v ' !T4 10 our God who spoke by him, for lie touched the hearts even of the rebellions, so that they murmured and complained no more. And when at last he proclaimed to the multitude that no erring man, but the Lord God himielt, would be our captain; when ho described the beauty of the promised land, whose gates he would open be fore us and where we should dwell as free and happy men, released from all bondage, owing no obedi ence to any but to the God of our fathers and those whom we may choose for our leaders, it was as though every man there was drunk with new wine, and as if the way that lay before them, instead of a barren track across the desert into the unknown, led to a great feast spread for -them by the Most High Himself. 2ay, and even those who bad sot heard Aaron's" words were likewise filled with marvelous confidence, and men and women were all more cheerful and noisy than their wont at the harvest feast, for all hearts overflowed with pure thankfulness. It even seized the old folks. Old Elishania, the father of IT un, who is 100 years old, and as you know has long sat bent and silent in his seat, rose np witli a light in his eyes and spoke fiery words. The spirit of the Ijord had come upon him as upon us all. j"I felt myself quite young again in body and soul, and as I passed by the carts which were made ready lor their departing 1 saw Elishcba with 'her babe in a litter, and she looked as happy as on the day of her marriage, and pressed her infant to her heart and blessed his lot in growing np in the Promised Land and free. And her hus band, Deuel, who had blasphemed the loud est, swung his staff and kissed his wife and child with tears of joy in his eyes, and shouted lor joy like a vintager at the press ing when jars and wine skins are too small to hold the blessing. The old woman, too. Graveyard Keziah, who had torn herself away "irom the tombs of her race, sat with other feeble folk in a chariot, and waved her veil and joined in the hymn of praise which Elkanah and Abiasaph, the sons of Korah, had begun. And thus they set forth. "We who were left behind fell into each other's arms, and knew not whether the tears we shed flowed from our eyes for grief or for overjoy at seeing the multitude of those we loved so glad and fall of hope. Thus it came to pass. "Pitch torches were carried in front of the multitude, seeming to light it np more brightly than the great blaze of lamps which the Egyptians light up at the gates of the temple to Xeith, and it was not till they were swallowed up in the darkness that we set forth, so as not to keep Aser too long behind the rest. As we made our way through the night the streets were full of the mourning cry of the citizens, hut we sang softly the hymn of the sons of Koran and great joy and peace fell upon us, for we knew that the Lord our God would keep and lead His people." Here the old man ceased, but his wife and the girl, who had hearkened to him with eager eyes, drew closer to each other, and without any word between them they both together began the hymn of praise, and the old woman's thin voice mingled with pathetic fervor with the harsh tones of the girl, ennobled as they were by lofty enthusi asm. Joshua felt that it would be wicked to break in on this overflow ot full hearts, but the old man presently bade them cease and looked up at his master's first bora son with anxious inquiry in his grave features. Had Joshua understood? Had he made it plain to this warrior who served Pharaoh how that the Lord God him self had ruled the souls of His people at their departing. Was he so lallen away from his own na tion and their Goa, so "led away by the Egyptians, that he would dare to defy the wishes and commands of his own father ? "Was he, in whom they had set the high est hopes, a deserter and lost to his own peo ple? To these questions he might have no an swer in words; but when Joshua took his horny old hand between his own and shook it as that of a friend, when he bade him farewell, his eyes glistening with moisture, and murmured, "Yon shall hear of me 1" he felt that this was enough, and overcome by vehement joy he kissed the soldier's arm and clothing again and again. TO BE COlfTIXUED XEXT SUNDAY. 1 A TEST OF STEAM POWER. Jin Apprentice Surprised by the Supposed Brsnlt of Ills Experiment. A tinker's apprentice, who was of an in quiring turn of mind, was wont to improve the time which his master spent each day in an after-dinner nap, iu making experiments of his own. One day he thought to test the power of steam, and so filling the tea kettle partly tull of water, he riveted the cover on tight and strong, and after plugging the nose with a cork stopple, placed a pane of glass in range and bnilt a good fire, expect ing to see the stopple pop out with sufficient force to break the glass. But things didn't woikjustashe planned. The stopple be came swollen by the.steam and did not pop, and the confined steam sought for liberty by blowing the kettle in pieces, breaking the glass, and making sad havoc about the shop, Jurt then the youth thought of the tinker who had been sleeping in the loft overhead and glanced upward. JVow the apprentice did not know that the gentleman wore a wig, and when he saw him surveying the ruins from aloft with not a hair on his head, the culprit thought he had blown it all off, and finished up his experiment by iainting from Iright. THE BLESSINGS OP LABOK. Why We Should Take Off Onr Hull In Ilonor ot Mother Eve. XI ta California. The human race has been saved Dy hav ing to work. It digged its way out of its primeval pit by work. When it discovered its nakedness and had to be clothed, it worked for its raiment; when it appre ciated the responsibilities of fatherhood to be the feeding and rearing of the young, it worked under the implnse of an affection that was refined abovejthe instincts of the brute. The relation ot husband and wife was made possible and proper only by the willingness to work that it might gather to it the necessaries of existence and finally be adorned by the promptings of intellectual as well as physical wants. If Mother Eve is responsible for all this we lift our hat to her and offer the sincerest respect to her great memory. She did more tor mankind than Adam and ail of his male descendants. A. One Dead. I love thee as we love the loved who die, Blessing those dajs in which thy life had part, Forgiving thee their after-ache and smart, Forgetfnl of tby faults and frailty. Excusing in my thoughts what still must lie In mystery. Knowing, the while, no art Of fate, of time can win my constant heart One answeiing thought from thine, one faint reply. The agonizing, hopeless, last farewell Sobbed from my soul was wailed above the dead. As such, thou art forgiven, and the spell Of love idealizing round thee shed, All memories unhallowed to dispel, Till passion from my thoughts of thee hath fled. Cora Dam in Inter Ocean. It A.Ionl.he the Indiana. Christian Union. .. H. once told me how a party of Indians, fresh from the wilds, greeted their first view of a locomotive. They made no comment, nd didn't even get up off the ground to ex amine it. But when a lineman walked up a telegraph pele, like 'a woodpecker np a maple, tbey fell into paroxysms of enthusi asm. 8imply one thing was within the range of their astonishment, and the other wasn't. A Learned aian'i Mistake. Sersntoa Truth. , Edwin Arnold ii a great correspondent as well as a famous poet In one of his recent letters to the London Telegraph he located Philadelphia In New Jersey. This, we