, the malig nant pustule of man, are produced by mi-. crohes; croup is produced by a microbe. The microbe of rabies has not been isolated as yet, hut, judging by analogy, we must believe in its existence. To resume: every virus is a microbe. Although these beings are of infinite smallness, the conditions of their life and propagation are subject to'the same general laws which regulate the birth and multipli cation of the higher animal and'vegetable beings. They, like the latter, never have a spontaneous origin. Like the latter, they are derived from beings similar to them selves. It has been proved, without a shadow of a doubt, that in the present state of science the belief in spontaneous genera tion is a chimera. If it be said that life must have appeared on this earth spon taneously at some period or other, I must repeat the statement which I made just now, namely, that the origin ' of all things on earth is hidden behind an impenetrable veil. In short, rabies is not a spontaneous disease. ERADICATING THE DISEASE. As it is always due to the direct inocula tion of its Tims by a rabid animal.it is easy to understand that simple police measure's will suffice to stamp out this horrible dis ease, more especially in insular- countries like England or Ireland. Two or three years would perhaps be enough to eradicate it if owners were compelled to muzzle their dogs or to lead them by a string when in the streets. The destruction of all wolves in the United Kingdoaa was a far more diffi cult task, and yet it was successfully accom plished. Everybody, medical men especially, agree in thinking that rabies, in man tit least, is an incurable disease. If a man be bitten by a rabid animal in such a manner that he must necessarily die of rabies, his health may nevertheless remain perfectly good for several weeks, though the treacherous virus creeps on in his body, carried by the blood or finding its way along the nerves Lastly, it invades tbe nervous centers. It is always found there first, and from thence it passes into the salivary glands. The first symp toms now make their appearance: fear of water and of all liquids, intense headaches, spasms of the throat, dilated pupils, hag gard eyes, severe pain or mere itching at the seat of the bite. In rare cases the patient tries to bite ; if so he bites the bedclothes, but only seldom the people near him. He expectorates frequently, while convulsive movements follow the slightest breath or draught of air. He is afraid of shining objects, and the slightest noise canses him to start. These are some oi the striking signs of the disease. If one or several of these morbid symptoms make their appearance rabies has airly be gun, and, whatever may be done, it follows its own independent and fatal course. Death, sometimes preceded by horrible suf ferings and by indescribable maniacal at tacks of fury, shortly follows. Strange to say, this disease, on which all the resources of medicine have no effect, has been treated in all countries by an endless number of remedies, all supposed to be in fallible. There is no country in Enrope or America, be it small or large, in which per sons are not to be found who are supposed to be able to cure rabies, or in which prac tices which are said to prevent the occur rence of the disease may not be studied. Such erroneous beliefs are .widely, spread. FOOLISH IDEAS. The idea on which such practices are based is due to the fact that it is difficult for men in general to apply to their knowl edge oi facts, which are more or less mysteri ous in their nature, and the causation of which is unexplained, tbe precepts derived from experimental methods. The human mind is always struck by anything which appears to be marvellous. , A man, for in stance, will oiten believe the quack who tells him that a stone of a certain kind,or a plant, will prevent the evil effects of a bite from a rabid animal, provided this stone or plant be merely placed in contact with the wound. He may say even that he has per sonally experienced the good effects of such a practice if rabies has not followed the ap plication of the remedy to one patient. He forgets that to draw such a conclusion must necessarily be a mistake,. simply because every bite Irom a rabid animal is not always followed by the breaking out of the disease in the person so bitten. Now, suppose a hundred people to have been bitten by rabid animals, how many will die of this terrible disease? It is difit cult to ansvrer such a question. Moreover, the number of victims varies, for several reasons. Nevertheless it' it generally surJ posed that if the deaths taking place among a large number of persons bitten by rabid animals be 'added up, and if their seat and gravity be next taken into account, the mor