Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 29, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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    V- ft'
Leading Features of Markets at the
Herr's Island Yards.
Ipeime western beevessteadi.
t y
j Sheep and Lamia in Large Snpply. and
Markets Sluggish.
. jjtOrricK or PrrTSBtnto Dispatch. ?
MOSDAT, October, 1S89. J
Markets in general at these yards were
slow for everything excepting prime cattle,
which were a shade higher than last week.
The supply of cattle was below average,
and demand was fair, especially for good
butchering stock. A few extra primes as
high as S3 25 and $5 SO, but the general
range was given as 53 00 to $5 00. Prices
quoted are as follows: Extra heavy west
ern beeves. 5 25 to S5 30; prime do, 1.500
to 1,600 lbs. $4 85 to S3 00; medium weights,
1,350 to 1,450, lbs, 54 60 to 54 75; prime
lisht weights, 900 to 1,100 lbs, 54 15 to
54 50; common to fair thin and rough steers,
53 00 to 53 75.
Bulls,stags and dry cows from surrounding
counties sold at S3 254 25. Fresh cows were
slow, 25$15 per head, and calves were scarce
and all sold at a range of o( c per pound.
Receipts: From Chicago I. Zeisler, 100
nead;Ii.Gersnu, 109; A. Fromm, 65: L. Roths
child & Co, 100. From Ohio Needy & Smith.
2t:Santord JtLancdon.8. From Pennsylvania
S.IjOwenstein,63; Binzham & Cn 7; various
owners, XL Total, 4S2; last week. 504; previous
Sheep ntid Lambs.
j. Receipts were about 2U0 bead In eiccs3 of
last Monday, and marKets w ere slow and easy.
Supply proved to be bejond demand, and the
situation was in buyers' favor. Best heavy
western wethers sold at SI To 1 85; medium
weishts, $4 50E4 C5; light Heights, good to
choice. 4 254 S3; fair to medium. S4 0081 15:
commen aud mixed Slutf, S3 o03 75. Penn
sylvania stock sold at a range of lt15c per 100
pounds below these prices. Lambs bronght from
K&?c per lb. Receipts From Chicago I.
ZeiSlcr. 214 head. From Ohio Sanford &Lang
cton.i& From Pennsylvania Bincnam ACoHl,
1). O. Pisor, 70: J. Keiber. S3; E. D. bcrreant. 33;
I. McXeese. ; V. McCreary, 122; w. Craig.
SS: J. Hsmmil, SO; J. A. Taylor. 121. Total,
1,012; last week, 19; previous week, 1,063.
IIocs in n Comfortable Fix.
The snpply was large and demand good, but
prices were lower than last week all along the
line. The range for Chicago? and Oliios of
selected weights was S4 G3! 75; general range.
54 5o 75. Penusxlvanias sold at a range of
S3 754 4a
Receipts: From Chicago I. Zeigler. 192
beau. From Ohio Ncedv & Smith, 436: San
ford b Langdon. 146. From Pennsylvania
Biacliam i Co 43; D. O. Pisor, 23: J. Reiber,
73;E.D.Sergeint,S5:L McNeese,25; V. JIc
Creary, 25; J. Ilammill, 30: G. W. Keeser. 31.
Total, LUb6;last week. 1,025; previous -neek.
At Chicago to-day the receipts of hogs wero
25,000 bead, and prices were 10c higher than
the closing rates of Saturday, which would
brine the outside price there to S4 21
At East Liberty the run of cattle to-day was
About ten loads lets than last Monday, and
prices ruled very much the same as a week
Sheep, however. were firmer on light snpply.
and Iambs were fullySoc per 100 pounds higher
than thev were a week ago. The outside price
for sheep at Libertv was S4 S3, aud choice lambs
brought 610.
For hogs the outside price was S4 40.
The Condition of Business at tho East Liberty
t Slock Ynn'.a.
JIoKDAV. October 28, 1SS9. J
CATTXX Receipts, 3.460 head: shipments,
1,740 head; market steady; prime. S4 O04 50;
good, $3 5033 S3; fair, S3 003 25; common,
$1 502 73; 13 cars of cattle shipped to New
York to-dav.
Boos Receipts. 7,700 Head: shipments. 5.400
head; market Bnax all grades, $4 254 45; 11
cars of hogs shipped to 2'ew York today.
SHEEP Receipts. 3,200 bead; shipment, 2,200
heaa; market active; prime, S4 755 00; fair to
good, SI 004 50; common, $2 503 00,
By Telernpb.
New York Beeves Receipts. 6.400 head
making 14,500 for the week. Arrivals included
ISO carloads for exportation alive and dead,
104 carloads for home trade, slaughterers direct
and 82 carloads for the market. Opening prices
were 10 cents per 100 pounds higher, and aver
age business of the day was at stronger prices,
but the close was dull and a nnmberof carloads
were to sell at a late hour. Native steers ranged
from S3 30 I 75, with a few tops up to $4 50.
Bulls and cows sold at 51 50Q250. Exports to-day
and to-morrow, 2.000 beeves and2,200quarters of
beef: for the week. 3,600 beeves. 134 feheep and
11,040 quarters of beef. Calves Receipts, S00
bead, making 2.700 bead for the week; slow but
steady at 5S7jC per pound for veals and 2
S)e for grassprs and Western calves. Sheep
Receipts, 6,700 head, making 25,500 bead for the
week; steady for sheep at S3 505 50 per 100
pounds: firmer and higher for lambs at 42i6c,
with really common lambs selling at 5c. Hogs
Receipts. 13.800 head, making 38.000 head for
the week; quiet for live bogs at $4 004 6a
-Chicago Cattle Receipts. 16.000 head: ship
ments, 3,500 head; market stronger for good,
others lower: beeves, H 505 00: steers, $3 00
4 40: stockers and feeders, S2 252 85: cows,
'bulls and mixed. SI lb2 CO: Texas cattle,
$1 S92 85; Western rangers, SI 75S390. Hogs
Receipts, 22,000 head: shipments, .000 head;
market strong and 5c higher: mixed, S3 90S
4 20: heaw, S3 S5G420; light, S3 904 30; skips,
S3 00S Syj. Sheep Receipts, 9.O00 head: ship
ments, 3.000 bead: market steadv; natives. S3 00
5 00: Western. S3 504 15; Texans, S3 00
a 20; lambs, S4 004 75.
KANSAS Crnr Cattle Receipts. 7,500 head;
shipments. 4,600 head: market steady; native
beeves, $3 35g4 50: cows, $1 S02 35: stockers
and feeders. S2 2501 50; Texan. SI 403 25.
Hogs Receipts. 2,700 bead; shipments, 6.000
head; ruaricet closed weak; good to choice
light, S3 904 Id; heavy and mixed. S3 804 00.
Sheep Receipts, 1,000 head; shipments, 500
head; market steadv: Western slow; good to
choice muttons, 3 50g4 60; stockers and feed
ers, S2 50S3 25.
Tbt. Louis Cattle Receipts. l.S00head; ship
ments. 40 head: market stronn and active;
ScJioice heavy native steers, 51 2j4 SO: lair to
l,-,oo. WS a range steers, 52 f2 SO.
lees-Rcceipts, 1.900 bead: shipments, 1.400
naaf market a shade higher: fair to choice
akeavy. ?3 S5ai 05: packing grades. S3 7024 00:
Kligbt. fair to best. S3 804 la Sheep Re
ceipt.300 head; shipments. 100 head; market
firm; fair to choice, S3 404 6a
Buffalo Cattle active and higher for
good; exporters m good demand; prices firm
and higher. Receipts 162 loads through, 250
sale: choice to extra export steers, S4 2501 75;
good to choice, S3 751 15. Hogs steady, a
shade higher on good grades: receipts, 72 loads
tbrougb, 115 sale; medium aud heavy, SI 25
'4 40; mixed, $4 234 35. ' '
J Dryccods.
JTNeW Y.OEK. October 28. The weather was
unfavorable to trade m drygoods, but the re
, stricted demand was unchanged in character
from that of the past week or two. For staples
and goods for current wants the request as
moderate, tith a steady movement of goods.
For spring new business was well sustained.
The market was unchanged and prices of
staple goods very firm as a rule. Higher prices
are looked for in cotjon goods. Woolen
fabrics are abnormally low and an improve
ment In that direction is considered a necessity.
Stocks of both cotton and woolen goods are
- Brnzlllnn Coder.
"1KIO DE.lkxEiito, October 2& Coffee Reg
ular first, w00 reis per 10 kilos; good second,
5,500 reis. Receipts during the week, 49.000
bags; purchases for United States, 88,000; clear
ances for do 38,000; stock, 335,000 bags.
SAKTOS. October 28. Coffee Good aver
age, 6,000 reis per 10 kilos; receipts during the
week;- 05.000 bags; purchases for the United
States, 8.000; clearances for do, 5,000; stock,
'- -".
r. nietnl aiarkct.
