sssssn "b . k4" K.Xi. PsawM vs;rzr L.7r ."Wrf -' 7-H : 'XwOSuST r ' '- l i& I rif - i r ; "n '... . - .'j t - . .r i jy. -. THE PITTSBTJKG- DISPATCH, ""TODNESDAT, OCTOBER 30, 1886. - - i i- J4 It ft & St l BiM4 ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY 8, UHS, YoLU, No. 165. -Entered at Pittsburg Postofflcc November 11, isS7, as second-class matter. Business Offlce--97 and 99 Fifth Avenue. News Booms and Publishing1 House75, 77 and 79 Diamond Street. Eastern Advertising Office, Koom 45, Tribune Building, New York. Average net circulation of the daily edition of The Dispatch for six months ending September SO, 1639, as sworn to before City Controller, 30,095 Copies per Issue. Average set circnlatloa of the Sunday edition of The Dispatch for four months ending Septem ber 1SS3, 54,188 Copies per Issue. TERMS OF THE DISPATCH. POSTAGE FREE IK THE USHID STATES. Uailt Dispatch, One Tear t 8 00 Daily Dispatch, Per Quarter ZOO .JJailt dispatch. One Month to 'Daily Dispatch. Including Sunday, lyear. 10 00 Daily DisrATcn, including Sunday, Jm'ths. 2 so Daily Dispatch, Including Sunday.l month 90 i-umjat Dispatch, One ear 250 eeklt Dispatch, One Year . 1 !s The Daily Dispatch is delivered hr carriers at IJcents per week, or including bunday edition, at iccents per week. PITTSBURG. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 30, 1S88. A HEED OF H0VELTY. Governor Foraker has recovered from his illness and tbe forgery set back sufficiently to declare in an interview that the Republic ans are sure to win in the Ohio election. The leading Ohio Democrats have already gone on record to the effect that the certainty of their success approximates that of death and taxation In New York also each side has demon strated to its own satisfaction that the irre trievable way in which the other side is plastered over with that ceiling scandal fore dooms it to a crushing defeat. In Virginia, of course, the Democrats have announced their victory as a sure thing; while Mahone proudly points to the verdict of the infalli ble bettors, as assuring him that be has got the State and tbe offices thereof, in his pocket. In short, the usual ante-election certainty of each party that it is going to win is manifesting itself everywhere except in Pennsylvania, where there is no dispute perhaps because no one cares enough about it to dispute as to the coming result The display of the paradoxically sure thing for both sides is the regular phenomenon of politics the week before election day. "Why should not the politicians introduce something fresh in their canvass, by an nouncing that tbeir party is going to be de feated and then surprising the public with a sweeping vict jy? TEE OBSTEUCnVE BRIDGES. The protests of the coal shippers over the obstruction of the Ohio river by the work on the bridges at Beaver and Wheeling have been iully corroborated by the results. Twelve million bushels, or nearly 600,000 tons, of coal were ready to go out on the present r'se of the river; but only about a third of l. will be shipped, because more than that cannot be got past the bridges. Two coal barges have been wrecked at the Beaver bridge, and the destructive abilities of the "Wheeling bridge have not been tested at this writing. In other words the move ment of hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of freight is obstructed and rendered hazardous because the recognized principle of doing this bridge work when navigation is suspended has not been faithfully en forced. One lesson of that kind should be enough to secure its enforcement for the fnture. AN ELECTBICAL DILEMMA. The de lverance of the Executive Commit tee, o tte National Electric Light Associa tion, that overhead wires can be insulated so as to be made safe for high tension currents, and that it is not only practicable but easy to do so, contains a feature which is worthy the attention of the public as well as of the association. The National Electric Light Association, as its name shows, is an organization of com panies engaged in electric lighting through out the United States. The declaration of the Executive Committee, therefore.amounts to an authoritative admission that the wires of these companies might easily have been made safe. But the deaths of numerous per sons in various parts of the country, show that this is just what has not been done; and it indicates, therefore, that some of the members of the association, by the neglect of practicable and easy precautions, have com mitted manslaughter. The dilemma is thus presented to the Electric Light Association of practically as serting that some of its members ought to be sent to the penitentiary, or admitting that its Executive Committee, from interested motives, has asserted what is not true. The latter is the more charitable; but the country can leave the choice to the association pro vided it is followed to its legitimate conclu sion. AN HONORABLE LITE. The death of Dr. William K. Herrou yesterday removes one of the leading citi zens oi the community, whose long and ac tive life here has been full of unobtrusive benefit to the pnblic Dr. Herron has not only been prominent in the medical practice of the two cities for many years, but he also occupied a leading position in scientific re search, and has contributed largely, both by nis work and by the aid which he gave others, to the scientific progress of the com munity. The disinterested character of his scientific labors is shown by the fact that while they resulted in valuable discoveries and devices, he never took out any patents, but left his ideas free for the use of the world. Few men can leave behind them at the end of their lives a record of more steady and unobtrusive work for the general bene fit than that which crowns the honorable and useful career of Dr. Herron. SCOUNDEEL-SHOOTING. The defense of Chambers, the Hissourian, who recently shot and killed an enemy who had come to levy on his property, is unique in its presentation, although it has a good deal in common with other excuses of humanity. The declaration of the prisoner on his examination that be killed Bowman "because he was a blank scoundrel" ap peared adequate to the man who offered it apparently; because he returned to it fre quently as a full explanation of the crime. The impartial public will doubtless have littledifficultyinpercelvingthattheexistence of scoundrels of theblankest variety does not justify even the sufferers from their scoundrelism in taking arms against the sea of scoundrels and by shooting to end them. The plea as a justification of "homicide is -novel, and all will agree that it is Inad- . omissible. Yet the idea that, because seme- iiJB itr; missible for the offended person to get even by committing a greater wrong, has been practically advanced many times. Thirteen years ago it was claimed on behalf of an allegedly reform Presidcntal candidate who first brought the systematic use of money into the national elections, that because his opponents were suspected of trying to secure the vote pf certain States to" which they were not en titled, therefore it was all right for him to buy the votes of electors out and out The regular thing in corporate disputes, when one corporation commit! trespass on prop erty claimed by another, is for the other to raise a riot; and only the other day one of them revenged an alleged breach of contract, by highway robbery in the shape of steal ing an engine. It has been asserted by the great trusts that outside competitors go into the business only to sell out; which was deemed on such occasions to justify conspiracies to crush them out All this is on the same basis as the asser tion of the individual right to shoot the blank scoundrels upon the individual verdict that they belong to that class. All of which is ot course a substitution of anarchy for government by law. The law should undertake the punishment of scoundrelism, and