Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 31, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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    T IjfaR
M '
piKiMick Believes Him to be
Honest and
KBritishers Betting 6 to 1 on Smith
Against Jackson,
vv; , -
sEesnIts of the Eastern and Southern
Ennnins Meetings.
President Ximick makes some significant
statements about Manager Eanlon and the
ijlocal League club. The battle between
'Smith and Jackson takes place on Uovem
'ber 12, and the betting is 6 to 1 on Smith.
Carroll challenges Meyer to fight for $10,000
a '"side. "There were some good running
races at Nashville and Elizabeth. .
The prominent part which Ed. Hanlon,
manager of the local ball club, is alleged to
hare taken in trying to ruin the League,
was the general theme of comment among
local baseball enthusiasts yesterday. The
writer had a lengthy interview with Presi
dent Kimick on the matter yesterday after
soon, and the latter said:
?I absolutely refuse to believe a word of the
story, as far as Hanlon is concerned. I think
he in too much of a jrentleman to play fast and
loose or two-faced in any way with us."
"Has he. ever spoken to you about the
Brotherhood?" .
"Olwtny! yes. He has talked quite frankly
to me about It, and has plainly given me to un
derstand that nobody knows what will be done
until after Monday's meeting."
"Has he ever intimated that it is possible,
he.will not be managerof the Pittsburg League
club next year?"
"Not at all. On the contrary, he has given
me to decidedly understand that he will be our
manager next year, ana we believe Ed to be
perfectly honest and a gentleman. He has
never even hinted that anything may transpire
to prevent his continuing as our manager. The
truth is we had several conversations about our
club for next year, and he has explained to me
what he intends to do and what ho does not
Intend to do with the club and the players. In
short, wc have had some interesting talks about
oarjilans for next year. These talks have cer
tainly been on the assumption that he will be
our manager. No. in the face of this I cannot
believe that he led us to believe that he would
remain here as manager and at the same time
was determined on trying to break up our
team. I think be is too square a man to do a
mean thing like that. At any rate we are pre
pared to trust Hanlon rather than believe those
wild stories."
Tf.lt turns out to be true that the Brother
hood will not even accent any concessions from
the League, but will at all hazards start a new
organization, what will you do in Pittsburg?"
"Why, we'll have a club here as usual and a
good one. That is just as sure as we live.
There are any amount ot players in the country
and.good ones at that. The young players are
nil earnestly wishing that the Brotherhood my
start its-dubs o that they'll get a chance. But
we'll get lots of the old players also. How-
ever. 1 feel confident 'from what I know that
the players will present
to the League and I am just as confident that
the League will grant everything that is fair
and reasonable and that will not tend to ruin
the game. I read in The Dispatch this morn
ings statement to the effect that, the players
""Vb'uldtfemand a reserve rnle that would keep
a player no longer than four years in a club
against his will. I think well of a rule
of that kind. I think it is fair to both
parties, but I don't expect that the players
will ever ask that no old player be not released
during a season without getting his full sea
son's salary. A demand of this kind wonld
ceztainlv be exceedingly unreasonable, and
would do more injnry to the national game
than the public bas'any idea of. Why if a rule
like that were in force a player could almost do
as he likes during nearly an entire season. Of
, course the time of meeting is getting very near,
and I wish to repeat that the National League
will patiently listen to all complaints -and be
quite prepared to grant everything that is fair.
1 am also inclined to believe that the players
have common sense enough not to make any
extravagant demands."
Harry T. Emltb Tells Abont Schemes for
Next Tear.
Harry T. Smith, the baseball authority of
Youngstown, O., was in the cityyesterday. He
is up to the head in business trying to organize
two or three minor leagues for next season. In
talking about the prospects he said:
"I have gotten the Tri-State League reor
ganized and next year the league will consist
of Canton, Mansfield, Akron. Stenbenville,
Youngstown, Springfield, Dayton and Wheel
ing. I am now trying to get a league organized
in Western Pennsylvania and part of New
York, to embrace such cities as Olean. Brad
ford, Jamestown and Erie. I think either
three or five good cities will be secured and an
excellent league formed. In my travels I have
found that there are plenty of ball players to
get, bnt the general difficulty is to get a suf
ficient number of capitalists to put up the
money. When I have succeeded in getting the
league ln'question made secure I am going to
visit Oshkosh and other places in that section
to organize a league there."
Daffy slakes a. Kick.
.Mr. Palmer O'Ncil, of the local baseball club,
was in the city yesterday. During a talk on
League and Brotherhood matters he said that
Hugh Duffy, the little right fielder of the Chi
cago club, threatens to leave the Brotherhood.
Daffy states that according to the Brotherhood
Idea he will get 2,000 for the season, while
Fred Pfeffer will get $3,500. Duffy is not
willing to stand this little difference. Mr.
. O'Neil further states that there are com
plaiiiings because it is intended to make White
"captain of. the Pittsburg team and relieve
' Hanlon. Duffv and others who kick abont
there little differences la salaries ongiit to re
member that Pfeffer and one or two others'are
getting old and consequently are making them
selves Brotherhood magnates. They must be
ipaia for this.
Gambert's Complaint.
In speaking of the Brotherhood yesterday,
A. C. Uumbert, the Chicago club pitcher, said:
"We want to stop new players from running
us. Take Earl's case, for instance. The Chi
cago clnb gave him a try in the early part of
last Season. He paid half of his own expenses
from the East to Chicago. In a short time the
clnb let him go, and he signed with a Weftera
dub. Paying one's own traveling expenses is
a bad precedent, and we want to stop it before
it becomes a custom."
Jim Hart After a Job.
Mikjtkapolis, October 30. At the meeting
ot the Western Baseball Association, to be held
in this city baturday, the pennant will be
awarded to Omaha and the election of officers
J willoccur. It is stated to-night that Jim Hart,
if ormerly manager of the Boston League club.
Ait a prominent candidate for, the Secretaryship
i of the association.
'The BrltUbera Betting 6 to 1 TuJt Hell
Defeat Jackson.
araxxai.. tei.iokjlm to ths oisrATcn.3
.NEW Yobk, October 80. The following
i cable from-London w received at the Police
Gazette office to-day: "At a meeting at the
iCV : Pelican Club to-day to complete arrangements
i "?-. mtrh tatw Vat,. .T-Vk,tc til.
