gHHHI Srraap 4 " IW -, KTZZ-G i. .1 3SEli it v: $ ? ws Si ,t it ffitTW MVISG LAKE CARS. jfTIw .Present Famine Will be Believed by ltavigation Closing. ?STIRRLNG CARELESS SHIPPERS. The Pennsylvania Company Will Chaise 1 Per Day for Cars in Use. TflE LAKE ERIE EOAD'S FINE SH0WI5G ' -n-Division Freight Agent James P. Orr, of ? Uhe Pennsylvania Company, yesterday sent -"., out notices to agents and shippers to the L effect that they would refuse to receive ship '", ments destined to lake points after Kovem- ber 6. The. lakes practically close for navi gation on November 10, and railroad officials in this city vrill heave a sigh of relief when this occurs. Hundreds of the cars now used in the lake trade, carrying ore, coal, etc, will be thrown into other lines. This will, in a measure, appease the enormous appetite of heavy shippers for cars, and in connection with the fact that the railroad companies will charge demurrage on loaded cars will break up the equipment famine. The Pennsylvania Company has also sent out notices to shippers and others that be ginning November 1 they will charge 1 per day on all loaded cars alter they have been standing at ihe disposal of the consignee 48 hours. WII.Ii IXCEEASE THE BATE. This company is taking the initiative in the tnatter,.and will probably be followed by the other lines. An official of the com pany stated yesterday that if this did not have the effect of getting cars unloaded promptly they would increase the de murrage to S3 per day. Some years ago when the company was not quite so hard pushed for cars as they are now they made a rule charging 5 per day, but it was not strictly enforced. The company would rather have the cars than the money, and are determined to break up the practice of shippers holding them. In speaking of the matter yesterday to a Dispatch reporter, Mr. Orr said: "The whole cause ot this car shortage is not be cause the railroad companies have not got the equipment, or that business is so heavy. There is a great quantity of freight moving, bat not nearly as much as people imagine. We get the cars in on theconsignee's siding, and he takes his time about unloading them. The demurrage charge of 51 per day will be strictly enforced against everybody. "We have tried everythine in our power to get these people to unload their property, and if they do not choose to do it, they will have to pay for the privilege of detaining them. DEMAND FOE LAKE CABS. "There is a great scramble for lake cars now, as the shippers have only ten days be fore we stop receiving shipments. As an -. indication of the shortage of cars, I may state a cae where sewer pipe was loaded on a gondola. The shipper could not get a full ' boxcar load on the gondola, but in his eager ness to get a car he was willing to pay lor a short carload. If we had the cars now. I think our coke trade would increase 25 per cent." "When the lakes close there will be a con sequent increase in freight rates. The dif ference between the rail and lake rate is about 25 cents per ton. General Freight Agent F. A. Dean, of the Lake Erie road, yesterday prepared a recapitulated report of the coal shipments on his road for 3888. During the year the company sent west 70. 396 cars. July was the heaviest month, when 9,788 were sent but. In 1887 the total number of cars was 61,963. This year it is expected that the number will go above 100,000. TWO FEESH GUSHERS. Tfaer Seem to Have Been Worked to Check the Advance In Price. The petroleum market weakened yester day, apparently on a report that the Hart, McCreery & Co. well, 12 miles from Warren and a mile from Sheffield, was flowing 300 barrels an hour. While some people re garded this as an indication that the bulge was over and began realizing as fast as pos sible, others held that the close though at a decline was firm, and that the strength of refined would sustain the upward direction. The first argument that if the powers did not want a slnmp the well would not have been allowed to have any effect. At one time bulls were reaching for the ?1 10 level. A 15-barrel-an-hour gusher was reported struck bact of -bvergreen on the Thompson farm. The well is said to be owned by D. P. Eeighard. During the day considerable ellort was made to get news from the well, but without effect. Mr. Edward Houston said he did not know that Mr. Eeighard had a well in the place. It was said to be mak ing 15 barrels an hour. Brokers in the Pe troleum Exchange did not give the report much credence, but Mr. Samuel Patterson, postmaster at Station B, said he had been at "'the place and had seen the well perform, and there wasn't any doubt that she was a good one. He said the oil was running to waste down the hillside. Mr I'eighard is in the East. One report is that the derrick has been boarded up and the well will be made a mystery, bnt with oil flowing down the hill there would not be much mjstery about it. He Drank With a Stranger. P. C. Sedon, ot Ligonier, came to town yesterday, met a stranger, who asked him to go for a drink, offered him his flask, walked to an allev off Sixteenth street, and fell asleep. He awoke. His money, 13, was gone, and a check for $130. He could not describe the stranger. Tickling the Palate. . t tliey are so pleasant to the palate that children gs are apt to cat them when not absolutely ceces- -' tiously. They will Injure no one, bat medicine puuiuu uu. uc tAiieu uuicbb uccueu. .) Cents. Dose, one fig. Mac!. Drue Co., N.l. TTS0 ' Peect- F. Smith, the well-known job and book printer, has again been appointed official printer lor the Christmas Letter Mission, and is now at work on the letters ,ior the coming holiday season. These let- , ters have heretofore always been printed in England. t The Staff ol Ufr. In the general scramble for the good things of this life don't forget that Marvin's Queen's Jubilee Bread is the best and most wholesome that can be found. All grocers keep it. TTSSu These is no beer equal to Wainwright's brew. Ko other manufacturers produce inch a fine flavored, clear, wholesome bever age. All dealers keep it. Families sup plied direct if desired. Telephone C525. Tusn B.&B. 30 and 35 cts. a yard to-dav for the creat- 'gfeest embroidery bargain; 15-inch flouncings, jpemuroiuery anu nemstitcning, . incnes; price, 30 and 35 cts. xsoggs & Buhl. F"Hendbicks & Co.. 68 Federal street. $jj Allegheny, is the best place in the two cities , io nave jour pnowerapns laxen. xnng me . V 'children. Good cabinets SI a dozen. Pic--' . - tures warranted not to fade. si2?1 - Fire Hundred ""r Club tickets yet to be returned to Elite Gal .''' Jlerj, 616 Market street, before November 1. " iLncky possessors please call. - - -" ' SjCabhtet photos, $1 per doz. Lies' Pop. iuiar Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st ttsu riX Dolls Given Away This week to all purchasers in our infants' department .. -exeishmait a uo. BiLujtSptTAS Great 'English gout and L fheutnatic) remedy. Sure, prompt and effect- -CITY COUNCILS. Placlnc the Electric Wires Underground Mr. Wichtmnn Keslsns His Seat Wlth ont Reasons Glren. Both branches of Pittsburg Councils were in session yesterday afternoon. In Select Council the contract of J. Schinneller, for furnishing a new influent pipe for the Bedford water works, to cost ?2,400, was approved. The contract of the Gamewell Company, for furnishing a new switchboard system for the central fire alarm office, to cost 59,000, was approved, but not until Superintendent Mead, of the Bureau of Electricity, was called upon to explain that the system now in use was totally inade quate for the size of the city. A resolution requesting the Chief of the Department of Public 'Works to furnish an estimate of the cost of constructing a con duit or subway for electric wires on the principal streets of the city west of Grant street, caused Mr. Robertson to ask what was the object of such a resolution. Mr. Keating said he was