Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, November 03, 1889, Image 1

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Tendered the Young Kaiser and
. His Consort by the Sultan
of Turkey.
To a Point Painful and Phenomenal
to the Oriental Eye.
The Saltan Gazes on a Crowned Head for
the First Time In BIi Life Ontilde His
Own Mirror The Liberals Slake Gains
! the Municipal Elections In Ecsland
and Wales Baatanser Reported Har
lot Blade a Flying Trip to France A
Brend Famine Threatened la London
Preparations for the Coming; Lord
Unyor's Procession Talmace to be Re
celred With a Tog and a Brass Band.
For the first time in his life the Sultan of
Turkey has seen a royal face outside his
own mirror. Yesterday he greeted, in an
oriental manner, the young Empress of Ger
many and his wife. He would have had a
pleasanter time at Spandau. Boulanger, it
is reported, made a flying visit to France, in
disguise, the other day. The Liberals gain
at least SO seats in yesterday's municipal
elections in England and Wales.
London, November 2. Copyright.
Kaiser Wilhelm and his wife arrived at
Constantinople to-day, and, thanks to the
Tigli loan raised by the Sultan, their re
ception was marked by an average amount
of oriental magnificence. The meeting of
the two sovereigns was quite a change from
what the world has been used to witness of
late. The Kaiser did not wear the Turkish
uniform, and the Sultan adhered to his
native tnrban and baggy trousers. His
sublime majesty made no attempt to kiss his
German brother, and the latter contentedly
gripped the Sultan's brown hand without
proceeding to a closer personal acquaint
The Sultan, accompanied by the great
officers i,f state, including the chief eunuch
and her extraordinarily gorgeous suite, re
ceived his imperial visitors on the quay of
the Dolma Batche palace, whence their
majesties, the Empress and the Sultan in
the first carriage, the Kaiser in the second,
drove to the superb palace known as the
Xllidz Bieosk, where they will be lodged
sumptuously during their stay.
The streets all along the route had been
xfpaved, the houses wached, the muck heaps
carted away, and the unsightly rains
hidden by boarding freshly painted. In
truth, to a conservative oriental eye, the
aspect of the place was one of painful and
phenomenal cleanliness.
After luncheon and a rest, the Kaiser re
viewed 30,000 troops fine fellows, physic
ally, as he could not fail to note, but a trifle
veteran-like in regard to uniform. They
had not received a single piaster of the loan,
but nevertheless continued to make a brave
show. This evening The Dispatch's
Constantinople correspondent telegraphs
that the city is gorgeously illuminated and
their majesties are being entertained at a
grand State banquet
Emperor "William telegraphed to Prince
Bismarck to-day as follows: "Yeldiz
Kiosk, 11 a. m. Have just arrived here.
Fine weather. View beautiful beyond de
scription." Other official dispatches give a detailed
account of the meeting between the Turkish
fleet and the German ships Kaiser and
Hohenzollern at the entrance to the Dar
dauelles. It was a striking spectacle. The
passage through the straits was made under
a continuous roll of salutes from the forts.
On entering the Sea of Marmora Said
Pacha, Minister of, Foreign Afikirs; Edam
Pacha, formerly Grand Vizier, and Herr
von Badowitz, German Ambassador, left
the Sultan's yacht Izzedin and were re
ceived by the Emperor on the Kaiser.
Luncheon was served on board the German
war ship.
The Empress was invisible, as she was
again suffering from seasickness, although
the passage had been calm. The vessels
proceeded, and were sighted off the entrance
to the Bosphorus at 1 o'clock. A large
number of vessels, gayly decorated, followed
the German ships to the Dolmabaktche Pal
ace, where the Sultan attended by his Min
isters and the principal court officials,
awaited the coning of the Emperor. Upon
his arrival Emperor William was cordially
After partaking of refreshments, the two
monarchs drove to the Yeldiz Palace in a
carriage, under the escort of a squadron of
cavalry. The Sultan and the Empress sat
on jonb side, and Emperor William and
women of the harem will be Excluded.
The visit will last three hours. A musical
entertainment will be given, dnring which
coffee will be served, and the Empress will
then make a tour of the apartments and
The semi-official press of Berlin no longer
denies the political importance of the visit
The North German Gazette of to-night states
that if the intentions of the Emperor are
realized the conference at Constantinople
will create fresh guarantees of peace, based
upon the general principles of Prince Bis
marck's policy, and will strengthen the
Dreibund, and lnrther assure the well-being
and prosperity of the Fatherland, adding to
Germany's debt of gratitude to the Kaiser.
don't case foe the czab.
Other papers compare the present meet
ing with the Emperor's visit to Osborne
House, drawing the inference that the re
sult will be a similar entente cordiale. The
frankness of these admissions of inspired
organs is partly due to official advices from
St Petersburg that the Czar has relapsed
under Pan Slavist influences; that the
changes that were in progress to eliminate
the war advocates from the Czar's council
and entourage have been countermanded;
that the German-hating press has resumed
its former hostile attitude and that every
thing is the same as before the Czar's meet
ing with Prince Bismarck. The Czar's ill
humor causes no disappointment here.
It is a curious fact that the German Em
peror is the first crowned head which the
Sultan has seen outside of his looking glass.
He is so ranch afraid of conspiracies that he
rarely appears in public in his own capital,
and he would not dare leave the country on
visits to foreign potentates, for fear that the
partisans of his dethroned lunatic half
brother, Monrad, who has been in close con
finement for 13 years, might raise a rebellion
in his absence.
A great Protestant demonstration took
place to-day at Spandau, Bradenburg,
when the statue of Elector Joachim II,
raised in memory of his public adoption of
the reformed faith, 350 years ago, was un
veiled with much pomp and ceremony by
Prince Leopold Kaiser. Wilhelm had in
tended being present, but family affairs
having taken him to Athens, and the
business of the State to Constantinople, he
sent a telegram expressing his best wishes
and a warm interest in the nnveiling of the
monument to his famous ancestor.
The sight would have been much pleas
anter to the patriotic young monarch than
the streets of Constantinople, even though
they had been swept ana garnished.
