Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 25, 1889, Image 1

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Lovers of the Weed.
Frank G. Carpenter, in Sunday's Dis
patch, talks about the different modes of
smoking in the far Bast.
v -
Dr. Cronin Undoubtedly the
Victim of an Atrocious
Judge Longenecker Presents the
Slate's Case to the Jury.
A, Plata Statement Showing What thePros
ccntlon WItl Prove Demeanor of the
Prisoner Telling Effect Upon the Jury
The Objections of the Defense Over-
mled Introdnction of the First Evi
dence The Body Positively Identified as
Thnt of Cronin Tactics of the Attorneys
for the Accused Immceso Crowds Pres--
"With scornful smiles and savage scowls
the five men charged with the murder of
Dr. Cronin yesterday heard Judge Longe
necker present the array of evidence which
threatens their lives. An enormous crowd
surged into the courtroom to witness the
proceedings. The attorneys for the defense
declined to mate any opening statement.
"Witnesses were put upon the stand to prove
the identification of the murdered man's
rsrrciAi. Tn.rGn.iM to the rnsrATcn.1
Chicago, October 24. The iron steps
leading up to the Criminal Court building
could not hold all the persons who clamored
for admission to the Cronin trial this morn
ing. Men and women were wedged together
on the stairway in a compact, writhing mass.
There was another scramble on the sidewalk
to gain a foothold on the steps, and for a
block on Dearborn street people on their way
to wore stopped to watch the frantic efforts
of the curiosity seekers banked abont the
The bailiffs had instructions to prevent the
crowd rushing pell mell into the building,
and to eject all suspicious-looking persons.
The officers made a bold fight for a time, hut
were eventnallv overwhelmed by numbers.
Then the rush for the court room began.
"Within 20 minutes every seat in the room
was occu -ied, and 100 men were fighting for
a place to stand.
The benches at the Dearborn street side
were filled with women who came early
under the escort of bailiffs who tramped
through the Michigan street entrance and
over the bridge of sighs. At 9:45 o'clock,
the bailiffs made another rally against the
crowd and by hard work succeeded in shut
ting the doors. Two persons were admitted
after that.
It was 10 o'clock when the prisoners
filed into the room. Senior "Warden Beggs
was in the lead. Behind him were
Coughlin, O'Sullivan, Burke and Kunze,
in the order named. Each prisoner was
followed by a big bailiff. Kunze wore a
huge blue neck scarf. All seemed amused
at the great audience which was banked
against the walls in nearly every direction.
Burke's face grew cr'mson the instant he
entered the room. The color never left him
during the four hours and a half court was
in session,
At 10 o'clock the gavel fell. Judge Lon
genecker,with his hands thrust deep into the
pockets of his trousers, was on his feet in an
instant. In this attitude he began his open
ing address, which was in large measure a
resume of the case of the State against the
prisoners. The effect of Judge Longeneck
er's indefatigable work within the past
month was plainly noticeable. His face was
pale and his voice not at its best. The Pub
lic Prosecutor spoke for nearly two hours.
There was no attempt at oratory. He con
fined himself to a plain, succinct statement
of the evidence he had collected and would
present to the juYy The proof, he was confi
dent, would convince the 12 men in the box
of the existence of a conspiracy to murder
Dr. Cronin. In his review of the Clan-na-Gael
organization, Judge Longenecker took
a bold stand. The society, when formed in
18G9, had noble aims and a bright prospect.
He continued:
It was organized to wrest Ireland from the
, grasp of England by legitimate means. Hun
dreds of good and patriotic Irishmen had
joined its ranks with this sole object in view.
Many unscrupulous Irishmen had also joined
the organization for political or mercenary
motives. As the Clan-na-Gael grew stronger
and its treasure box became filled with money
contributed by patriotic Irishmen throughout
the land to assist the establishment of a Re
public on the little island, the more unscrupu
lous members of the society sought control of
its affairs and the distribution of its money.
Alexander Sullivan, Feeley and Boland were
the leaders and afterward the court and jury
of this conspiracy. Instead of waging legiti
mate war for the freedom of Ireland a. dyna
mite policy was pursued abroad and a system
of embezzlement practiced at borne. One
polity was In defiance of the laws of England,
the other m defiance of the laws of America.
Both were atrocious. The money in the treas
ury was squandered in mysterious ways. Men
were sent to England on desperate missions,
and a score of them are now in British jails.
Toe-commands of the triangle were final. A
man who should shirk the responsibility thrust
upon him by Sullivan, Feeley and Boland in
this corrupt era of the Clan-na-Gacl was In
stantly branded as a traitor to the cause.
''Judge Longenecker was now thoroughly
aroused. With his right arm swinging
wildly in the air, be lashed the triangle in
the most denunciatory language. Mr. For
rest, leading the defense, objected to the
State Attorney's exposure of the workings
of the famous and omnipotent triumvirate,
but the Court promptly overruled the objec
tion. Mr. Longenecker continued :
Every murder had a motive, but it was not
always that the motive was discovered. There
was a motive for the assassination of Dr.
Cronin. He had had the manhood and in
this instance the temerity to stand up among
his colleagues and denounce this embezzle
ment of his people's money. He know the
l'idden hand that was quietly taking the dol
lars from the treasury, and be was not afraid
to proclaim its ownership. Such a man was a
mcnaceHo the existence of the policy the trl
angle had established. He was finally tried,
convicted and expelled for treason.