when individuals or cor porations take the law in their own hands, it leaves room for a question whether the scoundrels are the shot or the shooters. HISS CALDWELL'S BEPBIEVE. Hiss Hay Gwendoline Caldwell, the Washington heiress, has been reprieved. Her marriage to Prince Murat has been postponed, because of some hitch with re gard to the pecuniary settlements, it is said, Tbe announcement of the reprieve will not surprise those who have read what Miss Caldwell said the other day on the question of pocket-money for his royal highness. These were her words: "I always intend to be my own financier. I am willing to allow any husband I may have a sufficient income to dress well and pay his club dues, but he will never have the xnauagement of a cent of my principal." This was enough to alarm any timid, love sick prince. What does a sprig of royalty ally itself with a republican blossom for if there is to be a limit to the princely allow ance? No, if Hiss Caldwell wants a hus band who is not more eager to embrace her bank account than herself, she must not ex pect to find him in the courts of the Old World. No wonder Prince Murat displays most intense irritation about the matter. He is another royal beauty, and his tender spot is his pocketbook. Treat that well and he cares not what happens. If the reprieve can be made permanent national congratu lations to Miss Caldwell will be in order. NOT YET ADVANCED. It is satisfactory to learn that the report of an advance in the ore rate from the lake ports, which called forth the editorial re marks in yesterday's Dispatch, was with out foundation. The interviews with rail road and iron men given elsewhere, show that no advance whatever has yet been made. The usual 5 cent advance on fin ished iron freights for the winter is looked for before lone, and there is a feeling among railroad men that with the improve ment in tbe iron trade, Pittsburg can afford to pay somewhat better freight rates all around; but that is a xery different thing from the disposition to squeeze the last cent ont the business a disposition plainly in volved in putting up the charge on the fund amental ore traffic to the old rate of $1 50, which was practically abandoned years ago. The feeling in railroad circles that Pitts burg is able to pay better rates than she was at the beginning of the year, is natural and not altogether unfounded. But the rail road interest should remember two things. If Pittsburg is prosperous the railroads share that prosperity by gaining an im mense volume of traffic at rates which are now and always have been more profita ble than those paid by any other traffic of similar volume in the country. The next is that it is more for their advantage to cher ish that prosperity that to cut it short by squeezing everything that can be got out of it To leave the cost of producing and ship ping iron and steel on a conservative basis is the surest method of making the prosper ity lasting. To squeeze up the cost of freight and materials is the surest way of sending prices to a point which will check demand and produce a reaction that must pinch all the interests involved. Let our railroad friends be wise and con tent themselves with the magnificent traffic that they now enjoy. If they cherish that by permitting the city which produces it the full profit of its present prosperity, they will serve both their own and the public in terest KEEPING THE LEGAL TENDEES It is satisfactory to learn that the Execu tive Committee of the Bankers' Association, to which was referred the St John proposi tion of doubling the silver coinage and re tiring the greenback circulation, has re ported against it The committee by a vote of 12 to 3 pronounces the retirement of the greenbacks a practical impossibility, and declares its opposition to the use of taxation to retire the non-interest-bearing debt, while the interest-bearing debt remains. This ought to place a check on the rather strenuous claims of certain people to repre sent the financial interests of the East, in the claim that the greenback circulation must be got rid of atall hazards. So strong was this sentiment supposed to be that the St John proposition was based upon the com promise of accepting the hated silver in or der to get rid of the hated greenbacks. The senselessness, cr worse, of this proposition is shown by the fact that the question of silver or gold is entirely separate from that of legal tenders. It is an issue for the future whether gold and silver can be made to cir culate side by side, with free coinage to each; or whether one shall entirely supplant the other. But when that is settled the ques tion whether a Government currency re deemable in coin and based on adequate re serve is permissible or not is one that has been amply decided by experience. Whether gold or silver, or both, shall be the standard, the legal tender redeemable on presentation is just as good as a certifi cate for the gold or silver. While an irre deemable paper currency means inflation and then explosion, the experience of tea years shows that our legal tender circulation, being practically a gold certificate, is the most reliable and convenient currency known. We are glad to recognize an author itative disavowal on the port of the' bankers, of the monomania that has appeared in some financial quarters for getting rid of it The information comes that one of the prominent candidates tor Senatorial honors in North Dakota is one named "Billy Budge." The name is not entirely pre possessing, but it is necessary to remember that budge is a power in politics. It is not pleasant to suspect such a thing, but the delay of the N ew York courts in the case of tbe Sugar -Refineries Company cre- .uiBpeKm that 'inside ,wlrefl are being pulled to let the trust down easily. There is also complaint that the Interstate Commerce Commission is unduly dilatory in its decision of the case of Coxes Bros. & Co. against the Lehigh Valley Railroad, for discriminations. The criticisms may be unfounded in both cases, but both are of a nature in which decisions should be ren dered without any more delay than is neces sary for thorough consideration. The Imperial Duke John, of Austria, who has renounced his imperial privileges and wants to be captain of a first-class mer chant ship, might get a position in the new steamship lines, which this country is going to start to South America. It would be a more creditable way of getting a living than marrying an American heiress. Apbopos of the terrible experience of the castaways from the steamer Earnmoor, the Philadelphia Press proposes to take the opinions of its readers whether it is right or wrong for people who are starving to eat their fellow creatures. The question is a somewhat ghastly and difficult one. As the vast majority of us are not likely to have to solve that question, it will be much more pertinent to take a vote that the trusts and combines on land, which are not starv ing, have no right to eat up their fellow creatures, the common people. The agony about the Philadelphia post office is over and Fields has the place. As this will cause Senator Quay to seek com pensations elsewhere, it will be likely to mate the Pittsburg postoffice fight more in teresting than ever. Judge Fxnletteb, of Philadelphia, has been making some sharp deliverances on corporate practices recently, and he added to them the other day, in a case where a Ftockholder had to appeal to the courts to get a sight of the books of his corporation. He obtained the authority with the remark from the Judge that "Souie officers appear to think they own the corporation, but that time, has passed." It is to be hoped that other courts will join in making it plain that the time has passed beyond any ques tion. New Yobk has been kept so busy trying to win the world's championship of baseball that she has no time or money to spend on such a side issue as trying to win the World's Fair. Concerning the remark of Governor Hill that the name of his candidate for 1892 was "a secret," the Philadelphia Ledger says that the secret is being imparted to the public generally to the effect that "the Gov ernor is for D. B. H 11." That equivocal way of "putting it contains an unfortunate suggestion ot a close relationship between the Governor's candidate and the place of fire and brimstone. Fottb million bushels of coal shipped down the river on this rise will help to warm the people of the down-river cities and the bank accounts of the coal men. The news that Patti has had her Hair dyed and appeared as a pronounced blonde, is calculated to provoke tbe comment that the mature but still high-priced songstress is old enough to know better.