tality among persons bitten amounts to 15 to 20 per cent. In other words, more than 80 out of 100 persons suffer no evil effects from the bite. It is easy, therefore, to be deceived as to the value of any preventive remedy, For if we apply it to a small num ber of persons it will seem to have been suc cessful in four cases out of five. Is that not more than sufficient to warrant a quack, whose advice is taken, to say that his rem edy is infallible, and to cause men to blindly share his belief? The experimental method judges facts more severely. That method teaches us that if we are to believe in the efficacy ot a preventive remedy against rabies among persons bitten by rabid animals, it would be necessary, in the first place, to discover a process enabling the experimenter to repro duce rabies in an animal at wilL A num ber of dogs having, then, been inoculated with rabies according to tbatprocess, would then have to be divided into two batches, the remedy being applied to one batch, and the disease being allowed to run its course unopposea in tne omer umu ueam iiuioweu. It would be easy to compare the course of the disease in the two lots, and the action of the remedy could thus be conclusively demonstrated, provided rabies and death did not follow on the introduction of the virus into animals treated by the remedy. We have tested in this way remedies which are supposed to be able to prevent the oc currence of rabies, and are said to be in fallible by their owners, but we have never ootained any satisfactory results. INOCULATING DOGS. It is not so easy as Zone might think at first to inoculate a series of animals with rabies successfully. We have already called attention to the fact that if dogs be bitten by rabid animals the disease does not appear in all of them. A direct subcutane ous inoculation of the saliva of a rabid dog is hardly more successful. Tbe saliva con tains; together with the microbe of hydro phobia, other microbes of different kinds, which may give rise to abscesses and other morbid complications, and thus prevent the occurrence of rabies. In short, only a few years ago, experimenters would not have known where to find the virus in a pure state, nor to use it in such a way as to pro duce rabies, and nothing but rabies. Luckily, these two difficulties were solved at the same time by the following discovery: If the autopsy of an animal dead of rabies bemade, and if a small portion of the brain, spinal cord, or, better perhaps, of the thicker part of the cord which unites this to the brain a part which is called medulla oblongata, or bulbous be taken, and if this portion of the central nervous system be crushed in a sterilized fluid, with all necessary antiseptic precautions, and if a small quantity of this fluid be nov intro duced on the surface of the brain of a chloroformed animal (dog, rabbit or guinea pig) by means of a hypodermic needle, after trephining, the animal thus inoculated will contract rabies to a certainty, and that in a relatively short time; that is, a period not exceeding 15 days or 3 weeks. f Do you wish, then, to test any remedy which is said to prevent the occurrence of rabies ? Take two dogs and inoculate both of them with the virus in the manner which has jnst been described. Now give that remedy to one of the dogs before or after the operation, as many times as you like, and leave the other dog to take its chance. You will then notice that rabies makes its ap pearance as easily in the first as in the sec ond animal. Of course we have not tested in this way all the numerous remedies praised by quacks, bnt we have tried some which are said to have proved most suc cessful without our meeting with the least success. "Very different results are obtained if the method which I published before the Acad emie des Sciences de Paris on October 16, 1885, be used. That method of vaccination resembles in many of its characteristics the method of prophylaxis against contagious diseases. These methods are based on the inoculation of attenuated virus. The injec tion of such attenuated virus vaccinates animals, and thus enables them to resist the attack of the corresponding virus. Every virus, or rather all virulent and infectious microbes, may be attenuated by natural or artificial means. The .virus of smallpox in man is represented in an atten uated condition by the cowpox virus of bo vine animals. The latter has been produced at least so I am inclined to think by accidental and successive inoculations of human smallpox virns on the udders oi cows, and its present state of virulence has at last become "fixed" there. In the same way the virus of rabies is greatly modified by successive inoculations on monkeys or rabbits. EFFECTS OF INOCULATION. Similarly again the fatal