Alexander Sullivan had been his prosecutor
and Daniel Cougblin was one of the men who
sat on the jury. Dr. Cronin was not without
followers. Other patriotic Irishmen, who had
sickened of the deadly and malicious plottings
of the triangle, withdrew from the Sullivan
standard. Dr. Cronin continued
against his enemies and carried It into conven
tions and other puolic -bodies. The man was
becoming absolutely dangerous to the men who
had guilty knowledge of the scandal. He had
to be put out of the way it the enameled repu
tations of the conspirators were to be pre
served. Here was the motive for the murder.
Active plotting against Dr. Cronin began about
the first of the year. The conspiracy was
batched in Camp 20, of which Beggs, Cougblin,
Cooncy, Burke and O'Sullivan were members.
The man's tate was there scaled and the com
mission of the crime intrusted to reliable
During the recital of the prosecutor as to
the active part Beggs and Coughlin took
in these secret proceedings the Senior
"Warden twirled his blonde mustache and
laughed derisively. Judge Longenecker
then pictured the lizard-like deliberation
with which the plotters went about their
As early as February the trunk which was to
carry the doctor's body to the catch basin had
been bought and strapped for use. A cottage
had been rented by Burke for tho scene of the
slaughter. O'Sullivan had made a fictitious
contract witli Dr. Cronin for no other purpose
than to assist in ensnaring him to the place of
his" fate. Burke had been Identified as the
Frank "Williams who rented the cottage. He
had been seen standing on the porch the night
ol the murder. He bad also been seen talking
with O'Sullivan and Coughlin. Coughlin, or a
man who closely resembled him. was seen to
enter the house a lew hours before the murder
tvas committed.
There had been telephonic communication
between O'Sullivan and Coughlin, and little
Kunze, it would be proven, bad driven the de
tective to the slaughter house to receive tho
doctor. Dr. Cronin was taken away from his
O .msvAnr.J
home on what be supposed was an errand of
mercy. The horse that Coughlin had hired to
carry him to the lonely cottage was driven at
great speed. Less than an hour afterward Dr.
Cronin fell a corpse upon the furniture Burke
had taken to the place from his den on Sonth
Clark street. His life had been beaten out by
the conspirators.
Bobbed of all articles of identification, save
the red agnns del fastened about the neck, the
bodv was thrust into the trunk, borne to Edge
water, and there dumped into a catch basin.
When old Mrs. Carlson was in the front yard
of the honse the next morning she saw stains
on the doorsteps and along the walk. She
thought her mysterious tenants had broken a
jar of preserves wnile moving into the build
ing, and went about her work. Later in the
week Kunze, the painter, was seen washing his
feet in the cottage. Then Burke tendered an
other month's rent for the house, but the old
woman, becoming suspicious, refused to take
the money. The man then disappeared.
Five days later the Carlsons entered the cot
tage. There were blood stains and splashes
abont the rooms and a bloody key which fitted
the lock of the trunk found near Edgewater
was nicked up from the floor. In many places
a bare foot man bad sougbtto conceal the blood
splashes by daubing the floor with paint. The
print of a curiously formed foot was found in
tde paint.
Although nearly exhausted by his effort
Judge Longenecker held the attention of
the great audience. The prisoners scowled
or laughed as the prosecutor continued his
recital. The jurors were deeply interested
Senator Kennedy, muffled to his ears in a
great Northern Wisconsin overcoat, sat
with his gray head resting in his hand. Mr.
Longenecker continued:
The same hidden hand that directed the mur
der now sought to malign the dead. The word
passed to the rank and file that Dr. Cronin was
a spy. and that he would soon appear across the
waters another Le Caron. It is possible that
the actual murderers were led to this work by
this belief. It was certain that a dastardly at
tempt bad been made by the samo hidden hand
to spread the spy theory after the doctor had
disappeared. Men bad been told to do such
acts as would lead the public to believe that
the doctor was still alive, and so successful bad
they been that it was by mere accident that
their plans were forever crushed.
Judge Longenecker closed his powerful
address with a brief peroration, in which he
admonished the jurors to perform their work
fearlessly. It was 2:35 o'clock when he tat
down. There was no demonstration, al
though there was a craning of necks amoug
the spectators to note the effect of the ad
dress on the prisoners. Kunze carelessly
dropped the newspaper he had been reading
and smiled contemptuously at the jurors.
Beggs was also smiling.
Coughlin and O'Sullivan, however, glared
savagely at the public prosecutor, who was
mopping his face with a handkerchief. It
was evident that Judge Longenecker's ad
dress had much eflect on the jury. It was a
straight-forward narrative ot the conspiracy
and its sequel, withdut any grandiloquent
flourishes or gesticulations. The more sensa
tional charges against the prisoners were
fortified by such a parenthetical statement
as: "We shall prove this to you, gentle
men." At other times the prosecutor left it
to be inferred that he had not showed all of
his hand. When be sat down the lawyers
for the defense arose and announced that
they would postpone their replies until the
end of the trial.
-'SEAL "vvobe: of the teial.
The work of examining witnesses was then
X '
. .,Avu c Wfv
begun, the examination of the State being
conducted by Mr. Tugham and that of the'
defense by Mr. Forrest The prosecution at
once set out to prove the corpus delicti, it
having been asserted that the defense wonld
contend that the body dragged from the
catch basin had not been satisfactorily iden
tified as that of Dr. Cronin.
Er-Captain Francisco Villiers, a nervous
little Frenchman with sparkling eyes, was
the first witness. He had known the doctor
for three years, and identified the body the
instant he saw it. James Boland, who met
the doctor every day for a year and a half,
Josenh C. O'Keefe, a tailor who made Dr.
Cronin's clothes, and Beporter James P.
Holland, were also positive that the body
was that of Dr. Cronin.
