?? ? 4 2 BMDIIG JE DENS, Usual Sunday Amusement of Brown's Finest A DETERMINED WAEFAEE. Pittsburg's Force of Speak-Easies Gradually Reduced. A HALF-DOZEN MORE CLEANED OUT. The Disgusting Squalor of Spruce Alley to be Corrected. POLICEMEN DOVT EELISH THE WORE Inspector McAleese, ha vine brought to a successful termination the cases he had in court, has turned his attention back to the speak-easy business, which is flourishing like a creen bay tree in almost every por tion of the city. He says that, having dem onstrated beyond the possibility of a doubt through the excellent work of Inspector Henry "YVhitebouse,that the aristocratic East End was honeycombed with speak-easies, and brought to justice not alone the people who did the illegal liquor selling, but also the people who, acting as officials, comprom ise cases for a consideration, the Department of Public Safety has now turned its affec tionate gaze upon the downtown wards. On its way to a thorough investigation flown town the department, represented by Inspector McAleese, Captain Dan Sylvus, Detective Eobert Robinson and eight officers in plain clothes; made an uncere monious morning call upon Mesdames Con nors, Eyan, O'Neill, McCarthy and Bessie O'SbeaT To say that the officers were re ceived with enthusiasm but feebly ex presses the condition of affairs in Mrs. O'Shea's establishment, on Spruce alley, between Thirtieth and Thirty-first streets. It was only 7:30 A. SL, but some of the peo ple arrested showed unmistakable evidence of having been up all night and paying more attention to the flowing bowl than to the flood of evangelical eloquence, which, like the mercy Shakespeare speaks about, dropped as the gentle rain from heaven upon Pittsburg yesterday morning. rSCOETED TO THE CENTRAL. Informations were made against all the pronrietors, and two of the ladies escorted to Central station with a view to relieve the over-worked and under-aced bartenders and the stomachs of the patrons, from absorbing too much of the exhilarants provided, which were of a quality to give the delirium tremens to a cigar sign. Fourteen patrons were taken in, and as the houses were all connected by a narrow alley at the back, the arrival ot the officers at the three un explored houses showed that the birds had flown, leaving kegs of beer on tap, several unbroken in the cellar and a tew jugs, holding from two quarts to three gallons, of what it would be base flattery to call whisky. The officers had a tough time chasing alter the drinkers through hallways and cellars which were familiar to the fugitives, but dark and unknown to the officers. One incident of this kind was that in which Of ficer Mulvehill figured. He followed a man into a dark cellar under Mrs. O'Neill's house, but when he got down could see nothing. As he strnck a match the man, who had been hiding in the darkness, jumped out, knocked the officer down and then scrambled to a stairway, over which was a door. He pushed the door open and j nmped out with the officer at his heels; but just as the copper got his head above the level the fugitive banged the door down on his head, sending him back to the bottom of the cellar. The fugitive made his escape. After arresting tbe inmates of toe houses the Inspector and Captain Sylvus made a tour of a number of houses in the locality which they have had under suspicion. They say the filth and sqnalor of that row of houses is the worst they ever saw, even Yel low Sow, which has hitherto borne the palm for vice and wretchedness, being tame in comparison. BOYS FOE WITNESSES. The officeis have two boys under age who will testify against the proprietresses of the houses raided. The women will probably be given a hearing berore Magistrate Mc Kenna to-day. The persons arrested yester day were Mrs. Shea, Mrs. O'Neill. Mary Eoach, John Dawson, Pat McPall. "Will iam Holden, Fred Kampa, Joseph Han cock, Edwin Sbea, and John Freeman. Tbe men. with the exception of young Shea, are employes of the rolling mills in that neigh borhood, and are specimens of the custo mers of these speak-easies. Captain Sylvus says that the method of running a ipeak-easy is so very easy that entrance to it by the police is only a matter of time. A great number of them have lookouts, who are paid to know personally all the police officers, but as their pay is given generally in liquids, the lookout "has so frequently seen a squad of officers in a regular customer that tbe office has been dispensed with, and no more elections for outside guards have taken place. This makes the work of the officers easier, but, at the same time, as no raid will take place until the place inspected is in full blast, there is considerable danger in the service. The drinking people assembled are some times very, ugly, and will fight, so the ut most care has to be used to prevent any un toward circumstance happening from tbe possession of weapons by the drunken mob generally found in a speak-easy. The proprietor generally has his wife or boy behind the bar, which, as yesterdav, frequently results in their being behind tfie bars, and the drink sold is invariably of the poorest class, so the profits are enormous, as iio license is paid and full prices are charged. Tne only way tostop the business is to rive long terms of imprisonment rather than heavy fines, which are seldom felt by the offenders. Inspector McAleese said list nieht that he intended to notify the Bureau of Health of the horribly filthy condition of the houses visited by him yesterday in Spruce alley, as he says the condition of tnings in that locality is so foul that it is a wonder an epidemic has not been the result before now. MOEE PLACES PULLED. In the afternoon Inspector "Wbitehonse with Police Captain Mercer, Special Officer McLauehlin and a posse of police made a raid on a building on Boquet street, Oak land, that is frequented by Italians and has long been under surveillance on suspicion of being a speak-easy. There is a small grocery store in the building operated by an Italian named Guy Hiulus, and an ex tension in the rear is used as a dance hall where a crowd of the proprietor's country men are wont to congregate on Snndays and drink beer. Several attempts have been made to raid the house when it was full, but the place has been so well .guarded that the approach of the officers has been noted and tbe crowd warned to get out In consequence tbey would take to the open country in that vicinity and scatter beyond tbe reach of the police, but yesterday they were taken un awares, and a rally hieing made. 16 men with the proprietor were taken in. They were all hauled to the Fourteenth ward station, where the proprietor put up a forfeit of $100, and the others $15 each for their appearance at a hearing to-day. Caotain Brophy and Lieutenant Ortb, of the Second police district, assisted