The fine old town was tastefully decorated,
the local garrison, clubs and school chil
dren were drawn up in the great square of
the town, the bells were rung, and the band
of the artillery gnards played Luther's fa
vorite hymns from the steeple of St Nicho
las' Church. A dozen princes helped Leo
pold, and the occasion was fittingly graced
by the presence of the descendents of Martin
Luther and other Reformation heroes.
bears her pain with the utmost patience and
fortitude, and bravely attempts to comfort
those who mourn about her.
The General Makes a Flying Trip la DIi
noise, But Does Nothing.
:bt casus to the dispatch.
London, November 2. Boulanger, I am
credibly informed, left Jersey last Sunday
in disguise, and traveled to France, return
ingtoJerseyagainonTuesday. Hesawmany
of his supporters, but it has been decided to
do nothing for the present The General
says now he will wait until discontent is
seething in France, and then he will laud as
the savior of his country a noble sentiment
which may not work out exactly as he antic
ipates. Boulanger is again receiving daily many
subscriptions, a majority being from the
working classes, who, however, rarely send
more than a 5-frano piece at a time.
A Tog and a Brass Band Engaged to Go
Ont to Meet Him.
London, November 2. The Bev. T. De
Witt Talmage, of the Brooklyn Tabernacle,
is expected here in a day nr two. John
Lobb, of the Christian Age, has engaged a
tug and a brass band, and organized a re
ception for the distinguished preacher at
Liverpool, whence he will be brought to the
Midland Hotel.
Lobb is an enterprising gentleman who
made a fortune some years ago by manag
ing the alleged original of Uncle Tom, in
Mrs. Stove's books. In England, under
his direction, Talmage's visit to London
will not be uneventful.
, . 4
From Under Martin Burke, and a
Conspiracy is Clearly Proven. v
About O'Sullivan andJurke, and the Ureal
Coil is Tii
The Desperation cf tha lawyers for the Defease
Dally Growing.
Will be the Zord Mayor's Procession Next
Saturday Singular Predicament of
the Lord Major Himself Bar-
nam's Parade to be the
Afternoon Show.
London, overobet-ArrThe- Lord
Mayor's processionnexF'Saturday, even
without Barnum's accessories, is to be
the most elaborate ever presented. There
are to be representations of Merry England,
the Lord of Misrule, Maypoles, and knights
of chivalry and hundreds of the posterity of
ancient aldermen will ride in triumph
through the streets with leading members
of all trades and professions.
The humorous feature of the show, this
year, is the Lord Mayor himself. He is
Sir Henry Isaacs, of Hebrew nntinnliir
and religion. No pious Hebrew takes part
in a wordly function on the Hebrew Sab
bath, as a matter of course, and yet Sir
Henry's inauguration is fixed by unalter
able traditions of English history on Satur
day. To ride gloriously through Jewry on
that day would impair the Lord Mayor's re
ligious standing, and yet to have a Lord
Mayor's procession without the Lord Mayor
would be ridiculous. Accordingly Isaacs
has effected a compromise. He will ride in
the procession, but he will get out of his
carriage and walk through Houndsditch
and the rest of the Hebrew quarter.
In case of rain and mud, that are to be
expected on any November day in London,
the dignity of the Lord Mayor will not be
enhanced by this proceeding, and the news
papers have been busy poking fun at Isaacs
for the last few days. One journal suggests
that the Lord Mayor be provided with a
carriage with the bottom out, so that he can
walk in the street while, to all appearances,
reclining among cushions. But Sir Henry
sticks to his compromise, and will walk
through the habitations of his co-religionists,
regardless of weather or anything else.
Bamum gives his street parade the same
night, and expects to outdo the Lord Mayor's
procession in everything. The great moral
show is already undergoing a big boom.
Barnnm Dosters are part of the street show
of London, and the newspapers are adver
tisingahim regardless of space. Part of the
menagerie arrived to-day, in the Furnessia,
and great crowds gathered at the docks to
see the animals nnloaded and sent by road
to the Olympia. The show opens one week
from Monday night.
A Romance of Tiro Continents Keeping tbe
Cincinnati Courts Busy One Jndgo
Champions the Canso of
the Lovers.
Cincinnati, November 2. The pretty
little romance of Cornelius Oberwater, aged
23, and Bertha Weber, aged 19, who sailed
recently from Bremerhaven ou the steam
ship Lahn with a party of friends with the
intention of finding a home in Decatur
county, Indiana, where they intended to
marry and to engage in gardening, promises
to lead to no end of legal tangle. The hon
est lovers are already in two courts, and
grave international questions are being
raised by a half-dozen or more lawyers who
seem to enjoy this refreshing bit of legal
investigation where love, not money, is the
The simple story is that Cornelius and
Bertha, as lovers, left Holland for America.
There is no assertion of anything but'an
honest purpose on the part of both to find
their home here and then to marry. She
does not accuse .him of any impropriety or
dishonesty of purpose. The law was in
voked by Bertha's father, who was not sat
isfied with her choice. He got the Holland
State Department to send a cablegram to
the Holland Consul in New York to arrest
Bertha and send her back to him, and to re
turn Oberwater on the charge of abduction.
They were found in this city, and the girl
was arrested first Oberwater applied for a
habeas corpus, but before it was heard he
was arrested by the "United Stctes Marshal
on a warrant from United States Commis
sioner in .New York, and was started off
yesterday to New York.
Judge Sage, of the United States Court,
being told of this, telegraphed an order to
have Oberwater returned. This afternoon
another habeas corpus was in hearing on
behalf of Oberwater. It was claimed that
the foundation lor the warrant against hira
was the cablegram to the Holland Consul,
which did not allege any crime. Pending
argument on this, the hearing was adjourned
until Wednesday and Oberwater was put in
the custody of the marshal, while Bertha, a
handsome girl, is in care of a special con
stable of the State Court, in which her case
is in hearing.
