Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 31, 1889, Image 7

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JBsJ" 3
Leading Features of Markets at the
East Liberty lards.
Eeceipts of Sheep and Lambs
Strengthen Markets.
f . Omn opPittsbuko Dispatch. 1
Wednesdat, October X. ISS9. J
lEeceipts of cattle this week were about
,130 carloads, or about 20 loads more man
last weeK. yuautyaveragea up otuu vuu
for some time past There was a larger pro-
pportion of export cattle than usual in. this
K week's receipts. Some 25 loads of Ohio
steers, weighing from 1,350 to 1,600 pounds,
found ready sale at a range of 4o to 4Jc,
being bought by Myers, Gilchrist & Co. ior
export This firm was the only one in the
field buying export cattle. They had no op-
j. -j position and no competition.
, jk Tbe Best Export Cattle
1T sold in Chicago this week at S5 10, and a
very few in a retail way brought the same
, " price at East Liberty. A leading stockman
of liberty, upon being asked this morning
why prime cattle should bring higher pnees at
Chicago than here, said: "At Chicago the
primes are much better than anything offered
at our yards ot late. Here we will have a few
car loads of what are called primes, whereas
there will not probably be more than two or
. three in each load which are strictly prime. In
"Chieac-o there ara offerincs eTery day of cattle
by the carload which will grade up first qual
ity through the whole load.
"For this grade there are always buyers
there, and the Pittsburg butchers who want
this class order direct from Chicago.
Very Rarely to bo Seen.
"A full carload of prime cattle is something
no longer seen at the East Liberty yards. Of
the 23 loads received this week called pnme,
not more than four loads of the best quality
could have been called from the entire lot."
Good butchering stock, weighing frem 1,200
to 1.300 pounds, such as this market demands
of late, held up f airlv well to last week's prices.
All low grade, half-fatted stock was slow,
and as large quantities of this grade have been
dumped on to our markets of late bv farmers
who wish to save the expense of wintering
sales are only made by liberal concessions.
Sheep nnd Lambs.
Supply was unusually light and little more
than half that of last week. Quality was gen
ually inferior, and markets, while more active
than last week, did not come up to general ex
pectation. A few very choice bunches sold
better than a week asro, and all grades may be
reported a shade better, a fact due entirely to
short supplies.
iWith a run equal to last week, and the pro
portion of low grades as large as this week's re
ceipts, bottom ould have dropped out of mar
kets. LIcliter Run of Hoes
The run of hogs was lighter this week than
Ilast, but was fully up to demands of trade.
, Regular buyers have not as yet begun to dip in
heavily. The best selected hogs were quoted
ito-day at $4 404 45.
. .At Chicago this morning $4 10 was the out
side rate, and total receipts there were 27,000
head. Tuesday is the great day for nearby
hogs at the East Liberty yards, and markets
are always weaker on that day because of low
quality of stock. Said a leading dealer this
"Oar neighboring farmers cannot understand
why their hogs do not bring the same prices as
those from Chicago.
Corn and "pnrertbs.
'Corn is more valuable here than in the
West, and less of it finds its way to the spare-
'rlbs of the porkers. Clover, pumpkins and a
little green corn may fill up the hog, bnt the
fat made in this way, like that made from beer,
is not the solid, substantial kind. There is
much (rreater shrinkage in our Pennsylvania
than Chicago hogs. I have known hogs
shipped from Chicago to New York in which
the shrinkage was 5 or 6 per cent less than
those shipped from Pittsburg to the same
JMcCbII jjt Co.' Weekly Review. .
The supply of cattle has beenJUberal, and
the market ruled fair with good to prime
cattle 10c per 100 pounds higher, while the me
dium grades are quotable at last week's figures.
Coarse, heavy cattle are very dull and lower.
"We give the following as ruling prices:
Prime, 1,300 to 1,600 pounds, S4 254 60;
v good, 1,200 to 1.400 pounds, J3 504 00; good
bntcher grades. 1,000 to 1,200 pounds, S3 10
3 JO: rouzh, fat, 1,100 to 1.300 pounds, 2 SO
3 20: good feeders, 1.000 to 1.200 pounds. 3 10
3 40: common feeders and stockers. weighing
TOO to 950 pounds. 2 252 75; heifers and mixed
lots, $2 OOfiS 75: bnlls and fat cows, SI 002 50;
fen extra, S3 003 25; fresh cows and springers.
25 0045 U0 per hcao.
The receipts of hogs have been light and
the market slow at the following quotations:
i Selected, ? 4 404 50 !est Yorkers, U 2offi4 35:
- .common to fair.H 154 20. roughs. $3 504 00.
rt The receipts nf sheep this week were lisbt
and. the market active at an advance of 1U
20c per 100 ponnda over last week's prices. e
give ibe following as ruling prices: Prime
Ohio and Indiana -n ethers, weighing here 110 to
120 ponnds,$l 755 00; good. 90 to 100 pounds,
fl 404 60; fair to good mixed. 75 to SO pounds,
13 2.HS3 CO: good yearlings, 75 to SO pounds,
2o4 60; fair to good. 50 to 60 pounds, J3 50
64 00; good Iambs. $5 006 00; veal calves.110
tn 120 pounds, $5 006 00, heavy calves, 52 00
63 5a
By Tclecrnph.
Kew Yobk Beeves Receipts. 26 carloads
for hog trade slaughterers direct, 54 carloads
for the market and 90 carloads for exportation
alive; the demand was fair for all descriptions
and the market closed steady, with a good
clearance: native steers sold at from S3 4004 70
per 100 pounds, with a conple of carloads of
rery choice taken on a margin than cost $5 00.
and six carloads of Texas steers went at S3 S0
3 40; exports to-day. 820 beeves alive and 2,760
quarters of beef. Calves Receipts. 900 bead:
n market reported steady but slow at 57Kc per
pound for veals, and at 24e for grasers
to fed calves. Sheep Receipts, 8,900 head;
the market was firm at full prices: lambs
-weakened and closed dull and about lie per
pound lower: the sales included poor to good
sheep at $3 505 40 per 100 pnnnds, and common
to prime lambs at S5 5006 85. Hogs Receipts
10.000 hetd; market fiim for live bogs at J4 2M"5
(4 oO per 100 pounds, with a few pigs sold at
Chicago The Drover' Journal reports
Cattle Kecetots. 16.000 head; shipments, 4,000
head; market dull, but steady, others 10c lower:
beeves, $1 6565 15: steers, S2 7564 40: stockers
' and feeders, $1 8003 00: cows, bulls and mixed,
SI 002 ba; Texas cattle, SI 502 75: Western
$2 O03 SO. Hogs Receipts, 26.000 head: ship
ments. 8.000 bead: market weak and 10c lower;
' mixed! S3 854 10- heavy. S3 754 10; light.
S3 904 20; skips. $3.0003 85. Sheep Receipts.
9.000 head: shipments. 3.500 head: market
, steady; natives. S2 505 00: Western. S3 50
4 15; Terana, S3 001 10; lambs, S4 255 SO.
. St. Louis Cattle Receipts. 2.415 head: ship
aients, 400 head: market steady: choico
heavy native steers, S4 254 85, fair to good,
do. S3 604 SO: stockers and feeders, SI 752 50:
range steers, S2 10S 00. Hogs Receipts, 4,3S9
head: shipments, 960 head; market 10c lower;
fair to choice heavy, S3 7503 95; packing
grades. S3 653 85; light, fair to best. S3 90
4 05. Sheep Receipts, 725 head; shipments.
250 head; market firm; fair to choice, S3 40
8 70.
Bottai-o Cattle Steady and unchanged;
receipts, 55 loads through: 5 loads sale. Hogs
fairly active; receipts 29 loads through: 30 sale;
mediums and heavy. $4 254 40: mixed, S4 35
4 40; heavy ends, $4 204 30: Yorkers. 4 30
4 40; pigs, S4 004 25; roughs, S3 253 60.
British Agents Bnyinc Up 300 New York
Cheese Factories.
(Middletott,-, N. Y., October 30. Quite
. sstir has been created throughout the great
cheese producing recion of Central and
Northern New York by the appearance in
-.that quarter of the agent of an English syndi
cate which wanU;to buy up all the principal
J. cheese factories. The district in qnestion
comprises the counties of Delaware, Otsego,
Iadison, Chenango, Oneida, Herkimer,
Lewis, Jefferson, St Lawrence and Oswego,
in whicbtbere are about 500 cheese factories
in active operation.
C. B. Syan, of Ingerioll, Ontario, as
agent of the syndicate, has been quietly at
tork for several weeks intbe upper counties
ttlnc optio on factories there. He says
' has aeesred options on about 300 fac-
ra great popular remedy, the world
'n'ed Dr. Bsll'8 Cough Syrupor 25c.
