J84KS V h -4 Hie IW4 ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY 8, 1848. VoLK Jo.:S7. -Entered at Pittsburg Fostofflce, 'ovember II, JSS7, u second-class matter. Business Offlce--97 and 99 Fifth Avenue. News Booms andPubllshlngHouse 75, . 77 and 79 Diamond Street. Eastern Advertising OBce, Boom 4S, Tribune Building, IvewYorfc, Average net circulation of the dally edition of THE DisrATCH for six months ending September hp? rV0, 1S59, as sworn to before City Controller, 30,095 Copies per Issue. Average net circulation of the Sunday edition of The DisrjLTca for four months ending Bestem berSi 1SS3. 54,188 Copies per Issue. TERMS OF THE DISPATCH. POSTAGE TBXI IX TEX CTOTXS ETiXEg. Daily Dispatch, One Tear f 8 00 Dan.TDlsr.aTCR, Per Quarter 200 Dailt Dispatch, One .Month 70 Dailt Dispatch, Including Sunday, lyear. 10 CO daily Dispatch, Including Sunday, Sm'ths. : so DAn,TDlsrATCH,lncludlngSunday,lmontb. SO SOXday Dispatcii, One Year 2 SO Weekly Dispatch, One Year IS The Dailt Dispatch Is delivered by carriers at ISeents per week, or lncludlns Sunday edition, at lOcents per week. PITTSBURG, FRIDAY, KOV. 1, 18S9. HALLOWEEK. Halloween has not much chance in the days of natural gas, electricity and general education. The supernatural is rather at a discount even with the youngsters of this generation. There is not so much looking under the bed, and into dark cupboards, for the man who is seldom or never there, and ghosts are not so plentiful as they used to be even in graveyards and empty houses. And Halloween without the eerie associa tions it once possessed is dropping into de cay. Small boys contrive to make the night horrible with horns. They carry off the gates of the unwary, and in some places make the night a wintry edition of the Fourth of July with fire crackers. Bat the romance of the evening lingers in but a few nooks. Barns would not know our Halloween, and the precious girls very likely would take kindly enough to a revival of the old superstitions of which the Scotch poet wrote no vividly. For the truth is that if this New "World has forgotten a good deal that the Old taught it the difficulty of getting husbands stands before the maidens of to day as large and ugly as it ever did. Halloween with its mirthful nostrums for unmarried lasses might have a full welcome if the latter could be persuaded that a sav ing power lay in popping nuts upon the grate, or in eating an apple before the look ing class. "We are so practical nowadays. To win hearty effort from the youngest and lustiest the matter in hand must have some definite end in view. Tbe gentry in knickerbockers and kilts and the ladies in short frocks want to know the reason why tor everything. Tbe brownies charm the babes in tbe pages of SL Nicholas, bnt where is the American infant who believes the fairies tread the rings upon the grass, drink dew from flower bells and feast on butterflies' wings and rose leaves, with a toadstool for a banquet table? That's why the quaint old fables of Halloween have lost their hold upon us. GET READY FOR WINTER. This is a seasonable time to give the streets in the older wards of the city a general cleaning up, and to push the work on those which are being built in the suburban quarters. Soon the frosts of winter will be setting their seal on the urban landscape. So far, the enormous operations in the build ing Of houses, of street car tracks, of sewers, and of gas lines have made it next to im possible to keep the highways and the bye ways clean or neat Bnt the imperative con siderations of health and comfort call for all possible expedition now on the part of con tractors and of the highway department That Baltimore man who lately volun teered a severe criticism on Pittsburg for its uncouth exterior, did not take into account the fact that this'city has for several years jjast been virtually in process of reconstruc tion. Still there is a measure of cleanliness and neatness possible even under those con ditions; and with winter coming on the authorities should reach out for it right quickly. CLASS DISTIHCTIOKS. The persistent survival of class distinc tions has just had a marked illustration in a New Jersey manufacturing town. The elite dancing class was recently organized there; and the "elite" are discovered in the progress of the story to consist of the clerks, male and female, of the retail stores of the town. In order to keep the select circle sacred from the intrusion of the vulgar herd, a rule was adopted that no factory girl should be allowed to join. But the New Jersey factory girl is a power In the land, and having heard of the rule she proceeded to make things lively for the elite. She ad vertised a boycott for the stores in which the aristocratic members of the dancing class sold drygoods and notions, and the conse quence is that some of the exclusive set have lost their situations through the desire of the store-keepers to keep the trade of the factory girls. The whole thing sounds rather ridiculous, but is it any more so than the other class distinction of which we hear so much? Have not the shop girls as good a founda- "T, tion for drawing the line between them- - ' selvesand thefactory girls, as the people wbo have grandfathers have for ruling out those whose grand-paternal relations are obscure? Why shall not the Clara Vere de Veres of - the ribbon counter hold themselves aloof ""from the rotnrier factory girl, as strictly as the lordly daughter of petroleum and bon- """ anxas does from theordinary young woman of the land? We protest that the shop && girls have as good a right to be exclusive a as anyone else; reserving of course an , equal right of the factory girl to raise a w tow about it Nevertheless we can hardly approve ot the importation of the boycott into the $ quarrel. Alio wrauuui wciory gins snouia have contented themselves with turning up their noses at their haughty rivals and start ing a dancing club of their own which should eclipse the exclusive shop girls' in social brilliance. COOLEY S PYRAMID. We do not proiess to understand why Minneapolis did not put in a claim for the World's Fair of 1892. A splendid chance to exalt herself has been lost to the modest Tival of St. PauL Bnt George W. Cooley, 'formerly City Engineer of Minneapolis, has come to the rescue of that place with a little design for s structure which he proposes shall be erected on the grounds of the i World' Fair. When nlans are to be on a mammoth scale .Minneapolis ),placo to go to. .Talk and architecture 1 1 !.