Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, November 01, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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1 : -4?Jj
Common and Medium Grades oFLum-
fc? ber Hisner and Firmer.
Em hemlock asd oak scarce.
The Eailroais Inadequate to Meet the De
mands of Trade.
THUK3DAT, October 31, 18S3. J
j Medium and lower grades of yellow pine
. - ilumber are a shade higher, bnt fine grades
- are unchanged. The inference from this is
that more common stuff than usual is going
5 into the bouses that are being erected this
r. season. A leading lumberman said to-day:
"We are selling medium grades ot yellow
pine 52 a thousand higher than last spring,
bnt uppers are unchanged."
The supply of oak lumber and seasoned
hemlock has not for months past been up to
the demand. One reason tor the scarcitv
has been the diffiulty of securing railroad
Tbo Effect of It.
This along with low waters and the con
sequent impossibility of shipping by river,
has had the efiect of reducing supplies in
many lumber lines to the minimum point. Now
that the river is up there is a partial, but not
full relief. The first towboat of the season
landed with a cargo of lumber from the
Kanawha yesterday, and brought a quantity of
stuff equal to the capacity of six railroad
trains. Annmber of other tows are on the way.
It has been fully demonstrated the past few
. months that the railroads are not capable of
doing the business required by this one depart
ment of trade. .
Sawmills are working up to their full ca
pacity in tbe Michigan lumber region, and it is
next to -impossible to have special orders
placed. As the season draws near its end the
difficulty increases. Builders who bare not
, laid in their supplies will be compelled from
now on to take unseasoned hemlock. Dry oak
and beary ash are also very hard to get.
Liberty TJve Stock.
With returns for the week all in it appears
that local receipts' of cattle were 90 head less
this week than last, and through receipts 960
f head more. The run of export cattle in our
local supplies was larger in proportion to the
total than usual.
Tbe best price obtained was H 50, and only a
very few loads reached this rijrure. Prime
beeves broucbt better prices in Chicago than
in Pittsburg this week, the outside price- at tbe
former place being $5 1U against S4 50 here.
This is explained by the fact that stock at Chi
cago in carload lots is better selected and much
.higher in quality than are offered here.
Here only a few in a load are strictly prime.
In Chicago, the very best are to be had by tbo
carload, and for export purposes are cheaper at
50c per cwt more tban such as are offered of
late at East Liberty as prime cattle.
Unrealized Expectations.
With a Tery light run of sheep being 4.000
head less than last week or the week before
actire markets were confidently looked for;
but the expectations failed to materialize.
Borne 12 loads were dnmced into the Liberty
yards this morning from Chicago, with prices
limited. In case of their not bringing the
stipulated price they were to be sent on to the
seaboard. At last reports there were no buy
ers ready to pav tbe price, and the probability
is that this stock has gone further to fare no
It will be seen from the accompanying re
port that receipts of bogs w ere 1,MX head short
of last week. Though supply was lighter de
mand did not improve. Prices are now 30c to
40c below the highest price reached Tn tbe
eatly part ot tbe month. At Chicago to-day the
outside price is 54 05, a drop of 5c from yester
day. The regulars, who buy for packing pur
poses, appear to be holding off in expectation
of lower prices.
For the Whole Week.
Following is a report of tbe week's transac
tions at the East Liberty yards:
ta lacEir-rs.
, Thro'. I Local.
TtiSfsflay. M0, "i"-. J.SG5 M
Friday w s,ic, j jjj
baturday 1,230 CO 3,875 S5u
bunday -KB 1,733 6,fc0 2,3x0
Monday 540 SB 3,'o0 770
Tuesday. 3D 130 2.S50 1.S70
'Wednesday. 1,060 . S,u0 3,190
Total 4.580 2.570 31,455 10,350
Last week 3.63) 5,660 35,475 14,300
Previous week.... 4,890 ,010 29,075 14,523
Thursday. . .... 40 1,769 2)
IrldaT. 3 1,648 si
batnrday. i,X39 201
Monday 2,183 4,304 2,656
Tuesday. 241 831 1,336
tednesdav 92 1,916 354
Total 2.564 11,887 4,838
Lastweek . . . 2,6-iS 14,199 7,630
l'revlonsweek 2,010 11,133 8,953
By Telecraph.
New York Beeves Receipts. 32 carloads
for exportation alive and dead, 6 carloads to be
sold and 1 carload for a city slaughterer direct;
no trading in beef cattle; steady for dressed
beef at 5J7c per lb for native sides, and at
45Kc for Texas and Colorado do. Cable ad
vices from London and Liverpool quote Amer-
jican refrigerator beef firm and at a tcant 8c per
- vlb. Calves Receipts. 200 head: market dull and
tr nominal, but dealers quote veals at57Ucper
lb; grassers and western calves at 3Kc
Sheep Receipts, 8,400 head; sheep about
steady at $3 705 25 per 100 lbs; lambs dull and
weaker at 55 0006 25 per 100 lbs. with some of
tuebestnpto$0 37d50. Hogs-Receipts, 3.400
head; market quiet and unchanged for live
hogsatS4 204oa.
Chicago The Droverf Journal reports
Cattle Receipts, 14.000 head: shipments, 8,000
5?5SJ5lE,iet J0e lower: choice to extra beeves,
90o Or. stockers and feeders, 11 903 co;
SJIiJ3 4 TO c08- b" and mixed,
$1 002 80: Texas cattle. $1 502 75;
S2eI? ,"',M1 75Q3 80. Hogs-Receipts,
20,000 head; shipments, 9.600 head; market
weak and 1015e lower; mixed, 13 75
J' ,e5, E b54 ' "Kht, S3 804 10;
skips. S3 003 JW. Sheep-Receipts, 7.000 head
shinments. 2.000 head? mirUt .r. ...
52 755 00: Westerns. S3 Cfl4 15: Teians. $3 25
1 10; lambs, $4 5065 75. . -"""S w i
BT. Louis-Cattle-Beceipts.3,600head:ship-ments,
4,000 head: market steady: choice
heI7-?itJY,? stee,ra' so 83. fair to good,
do. S3 304 25: storkers and feeders, $1 75E2 50
range steers, J2 10S 15. Hogs-Receipts, 900
bead: shipments, 3,900 bead; market lower
fair to choice heavy, S3 7503 90; packine
grades. S3 653 85; light, air to best. S3 85
4 00. Sheep Receipts, 500 head; shipments.
600 head; market firm; fair to choice, S335
3 65.
t Kaxbat. Cmr-Cattle Receipts. 8,674 head;
shipments, 4.2SS head: market slow, weak, and
10c lower; native, $3 201 60; cons. $1 303 15;
packers and feeders. $2 153 00: Texans.
SI S03 15. Hogs Receipts. 7,204 head; ship
ments, L665 head; maraet 5c lower: good to
choice light. S3 803 90: heaw and mixed. S3 f-5
3 75. Sheep Receipt, 3.030 head; shipmentt
1,87: market steady; good to choice muttona!
53 6004 80: stockers and feeders, tl 503 25.
, BnrfAW) Cattle steady and unchanged- re-
,ceipto,791oadsthrongh,lsaIe. Hogs slow and
;. . 610c lower; receipts. 16 loads through. SO sale-
-r'9medlum and heaw. S4 204 30: mixed. 54 25a
i30: Yorkers, 256130; pigs, $4 0004 i&
- 'CixciircfATi-Hogs steady; common and
flight, S3 254 10; packing and butchers. $3 90
"i411U Beceipts, ,5uo head; shipments, 5.000
"6 . Brazil Instead of Canada.
" 'CeivfewaXxlls, "Wis., October 3L
L. J. ITewald, who absconded from this citv
"' seTetal months ago with about $100,000, has
beenllocated in -Brazil.
-jh$? "
J ,g Vtogretu
.dNltTSTeryimDOrtantln this age of vast .
ferial progress that a remedybe pleasing to the
i.ujie ana to me eye, kj usen, acceptable
to the stomach and healthy in its nature and
effects, rossessiug mew qualities. Syrup of
''Figs Is the one
perfect laxative and most gentle
diuretic known.
,"r Diamonds
tOf rare beauty; a verr choice selection
'Vhich can be put in settings of any style, at
Henry Terheyden's, 630 Sinlthfield st He
has also a few loose stones left of a previous
ftisToice -which are a bargain, come quick
land'secure one. Jtwt
r?Ko channed hands after doing your wash.
Htng with "Walker wax soap. Mwrhp
tr r
yuuT ibices. Child's plush coats, caps,
cteBusT Beb Hits. Sixth and Liberty.