not the author of the natier. but presumed that the member who had presented it had in mind the lineof action adopted in Eastern cities, of the city constructing such subways and then passing the necessary legislation to compel all elec tric companies to use them and pay for the privilege, the object being the protection of life and limbs of citizens and the improve ment of the streets by the removal of the unsightly poles and wires. The resolution was adopted. The ordinance for the widening of Cecil alley, from Liberty street to Duquesne way, was taken up, and Mr. Treusch presented a remonstrance against it signed by A. Speer & Son, owners of 270 feet fronting on the alley. The remonstrance was formally re ceived and filed, and then the ordinance was finally passed, Messrs. Treusch and Brophy voting against it. Among ordinances passed were those for paving Boquet street from Atwood to Sem ple, and Copeland street, from Ellsworth to Walnut. The ordinance to pave Linden avenue was laid over on the advice of the City At torney. The joint resolution to rent the Fifth avenue market house to the Eighteenth Eegicient and Battery B was passed unani mously. In Common Council Mr. W. A. Magee was called to the chair in the absence of President Halliday. On the call of the wards the following was presented by Mr. Kearns and referred: An ordinance provid ing that all individuals, companies and cor porations using, owning or controlling elec triclight, telephone and telegraph wires, or any wires used for electrical purposes shall, within one year after April 1, 1890, place said wires under ground; providing that be fore such work is done, a plan for doing it shall be submitted to the Chief of the De partment of Public Works for approval. and the Chief of that department shall have the authority to amend the plan and make such suggestions as to the proper laying of the wires as in his judgment may seem best for the interest of the city. The ordinance also provides that any company refusing to comply with the pro visions shall forfeit and pay to the City Treasnrer 510 for each day beyond the time fixed to place the wires underground, and it is made the duty of the City Attorney to bring suit to compel the payment. The Chair read a communication from J. S. Wightman, member from the Twenty second ward, in which he tendered the resig nation of his seat No reason was assigned in the communication and no one seemed to know Mr. Wightman's motive. Mr. Mac Goniele moved to postpone action. Mr. Bigham said he had no direct knowledge, but he understood that Mr. Wightman's business prevented his holding the position longer. Mr. MacGonigle said he asked for postponement because no reason was given. To be sure, Mr. Wightman may mean to apply for license next spring and wants to fix things with Jndge White, bnt Councils ought to know this. The resignation was postponed, and Council adjourned. CHARGING THE SCHEDULES. The Western Limited Express Hit be Knn One Hour Later. All the superintendents of the South western and Panhandle system of the Penn sylvania Company are holding a meeting in the office of General Manager McCrea for the purpose of arranging the winter schedules. The new time table goes into effect next month, and but few changes will be made. It is the intention to rnn Ho. 5, or the limited express, one hour later. The Pennsylvania Eailroad officials want the limited to leave Hew York City one hour later. If the change is made it will arrive in the city at 930 P. m. Another change to be made is the placing of dining cars on the through day trains. The cars will be run under the management of the Pennsylvania dining service, and are now being built in the Pennsylvania Hail road shops at Altoona. OEIGIKAI. PLAGIARISTS. Brainless and Unscrupulous Imitators Called Down. The regularity with which Kaufmanns' advertisements are copied by their hosts of imitators is a fact well known to every newspaper reader. Kaufmann Bros.,- re membering the old saying, "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery," have, up to this time, failed to object to" these flagrant plagiarisms, but were rather inclined to look upon them as compliments to their originality and enterprise. 2Tow, however, when the boldest'pirates of them all (a house, by the way, that always claims to be the "most-honestest" on God's green earth) come forward with the brazen claim: ''No copied ways of letting people know oqr goods and prices" (see last Sunday's Leader, fifth page), and on the next day lollow it up with an advertisement (see yesterday's Post, eighth page) that is almost bodily fctolen from Kauimanns' announcement in the Pittsburg Dispatch of Oct 17, then it is high time that Kaufmanns' should put their foot down on these particular "original" plagiarists, at least Our advice to these advertising copyists is not to let this matter occur again, lest Kaufmanns' might be tempted to give them such a shaking up as would scatter them to the four winds. In this connection attention is called to the questionable methods oiten employed by certain houses to create the impression that they undersell Kaulmanns'. The advertiser is given carte blanche by his house to "write up" anything that may strike his fanciful mind, be it fact or fiction, just so that the prices are lower than advertised by others. Forthwith the "shrewd" advertiser sits down, clips Kaufmanns' "ad" from the paper, substitutes lower prices, changes the name and locality, and the next morning the populace awakens to find Kaufmanns' "undersold." How far different is the law that governs tha construction ot advertise ments at Kaufmanns'. Here no misstate ment or ambiguity, however slight, is al lowed to creep into an advertisement No claim is made, unless it can be substan tiated; no price mentioned, unless it is ac tually named in the store. To guard against any mistakes the advertiser person ally examines goods and prices before put ting tbem in printers' ink. In the tace of this can there still be any person so credulous and gullible as to believe as genuine any published prices lower than those advertised by Kaulmanns'? We have too much confidence in the intelligence of the average newspaper reader to think so. One thine is certain: Any article Kauf manns' advertise can alwavs be found on their counters, and for this reason alone they will continue to enjoy the confidence and trade ol all truth-loving people. Wiktee term of Pittsburg Female Col lege and Conservatory of Music begins No vember 18. Attention is called to the su perior advantages of this central city college for young ladies. Well equipped with a large corps of excellent teachers in all de partments. Location, Eighth street, near Penn avenue. Bates very moderate. 