Bullish Foreign News Gives Wheat n Boost
Corn nnd Oats Keep the Leader ,
Company Pork Unsettled
nnd Lower.
Chicago. There was a stronger tone and
better feeling manifest in thewheat market
most of the session. Trading wis on a fair
scale, but could not be called large. There was
some selling of December and buying for May
by the same parties, and the latter month ruled
at the full premium paid yesterday over De
cember. The market opened about Ha higher,
ruled quiet and steady, and then sold off about
ic, recovered again, selling up JSc, and
closed about Jc higher for December, and o
higher for May than yesterday.
English advices were not encouraging to hold
ers, quoting dnll and quiet markets. The
quantity of wheat on ocean passage, as re
ported by the Board of Trade dispatch, indi
cated a decrease of 880,000 'bushels. Pans,
however, was quoted Sd higher, and a cable was
received noting a redaction in the stock of
-wheat at Odessa of 1,700,000 bushels during the
month. In addition there was a'belief of a re
vival of export business. Operators look for
lower ocean freights. There was a rumor of
22 boatloads being taken at New York, but this
was denied, and the actnal business placed at
five boatloads. Philadelphia wired prospects
of seven loads being taken.
Receipts continue larjre in the northwest.
Rain was reported in Illinois, Iowa and other
btates. There wis considerable covering of
shorts during the last halt ot the session when
the bulk of the trading occurred.
Corn The firm undertone that has been
manifested in this market for several days past
became more apparent to-day. A very strong
feeling prevailed, and transactions were at a
considerably higher range, more especially the
near months, November and December, which
received the most attention. Unfavorable
weather for curing the new crop started shorts
on the near deliveries and a sharp advance was
recorded. A prominent local speculator was
reported as a liberal purchaser of November,
taking in the neighborhood of 400,000 to 500,000
bushels on the advance. There was also some
Investment buying of May noted to-day. The
market opened at yesterday's closing prices,
was strong and gradually advanced c for No
vember and c for May, ruled firm and closed
with near months c and May Hc
higher than yesterday.
Oats were stronger and 9Kc higher. Trad
ing was fair, but chiefly in May, the near de
liveries, with tbe exception of December, being
neglected. The strength was attributed to
lighter arrivals than was expected and the
sharp advance in corn.
Mess pork A moderate business was report
ed and tbe feeling was unsettled. Prices de
clined SI 251 30 on October and 1517Kc on
other deliveries, and tbe market closed tame.
Lard Very little business was transacted in
the lard market, and the feeling was easier.
Prices ruled 50c lower on October deliveries,
while other deliveries were about 2c lower.
Short rib sides Trading was unusually
light, and the feeling was weak. Prices ruled
The leading futures raneca as follows:
Wheat No. 2. December. 7SO70V
679c; year. 78Kc: January, 79&079X
cue; May. 6jb ;HH5JU7vc
Coen No. 2, November. 31S2K3l Jfl
325c: December. 815323131c; May,
ovember. 1851901S5
19c: December, 1919?19!19-c; May. 21
Mess Pork, per bbk October. J10 87K
10 929 609 60, November. $9 559 559 30
69 30; year, I922K9 22K9 009 00; January,
S3 409 42K9 259 27K-
Labd, per 100 lbs. October. SS OTffiC 6Q6 15
6 15: November. $6 02K6 0566 O0S6 00: De
cember, S5 905 955 90iJ5 90; January, $5 92
5 82K5 905 90.
Shobt Ribs, per 100 is. October, So 20
5 205 055 0o; November. S4 9004 92K4 90
4 90; January. S4 7K4 77K4 754 To.
Cash quotations were as follows- Flour steady
and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat. 7878c;
No. 3 spring wheat, 6165c; No. 2 red, 78Kc;
No. 2 corn. S2c. No. 2 oats. lSKc No. 2
rye. 41c. No. 2 barley, nominal. No. 1 flax
seed. SI 28. Prime timothy seed, SI 15.
Mess pork, per bbk -S9 609 62 Lard, per
100 pounds, 6 15. Short ribs sides (loese).
So (155 40. Dry salted shonlders (boxed),
$4 504 62. Short clear sides (boxed), to 50
5 62. Sugars, cut loaf unchanged. Receipts
Flour, 32.000 barrels; whoat. 135,000 bushels:
com, 172.000 bushels; oats, 220,000 bushels; rye,
20.000 bushels; barley. 132,000 bushels. Ship
ments Flour. 23.000 barrels; wheat. 98.000 bush
els: oorn. 131.000 bnhels: oats, 278,000 bushels;
rve, 75,000 bushels; barley, 112, 000 bushels.
"On the produce exenange to-day the butter
market was weak and unchanged. Eggs, 18
New Yoke Flouractive and steady. Wheat
Spot unsettled, closing stronger: ic
higher and quiet; options quiet, irregular: Jifil
Jc higher and steady. Rye qniet: Western, 49
K52KC. Barley quiet Barley malt quiet. Corn
Spot firm; fairly active and lie higher;
options artive and stronger. Oats Spot firm
and moderately active: options stronger and
-quiet. JEIayln fair demanaand flnn Hops
steadv and quiet. Coffee Options opened irreg
ular. 5 points down to 10 -points up, closed
steady, 3040 points up: sales, 65.750 bags, in
cluding October, 14.20c; December, I4.3014.70c;
January. 14.3014.70c; February, 14.300
14.70c; March, 14.3514.75c; April, 14.35
14.55c: May. 14.4014.75c; June, 14.30
14.35c; July. 14 4014 50c; August, 14.4014.45c:
September, 14.0514.25c. Spot Rio stronger.
Sugar Raw dull and nominal; fair refining, 5c;
centrifugals, 96 test, 5Jc; refined dull and un
changed; C, 5J5c; extra C, 6J6Vc; white
extra C. 66c; yellow, tizkc; off
A, 63-166c; mold A, 7?c; stand
ard A, 6Jc; confectioners' A, 6Jc;
cut loaf, 7Jc; crushed, 7Kc: powdered, 7c;
granulated. 7c; cubes, TJc. Molasses Foreign,
nominal; New Orleans quiet and open: kettle
goodtofancv, 28S46c Rice quiet and easy;
domestic, 46K'1; Japan, 4K5Jic Cotton
seed oil strong. Tallow dull. Rosin firm and
quiet. Terpentine steadv and quiet. Eegs
in fair demand and firm; western, 22l23c;
Ice-bouse, 1020c; receipts, 3,602 packages.
Pork moderately active and firm; middles
steady. Lard Spot and October dull; much
lower on full contract deliveries, other options
Suiet and weak: sales western steam. S6 85:
ctober. S6 75 bid, S6 85 asked; NovemDer,
6 53, closing at J6 51; December, S6 33. clos
ing S6 31; January, $6 29: February, J6 32;
March, S6 40, closing at S6 37. Butter Choice
firm, others easy; Elgin, 2425c; western
dairy, 915c; do creamery. 1224c; do held,
1219c: do factory, 712c Cheese firm
and quiet; western. 7l0c.
Philadelphia Flour quiet. Wheat Op
tions opened easier, but subsequently recovered
and closed stetdy; speculation quiet; No. 2 red.
October, 802?81Vic; November. 81Va81c: De-
cember. Ki'iwffiUc: January. 83iifi!o3Mfc. Corn
strong and higher; car lots quiet and lower;
No. 2 yellow, in Twentieth street elevator,
42c; No. 2 mixed quoted at 4142c; No. 2
mixed, October. 41Q41c; November, 4141c;
December, 4040Vc: January, 39B40c Oats
Car lots steady but quiet: No. 3 white, in
Twentieth street elevator, 27c; choice do, in
grain depot, 28c; No. 2 white. 29c: lntures a
shade firmer: No. 2 white, October. 2SK29c;
November. 2S2SJc; December, 2S2t3ic:
January. 2829!4c. Butter firm and fairly
active; Pennsylvania creamery, extra, 24c: do
prints extra. 2831c Eggs irregular: Pennsyl
vania firsts, 24c. Receipts Flour, 1,000 barrels;
wheat, 5,600 bushels; corn, 11.500 bushels; oats,
14,000 bushels. Shipments Wheat. 4,700 bush
els; corn. 61,100 bushels; oats, 18,800 bushels.
St. Louis Flour dull, with -no demand to
speak of. Wheat higher; the market was dull
at tbe opening, bnt) under bullish intelligence
finally closed c above yesterday; No. 2 red.
cash. 76c: November.76ic. -closing at 76k:e.nom-
mal; December, 77V78Vc closing at 78ic
aked; May, 82JiS3jc. closing at S3ir asked.