Szvr Tobk Pig iron active aud firm;
American, E160031S0U Copper neglected;
lake, nominal, Lead anil; domestic, S3 SO. Tin
CHICAGO, October 23. The Board of
Trade report on the visible supply of grain is as
follows- f Wheat, 24,509,000 bushels: increase,
2455.000 bushels. Corn, 9.8S6.000 bushels: de
crease ,L943.000 bushels. Oats, 7.C91.000 bushels;
dSeasltO0O bushels. Rye. US3,000 bushels;
inwease74.000 bushels. Barley, 2.015,000 bush
i;lncreaEe. 43000 bushels.
At.TiOBB Previsions steady. Butter
Sti"; creamery." 2223c Eggs firm; fresh, 21
cSffM weak and lower: Elo cargoes,
", 19c.
Toltu,t.. ct4udr! cash and No-
li m . 'asm. c.m,m, U) TK I
-iHWjUHBHm (, iji wmj
i -a
-l f . -vrasaBhfljSK - . t r.. - r. . r .ts. : w.m, r . ' t.- r. nuiu. i- t. , t
Xt."' msBisfif. , . .,..- , .j..1.' ;. -.. u-. -. jjjav . . . yaii!aEaej!'c.jnK4t.rt.s.-itj..i.-.;
Very Little life In tbo Wheat Pit, and
Price Give Wnv n Trifle Corn
Bl.her November Pork
Sieves Up,
Chicago Wheat Trading was only mod
erate to-day: in fact, during most of the session
the market was quiet. Tho opening was tame
aud feeling slightly weaker, but under good
buying a stronger feellngdeveloped, and prices
.were advanced QKc, tben weakened, aud de
clined 5iKc, and closed Jc Ion er for Decem
ber, and He lower for May than closing figures
of Saturday. May again held up better than
December, and the premium weakened, rang
ing early 33Je over Decemtcr, and later
SKQle over.
Foreign advices did not note any special
change, quoting the markets quiet and steady,
excepting for California, which was quoted a
trifle higher. The visible supply to-day formed
one of the principal features on the market.
Early in the day it was estimated that the in
crease would not be as large as had been cal
culated upon Saturday: In fact, the first pg
ures showed only small increase in stocks, and
this had a strengthening effect. But later, as
the returns began to show a larger increase,
there was come disposition to realize, but hot
until after the figures were posted, did the
market break to the wide point. The biggest
increases were at Minneapolis, Dulnth, Buf
falo, Chicago, and on the lakes and canal
Receipts in the Northwest, although large,
did not by any means reach the figures esti
mated toward the close of last week, that Min
neapolis and D ninth receive. Five "boatloads
were reported taken to-day at New York for
export, two for Lisbon and three for South
Africa. Local traders bought quite freely
early in the session, but a prominent floor ope
rator sold freely during the da.
In corn a fair specnlative trade- was trans
acted within a higher range of prices. The
near futures in particular were quite firm, the
distant deliveries showing but little change.
The influences on the market were much the
same as for several days past, namely, shipping
demand, decreasing stocks and small arrivals.
Eastern markets were up Hc while cables,
though dull, were' a trifle higncr on the "off"
months. The market opened at about Satur
day's closing prices, was firm, and advanced c
in all, receded a little, ruled firm, and closed
'iKc higher than Saturdav.
Uats were slow and without features of in
terest Few outsiders were received and busi
ness centered entirely in December and May.
particularly in the latter, and prices remained
In mess pork there was only fair trade re
ported. The feeling was comparatively steady
and for November delivery prices averaged a
trifle higher.
In laid the market showed a little more
strength in a general way. October was in fair
demand and cold at 2C25c advance, due to a
'Squeeze" the contracts claimed to be held by
a refiner and an exporter. Other deliveries
were steadier but not materially higher.
In short nb sides a. rnmnaralivelv liirht trada
'wa3 reported and there were no particular
cnanges to note, i'rices exnimtea no cuange.
The leading future rangea as follows:
Wheat No. 2. December. S0SK37(
S0c: May. o4S49o383Jgc
Coen No. 2, November, 3i;31?f63lU
Slfgc: December, SlK31K31K31c; iiay,
Oats No. 2 November, 1SJ1Sc; May, 215
fork. per unl. November, ss siy
9 7009 57K69 65; year, 69 25; January, $9 4i
v aui&a 43gi- 4.
Labd, per 100 fts. November, S5 00
6 02K6 00iz6 02: ear, S5 905 90; January,
50 90&5 92ko 905 92.
Short Ribs, per 100 Bs. November, S4 67K
134 904 Smi SO; January. 54 7TK 77K-
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour steady
and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat. 78"c;
No. 8 Spring wheat. 64815c; No. 2 red, TSjJc;
No. 2 corn. 3iac No. 2 oats, lilfc No. 2
rye. 41Jic. No. 2 barley, nominal. No. 1 flax
seed, SI 29. Prime timothy seed, SI 17.
Mess pork, per bbh S10 7010 75. Lard, per
100 pounds, 86 GOfiJG 62- Short ribs sides
(looe). $5 I5g5 50. Dry salted shouIder;(boxed),
51 504 62& Short clear sides (boxed), S5 50
5 62. Sugars, cut loaf unchanged. Re
ceipt Flour, 20.000 barrels; wheat, 113,000
bnshels: com, 216.000 bushels; oats, 221,000 bush
els; rye, 9,000 bushels; barley. 118,000 bushels.
Shipments Flour. 40,000 barrels; wheat, 32,000
bushels; corn. 32S,UUU Dushels; oats. 156,000 bush
els; rye, 1,000 bushels; barley, 75,000 bushels.
On the produce exenange to-day the butter
market was weak and unchanged. Eggs, 18$
New Yoek Flour Receipts. 29,711 pack
ages; exports. 1,359 barrels, 10,275 sacks: unset
tled and dull, closing easy: sales, 17,300 barrels.
Cornmeal quiet. Wheat Receipts. 158,500 bush
els; export', 24.095 bushels; sales, 6,992,000 bush
els futures; 78,000 bushels spot. Spot market
quiet, unsettled and weaker: No. 2 red, $2?i
83c elevator, MS5c afloat; S4KS5Kc fob;
No.3red, 80c: ungraded red, 76K&84KC: steam
er. No. 2 red. S0M-)lc: steamer. No. 3 red, 74c;
No. 1 hard, 95!)oXc; No. 1 Northern, BOKc
Options early advanced Kc on an expected de
crease in the amount on nassatre. hnt declined
on the Increase in the visible supply, closing
steady with the advance lost: No.
i rea, uctO'
closing at 84c; January, 85gb5c. closing at
SoJic; February, closing at 8tKc; March, clos
ing at 87Kc: May. 89!490c. closing at90Jc
Rye quiet. Stocks ot grain in store and afloat
October 25 Wheat, 5,492,304 bnshels; corn. 2,
539.459 bushels; oats. L332.675 bushels; barlev,
11,119 bushels; rye, 4(1417 bushels: malt, U1,S75
busbeN; peas, 651 bushels. Barley dull: Cana
da, 63g6Sc: Western, 5565c Barley malt
quiet; Canada, 7&90c. Corn Receipts. 95,800
bushels; exports. 195,633 bushels; sales, L
920,000 bushels; futures, 97,000 bushels spot
Soot market firm and fairly active and lie up:
No. 2, 40410c elevator; 41!441rc afloat;
good white, 40c; ungraded, mixed, 3;illc;
ontions active, strmi? and hirhpr? cWnhnr
40c; November. 4040c closing at 40Jc;
December, 41Villic closing at 40?ic; Janu
ary. 41!4115C closing at 41c; ilay, 42
42 3-16c; closing at 42c Oats Receipts, 100.000
bushels; sales, 100,000 bushels futures, 122,000
buhe!s spot; spot market in fair demand and
moderately active; options dull and firmer; Oc
tober, 25Jc; November, 25 9-1625Jgc. closing
at 2oc; December. 26c; snot No. 2 white,
2S28ir; mixed Western, 24g?27c: white do 27
d4c; No. 2 Chicago, -JUJic. Hay fairly
active and firm. Coffee Options opened
steady, 6 points down to 5 points
up, closed steady and unchanged to
10 points up: sales, 66.750 bags, including
October, 14.70c; November. 14.60S14.65c; De
cember, 146014.75c; January. 14C014.70c;
February, 1170: March, 14.6ojjl4.75c; April.
14.75c; May, 14.65ll.75c; June, 1150011.65c;
August ll.4014.50c; Sepember, 14.S014.85c
Spot Rio quiet and teady; fair cargoes, 19c
Sugar Raw quiet: refined quiet and lower; C
5?i5c: extra C 66c; white extra C. G&
C?c:yelIow, 5?i5c; off A 6 3-16gGc; mold
A 7c: standard A 6c; oonrectloners' A
(Pc; cut loaf, 7c; crusued. 7c; powdered,
7Xc; granulated, 7c;cubcs, TJc Molases New
Orleans quiet. Rice, quiet and easy. Cot
tonseed oil hrm. Tallow, nominal city (2 for
packages) 4JlKc Rosin firm and quiet
Turpentine ea-ier at 4Sj;43la Eggs firm:
Western. 2IKW22Kc; receipts, I,S60 packages.