'Call or send for information to President A. H. Aorcross, u. u,, ituhurg,i'a. tu TEE. -- S -4 RIBR RISING FAST. Coal Operators Confident That the JFall Freshet Has 'Arrived. GETTING EEADY TO MOVE BAEGESi The Immense Amount of Coal to he Shipped From this Harbor. PACKET MEN PfiEPAEED TO 0PEEATE Great activity existed yesterday along the river among coal operators, steamboat men, pilots, roustabouts and deckhands. The water was coming down from the upper sources of the Monongahela and Youghi ogheny, and in the harbor was rising rap idly. Owners of millions of bushels of coal looked out upon the muddy waters with the same expression that lighted the laces of the slonchy looking colored men who congre gated in groups upon the sidewalk, and, with broad smiles on their faces, eyed the rising waters. The reports from the Upper Monoogshela and Youghiogheny indicated, without doubt, a rise during the night At Brownsville there was a channel depth of 7 feet 9 inches and the river still rising at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The rains in the mountains and ridges of Southern Pennsyl vania bad been very heavy. At the same time the reports from the upper Allegheny showed that there had been very light rains along the northern line. The Allegheny is not rising. BARGES MOVE TO-DAY. Coal operators were getting ready yester day afternoon to move their barges to-day. At 4 o'clock the harbor marks showed 4 feet of water, and the Ohio below Davis Island S4 feet The greatest confidence is felt by river operators that the fall rise has come permanently. From 6 to 7 feet of water is expected to-day, and coal barges, if that anticipation be met, will move. The condition of Davis Island dam will not in terfere with navigation. The dam is down. It is a peculiar structure, and when down folds over like a cellar door. Boats will pass over it without impediment. There are about 11,000,000 bushels of coal loaded in barges in the Monongahela river at and near Pittsburg ready for shipment down the river. Coal men are pleased that the rise has come so early. It is rare before Novem ber. At the came time the cramped con dition of the railroads has prevented a glut of the coal market in the Southwest and West, and good prices are expected. The condition of the Beaver bridge gives the coal men some anxiety. It is the most serious obstruction down the river. The artificial work on the Wheeling bridge has not yet begun, and it is the belief of many ot tne operators here that President Jtt. H. Cochran, of the bridge company, will de lay the work until most of the barge fiats have passed. PACKET MEN ASTIB. The packet men are also preparing for the fall activity. The Brownsville boats came to the wnarf yesterday. The Cincinnati packet line expects to begin operations on Friday, when the repaired steamboat Scotia will leave here. Alter Sunday, if the river keeps up, the vessels of that line will leave daily for down the river points. A new ves sel is being built for that line, but will not be ready for service until sprinsr. It is building at Marietta, and will be one of the finest, soundest and best furnished steam boats on the Ohio. Captain James A. Hen derson, the Pittsburg representative of the line, is sanguine of continuous water. He left last night for Cincinnati to look after the interests of the company at that point The new vessel is building by Knox& Co. Too Late to Mend. There is a point beyond which medication cannot go. Before it is too late to mend, per sons of a rheumatic tendency, inherited or acquired, should use that benignant defense against the farther progress of the super tenacious malady rheumatism. The name of this proven rescuer is Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, which, it should also be recollected, cures dyspepsia, liver complaint, fever and ague, debility and nervousness. The Reason For any article securing a high place in public esteem must be that that article pos sesses merit Solelv upon real merit Frauen heim & Vilsack'a Pittsburg beer has taken the lead in this market. No bad effects fol low its use. Then, too,;it deserves recogni tion because it is a product 'of home in dustry. B. & B. This morning see thegreat bargain in em broideries, just purchased, viz., 15-inch flouncings, hemstitched and embroidery 7 inches deep thereon, 30 and 35 cts. a yard; can't be matched less than 50 cts. Boqgs & Buhl. HEAL ESTATE SAVINGS BANK, LIDL, 401 Smtthfleld Street, cor. Fourth Avenue. Capital, $100,000. Surplus, 545,000. Deposits of $1 and upward received and interest allowed at 4 per cent tts Dolls Given Away This week to all purchasers in our infants' department Fleishman & Co. Mant aches and pains yield (promptly to Paekeb's Gikgek Tosip. Try it Pakkek's Haie Balsam, will save your hair. LEGAL NOTICES. ESTATE OF SAMUEL MOOKE. Deceased. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of Samuel Moore, deceased, late of Chartiers township, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all person i indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demtnds against the same will make them known with out delay. WM. M. CRAMP, MARY E. MOORE, Executors. oc29-42-Tn ESTATE OF LET1TIA W. GAZZAM, De CPUs fid ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE-NOTICE is hereby given that letters of administra tion on the estate of Letitia W. Gazzam, de ceased, late of the city of Allegheny, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment and those having claims or tiemands asamst the same will make them known without delay. FIDELITY TITLE fc TRUST CO., Administrator. DAVID Q.E WING. Attorney. oc2)-11-tu ESTATE OF FRANK L. ROWLAND, De ceased. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that letters of administra tion on the estate of Frank L. Rowland, de ceased, late of Mystic River Conn., have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make tbem known without delay. FIDELITY TITLE & TRUST CO, Administrator. DAVID Q, EWING, Attorney. oc2M0Tu -VrOTICE I8 HEREBY GrVENTBAT AN 1M application will be made to the Governor of Pennsylvania on WEDNESDAY, Novem ber 20, 18S9, by George Westinghouse. Jr., Charles A. Ashburner. John Caldwell, H. H. Westinghouse and Walter D. Uptegraff, under the general corporation act of 1874 and its supplements, for the charter of a corporation to oe called Duquesne Mining and Reduction Company, the purpose of which is to mine and reduce gold, sliver, copper and other ores, and for these pnmoses to have, possess and enjoy all the rights benefits and privileges of said act of Assembly and its supplements. DALZELL, SCOTT & GORDON, OC29-79-TU Solicitors. RESORTS. 'THOMASVILLE, GA Piney Woods Hotel. Season opens December 4, 1SS9. M. A BOWER, Proprietor. For circulars, rates, etc, address WM. E. DA VIES, Manager, Thomasville, Ga., or F. A. BUDLONG, WindsorHoteL N.Y.City. 0C12-97-TTS WALTEEJ.OSBOUBKB. uichabsbabbows. TARROWS A OSBOURNE X job printers; , l .wxuamona street 'Telephone No. 812. ?a.a31TT3 HSFTSBTJRGr - DISPATCH,' JS-DUplay advertUementi one dollar per tquart for one imertton. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Bale, To Let, etc, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken or less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH JBBAZrCH, OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For fSale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next1morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except whero advertisers already have accounts with Till U1S FATCIL prrrsBURa. THOMA8 McCAfFKEY, S5u9 Bntler street. E.MIL a. STUCKET, 24th street nd Penn ave. E. G. STOCliEY A CO., Write aye. and Fulton st H. bTOlfELY. KUlh Avenue Market House. EAST END. J. TV. WALLACE, S121Penn aTenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTEK&SHElBLER,5thav. 4AtwOOdtt, SOUTIISIDE. JACOB 8POHN. No. I Carton street. H. A. DONALDSON, 1707 Canon street ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEItCHEK, S9 Federal street. H. J. JICliKIUE. Market House, Allegheny. FEED H. EGGEltS. 172 Ohio street. ' F. H. EGGEKS & SON, Ohio and Chestnut stl. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS McHENKV, Western and Inrln ayes. a. Tt. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. 1'EltltYM. GLEIM. Kebecca and Allegheny ayes. , M1LI.VALE BOKOUUH. W. TV FLOCK.EE, Stationer. Jo. 4 Grant ave. WANTED. 