presume, most be accepted as a poetic li- HOW COTTON GROWS. Some Facts Abont the Procedure on . a Southern Plantation. PREPARING THE LAUD FOR SEED. -Picturesque Scenes During the Cotton Picking Season. TEE KATIOXV YAST COTTON FIELD muruj ron thi cisrATcn.1 Enter one of the great drygoods empori ums of the city of Pittsburg and one be holds immense stacks of beautiful prints in every shade and pattern, snow-white bolts of bleaching, brown domestics and sheetings of every width np to twelve quarters. To the visitor these goods, in their present com plete and finished state, are not at all sug gestive of the various transformations they have undergone from the time the tiny seed of the cotton plant were sown in the sunny fields of the South until the finished fabrio is nlaced in the salesrooms in the Northern cities. With the very beginning of the new year, if the weather is pleasant, the labor on the plantation begins. The Christmas holidays last until Epiphany, or, as the darkies call it. '"Old Christmas." alter which fun and frolic ceases, hunting parties are hard to get together and shooting matches are thingsaof the past. Only the young people keep up the festivities with an occasional party dur ing the long winter evenings at some neigh boring farm house, while the "older heads" sit by the huge log fires and, between whin's at long-stem pipes and mugs of beaded cider, seriously discuss their plans for the successful cultivation of another cotton crop. First to be considered is the "compost," or fertilizer. To prepare this great piles, often containing thousands of loads of rich earth, swamp muck or woods mold are collected. This constitutes the absorbent to which an active principle in the form of lime, stable manure, or the seed from the last year's crop of cotton, is added. Somn planters use all three as different fields require, besides commercial fertilizers. While part of the help are thus engaged others are removing the old growth ot cotton stalks and running the plows. During bad weather, i. e., weather unfit for plowing and hauling, fences are repaired, gates strengthened, wood cut, lightwood collected, farming im plements gotten ready, logs rolled and burned, new land grubbed, young mules broken in, and the thousand and one odd jobs about a plantation looked after. For two months or more the work goes steadily on, then begin "laying off" the rows and distributing the manure, which is covered with one furrow of the turning plow as fast as distributed. When all themanure is spread the ether furrows are thrown upon it, forming a finely prepared bed three leet and three inches wide all ready for the reception of the cotton seed. Between the 20th of April and the 10th of Hay the seed are sown. This is done with a "planter" drawn by one mule along the center of the prepared bed, opening the drill, evenly de positing the seed therein and nicely cover ing them at one operation leaving the bed flat and smooth. Each "row" is thus treated, and when the field is finished it has the appearance ot a nicely rolled garden. In ten days, with a shower of rain, the cotton will be up "from end to end." CHOPPING OUT. Sow for "chopping out" and securing a "stand," which is the most important part of the work. Every "hand" that can be mustered is put to work, and the plantation presents a scene of great activity, for the sooner this is accomplished the better for the crop. Plows go ahead and "scrape off" one side of each row; after every plow fallow ten eood "choppers" with sharp steel hoes block! ng.out the young plants to 14 inches apart, two to a hill. After the ten choppers come immediately two plows throwing the dirt back to the cotton. Every row "chopped" dnring the day must have the dirt thrown back to it before the sun goes down. If not, the next day may be rainy and the work is much more difficult hence this rule. Ten good hands will "chop" ten acres per day, so in ten days they will go over 100 acres. Many planters work 0 of these bands, so vast fields are soon gone over and given the first working. This "first work ing" over, satisiactonly, and the planter feels his crop comparatively safe. The same operation, however, must be repeated every ten days during the season, though each time there s less work for the hoes the ploughing often being all that is neces sary until the "laying by" of the crop the last of July. To no class of agriculturalists is the old couplet "He who by the plow would thrive. Himself must either hold or drive, more applicable than to the cotton planter. To succeed he must indeed be a "hustler." Of all crops the cotton crop is the most capricious. Like Fortune, it is very un certain. And Ceres undoubtedly fails to give it the attention she does other crops thereby requiring greater exertion on the part of man. It seems to meet with innumerable set backs, and often when the hopes of the planter are brightest, a few days' unfavorable weather will almost blast his prospects. It is. a very tender plant and easily injured. The cold, the wet, the red ants, the boll worm, the army worm, and the caterpillars are a few oi its enemies. It thrives best in hot, dry weather when every other plant is parched and withering it remains green and flourish ing. When the land is in a high state of culti vation and the seasons are propitious, it is the most beautiful of crops. Nothing in agriculture is lovelier than a field of luxu riant cotton in full bloom. The blossoms begin to appear about the middle of June (in the Gul't States earlier), and continue tp open until frost. August and September are particularly .lavish with the blossoms and send them torth by untold millions every morning. The bloom is very short lived The first day it bursts forth a delicate creamy white, the next morning it has changed to a beautirul red, the third, it falls to the ground, and the tiny boll, con taining the cotton, is seen. But the fallen flowers are not missed, for before the red ones drop irom the parent stem other white ones have opened on different parts of the plant so the field continues to present its wealth of color. Take a piece of green vel vet and paint it full of bell-shaped white and red flowers and you will have a minia ture cotton field. OUE COTTON FIELD. The cotton field is a vast one, stretching from Virginia to Florida and from Tennesseb to Texas. Millions of 'acres are devoted to its culture and millions of marketable"bales are annually produced. It is by far the most important crop of the South, and in ante-bellum times was called "King Cot ton." When this is considered one wonders why the leaders of the Confederacy did not adopt the cotton field as an ensign instead of the "stars and bars." It would have been more suggestive, more appropriate and more inspiring. A green field with white and red stars scattered over it would not have made an unsightly flag. Life on a plantation, while greatly taxing one's powers of endurance and frequently diminishing his stock of patience, still has charms and enjoyments peculiarly its own. Many phases of human nature can here be studied to advantage the serious, the ludi crous, the energetic, the indolent, the trust worthy and the unreliable; while the char acter and disposition of the negro are here displayed fuller, and his good and bad traits more quickly recognized and understood than elsewhere or under other circumstances. With 30 years' association with them, first as slaves and then as freemen, the writer feels that he has had abundant opportunities to learn their natures, and is somewhat