Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 23, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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    ' 41-
The Boot anfl Shoe Business is in a
Prosperous Condition
Great Actirity at the Edgar Thomson
Steel WorkB, and
Tuesdat. October 22. 1SS9. J
W. E. SebmerU recently retnrned from a
trip to Boston, and, as a matter of course,
gave special attention to the shoe industry
of that well known locality. Said Mr.
Schmertz to The DisrAiCH market editor
"The Xew England shoe factories are all
running to their utmost capacity, and are
unable to fill orders in some lines of staple
goods. I never saw the time the demand
was more active, and the result is that there
is an upward tendency in the boot and shoe
line. Haw rnbber is very scarce, and has
recently advanced ,from 10 to 12 per cent.
In the next few weeks there will, undoubt
edly, be an advance of at least 5 per cent on
all rubber goods. I found among all the
2Jew England manufacturers a very hope
ful feeling, and a strong iaith that the coun
try was entering upon
An Era ot Great Prosperity.
"As to the Pittsburg jobbing shoe trade,
October has so far been a quiet month, and
the volume of business is slightly below last
October. The weather has been too mild for
any boom in our trade. There has been no
cood rubber weather in this section this season.
The retail trade Is still welrsupplied with stock,
much more so than usual for this time of the
year. There has been a great change of late
years in this respect among retailers, that they
aim now to carry light stocks; and pursue the
hand-to-mouth policy.
"A few years ago they werelaccustomedtolay
In stock lor the season at one time, iow they
order as they need, throucb the drummeror by
mail, and tbe jobber is obliged to carry the bur
den. When tbe retailer wants bis stock he
wants it quick', and the jobber must be ready,
in order to bold his trade. As soon as tbe
weather breaks we will, no doubt, according to
all former experiences, have a lively time, and
make up for slowness olOctober.
ot a Barefoot Prosperity.
"The country is growing ana prosperous, and
the people mast have covering for their feet,
and bence we have no fears as to the final out
come ot our industry. We would prefer to
have our trade better distributed, and do more
in October and less in November, but are un
able to have everything just as we would wish,
and so try to adjust ourselves to the situation.
The tone of trade is good, the outlook was
never brighter, and tbe tendency is toward
higher prices."
At the Edgar Thomson Steel Works, Brad
dock, 2.200 tons of Dnished steel rails were
turned out in 48 hours within a few days. Tbe
average output is 1,000 tons daily. The recent
advance on steel rails or 12 a ton affords to the
company a profit of Jl 0 on e vh ton, the bal
ance going to tonnage labor. Tbe price of steel
rails in England is in tbe neighborhood of $18
per ton, and the experts here express the opin
ion tbat, with the advantage of natural gas
and improved machinery, tbe rail can be pro
duced at less cost in Braddock than in En
gland. Effect of Ir. Aryboiv.
Be this as it may, tbe Edgar Thomson works,
with orders ahead that will keep them busy
until after tbe first of tbe year, and producing
LOQ0 to 1,100 toes of steel rails daily is certainly
reaping a rich harvest. Two new furnaces are
now being pushed f orwarias fast as possible,
and one will be completed in January. When
completed there is little donbt that tbe "Edgar
Thomson" will reach a daily capacity of 1,300 to
1.400 tons of steel rails. Witn tbe upward
drift of prices still richer harvests await the
Dronnetors in the near future.
Tbe effect of this prosperity is seen in the
upwara moremeDi oi real estate in oar nour
ishing young suburb of Braddock. One only
needs to visit the jonng city on onr eastern
borders to discover everywhere tbe signs of
business, activity and substantial progress.
The number of men employed at tbe steel
works is above 3,300. and tee wages being dis
tributed to this large number, could not other
wise than stimulate all the smaller industries.
The result of Braddock's growth westward
and Pittsburg's eastward, will be, ere many
years, that Turtle Creek will be onr eastern
The Condition of Business at the East Liberty
Stock Yards.
Office or Pittsburg Dispatch. i
Tcesdat, October 22, 1SS9. J
CATTLE Receipts, 710 head; shipments,
360 head; market, slow; prime, $1 104 40; good,
S3 653 90; fair, $3 1C3 40; bulls, stags and fat
cows, SI 502 50: fresh cows. 20835; no cattle
shipped to New York to-day.
Hoos Receipts. 2,400 aead: shipments. 1.200
bead; market slow: best selected Philadelphia.?.
H 404 50: Yorkers, 4 204 40; roughs, 3 00
8 60; 3 cars of hogs shipped to New York to
day. toHEEP Receipts. 2,000 head; shipments 800
head; market slow; prime. 4 404 GO; fair to
good, S3 50g4 00; common, 2 00&3 00; Iambs,
$411035 75.
By Tclecraph.
New York Beeve Receipts, 1,600 head,
all for exporters and city slaughterers direct,
except five car loads; no market for beeves;
steauy for dressed beef at 557c per
pound for native sides, and 4650 for Texas
and Colorado do; exports to-day 1,300 beeves
and 2,600 quarters of beet Liverpool and Lon
don cable advices quote American steers dnll
at lie per pound dressed weight, and American
refrigerator steady. Calves Recepts. 300 bead:
dull and weak with nearly nominal business at
4K"cper pound for veals, and at23c for
crassers and Western calves. Sheep Receipts,
X70O head, and 3,000 were carried over yester
day; extremely dull with very little trading:
good sheep sold at 55Jc per lb.: goodlamus
at 66c: common sueeD at $3 SO per 100
pounds; common lambs at $5 00. Hogs Re
ceipts. 3.100 head: duU and weak for live hoes
at U 304 SO.
Chicago The Drmert Journal reports:
Cattle Receipts. 9.000 head; shipments, none:
market active and strong; natives. $2 951 95;
stackers, $2 0062 60: Texans, $1 603 CO; cows,
bulls and mixed, $1 70Q3 60: Western, $3 50.
Hogs Receipts, 20,000 head: shipments, none:
market strone at advance; light, $4 Ougl 25;
heavy, S4 104 25; packers and shippers, 3 95
4 25; skips, $1 754 35. Sheep Receipts, 8,000
head; shipments, none: market slow and lower:
natives, S3 405 00; Western, $4 0084 05; lambs,
(4 25.
KAXSA5 Cirr Cattle Receipts, 8,895 head;
shipments, 2,148 bead: market active and
firmer; native beeves, 3 204 40; cows,
II 602 40; stock ers and feeders, $2 50
5 00: Texans, SI 402 90. Hogs Receipts.
111,000 head; shipments, none; maraet steady
on light, 6c lower on heavy; cood to
choice Iicht, H 00 4 20; heavv and mixed. S3 85
64 00. Sheep Receipts, L700 head; shipments,
00 bead; market steady; good to choice mut
tons, S3 504 60; stockers and feeders, $2 00
2 60.
St. Louis Cattle Receipts, 4,700 head; ship
ments, 100 bead; market stronger: choice heavy
native steers, H S04 80; fair to good. do. S3 25
4 35: stockers and feeders. SI 752 60: range
steers, 2 102 85. Hogs Receipts, 6,100 head;
shipments, 100 head; market stronger; fair to
choice heavy, S3 85430; packing grades, S3 75
4 00; light, rair to best. S3 904 20. Sheep
Receipts, 800 bead; shipments, none: market
firm: fair to choice, S3 404 6a
Buffaio Cattle steady: receipts, 42 loads
through; no sale. Hogs fairly active for good
grades; common dull; receipts, 19 loads through:
6 sale, with (5 held over: lorkers, St 254 40:
pigs, 84 004 25.
Wool Marlcels.
EW YoRr Wool steady and quiet Do
mestic fleece, 32639c; pulled, 23641c; Texas, 11
ST. LOUIS Wool Receipts 66,784 pounds.
Market quiet and steady at unchanged prices.
