Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, November 02, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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    SVW3V figp , &
Great Gathering of Anarchists
Called for November 11
at St. Louis. '
;The Knights of Labor and Turners
ti iro Acted in Cnrirrrartota
Circulars Sternly Printed and Shipped from
New Tork Are Exposed to the Light
.' Vengeance for tbe Death of tho Chlcsco
Martyrs Deathly Designs of the Red
Cull to Action- Hoir Bravery Blight
Bbts Saved the Kecks of the Bomb
"Throwers A Katlonal Affhlr.
No sooner has Herr Trick in Pittsburg
announced his anarchistic conquest of the
Pennsylvania coal regions than a more
serious phase of red-handed organization
comes to light. AH who desire social
revolution in America are invited
by a'blood-red circular with death and tne
gallcwsTon its title page to gather in St.
Louis and assort the "good" from the bad
Anarchists, on November 11. They will
organize for vengeance and revolution, they
St. Louis, November 1. Tens of thous-
ands of a remarkable anarchistic pamphlet
have been printed, calling for a" monster
meeting of Anarchists in this city next
Sunday. In order to delay publicity
as lone as possible, the printing was
done in New York. There has
been no farther attempt at cecrecy, and the
contents of the document are now in your
correspondent's possession. It is interest
ing, as showing that, at least among
those of that nationality which gives
the Anarchist movement whatever strength
and persistence it possesses as well as the
greater number of it adherents the revo
lutionary sentiment is still espoused.
- The circular demonstrates also just how
the execution of the Chicago Anarchists is
regarded, and that their fate is discussed
to make new capital for the sup
porters of the war against society.
No name is signed to the
pamphlet. It is printed in English for wide
distribution elsewhere than here in the name
of the Progressive Workingmen's Associa
tion, but it claims to be signed by ''The
Committee on Agitation of the Inter
national Workingmen's Association." The
, pretext on which it is to be circulated here
is that It is a call for a meeting next Snn-d-iy
in the Central Arbeiter Hall, and in
a that shape it will be circulated all over the
W country. ,
The little book contains eight pages, and
is bordered in deep mourning, made to
represent two gallows frames joined. It is
dedicated (and the Anarchist uprising is
called) "In Memoriam of the Martyrs
of the Working People, Mur
dered at Chicago on November
11, 18S7." It is addressed to the working
people, and it recites that five men suffered
"a crime such as history has never wit
nessed. Not even a shadow of evidence was
produced to show that they had violated
those barbarous laws society puts forth
in justification of their judicial misdeeds.
An uuknown, who, in common with a great
many others, suffered an attack on the 4th
of My, 1886, at the hands of an assassin
band of 200 policemen, hurled a bomb in
This action of legitimate resistance was
avenged, not on the individual whose
identity up to the present date has re
gained a mystery, but it served as a pre
pense to destroy the best, the most 'intelh
4genfr and self-sacrificing councilors ot the
l, "working people of Chicago."
The pamphlet goes on to ask what the
workers have done to save their councilors,
w and it answers "nothing, or next to nothing.
"t The courage of manhood was needed; in
stead they collected money." Then follows
ithis frank declaration:
I, '"A daring deed would have frustrated
Ithe November crime; instead the workinc
ppeople passed resolutions. How different it
might have been if those who participated
in rms Kina oi demonstration had made a
told front, as the urgency ot the situation
Tft The circular then concludes by calling on
, ; the Anarchists, Socialists, trade unionists,
' 'Knights of Labor,Turners,free thinkers and
citizensto seize the opportunity offered on
Novemberll,at the corner of ElmandThird
, streets, to divide good ana evil into two
camps and to rally under the standard of
social revolution.
He Proposes to Back the Western Associa
tion Against the Lengae.
Minneapolis, November 1. Secretary
Morton has notified the managers of clubs
'in'minor leagues in every part of the coun
try to send representatives to the
' Western Association meeting. An
,- alliance, offensive and defensive, will be
I, formed, and then all will lav back on their
Shears to await the action ot the League
?" and .Brotherhood meetings. If the
iJLeague passes reasouable roles relating
to'the minor associations, Morton's plan is1
. to .receive propositions from the Brother
hood. Should these propositions not meet
with favor, a general session oi the minor
leagues is pretty sure to result
Mr. Morton has a big scheme for the
government of these associations, which has
in viewthe Western Association becoming
atojhe'xniaor associations what the National
iLeague has been in the past. In a nutshell,
Wo'rton; proposes that he Western Associa
tion shall become an open competitor tn the
JNitional Iieague.
MppTenBd Fear Trees Baddlag and Flower
Gardens In Bloom.
... Bed Bank, N. J., November 1. Mon-
f, mouth county is enjoying the second spring
ofthe year. An apple tree owned by E. H.
t Errickton, near Freehold, is out in bloom,
f ana.ln a garden in tnat town tne raspberry
fSsvinei are in blossom. John West, a Middle-
st town farmer, has several pear trees which
are in bloom, and one of them it laden with
Adam Loncstreet. of this town, has two
Spear trees in his gardes that are in bloom.
I an a. aanuas are nowencg tor tne second
Bloodshed at the University of Pennsyl
vania Ton Sophomores Try to Do Up
the Freshmen and Both Sides
Suffer 3Ieny Expulsions
to Follow.
rsrzciiL teligrak to tub disfatcih
Philadelphia, November L The
rpmnd.vear medipnl fttndents a the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania this afternoon re
ceived the worst drubbing cyaJfresnman
class ever known in the history of
the institution. As Prof. Keichert'a class
in physiology were taking their places
in his lecture room, some enterprising
Sophomores, eager to pick a quarrel with
the Freshmen, espied one of that class
seated on one of the benches which are re
served by custom to the second and third
ye.ir students.