by other officers, made a raid ou two speak-easies last night. The first place visited was in Batch's court, off Fortieth street, kept by Mrs. Saliskis. There were no visitors in the house at the time and as the woman had to look after a sick husband she was not taken to the lockup. third street,four men were found and placed under arrest. As the proprietress had a sick infant she was not locked up. In formations will be made against both women to-day. BAD SONS OF GOOD FATHERS. Dr. McAllister's Bensons to Account for It lie Believe a Wicked Boy, Is a Chastise ment for Sin. Rev. D. McAllister preached yesterday forenoon at the Eighth street Beformed Presbyterian, on "Bad Sons of Good Fathers Why?" The sermon was based on the story of David and Absalom, which forms the Sabbath school lesson for next Sunday. Tbe preacher said that it was quite often the case that a good man like David had wicked sons, and he sought to inquire the reasons. He called attention first to the fact that the children of regenerate parents are still naturally unregenerate. It is the old doctrine ot total depravity. The truth of that doctrine should be impressed upon men in order that clergymen, leaders of the church aud all good people may seek the regenerating grace of God for their own children. Another answer to the query was found in the law ot heredity. Immoralities, skipping over one or two generations, may reappear in children. Another cause lor the wickedness ot cnii- dren was found in the lapses of good men into sin. David's guilt in connection with Uriah and Bathsheba set an example that his sons were ready to follow. Amnon, Ab salom and Adonijab, three of the sons of David, followed tne example rattier man the precept of their father. Children often go astray as the result of a marriage which is not in the Lord. The mother of Absalom was of an idolatrous nation. It was not unreasonable to expect that the mother's influence would determine largely the char acter of the boy. The oriental harem was also blamed for the result in Absalom's case, and in that connection polygamy and its effects upon the young were denounced. The preacher said that in this day mar riages were too often contracted simply from motives of worldly gain or social posi tion, losing sight of the true end of the marital relation. Such unions were almost certain to bring immorality into the home. God punished men, he said," for their trans gressions, and bad sons he regarded as oftentimes the Lord's chastisements. He referred to the pathetic story of Tamar and Amnon, a chastisement for David's sins. '"Discipline," said Itev. Mr. McAllister, "is sent to the best of men for the develop ment of the' higher qualities of religious life. There is no ground for the assertion that the sons of ministers and leaders in the church are usually bad men. Statistics show that the larger number of ministers are sons of ministers. The most influential leaders in our benevolent, missionary and educational work are men trained in godly families. Yet it is true that there are cases, and not a few, where parents who have done their duty faithfully still have bad sons. This, in the providence of God, is a discip line like any other trial that may come to a good man in life, for his own good." AGAIN GLAD HE'S HOME. C I Magee Thinks the Political Ontlook of a Rosy Hue Not Much to Say. C. L. Magee was again the center of a crowd of friends last night at the Dnquesne Hotel, among whom were W. A. Magee, Senator Butan and a large number of oth ers. He was relating pleasant stories of in terviews made out of whole cloth on the tariff question, and attributed to Bussell Errett, when he was asked what he thought oi the political situation. He grasped the subject at once and tbe hand of a visiting friend at the same time, and replied that flexors and biceps were rather strained from the continued use to which they had been put since his return, but otherwise he thought the situation was all that could be desired from his stand point. He finished tbe expression that he has repeated so often he now has it by rote, so much so that if asked what time it is he is liable to answer: "I'm glad I'm home." THE PAETI WAS TOO GA1. Allegheny Officer Swooped Down on a Snndny Unnffnrlan Dnncr. Yesterday afternoon a dance was inaugu rated at a Hungarian boarding house on Biver avenue. Allegheny, in the building that was once the Eighth ward public school, but is now a tenement house. Sev eral families occupy it, and yesterday they combined in a grand festival, the principal refreshment being beer, of which beverage they had 15 eighth barrels. At the height of the fun Police Officers Alexander, Blazey, Furch and Blakely swooped down on them and brought the festivities to a close. There were about 40 people present, among them a number of women and children, who were not molested. "When the police appeared there was a hasty scramble to get away, and several made their escape, among them the musician with, his instrument, an accordeon. The men were captured on a charge of dis orderly conduct. THE PITTSBURG DELEGATES. Some of Those Who mil Attend ihe Catholic Congress. Bight Bev. Bishop Phelan has not yet been advised who will attend the Catholic Congress in "Washington next month from this city. He has sent out invitations to a number of the prominent members of the clergy and laity, and it is probable that all of them will go. Among the laymen who will represent Pittsburg are A. F. Keating, cf the firm of Zug & Co., and Charles F. McKenna, Esq. Among the clergymen who will go are Fathers F. L. Tobin, pastor of St. Mary's, Lawrcnoeville; J. A. Cos grove( pastor of SL James', "West End; "W. Cunningham, of Turtle Creek, and Morgan M. Sheedy, of St. Mary's of Mercy. DEAD BABT FOUND. Another Case of Possible Child Murder In the East End. Yesterday noon, as the little son ot Henry McCullougb.