Metal Market.
NEW York Pig iron active and firm; Amer
ican. S15 50618. Copper unchanged; lake, Octo
ber 10 75. Lead steady; domestic S3 SO. Tin
qnieta Straits, 20 70,
Cntn & Verner
Open for business in their new shoe store,
corner Filth avenue and Market .street, to
day (Wednesday). October 23.
&V.s Iron City beer ii unrivaled,
iiseurs. pronounce it so.
"" ' J
Activity In the Wheat Pit, But ut n Loss of
Values Liberal Receipts and 'In
creasing Stocks The B-caf.
Chicago Trading in wheat to-day was large
In a speculative way; and prices were again
lower. Early In tbe day there was very good
buying, local operators taking bold freely in
the way of covering and also bought liberally
in hopes of a reaction. This held the market
firmly for some time after the opening within a
narrow range of prices. There was plenty of
wheat for sale and the "long" interest appar
ently well liquidated. A prominent dealer sold
freely most of the day. Early buyers failing to
get any substantial support and the market
not advancing finally turned sellers and this
effected the break.
i The opening was about Jc below yesterday's
closing, but the market ruled strong for awhile
and prices were advanced Jfc. Then the mar
ket held steady within Jfc range, but later be-
came weak, declining lc, and closed about lc
lower than yesterday. The influences were
generally bearish. Liberal receipts increasing
stocks and unfavorable market advices from
outside points were the arguments favoring
lower prices.
In corn a fair speculative trade was reported,
with the feeling prevailing comparatively firm
on the deferred deliveries, while cash and Oc
tober were rather easj, being quoted at Jic
under November. About the only feature was
tbe free selling of cash by a prominent local
speculator and a large shipping house, which
had a depressing Influence. 1 he market opened
at yestei day's closing prices, was nrm, and ad
vanced ii&c, eased off a little, and dosed a
shade better than yesterday.
Oats were quiet and without new features of
special importance.
In me's pork trading was fairly active and
the feeling was stronger. October was 10c
higher early, but closed easier. November
was strong with good local bajing, and prices
were advanced 2025c and closed nrm. Janu
ary was comparatively steady.
Quite a good trade was reported in lard and
feeling was stronger.
In short ribs sides a fairly active trade was
reported, mainly in October and January de
liveries. Ihe former ruled 1016c higher
early, but other deliveries were without par
ticular change.
The leaaing futures raneea as follows:
Wheat No. 2. December. 80S0K8X
G79Kc: year. 767s5177277Kc; May, tA
Cokn No. 2. November. 30K305i30K
30c: December, 3a30&30)i3t$X Slay,
32632632632 "
Oats h. 2. November, lS5165Sc; May,
Mess Pork, per bbL November. 9 50
9 67V9 47X9 67K; year, $9 S7K&9 37K9 30
9 30: Januarj, 9 iaqg 509 4o9 45.
Lard, per 100 As. November, 6 00
6 07)66 006 00: year, 85 92K05 97K65 92K
6 92H; Jannarv, $o97K6 005 955 tto.
Short Ribs, per luo As November, S4 90S)
4 90; January. 4 bC4 8a
Cash quotations were as follows: Flonr dull
and 10c lower. No. 2 spring w heat. 7777c:
No. 3 spring wheat. 6264c; No. 2 red, 77K
77Jc No.2corn.30Kc Na2oats,17c. No.2
rye. 41?ic. No. 2 barley, nominal. No. 1 flax-
sera, ii -v. rrime tirnotny seea, ii twaji lu.
Mess pork, per bbl.!1075110a Lard, per 100
pounds, S6 45. Short ribs sides (loose).
Si 205 40. Dry salted shoulder (boxed), $4 25
4 GO. bhort clear sides (boxed), $5 605 62.
bucars, cut loaf, 8Kc; granulated. 7Jc; stan
dard A Uc. Receipts Flour, 18.000 barrels;
wheat. 174.000 busbels: com. 299,000 bushels;
oats, 262,000 bushsls; rye, 19,000 bushels; barley.
161.000 bushels. Shipments Flour, 34,000 bar
rels; wheat, 70,000 bushels: com. 309,000 burhels;
oats. 478,000 bushels; rye, 9,000 busbels; barley,
138.000 bushels.
On the Produce Exchange to-day the but
ter market was weak; fancy creamery, 23
23Kc; fine. 1718i Eggs, 18c
New York Flour dull and heavy. Corn
meal weaker; yellow Western, 2 2S2 65.
Wheat Spot moderately active, Jc lower and
weak; options active and unsettled; free sell
ing, chiefly local; large Increase in amount on
passage; heavy iuterior movement and break
at the West caused tbe depression; prices
Jic under yesterday, closing heavy. Rye dull:
Western, 49652c Barley quiet. Barley malt
dull. Corn Spot firmer on scarcity,
with a fair demand; options quiet
and steady. Oats Spot firmer and
moderately active; options steady and less ac
tive. Hay strong and in fair demand. Hops
quiet and steady. Coffee Options opened
firm 5610 points up, closed barely
steady, unchanced to 6 points down;
sales, 35,500 bags, including October,
15.80c: November, 15.2015.25c; December,
15.15615.25c; January. 1615615.25c; February,
15.20615.30c; March. 15.20615.30c; April, 15.20
15.30c: May, 15.20615.30c; September, 15.10c;
spot Rio steady and quiet; fair cargoes 19Wc
Sugar Raw nominal; refined quiet and weak;
off "A" 65-18S6Kc;mold, 7?c: standard A,
vc; coniecuoners a, oc: cut loai,
crushed. 7Jc; powdered, 7c; grannlated.
fairly active. Cottonseed oil stronz. Turpen
tine steady. Ecgs Fancy firm: Western, 206
21J-c: receipts, 4,665 packages. Pork irregular
ana easier. Cutmeats quiet; sales pickled bel
lies, 12 pounds, 7c: pickled hams, 9Kc:
pickled shoulders, ia. Middles firm. Lard
Cash and October. 7010 points up; others dull,
barely steady: Western steam, SB 8766 90; sales:
October. S6 87; November. 6 556 60, closing
at 6 55; December, S 39; January, 6 37: Feb
ruary, $6 42; March. 6 46; refined citv, S6 706
7 15. Butter quiet and weak: Elgin, 24625c;
western dairy, 9615c; do creamery. 12624c; do
held. 12619c: do factory, 7K613C Cheese
quletaud steady; Western, 7JJ610C
Pihladei.phia Flour quiet but steady.
Wheat a shade firmer and speculation very
tame; high grades scarce and firm;
rejected, on track. 75c; ungraded, on
track. 87c; No. 2 red, October, SOKQSlc; No
vember. 816SlKc; December, 826820; Janua
ry, 836831- t-ora Options firm but quiet;
car lots quiet; No. 2 mixed, on track, 41c:
fancy No. 2 yellow in grain depot at 42Jc: No. 2
mixed October, 39K610c; November. 39J640c;
December, 3SJiJSc; January, 3639c Oats
Car lots quiet but steady; No. 3 white, 27c;
No. 2 white, 29c; lutnres quiet but steady:
No. 2 white, October. 2S62SKc; November. 286
&Kc; December, 2Si628JJc; January, 2SJ
2SJc Eggs Fresh stock scarce and firm:
Pennsylvania firsts, 23c
St. Louis Flour Nothing doine and
market quiet and easy. Wheat opened lower,
but active buying caused a reaction; later tbe
market aeain gave way and tbe clo-.e was a
below yesterday: No. 2 red cash, 76c asked; De
cern ber, 77iSc, closed at 77c;Mav, 826
S3J4c closed at 82c bid. Com dull; No. 2
mixed cash, 25K28i,c: October, 28c closed,
27c asked; December, 27Jgc closed, 27Kb
asked; May, 29c closed. 29c asked. Oais
better: No. 2 cash, lTJc asked," 17c bid; May.