- Still, the record of the diva contains proof to the effect that age is no bar to friskiness. If Patti's voice remains the same, the pnblic will not object if she dyes her hair sky blue. PEOPLE OP PROMINENCE. Secbetaby Rusk smokes a pipe during business hours. All the other members of tho Cabinet indulge in cigars. R, J. 3hadboi.t, a New York lawyer, looks so much like Jay Could that thoso who know both men can hardly tell which Is which. Private Secbetaby and Mrs. Halfobd arrived at Washington yesterday morning from Fortress Monroe. Mr. Halford Is very much improved and will resume his duties at the White House at once. Congressman Hansbbough, of North Dakota, is a newspaper man and rnn3 the Duvu's Lake Inter Ocean. He has been a journalist for 23 years. The district he repre sents is nearly as large as Montana. Mb. Sam Houston, of Texas, son of the famous General Houston of that State, is in Washington. Yesterday he called npop. Secre tary Blame to thank him for the manner in which he had treated his fatheY in his book, Twenty Years of Congress." The interview was a very pleasant one to both the Secretary and his visitor. Otto, the mad King of Bavaria, is thus de scribed by one who has seen him at Fursten ried : "Tall and almost as gigantic in stature as his brother, the late King Ludwig, his ap pearance is sufficient to startle anyone who sees him for tbe first time. His hair Is long and unkempt, and his bushy brown beard reaches down belo-v his waist.. There is a kind of wild, weird look In bis eyes, the gaze of which re mains steadfastly fixed straight ahead into empty space. The only person who can suc ceed in bringing a gleam of intelligence to his face is the 60-year-old Madam Mane, who was his nurse when a child. She is the only person who is permitted to speak to him." Archbishop Satolu. who will represent Pope Leo XIII. at the Catholic Congress and dedication bf the Catholic University, will be in this country In a few days. He is a native of Marciana, near Perugia, where the present Pone was Archbishop for 31 years. Satolll was one of tbe present Pope's seminarians, and the ability he displayed so impressed his superior that he brought him to Rome, where he was appointed to preside over the Academy of Noble Ecclesiastics, an Institute in which the papal diplomats are trained. On' July 21 last, Mgr. Satolll ronnded his half century of life. There is no prelate better known to American priests, for he held for a number of years a professorship in the Propaganda, the great training school ot the Catholio clergy, and his lectures were attended by the students of the American College. ADVERTISING MORTON'S BAR. His New Washington Saloon Greatly Dis pleases the Prohlblilonlsts. , Boston, October 29. Vice President Levi P. Morton's new bar in bis new Sboreham Hotel, at Washington, received some free advertising here to-day at tbe hands of ex-Governor St John, of Kansas. He said that Mr. Morton erected a large hotel in Washington. It had large bar attached to it owned by a man named Kenna. This man wanted a license to keep bis bar. and in order to conform to the law he had to have, his petition signed by a certain num. ber of men. "And tbe first name on tbe peti tion," faid tbe speaker. "is that of Ley P. Morton; Vice President of the United States." Cries of "Shame, shame." "Look at tbe spectacle presented to the youth of this nation. A man holding the second office in this great Government, one who Is liable to step into the Presidency, indorsing a petition for a license for tbe sale of liquor, and himself the owner of the building in which the liquor is to be sold. Shame on such a man and shame on the party of wbich.hestands forth as the representative." The speaker said that President Harrison's administration "opened with 1.000 saloon keepers in his inaugural pro cession. "How many slave owners." he asked, "paraded in President Lincoln's inaugural pro cession?" SJ. Louis Oat of the Race. From the Chicago Times. Jay Gould says that in the matter of the World's Fair St Louis is putting her best foot forward. That settles It If she pats that foot on the fair project it will squash the life all out of it An Idle Pastime. From the Chicago news,! It is estimated that SO per cent of all the peo ple in theTJnited States are now spending their leisure moments in inventing towers to be toller, bii. TnIIstiVii tn f Tniiniiitfrtin' ".'l-r. ., sr I ' ' lIlWilSS ilWWWWMiM THE TOPICAL TALKER. A Small Change, bat an .Embarrassing One A Deacon' Use of Prayer Tiro Can Flay at Prayerful Personalities. Fob the convenience of nocturnal customers a druggist, whose store is on one of the prin cipal streets in Allegheny,, has long had beside his store door a speaking tube and an electric button. In order to make the month of tho tube noticeable he had the words "speak here" painted about it thus: SPEAK o HEBE. For years the sign has guided the multitude to break: in upon the druggist's slumbers. Some days ago, however, a painstaking wag went to work upon the sign with a paint brush. When he had finished the job the legend, tempting to the dry and ungodly wayfarer, read thus: BPEAK o EASY. Paint has rehabilitated the sign, but the In quiries for illegal liquors keep up at the drug gist's innocent soda water fountain. V The story Is being told In Presbyterian circles that at tbe last meeting of the American Board a brother who had been sat down on by tbe presiding officer was asked later on to lead in prayer. He accepted the invitation gladly, and in a very fervent way prayed ; "Lord, bestow good sense upon our Moderator, for he stands badly in need of some I" Whether the story is trae or not, and it has nothing impossible about it, it reminds me of an experience which was actually my own. . In a certain household it was the custom to hold family prayers the last thing at night As a rule tbe paternal head of the family read the prayers ont of an old blue-backed scrap book which contained some of the grandest Invoca tions of Qod's mercy and most eloquent thanks givings that I ever heard. The beauty of all these prayers was that they brought peace into the family, poured oil on troubled waters,. and never could be twisted into personal bearing. Prayers, to my mind, should never wonnd any oneIt is quite a different and a laudable qual ity in a prayer, however, to stir the conscience. Well, it happened every once in a while that the benevolent paterfamilias was called from home. Whenever this happened the other head of the family read prayers, and being a rather pious woman and Evangelical in her leanings, she trusted to prayers of ber own composing. They were not great in a literary sense; neither was the spirit that pervaded them lofty, but they were terribly personal. Every person upon their knees In that room was acquainted with the heinous character of his or her misdoings that day. The sins were apportioned accurately and all that lacked ot tbe complete identification of tbe sinners was their names. It made that time of prayer any thing but emollient in its effects. It should be added that the good lady was not the mother in