With a class yell the second year men at
tempted to pass the offending stndent to his
proper place, which is behind the fourth
row; but his classmates came to the rescue,
and then occurred one of the bloodiest fights
in the history of the college. Coats, hats
and neckties were torn asunder, many went
to the floor under the weight of Freshmen
pressing from above, and cries for help were
heard away oat in the street. Prof. Keichert,
coming in, attempted to rescue the suffo
cating men, bnt to no purpose. He was
pushed and jostled about until he was glad to
escape with nothing more than a large rent
in his coat. In one comer two strapping
youths were fighting on their own hook, and
the Freshman- having the upper side, soon
landed his rival over the seat.
The fight lasted for more than 15 minutes,
and was stopped, by the intervention of the
professors and the third-year men, who came
at the call of Prof. Keichert. When the
room became cleared it was found thai one
of the second year men had his
head split and nose broken,
and was unconscious. Others were nursing
bloody noses and blackened eves. Prof.
Keichert said: "I will appeal to the faculty
to have the unruly students disciplined, as
the second-year men are entirely wrong."
The Freshmen are sullen and refuse to say
anything, but vow that hereatter they will
occupy any seat in thelecture room, whether
second-year men are willing or not.
President Harrison lssnes His First Procla
mation of That Nntore The Things
for Which the People Should
Retain Gratitude.
Washington, November 1. The fol
lowing proclamation, setting apart Thurs
day, November 28, as a day of National
Thanksgiving, was issued late this afternoon:
By the President of the -United States:
A highly favored people, mindful ot their
dependence on the bounty of Divine Provi
dence, should seek fitting occasion to testify
tb eir gratitude and ascribe praise to Him wb o
is the author of their many blessings. It be
hooves us tnen to look back with thankful
hearts over the past year and bless Uod for his
infinite merry in vouchsafing to our land en
daring peace, to onr people freedom from
pestilence and famine, to our husbandmen
abundant harvests, and to them that labor a
recompense of their toil.
Now, therefore, I, Benjamin Harrison. Presi
dent of the United States of America, dn earn
estly recommend that Thursday, the 28th day
of this present month of November, be set
apart as a day of national thanksgiving and
prayer, and that the people or onr country,
ceasing from the cares and labors of tbelr
working day, shall assemble in their respective
S laces of worship and give thanks to God. who
as prospered us on our way and made our
paths the paths or peace: Deseechinc him to
bless the day to our present and future Rood,
making it truly one ot thanksgiving for each re
united home circle as for the nation at large.
In witness thereof I have hereunto set my
hand and caused the seal of the United States
to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington
this first dav of November, in the year of Our
Lord, one thousand, eieht hundred and eighty
nine, and of the Independence of the United
States the ono hundred and fourteenth.
Benjamin Harkisox.
By the President .
James G. Blaine, Secretary of State.
, . i . ,. . ;
Cashier Cresson Thoncht to be Hiding Vet
Somewhere tn Conihohockta.
Philadelphia, November 1. William
Henry Cresson, the defaulting cashier of
the Tradesmen's National Bank of Consho
hocken, has not yet been found,
nor has a penny of the stolen
money been located, although a thorough
search of his house and vicinity has been
made. The general feeling expressed by
the bank directors is that the nashier
is in Canada, but 'Squire Hay
ward, who issued the warrant for his
arrest, says unhesitatingly that he believes
that Cresson has not left Conshohocken at
all, and intimates that he thinks Cresson is
not the only guilty person connected with
the bank.
Until a late hour to-night United States
Examiner James and Cashier Sluigluff, of
the Montgomery National Bank or Norris
town, worked diligently on the books of
the fugitive, which they found to
be in a muddled condition. At
the close ot their examination they
found that the defalcation reached nearly
90,000. Cresson's mode of operation was
the usual one of making false entries in the
ledger. His daily accounts sheet was also
found to be crooked. He was in the habit
of recording hundreds of dollirs less than
the regular deposits for the day.
The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers
Now Ncnrly Ready to Adjonrn.
Denveb, November 1. The locomotive
engineers to-day refused to adopt articles of
federation. The plan presented to the con
vention is understood to be the same as pre
sented the convention at Atlanta.
Upon the suggestion of Chief
Arthur the convention appointed a commi
ttee oi five with instructions to prepare
a new proposition of federation which
shall be presented to each division of the
Brotherhood for their acceptance or rejec
tion. Every lodge adopting this new plan
will be permitted to form a federation with
any labor organization namedJ in the ar
ticle, such federation to stand only until
finally acted upon by the next annual
meeting at Pittsburg.
As Mr. Arthur will have the appoint
ment of this committee, it is believed be
will name men who oppose the federa
tion, and who will do little to bring about
its final adoption. The convention has yet
to audit a few claims against the charity
fund, make some amendments in the insur
ance rules, receive the report of the Commit
tee on Constitution and By-laws,- whon it
will be rendy to adjourn,
Tike President's Proclamation Upon the
Subject Is Now NenrlyJlendy.
Washington, November 4. The proc
lamation admitting the new States into the
Union, which has been under consideration
this week by the President, Secretary
Blaine and Attorney General Miller, was
submitted to the Cabinet regular meeting
It is understood that the document met
with the approval ofthe members, and it is
the understanding that it will be issned as
soon as it is formally prepared at the State
Revenne Cotters Bring In the Negro Bin
tlners From Nnvnisa Island.