-; ', there are always talL Everything has to be big bigger than anything St. Paul has, of course, be it a beer saloon or a directory in Minneapolis. Consequently we are not surprised to hear that Mr. George. "Washington Cooley has designed a monument for the World's Fair that double discounts the Eiffel tower and threatens the 'supremacy of the pyramid of Cheops. He wants a pyramid with a cas tellated apex, sprinkled with heroic statnes of Washington, Columbus, Mr. Harrison and some other man whom his native mod esty presents Mr. Cooley from mentioning, bat whom we have no hesitancy in declaring to be the illustrious ex-City Engineer him self. The pyramid is to be built of granite, but the model of it will be made of brass, which is so cheap in Minneapolis. It will be a chaste thing this creation of Mr. Cooky's Minnesotan imagination, when it is built The birds of the air will forsake the neighborhood of the pyramid when it is built In fact, the world is in danger of flying off its axis, when the pyramid is built Yet the toy would be cheap only one hundred and seventy-five millions of dollars, that is alL They call the designer Mr. Cooley. He deserves the name. POLITICAL BEIOANDS. The law which forbids the levying of as sessments for political purposes upon offi cials in the Departments of the Federal Government is not at all ambiguous. It says plainly that such assessments are illegal, and that those who levy them are liable to certain penalties and pains. Civil Service Commissioner Theodore Boosevelt stated yesterday equally plainly that he and his brethren on the commission intended to enforce the law without fear or favor. With Mr. Boosevelt's political career before us we should have been surprised and disappointed if he had been ambiguous or hesitating upon this question. His duty is plain; we are glad, but not astonished that he means to do it The agents of Mahone, 'the Old Dominion Republican League, do not scruple to openly assert their contempt for the law. They say that they have made the assess ments and intend to collect the money to-day. Nobody can accuse them of evad ing the issue, or shirking the responsibility. On the other hand the Civil Service Com mission have plainly indicated their inten tion of bringing the Bepublican Leaguers of Virginia to justice. It promises to be an ex emplary case. The Dispatch believes the provisions of the law which covers this offending to be for the best interests of the Bepublic in the main. The outrage upon it in this in stance is bold and unblushing. The men who have planned and propose to perpetrate it seem to invite a conflict in the courts. The commission is willing to accommodate them, and we shall look for the outcome with great interest The law of the land is in danger if a portion of it can be so brazenly defied with impunity. THE WAY OF HEALTH. Onr fair and enterprising cotemporary, Miss Nellie Bly, has been trying hard to catch some New York doctors tripping. Sbe consulted seven of them with a view to curing the headaches from which she suffered. The doctors ascribed the head ache to different causes, and gave her pre scriptions which resembled each other radi cally. Of course Nelly Bly's object was to show how doctois disagree. Her amusing article, however, demonstrates a great deal more emohaticallv the extravagant charac ter of what the public expects from doctors. 1 As a general rule a man and still more a woman tells as little as possible to the doctor. The patient, from all sorts of reasons, is averse to giving the doctor a full and absolutely truthful account of his life, his habits and indulgences. He may be voluble enough as to symptoms, but he usually refuses to throw light upon the anterior data which would aid the physician amazingly in his diagnosis. In fact the public endows the doctor with miraculous and supernatural powers and Quarrels with him because his opera tions are entirely within human limits. There are doctors who encourage their pa tients in attributing a sort of magic art to their prescriptions. Such practitioners are happily few in number. The doctor onght to be the father con fessor as well as the physician ot his flock. Everyone who expects to reap real and lasting benefit from his physician's minis trations must trust him implicitly and afford him every facility to know his, the patient's, bodily life. Doctors would be far more successful, and death would not dance so often if this simple rule of perfect confi dence between doctor and patient were ob served. But after all to a very great extent in life the advice given by an anonymous writer three hundred years ago is a good Regimen Sanitatis: Use three physicians: Still first Dr. Quiet, Next Dr. Merryman, And Dr. Diet C0TOTESY FOB C0NBUCT0H3. The suggestion is not altogether a new one, but would it not be an excellent thing to set up a school for the training of street car conductors in good manners? Such a school would save the public from number less annoyances arising from the rudeness of conductors, and the street car companies from many of the complaints and civil suits to which they are now subjected. Of course the companies and not the public shonld es tablish the school. Every applicant for the position of conductor should be required to attend the school for a certain time. The course need not be a long one, for if a man is fit to be a conductor he will acquire a suf ficiency of good manners in a short time, and if he requires great schooling in this direc tion be is not likely to make a good conduc tor. The curriculum of the school should be planned rather with a view to informing the conductor of what he should not than what he should do in his official capacity. It should teach him thatlvben he makes a mistake in giving change to a passenger he should not abuse the latter. It Bhoul make clear to him that the passenger is the patron of the vehicle, and not the slave of the conductor. Treading on the feet or the feelings of passengers should be deprecated, while a cheerful disposition in the con ductor to stop tbe car whenever the public demands it should be encouraged. Again, it would be well to indicate to the scholars that courtesy to women, desirable as it is, is not their whole duty so long as men con tinue to travel on street cars. The man who pays his fare deserves some considera tion. If the conductors reply that the passen gers also would be the better for lessons in good manners, we are not inclined to gain say them. Not enough attention is paid to the cultivation of common courtesy any where. Still, if conductors were, invariably courteous, we are convinced that they would meet with much better treatment from the v " . . . .ft -I'nri; public In fact, the good manners ot the conductors would prove' contagious. A. yebx enthusiastio gentleman of the anarchistic persuasion named Fries: is un der the delnsion that Pittsburg is a good place to flaunt the red flag. Let him con sult history and he will find that the Stars and Stripes have always been good enough for the State of Allegheny. As The Dispatch stated yesterday Prince Slurat declined to marry Miss Cald well because Bhe wonld not let him have control of her bank account She is to be congratulated heartily on her escape. The investigation of the accident to the Limited Express on the Fort Wayne Bail road so far has plainly shown that a well known rule was disregarded. The Fort Wayne has been so free from accidents during the last year or two that carelessness seems to have crept in. Thekb. were plenty of horns blown last night, and doubtless a good many "horns" swallowed, but Halloween passed off at a modest gait The gates that disappeared traveled more rapidly. The talented gentlemen who shared the cell of Bnrke, the alleged murderer of Cronin, at "Winnipeg, are furnishing lots of reasons for their retention in the Canadian jail, but very little evidence of coherency or importance against the men on trial in Chicago. Fbctce Mueat has not only declined to marry wise Miss Caldwell, but he will not salute her on the street What immense luck this American heiress is having! The threats of many citizens to return to coal, even bituminons coal, if the gas com panies persist in levying unjust charges or imposing unfair conditions, are worthy of the corporations' attention. Customers are as necessary to a fuel company as gas. The Americua Club may not have car ried Ohio for Foraker, but they at least strewed his pathway with flowers, as it -were. The "United States navy seems to have a peculiar liking for mudbanks. Yesterday the Galena spent a few hours in the mud at the entrance of New