Prince Henry on the other. The Sultan
exchanged a few phrases in French with
each of the guests, and then relapsed into
absolute silence. Herr von Badowiti acting,
under instructions from Prince Bismarck,
will attend, with Said Pasba, the business
interviews between the moaarchs.
The incidents attending the Empress'
visit to the royal harem are awaited with
interest. The daughter of the Turkish Min
ister at Borne and tbe daughter of Muslin
Astin Pacha, both of whom speak French,
will attend the Empress throughout her stay
in the Turkish capital. A gorgeous kaix,
propelled by ten oarsmen, will convey her
to the entrance of the harem gardens. The
walls of the cabins of the kaix are covered
with mirrors. The furniture is finished in
blue velvet and gold.
The oarsmen will wear garments of white
Bilk, with gold embroideries. The Sultan,
attended by Xialaraga, Chief of the
Eunuchs, trill receiTe the Empress on
disembarking and conduct her to the
entrance to tbe seraglio, where he will leave
her, after introducing his mother, the
S ultan Valide. The seven recognized wires
of the Sultan, all mothers of Princes, at
tended by Odalisque suites, will receive the
feajress -ia tbe grand saloon. The other
London Bakers Expected to Strike A Rail
way Company Raises Wages.
London, November London ia threat
ened with a bread famine, not from want of
material; but in consequence of a prospect
ive bakers' strike. The men feel aggrieved
at having to work so many hours for such
small pay, and consequently they have
given the masters notice that they will cease
work November li unless their demands are
The railway companies have a fairly clear
idea of the aim of John Burns, and in order
to take tbe wind out of his sails, the London
and Northwestern Company, the largest
road in Great Britian, has, without solicita
tion, granted its work people an advance of
sixpence per day. Other companies, if
iney aesire to avoid iron Die, wm follow
Joseph Chamberlain's Son Austin Knocked
Ont nt Birmingham.
London, November 2. Municipal elec
tions iu England and Wales took place to
day. They were fought as usual, upon
political lines, and the results so far as they
nave oeen mane jenown snow a laberal gain
of 30 seats.
It is gratifying to find that Joseph Cham
berlain's young son, Austin, was defeated at
Benrs Her Fain With Fortitude.
London, November 2. Mrs. Booth, wife
of the Salvation Army General, is slowlv
dying of cancer, and physicians this -week
The Democrats Looking for a Leader In tho
Next Honse.
Washington, November 2. A great
deal of anxiety is felt by the Democrats
over the condition of things in the next
House of Representatives, Mr. Cox, who
was always a safe dependence for party
leadership when the men who ranked him
gave out, is dead. Mr. Eandall, though
perhaps not bedridden, will be too ill to
undertake any really severe work in Par
liamentary Generalship. Mr. Carlisle, who
has been in much distress over the illness of
his son, is himself so physically broken up
as to be practically out of the lists. Mr.
Mills has an affection of the stomach which
is liable to incapacitate him at any time
while on the floor, and his physicians will
undoubtedly warn him, as he values life
and health, not to let himself be led into
any protracted battles, with night sessions
and similar exercises.
About the only man left who can begin
to do justice to the party and to himself as
a leader, is Mr. Crisp, who has shown some
strong qualities and a good deal of fortitude
under lire. The outlook, however, is not
encouraging, and all the Democrats who
contemplate it. especially in view of the
fights which are pretty sure to take place
over the rules and the tariff, are feeling
A Breach of Promise Suit a Sequel to a
Hnppy Wedding.
Lewiston, Me., November 2. The
sequel to what seemed a happy wedding in
this city on Tuesday is a suit for breach of
promise for $10,000 against the bridegroom.
The wedding was that of Geo. A. Wiseman,
a well-to-do business man, and Miss Mary
McGillicuddy, a sister of ex-Mayor D. G.
McGillicuddy. The plaintiff is a daughter
of Samuel Booth, an ex-Alderman of this
It is said that the love affair dates back a
number of years. A few years ago Mr.
Booth met with a business reverse, and this
was followed by this alleged breach of prom
ise. It is said that Wiseman's newly-wedded
wife is worth (20 ,000 in her own right,
Tho Engineer nod Conductor Responsible
for the Chicago Railroad Accident.
Chicago, November 2. Engineer Seth
Twombley and Conductor Charles Buford
were indicted to-day charged with the
murder of the seven victims of the Bock
Island disaster at Englewood. The grand
jury did not indict either Master Mechanic
Twombley or Fireman Clochef who were
held by the Coroner's jury, because they
believed that the master mechanic's reason
responsibility for the disaster in appointing
his son engineer after he had been discharged
for drunkenness, was too remote to hang an
indictment on.
The fireman was a subordinate, acting un
der orders from his engineer, which he was
bound to obey, and so could not be held re
sponsible. The engineerand conductor are
held in bonds of 5175,000 each.
Mrs. Harrison la Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, November 2. Mrs.
President Harrison and Postmaster General
The last prop was knocked from under
Martin Burke, yesterday, by identification
by the expressman Mortensen, who hauled
the goods from the Clark street flat to the
slaughter house. Mortensen swore that
Burke was the man who hired him. He had
previously picked him out of 50 prisoners at
Winnipeg. This evidence also completed
the proof that there was a conspiracy.
Chicago, November 2. There was1 only
one, prop under Martin Burke when the
great Cronin trial was resumed this morn
ing. His tenantry of the Carlson cottage
before the murder having been proved by
the prosecution and admitted by the de
fense, the only link necessary to
connect the young man with
the biz packing trunk, and the
mysterious J. B. Simonds, was his identify
cation by Expressman Hakan Mortensen,
who hauled the goods from the Clark street
flat to the slaughter house on North Ash
land avenue. If this Identification were
complete it not only branded Burke as one
of the conspirators, but established the fact
that there was a conspiracy and that O'Sul
livan had knowledge of it.
Mortensen Was on the stand to-dav. and
positively identified Burke, as the man who"
hired him in the latter part of March to
carry the goods from Clark street to the
cottage. Tie had previously picked him out
of a line of 50 prisoners in the yard of the
Provincial jail at Winnipeg.