Baltimore, November 1. About 1
o'clock this morning the United States
Bevenue cutter Ewing arrived In the
harbor convoying the brig Alice,
which arrived in the Capet yes
terday with psrt of the Kavassa
rioters. The Romance, with tbe remaining
rioters, was left down the bay Jn charge of
the revenue catter Lot M. Mornll. The
prisoners es the Aliee were lodged, ia-the
Campaign Collectors Find It Poor
Picking in the Departments.
Prevents Many ofthe Employes From Pay
in? Their Assessments.
Driers Had bees Glren to Arrest Them If, They Bad
Appeared on the Scene.
Yesterday was pay day in the departments
as Washington, but the different State Re
publican campaign committees found it a
very poor day to collect, too many standing
in fear of the Civil Service Commission and
its threatened prosecutions.
ISrECIAI.TXXZaBAX TO thi dispatch. '
Washington, November 1. This was
pay day in the departments, and the several
representatives of the State campaign com
mittees, who are here to receive "voluntary
contributions" from Government employes,
expected to reap a rich harvest to send
home. Representatives of the Ohio
Republican State Committee expected to
hive been able to have collected at least
5200 to-day, from Ohio cle'rks and employes
in the several Departments, had they not
been interfered with by the Civil Service
Commission. It is understood that
representatives of the commission
called on the officers of tne several State
Republican associations, and notified them
that if any of their committees or agents at
tempted to solicit campaign assessments
from any one connected with the Govern
ment, either in or out ofthe departments,
the commission would prosecute both the
solicitor and contributor.
It is said that many of the clerks refused
to contribute what they had promised,
giving as an excuse the fear of the Civil
Service Commission. Notwithstanding the
alleged activity of the Civil Service Com
mission, however, the Indiana Republicans
bave issued a call for to-morrow evening,
for the purpose of organizing an Indiana
Republican Association. The call concludes
as follows:
All Indiana Repeblicans, particularly those
recently appointed to positions in the depart
ments of the Government, are urgently re
quested to be present at this meeting and be
come members, as a complete organization is
desired, preparatory to aiding the State Cen
tral Committee for effective campaign work.
Evidently the Hoosiers understand just
how sincere President Harrison feels with
regard to enforcing the civil service law.
The 'Michigan Clnb had a similar meeting
last night, and nearly all the Republican
associations that were ordered out of exist
ence by order No. 1 of Rutherford B. Hayes
are falling into line again.
The threats of the Civil Service Commis
sioners to arrest anyone found soliciting
money in tbe Government departments for
campaign purposes had its effect, and the
Virginia committee did not show up to-day,
as they promised. The watchmen in the
Government buildings were under orders to
arrest them if the attempt was made to col
lect moneys.
The Wheels of the Political Mill Restore a
Man Once Disgraced.
Washington, November 1. Among
the appointments made by Marshal Rans
dell, of the District of Columbia, to-day,
was one which recalls the escape of Captain
Howgate, formerly disbursing clerk of the
Signal Bureau and acting chief signal
officer. Howgate had been indicted, and
was in jail on a charge of embezzling Gov
ernment funds. One day,accompanied by
a deputy marshal and a detective, Captain
Howgate left the. jail to go to his
residence and arrange certain papers.
The Captain declared that he must take
a bath and change his linen. The deputy
marshal and detective agreed. Becoming
alarmed, there was a rapid movement up
stairs, a hurried inspection of bath and
bedrooms, but there were no traces of How
gate, and he has been missing from that day
to this.
Owing to the escape of Howgate, the de
tective was dismissed from the police force,
bnt the deputy marshal remained until the
advent of the Cleveland administration,
when he, too, fell by the official guillotine
because of his Republican politics. Now,
that his party is again in power, the deputy
of the Howgate episode, whose name is
Doing, applied for reinstatement, and Mar
shal Ransdell has restored him to public
A Wealthy Englishman and Cuban Taken
in and Done for by Niagara Falls
Sharks How the Game is
Conducted at the Big
Lockpoet, N. Y., November 1. An
Englishman and a wealthy Cuban, stopping
at Niagara Falls this week, have made
complaint that they bad been robbed
of large sums of money by gam
bling in some of the numerous
dives at tbe Falls and along the avenue be
tween that village and Suspension bridge.
An investigation followed, but the gang in
Tom Ward's place, one of the finest and
flyest, had flown, presumably to New Tork.
There are a large number of gambling
dens at the Falls, furnished in a princely
manner. Aneyiteep spoiiera m .new xorg,
who make it a point to catch on
to any party of distinguished for
eigners who are traveling privately,
and make their acquaintance. Cards follow,
and on the way to the Falls the party is
given to understand that they can be ad
mitted to a quiet little game it they will not
give it away. The spotter's work is done
when he lands the strangers in these palaces
ot gamoiing. xuey uave ueeu in operation
for two years past, and have swindled right
and left
The most qnestionable practices are in
dulged in. The victims, however, have
been disinclined to give the games away,
not wishing to publicly disgrace themselves.
The Englishman and the Cuban gentleman
were prominent and wealthy. The Cuban
lost f750 and the Englishman over 250 be
fore they bad enough. They were in Tom
Ward's place. When the police raided it
last night there was not a vestige of the
splendor left.
It is thought that the police were in col
lusion with the gamblers, as they have been
cognizant of the work that has been going
on for some time past. The hotel men said
they had nothing to do with the den.
Hit by a Cable Car.
A valuable horse owned by Lawrence
Hnffnagle was struck by a cable car while
being led along Butler street yesterday.
The animal was badly "hurt and yesterday it
was shot by the fallmaster at Byrne & Mc
Cabe's livery stable.