cipable of expressing an opinion to this effect: their good qualities greatly over balance the bad. Before the war the quartets for the slaves were built near together, like houses in a small village. These have mostly disap THE peared, and tenement houses have taken their place, which are erected at different points on the outskirts of the forest adjoin ing the cotton fields that the laborers may have chickens, pies and sometimes a cow, without mixing with those of other tenants. At sunrise the plantation bell rings for work, and the darkies can be seen coming In every direction to the "toolhouse" for im plements and instructions for the day's labor. Sometimes a half dozen bells can be beard ringing on as many plantations at this hour calling the laborers together. No human being on the face of the earth is happier than -a plantation darkey. And if he is to plow a young mule he scarcely waits for the bell to ring, but comes skipping and sing ing to his task. He startles the lark from her dewy nest with his song and as she. soars aloft on quivering wing to kiss the first beams of the rising sun, caroling her notes of praise for another joyous day to be spent in flitting from field to field, she is no happier than the humble negro above whom she flies and whose melody will rival hers through the long, warm Jours, though they be SPENT IN TOIL. The colored people take to the cotton field as naturally as a duck to the water. They seem to evince more interest in its cultiva tion than any other crop, and when the crops are "pitched" they are not satisfied unless the usual number of acres for cotton are allotted to each tenant Indeed those planters "raising" no cotton experience the greatest difficulties in obtaining help. The more cotton planted the easier to procure labor. The planter running irom 10 to 20 plows can keep bis crop clean, while the one' and two-horse fellows are often "in the grass." Don't ask a darkey to go where there aren't other darkies it's no use. In speaking of it afterward he'll say: "x'se want'er gwine 'mong dem po' white trash, no sah I" Perhaps the most picturesque scene pre sented by the cotton field during the year is "cotton picking." In the early morning the pickers assemble at the ginhouse where baskets and sacks are given them in which to pick the cotton. These they place upon their heads and start for the field, where they remain all day long gathering the snowy staple. Staid old aunties dressed in cheap, plain gowns with their heads encased in blood-red handkerchiefs, tottering old men whose woolly scalps have been whitened by 60 winters, mothers of families not yet past 30, with their husbands, robust young men and buxom girls just budding into womanhood, half-grown boys and even childien beginning to work in the cotton field. Little fellows not half as high as the cotton plant will run along ahead of their mothers and pick the open balls from the lower branches until fattened, then crawl in a huge, partly tilled basket at 'the end of the row and go to sleep like a tired kitten. Nor do they leave the fields at noon, but gather along the pathways to eat the mid day meal. It over, then immediately back to work, which is continued until the sun is sinking low in the west. Now the wagons come rattling throngh the roadways after the filled baskets the drivers crack ing their whips and shouting at the mules. The evening shadows are creeping over the landscape, and the tired pickers collect the sacks and baskets, for the day's work is o'er. The wagons, loaded with Caskets sev eral tiers high, start for the ginhouse, the long line of pickers of every age following behind. "With manya "gee," "haw,""back" and "go'long" the wagons are at last gotten under the crane at the ginhouse door and the baskets lifted up in the house and weighed. When all are weighed and each picker properly credited with the number of pounds picked, the darkies disperse to their different homes. It is amusing to hear them chatter on theway about the weights: "Tildv picked five pounds mo' 'n John," one wifl exclaim; and "Milly got ten pounds mo' 'n Bosella," another will Eay. "Dat eal worked ter-day, she didl She didn't play nope, I tell youl" And away they will go, hapny, light-hearted creatures, laqgbing and calling to each other until the sound of their voices is lost in the distance and their sable forms disappear in the deepening gloom. As soon as the ginhouse is filled with cotton from the fields four good mules are geared to the gin (some planters use steam power) and ginning the cotton com mences. To do this the seed cotton is placed in a hopper, or "feeder," above the gin, a set of revolving cylinders convey it to the saws of the gin, which separates the seed from the lint or staple. The seed falls to the floor In front of the machine, while the lint passes through a condenser at the rea-, and comes out in the form of batting, which is taken by hand as fast as it falls from the condenser and thrown in the press. Fifteen hundred pounds of seed cotton are allowed to the bale, then the press Is run down, the bagging and ties placed around the bale, the bale taken out and "headed up," and, after being weighed (it should weigh 500 pounds),the planter's name and that of his commission merchant are marked upon it, and it is ready for shipment. If the crop is good each acre will yield one of these 500 pound bales, which is worth in market from 8 to lOo per pound. Pick ing and ginning continue till the last of December, and often the fields are white with the nppicked cotton late In January. W. Cotten Downing. THE F1EBT HAMLET IN NEW IOKa. Early Production of Shakespeare's Jlniter- plece on tlio American Stage. Laurence Button In November Harpers. "Hamlet" was first presented in the city of New York on the evening of the 2Cth of November. 1761, and at "The New Theater in Chappel street" now Beekman street hear Nassau, the younger Lewis Hallam, the original Hamlet in America (at Philadelphia, in the autumn of 1759), play ing the titnlar part. Hallam was a versatile actor, who was on the stage in this country for over 50 years, and always popular. Concerning his Hamlet very little is now known, except the enrions statement in the Memoirs of Alexander Oraydon, pub lished in 1811, that Hallam once ventured to appear as Samlet in London "and was endured!" He was the acknowledged lead ing tragedian of the .New York stage until his retirement in 1806, and he is known to have played Samlet as late as 1797, when he must have been close upon CO years of age. Mr. Ireland is of the impression that John Hodgkinson, a cotemporary of Hallam's, who appeared as Hamlet in Charleston, S. C, early in the present centnry, conceded Hallam's rights to the character in the metropolis, and never attempted it here. The first Hamlet in New York in point of quality, and perhaps the second in point of time, was that of Thomas Abthorpe Cooper, who played the part at the John Street Theater on the 22d of November, 1797, al though Mr. Ireland believes that he was preceded by Mr. Moreton at the theatei on Greenwich street in the summer of the same year, as he had played the Ohost to More ton's Hamlet in Baltimore a short time be fore. William Dunlap speaks in the high est terms of Cooper's Hamlet, and John Bernard ranks it with the Hamlet of John Philip Kemble himself, Love's Byes. Love is blind, the story goes Blind to imperfection; Can it be the gods are foes, Would tbey bide from love the rose, Pave the way for bitter woes, Mock each fond selection! Bather say that love sees