I - Jl I
No New Features; la Wheat, bnt Prices
Fractlonnlly Illstier Corn and (lata
Stroneer Pork Active, bnt
Closes Weak.
Chicago Wheat Trade was fair. There
were no new features presented, and operators
did not manifest any special desire to enter
into extensive operations either on one side or
the other. Tbe market opened about the same
as It closed yesterday, then eased off about Ho,
improved some, ruling quite strong, and ad
vanced lc, and closed steady and about a
higher for December and a higher for May
than yesterday.
European advices were indicative of a trifle
steadier feeling. Some export Inquiry existed,
and New York reported three boatloads taken
and freight room engaged for six loads to go to
Glasgow. The receipts in. the Northwest con
tinue large. Cloudy weather was reported
pretty much all over the country, and rain in
Borao sections. Detroit wired that the deliv
eries of wheat in tho winter wheat belt were
Tery light. There was no decided action to the
market until very late in the session, when
prices were advanced to outside range.
Corn Another day of activity -was witnessed
in tuis market, wun toe leeitng generally quite
strong, though at times a little unsettled. A
still further advance was recorded on the near
figures, though extreme prices were not main
tained. The influences on the market were
much tbe same as yesterday, namely, the small
receipts, active shipping demand and unsettled
weather, which had a tendency to make shorts
on tbe near deliveries rather nervous. The
market opened a shade higher than yesterday's
closing quotations, was firm, and advanced "c,
shippers making liberal purchases of Novem
ber, as also a prominent local trader. A reac
tion followed the early 'advance, due to free
selling of May by several large local operators,
and prices declined Kc, recovered the decline,
eased off some and closed a shade higher than
Oats An active business was transacted and
a higher range of prices recorded, bnt outside
figures were not maintained. The feeling moat
of the session was firm, due to continued wet
andcloudv weather and a sharn decline in ar
rivals. A good miscellaneous demand existed,
and shorts were the chief buyers. Offerings
were free at an advance of Jc over yesterday's
closing prices for May, and cansed a recession
of c, but later the market again became firm
er ana prices rallied Jc
Mess pork Rather mere life was manifested
in this market, and speculative trading was
quite actire, though almost exclusively in No
vember and January deliveries. Free offerings
early encouraged a little buying from tbe short
interest, and prices were -advanced to outside
figures. At tbe improvement there was some
desire to realize, which caused a decidedly
weaker feeling, especiallv for January delivery,
and prices receded again. Trading in October
delivery was moderate tbe bnying being
credited to the long interest prices ruling
30660c higher early and then declining 75S0c,
and closing weak.
Lard The market attracted very little at
tention, and trading was comparatively light.
Prices ruled 2K5c lower on the deferred de
liveries while October ruled strong at 6570c
Short ribs Only a limited trade was reported.
October delivery rnlea steady, while November
and January deliveries were easier.
The leading futures rangec as follows:
Wheat No. Z November, 7Kr: December.
T9JeS0Ke78B8OVfc:Jannarv, 73"iS0k793i
80&c; May. 684&83K8lKc.
COBN No. J, November. 32X32K32'4e
S25gc: December. 32Ke32V631K032c; January,
ZWZVi3liZyic May, 33S33i
OATS No. 2. November, I8"191SK
19c: December. I9K l919Jg'21!BBc; May, i
Mkss Pore, per bbL October, S9 80
10 259 42X9 &; November. S9S0S 5039 30
69 47K; year, t907&69 1068 87X68 97; May.
$9 255 309 1-K69 2a
Lard, per 100 lis. October. S6 256 856 159
6 So: November. $6 006 005 9o5 93: De
cember, $5 87K5 87K5 655 85; January,
$5 87K5 87Ko 855 85.
Short Ribs, per 100 Ba. October, $5 07W
5 2065 055 03; November, $1 82X01 904 82X
4 90; January. 774 7X4 7B4 70.
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour dull
and easy, prices shaded 510c No. 2 spring
wheat. 78378c: No. 3 sprmg wheat, 64G5c:
No. 2 red. 78K678c; No. 2 corn. SZe. No. 2
oats. lSic So. 2 rye. 42c No. 1 flaxseed,
SI 23. Prime timothy seed, SI 15. Mess
pork, per bbL. 9 60. Lard, per 100 pounds.
tG 156 20. Short nbs sides (loose), $5 103
5 20. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), S4 50
4 62. Short clear sides (boxed), $5 505 62.
Sugars, cat loaf unchanged. Receipts Flour,
21.000 barrels: wheat, 142.000 bnsbels: com,
178.000 (bushels; oats, 164,000 bushels; rye, 21,
000 bushels; barley, 109.000 bushels. Ship
mentsFlour. 36.000 barrels; wheat, 84,000 bush
els: corn. 195,000 bushels; oats. 190,000 bushels;
rye, 3,000 bushels; barley, 55, 000 bushels.
On the produce exenange to-day the butter
market was slightly improved in demand and
prices unchanged. Eggs, lSXla f
New York Flourmoderatelyactive. closing
steady. Corn meal steady and dnlL Wheat
opoi stronger ana ami; options moderately
active and Irregular, closing firm and c above
yesterday. Ue quiet: Western. 49ffi52Kc
Barley quiet. Barley malt quiet; Canada, 80
9oc. Corn Spot quiet and stronger: options
less active and firmer. Oats Spot firmer and
quiet; options mo-e active and stronger. Hay
firm and in fair demand. Hops quiet and
steady. Coffee Options opened barely steady.
1525 points down, closed steady, 515 points
down: sales, 60.750 bags, including November
lt4014.50c; December. 14.4514.8bc; Januarv
i4.auBU.boc; 1-ebruary, 14.55c; March, 14.50
June, 14.4514.a0c; July, 14.50c; August, 140
14.40c: September, 1130c; spot Rio quiet and
easy; fair cargoes, 19c Sugar-Raw Inactive
and nominal: refined, quiet and weak. Molasses
Aew Orleans, dull. Rice easy and quiet.
Cottonseed oil dull. Tallow steady: city (S2 for
packages), 4J4 7 16c. Rosin in fair demand
and firm; strained, common to good, dull
Turpentine qnietand easy at 4SJf 49c Eggs
firm; moderate sile: western. 22lW4c; receipts.
7,807 packages. Pork quiet and firm. Cnt-
uicais uuuj piemen Denies, a pounds, 774c
middles, firm. Lard easier and dull; western
S?1?1- , 80: EaIes October. S 60 bid and
S6 85 asked: November. S6 476 48, closing at
$6 46 bid; December, $8 2R, closing S8 29 asked
January, SO 27 asked; February, $6 31 asked;
March, S6 3o6 87, closing at 6 36 asked.
Butter Best in fair demand and firm; Elgin
24K25c; western dairy, 915c; do creamiry!
12624c; do held. 12019c: do factory, 7K12Kc.
Cheese Choice firm;low grades weak; western.
St. Lours Flour quiet and easy. Wheat
Cash higher; options extremely dull. Early in
the day tbe market weakened off HQX, along
with the outside markets and an absence of
news to hold prices. Later on bullish advices
there was an advance of Jcand the close was
firm at HQXc above yesterday. No. 2 red.
cash, 7c; November, 76$c, closing at 76c.
bid: December. 7778c closing at 77$?
77Kc; Mav. 83S3Xc closing at 83Uc. Corn
irregular; No. 2 mixed, cash, 2Wc: October.
29Kc: November closed 2SJic asked; December
and year. 28Jc asked: January, ZSkc; Febrn
ary. 2SKc bid: Mav 30fc asked. Oats higher;
No. 2L cah. 17Kc bid; May, 22iic: January: 20c
asked. Rye No 2 held at 3Sc bid. Barley dull
only sale reported, one car Minnesota at 57c
ana one car uuvu ai oic flaxseed, SI 25.
Provisions firm but unchanged, with light busi
ness. Phtladelphia Flonr dnlL Wheat dull
options Jic lower; No. 2red. October, 80KI81c
Novembcrj8181c: December, 82082$:; Jan'
uary, ooaooyt vutu ujjuom urm; little or
no speculation; car lots quiet; ungraded mixed
4(ftic. Oats Car lots steady; No. 3 white. 27
vMivi iiu..nLiK. iu Anc,ic4u street elevator,
29c: do track and grain depot, 29c; tntures
quiet but firm: No. 2 white. October, 28J29c
Noyember. 282$H December, Siiimsiie
January, 2929ic. Provisions steady. Eggs
Fresh stock scarce and wanted; Pennsylvania
firsts. 24KGS5C.
C1KC1NUATI Flour quiet. Wheat in fair
demand; No. 2 red, 7578c; receipts, 2,100
bushels; shipments, 3,900 bushels. Corn strong;
No. 2 mixed. 35c. Oats stronger; No. 2 mixed.