-with a companion, was play ing in a stable at the rear of his father's lot, at Stanton and Euclid avenues, the lads dis covered the decomposed remains of a new born babe, which was too far gone to tell whether it was white or rolored. , Mr. McCnllough thinks it is the offspring of a colored domestic who was discharged for cause some time ago by Mr. McCnllough. He thinks it was left on his premises partly through revenge and partly to get rid of the infant. The Coroner has the case in band now. THE ALLEGHENY TORN HALL. Tbe German Societies to Parade on Thnnks ctrlns Day. Three very enthusiastic meeting were held yesterday by the representatives of the different German organizations intending to participate in the parade on Thanksgiving day, on the occasion of the dedication of the new Allegheny Turner Hall. Chief Mar shal John N. Neeb, Mr. H. C. Bloedel and Mr. Gottfried Jhmsen were present at tbe meetings. The representatives of all socie ties were present and were enthusiastic over the parade, On Tuesday eveninc a meeting of the Chief Marshal, Division Marshal and stalls will be held at 261 Ohio street to decide on the route of the parade andother matters. HE MAY BEC0YEE. Willle Leslie Folia 30 Feet From a Brldgo In Allegheny. Yesterday afternoon a boy named "Willie Leslie, aged about 12 years, was on his way to Sunday school, and crossing a bridge on Preble avenue, Allegheny, when in some manner he slipped and fell a distance of about 30 feet Strange to say, he was not killed, but was very badly hurt about the back, and in fact all over the body. His ultimate recovery is confidently expected. THE PPT OPT IN THE BAM. An Uncle Accused of DriYing Two Orphan Children From Home. THEY ARE HOUSED BY THE POLICE. The Pitiful Story of Two Little Germans From Allegheny. AGENT DEAN WILL LOOK UP THE CASE Two children, a boy and a girl, carrying an old cotton umbrella, appealed to a police officer on the corner of Wood street and Diamond alley, at 4 o'clock yesterday after noon, and asked him where the house was on Diamond where they would be taken in. The officer conducted the children to the Central police station. The girl is the elder. She is 13 years old, but is so well grown and strong looking that one would say she mnst be 16. The boy is but 11, but he is bright, with good features. Their names, they said, are Louisa and Andrew Mittner. They said they had been turned ont of home to shift for themselves, and wanted a place to sleep. Agent Dean was at the station, and to him they told the following story: Their father, Andrew Mittner, died seven years ago, and their mother five years ago. They went to live with their maternal grand mother, Mrs. Barbara Hoover, on First street, in the Third ward of Allegheny. THE GKAJ.-D1IOTHF.R KEPT THEM. For five years she has cared for them, and they have attended the parochial school con nected with St. Mary's German Catholic parish, on "Washington street. Last sum mer Louisa secured work in Heinz's pickle works, in Allegheny, which brought her ?3 SO a week. This sum she gave regularly to her grandmother. The children have an uncle, John Mitt ner, living on East street, Allegheny. Two weeks ago his wire died. He sent for the grandmother to keep bouse tor him and his four small children. Of course, Louisa and Andrw went with the old lady, and at that time Louisa quit work in the pickle factory. The girl says that her uncle worked at day labor, making not much more than a dollar a day. Sometimes he earned extra money by fiddling at dances. He drank, she says, cider, beer and whisky. From the first, he grumbled at the presence of his niece and nephew, and told them he could not keep them, that he could not afford it. THEY TOOK THE SNEAK. Louisa said: "He wanted us to go away yesterday. He was always scolding around. This afternoon he said to us, 'aint it time you two was taking a sneak?' So my brother and I got ont He said for us to come over to Diamond street in Pittsburg, and we would find a place to stay. I fetched my umbrella, bnt I didn't bring my best clothes. They are over at the house." Agent Dean believes the story told by the children, and intends to visit Mittner's house to-day to look into the affair further. If he finds that the uncle turned the children out of doors, as they say, he will bring suit against John Mittner! The children say that they have an uncle named Frank Mitt ner, who is a molder in New Brighton, but he has six children ot his own. They have two uncles in Buffalo. Last night the little ones were given good meals and warm beds in the police station. AN EASI DAI FOR GKIPP. There Were Not Many Case nt the Central Station to Dispose of. Thirteen drunks were given the usual dose by Magistrate Gripp at Central station yes terday morning. Tbe number of cases was remarkably light for a Sunday hearing. Pat Powell was the only workhouse case. His wife and daughter appeared against him, and told of his former terms at the workhouse, his drunken habits and his abnse of them, so he was given 30 days. John Smith and John Sweeney, arrested for dis orderly conduct, were held over until this morning for a hearing. Joseph Gomille and Dr. Langfitt appeared, against Sarvia Carmonia, the Italian who misused Gomille's 4-year-old daughter, and the magistrate held Carmonia for an information. On the Southside Magistrate Brokaw fined Mike Glenn, Michael Connors and James Connelly ?6 40 apiece for fighting at the Point bridge. Wm. Gracie was held for a hearing on a charge of stealing $6 from, a boarder. ANDEEWS WAS MUM. Tho Republican Chairman Spent Sunday nt Mnthew Stanley' Home. Chairman Andrews, of the Bepublican State Central Committee, went to Phila delphia last night where he will remain until after the campaign. Mr. Andrews passed the day in Beaver in the hospitable home of Senator Quay. On his descending from the cars on his return to the city he was seen to be accompanied by J. S. McKean, who had a few parting words with the cheery Chairman before he boarded the train for the East. Mr. Andrews admitted the call on Senator Qnay, but was as reticent as to what transpired, as that gentleman himself can be on occasions. Mr. JIcKean good humoredly submitted to a good deal of badinage as to the coinci dence of his being on the same train as Chairman Andrews, but refrained from dropping any hints which might serve as pointers to the newseatherers. AIDING THE BLIND. A Tribute to the Ability of the Pittsburg In stitute's Faculty. "William Burton, aged 24, whose home is at Antrim, Pa., came to Central station yes terday with a letter from the City Hospital, at Bochester, N.Y., signed by Dr.Wheelock Eider, and stating that Burton was suffer ing from an optical disease that h.ad jnst about ruined his sight, and, as the "Western Pennsylvania Institution for the Blind had a reputation for curing diseases of the eye, it was thought that, as Burton was a worthy but very poor young man, he might be received for treatment Inspector McAleese, after satisfying him self of the genuineness of the appeal, sent an officer with the young man to see Mrs. Thaw about getting him entered at the Blind Institute, of which she is patroness, but that lady was not at home and Burton was given a, bed at Central station until to dav. NOTIFIED OP THEFTS. Allegheny Officers Asked to T.aok Ont for Jewelry Stolen In Toledo. The Allegheny police officials were noti fied yesterday of an extensive jewelry rob- l bery that occurred some days ago in Toledo. O., when the store of L O. Wilson was entered and robbed of 30 watches and 38 rings, besides a lot of other-goods, all of good quality. They were asked to watch the pawn shops and tbe descriptions of the goods were sent for identification. The no tification was sent out by Chief of Police O'Dwyer, of Toledo. The Allegheny