Corn higher; nn.
ary,2S2SKc, closing at2bc; Mav,S0K30c,
closing at S030c asked. Oats higher; No. 2,
catn, lic oiu: jij, u4fikeu,t,g uio. riye
in improved demand at 3S3Sc Barley
Demand light: Wisconsin, 62c. Provisions
Baltimoiie Wheat Western dnll; No. 2
winter red. spot and October. 79Xt?793c;De
cember, SIKSSIK?' January. 8282c; Feb
rnary, 8484Jia Corn Western firmer; mixed
spot and October, 40K40c: November, 40J
4c; year and January, 3SW39Kc; February,
593ic; March, 40Vc Oats firm and .unchanged.
Rye quiet at 5455c Hay Prime to choice
timothy, J12 5013 00. Provisions steady.
Butter easy; creamery, 2223c Eggs firm;
fresh, 2122c. Coffee nominal; Rio cargoes, fair.
Milwaitkee Wheat firm; No- 1 Northern,
80c Corn firmer: No. 3, 33c Oats firm: No.
2 white. 21c Rye firm; No. J, 4343c
Barley quiet; No. 2 October, 52c Provisions
easy. Pork. S9 60. Lard, S6 15. Cheese lower;
Cheddars, 99c
Toledo Cloverseed active and low er; cash
and October, S3 50; November, S3 52; Decem
ber, S3 60; January, S3 65. -
New Yobk. October 30. Business in dry
goods was without new features. There was
considerable demand fortap!e and patterned
goods for prompt shipment by-water routes
and a well sustained volume of orders for new
spring fabrics from both jobbers and cutters.
Stocks of plain and patterned goods are light,
and prices are accordingly firm. Heavy colored
cottons, as a rule, are in fair shape. Southern
brown cottons are somewhat firmer. Tbe print
uorket is getting bare of dark styles, and the
new season bids fair to open early.
V Metal MnrKct.
Hzw Yoex Pig Iron about steady; Ameri
can. S18 00618 00. Copper negleeted. Lead
dull and unchanged; domestic S3 82. Tin
active and Irregular; straights, 21 SO.
Wool Blarket.
St. Loins Tbe wool market continues
steady ana unchanged, with receipts for the
week about tbe same as the week previous.
Oats No. 2. N
Advice of a Prominent Jurist to the
Toung Men of America.
Brick Mating One of the Host Important
Industries of Pittsburg.
Judge Braden, formerly on the Butler
county bench for many years, but now a
citizen of Allegheny and a practitioner in
the local courts, in an interview yesterday
gaveiis views on the tendency of the specu
lating spirit which is so marked a feature
of the American character. Among other
things he said "In a long experience,
covering a generation or more, I have known
but tew instances where men succeeded by
departing from their regular lines of busi
ness and embarking in speculative schemes.
It is my observation that where one succeeds a
hundred fall. There seems to be a mania for
specnlation among onr young Americans which
I regard as one of the most unfortunate traits
of our national character.
"As a corrective of this evil I would advise
molders of public sentiment to impress npon
young men the necessity of learning trades or
professions, and of sticking to them."
Last week was another period of enormous
railroad traffic From every quarter is heard
the loud cry, "Give us more cars," while thero
has not been a single feeble appeal for lower
rates. The reports of earnings have furnished
ample proof that tho traflic which the rail
roads are now handling is beyond precedent.
It seems as If all at once every influence had
combined to swell the volume of freight. Coal,
coke and ore make the heaviest proportionate
draft on the equipment, and the movement of
all these has increased in an extraordinary de
gree, and at the same time the active condition
of all manufacturing Industries has furnished
more freight of this class. Of course, this
condition of affairs Is tbe natural feature of
heavy crops, which In turn are pressing on the
railroads, and so satisfactory assurance is
given that tbe movement is not temporary, bnt
Is certain to continue through the winter and
For the third week in October 29 roads report
an increase of 13 per cent, only three of them
showing losses, while the Northern Pacific has
the enormous increase of S117.086 and the
Louisville, New Orleans and Texas almost 50
percent. On the whole, the reports average
better than ever before in any week.
Brick making is an important industry in and
around Pittsburg, where clay of the best qual
ity is abundant and fuel cheap. For a year or
two some of the manufacturers have been
using natural gas, and find it preferable to any
other f nel, being more economical, baking the
brick more evenly and giving them a better
color. About 50 firms are engaged in the busi
ness. Both fire and building brick are turned
out in large quantities. Three or four of the
largest kilns turn out from 80,000 to 40,000 brick
a day each enough for an ordinary seven
roomed house.
The oldest brick works in Pittsburg are those
ot William Moore. They were established In
1SS6. Three or four are in course of construc
tion, among them one by J. J.'Howley, on his
Oakland Park property. This is Intended to be
the largest brick plaqt in the city, having a
capacity of 60,000 a day, and it will contain all
the latest improvements in machinery for the
manufacture of fire, building and paving
About a dozen firms are engaged in the pro
duction of fire brick and tile exclusively, the
oldest of which is Kier Brothers, established
In 1849. Pittsburg Drick of all kinds has a good
reputation for color, shape and durability, and
finds a ready market at home and in tbe sur
rounding country. Over 60,000,000 brick are
produced In Pittsburg annually.
Eastern drygoods merchants agree that there
is considerable increase in the volume of busi
ness, and that the orders from Portland, Ore,
to Portland, lie, are larger than usual at this
period of the year. The indications are that
the forthcoming holidays will bring a season of
great prosperity to each and every branch of
industry. These indications certainly favor
the conclusion that tho country at large is
Pittsburg wholesalers report a large trade,
with a prospect of a heavy increase during the
holiday season. Labor has been so well em
ployed for most of the year that almost every
body has money to spend. In view of this fact
dealers in all kinds of holiday goods are pre
paring for a rushing business.
It is said that the Cotton Oil Trust is to be
transformed into a corporation under tho laws
of New Jersey. Tbe present certificates
amount to $42,000,000. The new company will
have a capital of 521,000,000 and a collateral
trust bond 5 per cent of $11,000,000. All the
property of the present trust, amounting to
about 523,000,000, will be transferred to the new
company. This includes about $7,000,000 cash
capital invested in seed at this time of the year
and the oil prodnct of mills on its way to the
markets. The certificate holders will be asked
to exchange two shares of certificates of S100
each for 100 of the new collateral trust bond,
to the extent of one-half their holdings, and
for the other half they will receive par in the
stock of the new company. This plan will re
duce the face value of the outstanding securi
ties to 532,000,000.
Philadelphia Gas Company Stock Still In the
Ascending Node.
A good many people were sony yesterday
that they had lost their beads and sold Phila
delphia Gas stock on the recent slump. It was
higher and active, and a majority of the brokers
on 'Change were hungry for it. Like the fel
low in Greek mythology, who was doomed to
perpetual hunger with plenty of food before
him, but just beyond his reach, people who
wanted the stock cannot get It, because holders
thought it too good a thing to part with.
A few jrgs were offered in the forenoon at
31, with 31 bid, but there were no sales, both
sides being uncertain what later developments
would be. In the afternoon, nnderthe influence
of good buing demand, it became quite
active, selling to the extent of 347 shares, with
many wants unsupplied. The first sale was at
31. Trom that it quickly advanced to 31J
ana then to 32, amid considerable excitemeut
and offers to bet that it would reach
S3 before the end of tho week.
At 32 the advance was checked' by a
curtailment of offerings and buyers dropping
out to compare notes before going in deeper.
Tbe last sale was of two shares at 31, bought
at about 30, which the holder, getting Beared at
the last moment, concluded to realize on and
so avoid further anxiety.
Having a good start, it will be surprising If
the stock does not reach a considerable higher
figure than 32 before the upward movement
subsides. There was no news affecting the
property either for better or worse. The ad
vance was due solely to the buying demand,
based on the belief that the stock is worth
more money than it has been bringing for some
time For Trust 31 was offered.
The other active stocks were Pleasant Val
ley Railway, Alleeheny National Bank and
Central Traction. The latter sold at 80, a de
cline It was afterward said tbe sale was
merely to make a quotation, and this is bome
out by tbe fact that tbe seller wanted to buy
the stuff back at an advance. Tbe rest of the
list was entirely featureless. Bids, offers and
sales are appended.
Kid. Asked. Hid. Asked.
Allegheny Nat. Ttank. Rys
freehold Bank..
Lawrence Bant
Metropolitan a. Bank
Safe Deposit Co........
Tradesmen's A. Bant.
Consolidated U. Co.. Ill
I'ltts. bas CO..IU......
Allegheny Heating Co.
CTisrtiers Val. tas Co.
Nat. Was Co. or W. a.
1'eople's X. O. & P.Co
I'hlfiidelpbla Co ,.
Wheeling Oas Co
Columbia Oil Co
rntra.t Tr&ctlon ..