21Kc bid; October, 17c bid; November. lTlic
bid; January, 19lc bid. Rye No. 2; 383Sic.
Barley dull; Wisconsin. 60E5c Flaxseed un
changed at SI 25. Provisions firm, but prices
Milwaukee Flour dulL Wheat easy;
cash, 714c; December, 72Jc, No. 1 Northern,
80fc Com quiet: No. 3, 31c Oats steady:
No. 2 white, 2121c. Rye easy; No 1,
42c Barley easy: No. 2, October, 51Vc
Provisions firm. Cheese steady: Cheddars. 9
Toledo Cloverseed firm and higher; cash.
October and November, S3 70; December, S3 75;
January, S3 85.
An Official Letter From Dr. Benjamin Lee,
of tbe State Board of Health.
The result of Dr. Lee's tour of the Butch
ers' Bun district is an official letter from
that gentleman addressed to Clerk Dil
worth, of Allegheny Common Councils.
After describing the motives which led to
the inspection of the run, Dr. Lee says:
Driving to a point above where any consider
able quantity of filth can find its way Into tbe
water, we then walked down, examining every
portion of the run which was not covered over,
until its termination in a well constructed
brick sewer. I found constant evidence of
pollution of tbe water by cesspool and sink
drainage, by offal from slaughte houses, flesh
ings trom tanneries, kitchen garbage and other
offensive and pntrifyiug material. In fact the
run is simply an open sewer, and from the con
formation of the land it is the only and the
natural sewer of the district.
Au open sewer of this kind in a popnlous
neigborbood is not only a disgraceful eyesore,
but a standing source of disease to the entire
"1 consider it as an unqualified nuisance. It
should be abated before tbe suns ot another
summer have an opportunity to fill tbe air with
its deadly emanations. The only means of
abating it consist in tbe construction of a prop
erly arched and grated brick sewer, similar to
that in which it terminates. I urge upon the
Health Officer and tbe Sanitary Committee, to
whom I beg you to transmit this communica
tion, to obtain the immediate consent of Coun
cils to tbe performance of this important work.
"Inasmuch as this run forms the dividing line
between the city and Reserve township, I
authorize the Health Officer to notify all per
sons in said township whose properties border
on said run to unite with Councils in the con
struction of said sewer. Failure to comply
with this notification will be considered au In
fringement of an order of the board, and will
render each party so offending liable to a fine
of S100."
THE great popular cough cure, Dr. Bull's
Cough Syrup. Price only 25 cents.
Cain & Verner
Open for business in their new shoe store,
corner Fifth avenue and Market street, to
day (Wednesday), October 23.
,5 ,
Important leal Estate Deals Closed
Up and More on the String.
It Gires the Authorities a Chanffl to Hake
Street Improvements.
There were several real estate transactions
yesterday of sufficient importance to merit
special mention. Black & Baird reported
the sale of three fine building sites on Lin
den avenue, above Fenn. One is 200x175
feet. The others are somewhat smaller.
The uniform price was (30 a foot front W.
A. Herron & Sons sold a handsome resi
dence, located between Shadyside and Boup,
to a well-known business man for $30,000.
The purchase; will make some alterations
and improvements and occupy the property
as a home.
Henry A. "Weaver & Co. and C. H. Love
stated that they were closing up some big
deals. John J. Howley is engineering an
important transaction in coke lands. Charles
Somers & Co. reported a good inquiry for
business property, while James W. Drape &
Co. announced a brisk movement in mortgages.
Thomas Liggett said he was nursing a dairy
deal, wh(ch would soon be in shape to be given
to the public
The good weather with which Pittsburg has
been favored so far this season has been a
blessing in more ways than one. It has not
only facilitated bulldinc operations, but It has
afforded a rare opportunity for carrying for
ward street improvements, both urban and
suburban, of great utility to the entire com
munity. Chief in importance among these may be
mentioned the paving of Penn avenue from
Point Breeze to Wllkinsbhrg, which haa pro
gressed so far as to insure its completion this
season. The rapid settlement of the country
between the points indicated renders a good
thoroughfare an absolute necessity. The in
creased country trade which it will be the
means of bringing to tbe city will soon pay the
cost of the improvement.
Of perhaps equal importance is tbe improve
ment of Atwood and Boquet streets, work on
which is being prosecuted with so much vigor
as to give assurance of their early completion.
The improvement of these streets will open up
tbe entire Oakland territory from Fifth avenue
to the river. This, with the addition of rapid
transit, which will be provided in a short time,
will greatly increase tbe attractions and advan
tages of this beautiful district for residence
California boulevard, extending from Alle
gheny City down the Sewlckley valley, is an
other work of great importance which the fine
weather is favoring. It will assist very ma
terially in developing one of the finest dis
tricts adjacent to Pittsburg a district unsur
passed by any other for natural beauty and
susceptibility of the highest improvement,
Tbe importance of maintaining the uniform
ity of buildings in a neighborhood seems to be
imperfectly understood by many people. This
is one of Pittsburg's shortcomings. There is
scarcely a street in tbe city which is not dis
figured by the incongruity of its buildings'
either along its entire length or in spots.
Oftener than otherwise, a fine house is seen
next to a small and cheap one. This spoils the
appearance of both. Now that capitalists have
commenced to build houses to sell, this fault is
likely to be overcome; as is shown in many dis
tricts where extensive building operations are
m progress, of which Oakland and the East
End are good examples.
One of the principal advantages to be derived
from putting up buildings of a uniform class is
the assurance that it furnishes a homogene
ous population people of similar pursuits,
tastes and aspirations making it mqreagree
able to airthan if the occupants wefesoutterly
heterodox in their affiliations and sympathies as
to render neighborly Intercourse a mere matter
of form instead of a spontaneous outburst. Of
course, no reference is made here to any par
ticular class ot people. This does not affect
tbe value or desirability of uniformity in the
least. In this matter what is good for one is
good for all. -
If tbe pioneers of Western Pennsylvania
could revisit tbe scenes of tb'elr privations and
sufferings they would be astonished at the
changes which have taken place In everything
since their departure. They thought they were
pretty snug when they were protected from
winter's blasts by clap-boards, with tanbark be
tween the boardaand lathing. That was luxury.
The houses of most of them were chinked with
mud between tbe logs. Now the mechanic and
farmer live in handsome brick or frame houses.
Garrets are things ot the past. The finished
attic to-day has more "style" than the dingy
parlor with its low ceiling could claim SO years
ago. Fifty years ago tbe head of the house got
up of a winter morning and walked a long dis
tance to a pump for the water he wasned him
self with, if be lived tn the country; if he lived
in the town, he went out to the hydrant and
sometimes fooled around it with a kettle of hot
water half an hour beiore he got water to make
his coffee. Now the 3-year-olds turns a tap, and
can flood a floor as easily as a giant.
If a man wanted to take a hot bath SO years
ago it was like cleaning up a whole house. By
the time tbe head of the house got through the
whole family favored one bath a year. The
fires were hot enough to roast an ox; the carry
ing of water made the help feel like fleeing
from bondaee. ow tbe babies wash each
other and riot in the bathtub. Mold candles
were luxuries, sperm candles a dream. Tallow
dips illuminated the pages tbe embryo states
man conned SO years ago, and some relied on
the glow from the top logs in the wide fire
places. Now we have oil, benzine.gas and elec
tric lights.
These are hut a few of tbe changes in tbe
mode of living which have taken place in the
last 60 years or less. What with finer houses,
plumbing fixtures, water supply and electric
bells, the world has changed so much that if
the ancestors of this generation could revisit it
they would think they were in another sphere.
Stock Broken Encnccd in an Uphill Fight
Heavy Burden.