The value of this witness to the State is in
estimable. If he had -not been found,
Burke's association with the stool pigeon
furniture could not nave been established,
and O'Sullivan's conversation with Frank
Williams (Burke) would have gone for
nothing. Now, however, Burke and
O'Sullivan have been tightly linked
to .the long belt which drew
Dr. Cronin from his home to the den
of the conspirators. Conghlin has already
been identified as the man' who negotiated
for the rig in which the doctor was driven
to his death. His association with the cot
tage will come this week, and Milkman
Martes will at the same time identify little
Eunze as the man who'drore the detective
to the place.
The Carlsons clinched the identification
of Burke during the first two hours of
court Charles Carlson had drank beer and
talked with Williams at tho cottage before
Br. Cronin disappeared. fHc had been in
the house which was soon'to be the scene of
the now famous tragedy, and saw the furni
ture and the carpet which J. B. Simonds
had bought in February, At that time
there wero -
on the floor of the front room, and vestibule,
and the walla ronoradenee , of having
"been washed for' thVpurpOse'uTconcealing
evidences of a crime.
The tenants of the house acted queerly.
Young Carlson rarely saw Burke, who was
then masquerading as Williams, about the
house. Two davs after the cottage was
rented he saw Williams and a companion
carrying furniture into the little building.
Expressman Mortensen was standing out
side, assisting in the transfer of the goods.
The express wagon was backed up against
the curbing.
One dark night, shortly after the murder
and before the Carlsons knew that their
tenants were involved in the crime, young
Carlson met a man skulking about the cot
tage. The fellow wore an overcoat, a soft
black hat and a light mustache. He said
in explanation of his suspicious movements
that he was out of work, and inquired about
the location of the nearest police station.
Carlson gave the desired information and
then passed along the walk to his own
About a week before the strange letter
from Hammond, Ind., was received, young
Carlson noticed that one of the slats of the
front blinds had been cut out The next
day after the letter came he crawled through
the front window into the house. The car
pet was cone, the floor of the parlor was
daubed with yellow paint, the washstand
was in the center of tbe room; there were
blood stains on it and on the floor near the
Young Carlson gave the alarm the day
the bodv was found, and the next dav the
young man, accompanied by police officers,
entered tbe building. This time Carlson
noticed splashes of blood on the wall and a
spot where it was evident an attempt had
been made tq wash out the tell-tale stains.
Tnere were footprints in the vestibule and
front room, as though the mysterious paint
er had walked about in his stockings. The
cross-examination was based on the assump
tion that the police had painted the floor
and walls with blood and paint.
To-day Mr. Forrest endeavored to draw
out the admission that old man Carlson and
his family had done the work for the pur
pose of establishing a museum. This
of the lawyers for the defense, as they see
the coils tightening about their clients.
xoung varison, m ma re-uireci examina
tion, said he had seen men watching the
house from the corner, soon after the mur
der had been committed. His identification
of Burke as the Frank Williams he knew
last spring produced as -much sensation in
the court room as the identification of the
previous day. The prisoner, however, did
not show any uneasiness as the witness
leveled his finger at him. He laughed good
naturedly, and resumed his reading of a
morning newspaper.
Old Mrs. Carlson, in her story of the cot
tage and its tenants, did not have much that
was new to tell. On the morning after Dr.
Cronin disappeared she saw stains on the
porch of tbe cottage, and the prints of
muddy shoes on the steps and sidewalk.
They were not there when she swept
the porch and sidewalk the day
oeiore. About may zu a stranger
tendered her another month's rent for the
house, but Mrs, Carlson, being convinced
that all was not right, refused to accept tbe
money. The fellow then asked to be ad
mitted to the cottage, but was firmly re
fused. He then went away and was not
seen again by Mrs. Carlson.
o'clock that afternoon. The granger who
had hired him stood in the
doorway. When ' Mortensen started
to go upstairs to get 'the furniture he was
told to stand on the sidewalk. Then the
stranger, accompanied by a man who had a
dark complexion, began to bring the fur
niture, down the itairs. They handed it to
MortenSOn. who -nilAil it m. on Ms wuron-
Tbere was a chamber set, a mattress, two
chairs, a bed-spring and a trnnk which was
encircled by a huge strap.
Thestranger who appeared to be conduct
ing the transfer again told Mortensen to
drive to Lincoln and Belmont avenues,
where he said he would meet him, as he
would take a cable train. When the ex
pressman reached the corner the man -was
not there. An hour later the stranger ap-
pearea. tie was 'In a buggy and accom
panied by his companion, and Mortensen
and his employe, who explained his delay'
by saying that the cable had broke, took
a drink in a neighboring' saloon, and then
tha stranger told the expressman to follow
him. They drove through the dark streets
until the buggy with its occupants stopped
in frontof the Carlson cottage. There all
three alighted, and the work of carrying the
furniture into the house begun. Young
Carlson stood in the yard. Mortensen saw
every piece of furniture carried into the
cottage. The big trunk, which was empty,
was placed in the front room.
When the work was all done, the men
went to another saloon, where the stranger
paid him from the change he received from
a $5 bill. Two days later the expressman
saw the same man at Market street and
Chicago avenue. He
on the south side of Chicago avenue, or on
the same side on which tbe East Chicago
avenue police station stands, and the sta
tion where Cougblin reported. The next
nme ne saw nim was at Winnipeg,
where he picked him out from a
line of 50 prisoners) and when Mor
tensen was asked to-day if he recognized
the stranger in the courtroom, he pointed
directly at Burke, who showed more anger
than he did during the rest of the ordeals he
has passed through since Friday morning.
His face flushed, his jaws set, and his eyes
glared savagely at the witness.