3Ialo Help. -VTTANTED-A GOOD BAKBEK-APFLY A. VV K.OHLEK.M Fourth aye. ocS-84 TTTANTFD A GOOD SHOEMAKER AT 114 VV COLLMS AVE., East End 0C2J-3Z w ANTED A GOOD COATMAKER' STEADY work to the right man. 637 Baiixii'iti.u oc2W7 Si', TTT" ANTED A TIN KOOFEK. APPLY AT HENKY L. BAETZ'S. 99 Chestnut st, Alle gheny. OCI9-80 WANTED-A GOOD. FIRST-CLASS BAR BER. Apply at once at NO.902 MAIN Sr., Sharpsburjc, Fa. 0C29-44 w ANTED-FLUMBER TO -WORK. AT LEE- TON1A. O. Inaalre of CHAN ULEY BROS. & CO., Beaver Falls, Fa. OC27-28 WANTED AN EXPERIENCED COLORED barber of temperate habits: most be well recommended, Pa.. Address B, B. WRIGHT, Irwin. ocH-aa TIT ANTED MIDDLE AGED MAN FOR iV general office clerfc: a good penman, with recommendations. Address R. A., Dispatch ofllce. " oc29-i8 WANTED TWO COMMERCIAL TRAVEL ERS for a wholesale (rrocery house in an ad joining State Address WHOLESALE GROCER, Box 1018, l'lttsbnrpi Pa. ocS-M TTTANTED SOLICITORS FOB LIVE yy weetly paper; good salaries to nrsi-ciass men; none otber need apply, REVIEW, corner parson ana jj oaneemn. OCIS-W) -TTTANTED BOILER MAKER, WHO IS VV thoroughly competent to lay out all kinds of boiler and gas work. Address, witli reference, Z., P. O. Box 672, New York. oc29-6t WANTED-YO0NG MAN AS SALEbMAN one who has had experience In a shoe store preferred Address giving references and expe rience had, II. A. C, Dispatch office. oc29-33 WANTED BOOKKEEPER AN EXPERI ENCED bookkeeper out of employment may hear of something to his advantage by .ad dressing ACCOUNTANT. Dispatch office. ocM-71 WANTED-GENTLEMEN WHO DESIRE A wife or a lively correspondent to send their address and stsinp to THE AMERICAN CORRE SPONDING CLUB, Box 643, Clarksburg, W, Va. OC23-I0 WANTFD-FIFT LABORERS TO WORK on East Palestine. O.. water works; wages 1 60 per day. pay every two weeks: work all winter. Apply on works, M. PHILBIN, Con tractor. OC24-18 WANTED-A FEW GOOD MEN TO HANDLE a good-selling article; a capital of at least S5 necessary to start with. Apply, between 12 M. and 1 p. M , McMAHON BROS. & ADAMS. 23 and 25 Fifth avenue. 0C29-8S -rrrANTED AGENTS TO COME AND LOOK V V over our sew line of albums for the holiday iraue: mere is a oig mi nere lor a lot oi lire agents. Apply to P. J. FLEMING & CO., 77 Dia mond st., x itisourg, jra. OC27-49 WAN TED-TWO YOUNG ENERGETICMEN for stedy positions; fair salary to those who can give good references. Apply bet, 9 and 10 A. M. to JOHN McKEOWN. No. 635 Smlthncld St., second floor front, city. oc29-45 WAMED-EEL1ABLE LOCAL ANU TRAV ELING salesmen; positions permanent; special Inducements now; fast-selling specialties; don't delay; salary from start. BROWN BROS.. Nurserymen, Rochester. N.Y. SC17-70-TTS WAN1KD-GARDENEU, MIDDLE AGED man. married, without children: the right party will find a good home and satisfactory wages; must have best of reference. Address W., P. O. Box 316. Pittsburg. Pa. oc29-76 v WANTED-A MAN TO TAKE CHARGE OF and manage business outside of Pittsburg; must have SL 000 cash and clve secnrltr for collec tions: salary 8I.200 pervear, payable 'monthly. Call Tuesday at NO. 5 SIXTH AV LV. OC29-74 -VTJAN1ED-3 HONEST, ACTIVE MEN TO VV sell household goods In Pittsburg and Al legheny: we have all kinds of goods that people buy fast because they need them. Call and get terms E. GATELY & CO., 25 Federal street, Alleglieny. oc27-l03-TT6u -rTTANTED-BAD -WRITERS, AT bMAKT'S W PRACTICAL BUSINESS AND SHORT HAND COLLEGE. 4 Sixth St.; open 9 A. H. to 9 P. M.: we otter greater Inducements at lower terms than any college in the city; private instruction for both sexes. oc24-rrssu WANTED-LABORERb WANTED IN NEW Orleans S00 able-bodied men tea sbtp as crew; wages S60per month and board; to reliable men stendyemployment will be given. Apply to M. N. OOD. Coast and Lalausche Line, No. 2 Canal St., New Orleans, La. ocl(W2 WANTED-MALE HELP-) SALARY, W0 expenses In advance allowed each month. Steady employment at home or traveling. No soliciting. Duties delivering and making collec tions. No postal cards. Address with stamp, HAFER 4 CO., Plqua, Ohio. oc8-6S-TTESa WANTED AGENTS TOSELL TEA. BAKING -powder and pure spices: gifts with goods; coke workers, miners or mlllmm can makemoney in their spare time; special inducements to per sons having established trade. YAMASHIRO TEA CO., S3 Jackson St., Allegheny, Pa. au20-79-TTS WANTED-SALESMEN AT 75 PER MONTH salary and expenses, to sell a line of silver plated ware, watches, etc.; by sample only; horse and team furnished free; write at once for full Sartlculars and sample case of goods free. SPAN IARD bILVERWARE CO., Boston, Mass. se24-90-D -VYJANTED-AGENTS TO SELL OUR NEW V books: Bunyan's Pilgrim Progress, the Parnell Movement, the History of the U. S. by America's historian, Losslug; Hlstorv of the becret Service in the Civil War by the late Head of the Secret Service Bureau; lots of new books; holiday books on sale: liberal terms. Apply P. J. FLEMING & CO., 77 Diamond St., Pittsburg, Pa. ' QC27-49 Female Help. "T7"ANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE W WORK. Apply 543 GRANT STREET. OC2S-83 WANTED-A SMART BUSINESS WOMAN capable of waiting onfirst-class trade: ex perience not essential. Apply, Tuesday or Wednesday after 9 a.m., to MANAGER, Room si and 2, 42 Sixth st. oc23-43 WANTED-A WELL EDUCATED AND RE FINED middle-nged lady at CHRISTY'S ACADEMY OF DAN C1NG ANlDEPOEfMENl, 1010 and 1012 Penn ave.: good salary and perma nent position to the proper party. OC29-S7 ftlnle nnd Female Help. WANTED-A BUTLER, YARD MAN, MAN and wife for farm house; cook and chamber maid for smalt family; 100 house girls; dishwasher ana paniry gin; ou coukb; m cnamocrmaias; cnna'finnrse. jii MEEHAN'S, 545 Grant St. OC28-D Situations. WANTED-SITUATION AS HOR8ESHOEE and general blacksmith. Address BLACK SMITH, Dispatch office. OC29-72 TTTANTED-SITUATION AS BILL CLERK BY ,VV man who can furnish good reference. Ad dress N. Y. D Dispatch office. OC29-4S WANTED -BY AN ENGLISH LADY (18) well educated, situation in store or office; art preferred: or as daily governess to young chil dren. MISS BIRD, Braddock. OC29-81 WANTED-BY A MACHINIST AND BLACK SMITH, a position to take charge or and look after machinery; accustomed to handling of men In the Iron business. A. B. M., Dispatch office. OC29-S1 Boarders and Lodccrs. WANTED-GENTLEMEN ROOMERS FOE comrirtablv furnished rooms, with board; natural and illuminating gas: centrally located; terms moderate. Apply at No. 160 ROBINSON ST., Allegheny. oc2S-70 Rlnchlnerr and Metals. WANTED-A GOOD SECOND-HAND TOW BOAT with about seven teen-Inch cylinders' and six-feet stroke. Address, with full descrip tion and price asked, LOCK BOX NO. 131, QuiDcy, 1U. OC25-76 Financial. WANTED-TO A.OAN 1200,000 UAt.ES: HOO andTiDward a (500,060 at 4W per cent on residences or business rnnprtv .alii fn -nrilnlntnty .nnntlM n . W ;.au 'BEN CH. 120 Fourth avenue. '"-",. ocil-4-n ,' TUESDAY-QCTOBEBST 1889.',' -WANTED. ,, Financial. WANIED-MOBTGAGES ON CITY PROP ERTY, over $4,000; 4K per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER & CO.j KFourtb avenue. mb2-a22-D WANTED-MORTGAGES fL 000, 000 TOLOAN in large and small amounts at 414, 5 and ft per cent, free of State tax; no delay. KEED B. CO YLE & CO., 131 Fourth aye. my21-60 WANrED insnm MORfGAGES-MON EY TO LOAN in sums to suit at W, 5 and 6 per cent. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel :i. xi apiv-ii-TTBsn WANTED-TO LOAN MONEY ON MORT GAGES on improved real estate in sums of (boo and upward at 4a, 5 and 6 per cent. L. O. FRAZ1EH, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. 0C27-9-TUSU "TT ANTED-TO LOAN 1900,000. IN AMOUNTS V V of S3, 000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4i per cent, free or tax; also smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent, BLACK & BAIBD, 95 Fourth avenue. se21-d26-D "TTT-ANTED MORTGAGES fL 000, 000TO LOAN VV on city and suburban properties at 4K, Sand opcr cent, ana on larms in Aiiegueo uu .r'jJ cent counties at 6 per cent. 1. M. PENNOCK A aur, iuo I ourtn avenue. ap7-Hl Miscellaneous. WANTED-YOU TO GET A BAKER'S dozen (13) of Stewart 4 Co. 