Barber H. F. Wisch, who used to shave
the doctor, and who saw him one hour
before he took his fatal ride, swore that
there was no doubt in his mind as to the
identity of the corpse he saw in the Lake
View morgue. Stephen Connolly identified
the body by the front teeth, Maurice Morris
by the Agnus Dei, and Joseph O'Byrne by
the broken finger of the right hand.
The skillful cross-examination of Mr.
Forrest showed that it was the hope of the
defense to secure from the State's witnesses
admissions that the body was badly swollen
and discolored, and thus'cstablish the tangi
ble grounds for the supposition that it
would be difficult, if not impossible, to
identify a body under those conditions. All
of the witnesses admitted that the body wzts
swollen and that the hair on the head and
on the mustache had been nearly destroyed,
but all were enabled to identify the body by
its physical peculiarities, the contour of the
face and the little imperial close to thS
lower lip.
The severe cross-examination of these
witnesses by Mr. Forrest soon convinced the
officers of the State that the defense would
enter no serious dispute as to the identity of
the body. But Mr. Forrest did make a
'hold effort to prove that the wonnds on the
doctor s bead were inflicted in the removal
of the bodv from the brick cistern of the
Vv6 .,CW
catch basin. Henry Bosch, the sturdy Ger
man who first discovered the body, was on
the stand, and Mr. Forrest endeavored by
subtle questioning to draw from the witness
the admission that when he assisted in draw
ing the body from the hole by means of a
blanket, which was tied under the arms, the
head bumped against the bricks. Bosch
swore that the only portion of the body that
touched the masonry was the breast.
Notwithstanding these answers, Mr. For
rest, evidently misconstruing the language
of the witness in his description of the con
struction of the basin, tried to establish the
theory that with the head under one side of
the foundation and completely shut out
from vision it would be impossible to re
move the body without violent effort and
consequent peril -of mutilation. The wit
ness, however, retold the story of the dis
covery, with illustrations, and showed the
impossibility of any portion of the human
body to get under the masonry. He was
positive that with the possible exception of
the loss of some of the hair the body was in
no way disfigured in its removal from the
A bloody towel was tied abont the neck,
and a bushel of blood-stained cotton was
removed from the snrface of the water which
had covered a large portion of the body.
The trial will be resumed at 10 o'clock to
morrow morning.
To Remove the Imputation That Cronin Was
a British Spy.
Chicago, October 24. P. W. Dunne,
who is indirectly connected with the prose
cution in the Cronin trial, said to-day that
efforts had been made and were to be fur
ther pushed to obtain if possible from Par
nell and bis counsel, Sir Charles Russell, a
categorical statement that Cronin's name
was not of the -four handed in by the spy
Le Caron as that of the men who were sys
tematically betraying to the English Gov
ernment the secrets of the Irish movement in
False Report! Sent Oat Heretofore From
the Ynkan District.
Ban Fbancisco, October 24. Miners
who have just arrived from the Yukan dis
trict on the steamer St. Paul bring very
strong contradiction of the glowing stories
of gold in that country which have caused
so much diplomatic correspondence and led
to the forwarding of a surveying party to
establish a boundary line between Alaska
and the Northwest territory. Of 46 who
came down, but very few realized money
enough from their labors to much more than
pay their passage.
Begirding ihe report of starvation among
miners, one of the party said he did not
think they wonld suffer. The supply steamer
which was reported wrecked was only
aground, and got off safely, resumed her
journey, and would get within 200 miles of
the mining camps, enabling the men to get
what they need.
Once More on the Stump, Pleading
for-His Well Beloved Party.
Cincinnati Hnsic Hall More Than Filled by
Cheering Hosts.
The Ex-Senator in Excellent Health and Attentlrely
listened To.
Ex-Senator Thurman spoke at Music Hall,
Cincinnati, last evening, to an immense
audience. He was tendered a perfect
ovation. His health is very good, and his
speech and manner did not indicate that he
is failing very rapidly.
Cincinnati, October 24. Music Hall
was to-night the scene of a tribute that
should stir the heart of the coldest man.
The magnificent hall was draped with
American flags that twined about the pict
ures of Campbell and Cleveland. In both
galleries hundreds of ladies lent a brilliant
air to the scene. The first floor, with its
3,000 chairs, was reserved for the clubs that,
with banners and mnsic, filed in from all
parts of the city. On the stage sat hun
dreds of distinguished local Democrats, a
number of ladies being present. The great
organ was put in use, and its thunderous
tones were echoed back in the shouts
of thousands. "The Campbells are Com
ing" and the national airs were uproariously
Hon. William Groesbeck presided, and in
his inimitable way introduced the lion of
the occasion, the Hon. Allen G. Thurman.
Mr. Thurman
It began as a cheer, then swelled into a
shout, ending in a torrent that was heard by
the hundreds outside, who could not get in,
who in turn sent it back.
The appearance of the "Old Eoman" was
surprising. He did not present that en
feebled look attributed to him and expected
bv the audience. On the contrary, he stood
erect, and talked even more distinctly than
did Sherman on the same platform a few
nights previously. After a few pleasant
words of greeting, Mr. Thurman at once
plunged into his speech. It was wholly ot
the statesmanlike manner characteristic of
him, and sought to convince by argument
ratber than oratory, though at times the old.
man grew eloquent.
Senator Thurman devoted considerable
time to State politics, declaring hollow the
Republican claim that to them was due all
the efforts to purify the ballot box. He
said that a Democratic Legislature had
passed the first registration law, and that
the administration of Governor Hoadly had
so improved the financial standing of the
State that loans were negotiated for less
than 3 per cent, and that Foraker was
falsely claiming the honor of reducing the
debt on this ground.