fact of the children for whom sho prayed. . One night it happened that m the absence of the paternal pastor and his alternate being so hoarse that she could not speak above a whisper, a youth fresh from college was called upon to offer up prayer. He fell back upon "the gov ernor's" blue book for the body of that little service, but when he came to the end of the prayers appointed for that day he could not resist the temptation to payback a predecessor in ber own coin. He prayed accordingly with startling fervor for the reform and spiritual re newal of his stepmother; not by name, of course, but in such a way as to make the object of his solicitude thoroughly cognizant ot his meaning. It bad one happy result there was never a prayerful personality uttered in that house hold again. TEE FUTURE OP PDEL GAS. Interesting Statements by n Gentleman Fn. miliar With the Subject. From a paper on "Fuel Gas." read by Mr. John Young before tbe American Gas Light Association, and published In Light, Heat ana Power, the following extracts are taken: Iffnelgasls to be the fuel of the future, atten tion must be turned to devising means first to se cure perfect combustion of tbe fuel, and then to I utilize the developed beat to the utmost extent for heating the inside ot our houses, where it Is wanted, instead of sending from 80 to 90 per cent oi theheat np the chimney to heat tbe atmosphere outside where It is not wanted. In this direction I think lies the solution-"of the fuel gas problem. Tbe price at which a fuel gas of practical value can be manufactured and sold is pretty well de termined, and under no circumstances, so far as I can see, can It be sold cheap enough to displace coal if used in our present appliances. That it is possi ble to greatly Improve on our present methods and attain much nearer the theoretical value of the fuel, admits of very little doubt, but as yet comparatively little has been done In that di rection. We still adhere to our various forms of stoves and open fireplaces, hot air furnaces that ao not near me air, unless rue products or com bustion are going into the chimney red hot, and in The rapid progress that has been made during the last few years In reducing the cost of produc tion and distribution of electric lighting, its rapidly growing popularity for street lighting and for stores, hotels, theaters, railway stations and even private residences point to a not far distant time when illuminating gas companies must look to some other means of utUizlng their manufact uring and distributing plant than in the supply of Illuminating gas. Would It not be well for gas companies to spend some time and money In In vestigating Into the possibilities of a manufact ured fuel gas when applied to domestic heating and cooking on thoroughly economic and scien tific prtnclplesr The Importance of pure air In relation to health was never realized to the extent it Is to-day. There Is a general outcry against the filthy, un healthy, costly and unscientific system of throw ing Into the atmosphere of our cities thousands of tons of unconsumed carbon in the form of smoke which depresses our spirits, irritates our lungs, saps the energy of our wives and daughters by the incessant and Irritating warfare against dirt, and lowers the whole tone of our moral and physical nature. The remedv is gaseous fuel. It may be difficult and somewhat costly, but If It falls within the range of possibility, there Is little doubt of Us accomplishment What's tbe Matter With Kentucky t From tbe JJetrolt Free l'reis.l Tbe present Governor of Kentucky, like most of them who have gone before, sadly lacks backbone. Kentucky is the only State in the Union whore feuds are permitted to affect en tire counties, and where gangs of outlaws can take possession of towns, drive out tbe legal officers, and run things to suit themselves. It Is a disgrace to the century. i Tho Youngest Mather In New York. Kingston, October 29. In all probability the youngest mother In the State at tbe present time is Mrs. William Martin, of Summitville. Sullivan county, who a few days ago gave birth to a 9-pound girl. Mrs. Martin is only 13 years and 7 months old, and of ordinary build. She has more the appearance of a school girl than a mother. Profession nnd Practice. From the Detroit Free Press. Russia's excuse for war has always been that the other power was. oppressing Christians. She is. after Tnrsey again on this same ground, although her own laws make every one believe in the same doctrine or rot in prison. She's a nice old bear to protect free thought and free worship. DEATHS OP A DAT. t Dr. William Herron. Dr. William M. Herron, one of tbe oldest and most prominent physicians of Allegheny, died yesterday morning at his home, No. 16S Robinson street. He was 67 years of age. Besides being de voted to his practice as a physician, he spent con siderable time In other branches of science. lie was the son of William Herron, one of the pioneer tanners of Allegheny county. Tbe deceased was one of six children, and had a brilliant career as student and practitioner. He was an exact scientist and a successful Inventor, although the general public knew little about his remarkable attainments. One of his most Intimate friends and co-laborers was Frof. John Brasbear. Over a years ago he visited Europe and purchased a fine telescope, which still remains In his library. He developed a wonderful taste and adaptation for astranowicalresearch. Ajnong his inventions was a device In connection with electric lighting, and a self-acting battery, by which contents of Jars are kept In a constant state of agitation, thus largely Increasing the strength and even the flow of electric currents. Pror. Brashear speaks of his old-time friend and co-laborer in the following manner: "A wise man and able counselor, a staunch friend, a noble philanthropist and a man of remarkable genius, are about the simplest terms of praise 1 can use In connection with his name." Dr. Herron leaves a widow, two sons and two daughters. Of the sons, John is connected with tbe Pennsylvania Company and "William is with tho Chicago and Northwestern Ballway. One daughter Is the wife of Chief Engineer Itodd, of the Pennsylvania Company, aud tho other of, Jr. alsjar Morse K, Taylor. "Wabbtnoton,. October 9." TheJ'W.arvDepart' meat ny soeen -aaneea or me a earn, at wa Aa TOSto w jsjgv? jsor ro & aajior, reureu,i THE FIRST WEDD1H6. Fnsblounble People Fill the Point Breeze Church Tbe Illontanye-Yandcrgrlft Nuptials Gorgeous Costumes. The first wedding to grace the Point Breeze Presbyterian Church, East End, occurred last evening at 7:30 o'clock, when Mr. Joseph B. Vandcrgrift and Miss Diana Montanye as sumed tbe leading Toles, assisted in the drama of real life byMissEmlie V.Mitchell, of Buf falo, N. Y., as maid of honor, Misses Balzell, Bingham, Miller and Fownes were the bride malds.Dr. John Polak, of New York, best man, Messrs. Beymer, Harley, Neal and Laughlin were the ushers, while Rev. Dr. W. J. Reid, assisted by Rev. Bewitt Benham, pronounced tbe important words. The church was handsomely decorated with tropical plants. The bridf, leaning upon the arm of her father, Mr. James McQ,ulston, was preceded to the altar by the brideraaids, maid of honor and ushers, where the groom and best man awaited them. During tbe ceremony the grouping of the attendants around the inter ested parties formed a decidedly artistic tableau. The bride was tbe prettiest little mortal imaginable in an Imported gown of rich white satin, fashioned with a plain, smooth fitting waist and a straight, full skirt, termina ting in a demi-train. The design was copied from a picture of her great grandmother, taken on tbe latter's wedding day. White gloves, slippers and veil completed the costume, while an immense bouqnet of white chrysanthemums gave the finishing touch. In direct contrast to the blonde beauty of the brido was the