police were also notified of the theft of a bay mare on Saturday night from the barn of H. H. Brown, at Cannons burg, and of the mysterious disappearance of three cows from a pasture field on Perrys ville avenue. He Dipped Nineteen Feoplr. A two weeks' revival at the South Nine teenth Street Baptist Church closed last night and after the regular services were con cluded by the pastor, Bev. J. "W. Biddle, 19 new members were immersed. The new additions to th.6 membership is the result of the six weeks' revival at Mammoth Bink, supplemented by two weeks' meetings in Mr. Kiddie's church. , ' PITTSBURG DISPATCH, EDUCATING COLORED PEOPLE. Father Greene Talks About tho Catbollo Missions Tho Work Increasing A Scarcity of Ministers. Bev. Father John H. Greene, of St Francis Xavier Colored Church, of Balti more, is in the city, and Is the guest of Very Bev. Dr. "Wall, rector of St Paul's Cathe dral. Father Greene is a member of the Order of the Fathers of St Joseph, or the Josephites, as they are called, and devote his time exclusively to the advancement of tbe colored people in the Catholic Church. The order was instituted iu this country over 20 years ago, and has established missions in all parts ot the United States. The mission on Fulton street, this city, is not under their direction, but they will assist it if occasion requires In speaking of his work to a Dispatch re porter last evening, Father Greene said: "In Baltimore, where the mother house of the Josephites in theTJnited States is located, we have six schools devoted to the edu cation of the colored people. Iu each institution is an infants, a male and a female department In addition to these we have an ecclesiastic seminary and also a college for the education of both whites and blacks for the ministry. In the college we have five colored and 35 white students. The college is a preparatory institution to the seminary, and is situated outside Balti more at a place called Highland Park. About ten years ago the grounds were pur chased by Baltimore citizens and a hotel nith ISO. nninl tinilt nt a eost of 330.000. They had a big scheme to make the place 1 a summer resort, but it leu tnrougn. y e nnrchased the tlace for $27,000 and. have been using it as a college since that time. After the students pass through the seminary, and are ordained, all of them de vote their exclusive time to the education of the colored people and the establishment of colored missions. "The work of educating the colored people has grown to such large proportions that we cannot supply priests to take charge of the missions. We get letters from all parts of the United States, showing that the race is fast becoming educated. In St Francis-Xavier parish we have a congrega tion of between 3,000 and 4,000 colored peo ple. "We own that magnificent temple in "Washington known as St. Augustine's Church. "We have just opened colored schools in Norfolk and they are increasing weekly. I have just received a letter from the Bishop of New Orleans who says the Catholic colored population in that parish is nearly 75,000. We are about to send priests and sisters from New York to the Bahama Islands off the coast of Florida and the Carolinas. "We have also recently sent a priest to take charge of a colored mission in "Wilmington, Del., and had to refuse a number ot applications on account of not having the priests. "I recently met Father McDermott, form erly of this city, who is in charge of the missions in Philadelphia. He has estab lished two schools and is doing good work in that city." Father Greene is editor and publisher of the St. Joseph's Adiocate, a well-known Catholic magazine. He is of Irish birth and a learned gentleman. SOME FIRESIDE LAW. Old Notions That Hold In the Rnrnl DIs trlels Concerning Realty Sale and Wills Some Specimens. "Whether or no it be true, as Hume held, that all our notions of moral right and wrong are tbe result of experience, certain it is that in Pennsylvania many notions and beliefs prevail, the foundation for which the holders know nothing of. For instance in the rural districts of most of the original 13 States thousands of people believe that a deed to property is scarcely safe, that is if there be a wife in tbe case, it would not be safe to bet on its rutting her out of dower, although she acknowledge it in a regular legal form, unless the vendee give her some kind of a tangible present, and that present is generally a dress pattern. Where the sale is of small proportions the dress is usually of calico or some other cheap stuff, but if the deal be a large one, the gift is often more substantial. It is -a sort of a clearing of the legal equation of fractions. Of course, in the districts spoken of most men who come into considerable contact with the world have outgrown the idea of any necessity attaching to the prac tice, but the women have come to regard it as a right, and successful real estate dealers cultivate good will by yielding ' to a custom which once had a foundation in reason. Mr. Kelly, of Herron & Sons, states that he has seen traces of the notion in their transactions with some old-fashioned people. The most substantial evidence he has found lately of atavism in this respect was in the case of a woman who refused to join her hus band in a deed unless she were paid $500. It is supposed she had long wanted that sum and concluded to strike when she could do it effectually. Some lawyers whose attention was called to the matter stated they had no doubt that it grew out of the ancient practice of livery of seizin, Jin use at a time when most people could not write. It was tben necessary to do some notorious act that would fix the transaction in the minds of a neighborhood generally. To divest an estate of dower might require the performance of some act on the part of the wife as notorious as the delivery of the twig, or key, or turf by her spouse. A belief also prevails much more generally than most people suppose that a will will not stand attack unless the testator leave all his direct heirs something. Of course all agree that he can not deprive his wife of her valid rights, but some people firmly believe that a man can not cut his children out absolutely, even though he be admitted to be of sound mind and disposing ability. Some say that 51 is sufficient, while others contend that it must be $5. It does not appear to be known ab solutely what gave rise to the belief, but it is supposed that to refer to a natural heir in this way was evidence that he had not been overlooked by the testator and that tbe lat ter had well-digested views of his duty in this respect There may be other reasons for the vnlgar belief, but that it is quite prevalent most people of experience in the world and 'its notions and ways can testify. A BRUTAL POLE Quarrels With His Landlord nnd Throws n Child