Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 24, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Leading Features of Jlarkfcls at the
East Liberty Yards.
Erin of Unripe Hogs Yery Heavy and
Markets Demoralized.
Wednesday. October a 18S9. j
The general tone of markets shows no im
provement on last week, but the reverse.
The situation has been in fa vor of buyers all
along the line. The biggest drop has been
in hogs, which are from 20 to 30 cents lower
than they were this time last week.
Cattle receipts were close to 50 loads larger
this week than last For two weeks previous
to last the run was about "200 carloads each
week for our local trade. This number was
far beyond the wants of trade, and last week
receipts dropped to 100 loads, which amount
was as much below wants of trade as the pre
vious week's receipts were above. On Mon
day ISO loads were reported, and additional
receipts since have brought the total close
up to 140 car loads.
A Very Small Ran.
The proportion of prime cattle in this
week's run was unusually small. A leading
stockman gives as the reason for light re
ceipts of prime beeves, the fact that export
ers are generally going to headquarters, or
sources of supply for their cattle. Said he:
"Nearlyallliigu grade cattle are now held by
strong bands in the country, who being unwill
ing to sell at prevailing rates, force the export
ers to come to them. The farmers wiio hold
the finer grades or cattle are able to bide their
time. They gather in the small bunches of
this grade from their neighbors and hnish them
up for exporters, than wait for the buyer to
come round. For this reason large numbers
of prime cattle are shipped through from the
farms of Kentucky and Ohio direct to the sea
board, and very few come to our markets as
compared with former jears."
The general range of cattle received at Lib
erty this week was what stockmen call from
verv common to fairly good. The few primes
on the market held up fairly well to last week's
prices. The highest price reached was $4 50. A
few loads not quite so fine brought $1 30.
Good butchering stock, such as our market
calls for, weighing 1,100 to 1,300 pounds, held up
to prices of last week. There was a good sup
ply of fresh cows, and prices were fairly sus
tained. At noon to-day stock was not all sold.
bheep nnd Lambs.
The supply was much larger this week than
last, and the result was a sharp decline. Lambs
suffered most by the drop, as the run was un
usually large. The quality of offerings was
generally inferior. Choice grades suffered
least in the decline, but of this class there was
a very small proportion of the total receipts.
It is not a good time of the year for sheep, as
bogs now have the field.
The run ot hoes has been much larger this
week than last and prices are 20 to 30c lower on
common grades. Yorkers and Philadelphias
felt the decline leas', but there was a sharp re
duction all along the line. Said a leading
dealer: "Large quantities of common unripe
bogs have been coming to onr markets of late
and their effect on trade has bren very demor
alizing. We are getting stubble hogs freely
now w hich ought to have come a month or two
sooner. Shoats that were summered on clover
and warmed up a little with green corn have of
late been dumped on to our market in large
quantities by farmers of this neighborhood,
v ho fear that pnees will be low er later on.
"Unripe live ock never pa s cither the raiser,
dealer or buj er. and I would that onr farmers
could be brought to realize this fact." Good
goods are the winning card every time in the
long run, and never was this fact more clearly
demonstrated than during these times of close
margins and small profits In live stock trade.
AlcCnll & Co.'s Weekly Review.
The snpply of cattle being liberal, and a
small attendance of bnyers, the market ruled
very slow and lower, in fact the worst market
of tho 6eason. We give the following as ruling
prices: Prime, 1,300 to 1,600 pounds, H 201 40;
good, 1,200 to 1,400 pounds, S3 503 90: good
butcher grades. 1,000 to 1,200 pounds, S3 10
3 JO; rouEh, fat, 1,100 to 1.300 pounds, .82 90
3 15; good feeders, 1.000 to 1,200 pounds. $3 10
3 25: common feeders and stockers. $2 252 75:
heifers and mixed lots, 2 002 75; bulls and
fat cows, SI 502 50; fresh cows and springers.
$23 0045 DO per head.
The receipts of bogs fair; market slow at
the following quotations: Heaw and medium,
4 3o4 45: fair to best Yorkers, S4 250)4 40:
roughs. $3 504 00.
The receipts of sheep this week were fair;
market slow at a decline of 10015c per cwt.
from last week's price?. We give the follow
ing as ruling prices: Prime Ohio and Indiana
wethers, weighinc here 110 to 120 pounds,
S4 505 00; good, 90 to 100 pounds, 54 404 75;
fair to good mixed. 75 to SO pounds, J3 153 50:
good yearlings, 75 to 0 pounds, S4 254 50;
common to fair, 50 to 60 pounds, S3 50&4 00:
good lambs. S5 00(i 00; veal calves, 110 to 120
pounds, S5 00g6 00. Heavy calves not wanted.
By Telesrapb.
New Yoek Beeves dull; receipts, SO car
loads for the market, 35 car loads for exporta
tion, and 11 cr loads for city slaughterers di
rect; firm and 10c per 100 pounds hicber; all
sound. Kn live steers sold. S3 203 50 per 100
pounds, with one car load of extra hellers at
S5 25; ordinary Texans went at S3 00 per 100
pounds; native cons and bulls at SI 7o2 SO;
exports 500 beeves and 2,240 quarters of beef.
Calves Receipts.700 head: active and higher at
5 7Jc for veals and at 23c for grassers and
"Western calves. Sheep Receipts, 6,600 bead,
and 4,000 were carried over yesterday; ex
tremelydull at a decline equal to Jic per pound,
and 15 cai load's remain unsold: sheep sold at
S3 50go SO per 100 pounds; lambs at to 006 SO.
Hogs Receipts. 10,000 head: barely two car
loads were offered alive, and the trading was
nearly nominal at S4 4034 65.
CniCAOO The Drovert" Journal reports:
Cattle Kecelnts. 15.000 head: shipments, 4,000
head; market steady on good, others weak;
beeves, $1 SOffio 00: steers, S3 O04 40: stockers
and feeders. SI 902 93; cows, bulls and mixed.
If 102 55: Texas cattle, SI 602 90; Western
rangers, S2 004 00. Hogs-Receipts, 29,000
head: shipments, 8.000 head; market slow, clos
ing 5 to 10 cents lower: mixed, S3 904 60: heaw,
S3 864 20; light, S3 i54 30; skips. S3 O04 00.
Sheep Receipts, 10.000 head; shipments. 3,000
head: market steady: natives. S3 005 10: West
ern. S3 604 15; Texans, S3 25 I 05; lambs, S4 00
Kansas City Cattle Receipts, 7,751 head;
shipments. 4,258 head: market strong on
everything except medium native cattle:
native beeves. S3 40g4 62; cows, 81 50
2 35; stockers and feeders. S2 523 15:
Texans. SI 403 25. Hogs Receipts. 8,821
bead; shipments, 00 bead; market 510c lower:
good to "choice light. S3 954J4 15: heavv and
mixed. S3 75Q3 90. Sheep Receipts, 496 head;
shipments, none: market strong; good to
choice muttons, 13 504 SO; stockers and feed
ers. S2 002 sa
St. Louis Cattle Receipts. 1.400 head: ship
ments. 900 head: market strong: choice heavy
native steers, S4 254 S5; lair to good. do. S3 30
1 35: stockers and feeders. Sl'602 40: range
Meers, S2 102 90. Hogs Receipts, 5,200 head:
shipments, 2.SO0 Head; market low: fair to
chmce heavv, S3 S0ffi4 00; packing gradcsS3 70
S3 90: light, fair to best. S3 904 15. Sheep
Receipts, L400 head; shipments, none: market
steady: fair to choice, S3 404 CO. g
New Yoek. October 23. There was con
tinued activity in spring goods, the demand
widening out as new faDrics are brought for
ward. White goods, ginghams, fall kinds,
seersuckers and printed fabrics meet with wide
attention from jobbers. Woolen dress goods
for spring are alo active on orders. The man
ufacturing demand for cheviots, ducks, eta. is
very fair. ,5taple plain goods and fall special
ties are In moderate request, but in excellent
chape as to stocks. The general cotton goods
market improves In tone with an unward look.
Jf a Prisoner is Not Convicted In Illinois Ho
Will be Tried Elsewhere.
CHICAGO, October 23. A requisition
will arrive shortly from NewHaven.-Conn.,
for the mysterious young man who robbed
Dr. H. A. Johnson recently at the cashier's
window in the .First national Bank. He
gave his name to the police as Harry Mil
burn, but his real name is Farguhar.
"While employed as bookkeeper for a firm in
New Haven he is said to have embezzled
$1,500 and escaped to Canada, bnt not liking
the climate there came to Chicago recently.