virus of anthrax is modified by the action of air and heat un til at last it is thus rendered harmless. It passes through intermediate stages, how ever, in which it may still prove fatal to animals .of small size, bnt harmless when inoculated into domestic animals, althongh it vaccinates the latter against the attacks of the primitive fatal virus. In the same way the virns of rabies may be attenuated to any wishedtfor degree by the action of air and moderate heat; and may then, when in oculated into animals, enable them to resist tne action or the primitive fatal virus. In other words, one may produce in a dog a state in whish it is impossible for that ani mal Jo contract rabies. Take a dozen dogs, vaccinate them in the manner which I have just mentioned, and then inoculate them at tne sunace of the Drain with the pure virus of rabies. Then perform the same opera tion, at the same time, on 12 other non vaccinated animals. Not one of the first dozen will contract tbe disease, but the 12 other animals will all die of it after exhib iting all the various symptoms typical of rabies ATlfl It rPCPTTlhlAfl in JVaiv nai4i.nl.. that produced by the bite of a rabid animal wandering apout the streets. The experi ments which I have just mentioned, and which show that dogs may be vaccinated against rabies, maybe successfully repeated on other dogs even if they have been bitten, before the inoculations are begun by rabid animals, provided too long a period between the time of the bite and that of the protec tive inoculations has not elapsed. The success of such a course of treatment de pends on the usually long period of time intervening between the day of the bite and the time at which the first symptoms of rabies show themselves. The immunity due to vaccination is produced in animals before the epoch at which the acute symptoms of rabies ought to appear. This is indirectly but fully proved by the fact that if the pe riod of incubation in a dog be much short ened our method maynot prove successful in vaccinating that animal. It the virus be, for instance, inoculated at the surface of the brain, the disease often follows as early as two weeks after the inoculation. It is noticeable that in order to protect an animal efficiently under these conditions, the whole process of preventive inoculations must be carried on as quickly as possible if that an imal is to be efficiently vacciuated before the fatal symptoms of rabies appear on the scene. , It is necessary to demonstrate by experi ments that an animal may acquire immu nity against rabies if it be submitted to tbe prophylactic treatment of which we have spoken here. Needless to say, all experi ments demonstrating this fact must be made on animals onlyand all trials on men must not only be forbidden, but.-moreover, must be considered as criminal. .Nevertheless, we are justified in thinking that results ob tained on animals may, for the most part at least, be obtained in man also. Now, it is easy to prove that a dog previously vaccin ated and so rendered incapable of contract ing rabies may be inoculated under the skin with almost any quantity of the purest and strongest virus without this inoculation being followed by any evil consequences. Vaccinated dogs have been inoculated on different occasions with several cubic centi metres of virus taken from the medulla ob longata of dogs dead of rabies without no ticeable evil effects, although such inocula tions were practiced not only once bnt every day during several months. Vaccinated dogs during the year succeeding this opera tion are not injuriously affected by tbe bites of rabid Animals. SOME EXPEBIMENIS. J " Several years ago I brought together at Villeneuve l'Etang many dogs vaccinated during the year 1884, and placed them in a large kennel. After haying-demonstrated the fact that in 1885 and 1886 the larger number of these animals, though not all (11 out of 14 in 1885, 4 out of 6 in 1886) had not suffered any harm from the inoculation of the rage des mes (street rabies) even if tbe virus was deposited on the surface of the brain, I came to the conclusion that, after all, it was only necessary to know whether snch vaccinated animals, would be able to resist the action of the virus when intro duced by a bite. Accordingly, in 1887, 1888 and 1889, vaccinated animals were merely bitten by dogs suffering from rabies, and not inoculated under the skull. In 1887 the vaccinated dogs suffered no evil effects after being inoculated by the bite of a rabid dog. In 1888 five dogs vaccinated in the year 1884 were bitten in the month of July, to gether with five non-vaccinated ani mals. The five vaccinated animals are now (August, 1889) still in perfect health, whereas of tbe five others, three died of rabies and two are