Across the Room. Shortly after 6 o'clock last evening An thony Staultz, a Pole, who was somewhat under the influence of liquor, went to his hnnrriintr honse. kp.nt bv a man named PaI'I laski in Spring alley, near Twenty-eighth" street. Staultz was in an angry mood, and soon picked a quarrel with Polaski. A scuffle ensued, in which Polaski was some what used up. Staultz was very much en raged, and as soon as he could free himself from the boarding house keeper, picked up a child between 1 and 2 years old, and hurled the little one over a table and across the room. He then escaped frqm the house and sought shelter in a neighbor's. The child, on being examined, was found to have sustained serious and perhaps fatal injuries. Officer Miller was called in, and soon had Staultz under arrest and locked up in the Central Station. WfllSKI AND PRATERS. John Hughes Had to be Ejected From tho Oakland SI. E. Cbnrcfa. Just about the time services arere to begin in the Oakland. M. E. Church last night John Hughes, who was somewhat under the influence of liquor, staggered into the church and took possession of a pew. He got down on his knees and began praying and shouting in a vigorous manner. Sexton Deamer undertook to eject him from the church, but the task proved to be too much for him. He called to his assistance several of the male members of the congregation, who finally succeeded in getting the intoxi cated worshiper as far as the Fourteenth ward patrol stable. Fob a disordered liver try Beecham't Fills. Pears' Soap the purest and best everjmado MONDAY, "OCTOBER 28, FOREIGN STEEL MEN. Experts From Sweden Visiting the Mills of the United States. HOLDERS EXPECT TO TDEN IB S00H. A Committee Prom Carnegie's Mills to Call on the Firm To-Day. ABOUT TRADES AND THE1E TROUBLES Messrs. J. S. Brinell and Gustavns Uhr, of Sweden, arrived in the city yesterday afternoon, and are stopping at the Monon gahela House. Mr. Brinell is an expert chemist and steel master connected with the Fagersta Steel Works in Sweden. Mr. Uhr is a civil and mechanical engineer. In their professions both gentlemen stand very high, yet are both yonng men, at least, hardly up to the middle point of life. Mr. Brinell is an author on steel matters who Is frequently quoted in the technical journals of Europe and America. One article by him is espe cially referred to as being the highest author ity on the subject treated of. It is a dis cussion of the crystalline and structural changes caused in steel by the procees of heating and cooling, published in the Ger man journal. Steel and Iron, iu 1885, and reprinted in this work. ! The gentlemen have been in the United States since September 7, inspecting the iron and steel mills, for the purpose of learning it there be any machinery or pro cesses employed here which are superior to those used in their own land. They have visited mills in New England, New York, Philadelphia and other Eastern points and will remain here during the better part of the week. They desire especially to go through the Edgar Thomson Steel Works at Braddock. Mr. Brinell said last evening: "We have seen much that is new, interesting and valuable to us. We have been especially surprised by the fine machinery in the mills here. Thatsurnasses anything that we have in our country. Your work is therefore done more rapidly. We'have been much pleased by the cordial manner in which we have been received and permitted to see everything not in one place, but in every place we have visited. We have been treated with tbe greatest kindness, and are grateful for it" One of the matters they noted with pleasure is the preparation making in Johnstown, at the Cambria Iron Works, to construct car axles by a process based upon Mr. Brinell's well-known article in Steel and Iron. Mr. Uhr received yesterday, immediately after his arrival, a cable message from Stockholm informing him that he has been appointed by the Swedish Government to the position of an inspector of factories. He says that such inspection is just being in troduced in Sweden, tbe object being to see that mills and factories are safe in their machinery, structures, etc. Mr. Uhr will accept the position and will depart for home in about two weeks. Mr. Brinell will remain somewhat longer, .j TIME STORES SHOULD CLOSE. Mr. Hcmlngray Given His Version of the K. of L. Difficulty. Mr. B. I. Hemingray, of the Southside Installment Company, was seen yesterday about his di fSculty with L. A. 4907, K. of L., salesmen. He said: "Mr. Ocb, on be half of the K. of L., called on us in May, and asked us to sign the agreement about tbe closing of the store. We signed it on the distinct understanding that it shonld bold good only through the months of Jane, July and August Mr. Ocb. Said that that was perfectly satisfactory. This agreement we have observed. Other firms signed with the same understanding. AVe are not fight ing the Knights of Labor and in proof of onr being in the right, we have the following from Mr. Boss:" It. I il.cmlngray, Esq.: Dear Sib Mr. Charles C. Ochfaas convinced me that there was a misunderstanding In rela tion to the signing of the article of agreement between your firm and 4907.. I desire to place him right In this matter as he IS not positive as to what was said concerning the opening of the stores on September, and as far as he is per sonally or individually concerned, wants to be relieved from all blame attached to him, and in justice to Mr. Och, I write this with tbe hope that all blame you may attach to him be re moved. Yours reipectf nllv, L N. Boss, D. M. W. E. of L. Mr. Hemingray said that his position stoed in the position of the aggrieved, and disclaimed any ill will toward, or intention offigb.tingtheK.ofL. . TO ADJDST THE PAT DAIS. A Committee of Carnegie & Co.'s .Employes to Sleet the Firm To-Day. At a meeting of Carnegie & Co.'s Law renceville employes, held in Patterson's Hall, Penn avenue, on Saturday afternoon, a committee was appointed to call on Chair man Abbott to-day with reference to the proposition of the firm to adopt the custom general among iron and steel manufacturers in this district of paying semi-monthly in stead of the present plan of every two weeks. Several of the men who were seen yesterday said that the general expectation was that the firm would hold to its intention, and that the men would withdraw their oppo- DlllUU, DUvU IU A. HAS. J.UC UiCU BfJUfkCU UJ said that personally they were in favor, of the change rather than otherwise, and that they did not see how the majority of the men could be inconvenienced by it Chairman Abbott, when spoken to on the matter, said that tbe question was one not embodying'any principle; tbatit was simply a detail of their business which required adjustment, and that very much more pub licity was afforded the matter than it was J worth. He added