York harbor. She was not damaged, bnt her officers' reputation will hardly escape so easily. The trial of Lee will result disastrously to certain saloonkeepers if the evidence of some of the witnesses is to be relied upon. When an American trust bears so op pressively upon trade here that it drives Americans to purchase goods in England, as has happened in this city recently, it is clear that that trust ought to be dissolved in the public interest PEOPLE OP PROMINENCE. The late ex-Governor Dewey, ot Wisconsin, left, with bis will, a genealogical sketch, which traced hisancestiy bade to 1610, when Thomas Due, who subsequently settled in Massachu setts, was a burgess of Dover, England. The Emperor Wllhelm has ordered an inter esting historical painting, just finished, to be sent to the Berlin Academy. It is called "The First and Last Review of Kaiser Frederick," and commemorates the last public ceremonial in which the late Emperor took part The real name of Mr. H. B. Conway, the well-known English comedian, now perform ing in tbe Lyceum Theater, New York, is Henry Byron Coulson. He Is a grandnephew of Lord Byron, and grandson of Byron's sister, Angnsta Lelgb, whom Mrs, Beecher Stowe at- "" ta HacmiUan't, some 15 years ago. Lord DouaAN's worthy parent, .Earl Cow ley, fearing lest his son might again fall into the toils of some stage beauty like his late fiancee, Phyllis Bronghton. has provided him with a wife. Bhe is Lady Violet Neville, daughter of Lord Abergavenny pretty, piquant, and somewhat of a blue-stocking. John O'Gbady, a member of the bar of the Supreme Conn, of Pennsylvania, who died In Philadelphia on tbe 27th inst, was born on the 13th of January, 1832, in the town of Lunen burg. Nova Scotia. His father's name was John Dean O'Qr&dy, son of Queen's Councilor John O'Orady. of No. 3 Merlon Square, Dublin, Ireland. Mr. O'Orady had two aunts peeresses. One was Docas, Viscountess Massareene and Ferrand; the other, Agnes, Lady Muskerry. ' Rosa Bonheuh is robustly and compactly built, bnt sheis quite short. She carries her head proudly, almost defiantly. Her cheeks are still pink, and her face is fall of health, al though her hair is gray. At home and in her studio sbe continues to wear the masculine dress; but when she visits Pans sbe dons female attire; she never assumes petticoats without deprecating the costume, and complaining of their interfering with tbe freedom of the limbs',' and thereby Impeding tbe power of locomotion. Miss Amelie Rives had a host of admirers when she lived in maiden meditation at the home of her ancestors. Castle Hill, Virginia. She was a petted and spoilt beauty,and treated her lovers with indifference and sometimes with absolute rudeness. Once, when a dozen gentlemen called upon her in the morning, she entered tbe parlor in a bewitching riding habit excused herself, mounted her horse, rode an honr or two, and finding the gentlemen waiting for heron returning, she went to her studio back of the parlor and amused herself by drawing carricatures of her admirers, repre senting them sitting in various attitudes of Idiotic vacancy. August Beuioxt came to this country GO years ago, as the agent of the Rothschilds. He soon took a leading part in financial and social circles. He married the yonngest daughter of Commodore M C. Perry. Mr. Belmont's original name was Schoonberg. which he Frenchified into Belmont, after he Immigrated into the United States. He was for many years a patron of the turf, but he has long slnco ceased to run horses. He was also a patron of art, bat be no longer buys pictures. He was formerly a poli tician, being Minister to the Hague under the Buchanan administration, and President of the Democratic Convention that nominated Horace Greeley 1872. That was Mr. Belmont's last ap pearance in politics, having resigned In favor of his clever son, the Hon. Perry Belmont late Minister to Spain and member of Congress from New York. The grandfather of the present Duke ot Hamilton was a very haughty and irasiblo per sonage. The Hamiltons are Dukes of Hamil ton in Scotland, Dukes of Brandon in England, and Dnkes of Chatelerault In France, and the old Duke always signed himself. In full, "Ham ilton, Brandon and Chatelerault" Getting into a dispute with his London wine merchant the Dnke resolved to withdraw bis custom, and sent an order to a French .wholesale firm for several hogsheads of wine, signing himself as usual. What was his annoyance, when he re ceived a few days after, the following note: "Messrs. B , beg to state that they will be happy to snpply Messrs. Hamilton, Brandon & Chatelerault with tbe wine requested, if Messrs. H., B fe C. can furnish references. In the case of a new firm it Is necessary to be cautious." The trebly ducal mortal returned to his old wine merchant SOT AN ENOCU AKDEN CASE. Tbe IrtDg-Loit Husband Returns, Bnt Only to Clnltn His Property. SPECIAL TXLXGEAM TO TUX DISPATCH. Lebanon, Tnd., October 8L Twenty-two years ago John McQuown lived with his wife and six children in Boone county. He sud denly disappeared and no tidlpgs ot him were ever received. Some years later, Mrs. Mc Quown, supposing herself a widow, re-married, but her second husband lived but two years, and she was again left rjone. Last week Mr. Q,uown, as suddenly and un ceremoniously as marked his disappearance, returned to bis home, bnt not, however, to claim his wife. Instead, he demanded possession of the farm, and they are now living in tbe same house, without resuming marital relations, and with no prospect of compromis ing their differences. The court will have to name the rightful owner. PITTSBUItG- 'DISPATOH,' THB TOPICAL TALKEB. The. Latest Lay of a Folding Bed The Railroad Bridge, as a Thing to be Leaked At Mary Auderaon'a Age. The folding bed has figured In countless tunny events. Too latest story about It comes frcni Allegheny. One day last week one of the leading furni ture houses of this city sold a large folding bed to a lady in Allegheny. A condition of the sale was that the furniture dealer should set the bed up In the purchaser's house. The bed was put on a wagon and two men went along as escort. Arrived at the house the bed was taken out and conducted, up the steps to the door. There came the first hitch, the bed was too big to make an entrance anyhow. After some talk the two men returned to Pittsburg and procured another assistant and a. block and tackle. With these things they returned. Intending to raise the bed up to the second story and, take it in at the window. All these maneuvers bad occupied abont four hours, but with unabated ardor the men palled the bed up to the second story. The window proved an Inch or two too small to admit the bed. The remarks about that bed at that crisis were very unkind and unparliamentary. There Was no use for it however; down the bed came to the sidewalk again. The perseverance ot those workmen was prodigious. The; took ont the window frame. This time the bed got into the house. When tbe window frame bad been replaced three men had used up a whole working day over that blessed bed. By the way, when that Allegheny household comes some day to transfer itself to, some other place what a pleasant time they will have with that bed in the second floor Xrontl V PcmsmNO its enlightened policy of making Its suburban stations comfortable and comely, the Fort Wayne Railroad has given Dixmont a handsome structure and is now adding a bridge over the tracks for the passengers. There Is no doubt that a bridge over tracks is a good thing, but it would be better If tbe pub lic could be