's fine cabinet photos for (0, at 80 and 92 FEDERAL ST.. Alle gheny. mv28-49-TTSu WAN1ED-TO START A CLUB OF 42 MEM BERS to seenrea fine gold watch Tor each one In the club at SI 00 per week. Address P. O. BOX SOL and 1 will calf and snow yon the watch. Jy3-40 TTTANTED-THK PEOPLE TO KNOW THAT V YEAGER & CO..70 Federal st , Aliegneny, will make cabinets of anybody during this month ior 4!cper aoz.; oring ine inuevnw; uuu-i, uusa. m o. 70 eaerai st. xm These cabinets will not fade. ocl-91-D ' -IT-ANTED-LAD1ES' SOLID GOLD FILLED VV case Elgin watches, fl5 50; gents' slies, f 18 50: same as are sold by watch clubs at f38: written guarantee given: mail orders promptly attended to. B. E. AEONS, Jeweler, 65 Fifth ave. OCI7-1J4 -T7-ANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO YV TOGRAPHER, 96 11th avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he is making fine cabinets at $1 60 per dozen; photos delivered when promised; instan taneous Drocess. mh 13-63 FOR bALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Cltv Residences. FOR SALE-A VERY PROFITABLE INVEST MENT, on Marlon, one-half square from Fifth avenue, near Court Houserprlce only f3, 700. W. A. HERKON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. OC22-31-TUF FOR SALE-MARION ST.-A GREAT BAR GAIN: only HZOO: brick house of 6 rooms, hall, marble mantels, both gases, e'c. r lot 24x104; on easy terms. J. BJ COOPER CO 107 Fourth ave. oc26-63-Tussu T710R SALE-f2, 100 DESIRABLY LOCATED, jl? near incline, Mt. Washington, new, cozy frame honse of 5 rooms, cellar, city water, etc.: good lot; easy terms. J. R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. oc27-126-TTSu FOR SALE-COLWELL ST.. NEAR DIN W1DDIE, a very desirable 2-story brick dwelling; 6 rooms and finished attic; price fz, 700, terms easy; lot 20x100 to alley. J.C. REIILY, 77 Diamond St. OC27-125 FOR SALE-NICE PRESS BRICK FRONT: 4 large rooms and hall; lot 22x96 feet; half square from Central Traction line; Smlnutesrlde from heart of city; good street; a bargain at f 2.500; terras to suit you. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood street. oc-7J FOR SALE WORTH YOUR ATTENTION between Forty-ninth and Fiftieth streets. nearButler; lot iurlOO; house 6 rooms and attle front; house 4 rooms and attic in rear: prime con dition; attractive to desirable tenants; good rent als: price S3, 600. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood street. OC29-73 East End Residences. -EWE SALE-OAKLAND AVE.-NEW9-ROOM brick house: hall, ooth gases, bath. Inside w. c. hotfand cold water. au "conveniences; 101 57x120. J. S. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. OC2S-63-TU8SU P lOB SALE-COZY 6-ROOMED FRAME HOUSE and large lot on Hastings St., near Kiun aye. : handy to railroad and cable: price 82,700, on payments. MELLON BROTHERS, 6349 Station St , E. E. OC27-146-TTSU FOR 3ALE-f3,000-MELL-ON ST.. EAST END, new frame house, 6 rooms, attic, ball, both gases, water, etc.; lot 30x100; a bargain, as it must be sold at once. J. B. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth avenue. oc26-63-Tn8sd FOR SALE-MEYKAN' AVE.. ELEGANT two-story brick. 7 rooms and finished attic; all modern conveniences; lot 34X101; will ex change for Shadyslde property. J. R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. OC26-63-TUBSU , FOR SALE BOQUET STREET, OAKLAND, on line of new electric road; new press brick dwelling. 6 rooms, finished attic double parlors, hall, bath, range, w. c, tile hearths, well finished Urge porches, etc. ; lot 24x175. J. R. COOPER & CO., 307 Fourth ave. oc26-63rnSSu TJIOB SALE-ONE SQUARE FROM NEGLEY X! ave., a 7-roomed frame house, with porches, bay window, and grained tbroughodt; exterior newly painted: this house, together with large lot, we offer at 84,500, on easy payments. MELLON BROTHERS, 6349 Station St., E. E. oc27-146-TTSn FOR SALE fiTOO-GROSS STREET, NEAR Liberty ave., new frame dwelling, 5 rooms, finished attic, hall, vestibule, front and rear porches. Inside abutters, side entrance, etc.: lot 21x100 convenient to station; terms easy. L. O. FRAZIER, Forty-fltth and Butler sts. oc27-9-TUSu FOR BALE-f2.80O-LIBERTY AVENUE AND Thirty-ninth St., convenient to cable line, new frame dwelling, 5 rooms, finished attic, ball, vestibule. Inside shutters, nicely grained and finished; lot 20x100 feet: easy payments. L. O. FRAZIER, Forty-fifth and Rutler sts. oi27-9-Tu8u FOR SALE-AN ELEGANT LITTLE HOME, unsurpassed location, Oakland avenne near Bates street; six largo rooms, high ceilings, attic, batb, laundry, vestibule reception ball, every modern appliance, first-classconstrno tlon and finish, for a moderate cost: this property combines elegance, comfort and enduring worth; lot 36x100: $6,600, payments to suit purchaser. CHARLES SOMERS &CO 313 Wood St. OC29-73 Glcnwood Residences. FOR SALE-SECOND AVE., GLENWOOD, B. o. B. P.., a tine brick dwelling of 8 rooms, finished attic, 3 acres of ground and only 5 minutes walk from station; this property Is well adapted tor manufacturing purposes. BLACK & BAIKD, 85 Fourth ave. 2D-308. OC27-73 Hazelwood Residences. FOR SALE-S2.700-AN ATTRACTIVE AND desirable property conveniently located close to Hazelwood station and electric cars; lot 25x175 leet: perfect drainage: new honse, 6 large rooms, wide hall water, gas. etc ; terms to suit pur chaser. CHABLEd SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood st. OC29-73 FORSALE-HAZEL WOOD MODERN OUEEN Anne dwelling, 1 rooms, ball, vestibule, fiorch, bath, inside w. c, stationary w. s range; ot 30x120: onlj 1 minute from Second Ave. Elec tric Railway, or 5 minutes from Hazelwood sta tlon: price 83,650, (650 cash, balance J300 annually. SAMUEL W . BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. 0C23-13-TT Allegheny Residences. FOR SALE WASHINGTON ST.. ALLE GHENY, brick residence; 8 rooms, bathroom, etc; house very complete: price, 86,000: easy terms. W. W. MCNEILL & 11HO... 105 Fourth ave. oc27-77-Tusu FOR SALE-P.000, CONSIDERED CHEAP, A deslraole Allegbenyres!dence, No. 201 Junl atta st. : lot 24x129 ft, : a good brick bouse: 6 rooms and attic; late improvements. See W. A. HER RON SONS, 80 Fourth ayenue. oc22-61-TuP FOR SALE-AT A GREAT REDUCTION truly a bargain: only f8,000: a good brick bouse; 9 rooms, in first-class order: late improve ments; well located in Fourth ward, Allegheny. Set W. A. HEER0N4S0NS, 80 Fourth ave. OC22-61-TUF Suburban Residences. FOR SALE-AT BELLEVUE. ON ACCOUNT of removal of owner; only 82,300; aneathouse of 5 rooms; lot 40x176 feet: very conveniently and desirably located. For full Information see W. A. HERRON & bONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. ocll-lOO-TuP F OR bALB-BEAUTIFPLLY LOCATED AT Ldcewood. flue large dwelling of 15 rooms. with one acre of ground: fruit and ornamental trees; everything in first-class order. For terms Bee W. A HERRON & SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. ocll-lfip-rnr FOR SALE-EDGE WOOD, P. IS. R.. ON ELM street, 3 minutes' from the station, a new frame dwelling df 8 rooms and finished attic, bath room, w. c, h. andc. water, state mantels, nat ural gas, fine chandeliers, electric light, laundry, etc.; lot 40H50: price 86,250, 82.500 cash, oil. to suit; Immediate possession. BLACK & BAIKD, 95 Fourth ave. 4A-I97. OC27-72 FOR SALE-7 HOUSES WITH 1 ACRES OF ground at Hnlton station, A.V. B. R.. almost opposite the depot; all to be sold at public sale by order of the Orphans' Court of Allegheny county, on Thursday afternoon of this week. October 31, at 3 o'clock, on the premises; peremptory sale to close an estate. Terms at sale or from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., Agents and Auctioneers. 