Farqnhar will be tried for his crime here,
and if he escapes conviction he will be sent
to New Haven-
A Firmer Feeling Id Wheat. With Good
Trading Shorn Coverlns Corn and
Oais Stronger Mess Pork
Regntniiic Lost Ground.
Chicago Wheat was active, and a firmer
feeling existed, which prevailed most of the ses
sion, thouch occasional weak spots developed.
The strength was caused largely by parties who
bad sold freely the past few days trying to get
some of their wheat back. Foreigners, it was
claimed, had sent some buying orders and there
was also long buying from other sources, which,
together with the demand from shorts, created
quite an active demand. ,
The opening was i&c higher than yester
day's closing, which advance was followed by a
further improvement of c Then occurred a
break of Jc for December and He for Jlay,
which was; followed by an advance of o for
December and e for May, closing about JJc
higher for December and lc higher forilay
than closing figures of yesterday.
May took the lead again to-day, selling from
3c to 3Je premium over December. The rea
son for this may be that trading of late has been
largely in Mav delivery, and, as operators pie
f erred to sell this month rather than December,
having less fear of manipulation, it created a
greater short interest, and with shorts cover
ing, consequently brought out a corresponding
lv greater demand.
The advance of to-day is looked upon bvmany
as only temporary, though prices may bo car
ried still higher. There was no doubt some buy
ing on the belief that such will be the case,
based upon the reported falling off of farmers'
deliveries in the Northwest, which, however,
may not show in the movement for several days
yet. The buying was stimulated some by the
report that 19 boat loads had been taken in New
York lor export.
Advices were somewhat contradictory on the
export news, some claiming that the above re
port included old business and others that No
vember shipments were included. Late advices
stated 14 loads, comprising seven boats which
were loading for Lisbon. Some bad reports of
the growing winter wheat were received again
to-day from Michigan, and the rains in Ohio
and Indiana, it was claimed, were only slight
A rather firm feeling was manifested in corn,
and transactions were at slightly higher prices.
The better tone was due largely to the smaller
movement, to-day's arrivals falling short of ex
pectations. A prominent local speculator was
reported as being a purchaser to-day. The
speculative market opened a trifle above the
closing quotations of yesterday, was firm the
greater part of the session, though no material
advance was recorded, but final trades were a
shade above the close of yesterday.
Iu oats arrivals were below estimates. This
produced a stronger feeling and prices ad
vanced a fraction. Trading was moderate and
well distributed. A light business was done in
selling December and buying January at c
In mess pork more was doing in a specula
tive way, and tne feeling stronger. A promi
nent local operator purchased November
rather freely, while miscellaneous shorts ac
cented fair quantities for January, the bulk of
which was obtained from manufacturers.
Prices were advanced 1017Jic on the whole
range, though outside prices were not fully
Lard trading was only moderate, and the
feeling was easier. Prices ruled about 510c
lower and the market closed quiet at inside
In short rib sideB rather more was doing and
the feeling was stronger. Prices were ad
vanced 1517)c on October and 2ffi6c on
other deliveries, but the Improvement was not
fully supported.
The leading fntures ranged as follows:
Wheat No. 2. December. 795;6S0?79fi
fiSOVfe; year, 7SJ7Sc; May. 8283?i682&
Corn No. 2. November, S0?i30I30
30c: December, 303Q3(30jc; May.
Oats No. 2, November, 18lSJc; Decem
ber. 18?iISKc; May. 21212121Kc
Mess Pork, per bbb November, $9 67K
9 7J9 679 S7U; year, S9 359 359 20g
9 22K; January, S9 4d9 62&8J 459 52.
Lars, per 100 fts. November. $6 02K
6 02k: December, S5 956 0085 955 85; Jan
arv, S5 92K5 955 92H5 95.
Shoet Ribs, per 100 fts. November, S4 90S
4 954 9b4 90; January, S4 SC4 24 80
4 80.
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour quiet
and steady. No. 2 spring wheat. 78c;
No. 3 spring wheat, 64665c; No. 2 red,78jic
No. 2 corn. S0a tto. 2 oats, 18c No. 2
rye. 41?c No. 2 barley, 60e asked. No. 1 flax
seed. SI 2S. Prime timothy seed, SI 15.
Mess pork, per bbL 510 75. Lard, per 100
pounds, S6 35g6 S7. Short nbs sides (looe),
S525575. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), S4 25
4 5a Short clear sides (boxed), $5 625 75.
Sugars, cut loaf, unchanged. Receipts Flour,
34.000 barrels; wheat. 176.000 bushels: corn,
273,000 bushels; oats, 297,000 bushels; rye, 21.000
bushels; barley. 139,000 bushels. Shipments
Flonr, 11,000 barrels; wheat, 155,000 bushels: corn.
360,000 bu.-bels; oats, 279,000 bushels; rye, 8,000
bushels; barley, 59,000 bushels.
On the Produce Exchange to-day the. but
ter market was unchanged. Eggs, lC17c
New York Flour steadier and moderately
active, with lighter offerings. Cornmeal dull.
Wheat Spot fairly active, chiefly expott, J
r higher and firm: options active, strong and
JiJc up; freer buyiig. chiefly for foreign ac
count, snorts covering. Rye quiet Barley
dull. Barley malt quiet. Corn 8pot higher,
strong and fairly active: options firmer and
moderately active. Oats Spot firmer ana
fairly active; options stronger. Hay fairly ac
tive and firm. Hops steady and quiet. Coffee
Options opened steady, 5010 pointB down,
closing steady 10 15 points down; sales, 33,250
bags, including October, 15.05c; 'November,
15.05c; December, 15.O0l5.10c; Januarv. 15.00
15.10c; February, 15.0oc: March, 15.0015.10c;
April, 15.10c; Mav. 15.0515.10c: June, 15.00
15.05c; July, 14.9014.95c; spot Rio steady and
quiet; lair cargoes 19c. Sugar Raw nom
inal; refined easy and quiet. Molasses New
Orleans dull. Rice Demand fair but firm.
Cottonseed oil firm but quiet. Tallow weak;
city ($2 for packages), 4K1 9-16c. Rosin firm
but quiet; strained, common to good, SI 07J
1 123-J. Turpentine higher but quiet at 4
49Jc. Eggs quiet and firm for fine: Western,
20a21c: receipts, 4,179 packages. Pork quiet
and irregular. Cutmeats weak; smoked shoul
ders, 4ic; pickled shoulders, ic; pickled
bams, 9JS?c: pickled bellies, 12 pounds. TJc.
Middles quiet. Lard higher but quiet: West
ern steam, SG 9i CG 95; sales: October. S6 90;
November. SO -iT: December, SO 40; January,
$6 39: February t6 43: March. S6 47. Butter
quiet and weak: Klgin, 2425c; western dairy,
915c; do creamery, 1224c; do held, 1219c;
do factory. 7K13c. Cheese quiet and about
steady: Western. 7J10c
Philadelphia Flour quiet; market ruled
in buyers' favor. Wheat strone, and prices of
options advanced J-jC under bullish manipula
tion in Chicago; speculation quiet; high grades
scare; No. 2 red, October, 8081c; November,
8181jc; December, 8282$c; January, 83
83c. Corn firm but prices of options largely
nominal in absence of speculative trading: car
lots weak; No. 4 mixed on track, 39c: No. 3
mixed, on track. 40c: No. 2 mixed, in Twentieth
street elevator, 4141Kc; No. 2 mixed. October.
398J0c; November. 39&40c; December, 3bV
39c; January, 3S39c Oats Demand light
and prices of car lots a shade lower; No. 3
white. 27Jc; No. 2 white, 28K29c; dead stor
age, 28c: futures dull and barely steady: No.
2 white. October. 2S2Sc: November. 272Sc;
December, 2SJ42SXc: Januarv. 2SJ2S3c.
Provisions steady and in fair jobbing demand:
pork, mess, new, $12 00; do prime mess, new,
ill 00. .Eggs steady; Pennsylvania firsts, 23c.
St. Louis Flour unchanged. Wheat firm;
opening with good buying and closing c
above vesterday; No. 2 cash, 75Jc; December,
77-"SJc. dosing at 78c bid; May, 82
racciosing at. ooc a&fcem isuro urmer out quiet:
Io. Zcasl)
ic; Jiav, ZIJ4C. rvye sieauy at asc Barley
Iowa, 3540c Flaxseed quiet at SI 25. Pro
visions firm.
Milwaukee Flour steady. Wheat easy;
cash, 72c; December, 73a Corn dull. No. 3,
31c. Oats quiet; No. 2 white, 21g21Ja Rye
easy; No 1. 42c Barley fairly active; Octo
ber and November 52c. Provisions firm. Pork.
Sll SO. Lard, S6 40. Cheese unchanged.