Citizens' Traction &h
I'ltuuure tTaciion....
Pleasant Valley........
P'ir. you'g't'n & Ash.
P. C. A8t. L
I'ltts. & Western B. K.
i'ltts. w. xu n. pio. ia
N.y. CGas Coal Co. 33)4
Onion Bridge HH
Hidalro MiningOo
1 Morli Mlnlnc Co...
Luster Minlnr Co
Yankee Girl Mining... 2
Allegheny Co, .Electns ....
Westinxhoase leetnc 47
SH .43
i"iiisourgiTCiorani.. o iv
At the morning call 60 shares of Central
Traction sold at 50 and 75 Pleasant Valley
Railway at 20. In the afternoon the sales
were 50 shares Philadelphia Gas at 31, 100 at
185 at 32. 2 at 31 and 64 Allegheny Nation
al Bank at 63.
Xhe total sales of stocks at New York yester
day were 230,026 shares. Including Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western, 26,008; Denver, Texas
and Fort Worth, 5,794r Louisville and Nash
ville. 9.620: Missouri Pacific 13,915: Reading,
74,950; Bt. Paul, 9,800; Unloh Pacific, 31,677.
j.-:""--.rr-.-""""'T ---' . - - ia
Bankers Nat Knshrd, bnt Report a
Satisfactory Business.
There was no rushing at the hanks yesterday,
but notwithstanding a satisfactory business
was transacted. Money was obtainable in
almost any quantity at 67 per cent. Checking
and depositing were a .fair average. Currency
was rather scarce, ijome think small notes are
beinc hoarded np for the holidays. Exchanges
were 12.315,177 64; and balances J297.709 46.
Morre"y on call at New York yesterday was
tight, ranging from 8 to 10 per cent; last loan.' 8;
closed offered at 8. Prime mercantile paper,5
7. 8 terling exchange q niet but steady at S4 81 '
for 60-day bills, and 4 85 for demand.
Closing Bond Quotations.
U. 8. 4s,reg 127
U. 8. 4S. coup 127
U. S. 4X, reg..... 105)4
U. 8. 4)3. coup.... 105)4
Paciiicesor'95..... .miS
Louiilanastampels 88
Missouri 6l 101
Term, new set. 6a... 107
lenn. new set. M....101
Tenn. new set 3s.... 74H
Canada So. Ids tth
Oen. Pacificists 114
len. &R. O., ISM...1Z2V
Den. ft R. Q. 4s Tin
D.&K.a.We9t,lts. 97H
rle,2ds 104 'a
U.K.. &T. Gen. 6a.. 66
M. K.&T. Gen.Ss . 88)4
Mutual Union 6... .103
N. J.C. Int. Oert...U3X
Northern Bac UU..1I4H
Northern Fc. M8..1I0
Nnrthwt'n ransols.141
Northw'n detens..H4)f
Ore ran A: Trans. M.lu-
St,L. I.M.Uen.M83
St. I.. SiV. Oen.Ji.ii3
Si. fanl eoniols ....137
St. PL Chi Are.ltts.118
Tx., ie.li.G.TT Ks.81
lX.,.TCK.U..lT..fcC" 'H
Union Pae. Ht.....ll3
West Shore 103
Government and State bonds were firm and
New YonK Clearings, S118,271,613; balances,
Boston Clearings, 115,348,609; balances,
Sl.495,421. Money, 3 per cent
PBn.ADEX.PEiA Clearings, $12,871,676: bal
ances. $2,293,820.
Baltimore Clearings, 31,900,734; balances.
Loitdox The amount of bullion gone into
the Bank of England on balance to-day is 29,
000. Bar silver, 43d per ounce.
Paeis Three "per cent rentes, 87f 10c for
the account.
Chicago Bank clearings were 510,584,000.
New xork exchanceflrmatl2di8counttopar.
Money rates still range at 67 per cent, the in
side figure being for call and the outside for
time loans. Those not customers of the various
banks find trouble in getting money at all and
are compelled to pay considerably more than
the rates given above.
A Qniet Day In Oleaslnoaa Circles Prlcea
Shrink a LI I lie.
The oil market was comparatively quiet yes
terday, with a rather narrow range of prices.
The opening was 100, the highest 107, the
lowest 106 and the closing 106Jg. Oil City was
the best buyer. Trading here was "choppy," in
and out, and not larce either way. New York
did nothing particular, but was inclined to be
bearish. Toward tne close tbe market got in a
hole, but stiffened up a little, and ended in tol
erably good shape. Tuesday's clearings were
Features of the Market.
Corrected daily by John M. Oakley t Co., 45
Sixth 6treet, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened 10641 Lowest I06X
Hlxhest ,..107XCloed.,
Average runs ......
Average shipments ,
Average charters;
icennea, new xorc ?.aac
Refine, London. Xd
Refined, Antwerp. 171 r.
Refined, Liverpool. 6 1-18J.
A. B. McGrew & Co. quote: Puts, SI 05;
calls, SI 091 09.
Other Oil Markets.
On. City. October 30 National Transit cer
tificates opened at SI 06; highest, SI 07;
lowest, SI 06; closed, SI 07.
Bradford. October 30 National Transit
certificates opened at SI 06K: closed at SI 06;
highast, XI 07; lowest, SI 06.
TtTUSTrxXE, October 29. National Transit
certificates opened at SI 06; highest, SI 07;
lowest, SI 06: closed at SI 07.
New Yobk, October 30. Petroleum opened
firm at SI 06 and advanced to SI 07 in the first
hour. Realizing sales then caused a sharn de
clined, butafternoon-th-jMrfcet Tallied "and'
closed nrmai?i.UD.tacK.C4Xcnange upeoing,
SI 06; highest, Jl 07; lowest, SI 06; dosine,
Market Street Property Cfanngea Hands
Sale In City and Suburbs.
C. B. Love. 93 Fourth avenue, sold a property
on Frankstown an'd Lincoln avenues, adjoining
the Lincoln School property, 60 by about 135,
with a two-story frame house, for David Rich
mond. The purchaser was James M. Denholm.
Price, $5,750.
J. C. Reilly, 77 Diamond street, sold for
Anthony Wise to Samuel Abrams, the four
story brick dwelling and storeroom No. 10 Mar
ket street, lot 21x60, for 8.750 cash; also for
John McShane to Abraham Bernstein, the two
story brick dwelling No 88 Logan street, lot 18x
46, for 2,100; also two lots on Frederick street,
heid of Twenty-second street incline, for John
Nusser to Harry Varndell, for 5250 each on the
easy payment plan.
Alles t Bailev. 161 Fourth avenue, sold a
mortgage of 51,000, two years, at 6 per cent, on
property in the Nineteenth ward.
Black & Baird, 95 Fourth avenne, sold to J. C.
Hague a vacant lot, being No. 39 in tbe Linden
Place plan of lots. Twenty-second ward, city,
having a frontage on Hastings street of 24 feet
by 120 to an alley, for $450 cash. They also
placed a mortgage of 51,250 tor three years at 6
per cent on a property on Mt. Washington.
Circn)nted,ln Wall Street Elevate and Then
Depress Railroad Shares The
Bears Make tbe Most of
New York, October SU The stock market
was again irregular, feverish and unsettled to
day, and as usual of late all the interest in the
dealings was concentrated in two or three
stocks, while the remainder were dull and
traded in within tbe narrowest limits. There
was no news of a character to affect values, bat
rumors were plentiful, and the market got its
stimulus in the forenoon from a story that tbe
Union Pacific had purchased a controlling in
terest In the Chicago and Alton, which would
be taken into the new alliance, and so removed
from the way as a disturber of the prevailing
harmony. This story,' with the aid of some
London buying of Union Pacific and a few other
favorites, sent Union Pacific up over I percent,
and it crossed 63 for the first time in many
The general list felt the influence, and, except
for Cotton Oil and tbe coal storks, everything
made a material improvement. Later, bow
ever, this story was denied from Chicago, and
thereafter contradictory telegrams were re
ceived throughout the day, which checked tho
advancing tendency. The bears then returned
to tbe attack with vigor, and, aided by the ad
vance in money to 10 per cent, they brought
about material declines in the coalers 'and
wiped out about all of the forenoon's Improve
ment in the general list. St. Paul and Burling
ton both reported very flattering earnings, but
this seemed to bave little effect upon them or
their Kindred shares. The ono ieally strong
spot in the market was Sugar Refineries, which
almost steadily appreciated wnen the Tegular
list was weak, and finally scored a handsome
advance, closing at its best figure. The Van
derbllts were strong ana Lake Shore crossed
107, but as a rnle the market was quiet and
featureless within the narrowest limits. Tbe
opening was strong at advances which extend
ed to per cent, and, led by Union Pacific and
Sugar, the list rose from to 1 per cent fur
ther daring tbe first hours. Cotton was weak,
and was soon joined by the coalers, which had
the effect of creating a partial reaction in tbe
rest of the list, which, however, was recovered
before noon. A general reaction followed and
prices moved np and down within narrow lim
its for tbe rest of tho afternoon, but in the last
hour Sugar developed, tbe most pronounced
strength, which helped tbe regular list up a
trifle, and the market finally closed quiet and
firm, generally at a shade bettor than last
night's prices. Sugar Bcored an advance of 3
per cent, but tbe only other material chango
wasa decline of 1 pcrcentJn Jersey Central.