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. OC29-54 FORSAIE-HROAD ST., SEWICKLEY-BAR-GAINS Brick residence of 10 rooms, laun dry, batb, hot and cold water, uat. and art. gas; line lot -47x203 ft.: fruit, lawn, flagstone walks; also adjoining lot 89)x220 ft., with frame dwelling or 7 rooms, nat. eas and water: these are the moat ""conveniently located properties lngewlckley, In an elegant neignDotoooa, near tne station, stores, etc., and are without doubt the most desirable places in the market for the prices, viz, fd. 000 and H500 respectively; terms can be arranged to suit purchaser. Further particulars can be had by applying to A. W. ADAIR, Room 70S, Penn Build ing, Penn ave. , OC29-&3 FOR SALE-AN EXCELLENT SUBURBAN home for a city business man, a brick dwell ing on Broad st. (80 ft. wide), Sewlckley, contain ing ten rooms, hath, laundry, nat, and art. gas. hot and cold water, lnsldb shutters, etc ; fine lance lot 47x208 ft., fruit trees, lawn and flagstone walks; also, adjoining above a beautiful level lot 894X!20 ft., fruit trees, asphaltum walks, etc., frame house7rooms,nat gas and city water; these prop erties are in- an elegantnelghborhood. onnoslte (the Episcopal rectory, one "block from the station auu near r. v., stores, rtc.,na&ingtnemosvcon veniently situated places in Sewlckley; Immediate possession can be given to the brick house; the owner, a non-resident, will sell for a short time for 80,000 and 84.600 respectively;- terms will be made mutually satisfactory. For fuller Inforraa ttnniAxll on nr ftrtrirsji A W.-AI1A1 UM'nmn -AM ; FQR SALE LOTS. City Lota. w TJKR SALE-ELEGANT LARGE BUILDING X' lots on ortn-nrtn street, cheap: terms to suit. WT W. MCN KILL BRO 105 Fourth aye. OC27-75-TTSU FIR SALEA LEVEL LOT 25x100 FEET ON Butler St., near cable line, for 1250 on easy payments. MELLON BROTHERS, 6149 Station St., East End. oe27-l46-TTSu Eaat End Lota. FOR SALE VERY LOW TO QUICK BUYER Choice buildlnr lot on Forbes St., nearCralt. SALTENbPERGER & WILLIAMS, 154 Fourth ave. OC29-50 FOR SALE-I HAVE FOR SALE AT LESS than value, a splendid building site; no nicer In the county; first-class neighborhood ; 2 minutes from cable and 7 from Pennsylvania Railroad. M. E. HARRISON, Draughtsman, 131 Fifth avenue, city. P.O. box 725. oc20-50 FOR SALE-1F YOU WANT A SAFE INVEST MENT in nroperty.and one thatjwill lncreaso rapidly In value, buy one of those very desirable lots in Villa Park plan. Bmsnton; our prices are low And terms exceptionally easy. JNO. F. BAX 1 ER. Agent, 512 Smtthfleld U oc27-70-TTSStt FOR SALE-HERRON HILL LOTS ON HEB RON ave., Clarissa and Adelaide sts., 20x100 feet each: the place to buy a lot for a home or In vestment: rapid enhancement in value certain: prices very low and terms easyr call or send for plan. L. O. FRAZIER, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. oc27-9-rusn FOR SALE-RARE CHANCES FOR PROFIT ABLE Investment; by buvlng a lot now in Bautn Grove plan at present low prices you are bound to make money; Baum. Grove plan will have mote fine asphaltum streets and wide flag stone sidewalks than any other plan In the mar ket. MELLON BROS., East End. or JOHN F. BAXTER. Agent, 512 Smlthfleld street. OC29-28-TUF Alleobeny Lota. FOR SALE ALMOST IN THE CENTER OF Allegheny good building lots, easy of access, for 8400, on easy terms. beeW. A. HERRON & SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. OC15-79-TTS FOE SALE-A BEAUTIFUL PIECE OF ground level, no grading, unobstructed view, healthful, valuable and enhancing near Cali fornia avenue extension. Allegheny, 25xI50f only 600. CHARLES SOMERS St CO., 313 Wood st. OC29-73 FOR BALE-NEAR NEW ELECTRIC ROAD fine lot, 36x150 feet, on Center ave. near Jef fpHnnst nn sMannt of ranld transit and im provements made In neighborhood this lot is cheap at the price asked. 850: (50 cash, balance in 3 years, A. W. ADAIR, Room 708, Penn Building, Penn ave. Suburban Lota. FOB SALE CHOICE LOTS; 50x194, f400TO(6D0, Belmont Place, Ingram. P., C. & St. L.-B, K. : streets 50 ft. wide: sewered: houses to set back 40 ft., cost at least 82.000: terms 825 down, balance $10 per month. INGRAM LAND AND IMPROVE MENT CO., GO Fourth ave. (second floor). OC13-102-XTSQ Farms. TJIOE B ALE-FARM-182 ACRES, GOOD FRAME sj nonse, nanx Darn ana oiner oaiDuiiaings; good soli, water and coal; near Saltsburg: fo0 per acre. . ED W1TT1SH, 410 Grant st Pittsburg, Pa.' oc28-D FOR SALE-OIL FARM-FARM OF 70 ACRES ror sale neir the noted Dun oil well in Frank lin township, Allegheny CO., Pa., some 15 miles from the city. Inquire of SAMUEL POLLOCK. 70Ackley street or at 89, cor. Federal st-attd btockton aye., Allegheny City. Pa, QC28-49 FOR SALEBUSINESS. Business Chances. JTiOR BALE-A GOOD PAYING GENERAL ' store at a bargain; storeroom and dwelling, or particulars address S. P. POORBAUGH, Glencoe, Pa. oc8-3b FOE SALE-S2,600-LEA8E OF A VALUABLE manufacturing site, with iron building, boiler. engine,ctc.;sitelncltyprqper. tflRAUB & MORRIS, ICC Third aye , cor. of "Wood st. OcS-3.TT8Sa FOR SALE ATA SACRIFICE THE ENTIRE famishment, with lease or 8-room dwelling, on Wylle ave., near Federal St.: good roomers occupying same and paving more than rent of entire bnfidlng. 1. C RElLLY. 77 Diamond st, OC27-124 TTTIOR SALE-NEW FIRST-CLASS BTEAM JD lanndry: line family .grocery store with splendid location and business, will Invoice about fS.000; smaller grocery stores, flOOto f5,000; milk route: cigar and confectionery stores 8225 to B0; drygoods and nation stores; feed store; 2 printing offices: drug stores: shoe stores; bakeries and 100 other bnslness cbances: free particulars. SHEP AED & CO., H Fifth ave. 6c25 FOR SALE-A RUSSIAN INVENTOR HAS placed in oar hands tor sale a new process of manufacturing gas from crude oik etc.; one-half interest in United States patents ror sale, balance being held by Russian party: this gas surpasses In brilliancy and cheapness any gas heretofore man nfaptnrea In the world nroeeaa In nse by Russian Government duringpastsevenyears; official an alysis Dy itussian .national soara 01 .uesun. 0KEEFE GAS APPLIANCE CO., W Fifth ave. OC29-77 Bnslness Stands. ITIOR SALE NOW ONE SECOND-HAND JC tenoning machine, 2 surface planers and 1 abaper,and new and second-hand engines, boilers, lard kettles, tar tanks. Sli'men valves, castings, etc. VELTE & MCDONALD, Thirty-second st, and Penn ave. 3V21-91-TT8 TTIOR SALE ON SPECIALLY EASY TEEMS. X? a completely equipped malleable and gray iron foundry, in full running order; property is 225x160 feet; brick building, with machine shop, patterns, etc., and is situated within tnree blocks or the switch track in the heart of St. Louis. For full particulars apply to JOHN GRETHER, No. 304 N. Eighth St., St. Louis, Mo. ociS-39-TTS FOR SALE OWNER CANNOT OPERATE and will accept from purchaser much less than the value for a complete, newly-equipped brickworks; finely situated, excellent shipping faculties: home demand for product largely in ex cess of output; 16 feet of clay adapted to the man ufacture of first-class press brick. CHAKLE3 SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood street. OC29-73 Olnnnfactnrinc Sites. FOR SALE-THE VALUABLE MANUFAC TURING site 302x301 feet, fronting on Alle gheny Valley R.R., near Fifty-fourth streetand McCandless station: fall, free and unobstructed railroad front; to be sold at public sale on Tues day afternoon, October 29, at 2 o'clock, on the premises. Fuller particulars from JAMES W. DRAPE & CO., Agents and Auctioneers, 129 Fourth avenne. Plttaonrg. oc24-14-p FOR SALE-aUSCELLANEOUS: Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock. &c -T7ORSALE-2 SIX-PASSENGER CARRIAGES,' JD good as new; nsed only a short time. Inquire otr.. LIGGETT, 1.S Sandusky st,, Allegheny. OC29-30 FOB SALE SECOND-HAND BAROUCHE, as good as new. Can be seen at C. WEST A CO.'S, Carriage Makers, 423-Dnquesne way, Pitts burg, Pa. oclO-28 Machinery and Metals. F pok IOB SALE-ENGINES AND BOILERS-NEW and refitted: reoalrlngpromntlv attended to. ORTEB FOUNDRY ANDMACR1NECU..LIM.. below Suspension bridge, Allegheny, Pa. aulo-29 FOR SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers; all sizes and styles In stock, from 4 to 100 h. p. ;all refitted; good ss new, at lowest prices; portable engines. 