that there was no reason for supposing that any friction between the firm and their men would arise as regards it. THE HOLDERS ARE HOPEFUL. Fonr Hundred Assemble In Imperial Hall to Talk Over Affairs. Some 400 molders assembled in the Im perial Hall yesterday afternoon to discuss tbe outlook for a speedy settlement of their tussle with the manufacturers for increased pay. Nothing of any importance transpired, the men being seemingly content to allow the condition of affairs to remain as they are since they believe that their demand will be yet generally conceded. That the founders are not in harmony on the question, and have not formulated anygeneral plan of ac tion, is gathered from the cession of the Crescent Foundry Company on Saturday, as already reported, and which was said to have taken a stand against yielding the in crease. The general impression abroad is that most of the men will have returned to work again before the close of the week. It was reported that the stove moldersT were contemplating the advisability of ask ing for an increase, but if so, nothing had been done in that direction so far. It is not thonght that they will. LEFT THE M. M. P. U. The Grand Opera and Blloa Orchestras Have Resigned at Last. A meeting of the Mutual Musical Pro tective Union was held at its Fifth avenue office yesterday afternoon. President Buhe was absent, but Secretary McCluskey took up the transaction Of the routine business. The resignations of Leader Peter A. Schwartz, of the Grand Opera House, and his men, which were received on last Friday a week, were formally accepted, as well as those of members of the .Bijou orchestra, which were tendered about the same time. The two orchestras concerned have regarded themselves as being- free from the union from the date of their' resignations. "$fS(4 1889. AM0XG GLASS WORKERS. O'ltara's Factory 61111 Idle Flourishing Things nt Jetumette. "' Tbe position at the O'Hara Flint Glass Works remains unchanged. Another con ference between the executive of the union and the firm will-probably take place when President Smith returns from Philadelphia. A gentleman prominentamongglass workers gave it as his opinion last night that the firm would concede the point in dispute. There was a rumor yesterday in the city that there was trouble pending between the McKee Flint Glass Company, at Jean nette, and the operatives. When Secretary Dillon returned last night from that flour ishing township, whither he had gone by a midday train, he said that he had been there to attend a meeting of the flint glass work ers, and that there was no difficulty ahead. He reported the trade as being in capital condition, and said that there was talk of another tank being placed in the window glass factory. Tbe above report may be due to the num ber of glassworkers from O'Hara's factory and from several out-of-town points who as sembled at the Bxcelsior building on Satur day. Glass factories are getting into full swing. Ibmsen's (two houses started up on Satur day, and D. O. Cunningham's upper glass nouse is expected to De piown in on to-morrow or "Wednesday. THE LABOR MARKET ACTITB. Not Enough Men In the City for the Require menu of tho Work. More than the usual activity which per vades all branches of trade at this season of tbe year is apparent at the present time. Contractors and others, whose work is prin cipally outside, are hurrying up their con tracts, so as to get through before winter sets in in earnest "At this moment," said a building con tractor on Saturday, "there is not an idle man in tho city of Pittsburg, or its vicinity, who is not so of his own choice. Every branch ot skilled labor iis more than fully employed, dne as much to the lively con dition of business in general, as to the efforts of employers to hasten up their work before the bad season sets in. If COO laborers were to strike the city to-day they would all find employment inside 24 hours. Just at present enough men cannot be ob tained to do the city contract work, and some pipe line and railroad contractors are offering increased wages as an inducement to men to come to them." The numerous advertisements for labor of all kinds which appeared in last week's daily press bears out this view, and the In dications are lor a continued activity in all branches of labor for some time to come. THE COUNCIL ORGANIZED. A New Trades Assembly Formed at East Liverpool, O. Joseph L. Evans, President of the Central Trades Council, Secretary William Dillon and John Ebman, of this city, returned from East Liverpool yesterday morning, where thev completed the organization of a trades assembly at that place Saturday evening. The new council is to be com posed of all the. labor organizations in East Liverpool and vicinity. It starts out with 11 associations. Edward Cook, of the Bricklayers' Union, is the permanent Presi dent of the assembly. ETANS' COURSE APPROVED. The K. of L. Slaters' Trouble Finally Settled by Sir. Fowderly. Joseph L. Evans yesterday mailed a let ter to A. W. "Wright, of the General Execu tive Board Knights of Labor, at Philadel phia, in regard to the trouble between L. A. 401 Knights of Labor Slaters and tbe Mar ble and Slate Workers and Tile Layers Union. He received a letter from Mr. "Wright several days ago in which his course in organizing the 'slaters was finally, ap proved bv General Master Workman Pow derly. . ' , f GAS BURNED PER TEAS, The Amount Represents ihe Consumption of 7,000,000 Tons of Coal. There are 27,350 miles of pipe mains used for the transmission of natural gas. In this city there are 500 miles which supply 40 iron working factories, 37 glass houses, 83 foundries and shops. 450 enterprises of vari ous kinds, and 4,263 private houses. The amount of gas consumed is represented by an annual consumption oi about 7,000,000 tons of coal. W1HD DP THE CLOCK. Lessons for tbo Young People of tbe Chris tlan Endeavor Societies An Anniver sary Sermon. Bev. H. B. Grose, pastor of the Fourth Avenue Baptist Church, preached the an niversary sermon before the Young Peo ple's Society of Christian Endeavor last evening. His subject was "Strength in Unity," and the discourse was made up of instructive lessons to the young folks. Jle analyzed the words of the name forming the society and explained what it meant Among other things he said: "Take the word 'young. What avenue or avocation is shut so tight that a young man may not force his way to success. The great clock of the universe of activities would run down were it not ior tne ureiess energy and enthusiasm of the young, who are forever winding it up. Society, it brings us at once to that law which holds in every line of human activity, tbatit is not good for men to be alone. If men had confined themselves to isolated effort the world's great enterprises of government, commerce and religion