Lenders ofthe Ho ward Fnctloa Escape.
Pineville, Kt., November 1. Reports
from Harlan county, received to-day, verify
the story telegraphed yesterday that Judge
Lewis and posse shot to death six of the
Howard faction. Wils Howard and Will
Jennings, his lieutenant, escaped unscathed
into Virginia.
Ladles'. Gems', Misses'. Dots' and Children's
The best lines and most of them. Sure to
find your kind here.
Jos. House & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
.Newv, four-in-hand-scarfs, at James 'H.
Continued from Firtt Page.
leave. This is the situation of a number
who want to go home and vote. They have
had sick leave jluryig the year, but no
regular leave, and now they find when this
decision is followed if they go home their
pay is stopped.
The Interior Department, however, pays
no attention to this decision, which was
made in response to an inquiry from the
Secretary of the Treasury. The rule there
is that each employe is entitled to a recular
annual leave of 30 days. If he should happen
to be sick during any time in the year the
absence is not charged to the regular leave,
but a separate account is kept. As a rule,
30 days are allowed for sick leave, but of
course exceptions are made in deserving
Few Pennsylvanlans In Washington Coming
Home to Tote-Chalrmnn Andrews' Ap
peal Falls on Deaf Ears No Cash to
Tempt Them to Come.
Washington, November 1. While the
Ohio and Virginia employes of the depart
ments seem generally disposed to go home to
vote, that is. not the case with Pennsylva
nians. Save those who live in the Southern
or Eastern counties, few will leave
their work to save the State. A
circular from Chairman Andrews, of the
Pennsylvania State Committee, was received
by all Pennsylvania employes in the de
partment, earnestly arguing that it is their
duty to go home en- masse to the Old Key
stone State, to help make the Republican
majority as large as possible, that the tariff
lesson of 1888 may not appear to have lost
its effect Chairman Andrews was entirely
impartial in his distribution of the circu
lars, as he sent it to scores of Democrats
who are yet in the service, and many of
whom will remain there under the laws gov
erning the civil service. These were much
amused at the earnest prayer of the Chair
man, but generally concluded they would
not go home to vote either the Republican
or the Democratic ticket
If free transportation had been famished,
probably nearly all of the Republicans
would have gone home; but to those who
live north and west of the central counties
the cost of voting wonld be about ?25 in
railroad fare, loss of salary and incidental
expenses. Of course, the officials oi higher
rank will all go home. Commissioner Hol
liday, of the Bureau $f Customs, left this
evening. From Pittsburg, to-morrow morn
ing, he will run out to Little Washington,
to visit a daughter who is at tbe seminary
there, and on Monday he will reach his Erie
Ohio Satooa Keepers, Oat In a Declaration
for the Democratic Nominees.
Cincinnati, November 1. To-day the
State Liqnor Dealers'' Association sent
broadcast throughout the State a circular
begging all saloonists and their employes to
vote the -Democratic-State and Legislative
tickets, in order that their business and
their liberty might not be further impaired
and their families made to suffer. Demo
cratic managers this morning claimed it
would add 15,000 votes to their State ticket
and give them the Legislature. To-night
the feeling is the other way, and a vigorous
effort will be made to hedge, in order not to
lose the anti-saloon vote.
Late to-night George Robinson, one ofthe
leading and wealthiest Democrats of the
State, and a member of the Whisky Trust,
caused the lollowing statement to appear:
The distillers of this city are not contribu
ting to the Democratic campaign fond. This
circular is the work of foolish brewers and
Democratic saloon keepers.
M. Hobart, the treasurer of the trust, also
authorizes the statement that the trust had
not given a cent to the Democratic cam
paign fund, neither had it anything to do
with the circnlar,which he considers, ill
timed, ill-advised andnicidal.
The First Iron Crnlser Built Upon tbe
Pacific Coast Pronounced 8atlsfac
ton by tho i ' Government
Some Penalties Are to
be Dedacted.
Washington, November 1. Secretary
Tracy to-day formally accepted the pro
tected cruiser Charleston, built by tbe
Union Iron Works Company, of San Fran
cisco, upon the showing made in her test
some weeks ago. The report of the Trial
Board, while saying ' that the vessel
had been built according to con
tract, contained some ambiguity of
expressions which the. Secretary desired to
have made plain before acting finally. The
report was, therefore, returned and the
board reconvened to attend it The revised
report was received atthe Department yes
terday and being conclusive and satisfac
tory, the acceptance of the vessel was or
dered. On the test of the Charleston, she failed to
show tbe horsepower required by the con
tract by 330, which would impose a penalty
of $33,000. The boiler capacity of the ves
sel was not reached by the machinery, and
the constructors asked for another trial, in
dicating that slight changes in the gear
would be made, but the department con
cluded not to permit a second trial to take
Whether or not under this condition of
things the Government.can enforce the pay
ment of the penalty is a question that will
have to be decided when the qnestion of
final settlement is under consideration.
There is a penalty .against the vessel of
$4,500 for delay in completion. The con
tract price of the Charleston was $1,017,000,
and tne contractors nave been paid $824,875.
The Fast Rate of Speed Attained by the
ran-American Excursion Train.
Louisville, November 1. When en
gine 1053 pulled the All-Americas' excur
sion out of Indianapolis at 620 o'clock this
evening she carried, for the first time on the
trip since leaving New York, coal suited to
her use. Aterrifierateof speed wss reached
at times, and the 130 miles to this city were
covered in three hours, making seven stops.
Seventy miles per .hour was the rate on sev
eral stretches of the trip.