Local securities moved very slowly yesterday.
Bales at both calls were S10 shares. La Noria
developed the most strength, selling up toll.
Brokers were hungry for it at . Two old
timers Suspension Bridge and People's Nat
ural Gas joined the active list.
Philadelphia Gas continued its upward move
ment, but the other natural gas stocks were a
shade weaker. The tractions were neglected.
Litigation Is hurting them. Lawrence Bank
was wanted at 60, at which a few shares were
transferred. It closed with 62 asked.
The greatest obstacle to business is tbe fact
that Pittsburg people are carrying 50,000,000 or
$60,000,000 of local stocks,upon which they must
realize more or less before being in a position
to make further investments. The Immediate
outlook, therefore, is not particularly en
couraging lor a rusning ousiness.
, Hid. Asked.
Bid. Asked
Diamond Nat. Bank.,
Finn Avenue Ban....
Lawrence Bank
Mechanics Mat. Bank.
Pitts. H. B. of Com'ce
Allemannla Ins Co....
Man.&Mer. Ina
Teutonlalni. Co
Brldpewater Gas
Nat. Uaa Co! of W. Va,
People's X at. Gas
Pennsylvania Gas Co..
Philadelphia Co ,.
Pine Bun Uas
Wheeling Uas Co
Consolidated U.CO..IU
Hazelwood Oil Co
W ashlnjrton Oil Co
Central Traction.,
Pleasant Valley 20!(
Pitta. June. K, B...
P. C. ASt. L
P.. McK.AY.K. B-Co.
Pitts. & Western K. K.
CI ttzens' Traction.
Pittsburg Traction....
O. 8. BbJ. Co.
V. b. SIt. prer.
Mononeahela Bridge..
Point BrUee
Hnsnen'n B'dir.IBth at)
Union Bridge HH
La ,Norla Mining Co... H
Luster Mining Co
TankeeOlrl Mining Sf .... $
WestinirhottBe Electric 485 H J J
Westlnghouie A. B... 112 113 .... US
The morning sales comprised SO shares of
People's Natural Gas at Ui, and 25 of
Lawrence Bank at 60. Afternoon shares were
200 shares of La Noria at Si, and Suspension
Bridge 6s at 73. E. P. Long sold 100 shares of
Pleasant Valley Railway at 20
The total sales ot stocks atNew xork yester
day were 193,720 shares, including: Atchison,
10,6H)f Delaware, Lickawanna and Western,
2,080; Lake Shore, 7,405: Louisville and Nash
ville, 8.300; Missouri Pacific, 1L500; North
western, 5,820; Northern Pacific pref erred.12,820;
Beading, 26,720; Richmond, 11,561; St. Paul,
26,550; Union Pacific, 6,020.
Local Financial Conditions Unchanged, but
.Altogether Favorable.
The local monetary situation yesterday was
about as usual, with very little change in sap.
ply or demand. Clerical business was a cooU
average, with checking as the feature. Bates
were steady and unchanged at C6 on call and
6&7 on time accommodations.
Pittsburg led Baltimore last week in ex
cbanees. Cincinnati was over $3,000,000 behind.
Yesterday's exchanges were S2,305,05L76, and
balaocesS2SS,754.1L Currency was scarce. What
becomes of it is as much amystery to bankers as
to outsiders.
Money on call at New York yesterday was
tight, ranging from 6 to 10, last loan 6, closed
offered at 6 per cent. Prime mercantile paper,
57. Sterling exchange quiet and weak at
S4 Sli for 60-day bills, and Ji 85 for demand.
New Yobe Clearings, 1151,933,384; balances,
Boston Clearings, 817,311,608; balances,
PnriADKi.PHiA Clearings, J13,17o,215; bal
ances, 81,372,926.
Baltimore Clearings. S2,1S0,135; balances,
London Bar silver 43Jd per ounce.
Paris Three per, cent rentes, 871 47K" fr
the account. ,
Chicago Bankers report that they have lit
tle money to loan to other than regular cus
tomers. Rates continue at 6 and 7 per cent as
tbe minimum on time and call loans. Clearings,
St. Louis Clearings, S3.19LU7; balances,
Oil Firm and Dull-New York and Oil City
Firmness was the only redeeming feature of
the oil market yesterday. The price was above
a dollar all day. The opening and blgbest was
10 tbe lowest 100, and the closing 100.
Oil City, the principal buyer for some time, ab
sorbed very little, while New York called a halt
on selling. One belngshort and tne other long,
how to make both ends meet is causing them
some anxiety. The belief is that the longs have
the inside of the track. Pittsburg was a light
There was very little expression to tbe mar
ket at the close, but it was rather bullhb. Tbe
principal element of weakness was a decline in
refined at Antwerp. Field news had no per
ceptible effect either way.
Fentnres of the Market.
Corrected dally by John M. Oasiey & Co., 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened lOOILoweit IO0H
Highest loot) Closed 100H
Average runs
Average shipments
Average cnarters
.. SO, SB
.. 34,118
Ketinea, sew zorx. ic.
Rrfluei', London, 5M
Refined, Antwerp, l.HT.
Refined. Liverpool, 6 l-16d.
A. B. McOrew & Co. quote: Puts, 81 00
lCOJi; calls, 81 0
Other Oil Markets.
On. Crrr. October 22. National transit
certificates opened at 81 00; highest, 81 00;
lowest, 81 O0K; closed, 81 00.
Bradford, 'October 22. National transit
certificates opened at 81 00: closed at 81 00;
highest, 81 002: lowest, 81 00.
TmrevrLLE, October 22. National transit
certificates opened at 81 00: highest, 81 00;
lowest, 81 00; closed at 81 00.
New York. October 2Z Petroleum opened
steady at 81 00, and declined slightly. The
price later advanced to 81 00, but reacted and
closed steady at 81 00 Stock Exchange:
Opening, 81 00K; highest, 81 00; lowest, 81 00;
closing; 81 00. Consolidated Exchange:
Opening, 81 00: highest, 81 00; lowest, 81 0.
Total sales, 695,000 barrels.
ALnree Number of Important Deals In City
and Country.
Thomas McCaffrey. 3509 Butler street, sold a
property on Forty-fourth street, with a trian
gular shaped lot of about SO feet front and hav
ing erected thereon an elegant brick dwelling
of 10 rooms, bath and all modern improvements,
to I. W. Walker, of the Sheffler Bridge Works,
for 88,500, to be occupied by him as a dwelling
after April 1, next.
Samuel W. Black & Co. sold to-day a hand
some new brick dwelling of nine rooms, with all
recent improvements, on Oakland square, for
$8,000. The house is not yet completed. The
competition among purchasers to secure the
few nouses in this locality remaining unsold, is
an excellent indorsement of the wisdom of tbe
owners in planning the square with such broad
ideas. It also shows that Pittsburgers appre
ciate a good thing wben it is offered them.
Alles & Bailey, 164 Fourth avenue, sold for
S. J. Fleming a lot 37 feet by ISO feet on Forbes
avenue, near the bridge, for 1,300. George
Schmidt was the purchaser.
L. O. Frazier, corner Forty-fifth and Butler
streets, sold for Samuel Meik lot 25x154x93 feet,
situated on tbe northeast corner of Liberty
avenue and Kvallne street. Twentieth ward, to
Mrs. Anna K. Smith for 82.000 cash.
W. A Herron & Sons sold a handsome East
End residence to a well-known Pittsburg busi
ness man for $30,000. They also sold for tbe
Aspiuwall Land Company lot No. SS8, 25x100
feet to an alley, for 8300.
Black & Baird, 95 Fourth avonue, sold for J.
W. Arrott, a triangular shaped lot nn Fifth
avenue in the Arrott plan, having a frontage of
about 300 feet on Fifth avenue, with very little
depth, for 82.500, The purchaser was D. D.