Mr. Thurman charged that the public in
stitutions were badly managed, inefficient,
and without proper control. He denounced
the present system devised by a Republican
Legislature, for governing cities, by which
they are deprived of all voice in the ehoo ,
ing'of their hoards of public affairs and
their election boards. Of the latter, he said,
the Democrats were in favor of non-partisan
election boards, but they did not want
boards composed of rabid Republicans and
'yaller dog" Democrats, a sentiment
that elicited the wildest applause.
The tariff was a subject of serious consid
eration. Mr. Thurman put himself squarely
on the platform of the Democratic party
adopted at St. Louis, and proceeded to
show that even the Republican party was on
that ground now. He cited the bill intro
duced into the last Senate by the Republi
cans, and asserted that he had information
that a very similar bill would' be presented
at the next session, and that, too, by a Re
publican. Mr. Thurman emphatically denied that
the Democratic party favors free trade, but
declared that it was time that war taxes and
war tariff alike should be abolished. Import
duties on articles not in competition with
American products should be abolished,
and those on the necessities of life put at
the lowest point.
Addresses were also made by President
M. E. Ingalls, of the "Big Four" Railroad
by Senator Dan Voorhees and Hon. William
S. Groesbeck. The meeting began early
and continued late, and the speakers were
listened to attentively.
A Subsidy Offered for a Number of Them In
the Leeward Islands.
New Yoke. October 24. The following
advertisement appeared in a morning paper
The General Government of the Leeward Isl
ands, in the West Indies,comprising the islands
of Antigua, St. Kitt's, .Nevis, Dominica and
others, aro desirous of encouraging the estab
lishment of hotels conducted on the American
system, and are willing to grant a subsidy or
guarantee interest for a term of years to be
agreed upon on the capital invested to any per
son or company who may be willing to estab
lish such hotels. Persons desirous of further
particulars are requested to address their com
munications to the Colonist, Secretary of the
Leeward Islands, care of Her Brittanic Majes
ty's Consul General at New York.
W. H. Limond.of No. 9 West Nineteenth
street, has this matter in charge. "Gov
ernor William Haynes-Smith of the Leeward
Islands," said Mr. Limond, "has long been
extremely anxious to establish on each of the
more prominent islands under his care a hotel
to be managed by Americans on the Ameri
can plan. The idea is to develop those
islands as resorts for American people. The
accommodations there now cannot be said to
be of the highest order, and what Governor
Smith wants to do is to start them running
and keep them running."
Shoots a Conple of Officials and Finally
Kills Himself.
Loudon, October 24. A desperate at
tempt at bank robbery was made at Did
bury, Lancashire, to-day. An unknown
man entered the bank and engaged in a con
versation with Mr. Allen, the manager,
pretending that he wished to open an ac
count. Suddenly he drew a revolver and
shot Mr. Allen, and then fired at a clerk,
but missed him.
The man then seized 80 and bolted ont
of the bank and across country. A crowd
started in pursuit of him, and he was soon
overtaken. Finding all means of escape
shut off he shot and killed himself. Mr.
Allen's wound is not necessarily latal.
Two Individuals Who Proposed to Rnn the
Whole Thing Themselves.
Chicago, October 24. Judge (Prender
gast issued warrants this afternoon for the
arrest ot William F. Kent, Deputy Coro
ner, and Thomas E. Downey, charging them
with attempting to perpetrate election
frauds in the Fifth ward. "
It is charged that tbey induced Sam Park
er, a clerk in the Election Commissioners'
omce, to remove from the poll dockets the
names of regularly appointed judges and
substitute men of their own choosing.
OCTOBER 25, 1889.
Succeed in Getting In Their Work Upon a
Fast Passenger on the Wabash Road
A Number of Conches Demol
ished Slany Injured.
Wabash, Ind., October 24. The fast
east-bound passenger wain on the Wabash
road was wrecked to-night at Keller's sta
tion, five miles west of this city. There is a
heavy grade at that point and the train was
running 40 miles an hour when Engineer
George King saw that the switch was partly
thrown. He immediately applied the air
brakes, but there was no time to check the
train. The engine and baggage and express
car left the track and plunged along the
siding for about 40 rods. The engine turned
over and the passenger car was hurled down
the embankment, a distance of 30 feet.
The engineer and fireman, Charley Dixon,
clung to their places in the cab, which was
reduced to splinters, being telescoped by the
haggage car. The smoker, chair car and
Wagner sleeper kept the track, but they
were all racked by the engine in pasung
and were considerably damaged. The front
end of the smoker being carried away in
striking the engine. Some of the passengers
were slightly injured, but their escape was
certainly miraculous. One man was seated
in the front end of the smoker and was
hurled backward by the blow. Fireman
Dixon had his collar bone broken. Engi
neer King was badly bruised. A deadhead
fireman named William Hutchinson, of
Logansport, was injured.
Pacific Express Agent Frank Browell, of
Toledo, was found undera big pile of trunks
together with Baggage Master Gerhart
Myers. Both men were badly bruised. The
car is a total wreck. Investigation showed
that the switch lock had been broken by
train wreccers, the bqulder with which the
lock was pounded being found close by. A
purse was made up by the passengers for
the engineer and fireman. The track was
partially cleared to-night, and trains are
running around the wreck.
The Milkmen of Four States Hold a Conven
tion for Two Days.