On arrival here the visitors escorted by
the Louisville Legion, were driven to their
hotel. Illuminated arches were strung from
curb to. curb over Main street at each block,
and a cannon salute was fired. Tbe effect
was brilliant and much impressed the visi
tors. The party retired at once. To-morrow
will be au exceedingly busy day.
Special To-Day.
We will sell 2,000 men's fine overcoats,
manufactured lrom costly chinchilla, chev
iot and kersey, lined and trimmed equal to
enstom-made garments, and worth from $24
to $28, at tbe ridiculous low price of $12 for
choice. , P. C. C. O.,
Cor. Grant and Diamond sts.,'opp. the new
Court House.
New four-in-hand scarfs, at James Hi
Aiken & Co.'s, 100 Fifth avenue.
Ask yonr plumber for Anderson Gas
Saving Burner. ' ws
Men's heavy durable overcoats, in blue,
black and brown shades; equal to any $12
overcoats other dealers sell. Our price" to
day six dollars $0. P. C. O O.,
Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the
new Court Honse.
mous French. phyMoi&n, talks about
hydrophobia and its .ewrtv ia to-
NOVEMBER 2, - 1889 T
Theodore Thomas and Bis Orchestra
Fall Below Their Mark.
Bnt Old City Hall Did Not Ee-Echo. or
Even Echo, With Applause.
Aa Orcatitratlon That Has Been Excelled by Eren the
Lesser Mnsiciins.
Entertaining as Theodore Thomas and his
orchestra always are, they fell below their
own standard in Pittsburg last night. Their
audience was large enough and good enough
to have appreciated better music, as well
more artistic effort in the rendering thereof.
A criticism follows.
The audience was the great feature of the
Thomas conaert at Old City Hall last night.
It sat in close rows, knee to back, all the
way from stage to door (several rows too many
for safe passage way); it stood numerously
along the back wall, and even crowded the
seldom-used cock-loft of a gallery.
Half again .as many seats could
have been sold at the same prices,
had there been room, so large was the de
mand. It was a great audience for quality,
too; the usual concert-goers and the fashion
able world turned out en masse, and there
were many unwonted faces busy, serious
minded men that have not time nor mind
for ordinary amusements. Some o'er-noisy
encore fiends were there, but the set-back
they received early in the evening left the
bulk of the listeners free to express their
sentiments in discreet and not overly en
thusiastic fashion.
Indeed it was rather surprising, in view
of the brilliance of the occasion and the ex
traordinary manner in which the "popular"
sentiment had been worked up, that the
applause was so moderate. Maybe the
listeners, as the evening wore on, were a bit
ashamed of the programme they had
chosen if, indeed, it was tbe ticket
holders that cast the 740 votes said
to have been given for programme
No. 2, out of the 940 votes said to have been
received. More likely, however, they felt a
lack of enthusiasm, without knowing ex
actly why; unconscious tlurt a programme
arranged upon sound artistic principles is
calculated to please even the musically un
educated listener better than a haphazard
conglomeration of so-called "popular"
pieces. The latter kind of programme was
what was given last night; behold it:
Overture, Tannhaeuser" Wagner
Andante from fifth symphony Beethoven
ITsntasle on Hungarian Airs. Lifzt
Sir. Rafael Joseffy.
viniin sii Sa. Komanie. Fdur Beethoven
vioun sou jD.Glp9J. Uance Barasate
Mr. Franz WUciek.
Damnation of Fanst Berllox
a. Invocatlon-Mlnnetoflhe Will-o'-the-wisps.
b. Dance of the SylpUs.
c. Bakoczy March.
Overture. "William TelL" Bowlnl
Traeumerel Bchum&nn
String: Orchestra.
)a. Berceuse Chopin
PIanoSolob. Valse Impromptu (new) Joseffy
)c. Marche MlUtalre. Schabert-Tauilg
Mr. Rafte! Joseffy.
Serenade. No. S, D minor Volxmann
Violoncello hy Mr. Victor Herbert.
String Orchestra.
Waltz, "Hochzeltsklaenge," .Strauss
Mr. Fred Innes and his brass band gave
at least two better programmes than that
down in the Exposition, with admission at
25 cents a head and pop-corn at 6 cents a
ball. Mr. Patrick Sarsfield Gilmore has,
done likewise. And both of them have
fdeased the people more than was apparent
ast night. From the name and jame of
Mr. Theodore Thomas, the people expect
something different, even though tbey may
not know just exactly what it ought to be.
Many people like fried sausage and often
have it, even for dinner. But when one of
them steps in off tbe Paris boulevard to
sample the cuisine of the Cafe Biche, he
wants to order something else.
Suppose the waiter cannot speak English
and the perplexed traveler wanders through
the to him unmeaning names of the French
dishes be would so much like if he only
knew it, until at last he comes to a familiar
word sausage. jNine to one ne oraers
sausage, eats it with some pretense of pleas
ure, pays bis bill and goes out hungry, or at
least dissatisfied.
It is pretty much the same thing to sub
mil to a plebiscite three musical pro
grammes, one of which is made up almost
wholly of familiar names, while the others
have few if any such. The conclusion is
foregone. It is a cast of loaded dice. The
people cnoose the familiar names simply be
cause tney cum t Know tne otners.