Jf Australian colored pugilist, ard Jem Smith,
-'i. the champion of England, who are to fight for
. 1,000 put cp by tne felican Club, November
. 12 was the day selected for the battle. The
- - I,C30 baa been deposited with Lord Lonsdale,
iwho was agreed upon as final stakholder.
-'' jRlrkird K. Fox. Charles E. Davies. of Chi-
. cage; Mr. Abingdon. Ernest C. Welles and
loUtErlnotable were present at the meeting.
f SettiBC is 6o I on Smith."
The Favorites Get a Shade the Worst
or it.
Nashville, TKirar., October SO. Though
slightly threatening at noon, the weather
turned off warm and sunshiny, drawing about
2.500 people to the park. Betting was fair, the
favorites winning only two out of the five
First race, parse, ror 3-year-olds and upward,
selling allowances, nix lurloncs Leo Brlfrel'won
by two lengths. Carlton second by half a length la
iron) ox nosa reari, intra, rime i:zu.
beennd race, same conditions Metal won by
half a length. Buckler second by a neck In front
of LJttroU. third. Time 1:193.
Third race, ntarse. for 2-vcar-oId maidens, four
fhrlonrs ilary H won by a neck, Kenllworth
second by two lengths In front of Kadcllffe.
third. Time .53J.
Konrth race, parse, all aires, six and a half fur
longs ltenonnce won by a length, Kittle K second
by a length In front of Colonel Hunt, third. Time
Fifth race, purse, for all ages, one mlle-Monlta
Rardvwon by three-lengths. ML, Lebanon second
by four lengths in front of Queen of Trumps,
third. Time 1:45.
The entries for to-morrow are:
First race, three-quarters of a mile. selling
Miss Clay I0L Kennedy 113. Luct 1 113. Fan King
115. 1.a.evlew 116, Irish Dan lis, Nola 11 106.
Second nee. 2-vear-oldz. three-onarters of a
mllr Hearts Ease 110, Lena Ban 110, Workmate
II". Vashtl 110, Milton 113.
Third race, seven-eighths of a mile, selling
Lizzie L 97, Lucy I' 38, Bonnie King 100. Cora
Fisher 100, Donovan 102, Deer Lodge 103, Re
nounce 108. Benson 109, Amos A 109. ilcllurtr 111,
Dvcr 111, Vermont 112, Billy Plnkerton 114, X 103.
Fourth race, mile 1'antalctte 1P0, Illmlnl 100,
Marl'cit 10i Brandolette 105, Kate M&lonelOS,
Climax 107. Bertha 109, Arundel 112. Cams 112.
Firth race, nre-elchtlis of a mile, selling Story
Teller 92, Vivian 94, Sheridan 97, Holland IK,
Valiant 110, l'ackbone 1(C Koja Fearl 91, Straight
KluiniW, Jim Kced 107,. I'.uih 100, Gipsy Girl 109,
Daniel II US.
Sixth race, five-eighths of a mile, selling Paul
ine 84. Churchill dark 99, Chestnut HelleM. Fell
Jlell irc,Ceu-orC2, .Nettle Kent 121, Kate Bensber
lli. Tom Karl 107,01 Hunt 107, Kowland 102,
Dutchman 112, Fan King 117.
Mambrlno King, Axtell and Other Flyers on
Chicago, October SO. The American Horse
Show opened at the Exposition buildings this
afternoon with a very fine display of animals of
all varieties, embracing many of the most
famous ones in the country. Mr. C. J. Hamlin
and Mr. Harry Hamlin, of Buffalo, have S3
horses at the show, including the celebrated
Mambrino King and Almont. The Messrs.
Hamlin brought with them a four-in-hand
coach, eight-spring victoria and other vehicles
for use in the parades.
The famons young trotter, Axtell, will be put
on exhibition on Saturday. M. W. Dunham, of
Wayne, Dupage county, has a large exhibit of
Imported horses. Among them is a pair of
yearling French coach horses which he has just
sold to Senor Romero, Mexican Minister to the
United States. The price paid was $5,000.
They are to be sent to Mexico as soon as the
show is ended. This is the first fruits of the
visit of the Pan-American delegates to his
stock farm. Mr. Dunham has 100 horses on
exhibition, including the famous coach stallion
Brilliant, and 12 first prize winners at the Paris
World's Exposition. The exhibit is valued at
Mr. W. L Ellwood, of DeKalb, 111., has 130
head of draft animals on exhibition, valued at
150,000. There are about 1.000 entries, and
their valne runs up into the millions.
Lehigh Defeats Lofhycite In a Very Ex
citing Contest.
South Bethlehem, Pa., October 30. The
first game for the championship of the State in
the collegiate football was played here this aft
ernoon between Lafayette and Lehigh teams,
and resulted in a victory for Lehigh by a score
of 16 to 10. The game was stubbornly fought
Within ten minutes after play began Lafay
ette scored two touchdowns, from one of which
goal was kicked. Lehigh braced up and scored
a touchdown, from which goal was kicked. The
second balf was bitterly fought until up to a
short while before time was called, when within
six minutes Lehigh scored two more touch
downs, from one of which goal was kicked.
Two Princeton men, Spicer and Jones, were
umpire and referee respectively.
A Knee Hotly Contested No Other Remits
at the Philadelphia Meeting.
Philadelphia, October sa The 2:33 trot
ting race was concluded at the Philadelphia
Driving Association's meeting to-day, and was
won by Pamlico, after four heats. Sherman
Bisbaw took the first heat, Frazie the next two
and Pamlico the fourth, which, with the two
won yesterday, gave him the race. Time,2:29&
229. 2:29K. 23SX-
The 227 trot was not finished. Harry W took
the first beat, Jerry Almont the second and
fourth and Silver King the third. Time, 2.-27V,
2:2 22 23e
The 235 pacing race was also unfinished, only
one beat being paced, which was taken by
Jack Ayres in 2
The Billiard Handicap.
New Yobk, October 31 Jacob Schaefer has
succeeded in awakening a discussion among
the billiard cracks who are anxious to compete
in the proposed international tourney abont the
relative merits of the balk-line measurement
handicap and a handicap by a discount of
points in the proposed contest. William Sex
ton seems inclined now to side with Schaefer
in favor of the latter system of handicap.
Slosson. on the other hand, is enthusiastic on
the subject of a handicap of 14-inch to 10-inch.