clear Clear as only gods see; Paraons faults without a fear, Sees the ill, and drops a tear With each prayer for heaven to hear, Saying only, "Love me." Mae D. Fraiar in Bomerville Journal. The Calm at Nature. The heart of nature doth not feel or know Our heart's quick heritage of sympathy; What though e laugh f her days sob by; and she Smiles no return to love's transcendent throe. What though we weep T the winds their Pan . pipes blow, The stream still sings, wild woodland notes of glee Burst irrepressible from brake and tree. And myriad oancing wings ebb to and fro. Her stars of evening In their order bloom Alike to dreaming eyes and sleepless souls; And, still inviolate throngh glow and gloom, She holds impervious to her season&'goals: Yet those who will may lean against her knee, And grow serene through her serenity. The Spectator. PITTSBURG - DISPATOH, W LIFE AT TONGKING. Society Divided Into Three Classes, Each Mad at the other. A PERPETUAL TEIANQULAE DUEL. France's Oppression Toward Her Asiatic Colonists. THE TVOELD'S'MOST EXPENSIVE POET FEOII OTR TBAVELING COiOnSSIQNia.il Sopiety in Tongkine is sharply divided into three classes. And each of the three is at daggers drawn with the other two. They are the official, the military and the civi lianthe Governor General, the Colonel and the colonists. To the ofliclal eye the military class is constantly endeavoring to usnrp functions to which it has no right, and the civilians are an unreasonable body of incapable people, impossible to satisfy. The military class are furious against the Government, represented by the officials, for their reduced numbers, and cling all the more tenaciously , to privileges which only belonged to them as an army of occupation; and they desire to be allow ed a free hand to "pacify" the country by the only means known to them the sword. The civilian colonist, finally, detests the military, iu the conviction that if he could only once get rid of nearly all of them the country would "pacify" itself fast enough by commerce and agriculture, which it will never do so long as it is a happy hunting ground for crosses and promotions. And how can he feel either respect or sympathy for the Governors who come and go like the leaves on the trees, and who must needs hold the helm in Hanoi with their eyes fixed on the Quai d'Orsay. Tongkinese society is a perpetual triangular duel. I do not flatter myself for a moment that the foregoing will be believed as a calm statement ot fact. Let me therefore hasten to give a few of the experiences upon which it Is based. The first person with whom I bad any conversation after setting foot in Tongking was a well-informed, intelligent bourgeois who had passed six years there. I began by saying I was sorry to hear of the heavy casualties of a column then operating in the interior, 100 men having been lost in one action. "He'll get there, all the same," he re plied, speaking of the officer in command. "He wants his third star, and what does he care if it costs him 500 men. He'll get it, too, allezl" There is the civilian's view of the mili tary. Now for the functionary's view, and I should not tell this story if M. Kichaud's terrible death let me throw a word of grati tude and respect over toward his "vast and wandering grave" had not untied my tongue. AN XNJUKED OFFICEB. When I was at Hanoi I asked him, on the strength of my official letter, for an escort of a few men to accompany me to a place one day's march into the interior. ''Certainly," he replied, "with pleasure. They shall be ready the day after to-morrow." The same evening I was dining with him and when I entered the drawing room he took me one side and said, "By the way, about that escort,I am exceedingly annoyed, but it is impossible." And answering my look of surprise, for my official letter had been given for the very purpose ot making such facilities certain, he continued; "The General replies that be has not five men of whom he can dispose at the moment il n'a pas cinq hommes disponibles ence moment. Frankly, you know, you should have asked him, in the first place, and not me." The Governor General's annoyance and embarrassment at having to acknowledge to a stranger ibis humiliating snub were so visible that of course I dropped the subject, and his secretary's whispered request after ward not to reopen it was unnecessary. Bnt I could not help asking him next day as we were driving whether in French colonies as in English, the chief civil authoiity was not ex officio Commander-in-Chief. He saw the point instantly and replied, "Yes, that is my title, too," and after a panse, "but I delegate my powers senle ment, je delegue mes pouvoirsl" After thus being refused an escort, I was was refused permission to go alone at my own risk, so my proposed journey was doubly impossible. At the time the Gen eral bad not five men "dispouibles" there were, of course, ten times that number kick ing their heels in the barracks. The Gov ernor General had promised the escort, therefore the General refused it. That was the only and the universal explanation of fered me. And it was the true one. To pass on again to the civilian colonist. Half way up the river between Haiphong and Hanoi I noticed heaps of fresh mud lying along the bank. "Then you have been dredging, after all," I asked. "Hush," was the reply, "we have been doing a little of it at night, because the ad ministration would not allow us to do it openly, and we stuck here every day." Why not ? Heaven only knows. It is simply incredible, and therefore I will not waste my words in telling what "I'Admin istration" denies. They should take for their motto Mepbistophe'les' words to Faust, "I am the spirit that denies." Whatever yoh want, though it cost, the Government not a penny, though it be a boon to the com munity, though it be the opening np of the country so enthusiastically toasted, the au thorities are absolutely certain to refuse your request. This is nojote if you think so, stop the first man, not a "functionary," vou meet in the street in Haiphong and ask him. CBDSniNG THE COLONISTS. It is almost as easy to get into Parliament in London as to get a concession of land for any purpose whatever in Tongking, al though the whole vast country is on public offer, although the land almost throws its crops and its minerals in your face, and al though the inhabitants are "pirates" by thousands simply and solely lor the em ployment and sustenance which welcomed capital and encouraged enterprise alone can furnish. It the Government of Tongking were administering a hostile province which it desired to crush out of existence, it could not do much better than follow its tactics of to-day. And when it does given privileges, what are they, too often? Take the "Magasins Generaux" at Haiphong, a monopoly of custom house examina tion granted in the warehouses and on the wharves of one firm, to whom and whose terms everybodymusteome. In vain the whole community protested and pro tested. The monopoly was granted, and Chambers of Commerce of both Haiphong and Hanoi immediately and unanimously resigned, and the Chinese merchants have sent in a declaration that unless this ad ditional restriction is removed they will leave in a body. 