The sales of railroad bonds were 61,310,000 to
day, and though tbe Ft. Worth and Denver
firsts, the San Antonio and A pass 6s of 1883
and the Kansas and Texas 7s were most active,
their transactions were not specially large.
Tl-e market was generally steady, and the final
change show few important fluctuations.
Tho -PojI' financial article says: All the
forenoon the market was agitated with re
peated assertions and denials by telegraph from
Chicago ot tbe alleged purchase of the control
of the Chicago and-Alton by .somebody for the
purpose of bringing it Into harmonious opera-
O.8. &81g. Co. .-..
WKBtlnvhrniM A H I !rt
tion'with the Union Pacific and Northwestern,
and also repeated assertions and denials by
telegraph from Chicago that if this alliance
was perfected the Burlington, the Rock
Island and the St. Paul would immediately
withdraw from the Presidents' Association and
declare war against the Union Pacific, North
western and Alton. So far as these dispatches
had any effect on the market It was in tbe di
rection of higher prices. Tbe majority of peo
ple already believe the Presidents' Association
is a failure, and that if It was broken up the
objects which were Bought in its formation
would bo better accomplished by some form of
alliance or co-operative management between
all the roads embraced in certain sections of
the country upon some such idea as trackage
for all companies over all the lines.
After 12 o'clock an official denial (purporting
to come from President Blackstone) of any
sale of a controlling interest in Chicago and
Alton was telegraphed from Chicago. Tbe
only effect this had was to check the trading in
tbe Grangers, though it had no apparent effect
upon prices. In tbe afternoon railroad stocks
were unsettled in consequence of conflicting
reports in regard to tbe condition of things
among the Chicago roads, as regards tbe Inter
State Association and also in regard to there
ported coalition of the Chicago and Alton with
the Northwestern and Union Pacific, and up to
2.30 o'clock the majority were a small fraction
lower than at 12 o'clock. The market closed
steady at a little above the lowest prices.
Governments dull and steady.
State bonds dull but firm.
The following tame snows tne prices oraettre
stocks on tbe New iork Stock Bxcnange yester
day. Corrected dailv for thb Dispatch by
WmTNET AStifiienboij. oldest Pittsburg mem
bers of Mew York Btocr xcnange, 7 irourth ave
nue: Clos-Open-
High- Low- lng
Idst. ei est. Bid.
Am. Cotton Oil 41 1X 405 4l4
Atcn.. Top ft B. F Sl 31M 31H 31
Canadian Pacific 68 69 6S HJ
Canada Southern sJ 55 54 55
Central of Mew Jerser.124 124 123 122V
Central Paelni -
Chetaoeakeft Ohio.... ZH 23 3iH 25)4
C Bar. ft Qu1i.ct.....106H 106H 106 105V
C Mil. ft St. raul.... MM ' 70X 69)4 69K
ti,MU&8t. P., pr...H3X 113H H3H 113
C, BoekLftP 98V X 934 88X
C, St. L. ft Pitts 'i
C. St. L. ft Pitts, nf. 18
C. St. P.. M. i 0 33X
C-St. B-M. ft O.. nr. 87
Cftorthwesurn Ill 112ft 112 V.
Cft .Northwestern, pr. 141
C, C., C. & 1 7S 75 U 74J$
C, C, C. 41.. pf 99 99 89 88V
CoL Coal ft iron 32)4 32M 32)4 32
Col. ft Hocking Vat lSK
Del.. L. ftW 141)4 141V 140M HO'J
Denver KloG lV
Denver ft Rio U.. nr... Sl!4 MX" MX 51)4
E.T.. Va. AUa - 10H " 10 10
E.T..Va. AGa. 1st pf. 70
K.I.. Va.ftGa.2dpr. 22
Illinois Central. lit
Lake Erin ft Western.. 1V 18V UV I8H
LakeKneft West. pr.. 65 65 64K 64V
LateBhoraftM. a... .106 107X 106H 106X
LonUvllIeftBashvllIe. s!i 62 81K 81K
Michigan central S.H 96V 96X 86X
Mobile ft Ohio 13
Mo.. Kan. ft Texas 11
Missouri Pacific T0)i 7IX 70)4 70
Mew -Tort Central 106H 106V 106)J 106
M. V.. L. E. ft W..... 29 29 29 28
M.Y..L.E. ftW.prer.. 68 68 68 66
M. .. C ft St. U 17 17X 17 17
M. X.. C. ft St. L. pr. 68
... aftst.iv. 2d nr - 28)4
N. VAN. E 43V 4SK 45V Ki
K. y.. O. ft W UK 18K 1SX loX
Morrolkft Western.... 19
Norfolk Western, nf H
Northern Pacific 32X 32 31V 31)4
Mortncrn Pacific nreC 73V 73V 73)4 73X
OMo A Mississippi...- 22H
Oregon Improvement 51)4
Oregon Transcon 33)4 33 33V 33V
Pacific Mall 33 33 33 32)4
Peo. Dec. Evans 20 20 10 18
Phlladel. ft Heading.. 43! 42X 42)4
Pallman Palace Oir...l894 189m 189H 1S8
Blehmona A W. P. r.. 23 23)4 23 23
lUchmondftW.P.T.nf 79V
St. P., Minn, ft Man. .116 116)4 116 115V
St. L. ft San Fran 24V
St. L. ft San jrran pf.. 55V 55V &V 5o
St.L. ft BanP.lit pr. 1C7
Texas Pacific: 20X 21 21)4 20V
Union Pacific C7H 68 s7)4 67),
Wabasn WA 16)4 16)4 16
Wabash prererred 31V 31V 3IV 31V
Western Union S5 S5)4 84V 84V
Wheeling ft L. A 70 70)4 70 70
Sugar Trust 70)4 73H 70)4 73V
National Lead Trust.. 21V 21V 2IM 2IV
Chicago Gas Trust.... 55)4 65)4 &V
Philadelphia Stocks.
dosing quotations of Philadelphia stoeka, fur
nished by Whitney ft Stephenson, brokers. No. 37
Fourth avenue. Members aew
ork Stock Ex-
Pennsylvania Kallroad 54
Heading 21X
BnOalo. Pittsburg and Western
Lehigh Valley 53 53U
Lehigh Navigation 54V E4V
Northern Pacific SIU 32K
Nortnern Pacific prererred 73V 73)4
BotiPi Stocks.
Atch.ftT0D..lst7f. 110)4
A.ftT. Land Gr't7i. 103V
AteluftTop.B. K.,. 31V
Boston Albany...214V
lloston ft Maine. ....215
C. B. ftU. 106V
Easterns, it 118H
Little K. ft Ft. 8. 7s. 99V
Mexican Oen. com.. 15
lltr.GJstmtgvbas. 66
N. X. AN err ling... 46V
Ogd.ftL.Cham.com. S
oia Colony. 177
Rutland, com 4
Wis. Central, com,
AllonezMfCo a
Calumet ft Beda..220
rrankiln. 10
Unron ................ )4
Osceola. 10V
rewable 24
Qulncr 52)4
Bell Telephone 203
Boston Land.. ." s
"A a wr Power 5
Tamarack .123)4
San Diego 23
Santa Fe copper.... 55
Business Notes,
THIRTT-FOUK mortgages were recorded yes
terday. The largest was for 12,000.
These Is more activity in the Pittsburg
lumber trade than for some time, indicating
corresponding activity in building.
A New Yobk oil exporter intimates that tbe
Standard has concluded that the stuff is high
enough, and will soon begin turning the thumb
screws. A meeting of viewers will be held this
afternoon to settle the question of damages
and benefits arising from the opening of Cali
fornia avenue.
Work on the fournewbankbuildlngs is pro
gressing as rapidly as practicable. Three of
them will be ready for ocenpancy in the spring
the Keystone sooner.
Philadelphia Gas was the active feature
of the stock market yesterday. It was rather
amusing to watch people trying to buy back at
32 or thereabouts what they Bold around 30.
She Must Tell How She Obtained Informa
tion About n Harder.
Canandaigua, N. T., October 30.