Baltimore Batter quiet and easy; western
packed, 1013c: best roll, 1418c; creamery. 23
21c Eggs firm:; nearby. 2122c: western, 21c
Coffee dull: Rio cargoes, fair, 19J4c
Toledo Cioverseed quiet; cash and Octo
ber, S3 7a
Metnl fllnrket.
New York Pig iron firm and active; Amer
ican. $15 501S. Copper dull; lake. October,
S10 5. Lead quiet and steady; domestic, S3 SO.
Tin firm and more active; Straits, S20 90.
The Very Favorable Showing Blade by the
Pennsylvania Cenynny.
Philadelphia, October 23. The report
of the Pennsylvania Bailroad Company east
ofPittsbars and Erie for September, as
compared with the same month in 1888,
showed an increase in gross earnings of
143,306. an increase in expensesol $118,920,
and an increase in net earnings, $24,380.
The nine months of 1889, as compared with
the same period of 1888, shows an increase
in gross earnings $1,311,626, an increase in
expenses, $829,235, and an .increase 'in net
earnings of 5482,391. -
All lines west of Pittsburg and Brie for
the nine months of 1889, show a surplus over
all liabilities of $421,047, being, a gain as
compared with the same period of 1888 of
Fob a disordered liver try Beecham's Pills.
Pears' Soap the pnrest and. best ever made
Pittsburg Real Estate Dealers Re
port a Famine of Small Houses.
Coming Improvements in the Bearer Tal
ley Give Eealty a Boost.
Although particulars cannot be given at
present, it can be stated on the best of au
thority that a prominent real estate firm on
Fourth avenue is about to purchase a tract
of land in the outskirts of Allegheny City,
where it is proposed to lay out a boulevard
and build a large number of brick houses
for sale on the Oakland Square plan. The
firm has gone so far as to offer a leading
contractor a large salary to superintend the
erection of the buildings.
Another movement in realty of import
ance which came to the surface yesterday
was the sale of three acres in the Squirrel
Hill district fer $10,000. It was taken on specu
lation by a well-known capitalist, who desires
his name withheld for the present.
A member of the real estate firm of Charles
Somers & Co. remarked yesterday: "We are
having a good inquiry for almost all kinds of
property. We have a number of applications
for business stands on our books. The In
creased interest in this direction indicates an
expansion of trade. The bulk of the demand,
however, is for medium-sized houses, costing
from $2,000 to $4,000. Notwithstanding the
large nnmber of buildings of this class erected
during the year, they are scarce. It isjiardto
find one that Is unoccupied.
"Our population would increase much faster
if we could provide cheap houses for Incomers.
I hope and believe that a large number ot them
will be built next year. I can see no better in
vestment for capitalists. It pays better than
mortgages, and gives less trouble. Cheap
houses is Pittsburg's greatestneed. Capitalists
are beginning to realize It, and from all that I
can learn they will do a great deal next year to
supply tho want."
The good people of the Beaver Valley are
awaking to the fact that there are great pos
sibilities before them, and a lively movement in
real estate is in progress. The principal reasons
for this unwonted activity in one of the most
conservative sections of Western Pennsylvania
are the firm belief of a majority of the citizens
that the proposed ship canal will be put through
and that two or three electric railroads will be
built next year, affording all the rapid transit
necessary for the opening up and development
of the country.
In view of the probability that some, if hot
all, of these great improvements will be realized,
a syndicate, composed, it is believed, of electric
railroad men, has been organized to buy up as
much land as possible on speculation. This
syndicate has already made extensive pur
chases in the vicinity of Beaver and Bridge
water, the immediate result of which has been
to make real estate the liveliest interest in the
valley, and to enhance prices 10 to 25 per cent.
The success of the syndicate has induced other
buyers to enter the field, establishing a brisk
competition, which will Inure to the benefit of
The Beaver Valley enjoys a widespread repu
tation for beauty of location and wealth of soil,
but, owing to the conservative habits and
methods of the inhabitants, legacies bequeathed
to then: descendants by the early settlers, it has
never enjoyed what is popularly called a
'boom," and perhaps it is all the better off for
it. But a change has recently taken place.
Many of the old settlers have died off, and a
new and more progressive generation is in con
trol. Old ideas are being given up and new
ones adopted. The importance of improve
mentof opening up new avenues to market
and of quicker transit as an inducement to
more rapid settlement which men formerly
looked upon with disfavor, is now regarded
as indispensable to the full development of, the
territory, and the people are not only taking a
personal interest in these matters, but inviting
the co-operation of outside capitalists.
This is all right, but a few words of caution
to the promoters of these enterprises seem ap
plicable at this juncture. Don't go too fast.
Move cautiously so as to avoid mistakes. Avoid
a boom. Keep values of realty within healthy
limits. Bell as much as possible to those want
ing to improve and as little as possible to spec
ulators. Bmld bouses. Don't undertake more
than you can accomplish. Keep out of debt.
By working on these lines there will be little
danger of a disastrous reaction. The Beaver
Valley has a great future before it if its affairs
are judiciously managed.
Pittsburg is not doing all the building. It
has been fairly active everywhere during the
year. In only a few places has it been dull,
while in a nnmber it has been unusually brisk.
Numerous dwellings have been put up, facto
ries have been built, additions have been made
to both houses and business structures, and re
pairs to all kinds of buildings have been thor
oughly sustained. A few (very large buildintts
have gone up in the more important towns and
cities, but activity for the most part has been
in the way of unpretentious and moderate
priced structures.
Such a year of building is in all respects the
best for the trade, and in the long run is the
most advantageous for the country. There is
no reaction from such activity, whereas a
boom, so-called, Is almost always succeeded by
a practical cessation of operations. The pros
pects for next year are excellent.
A "palace" chicken car is the latest develop
ment of luxury in railway transportation. The
idea of carrying live poultry hundreds, or even
thousands, of miles comfortably, and with am
ple arrangements for feeding, is by no means
absurd. Some Chicago men of railway experi
ence have bad one or two cars constructed so
to as to contain a large number of separate
coops with wire partitions, giving room for the
fowls to move about, and with arrangements
for supplying tbem with food and drink. Thou
sands of chickens can be carried in one of these
cars across the continent in good condition. In
fact, one of the proprietors of the idea says that
on the journey to California they will lay near
ly eggs enough to pay the freight
With such an inducement, added to the econ
omy of space, the saving of the cost of the ordi
nary clumsy wooden coops and the healthful
and happy condition In whTch the fowls will ar
rive at market for consumption, the palace
chicken car idea certainly has many things to
commend it.
Heavy Selling; Brcnhs the Backbone of This
Favorite Secnrlty.
Tbe.only feature of special interest at the
Stock Exchange yesterday was a semi-panic in
Philadelphia Gas. The movement was started
by holders who believe the company is in deep
water in the matter of supply, and they deter
mined to realize at almost any figure. There
was no news to justify the break, so far as
could be learned. Said a broker: "I think
considerable of the selling was short. If so,
the sellers will find themselves in a hole, in
my opinion."
The first sale was at 32. From that it stead
ily dropped, nnder heavy selling, to 32, closing
at 31 bid and none offered. The sales were
700 shares. Electric and the Tractions were
also weaker. La Noria about held its own.
There was no material change in the rest of
the list, though a bearish feeline prevailed all
round. Bids, offers and sales were:
Bid. Asked. Did. Asked.
Commercial Na. Bank 93
Diamond .Nat. Bank 170
Fiftn Avenue Bank.... 43 48 43 48
Lawrence Bank .- .... 60J
Minnie Bank ...... .... 61 .... ....
Mih&niRi Nit. Bank,
Mon'gahelaKat.B'k.. 1
German .National, Al'y .
Man. saier. ini...
Nat. Gas Co. of W. Va. .... 79
ftMn Vallev Gas ZIU
People's h. G. &P.Oo .... UH
Pbllaaeipma uo ,. ....
Pine Kan Gt &H
Wheeling Gas Co 2S
ll.rdwood Oil Co
vva.lilntrtonOHCo 81 .... 81
Central Traction WX Sltf .... M
Citizens' Traction 70 ;..
Vltt.hnrff Traction 48 - 48
.Pleasant Valley 19 1V Mi
Pitta. Jnne. K. B
IP.. McK.4Y.-B. B.CO.
5 - -ft, "
P. O.&St.L
Pitts. A Western K. K.
KJs ....
19 ....
Z ....
2X .... 2H
1 ,i
10 .... 10
Pitts. A W. K. R. pfd. 19
Point lirMjre .- 3)i
Hldalfro MlnlneCo
La Noria Mining Co...
Luster Mlnltiir Co .' ....
lanceeuiri jmning...