The expressman also identified the bloody
and shattered trunk as the one which he
carted from the Clark street flat to the Carl
son cottage. The cross-examination failed
to shake any of tbe important points of the
direct testimony. The young man will re
sume his seat on the gridiron Monday
In his cross-examination of Mortensenfand
young Carlson Mr. Forrest sought to
strengthen the theory of the defense that the
police had
to convict tho prisoners by drawing an ad
mission irom the -witnesses that thev had
been almost constantly in the custody of
officers since the Coroner's inquest, and
that they had received some money
from the State. Mortensen ad
mitted that he was in the pay of
the Police Department, as hostler in the
patrol wagon of the JDeaplaines street
station. There two men, however, nave
been detailed to guard them. The monev
paid to them by the State was for incidental
expenses connected with- their trins Ahnnt
the country. '
Senator Kennedy, who made such a
gallant fight to prevent Eurke's extradition
from Winnipeg, and who was retained to
defend the prisoner in the nresenfc trial to
day abandoned the case arid returneS
to his home in Wisconsin. TjTsb in
terview with The Dispatch correspoadest
he said he was promoted to take the step
by the revelations of the jury-bribing con
spiracy and the unfriendly attitude of his
associates. He declared he was sick of the
whole thing and wished to wash his hands
of tfaercasa, Mr. .Forrest, it 'Js nndrtooL
1rill h"bw3oo"kbntrfor Burke's interests."
He Has Bad Trecions Little Help in
Conducting tbe Campaign.
Thev Will be Tory Sad if Boyer Does Hot
Sara 40,000 to Spare.
Bat PosiUiely Declines iO-Hite an Estimate cr the
Party Usjuttj:
The campaign in this State is now
officially closed. Chairman Andrews states
that Boyer wll have a majority -which -will
be eminently satisfactory, bnt declines to
furnish any figures. Candidate Bigler has
been conducting his campaign with scarcely
any assistance; bnt is hopeful as to the
"!GBBr 0r"
- ji
Tho New York Firm or William Turnball
& Co, Closes Down.
New Yoke; November 2. The members
of the dry goods house of William Turnball
& Co, made a general assignment to-day.
'without preferences to Elijah P. Smith.
The firm is composed of William Turnbnll,
Edward T. Choate, James McLean and
Jules A. Montant. It was regarded as one
of the most substantial houses in the trade.
The partners say that tbe assignment was
caused by the repudiation of the contracts
with the firm made by the former trustee
and manager of the Bochdale Woolen Mills,
of Boston.
For years William Turnbnll & Co. had
been advancing him money upon his con
tract to deliver sufficient goods before the
loan came due to meet the notes upon ma
turity. Dale had always lived up to these
contracts, and in August the firm advanced
him more money. On September 9 Dale
shot himself. The new trustees, J. W.
Wheelright, John D. Turnbnll and Wm.
Dale, found the affairs of the mills involved.
I and they repudiated Dale's contracts, hold-
iu mat iuu money was advanced on uaie a
private accoant,
Philadelphia, November 2. "The
fight is over. The campaign is ended.
Victory is ours, and it is only a question of
majority," said Chairman Andrews as he
sat in his room at Bepubllcan headquarters
to-day. The Chairman heaved a sigh of re
lief as he saw Messenfecr Warren Jackson
onhis way to the postoffice with the last of
the large number of letters-which have been
sent out from Ttepnblican headquarters
during the past three months.
"I have entered into an agreement with
Chirman Kisner," said Chairman Andrews,
"and the return of the vote cast 'on Tuesday
next will be compared with the vote cast in
the Hart-McGlynn contest of 1887, and all
estimates of per cent will be made accord
ingly. not giving piouees.
No amount of talk would have induced
the Republican State Chairman to say just
how many majority Boyer is expected to re
ceive' as he put iis foot down firmly and
"I am not giving out figures. We'll have
a majority which will be perfectedly satis
factory to ns and little comfort to ihe opposition."
In spite of the refusal of the Chairman of
the Bepnblican State Committee to talk
figures, the belief in general in Bepnblican
circles, among the well informed, that
H. K. Boyer will have between 40,
000 and 0,000 majority. It is main
tained that great efforts have been made
to get out a large Bepnblican vote
throughout the counties of the State and
it has been the policy of the State campaign
managers to instil into the minds of the
active workers whom they met and con
versed with during the tour of the counties
the bearing of this year's fight on the party's
future contests. As an evidence of how well
tbe party managers have succeeded, Gov
ernor James A. Beaver, in his speech on
Friday night- to 'the young Republicans,
cautioned them against inaction, and said
that the
A Catholic CoBsrresatl
the KesMTal oflu Ca
paihj far the Msi
BasbfcW Priest
"RaStitar Her Ben
Hoosick Falls, N.Y Novi
The Catholic "portion of -this co;
very much stirred up over the
Bev. Father Waldron", -the priest in
of the Church,, of the Immaculate
Conception, in sending away the curate,
the Bev. D. J. Omanoney, first transferring
him to Villasova College, and soon after to
a mission station in Pennsylvania. The
church is under the control of the Augustin
ian order., whose headquarters are at Law
rence, Mass. The Bev. Father Waldron
has been a priest for 15 years, and daring the
absence in Enrope.iince last summer, of
the provincial, the highest officer of the
Augustiman Order, he has been actisg-pro-vinciaL
- The Ber. Mr. Omahoney has great per
sonal popularity, and it is felt that it is be
cause of this that he has been sent away.
Out of his salary here he was supporting his
aged and dependent mother, wliieh he will
now no longer be able to do, as in his new
place his salary will not be continued.
.Many gifts were made to the curate on his
departure, and a movement was made with
great success to raise a collection for his
While this movement was on foot Father
Waldron claimed to nave received from the
parish priest at Lawrence, and from the
aged lady herself, telegrams to the effect
that she was not in want, and these tele
grams he TJublicly read. Then the dele
gation went to Lawrence, saw the mother of
Omahoney, ascertained that she was in
need, that she would be glad to receive the
proposed contribution, and that she had not
sent-fhe telegrams as represented.
Wednesday night a lars:e,meeting of the
members of the parish was held in the Opera
House. Supervisor Buckley presided, and
Village Attorney John J. Madden was sec
retary. Besolutions eulogistic of the Bev.
Mr. Omahoney and deprecating his removal
were unanimously adopted. At morning
mass last Sunday Father Waldron beean to
speak of he late assistant priest, when
nearly tbe whole congregation arose, and left
the church.