maid of hqnor, a bright brunette, and a cousin of the bride. She was arrayed in a Parisian gown of crepe de chene in spotless white, fashioned in tbe Empire style. White slippers and gloves and a bunch of chrysanthe mums were the accessories ot the toilet The maids were all in similar attire of white crepe de chene and carried chrysanthemums in differ ent colors. The gentlemen were in the usual attire. After tbe ceremony at the church the company repaired to the future nome of the happy couple, 14 o. 36 McPherson street, Boule vard place, which had been transformed into a bower of chrysanthemums. The mantels were banked in distinct colors, pink, white, yellow and red. The railing of tbe stairway leading to tho nppcr floor where the presents were dis played was handsomely trimmed with green and clusters ot the prevailing flowers tied with ribbons. The mu sicians were placed just ontside the rcceDtion hall, a portion of the porch having been Inclosed for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Vandergrift filled the position of host and hostess in a charming manner, and, com bined with the delightful musio furnished by the orchestra, a most delightful evening was tho resnlt The bride and groom both are well known to society people. The wedding will be remembered as one of the most fashion able of the season. A honeymoon journey to different places of interest In the United States will be entered upon to-morrow. The presents were everything that wealth and excellent taste could suggest The floral decorations of tbe church and house were by A. M. & J. B. Murdoch. In each bouquet car ried by the maids of honor was securely fast ened a nanasome lace pin, tne gilt oi tne froom. A number of guests relatives of the ride were in attendance from New York and other Eastern cities. Tbe upper circle of Pittsburg and East End society were largely represented. A GRECIAN WEDDING. Miss Ada Myers Becomes the Brido of John A. Scott of This Cltv. At 7 o'clock last evening, in the German Lutheran Trinity Churcb, Miss Ada Myers be came Mrs. John A Scott The bride was es corted by her father, Mr. E. H. Myers, and proceeded to the altar by six ushers, two bride maids, two little flower girls and maid of honor. Rev. A. Ahner officiated. The bride was radiant in a gown of white embossed silk, with full train, high corsage and elbow sleeves. Dia mond ornaments were worn and a handsome veil with white slippers and gloves completed the toilet Bnde roses composed the bouquet The maid of honor. Miss Irene Myers, a sister of tbe bride, was dressed in India silk, trimmed with white ribbon velvet Tho bridemaids. Misses Mary Scott and Emma Robinson were dressed in Grecian costumes of pink and green India silk, with trimmings, including slippers and gloves, of the same color. The little flower girls, Laura and Emma Myers, both sisters of the bride, were in cos tumes of pure white, with baskets of white roses. The position of best man was filled by Mr. Will Hart The ushers were Messrs. Leggett, Bergman, Ewart Hoene andGloger. Tbe reception was held at the residence of the bride's parents, Ronp station. An excellent supper was served, and to the strains of Gernert's Orchestra dancing was indulged in until the departure of the bride and groom on the midnight train for Cleveland. The pres ents were very handsome. That ot the groom was an imported piano, which will adorn their future home In Lawrenceviile. -. A MINISTER WEDS. The Pastor of the Forty-Third Street Church Takes a Bride. Miss Annie Renshaw, daughter of Mr. John A. Renshaw, and Rev; H, Howard Stiles, pastor of the Forty-third Street Presbyterian Churcb, were made one in the East Liberty Presbyterian Church last evening at 623 o'clock. Tbe cere mony was performed by Dr. James 'Moffat President of the Washington-Jefferson College, Washington, Pa., assisted by Rev. Dr. Kuliner, pastor of the church. The bride and gioom were preceded to the altar bv six nshers. and two little nieces of the bride as flower girls. The ushers were Messrs. Thomas Stevenson, F. Chester BidweU, Ralston Crabbe, Charles Jones, Harry Ewing and Frank Friend. Little Margaret and Rebecca Chislett, as flower girls, dressed in white, carried baskets of pink carna tions. White Italian faille, with a front of eilk brocade trimmed with duchess lace, formed the bridal costume. The corsage was half high, with rounding front and finished with a fall of lace. Mousquetaire sleeves terminated at the elbow. Theskirtwas demi-train. A handsome yell, with gloves and slippers of white, were also part of tbe toilet No flowers were car ried. DUNCAN SHERADEN. A Quiet Little Country Wedding; at Sheridan Station. At Sheraden station last evening at 5 o'clock Robma S. L. Duncan became the wife of Mr. William J. Sheraden, of the firm of John Hall, Jr., & Co., No. 621 Liberty street The cere mony was performed by Rev. Charles EL Locke. The couple were unattended, with the exception of the bride's brother, Mr. Horner j. Lindsay, of Carnegie, Phipps 4 Co., who was master of ceremonies. The bridal toilet was of white faille Francahe, skirt of dancing length, laid in wide pleats and draped with French lace and loops of ribbon. Tbe bodice formed a V-sbapea neck, and was trimmed with seed E earls and lace. The costume was completed y white gloves and slippers, while a bunch of La Franca roses, was carried. The houso was beautifully decorated with cut Sowers. An enjoyable repast was served by Luther, and Toerge Bros.' Orchestra inspired the fairy feet to trip until a late hour. The brido and groom bade farewell and took the 9 o'clock train West for a three weeks trip, which will Include Cin cinnati and other points. IN THE FROZEN NORTH. Tho Utile Esquimau Lady Entertains East Liberty Society. The Emory M. E. Church, in the East End, was crowded to the doors last night by the society people of tbe East Liberty Valley to hear Miss Olof Krarer, the native Esquimau lady, deliver ber famous lecture about life in Greenland. Tbe lady is about four feet high, and has been lecturing in this country for the past six or seven years. Her talks are devoted to a description of Greenland and Iceland and ido customs oi ine people in ine irozen north. She speaks English quite fluently, and has a large fund of interesting and amusing anec- dotes seen among 1 her people. BEOWALTisR-HEAD. A Wedding at Lalrobo Solemnized by Father Kearney. A 7-o'clock wedding in tbe Catholic Church at Latrobe yesterday mornlpg, united in mar riage Miss Ella Showalterand Mr. Joseph C. Head, of the First National Bank of that place. Rev. Father Kearney, of S,t Patrick's Church, this city, solemnized the wedding. Miss Rafferty, of the East End, was maid of honor. Messrs. Thomas and William Kirk, of Pittsburg, were the ushers. After the cere mony the guests partook of an excellent break fast, furnished bv Hagan of this city, at the residence of the bride's parents McDowell's Birthday. Coroner Heber McDowell yesterday reached the thirty-sixth milestone in his 'journey throngb life, and entertained last evening a very large delegation of enthusiastic friends at his residence. The gathering was in the nature of a surprise party, and for once tbe unex pected but hospitable bost wasnot forewarned. Tho present he prized most was a silk bandker- chlof, from his mother, hemmed by her own hands, with a, gentle reminder that soma' 30 years ago he kept her hands t.xbusy in keeu lug him ont of. mischief to. do much flue work for him. The old lady's joke was heartily en joyed by the whole company. kiHri?'