3), .... V
Westinehouse Electric 4SK 433a
Granite Itoonng Co SO
Mon'rahela Water Co 35
a. a. 4 Sig. Co. S
U. S. 4 blc. prer. 50
Westlnghouse A. B 113 111 .
Pittsburg Cyclorama.. 5 10
P. Jet. R.K., 1st Mt. 63,117
P.C.4St.Ul.m.reg.7s 118 ., ,,
P.4 W. It. K. Co. new 4s .... 84M .... WM
Citizens' Traction s... K 109W 109
Pitts. Traction 5s 107)s
Sales at the first call were 45 shares of Phila
delphia at K 230 at 32V. and 5 Electric at 4S&
At the afternoon call 25 shares of Pbiladelpnia
Gas went at 32, 100 at 32 and 300 at 32.
A. Caster sold $5,000 Pittsburg Traction 5s at
107 and interest, and $6,000 Bridgewater 6s "at
the market." Robert J. Stonoy, Jr., sold 30
shares Philadelphia Gas at 32. Edward P.
Long sold 500 shares La Noria at L
The total sales ot stocks at New rork yestcr
dav were 213,013 shares, including: Atchison,
7,495; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western,
4,600; Kansas and Texas. 8,940; Lake Shore.
4,410; Louisville and Nashville, 17,891f Missouri
Pacific, 12,835; Northwestern, 7,975; Northern
Pacific preferred, 6,835; Reading, ia240; St.
Paul, 18,060; Union Pacific, 41,175; Western
Union, 6,100.
A Fair Demand for Money, bat tho Surplus
Remain Intact.
The usual conditions governed the local
money market yesterday. Although there was
a fair demand for funds no particular impres
sion was made upon the surplus. It is large
enough to insure an easy.market the remainder
of the season. Rates were steady and un
changed. Counter business was fair. Check
ing fell off a little.
Small notes were scarce. As an explanation
of this Manager Chaplin thought it probable
that the people were hoarding them for use
during the holidays. The exchanges were $2,
261,002 35 and the balances $281,178 SO.
Money on call at New York yesterday was
easier, ranging from 3 to 8, last loan 3, closed
offered at 3 per cent. Prime mercantile paper,
57. Sterling exchange quiet but weak at
$4 81 for 60-day bills, and $4 85 for demand.
Closlne Bond Qaotntlons.
U.S. 4s,reg 1Z7
U. 8. 4s. coup 127
U. 8. 4Ks. rec 10JK
M. X. 4T. Gen.ss . 69
Mutual Union 6s... .102k
N. J. C. Int. Cert...tl3
Northern Pac lt..lU
Northern Pac.2ds..lU
Northw't'n consols. 147
Northw'n deben's..H5
U. S. 419, coup.... 10!
Paclocesof'99. "'J4
LioniBianastampeats est
Missouri os..... iui4
Tenn. new set. 6s.
Tenn. new set. 6s.,
Tenn. new set. 3s.,
.. 71
.. 96
Oregon 4 Trans. 6s. 106
St.,. &I.M. Uen. 5a SS
St. L.4S.IC.Gen.a.lM
lii. Paul consols ....1
U. lt Uhl A. Um t.4. 1IO
Canada So. 2ds.
Cen. 1'sctflc ljti IttX
Den. 4K. G., UU...I21j
Den. 4R. G. 4s 79
Ot.&l, VUiOr&l-.DMill,
Tx., Pc.UG.Tr lis. 90
12., ire K. U. XT. XkCU '
Union Pac. lats 1I3M
West Bhore WbH
uuu, west,ists. uu
Erie, 2ds VAH
11. K. 4T. Gen. 6s.. 67
Governments were dull and steady. State
bonds were without feature.
New York Clearings, $134,740,020; balances,
Boston Clearings, $16,825,946; balances,
$2,233,317. Rate for money. 3 per cent.
PHrxu.DEi.paiA Clearings, $14,719,151: bal
ances, $2,200,989.
Baltimore Clearing?, $2,022,798; balances,
London The amount of bullion withdrawn
from the Bans of England on balance to-day is
Paris Three per cent rentes, 87Jf 60c for
the account.
Chicago There were rumors on 'Change
that a call loan made on wheat a short time,
ago was called to-day by the bank that made
it. Among the brokers the talk of tight money
continues. Requests for funds are now larger
than the banks can conveniently supply, and
rates are held stiff at 6 per cent for call and 7
per cent for time as the minimum figures.
Clearings, $11,727,000.
St. Loots Clearings, $3,489,148; balances,
The HIsfaeat Price Scored for Nearly Four
Years Short Cover.
There were lively times at the Oil Exchange
yesterday. A little boom was started in the
morning and it gradually grew until, in the aft
ernoon, $1 04 was scored. This is the highest
point reached for nearly four years. The mar
ket opened at $1 00 advanced to $1 04, de
clined to $1 O0K, rallied and closed at $1 02
The causes of the advance were good buying
in Pittsburg and Oil City, and an advance of 20
points in refined. As soon as the shorts showed
a disposition to get in out of the wet Oil City
ran. the price up on .them. New York -was a
moderate seller. More of the stock was wanted
than they had to offer. There was considerable
trading In cash oil, to be kept as a nest egg in
the event of a squeeze. The close was steady.
The Standard and Ohio Valley Gas Com
panies are said to have their agents engaged in
leasing for oil and gas in the townships of Chip
pewa and Big Beaver, Beaver county. The well
wnicn wasbrougbtm oytne union oil Com
pany on theRobertStewartfarm, Greene town
ship, is said to be very much smaller than first
Field news from Washington oounty: "The
Huston mystery is completed and the owners
still refuse to give any information in regard to
it; but It is thought that it is a good well and a
large amount of drilling will be done in its vi
cinity. The Le Moyne Sisters No. 3 and the
Hazlett Heirs No. 2 will be in to-day.
Features of tho Market.
Corrected daily by John M. OaKiey & Co., 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened 1001 Lowest I00
Highest 104 Closed 10:.H
Average runs t 31,121
Average shipments 1,013
Average charters 39,669
Refined, New York. 7.20c
KeDnerf, London, o.Hrt.
Refined, Antwerp, 173r.
Refined. Liverpool. 6 1-lSd.
A. B. McGrew & Co. quote: Puts, $1 01K
10 calls, $105.
Other Oil Markets.
On. CTTT, October 23. National Transit cer
tificates opened at $1 00; highest, $1 05; low
est, $1 00& closed, $1 02
Bradford, October 23. National Transit
certificates opened at $1 00; closed at $1 02;
highest. $1 C3J,': lowest, $1 00.
TmrsviLliE, October 23. National Transit
certificates opened at $1 00: highest, $1 03;
lowest, $1 X)K: closed at $1 02.
New York. October 23. Petroleum opened
steady at $1 00. Soon after the opening re
ports of increased demand for export and a de
creased snpply started shorts covering, and
they forced the price up to $1 03. Realizing
sales then cansed a reaction, on wnich the mar
ket closed steady at $1 02. Stock Exchange:
Opening, $1 00: highest, $1 C3K:ilowest, ji 0O;
closing, $1 02. Consolidated Exchange:
Opening. $1 00; highest. $1 03; lowest, $1 00;
closing. $1 02 Sales, 1,857,000 barrels.
Another 8hndylde Itridence Gone South
side Lota Snnppod.Up.
Alles A Bailey, 164 Fourth avenue, placed a
mortgage for $2,400, three years, at 6 per cent,
on property in the Twenty-fifth ward, Pitts
burg. Black & Baird, 95 Fourth avenue, sold to
Michael Rydzyoski a vacant lot on La Force
street. Twenty-seventh ward, city, being No.
82 in the People's Savings Bank plan of lots,
having a frontage ot 20 feet and extending
back 140 feet, for $250. They also placed a
mortgage of $2,500 f orflve years, at 6 per cent,
on property near Braddock.
W. A. Herrou & Sons sold a new and Hand
some brick residence of eight rooms in West
minster place, Shadyside, with lot 35x105 feet,
to a Pittsburg business man for $7,750; also lot
No. 389 in the Asprawall Land Company's plan,
25x100 feet to an alley.forS300.,Tiiey also placed
a mortgage for $7,500, at 5 3-10 per cent, on
Twenty-second ward property.
Samuel W. Black Co 99 Fonrth avenue,
sold lots Noe. 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22. located on
Undo street, Sonthstde, Boegs' plan, Allen
town station, Pittsburg and Castle Shannon
Railroad, for $750.