living now. At the time of writing (August, 1889) a similar ex periment is in progress on aaother group of animals vaccinated in 1884. If these' ani mals resist, and if all or part of the non vaccinated animals die of rabies, it will be a positive proof that the artificial immunity against fresh bites from rabid animals may extend over a period exceeding five years. However great the advances made in our knowledge ot the etiology and prophylaxis of rabies among animals 'rriay have been, these results were interesting chiefly because they justified ns more and more in hoping that the preventive methods against rabies might be successful in theease of men bitten by rabid animals. But tbe question was how to summon up courage enough to make that trial and to overstep tne frontier which separates man from animals. If it be true that the Goddess of Chance helps men who are determined to find out the truth, we are certainly justified in thinking that she did so under the circumstances which presented themselves. Louis Pasteub. SECRET SOCIETY NOTES. C. OI. B. A. Notes. Charters have been granted for Branch No. 73 at Dunbar, and for No. 73 at Kane. Branch No. 70 was instituted last evening at Homestead, with 40 charter members. Dep uty F.J. Brady, of this city, has been to Altoona, and is getting things in good shape for a branch there. Denuty J. A. Skelly, of McKeesporX is working up branches at west Newton, Conlt ersville and Elizabeth, Branch No. 71 will be instituted on next Saturday evening at Holy Cross school house, in the Twenty-fourth ward. Branch No. 1, of Tltusvflle, will bold its annual reception on Thursday evening. The Grand Deputy will be present. District Deputy P.J. florrlgan.of Con nellsville, will shortly start branches in Scott dale, Unioctown and Dawson. There are now 28 branches in Allegheny county, and a fair prospect of organizing six more inside of the next CO days. Branch No. 49, of the Southside, had 15 ap plications at the last meeting; the result of the open meeting held a lew weezsago. A special meeting of the board of presi dents of Pittsburg has been called to meet at tbe hall of Branch No. 38, at the corner of Butler and Main streets, Seventeenth ward, at 7.30 next Thursday evening. The Grand Deputy i urging all branches to hold as many open meetings as possible, so they can invite their friends outside the association to hear the C. M. B. A. explained. It adds con siderable to the membership. There will be a meeting this evening at 730 at St. John's school house, on Fourteenth street, Southside, to start a branch. It will be addressed by Deputy L. D. Buckley, Chancel lors M. J. Clark and Lawrence A. Sbott. The following Is the list of officers of Branch No. 69, of Natrona, instituted by Grand Deputy J. W. Sullivan on Saturday. October 26: Spiritual Advisor, Rev. John Price; Presi dent, Peter Wehner; First Vice President, Richard Walsh; Second Vice President. George Nold; Recording Secretary, Albert C. Adler; Assistant Recording Secretary, Adolph M. Habn; Financial Secretary, Rev. John Price; Treasurer, Joseph Sinsz;2tarshal, Christy Mar- nu; uuaro, joscpn oeiiz; xrusiees, iev. .rnillp Brady. Thomas O'Malley. Albert C. Adler. Christy Martin. Richard Walsh. Meetings win do neiu on tne1 secona ana xoutin (Satur days of each month. 6. K. of A. O. V. VT. Liberty Lecion No. 20 will initiate several candidates in the near future, and they cer- Comrade Lew Davis, Commander of New Castle Leigion No. 29, died suddenly on the street in that city a few days ago. The Reception Committee have all proved to be good workers, hence it is safe to predict that the affair will prove a grand success. Duquesne Legion No. 10 is about to add a few more members to its roll as a proof oCits energy. Some of the other legions should be looking to their laurels. Pnde of the West Lodge, of Allegheny, paid a friendly visit to Sharpsbnrg on Tuesday evening last. Speeches for the good of the order were delivered by some of the best or ators of both lodges, and with good effect, after wnicn -nue oi tne west returned, well pleased with their Visit. It is safe to say that Commander McKee, of Duquesne Legion No. 10,1s glad that he is alive alter the rousing reception he received at the last meeting of that legion. Seven members at one time, all shouting at tho Commander, is a little rough, but he has been seen under more trying circumstances. Heptnsoph Noted. A new conclave Trill shortly be organized at Sewickley. Alarpre conclave wasoreanlzed at Scranton a few days ago. Deputies are now making their second visit daring tbe term. A number of conclaves in the smaller towns are preparing to hold an open meeting. The Supreme Archon is sending ont a special circular to the secretaries to be placed in the hands