'And a single example my materials in all these instances are superbundant, it is only space that limits me to a single one will show the practical evil of this monopoly. The storage of coal per ton per montn costs (for comparison I employ French currency) at Hongkong (Kowloon Godowns), 20 centimes; at Shang hai (Jardibe, Matheson & Co,), 28 centimes; at Haiphong (Magasins Generaux), 4 francs! The last resolution ot the Chambers ot Com merce is truly pathetic. The Government consulted us, tbey say, and then took no notice whatever .of all that we said. It is therefore nseless to maintain an institution whose powers are purely illusory. Please let us go. So much for the colonist and the Govern ment impersonal. What is his attitude toward the personal Governor General? He sees bim come, he watches him while he is1 learning the a b c of Tongking affairs, he reads a few official decrees, he hears -a few official after-dinner speeches, eulogizing Prahce, Tongking, the Governor General and the colonist himself, and then some dav a telegram comes and the colonial sees hinn go. The heads of the colonial Government succeed each other in Saigon and Hanoi like the figures of a shadow pantomime; the. long procession nas not aauea lor zu years. gMDA.T,TOT63BER. ":2?f M. Bicband boasted to me wjtba laugh that ho was tolerated longer than any ot his predecessors. His term of office, was" 13 months! Before the Governor General comes he is unknown; while in the Bast even his public speeches are addressed to Paris; he returns and is forgotten. It is the merest laroe of supervision, and' what won der that the colonist sinks deeper year by year in disgust and despair. He has de scribed himself in a bitter epigram: "Le colon est un pretexts a banquets." Insta bility is the dominant characteristic of Prenoh administration in the East. Does anybody seriously believe that the solid ioundatipns of future prosperity can ever be laid in this shifting quicksand? ' PROHIBITIVE TVHABFAaE. But the shadows on the 'picture are not yet complete. First, as to the Chinese. Nobody dislikes the Chinese more than I do, and nobody can advocate more strongly than I the absolute necessity of keeping them out of a civilized settled country. But it is as plain as the nose on one's face that no colony In the Par East can dispense with them. Their labor, their easy and willing adaptability to any job which money can be earned, from nursiug the baby to driving the steam engine; their commer cial insight and reliability these make them an ideal substratum for a new commu nity. Yet Tongking taxes them till they are giving up their established businesses, and puts a price . on the head of each as he comes and again as be goes. Second, the port charges. Take the little steamer I returned in, the Preyr. 676 tons, from Banders in Jutland. At the port of Newcastle she paid 4; at Nagasaki 70; at Yokohama $50; at Hongkong $4; while to get in and out of the port of Haiphong costs her every trip $302 40. And this, too, is only the ship's charges, pure and simple. The charterer must pay 51 60 wharfage for every ton of cargo landed say J750 for an average cargo. Thus at a port where com mon sense would tell that trade should be tempted and nursed in every possible way, tbey begin by making trade all but Impossi ble. There can hardly be a more needy port in the world than Haiphong, yet it is doubt ful if there is a more expensive one. The consequences are obvious. A year and a halt ago there were six steamers plying from Hongkong; to-day there are three. Last of all come the enormous customs duties oi the ridiculous "Tarif general," These need no specifying. Saigon has given protection a good trial. What is the position of Saigon now? A critical, it not a hopeless one. And she has discovered that only one thing can save her. The unanimous report of the Chamber of Commerce, published in August last, concludes with these words .in big type: "We demand the absolute aboli tion of the customs regime In Cochin-China from January 1, 1889." France has gained nothing (figures show this indisputably) and will gain nothing by her "Tarif gen eral," while she will lose her colonies through it by and by. Yet is there the faint est shadow of a coming change? On the contrary. In one of the last public speeches be made, at a banquet in Hanoi, M.Richaud exclaimed: "Benounce the chimerical hope ot the return of absolute commercial lib erty!" The subsidized newspaper adds that this was followed by a "triple Ralve.d'ap plaudissements." 1 do not believe it. Or.if it is true, then the colonists of Hanoi should be refused Christian burial, for they are-suicides. Sufficient for the Tongking of to-day is the evil thereof. Henby Nobman. AliONQ FLOODED F0KESTS. Strange Scenos In tho Wet Country Border. Ins on the Amazon River. Yenlh's Companion. , The coast of South America, from the mouth of the River Amazon to that of the Orinoco, and even farther, a stretch of more than a thousand miles, must be a strange and dreary shore according to the account given by the author of "Thb Cruise of the Falcon." The silt, or mud, brought down by the great rivers has spread out into a strip of almost dry land, the most extensive of its kind in the world. It is difficult to distinguish where these vast plains termi nate and the sea begins, for the slope is so gradual that the mariner can find sound ings when yet a day's sail from the coast; and a vessel can drlveashore and be broken up by the heavy rollers on the shoals, though from her mast-head no land be visible. To mariners .thus wrecked poor is the prospect of escape in the boats. For if they are not swamped by the breakers and reach smoother water, tbey can go on for long leagues, the sea but" very gradually shal lowing, till there be but a few leet of water under them, and going further they will find vegetation indeed, but not land, for dense thickets of mangroves grow out into the sea, and in places forests of huge trees. But now the boat can go no further, nor can the men proceed on foot, for the mud un derneath is soft as butter and deep, sothat one venturing on it will sink wholly in it Indeed, it appears a hopeless land of slime and fever, quite unfitted tor man, unless it be for the Tree-Indians, a low race of fish eating savages that, like birds, build their homes among the branches of the flooded forests on the Gulf of Paria. Introducing Modern Ideas. Syracuse Herald. Cornell is a progressive university. One of its professors has just been explaining to the studenjs the philosophy of throning a curved ball. The Last Violet. Chill, sodden earth, and gloomy sky; The sea in leaden languor stilled; The wind a lonely voice went by. And sobs its trembling cadence filled. The wilding rose was stricken low, And autumn's glories burned no more; Of all the heirs the seasons know What proud one still its honors borer Dot twilight primrose, making bright The heart of dusk, with mellow glow; Nor fairest gentian's tender light Last lingerer before the snow. Yet was there life; and still caressed The fading day one chosen child; Tints of the year at morning blessed The late-born nursling of the wild. What spell has soothed the day's despair? A single blossom's lustrous hue To mildness charms the autumn air, Tranced In its gleam of vivid blue. Nature's frail darling) Bright and brave Tby glance, tbouzb winter cloud the year; Tempests may darken, winds may rave. But smile, and seal tho aprlnc is here! -E. Ji. Carpenter in Providence Journal. Lovo Lode Abo. You say when yon meet me it seems to be A fairer day and a fairer time; That in my presence you seem to sea The poet's paradise set in rhyme; That at my feet in the dust J ou'd bow It all that is could be made not so i Why, truly, you're coming to love me now As I loved you in the long ago. You say that the touch of my hand now means A great heart-throb