Pork firm; mess inspected, $12 25012 50; do un
inspected, Sll 7512 OO; extra prune, SIOIO
10 25. Cutmeats quiet; middles, firm. Lard
Spot and October higher on manipula
tion.others dnll and eay; Western steam. $6 90;
sales. October. S8 80: Novemuer, SO 54 asked;
December $6 34 bid; Jannary, SO 31; Feb
ruary, S6 3S asked; March. S6 43 aked. Butter
quiet and steady on fine Elgin, 2425c; West
ern dairy, 9gl5c; do creamery. 12g24c; do
held. 1219c: do factory. 7K12Kc Cheese
firm and qnlet; Western. 7K610C
Philadelphia Flonr Demand light and
bolder anxiuus to sell; Western winter clear
S4 004 30; do straight SI 35! 55; winter
paW-nt, SI 605 00; Minnesota clear. $3 75
4 12J& do straight. S4 254 75; do patent, $1 S5
5 25. Wheat Supplies of fancy grades light
and prices ruled firm under fair inquiry from
millers: options quiet and nominally un
changed; fancy ungraded Longberry on track,
92i93c. Corn strong, and options advanced Q
54c; ungraded yellow in grain depot, 42Wc;
No. 2 low mixed in Twentieth street ele
vator, 41Hc; No. 2 high mixed in do, 4242Kc;
No. 2 yellow on track and grain depot 422c;
No. 2 mixed. October. 40J41c: November.
40Kllc; December, S9jc; January, S9J
3c Oats Carlots firm, Dut local trade
light; No. 3 white, 27Kc. with 29c bid for No. 2
white in Twentieth street elevator, but none
offering: lutures quiet but steadr: No. 2 white,
October. 2S2S)$c: November, 27K2ic; De
cember, 2s42fc.c: January, 2&2Sic. Pro
visions in lair jobbing demand and steady.
Hams Smoked, llKQISc. Lard Western
steam, S6 50. Butter steady; Pennsylvania
creamery extra, 21c; do prints extrn, 28030c
Eggs Fresh stock scarce and firm; Pennsyl
vania firsts, 24c Cheese dull; part skims, 7
St. Loots Flour quiet and easy, but un
changed. Wheat loucr; the market opened
easy and sold MXc lower in sympathy with
the declines elsewhere, good receipts here and
at other points and quiet cables; there was a
rally and a relapse, and the market closed with
buyers at a declino for December and Jigje
for May I rum Saturday's close; No. 2 red, cash,
76K1ioVc; December. TiytTic, closing at
7876c; Mav, &3KS3c closing at S3Jic bid.
Corn firmer and higher; No. 2 mixed, cash, 29c:
October, 29c; December, 2728Kc. closing at
28c asked: year, 2SJgc, closing at 27Je bid: Feb
ruary, 2Si28J6c, closing at 2!c; May, 30JJc,
closing at 81K3Hc bid. Oats nominal; No. 2,
cah, 18c a-ked, 17c bid; May, 2lJc asked. 212
21e bid: January. 19c bid; November. lTJic
bid; October, 17Jc bid. Rye better at 3Sifc for
No. 2. Barley mill; Minnesota, tt65c flax
seed unchanged, SI 25. Provisions firm.
Milwatkee Flour dull. Wheat lower;
cash, 73c; December, 78Jc; No. 1 Northern,
81c Corn firmer: No. 3, 32c Oats steadv: No.
2 white, 21c Bye quiet; No. L 42kc Barley
dull; No. 2. October, 52c Pork. S1075. Lard,
6 60, Cheese higher; Cheddars, 90c
Their Sapid Growth One of the Sig
nificant Signs of the Times.
Popularity of Apartment Houses, Which
May Become a Local Feature.
The country in close proximity to Pitts
burg is full of bustling towns, and all of
them are growing as fast, or faster, than the
city proper. Ten years ago a gentleman
who had recently removed from Allegheny
to Edgewood, had occasion to stop at "Wil
kinsbnrg, and was compelled to inquire of
Station Agent Keihl where the town was."
II was strung along Penn avenue and could
not be seen from the station. Nowjill the
ground around the station, as far out as
McKee s woods, and up and down the railroad
from Edgewood to Brnshton, is covered with
houses. In ten years the population of Wil
kinsburg has more than quadrupled. It is now
about 5,000,
This is only one Instance of the rapid growth
of the suburbs. Other towns have done almost
as well as Wilklnsburg in the same time. On
the east there will soon bo a compact body of
buildings from the city line to Braddock, or
Wilmerding, recently christened East Pitts
burg, and on the west as far down as Sewick
ley. If capitalists will only build cheap, com
fortable houses there will be no difficulty to
find people to fill them. Give Pittsburg a
chance to grow.
As time passes and land in the cities becomes
more valuable than at present, flats or apart
ment houses will be recognized as a necessity.
They will afford the only practical solution of
the difficulty of sheltering large numbers of
people unable to buy land upon which to build.
This matter has received considerable atten
tion In Pittsburg within the past year or two,
where land is becoming scarce and dear, result
ing in high rents and scanty accommodations,
and, from present indications, it is safe to say
that two or three flats will be built next year to
test the practicability ot the system In this
city. If these shonld prove a financial success,
more will follow. From the high character of
the gentlemen interested in the project it is
reasonable to believe that success will crown
their efforts.
Flats are popular wherever they have been
introduced, aud there is nothing to justify the
oninlon that they would be a failure here.
Within a few years they have become a feature
in Washington. The building of the Portland
apartment house there a few years ago was re
garded as a somewhat risky experiment, but it
was a success from the beginning, and the town
is now provided with SO or 4U other buildings of
a similar kind. The newest as well as the most
elegant and commodious of these structures is
the Shoreman, just completed- for Vice Presi
dent Morton, on the site of the old Hooper
mansion, which was bought by Mr. Morton
when he was a Representative in Congress.
The building is seven stories high, and covers
an area of about 14,000 square feet, having an
eastern front of 126 feet, and a southern front
of 111 feet. It is regarded as absolutely fire
proof, and the arrangements for light and ven
tilation are perfect That there was a demand
for sunn a building is shown by the scramble to
obtain apartments and the tact that many ap
plicants must be disappointed. Besides other
tenants the Shoreman will shelter a little col
ony of Senators aud Representatives.
The same is true ot New York, Boston, Phil
adelphia, Chicago and other cities East and
West where flats have been introduced. Ap
plications for apartments are made long before
the buildings are completed. That they are a
financial success is shown by the tact that the
average profit onuch investments is stated to
be 12 per cent
m m
A curious method of laying floors has
been adopted in France, and has obtained a
wide application. It consists In putting down
flooring, not as hitherto on sleepers, but in em
bodying the boarding in" asphalt The new
floors are used mostly for ground stories of
barracks and hospitals, as well as for churches
and courts of law. Tho advantages of this
flooring, which only requires an even bed on
which to rest, are said to be that dampness
from below and its consequeut rot is prevent
ed. Floors may be cleaned quickly and with
the least amount of water, insuring rapid dry
ing. Vermin cannot accumulate in the joints.
The further claim is made that unhealthy ex
halations from the soil cannot penetrate into
living rooms. Asphalt being impermeable to
damp, rooms become pure even if they are
not vaulted underneath. In buildings with
several stories, as in hospitals, the vitiated air
of the lower rooms cannot ascend, an object
which it has hitherto not been possible to at
tain by any other means known.
In a recent issue of a German newspaper at
tention is directed to the fact, observed in some
of the streets of Frankfort-on-the-Maln, Ger
many, that the asphaltpavement in the immedi
ate neighborhood ot large gas mains is rapidly
destroyed by escaping gas, deep cracks being
formed. This has been found to be particularly
marked at places where the underlying layer of
beton was imperfect, due to the interruption of
the work over night while laying. It this be
true it;f umisbes an additional reason for' pre
venting the escape of gas from the mains in
cities of this country, which has given so much
trouble by explosions in sub-ways and sewers.
Brokers Stand OfT and Talk About Stocks
Brncinz Dp
The first movement in bank shares for a long
time was the feature of most interest at the
Stock Exchange yesterday. For Philadelphia
Gas SO was bid aud 81 asked at the close.
Very little of it was offered, indicating a firmer
feeling among holders. Natural Gas of West
Virginia wis m the market at 77? a decline.
Wheeling Gas also yielded a fraction. The
tractions were dull and barely steadv. Switch
and Signal was weak. Other features were un
important Brokers generally are buoyant and hopeful,
if not altogether red-headed. They think there
will be an advance all along the line Before
long, but give no reason for the faith that is in
them other tban that small holders are about
shaken out. Bids, offers and sales were:
Kid. Asked. Did. Asked.