He says that it is calculated to afford a better
exhibition ot billiards to those who pay to see
professionals play, and adds that the public in
terest is materially decreased and the pecuniary
success of a tournament correspondingly af
fected in an adverse way by handicapping of'
players by a discount of points.
Elizabeth Winners.
Elizabeth, n. J., October 30. First race, five
furlongs-Blue Bock won, Mute second, Frejols
third. Time, laid.
Second race, five furlongs Cracksman won,
TipfUlT second. LelaMay third. Time, 1:05.
Third race, six fnrlongs Fearl Set won, Cort
land second, TaUa Blackburn third. Time, 1:21.
Fonrtb race, one and one-eighth miles-Long-street
won, Come-to-Taw secoud, Annie BlacE
burn third. Time, 2:06.
Fifth race, one mile Oregon won, BUI Barnes
second. Puzzle third. Time. 1:47.
Sixth race, one and one-elghtn miles Huntress
won, Theodosius, second, Larchmont third. Time,
2:03. . . .
Seventh race, six furlongs Bradford won. Glen
mound second, Clay.Stoekton third. Time, 1:19.
A Pretty Contest Expected.
Beaddock, October 30. All arrangements
for the five-round glove contest between
"Johnny" Lafferty and Harry Gray have been
completed and the date fixed. The men will
spar in one of the rinks here Saturday evening,
November IS. The go will be with small
gloves. The principals considered Braddock-
the best place, as those desiring to witness the
contest have every opportunity to get out of
town at night, the railroad facilities of the
town being so complete. The men are abont
evenly matched, and. knowing ones say, will
make one of the prettiest contests between
lightweights in this section in a long time.
Ready for a Big Shoot.
Beaveb Falls, October 30. The last con
signment of GOO pigeons and 200 pair 'of En
glish sparrows for the shooting tournament at
Geneva Park by the Beaver Falls Sportsman's
Association, arrived to-night: also 10,000 bine
rocks, and now all is in readiness for the big
shoot Friday and Saturday of this week.
Weather permitting, it is expected to be the
largest tournament ever held in this State.
Carroll's Bold Challenge.
New York, October SO. A letter was re
ceived hero to-day from Jimmy Carroll, the
lightweight pugilist, definitely challenging
Billy Meyer to fight for 510,000 a side. Carroll
states that he has a forfeit of $3,000 up, and
dares Merer or his backer to cover it. Carroll
wants to fight at San Francisco to a finish.
A Letter From Fogarty.
A local sporting man received a letter from
Jack Fogarty yesterday in which the latter
stated that there is no truth whatever in the re
port that he is going to fight the Marine.
Fogarty states definitely that he has retired
from the pugilistic business. He states that he
has steady employment, and be means to stick
to it
Can't Spar la Canada.
Moktreal, October SO. The City Clerk has
telegraphed Jake Kilralnywho had asked if he
would be permitted to give a sparring exhibi
tion in this city, that there is a by-law forbid
ding It, and that any person violating the pro
visions of the by-law shall be liable to a fine and
The Captain's Winnings. v
CaptainS. 8. Brown, the local turfman, re
turned from the East yesterday. During a
conversation he stated thathis stable had won
fSL260, outside of bets. It Is estimated'that
the Captain has cleared $50,000 oh his runners
this year.
Sporting Nates.
Mike Nolan wants to fight Cal McCarthy.
A Constant Kkadek The partner las a
right to bid. . ,
Mike Ctjshino has put up a forfeit to fight
Austin Gibbon, of Patterson.
It is understood that several of the "old
players" will be released from the Brooklyn
The Brooklyn players have presented Mana
ger McGunnigle wih a valuable. watch, chain
and charm.
Now that the Giants have won the big pen
nant, Galvln is sure to get his $100 check from
truthful Jeems Mutrle.
Mdbfhv, of Johnstown, offers to meet John
TJbil at this office and make a match fight with '
gloves or bare knuckles.
The approaching fistic contest between
Hayes and Gillon will not be with bare knuckles
by any means, and they will . not box in this
If the .Brotherhood should plant a club in
Philadelphia and another In Brooklyn the
kindest regards of the American Association
may not be expected.
Twenty thousand pounds sterling was
the price refused by Chevalier Ginistreilli for
Signorina, after that filly's success in the
Middle ParV Plate last week.
The annnal meeting of the American Tnrf
Congress will be held in Chicago on November
IS, and the important question for discussion
will be the licensing of jockeys.
Manager Hanlon maintains that be has
never done anything Inimical to the interests of
the Pittsburg club. He claims that he was a
Brotherhood; delegate before he was a club
manager, and that it was publicly known he
was a delegate when he was asked to manage
the club.
J. L Malone, the noted pool expert, is on
his way to California, where he has a contract
to give exhibitions in clubs tnero. no win go
to Havana between the 1st and lOtb of Janu
ary to play De Oro, the present champion, for
the emblem. He blames Slosson for the lack
of interest in professional billiards.
At a meeting of the English Roads Records
Association, the following claims were ap
proved as records: M. A. Holbein, 12 hours,
safety, 175f miles; M. A. Holbein, 24 hours,
safety, 321 miles; Ward and Goulding. 12 hours,
tricycle, 151 miles; W. C. Goulding, 12 hours,
tricycle. 2S0 miles: G. Langridge, 12 hours, bi
cycle, 154 miles; F. Bidiake, 100 miles, tricycle,
6 hours, 55 minutes and 53 seconds.
W. H. Wilson, of Abdallah Park, has sold
within the last six days $17,100 worth of high
bred trotting stock, as follows: To parties in
California, $5,000; to parties in Michigan, $5,000;
in Connecticut, $3,000: in Massachusetts. $2,500;
in West Virginia, $1,600. The fastest of these
was the 3-year-old pacer Milan, by Victor Von
Bismarck, that has shown his nurcbasers,
Hubinger Bros., of New Haven, Conn-, great
A novel dumb-bell contest will take place
at the Athenxum Club rooms, in Omaha, on
November Z in which George Kendall, cham
pion dumb-bell lifter of the world, undertakes
to defeat any three men in the State, a 50
pound dumb bell to be used, which must be
raised ten times in every minute, Kendall to
lift against one man at a time until all three
are defeated, or be loses the contest. There is
no record for a contest of this kind, but Ken
dall will have to life it abont 900 times to win.