Reed B. Coyle &Co., 131 Fourth avenue, sold
to James Neeley a lot in the Mation plan for
L. O. Frazier, corner Forty-fifth and Butler
streets, placed a $3,500 mortgage on a lot and
dwelling in the Twentieth ward for three years
at 6 per cent
Railroad Shnrrs Continue Strong and Active
Under the Influence ol Easier Monry.
Bonds Respond lo the Same
Efficient Elixir.
Nkw York, October 23. The strength in the
stock market yesterday was continued to-day,
and, while the trading was less active in the
forenoon.lt increased later, when several stocks
moved up rapidly. The advances, however,
were not .so prominent, and, while the entire
active list is again higher .to-night, the im
provement Is generally confined to fractional
amounts. Money was decidedly easier, especi
ally In the afternoon, and the rate on call was
gotten down as low as S per cent, which gave a'
THURSDAY, OCTOBER ,.24, -1889.4
stimulus to the covering of shorts, and so fur
nished a foundation for the advances scored.
There is little news of importance Jn regard
to tho railroads, but Kansas and Texas stock
became a feature on the renewal of the rumors
of yesterday in regard to a new plan of reor
ganization, and the rumor ran that a settle
ment of difficulties between the conflicting in
terests of the bondholders would be settled to
day. The return of this stock to activity under
8ucbcircurastances had an influence for good
upon the Gould shares in general, and Missouri
Pacific. Manhattan, Texas Pacific and Western
Union all were more active and stronger. In
siders were buyers of Louisville and Nashville,
and the assertion that the stock is to go higher
was persistontly circulated with marked effect.
Union Pacific was also a special favorite,
especially in the afternoon, when it became the
leader of the entire list and, being taken quite
freely. It roso rapidly, the Improvement being
accompanied by stories ot a new bull pool in
the stock. There was also talk of important
results to flow from a proposed alliance with
Northwestern and Manitoba. The coal stocks
were steady and tho Vanderbilts and Villards
firm, while the trusts were rather weak, with
tho single exception of Chicago Gas, which
was advanced sharply, but lost most of the im-
Erovement The foreigners and commission
ouses were the principal buyers of long stock,
while the supply came from the professionals
and some of the Chicago people, and the
grangers made but slow progress.
The opening of the market was rather irregu
lar, but the general list displayed an advancing
tendency, though the Trusts were weak and a
raid upon values was indulged in in the early
trading, which caused a recession of small frac
tions from the opening figures. The strength
ot the market soon became apparent, however,
and a slow but steady appreciation of values,
which lasted with bnt slight Interruptions un
til the close of business, was inaugurated.
Kansas and Texas was the most prominent
feature In the forenoon, and Union pacific
later in the day, but the Improving tendency
.reached all portions of the list, and final prices
are about the opening figures. Tho market
closed quiet and strong. The important final
changes are few in number. Union Pacific rose
IK and Jersey Central and Lonisville and Nash
ville 1 per cent each, while Bnear is down 1.
The J'osCs financial article says : Compari
son of the closing prices of last Saturday with
those of 12 o'clock to-day shows that all the
Grangers and also Union and Missouri Pacifies,
Atchison, Louisville and Nashville bad just
about recovered their declines of Monday, and
were only changed by small fractions from
their prices of Saturday, but the Coal stocks,
with the exception of Jersey Central, bad not
recovered, and Lackawanna, Delaware and
Hudson and Reading were still from to 1 per
cent below their last prices of Saturday.
The acknowledgment by the coal agents at
their meeting yesterday that the coal trade
was not in a condition to justify the proposed
advance in prices, but that a further restriction
ot over 700,000 tons in the output for November
was necessary is good reason for the heaviness
of the Coal stocks; in fact, they are much more
firmly held than might reasonably be expected
under such circumstances. and this is especially
the case with Reading, which has stood pretty
firmly at about 44, which of the $58,000,000 of 5
per cent income bonds which come ahead of
the $39,000,000 of the stock, the first preference
incomes are selling at 80, the second preferred
have got down to 61, the third preferred (of
which there are $18,575,000) have got down
to 61.
The difference ot seven points between these
and the stock is too smalLand in accordance with
the prospects of the payment of anything on
the incomes the difference should be at least 20
Railroad bonds were again quite active, the
sales reaching $1,227,000, out of which the Texas
and Pacific seconds furnished $255,000 and the
Kansas and Texas sixes $130,000. The Kansas
and Texas issues were again prominent for
strength, but they failed to make any marked
The rollowintr tame snows tne prices oractlve
stocks on the New York Stock xcnange yester
day. Corrected daily for The Dispatch by
Whitney A STEFHEN60N. oldest Pittsburg mem
bers of New York fitocE Kxcnange, 57 1 ourth ave
nue: Clos
ing Bid.
In?. Am. Cotton Oil 42
Atcn.. Top. A a. ..... so s
Canadian Pacific 69M
Central of New Jersey.23
Central Pacini. UH
Chesapeake 4 Ohio.... 25)4
C. Bnr. 4 QulucY.....iai
c, mil a at. raui.... 69
v.. iiu.4 St. p., pr....niK
C. itOCCL 41. 98
C. St. L. 4 F IMS
C, St. L. 4 Pitts, pf.. 77
(i. St. P.. M. 4 0 33
C. St. P..M. 4 0.. pr. ....
C.4 Northwestern 110K
C 4 .Northwestern, pr.Hl
C, C, C. 4 1 75
Col. Coal a Iron........ K
Col. 4 HocktaK Vai
Del.. L. 4 W 141K
Del. 4 Hudson
Illinois Central. 116J4
Lake Erin 4 Western., is
Lake Erie 4 West. pr.. 63
Lake Shore & H. S 10S?i
LoulsTllle4Nasavllle. WH
Moblle4 0nio
Ho.. Kan. 4Texas.... 12
SllMonrt pacific 69
New Kork Central 106!4
It. r L. E. 4 W 29tf
X. X.. C 4 St. Li
H. .. C. 4 St. L. or.
N.Y.. O. 4St.L.2d pf SUM
a.liK. 15 45
1. Y.. O. 4 W 1SS
.Norfolk a Western
-Norfolk Westerns. 55JS
northern Pacific 32vj
Nortnern pacific ore. 72H
Ohio 4 Mississippi... 22X
Oregon Improvement. 51
OreEonVTranscon 3&H
PacincJUall 3214
Feo. Dec. 4 Brans 20
Fhtladel. 4 Heading.. UH
Pullman Palace Car.,.18S
Richmond 4 W. P. T 22X
St, P., Minn. 4 Man.113M
St. L. 4 San Fran
St. L. 4 San JTran pf.. 55
St.L. 4 San Jf. lit pr.
Texas 1'aclflo 194
UnlonPaclfic 65
Wabasn : lt
Wabash preferred..... SOS
Western Union 81 14
WhrelinK 4 L. . 701,
Sngar Trnst 6H
National Lead Trnst.. 21
Chicago tias Trust.... HH
Hlsh- Low.
est. est.
42K 41
3ok a
69V 63X
123 122V
HH 34M
55H 25
106 105K
C'J 69
113H I12H
89 97V
37" 87"
33 33
HI 141
105 Tk
21 H
64 tj
72 'i
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney 4 Stephenson, brokers, Mo. 57
Fourth avenue. Members Hew York Stock Ex
change. BM. Asked.
Pennsylvania Kallroad 54 tAH
Heading 22 1-16 22),
llucalo. Pittsburg and Western 9 94
Lehigh Valley 53)4 53
Lehigh Navigation 547S 55
Northern Faclflc 321, - 32K
Nortnern Pacific preferred 72X 727a
Atch. 4Ton..lst". 110
A.4T. Land Ur't7s. 103
Atch. 4 Top. K. It... 30
Boston 4 Albany. ..215
Boston 4 Maine.. ...215
C. B. 41! 1C0
Eastern R, K 112
Eastern K. K. 6s ....111
Flint Fere M. pfd. 9-H
Little H. 4 Ft. S. 7s. 9.1
Mexican Cen. com.. 14
Mex.C.Iitmtg. bds. C6
N. r. iNewEnz... 46
N. Y. 4N. E.7S....123
Old Colony. 175
Stocks. 1
Rutland, com
Kutland preferred.
Wis. Central, com..
AllouezMgCo ,
Calumet 4 llecla..
Huron ,
Qnlncy ,
Bell Telepnone... .
Boston Land........
Water Power ,
Santa Ee copper...
.. H
, 45
.. Z7K
.. 9
. X
,. 53
.. 6
.. 5
.. 55
Holiness Notes.
A laeqe number of honses will be bnilt at
Swissvale next year.
Souk of the oil shorts got in ont of the wet
yesterday, but they had to fight for it
Suburb an residents are housing their plants
and putting their grounds in winter trim.