persuaded to use it There has been a picturesque bridge at Sewickley station for two years or more, bnt it is doubtful if E0 people make use of it in the course of a year. It stands to the public as a vantage point from which to survey the exquisite scenery of tbe valley, and to the railroad company as a bar to suits for damages. The public is not forced to, use the bridge, for an open avenue across the tracks is conveniently provided lor the passen gers, who almost Invariably avail themselves of it Probably the public will never use a railroad bridge where they have to mount stairs or otherwise inconvenience themselves to reach it The railroad in America inspires neither the terror nor tbe respect it does in England or European countries, where to walk upon a railroad track is to commit a trespass punish able with tine or imprisonment The result of this national carelessness is seen In the formid able list of those who are killed on tbe tracks. Still a bridge improves the appearance of a station, and tbe relatives of the man who is killed, as be crosses the ties beneath it have the satisfaction of knowing that they aro spared the trouble of suing the railroad. IT is not enough for some of tbe gallant para graphed and scandal slingcrs to relegate Miss Mary Anderson into a mad-house and perma nent retirement from the stage, but they must make her out an old woman, too. Whatever tbe condition of Miss Anderson's health may be, and of late there have not been wanting authoritative reports ot her improve ment in all directions, there can be no doubt that she is still at her prime, as far as mere years are concerned. She was born in Sacra mento, California, in 1859, ard is therefore only SO years of aga Compared with most women who have attained commanding rank upon the stage, she Is a juvenile. If her health is fully restored her beauty and her many charms of mind and oharacter will yet justify many a toast Every trne lover of the stage wishes her welt A COTTON OIL KING LAID LOW. Mr. Hendal. a Trnitee. to Lose Ills Job by Reason of a Dicker. rrrscrai. telkjrai! to the disp atch.i New Yobk, October 3U The dealings in rail way securities were overshadowed to-day by what appeared to be fresh and extensive liqui dation in the certificates of the American Cot ton Oil Trust The transactions in them exceed ed 100,000 Bhares, and made the footing of the unlisted department nearly equal to that of the regular list. The extreme fall in the market for them was 5 per cent to 3 from which figure there was a rally in the last hour to S making the net loss for the day 8 per cent It does not appear that tbe liquidation was to any appreciable extent compulsory. Tbe best information obtainable and It seems entirely trustworthy is that the lone stock sold to-day was me property ox capitalists long laenunea with the concern, who either owned it or were able to own it The changes in ownership that have taken place to-day have resulted, it is understood, in a modification of the ticket that will be pre sented at the annual meeting of the certificate holders to-morrow, when three trustees are to be elected. The three trustees whose terms expire are Messrs. N. K. Fairbanks, of Chicago: Anderson, of Cincinnati, and Kendal. It is officially stated that the first two will be re elected, and that Mr. Sheldon, representing the Union Oil Company, ot Providence, will succeed Mr. Kendal. At Lenat One Nntsance Abated. New Yobk, October 8L Mayor Grant to day signed the ordinance passed by the Board of Aldermen prohibiting the playing ot street bands, organs or other musical instruments In the streets. This makes the act a law. DEATHS OP A DAY. Jeaao SI. Bovrell. Captain Jesse il. Bowel!, or Bellevernon, died at S o'clock yesterday morning from the effect of an Injury received last Monday evening at the hands of Captain Cate Abrams. His siull was fractured by tbe stone which Captain Abrams threw, and tbe Injured man did not recover con sciousness. Captain ilowell was born at JIlIls boro, Washington county, on January 19, 13 w. He learned the foundry business with nls father, andarterward became a steamboat pUot and en gineer. He was the owner of tbe steamboat J. il. BowelL In 1884 he was elected to tbe Legislature by the Democrats, and was defeated for re-election in 1886. He was Past Eminent Commander of the Brownsville St. Omer Commanderv, Ho. 7 of auiKuw tcuiuur. ajc- vu uuui.nieu. xno lu He. was nnmsrrleii. nerai wm oe u held Sunday, under the direction of tnoKnlguts, Nellie Qninon. After an lUness of Just one week Nellie, the youngest daughter of Stephen Qulnon, of the Chrmiclt-TeUgraph, succumbed to the ravages of diphtheria yesterday afternoon. Tbe deceased was but little more than 10 years old, and an ex ceptionally bright and handsome child who had been tbe light of her home and a universal favor ite with her playmates. During a portion of her sickness she suffered severely, but death was the result or exhaustion, and tbe last bourj of her short life were quiet and peaceful. Shortly be fore 3 o'clock she arouse little and Bald: Fans. I want to to to sleep. " and almost lmm- aiately oreaiueu ui breathed her last. A large circle of friends, , young and old, will miss her sadly. Slrsw It. P. Knox. Mrs. Bebecea Page Knox, widow of tbe late David S. Knox, who for 40 years held the office of cashier of the Monongahela Bank, died Wednes day In Omaha In her 771hyear. She was visiting relatives In the West and contracted a cold, which developed Into pneumonia. Ber death was sud den and unexpected. as she was remarkably strontr lor her age and seldom suffered from any form or 111 health, bhe leaves several children, anion them P.U.Knox, of tbe law arm of Knox&Reed A. C Knox, cashier or tbe Fifth .National Hank of this cltv, and Dr. Knox, a practicing physi cian of Santa Barbara. Cal. , whom she was ex- JjeCMUfi tU TIMl UU UU LUJJ. Sirs. Sarah Wnababauab. rsraciAi. tilxobam to tux dibpatch.i Bedfokd, pa., Dctober 31 Mrs Sarah Washa baugh. wire of Major Daniel Washabaugh, died suddenly In Everett at the home of her daughter, Mrs. William P. Barndolfar, this morning. Death was causel by heart failure. Mrs. Washabaugh was m her 85th year. Ber husband, wno Is two years older, wasatonetlmealeadlug Kepubllcan of tbe county, being tbe postmaster, prothonotary and clerk of courts for many years. OIIsi Charlotte Kenrns. Miss Charlotte Kearns, sister of K. P. Kearns, the latter well known in politics and Journalism, died at her residence on North Blland avenue, yesterday morning. Miss Kearns family has been known. In Pittsburg for nearly a century. She was born on Federal street aud has lived here all her life. Clement B. Grnbb. liAXCASTXB, PA., October Sl.