."5'ewBtH8e TBtes of the Children's TsaMtegMHeLt East End, have recently purchased the Laclede Hotel property on Collins avenue for the sum, of $10,000 and will there hold the sessions of the' school. The M. E. Church has been the scene of the interesting work for some time past ON A LONG JODENET. A Farewell Reccptiou Tendered to Colonel Thomas Brown. The Union Fishing Club of Allegheny threw open its doors last nlgbt for the first time in its history. The occasion was the ceremony of bidding a formal farewell to Colonel Thomas Brown, a popular member of tbe club, and Se lect Councilman from tbe Third ward. Mr. Brown departs to-night for New York City, and sails by way of Aspinwall for San Fran cisco in a few days. The employes of the water department wished to express their es teem for him, and arranged a little meeting of his friends at tbe clubhouse There they pre sented him with a through ticket from New York to bis destination, and also two band some leather valises. Mr. Charles Gerwig made a neat presentation speech, and Mr. Robert Bilworth responded for Mr. Brown. THE THANKS OP VETERANS. A Committee to Carry Framed Resolutions to Milwaukee. Lieutenant James M. Lysle Post 128, G. A Rhave prepared a handsome set of resolu tions to be sent to the Calumet Club of Milwau kee, Wis., whose guest tbe post was at the re cent National Encampment The resolutions have been engrossed and framed. A committee of the post will go to Milwaukee and present them in person. The work is in colors, contain ing the emolems of the army and navy, corps badges, etc In a Social War. Under the skillful management of Miss Annie Unterbaum, daughter of Captain Henry Unterbaum, of the Police Bureau, about 50 young people congregated at her home last evening and proceeded to tbe home of Mrs. Williams, No. 2117 Carson street, bouthslde, where tney completely took possession of the house. Dancing, music and refreshments were great aids to the pleasure of the occasion. A complimentary benefit will be tendered Rev.-ColonelJobn A Danks at Veteran Le gion Hail, No. 77 Sixth avenue, this evening. A large number of tbe Colonel's friends are expected to bo in attendance, as be will de liver his famous lecture on Gettysburg. Tbe Lewis Quartet Club will have charge of the musical programme. Lieutenant Andrew Obth , of the Second police district, celebrated tbe twenty-first anni versary of bis wedding last night, at his resi dence on Thirty-fifth street A pleasant even ing was passed, and a large number of guests were present to do justice to a fine spread. In Detroit to-day Miss Carrie Frances Alli son will adopt the name of Mrs. John S. Hughes. Tbe groom is a well-known railroad man of this city, connected for a number of years with the Star Union line. In Philadelphia to-day Mr. Charles Metcalf, one of Pittsburg's popular young men, will lead to the altar Miss Alice Wood, daughter of the well-known iron manufacturer, formerly of this city. A otjmbbb of young people ot tbe hill met at the residence of Maurice J. Brown last even ing ana formed a branch of theO. L.S.C. It will be known as the Laurel Circle. De. W. E. Hallock, a rising yonng physi cian ot Fifth avenue, will, in Freehold, N. Y., claim Miss Belle McLean as a bride to-day. Dk. W. B. Taymb, of McKeesport, will to-day become the husband of Miss Weaver, of No. 32 Garfield avenue, Allegheny City. The Eaton-Darr wedding will take place to day at the residence of Mr. George W.Dair, the bnde's brother, on Hiland avenue. The Teutonic Club wilt give a theatrical entertainment at their clubhouse on Pike street, in Allegheny City, this evening. -Mrs. C. L. Maoee, who is at present visiting friends in Massillon, O., will be at home at the Duquesne Hotel after Wednesday. Miss Minktta Fobs, of Locnst street, gave a very enjoyable euchre party last even ing. THE CLAIMS OF CHICAGO, Preparations for tbe World's Fair to be Fashed With All 6peed. Chicago, October 29. The Committee on National Agitation to-day recommended to tbe .Executive Committee the adoption of the fol lowing resolutions: " Whereas, The proposed World's Exposition of 1892 is designed to be on a more extensive scale than that of any former World's Fair, and there Is more time intervening for dne prepara tion than that consumed In the Instance or any such prior exposition; and the ablest architects and experienced judges In such undertakings declare that in view or Inevitable success, for in stance, as in procuring the required site, steel ana other materials for work, in the erection of great edifices, and in view also or the years of notice needed for many foreign exhibitors, and in view generally or the stupendous character or the protected undertaking, Immediate action is absolutely essential to its successful execution, some declaring tbe time Is much too short: and Whereas, Chicago was the first city to assert, as she did several, year ago, the claims in the na tion's lnteiest to the Columbus fair, and was also first actively in thi field to raise the needed funds, and whereas, thevast majority of the press of the country recognize the right in turn, as well as tbe wisdom of holding the next exposition lnthe in terior, and the almost unanimous action of City Councils, Board or Trade and other commercial bodies of the West and South, Indicating an irre sistible movement of public sentiment in favor of such holding in the greatest Inland city of tbe continent, because other central location and convenience to the great body of the people, be cause of the transportation facilities by land and water, because of her Inviting summer climate, and because, as a distinguished New York Jour nalist frankly admits, Chicago is a miracle among cities, and could certainly accommodate and con duct a World's Fair with the utmost liberality, skill and success: and .... Whereas, In support or Chicago as the nation's choice, a sufficient number of Congressmen have already avowed openly their readiness to vote tor Congressional recognition, thus relieving the en- terprlse rrom tho degrading necessity of undue lobbying, and avoiding what would be worse po litical or sectional complications; and t v nereas. xae issue is narrowea nown 10 succt9 or rallure, depending to a very large extent upon instant action, to render the enterprise worthy or the great occasion, and thus to reflect credit, rather than discredit upon tbe nation; therefore, belt Kesolved, That the people are entitled to their choice of location for the World's Fair of 1892, and the men and worn en of Chicago, gratefully accept ing tbe general declaration of that choice aud confidently reiving on the promised Congres sional recognition, now unite In requesting tbe Incorporators of the World's Exposition or 1832 to complete their organization, and to proceed at once to determine upon and carry Into execution plans for the projected exposition. The resolutions were presented to the Ex ecutive Committee in session and were unani mously adopted. A N0YEL SPJ3AK-EAST. A Philadelphia Gang Opens a Saloon la a Freight Car. PrnLADEXPHiA, October 23. A gang of men who frequent the neighborhood ot Front and Callowhlll streets were arrested on Sunday for selling liquor without a license. They had ap propriated a freight car of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad at the streets named and set up a saloon in it They sold liquor promiscuously to the residents of that sec tion. , When arrested they had 39 half-pint bottles and two two-gallon demijohns of whisky. Drop a Nickel and Get Two Stamps. From the New York Sau.I The very newest thing In drop-a-nickel ma chines went into effect la Delmonico's Broad street restaurant yesterday, and kept sylph like John Simon, the manager there, busy all day explaining how it works. The machine seUstwoZ-centstampsforanlckel. The stamps are separated by a bit ot wax paper to prevent them from sticking, and tbe machine is war ranted never to get out of order, and never to make a mistake and slide out a stamp too many. One Way to Raise Money. From the Baltimore American.! New York should at once put her Exposition plans on tbe 6-cent counter, and advertise a bankrupt sale. HALLOWE'EN. When October growetu dim And the merry elves are seen. Dancing with a dash and vim, Tben's the tImeof Hallowe'en. When