Then when "they find that the anticipated
feast is, after all, only fried, sausage with a
few extra trimmings, they are disappointed
and go off with a vague sense of dissatisfac
tion. And when the layman feels thus,
how must the connoisseur feel I
The justice of viewing the programme in
this lieht and at this lencth. must be an-
parent to anyone who stops to think that
tne name ot aneoaore 'xnomas is Honored
throughout this country as the synonym for
a high standard of art It is most distinctly
because of his wise, persistent and largely
successiul efforts to elevate the public taste,
that this present "testimonial" tour com
mands, in advance, the exceedingly cordial
support it is receiving on every hand. It
would not be inappropriate, under all the
circumstances, to invite the public in some
way to express preference among composi
tions that might be brought into artistic
balance and proportion. But in loading
one of the dice so heavily, the fine. Mahi
avelian hand of canny Manager Blakely
has over-reached itself to the extent of
giving the layman no choice, and the
musician no chance complete satisfaction
to neither.
It is hardly needlul to treat the orchestral
performance in any great detail. There is,
of course, much pleasure in listening to any
thing played by such a body of men under
such a leader. Comparisons are 'unavoid
able, however, and it must be confessed that
Pittsburg has heard better performances
before under Mr. Thomas' own baton, as
also nnder Mr. Seidl and Mr. Gericke. The
men showe'd a tendency to lapse
now and then into a perfunctory
manner of playing ; especially the
strings. Beethoven's Andante and the
"Fraeumerei" suffered from this tendency.
The wood-wind did particularly good ser
vice in the trying Berlioz score, with ita
flickering, fantastic figures for piccolo, flute
and oboe. Indeed, the whole
band did itself especial credit through
the profanely entitled piece. Mr.
Thomas and his men seemed to share the
opinion of many that it was the most inter
esting part of their evening's task. The
'Tell" overture, of course, went well;
it always does- Mr. Herbert's part in
it was quite as grateful and effective
as in the Volkman serenade. Mr. Oes
terle's Ante tones seemed, if anything, too
rich and fall in the running variations to
the pretty pastoral of the oboe. Following
Von Buelow's example in choosing a
Strauss waltz for the programme, Mr.
Thomas also showed that he had pat care
ful study and drill upon it, making it by no
means the least finished performance of tbe
It is a pity that Mr. Joseffy, who lias not,
played here for a number of years, did net
giye ua somethinjrof a more serious charac
ter. They say he has bees galaing
in breadth of ' conception and
emotional strength in that period.
No one eesM well deteraiae
mltut ? f. ! JK.Jlt.. u1Ia1k w 1i
display of astonishing feats of piaatsa
The niaslt!a Avn -vaTu. ani? Tanaur'a well-.
known transcription, answered the
same purpose and little eke! Any
plaao solo (unaccompanied) seems
out of place in an orchestral concert; the
lovely and delicate Berceuse, partiealarly
so. But Mr. Joseffy played it so admirably
that he can readily be pardoned; there was
a pretty dash of sentiment in his Interpreta
tion, and tbe filmy, pearly delicacy' of its
flowing figures could hardly have been bet
ter brought out
he was found wanting a powerful, ringing
robnst fortissimo seemed beyond his grasp.
In that drastic, rhythmic leading of the
Fantasie, when first presented by tbe piano
alone in broad chords, the deficiency in
power was especially noticeable. So also
in the military march; the tone was dry and
short, without resonance. Maybe the
piano was doctored up to strike what a
pugilist might call a "short arm blow;"
Mr. Joseffy has been accused of thus in
creasing his nimble and dainty effects at
the expense of strength and sonorousness.
In almost all other respects his playing
approached the limits of pianistic skill,
Marvelously clean and rapid runs, single
and in thirds; a rarely crisp staccato, alter
nating with a fluent legato; a limpid tone
under absolute control, and a brilliance and
certainty of executing tbe most florid pass
age work these all marked Mr. Joseffy's
playing as upon a high plane of virtuosity.
The addition of Mr. Wilczek's name to
the programme was a graceful recognition
of that gifted young man's all too
brief connection with Pittsburg musi
cal circles, even though he could
not fairly be expected to rival the
matured art of the .other soloists. In the
suave and grateful measures of the Beetho
ven romance, the young violinist, kept well
within the bounds ot reverence so
much so as to limit the breadth
and freedom that shonld charac
terize it It was Quite otherwise with the
sarasate piece. In its plaintively luscious
introduction as ia tbe brilliant, rollicking
tune that follows, Mr. Wilczek was master
of his instrument, his score and himself,
and won an outburst of applause only sec
ond to that vouchsafed to Mr. Joseffy.
O. W. S.
General Howard Deplores Their Increase
and Suggests Some Kerae-fles Griev
ances to be Redressed and Pun
ishment to be Certain.
Washington, November 1. In his an
nual report General Howard, ia speaking ot
the subject of desertions, says:
For the past four years the percentage of
desertions in our army has increased from 8 to
12 per cent, and this, despite earnest efforts
made to discover tbe causes and apply tbe
remedies. Doubtless the causes are many,
such as have been theoretically and
variously stated. It is scarcely pos
sible to so adjust the workings
of a military institution, necessarily
autocratic, that each and levery subordinate
shall feel that its ethics and conduct are Identi
cal with those that govern in civil life. That
desertlonsi can evex.be practically eliminated
from, tbe army without- seriously impairing its
efficiency I doubt, but this crime can and
should be greatly reduced. It is my belief that
in the majority oi rases the reasons which
cause men to desert are frivolous, and are as
varied as the different temperaments of the
Were apprehension and punishment made as
certain lor this, offense as for petty crimes in
civil life, none bat Serious reasons would cause
men to commit anact.'.the result of which re
sults in a most certain penal servitude. As it
is. the chances of punishment are altogether
too few. I repeat my foimer recommendation
for an increase in the reward offered for the
apprehension of deserters, and a change in the
law which will enable at least all civil
officers of tbe Government, States and Terri
tories to arrest and confine this class
.of offenders. -To remove all real cause of dis
content, shorten tbe first term ot enlistment to
two or three years and institute some system
by which men In emergency may sever their
connectionrwitlLlfce service without- dishonor
to themselves and. -with justice to.tbe Govern
ment. It might Tie well to Improve the ratios
increase, or at least give it more variety
though l beUeve,-in the ma'.n. that onr soldiers
are well fed and that so serious discontent
arises from insufficiency or poorness of food.