21K2lKc Rye In fair demand;No. 2, 45c!
Pork firm; S10 75. Lard quiet at $6 12.
Bulkmeats nominal: short ribs, S5 60. Bacon
firm; short clear, S6 50. Batter dull. Sugar
weak. Eggs In moderate demand at 18c
Cheese steady.
MiWATOEE-Flonr dull and firm. Wheat,
Cash and December, 73c; No. 1 Northern, 80c.
Corn firm: No. 3, S3c Oats steady; No. 2
white. 21Kc. Rye firm; No. L 44c Barley
quiet; No. 2 on traok, 62Kc Pork. S9 52j
Lard, S6 CO. Cheese steady; Cheddars, 99$c
Baltimokb Provisions dull. Butter firmer;
creamery, 2223c Eggs firm; fresh, 2223c.
Coffee quiet; Hio cargoes, fair. 19c
Toledo Cloverseed active and firm; cash
and November, S3 52.; Decem-ber, S3 55; Jan
nary, J3 62K.
Nett Yoek. October 3L Tbe drygoods
market -n as without change. Tbe general de
mand was somewhat less active tban a few
aays ago, as usnal at the end of tbe'montb, bnt
there was a continued good business tn spring
articles and a steady, moderate movement of
seasonable goods from the hands of both
agents and jobbers, with stocks in relatively
light condition and prices pretty Arm. The
general situation is satisfactory, and the out
look very cheerful
Metnl Huruct.
Nzw Yoek Pig Iroa actlrt and strong:
American, $18 00018 6a Copper neglected;
like-nominaL Lead dull and firmer: domes
tic, S3 80. Tin steady and quiet; straights, $22,
Brrn-AEEof counterfeits. Salvstion Oil
is what yon want to euro your aches and
P1m, 25 wits. feL-
The Market Less ExcUed, bnt Firm
and Activo All Along the Line.
Conspicuous Advances Scored in England,
With the End Still Afar Off.
Now and then a passer-by is heard criti
cising tbe new Government building. An
amateur architect, in replying to these ob
jectors, remarked yesterday evening: "Those
men don't know what they are talking
about. They have no eyes for symmetry
and proportion. In its entirety tbe Govern
ment building will present a beautiful ap
pearance. "Its architecture is composite, but differ
ent orders are so harmoniously blended as
to produce an almost perfect whole. There
are no incongruities about it, butit is chaste
and symmetrical from top to bottom. It will
be a credit to the Government as well as to the
The iron market is less excited than last
week, but continues firm and active. There is
no visible weakness, but consumers show a
disposition to wait until winter prices are estab
lished. That they will be no lower Is almost
certain: that they will go higher is prob
able. The advance in coke to SI 75 a ton means
at least 50 cents more for pig, with which all
descriptions of iron will sympathize more or
less, bnt to just what extent cannot be fore
seen. It Is not desirable, in the opinion of
many manufacturers, that values should go
much, if any higher, for the reason that it
would open the way for foreicn competition.
Rials are firm at $32 50 to S33 50. Sales have
been made at the latter figure. Nails are
steady at the S2 card. There has been no
change in wrought iron pipe since the rec:nt
meeting of manufacturers, at which the pres
ent discounts were reaffirmed. The season is
about over for pipe laying, and very little new
business Is being placed. Foundries are loath
to quote for future delivery, not knowing where
pig iron will land.
The mills are all bnsy on orders, and tbey are
receiving all that are offered, but will not
guarantee quick delivery. A strong and
healtby feature of the market is the projection
of new railroads, bridges and other works
which will call for large amounts of iron and
In England a rapidly advancing iron market
is the characteristic of greatest importance.
Conspicuous advances have been made during
the past week at nearly all the centers of the
iron trade in Great Britain toward tbe estab
lishment of more remunerative prices. Pig
Iron warrants at Glasgow have passed 60s. a ton
a price which a month ago no one expected
they wonld attain, ana they are now 123. above
their former minimum before tbe recent rises
began. The present price indeed is higher than
any which has existed since 1SS2.
It is also nearly certain that in the future
iron prices will show an even more rapid rate
of increase than that which tbey have lately
maintained. As to tbe average selling prices
ascertained m connection with the wages
boards of tne North ot England and the Mid
lands, it may be stated that ironmasters have,
during the whole period of the revival, been
executing contrtcts which were booked at con
siderably less tban current rates. At a meet
ing at Wolverhampton last week of the Mid
laud Iron and Steel Wages' Board, one of the
iron masters stated that he should not be sur
prised to see the average selling price of iron
for September and October show an increase
over the previous two months of as mnch as
from 10s. to 12s. per ton.
The increasing cost of raw materials continues
to be a factor with which iron and steel masters
have seriously to grapple. In Yorkshire, Der
byshire, Staffordshire, and many other districts,
miners have within the past few days received
the second 5 per cent advance in wages to mtke
np the 10 per cent advance, which was promised
them early in ths summer. Asa consequence,
prices of iron works coal have been advanced
in Yorkshire by 6d, and 6d, per ton, and in
Staffordshire by Is.
Best coke for steel melting is 4s. per ton
higher for Yorkshire qualities than in October,
1888, and Derbyshire and Dnrham cokes are
similarly advanced. These additions to tbe
costof production fnrnlsh very real justification
for the advances which have been, and are still
being, declared in manufactured iron and steel.
Ever- one who has witnessed a pile of dry
lumber on fire knows how futile are all efforts
to extinguish it. This has been demonstrated
more than once In Pittsburg. Tbe only recourse
Is to cover the adjacent piles with woolen blank
ets, hang a line of blankets alongtbe alley-ways
near the burning pile or piles and to keep the
blankets thoroughly saturated with water. By
this means a recent fire in a large lumber yard at
Mannee, Wis., was confined to a small area.
Tbe account of this fire is so interesting and
contains so mnch that may prove valuable to
local lumber dealers, that It is appended:
"Here was a fire set by an incendiary be
tween two piles of bone-dry lumber in the very
heart of a closely-piled yard, containing about
20,000,000 feet. Tbe hour was 11 o'clock at
night, and tbe location nearly half a mile from
the homes of the villagers and millmen. The
fact that the yard was not destroyed is not a
miracle, but rather ft was an exhibition of the
best-handled fire on record. The employes of
the concern seemed to know jnst what to do in
such an emergency. Scores of camp blankets
were wet and covered over the surrounding
piles of lumber, and even between tbe piles
adjoining the two that were ablaze. They
quickly bad the mill hose and fire-pump in
readiness, but no effort was made to extin
guish the fire, but rather to keen the outside
of the two piles thoroughly saturated with
"The result was that the two piles in ques
tion, which, when dlscevered, were a blazing
chaldron of fire, was the only lumber injured
about the yard. The ends and sides of adjoin
ing piles were not even scorched. The expe
dient of wet blankets may not be new to every
one In handling fires, but it probably is to
many, and It is well worth making a mental
note ot, as it was undoubtedly the only pos
sible expedient that would have saved tbe im
mense Marinee plant from entire destruc
tion." BEEK1N6 ITS XE7EL.
Philadelphia Gas Slock Keeps Moving Up
Toward III Old Position.
Philadelphia Oas, like water, seems bound to
find its level, which may be located around 36.
It was again the distinguishing feature of the
stock market yesterday, and contributed 925 of
the 1,000 stares sold of all stocks traded in. The
report put out by the company had a reassuring
efiect upon holders, and whetted the appetites
of buyers.
It opened in the morning at S3 and closed at
33. The first salo in tbe afternoon was at 33
and tbe last at 34, with more bids than offers.
The opinion on the street indicated still higher
figures, unless something unforeseen nips the
boom in the bud. Tbe rest of tbe natural gas
shares failed to keep step with the leader and
were weak and neglected.
In all other respects tbe list was without par
ticular feature. Lawrence Bank was offered at
fBV New York and Cleveland Oas Coal Com.
pauyatS4& and Pleasant Valley at 20, show
ing very nine cnange in any. .Bias, oners ana
sales are appended:
Kid. Asked. Hid. Asked.
Lawrence Bank
Metropolitan N. Bank
Tradesmen's . Bank.
Allegheny Heating Co.
('haulers Val. Uas Co.
Nat.UsjCo.ofW. Vs.
Ohio Valley Gas
Pennsylvania Gas Co .
Philadelphia Co. ....
243 230 .... HO
110 .... ...
1SX x
m x .. 3i
28 39 28 ....
sv ....
h m sotf 3w
63 70 69 ....