could not have been sustained. In this society each member is a part of the great whole and has special work to do. "The word endeavor has as its foundation, duty, the everlasting ought, the possession of which marks the difference between the strong .man and the weak, but the word 'Christian' gives significance to ail the oth ers. The grandest epitaph that can be writ ten is simply this: 'He" was a Christian.' Christian endeavor means something differ ent to the young, to join together to pnt forth all their power to do their duty." The two lessons impressed upon the mem bers were that society should be a thoroughly hospitable, ever-remembering, welcoming committee of one. The members were ad vised to be enthusiastic in their work. One man, the pastor stated, when earnest, is a mighty power. Enthusiasm in the society, he said, will attract those outside who are wanted in tie church. Broke His Nose. Mayor Fearsonhad 12 cases before him at the morning hearing in Allegheny yester day. John Enbrey was fined ?25 for break ing a man's nose in a saloon fight, and, in delanlt, went to the workhouse for 60 days. James Jennings and M. P. Lynch paid $10 and costs each for disorderly conduct' William McCoy and John Dougherty paid half that amount for the same offense. THE EVERETT CLUB PIANO THIS WEEK Will be Delivered to Certifleato No. 248. The name of the fortunate member is with held by request as the piano is intended as a surprise to the daughter, and a delightful surprise it will be. Do yon know that we are making some tamily happy every week? It is pleasant 'business. Members of our club are saying at least $75 in tbe price of the piano, and getting an instrument that will be lasting enjoyment on tbe easiest payments ever heard Of, only 51 per week. We have room for a few more members. Don't be too late, but call and see us, or send for circular at once. Alex. Boss, Manager, 137 Federal street iPIaBoIdtasaa And stand lamps, in various styletat the jewelry house of Henry Tertteydea, 630 BmiUneid at. Jtwf WILD WEST POFFCfe. Korttiern Dakota Has tbe Mortgage Business Down Fine. " M0T6AG0B8-CHABACTEBS 6IYE5 By Brokers as -Inducements for Invest ment by Capitalists., FBUGAHTX AHD CAPACITI L0AHABL1 Most people know that the illimitable West is more or less original in its methods of doing things, in business or otherwise. In the- first place, it isn't ham pered as we are by our wedding to ancient English forms of law and a man may rise to eminence at the bar in many places in the Occident on the strength of natural abili ties and a fair eeneral education without abstruse knowledge of law as laid down in the books. These Westerners also recognize that mere is still some unoccupied Ground on this globe, and when they lay out a city they make tbe streets wide enough to accom modate cable cars and waeons also, so that the lattexare 'not compelled to pull out of tne iracK every nve minutes, tnus wcanue ont a horse ere-he has lived half his natural time of usefulness. They also do several other' things unhampered by old fogy prec edent that inure to tbe benefit of all. But it seems to be left to the bank of Minot, North Dakota, to do something unique in the mortgage business. In Penn sylvania a man's character nas little to do with his ability to "borrow money, either on two-name paper, 'stock collateral or mort gage but in North Dakota1 "good name in man or woman is the immediate jewel of the soul.-" and character is an element in busi ness transactions. -A Grant street lawyer has received circulars -from the bant namea calling his attention to the desirability of some mortgages it has for sale, and they may possibly contain pointers for bankers and Brokers 'hereabouts. Some cases are taken at random from the,list THIS WK "WXLIi MAKE XSTESE3T. For instance, the investing public is told that in No. 12,155 Israel M. Bosenquate's mortgage is for.f-120. The rate of interest on his mortgage is 8- per cent; it is on 160 acres of land 60 of which are under cul tivation; land appraised at 51,475, build ings at $75, total 1,550. The farm is in Bamsey county, is six miles from town, and the mortgagor has three head of stock. For fear that the property might not be consid ered good for 26 cents on the dollar, with three head of stock to back it up. the readeris informed by the bank that "With the amount this man has under cultivation he is sure to raise crop enough to pay his interest" This being assured, the buyer might let the mortgage run until tbe county become pleasant for living when he could swoop down and foreclose. The mortgage on Iver Gabrielson's place isn't quite so 'good, $400 on a (900 valua tion, but his farm is two miles nearer town. and the public is Assured that Iver "is a Norwegian," and that "Ms prudent habits insure him success." " -" Joseph Grossman carries a mortgage of 4iu on a valuation oi ci,ow, wuick uic bank impliedly admits is, a rather heavy sum, but the information fa added that the "mortgagor Is a Buuian of frugal habits; has his farm well improved; has good credit and will undoubtedly meet all payments.' Michael P. Lerfald carries (400 on a valua tion of (1,750,-bata herhas 14 head of stock. and the bank states that "a farmer with 14 head of cattle is sure to meet his encase ments promptly' There have been farmers in tbis county, Allegheny. However, wno, with more than 14 head of cattle, failed to meet their engagements promptly. The list runs on at great length in the enumeration ot tne moral, mental, cnnstlan, energetic and national virtues of the holders of incumbered property, bnt one or two more will suffice.: A. E. Long is de scribed as X.Xi 'A SMAfeTTOTKG MAN" wild is in the mercantile business and has been in the country seven years." Williim A. Soule'ls an industrious young man 26 years old. In 'addition' to-other virtues Charles V. Tucker has" a mower binder, gang plow, harrow, seeder, breaking plow and roller and 12 head of stock. While these are not subject to the mortgage, they show that, other things being: regular, Charles V. Tucker is entitled to social recognition as an infant-State Muldoon. The rate of interest all through the list is 8 to 9 per cent. It would appear from the prospectus of some ot tne panics m.JNortn uaxota mat mortgages were preferred in that State to bank stocks. For instance, one bank there, of $100,000 .capital, has $21,159 66 surplus, pays 10 per cent dividends, and yet its stock is offered at 90 per cent of its par value. There seems to lie but one improvement that can be suggested to North Dakota's way of doing-Business; and that would be to give the mortgagor's religion and. polities. Some men might be willing to pay a round price for a mortgage, Tn the hope of being some day able to foreclose on an enemy of the faith, ' either religious' or political. Calvinists and Arminians might