Coal stocks were weak yesterday on the re
fusals of the companies to advance prices.
Allegheny City is threatened with a
bonlevard and a building boom. She can stand
Abundance of excellent water is found in
the new addition to Edgewood at a depth of 20
'to 22 feet.
Real Estate dealers say there is no let up
in the demand for small houses. Why not bulid
more of tbem
Philadelphia Gas was weak enough yes
terday to go to bed. Those who sold may be
sorry for their haste.
The largest of 31 mortgages recorded yester-'
day was for $16,304. The next largest was for
$8,000. The smallest was for $200.
Copeland, between Hawkins station and
Braddock, almost unknown a year or two ago,
now boasts of 'a population of several hundred.
Peesieent Chaki.es Mkyban, of the Man
ufacturers' Gas Company, said yesterday that
after an inspection of the Canonsburg gas dis
trict, he was of the opinion that the present
generation would not live to see the end of the
natural eas supply. He added: "People may
have to pay a little more for it, however, as its
production is becoming more costly every dav,
and the time when companies can afford tasup
piy unlimited quantities of fuel, at a rate that
is only a fraction of what would have to be paid
for coal, is passed, and It will never return."
Beaten at Both End of the Gnme.
Boston, October 23. In the Superior
Court to-day in the case ot Henry Beeb,
Jr., vs. Dr. Wm. Thornton, to recover back
about $13,000 claimed to have been lost at
roulette at the Savage Club last January,
the jury alter deliberating 15 minutes, re
turned a verdict in iavor of the defendant.
Appetite is generally restored to deli
cate children by the use ot Br. D. Jayne's
Tonic' Vermifuge; and not only an appetite,
bnt strength and vigor as well. Sold by all
Batter Slow at Decline Other Dairy
Products Steady.
Supply of Cereals Still Large, and Only the
Jlest Wanted,
Office of Pittsbubo Dispatch, J
Wednesday. October 23, 1889.
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
There was an active movement of stuff on
Tuesday, but to-day trade is quiet. Concord
grapes are on the wane, and many now coming
are frosted. Catawbas are in good supply and
fine shape. The drop in creamery bntter is
fully justified by events. Markets arp quiet at
the decline. Cheese is steady at old rates, and
eggs are firm. Cabbage begins to come in very
freely, as the pyramids along Liberty street
amply testify, There is a firmer tone to pota
toes, and choice, grades sell readily at outside
quotations. The inferior stock which has been
crowded on to our markets the past few weeks
Is well cleaned up, and a better quality is now
coming to the front. Sweet potatoes arestiffcr.
Apples still go slow.
Butter Creamery, Elgin. 2526c; Ohio do,
2426c: fresh dairy packed, 2123c; country
rolls. 1920c.
Beans Navy hand-picked beans, $2 252 40;
medium. $2 30S2 4a
Beeswax 2830c fl ft for choice; low grade,
Cider Sand refined, $6 S07 50; common,
$3 504 CO; crab cider. $8 00&S 50 f) barrel;
cider vinegar. 1012c ?1 gallon.
Chestnuts $5 00 50 per bushel; walnuts,
G075c a bushel.
Cheese Ohio. HlHc; New York, Utfc;
Limburger, 910c; domestic Sweitzer.lO
13c: imported Sweitzer, 23c
Eggs 22c 9 dozen for strictly fresh.
Fruits Apples, $2 00Q2 75 barrel; grapes.
Concords, 33fc $ pound, Catawbas. 33Kc
Selawares, 56c; Bartlett pears, $5 00 3? barrel;
quinces, 57 0U8 00 barrel; cranberries. Jer
seys. $2 50 ?! bushel box; Cape Cods, box, $2 75
3 00; Malaga grapes, large Parrel, f8.
d'eathees Extra live neese, 5060c; No, 1,
do. 4045c; mixed lots, 3035c V ft.
Poultry Live spring chickens, 4045c $
pair; old, 6570c ft pair.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 fts to bushel, $5 00
6 25 ft bushel; clover, large English, 62 fts. $5 50;
clover, Alslke, $8 00; clover, white. $9 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 fts, $1 50; bine grass, extra
clean, 14 fts, 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 lbs, $1 CO;
orchard grass. 14 lis, $1 65; red top, 14 fts, $1 25;
millet, 50 fts, $1 Ot); German millet. 50 fts. $1 50;
Hungarian grass, 60 fts, $1 CO: lawn grass,
mixture of fine grasses, $2 50 f! bushel of 14
Tallow Country, 4c; city rendered, 4J
Tropical Fruits Lemons, common, $3 60
4 CO; fancy. $4 CO5 00; oranges, $4 505 00:
bananas, $2 CO firsts, $1 50 good seconds, ft
bunch; cocoanuts, $4 004 50 f hnndred; figs,
8K9c W ft; dates, 66c ip ft;newlayerfigs,
14M16Xc: new dates, 7jjc $ ft.
VeqetaBLES Potatoes, from store, 50055c;
on track, 4o50c': tomatoes, 75c51 V bushel;
wax beans, 70c f) bushel: green beans, 4050c
ft bushel; Cucumbers, $2 252 50 1 bushel:
cabbages. $4 005 00 a hundred; celery, 40c f
dozen; Southern sweet potatoes. $2 002 25;
Jerseys. $3 00; turnips, $1 501 75 a barrel;
onions, $2 a barrel.
Sugar has again fallen off c, as our quota
tions below will disclose. It has become the
fashion of late for sngar to decline every day
or two. as the trnst sent it upward every few
days last year. Losses now are offsetting profits
then. Coffee is quiet. Stock is light in the
hands of jobbers, bnt large in importers' hands.
Something will drop before long, but what
direction prices will take the wisest cannot
Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 22Ji23Jic;
choice Rio, 2021c; prime Rio. 20c; low grade
Rio, 1819Kc; old Government Java, 27c; Mar
acaibo, 2324c; Mocha, 2S29c; Santos, 200
"23c; Caracas. 2123c; peaberry, Hio, 2325c;
.la uuayra, zagitic
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands,
23c; i,gu grades, 2526c: old Govern
ment Java, bnlk, 31324c: Ma'racaibo, 26
27c: Santos, 2123c; peaberry. 26c; choice Rio,
24c; prime Rio, 22c; good Rio, 21c: ordi
nary, 21c.
Sfices (whole) Cloves, 2125c: allspice, 8c;
cassia, 8c; pepper. 18c; nutmeg, 7080.
. Peteolkum (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c:
Ohio, 120, 8c; headlignt. 150, Sc; water
white, 9c; globe. 14HKc; elaine, 14c; carna
dine, llc; royaline, 14c: globe red oil, 110
SSYBUPS Corn syrups, 2629c; choice sugar
syrups. 3338u; prime sugar syrup, 3033c;
strictly prime, 3335c; new maple sjrnp, 90c
N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c; choice, 45c;
medium. 43c: mixed. 40342c
Soda Bi-carb in kegj, 34c; bi-carb in Ks.
5c; bi-carb, assorted packages, 56c; sal
soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c
Candles star, full weight, 9c; stearine, f)
set, 8Kc; paraffine, ll12c
Rice Head, Carolina, 77Vc; choice, 6
7c; prime. 5K6Vc; Louisiana, 66Kc.
Starch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, 5g6c; gloss
starch, 57c
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, $2 65; Lon
don layers, $3 10; California London layers,
$2 50; Muscatels. $2 25; California Mnscatels,
$1 85; Valencia, 8c; Ondara Valencia, 910c;
sultana, 8Kc; currants, 55c; Turkey prunes,
4M5c; French prunes, b13c: Salonica
prunes, in 2-ft packages, 8c: cocoanuts, ft 100,
6 CO; almonds, Lan., fl ft, 20c: do. Ivica, 19c;
do. shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap.. 1215c; Sicily
filberts, 12c: Smyrna figs, 1216c; new dates,
56c: Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans, ll15c; citron,
fl ft, 2122c; lemon peeL fl ft, 1314c; orange
peel, l2jc
Dried' Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft, 6c,
apples, evaporated, 8c; apricots, Califor
nia, evaporated, 1215c: peaches, evaporated
pared, 2223c; peacnes. California, evaporated,
unoared, 1012c; cherries, pitted, 2122C;
cherries, unpitted. 56c; raspberries, evapor
ated. 2421Mc; blackberries, 7Sc; huckle
berries, i012c
Sugars Cubes, 7Jc; powdered, 7c; granu
lated. 7c; confectioners' A, 7c; standard A.
7c; soft whites, 66c; yellow, choice, BU
6c; yellow, good, 6J6Jic: yellow, fair, 5jc;
yellow, dark, oa
Pickles Medium bbls (1.200), $5 75; medi
um, half bbls (600), $3 25.