The match will be for $25 a side and a purse of
$25 donated by the club.
Stock Raisers Bar the Sale of Indlnn Lands
' Would Ruin Their Business.
Kansas City, November 30. Secretary
Noble's instructions to Commissioner Fair
child, concerning the negotiations to be car
ried on with the Cherokee Indians for the
sale of the Cherokee strip and the published
interview with Chief Mayes, in which the
statement was made that the Indians wonld
likely accept the Government's offer, are
cansing the lessees of the land .ranch un
easiness. Colonel Snyder, a member of the
Cherokee Live Stock Association, says
that the association will obey the
Government's order to move if the Govern
ment succeeds in buying the lands. The
company would be lorcea, he thinks, to dis
solve. He also thinks, however, that the
Indians will not care to sell at 1 25 per
acre to the Government when there are at
least three cattle companies who are ready
to pay nearly three times as much.
It is his opinion that Chief Hayes was
misquoted when he was reported as saying
that he would recommend the acceptance of
the Government's offer. Another member
of the company said the loss to the cattle
men would be enormous. The cattle market
was already glutted, and when the great
numbers of cattle in the strip were forced to
sale, prices would decline to such an extent
as to paralyze the cattle industry through
out the whole country.
Why Eloper Lederer Donsn't Fear Being
Prosccated for Bigamy.
PHiLADELPHiAi October SO. George
Lederer, who eloped with Florrie New
combe, and who has been indicted by the
New Xork courts for bigamy, was seen at
the Chestnut Street Theater to-night. He
said his counsel had forbidden him to talk
about the case. "But," he added, "yon
may say. for me that when the people on the
other side get through throwing their venom
and invective at me I will explode a bomb
that will startle New York."
"What is the bomb, Mr. Lederer?" asked
the reporter.
"I do not feel at liberty to tell you, in
view of the injunction of my counsel. I do
not believe, however, that I will ever be
convicted of bigamy. Why, if I am found
guilty ot that charge, then there are 5,000
men in New York to-day who conld also be
convicted of bigamy."
The vaudeville manager seemed to be in
excellent spirits, and did not seem at all
alarmed at the proceedings which have been
instituted against him.
The Little Miami Railroad Company Wins
a Salt arid $147,000.
Cincinnati, October 30. A judgment
by default, was given by Judge Taft, of the
Superior Court, to-day in the suit of the
Little Miami Railroad Company against the
Pennsylvania Company, brought to collect
the guaranteed dividend on the Little Miami
shares,' which the Pennsylvania Company
refused to pay, on the ground that the Little
Miami had not performed its contract as to
The amount of the judgment' is $147.-
311 90, and to pay the jndgment an order of
sale has been issuea lor snares oi stocc ceia
by the plaintiff by garnishee.
Tbe Canse ot a Wreck In Which Three
Men Were Killed.
Lynchbubo, Va., October 30. There
was a collision last night between a freight
and an express train on the Norfolk and
Western, between Liberty -and Thraxton,
and both trains were wrecked. Lee Jones,
of Bedford county, an unknown tramp and
a colored brakenian were killed. Postal
Clerk Francis and Conductor "Weckinzer
were badly hurt.
None of the passengers were injured. The
accident was caused by a misconstruction of
orders bv the freight engineer., Both en
gines and five cars were wrecked. The mails
are intact.
The Inter-State Commerce Railway Asso
ciation Practically Dead.
Chicago, October 30. The Inter-State
Commerce Railway Association is prac
tically dead. The Bock Island, the Burling
ton and the St. Paul roads take the ground
that the agreement has been violated by the
traffic arrangement of the Union Pacific
and the Northwestern, and that' they will
consider the agreement annulled.
The Times to-morrow will cay that no
formal notice is to be given of their inten
tion'to withdraw, but theywill no longer be
bound by the rules of the'association.
Dolls Given Away
This week to all purchasers in our infants'
department. Fleishman & Co.
Hosiery Bnrgnlns.
Kitable Ss Shdstee, 35 Fifth aye.
Tim Murnane Gives Out the Details
of the Brotherhood league.
Buffalo and Brooklyn to Succeed Indian
apolis and Washington.
Injunctions by the Uairae to be Bet by Others
Prom the Flaytrs.
Tim Murnane has theBrotherhood scheme
down pat or thinks he, has. He .furnishes
the press with all the details except the
schedule of dates for next season. His idea
of the business follows.
rersciAx, telioeak to rax nisrATCH.i
Boston, October 30. T. H. Murnane
will give in his paper to-morrow an outline
of the work already done by the Brother
hood, and what has been laid out
for the meeting in New York on Monday
and Wednesday next. He says: Monday
the meeting will be for the members of
the BrotherhooA alone. Ward, Irwin,
Wood, Bronthers, Pfeffer, Glasscock,
Twitchell and Hanlon will represent the
different chapters. Wednesday will be the
big day, as the stockholders and players
will meet to sign contracts, elect officers
and 'make laws for the benefit of all con
cerned. It has been definitely settled that Brook
lyn and Buffalo will take the places of In
dianapolis and Washington. The players of
these clnbs will be distributed between the
former cities and Pittsburg. Arthur-Irwin is
booked for Philadelphia, where he will captain
tbe team. John M. Ward will don a Brooklyn
uniform and manage tbe team for that city.
Comiskey, the great playing captain of
the St Louis Browns, will take
Anson's place on first base for the
Chicagos. Pfeffer will manage and Comiskey
captain the team. As tbe St. Louis man has
not been reserved by the Browns, there will be
no interference by tbe new organization. Glass
cock and Denny are down for Pittsburg, taking
the places of white and Bowe, who will go to
Buffalo. There are several players who have
not as yet been placed.
The following are the names of the men who
have positively signed contracts to play with
the new Ball Players' League, arranged in tbe
clubs they will play with next season (unless
here and there is a chance which the new board
may think best):
i Boston Bennett. Brouthers. O.uinn. Nash.
Smith, H. Bichaidson, Johnston, Kelly,
Brown, Radbourne, Clarkson. Daley, Madden.
New York Ewine;, W. Brown, Murphy, Con
nor, D. Richardson, HatUeld, Whitney,
O'Ronrke, Gore, Tiernan, Slattery, Keefe,
Welcn, Crane, O'Day.