MlDDLETOWN, N. Y., October 24. An
important convention of representative milk
producers of this and adjoining States has
been in session hire for two days. The con
vention was called under the auspices of
the Milk Producers' Union and Asso
ciation recently set on foot for the
purpose of combining the whole
body of dairymen in New York,
New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Connecticut,
who are engaged in supplying milk to the
New York City market, for mutual pro
tection and advantage. The plan is to form
a branch union at every shipping station,
subordinate to the central organization,
which central body shall be composed of
delegates from the branches and shall fix
the prices of the product of the members of
the union, and otherwise direct and regu
late the traffic.
It was stated at the convention to-day that
the number of producers, engaged in shin
ping milk to New York and suburbs is
about 10,000, who ship about 17,000 cans, of
40 quarts each, a day. and realize therefor
at present prices about $5,000,000. About
40 branch unions of shippers have been or
ganized at that number of stations, and the
principal work of the convention has been
to take measures for expediting the organ
ization of new branch unions with -all possi
ble 'energy.
He Is a Poor Ulan and lit ves In Obscurity at
Hamilton, O.
Columbus, October 24. Count Ferdi
nand Edmund von Hatzfeldt, brother of
Prince von Hatzfeldt, who is to marry C.
P. Huntington's adopted daughter, is liv
-ing obscurely and in comparative poverty
at Hamilton, this State, in a little one-story
"I don't know much about the marriage,"
he said to-day. "I have heard they were
engaged. I don't like to meddle with my
brother's affairs. My name is Ferdinand
Edmund von Hatzfeldt." he continued,
"and I am the son of Prince Ferdinand von
Hatzfeldt by his second marriage with
Countess Sophia, the great German Social
ist. I have two half brothers, Princes Paul
and Ernest, and had one sister, Malada,
now dead. Prince Paul is the German Min
ister to London and Prince Ernest is a
statesman in Germany.
"Upon my father's death all the Von
Hatzteldt estate, valued at $1,200,000, went
to the eldest sou. Prince Paul. I sued
Prince Paul for my mother's dower inter
est in the estate in the German courts in
1873, and the case is still in litigation. I was
beaten out of my share by' my brothers,
Panl and Earnest I don't know whether I
shall ever go back to Germany or not. My
mother came from a race of Magyars to
whom Marie Theresa, of Austria, once fled
for protection.,"
Chicago Gamblers Fleeeed by an Alleged
Combination of Squealers. "
Chicago, October 24. Algernon Gran
ville, Frank Gerrish and E. Harmon Clark
were arrested to-day for swindling. They
worked the old green goods game quite suc
cessfully, but, tiring of this, started
out to swindle the gambling Rouses.
Their stool pigeons were men
named Biley, Gains and Pillsbury.
Their lawyer was named Manning. One of
the pigeons would enter a gambling house
and sit down to a game of faro, while the
rest would watch him play. After playing
for half an hour the stool pigeon wonld walk
out, followed at different intervals by his
colleagues. The next day the lawyer would
visit the proprietor of the gambling house
and threaten him with legal prosecution
unless he refunded a certain amount of the
fictitious losses.
A score of gamblers were caught in the
trap. Al Hankins was mulcted of $1,000,
and it is estimated that the losses of the rest
of the proprietors will amount to $5,000.
The prisoners were held over to the Criminal
A St. Louis Teacher Ihe Canso of One of the
Tallest of Rows.
St. Louis.October 24. For the first time
in the history of the public schools of St.
Louis a teacher is charged with exertiug
sectarian influence with his pupils, and the
result is a tall row. "Prof. Tit H. Harris, of
the branch High School, is the delinquent.
The professor was delivering a lecture on
art and architecture, and in his treatment of
the subject embraced church architecture.
While discoursing about churches he is ac
cused of offensively giving utterance to the
following remarkable statement:
"Protestants go to church to hear a ser
mon which the minister has prepared.
Catholics go to church to pay their dollar
for confession, go home, and think that
their sins have been forgiven them."
A Combination Ticket In the Field.
New Yoek, .October 24 The Eepnbli
can County Convention, at its meeting to
night, indorsed the candidates for county
offices placed in nomination by the citizens'
meeting last night.
P"sss r r 1 Stf H Jil V ff r -"r ,
The Chairmanships of the Best
Committees Are Nearly in Sight.
His Principal Opponents Likely to Get the
Pick of the Places.
Thon;h Blalae's Influence May Hake His Biol
little Bongb.
Nothing has yet occurred to shake the
Washington correspondents' belief that
Reed, of Maine, will succeed Speaker Car
lisle, and acting on that presumption, they
are figuring out who will head the import
ant committees. An elaborate slate has"
been made out.
Washington, October 24. Every day
appears to put a new phase on the question
of the Speakership, notwithstanding the
fact that only one -of the candidates, Can
non, is here. Burrows has returned to Vir
ginia to make a few more speeches, Mcin
ley is in the thick of the Ohio campaign,
and Reed and Henderson live so far away
that they will not make their appearance
till after the November elections, when the
members of the Fifty-first Congress will
come trooping in. But each of the candi
dates has trusty friends on the ground.
Congressmen are being sounded in every
part of the country, messages and letter!) fly
constantly between the absent candidates
and the present lieutenants, and the situa
tion is resolving itself into a coudition to be
By those who have fieured closest, and
who have the best information, it is conceded
tuat need will be elected beyond a douot.
The only obstacle thought to be in the way,
or the only influence which can bring about
any other result, is the alleged opposition of
Secretary Blaine to the election of the man
who has been guilty of saying unkind
things of him. Bnt the enmity pf Blaine is
said by his closest friends to be more imag
inary than real, and that the Secretary will
not permit his ill-feeling to effect him one
way or the other in the Speakership canvass.