Allegheny Nat. Bank ,H 63 63
Lawrence Bank MX
Jler.ilan.at'lB'k 63
Mechanics Nat. Bank. 103 .... 100 ....
Safe Deposit Co 62 G3
Tradesmen's N. Bank. 225. 230 230 245
German -National, Al'y 150
Nat Gas Co. or V. Va. .... T9 .... 77&
Ohio Valley Gas .31?
1-eople'sN. G. &r.Co .... 17W
fhlladelpbla Co ,. 3X 3U3 SOU 31
Fine Kun Gas 85
Wheeling Uas Co 263S 28 26 ....
Columbia Oil Co 2H 3
Washington Oil Co 77 61 .... 80
Central Traction 30 MX 30 314
Citizens' Traction '... BUM 70
Pleasant Valley 30)4 .... 20J4 ....
I'ltts. A L. K. It. K.... E0 ....
I'itts. June. K. K 27)4 33
f. C. ASt. L 17
I'itts. Western K. K. 13
Pitts. & TV. Kit. pfd. IStf 2a
N.Y. & CUas Coal Co. 33ji .... Ui 33
Mouongahela Bridge.. 5 ..,.
Tolnt Brlilse j... 3 ....
Hidalgo MlnlngCo 2X .... z)i
LiMortalllnlnfT'Co... H X h
LusterMlnliif Co lu
Yankee Girl Mining 3
Westmehouse Electric 1SH 48 48'4 4S&
U.8.&Sig. Co 19 20 18)4 20
V. S. A Slg. prer. 44)f 45 ... ....
WestlnghonseA.B.Co. 11
Pittsburg Cycloratna.. 5 9 5 8
Sales at the morning call were 20 shares Switch
and Signal preferred at 45. At the afternoon
call the transactions were: 46 Mechanics' Na
tional Bank at 106f. 7 Marine Bank at 100, and
100 New York and Cleveland Gas Coal Com
pany at 35: after call 35, Philadelphia Gas went
at 31.
J. H. Patterson sold 25 shares Farmers' De
posit National Bank at 450. Anarew Caster
sold 75 shares Philadelphia Gas at SI.
The total sales ot stocks at New "rork yester
day were 189,062 shares, including: Atchison,
9,110, Delaware, Lackawanna and Western,
19,00; Denver, Texas and Fort Worth, 17,818:
Erie, 3,600: Lake Shore, 11.633; Louisville and
NashvUle,'6,S20; Michigan Central, 5.444; Mis
souri Pacific 9,075; Northwestern. 3.2S0;
Northern Pacific preferred, 3,823: Reading.
15,100; 8t Paul, 17,440; Union Pacific, 10,700.
Fair Dcmnnd for Money, With Plenty of It
for Emergencies.
There was no especial feature In the local
money market yesterday, 'There was a' fair do-'
t,.' fW ' - " - j,
mand at tho usual rates, and a supply equal to
all requirements. Routine business was good
all round. , , ,
The exchanges were $2,521,8ol 40, and the bal.
ances S429.0S6 93. The tact that Pittsburg put
Baltimore In a hole last week was gratifying
to the business community.
Henry Clews & Co., New York, say in their
financial circular: An easier feeling has pre
vailed in the money market during the past
week. The Interior demand for currency is
growing less urgent, and the time is approach
ing when this will have been satisfied and cur
rency should begin to flow In this direction. By
this we do not mean that easy money Is in im
mediate prospect and yet an Abatement of the
recent tension is to be anticipated. The con
tinued contractions in loans, amounting to
about J12,000,000 within the last three weeks,
has materially strengthened the bank reserves,
and so tended to allay uneasiness in that re
spect. Moreover, 'bond purchases have been
more liberal the last few days about three and
a quarter millions and this has afforded some
relief. Still further, the Bank of England has
succeeded in Increasing Its gold supplies 250,
000 net during the week, and this in Bpite of the
interior British demand and considerable ex
ports to Brazil.
As a result of these conditions, while current
rates for both call and time money have ruled
at about previous high figures, the stringency
is less pronounced and a better demand for
commercial paper is noticed; though the high
rates tend to diminish the snpply. The foreign
exchange market has been heavy, owing to a
better supplyof commercial bills. In fact, the
condition of our foreign trade is one of the
most favorable features in the situation. The
revival of trade in Great Britain Is causing an
active demand for our exportable products,
while the same influence tends to restrict im
ports: thus not only averting an unfavorable
trado. balance, but also stimulating the demand
for home manufactures. Our total exports in
September reaphed $65,074,000, compared with
51,934,554 the same month in 1SSS.
Money on call at New York yesterday was
easy. Prime mercantilepaper, 55if. Sterling
exchange quiet but steady at fl SIJi for KWay
bills, and $4 Sa for demand.
Closing Bond Quotations,
n. 8. ,reg 127
U. ti.4i. coup 127
U. S.4s,reg VH
U. S. 4)43. coop.... 105H
Paclflc6sof'95. U7K
Louialanastamped Is 89
Missouri 6s 101
Tenn. new set. 6s... 107
Tenn. new set 5S....101H
Tenn. new set. 3s.... 73JS
Canada So. ids MX
Gen. Pacificists 113
lien. Alt. G., lts...m
Ben. A U. G. U 77)s
l).Att.O.West,lsts. 95
Erie, Ms KM If
11. B.. AT. Gen. 6s.. 65
U.K. AT. Gen. 53 . 53
Mutual Union 6... .103
N.J. C. Int Cert.. .113V
Northern 1'ac. 1SU..1HM
Northern Pleads.. 110
Northw't'n consols. 141
Northw'n debens..iHs
llrppnn .t Trans. SS.106K
St. li. AI.M. Gen.Ss SB
St. 1..AS.I". Gen.il.ia
Hi. Pant consols ....ltf
St.PI, ChlAPc.lsu.lio
Tx Pc.L. U.Tr li. 91
rx.,PcK.G.Tr.Kctl t'l'A
Union l'ac. lata 113
West Snore .M05M
Yesterday's bond offerings were as follows:
Registered 4s, 515,000 at 127; registered 4K
55,000 at 105
New Yobk Clearings, 184,187,129; balances,
Bostojt Clearings, S15.578,753; balances,
81.580,867. Monev, S Per cent
Baltimore Clearings, 258,552; balances,
Philadelphia Clearings, $11,011,028; bal
ances. I,G56,201.
LoNDOif The amount of bullion gone into
the Bans of England on balance to-day is 15,
000. Bar silver, 43 a per ounce.
PAWS Three per cent rentes, 87f 10c for
the account
Chicago Bank clearings were $12,159,000.
New York exchange was 50060c discount The
demand for money continues good and supplies
continue rather limited. Rates are firm at 6
per cent on call, and 78 for time loans.
St. Louis Bank clearings, (3,190,423; bal
ances, $453,067.
Wide Fluctuations In Oil, Caused Partly by
Bogna Well News.
The oil market yesterday opened strong at
10 on good Eastern buying aud a further ad
vance of 10 points in refined. Local buyers
then went to work and run the price up to 109.
At this juncture the report ot a well at
Sheffield, Warren county, said to be doing 300
barrels an hour, obtained circulation on the
floor. This was a veritable wet blanket to the
buoyant bulls, and under its influence the
market broke to 105. This report was soon
contradicted, however, and the market quickly
rallied to 10 and closed steady at 106 bid.
The latest report from the Sheffield well was
to the effect that it had. been brought in, but
that its capacity had been greatly. exaggerated.
It is probably a small one. How the report
started Is not known, but it afforded the bears
a good opportunity to get out of a hole.
Altogether it was a lively day in oleaginous
circles, trading being good ail alone the line.
The longs rid themselves of a good deal of tho
stuff when the bears assumed the responsi
bility of carrying., Trading in puts and calls
indicated a still higher level of nrlces to-dav.
Saturday's clearings were 899,000 barrels.
A telegram from Mannlngton, W. Va., re
ceived yesterday afternoon, stated: Workmen
began to drill out th,e last plugs in tho Hamil--
um on wen mis morning, ana tne wen will DO
let in some time this evening. The Hamilton
was the first and only well that has entered the
sand in this region, and hundreds of leasers
and oil operators are gathered here to watch
the amount of the flow. The importance of
the Hamilton well lies in the fact that it is at
least 20 miles In advance of any other well in
the "Big Injun" sand, and practically locates a
new oil field. The majority of the operators
believe it will not do less than 100 barrels a
The fever for land speculation in this section
continues, and hitherto unheard-of prices are
paid for land within any reasonable distance of
the oil line.
Featores of the Market.
Corrected dally by John M. Oakley & Co., 45
Sixth street, members Of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
opened 107M Lowest 105
,...109 Closed.
51 KS
Average runs..
Average shipments
Average charters
nennea, new rorK. i.uc
Kenne, London, 6Xd.