43 tfttlb"
1SK 20
..." ID ... '
SS ... 83
14 20 19X
s2 io .... tx
Wheeling Uas Co 28
uoiuiuDia unuo...
Hazclwood Oil Co.
Central Traction...
Citizens' Traction 63
ritubnrg Traction....
Pleasant Valley
P., McK.&Y.Ji. B.CO.
P. O. AM. L
Pitta. 4 Western K. K.
Pitts, W. K. K. nfd.
N.-V.& Clias Coif Co.
Hidalgo MlnlnjOo
La Horla Mining Co...
Luster Mining Co
Yankee Ulrl Mining...
Allegheny Co. Xlectno
Westmrhouse Kleotno
D. S.ABH. Co
Pittsburg Cydorama.
The morslng sal, vwe rtwa Phlladel-
pbla Gas at 8 20 at 33 100 at S3J& 110 at
33, 10 Central Traction at 30i, 5 Electric at
47k, and 50 at 48.
In the afternoon 200 shares of Philadelphia
Oas went at 3&X, 100 at 33 10 at 83, 100 at 34,
and 10 Cbartiers Oas at 46.
The total sales of stocks at New York yester
dav were 140,408 shares, including Atchison,
5,674; Canada bonthern, 4,810: Delaware, LaCKa
wannaand Western, 10,400; Denver, Texas and
Fort Worth, 5,360; Erie, 3.TO0; Lake Shore. 6.760;
Louisville and Nashville, 3,600; Missouri Pacific,
7,300: Northern Pacific preferred. 6,455; Read
ing, 14,740; 8L Paul. 12,210; UnionPaciflc, 13,796.
What (be Local Banks Are Doing Clearing-
Bouse Statistic.
The feature of the local monetary situation
yesterday was a decrease in the checking ac
count, as shown by the exchanges. The cause
of this was attributed to a falling off in de
posits, resulting from iret weather. Many of
the largest depositors are old and rheumatic,
and will not leave their comfortable homes
when "the skies are melting in tenderness."
The demand tor funds was moderate, and rates
were unchanged. Pittsburg still has money
enough for itself and considerable to spare.
All acceptable naper is readily cashed.
Tbe exchanges were 11,922,501 94 and the
baltnces S231,813 67. For the month the ex
changes were 61,210,765 60, balances, 9,510,
010 93.
Concerning the apprehension abont money.
President J. Edward Simmons, of the Fourth
National Bank, New York, said yesterday:
"Money is active, but by no means stringent
and funds are in very plentiful supply at from.
6 to 7 per cent. I fully expect to see a healthy
and natural money market for the rest of the
year, but according to my judgment there will
be no tringency. , Neither merchants nor bank
ers will find any difficulty in getting accommo
dation. On the contrary, money will be plenti
ful enough tor legitimate purposes, but there
is no reason to believe that it will be as cheap
as it has been in the past. The cotton crop wilt
soon begin to move, and this will cause a re
flux movement The situation is healthy
enough, no matter what the croakers may
Money on call at New York yesterday was
tight, ranging from 3 to 12 per cent; last loan. 4;
closed offered at 3 per cent. Prime mercantile
paper, 57. Sterling exchange quiet and
weak at $4 81 for 60-day bills, and S4 S5 for de
mand. Closing Bond Qaotntloni.
U. s. 4s,reg-..........127
U. S. 4s. coun 127
ttg. AT. Gen. Ss . 59
Mutual Union Ss ...103
N. J. C. Int. Oert...ll3M
Northern Fac. 1st. .114
Northern rc. 2d. .1CSK
North wt'n consols. Hi
Northw'n deben's..ll4)
U. 8.4(48, re 104H
u. s. -Via, coup.... u?i
Paelflcteof'SI!..... .117)
Loulsianastampedts S9
Missouri 6s 101
Tenn. new set. 8a... 106
Tenn. new set. 5....101H
Tenn. new set. 3s.... 73
Canada Bo. 3ds t6
Cen.PaclIe.lsts 114
Den. &K.O., lsts.-Hl
Den. AE.G. 4s Ilif
D.&K.a.West,lsts. 89
Erie, 2ds ...104V
U. K. AT. Gen. Ss.. 6814
Oregon A Trans. Cs.lOS
St. L. 41. M. Oen. to S5K
St. L..&3.K. Gen.il.lM
St. Paul consols ....127
St. PL Chi A 1'c.lsU. 118
Tx., Pc.L. O.Tr R. SI
Tx.,FcK.G.Tr.Ecti S7
union rac. uu...ut
West Shore VH
Ex-Interest. '
Yesterdays bond offerings were as follows:
Registered 4s, $115,000 at 137; registered 4s,
$2,500 at 10
New Your Clearings, 5133,051,003; balances,
Boston Clearings, $16,662,067; balances,
Sl.780,244. Money, SU per cent. For the month
Clearings, $453,271,178; balances. $50,408,406.
For the corresponding month last year Clear
ings, $472,338,749; balances, $494,685,000.
Baltimore Clearings, Sl.975,974; balances,
PHrLADELPniA Clearings, $13,060,447; bal
ances. $2,070,506.
London The -amount of bullion gone into
the Bank of England on balance to-day is 50,
000. Paris Three per cent rentes, 87f 10c for
the account. The weekly statement of the
Bank of France shows a decrease of 2,9o0,000
francs gold and an increase of 475,000 francs
Chicago Bank clearings were $10,954,000.
New York exchange was par to 12c premium.
Bates remained at 67 per cent respectively as
the inside figures on call and time loans.
St. Louis Bank clearings, $2,626,082; bal
ances, $315,310.
Oil Strong nt tbo Opening, bnt Weakens To
ward the Wlnd-TJp.
The oil market was bullish at the opening
yesterday on expectation of a scarcity with
which to make deliveries, bnt as this hope of
the bulls proved delusive it weakened and
closed rather tame. The range of prices was
as follows: Opening, $1 06Ji; highest, $1 OTJf ;
lowest, $1 05Jf; closing. $1 06. There was
some trading in December at i to c above the
regular option.
One of the bull points early in the day was
cash oik It commanded a premium in the fore-
noon in anticipation of more or less squeezing
In evening up, but in the evening it was a bur
den, 40 cents being paid to have it carried.
News from the Washington field was to this
effect: The result of operations here during the
past month is rather discouraging. A number
of wells have been drilled in tbe south and
southwest the-past month and but two were
good ones, tbe rest being dry. The pool which
starts at the Johnston-well and extends north
through the Achlson gusher is gradually being
defined; tbe only course being left is to go dl
rectl v south of this place. Gibson it Co.'s well,
on tbe Greer lot,'has been drilled in tbe sand.
The William Smith well, on the Trinity
grounds, struck a streak yesterday, and since
then has made several small flows. Oilmen
report that the Hamilton well will be small.
Features of the Marker.
Corrected daily by John M. Oasiey & Co., 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened 1MM I Lowest 105 V
Highest lOTKIClosed VX.
Average runs Si 375
Average shipments S0.862
Average charters. 41,163
Kenned, New York. 7.35c.
Keflne), London, i s-lSd.
Keflned, Antwerp, 17hf-
Kenned. Liverpool, S l-lfld.
A. B. McQrew & Co. quote: Puts, 1 OHJ
1 OS; calls, SI 08J1 08K-
Other Oil Markets.
On, Cttt. October's!. National Transit cer
tificates opened! at $1 07; highest, $1 OS;
lowest, $1 05; dosed, $1 06.
Bbadfobd. October 31. National Transit
certificates opened at $1 07U; closed at $1 06K;
highest, $1 07: lowest, $1 05&
TrTUSVUxr, October 3L National Transit
certificates opened at SI 07V; highest, $1 07;
lowest. $1 00; closed at $1 06.
New York, October 3L Petfolenm opened
strong at $1 0 but after moving ud to $103,
became weak and declined 2a In the after
noon the market was active and closed at $1 06.
Stock Exchange Opening- $1 07?f; highest,
SI 08; lowest. $1 08: closing. SI 06. Consolidated
Exchange Opening: $1 0 highest, $1 07;
lowest, $1 0; closing, $1 Ol Total sales, 1,088,
000 barrels.
A Big Deal In Sevrlckley and One Jnst
Belotv Cbartiers.
Reed B. Coyle &Co., 131 Fourth avenue, sold
for C. C. Melloretal, a lot, size 21x120, on Jose
phine street, Twenty-sixth ward, to Charles
Neubausler, for $1,300 cash.
Black & Baird, 5 Fourth avenne, sold for tbe
Wlllock estate a lot 25x79 feet, situate in tbe
rear of Hazel wood avenue, Twenty-third ward,
for $350. They alsq placed a mortgage of $2,700
for three years at 6 per cent on a property on
Bedford avenue, city.