8 to 25 h. p. ; boilers all sizes and styles. J.S.YOUNG.23Parkway,AUcgheny, Pa. oc25-80-o FOR SALE-MACHINERY, TOOLS AND stock On the premises. Ho. 48 Water street, will be sold at auction. November 12. J8S9. at 10 a. 11., an excellent lot of lathes from IS to 26 Inches, swing, from 8 to ls-foot bed: brass lathes, drill cresses, nlancr. wood-working -ma chinery, 8-lnch Saunders tapping machine, pipe machine; lot machine and gas-fitung tools, ream ers, taps, etc.; malleable and cast iron fittings; gate and globe valves suitable for steam and natural gas; bending table and furnace; flasks and n&tterns of valve, flansres and flttlnsrsr also large gray mare, harness and wagon. REUS,, bHOOK A CO., 48 Water street, Pittsburg. Pa. ocsj-ns FOUND. FOUND-HANDSOME. SOLID GOLD FILLED case Elgin watches for ladles, S15 60; gents' size, f 18 60; same as sold by watch clnbs for 88; written guarantee given; mall orders promptly attended to. B. E. AEONS, Jeweler, 65 Fifth ave. 0C27-I34 AMCSE31ENTS. OLD CITY HALL, Friday Evening, Nov. 1. Grand: Tesuimsnial Concert -TO THEDDDRE THDMAB THE CELEBRATED ORCHESTRA. The Eminent Pianist. RAFAEL JOSEFPY. Also the Famous Celloist, VICTOR HER BERT. Reserved Seats, SI GO and SL Can now be had at H. Klober Bro.'s Music Store. OC27-17 GHAUD OPERA HOUSE-TO-NIGHT. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. ROLAND REED. THE "WOMAN HATER. Nov. i Sol Smith RusselL A Poor Relation. 0C2S-15 BIJOU THEATER To-nieht, TV. "W. Tfflotson's Merry Company in ZIG-ZAG. "Week November 1 Evans & Hoey, In "A Parlor Match." ocaS-U-KTrr TTARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY l nnlTif -LffaMnpa TTti1ft TTitrreflfi- oiV Saturday. J I QILLETT'S WORLD ON -WHEELS AND VAUDEVILLE CO. oc37-4 H ARRIS' THEATER-EVERT AFTER NOON and evening. iGRAT STEPHENS In their Beautiful and Picturesque Drama THE OLD OAKEN BUakEK " i Week: of Nov. 4 Barlow Bros. Mlnstrnis 3 . :&0&v t i tfiK ".tmjum-ii lyx. T-f- TO LET. City Residences. mO LET-NEW AND ELEGANT 8-EOOM JL Dricx.Win dou gases, oainv large yarn, on Vicl lcrroy t;; rent low. mauaw a uun, no Fourth ave. OC38-67 East End Residences. T IO LET-HOJ8E OF 14 BOOMS, SIABCE and ontbulldlnis: larcre mounds: oa N en lev avenue, near Penn avenne cable cars. Inqulro of HENRy ROB ERTS, at Oliver & Roberts Wire Co., Southslde. sel9-10 TO LET JUST FINISHED NEW BRICK house, late style, 8 rooms, late Improve ments, on paved street, near cable' cats, at Belle- field (near I r Oakland). w.A. heekon a sons, 60 Fourth ayenue. oc29-S-TTS Allegheny Residences. T) LET-ON ERIE ST.. NEAR. THE PARKS. 2-story brick dwelling, S rooms; rent very low. J.C.REILLY,77Dlamondst. oc27-124 TO LET ELEGANT RESIDENCE IN ALLE GHENY, No. 139 Franklin street: contains eight rooms, good hall, bathroom, w, c, both gases and ail modern Improvements, with nice grounds. GEO. R. BOTHWELL, Ho. 14 Frank lin street, Allegheny. oc24-39 Suburban Residences. ITIO LET-GLEN FIELD, P.. FT.W. A C. BT f J minutes' walk, from station, a 2-story frame dwelling of 8 rooms; water in house, natural gas. good cellar., stable for 3 horses, abundance of trult; about 6 acres of ground: rent 115 until April L 1890. BLACK & BALED, 85 Fourth ave. OC27-50 Offices. Devit Room, etc TOLET IN STANDARDBUILDING LARGE and well lighted offices, cheap; Wood, near Sixth avenue. rr. A. HEBRON & SONS, 80 Fourth atenoe, oc5-4J-tt8 TO LET-IN THE NEW DISPATCH BU1LD- IN G, 75, 77 and 79 Diamond street, two of the roomiest and best-lighted offices to be fonnd in tna city; rent, 8200 and fan per annum. Including electric- lights. Janitor service and steam heating. Apply between 10 A. 31. and 1 P.M., or between 2 and 4 P. M. ly2-87 PERSONAL. TERSONAL-MALTBY'S OYSTER DEPOT,, X late 7S Fifth avenue, removed to wi smitn field street; fresh oysters received dally: orders filled at lowest prices. J. B. HEMMERLE, Mgr. sel-DZ-D PERSONAL-BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! Newsndold, ancient and uodern. standard and rare, legal, medical and scientific 30,000 vol umes to select from. LEVI'S BOOKSTORE. 900 Liberty st. an3-88 TERSONAL-EDWIN SLATER, P. 0 BOX SZ 178, Cincinnati, O.. who suffered years from piles, and has been effectually cured, will send full directions for self-treatment. Simple and un failing. Freetoall. oc22-65-rrs PERSONAL "CUT HATES" ONWATCHES richly engraved, solid gold, filled case, Elgin watches ror ladles, f IS 60: gent's size, fl8 SO: same as sold by watch clubs for fas: written guarantee given: mailorders promptly attended to. B. E. ARONS, Jeweler, 86 Fifth ave. OC27-134 PERSONAL WHAT ARE "VOLTAIC Diamonds?" Found 18 miles south oXHot Springs, Ark., at the foot of the Ouachita range of bi ou tains. In Silver City basin f they are a natu ral stone, not paste, or glass, and are warranted for brilliancy. B.E. ARONS. Jeweler, Sola Agent for U. &, 65 Fifth aye. QC27-1W PERSONAL HIS LOVE SUDDENLY" RE TURNED; recently they had not been on the best of terms owing to a little family Jar occa sioned by tbe wife insisting on being allowed to renovate his wearing apparel, and" which, ot course, was done In a bungling manner; in order to prevent the trouble they agreed to send all their work hereafter to DICKSON, the Tailor, 83 Fifth ave., corner Wood st.. second floor, and now everything is lovely and peace and happiness again reigns In their household. Telephone 1558. au30-t LOST. LOST PUG DOG FOUR MONTHS OLD-REWARD given ir returned to CIIAS A. ASH BURNER, 3Q South Hlland aye., East End. OC29-55 , LOST-WATCH CHARM-COMBINED COM PASS, anchor and steering wheel, gold, with black onyx-back, initials J. A. 9. cut in; suitable reward. ROOM 22, Germani Bank building. OC2S-27 LOST WHILE LOOKING ATTHE ELEGANT display of voltaic diamonds-at 06 Fifth ave., I lose my senses at the beauty, brilliancy and low prices: eardrops, S2 SO and up: rings; 83 50 and up: studs, 82 and np; stick pins, p 25 and up: all solid gold. B. E. ARONS, Jeweler, Sole Agent Xor . S. OC27-134 AUCTION SALES. ASSIGNEES' SALE. AT AUCTION J. HJ BORLAND, Auctioneer. Important to the public 'The stock: of t a large dryzoods importing noose, v over 5156,000 worth of foreign and domestic DRYGOODS, CARPETS, RUGS, DRUGGETSEtc Et&, by; auction at jTh.b6Fland's LARGE AND SPACIOUS" COMMISSION ROOMS, Nos. 723 and 725 Liberty street; ai the bead of Wood street, opposite the Arbuckle block, commencing ' MONDAY, October .28, 1889. Sales will commence daily at 10 A. 3C, 2 p. M. and 7-30 P. at, and continue from day to day until the entire' stock. U disposed of, and in quantities to salt the purchaser. 1 - This is without exception the largest sale of Fine Drygoods, Carpets and Rugs ever offered. in Pittsburg, and is well worthy the attention of tbe public generally. The entire Steele, must be sold regardless of cost or priee Ja order to make a prompt settlement with tbe creditors. All goods, sold at this sale positively guar anteed and warranted as represented. ' Special accommodations provided for ladies. 0C29-66-TTSSU AUCTION SALE OF THE FURNISH MENT of an elegant East End residence, at tho auction rooms No 311 Market St., TUESDAY morning, October SB, at 10 o'clock. Solid mahogany chamber' suit, walnut cham ber suits, Tennessee marble tops and French plate minors: toilet ware, hair and busk mat tresses, str. pads: carpet and rods, door and .window- curtains, mirrors, shades, pictures, tables and covers, mantelets, toilet tables, dressers, bedsteads, wash stands, commodes, ban chairs and racks, towel racks, boot-boxes, fine group parlor suit,'' odd easy chairs and rockers, leather dn-dsg chairs. Hue walnut sideboard, handsome dinner service, silver and glassware, kitchen and .laundry fumiahments, black marble refrigerator, drutrgets, fine Brussels carpets, almost new. aquarium, ice chest, step ladder, cornices, carpet sweeper, extension and kitchen tables, bookcase, desk, folding bed, bedding, fenders, cabinet, and-many other thiatts too numerous to mention. HENRY AUCTION CO., LIM Auctioneers. oo37-lg BY JAS. W. DRAPE CO. VALUABLE MANUFACTURING SITE at public sale, on A. V. R. B. near FiK j-. fourth street, 362x301 test, fronting on railroad, with facilities for sidetrack; and extending to a wide street; one of the most eligible manufact uring sites of any point in tbe city; to be HAA on t TUESDAY, OCTOBER V, at 2 o'clock: P,'M, ooj'the premises. As the owaertoanoB-resldeBtaeiaaaxieas to sell, aad will. let tbe property go at a great bareain. Terns at sale. Titse serf set and un 'encumbered. . " Fuller panieular?) from , ' - te JAS.