Last April Alfred Hudson, an Englishman,
in company with three of his country
men, came to this country upon the
advice of a friend, John Stokes, of
Lyons, "Wayne county. Hudson went to
work at $16 a month on the farm of Edward
Hill, near Lyons. He was sober and indus
trious, and apparently contented with his
lot On Sunday evening, August 19, he
went to his room after returning from a visit
to Stokes in the village, and nothing has
been seen of him since. Over 50 wages
was doe him. Hudson's friends at first
thought that he bad gone to Kansas, where
he had friends, or had returned to England.
Inquiry showed that both surmises had
been wrong.
There is a Mrs. Hurter, at Lock Berlin,
not tar from Lyons, who professes to be a
fortune teller. One day she nut two ot
Hudson's friends, and told them that they
had lost a friend. He had been murdered,
she said. She described Hudson accurately
and conclnded: "You'll find his old cloihes
and other belongings secreted in a shed near
a stream of water." The next day Hud
son's satchel and clothes were found in an
old abandoned shed on the banks of the
Canandaigua outlet, near Lyons. Hud
son's friends then took their story to tbe
police, who are npw trying to find out how
Mrs, Hurter got her information.
Bnlilns Fnnda to Pay for the All-Americana
The Committee on Finance appointed for
the purpose oi raising the necessary funds
to entertain the distinguished, Pan-American
delegates met in the Chamber of Com
merce yesterday afternoon, with Mr. H. C.
ITrick in the chair. The city was mapped
out in districts, and each member oi the
committee was assigneu a ui&incb auu givcu
a subscription book. It is expected that
the necessary amount will be collected by
The committee to go to Steubenville
to meet the delegates next Wednesday
has been appointed. The committee consists
of: John H. Bicketson, chairman; Hon.
John H. Dalzell, Hon. Thomas M. Payne,
Hon. William McCallin, Hon. E. T. Pear
son, John "W. Chalfant, W. De "Weese
"Wood, A. M. Byers, John B. Jackson,
James A. Chambers, .Robert Pitcairn, J. V.
Patton, D. O. Elpley, J. JVandergriit, H.
K. Porter and 0. L. ilagee.
The arrangements for the reception next
Wednesday evening are progressing.
PEARS' Soap secures a beautiful complexion.
See the Window"
At Enable & Shuster's, 35 Fifth aye.
German Cheese Quieter, bat Domestic
Still Unchanged.
Blockade of Cereals No Longer Complained
of fcy Dealers.
Office ot Ptttsbveg dispatch,
- Wednesday. October 30, 1883. (
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
German cheeses, which took an upward turn
a week or two ago, have quieted down. Manu
facturers bold their stock higher than buyers
are willing to pay, and hence there is at present
a lull in trade. New York and Ohio cheese Is
steady at quotations. Choice eggs are still
scarce and the- drift ot markets is upward.
Butter is unchanged. 8upply of potatoes Is In
excess ot demand and markets are weak. A
Liberty street commission merchant this morn
ing said that he was ready to furnish 40 car-
loads of any kind of potatoes on ten days' ae
livery at 40c per bushel on track. Sweet pota
toes are firm. Grapes are growing scarcer and
prices are moving upward.
Butter Creamery, Elgin, 2526c; Ohio do,
2425c: fresh dairy packed, 2123c; country
rolls. 1920c
Beans Navy band-picked beans, S2 252 40;
medium. S2 302 40.
Beeswax aiSSOc ft & for choice; low grade,
CiDEE-Sand refined, M 607 60; common.
$3 5004 00; crab cider. tS 0028 SO V barrel;
cider vinegar. 1012c V gallon.
Chestnuts 55 005 60 per bushel; walnuts,
607Sc a bushel. . ....
Cheese Ohio. Ullc; New Tork, llKc;
Llmburger. 9Kllc; domestic Sweitzer, 11
lSKc: imported Sweitzer, 23K&
jioos 2223ofl dozen for strictly fresh.
Fruits Apples, t2 0003 00 V barrel; grapes.
Concords, 40045c a basket; Bartlett pears, S5 f
barrel; qninces, 8B7 50 "jfl barrel; cranberries.
Jerseya,i2 60 "P bushel box; Cape Cods, box, U 73
63 00; Malaga grapes, large barrel, t8.
- Peathebs Extra live geese. 50060c; No. 1,
do. 4045c; mixed lots, 3036c f fi.
Poultry Live chickens, 6070c "fl pair; old,
6570c fl pair; live turkeys. I214c fy pound.
SEEDS Clover, choice, 62Bsto busbelrto 00
6 25 a bushel; clover, large English, 62 lbs, to 60;
clover, Alslke, 53 00; clover, white, 59 00; timo
thv. choice. 45 fts. SI SO: blue crass, extra
clean, 14 fis, 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 Us, 51 00;
orchard grass, u ds, u do; rea top, i ms, u a;
millet, 60 &s, 51 00; German millet. 60 6s. 51 50;
Hungarian grass, 60 fis. 51 00; lawn grass,
mixture of fine grasses, 52 60 "jR bushel of 14
TAixow Country, 4c; city rendered, 4J
TnoplOAl Frutts Lemons, common, S3 60
i 00; fancy, S4005 00; oranges. 54 6065 00:
bananas, $2 00 firsts, 51 60 good seconds, V
bunch; cocoanuts, 54 001 60 $ hundred; fig.
8K9c fi; dates, 6KbMc B fi; newlayerflga,
14k16Kc: new dates, 7Hc W fi.
Vegetables Potatoes, from store, 60055c;
on track, 4560c: tomatoes, 75c51 $ bushel;
wax beans, 76c fl bnshel; green beansk4050o
fl bushel; cabbages, $4 005 00 a hundred;
celery, 40c V dozen; Southern sweet potatoes.
52 252 60: Jerseys, 53 &03 75; turnips, 51 75
2 00 a barrel; onions, 52 a barrel.
At last accounts coffee options were on the
decline. Packages are weak but unchanged.
General groceries are moving freely. Trade
was never larger at this season, and while mar
gins are close, jobbers are content with the.
Green Coi-pee Fancy Bio, 22X23)4c;
choice Bio, 2021Kc; prime Bic , 20c; low grade
Bio, 1819Kc; old Government "i va, 27c; Mar
acaibo. 2324c; Mocha, 2829c, Santos, 20
23c; Caracas. 2123c; peaberry. x io, 2323c;
Boasted (in papers) Standaru brands,
23Kc; high grades, 2529c: old Govern
ment Java, bulk. 31324:; Maracaibo, 26
27c: Santos, 2327(c:peai)erry: 23c; choice Kio,
24c; prime Bio, 22c; good Bio, 21c; ordi
nary, 21c
hPiCES (whole) Cloves, 1920c: allspice, 10c;
cassia, 8c; pepper, 17c; nutmeg, 7080.
Petroleum (jobbers prices) 110 test, 7c;
Ohio, 120, 8Kcr headlignt. 150, 8Kc; water
white, lOKc; globe. 1414Kc; elalne, 4c; car
nadine, uc; xoyaline, 14c: globe red oil, 118
Strtjps Corn syrups, 2730c; choice sugar
syrups, 3338l; prime sugar syrup, 30o3c;
strict! v nnmp 33ftl5c; new manle svrnn. 90c
N. 6. Molasses Fancr. iicr choice. 46c:
medium. 4?c;, julxed, 4042cr choice new cropr
Soda Bt-carb in kegs, SK4c; bi-carb In K
&c; bl earb. assorted packages, 66c; sal
soda id kegs, le; do granulated, 2c
Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearlne, fl
set. 8Kc; parafBne, ll12c
1UCE ueid, Carolina, ojiiavc; cnoice, wm
6Vc; prime, 5K6
Louisiana. h&?Ac
btaroh i-ea:
'earl.i'Jac: cornstarch. 66c: zloss
starcn. 4svc.
ForeiqnTbtjtts Layer raisins, 52 65; Lon
don layers. 52 75; California London layers,
52 75; Muscatels. 52 25; California Muscatels,
51 85; Valencia, 7ic; Ondara Valencia, 8K68Kc;
sultana, 9Kc; currants, &5Vc; Turkey prunes,
45c; French prunes, 6Ji9Jic: Salonica
prnnes, in 2-fi packages, 8c: locoanuts, f) 100,
58 00; almonds, Lan.. jf) ft. 20c: do, Ivica, 19c;
do, shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., 1215c: Sicily
filberts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 13Kl'lc; new dates,
6GXc; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans. ll15c; citron,
V ft, 1920c; lemons peel, lit ft, 15c; orange peel.
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft. 6c,
apples, evaporated, 9c; apricots, Califor
nia, evaporated, 14K16c; peaches, evaporated.
pareoV2828c; peaches. California, evaporated,
unnaredr1921c; cherries,-pitted, 1314c;
cherries, un pitted, &6c; raspberries, evapor
ated. 25X26Kc; blackberries, 78c; huckle
berries. i0Q12c.