General Howard joins General Crook, in
recommending that the infantry arm of the
service be reorganized by giving the regi
ments three battalions of four companies
each. He recommends also that the present
rifle for infantry and cavalry be exchanged
for a magazine gun. The proposed reorgan
ization of the-artillery-branch of the army
as a special corps; General Howard says,
presents fatal objections, as it "would ag
gravate the already abnormal condition of
onr military administration and. duly add
another bureau to the War Department aad
transfer tbe artillery, like the staff, from the
command of the general officers of the army,
to that of a staff officer in Washington."
Tne Effort to Identify the Saspeeta la Kan
sas Nora Complete Success Tko Peo
ple Believe- That the Family.
Are ;AH Bead.
Oswego, ELan., November 1. Deputy
Sheriff Dick, who arrested Mrs. Alraira
Griffith, of Niles, Mich., and Mrs. Elfsa
Davis, of Lansing, Mich., on the sappesi
tion that they are two of tbe noted Bender
family, arrived here this morn
ing' with Hhe prisoners. They were
met at the station by Prosecu
ting Attorney Morris, who plaeed them in
a carriage and had them conveyed to a pri
vate residence, the location of which he
will reveal Uf no one. There they were
kept all day and no one was permitted to
see them, not evea the reporters or persoaa
who had come to town to see if they- could
identify the prisoners.
One man, Mr. Morris said, was taken to
see them, but he would not say who he wae.
He did say, however, that the man had
known the Benders and that he had fsiled
to identify the prisoners as old
Mrs. Bender and Kate. When he knew
the Benders 15 years ago, the' old
woman could speak only Germaa. Mrs.
Griffith, who is supposed to be the old
woman, speaks perfect English witheat a
hint at accent, Kate Beader, he told Mr.
Morris, bore no resemblance whatever to
Mm. Tlavia.
There is no excitement whatever here over,
the arrival of the prisoners, xhe people
are convinced that the vigilantes who, 15
years ago, started oat to avenge the Beader
murders, did their work well, aad that bo
Bember of the family is now alive. Foroer
acquaintances will be taken to see the pris
oners to-morrow, in the endeavor to identify
them. The preliminary examiaatkia has
been set for Monday.
'Entertained Their Friends. -"
The members of the Madison Square
Clnb, of Allegheny, entertained their
friends last night in their sew club reoau,
on East street Short speeches were Bade
by Eobert Meagkr and others, aad a very
enjoyable time was had.
Another AHeg-ed Speak-Easy.
James Books, of No. 44 Manhattan street,
Allegheny, who, was arreeied yesterday
afternoon and placed in the Allegheny
lockup on a charge of selling liquor without
a license, will have a hearing to-day. Cfiiei
Kirchler is the prosecutor. -
Who never wore ready-asade clothing is
their lives will be surprised and delighted
With the garments wejare seUiag; to-day for
$13 and $15. They represent overcoats
really worth from 828 to tSS. P. C, O. C,
Cer. Grant and Diamond at., opp. the sew
Court House.
, B.i.
The ladies, tb-Js, ".-aUldrw's w4aitr
nderwear bsrgalas ia awdinai aad iaeet
goods for to-day's sl will in tweet yen,
Boggs A BUHI
laviig Bern Tinwi Bowi bj Waaa- J-3
TDoh-ai- tfa is tW-arraiiiiBaiJ in Ka ' .'vl
" s ' "r ?5
CoBgreeewta O'Neill Xndetvett te lelp lit '
FrleHiia lis Meed. ! ""'
He Fills it Bard ts Tery Bach ter tie Bet
Quaker City
"Boss" Leeds, of Philadelphia, insists oa
having a Federal office, aid Congressman
Charlie O'Neill is trying to secure Senator
Cameron's Inflaeaee ia behalf of Leeds for r
Sergeant-atArmse-f the House of Representa
tives. Cameron pre-aies to see what can be. ,
doneforasaaa waomusthaveaaofBce to be' .
happy. a
Washington, November L Mrv Wit
Ham P.. Leeds, the Philadelphia Eepnbli- ,
can boss, is not inclined to accept too grace
fully the defeat of his aaibitioa to be post-'- ,
master of the City of Brotherly Love. At v
least, he does not intend to be tamed down
altogether by the administration. He has
held some kind of aa office for many years,
and fails to see the point in being" left oat ia
the cold just as the Sepubllcan party has
come to the front with a new lease of life. ',
Leeds' long and active service ia Phila
delphia politics has givea him a pall on
several of tbe big men in the party, and he
intends to use that pall now. He has already' ;
commenced operations, his base of supplies -at
present being Bepresentative Charles
O'NeilL "Charlie" has been a number of
Congress for 29, years, with the exception of.
one term. He is
nominated evert two teabs
by the ward bosses of his district, chief
among whom is William E. Leeds, whore- ,.,
semblea Mr. O'Neill in this, that he has
held a public office nearly all hir lite.
Leeds is the principal hoes of O'Neill'a dis- '
trict, and is known to centre! all the acts of
the Congressman. .