make each other danee, or .Democrats and Bepublicans, then,- too, people might be in duced to buytmortgages from reasons' dia metrically opposite to. these. The more the proceedure is studied the more it recom mends itself. . TICKET SALE TO-DAY . Ifot Thomas' Concert. The sale of tickets lor the grand testimon ial concert of Theodore; Thomas opens this morning at 9 o'clock at JEL Kleber & Bro.'s music store, 506 Wood street ere is an immense inquiry after tickets and good seats, so call.earlv and secure favorable po sitions. A grand musical treat is in store for us, and it is confidently predicted that even standing room will fetch & premium. The MeClellan House, Gettysburg, Pa., is to be sold at public sale November 6, 1889. The great number of Tisitors to Get tysburg makes' it !a desirable point for A good hotel. Tbe property to be sold is sus ceptible of improvement and enlargement at comparatively-small outlay. See adver tising column i MW3 , " 7ree!nFrer! If you hold a family tickef for Hendricks &' Co.'s photograph, gallery, 68 Federal street Alleghenv, ase it and get a handsome life-size crayon: for Christmas ot yourself or childrenfree. FIveHaidred Club tickets yet to be returned to EliteGal lery, 516 Market street before Noveaber 1. Lucky possessors .please call. Cane, Gold andsifver heads, in great variety, ai Henry lerheydea's, 630 Bmitnneia tt. itwr ImpuritiEB irf the Liver. When the Liver is crowded or clotted with a BtesB'et tapurities. its actlea be comes slow, and difficult. Pleurisy, Headache, Pain in Side, Tired Feeling asd aeaerarWeakness ensues, result ing, if unchecked, ia BBOKEir DOWN ST8TEMS. When yea. have these symptoms, try a ' few doses of taeoeauiae DR. G McLANE'S Celebrated: Liver Pills. Price, 36 eeajs..SoM A WH.drsajWe, areSleSeS aaa prepare oaiy - rKHWK,'rt. w j -it- Si. atma. alsBasnsBBT Ota BBymw BraraaasBaj ItiS. j WAKTS SO IBYISIWr. An 'Sloqaeat Appeal la Leave Xeckosaaaa, aa It la at Present. Bev. C. E. Locke last evening- preached to a very large isoBgregatloa oa "Why Methodism Needs No Bevkka of Her Creeds." It was a powerful appeal to let well enough alone. He repeated asd reiter ated "Wo need no revision ia.tfc M4fc dist or any oyier EvaageHeal oJmVsk. There were no elect and no predoosaed. AH were alike in their choice to rejeet or akide in the love God. " "We need no revision. The doctrine of ft future punishment Is as legieallr shows m the existence of that great. buildiBg filled p with felon at Eiverside, as that smaller but similar building ia the hartofth city. There are laws divine, as well u human, a breach ot which incurs a penalty, and that penalty is in proportion to the " majesty of an ooended God, and is, lika Him, eternal. "Theawiul eryea Mount Calvary, 'My God, my God, why has thou forsaken w.' showed that at the supreme mosaest of His azony Christ felt the punishment iaearced for the sins of others, and the mas, for a moment let his nature assert itself over the Goahead. Werwarit so reviaiea: the re ligion that is not good enough to live by m not cood enough to die by, and should s revision of our creed and religioa be at tempted here it would sooa leave eaptypewa instead of the Iaree and intellisrest hedv of LMethodlsts Xnow face' k LOSS OF $3,006, Tbe Jnettea Koad's Old Osaee Besfraved by Flra Yesterday, , Shortly before 3 o'clock yesterday injr Officer Bond discovered afire- is'fte' building occupied by John Master as a" carpenter shop on Thirty-third, near Liaerty street An alarm was turned la frees, hex 67, bnt by the time the esgiae eeaptniei reached the scene the structure was a bum v of flames. The firemen, however, did geed work, and in a short time had the bksa quenched. The building was originally, built for a Methodist church, and later used as the office of the Jan etiear reed. The loss was about (3,090, on whiek. there f was an insurance of about (860. The arigiav of the fire is a mystery- ,a4fe' 3& jds. hdrne mm .1 PENN1 AVENUE STOXIS, PrrrSBBBO, Monday, October 28,' ,. !, Columns could be writtetubi yiaam ot?' 4" our wonderful Dress Geeds steek,raav! not a line or a word weaM be UBneteanL The extent of the assortmeats aad. f the superiority ot te goods are ase! points we wish to lfeyfess upeayear minds this morning; , , ,, A We have sole control fK"W4aji Pennsylvania of many of the bestauMiaT ' of goods of Europe. Oar parehaeas atdjg dbeet from the maaafietajsrsaadCi every piece of fine (feeds la eacsseas: fc '' has been made to car order. ' '"""- In almost every ease we have sees saVp goods ia its nateral eeler, seieeted eac8" own shades and had she geeae 4fd ? ' cording to our best Judgment ir . - ,J Every piece of Colored Ureas flossau in ear stock Is either dyed la tfce wesjac&fc " dyed la tee aataral fray ia ike fittCG Every pieeeof coeds we saewis ; dye. We show bo gseds., that leek. Jaetf mo&eageem. - iv -4r-. - K T- ' 4 f " Aadla tie exteaatfeaesa ei ear s we have lew prteed sjeeaa if aafv Hak poor, desire teeaitaedBlgayr!eed to finest for the trade" that dear them, OarsisapefalarsteK. In every ease yea "are afesefetesrv of getting all of year B&eaej's wei CossWatiylaereaateg-trade of ttot Our Broadcloth: ' They are dyed la taeweel era gray. Every piece ta stum rtiailr, i for the cutter. ' " '" i al A few new Kgat Pariejaa i in tie Broadcletbs: , VI Cayr (Ught aaddaKL Lrfevee, Coleas, Creosea oraean Mercury, oumolse. New Cream . aa "Waste. Fine LeadM Cteta SarMaflc,- conflaea aaaaay tsijasaea' tahliSBseats. aaa eafcriB placed oh, retail counter. It Is less to say.taey an exewstva wtta all Western Peastf rasaa. aa4arj OVKB 98 DMWWS tit TB WatMae is naea wertfcyr at aaa the reeewed fiver bestowed aaea elegant Caatel Bate faeries. ' ' -4M The fiae Fraaeh qaaJ&es; 68 (a yard. JBTSJ A special Camel Hair Cteta. M faea ea wide, at 8 78, M an we newest saaaes.1 The new shade Assert jt-la eaatel Ha. '.i Beaattt al Plaids la Camel Hair, t Wo have eahr" -beet of fahft.Ti wfctea leek saea. A'aeer trade Camel Hair seea leek aaei, aid? is practieaUywertaiesc treat tke fitec r Bey tee Best. Flee naferted mst aadfreef (maris, asd Caatel Heir Bs to sates aH bee aew ObbhI Hair OarHae of beaaWel Parle Robes Is aaeelateir faultless. patten aew. teieetaad good. 7fc Haaa jsuiwoiaerea sieves we exqalsitev CespaaMa te tae jRvaeects a Use of eaaSKajxaris Hade ler the retail trad ef Tea have the tasM sslsctsea saMa aameprieesosfererf y tsieat r!efA the best Paristea retail steree. jaVstnac wear w Teryekeeteliaat. $ s) WU( 10 Mil eWflBy aavWaTWStwWT'M gaat steek ef Laees at aaeeaer JDSr HDRNE-1 CE'Bj HHW'AVimJI STOMMK rrrvrf? : 'j&m- SBF attaWiV , gWatsamaaaaaaaC? - -Hlfe -- . .... F V m s5Ss taaWwEtHi ttr -3 n IftL lira R PI .--,-. - ' r . J K. s v- EMS: -. . ." aaat. viuj . , , . slssMastsMts3asMstfstsui'ifrii ini ,f rVAiT-',A & jssEsSSSssBslBSBEaBfaBscEflEnsxSHSSsaBsaBSscsa&r