-CIement B. (Jrubb, one or the largest Iron manufacturers In the State, died to-day. He was 74 years of age. He had a large Interest at the time of his death in tba Cornwall ore hills, and owned theUeqry Clay and Charles furnaces at Columbia, - ,-. ?gs -FIffi5XYrfN0yEi 3EB' MUSICAL BELLS WEDDED, HI. Sella Tamer sad Wilt McCatcheos Unite Voices Halloween Observed la Ye Olden Style Happy Hame. Christ M. E. Chnrch was filled last evening at 6 o'clock with a fashionable audience, Includ ing all the prominent musical people of the city to witness the nuptials of Hiss Belle Tomer and Mr. Will McCntcheon. Very appropriately Prof; Simeon Bissell, under w m Miss Tomer received her musical training, presided at the organ, and as tbe peals of Mendelssohn's Wed ding March poured forth, all eyes were turned upon tDe bride and groom who passed up the aisle preceded by Messrs. Will 8heperd,H.J. Herron, Harvey Wattles, Pror. Salmon, Harry Lloyd and F. EL Ewart In an Impressive manner Bev. Dr. Felton performed tbe cere mony according to the rites of the. church, while from the organ in subdued tones "Annie Laurie" reminded all that with that song Miss Tomer sung herself Into the hearts of Pittsbnrg people. The bridal attire was a lovely cloth gown of Eiffel blue. Three wide panels exqulsitfly embroidered in silk formed the front of -the skirt, while in the Dae. Ik uuug m neavy pieats. .ine ooaice, composed of soft silk surplus folds, was par tially revealed by a cutaway jacket A tasty little bonnet of the same color, relieved by a dash of pink and a bonqnet ot pink roses, gave a very stylish effect ft the whole cos tume. The wedding of these two young people has been a pleasant theme of conversation among re Dotn circles. r In thA rittsDurc v emaie Collego, and on Sundays has lent her voice to the Second Presbyterian Church. The church in which tbe wedding was celebrated has been honored with tbe groom's voice in Sunday service for some time past Mr. and Mrs. McCutcbeon left last evening Their return will be celebrated by a reception In the East End, which is to be their futuro home. HALLOWEEN PLEABUEES. Young People Trifle Wlih Fate Enjoyable Fireside Gathering. Among the entertainments that enlivened Halloween in the East End was a very delight ful one given tbe young folks by Mrs. George D. Humphreys, of Penn avenue, Homewood, in honor of her guest Miss Young. One of the features of the occasion was a charming amateur presentation of tbe amusing little comedy, "Place aus Dames." in -which the parts were taken with excellent spirit by the several young ladies in the cast Mrs. Joseph R. Craig, of Sewickley, enter tained a number of her friends last evening in a charming manner with amusements charac teristic ef the evening. A dinner party given by Miss Nellie John ston, of Center avenue, in many amusing calls upon the fairies by the yonng guest Miss Sadie Taylor, ot Sharpsburs: was the center of a gay group of young people at her home last evening. They investigated the lore of Halloween to the f nil extent At the home of MfssSeeley, on North avenue, last evening, a number of her friends endeav ored to read the future by resorting to the his toric customs of Halloween. A delightful evening was spent at tbe resi dence of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schrotb, Montgom ery Hill, Allegheny, in observing the pleasures inciuent to me aay. Mr. and Mrs. Qeorge Holdship, of Montgom ery avenue, in a most delightful manner, enter tained a nnmber ot their friends. Miss Liby Holmes, of Fifth avenue, with her young friends, trifled with fate in many ways last evening. Miss Fannie Farlev. of Braddock. enloved the evening with a bevy of friends at her home. The Carroll Club, of the East End, held one of their enjoyable receptions at their club house. The evening was spent dancing and playing games. The Lafayette Club, of Fifth avenne, enter tained a number of their friends at their new rooms. Theyputlnthe evening telling stories and other amusements. IN THE SECOND CHDECH. Miss Alice DIcKee Become tbe Bride of! The Second Presbyterian Church was the j scene of a charming wedding last evening when Miss -Alice McKee became the bride of Mr. Thomas H. Hartley. The ceremony was per formed at 7:30 o'clock by Bev. Dr. butherland. The chancel of the church was beautifully decorated with tropical plants. Lohengrin's "Bridal Chorus" announced the approach of the bridal couple. The ushers were John F.Miller Clarence H. Swearingen, Frank McCombs and Hanson W. Rose. They were preceded by three little golden-haired flower girls, dressed in white silk mull and carrying large bouquets of yellow chrysanthemums. Tbe names of the flower bearers were Alice Kerr, Annie Per ring and Alice Thomas. Little Harriet Kerr, in similar costume, with white chrysanthe mums, was a most bewitching maid of honor, and immediately preceded the bride and groom to the altar. .The bride was costumed in an imported traveling dress of nut-brown broad cloth, the bodice -with puffs and folds of a deeper shade of velvet The vest and corslet were outlined with handsome embroidery of silk in an artistic design. The entire front of tne skirt was also of the velvet, with trim mings of embroidery. A handsome copote of brown velvet, combined with a hand bouquet of white chrysanthemums, completed the cos tume. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. David F. McKee. of Edgewopd. and a sister of Mrs. James Kerr, wife of tbe Sixth street drngeist Tht groom is identified with the firm of James B Haines, of Wood street Mr. and Mrs. Hartley took their immediate departure for an extended Eastern trip, which will include an ocean voyage. No. 219 Locust street is designed as their future borne, and their many friends will be received there upon their return. A BOOK EECEPHON. The Anniversary of tbe Beaver Avenne Reading Boom Celebrated. Flowers, books, magazines, papers and money were all received at the Yonng Men's Beading Booms, No. 293 Beaver avenne, yes terday afternoon. The anniversary was cele brated by a reception, and a continual throng of ladies were in attendance between the hours of 3 and 10. Refreshments were served. The proceeds will be devoted to tbe purchase of necessary reading matter for tbe room. The rooms are nnder the control of the McDonald W. C. T. U. The room is still in need of nu merous articles, especially a library case for the books. The ladles alternate in taking charge of the books. Beethoven Quartet Club'a Concert. The Hamilton Music and Art Chamber was comfortably filled yesterday afternoon with the select mnslcal public of the city. The concert which they listened toby the Beethoven Quartet Club was one of the most enjoyable ever civen by local talent. The memoers of the club. voice was wonderfullv sweet and clear. Th programme embraced a number ol fine selec tions. The next concert will be given Decem ber 6. The Church Choral Union. Prof. Lafferty conducted the first rehearsal of Junior Center No. 1 of the Church Choral .Union in the lecture room of the Buena Vista Street M.E. Church last evening. Notwith standing the many social attractions for yonng people, the attendance was large, the quality of the voices excellent. Hot Dinners Next Week. The ladles of Grace Reformed church, corner of Grant street and Webster avenne. will give their annual series of hot dinners In thelecrure room of the church on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of next week. Lecture on the Moon. "Our Neighbor the Moon" is the subject of Chancellor GolPs lecture, which he will de liver to-night at ike Smithfleld M. E. Church. A series of lectures Is being given by the Young People's Society. Ip a Social Way. The reception given by tbe Ladies' Indus trial Society of Christ M. E. Chnrch yesterday afternoon was a very pleasant affair. A short address was given them by their pastor. Dr. C. E. Felton, upon their work. Ice cream and cake were served by the committee in charge. Miss Barnes, the agent ot tbe Baltimore Art Society, who has been at tbe Monongahela House for several days, reports the patronage1 of Pittsburg ladies liberal. A 1onch social will be held at the Fifth Avenue Congregational church this and to morrow evening under tbe auspices of the Ladles' Aid Society. Mn.Wni.iAir a.Atjstot and Miss Hattle Gray were united In marriage at the residence ot tbe bride's mother, on Federal street. A FASHIONABLE reception this evening will be beld at the residence of Mrs. H. H. Vance, Barton street, Sbadyside. A babe treat is In Store for the mnslo lovers this evening in the first of the Thomas con certs: A proojEB of friends of Mrs. H. G. Watsoa will play euchre and dance with her this evn- iMirf.'i . . 