8ALT-N0. L bbl, 85c: No. 1 ex. f bbl, $1 05;
dairy, fl bbl, $1 20, coarse crvstal, f) bbl, $1 20;
Higgins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, $2-80: Biggins'
Eureka, 16-14 ft pockets. $3 00.
Canned GOODS Standard peaches. $2 00
2 25; 2ds, $1 501 05: extra peaches, $2 402 CO,
pie peaches, 9oc: finest corn, $1 001 50; Hid. Co:
corn, "OgOOc; red cherries, 90c$l: Lima beans.
$1 10; soaked do. 85c; string do, 75S5c; mar--rowfatpeas,
$1 101 15; soaked peas, 7075c
pineapples, $1 401 50; Bahama do, $2 75; dam;
son plums, 95c; greengages, $1 25; egg plums,
$2; California pears, $2 50; do greengage, $2; do,
egg plums, $2: extra white cherries, $2 90; red
cherriesi 2 fts, 90c: raspberries, $1 401 0;
strawberries, $1 10; gooseberries; $1 S01 40;
tomatoes, 90cl 00; salmon, 1-ft $1 752 10;
blackberries, 80c: succotash, 2-ft cans, soaked;
99c; do green, 2 ft, $1 25t 60; corn beef, 2-ft
cans. S2 05; 14-ft cans, $14 00: baked beans, $1 45
61 50; lobster, 1-ft. $1 751 80; mackerel 1-ft
cans, broiled, $1 50; sardines, domestic. lis,
$4 254 0; sardines, domestic, Hs. $7 237 oO;
sardines, imported, lis, $11 5012 50: sardines,
imported, K3. $18; sardines, mustard. $3 SO;
sardines, spiced, $3 50.
Fish Extra No. I bloater mackerel, $36 f
bbL: extra Naldp, mess. $40; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, $32; extra No. 1 do. messed,
$36; No. 2 shore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4c ft ft; do medium, George's cod,
6c; do large, 7c; boneless bake, in strips, 6c; do
George's cod in blocks, 6K7Kc. Herring
Round shore. $5 00 bbl; split, $7 00; lake,
2 00 1 100-R half bbL White fish, 87 00 100
ft hall bbl. Lake trout, $5 50 $ half bbL Fin
nan haddock, 10c fl ft. Iceland halibut, 13c f
ft. Pickerel, K bbl, $2 CO; Ubbl,$l 10; Poto
mac herring, $500 fl bbl. $2 50 X bbL
Oatmeal J6 3006 60 SB bbl.
Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 5557c
ft gallon. Laid oiL 75c.
Grain, Flonr and Feed.
The Pennsylvania Company has issued a cir
cular signed by William Stewart, Genera
Freight Agent, to the effect that on and after
November 1 a charge of $1 per day will be made
on all cars delayed in loading or unloading be
yond 48 hours' after delivery on side track or
point where it is customary for shippers to load
or consignees to unload. This circular was read
at the Grain Exchange to-day. The reason
given is that the present demand for cars ex
ceeds the ability of the company to meet, un
less shippers and consignees will be more
prompt in loading and unloading. Receipts as
bulletined at the Grain Exchange to-day were
37 carloads. By Pittsburg. Ft. Wayne and Chi
cago, 6 cars of bay, 2 of feed, 4 of oats, 1 of corn,
1 of wheat, 2 of flonr. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati
and St. Louis, 2 cirs of middlings, 3 of corn, 2
of hay. 2 of oats. Lot bran. By Baltimore and
Ohio, 1 car of hay, 1 otcorn. By Pittsburg and
Western, 1 car of oats, 2 of hay. By Pittsburg
and Lake Erie,2 cars of oats, 1 of bav.S or wheat.
Sales on call, 1 car sample oats, Z5c, spot, B.
& O.: I car 2 yellow shell corn. 39Kc. 5 dayj. ele
vator; 1 car oat Btraw, $7, 10 days. P. R. R.
There are no new developments in cereal lines.
Only the choicest grades find ready sale.
PrifceB below are for carload lots.
Wheat New No, is red, 8283c; No. 3, 78
Corn No. 2 yellowear, 41c: high mixed,
nr. 4243ci No. 2 .yellow, shelled, 40c; high
mixed, shelled, 3940c; mixed, ihelled,-3S
Oats No. 2 white, 2727lc; extra. No. 3,
2(S28Kc: mixed. 2425c. ,
Rye NO. lPennsylvanla and Ohlo,5051c;
No. 1. Western, 48049c; new rye, No. 2 Ohio,
Flour Jobbing prices Fancy winter and
sprinsr patents, to 0OQ5 50; winter straight,
$4 254 50; clear winter. $4 0004 25: straight
XXXX bakers', $3 503 75. Rye flonr, $3 50
4 75.
Millfeed Middlings, fine white, $16 00
16 50 fl ton; brown middlings. $13 0013 50; win
tor wheat bran, $1150011 75; chop feed, $15 60
016 00. .-.-.
Hay Baled timothv. No. L $12 00013 50;
No. 2 do. $11 00011 50; loose from wagon. $11 00
013 00, according to quality; No. 1 npland
prairie. $8 509 00; No. 2, $7 0007 50; packing
do. $7 5007 75.
Straw Oats, $6 5007 00; wheat and rye
straw, $6 0006 25.
Sugar-cured ham. large, 10c; sugar-cured
hams, medium, lllc; sugar-cured bams, small,
llc; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar
cured shoulders, 5c; sugar-cured boneless
shoulders, 7c; susjar-cured California hams, 7c:
sugar-cured dried beef flats. 9c; sugar-cured
dried beef sets. 10Kc; sugar-cured dried beef
rounds, 12Kc: bacon shoulders, 5c: bacon
clear sides, ifiei bacon clear bellies, 7Kc: dry
salt shoulders, 5c: dry salt clear sides, 7c.
Mess pork, heavy, $11 50; mess pork, family.
$12 00. Lard Refined, in tierces, 6c: half
barrels, 6c; 60-ft tubs. 6Jc; '20-ft pails, 7c; 50
ft tin cans, 6Kc: 3-ft tin pails. c; 5-ft tin
pails. 7c; 10-6 tin pails, 6c: 5-ft tin pails, 7c; 10
ft tin pails, 7c. Smoked sausage, long. 6c;
large, 6c. Fresh pork links, 9a Boneless
hams, lOKc Pigs feet, half barrel, $4 00; quar
ter barrel, $2 15.
Dressed Meat.
Armour & Co. furnished the following prices
on dressed meats: Beef carcasses 450 to 650 fts,
6c; 550 t6 650 fts. 6c; 650 to 750 fts. G7c.
Sheep, Sc-fl ft. Lambs, 9c ft ft. Hogs, 6c.
Fresh pork loins, 8c
There are no changes in lumber, lines since
onr last report. Seasoned hemlock is not to be
had for love or money. Consumers are com
pelled to take their supplies,fresh from the
saw. Sealers report trade active and outlook
bright. High grades ot lumber are lower than
last year at this time, while low grades are
abont the same.
pnra UNrLANED yabd quotations.