Tbe publicmeeting was one of ihe largest
gatherings of people Hoosick Falls has seen
in many years. More than 1,500 persons
have signed the resolutions, and 12,000 has
been raised for the Bev. Mr. Omahoney's
mother. The provincial of. the Angnstinian
Order was expected to arrive in New York
to-day on the steamer Alaska, and Father
Waldron has gone to meet hiss.
. 'ZTP ... . k.rr1
Tnree Hnnarea-Acres onne m, aut.
AiaiU U1VCAI IU lllUUUlgl
A Beautiful Spot Aloe?, the Xoawfjfelsl
ju ver, n ear uasuana. - -
id this State at this time wonld he accepted
aHa.Jorerpins.er of what may be expected in
the strnttele of next vear. .and the national
' contest of 1892. Ex-Senator Hood promised
2,40d majority for Mli Beyer in Indiana
ty, ana si; vwr, eettwy naa oeen
The witness was positive that the stains
on the wall and floors were not there last
winter, and her son Charles, who was in the
house two days before Bnrke leased it,
swore to the same effect. The old wnmsn
Identified Burke in the line of the prisoners
witnout me siigotesinesitauon.
Then came Expressman Hakan Morten
sen,-the most important witness in the case.
He sat with his hat in his hands. A man
hired him at Market street and Chicago
avenue, the latter part of March, to carry a
light load of furniture from 117 Clark street
toxiineoln and' Belmont avenue. He re-
JemsMKftMtpbfT ft , a
Kill and Rob Their Tnree Gnards and Erect
an Escape.
Flobence, Aeiz., November 2. Sheriff
Beynolds. W. A Holmes and Eugene Mid
dleton, while taking eight Apache Indians
and one Mexican to Yuma Penitentiary
this morning, were killed by their prisoners
four miles from Biverside. It happened
about S o'clock and before daylight. The
prisoners were being walked up a heavy sand
wash, and one of them crabbed a pistol
from Holmes and shot the whites. The In
dians then robbed the killed, took their
arms and ammunition and started south.
The Mexican convict was captured later.
Eugene Middleton, the owner of tbe stage
line, was driving at the time, and was shot
im uic rignt Bias oi ine iace, ine Dan coming
out near the top of his head. Another shot
took effect in his cheek. He walked back
to Riverside to give the alarm. At last ac
counts he was nearly dead. A posse has
gone from Florence in pursuit of the fugitives.
He Is Attacked by Bobbers and Knocked
Next Yoek, November 2. Charles
Ellingswortb, the young athlete who has
been missing since Monday morning, when
he bade his mother goodbyto be gone for
a few hours, put in an appearance at his
home this evening. He went to Newark
on Monday, and was returning Tuesday
morning, but that when he reached the city
he went into a saloon and was attacked by
ruffians, who wanted to get his jewelry. He
showed fight and was struck on the head
with some blunt instrument and rendered
insensible. When he came to his senses he
went to the house of a friend, where he re
mained until he saw the article announcing
his disappearance in to-day's newspapers.
tfsftprtaiyltlvi Araja.Mad i fcff BAk&a) tioiruttja
( have a perfect organisation. We have
azraatted to Wwe oar men to the polls who
Trrln'ii th 'isjit f". and ws will peU.
snore tha 'tae-VMusl percentage of votes is
an off-year contest."
It isknown that Senator Quay had all along
since his visit to this city from Washington
been giving the benefit of his advice and
experience to the State managers, and that
while they have never feltinany way alarmed
as to the outcome, yet every effort has been
made to get ont a large vote, and it is safe
to say that if Henry K. Borer's majority is
not in the neighborhood of 40,000 that the
Bepnblican, leaders will be sadly disap
Chairman Kisner did not, as at first in
tended, establish his headquarters in this
city, but left the direction ot the campaign
at this end of the line in the hands of Dis
trict Chairman Sheriff Krnmbhaar. The
Democratic leaders have followed intne
wake ot the Bepnblican managers and the
same system of campaigning has been car
ried on by both parties.
The claim is made that the Democrats
have lost rather than gained by the opera
tion, as it is believed that the Republicans
have effected a more perfect organization by
reason of the fact that they have a larger
number of voters, giving them a natural
majority supplemented by the fact of
uieir ueiug iu. posaeaiuou ut a&
national administration and having plenty
of money with which to carry out their pur
poses. Another point advanced in favor of
a large majority for Candidate Boyer is that
the Bepnblican leaders are making his fight
their fight, while Candidate Bigler has been
forced to rely solely npon the support of the
state organisation. HpeaKlng on tnis sub
ject yesterday a leading Democrat said;
all bt himself.
"Wallace is in Europe, Cassidy is busy
with his law practice, Sam Randall is at
Washington and Bigler is playing a lone
hand in the came." It is no secret that the
Democratic leaders are looking to the per
fection of their organization for next year's
great battle, and it is hinted that
it was after consultation that it was decided
to have.no interference by any outside
party, no matter what rank he filled in the
Democratic army, who was "net officially
connected with the State organization for
the purpose of preventing any jealousies.
Candidate Bigler, who spent last Sunday
in this city, before leaving expressed him
self as very vriell satisfied with the condition
of things. He did not even hint that he
expected to be elected, but spoke in very
confident tones of the interest manifested
and their expectations of a heavy Demo
cratic voje. Neither Bigler nor Kisner is
Tie Cable Breaks Wits si Boxes Persras
ob the Car Half That Number Prob
ably Fatally Jalared Leaps
for Life.
Bedpobd, Pa., November 2. A terrible
accident occurred this afternoon at Goose
berry, a small station on tha Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad, about two miles west of
Hyndman, atthe fireclay Jniaesof Hoblitx
ell & Sons. 'While the miners. were atworlc
the mine caved in and two of the aea were
badlyinjared. Their fellow-workntea went
to their assistance, and soon had them oa a
car and rtarted down the 'Btetp incline to
take them to their homes.