A friend of Bepresentative Cannon said
this evening to The Dispatch correspond
ent that Cannon privately admitted that he
thought Keed would be elected, and the war
horse from Illinois is said to be iully per
suaded in his own mind that the Chairman
ship of the Committee on Appropriations is
at any rate a more desirable position than
the Speakership. Cannon was at the head
of the list of Bepnblican members of that
committee during the Democratic rule of
the House, is thoroughly versed in the work
of the committee, and everyone admits that
he could do more efficient work there than
another member, and than he could in any
other position.
With Beed in the chair and Cannon at the
head of the Appropriations Committee, the
chairmanship of the Ways and Means Com
mittee would naturally lie between Bur
rows and McKinley, and Chairman Beed,
if ho become so, will probably have a big
fight to settle between these two gentlemen
and their friends. Hon. William D. Kel
ley willinsiitthat io avoid Attraction, he
should be given the place, as he has headed
the Republican members of the committee,
but he is considered ont of the question, on
account of his age. McKinley and Burrows
have also been on the committee, the latter
at the tail and the former next to him.
Beed himself and Browne,-"- Indiana
both have preceded JJlcHinley and narrows.
Browne is a man of fine abilities, but has
been in poor health. He is also something
of a cynic, and when there is a scramble
for any place he would rather look on and
enjoy his feeling of contempt than take a
hand in the row.
The general opinion is that in view of Mc
Kinley's supposed superiorknowledge of the
tariff subject, and as that will be the chief
work of the Ways and Means Committee, he
will be allotted that place. Appropriations
and Ways and Means are the two great com
mittees, and after them there is little choice
as to rank between several committees. As
there may be a protracted and heated
wrangle in regard to the revision of the
rules, and possibly interminable filibuster
ing against the adoption of the report of that
committee, it is thought that Burrows may
be satisfied with beinc placed at the head of
the Bules Committee, though the Speaker of
the .House is ex-omcio unairman oi me com
mittee. Henderson's candidacy for the Sneaker
ship, though it get him no more support
than the Iowa delegation, will emphasize his
demand for a good chairmanship. Strange
to say, so prominent a member as he had a
place on only one committee in the last
Congress, and that was at the tail of the
Appropriations Committee. He would
naturally be put at the head of the Commit
tee on Military Affairs.
It is likely that, at the last moment, Hon.
Leonidas C. Honk, of Tennessee, will loom
up as a candidate lor Speaker, and if so, he
will have to be solaced with a good chair
manship, and as he stood next to the head of
the Bepnblican members on the Committee
on Elections of the last Congress, and as
contested election cases will be numerous
and exciting in the next Congress, he will
probably strike for that committee, which
would offer he best opportunity for a dis
play of his wit and oratory.
The chairmanship of the Committee on
Harbors will lie between Henderson, of Illi
nois, and Bavne, of Pennsylvania, with the
probabilities in favor of the latter, in the
event of Seed's election. Hitt, of Illinois,
is, of all the Bepnblican members, the ideal
Chairman for the Committee on For
eign Relations, and his selection would
further reduce the chances of Henderson.
Bingham, of Pennsylvania, will probably
be Chairman of the Committee on Postoffices
and Postroads; Boutelle, of Maine, at the
head of the Committee on" Naval Affairs,and
Farquhar, of New York, Chairman ot the
Committee on Merchant Marine and Fish
eries, which will be a highly important com
mittee, in view of the propositions that will
be made to grant a bounty to American ves
sels. These are the'important committees,
and the shrewdest calculators have made
out the above slate.
Quite Well SntUfled That Republicans Will
Turn Oat to Tote.
Philadelphia, October 21 William
H. Audrews, Chajrman of the Bepnblican
State Committee, arrived at the Continental
Hotel, to-day, from the western part of the
State, where he has been putting the finish
ing touches to the campaign. It was
thought that the State Chairman and Sen
ator Quay would have had a conference
here prior to the election, but as Senator
Quay will remain at Beaver, and Chairman
Andrews has declared his purpose of re
maining here, it is hardly likely that the
two practical campaigners will meet.
When the State Chairman entered the
committee headquarters to-day at the Con
tinental Hotel, he expressed himself as sat
isfied with the ontlook. "In spite of its be
ing an off year, politically," said he, "I
feel perfectly satisfied that Republicans
generally recognize the importance of the
contest, and that they will vote."
F I -
NVrse -
dayitt's unpens:
The Noted Irishman Appears Befc
Parnell Commission An Exhanst;
Review ot Ihe Brents Lead
ing tor the Present
London, October 24. The interest in the
proceedings of the Parnell Commission to
day was centered in the speech of Michael
Davitt, whose manly independence and un
questioned patriotism command the respect
of all classes alike. Mr. Davitt will prob
ably occupy the time of the commisssion for
several days, as he proposes to enter into an
exhaustive review ot the events which led
up to the peculiar political situation in
which Ireland is placed to-day.
Although it is given out that Mr.
Davitt in appearing before the commissWn
at all is acting counter, to the wishes of Mr.
Parnell. the man of all others most con
cerned in the decision which the commis
sion may reach, and is acting against the
advice of the other Irish leaders, there is
reason to believe that in the preparation of
his speech Mr. Davitt had the assistance of
Mr. Parnell and many of his followers.
The Tories charge that Mr, Davitt is
guilty of apiece of willful deception in stat
ing in the opening of his speech- to-day that
his appearance before the commission was
without the approval of his colleagues. As
a matter of fact, however, his statement is
literally true. Mr. Parnell and his follow
ing have all along insisted that the commis
sion should be permitted to conclude 4ts
labors without any further assistance or ad
vice from the Irish leaders, and they earn
estly attempted to dissuade Mr. Davitt from
his determination to address the commission.