Speer, who owns the rear property.
W. E. Hamnett. of 404 Sniithfield street,
Pittshurg, and Wilkinsbnrg, sold for William
McKee, two lots on Coal sireet, Wilkmaburg,
50x200 each, to Francis G. Camp, for 8750; also
lot No. 21, Wllklns estate, plan No. 1, for 81,200.
James W. Drape & Co. closed a sale of an in
terest In eight houses and lots in the suburbs,
now renting for about 81,000 a year, for 87,000.
A Reaction From tbe Weak Tone of the
Day Previous An Utter Absence of
Bear l'rcisnre Features of
the Trading.
New York. October 22. The stock market
was active to-day, but the tone of the dealings
was much stronger than yesterday and the re
sult of the day's business is to leave tbe entlro
list materially higher than last evening, though
in many stocks the losses of yesterday were not
recovered. Tbe advance was in a great measure
a mere reaction from yesterday's decline, the
improvement in values being mostly on account
of the covering ot shorts, though there was
some buying for the long account.
There was an utter absence of bear pressure
throughout the entire day, and although there
was some feverlshness in the early trading, it
soon disappeared, and the new demand for
stdeks made an active and decidedly strong
market, which lasted withont interruption
throughout the forenoon. When the covering
ceased tbe market became dull and prices
sacged, though such losses Here generally re
covered later in tbe day. A marked feature of
tbe day was the increased supply of money to
loan on call, and notwithstanding tho rates
went up to 10 per cent at one time it cause no
inconvenience because of the liberal supply.
There was a perceptible easing In tbe alter
noon, and rumors of an intended importation
of gold aided in making a more confi
dent feeling in tbe room. Sterling exchange
was again weaker, but is not yet down to tbe
gold importing point, and .the bouse men
tioned in connection with tbe importation of
gold denied that it bad an) such intention.
There was more heard in regaid to tbe short
age in cars in the West to-day, and while the
news of tbe day with a bearing upon tbe rail
road situation was meager, Chicago reports
were to the effect tbat all rate troubles seemed
to have come to an end, which probably indi
cates tbat the Chicago people have changed
their position on tbe marker. In conjunction
with tbe increased offering of money there was
a scarcity of stocks to loan, which Created an
apparent increase in tfie short interest froih
the renewed demand for stocks. Ihe opening
of tbe market was rather heavy, but strength
developed immediately and tbe business was
much more evenly distributed than usual of
late, while Sugar and Jersey Central were the
only weak spots in the marker, though both
joined the procession before noon, when prices
were generally from 1 per cent better
than those ot tbe opening,
The demand for stocks eased off and dullness
became tbe most prominent featnre of tbe
market and prices sagged off slightly though
tbe undertone of strength was very percept
ible. There was a renewal of the upward
movement in the last hour, and the highest
prices of the day were generally reached. Tbe
close was qniet bat firm at or near tbe best
figures. The Important advances were Chicago
Gas and Lake Erie and Western preferred,
lc; Delaware and Hudson, lc; sugar lc;
Northern Pacific and Manitoba, lc: Rock
Island, Missouri Pacific and Transcontinental,
lc: Burlington, lc; Union Pacific, Northern
Pacifio preferred; Denver, Texas and Ft.
Worth and cotton oil, 1 per cent each.
Railroad bonds were more active, tbe busi
ness footing up to $1,246,000, though out of
these West Shore "4s furnished 8313,000, and
Kansas and Texas sixes 8134. 000. The Kansas
and Texas issues were tbe feature of tbe
market, a rumor tbat a plan of reorganization
in whicb all the opposing interests could join,
causing a sharp advance In all the Issues.
The rollowlng tame snows tne prices oractlve
stocks on tbe New York Stock Exchange yester-
uay. uorrectea aatiy lor xra uisfatch Dy
Whttnbt & Stephenson, oldest Pltuburg mem
bers of Mew xork Stocx Kxcnange, 57 Irourth ave
nue: Open
loar. Am. Cotton On. ...... 414!
Atcn., Top.ia.F
Canadian Pacific 63
Canada Southern MJ4
Central ofNewJersey.m
Central i'aelfii U!i
Chesapeake & Ohio ... .r.
C. Bur. Oali.cr. ....10-Oi
C., Mil. & St. Paul.... 6SK
C Mll.Aot. P pr....lUK
V., KockL P. WH
C.. St. L. & Pitts
a, at. l. a Pitts, pr.. . ..
(i. St. P..M.SO 32X
C St. P..M. AC, pr. ....
Cftjiortnwestern 110
C& Northwestern, pf. ....
c, a, c a 1 74
c a, c. & l, pr. ... 99
Col. AHocKlng Val
Uei.. L.-& W lJ
Uel. & Hudson Hsg
Denver &Klo I?
Denver & Rio U.. ot
E.T., Va, Oa ,.. ....
E. T.. Va. & Ga. 1st p.'. 70
K. 1.. Va.ftGa. Zdpr. ....
Illinois Central. 117
bake Eno A U estern.. 173$
Lake trie A West. Dr.. e:
Lake snore Ail. s 104K
Louisville & Nashville. 0h
Michigan central 914
Mo., nan. ATexas
Missouri Pacific 68
New xorx Central 106!
t. X..L.E.& W 281,
N. Y..L.E. & W.prer.. 68
N. 1.. C ASt, b
N. x., C. A St. L. or.
N.X.. a ASt.Li.2d of ....
N. X AN. K 45
N. If.. O. A W 18J4
NorrolkA Western... 19
-Norfolk Western. Df. 55
Northern Pacific 3IH
Nortnern paclfle Dref. 7I
UhloA Mlislulppl
Oregon Improvement. .. .
Oregon rranscon 31H
Pacific Mall 32)
l'eo. Dec. A Evans 20
Phlladel. A Reading.. 43
Pullman Palace Car...I83U
Richmond A W. P. T 22S
Richmond A W.P.T.pf 79
St- P., Minn. A Man.. 114
St. L. A San Fran
SU L. A San JTran pf.
St.li. A San IT. 1st pf.. ....
Texas Pacific'. 19K
Union Pacific 64W
Wabosn ic
Wabash preferred SOX
Western Union 84
Whrelinpr A L. . Mf
Suear Trust 7J
est. 42K
est. 41X
SH ,
12) S?
lioX 110"
Ill WH
62 62'
10oH 1M
81 eon
91( 81
704 ibf
J06?i 1K'4
20J4 26
G6H 63
X 4W
18JJ 18
W 19
55H UK
n si,
72 71K
ii" Hfi
50 OT
44' 43S
1S3 1635,
S3 22
80 79M
IIS 114
ii'ii is"
KH irM
30X 30)4
84H S4
70 69
76j 73
Hh S2
National lad Trust.. 21M
Chicago Gaa Trust..
I.... U'i
A ten. A Top., 1st 75. 109
A.AT. LandOr't7s,10:H
A ten. A Top. H. B... 30H
Boston A Albany.. .214
Boston A Maine.. ...115
C, B. ACJ ...106H
Clnn. San. A Cleve. 22M
Eastern B. R 112
Flint A fere M. pro. 85
Mexican Cen. com.. IS
Mex.ClstmtK.bds. 6S
-V. X. A New En-... tSH
N. Y. A N.E.7S....123
Old colony I76tf
Wls.Central.com... 27K
MlouezMsjOo M
Calumet A Hecla....222
Huron M
Osceola. 10
Pewablc -H
Qulmrr..... 50
Bell Telepnone 20o
Boston Land.. 6M
Water Power S
Tamarack 114
San Diego 24
Philadelphia Htooks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks,' fur
nished by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers. Mo. 57
Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Exi
Bid. Askal.