Refined, Antwerp, liXr.
Kenned. Liverpool, 6 l-16d.
A B. McGrew fc Co. quote: Puts, SI 04K:
calls, SI 09il C9K- "
Other Oil Markets.
On, Crrr. October 28. National Transit cer
tificates opened at SI 07; highest, SI OSJi;
lowest, Jl 05&; closed, ?1 06.
Bkasford. October 2S. National Transit
certificates opened at SI 06: closed at Jl 06;
highest, SI 08: lowest, SI 05.
TmraviLLE, October 28. National Transit
certificates opened at $1 07: highest SI 0S;
lowest, SI 05: closed at SI 06
New Yokk, October 28. Petroleum was
active again to-day, and on a continuation of
the advance reached the highest figures of the
year. Stock Exchange Opening. SI 06 high
est, SI 0SK: lowest, $1 05: closing. SI 06.
Consolidated Exchange Opening, SI 07Vi: li idl
est, 8103; loest, SI 05; closing, Jl 06.
Total sales, 2,060,000 barrels.
Real Estnte Dcnlern Begin the Week Wltb
Some Good Sales.
Thomas McCaffrey, 8509 Butler street, sold
for A Flanigan to Mrs. Ellen Burns, the prop
erty 2009 and 2011 Penn avenue, lot 21x100 feet,
with a double brick dwelling of store and six
rooms and finished attic in each, for 5.000. He
also sold-for C. A Warmcastle to John Wlialen
lot 24x100 feet, on tho west side of Dearborn
street. Nineteenth ward, for $800.
Jamison & Dickie sold 'for Thomas P. Mar
shall a four-roomed house on Beecber street,
lot 20x150 feet, to William Richards for S1.040;
for W. P. Moreland, lot on Copeland street, 24x
100 feet, to A F. Lawson for $800, and lor Anna
Morns, house and lot on Lowell street, East
End, to Christian Kable, for $2,000.
Black & Baird. 05 Fourth avenue, sold to
Anton Grzeczka lot No. 83 In the People's Sav
ings Bank plan of lots, situate on LaFnrce
Street having a frontage ot 20 feet and extend
ing back a distance of 140 feet, for $250. Tbey
also placed a mortgage of 3,000 on a property
ontbeSouthslde. near Thirty-third street, for
three years at 5 3-10 ner cent
W. A. Herron & Sons, 80 Fonrth avenue, sold
for S3, 500 cash to Mrs. Annio Purdy,a new brick
house of late style of nine rooms, lot 40x121
feet, on Summerlea street Twentieth ward;
also, to Charles Reynolds for $2,400, $25 cash,
the remainder at $25 per month (no other pay
ments required), a brick house of eight rooms,
with most of tho late Improvements, on Syca
more street. Thirty-fifth ward.
James W. Drape 4 Co. placed a mortgage of
$1,750 at 6 per cent on a property at Ben Venue;
also, sold a piece of ground at Sbadyslde, near
Center avenue, for $1,750; also, placed a mort
gage of $2,000 at 6 per cent on a house and lot
in the suburbs.
Alles & Bailey. 164 Fourth avenue, placed A
mortgage of $1,000, three years, at o per centon
property In the Thirty second ward. Southside.
John F. Baxter, 612 Smlthficld street, sold to
A R. Kastner lot No. 516, Villa Park plan,
Brnshton station, frontage of 40feetonBlacka
dore avenue by 150, to 20-foot alley, for $450.
Atl-h. Ton..lst7l. Ill
i Wis, Central, com.
, 23
, 57
A.AT. LandUr't7s.l03J4
wis. central pr.,
Atcu. ATOP. B. JK-. 31
Boston A AlDsny...213
Boston & Maine.... .113
C. B. AU... 108
Clnn. San. A Cleve. 24
Eastern R. li ..117
jruntAPereM, nfd. KH
Mexican Cen. com.. 1!4
Mex.Clstmtg.bds. G&
. r, ANewttnir... X
Old. 41,. Cham, com. a
Old Colony.. ...". 177
Kutland preferred.. 45
Calumet A Bectaii
::: nH
..S85 '
... 8
.. 6H
,..117 ,
klalncy '.'.',
bcii telephone...
Boston Laud.......
sanmego. :..,r.i
Santa Fe copper
J . .t,j-
-, iX,
- . . ctr . ,
Again Seen In Wall Street Railroad Shares
Weak and Feverish, Closing Lower
Sugar Gets b Black Eye
Bonds, Firm.
NirwYOBK, October 28. The stock market
to-day was quiet to dull an feverish and gen
erally weak throughout most of the day, and
except fora fewBtocks which received support
the entire list is lower to-night than on Satur
day. The same favorable influences were still
at work to-day to cause a further Improvement
in values, but the small surplus shown by the
banks on Saturday Sfter a wholesale contrac
tion of loans was somewhat disappointing to
would-be buyerswhile the demand from West
ern centers for money still continues. The
Beading statement of earnings for September
was also quite disappointing and caused a dis
position to sell the Coal stocks, which early
made tleading and Lackawanna especially
weak and factors for depression In the general
Mr. Gould was out In an interview, in which
rather hopeful ideas were-given expression to,
and this made the Gould stocks somewhat
stronger than the general list after the Vander
bilts, but the disposition to buy was effectually
checked and the bears again lit upon Sugar.
while the tendency to still discuss the North-!
western-Union Pacific agreement in an un
favorable light aided in making the Grangers
weak and feverish. Denver, Texas and Ft
Worth continued its advance in the early trad
ing on what seemed to be inside orders, but it
later collapsed completely and" led the decline
which became more general and at the
close for no apparent reason it shows one of
the most important declines of the day. This,
with the continued weakness in Sugar, weak
ened the rest of the list and toward the close
the downward movement became more pro
nounced. The opening of the market was active and
irregular, but tho first tendency of prices was
downward, especially the Coal stocks, and
though the movement was arrested for awhile.
Sugar joined the downward movement and the
entire list, while growing dull, was feverish and
weak. The Vanderbilts and Gould stocks
wero the stroug feature with Denver, Texas
and Ft. Worth, but after 12 o'clock oven these
stocks gave way and in the most cases the im
provement was lost In the forenoon, while
Denver, Texas and Ft Worth became the lead
ing weak point
Tho others yielded slowly but steadily, and
the market finally closed quiet aud weak at
about the lowest prices of the day. The entire
list is lower, with a few unimportant excep
tions, and Sugar Is down 2Jf, Denver, Texas
and Ft Worth 1, Lackawanna add Chesa
peake and Ohio seconds preferred, Burlington,
Transcontinental and St Paul 1 per cent each.
Railroad bonds were again moderately
active, and In general showed a firm front, es
pecially in the forenoon, but later the list
weakened in sympathy wltb stocks and many
declines were established. The conspicnously
weak feature was the Kansas and Texas issues
on the less favorable aspect of the reorganiza
tion scheme, and ail three Issues are down 1
per cent The sales reached $1,494,000, out of
which the Texas and Pacific seconds con
tributed $208,000, the Kansas andTexasS103.000,
and the Ft Worth and Denver firsts $102,000.
The rouowlne tame snows tne prices oractlve
stocks on the New York Stock Exenange yester
day. Corrected daily for Tub Dispatch by
Whitney A Stephenson, oldest Pittsburg mem
bers of N cw X ork Stocc Exchange, 57 fourth ave
ing DM.
42 H
. MM
Am. Cotton Oil. ,
Atch.. Top.A s. F,
Canadian faclSc .
Canada bouthern.... Mtj
Central or New Jersey. 124
Central jfaelfli
ChetaneakeA Ohio..- 23M
C. Bur. A Qali.cr. ....10
C, ALU. A St. raul.... TOM
0., Jill. & St. 1-., pr,...112H
C fiOCCL Af 98K
C, dt. L. A Fltts
C, at. L. A fltts. pf.
C. St. P., M. A O
C St. ,2i. A O., pr. ....
CS JJortnWestern..... 11234
C A .Northwestern, pr.141
C, C., C. A I J5M
c c, c. al, pr mi
Col. Coal A iron 32U
Dei.. L. A VV. H3!j
Del. A Hudson 1X
Denver AKlo
Denver A Bio U or... M
E.T.. Va. AOa ..V.
E. T..Va. AUa.lst pf. ....
K. T.. Va. AOa. 2dpr. ....
Illinois Central.
Lake Cnn A Western.. 1
Lake Krle A West. Dr.. MM
Late Shore A M. S 1XX
LonlsvUleAMaihvUJe. MM
Michigan uentral S3
Mobiles Ohio
Mo.. Kan. A Texas.... 10VJ
81 H
31 4
Missouri racino 70
Mew v0rk Central mif
. V.. i,. B. A W 29U
a. i.. C ASt U 17
n. i o. St. L. nr.
N. .. C. A St.li. 2d nf ....
H.Y&S. K 4tUi
N. If., O. A W ISM
ftorfolk A Western
Korrolras Western, pr. MH
Northern Pacific. .... 32!