Ewing4Byers.No. 93 Federal street, Alle
gheny, sold for J. M. Fleming, of Emswortn, to
the Equitable Land Association, Limited, of
Pittsburg. 86 acres of. ground below Chanters
station, near Fleming J?ark, on Pittsburg and
Lake Erie Railroad, five miles from Pittsbnrg.
There is abont 70 acres of beautiful level
ground overlooking the Ohio river and ad
jacent country. The association intends laying
it out into large building lots, beautifying the
grounds and erecting handsome dwelling
houses. The price paid was $21,500, being $250
per acre.
Samuel W. Black t Co., 99 "Fourth avenue,
sold the residence property of W. C. Erskin,
Esq., Grant street, Sewickley. lot 150x350 feet,
with a handsome new brick dwelling of 10
rooms and all modern conveniences, for $7,600.
The purchaser, Hon, George H. Anderson, will
occupy it. They also soldi for James P. Speer a
lot of gtound 22x165 feet to-an alley, on the
corner of Ward and Cato streets. Fourteenth
ward, for $1,200.
James. W. Drape & Co. placed a mortgage of
HWJO on a suburban property at 6 per cent; also
two mortgages of $3,000 on a property in ilc
Keesport at 6 per cent.
Boston Stocks.
Ateb.AToD..lst7i. Ill
A.AT. Land Or' 1 7s. 103
Atch. &lon.K.K. 31
Rutland, cam 3U
Wis. Central, com... 18
uunmet A Heela....2M
Franuin. 11
Wnron )f
Osceola. ., 12
fewablo ?X
Uulncy Uji
Bell xiepnone 200
Boston Land s
Water Power S
Tamarack ma
San Diego t St
Boston A Albany ...Ul
Boston A Mains.. ...214 H
C. . A 106),
i4uii. can. a viere. &
Eastern B. & lis
jrilnt&PeroM. pro, 84 .
Mexican Oen. com.. UH
Mex.O.litmtt.bds. tiH
it. x. AJiewXng... uij
OldOoionr. 177
PWIadelpWa Htoeks.
Closing anototlDnsof Philadelphia, stocks, fw
nlshed by WMteey JHmnwusn, teattw. Ka.g
Members Kew York Stock x-
Pennsylvania Kallrosd
Heading ,
Uuflalo. Wttabur and Western..
Lenten Valley
LehUch .Navigation
Northern Faelfle
Nortoern facino preferred
.. MH
.. M
.. 73tf
Si 7-18
Cotton Oil Knocked fillly by a Batch of
Disagreeable Rnraors Lend Holds
lu Own, bnt Sugar Tnkei
Quito n Tumble.
Nkw Yokk, October 81. The stock market
to-day was quiet for the regular list, but active
for the trusts, and, while the former presented
a firm front, decide'd weakness prevailed among
the latter. Cotton Oil was the great feature of
tbe day, and, while the traders were the princi
pal sellers early in the day, a well-known firm
began to sell and was followed by others, which
gave the room tbe impression that some large
interest was unloading, and there was a rush to
sell from all portions of the room, and the mar
ket was taken away from wonld-be sellers be
fore their offers could be heard.
Considerable excitement Attended thn deal.
ings in the stock, and for a time there was little
else traded In, while various rumors sprang
into existence, chief among which was one that,
the annual report to be issned soon wonld show
about $1,000,000 less earned during tbe past
year than generally expected. Others related
to tronble In tbe matter of tho corporation
scheme, selling by a large interest, and the
forcing of a large block, of tbe stock upon the
market by tigbt money, but wliilo many of
these were contradicted, others were leffwith
out an answer.
Tho stock opened at VM against 41 Ji last
evening, and was forced off bv tbe sales of tho
traders to about 40, from which It had a slight
recovery. The real selling of the day then be
gan and its price was soon dropped to 38, but
there was only a momentary halt and later it
dropped to 3 the lowest of the year. The
denials of the rumors made themselves felt at
this point, but the selling seemed to have ex
hausted itself and la material rally occurred,
bringing it np to 3 while the close was made
at 38. Of the other trusts Lead was quiet and
comparatively well held, but Sugar weakened
and declined to 71K, rallying fractionally at the
Among the listed stocks there was no move
ment of importance except the sharp advance
of nearly 4 per cent in Tennessee Coal in tne
forenoon and smaller gains In Denver, Texas
and Ft. Worth, and a decline in Lake Erie and
Western preferred. The trading in the regu
lar list was confined almost entirely to tbe
traders, and the fluctuations with the few ex
ceptions noted were for the smallest fractions,
and while there was a generalupward tendency
exhibited it was held in check by the weakness
in the trusts.
Tbe close was generally dull bnt firm at close
to the opening prices. For the first time in
many months the transactions in listed stocks
fell below those in the unlisted department,
and while the former aggregated only 140,408
shares the latter reached 144,304, of which Cot
ton Oil furnished 114.065. Of the stocks of tbe
regular list only four or five reached five
figures. Advances are in a majority this even
ing, but the final gain of 3 per cent in Ten
nessee coal is the onlv one of importance,
while Cotton Oil is down 3 and Sugar 1.
The railroad bond market was quiet to dull
to-day, tbe sales of all issues reaching only
$1,072,000, of which the Gulf. Colorado and
Santa Fe 6s furnished S14Z000. Tbe market
, was without general feature.
xne votvi financial article says: Xbe move
ments of tbe prices of tbe various groups of
stocks in the last week are worth considering
as a clear index of the market tc-dav. It is a
noticeable fact that notwithstanding all the
rumors and telegraphic reports from Chicago
inisnueu, or ac least expected, to innuence tne
prices of the Granger stocks, they are almost
unchanged, and at 12 o'clock to-day North
western, Burlington, Rock Island, St. Paul and
Atchison were none of them over away from
their prices at 12 o'clock on Thursday, tbe 24tb,
but Missouri Pacific, Union Pacific, Northern
Pacific preferred, Lake Shore and Canada
Southern were all from 11 higher, Michl-
fan Central 4Vi higher and Denver, Texas and
ort Worth 3K higher. On the other hand,
Jersey Central, Lackawanna and Delaware and
Hudson were all from Kl per cent lower, and
Beading lower.
The circumstances which are causing the
different tendencies ot prices of the different
groups are entirely separate and distinct from
tbe question of the money market, which is no
longer an important factor in the stock market.
In the territory west of Chicago it is apparent
that a new experiment is abont to be tried In
the practical consolidation of the operation of
heretofore antagonistic lines, and In view of
this speculation in the Granger stocks waits
for the results. The Vanderbilt Eastern lines,
however, will unquestionably be benefited, and
as they are all doing remarkably well anyhow,
Europe invests in tbem. Those who profess to
know something of tbe character of the con
tract made between the Union Pacific and the
Northwestern understand that it will result in
the operation of the two systems in tbe same
I manner as tbe New York Central and the Lake
onore are operaiea. xuis is ine joint nse ox
rolling stock (except locomotives) for through
freight and passenger trains without transfers,
the entire length of the lines of both com
panies. This is in fact operating as one system,
except for the local bnslness, which is in no
way affected.
The roliowinc tame snows tne prices oractlve
stocks on the New York Stock Exenange yester
day. Corrected dally Tor TBI DISPATCH by
WiimJET A Stxfheheoh, oldest Pittsburg mem
bers of New xorx Stoex Exchange, 57 lrourth ave
nue: Clos
ing Hid.
Am. Cotton Oil 41K
At en.. Top.As. F.. 31
Canadian Paclflc- 69
Canada Southern ui
Central of Hew Jersey. m
Central l'aelnc
Chesapeake A Ohio.... 25
C. Bur. A Onlt.cT.....106K
a. Mil. S St. ful.... OH
C Mll.Abt. if., pr... 113
a. itocxL ir 93K
c. at. l. & ntu
C St. L. & Pitts, pf.
(i. 3t. P..M. to
C M.P..M.AO., pr. ...
a Northwestern 1X1
C. 4 Morth western, pr. ....
C, C, C. 1 14)i
a, a. o. al, pr
Col. Coal A iron
Dei., L. AW 140K
Del. A Hudson 14
est. 31H
U2 112
75" iili
ueavera aio tr
K.T.. Vs,4Ua 10X
E.T..VS. AGs. 1st pf. ....
K.I.. Va.AOa.Zdpr. ....