1. J&rt ... ..- t. -' w.-. ufi,. -Ttffl. " Mimmwm. Mrs. BeckwftH, Bwklya'a Casflsate ftf Mayor, Makes k Clear. tSrlCIXI. TBLBOBAH TO TBS DISPATCH. Bbookxyh. October "Certainly, I will submit myself to the Inquisition of The Dis patch representative," slid Mrs. Emma Beck with, Brooklyn's woman candidate for Mayor, with refreshing directness, in the little parlor of her home in Cranberry street "I have put myself In a public position, and must submit to its consequences, and am, Indeed, glad of the opportunity to explain that I have not taken this step for notoriety or for lack of means. My husband, my children and my allowance 01 spending money are ail mat x coma desire, and my life is in no sense empty or a failure; but I think women have talked enough ahnnt nomrini the riffht to nid In the manaee- ment of publlo affairs, and it is time they did something definite. "According to tbe statements of those best informed. I should not be at all surprised if I were elected, because of so mnch dissatisfac tion and division in both parties, and because many people would like an American official, for a change, in the, position. 1 am perfectly eligible to the office lu every way, and can trace my pure American ancestry back to Sher man, one of the signers cf the Declaration." "vnuid you appoint women to office, and what office are they best appointed lo nllf "I most certainly would appoint women to office, not simply because they are women or because many of the positions are sinecures, but because Itblnk women are, as a rule, more conscientious, thorough and faithful in the dis charge of duty than men. There is no muni cipal office which women eannot fit themselves to fill acceptably, except those connected with thePollceBoard. "My chief reason for desiring the place is that women may be employed as InsDectresses of factories and as police matrons, and I intend to devote m? entire salary to Divine the police matrons, for whose appointing there has been a law passed, but for whose salaries no pro vision has been made. I do not need tbe salary, for my husband willontinne to support me, as he always has done. I would have halt tbe members of the School Board women, for more than half the children and teachers in tbe pub lic schools are females. I would have the Park Commissioners men and women of equal num bers and power, for I consider woman's taste in arrangement and decoratlou quite as artistic as man's, and I would also divide the positions on tbe Board of Public Works between men and women, for woman's judgment as to the exigencies of the city is as sound and practical as that of men." UNITARIANS IN SESSION. Particular Attention Will be Given to General Educational Work. PHTLADEipniA, October 3L Tnls was tbe last day of the Unitarian Conference. Bev. Edward Everett Hale, Chairman of the Com' mlttee on Schools and Colleges, in a short ad dress, spoke very emphatically upon tbe fact that many of the State universities; while they claimed to be non-sectarian, were not such in truth. Whenever the request wonld be put to them that Unitarians be given places on their uoaroa or instruction it was always reiusco. In conclusion he presented the following reso lutions of the committee, which were adopted without debate: That this conference, wholly satisfied with the success of noa-sectarlan education in tbe State universities and In tne public schools, expresses the wish that the seminaries, schools, academies and colleges might everywhere accept the princi ple of freedom tram dogmatic restraint. That we see with interest the success wnlch has attended the mission ot the Bev. V. H.Mayo In the wish to Introduce the American system of educa tion pure and simple in the system of the Southern States. That we observe with great satisfaction the addi tion to the number of our great universities which are truly free by the liberality of Mr. Clark In the foundation of the Clark University of Worcester. The following officers were elected for tbe ensuing two years: President, Justice Samuel F. MillerWasbington, D. C; Vice Presidents, George William Curtis, New York; Hon. George W. McCrary. Kansas City; Hon. Dor man ii. EatomNew York-Dan L. Shorey, Chi cago: Horace Davis, San Francisco; Jonas G. Clark, Worcester. Mass.: General Secretary, Rev. George Batchelor, Lowell, Mass.: Treas urer, William Howard Reed, Boston; Council, Bev. Brooke Herford, Boston; Mrs. J. W. An drews, Boston; Mrs. George S. Hale, Boston; Bev. John Bnyder, St. Louis: Bev. Joseph May, Philadelphia: Bev.'Josepb H, Crooker, Madi son, Wis.; Hon. Thomas J. Morris, Baltimore; Isaac H. Gary, Brooklyn: Hon. Henrv Eades, Boston. The business of the conference being ended, tbe chairman announced that contribu tions to the James Freeman Clark Professor ship in the Meadville Theological School were In order. Contributions came In quite freely. total ol 53,450 was pledged. THAT DYNAMITE CEUISEE. Oio Question la Yet to be DecidedBefore It la Accepted. VASHiKOTdir, Ootober 8L President Bciuyler, of the Pneumatic Dynamite Gun Company, bad a conference with Secretary Tacy to-day over tbe question of the accept ance of the cruiser Vesuvius, built by his com ppy under contract with the Government aid 'recently tested. The contract Stipulated that tbe vessel was to bo armed with 10-inch guns that would project a dynamite bomb one mile with 2t0 nonnds nressure. The guns that were used cp the trial were 15-inch guns. Tbe naval au thorities want to be satisfied, before accepting tie vessel entirely, that the change from 10 to 15-mchguns was not made, because then 10 Jnch guns would not fulfill the terms of the hontract. ; Another test will probably be had to settle shis point. The officials have no objection, of (course, to taking tbe larger guns If the dyna mite company will show that the 10-inch guns Mil do the work required by the contract ' THE KUTHEG STATS SMILES Because a Jury Considers It Bad Manner to Uae Polecats. ISrZCIAI. TXLXOBAV TO TBS DISPATCH. 1 Hartford, Conn., October iSL The good people of Huddom Neck are delighted with the conviction of the roughs whorecently broke up a prayer meeting. About a week ago tbe Bev. John Scott, pastor of tbe Congregational chnrch, led a prayer meeting iu the district schoolhause. Before the first prayer ended, the odor of a skunk filled every nook and crevice and corner of tbe little building. The minister gave out a hymn; but the voices of the congregation stuck, as it were, in their throats. The skunk finally trinmnbed, and the meet ing adjourned to the parsonage. Mr. Scott bad just begun a discourse, when there was a disturbance outside, the meeting adjourned, and the male members went outside. They found a gang of roughs, and a row began, in which the chnrch members 'smote the Philis tines hip and thigh. Two of the roughs were arrested and fined. Could tie Foront Himself; From the Minneapolis Tribune. 