Nortnern Pacific nref. 73!
Ohio A Mississippi 23M
Oregon Improvement. .. .
Oregon Transcon 34!4
PaciflcMall !23
Peo. Dec. A Brans
Pbtladel. A Heading.. Ki
Hlchmona A W. P. T.. an
Klchmond A W.P.T.pf 80H
St P., Minn. A Man..llSK
St. L. A San Fran
St It. A San Pran pf.
St.L. A Ban K. 1st pf.
Texas Pacific 20
UnlonPaclnc... 67
Wabash preferred SIX
Western Union 85k
Wht-eling A L. , 70?s
Sugar Trust 7IX
National Lead Trust.. 22
Chicago tias Trust....' 56
Fhllndclpbia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers, No. 57
Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex-
.. E4H
.. 21
.. 9
.. 63
.. 54K
.. 73
21 15-16
Pennsylvania Kallroad
Bufialo. Pittsburg and Western..
LehUh Valley c.
Lehigh Navigation
Northern Pacific
Northern Pacific preferred..)....
Bnsineaa Notes.
The largest ot 18 mortgages completed yes
terday was for $3,500.
Some of the best-posted brokers predict a
rally in local stocks in a short time.
It is believed that the Pennsylvania Bail
road' will declare a 2 per cent cash dividend
this week.
In an interview yesterday Jay Gould uttered
decidely bullish sentiments. His hobby is big
railroad earnings.
Messrs. Black fc Baird deny the story
that they are engineering some big deals in real
estate on Ninth street.
It is estimated that the Heading Railroad
will earn about 9,000,000 for tho year and first
preferred bondholders only gets per cent.
The total amount of anthracite coal sent to
market for the week ending October 19, as re
ported by the several carrying companies, was
9SG.935 tons, compared with 823,699 tons in the
corresponding week last year, a decrease of
158,236 tous.
The Pennsylvania Railroad reports that the
quantity of coal and coke originating on and
carried over Its lines east of Pittsburg and
Eneforthe week ending October 19 was 325,
0S7 tons, of Which 233,080 tons were coal and
92,007 tons coke.
The Union Transfer and Trust Company, of
Pittsburg, capital 8250,000, was chartered yes
frday. The directors are A-.W. MelionWill
lam Metcalf. John Forter&eld, George L Whit
ney, Ed ward House, John S. Holmes; Robert
Warroop, George P. Hamilton aud John
The Congressmen Who Will Tote for the
World's FnlrLocntlou.
Chicago, October 28. Hon, OV B. Fat
well, ex-Senator Lyman Trumbell, ex-Senator
Doolittle and others attended a meeting
to-dav on Congressional action in the inter
est of the World's Exposition. Secretary
E. P. Cragin made the following report:
We have 162 Congressmen for Chicago, and
we are the second choice .of about 40 more.
This docs not include Senators or contestants.
Headquarters have been located at Willards'
Hotel in Washington, and E. B. Taylor placed
in charge.
Returned to be Forslvcn.
Louisville, October 28. D. K. Mason,
a tobacco dealer, who fraudulently hypoth
ecated warehouse receipts here in 1882, re
turned from Canada to-day, and, upon peti
tion from a large number of leading citizens,
the indictments against him, a dozen in
number, were dismissed by the Circuit
Jndge upon motion of the -Prosecuting At
torney. S. "W. Hill, Pittsburg Meat Snpply
.Company, corner ot Church avenue and
Anderson, Alleghenj,.Fa., sold ior Kelson
Morris & Co., for week ending' October 26,
1889, 122'cftfcassesvbeef,a,verag'e.welght 696
Tnitnrla atranrrn n.inn tS OS ta 1ft TynnnA
A Drizzling Monday Proves a 'Dam
pener to Produce Trade.
Receipts of Cereals Still Large, and Markets
Monday. October 28, 1889, $
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
A raw, drizzling Monday moraine such M we
have had to-day, is not conducive to brisk trade
In produce lines. The week: Is too jounc for
the development of any new features In trade.
Dairy products are very quiet. Eggs are very
firm and an advance is almost certain within a
day or two, as choice stock Is unusually scarce.
Tropjcal fruits are looking up as domestio wano.
The new crop of Florida oranges begins to come
in small doses, but that which Is received so far
Is scarcely up to standard, being too green.
Choice potatoes, both Irish and sweet, are firm.
Cabbage is In good demand. Choice apples are
Arm at quotations.
Butter Creamery, Elgin. 2S23c; Ohio do,
242oc: fresh dairy packed, Zl23c; country
rolls. 1920c
Beans Navy hand-picked beans, 12233 40;
medium, 2 302 40.
Beeswax i8S0c f) & for choice; low grade,
ClDEit Sand refined, $8 E07 GO; common,
S3 034 00; crab cider. JS OOffiS 60 ?! barrel;
cider vinegar, 1012c $1 gallon.
Chestnuts s5 005 60 per bushel; walnuts,
6075o a busheL
Cheese Ohio, IlQllc; New York, llKc;
Limburger. 9llc; domestio Sweitzer, ll
lSKc: imported sweitzer, 23e.
jioos 2223o ? dozen for strictly fresh.
Fruits Apples, S2 OOQ3 00 barrel: prabos.
Concords, 3SKo V pound, Catawbas, &3Kc,
Delawares, 66c; Bartlett pears, S3 00 barrel;
quinces, S7 008 00 "$ barrel; cranberries. Jer
seys, ?2 50 f) bushel box: Cape Cods, box, $2 73
3 00; Malaga grapes, large barrel, tS.
Leathers Extra live ceese, 60S0c; No. 1,
do. 40315c: mixed lots, 3033c $ ft.
Poultby Live spring chickens, 40o V
pair; eld, 6o70c $1 pair.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 As to bushel, S3 00
5 25 $) bushel; clover, large Knglish, 62 fts, 85 60;
clover, Alslke, $S 00; clover, white, (9 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 fts, Si 50; blue grass, extra
clean, 14 fts, 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 fts, SI 00;
orchard grass, 14 fts, $1 63; red top. 14 fts SI 25;
millet, 50 B3, SI 00; German millet. 50 fts.31 50;
Hungarian grass, 50 fts, $1 00; lawn grass,
mixture of fine grasses, $2 60 bushel of 14
Tallow Country, 4c; city rendered, 1
Tropical Fruits Lemons, common, S3 50
4 00; fancy. $4 005 00; oranges. 84 60Q5 00:
bananas. 2 00 firsts. SI SO" good seconds, '$!
bunch; cocoanuts, 84 001 50 fl hundred; figs.
ovc -h b; dates, ombhc w at newiayerugs,
UJldKc: new dates. 7kc w ft.
EGETABI.ES Potatoes, from store. 504255c:
on track, 4350c: tomatoes, 75cSl $! bushel;
wax beans, 75c fl bushel; green beans, 4050o
f) bushel; cabbages. 84 005 00 a hundred;
celery, 40c 53 dozen; Southern sweet potatoes.
82 252 50; Jerseys, S3 253 50; turnips, fl 75
62 00 a barrel; onions, 82 a barrel.
Green Cojtee Fancy Rio. 2282SHe;
choice Rio, 2021c; prime Rio, 20c; low grade
Rio, 1819Kc; old Government Java, 27c; Mar
acaibo. 2324c; Mocha, 2S29c; Santos, 20
23c; Caracas. 2123c;'peaberry, Rio, 2323c;
La Uuayra, 2223c
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands,
23c; high grades, 2&29c: old Govern
ment Java, bulk, 31K32c; Maracaibo, 26
27c: Santos, 2S27Kc; peaberry. 2Sc; choice Rio,
24c; prime Rio, 22c; good Rio, 21c; ordi
nary, 21c
Bpicks (whole) Cloves, lSS20c: allspice, 10c;
cassia, 8c; pepper, 17c; nutmeg, 70080.
Peteolettm (jobbers prices) 110 test, 7c;
vrjiiu, w , oot, ucuuufiuh, aw, 97a, water
white, lOKc: globe. 1414kc; elaitte, I4Kc; car-
nauine, iiftc; royaiine, lie; giooe rea oil, 110
SYEtlps Corn syrups, 2730c; choice sugar
syrups, 333Sc-; prime sugar syrup, S033c;
strictly prime, S335c; new maple syrup. 90c
N. O. Molasses Fancy, lie; choice, 46c;
medium, 43c; mixed, 4042c; choice new crop,
Soda Bl-carb In kegs, 3K4c; bi-carb In Jfo
6c; bicarb, assorted packages, &6c; sal
soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c
Candles mar, full weight, 9c; stearine,'?)
set, 8c; paraffin e, ll12c.