Pennsylvania Railroad. .-.. S4 64M
Reading 22 1-18 22H
Buflalo. Fit tsbure and Western 9
LehUh Valley K UH
Lehlh Navigation Mtf 65
Northern Pacific S2H Z
Normern Pacifio preferred 7274 72)a
Ernst H. Adams, booHkeeper in the office
of Henry V. Skinner. New YorK agent for the
Canadian Pacifio Railroad, is under arrest for
stealing 82,500 from his employer.
The Navy Department was Informed yes
terday of tbe arrival at Delaware Breakwater
of tbe Kearsarge. She has just returned from
Haytf, whither she conveyed Minister Doug
lass. Leon Weil, a scrap iron dealer of Cleveland,
assigned to-davto Eroll Joseph, Tbe liabilities
are placed at 850,000; assets unknown, but
thought to be Bmall. The Krie Railway Com
pany are said to be the heaviest creditors, Weil
owing them 822.000.
Early yesterday morning Sailor J. Neil, age
23, of London, England, belonging to a steam
er plying on Lake Erie, and a young man, name
unknown, were instantly killed by tbe Boston
express train at Metuchen. Their bodies were
terribly mangled and thrown a long distance.
Yesterday's bond offerings were.as follows:
Coupons. 4s, 8400, at 127; registered 4s, $152,050,
at 127; registered 4Ws, S23,o00. at 105: 4 per
cents registered, 819o.000. at 127; t per cent
conpon, 811.100, at 127: 4J per cent registered.
819,450, at 105. AU the offers were accepted.
No one at Ottawa knows anything about
the rrian named Dumage, said to have been ar
rested at Minneapolis for stealing 860,000 while
acting as crown timber acent at Portage,
for the Dominion Government. The Canadian
Government has no such individual in its em
ployment. Surgeon General Hamilton, of the Marine
Hospital service,has received a telegram from
Dr. Porter, at Key West, reporting another
case of yellow fever at that place, and tbat
quarantine restribtlons have been- resumed.
The patient in this case is E. Ellinger, who
lett Havana September 21. bound for New
The Iowa Democrats, since' tbe public? tlon
of Ashby's letter, have been saying that Gover
nor Larrabeo did not dare indorse publicly
Senator Hutchison, pretending that he was
not acceptable to the anti-monopolists. The
Governor took up the challengo and wrote for
publication a letter indorsing Senator Hutch
ison fully and nneqlvocally.
The supposed Mexican ttolen bonds
have turned up all right. Through the care
lessness of a clerk in the Treasury Department
the books had been taken to the stamp print
ing department, some months ago to be
stamped; they had been forgotten, and were
only brought to light yesterday by a careful
search. The officials and clerks in the Treasury
Department are much elated in consequence.
In a review of the calamities caused by
floods during the year 1S8, tbe Japan Mail
says: "Incomplete returns show that 12 pre
fectures have been devastated; 2,419 people
killed, 115 wounded, and over 90,00V people de-
S rived of means ot subsistence. More than
I.OOO honses have heen swept away or sub
mersed, 150,000 acres of crops destroyed, about
6,000 bridges washed away, and some hundreds
. of miles of road broken np.
. The Seventh Day Adventists Conven
'tion, in session at Battle Creek, Mich., i3 at
tended by delegates from 28 States and Terri
tories and Canada. Mrs. Ellen G. White,
'The prophetess," is still the spiritual intel
lectual leader or this seor. The work of the
church is being pushed in New Zealand,
Russia, Greece, Switzerland, Turkey,Germanr,
Norway, South Africa and in the South and
Northwest portions of the United States.
Secretary Carter, of the Baltimore Health
Board, has received a sanitary report from
Autatin Tnrkev. showine the extent of tbe
epidemic of cholera in Mesopotamia, a part of
tho country lying between the Euphrates and
Tigris rivers. The total number of deaths
from cholera, from July 27 to September 26,
was 6,175. Among the afflicted cities were
Bagdad, wherein there were 924 deaths in abont
five weeks; Nasrie, 485 deaths; Bossora, 450;
Kerkank, 385; Kerbela, 343; Chatra, 345.
A family scandal was exposed at San Fran
cisco in court wben United Sta es Senator
Stewart, of Nevada, was cited to show why he
should not be punished for contempt for fall
ing to allow his son-in-law, A. W. Fox, to see
his children. Fox and his wife have been
divorced several years, and the children have
been cared for by the Senator. Fox filed a
sensational affidavit yesterday. In wblch he
makes various charges against Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart. Mrs. Stewart testified that Fox was a
worthless character, with whom her daughter
fell in love when she was only 17 years old. To
prevent the scandal of an elopement, her
parent consented to the marriage. Tbe Sena
tor repeatedly secured good employment for
Fox, but he never kept a situation.
Advices of a startling trazedy come from
Japan. In the province of Kiamrsn is a temple
boys' school. While the teacher was called
away one day all the boys except one with tbe
Intention of playing a joke n the teacher hid
in empty coffins tbat were in tbe temple. The
boy who was to act as sentinel bad hardly
closed down the lids over tbe five boys when
the schoolmaster appeared Answering the
teacher's question, tbe sentinel said his com
rades had gone to heaven, tbelr bodies being
now in the coffins. The teacher, fearing tbe
joke might have been carried too far, raised
the lids of the coffins and found that all five
boys had died from suffocation. The sixth boy,
being now thoroughly scared, started to run.
when the teacher overtook him and whipped
him to death.
Cain t Verner
Open for business in ibeir new shoe store,
corner Fifth avenue and. Market street, to
day (Wednesday), October 23.
23," 1889."
Dair Products Quietand Creamery
.Batter Has a Fall.
Heavy Cereal Becefpts, and Only Choice
Bells Beadily.
Office of FrrrsBtTBO Dispatch,
Tdesdat. October 22, 18S9. i
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
The Elgin Butter Board reduced prices of
creamery butter lc yesterday. The price there
for the best stock was 23c,. the lay down price
here iq job lots Is about 24c One of our large
jobbers sold at tho latter figure this morning
to a wholesale dealer a lot of Dundee Elgin
creamery. Ohio creamery is quie't at a reduc
tion of lc from prices of last week. Cheese is
slow, but unchanged. Eggs lose nothing of
their firmness; A choice article readily brings
the ontsido of quotations. Sweet potatoes are
active at- a shade better prices than have pre
vailed for ;some weeks past. Irish potatoes are
slow at quotations, a fact dne as much as any
thing else to tho large amount of low grade
stuff which has of late been thrown on tbe
market from the West. The supply of grapes
is good, and quality was never better. Apples
are slow, and only fancy find ready customers.
There is an Improved demand for tropical
fruits, bnt prices are practically unchanged.
BUTTER Creamery, Elgin, 2o26c; Ohio do,
2425c: fresh dairy packed, 2123c; country
rolls. 1920c
Beans Navy hand-picked beans, 82 252 40;
medium. 82 302 4a
Beeswax 28Q30c 9 lb for choice; low grade,
Cider Sand refined, 88 60Q7 50; common,
S3 5064 00; crab cider. 80 0Q4SS 50 V barrel;
cider vinegar. 1012c gallon.
Chestnuts Jo O0Q5 50 per bushel; walnuts,
6075c a bushel.
Cheese Ohio, lllUc; New York, llUc;
Limburger. 9K10c; domestic Sweitzer.lO
13c: Imported Uweitzer, 23c
Eqgs 22c $1 dozen for strictly fresh.
FBUITS Apples, 82 O0Q2 75 V barrel: grapes,
Concords, 33c fi pound, Catawbaa, SQc,
Delawares, o0c; Bartlett pears, 85 00 barrel;
quinces, 87 008 00 IP barrel; cranberries. Jer
seys, 82 50 H bushel box: Cape Cods, box, 82 75
Qi 00; Malaga grapes, large Darrel, 83.