tho gruesome ghosts and witches Fly o'er gloomy roads Then the goblins force the moon From very fear to hide her sheen Behind the clouds. For else she'd swoon To see the sights of Hallowe'en, When the gruesome ghosts and witches Fly o'er gloomy roads and ditches. , Then sport the sprites of land and sea; , But all the boys and girls terrene. Who mind not nurse's mild decree,- - Think every night's a Mauewe'es, Vaeatbe griMtelsM gksttnaad wIMttes. po'ealeeatyi V, METROPOLITAN MELAHGE. The Little German Band Mast Go. NIW TOKK SUSEAU SPECIALS.! NbwYobk; October 2& The little German bandmust go. The .Aldermen have said it The celebrated resolution, instigated by the i no CAienraiea resoinzion. mtMa.Tn nv zn& Musicians' Protective Union against curbstone bands, came up for consideration in tbe city council this afternoon. Several of the lsV Aldermen present who represented German wards tried to steal away, so as to leave the meeting without a quorum. They were dragged back, and the ordinance prohibiting itinerant street bands from performing on the streets was passed unanimously. The ordinance goes into effect at once. It provides a fiaa of 110 for each offense. A Great Time Anticipated. The crack regiments of the National Guard in New York and Brooklyn, and all posts of the G. A. R. In both cities will celebrate to-morrow the laying of the cornerstone of the soldiers' memorial arch op the. Prospect Park plaza, Brooklyn. General W. T. Sherman will lay the stone, Colonel Harry W. Knight wilt pre side as grand marshal, and tho Rsv.Dr. Wesley Davis, chaplain of the Twenty-third, Brook, lyn's crack regiment, will make the prayer. About 12,000 old soldiers and militia, are. ex pected to take part In tbe parade and exercises. Bobbed n Girl of Her Hair. Katie Schnman, a 15-year-old. factory girl with a pretty face and a magnificent head. of halr.stopped on a corner to gossip with a friend on her way home from work, last night. Sud denly she felt a gentle tug at the heavy brown braid of hair down her back, and heard a click of shears. A gust of wind blew on the back of her neck. She put up both hands, to findher hair all gone. Then she screamed haraand took after a man she saw running down the street with her hair in one hand and shears in the other. Several boys and a policesaa joined in the chase. The fugitive dropped the i' hair In his flight and finally scurried off into a blacK alleyway, where no one could find mm The police are still looking for him. A Speaking Clock Next. Inventor Edison is busily engaged in making a phonographic clock, which instead of ringing ont tbe number of the hour, will announce tba time of day in stentorian tones. The clock is on the same simple plan as the talking dott. It shouts out the time every quarter of aa hour. Mr. Edison predicts great popularity for this new invention. The clock will not be put on. tho market for several months. Matrimonial Mishaps Cause Bad Blood. August Heide, sausage maker, Mrs.Heide and five small Heides came fromPhiladelphla to New York four years ago. They took rooms in a tenement house next to the quarters of David Slmpkina, an aged G. A. R. veteran. Simpkins soon fell inlove with Mrs. Heide, and showed it Mrs. Heide liked Simpkins, and showed it too. Heide made a great row about their intimacy, and threatened to sue for a di vorce. As he was rather 'slow to begin pro ceedings, Simpkins and Mrs. Heide got mar ried, in the hope of hurrying him un. Then Heide got obstinate and refused to be divorced. atalL So Mrs. Heide stepped across the hall to Simpkins apartment and assumed the name of Mrs. Simpkins. After two years Simpkiaa and the former Mrs. Heide fell out and the woman returned to her old quarters, across the halL This joint matrimonial partnership in volved Heide and Simpkins in a series of quar rels, wmen culminated this afternoon In a fight in Simpkins room. During the tussle a bucket of blood, which the sausage-maker had set down just inside the veteran's door, was upset, and" spoiled the carpet Simpkins had Heide ar rested for malicious mischief. Heide hact Simpkins arrested for assault Both were re manded and a warrant issued against the woman for bigamy. A Nose Hade to Order. Mrs. E. Hoffman, of Brooklyn, lost her nose by disease ten years ago. She had several doc tors try their luck at replacing it, but they all failed. Then she bought a rubber nose, which was kept in place by a- complicated lot of springs and strings. A few days ago 'she' got tired of this rubber nose, and asked a promi nent Williamsburg surgeon to give her a better one. He did it thus: He raised the suakea' skin that once covered the woman's nose, and divided Jt lengthwise. From a live chicken tbe surgeon removed the. breast ibone.leavlBr--i the tender cartilaginous filament t and perloa tens. These, latter ha sewed to tea naked flesh of the nose, and over the boaebedrewa portion of the periosteum cut from, tbe tore head ot the woman- The surgeon is confident that this new nose will be an organic part of MrsHoffman at the end of two months. As it is now, Mrs. Hoffman's chicken-breast nese, though a trifle large far from ugly. Sh e says it is far more comfortable than a rubber nose or no nose at all. LEW WALLACE'S EAELI I0ME. The Cabla Where He Dwelt When & Bey la Indianapolis. Indianapolis, October 29. To-day work men tore away the modern frame structure marking tho Wallace homestead, and there stood revealed to the street the primitive log cabin home ot the late Governor Wallace, where General Lew Wallace, of "Ben Hot" fame; William Wallace, postmaster of this city, and their brothers, spent their boyhood. The cabin contains nro rooms, and since stripped of its modern dressing ft stands asH did 60 years ago, save that tie puncheon floor has given away to one ot modern sawed lum ber. How UsataMa le Literary Fosse. From the Chicago Tribune.! The gifted Howells knocks the last prop from under tho fame of Charles Dickens just In time to prevent some deeply wronged person in Bac villeorTater Hollow from rising np to data tbe real authorship of Dickens' works andta prove him a plagiarist Booms as Dangerous aa Bombs. From the Chicago Times. I Stories of destltQtionJand suffering are al ready beginning to come in from the neighbor hood of Pierre, the capital of the new State of South Dakota. How long will it be before peo ple will learn not to follow np booms unless they have something with which to help along the boomr How tbe Australian Closets Worked. From tbe Minneapolis TrlbuncI The more we study the result in Montana, the more we are convinced that the Australian sys tem of voting, can mix up things about as hope lessly as the native born American system. TRI-STATB TRIFLES, In instructing her how to handle the weekly wash a Germantown lady told ber servant, fresh from Castle Garden, to take the horse to the kitchen and hang the clothes on it to dry. The following morning the household were aroused by the noise, and Investigation showed that Bridget had backed the family horse from the stable into the kitchen, and had tried to cover it with wet clothes, but tbe animal ob jected to the treatment A calf without a tail has beeSj barn near Knottsville, Taylor county, WVa. A CTTRLT walnut log was sold by a Bursa, Logan county, W. Va., man for 36,086. Mr. D. Williamson, of Indianapolis, being the pur chaser; Police-can Jbf7 CnALVONT, of Chester, -was a pail-bearer at-the funeral of John Gilstea on Friday, and at the grave tbe earth, oaved , throwing Cbalf ont into the excavation, thereby fulfilling a prediction, often made in a jest by Gtlston, that Chalf ont would be la the grave first Thk story that gold was found on a farm near Pboenixville prates to be the result of a joke- A specimen piece of roek submitted to a jeweler was crushed by him and sprinkled with bronze coloring and returned to the finder. AYoBXCOUNTr schoolmistress has got Into trouble through, fastening sticking plasters over the mouths of her pupils to keep them from talking. ( 8. W. Kindig, of Barbour oonaty, W. Va, while out squirrel hunting, stepped on the bstt of a tree. The leg rolled do wn the. hill, wrecked the kitchen attached to J.W.Haller'a resi dence, aad mashed ap tbe furniture. Geokge Fbebbricks, who lives near,L- tonU, U wassearedJMariy oat of has Wits the other, aicat ayr- sometatpy ae ta euaait w ttsO8'j Vt fizts tVSan'09SL wlWMwi JK' t CMKBS COIsBExtSATICrSS. TJ-t.