Rick Head, Carolina, 63f7c: choice. 6V
Vc; prime, 5K6c: Louisiana, SQ&Vc
bTARCH Pearl, 2Jc; cornstarch, o6e; gloss
starch, 4ai7&
Foreign- Fruits Layer raisins, 82 65; Lon
don layers, 82 75; California London layers,
82 75; Muscatels. 82 25; California Muscatels,
81 85; Valencia, 7c; Ondara Valencia, 8K68&C;
Buitaua, 9hc; currants, ot&oc; xnrKey prunes,
4K5c; French prunes, 9Kc; Salonica
prunes, in 2-ft packages, 8c; cocoanuts, W 100,
t6 00; almonds, Lan.. $ ft, 20c: do. Ivlca, 19c;
do. shelled. 40c: walnuts, nan.. 12VC016c; Sleilr
Alberts, 12c: Smyrna figs, 1314c: new dates,
IMDRIA- Rrovil nnra 10a. mamamb 11ffifRA. .1..
ft, 1920c; lemon peel. 9 ft, 15c; orange peel.
Dried Fauns Apples, sliced, per ft, 6c,
apples, evaporated, 9c; apricots, Califor
nia, evaporated, 14Ji16c; peaches, evaporated,
pared, 2628o; peaches. California, evaporated,
unnared, 192lc; cherries, pitted. 12UUci
cherries, unfitted, 56c; raspberries, evapur
ated. 23X26Vc; blackberries, 74Sc; huckle
berries. 10312c.
Huqars Cubes, 7c; powdered, 7Jic; granu
lated, TKc; confectioners' A, 7c; standard A.
7Hc; soft whites, &6Kc; yellow, choice, 6
6c; yellow, good, &.6t?c; yellow, fair, 6jie;
yellow, dark, 5c
Pickles Medium bbls (1,200), 85 GO; medi
um, half bbls (000). S3 25.
BALT-No. L ) bbl. 95c: No. 1 ex. ffl bbL 81 05;
dairy, $ bbl, Jl 20, coarse crystal, W bbl. 81 20;
Higgles' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, 83 80: Hlgglus
Eureka, 16-14 ft pockets, 83 00. "
Canned Goods Standard peaohes. Kf 28
2 60; 2ds. 81 6ol 80: extra peaches, 82 402 00,
pie peaches, 95c: finest corn, 81 001 50; Hid. Co:
corn, 7090c; red cherries, 90c81: Lima beans.
81 20; soaked do, 85c; string do, C065c: mar
rowfat peas, 81 101 15; soaked peas, 7075c;
pineapples, 81 401 50; Bahama do, 82 75; dam.
son plums, 95c; greengages, 81 25; egg plums, 82;
California pears, 82 0; do greengage, 81 85; do.
egg piums, t oo; extra wuite cuernes, u 40; red
cherries, 2 fts. 80c; raspberries, S5c6Sl lu;
strawDerries, i iv; gooseoernes, i ijuwi W,
tomatoes, 8590c: salmon, 1-ft, 81 651 90;
blackberries, 05c: succotash, 2-ft cans, soaked;
90c; do green, 2 fts, 1 2501 60; corn beef, 2-ft
cans, 82 05; 14-S cans, 814 00: baked beans, 81 45
1 50; lobster, 1-ft. SI 751 80; mackerel I-&
cans, broiled, '81 50; sardines, domestic, Js,
84 Z34 50; sardines, domestic, Ks. 87 257 SO;
sardiues. imported. JJ, HI 5012 60; sardlnres,
imported, $, 818; sardines, mustard, S3 30;
sardines, spiced, S3 50.
Fish Extra No.l bloater maCckeref, 816 V
bbl.: extra Naldo, mess. 840; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, 832; extra No. 1 do. messed.
836; No. 2 shore mackerel, 824. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4Kc $ ft; do medium, George's cod,
6c; do large, 7c; boneless hake, in strips, 6c; do
George's eod in blocks, &7KC Herring
Round shore. 81 50 1) bbl; split, 83 60; late,
82 "5 W 100-ft half bbl. White fish, $0 00 91 100
ft half bbl. Lake trout, 85 50?! half bbl. Fin
nan haddock, lOo ft ft. Iceland halibut, 13c V
ft. Pickerel, M bbl, 82 00; W bbl, 81 10; Poto
mac herring, toOO V bbl.S250 JlbL
OATMEAL 88 00 25 9 bbL
Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 50852c
f) gallon. Lard oil, 70c .
Grain, Flour and Feed.
Tho week starts out with immense, receipts
and drooping markets. Hay and oats are par
ticularly weak. Wheat shows downward ten-'
dencies. Ear corn is the strong factor on the
cereal list. Flour is quiet. Receipts as bul
letined at the Grain Exchange, 74 cars. By Pitts
burg. Ft. Wayne and Chicago, S cars of hay, 1
of feed, 3 of bran, 2 of middlings, S of flour, 2
of barley. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St.
Louis, 3 cars of wheat, 18 of oats, 9 of corn, 1
of straw, 7 of bay, 1 of bran, 1 of millfeed, 2 of
batley. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 8 can of
hay, 2 of barley, 2 of malt, 1 ot flour. By Pitts
burg and Western, 2 cars of corn, 2 ot oats, 2
of bay. Sales on call, 1 car sample oats, 26c,
spot; 1 car e. corn, 39Jic, spot; 2 cars extra No.
3 white oats, 23c, 5 days.
Prices below are fox carload lots on track:
WHEAT-NewNo. 15 red, 8S83c; No. 3.789
CobS No. 2 yellow", ear, i3g3c: hl?h mixed,
ear. 4v41c: No. 2 vellow,shelled.39399Kc:hlgh
mlxed, shelled, S838c; mixed, shelled, 3
Oats No. 2 white. 2727c; extra. No. 3,
25KQ26c: mixed, 2SK24c
Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, EOffiolc;
No. 1. Western, 4849o; new rye, No. 2 Ohio,
Floub Jobbing prices Fancy 'winter nnd
sprlne patents, 85 005 50; winter straight,
84 264 50; clear winter. 84 004 26: straight
XXXX bakors', 83 503 75. Ryo flour,-$3 80S
4 75.
MiLLrESD-Middlings, fine white, 816 009
16 60$ ton; brown middlings, 813 0013 60: win
ter wheat bran, 811 50U 75; chop feed, 815 50
16 00.
HAT-Bnled tltnotbv. No. L 8U 5012 00;
No. 2 do. 810 oo 11 00; loose frost' wagon, 811 00
gl3 00, according to quality) No. 2 prairie
hav. 87 756 00: No.Zi X 758 59: MSktee da
.Sf 2676a - . . .- - L r '" .t
, btraw oat6 767 oo; wheat aaafrye
straw, WJ623. ''i.,? - Tt.-.ji .StSiX
AJIutfb. .' to- -5 Vsla LJtiirXt 'WnUlWUK dON
Sugar-cured hara. large, 10c; sugar-cured
hams, medium, lljc; sugar-eared hams, small
lc; sugar-cured breakfast bacon. 14c; sugar
cured shoulders, 69c; sugar-Cured boneless
shoulders, 7c; sugar-cured California ham v"c:
sugarursd dried beef flats. Ko: sugar-oured
dried beef sets. 10KC' sugar-cured dried beef
rounds, 12Uc: bacon shoulders, 5c: bacon
clear sides, 7Kc; bacon clear bellies, 7mc; dry
salt shoulders, 5Jc: dry salt clear slues, 7c,
Mi-ss pork, heavy, 811 50; mess pork, family.
812 00. Lard Refined, in tierces. 0K half
barrels, ; GO-ft tubs. PiC; 20-ft pails, 7c; 50
ft tin cans. 6Kc: S-ft tin palls. V,c; 5-fc tin
Sails. 7c; 10-ft tin pails, 6c: 6-ft tin pails, 7c; 10
i tin pails, 7c Smoked sausage, Iong,Sc;
large, 6c Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless
hams, lOKc Pigs feet, half barrel, 84 00; quar
ter barrel, $2 15.
Dressed Heat.
Armour & Co. furnished the following prices
on dressed m eats: Beef carcasses 450 to 660 fts,
6c; 650 to 660 fts. Ccj 650 to 750 &S, 607c
Bheep, 8c V ft. Lambs. 9o ft. Hogs, 6iC
Fresh pork loins, 8c
Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this week la
For largest assortment and lowest price call
and see us.
ssots. a :oo2ei
A pure dry Soap In powdered form. The great
labor saver and' quick, cleanser, without Injury to
hands or fabric. Economical, pure and good.
Beats the world for cleaning glasses, "Wnaows,
houses, dishes, milk palls, milk cans, wether, &e.
Keeps moths out of carp sts, bureaus, 4c. See
that you get BELL'S SOAPONA-Red Packages,
fl. W.BELL MFG. CO., Malo.N.Y.
Simply applr "S-wATsi'BOiKTMSJrr." No In-
terns! medicine reaulred
imcaicinerequirea. vui
Cures tetter, eesema.
itch, errsipelas, all unslghtr
face, hands, nose, etc..
leaving the skin clear.
eruptions on ine
wbita and healtbr- Its great heallngand curative
pojveri are possessed bjr no other remedy,
joar aruffgiss ior swaisx'9 uomusT.