The incline is about 600 feet long and
very steep. They had hardly started down
nntil the cable broke, and the car started.
down at a terrible rate of speed. The car
contained tea men beside the two who had
been injured In the mine. All saw t&fct it
was instant death to reasain- in the car so
they jumped for their lives, all receiving
more or less injuries. Broken arms and
lees and bmisedneads constituted their in
juries. The two poor unfortunates who were hurt
in the mines were in the car helpless geing
at the rate of a mile a minute and were
hurled over the tipple with the ear 30 feet
below, and small hopes are entertained for
their recovery. At this writing it is hard,
to get the exact number who are fatally in
jured, but six are known to have their arms
and legs broken besides the two who were
penned in the car.
Charged With Erasiag tho Nasses ot Xe
pabMeaa Voters From Ae Books.
Danville, Va., November 2. United
States District Attorney Craig ar
rived here to-day, and T. A. Fox,
Registrar at, the last Pmideatal
election, was arrested, charged, with improp
erly erasing from the registration books the
names of Republican voters Tha case was
heard before United States CoamiwieBer
Tinsley and at the beginning of the trial
several exciting scenes occurred, though no
violence was done, and Fox was finally
sent on to the grand jury for indictment
The Democrats here are indignant, and
the whole city has been in a state ot 'fever
ish excitement all day over what the Demo
crats constrhe as the unwarranted interfer
ence of the United States officials with cit
iaeus (oat on the eve of a State election.
Work on tla Park trill be Started 5ext Spring tfV-C
.1. r..j ft. IUUI.JI rr JjA
A copyrighted cablegram to The Dis
patch from' London announces that Mrs, "-1
Schenley has donated 300 acres of taaMU,''-,
Airy tract to fittsburjr for parr purposes..
The land lies along the Mbnonjrahela liver -near
Oakland, and is a picturesque and!
beantiful spot. If the gift is accepted, by
the Finance Committee ihe nark will be'
I- laid out next spring.
The reticenee-which Chief Bigelo'w of tho '
Department of Public Works, has observed V
on the Schenley Park question has now - '
found a chance to break, bv STumlaneoHSH
combustion. He stated some weeks ago thtg -'US
ana. ocnemey naascaimm a jeaor vam; ;,,
ne cnaractenzed as more than ntvDrteiis
the park project. He refused to gw
any particulars or to show ' t&se
letter, bnt at last an electric star is the-. 4j
jwk uituwm .ubue .ugm ou (us hujsvv YSif
tnrougn a eauiegram to the Jjispatck. t ?.,
At the time Mr. Sigelow raceivedjj !
ieiier irom mrs. scnemey a report wast
quietly current that she had agreed to(
donate 300 acres, if the city would purchaser
a certain number of acres surroaadiag a
51,500 or thereabouts per acre. The bar
gain was regarded as a good one for taa'
city, and several officials, including tha-'
Controller, visited th pronnA Their -riirit. ,
fin tllM. IM ..MIAIH nt tim ,.1 ... 1.1 1 3 hv fkf "L
the eronnd were fullv reported in THX'...,
Dispatch, including the natural adVI.
vantages of ravines, brooks and iiralti,Z
grottoes and other attractions which isMg
Central Park. "Herr York. hA ia UtSXfJ
artificisllT supplied, and since then th
matter huhwn held nnipt nntil Ta&t niVhtwSfi!
ji.klaii.iiii. jTit Ttrsmvmr m AllM.wa ".
t Muibgiais u A nr. 4Mfui.a, cm viuipi VjMt
was receirea. jv
PmSBUBO'S good luck. ' $
PIttsburr H In great lnefc Mrs, Mary . !
Bchenley, of London, widow of CaptsJa Scstea-tL-
ley, formerly military attache of the Sritissi
Legation in Washington, has jnst presented
that municipality with sbOaorS'of laadiorar ,
park. Mrs.BcbecleTlsths danzhter ol Gea
eral William Croghan, of Plttsbnrrvand alsassA . "-
real esune owner in tost cur. asb projerw- - urw
donated isthaMt. Airy tract Pi JEts
' This, in connection with the JentTi?,' 'i?..
of B. B. Carnahan, attorney tot the Schema)
lev estate, and Mr. Torrens, the ageat, hW 4
dicates that final arrangements have heoaj -made,
and that the Schenley estate park!
now only awaits the necessary isaproveJ
ments to be an established faet ThiaosV '
course will await the actios of tste FiaanaeL.
Committee of Councils and the action f the ','.:
Department of Public Works, which, if tietgf "-
tnMa d CawstaJLlA wilt in HeLKTI tm A ""
ations next fpriaz- Tha red-tape towmmA
ji? - r - r.J!"i.llll1
proceedings mummy, uuussMea uj
trailer Morrow, has already been
Chief Bkelow was called up by ttltpfcsff.
last night, sd fold trhit THE DtAJClrt
had received by cablegram Tha Chief weal
averse to talkisg; and resasxked fiat ifXsHCl
AilSPATCH s4 reeeiTea see s-tiii Miasms
must De correct. r rrnen a&seu u tmwo
confirm the report, he declined ta sssfwer
"What property is meant?" qaeriei'
reporter: ' i
'Why,- the Mt Airy tract, of ceasse,''
replied. "XHZ dispatch sas seeai
abnntitforfheivut srrsoatfcg."
Finally, when pressed for figtaerkys'ng
mation. the Chief said he'woald lie sMt ts-5
' furnish the reporter with a good, ilea, bin
ne was so tied up in tae -matter MTtesessN
that he couldn't say any thin;. LtSH
une jaonni Airy tract, a seen mmmm
beyond Oakland, between Jorber imtim
ana we jsonongsneia, s one ot vae
eligible and besntifal sites feraperiei 1
countrv. and the news that the Msetsr.w
tion, over three-fbnrths, has been domtia 1
the city shows that the negoutateM e
counts have been brought to assMesi
termination. 31
The CklMW Save )fa tare fr
The Strikers Wast the Working; Contracts
Bpeino Valley, III., November 2.