Philadelphia Clements, Schriver, Farrar,
Myers, A. Irwin, Mulvcy, Wood, Fogarty,
Thompson, Bufflaton, Sanders, Gleason, Holl
man. Brooklyn C. Daily. Buckley, Somen,
Eines, Bassett, Ward, Wllmot, Andrews, ale
Geacby, Boyle. Getzeln, Rnsie.
Chicago Farrell. Darling, Hutchinson,
Dwyer, Gumbert, Tener, Comiskey, Pfeffer,
Kuehne, Williamson, Van Haltren, Ryan,
Buffalo T. Daly. Myers, White, Wise. Rowe,
J. Irwin, Seery, Hoy, Beecber, Person, Had
dock, Keefe..
Pittsburg Carroll, Miller, Galvin. Morris;
Staley, Sowders. Becklev, Dunlap, Glasscock,
Denny, Fields, Hanlon, Sunday, Maul.
Cleveland Sntciiffe. Zimmer, Beatin, Gru
ber, Bakely, O'Brien. Faatz, Strieker, McEean,
Tebcau, Twitchell, McAleer, Radford.
The governing board will consist of IS, one
player from each club and one of the outside
stockholders. The board will have the power
to make up tbe teams at the end of each season,
as the contracts rnn bnt for' one year and new
races may oiten De round in old cluos.
Tbe crime workers in tbe new move have
hive been Ward, Eanlon, Quinn, Bronthers,
Pfeffer, Fogarty and TwitcbelL While the
Spalding Australian party .was on its way home
Ward, Hanlon and Fogarty put their beads to
gether and batched up tbo present scheme
which has been' carefully looked over by
Lawyer Russell, of Cleveland, and put into tbe
present shape. Tbeir official intentions will be
given out early next week.
The League players say' they expect to meet
with some obstacles in tbe organization and
working of the new deal. John Clarkson is
no of the men that the New Tork branch of
tbe Brotherhood fears will not stick, and con
siderable stock was taken in the story printed
here this morning, about bis playing at the old
stand for three more years in consideration of
a good sized bonus.
"We can enjoin any man who has signed
the new contract from playing outside our ur
banization," said one of tbe New York players
Tuesday evening. As tbe player is a lawyer,
his say should carry some weight.
Jobn Morrill has been in full charge of this
end of tbe business, and will attend the New
York meeting. Jobn will not play next season,
but will look out for the busmess end of the
Boston branch.
Tbe League magnates are not idle in Chicago,
Philadelphia and Boston. They are on the
lookout for good players in the minor leagues.
John B. Day voiced the line of action
the magnates will take when he
"couldn't see how the players could get
over tne reserve rule." "We intend to enjoin
tbe men from playing outside the Leasue,"
said be, "and if tbe move should be a go, the
League has no one but itself to blame."
The League will not be able to fight with
solid ranks. The chances are that neither
Cleveland, Indianapolis, Pittsburg nor Wash
ington will be in the fray unless the richer
clubs foot their expense account?. Should the
American Association make a move to belp tbe
League nearly a dozen of their brilliant stars
will be drafted into the new move at once.
A Prisoner Who Preferred Jail to Seeing
HI Better Half Suffer.
Washington, October 30. The Hay
tian Legation building is a comfortable but
not pretentious residence on Vermont ave
nue, near Iowa Circle. If the Minister lives
plainly on the outside he has, however, a
very attractive wine cellar and splendid
cigars. Some time ago the Minister em
ployed as a servant a bright colored man
named Louis James, who had previously
been in the employ of Mr. A. S. Worthing
ton, a prominent, citizen. James seemed to
form a strong attachment for a certain brand
of fine imported wine, and the Minister
soon discovered that he must either part
with that delicious beverage' or with his
clever servant, and be chose a separation
from the latter. Shortly after the dismissal
of James no (ewer than SO bottles of this
wine suddenly disappeared, and it was
found that it became invisible at about the
same time that the dismissed servant made
a visit to the honse.
This morning James was arrested and
charged with grand larceny. The police
judge sent the case to the grand jury and
James was sent to the station bouse to be
transferred to jail. While there his young
and rather handsome wile called to see him,
and wept bitterly. Before leaving him she
told him she would employ a lawyer. "Do
nothing of the kind," said James. "I know
about how much money you have, and I
also know that your rent is abont due. Go
and pay your rent, and don't throtf- the
money away on a lawyer. m If your rent is
not paid you will be set out in the cold, but
I will be in the warm jail. Go home and
keep your money to pay yonr rent." -
Thirty Torpedo Boats to be Built on the
Delawnre. River. s
Philadelphia, October 30. Contracts
will be given out in a few weeks for the con
struction of 30 twin screw, tea-going gun
torpedo' boats. A company has been formed'
here of New Haven, New York and Phila
delphia capitalist!, with a Capital of 53,000,1
000 to build, and sell these boats' to all
Mr. Gatling, of gun fame, has been se
lected to take charge of the construction of
both vessels and guns, and he has selected
the shipyards on the Delaware river as the
place for the" construction ol' the "vessels.
The Civil Service Commission Decides .to
Prosecute Campaign .Contribution
Solicitors Flagrant Violations
ot Law to be Stepped.
Washington; October 30. It is an
nounced to-night that the Civil Service
Commission has decided to ask. the District
Attorney to prosecute sill persons concerned
in the preparation, and distribution of the
political assessment circular reoently sent
by the Old Dominion Bepnblican League to
Virginians in. Government service.
Those persons- not employes of the
Government will be prosecuted under
section 12 ot civil service act, which
provides that no person Bhall, in
any Government building, solicit
or receive a contribution for any political
purpose. The commission holds that a per
son not connected with the Government In
any way may ask' for and receive money
from Government employes for political pur
poses, anywhere except in a Government
building, but that where the occurrence
tikes place on Government property, or
where letters are sent to Government build
ings, those concerned are liable to prose
cution. It is also proposed to prosecute Messrs.
Elam, Godwin and Verser, who are Gov
ernment employes, under section 11 of the
act, which prohibits all persons drawing
compensation from the United States from
being in any manner connected with politi
cal assessments.
A Railroad Company Worked for Half
Fare Political Tickets.