Do You Know It?
To perfect a cure, you roust remove the cause.
LIME ANQ SODA supplies the system withOxi
dlzable Phosphorus, the deficiency ot which is
the proximate cause of Coniamplioa. For
Coughs. Bronchitis, Weak Lunos, Night
Sweais, and all Throat Diseases, It Is an un
equaled remedy. Bold by Sruggists. fl per
bottle. Recommended by physicians. Scad,
for circular. WINCHESTER &CO., Chemists,
162 William Street, New-Yorjt
A cnrelv VetretaMa
Compound that expels
Ball bad humors from the
Bsystero, Removes blotch-
'es and pimples, and
makes pure, rich blood.
Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drexel,
Morgan & Co., New York. Passports procured,
ap2S-l -
In stock options in Wall St. leads to wealth.
STEVENSON 4 CO., Brokers,
ocl7-U-Trsa 0 New St., New York.
'Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Petroleum.
Private wire to New York and Chlag&
45 SIXTH ST., Pittsburg.
Safltng every 'Wednesday from Philadelphia
and Liverpool. Passenger accemmodatloss for
all classes unsurpassed. Tickets sold to and
from Great Britain and Ireland, Norway, Swe
den, Denmark, etc
General agents. 367 Walnut st, Philadelphia.
Full information cad be had of J. J. McCOB
MICK. Fourth avenue and 8althfleld street.
LOUIS MOESEReia Saalthfteld street.
K mh1Uiaynl
Royal and United States Mail Steamers.
Britannic, Oct. 30,10a m
Adriatic, Nov, 8. 3pm
Teutonic Nov. 13, 9a m
Oermanlc ffor.3L3nm
Britannic Nov.27, 8:30am
Adriatle. Dec tigs
Teutonic, Dtcll,7Jtrm
uenaanic inc. i,z p m
From White Star dock.
Second cabin on these steamers. Baleoa ntas.
AW. Vk If m IVLK1 Bt
ssoand upward. Second eaMn, ass ead upward,
according to steamer and .loemtlon or bertfi. Ex
cursion tickets on favorable terms. Steerage S9S.
Wblte Star drafts payable on demand la alt the
principal banks throughout Urtat Mrluta. Ap
ply to JCBN J. MCCOKMICK, SWanil 4H Smlth
fleldtt., l'lttsourg, or J. BkdCEusMAr, Gen
eral Agent, 11 Broadway, New York, ocB4-d
To Glasgaw. Belfast, Dublin
and Liverpool.
Cabin pawaxe tas to see. awonbaKto teeaMea
ei staterpoa. Jbccurshm ats to We.
bteenge to ami irota BefSfe ai Lowest Bates,-
.AtilstUT BJfcOWla A 80 jfetjjwd Ageats,
v .-. BffWWWfwJj flW X0)K -
JrJ. MeCWIMICIC.Aie''- ik;&il
N')H44W SseHMeW 9t; rWtlsyrjb B.V
b1 ,.- mi
Blood Purifier.
UnTchanta visitis the elty will Had ititol
their teterest Ut Ijiect or COMPtBCXl
line of
Ladies', Misses' and Cfiildren
LJXjLJ-JSs- &1
rrtal nH nrrvl.K 11 MO ' f"!
: ' -. .1 " -t-'M
Mransacis a uenerai jsaasiag onameeB.
nnn i i en 'At
As old residents know and back Ales of EfeM.1
burg papers prove. Is the oldest estehHh4
and most prominent physician in the eMjr, M-
vounz special attention to au caroBac cagemea. i
MCDXni loandmental diseasee phnleati
llCn V UUO decay, nervous debUHy,lMiceC4
energy, amuuion ana uope, lmpaa-ea nwrj; ,
aisoraerea ?"'. sen aistrust. nnsitnmi
dizziness, sleeplessness, plmples,eropoos,
poverished blood, failing powenLonraaie wc
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, commmpttoa, t
fitting the person lot bnsiness,soeiety asl
rlage, permanently, safely and privately oussC j
blotches, falling hair, bones, imlnn nlnniliitsi u
swellings, ulcerations of toDgue.aioatfe, tktaal
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, awl Wsssij
poisons tuorouguiy eraoicatea irem tste I
IIDIMADV kidney and bladder dswas j
UnllMAn I ments,weak bae. grareCk-1
tarrbal discharges, inflammation asd
painful symptoms receive searching t
prompt reuei ana reai cures.
Jr Whittler's life-long, extesetoe
ence. insures scientlSo andreHaWete
on common-sense principles. Cooanltastom fceevf
Patients at a distance as oarefuHv traaled as it S
here. OSee hours 9 a. k. to 8 r. ic 9S)v,
i0A.si.toir.ic. only. db. wBiramc,mi
jrenn avenue, r-uisDurg, r a. , 7
oo8-lJJ.BSu-wk " &t
How Lest ! How RegaM
gHM scxtaroa
ASdentine and Standard Popular
ma errors 01 iouui. prematura neeaae.i
and Physieal Debility, Impurities of the
Resaltin? from
Folly, Vice, Igwmaaft'
cesses or Overtaxation, Enervating aM
ting the victim for Work, Business.
riaze or Social RelaUons.
Avoid unskillful nretendera.
great work, IteestaiaeSM pACM,"
iieauntuL mmung, emDoseed, rail
only 91 oy maiv postpai
wranDer. Illustrative Proei
apply sow. The distinguished
ELED MEDAL from His NatiMal
socistion. for this PRIZE ESSAY on
corps of Assistant Payslcian aeaf ke
suitea. ooHnaeniiaiiy. oy nan er m
the otSee ot THE PEABODY MO
STITUTE. No. 4 Balnnch St. Bmm.
whom all orders for books or lettsn far
should be directed as above, ai
Dk. k. C. West's nkbvx ax
Teeatmkitt, a guaranteed specific for s
dlEziness. oonvuisioos. nts. nervous
headache, nervous, prostration cute 1
use of alcohol or tobacco, wakeful
depression, soften! ne of the brain 1
insanity and leading to misery, deeay
death, premature old age. baneuese, Mesf 1
sower la either sex. Involuntary mom
soermatorrhoss caused bv ovor-exsrMesi 1
brain, self-abase or over-indohtnee-
box ooataiiu one month's treataMos. Sal
or six boxes for 15, sent by mailpisaaJlOs 1
ceipt 01 pnee.
To care any case, witneaoh order reeeswe
for six boxes, accompanied witk tk ML 1
Send the purchaser our written nswMMsMl
reiand toe money u tne treauaettoi
feet a cure. Guarantees Issued oalyl
StseKv.Druaxist. Sole Azent.T701 ad
ave. and cor7 Wjlle are. and Fulton sftw 4
ourg. -a.
anlrlne soiennae
tUl ueatmenM Dr. -1
M.K.LT.P. slstte .
ssost exnerlewMd as
theeitv. Coneoltatt j
Btnowv rortlnenlWil.
Tinor. 9 tr.4 and 7 to ST. It: I
-nr.cnasalt them Dersonallv. orwrita.:
LAKE. 3 Penn ave PltSeburg. Pa.' -'
3 Cotton.
of Cotton Soee.
fennnovtu a recent
'nU ntoatftfctrf- It m
kuMUAiv Safe. SffeotuaL Pltoe
i aaalad. Ladles, ask your dranrist :
.vevvws now. iaiKnuM nn nhwi
or iaeaoee x stamps ror seaseo i
or pnxb n.y COMPAI
Seek, W. Woodward. aveDewoM, 3
JsJ-Sold In Plttaburg. Pju, by Jeees
wg aagu, uuaoua ana jastraet sea.
, ut Praxttt it Jtoimne J
am p. atcxaiaa naa aaaM
iMaa risaaa. Tafcs atfcsr. J
MiuiasatuMara t
r mrurt am
. 4a tMM. tor nnMraa,
I "malar s laeiaa," e
Body Mind, Laekof Sttent
veteettMt. eaUaed Bv Errors. 1
Mods of saxr-Taaa.TMjrT, aad PreMsTt
iteaiea. rree. juMiea xjujl jstaaui
uumuA. a. x.
xsamr Fassa i
or ToauiBl
T, wrm D
aaSiiBtf rin Irjui Daear. 1
KaaaaaA. An. aavtaa triad m visa ttt
dy , Baa rwaorend a atanla maaa of aatt-e
h win teae ntodiriUB te us talk
lM wDlMBd lafaladl PiUK U
Ad4nas, 3. M. USTSsTF.O. Box 9a, Rewl
, For men! Checks the worst oases I
aajs, ad cures in nve days. Prion 1
jaMB-rrssu 412 Madras I
mml jKHEr &
os" ucwjm
rivrm mmut
JBHMB3JPJPPPPspsjMPswBs1MsMsBEPs'SslsBsyPs w-flss wssM