and a blood glow rare; That the sight of my face makes the common scenes Of your pallid, colorless Ufa seem fair; That if I again were to breathe that vow With me to the end ot the world you'd go Why, truly, you're coming to lave me now N As I loved yon in the long ago. You say that the sound of my voice to you Is sweetly stirring: It acts like wine. And, with my glances, warms you through And sets to music life's every line; That I may have changed you, perforce, allow, Bqt you hope younope that it is not so Why, truly, you're coming to love me now Asl loved you in the long ago. Kirke La Qhelle in Chicago lime. Apnrt. At sea are tossing ships; On shore are dreaming shells, ' And the waiting heart and loving lips, Blossoms and bridal bells. At sea are sails agleam; On shore are longing eyes: , And the far horizon's haunting dream Ot ships that sail the skies, At sea are roasts that rise Like specters from the deep; Onshore are the ghosts of -drowning cries That cross the waves ot sleep. At sea are wrecks astrand; On shore are shells that moan, Old anchors buried in barren sand, Bea mint and dreams alono- & 188& SATING--THE BABIES. Methods Used . to PreYent Torture in Engldnd. Child- PEfjOLIAEITIES OP BRITISH LAW. A Mother's Evidence Worthless aa Against Qer Husband. H0WAHEWAOT0PPAELIAMEKTW0EK8 tCOItEESPONDEKCB or TJTE DISFXTCS, Loudok, October 14. There was only one bill passed by Parliament during lost session which. really Interests the public, and this was passed, not by a Cabinet Min ister, not even by a Member of Parliament, but by the Itev. Benjamin Waugh, the founder of the Society for the Prevention -of Cruelty to Children. This act, giving fresh powers for the detection and punishment of child torture, Was drafted by him, pushed by him, and to bim belongs the honor and glory of victory. It so happened that X called to see Mr. Waugh at the Children's Shelter, in this city, on the very day that the new "Act for the better prevention of cruelty to children," was to receive the Boyal assent of Queen Victoria, So our talk naturally turned nn what had been ac complished, and Mr. Waugh was joyful at the result. "I am amazed and delighted at our success," he said: "it is more than X ever dared hope for, and all of the main points I have been laboring lor have been won." As until now American legislation has been distinctly ahead of us in' England as regards children, while the new act places na in some respects ahead of America. Mr. Waugh was very anxions that I should convey to American readers some impres sions of the changes effected by the new act, of which the following is a briet summary First To "illtreat, neglect, abandon or ex- Sose'' a child, is made an offense subject to a ne, or to imprisonment up to two years. Second Child protection Is raised to 11 years for boys and 18 years for girls. Third Any person, not the parent, In oharge of a child Is made liable for Its maintenance. Fourth An ill-treated child may be handed over to fresh guatdians, the cruel parent being held liable for its maintenance thus givingthe police courts the same powers as regards poor children as the Court of Chancery possess for rich. Fifth Not the child beggar, but the person who induces it to beg, will In luturo be held gulliy. Sixth Cblld-hawktngin the streets Is abso lutely prohibited between the hoars of 10 at night and 5 in the morning. Seventh No child under 10 may perform In a theater or circus except by special license, only granted to children oyer 8 years. Eighth Where it is suspected that a ehild Is cruelly locked up a search warrant will.ba granted. Ninth The oath is abolished for children, and parents are allowed to give evidence against one another. IHHUMAK PABKNTS. Of course the sphere of action of the so ciety will be enormously increased by the above provisions, and Mr. Waugh confi dently anticipates that they will leave but a very small loophole of escape to the in human parent or guardian. No clause is of greater importance than the one last men tioned. In the original bill, the parents were to be "competent and .ompelable" witnesses against each other,' but this was reduced In the House of Lords to "com petent" merely. "Six hundred children," says Mr. Waugh, "die in London every year in the presence of parents alone. No one being competent to give evidence, the Coroner re turns a verdict of accidental death. If a lather deliberately suffocated his baby be fore his wife's eyes, under the old law she wasneipiess. .hoc long ago a poor woman with a bruised, and beaten baby appeared before one of the Magistrates. 'My good woman,' answered the Magistrate, "I can do nothing for you; there is no evidence but your own, and yon are not a competent witness against your husband.' In blank despair the mother carried her baby straight from Police Court to the Thames, and threw herself Into the river. They were luckily rescued, brought to our shelter, and after much persuasion the woman was induced to return to her husband, on the understanding that one of our detective officers should take a room on the same staircase and watch the: household. This was -done, and a few weeks later vre had the satisfaction of landing the father in jaiL "These women," added Mr. Waugb, "are so loyal to their husbands. 'I don't care what he does to me tbey will say, 'but I can't stand seeing baby knocked about,' "As a rule, a mother is very seldom de liberately cruel to her own child. In the worst cases the society has to deal with, it is usually the father, the stepmother, or, most brutal of all, the baby-farmer, who is the prime offender. One fertile source ol child-torture is the present system of child insurance. By the new act an extra fine will be imposed in cases where it is proved that the child's life is insured. Ultimately I hope to make all child-insurance illegal, substituting aorm of burial club, In which the club money wiil be handed over direct to the undertaker, thus precluding the pos sibility of the parent entertaining any pa cuniary interest in the child's death," THE OHILPBEN'S 8HELTEB. Before leaving I naturally asked my In formant to show me over the Children's Shelter, that I might see with my own eyes some of the little rescued victims. The Shelter is open day and night, and every child brought to the door is admitted, pend ing inquiries. The rooms are made bright and homelike, with colored pictures and toys; the rows ot little beds are scrupulously clean and neat, and yet it is impossible not to feel profoundly depressed by the whole establishment. In the darkened nursery two babies lay asleep in their little cots. "This one," said my guide "was picked up in a backyard, where it had no one to take care of it, and that one had had its little back scraped with an iron file." In another room the little girls were play ing merrily together. Tho lather of one, a thin slip of a child aged about 10, was in prison for beating her with a poker. "The lather of that one," said Mr. Waugh, "used his child as a football," and there in a cor ner sat a poor little hunched-up mite gazing blankly before it; its head still blue and swollen with the Wows, its little body, I was told, being simply a mass of bruises. Further on, a sturdy, honest-faced little rxsv, be Wc&Re "frtePVRIOHTt SAPOLIO is a solid, handsome cake of house-elf eaual for all scouring purposes except the laundry. What will SAPOLIO do? give the doors, tables and the dishes and off the pots ft and make the tin things the greasy kitchen-sink One cake Will prove an we imitations. There ie but rs t - , jvj-?