Leathers Extra live ceese. 5060c; No. 1
do. 40345c: mixed lots, S035c $ &
POUI.TBY Live spring cblcEens, 4045c ft
pair; old, G570c ?1 pair.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 lis to bushel. 85 0T)
6 25 ?? bushel; clover, large English, 62 tts,S5 SO;
clover, Alslke, 88 00; clover, white, 89 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 Ss, 81 50; blue grass, extra
clean, 14 fis, 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 fis, 81 00;
orchard grass. 14 fts, 81 C5; red top. 14 s, 81 25;
millet, 50-fis, 81 00; German millet. 60 fta. II 50:
Hungarian crass, 50 lbs. 81 00: lawn grass,
mixture of fine grasses, 82 50 t bushel of 14
TAXI.OW Country, 4Jc; city rendered, i
Tropical Fbutts Lemons, common, 83 50
4 00: fancy. 84 005 00; oranges, 84 505 00:
bananas, 82 00 firsts, 81 50 good seconds, -p
bnncb; cocoanuts, 84 0001 60 f) hundred; flpf,
89c a ft; dates, 6(!Kc jP lb; newlayerfigs,
14k16c; new dates, 7&C $ tt.
Vegetables Potatoes, trom store, 50055c;
on track, 4550c: tomatoes, 75c81 V bushel;
wax beans, 75c fl bushel: green beans, 4050c
)) bushel; cucumbers, 82 25Q2 50 $1 bushel;
cabbages. 84 0O5 00 a hundred; celery, 40e.fl
dozen; Sonthern sweet potatoes, S3 002 25;
Jerseys. 83 00; turnips, 81 5001 75 a barrel;
onions, 82 a barrel.
Greek Coffee Fancy Rio. 2223Kc;
choice Rio, 2021o; prime Rio. 20c; low grade
Rio, 1819Kc; old Government Java, 27c; Mar
acalbo, 2324c; Mocha, 2829c; Santos, 2045
23c; Caracas. 21623c; peaberry. Rio, 2B2oc;
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands,
23c; high grades, 25H26Kc; old Govern
ment Java, bulk, SlKS2kcr Maracalbo, 26
27c: Santos, 2123c: peaberry. 26c; choice Rio,
24c; prime Rio, 22c; good Rio, llc; ordi
nary. 21c
spices (whole) Cloves, 21625c: allspice, 8c;
cassia, 8c; pepper, 18c; nutmeg, 70gSO.
Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test. 7c:
Ohio, 120, 8Kc; headlight, 150, 8Kc water
white, 9c; globe. 1414Uc; elalne, 14)c; carna
dine, llc; royaline, 44c; globe red oil, 110
Stetjps Corn tyrups, 2629c; choice sugar
syrups. S338.; prime sugar syrup, SOgSSO;
strictly prime, 3335c; new mable syrup. 90c
N. 0. MOLASSES Fancy, 48c; choice, 4Sc;
medium; 43c; mixed. 4042c
Soda Bl-carb In kegs, 304c; bi-carb in Ki,
5c;-bi-carb, assorted packages, 6S6c; sal
soda In kegs, IJic; do granulated, 2c
Candles star, full weight, 9c; stearine, 9
set, 8c; paraffine, ll12c
RICE Head. Carolina. 767Kc: choice. 6Ufi
7c; prime. 56Vc; Louisiana, 66Xc
Starch Pearl, 3cj cornstarch, 66c; gloss
starch, 57c
Foreiqh Fruits Layer raisins, 82 65; Lon
don layers, S3 10; California London layers.
82 60; Muscatels, 82 25; California Muscatels.
81 85; Valencia, He; Ondara Valencia, 910c;
sultana, 8Kc; currants, 55Kc; Turkey prunes,
45c; French prunes, 8K13c; Balonlca
prunes, in 2-ft packages, 8c: cocoanuts, fl 100.
86 00: almonds, Lan.. $ fi, 20c; do, Ivica, 19c;
do, shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap.. 1215c; Sicily
filberts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 1216c; new dates,
66c; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans, ll15c; citron,
V fi, 2122c; lemon peeL f) fi, I314c; orange
peek 12Kc
Dried Frutts Apples, sliced, per fi, 6c,
apples, evaporated, 8c; apricots,, Califor
nia, evaporated, 1215c; peaches, evaporated
pared, 2223c: peaches. California, evaporated,
unpared, 1012c; cherries, pitted, 2122c;
cherries, unpitted, 66c; raspberries, evapor
ated. 2424Kc; blackberries, 78c; huckle
berries, ioaiic.
BUGARS Cubes, tJie; powdered, 7JjJc; granu
lated, 7c; confectioners' A, 7c; standard A.
7Jic: soft whites, 6Q7c; yellow, choice, 6J
eKc: yellow, good, 6J46Jic: yellow, fair, 5jc;
yellow, dark, 6Jic
Pickles Medium bbl (1.2001, fi73;edls mj
urn, half bbls (600), 83 25.1
Salt-No. L W bbl, 85c; No. 1 ex. 91 bbl, Jl 05;
dairy, bbl, 81 20, coarse trystal, $ bbl, 81 20;
HIgglns' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, 82 80: HlggioV
Eureka, 16-14 fi pockets, 83 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches. 82 00
2 25; 2ds, 81 501 65; extra peaches, 82 402 tt),
pie peaches, 9oc: finest com, 81 001 60; Hid. Co:
corn, 70390c; red cherries 90c81: Lima beans.
81 10; soaked do. 85c; string do, 75S5c; mar
rowfat peas, 81 101 15; soaked peas, 7075c
pineapples, 81 401 50; Bahama do, 82 75; dam;
son plums, 95c; greengages, 81 25; egg plums,
82; California pears, 82 60; do greengage, 82; do,
ege plums, 82; extra white cherries, 82 SO: red
cherries, 2 lbs, 90c: raspberries, 81 401 50;
strawberries, 81 10; gooseberries, 81 S01 40;
tomatoes, 90cl 00; salmon, 1-fi 81 752 10;
blackberries. Sue: succotash, 2-B cans, soaked;
99c; do green. 2 fi, 81 25l 60: corn beef. 2-fi
cans. 82 05; 14.fi cans, 814 00: baked beans, 81 45
61 60; lobster, I-fi 81 751 80: mackerel 1-S
cans, broiled, 81 60; sardines, domestic Jis,
sardines, imported. Mi, 811 6012 50; sardines,,
imported, s. 818; sardines, mustard, 83 50;
sardines, spiced. 83 60.
Fisn Extra NoM bloater mackerel, 836 ?1
bbl.: extra Ncldo, mess. 840; extra No. I
mackerel, shore, 832; extra No. 1 do, messed.
836; No. 2 shore mackerel, 824. Codfish Whole
bollock, 4c $! lb; do medium, George's cod,
6cylo large, 7c; boneless bake, in strips, 6c; do
George's cod in blocks, 6V7Kc Herring
Round shore. 85 00 f) bbl; split, 87 00; lake,
82 00 100-fi half bbl. White fish, 87 00 H 100
fi halt bbL Lake trout, 85 60 V half bbL Fjn
nan haddock, 10c il fi. Iceland halibut, 13c HI
fi. Pickerel. K bbl. 82 00; W bbL 81 10; Poto
mac herring, 85 OU V hbl. 82 50 W bbL
Oatmeal 86 306 60 V bbL
Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 65857c
t gauon. .uaro. 011. oc
Grain, Flonr and Feed.
Receipts bulletined at the Grain Exchange,
50 cars. By Pittsburg. Ft, Wayne and Chicago,
4 cars of hay, 4 of oats, 2 of malt, 3 of flour, 1
of barley. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St.