W. L. Scott's striking coal miners held a
meeting to-day and instructed ex-Manager
Devlin to communicate with Mr. Scott with
a view to getting a modification of the work
ing, contract Numbers of tbe strikers have
broken ranks and aeewed r-asPloyMt
Chairman Kisner Has Been Working- Hard
. and Expects Good Kesolts.
Habbisbtjbq. November 2. Chairman
Kisner has had a large force at work the
past few weeks, mailing documents to a few
hundred thousand voters whose names are in
his possession. He has done all he conld
to promote the election of tho Democratic
candidate for State Treasurer by dis
seminating campaign literature, but
declines to make any guess as
to the probable result of the
election on Tuesday next. He talks as if he
expected good results from his work, and re
gards tne importunities 01 unairman
Andrews for money and votes as evidence
that the leader of the Republican forces is
not sure of his footing.
Representative Hall, who wants to suc
ceed Boyer as Speaker of the House, was
hereto-day on his way home to vote. He
has been stumping in Western Pennsyl
vania, and, although he believes the vote
will bo light, he put Boyer's probable ma
jority at irom 40,000 to 69,060.
Lovers Elope From Esslaad and Coma Hera
ta Get Married.
New Yobk. .November 2. Among the
arrivals at Castle Garden to-day were Wal
ter Winter, aged 19, and Edith Portwood,
aged 18. They said that they left their
homes in Xtondon to come here and get mart
ried. Eith, who is a remarkably pretty
girl, said that she had been employed
as a domestic-in a family who resided in
Dublin, Her mother left her father six
years ago and was living at Allegheny, Pa,
Walter said he was a cold heater bv trade
and had left his father, mother and two
brothers behind. The couple will start for
the girl's mother's home to-day. They were
passengers on the Adriatic.
City or Mexico, Noveasfcer 1-
al J. M. Barrundiaj of GsateassJ, kill
dav ostensibly for Oaxaea. Juurr
that he has gene to Guatemala to mm slit
people to revolution. -xeiegrasM xeees
here state that the entire Noishssm.j
Eastern section of BHStomsJa Jfcee 91
ready and anxious to engage ta. re
against the Government of President
las. It hclJsed that he fc (tatty 1
more unpepaJer.
A Verdict of GaHrr Rendered.
Gkeessbtteo, November 2. The jary
lathe arson case reiarBed a verdict ef
guilty to-night. The jury sfeetl 11 to 1
The Oswego Prises era Claim te be Cea
trolled by a SeMtaaHst.
Oswego, Sax., November 2. Mrs. Grif
fith and Mrs. Davis, who were arrested at
Niles. Mich., on suspicion of being the old
woman Bender and Kate Bender, have not
yet been identified as members of the
notorious family. Seven persons who had
known the Benders well were taken to see
the sMpeets to-day, but oalytwoof them
could come anywhere nev making aa
Mrs. Davis to-day consented to see re
porters. She said Mrs. MeCaan, who was
Instrumental in procuring their arrest, was
a Spiritualist and had her (Mrs. Davis)
completely under her control whenever they
were alone.
A CWeege sMiet Bex Maatoatour Ttry
Chicago, November 2. The iset ptose
cutton In this city f oriafieetieM ei the re
cently enacted law to preserve th-s parity of
preliminary elections malted to-aignt in' a
verdiet of 'guilty. The defendant is a well
known local politician, W. E. Kent.
It is less than two weeke since the offense
was committed and the oharces hronzht fee-
fcwJsFws4fis. 3a paajirks
JHrva MHVV sj 1MB W( eHsns) HMsstC W fVBRVV
T Ihe StriMaer ItmnaTU1
Ksntac's Msmsssta Issae.
Once aeala TxxDiSPATCXesmes besets
readers with, 38 paces crowded wfca. the ae-as soil
tbe world aa4 tha bright C Mteattnje ofsaaj
see. The csMearasis irom Jseroee eeeass. M
vivid account of .Emperor w imam's vast
Sultan, and the news tnat a pane is j
is an assured fsefc. Politics, bath, at 1
ia adioininz States, are beeosnc JttaessWfti
fact, all the news, both at home a alesajjjsl
fan of interest tnis'momiss. xae seesaw aass
third parts are devoted to articles of a speeftst'
character, us more lsasorsssK sew at) j
Fagt 9.
It Ended la Death...... .............L-X. I
Atnletlo Jack Tars......... ..M...........UA7' VI
Atsn English ylr.. ........... .,Xa
AGrest AnttirM....HinarjT2a
Pag a.
Hydrophobia's Care-
i..AnJVJSI c J
Secret Society Notes. IjSJ
Bullae Cards. ftj
Vane it. -H
One Day la Seven .01031,1
One Hundred ,Yew......9TArr' CosssseBil
wrists. To Lt. TarSales. Bc-'3
Tagtll, '
Society. Theatric!. 1
. Paota. i
S. A. S. Hews, fiaaacM latalMesiiij
Business Cards;
A BoTlBrHnnt.. ............... .BABOSYO
An Un-American Id...........BSsi 1
AfesslmistloYlew..... 8. WV8
BatusalGnardXewi. ArtNotss
Ensiaaw Card.
Pass IS.
Citizens la IBTTO...,........XZiTra.r,aes
XTerr-Dsr Seinee..........3IATlL WS
A Pheaoiasmsl City. .....-......
Pagt IS. .VB
AmasesMat Announces ens.
Uoslaeu Cards. ,.
Part IU.
Pagt E. ,
Yon're the Next. Sir t...TsssTO. Cju
ACowbovonPsris .... ..Braiej
Pagt 13.
WomenLiW7erl.........T. K
xm loass wa AHlBA....-"......
........... ...JaBSTAL,
TkttWt Xsst wear.. ...... ......
Sasteeas Cases. ':
.ray !
Tka Three rlae..ee...M3al JC
Bldln z m (fee BtU. .., .......M ..tXT9
LS i - Jk SWAUAShJ Si fmm
JssWeU etira sUSUCt a, . 4.
gmW9mf -
.F 3tA.BfcsCWW lwv'A
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kvwUbsj&yp ft sAsjlwl Frasteij ak. ft new MaL