- m :i I nuall rr ,rfl xuauu Aerziwry atw ,ww mirao oi arn- gattsgOMchea, At Wert Harwich Mass., liWe Siria. tHrban years old. rMsW. ... . . . ' - - . --s oi cranDemes in a siagle slay. Her Huag',Wi thls season has brought her in neafiyWsV t . " m ABlissfield, Mich., maa aeri.esftdly put a small cartridge lata his. pipe aiest-witfe, some tobacco the other day, and wei:wi , thBffweateitnBOTs4aeeadaMsMt.&X ' The United States Tuk Cemtmtti& will send to the Boston Maritime ExMbrsiaaU cosfinlnswgl Aaspfteaai iwllaivsft! BfHK4tqS U& VTIHT 194 BBSI 19 waters. The Experiment Station at tie l sityof nilaoiala iavesiiealiBg the cattle known as mfcrk sieknes. It le to be. caused by eating a plant of tea, awnsl eupatotism. fa the last two weeks rsMitsJ three Immense cars, with aquaria cesiajaiecarfly andnowaoalflabetegfedoatheplaati y. k A. C. Carr, the "apple king" of Jtesjie ftfieanntr. M has. niudanaMr &aaJ saili "1 year. Tne sweet ana sour poraoas are uted In alternate layers extending froit to blow, and froa ose-half to one iMti wliV and can be distlBjruished by the eotor aed tesv tureof tba. ontaala. skia. The. as4e crew 1st' tbe famous Pnlleu, or Benson, eresWd to Bset jtmawum, ana mere are aaia to ne severe trees wmen bear this peculiar variety of m The other night John Barn, of J Coaru, went oat after rabbits with his iefcfl wiinm a mile or the center oi the bew dog treed an animal, which Mr. Barns must be a coon. He took good aim and brsaaht it down. It proved to baa fine sirver-fpajr c,' icjj taiKc, anu wiw lira oesi in 6XC0HW tasK dition. The tree was a pine, with llsshs mow. ing close to tbe ground. It is the first inntninrt known in local annals of silver-gray Jesse Is uia aecues, ret aiaso one oumDtBf a Wee. -Charles Rosell, Jr., died at his fcftar'sl house, in Litchfield, Mich., October H, a 1 years. This man was bora whitest a rylnilf column and had been, obliged to He preee apesf) his back all his life. He never walked a step.'' andllvMl nmt nt ftKASimnln I IimHI iiii 1 adapted egyeeUBy to his- pecanar nsiossstini.f 3 He ceald balk aad feed himself, bat waa.att,. very bright Intellectually, so that his oaHielMe, was almostas blank as that of amoUastc Few but members of hie family nave seen him. jfe Woodsburg, Lone Island, has seeml for two weeks haunted by a mysterious i She is sees oaly between the hours of i and 2 a. it, aad is always cladia f uaereel 1 with a single white feather in her sabto taw She leans pensively on a fence outofdetfceo tags occupied by a family named Lnsgw usfa.1 and gases wistfully at teat pretty Hm shit I home. The moment anyone aeeeses aw seal disappears, no one ib seeviuageBMH nized her features, though seoreset ttrei prominent resraeat nave sees aerqMe A party is being organised to- oaitwa mysterious betee. .s A newly appointed jnstf-a -T "i peace in Fak-bavea, Yt, was asked wtot'l would ask to marry a forlora-IookJae; a that had appeared to him from tknbaekvi The 3. P. thought he could perioral tsiaistsj monyforSO cents. The man aVowed rtsaihal might raise that sum. After the ceresseay i performed the Justice called for the fee. AJlee; consiaeraoie lumBttng la tee possets" overalls the bridegroom thoueht he had lost the SO cents or left it "to. ham." Jfce J.F.? i having no desire to lose so large a tosses 38 cents, caimiy laiorasa ne nunc yeas mhk m t was "ansBAnlea. A bystander eassa te'she. rescue of the young maa and loaned Mat as cents, which was handed to His Hester. .The justice then remarked to the eseata MMttsfcey were again married, aad that tW wm uvvthj wi resume ww jsurnej. Several days ago, when 3Cr. Walker, a farmer living In the not w part of Lowndes county, Ga- was in Ms picking cotton, his aUentloa was alttssssdi afasasaade py his. boa la a swamp searlthttli field. Theymadaaaoise wry awes,: do when they come np with aa aafn mat or perhaps a strange drove of i every now and then one weald see laougas ueho oi k, supposing iey i a tilt with a neighbor's hogs. But he i to tba boase. waea hie sews came tarn Wed over dead, and then aaetfeec ; other, aad tne fourth became very sick, 1 cevereo. upon examination ne that they bad been bitten by a sa nose, aad one of them oa the wntis. working far Mr. Walker wBt late thai, found tie snake aad killed it- It was , foot rattier.. Mrs. L. C. StaveasL of Cease j" IIOw4w3BtWjMswwsf 9k9w pied female sqglarjot the cagsttiy., berasebaad saead tba s-tssaMi; -at ,LakaKttka. Tata season they wen -fJ lake on tbe 24th of June. They arol on October 3. Darieg that tee tbeyc 400 salmon trout or an aggregate 2,068 pounds, 2,800 black bass. half a pound to five pounds, and 1 of as average weight of a Doand Mrs. Stevens eaezhf the largest largest bteek bass and the largest The treat weiehed 9K assuds. the poaadsaad tbe pickers! JH pooads. satfaea treat saecaagsts leuor ae aad of tie pickerel MT These flab i pendent or tee nanareas oc-reesr pereh Mr. and Mrs. Steves oasfjl "don't count " GasWoIf, aanaterin taWes4 Colorado country, ated fire shoes asi witAoutUUingitTlw'sxhaasterfaias tfonaad be begaa ertbbiai: the braes gun until the weapo wag keocked osstv hands. Gns,ln deseribia; the flsdst,! how he first tried to raaawaytroaai after the animal was so wounded s bat three leca. He describes how caught his righfeaaad ia his jaw, hold Gas gouged the hear'la tbe eve wit forefinger, making; the brute 1 go,i now tee Dear gvaesea ass wis finally rescue out wu nts not ; a rock, with wbseh he beat the 1 head, aad then thay relied dawn l getner, tne Dear zauiaa; mo nt ,o then manaced to get loose and raa. t ing camp, aad hie jasoetale atoswei surgeon. wss seweq, up mm aaae. Stllcnes, aaa Bang w tn nwsr cotton. Aae next uy sotee the scene- of the ceatest aad dead, bat Mill wans, feint: sbeaH where the ngh teek: plaae, Thel about wu j LITTLS FLaUKAJrTmlsWC, A Striking Salutaiiea friend a smart sfapoa.the.hsst. Martin "Barest eap of eeafea fa Beets In a oh eao restaurant. Berotws or think "sweet" fat set the eersset ymfW poorest." jsonon, jurat. r( "Is C. S. Smith reHaMeT' sainateaMr? chant of a mereaatHe ageaey assarts. a!sfhBJilM Invariably breaks hl -wrV" : "Yes: he staHers." f Jidnrf t fcs "Ofe!" he mattered, isssaeaeahr If "ceae to match a rlMxm. M'a ait (MM Haa'Mretarawhea tae store are sis8SSt''sai asanas brow he sat down to ass si sets Haatatk Cawrter. Teo htoh rc-K.-nv -He was a lawyer Beted lar Us tWU And deeply lesraed in many etsftl ts In court be often broke a rseh man's w4H, B( eenM aet break a wesaaa'swea'i ( JWslPII BeJabv Will ya. teae ate Jww ta i Mr. PringK?, Prtafle watjItHi, L oja.'t knew about drawleg. Boety Why, I beard papa say yea. weeav sigamx wra.-jmi tsti m. Bilks Com, ap aad. hear' oar ter to-day. ,, K Koete-So, tfcanhai 1 aesrd Ms oa always regreMee K. JMMca-W ay. J gees yes axe Xnbht NotabKof H- he ia married a. SmntttHnltrrit. "t 8HB c-uol saaac, a aaatV' This nap abeat woman.' is eat the saw Forwomas, tike tat o Has reesecaer te Mr bassets. ; aSk Is oaly a stee ttsae, - -vSBt "What is a oaaihsekf' saM as ose of oar eesatry Sa eSswresk '' lag her papa Is geasrat. Mere ws atasS of tiles, asa tka aMltlthadwsBtiwr-l mete eener of the re. "wM. wt m "l Uanmyr. "A mqUy eow," sa ssiy. I aasy. Ltgantpwt Jtsnias. oratt Tata wra. "Say, are you IT ri was the ! i brlluiBmieataiAaM. The Bagger, K stssssa, hahad aatm 'J IfevertoMaBitwMkaews. ,Tn a awMat lit t "Was vh wtalatjrteTMi St Aad tttwwlit that k hsr. : stslHssrTW WJW WIB