Washington, October 30. The Ohio
Bepnblican Association, a week or so ago,
effected an arrangement with one oi the
railroad companies to issue to the
members of tbe association who desire
to go home to vote a .round-trip, ticket
for one fall fare. To secure the advantage
of this arrangement the purchaser had to
present a certificate to the ticket agents
from the President of "the association,
showing that he .was a member of the
organization, and was going home to vote.
These certificates, with .the proper signa
tures attached, were' distributed among
active members of the association to issue to
voters. To secure one ot these certificates,
however, the purchaser was required to pay
55 to the association. About 150 have been
It was developed to-day that a lot of the
certificates had gotten into the hands of
ticket scalpers. The railroad com
pany got on to the wholesale man
ner in which the certificates were being
used, and suspected that some members
of the Ohio Republican Association were
not playing fair. An investigation devel
oped thai one of the prominent members in
the association had furnished a certain
scalper with 15 or 20 blank certificates,
properly signed with the President s name,
upon the payment of $5 for .each certificate.
Secretary Tracy Bestows Many Compli
ments "Upon the Dlstlncalabed Admiral.
Washington, October, 30. A farewell
dinner to Rear Admiral John G. Walker,
previous to his departure for Europe in
command of the new squadron, was given
to-night at the Shoreham. ' Vice Presi
dent Morton's new hotel, by
nearly 100 of his personal friends.
Among them were Admiral C. R. P.
Bodgers, who presided; the Secretary of the
Navy, Admirals Greer, TJpshur, Harmony
and Crosby; Commodores Ramsey, Sicard
and Dewey; Generals McFeely, Baird and
McKeever; Baron Rosen, of the Russian
Legation; Hon. Henry l&wardes, of the
British Legation, and many others of prom
inence in the official and social life of
The dinner was a superb one in all its ap
pointments and details. There .were no
formal speeches. At its conclusion a letter
prepared oy secretary Tracy was read, com-.
plimentiug Admiral Walker in the highest
teems for his management, .of the affairs of
the Bureau of Navigation. The letter then
goes on: "It is not in1 the power of tbe de
partment to confer upon you any higher
distinction, and your selection for.the com
mand is made not only from a knowledge of
your special ntness lor the post, but as a
recognition of the services you have hitherto
Pon-Amerlcans Leave Kansas City En
Ronte for the East.
Kansas City, October 30. The Pan
Americans spent the day looking over
various industrial establishments. This
morning Minister Zcgarra, of Peru, said to
Governor Francis that he had heard a great
deal about the resources of the western
country ever since he started, and as he had
been traveling west for two weeks it seemed
as if the country bad no western boundary.
They visited the smelting works, and were
each presented with stlrer medals.
In the evening the delegates were given a
dinner, at which speeches were made by
Mayor Davenport, members of the Con
gress; Congressman Tarsney and Governor
Francis. Delegate Henderson, in his ad
dress, predicted that we shall soon have an
immense line of steamers between every
port in America and important ports in
Central and South America, and railroads
through Mexico and Central America.
Before midnight the party boarded tbeir
train and started eastward, for Springfield.
Tbe Catholic Hierarchy Celebration Prom
Ises to be Largely Attended.
Baltimore, October 30. The Catholic
Hierarchy Centennial celebration, for which
preparations have been making for several
months, under the general ' direc
tion of Cardinal Gibbons, will
be. one of the most brilliant and
interesting chnrch celebrations that has
ever taken place in the United States, in
view of the number oi prelates and others of
rank and dignity in the Church who will
Cardinal Gibbons- has received .accept
ances of the invitation to attend from 80
Bishops and others of his rank, including
Cardinal Taschereau, of Canada, and
Archbishops and Bishops from Mexico.
Most Rev. Francis Satolli, Archbishop of
Lepanto, will arrive in Baltimore next week
as the special representative of the Pope at
the celebration. The exercises begin Sun
Tbe Miners 4Go Bnck to Work Without
Chnnclns tbe Situation.
CoLUMBtts, O., October 30, A telegram
was received this morning at the headquar
ters of N. D. A. 135, Knights of' Labor,
Irom Master Workman Jobn Nugent,
of District No. 6, stating that a mass meet
ing of the progressive union
"miners was held at New Straiisvllle last
night, and tbe strike at the Columbus and
Hocking Coal and Iron Company's mines
declared oS, and the striking miners re
turned'to work this morning just where they
were when-the strike was inaugurated.
It will be remembered that this strike
was made because the operating company
refused to longer recognize the "check off"
A Slight Fire on Flfl'h Arenne, Opposite St.
Panl'a Cathedral.
The alarm of fire rang in from box 24,
corner Fifth avenue"atid"Smithfield street,
was due to a small fire .which occurred in
the top room of the' house No. 150 Fifth
avenue, at 2:30 o'clock this morning!. The
room was sajd to be 'in occupied by
Mr. Kennedy, the jeweler, who has a' store
at that number, as a "workshop. Damage
alight. , ... .
And Hnrat Doesn't Propose to Sell
Himself to the American Heiress
Fifty Thousand Francs Per Tear Too Little
for the Son of a Rojal Home.
Because the Lady Showed a Determlaltlon to H&aige
Ber Own Finances.
Prince Murat refuses to dispose of him
self to Miss Caldwell for an income of 50,000
francs per year. He says Princes real
French ones cost a good deal more than
that. And therefore the engagement with
the noted American heiress is as if it bad
never been.
:bt cable totes dispatch.
London, October 30. Copyright.
Prince Murat, the gallant French cavalry
General, who has become variously decorated
and extensively gray in the Paris salon and
a provincial chateau, has finally refnsed to
let himself ont as a mari decoratie to the
pious American heiress who gave half a
million to a Catholic university.
"Heine," said the Prince to a circle of the
intimates last evening, "the Jockey Club
was Assez de la G alette. Not enough money.
I say nothing to my fiancee about- money
until Saturday. The lawyer calls at her
hotel, where we were all gathered
by appointment to sign tbe settlements.
I. bad expected to witness on her part some
generous Elan. What do you imagine I saw?
That dnring my life time I was to be al
lowed 50,000 francs only, and should she die
before me, leaving no heirs, the money was
all to revert to her family.
"Madame," I said, "you deceive yourself
greatly. I am not an Italian. French
princes are quoted much higher in the
matrimonial stock list, and with my most
distinguished salutations I left."