Lake Erie A Western
Lake Krle A West. pr.. 04
Lake Shore AM. S VB
Louisville A Nashville, olh
Michigan central 96K
MoblleA Ohio
Mo.. Kan. A Texas.... Wi
JllMonrl faolfle TOX
New JTorx Central 108
. X.. ii. .EVA W 2H
a. .. c. a st. ti i;
. r C, A 8t, L. pf.. .. .
-V.i.. C. A8t.L.2dpf 3SX
A. V., O. A W MM
AorfblkA Western.... 19
Norfolk Western. pf. KJfcJ
Northern Pacific 3Ui
-Nortnern r'aclno oref. JS
Ohio A Mississippi..-,.. KK
Oregon Improvement. -.
Oregon Transcon 33
PacincMall EX
Peo. Dec. A Kvans.
PhlladeL A Heading.. 42J
Pullman Palace Car... ....
Rlchmona A W. P. T 23
Klchmond A W.P.T.nr 80
St. P., Minn. A Man .V6H
st.Ij.ASan Fran
St. L. A San Fran pf.. 533f
at.L. A BSnF.litpf.
Texas Paclflo 20)$
Union I'aclttc 67
Wabaan... Uti
Wabash preferred l
Western Union. 84
Wheeling A L. . 70X
Sugar Trust 73V
National Lead Trust.. J15
Chicago u&s frost.... a)i
im io;:
63 If
14 "a
The Supposed Tascott Will Serve a Term
Upon Bis Own Account.
'Philadelphia, October 31. Albert
Sutherland, the young criminal who re
cently gained considerable notoriety be
cause of his resemblance to Tasoott, the
murderer of Millionaire Snell, of Chicago,
was given another bearing in a magistrate's
court to-day on charges of passing forged
checks for various amounts on trades
men in this city. J. E. "Wood, gen
eral passenger agent of the Penn
sylvania Eailroad Company, was tbe
principal witness against him, four
checks bearing that gentleman's name hav
ing been passed fay Sutherland. The court
room was packed to suffocation with curi
osity seekers anxious to catch a glimpse of
the criminal. The magistrate held Suther
land in $3,800 bail on five charges.
Word was received here to-day from
Buffalo that Sutherland is wanted in that
city ior passing forged checks, etc., and
Detective Wood says that information in
his possession leads him to believe that the
man is wanted in many other cities on the
same charge. The prisoner to-day told the
chief something of his family history. He
says his name is. Will A. Brown and he isn
son of James A. Brown, a Chicago rsilroad
masr. He says his father bad secured his
release from tbe Columbus penitentiary on
a pardon from Governor Foraker and sent
him West to look after some mining inter
ests. Thv young man soon tired of West
ern life and at the first' opportaaity be raa
away ud omh Xatt.
Fourth avenue.
w .. -"
First Carload of Fjorida Oranges Tbk
'Season Appears.
No Let-Up to Cereal Beceipts, and Markets
Are Drooping;.
Office of PrTTSBTrBo Dispatch, (
ThtjbSday. October31, 1868, J
Country Produce Jobbln Prices.
The first carload of Florida oranges put in
their appearance yesterday. The load con
tained 300 boxes. Ireland and Italy join in
these first fruits of tbe Florida crop, the goods
being handled by Messrs. McGowan and Des
calzi. Beceipts of potatoes are not quite so
heavy as they have been for a week past, and
the downward drift has beeqarrested. Dairy
products present no new features. Creamery
bntter and everything in tbe choice line are
quiet. Trade is slower and volnme of goods
handled smaller this week than for a month
past. Eggs are very firm at quotations. Sup
ply of dressed poultry is scarcely np to demand
and prices are firmer. Bweet potatoes are very
firm at quotations. Grapes are growing scarce,
and their day will soon be over. Fancy apples
are looking np as grapes decline. Tbere Is an
active demand for nuts, giving evidence that
Halloween is here.
Bdttkb Creamery, Elgin,r2526c; Ohio do,
242oc; fresh dairy packed, 2123c; country
rolls. 1920c
Beans Navy hand-picked beans, $2 2532 40;
medium. $2 S02 4a
Beeswax 2S30c 51 lb for choice; low grade,
Cider Sand refined,- $6 S07 50; common,
$3 G04 00; crab cider. S3 00&8 53 ?) barrel;
cider vinegar. 10012c f) gallon.
Chestnuts $5 005 GO per bushel; walnuts,
60075c a busheL
Cheese Ohio, llllc; New York, like; I
Limburger. Sllc; domestic Sweitzer, 110 1
uc: lmportea aweitzer, mc
LOGS 2223c dozen for strictly fresh.
Fruits Apples, $2 0003 CO ft barrel: grapes.
Concords, 4O045e a basket; Bartlett pears. So $
barrel; quinces, S67 50 fl barrel; cranberries.
Jerseys, 32 GO If) bushel box; Cape Cods, box, $2 75
133 CO; Malaga grapes, large barrel, S3.
Leathers Extra live cocse. 5060c; No. 1,
do. 4015e; mixed lots, 3U3oc V a.
Potjltby Live chickens, 6070o w pain old,
6570c ty pair; live turkeys, 1214c ?l pound.
SEEDS Clover, Choice, 62 9s to bushel, $5 009
5 25 bushel; clover, large English, 62 As, $5 60;
clover, Alsfke, S3 00; clover, white, $9 CO; timo
thy, choice, 45 lis, $1 60; blue grass, extra
clean, 14 fts. 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 fts, $1 00;
orchard grass, 14 fts, SI 65; red top, 14 fts, $1 26;
millet, 60 lbs, $1 00; German millet. 60 fts, $1 60:
Hungarian grass, GO fts, $1 CO: lawn grass,
mixture ot fine grasses, $2 60 V bushel of 1
TiXMT-Country, 4)c; city rendered, 4
Tropica!, Fruits Lemons, common, SB GO
4 00; fancy. S4 005 00; oranges. $4 G095 CO;
bananas, $2 00 firsts, $1 50 good seconds, ft
hunch; cocoanuts, $4 001 50 fl hundred; figs,
89c ft; dates, 56Kc. ft; newlayerflgs,
llK16Kc: new dates, 7&C W ft.
Vegetables Potatoes, from store, 60855c:
on track, 4550c: tomatoes, 75c$l fl bnshel;
wax beans,, 7oc fl bushel; green beans, 40950c
fl bushel; cabbages. $4 0O5 00 a hundred;
celery, 40c fl dozen; Southern sweet potatoes,
$2 252 GO; Jerseys, $3 G03 75; turnips, $1 75
2 00 a barrel; onions, $2 a barrel.
Queen- Coffee Fancy Bio. 22828Ker
choice Bio, 2021Kc; prime Rio. 20c; low grade
Rio, 1819Kc: old Government Java, 27c; Mar
acaibo, 2324c; Mocha, 28g29c; Santos, 200
23Xc: Caracas. 2123c; peaberry. Bio, 2328Xc;
L (inayra, 22023a
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands,
23c; high grades, 24K2SKc: old Govern
ment Java, bulk, 3132c; Maracaibo, 260
27e: Santos, 2227Vc; peaberry, 2Sc; choice
Rio, 24c; prime Rio, 22c; tsod Rio, 2fKc; ordi
nary, 20c
SPICES (whole Cloves, 19020c: allspice, 10c;
cassia, 8c; pepper, 17c; nutmeg, 70080.
Petroleum (jobbers prices) 110 test, 7c;
Ohio, 120, 8Kc; headlignt. 150, 8Kc; water
white, 10c; globe. 1414Kc; elalne, 14c; car
nadine, IlKc; royaline, 14c: globe red oil, 110
Minees' Oil No. I winter strained, GO052o
fl gallon. Lard oil, 70c.
Stbttps Corn syrups, 27030c; choice sugar
syrups, 33Q3&.; prime sngar syrup, 30038c;
strictly.pnme, 3335c;new maple syrup. 90c.
N. O. 'JIqlabseb Fancy, 43c;' choice, 46c;
medium, 43c; mixed, 4042c; choice new crop,
SODA Bl-carb in kegs, 3Kc; bi-carb in Ks,
6c; bi-carb, assorted packages, S6c; sal
soda in kegs, lc; do granulated. 2c
CANDLES Star, full weight, 9c; stearine, fl
set, 8c; paraffine, ll12c.
Bice Head, Carolina. 67c: choice, 60
6Vc; prime, 56c: Louisiana, 56Vc.
Staech FearL 2c; cornstarch, 66c; gloss
starch, 47c,
Fobeioh FBcrrs Layer raisins, (2 65; Lon
don layers. S3 75; California London layers,
S3 75: Muscatels. S2 25; California Muscatels.