Clear boards, per JI , S3 00S5 CO
Select common boards, per M 30 00
Common boards peril '3) 00
Sheathing 18 00
Pine frame lumber peril 22 00027 00
Shingles, Ho. i, 18 In. per M.... S00
Hhlneles. No. 2. ISin. ner M 373
Lath '. too
Clear hoards, per M. t GOOD
Surface boards 30 00300
Clear, -inch beaded ceiling.. 2S 00
Partition hoards, peril 35 DO
Flooring,, No. 1.. 30 00
Flooring, No.z 25 00
Yellow pine flooring 30 00040 00
Weather-boarding; moulded. No. 1.... 30 00
Weather-boarding, moulded. No. 2.... 2S0O
Weather-boarding. -lnch 2000
Ash, lto41n $40 00355 00
Black walnut, green, log run 45 00(350 00
Bl ek walnut, dry, log ran CO 00(375 00
Cherry .-. 40 00330 00
(ireen white oak plank, 2 to 4 In 20 00025 00
Dry white oak plank, 2 to 4 In it 0025 00
Dry white oak boards, lin 20 00323 00
West Va. yellow pine, llnch 20 00(325 00
WestVa. yellow pine, 1J4 Inch 25o5l0 00
West Va. yellow poplar, H to lln IS OoSss 00
Hickory, lHtoiln : 13 00(525 00
Hemlock bnlldlng lumber, perM 14 00
Rank rails , 14 00
Boat studding 14 03
Coil car plank is 00
Ash J30 00SM3 00
Walnut log run, green 25 00345 00
Walnut log run. dry 3S 00(850 00
White oak plank, green... lSOOSSSoo
White oak plank, dry ISCOSZSOO
White oak boards, dry 13 0023c0
WestVa. yellowplne.-lln 20 00f2 00
WestVa. yellow pine, 1 la a) 00(33 oo
"Yellow poplar 20 00(384 00
Hickory, l)to I In 18 00(325 00
Hemlock , 11 00012 00
Bunk rails , .. 1400
Boat studding. 14 00
Coal car plant KjoO
Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this weekia
For largest assortment and lowest prices call
and see us. ,
"Why toil and slave forever P Life
was meant for living:, not eternal
slaving1. Cease this weary drodg
'ery. SOAP02TA does your work
itself, and neither injures hand nor
fa'bric Then why do it you P Tis
nonsense, very nonsense. Awake,
Toadies, Awake! 7our' health and
Ufa are at stake. TJse SOAFOKA
everywhere. It cleans like magic
R.W. BELL MFG. CO., Buffalo, N.Y,
Simply apply "Swatnb'S Ocmnjrr." No in
ternal medicine required. Cures tetter, eczema,
ltcb, erysipelas, all unslebtly eruptions on the
face, hinds, nose, etc.. leaylng the skin clear,
white and healthy. IU great heallngand enrattro
powers are possessed by no other remedy. Ask
your druggist for Swatwi'b OcranAT.. se24
Sailing erery Wednesday from Philadelphia
andLiTerpooL Passenger accommodations lor
all classes unsurpassed. Tickets sold to and
from Great Britain and Ireland, Norway, Swe-
den, Denmark, etc
General agents, 307 Walnut- st Philadelphia.
Full information can be had of J. J. MCCOR
MICK, Fonrth ayenue and Smithfleld street.
LOUIS MOESEB, 616 Smithfleld street.
Royal ard United States Mall Steamers.
Britannic, Oct. SO, 10 am
Adriatic Nov. 8. 3pm
Teutonic Not. 13, a m
r3frm&n!e NoT.SkSDm
UritannlcNov. 27.8:30am
Adriatic Dec 4, S p m
(Teutonic Decll.70 am
uermanic Dec. ia,zp m
rrom White Star dock,
root 01 wesi'iectnst.
Second cabin on these steamers. Saloon rates.
foO and upward.- Second cabin. S35 and upward,
according to steamer and location or berth. Ex
cursion tickets on favorable terms. Steerage 190.
White Star drafts payable on demand In all the
principal banks throughout Oreat Britain. Ap
ply to JCTIN J.MCCOKMICK, 639 and l Smith
held St.. l'ltUburr, or J. BltliCElSMAX, Gen
eral Agent, 41 Broadway, New York. odt-D
To Glasgow. Belfast, Dublin
and Liverpool.
Cabin passage R5 to SSO. according to locatlea
01 stateroom. Excursion tea to tee.
Steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Bates,
AUSTIN BALDWIN CO.. General Agents,
S3 Broadway, New Yort.
J.J. McCORMICK. Aa.si. . ,
Q39 sad 491 smlHineia ., ntHDurg. r-s.
, j.1 . ... ,fc . ee9i-B--
Merchants visiting the city will find it to
their interest to inspect our COMPLETE -line
Ladies', Misses' and Children's
jfiresPTirg, .t-a jsp-
JAS. 1. CALLERY President..
JOHN W. TAYLOR .".Cashier"
Canltal ftnil lnrnl!i4. S190flA. -
Transacts a General Banking Business.
ii Pnrifler.
A purely Vegetable
i Compound that, expels jj'
(all bad humors from tfes
system. Removes bfetefe-'
'es ana pimpies, ana.
makes pure, riehbtood.
Issue travelers credits through Messrs. Drexel, -
Morgan & Co., New York. Passports procured."'
in stock: options in Wall St. leads to we&Mb.
OC17-1I-TTSU 0 New st New York... .,.
: .-.r
Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Petroleum.
Private wire to New York and Chicago.
45 SIXTH ST., Pittsburg.
As old residents know and baek files of Pitts
burg papers prove, is the oldest established ' -and
most prominent physician in the otty, devoting-
special attention to all chronic diseases.
Mt7DlnilC?and mental diseases peysieal
l LH V UUo decay, nervous debiHty.htetraC
energy, ambition and hope, impaired memory,
disordered sight, self lUstrasc basUtteeaa. -dizziness,
sleeplessness, pimples, erHP4BS, !-"
poverished blood, failing powsra.orgaatewsotr .
nesa. dvsneosia. constiDation. coneajBanttoeL a .
ntung tne person tor ousinesKsociefy sea
riaee. permanently, safely and privateJv ei
ni nnn Ann Ctlal diseases hi
DLUUU MU Oi 111 stages, era.
blotches, falling hair, bones, pains, riadaJac
swellings, ulcerations of tongue.mofl
ulcers, old sores, are cared, for me.
poisons tnorongm:
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the lymow:
I1DIMADV aianerana waaaer
uiiiurui I J
painful si
nromnt relief and real cures.
Dr. Whlttier's life-long; extensive export'
ence, insures scientific and reliable truataeat .
on common-sense principles. Consul taam free.'.
here. Office hours 9 A. K. to S F.JC HnjrtqfcA; ffil
10 A. IT. to 1 p. X. only. UK. WHIXXUH, ;
reaa aTeuue, ruuutug, ro, ,
Ue. is. c. West's Nerve and hbatst-'
Tbbatmbst. a guaranteed specific for hTBMjtsy Jm
cuzzmess, convulsions, uu, nervous aenrii nsjUwt
headache, nervous prostration caused, by IM
use of alcohol or tobacco, wakefulness, tnowtal
depression, softening of the brain remittee; fet
Insanity and leading to misery, deesy ami ,
death, premature old age. barrenness, mm C .
power in eiiner sex; involuntary losses smj
spermatorrncea cansea. oy over-exeraoa ox i
brain, self-abuse or orer-iadaleewe. Be
box contains one month's treatment. Kafees,'
or six boxes for1 15. sent by sail vrenaid on e-'J
ceipt of price.
To cure any case. With eaoh order received bjr V
for six boxes, accompanied with KM.tr wfll
tend the purchaser our written; guarantee l&a
jeiunu mo money u me ireataeai uses sot of!-
icvi.uic. uu(KciumiaitujnMlVt
aA.n ... Urffa m. anrf V.l,. a Dte V S
hnw T9 ,1117 ma I 1IIIIM &
SPECIALISTS is all ommfo
quiring scieBBBC ana ooBaaem.g
tial trutmul! Dr. R.TT. T.k.i
.-M.R.C.P. Sistse oWeflt and,
most exDeneseea specialist at'
the city. CoBSuHattoa tree !
strictly conMeatial. Ofls?4
hours 8 to -land 7 to Sp.ir.; Sundays. 3te4K5s
acConsnlt them personally, or write. Bo-crn
Lake. s renn avei, rcnsnurg; ra.
il2-4,Vnwt '
U4h tad tlnn rdfabta.
KaEDnLuOn arjwwmi
is tML neuiM Mxes. ruw
hbta rtbtkta. Taka ma Aefw
ptBs U puteboart bozos vttft
4 (ituapt) ftr Mrtfaaten,
and "Keuer wot usniv
4jMna. )m m i-
I " mi
llek4er tto'I Cfc, . S, Mb,. .tjm
... -, tmmm c
asz's Cotton
nosed of Cotton Root. Taasr a
Penuvroval a reoeat dtsebverr W ;
(mmoa physician, js muxeafytm
tnoTttnUr-Safe. 'Effectual. Prkse' Ij"oT i
sealed.. Ladies, ask your druggist fee Jj
UoKon Hoot uompouna ana use m uusui
or lnolose 3 stamps for sealed partieates.
rim POND Llt'E COMFANT.Sll.al
Block, 131 Woodward ave., Detroit, mak.
.3-Sold in Pittsburg. Pa,, by. Jose Fin
ing & son. Diamond and Market sis. atmm j
ror Lour or.
UodyAMInd. Lack of Strength. Vhror
elopment, caused by Errors, Excesses, A.
Modi of BBU-TniATstxsT. sad Fresis
(sealed) free. Address KKIJS MB1MCAI
liattalo. M. Y. de-Jr-TTS
nSnSood.ete. IirilIMaTJWerMiss
contalnlnir roa psraeuurs tor aoma ewe.
SVf fTcTfowler. mo.;
For men! Checks the wont case ta tilM
days, ana cures in nve uays. rnttj
iaS-S-rrsau 412MariMti
. t... 54
Kaafaood, &&.bavt trfed It
T. iw (UsrorercM 1
ArHMist JBl