1 The Grand Forks News, whose motto Is, "Democratic, but Impersonal,1' perpetrates this: "Senator Johnson got up on his hind legs at Fargo and brayed so loud that no one need longer doubt that be is a mongrel and incapa ble ot making a combination to win. They will turn him over Into tbe diluted bowl at tbe first ballot" If the editor should forget himself and drop into personalities, be would be some thing of a terror. All Right, If tba Render'- Dined. jfrom the London Globe.? A reviewer describes Amelie Rives' similes as "sometimes trivia," because in one place she says that "Pines glowing In the sunset" seemed "dripping with sherry." But surely sherry and pines are a very suitable after-dinner combination. THE BONG OF THE TAI.KEK. Sweeter than Eollan breathings on the tense and trembling wire. Made by flower-burdened zephyrs from the perfume-reekiny South; Sweeter than the heavenly harplhgs of the rapt angelic choir. Is the music, endless music, of my ever-sounding mouth I Howllove Its gway rurgiei Bow I love Its fluent flaw I Bowl love to wind my mouth npl Bow 1 lave to hear It go 1 Sweeter than the bulbul singing hid In oriental eve , How It satisfies the husger of my wide, vora cious ears: I listen to Its muslo and no longer disbelieve The Pythagorean fancy or tne music or tne spheresl How I love its giddy gurgle! Bow I love Its fluent dorr ( How Hove to wind my mouth up! How Hove to hear it got Sweeter far than shawms and cymbals, harp and psaltery to me: Sweeper than the flow of water thro' sun-smitten lands of drouth Sweeter than the sunrise muslo or Memnonlan melody Istbetlntlnnauulatlonofmyautomatlf moathl How I lore Its giddy gurgle t How I lava Its fluent Bawl Bowl love to wind my stftatb apt .- ... ? ... .-.,. .-i . .!T 'BgW A JTIS U HCU SV- Wl -ssaspw&y . SMAH TAIX-flF A WTCITT.. BrivMslfM by TrssMe. pnew TOMfwraaAp sricuiftj New Yobk; October SL-Mary Bare, tee beautiful young mother ot three cundea.wa put In a ttralgatjacket ip Bellevue te-day. Overwork, hunger and domestic troubles for the last five yaars unbalanced Brid. N1b years ago, when but 18 years old, she saarried John Baron, a prosperous French tailor. Soon after the marriage he Jbegan to drink neavily. Two years ago he lost his last cent and was sent with an incurable disease to a hospital. Mrs. Baron tried to support her three childrw.her old mother and herself by sewing and washing. She could not do it For the last tre months she baa bad little work, and she and her chil dren and her mother bad to beg what little f ood they got xrea neighbors or flsh it oat ot garb age barrels. For three weeks Mrs. Baron had eaten only a few erusta of oread and some bananas. Last night ber reason civewavand f she tried to strangle her youngest child. Then She turned oh ner mother, who Interfered, and attempted to strangle her. The cries of the frightened children summoned neighbors, who rescued tae old woman and the children and watched the crazy young mother till morning. The Humane Society is carlsg for the children. Strike by tbe Supers. One hundred ''supers" west os a strike at Miner's Theater, in Newark, last evening be cause the management had not paid them for three nights' work. Last Monday tbe supers agreed to appear Is Eugene Toapkmv''JSx. lies," as 'Russians, police, convicts, etcV for a quarter a head, every eveniag. The Jeraey men, however, mads poor convict, worse po lice and no Russians at all, So bad were they that tbe gallery lost its patience and clamored to the management to "take off de toughs,'' So last night after the performance Mr. Sheri-, dan. the manager, told the Jerseymea to skip. Tbey wanted their 75 cents each for three I nights' work. Mr, Sheridan refused to pay them. Then there wag a row, aad ho knocked two supers down and put the rest to flight This morning the strikers had Mr, Sheridan up in court, but were unable to get a judgsieat against him. Remlalsceaeea of Saofcretfe. Panny Bice, the Casino soubrette. Is writing a book called "People I Have MeV'aad it Sa to deal almost entirely with theatrical folks, they naturally having been the people with whom Miss Blee has mostly mixed. She is to but thinly disguise personalities, and it will be a case of woe to certain stage managers who have obtained Miss Rice's animosity. Another Casino girl or rather ex-Casino girl engaged in literary pursuits is Blanche Marsden, who Is jusj. finishing a folio of letters called "Miss Miriam's Cloak." Miss Marsden is, the daugh ter of the playwright Marsden, who killed him self about a year ago. After his death she made her debnt In tights on the stage of a con cert hall here, then went out with a road com pany, and eventually rose to a small part la "The Brigands'' at the Casino. Another War Ship Stack- fas the Mad. At 2 o'clock this morning the United States man-of-war Galena went aground oa the tall of the Bomer shoals, in the lower bay, as sbe wa entering this port. She was going at the rate of eight miles aa hour, under ber own steam, when she struck and consequently got well up in the mud which forms tbe shoals. There was great excitement among the officers when the ship grounded, Jmt they soon settled down t hard work under the direction of Commander George W. Sumner. The ship wonld not budge under1 the pressure of her own steam, and at daylight a Government tag was sent from the navy yard in Brooklyn to get her off. The tug reached the scene at 9 o'clock, and the Galena seat a hawser to ber. The baoling proettt did sot meet with any success until the tide bagia to make, at U o'clock, and at U05 tbe Galena was moved astern a trifle by tbe tugboat. At U: the steamer was hauled from ber saady bed and proceeded up the bay, reaching the avy yard, late this afternoon. Her cfic y eh is undamaged. AFRAID IE WILL 1XPL0J)JL Tbe Pecaiar BvImIob Tfcat Buam1 b CWea CMsm. ' ' "' - Chicago. October SL The case of Hmry Kbppes, who was arraigned In the Issut Court tnls morning, is a peculiar eve, Kovpeai hopelessly insane, and one of-his delations la that be Js full 6f bombshells and powweraad may at any time explode. The Jadge heard the witnesses, and then turning to thopatlsat, said: Henry; are you tamer" "I am not, sfc." promptly rwpoaJaJ th smc "What is the matter wlta yoataaaf "It is a sad story, Your Honor, bat I win tell you. My enemies have filled me fall ot ex plosives, bombshells, you know, and I may blow up at any time. But the worst of It la, the people won't be careful; they will burn matches around where I am, when they know I might explode,'' "Well, Henry, X knew a good place, where everybody is carefuL and think it is just the place foryoa. Would yes like to sje there?" Tba patient coeseated to go e aaypteee where ho was sbto there were aa matches and that people would not run against him. The lory found him insane and seat Wm to Kankakee- INTS8TIKG IfiSUIAJrOi SUIT. Aa Accldeat CBay PuwHWaa- ( Far ftr Pahaet' Beat. rspxciAL TauoKAit; to ftrc bwatce. NEW.LoirBQir, October a. Aalnterestlar suit at law seems llxely to result from the sad den deatb 04 Tbosaaa W. Palmer, the New York commission mereaaat, who -was found dsd with his head Immersed ia a spring is tba woods in Stonington a few days ago. It bow turns out that Mr. Palmer's life was insured for a large- amount In an accident Insurance company, xaere was a usory oa tae part ai many, after the body was found, that tba death DrBerker, Mrdlcal Director Of taeUalttd States Mutual Accident Association, o-f New York, aeeosapaaled by Dr. Frnddea, patholo gistonaer .new x one uoiisffe 01 J-aywoians and Surgoeas, arrived to make aa autopsy of tbe body and uaectala tba eaaet, oaase of death. . A MUGHmTUCXI STOXT, A Flock" a Tralaad Taflwfi Safes' tba Work af WredMen. From the Louisville Courier-Journal.) Tba attention of tea New York seleatiae gentleman wh,o embodied in a recent wort a serious disenssion of Mr. Parks herapbreakiag monkeys is Madison county, it called t this story Is tbe Woodford Argut; . "la r?oodford county Mr. John D. Baraa raised