-W.-DRAPE'Aa, t, " MB Fourth aveaae, oc3g-38-D " . I -, PRtbMg.'Ps. F, OBGANS. rT .; '. -f & PKBPOSAIA. Ol-TKK OT TBE PBEStDBWT tT TJW JSIV1 SECpNB ATE. FAS8EX6ER RA&WATW I PrrTBBinte. PA October 3sVHgtv3 TIDS FOBPIUS WJH.UU1S OK AM X - -TT ONE'HUNDBMAND ITFTTTHoiSKiri DOLLARS ,ofe FIRST MORTGAGE S PER eESTXJti3tt rnTTTjn svrans. Va Of this ctH-aom V free ot tax. w he 1 at thw office oatM noon oiNOVEMKM.L-i 1886. Tbe President reserves the ri-MW : ject any or all bids. OCS&89 JAMES D.CALLgRY.PresMeBt. g TJROPOSAX8 FOR- CRANK-SHAFT JKWl J. u. H. s. Brooklyn, at navy x are, Aie-ree;-. a October 29, 1888. Sealed u-rwosahj, In digest :. Pronosals for Shaft, ate., to be ooesed 3HJ-J VEStBER 28, 18." will be received at M m-f ream oi rrovisionj ana v-Kunisg. navy Mr meat, Waahlnerton. D..CL. until 12 o'eJeeicj xtovemoero, xoao. ana pnmiciy q-junon m diately thereafter, to furnitfe and deliver a Navy Xaril, .Norfolk, Va., aeranje-searc j u.a.a. ijrooEiyu, wuara iw cays irsm i contract.' Tha weight of the Stuff-trill 1m 7,500 pounds- Bids will be received icTftj manufacture of either steel er iron. j.i ot t the metal muse be made by the opes-s process, ana must coniorm to speen which, together with blank proposals, c be furnished unoa-aonlleattoB to-tttel Tie bids decided bv lot. ThB-Desartmetrt 1 serves the right to reject any or aH bMs sees deemed advantageous to the Govern ssjsjj-j JAMES IrULTON, Paymaster Geeeral, K M iavy. Qm Wmi X)ROPOSALS FOR THE- ERECTION X BDLLDINGS Columbia Arses!. I b!3,TTean., October 24" 1SBS. Sealed In tritjlloate. will be received at this 12 o'clock M. on TUESDAY, Noveseer 3 for the erection of one main sterehOwSe manding Officer's quarters, oSee. treafd 1 woTKsnop, magazine, staoie, ana sees, j sets barracks for enlisted men: bids i made for the whole work complete, or tvt t building separately; plans and spooMaajti may be seen at this office, and at office of tbe Chief of Ordaasee, V, A, Washington, V. C Mlank forms fnll information can be bad on The Government reserves the right to rcicetsusjrfi and all bids, or parts thereof. Proposals- HHtstt oe marsea -proposals ior tne ersenes Of I lngs'aca aaaressea to juuutt cl COMIiT, Ordnance Department, U. uommanaing. ocxxaa,iinju,n T-jROPOSALS jrOB MATERIAL X QUIRED for use In the osastruetisVaC the Navy Yard, Brooklyn. N. Y e-f tsVf machinery lor two cruisers of about 3tti displacement each. Navy Departseatr'wa inzton. D. C October a. l&ft Under aatbes conferred by the act of Congress rasvkirsca Drouriations for tbe naval service, ssstsr September 7, 1888 (Statutes at Laree. vwi.:3 page s72i. seal ea proposals are Heresy ana win do receivea as in aepansBi o'clock noon, on "WEDNESDAY, the i olNovember. 188. for fnrnisuiae sad ine the followlnir classes and qnaaUtiua terlal at said naw yard, for nse is tM I stmctionof said cruisers: Class 38. Vast 4 foundry. Anthracite coal and ores ot l coke, about 100 tons of each. CUM 38- 1 tern makers lumber. About 3MOI t uiassasA. .rinnnea ana roaen-reme shaf tin:, Crank, thrust and proveHer Class 3BB.Corrneated steel furnaces.! six in all. Class 38 C Condenser and packing. Eight tube sheets, aheet rlanriH-and abont 35.000 ooston taBB naei Class 38 A Aatl-frlctioa metal. IVe5S sand pounds. Class 39 B. Pig tie. Te ,iii sana ponnas. oiaes as u. oseet About 160 toss. Class 42. Pi hundred tons. Class H A Steel boiler sbeUsT Abent. 200 ton. shape. Class 44 B. Firebox steel ami plates. About 126 tons, trimmed t o flaac-ML Class 41 C. Steel ro4ts.s forcings for boiler braotaEAbeac . Class M D. Steel endue forsdes Al tons, comprising coBnecttafC and s'stea valve-gear, etc Class Si A. BoBssr tsjj About 8,880 lap-welded, or steel tabes. Class SS tubes; About 18,080 seemlent ilisw tubes. Class S6-Steel rivets. Abas 1 of open-hearth or-CWep-Gnfflth hetfori lae toss of toe material Berera t be of 2.Z40 pounds earn. AU ot i tn tin nf. srififi detailed dissesrs and shapes as may be required, ad t be j erea at seen pi ace or puces in sasa estrvy may oe aesignfctea Dy tne coma The materiel to be delivered l enrdanee with the requirements ule. All material to be of domestte ; tare, aad'to be aeeested only ; such tests as stay be prescribed tne secretary oi sue .navy.; . be made in accordance wuhf be furnished a appltcattoB to ot steam ssfcKwera-fc ana-. more ox nte ensses esibreeed 1b the same en a fMrtkm of & class win m -proposal must to aeeossptuiied by . evUenoe that tbe bidder is able tstl deliver the material for which he 1 a certified cheek, payable to .the Beeretaryot tne .navy, ior as i five cer cent of the. bW. The from the successful bidder will be i Lbiffi on his enterisg into a fonaal ( Kae, aee penornuuice ok sue i bond far the-same. withsatteJ a oeaal sum equal to twenty-five I amount of his bid: but in case he : enter into seen contract and to give I wMbin twenty days alter notice ot asee oi nig proposal, toe caecac ae stseiiproposar shall become the the United States. All cheeks ae Brcttossls which are not aceeDteaV turned immeduUely after the awasdi Beenmaue, a seneauie ot use i quired and ail otber ioformatJos. eieaers win De isrnisseu on pfu Bureau of Steam Engmeeriag, ' sent, proposals-nest oe aadinetosedin enreleoes for material for machinery of amis," and addressed to-tne a JfiTT.Km Deoartment. Wt The Secretary of the Navy 'namijisFl tore)eetany orau dsos, or as sassi class or classes as. in bte'iadcsasMffc I sss of the Government v reaafssw-H K.-F. PIRACY, Secretary of 1 oes-ew-Ta ePFICIAL I OCTO vroTica w hereby; givek i XI -troreaa oi ueaitB or, taet , .1 ..LI. J.. utaUU&ul km uarj Jtaa mhb u iiuih.iwmiu i and does, hereby desscnate thel taenth f 171 street in the city of the AIIezbeBV river, aad Clark's iaedately above the north end t Teeth street bridge, in tfes dtreff ' oatheMoaeesmBeianvecas tnei .arete ne receivea ana asaeeitsa of au privies as they shall Am tna deswed aad eauMMdtrand all etl substances foend upon the pnbUel THOMAS W. Superintendest of the Bueaa efJ 004-W - t tMa.lU.1 X N ORDINANCE AUTHOB I to pwehase a let of ground in the ward f er the use oft he Bureau oit Beetioa 1 Be it ordained and city of iPKtsbunr. in Select and ( ea assembled, and it is hereby eaastea .Dy tne auinoroy That the Deeartraent of Tie and it.' Is -hereby aathuitssd, powered to purcnase a lot or pseee sttaate la-we xnirty-nrss waru, i Bornooaoi tne mteraeetMB ox Brewnsville avenues, for the j lagtoereoa an engine ana a theeriee or eoaelderfitTse oeed the sa of M.6m three 1 and the said purchase tooesab provai oi ijoae ous. Seettes 2 That any nrdiaaistw as? , ortnnaaoo eeBsmnnts; mw sae tms orotnaaoe ae ana tne I pealed, so tar as the nance. - ' Ordained and eeacted tote a law this 14th day of October; A. D. jsV u- t -mon it ex miissj i Attest: GEO. SHEPP. ;OsssJ(- Council. W. AaMAGEK.- raoH Council pro ten. Attest. G: CJetk of Coatmon Coanell. Mayor's OSes. October' 17, w . JiouAiOjn, sjayor. viiiPiftrsi. sayors Laersr. Recorded In Ordtaanee Book. voir 25th day of October. A. P.. 1MB. EBDCAneMAL. -pHTSBURG ART SCHOOL, JL i;hictii ises, oven tooroach- Acs Art; eontbued. with strncQon; esoa Joint direettoa i ael (Dusseidorf . w. seatty (statuea Btadents who frssmot saay enter for Hmltssl i days a weeks For prospeetea son JOHN WlfflATTY. aaMeVMs 413 Wood street. 1 SDLTH AVENUE DTE Wi I, MAT S0NS h STEAM DYJBKS AND SCOW Aad sjetterel reaovators of tautta atee- asm geatunissis souee. t i aeaay eieanea or resiorea as of every (sescriptioa carefaUjr i . M: MAY SONS 8t leU-TM MBtXTBTAVst. WlUV 409' as sSj ft SS -; VVlH 1.1 T ' ,C.A& k. ., .. . " ; - - .. - z:- wt.'k... rr-- -r AGuuuiuiuuixv.tsjiuale, j . - 1, jeeps-a t:)"1 T-C.JWKSG niPlfir.K "&'iKJjr, r,3?ri ?" ,--fti.t.iSVgaSteUhSt S Jffi?73ia W"-.T.3d- 3ak-i&;7. 3?v, .w.- . jr-. -s;