SI 85; Valencia. 7c; Ondara Valencia, 808f c;
sultana, 9Kc; currants, 65c; Turkey prunes,
45c; French prunes, bSSKc: Salonica
prunes, in 2-ft packages, 8c; cocoanuts, fl 100,
S6 00; almonds, Lan., fl ft, 20c: do, Ivica, 19c;
do, shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., 1215c; Sicily
filberts, 12c: Smyrna figs. 13014cj new dates,
606Kcr Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans, ll15c; citron,
fl lb, 1920c; lemon peel. 5) B, 15c; orange peel,
Deled Fauns Apples, sliced, per ft, 6c,
apples, evaporated, 9c; apricots, Califor
nia, evaporated, HK16c; peaches, evaporated,
pared, 2628c: peaches. California, evaporated,
unnared, 1921c; cherries, pitted, 13K014KC;
cherries, nnnitted. 5S6c: raspberries, evanor.
ated. 25J26Vc; blackberries, 7i8c; huckle
berries. lOaiic
Stqabs Cubes, 7c; powdered, 7?fc; granu
lated, 7Vcr confectioners' A, TKc; standard A,
7Kc; soft whites, 606c; yellow, choice, 60
6c: yellow, good, 6H6c: yellow, fair, 6c;
yellow, dark, b,c
Pickles Medium bbls (L200), S5 GO; medi
um, half bbls (600), S3 25.
Salt-No, L ft bbl, 95c: No. 1 ex. ft bbl, SI 05;
dairy, fl bbl, SI 20, coarse crystal, fl bbL 81 20;
Higglns' Eureka, 4-bn sacks, S3 80: Higgins'
Eureka, 16-14 & pockets, S3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches. SS 260
2 60;2ds, SI 051 80: extra peaches. S2 4002 60,
pie peaches, 05c: finest corn, SI O0l GO; Hid. Co:
corn. 7090c; red cherries 90cSl: Lima beans.
SI 20; soaked do, 85c; string do, 60065c: mar
rowfat peas, SI 101 15; soaked peas, 70075c;
pineapples, SI iOl 50; Bahama do, 12 75; dam
son plums, 95c; greengages, SI 25; egg plums, S2;
California pears, S3 50; do greengage, SI 8.5; do.
egg plums, SI 85; extsk white cherries, S2 40; red
cherries. 2' As. 80c: raspberries, tl5cSl 10;
strawberries, SI 10; gooseberries, SI 3001 40;
tomatoes, 85S0c; salmon, 1-B, SI 6501 90;
blackberries, 65c: succntasll, 2-B cans, soaked;
wciuo green. 2 , zo 1 w; corn oeei, 2-B
cans, 2 05; 14-ft cans, S14 00: baked beans, SI 45
01 50; lobster, 1-ft. SI 751 80: mackerel l
cans, broiled, SI GO; saraines, domestic, yu,
S4 254 GO; sardines, domestic, lis. 57 237 60;
sardines, imported, lis, SU G012 GO; sardines,
imported, s, SIS; sardines, mustard, S8 SO;
sardines, spiced. S3 GO.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel. $96 fl
bbl.: extra Naldo. mess, HO; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, S32; extra No. 1 do, messed,
S36; No. 2 shore mackerel, S24. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4c fl A; do medium, George's cod.
6c; do large, 7c; boOeless bake, in strips, 6c; do
George's co'd In blocks, 6J7Xc Herring
Round shojgff 60 fl bbl; split, J6 60; lake,
S2 75 yUSJifnaU bbl. White fisb, M 00 ?l 100
B half HKake trout, So 50 fl half bbL Fin
nan hadSElL 10c ) ft. Iceland halibut. 13c V.
Jb.. Pickerel, ii bbl, S2 00; Jibbl.Sl 10; Poto
mac bernng, to 00 fl 001. w &u Ji 0
OATMEAL-J6 008 25 If) bbl.
Grnln, Flour and Feed.
Markets have developed no new features
since our last report, but are certainly no
stronger. Since the railroad blockade was
broken, oats and hay are coming in more freely
than Is desirable, and unless there is a letup
soon to receipts, our markets will be In tbe
situation of a certain rich man, who once said:
"I have no room to bestow my fruits and goods.
I will -pull dpwn my barns and build
greater." Total receipts as bulletined at the
Grain Exchange, 60 cars. By Pittsburg, Cin
cinnati and St Louis, S cars of corn, 7 of oats,
1 of flour, 1 of wheat, 7 of hay, 2 of barley, 1 of
mtllfeed. By Pittsburg; Ft. Wayne and Chi
cago,! car or wheat, 2 ot bay, 2 of corn. 6 of
oats, 7 at flour, 1 ot bran and middlings,
1 of bran. By Baltimore and Ohio, 1 car
of bran, 1 of oats? By Pittsburg and Lak$
Erie, 1 ear hay, lqf bran, 1 of rye. By Pitts
burg and Western, 1 car of flour and feed, 1 of
hav. There were no sales on call.
Prices below are for carload lots on track;
Wheat NewNo. 2 red, 89tJ83c; No. 3, 78
80c ,
COBHf-No. 2 yellow, ear. t3gc: high mixed,
ear, 40ilc: No. 2 yellow.skelled, at39Kc: high
mixed, shelled, 5838Kc; mixed, shelled, S7
Oats NO. 2 white. 27827c: extra. No. 8,
25KS26C: mixed, 23K82IC.
Rte No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 880610
No. 1. -Western, NWi new rye, No.' 2 Ohio,
loub JobbHHt tvriees Fmmt wteter and
sprine patents, 96 0006 SO; winter straight,
S4 230J 66: clear winter, H 0001 2k atraCdit
XXXX bakers', 18 5006 75. Rye flour, 18 1)0
4 75.
Mri.LTMB-MldM?tjs, ttee wUJc IH
er wheat bran, SU SSgll 75; chop feed, 1S 50
846 08.
SAT Baled timothy. No. L SU G&SI2 Ofl;
N o. 2 do. 810 09 11 OS; loose from wagon. $11 00
iio vu. acenrarng to quality; no. a prairie
$7 7536 60; packlag do.
Straw Oats. tst 08r wnet na rr
straw. $4 0696 25.
PravlaJoas. ,
Sugar-cured ham, large, lOJfc; angar-cured
hams, medium, llc; sugar-cured hams, small
U?cr sugar-cured breakfast bacon. 10c; sugar.
cured shoulders. 6c; sugar-cured, boneless
Shoulders. 7c: suzar-cured California ham- 7c-
1 sugar-enred dried beef flats, SJicj sugar-cured
uticu ucei ew, xuftc; sugar-curea anea peel
rounds, lZKc: bacon shoulders. 5c bacon
clear sides. 7Kc; bacon clear bellies, TKc: dry
salt shoulders, 6Hc; dry salt clear sides, 7c,
Mess pork, heavy. $11 o0; mess pork, family.
$12 00. Lard Beflned, in tierces. OKc: half
barrels, 6c; 60-ft tnba. 6c; 20-ft pails, 7c; 50
ft tin cans. 6c; 3-ft tis pails. c; 6-ft tin
Sails; 7c; 10-ft tin palls, 6c; 5-ft tin pails. 7c; 10
1 tin palls, 7c Smoked sausage, long, 5c;
targe, or. uresa porx unxs, vc .Boneless
hams,10Kc. Pigs feet, half barrel, H 00; quar
ter barrel, $3 15.
Dressed Mer.
' Armopr & Co. furnished the following prices
on dressed meats: Beef carcasses 450 to 550 fts,
6c; 550 to 650 fts. 6c; 660 to 750 fts. 607c.
Sheep, 8c fl ft. Lambs, So fl ft. Hogs, 6K&
Fresh pork loins, Sc.
Real estate dealers and agents continue to
report a good inquiry for nearly all descrip
tions of property.
According to advices sent to London yes
terday it is not unlikely that the big bnying
movement in Union Pacific and Lake Shore
properties will be started from that side.
At the rate Philadelphia Gas stock ad
vanced yesterday. It will net take it long to get
back to its old position.
A Smtthfleld streetrestamrant commenced
business yesterday morning with 175 pies, and
sold out before 3 o'clock. Thepia Industry,
"which is peculiar to this country, holds its own
in Pittsburg at least.
The white stone front of the Keystone
Bank's new buildine is now being put in, and
enough ot it Is up to show that it will compare
favorably with the best architectural designs
on our local Wall street
The sale by Ewine 4 Byers of 86 acres near
Fleming Park for sub-division will be a strong
factor in opening np and calling attention to
that district, which Is equal in natural attrac
tions and advantages to any around the city.