- '- chap was being dressed inclean clothes, In order" to be sent down to -the'.country' lor a few "weeks fresh air.and Benjamin Waugh'a dark, deep-set" eyes blazed with- righteous wrath as he related the peculiarly-revolting circumstances of bis discovery. It appeared the boy's father was a preacher on Islington Green, who, dayafter day, wept over lost souls, and exhorted his hearers to repent ance. One evening, a few weeks back, an stfttr tt tha MMAtv Aff.Mnji1 v met the boy shivering in the wet streets, and vainly attempting to sell some tracts, ileexpiamea that he did not dare go home till the tracts were solf. as, whenever he failed in his task, the preacher beat- him, naked, with a knitted rope. "Well, my boy," said the officer, "if you will undertake to bear one beating more, X promise you It shall be the last." He accompanied the child to the door, sent him in, and awaited the result. Soon angry words were heard, followed by the sound of a heavy blow and the boy's scream. The watchman rushed In in time to see the father's arm raised a second time. In one hand was a beavy whalebone whip, by the other he held the boy, stark naked, while the mother looked on helpless. It required bat a few moments to summon a constable and give the man in charge; and next morning it was a special gratification to the society to see the ex porter to repentance condemned to six months' hard labor. A FLEASAXT JAIL. By a recent police regulation, which re joices the heart of Mr. Waugb, all children arrested as vagrants, beggars or thieves, and who are remanded Jor inquiries, are handed over on bail to bim, instead of being sent to the casual ward of the workhouse. Half of the shelter is given over to these bail-children, whn, of course, have to be locked up; but Mr. Waugh is a very lenient jailer, and his little prisoners haven very merry time of it with games and toys. In one room lull of big boys there was a splendid rocking horse, the gift ol a kind lady friend; among these I observed oue little chap with swollen face and two frightful black eyes the result of his father's heavy boots. "Do they ever run away?" I asked. "Very seldom," was the answer; "I re member onewily little ragamuffin who did. He was observed to look sullenly at one of our officers In uniform as he passed through the room; then X entered, and the boy stared at me, without a word. Afterward he nudged his neighbor and muttered: 'A par son and a bobby is too much for me; I'm offl And off be was, and it was only after two days' hunt that we captured him again." As a rule, the comfortable quarters, com bined with the kind, motherly care of the matron and her daughter, both of whom are inspired with a real loye of childhood, has a wonderful result even on the most hard ened of little street arabs. The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children has aid committees in all parts of England, and employs some 10 detective officers to watch and report on cases. The following are instances ot the sort of infor mation which they have to act upon, sent to them by neighbors: "There are heard at a house near mine occasional cries and screams as of tft dis tressed child. Most people say that there is no child there. One or two say that they have occasionally seen a small girl cleaning the door step. Now and then the moan is 'Oh, my head, my head.'" Or again: "I can hear through my kitch en wall smothered sounds of pleadings and moanings down in the corner on the floor, at the other side of the wall. It is my neigh bor beating bis little stepchild. I sometimes meet the child out; she lias often black eyes and marks on her face. I have tried to speak to her bat she evidently dare sot XSt ESOLISn BABT TABX. And here is a picture of a baby farm, as supplied by an officer: "In a room, 13 feet square.'almost without furniture and with bare filthy boards, were found seven chil dren, nearlv naked and covered with filth, their ages ("apparently) 5, 3. 3, 2, 2, 2 years, and 20 months. All were miserably stunted, one suffering from bronchitis, one from scalp complaint, and four from rickets. A wit ness described their legs as hanging like doll's legs'; the stench in the room made strong meq ill. The four who were the weakest were found to be insured," Jt is satisfactory to know that the man and woman were prosecuted by the society and sentenced to nine months and two years' hard labor respectively. The clause ot the new act which has ex cited the greatest discussion In London has been that affecting the theater children. In America, X believe, no children are allowed on the stage nntil the age oi IS; but in En gland child performances are all the fash ion, and the theater managers, headed by Augustus Harris, of Drury Lane, have been up in arms against the new restrictions. As there have been endless misunderstand ings on the subject, Mr. Waugh begged me to make it quite clear that he has neven brdught the smallest charge of cruelty against toe managers, ua the contrary, a detective officer of his has. watched the Drury Lane children for months without discovering a single instance of ill-treat ment Mr. Harris positively spoils his obildren. But that does not alter we i " w.. ,';i w uu rehearsals, the pantomime children of under La ..- (hnf wl4l nAdei uliniil j9 wltb board, ten years are sept at worji u nours a nay, and only get to bed at midnight. This, Mr. Waugh contends, must he deleterious to the physical health of the children, and he merely wishes theater-labor to be put oa the same leve) as all other labor, namely, Interdicted up to the age of ten. He brings no accusation again.it the morals of theater, children, bnt he further declares it is un true to speak of them as saving their homes irom starvation, as they are almost invaria bly the children of quite well-to-do people. The work ot the society spreads every month, and this new act will entail a vert considerable expenditure. As with all phi lanthropists, Mr. Waugb's energies are only restrained by want of cash, and tbe society just now is very short of funds. The claims of childhood fortunately are universal and not national, and if any rich American citi zens felt lnelined to help the little starved English babies, the Society for the Preven tion of- Gruslty to Children would furnish the best means (or doing so, Vjroinia M. Cbawtobd. En it Enough lo See It. Jacksonville Times-Union, "What is the matter here?" roared an Adams street man yesterday afternoon, pass ing throngh the open door of his residence to the rear and arousing his neglectful ser vant. "LNra't you see the biggest rascal In Jacksonville could enter this house unob served?;' "Yes, sir, I see," mildly replied the valet. tM best is not- esv will e&se it" in p&rtvso 8iS 'asy as you c&riVTry m in your nexr ftouse-cle&nng- Why, it will clean paint, shelves a neW appearance. and pans. You can scour shine brightly, The wash will be as clean as a new say. oe gifytrnw,praffl ny n, om one SAPOLKX - .i ?