The Prince was congratulated for the
noble stand he made against the American
bear movement on the European matri
monial market, and the nightly baccarat was
resumed. But this is the truth. Miss
Caldwell plainly stated from the commence
ment of the affair that should the marriage
take place, she proposed to run her finances
as belore.
She was willing to give her husband
0,000 francs per annum lor cigarettes and
Paris mntuels on Sunday races, but had no
idea of intrusting her fortune to such
spendthrift hands. Murat acquiesced,
hoping that by good behavior
he would obtain more liberal
terms, but Miss Caldwell never faltered in
her thrifty resolution; though on pleasure
bent Bhe evidently had a frugal mind. Fi
nally Murat's family, and in particular
Prince Joachim, intervened, and tried to
dissuade the bead ot the house from a mis
alliance, by which, owing to
the family was not to profit, and when the
Princess Joachim learned how cheap her
father-in-law was going, she offered out of
ner private fortune to give mm tne same al
lowance as Miss Caldwell, provided the
marriage should not take place, and as the
Princess Joachim is the niece and principal
'heiress of the late Mme. Hurtado Heine, it
was simply a flea bite.
So the engagement has come to a happier
end than the friends of both parties were
ever justified in hopintr, for Prince Murat
has gone to Fontainebleaa to-day to take
part in a large shooting battue of two days,
which James Gordon Bennett is giving'at
his celebrated cbasselle there, while
Miss Caldwell's house on the avenue
D'Alma is alive with congratulatory visitors
and everything goes merry as a marriage
bell, without the chilling presence of a
sexagenarian groom. The moral of the
story, which American heiresses must- take
to heart, is that they cannot be provided
with a first-class Prince without paying for
Fie Expresses Hla Opinion of Boycotts and
(be Iiondon Times Case.
London, October ?0. Before the Par
nell Commission to-day Mr. Davitt de
nounced the charge that Mr. Patrick Egan,
Treasurer oi tbe Land League, paid money
to assist in-the Phoenix Park murders, or that
Mr. Biggar or others advised that money
belonging to the League be paid for the com
mittal of outrages. The Times, Mr. Davitt
declared, had not produced anything to sup
port these charges, except the evidence of
the convict Dacey.
Boycotting, Mr. Davitt declared, was not
advocated as a means of personal injury or
intimidation, bnt as embodying tbe popular
sense of refusing to associate with those act
ing against the public interest. The com
mission here adjourned.
A SHaht Difference of Opinion
Berlin Statesmen.
Berlin, October 30. Dnring the debate
on the budget in tbe Beichsratb to-day Herr,
Vernoii refuted a statement by Herr Bebes,
the Socialist leader, that Bussia is Germany's
hereditary foe. The German sovereigns, he
said, are united in desiring peace, apd
hoped their efforts to maintain it would be
Herr von Beningzen said that Germany's
position in Europe Compelled her to wear
heaw armor, and she would stake every
thing to enable her to wage a possible war
victoriously. He lavorea tne appointment
of an Imperial Minister of Finance, with
undivided responsibility.
Eight Thousand Belgian Oflnera OntnndNo
Prospect, of, n Settlement.
Bbussem, October .30." The strikers in
the Mons district now number 8,000. Del
egates sent here by the strikers waited upon
M. de Bruyn. Minister of Industry, to-day,
and urged him to support the men's de
mands. The colliers in the Central and,
Charleroi coal fields are joining the strikers.
The owners of the-coal mines have issued
a manifesto. They refuse to grant the strik
ers' demands, and assert that since 1887 tbe
wages of the men have been in proportion to
the price of coal. '
flow tbo Frlncesa SIan.
London, October 30. Inquiry at the
Doctors' Commons and an inspection of the
marriage register reveals the fact that the
new Princess Hatzfeldt signed her name as
"Clara Elizabeth Prentice, otherwise -Clara
Elizabeth Huntington."
Tbe Property of the Si. Louis Bre we'ry -Aino-elation
Mot Disponed Of.
St. Louis, October 30. The vast property
of the St. Louis Brewery Association has
not been sold to an English syndicate or to
any other syndicate. The probability of
the beer industry passing ont of the hands
of the SI. Louis owners is so remote as not
to invest the rumors that are' irregularly
current that a big deal to that effect is im
minent or has been closed, with a basis suffi
cient for serious'consideration.
Ellis Wainwrigbt, President of the
Brewers' Association, was interriewed on
the latest rumor, and said: "To sum up
the whole thing, certain capitalists desired
to purchase the property of the association..
They wanted all or none. They could not
get all of it.- .and that end the negotia
tions." '
35V- -''S -
t aj j - "T"
$ 1t&3,': ' -.HEW'lABVSXTOEMESW.' ' iS
f H -A' ttOFte'S .'. STORf
, , , - 'j&rj&m.
Something Worth Advertising in
We have opened and put
in? bargains in Carpets and
ter values were never offered
pass anything in the way of
heard of.
Ten-wire Tapestry Carpets,
is S$ cents. We have the above for rooms with or witKSSt!
border, also-halls and stairs: to
BARGAIN NO. 2 A Large line of Choice Deejgni
in AU-woolTNQRAINOARPETSat 48cper Ya
These are all perfect goods, are neither soiled riori
patterns. Housekeepers, hotel keepers and others she
give their attention at once as these prices cannot be duplM
cated, and they will certainly be closed out in a very aftgSt
time we also oner tnese extraordinary Dargains in.
That only require to be seen
you will carry them off by the
72 dozen Bath Towels,
each- '
72 dozenplain White-
10c each.
72, -dozen Unbleached'
dozen, or 12. J4c each.
72 dozerr Fancy Stripe
dozen, ori2c eacn.
72 dozen Still Larger and
a dozen, or 15c each.
72 dozen Very Heavy,
iowels at 3 a dozen, or 25c
1 he above' six. lines ot
per cent less than we ever sold
the collapse of an unfortunate
Within the past week, over 2;ooo NEW GARMENTS
have been added to our stock;
are ready to supply the wants
and Childrens Garments:
Freemasons" Hal!,' Fifth AventieS
Tyro Old Men Obtain, a. Fortune Willed .to
a Baptist Caarcb.