It was reported yesterday that seven or
elcht acres of eround on Forbes street. Twentv-
second ward, near Judge Magee's, bad been
sold for the Chambers estate for S60.000. In-
Sulry was made of the agents, W. A. Herron &
ota, but they would neither confirm nor deny
the report.
At Mr. J. D. Bailey's auction sale of stocks and
bonds yesterday GOO shares of Citizens' Insur
ance Company sold at S3!, and 100 shares Monon
eabela Insurance at S35. A42,500 mortgage on
No. 16 Penn avenne brougnt par and interest.
There was no demand foraSGOO bond of tbe
Pittsburg Driving Park. Uonongahela Navi
gation Company, Mechanics street bridge and
Commercial National Bank brought abont the
market price.
A Fottbtk avenue real estate agent remarked
yesterday: "It Is funny to see real estate agents
sometimes acting as It they owned their cus
tomers or anyone who speaks to them about
purchasing property. I often see agent get
angry and abuse men for not acting on tbe
square, their only offense being that they can
not suit themselves and go elsewhere to-buy.
It is absurd for an agent to think because a
person comes in to make Inquiry about a prop-"
erty that he (tbe agent) has a patent right on
the inquirer touching any and every other prop
erty. I often show men property, bnt can't suit
them, and they finally buy of Some other
When baby was tick, we gave her CastorU,
When she ws a Child, she cried for Caatorla,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children.she gave tfaea CastorU
Transact a GeieratlMisf Mm.
Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letters
of Credit, for nse of travelers, and Commer
cial Credits,
in sterling;
Available ia all paits of the world. Alee burnt
For nse in this country, Canada, Meiko, Wee
Indies, South and Central America.
This is now conceded to be the best la the
market, is witnessed by the fact that we have
just secured the DIPLOMA. FOR EXCEL
LENCE at the Pure Food Exposition, sow be
ing held in Philadelphia.
And. with the bright appetising flavor of free
ly roasted beef;
Jj5-19-HWJr 1
Residing at Apollo, aad forewia of a see
Hon c-f tbe "West Pood Railroad, having a
large number of sea la his charge, has for
many years bees a great sufferer from
Catarrh of tbe Stomach and a diseased con
dition of the liver. His stomach gave hla
much paia and it felt sore oa preseare. His
bowels were constipated, and he had a very
dark, sallow complexion. He had no ap
petite, and what little food be did eat seemed
to do .tlm no good, for he sad a sick,
nauseous feeling after eating. In fet th
yery sight of" food would often make him
sick,at the stomach. He had a, dall paia.
over his eyes.' He could not sleep, and h
was always tired, aad more so oa getting ap
in the morning than when he west to bed.
As the disease ezteaied to his throat aad
lungs he did much hawking aad ssrfHiag aad
he felt a weight and pressure ia kU loogc
It was while Ja this conditio that beeea
sulted the PhysiciaBS ef the Catatrh aad
Dyspepsia Institate, at 338 Pea a arenas,
who told him he coatd yet he cered.
Although he said he had already treated
with fiiteea doctors, receiving no aenaaaMt
benefit, and had bat little laltn, h besa-
treatment. ui tne reeait a says:
"M) d&ease was of 18 years stamliw. I
sow feel like a sew asaa. I hava goed
appetite, sleep well, feel reeUd ja tka asora-;
in 7 and am clad to State that I hava llm aarMl
of alt tbe above oonititioM by tb FhssMatM
ot the Catarrh aad Dyspepsia IssUtats,
Mr. Xaakla it well knwa aessaa; raflraaeT,
men la Allegheny aad Arasetroac seiatlaa.
The Catarrh and Dyspspsta- lssthaaa is as
maaeatly laeatadatasa Psaaa av, far taw esow
OsasatSaMssi me. OSVns aossxa A. JC aii
FJcht ve.-.rs in cancer came OBI
lip. It toot off my under lip from osMe s
the otber, and down to my caln. I had it
treated by burning, and got so weak taat Jam
not think that I could stand it much Iobsmk
After much suffering I discarded aJIoM .
treatment, and began taking. Swift's Sv. ;
and the cancer soon began to heal, aad aa
short time It was completely healed andlwsx
entirely well. It Is now over three years sine
I got well, and there has) been no slum of jwt
return of the disease. I know it was cancer .,
and I know It was cured alone by 8. H.RT '' "
E. V. FX2BAND. RustOB, La.' -7
Treatise on Cancermailed.freeu
The Swift Specific CoCrawer 3, Atlaata, ' '
Ga. anlS-GcVsnrr. -i
Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbersof
Special offerings this week 1st
and sea da
whoIesaleTxclusivilY :
Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. TlMasL
Morgan fc Col, New York. Passports prceaMst,
ap28-l -
' "itii
w - ...... w w- V-- Z.3
Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Petroleum. ,
Private wire to New York and Chloif.
r J-.-S! 1
46 SIXTH ST.? Pittsburg. ' fi'M
As old resident know and back alee of
burg papers prove. Is too oldest
ana most pro
'voting special
XTom respon
sible persons
wwnNBBK, it ry-fcTy
..--- v, ,-.ai
Attention to MX c&rwtio mm T J?
NERVOUS decan nervous debUlty.lsSRt-'
energy; ambition and hope. Impaired mmmmm,.
disordered signt, self distrust, bnshfalsssssy a
rliTiilnriw. iTriilnsncM, pimples fiTjitlosM. tss- -poverlshed
blood, falllig powtrs.orgasrte wvstk
ness, dyspepsia, constipMian, conanisipssesi, iMt
fitting the person for basicesie.society astdsassf
riage. permanently, safely and privately owvsL .
blOod and skinI24j
Motches, farting hair, booee, patea, bSjmshMB -.
sweuuigs, aicenuuus ui WDgaiLHinw, sswasssk
ulcers, old sores, are cured, for life, aacL Mdtl ,i
poisons tnorougniy eraaicateairozBUM
IIDII.ID kidnevasd btedsVsc: i
Unllinn I rments, weak back, gsw
tarrhal discharges, inflamaatiosi ami.
pamim symptoms receive searcniBg n
prompt relief and real cares.
Dr. Whittlet's life-long, exteaetow
ence, insures saeenie ane.ren3
on common-sense pnncipies, uob
Patients at a dietasce as oarsf sdly
neve, untce nours wax. sosf.
10A.JT.tolp.JL only. DR.W.
-ena avenue, i-itterrurg, ra
How Lost! How Re
"XOB3BI sBoxaBDrcxssr c
.l.T ...V... W
ktro42tiU4ui Aiwta, mrfiummivrvf uij JUgs
sno rnysioai vtatrnj, impnnua or tninsaasa,
Kesalttng from Folly, Vice, Ignortn
oeeses. or Overtaxation, Enervatincaa
ting the victim for Worv Business, a
riage or Social Relations.
Avoid unskillful pretenders. "Posss
great work. It contain 3W pacas. sag
Beautiful binding; embossed, M gU.
only t oy mail, posrpata, oeaeesiasi
wrapper, illustrative prospeesnapi
appty now. 1 ae oistiBfamwa aas
ELED MEDAL from Mm Sttff
seeiotiM, r tills PWZE EW9MTT
1 asar m
corps of Assistant Physlotsms
suited. condHtiwiy. of iw 1
tbe oflce of THE PCAMOV
8TITUTE. Ne. 4 lahfaeli W.. Is
whom all orderrffor1 books or letteia
should be directed as above-
man vrwom.
TUl DartlettUrs 1
sent fxee The oew
Bpedflc sold by dram MS
vellow wrsnBer. Prls.
package, orJlsferSk or)
oa receiDt or "snee. s
- ff,n .uiv uv...-&r. . n-
Sold loPlttsbarg by 8.3. JKILLAJIB,
osBiwiusia aBu jjioeny sc
qulrins: seltntlne aMI
tki treatamt! Dr. S. 1
M. R.C.P, Sista.
mow enacttaeea
the city. Coaaoltai
strlctlr ' oobMmM
lMwvarta4aBd7to 8r-X.:l
v.rTilt ttuwn nroHr. otr
hxxx. 398 Peas avsn PJssrtMgj Ps
eia-lt-owic !
' Otrvbaaa
of ootto:
anaUrf Tdlav. ftilr TOUT
r aAL . .mbsamwkI sa,M.4
orH laakwe t staaps for MklMt
Loswn ninn, ihiiijuuliu awat.
kssa poms LiXI.coai
Soak, Woodward "-,
40-Sold Iiv"?lrtsbrtPa.rJnsjSs ;
Jtif isoo,DUBiondaodjBarkrsB, m
iVbtd physlelan.
ssfltitlsW-aaia. BSectaaL
rlnsss? &
r i$tri
-,. i-i A .-. ,-. w "