a large drove of turkeys tats year, aad by plaeifig a bell up the old mother that lad tbam ha aeeaatomed them to follow the waad. WaB the time came to work his tobacco aM be removed the belt, placing it oa bis awa waist, aad wbele working hi crop with the haa tbe hungry turkeys followed the fasafllar tMcto of tbe bell, .aieki-Bg tba stalks eleaa of tba worms as they followed him upoaerawaad down the other. The turkeys have deae tba work of five sua aad saved the cron." TKI-STATE TE1FLES. Niax Ekase, probably the oldest rsaUeat of Crawford county, Pa died Wednesday, at ak borne in Vernon township. Hs -was. baza ia Hampshire county, Mm, July M, 17S8, AX Infant ia BarnardtawB, Falls, eats a half dozen raw oysters every night Thews are fosr broth trs la Crawtosd eauBty; Pa all of whom are stalwart mea, aad mar ried. and at oae'ofwhoa is oa saeaklag tansa with any of tbe otters. Property Uigtieal. tne cause. Jambs Atktnsojt, or East-Llwpoeli baa raised a beet that weighs Dpoaads. Two colored people went to Jostle Davis' office in Wheeling, W. Vsl, a few days stece; and thinking- that West Virginia justices are endowed -wish the same powers aa those of Pennsylvania, staked aim to marry taem. Tbe Justice seat for a clergyman, who perforaMd the ceremony. Sstxsax, week age, wine Mrs. W. atoat ricb, of Batler towasalp. was gashsibsr blabary nnts,a btacksaaka called around bar aaale. Sbe endeavored to shake H oil without avail, wbea 1b her deaaaratioo aba reached dawa aad heroclcally pulled Irofl her ankle and threw it; from bar, which wtalaly required mack aarra fora'weataa. Tsasr aaa. at w-aamavg. fr, , Vsi. at i bsjsOsv: ad thai -A third ot the dt!. IfSgF amy are doe to typhoid forer. F3 The new Chinese osbcbL at) City, rejoices In the name eC JMhwm Eighty.fiTO thousand talfp,! i-iniea m ma Hew Yor Jr. parts i , -Charles DJckesV ho alflMtff iSS.10f'to.?ori1- Theeherfahedhcweoftba m w uavuist can be purchased tor 1 Toe Imperial pty wkkk w at Fredensborg, jut W6t oeis emperor, z empresses. S lines.-2- M, ' CwixcTk a iMwIwp&ai N4MH.V ?, Wl LdEtaS. to o"" aadjsria.! ,P-T-W W . Aft Ial839r there vera abont off ma fruit trees growing in Fui..(l;.7; fviSSsSS, J?L W" & rtcawKTOa D'U9s?5H& Om Sunday last two wAdi-partridgeA 2'?:..'.--'i1 rr.M:iT ieQHujeywww -) imussmui xur nil gun an(J gfcgf While Prowllnir mnnil . i TJeep creek,Norfolk county, Val.iiffs Her dead body was found lyhsc t on Tharsday morning. U'J The Century PnbHMn fla553 anmes nearly 2 tons of payer ijSi! their nurun- wit . -Tf - Z. . Harper Bros., for th.tr - .-7: magazinesre annually aboa AMmms.1 3SSga&ett qtiireiaboutrIpySr 'JOS Jaanj- English actresses nsrwi rwcruc marriages since 18- MelloBBsarrlsd the ninth Dnkaof Stj Kitty Stsykasa, the fifth Earl of iu. Farres. tba twelfth v..t - r...vi BrnatoB, thy r Earl of CravSsJfaSI iwasiKMSin or Harrinotoa ftnnlinrl these the beautiful Miss O-NefllmeLadrl A- nefro TKmi eapleyad oi Jclepll Mlddletoa's farm. sMscBraaoria, Tex, wasieae time since pecked la tad by a angry be3 She has bow grows qaHe saasLand act likeaj cblckea, wanderis abea tba woods aad peci2j jag at aUwkaaecoM bar. JsWisaabes aclack sits by the beacseratcblac saartsMrtthhinai UK. uurac. ISrtMTIWIV IWfl EHsatT &&M la a.a ann raa uv ......a--. tr - & - ;"""" ra yca up aer raaty aaa Star very tXLL nTi? iBamTf, Msd-BSw am i at. tjsr. Asfcankeot into tW tesliSaV room at West Medfsrd satttle V ana xoweu. unread, a Urn days aasyfaid Sit iuBjt wme no one could he pot SasMmtotbaf ejection. A bottle of n rnjiin over him from a window ra ta4aahifci; oniymaaa mm more frisky. Aa awfaloder began to permeate tbe whole ssaMea bAHdiaal! aad, in despair, the officials baastataahnw stones at the little Intruder, bat bTaWswdw chair and would not decamp. At bssc a forlsna hope was formed, aad five oeiJ arsristiatad inemseiyes i upoa the skunk aadafavaadMn tbuDiaatectlag Corps were tbsa Wayl, raxtreaw low water ia taw ItfssWppr "; uihwuibo. a nutofteM raws sftt, ferry landing at Columbas, Ky 1 sai se"or uupo uiu-iasmosea CMamSMSL WMMkdli duty during tbe late war la tar iiiisVo'th. f wderates. ThosIassllawkiji hisseryg of the formidable weapea state jks jTplajed sVT conspicuous part U tba basts aTKlw ut,Jao o the bluffs above Ceiasaba Js,saatiaay a' huga shell senamlng aarota tae riyer lata keeping the gunboats at bay thaa all oMmn tbo.fort. The gan to tkaoaly reaubjia raise has, Ky, 37 yeassj a. A short white age the Atlaafe tuUon published a stary writtw bf JsJr. called ''Mrs. Brewa's Barilw." . located tba story ia a tawa wjasaJsaa aessid "Bbtcksbire Ga, aad. mad Yra;Bftb; Keeper k a noteL aad Bar sMfM And It now tires oat that fbs) shire," Ga and intaatawa tssaS Mai Ma' crown who runs a hotaL aad a lin.ik.nj a. ,- dentist. Mr. BrowBtarsateoa tasaathAf Cos.: air. Wallace r. Read -" -r --TT- B-jr -m heard, from "J guard i Math Uotia. XatMUkVMJTSW J V.l Viele (greatlyaMited) Daa,' yWl p-a-nuau aa not nw a-a-eaM-aswaja nwh, ua o-c-eaa'i gat h owwr VaadevbatT (casllyV-Caa't H be Vlale-Y-Y.Tenbttt.a-K.IIMs aaa;t.-J A gBspIaiemaXatc-Comer. Mm 1 Thatssaaattiw jaaref tfea cbwek jtmt, that he'd Ilks t csatHaate." TbefutOT-Waottaer -. . The DeaeoH-TDtlbaeter, She Imttafc.a urer 01 xniiaqci -Tae .Paster-Baa t the box. -uff. A. Swe Keawdy. A. You saSerlag ftssa tamsaala' ,B. Yea, aad Mas Sanaa to be Bothlaa I UutnutoSlem. I haw triad everr ol; 1 -to tae jMiei fTOmaaaa. A.-Well, way daa'tyast baw Mayar i yoaoB.ua norwinai AsamifcawsaUMia i rled a young L. Wbea a sea aad keir ansa the surse waa woat to ssaw tssa aeweassaK tat tors wiuMBa uraniaaaai aassssj OaeaayajTaaayaas. aasaStssSsBa wao i sac tea vaaasBMa Jostsatba'saaMa J-tutge. CotoaatNswinfb ftsasit -Jeaaa. Basy.Isaaf Vaeta'Joaaa-Yaa: sab. lm neabyawboascaaa, W, !--' nseetla's next week. ' "Ah. ladeedr clad to baar awakening aaaeagyearpatfishi Uncle, iwastyoi!toawJ house seaettfaa tela wtak." ! The Deadly' iw, Jndgs PriaeaerrTsa sa feaad. lnt&esrat oea. vyaa ttaS the Coart safes saasaaM st PrlsoaerI 'bava, Y being executed by of to . uncertalaty of Ita U!J with dispatsa. - ISawiorkJsWsji-Tiaja; Tar mo .amay,. . pany, aa fiaaibt -auyGGCbava XtftiaPisaa "StV-H""pajatf ddac sTwSsf-jJ OeaM oa aatasv mtmht-jHtmtt' bossalrsaasw. v " VrVsrWHM WBIyflHP VWt HaW JIHijMMMssp Baa t sare; ba astot at aaa M-bwdar-"Sat. SfM Uaaarl ba'a bt it aad lathis, saral" T:abttbre'abaMaaefOOwhhy cellar tbat aaay ba leastn r "Smitten Scottf -4 stat er my way'fta overyear WhydMat?- Ttaat Btftingt, ii XaaaffiarBalrssW.arfXaM-ftfJl-rJs' l taare say-ass -aaaww aa aru ass Tttoavaa tHISai ,, j, x terrlMa aawla r-aaijlmia,-sBTtsloC " -t-f llMIIISllBlllIll, " "Asaaa oavtiM 'Baasassbmurdefdl asd kllM twa pattaeaM. i "Ok, tbat waaM aad sba. ft enoaaa." "A Sfaeiel aaaoaaeaa that agatef aadaaaakad tba ger' tbajaw.'li , ' 'Ah 1 that's tber kind J3aewt Battle out as extra. i ": Igrant wftwatwiaMSl asfiai Aad stayed aatti tba sbsssbaj V Bat, dear, laaty wastt baaaaM I fluctod tbat aba) totted U .... !- Uawltjyinafia., wtJIJ 1 bad to draw bar state to t W,ta, tba daaa, abe lootod Uabf I craat oaea bar cheek f A. if gate kTaa-BO more watl-to YaaaaMrwaaa eoateatwtta imd -- -----" t amiiklfe JHiMjyfarktr' Aa vaaaa. Salssssni WeU. waatt Caatoisv-Iwaattobayabat Hilsaanu-Wr dtda't yr say soT saw. nM mtm't m aiarraet Partisan l aa't like to oa spokaato owwaaasa g araoa'Kf nw. "--tbewttaetaif wad ferf Did var hatl r, .. .. , (Jul lab aa JmtwaltamoiMat. atr. vmm tba ttoba seller at st r ;jtotodMarttokatC ares atedl Mpjfjsliftyeu to were ifsras vsap nallroaa fjaai fcadMstsM,sssHh m dead; aad sisrsy sasy fme -TCT st""? eusfe.