of each member. AH the active conclaves have applications pending. The outlook throughout tbe juris diction looks very favorable lor an increased membership. Charles A. Parsons, .Deputy of the Cleve land district, and Robert Johnson, Deputy of tbe Altoona, district, were in the city during the week, and called on tbe Supremo Archon. Industry Conclave No. M were paid an offi cial visit by the Supreme Archon and District Deputy Charles Cornellns at its last meetlnc Fire applications are pending. Hon. Alfred Marland made an extended address on insur ance legislation. Dnnsbtera of Si. George. The members ot Lady Gladstone Lodge, No. 20, are earnestly requested to attend the meeting to be held next Thursday, November 7, at 2.30 P. Ji., at the hall, Fourteenth and Car son streets, to transact special business. Jr. O. U. A. Iff. Reliable Conncil, No. 00, will hold its fourth annual reception at Cyclorama Hall, on Wednesday evening, November 13. The com mittee promise their friends a good time. TBE SOUTH AMERICAN DELEGATION To Beach Fittibnrir ThI. Week A Blast Intcrcstlnc TUIt Anticipated One of the Special Attraction. Natural gas, ateel, iron and glass will of course greatly interest the South American visitors. But they will not neglect to try. and then highly commend, the unrivaled Prince Regent whisky at John HcCul- lough's Half-Century House, 523 Liberty, foot oi Filth ave. The Latest From Pari. The H. J. Heinz Company have just been officially notified that they have received the medal on pickled condiments at the Paris Exposition. This is a gratifying sur prise to the house, since no effort was made to display their goods. At the solicitation of the Department of Agriculture at "Wash ington they sent a few cases of their goods in care of the department. It will be remembered that at the "World's Exposition at Heir Orleans in 1884-5 this house also received the highest awards over all competitors, foreign and domestic. In deed, this isitheir uniform histoiy wherever their goods have been exhibited. i Go to Oroetxinger's great kale of carpets, oarpet remnants and rugs, beginning Nov. 4. 627 and 629 Penn avenue. Onyx fast black hosiery 25 per cent eheaper than regular price at the doting out sale of P. Schoenthal, 612 Penn avenue. BLAHt'S Pills Great English gout and rheumatic remedy. Sure, prompt and effect ive. Atdrugxists'. . r ,ttw what is rummn Progress of the Mania for tbe Col lection of Postage Stamps, THE CONFEDERATE HAND STAMPS A Feature of the Service Between Mexico and This Country. SOME TET YALUABLE COLLECTIOKS iwmmuf for tbb dispatch.! Philately What is it? Even wise old Noah Webster did not know the word, but "progression" is the world's motto, and to day, in the appendix of the unabridged, we find that philately is "the collection of stamps of different countries, and the intel ligent study and systematic arrangement of them." The name was coined by M. Her jin, a celebrated French collector. The sci ence has made more rapid strides than any other pursuit of like nature. The stamp collector a few years ago was denominated a crank, and the collection of these little bits of paper taken up with secrecy and ridi culed as childish pastime. The public press scoffed and scorned at the collection of stamps now it is fast becoming the philan thropist's friend, hy opening up its columns and permitting him to air his views and ad vocate Philatelia's cause. The study is being taken up in every country, in the Scotland hamlet as well as in the most populous city. The progress of the science or mania can be judged by the number of philatelic societies. The first one was started in Loudon, then followed one in France, and three years ago tbe Na tional Philatelic Society of New York was organized. The association, which is just about to celebrate its third anniversary, has already 800 members, and among its officers are some of tbe most influential men of our country. Since the founding of the Ameri can society the progress in this country has been phenomenal and almost every corner in the United States has some lover of the hobby. To the true philatelist the value of his collection lies in THE ABTISTIC FEATUEES of and the history of each stamp. The materialist, money making collector, sees only tbe monetary value, but the prices paid for these rare specimens show how highly prized they are. The Sterling collection, which consisted largely of United States proofs, brought over $7,000. Bob C. H. Brock, of Philadelphia, has, perhaps, the finest collection in America, valued at ?25, 000. He prizes .them as he would a rare painting. Each stamp has its history, and the whole collection a peculiar fascination, and hours are spent looking over the series with friends who. too, love the science. According