Finding, however, that he was resolute,
without in any way sanctioning the step,
thev concluded that if Mr. Davitt must de
fend the Irish in a speech, they might as
well do "what they could to see that the
speech was a good one. It was only in this
way that Mr. Davitt obtained the assistance
of his colleagues, and the charge of bad
faith against him for his statement of this
morning is groundless.
He Shows a Party What It Won't and
What It WIll.Do.
New Yobk, October 24. Rudolph Erics
son experimented this afternoon, on the
new transverse road, at Ninety-seventh
street, in Central Park, with an explosive
of his which, he calls extralite. It looks
like powdered sulphur, and. feels like
brown sugar. He burned two pounds
of it in a charcoal fire in the open
air. It bnrned slowly, with no
explosion. A percussion primer was at
tached to a half-pound cartridge in the
open air and fired. Itsimply tore the cart
ridge open without igniting the explosive.
Next Mr. Ericsson nut a full cartridge on a
stone and pounded it" to bits with another
stone. It didn't go off. Mr. Ericsson filled
a tomato can with the stuff and, standing
three feet away, shot a bullet through the
can. No harm done.
Having shown some of the things his ex
plosive wouldn't do, he set about showing
what it would do. He got some small holes
drilled, 18, 12 and 8 inches deep. About 8
Ounces of extralite were put in the first two,
and 6 ounces in the other. Her rammed it
down with a stick and stuck a primer in
each hole. The .holes were- filled in with
dirt and the. wires connected with a battery.
Away out in the tennis- field Mr. Ericsson
had his finger on the button of the'electric
battery. When everybody was well ont of
the way, and red flags were waving, he
pressed the -barton, sac with a roar a huge
mass of rock was splintered Big.pieces of
stone rose heavily in the air and were hurled
aside. The chief ingredients of the ex
plosive are an ammomacal salt, a hydro
carbon and chlorate of potash. . 1,,
A Man Will Die Who Intended to First Kill
His Wife.
'PHlLADELPHIA,October24.-Silas Holly,
a young colored man, made a murderous at
tack upon his wife, from whom he had been
separated for some time past, at noon, to
day, by shooting and stabbing her, and
afterward attempted to take his own life by
cutting his throat with, a razor. The couple
have been married abont six years,
but owing to his jealous disposition
and his cruel treatment toward her,
the wife left him early in the year, and has
been earning her own living by doing wash
ing and at other occupations. Six weeks ago
she went to live as a servant with the family
of Mrs. H. L. Pntzell, and while there was
frequently visited by her husband. At each
visit he entreated her to return and live with
him again, but she positively refused to do
so. He called on the same errand to-day,
and on his wife's refusal to live with him he
drew a pistol and shot ber twice in the face,
breaking both jaws. Then he grabbed a
knife from the kitchen table and cut her in
the breast and arm.
Holly escaped to his boarding house,
abont half a mile from the scene of the
attack on his wife. He locked himself in
his room, and when the police came to ar
rest him he cut his throat with a razor.
He was unconscious when the police broke
in the door. Holly will die. His wife
may recover.
The International American Delegates Were
Received With Open Arras.
St. Pattl, October 24. The international
American excursion train rolled into the
St. Paul Bailroad station at 10:30 o'clock
this morning. The delegates were driven
to the City Hall, where they were formally
welcomed to the city and State. A welcome
address was made by the chairman
of the reception committee, who called
attention to the last Territorial, the first
State and the present State Governors,
State officials and United States Senators,
and in the name of all welcomed the visiW
ors. A short visit was taken to the Council
Chamber to examine a fine exhibit of the
mineral and vegetable wealth of the North
west, including manufactures, grain, fruits,
and ores from Minnesota, Dakota, Montana
and Washington.
After lunch at the residence of Governor
W: B. Merriam the delegates were driven
around the city, viewing Summit avenue,
one of the finest drives in the country, and
visiting the residence part of the city and
taking a look at the industries. This even
ing a big reception was held at the Byan
Hotel, the banquet havine been abandoned
at the requestof the State Department.
A Railroad Across Guatemala to'Conneet the
Atlantic and Pacific.
Pakama, October 15. A contract has
been signed by Guatemala with the Suez
Canal Company for the constrnction of a
northern railroad which will be united to
the northern, or rather the central, line ot
Guatemala. This line will be of great importance-
to Guatemala and all Central
America, as well as to all those doing busi
ness on the Pacific coast, as it will estab
lish direct communication between the At
lantic and Pacific across Guatemala, The
French company will place at the disposal
of the Government 106,502,500 francs.
With this money the nation will purchase
the Guatemala Central Railroad, which is
worth 20,000,000 francs, and with the re
mainder the company, will construct the
Northern Hailroad, with the necessary
wharves "at the seaports, stations, etc. The
sum of 10,000,090 f raaaa will be employed in
estahHsfaing.abask. '
. W ?i.Vtf
r-kABrticnT i-arm. ,w
Araerieaa. Bomaaee'bT BJalmar
Boyesen, wili.be published complete
s Dispatch.
first Meeting of the Comm-
sioners Appointed by
Governor Beaver.
Civil Engineers Believe TMat Tterim
More Than Eaough. '
One by the Une of the Old Erie ami Beaver -,
Canal and the Other to the AHeafc
River The Commission Xitsteae la '
. itlneer Moody, of Erie An IaspeettM ot''.
.!. Dl . itf Yxrt m ITTi. a
iut7 ncuva in id uaauo nam uvncvLfe
States Engineer HerrHI TMakst of Hm i
Project The Commissioners Zaroarsre4
by Their First Session's Developments
The commission: appointed byGovener
Beaver to report on the feasibility of
structing a canal from Lake Erie to.