Leeds has held several lacrative political
places in Philadelphia, and a short time
ago was nominated by the Bepahlicans for
Sheriff, but, notwithstanding the fact that
Philadelpnia isSepublicaa by about 201,000,
he was defeated by a large majority. When
the present administration was launched,
Leeds induced Senators Camera a aad Quay,
to take him up for a Federal office, aad be
was presented for appointment aa postmaster.
Wanamaker knocked him oat by appoint
ing field, which left Mr- Leeds adrift. '
Finding that there was no-chance for a
Federal appointment, Leeds called apoa '
Mr. O'Neill, insisting that ' "
something should be done '
for him, and directed O'Neill to come ia
Washington and see Cameron, with a view -of
having the Senator set np the Pennsyl
vania delegation for Leeds for Sergeant-at-Arms
ofthe House of KeDreseatatives. In s
Mmnlltn.. with Ilia a!ac IVTCeifl 4ma
nere last week aad had a conference with? '"'
Senator Cameron. The Senator cad not - ,
take kindly to the suggestion. He thought -
that Leeds woald not be acceptable to the '
delegation or to the members of the Hbase,
and in any event he did net feel that itv
would be proper for Aire to interfere-with f
the organization of the House. -t-
O'Neill insisted that semethiag should be.
done for "Poor Bill." ''X have him oa my "
hands." said O'Neill. "The administra- '
tion has done nothing for kjm, and I must
take care of him in seme way." The Seaa-r
tor did not see how he coald assist in the ,
matter, bat informed O'Neill tht he would-&k
-think it over. "
Andrew Baly. m Stranger, Kitted la Byers
ripe M1H Last Sight-
Last night about 11 JO o'clock Andrew '
uary, an employe at a- m xtyers 4&ue.iti
pipe mill, was instantly kilted. ' Ee waaH
JM t a. iBk h HBM.Bat- MhhAHt- am a.k at t M Osarafe ar
UOlB HBB TfOT. BVt- ", aRl 111
casgat-inthe belting. Sefera tacmaealn- -,?;
err eeald be stopped the aafertaaata bhmv, f I
had been whirled aronad by the swftiBgvv
several times, beating his head aadhedyj.
against the woodwork overaeaa. , i
Daly was ahoat 45 years of age, aad a
stranger in tbe city. No one knew where
he came from or whether married or single.
He had been at work in the mill ahoat three
weeks. Tbe remaias were. TnmnTnd te.ifc
undertaking rooms of Henry Semmelreek
oa Carson street, Seashtide. kj
ALtiGHianr mici wwtx. -
Mayor Pearson's Ksjsert far (ha Measstaf
vCtftvtHr IWw JavOvWafisi
The Allegheny Mayer's revert fcrOeee-
ber shows that 370 persons were awsatsd.'ef
whom 42 were sent t aha Trerithna'. 31 ts$
jail, 3 committed for eeart, 7 entered haii-4
discharged. The receipts of the office wera",
W8 70 and J75 for amasomeat. liaeaeeci
rrt. waiI lira gam a tj aaa.V!iup- 184 ttjaaaa1 A
answered 186 atermraad traveled m-m-ilesv? i
SpeeM TBr
We will sell 2.M0 men's fine evefeata.r
maaametand freta eeetly efaaehHla, chev-w f
MC ana Kersey, Jiaia aaa uimmm m'nn ws 1'v.sevt
Custom-mams Esnensss, man inns m ex ' ki, ,
to $eg, at the ridiealewlew ariee f $12 for
aWeel &C.O..C.. J
-, ft L S TV J -X. -.. Al. . -JS.K
tOT. UFBBl ami unsnss ., ejrp. mv jrew -fr-, .
Free- 9a-Bay!
Every1 hey I
Every hey t -
-AAT a ia malt or aTs.1lf
maaas to-day will he areeeated witk a lantalw j
and complete - ' " VW.
eeataiaiBg a fall oatfe-f all kiada ef beyst
staaaaru won. jnif un i wan
ftreace now Mw tae anee t nw sa er o Yer-i,;
eoatmaybe, a teal eaesigeea free withA
every one.
Every ffrll
2 iff!
Xveryairll . . .
gettiag a aew seat or eJeak at jKaaftstana'
. -.!!
to-daj will he presented. with a very'hMd-
i b-trimmed trnaJr,
U iaehesleag aad 18 inches hih, wWYrstf
class Joefc aad ey aa rairaaeaaaarti
tioa. These intake, which Mtail ier.fc are;
givea ahealately gratia wit every fkl'a
cloak te-day. -,
Fifth a venae and Smithfiela street.
Men's heavy daaaWa evtreeate. ia Was.
blaek. aad bwwB shades; eaaal te any $13
nvAMattia odter dealest Mil. Oar nriaa" tsV 1
j.w j, iuj a,n n n , vl
Ceri Grant aad Diamead sts., eya. the m
CewtHaaea. '-
' 1
fniV xwtnK s aBw iw t t
a - - - -- - - eiL
At Jes. Xerae & Ce.'s Pen Avaaaee'rs?.
Abk Tear ptamher for Anaspisa Gaff
Baviaf Baraar. " w " M
nr3flft-On Manr, TKmmtm 1,1am, a.'
wss r, m., os BMBma, ssjh jl., sssssm
safhuc utSLr. aad turn. JBaasi. edf
fatirrtdD47lArisnareaaaZ.I.' "J
'-! J,
. -. . :W:
v irifgs
ires last j appetuwieo wmmmt aw m
W.0C. MvTM t LifK 1M9v MtTM . JW
. irsH ' .jsw --A-- i uaa as's itH .a. j.'Ujk.k.v?
Baorrew'a omPXTOs. j