to stamp catalogues, among the United States stamps, the New Haven, Conn., 6-cent red stamp of 1845 is the most valuable $350. The Brattleboro, 5 cents, 184& $250, and the 3-cent, 1842, New York stamp, buff in color, $100. Stamps that were once plentiful are now becoming scarce, and once worth but a few cents now command dollars. There is a peculiar fascin ation in these bright bits of paper that come to us from every clime. The charm is subtle, whatever it is, and "no lotus of South Airic's land ever held its victims in more bending servitude than does the god dess Philatelia exert over her willing sub jects." Among tbe various issues of postage stamps of our country the Confederate stamp has a history making it the most interesting of souvenirs. After the use of United States stamps had been abandoned in the seceded States, and before the Gov ernment had provided its own issue of stamps, Southern postmasters were left to their own resources for such facilities in the line of stamps as were required by the neces sities of tne Southern mail service. A PEATUEE OP INTEREST. The "hand stamp" of '61 certainly pos kmsm romantic associations it is in itself jl. Tiistory of the pressure of the war. JTo the stamp collector tnese uonieaerate -nana stamps" have a distinct value, consisting oi a great variety of patterns differing in form and device, according to the fancy or eccen tricity of the postmaster. Struck in a vari ety of colors, tbey make an,interesting series in the collector's'albUm and allude to the most memorable events of our national his tory. To-day we can scarcely conceive of a time when unperforated stamps were used, and a postoffice clerk's outfit not complete without a pair of scissors. Among varieties in collections are the unperforated English stamp, mutilated and I.UI U CTCIJ l.uutt. ,.... nnj HW.W i...h top cut off, some with the bottom, some al most in the shape of a diamond all evi dently done in a hurry by the clerk under some particular stress of business.'' If every business man carried a pair of scissors to-day, what a grand opening for another "trust" company, From a newspaper in 1851 this item ap pears: "Great call for postoffice stamps. Seventeen hundred dollars worth of stamps were sold during business hours in Boston on Friday Jast This too under the rule that no individual can purchase more than $3 worth at a time. The reduction of post age has even at this early time given ample evidence that correspondence will be mate rially increased." Among POSTAL ODDITIES in the service the system in old Mexico is perhaps tbe most curious. Under the XT. P. TJ. rnling, a letter can be sent from the northernmost corner of Maine to the most-southern point of Mexico for a 3-cent stamp, but vice versa in Mexico a resident there cannot communicate with his next door neighbor without paying the local rate 5 cents the same beyond the borders into the United States, hut back again it is only 2 cents. So these Mexicans who live on tbe borders take advantage ot our postal system, and each morning "with mail bags full of unposted letters, step across tbe river to ad jacent American towns, patronize our post offices and send their mail back into their own country or abroad into ours ornamented with profiles of Washington and Jefferson." If there is a perfect postal system in the world our Government has a just claim to it. Already our system is being studied by officers from the land of the celestials, and when we ponder over Japanese mail service we nope now soon it may De improved. Now where no railroad exists the mail is carried by a man traveling day and night the carrier being exchanged at every sta tion. These carriers generally require five days to go 250 miles. The new stamp issue is now uuder discussion. The present con tract expires this year, while the next pro vides for bids for two series of stamps one being the size now in use, the other about one-third smaller. Postmaster General "Wanamaker is reported to have said, that he believed the smaller stamp would be quite as useful and popular as the size now in use, and by reducing the size of the stamp, a material saving would be effected, which could be expended in a better and everyway more desirable color. "While postage stamps are "in everybody's mouth," except the wise ones, who use a sponge, we little realize the care and minute ness of their progress in manufacture. Even at tbe last stage each sheet is counted 11 times, and if a single stamp is torn or in any way mutilated the whole sheet of 100 is burned. It is said several hundred thou sand are destroyed each week from that cause, and shows, too, the positive law which protect? and governs Government work. M. M. Bread and Batter PI te In Mlriton, Haviland, Boyal Danish and