SUQARS Cubes, 7Jc; powdered, 7"Jc; granu
lated, 74c; confectioners" A, 7c; standard A.
7c; soft whites, 66Kc; yellow, choice, 6K
6e: yellow, good, & yellow, fair, 6)ic;
yellow, dark, 5Jc
Pickles Medium bbls (1,200), 5560; medi
um, half bbls (600). S3 26.
Salt No. 1. W bbl, 95c: No. 1 ex. $ bbl, tl 05;
dairy. V bbl, SI 20, coarse crystal, 9 bbl, 51 20;
Higgins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, 52 80: Higgles'
Eureka, 15-14 E pockets, 53 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches. 52 25
2 60; 2ds. 51 5L0textra peaches. 52 402 60,
pie peach es, 9oc: finest corn, 51 001 60; Hid. Co:
corn, 7090c; red cherries, 90cfl: Lima beans.
51 20; soaked do. 85c; string do. 6065c: mar
rowfat peas, 51 10Q1J5; soaked peas, 707oc;
pineapples, 51 401 60; Bahama do, 52 75; dam
son plums, 95c; greengages, 51 25; egg plums, 52;
California pears, 52 60; do greengage. 51 85; do,
egg plums, 51 85; extra white cherries, 52 40; red
cherries, 2 fts. 80c; raspberries, S5c51 Wi
strawberries, 51 10; gooseberries, 51 301 40;
tomatoes, 85690c; salmon, 1-fi, 51 651 90;
blackberries, 65c: succotash, 2-ft cans, soaked;
90c; do green, 2 lis, Jl' 251 oO: corn beef. 2-ft
cans, 52 05; 14-ft cans, 514 00: baked beans, 51 45
1 60; lobster, 1-ft, 51 751 80; mackerel Mb
cans, broiled, SI 50; sardines, domestic, iis,
54 254 50; sardines, domestic, lis, 57 23B7 60;
sardines, imported. Jis, 511,6012 60; sardines,
imported, Ks, 518; sardines, taustard, S3 30;
sardines, spiced, 53 60.
Fisn Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, $38 p
bbl.: extra No. ldo. mess, 540; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, $32; extra No, 1 do. messed,
53G;No. 2 shore mackerel, 524. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4c V ftpdo medium, George's cod,
6c; do large, 7c; boneless hake, in strips, 6c; do
George's cod in blocks, 6K7Kc Herring
Bound shore, S 60 f) bbl; split, 56 60; lake,
52 75 W 10O-& half bbl. White fish, 53 00 fV 100
ft half bbl. Lake trout, S5 50 V half ,bbL Fin
nan haddock, 10c t ft. Iceland halibut, 13c V
ft. Pickerel, K bbl. 52 00; i bbl. 51 10; Poto
mac herring, tSOOW bbl. 52 50 Kobh
Oatmeal $6 006 25 V bbl.
Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 60052c
1 gallon. Lard oil. 70c
Grain, Floor and Feed.
Total receipts" as bulletined at the Grain Ex
change, 36 cars. By Pittsburg; Ft Wayne and
Chicago, 6 cars of corn, 3 of oata, 3 ot barley,
1 of middlings, 1 of flour, 2 of 'bay. By Pitts
burg, Cincinnati and St. Louis, 5 cars of oats, 1
of bran, 1 of feed, 1 of hay, 2 of wheat By Bal
timore and Ohio, 1 car of wheat 1 of hay.
By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 2 cars of com, 2 of
wheat 1 of rye. By Pittsburg and. Western, 1
car of oats, l'of rye, 1 of flour. Saloson call,
2 cars y. s. com, 39c, 10 days. Pi B. R.; L car
white middlings, SJ1 60,10 days, P- B.B. Cereal
supplies are still bevond demands of trade, and
markets are weakallalong the line. Last week
dealers complained of freight blockades. A
little blockading would be acceptable now If it
would keep back oatrand hay from markets.
Prices below are for carload lots on track.
Wheat Mew No. & red, 82g83c; No. 3. 78
Corn No. 2 yellow, ear, 4343c: high mixed,
ear, 40041c: N o. 2 cllow.shelled, 3830.Xc; hteh
mixed, shelled, 3538c; mixed, shelled, S!H
Oats No. 2 white, 2727c; extra, No. 3,
,25k20c: mixed, 2SK24c.
BYE No. I Pennsylvania and Ohio, 6061c;
No. 1. Western, 48oi new rye, No. 2 Ohio,
Flour Jobbing prices Fancy winter and
sprtne patents, J5 0006 60: winter straight,
54 254 60; clear winter.- $4 0084 26: straftht
XXXX bakers', 56 503 75. Bye flour, 58 &S-8
4 75.
, MiLLrEED Middlings, fine white, 518 061,
16 50 ton; brown middlings, $13 06813 66: win
ter wheat bran, 511 60011 75; chop feed, 5 60
aia no
HAT-Baled toothy, No. L Kl SSGia 00; J
No. 2do.fl0 0eeU00;Ioosefroaw3oa.'m09
g!3 00. according to quality; No. 2 prairie
hay. 57 758 00; No. 2, 57 7598 60; packing do,
Stra-w Oats, 56 7587 00; wheat and rye
Straw. 56. 0086 2a. ,.
Sugar-cured hams, large, 16c; sugar-cured
hams, medium, lljc; sugar-cured hams, small
U?c; sugar-cured breakfast bicouT 10c; sugar
cured shoulders, &Jfc; sugar-cured boneless
shoulders, 7c;'eugar-cured California hams, 7c:
sugar-cured dried beef fiats. 8c; sugar-cured
dried beef sets, lOKe; sugar-cured dried, heel
rounds, 12Kcr bacon shoulders, 6c; baeoa
clear sides, vkjc: bacon clear bellies. 7Ke: dry
salt shoulde-, 6Jc: dry salt clear aides, 7c.
Mesa pork, heavy, 511 50; mess pork, family.
112 00. Lard Beflned, in tierces. 6c:half
barrels, 6c; 60-ft tubs. 6Jc; 20-ft pails, 7c; SO
ft tin cans. 6& 3-ft tin. nails. 7fc;6-fttla
Sails, 7c; 10-ft tin pails, 6c: 6-ft tin pail,7c; 10-
tin palls, 7c Smoked sausage, long. 6c;
large, Sc Fresh pork links, 9c .Boneless
hams,10Kc Pigs feet half barrel, 54 00; quar
ter barrel,' 52 15.
Dressed Heat.
Armour & Co. furnished the following prices
on dressed meats: Beer carcasses 450 to 650 fts,
5c; 550 to 650 fts.6c; 660 to 750 fts, 607c
Sbeep, 8c ft ft. Lambs, 9c fl ft. Hogs.&Kc
Fresh pork loins, 8c
The demand tor oak lumber has for some
time been ahead of supply. The reason for this
has been low rivers and tbe inability of rail
marin tn rfn tha work reo nired. Heavy ash is
also unusually scarce. The effect of the scarcity
has been a sunening oi prices, -uaas nave ad
vanced 10 per cent in tbe past 30 days. Yellow
pine is also-a shade higher. Xhe general move
ment of lumber is more active than a week ago,
and frem now till the cold weather, there will,
no doubt be a rush to fill orders.
Clear boards, per M.. u..ttB009aoj
belect common boards, per M... o
Common boards peril SOW
BheathtnK. ...... ..;.!., ... 18 09
Pine frame lumber per M.. S C627 po
Shingles, o. I, Win. peril., SCO
Shingles, Ao.2, Win. per St. ... ...... S76
utb...7T. - ...... w
Clear boards, per M. ,.t I, 2
Surface boards OagMOO
Clear, K-lnch beaded celling - SB 00
Partition boards, peril , 35 03
Flooring, No. 1. 3000
Flooring, No.z !3
YeUow pine noorlng .CBtsVB0O
"Weather-boardlnir, moulded, No. 1.... "
Weather-boarding, moulded, No. 2.... 25 00
Weather-boarding. K-lnch 3000
Ash, 1 to 4 in ,. 540 09085 00
Black walnut green, log ran.... 0O450 00
1 ek walnut, dry, log ran ; 60 0873 03
Cherry. 40 0660 00
Green white oak plank, 2to4in - S 0926 00
Dry white oak plank, 2 to 4 In 21 ce36 00
Dry white oak boards, lln.... , nC0A200
WestVa. yellow pine, 1 inch. ....... 20 0M5O0
"WestVa. yellow pine, IK inch... 26 oosao 00
WestVa. yellow poplar, H to lln 18 0035 00
Rlekorv. IK to 3 in WOOA-SCO
Hemlock building lumber, peril. 1400
Bank rails 14 00
Boat itnddlne. u 14 00
Coalcarplank IS 00
Asb .f30 06045 00
Walnut log run, green 25 00fd4o 00
Walnut log run. dry.. 35 OOwSOOQ
White oak plank, green ... 18 0OW3 00
White oak plank, dry..., laooasiOO
White oak boards, dry , IS 00t3 00
WestVa. yellow pine, lln 21 OOw&l 00
West Va. yellow pine, IX In. 20 O&ass 00
Yellow poplar. 18CaSfi8 00
Hickory, Vital in. IS OOras OS
Hemlock II 0011 CO
Bunk raUt. i 14 03
Boat studding. 14 00
Coal car plank MOO
Con Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this week la
For largest assortment and lowest prices caH
and see ua,
nil ccs
Bra I latraw ttckfna
lltkll orttr
V B -ssL surmilBJB.
uoi xrai-
bcovUr Terr -wrft- SWATOM CT-
m -(UecrmtiaiRndlBiMlesBtMnanoTcauet--
morsv SvATVxa0ivTii-nrrUiU()7drvjstfBAU-4it
5Uarmddrtuonrpter4nr(saetL&lM)x; tboxm,&JX
AtUnn ltvUen, DB. SWJnTB SON, m-niUtpMi, T.