-. NOTES- AB0nt"AE1 Mb. D. EL W.ixstlxt's paisttegof two girls making preparations for dinner has been sold to a Pittsburg gentleman. - Mb. Emit. Foksstxb has a stfll-Hfe stady oa vi w at Young's. The subject 1 lhapU one, but it Is very sngzestive, consisting nasialy of a glass of beer and a pretzel. "PBEHISTOEIONSWPOBTiS tWe-Of new etching shown at Boyd's. It is after the painting by WUliam M. Beard, and the subject represents a colony of anthropoid apes is M ise costumes upon the beacb, siattiv leve to each other, and going thruugb all the A ties tha aresnppossd to be characteristic of visiters to , the seaside in modern times. As excellent mezzotint, if WHUam Sartais, after the painting entitled "Symphonr," by H. Siddons Mowbray, Is shown at Gillespie's. There is also a fine etching, the work of Peter Moran, after H. W. BobbinVpalntiae. "Where Lofty Elms Abound." Both of these work are newandot unusual excelleaee the tetter particularly is of a noble style of composition. Me. C. B. Kii.patbicx has recently finished a novel work in pastel, which may be sees, dur ing the week at Mayer's. The work represents) a number of urchins in school, one of whom, at the blackboard, seems to be is great doubt as to the sum of two-andtwo. There iserHeaes) of good composition In the arrangement of Oa figures, but the subject is one that it Is hard to do justice to in pastel, and It would have bees better rendered In oil-. Mr. KHpatriek deserves credit for originality is bis work, and also for arriving at something above the coraaospteee. He does not appear to have the faalt evBHsea to so many young artists, of resting contest with bavins; achieved a moderate degree Oi sm cess in a single line of work. Me. H. S. St.zvesson has n painting ma ex hibition at Boyd's which deserves settee a being one of the best works which that artist has yet produced. It U one of the studies made by him at Cidenau during the past summer, but. so far from being merely a sketch, it shew a degree of elaboration and finfsb of detail that is a marked Improvement over bis usual style of execution. The subject shows aa open fieid bounded by trees. The interest centers ia ta figures of a young couple reclining upon the. grass In the shade of a fruit tree la the fore ground. Witb the exception of tola spot or snade the scene is bathed in sunlljht; indeed, it is life and brightness which forms the key note of the work. This Is a Tery pJensant picture, of an efTectire style of cosapoafHes aael strong; and at the same time clean in oelsr- Thx present exhibition of Ameriean art products, which is being held at Memorial Hall, Philadelphia, is an indication that av , popular interest is being awakened is this very- important subject. Aleadmg leatsra of sse exhibit is the display made or the mnnnfnnr urors of stalnea glass. Thislsbrceaisgasaesft important industry, and it is one is wWeh are npw turning out products of superior ex cellence. Prizes are to be awarded, oonitsHpg of gold, silTer and bronze medals, for He best, exhibit In three different classes laMrisindw try. and a cash prize of S200 tor the bast desHps. for an ornamental window. The other meet important exhibits will be in pottery, porce lain, terra-eotta. tiles, glassware, artistic metal. work, etc.. all of which must bo entirely ot American manufacture. There will aleo feet medals awarded in the pottery and other aWed. industries. A tcjc painting by Jullsa Sepres is bow est exhibition at the Gillespie gallery, where H 1st sure to attract the attention of all who appre ciate fine art work, The subject represented m a scene in haymaking time, showing a HeMoC new-mown bay. In the ieregroaad are the figures of two women and a man, the latter drinking from a stone mug which has erideot ly Just been handed him by one of the wesses. who still holds tbea earthenware veesslfretsi which the beverage has bees foaad. The three) figures are good in drawing- and life-like ia action, and as regards color, the work i strong throughout. Beyond the flgsres a glimpse of distant meadows may be seen, bat tbe landscape is much subordinate to the In terest wbieb centers in the harvesters who sre. resting a moment from their toil! AgreatdesJ, of technical skin Is eTidenced by the manner ia which this work has been baBdled, panicuar ly in the foreground, where tbe effect of Ioeeo, tangled bay has been clesrly readered fey a few free touches of the brush. . Or late years we have been accustomed te flatter, ourselres that fat the art of weed ea- graying we could giro' some points to ssest: European nations; but now arises oae, w. J, Lintoa,a celebrated English wood eagraTer, and says this is not so, and that omc weed eats da.not show any signs of beauty or fitness,, or indicate that the engraver's; jontaosd-aay brain .or fateUleeao? 'Thte'js ieftf too" had. After thlnkiag for some yeah-s past sssK'we) wet stetipiBg to the front ia this i ofarLaadprodoeiDgthe slaeerl tions that were exhibited aaywhen hi world, and after making a saewtBg at the Tastev Exposition that it woald ho iBeseaJt fa? aar other nation to equal; after. aS tWf, to he tW that oar esgravers are devoid at Stains aatl Intelligence hurt ear vasity aad Mksav U3 feel badly. Mr. Linton, wHh a deep penetration that is aH his own.Bas also esa covered that American engravers appear tahavav nopercepRosof 1ha form of octets or she- -textures of different neetaaeas. AH shatst. , news to roost of us, and it it ia tree we hams- been laboring under a food JHattea. If hatj& grown so used to tho iaea that we sMhaaw something- about this peHioehr graph a-?;' am. that the pain of thta rode awniasat Ws ' knowledge ot onrigaaraaaa tesewety aiiWt ' rated by Mr. Lmtoa's fraaktamhelsa that ta modern American school of wee4 simsavNfC displays a marvelous sooefeaeisai aad a won ear ful superiority as regards eoior aad tea. With these last meatieaed exeelieat masts at taissd by our wood sea-ravers, the mainly the "more tntellisent aad cultivated as sale eC I tna country were qaree jmi L Mr. Linton discovered thera. the country'were qarie familiar evea' touch, and wonderful skill in BfoJoeiag staar delicate and varied effects of tsae, dupfcyajj by our best engrave!; really it psarvejo, sad ABO 0tOOB9Vbp w9v we know it. Bat 1b spite of. this anaiipats ny teas trams annua critic wltb a laitare to proseat ay evicsas- that tbey poasass tho sHghtsat haewisaga of perspective. eh an aeserttaa star he ceDted as a truth by those who kaowi swaasaatr whatever about the natter, but ate ssijsc tion of tbe reading nubile k too we iawiind to credit it. There hi not the Masts for denyiBg a charge like this; mil sertlon relates itseir. jsvea weee with tbe subject may obtain Me evidence of its falsity- Let aayaaa some ol oar macasMes or etnar l containing wood-oqtt, and, tararat; sas-t C the illustratioBS of landscape saMeats, Mh lead tbe eye from the ImawHate tafasjraaaaX over hillside and prairie, or atoax the neVe course of a road or treaai,aB4 tasy wWMaaflr perceive that wob work eouldiKvar have a produced by men greatly lacking ia a haewlaaga of perspective. It is well to lfcstea teMat coming from any one who may zatrlo' feeaea slderedss eempeteat to JaaTe,aa4 M Jsei tremeiy probable that there Is a apiaa at tratsi JqwhatMr. I4ntoehaaldof o,"hk Hi ex pressed in far stronger language toaa the eeea sloa ealis for. It will not do tbeleaK hatca. however, aad may la the end he proijasaim of good, as any Interest aroused fs the saajeet raaytesdtotfae eradication of feats wMaa, really exist. As regards the work of heak B- iaftWU0B our ssKnivers icau aa , aeu the wood eats In our penodieaJ arei esMtaasa talssostsas. perierto any similar Baropeaa NM While this is BBdoaotedly traa,aaer9 ItsWL perhaps, macs that w st( natlnna and thev fraen US. wrcamstances we wilt seareeir feel Hn aaaa to acknowledge any marked degree of 1 My la tM pareeajar Draseo oi art T- T JT.' - OTPQU Ifyou c&rft tning soap, which has no To vim it is to valirt it. makt oil-cloth bright, and It will take the grease off. ttva kmvts. and wks wiW' - basm, ihe bath-tub, pm if you tiee SAPOLI ...,. seast await r .' "wfr?.. OT