Ohio river began its work, yesterday at tMtl
Hotel Anderson. Officers were elected.,.
L. Moody, of Erie, and the engineers, v
are members of the commission, exprsa
the opinion that a copious water supplyf
available- The commission decided te i
again soon and inspect the route. CeiMel!
Merrill states that four movable djaa ate.
necessary between Pittsburg and Beaver ta!
make the dam available.
The State Commission appointee! VyttwJ
Governor to investigate and report te tfce'
' l-
Legislature the feasibility of corrae4iara j
ship canal connecting Lake Erie asd
Ohio river held its first meeting at fte 1
Anderson yesterday- By the invitatteaTfj
the Governor the commissioners met i Ms
room, parlor 68. All were
being Captain John A. Wood ad Cnfcmsl :
Thomas P. Boberts, of Pitttfcargr W. 8.
Shallenberger, a banker of Boeheattr; Jehaj&fe
W. Goodwin, of Sharpsbnrg, aI
Brewer, of Erie. Messrs. Roberts aad 8 ss d-j
win are civil engineers. Mr. Brewer is MwJ
proprietor and editor of the Brie
All of the members of the eommisaioB je t
in favor of building the oaaal if it fee i
to be feasible. Governor Beaver eaJied ,
commission to order at noon. HeannanasM
that he had received the tiecliaatD
UQUUCU JCLillCf, weiu JHM&f SKVCl -SHSyianHSHHJWp jm
and that he had named la-his Me Sulla ar
Boberts, of the- Monosgahela
Company. The appetntsaat ot'
Boberts was reeeived. with, 'gtaat I
the other members of the aac
"s wpveraer .Beaver asaae ji -
ot tie abject for" w-hial tfce
aJsj.kjtl-v jjb
amHsriied bvlaw and anoomte!. aan aatij
v3- fr. -..-
i- -- . -v ?
can oeea jspprepntHea iar ,j sjs
s$ JSe expressed doubt as tewl
r that amount wosld enable the-1
1 to i&ake a thorough survey of a roate.
The body organized by eleetiag G4a1ki
Jaw A. Wood. President; Mr. Ba
berger, Treasurer, and Mr. Brewer, I
tarv. Mr. Brewer asked the eommisstea 1
hear Mr". G. Lyman Moodvya'oivii
of Erie, who had prepared a Baa af'-taa-J
water sources of the upper AlWaeajsH-
Mr. Moodv is an eiaeriy gentle
has been engaged for many yean is '1
territory, and is intimately acquainted w
the entire region. He displayed te a m
mission a map about 6 by 4 feet, shewtac
the territory between Lake Erie, tae '.
waters of the Allegheny river sad tae i
below Franklin, He had divided. shisT
ritory into three drainage basins; the
eastern, Chautauqua, with as area of i
square miles; the central. Oil ereek,
an area of 200 square miles; the
Conneaut orFreoch creek, with as.
600 square miles. The French oreek
supplied the water for tae old Brie ssl
Beaver canaL Mr. Moody believed
the water from the three basins eeaM -
made available for the proposed aWa i
The drainage of ChautaBaa Lake MsotT fcj
.... . ... . . Lrri
very small, the water ot tae laae
mainly from springs; aad there k Bttte i
pins In the summer.
Mr. Moody raid that k would be yesei
to build' a conduit to feed the canal, start! ny-j
from the Allegheny river at Tidieate, wkeaej
the river elevation, is J.iia leer, mamas;:
down tne river almost to uu i;ity, aacj
making so great a fall the ooaiutt'
there is.in the river. At Oil City ta
duit would be away up oa the biasT, ai
the river level. There fie weaM raJ
condnit across to Oil creek; aad Keaml
water from the Oil oreerbasia. He
cross a short distance north of the tataa ,
Franklin, from the Allegheny vaMey ta
valley of Fresco creek, and baiW fcts
duit up the valley of Freaea erase,
all the time finding a slight dM
the conduit. French ereek has aj
small fall, and the eeaduit otvaM;
I ? iflk'd
built ud its valley to Conneaut Laka. -
elevation is 30 feet below the efcvatiWfifi
the Allegheny river at Ttdieate.
would make Conneaut Lake tae
level of the proposed rtip oaaal as H was j
of the old Erie aad Beaver canal, aad smMiI
draw the water from all three of the bastes
into which the region is divided. Ofsr,t
whole area, Mr. Moody said, there is a l
nnal rainfall of 40 inches, nearly eqsisj
divided among the four seasons of the yi
If it were necessary to build storage aai
voire, this matter of the rainfall
would be an important and
feature. The proposed eoaduit
from 60 to 90 miles long.
"This water snpply," Mr. MooaV
"wonld furnish water for a oaaal w4
deep enough to float any vessel that saw mttH
Lake .Kri-e. in ray eaieataueas J. -allowed
for an evanoration and seats
the oanal equal to the water eoakiassll
miles ot its lenrta in. tnree
Tidioute the Allegheny will sfe
100 eunic feet of water per sees
the eight months of eaaal nttvigi
then I don't take halfof it."
Mr. Meodv left his nao with
EDissteH, and received t tae tbaw,
meiBDers ror nw eapiaaaiiaaa. wsmt
men spent the Taasarn aer of Ifca
until 430 o'elea-v M,tdisatM
theaHelvet as ta mm atata mat- fi)
tie aMtaoaTT MNb,1
,. rM
enace -to thi
&? :
j2ti4 t .XiasaL! J&'k,i
JBfcidii.jUf !S.ii