Do You Know It?
To perfect a cure, you must removethecanse.
LIME AND SODA supplies the system with Oxl
dlzable Phosphorus, the deficiency of which Is
the proximate cause of Consumption. For
Coughs, Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, Night
Sweats, and alt Throat Diseases, it Is an un-
equaied remedy. Sold by Druggists. 1 per
Dotue. itecommenaed py pnysiaans. oena
for circular. WrNCHESTEB fcCO.t Chemists,
162 William Street, New York,
"Wiy toil and slave foreveiP life
was meant for living-, not eternal
sfavini?. Oeasa this weary drudg
ery. SOAPONA does your work
itself, and neither injures hand nor
fatjrio. Thtia why do it youP Tla
nonsenservery nonsense. Awake,
Ladies, Awake ! -"Sour health and.
Ufa are at stake. TseSOAPOXA
everywhere. It cleans like) magic.
Balling every Wednesday from. Philadelphia
and Liverpool. Passenger accommodations iot
all classes unsurpassed. Tickets' sold, to and
from ureat Britain ana ireiana, jx orway, awe
den, Denmark, etc. -
General agents, 307 Walnut st Philadelphia.
Full information can be had of J. J- McCOB
MICK, Fourth avenue and Smlttifleld street.
LOUIS MOESEB, 613 Smithfteldsfreet '
Soval and TJnlted States Hall Steamers.
Adriatic NovS, Jpm
Teutonic, ii ov; 13, 9 a m
Germanic Nov. "Si, Jpm
Url Unnle. K OV.27. Si3Wtn
-Aanaiic, inc. p m:
Germanic, Dec. IS-Ipra
lin tannic. iec.,':AfKEa
fnntnf Went Tenth, it.
jrrara wnitesuraocit,
;;j. . ....- ...-
Second eahm on these steamer!.' Saloon rates.
CO and upward, second cabin. 3S aad upward,
sccordlnr to steamer and location of bern. tx
cnrslon tickets on ftvorable terms. Steerae. f.
White Star drafts payable on derasud' la all the
principal banks thronihout GreatBriUin. Ap
ply to.WHM J.MCCOkMICK, sasaud 481 SmUfe
Seld St.. Plttibnrir, or J. BKlUE IJJMAt. 8eB
eral Agent, 41 Broadway, Mew York. oeSS-p
Ts Glasgow, Belfast, DuMfr
andLiverpvoi. ' ',
Cabin cawaiF SB to W. aeeerdtag to teeaftem
of stateroom. Ezeankm fftS to s-v
ttteerajte to aad from aro-e at Lowest Bates,
AMTk '
dway. Hew
j. J. MeC-SHMrSK. A. , r
y3 s4l 484 twiHilUl-1 tt, PvWssen- rV -
-s- TJ-v-'
Merchants visittBg te etty miaVittil
their Interest to isSBeet-"JBBr OCfttPLBMl
line of k
Ladies', Mfeses' and
819 IiIBEBTV 8T'
oc9-a-iwT iittT-ur, rmiKj
JAS. D. GALLERY'. ......
JOHN W. TAYLOR .'..... v..
Capital and surplus. $J2b98L
Transacts a General Banking HrnlnBss.
A. tturair.,V
i Compound that
I system. Removes t
es ana pis
makes pare,
Tasna travelers' credits thrones M
Morgan & Co New York. Pass$os pwasuwsVjj
ill stock options Is Wall st. leads to wssMk.
BTEVENSON' CO.? Broken.'
&u .new st, new
- r-'" -irfift:
i . . .iw
muuu niilrv irni
junn m. univuti at.uu,i
Stocks, uonds, uraln, petroMssn. - j
Private wire toNewYkaadqatfc3i
43 SIXTH ST., Plttebars.
As old resMeats know and Cass: ales
hurir naners Drove, is the- oldest eta
ana most prominent ph yslotan to tlM n
votlnp medal attention to all ohroaied
MCDniC? and mental diseaoea ft
li tn V UUO decay, nervous debUltyJ
energy, amwtion ana nope, impairea
disordered sight, sell atttmsr. i
diaiueas. sleeolessness. sim&les.Sf a
poverished blood, failing powers. orgfrl
nese, ayspepsia, cmaupaiwivwwuap
flttine the person f or busiseauoesssy i
riage, permanently, safely an4 vrrvacet
blotches, falling hair, honepahss-1
noisoB thorouffhlv erac
IIDIU ADV kidneTaad UaAlBi
UllllinilLJments, weac oaea, ;
tarrhal disflharrres. iaiUlBJBatkM i
painful svmotoms receive searehinc t
nromnt relief and reaPeoreo- "i,-
Dr. WhlttJepr life-long, extenaM
ence, insures sennsue aannim
on oommoreeiise pnawptmom wmfl
Patieats at a distance as carefully 1
here. Ocsee hows 9A-nca8r.n.
10A.TCtolP.it mly.- DB.WJ
Pennavenae, Pittsburg, Pa. , i ,
oc(M-DSu-wk. , i .v. - ,
de. k. C. West's nxxra ahd
TaEAXSCBNT, a guaranteed specificfor hy
dizziness, convulsions, fits, nervous new
headache, nervous prostration caused
use ot aiconoi or tooaceo, waaeounees, i
depression, sof teninjc ot too Dram I
Insanitv and leading to misery.
deatb, premature old ace, TaarreninssJ
cower in either sex. involuntary teesl
speranatorrhesa caused by ort-extttiatx
brain, self-abase or over-tdalcasM. .
box contains ose month's treataaes. &
or six boxes lor sa. sent by mansrevassvi
celpt of price.
To cure any case. WitB eaeh onmrreeern
for six, boxes, accompanied wtth B(t,i
send the purchaser our written -atM
refund the money if the treatas t doaaa
feetaeure-' onaraatees. louses! eoiy i
Stnckv. Druzzist. Solo Agent, ITU aad
ave. and cor. W J lie ave. and Pulton
HHL till treatment! Dr. 8. K.
qtuiinR scMBtmo i
BBBBSBBBBBBaL- ".ur.a, bibs
(SBBflSL4rSBBrnnafc tt-miHjiiii.JMt fli
.pRVthecitr. CotrntttUto
-BBm JsBBBV t-rHMtT rfflrtSBltriBIl
fioan W 4 ana .wor. ., ommvmt
jtumrAi tTAk.
l nr J
9 OoMOtL
of Cotttm Boot. 1
esflrroyBj- ShTreoes
n Mm mat
sealed. Ladies, ask 7owdrsgbt
em fawdnu S BUilB (or neiMfl UBTl
Bteek, VSL Woodward avePetroB.
49-aoM in Pittsburg, Pa., by JopB
lag MoeyDiamo-sd an Mark4 sta.' mt
Tot UJSt i
Body A-Mind, Lacker StreBh,;1
vetesBeBE, emaaBa ay srretm, jccobi
Moo of tiijr-TBkA.-nurarr, . ad
iKsied) tree. Aaaru.juua
lila.1i.Y. '
..niuuu mmVL T wi
f-owlnlBtng- fait ptvtfeateM torj
TsB'tf" jMonm,
r. oTrowum, $
1ImmLaaJ hist
mclniiuuu Jzs&Bsi
III b utmuu
lb-a rfMMtSiMB.Tketa 1
fB) BBWtBjitlrtrtirt-M nrtS jSBSWl
JCirT MtaraiHtt. J'TTZl Zm.
fT BMksTsi TttALD- I