other makes, at French. Kendrick & Co.'s, 616 Smithfield st,, opposite City HalL Interesting to Stoat Ladles. We have left a lot of chemise, night dresses, etc.. in sizes frost 40 to 50, which, we .are selling at half price. Large eeneta also greatly reduced. r. bchoesthai, 612 Peaa aveaue. . NZW ABTZKTMClfS'vTs. Sick Headache IS a complaint from which many suffer and few are entirely free. Its cause to indigestion and a sluggish liver, tha core for which is readily fonnd in tha use of Ayes Pills,, " I have fonnd that for sick headache, caused by a disordered condition of tha stomach, Ayer's Pills are the most re liable remedy." Samuel C. Bradbuxa, "Wbrthington, Mass. "After the use of Ayer's Pills for many years, in my practice and family, I am justified-in. saying that they axe an excellent cathartic and liver medicine sustaining all the claims made for them." W. A. "westfall, M. D., V. P. Austin & N. W. Ballway Co., Burnet, Texas. "Ayer's Tills are the best medicine known'to me for regulating the bowels, and for all aiseases' caused by a dis ordered stomach and liver. I suffered for over three years from headache. In digestion, and constipation. I had no appetite and was weak and nervous most of the time. By using three boxes of Ayer's Pills, and at the same time dletiDgmysell,Iwas completely cured." Philip tockwood, Topeka, Kansas. "I was troubled for years with Indi cation, constipation, and headache. A few boxes of Ayer's Pills, used in small daily doses, restored me to health. They are prompt and effective" W.H. trout, Meadville, Pa. Ayer's Pills, gHSflWO BT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by all Druggist and Dealers a Medicine. CC t.a.'k::e Be wary how you The abente advice, it is needless to say, is followed intfi$ , writing-of their advertisements by all reliable houses, ;;: and particularly so by ' ::: KEECH'S iliiiiiiiKitii la n rat Last Sunday our announcement contained a number of special bargains, with prices attached, and. among the hun dreds 'of buyers who responded to this advertisement NOT I ONE was disappointed. All left the store highly pleased with their bargains. People nat urally look to Keech's as the Champion Low Price Credit House in this city, and Keech's, well aware6f the public con-, fidence reposed in them, endeavor to prove themselves worthy1 of it by supplying their customers with t The Best Furniture! '-Hie Best Carpets! The Best" House Furnishing Goods! The Best Cloaks Clothing! at prices guaranteed to be from 20 33 peB cent lower than - house. , Nevermind the wincing and whining o the little dealers They are the lame ducks of flutter onlyjends to show up unmindful of it" all, sails on serenely, selling more goods any two houses in this city put want to purchase A Unnilonmo DoiIni Qfirfoa ' - " yOt n naiiuouiiic ai iui vjuuuj An Elegant Bed Room Suite, A Substantial Dining Room Suite, A Comfortable Sitting Room Suite, A Sofa, a Couch, a Rocker, A Folding Bed, a Wardrobe, Some Carpets or Matting, Some Rugs or Oil You can get all of CASH or on CREDITR By simply IBI IE E cmb: ".Gash and Credit House, 923 ana y.o ISrOpen Saturday Nights till 10 IsTZErW We have just received and hare aoir ready far inspeoikw, beamtiftd China Dinner Seta, Tie-lr Beta ael-& roll line of nice China? odd pieoee, to whloh we R: P. WALLACE & CO.,; 211 -WocSaLis-b. . OPP0TKBT. CKAJUJW. s r & '' ar &? IfXW ABT3KTX9C3ffinnm ATTEra, PLEAl .k "Wo ara determined to close tot, our entire stook by December, andu ror this purpose have marked! everythinsr avay belo-w the actual h. value. loano Extension Lamps, 25;! anierenu patterns; Library, Ban-i quet and Vase Lames, elesant' de3r signs; Tea, Dinner and Chamber rJ3?' Sets, large variety; Brio-a-Brao ft, from all the renowned potterles; Onyx and Bronze Tables, Pedestatei and Easels; Ouspldores, Umbrella ; Stands, "Vestibule Seats and Lawn '". Vases, Gas Ftetures, Bronzes aad ' ' Clocks, "Wedding and AnniversaiT Aj? crirte, noiioay uircs In proiu8OB. . -ril.s .-.. j ' ; J-w ' T.& THE J. P. SMITH Lamp, Glass & China Ciif 935 ?enn Avenue. Between .Ninth and Tenth Sta. .3 P. S. Our assortment of Gas Fl3t tures being depleted, -will close butl the balance at less than value? noS-wrst-: is.'BZEni place your words I' Shake, obtained what they wanted all those of any com- V i Ohm M the trade, and. their constant their crippled condition. together. And; now, iP - Cloths, Mi , t i KeechlflK, v- WmHHHm .J3&. t liSBaaV - 'tfEnwJF " i- M Some Curtains or Pertmrtt, Some House Fumatenf Goods, Some Dry Goods tr CJtaks, Some Men's Suits or Overcoats, A these goods for V coming to vSri Jtenn aenue .. . . 'i o'clock. no3-nfl GOODS. ( , k larlta tke attention of the ladiek Mi s..m tL .-j .T"C ndw& lliK thanHB y.K -? rmi -i l"'- H iMfc. fcS - At&.