ElizabetiIY:- N.i'Jjrj'Uclober "tr-l
Frayzee Xee wiU case, which has takes up
the time of the Union county courts for two
weeis, ended to'day -in a verdict for the
contestants, Ezra JHetfield, aged 89i and
Daniel, his brother, aged 92, both uncle, of
the.testator, whVhad ignored, them. They
werehis sole natural -heirs.. He bequeathed
his entire wealth, estimated .at $200,000. to
tha Scotch Plains. Baptist Church. The
I will was admitted to probate, but the heirs'
orougni an ejectment ran agaiuu lucaimuu
to recover the real- estate, worth 5100,000.
and have won their1 fight. Tbey alleged
that Frayzee lee; .being habitually intoxi
cated, was not in his right senses when he
made the will.
Frayzee Xee and hisbrqther, who died a
few months before, .him. were called the
Plainfield , hermits: " Some called' them
misers. They worked'hard on their, farm
until they died, bnt they made their money
in' the ris'e of real estate.
A Compromise: Offer. Mr. Flack Conldfl't
Accept'TrtiHsHer Hosbapd.
New Yobk, October 30. The applica
tion of Mrs. Mary-E... Flack for alimony and
counsel fees in her suit for absolute divorce
from her-husbandi-'Sheriff James A-Flacky
was heard before J ndge Andrews, in ba
preme Court chambers," to-day. Mr. Tread
well Cleveland appeared for her, and ex
Judge Fnllerton .for, ier husband: Mr.,
Cleveland asked a counsel fee of $500 and
alimony at the. rateof fSOaweek. Jndge
Fnllerton agreed to this, and also to pay
$325 of back alimony. Bnt he wished it to
be understood that the payment; of this
money would1 be .without prejudice to' the
Sheriffs ricrhttb-insist' .on the validity of
the agreement' made, between Mr. Flack and'
his wife, and the. decree in the Conrt of
Common Pleas granted on July 12 last by
which he was" divorced from'her.
' .Mr. Cleveland, 'declined to accept .the.
money on these conditions', and the case was'
12 JS .III V!.l... ..Ii.. an aRlaVft n
Mrs.TlaclPwIlI be.presentcd.
' y
AVUXIOIfllS' E08SIBLE. . v !
Tbe IioeomotlTe.iEncfaeera May Accept the
Article ,6rFaeratIon. t .
Denteb, Octbber.30. The onlybuaweM
of importance-, transacted by the engineers'
to-day waa, the auditing of the Charity
claims, which; lamouh't to abont 189,666.
The committee of "ten-appointed onrMsdsy
to confer witjbalike. committee rrea-'tfeie
Knights of .Labor and the Brotherhood of
Firemen' on. the Federation' question, re-t
ported thaiVtb'ey: were unable, to reach any
conclusion iand: asked for further. 'orders.
The convention, added to this, committee"
Qcorge'jW.Vrooman and sent them- back
forfurther deliberation.
Yroomau was a candidate for Grand Chief,
and is a warm friend'and supporter of fed
eration, and the opinion Is that these'eom
mittees wiU'recprnmend the adoption of the
articles of, federation presented at Atlanta,
with slight modification. The, convention '
will probably'adjourn.Tuesday or Wednes-
,day next. . ' ,
Is Warranted to' "bo. PURE, HEALTHY and
ansdnlterafedV bj 'poisonous or Injurious
general'dewlitynervous PROSTRA.
and IldlsaittteenteqaintuBonalotsorwMk.
ning or ina vim. tore.
PHttfeeDewr. 'Far Sale pyDraaai"
.. .r.jj.j5,;.,!-,, j. .., am
Xtr m f .' r'sJ-3r -'
on sale to-day the two folic??
we venture to- remark that-bet?
in desirable goods. Theysoira
bargains we have ever seeripy
all new, straight, fresh goodsmtj
The regular price of these good
to be appreciated, which. miSSfl
fancy stripes, 60c a dozenoo!
, T
Bath Towels, $1 20 a
Large Bath Towels at $15
Bath Towels, large'size, $ijjjQli
Heavier Bath ToweIs,ii
and Extra Large Sfzeda
JbJath iowels are from 2H ws
them before, and resuksfs
towel manufacturer.
for style, variety and vahe?
of allcomers in Ladies, Mm
'JW- Wmtmii
tylvania, Wmt.1
andOhb, rain,)
by fair in JFiHiuijffl
Tork; slight,
Wfarfr Mitnlsv
riiiii . .OeieW.I
Tke United States Sinai Serrhw i
fete city taiaiahea tbo Buwlngi
Haw. Thr.l j - i
SsSOJU If...........
Hieo x.. ....-...
.user, x -
34oOX JC',,
Btrer'.t.d!) T. Jt. 8.7 fat, aehangae
The Janndiced JSfp.
It is cemtnoB to bf of tb on4io i
a synonym iot pi cwmw, ibibjs :
ilhnoMd to tnialc-IBat imlidK.' m
suffering from ttfeeams oC tbe Liver; ;
vie w witb a iawdleed eye an btobtM
does, bowerer Mroaje' tbo testimony
faTor. When seh TsmedfeM enianabk 1
scientific cbesrisc and are prepared 1
rta- at lone exaerieaec. inr carts
rlilm to coBadeaae. Dr. Tatt's PBaV 1
pared by lost mob. a parson.-aadar ft
cure for diseases of she Uror,' Kb
pepjia. Torpid Bowet, ladtoMdoa.
The most iawraloag wm'b ej
they use tbese tar-ttmea bhmv
taken without lastrafertofdtet
nTTR! J"A TTX"nTf1K- H
Our Pure Mehi-jr&mr-OHt
U pertOuckcHhcimm'
Always Itrea eattro saMataaMea
whtsky.ia every reaeeaadfart
purpose MrwbiebapareratlaMe i
M seed is sapertar ta tft as
whiskies of the pretest, day.
equal to say ot the oJtiiad bnuMM
eone-bydays mat always saw mi
rices. '
Fall quarts H 88, or six for 8 8.
Wo reeaeatfsJir catt attest!
steak of
They are tbabtost palatable aMi
able wises ea tasatarfcat. sm
oa these gsoas alasaa taan.w
reach of all. PatosiafaU oaarfl
.at Sfl csati aaaayoc M par intpm. j
sena sac esmpieis Vf mm, I
All Bf
"With aa.:ta muia
mnaiinn in
at oar
WKMhl Till
MiiTMia tea
j.airfl ..
n ft i nnr wr iNKsafejia