Louis, II cars of oats, I of barley, 2 of corn, 2
of wheat, 3of hay. By Baltimore andOhln, 7
cars of hay, 1 of oats. By Pittsburg and Wesf
em, 4 cars of hay. By Pittsburg and Late
Erie, 6 cars of hay, 1 of oats. 3 of rye, 4 of flour,
2 of wheat. There was but one sale on call,
namely, a car of sample oats, 23c, spot Tbe
cereal situation has developed no new features
since our last report. Ear corn is tn good demand-
Mlllleed Is active at quotations. Bay
and oats are in bountiful supply, and only
choice grades are active. Low grades go beg.
gmg for customers, and are only sold by liberal
concessions to bujers. The wheat drift Is
downward, and flour is quiet. Prices below are
for carload lots.
Wheat New No. is red, 85c; No. 3. 80
Corn No. 2 yellow, ear, 43844c: high mixed,
ear; 4213c: No. 2 vellow, shelled. 40c; bleh
mixed, shelled, S904Oc: mixed, shelled, SSX
Oats No. 2 white. 27Z:; extra, No. 3,
2826)c: mixed, 2125c
Kye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Oblo,Sufi51c;
Nn. 1. Western, 4SQ19r; new rye, No. 2 Ohio,
lotje Jobbing prices Fancy winter and
sprine patents, t5 005 SO; winter straight,
2504 60; clear winter. U 064 25: strafzht
XXXXbakers', 86 H)3 75. Bye-flour, 8W0
4 75.
Milijeed Middlings, fine white, W-8 (MS
18 SO yl ton; brown middlings, (48 0e18 S wis.
. .&3J2nAf...
ter-wbeat bran, SU 50811 75; chop feed, 59
18 00. . '
HAY-Baled timothy. 'No. J, 812 T612 SO;
No. 2 do. 811 00II 50: loose from Wagon. 811 CO
I gl3 00, acenrdtne to quality; No. I nplam
fga ; so. vmu packin;
STRAW Oats. 86 5007 00:
wheat and rye
straw, 86 0066 23.
Sugar-cured hams, large, 103cj sngar-cured
hams, medium, llc; sugar-cured hams, small,
llJic; sugar-cured breakfast bacon. 10c; sngar
cured shoulders, 6c; sugar-cured, boneless
shoulders, 7c; sngar-cured California hams, 7c:
sugar-cured dried beef flats. 9c? sugar-cured
dried beef sets, 10c; sugar-cured dried beef
rounds, 12Kc: bacon shoulders, 5c: bacon
clear aides, 7$c; bacon dear bellies, 7Kc; dry
salt shoulders, 554c; dry salt clear slues, tc.
Mess pork, heavy, 811 50; mess pork, family.
812 00. Lard Refined, in tierces, .die: half-
barrels, c; 60-ft tubs. 6Jc; 20-fi pails, 7c; 50
fi tin cans, 6c; 3-fi tin pails. c; 5-fi tin
Sails, 7c; 10-fi tin pails, 6c: 5-fi tin pails, 7c; 10
1 tin pails, 7c Smoked sausage, long. 5c;
large, 5c Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless
hams, lOKc Pigs feet, half barrel, 84 00: quar
ter barrel, 82 15. v
Dressed Blear.
Armour & Co. furnished tbe following prices
on dressed meats: Beef carcasses 450 to 650 fts,
5c; 550 to 650 fts. 6c: 650 to 750 fis, 67c
Sheep, 8c fi. Lambs, 9c f) fi. Hogs, 6C
Fresh pork loins, 8c
A gentleman who Is Interested In the pro
jected electric road on California avenue said
yesterday that It would be completed within a
Toe Wheeling and Lake Erie Railroad has
declared Its regular quarterly dividend of 1 per
cent on the preferred stock, payable on and
after.Novem DerlS. ,
Tbe only tangible result of the run on the
Lawrence Bank, and the nnfonnded stories
which cave rise to it, baa been an Increased de
mand for the stock.
Reports from tbe property of the Pittsburg
and Mexican Tin Mining Company in Mexico
continue to be very encouraging. Secretary
Thurston said yesterday: "Tbe ore in sight
promises from 2 to 15 per cent on the capital in
vested. The company will not put In their ma
chinery for three or fonr months, as they desire
to bare the property sufficiently developed to
mine and smelt 100 tons a day when they begin
Isador Workser, of New York, said yes
terday: "Fortune favors the brave. The bears
have met with some success of late, but there
is nothing out of the narrow circle of Wall
street to warrant the depression wblch they
claim to feel. Business is bright. Railroads
are making lots of money. The iron and steel
industries are, good, and sunshine is general.
The only dark cloud hangs over Wall street.
But even this, in my opinion, has a silver, lin
ing." Dry goods.
New Yore. October 22. The market for
staple goods was without active features, but
the light condition of supplies excites increased
attention and tbe tone gains in strength.
Bleached goods have an upward look. Large
lots ot either brown or bleached are scarce tor
early delivery. Print cloths have again ad
vanced and tend upward. Prints are in light
supply and steady In price. The active featnre
of demand relates to spring specialties, all de
scriptions of new fabrics meeting with marked
recognition by tbe trade. The staple checks
are very firm.
Wben baby was sick, ws gave her Castorls,
Wben she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children,she gave them Castoria
The Finest Meat-Flavoeino Stock
Extract of Meat.
tjseh foe soups, -Beef
Tea, Sauces aridMatJej.Djshes.
Genuine only with facsimile of
Justus von Liebig's
Across labeL
Sold by storekeepers, erocers and druggists.
ited, London. an24-94-ws
This Is now conceded to be the best In the
market, as witnessed bv the fact that we have
rust secured, tbe DIPLOMA FOR EXCEL
LENCE at the Pure Food Exposition, now be
ing held In Philadelphia.
And with the bright appetising flavor of fresh
ly roasted beef.
hangtacttjrers ot
Rocker's Lubricating Hemp Packing
Italian and American Hems Paeklnc
LClothes Lines. Twines, Bell Cord, Fish Lines,
unaic unes, nignt unes. oisai uaie ana uiae
Rope, Tarred Lath Yam, Spun Yarn, etc
WORKB East street. Allegheny City, Pa.
ttsburg. Telephone No. 137Q. oc22 GB-XWS
Tbis season's catch
Bloater Mess Mackerel
just received.
-rrrHiTE stab lims
Boyal acd United States Mali Steamers.
Britannic Oct. sa 10 am
BrI tannic. JJov.I7,8J8ara
Adriatic Dec 4. X D m
Adriatic. Nov. 6. Jpm
Teutonic, .Nov. 11, 9am
Germanic Nov. 3X3 om
Uermanlc Dec. 13.2 p m
e, Dec. 18,2
by est Teeth i
i Salfinn til
From.Whlta Star dock.
foot of west Teeth st.
'Second cabin on tbese steamers: Saloon rates.
S0 and upward. Second cabin. J35 and upward,
accordlnx to steamer and location or bertfi., Ex
curslon tickets on favoratile tenas. Steerafte. VB.
White Star drafts payable on demand In all tbe
principal banks throughout Ureat BrlUln. Ap
ply to ScH.N J. Mct'OKMICK, 401 Smltblleld St.,
PltUbnrr, or J. BKHCEiaaAlr, General Aent,
41 Broadway, Mew York. oc2S-P
To Glasgow. Belfast, Dublin
and Liverpool.
Cabin passage ts to $60. according to, loeatloa
ol stateroom. Excursion S86 to fSO.
btceraire to and from Europe at Lowest Bates,
AUSTIN BALDWIN OU.. General Agents,
a Broadway, NewYor.
J. J. McCORMICK. Agent, Pittsburg. Ps.
United Stales Mail Steamers.
Sail every SATURDAY from
Cabin passace to Glasgow, Liverpool or London
derry, SIS and (99. Bo nd trip, SM and fB.
Second-class. f. Steerage. Jffl.
. Cabin pasMfte to
Azores, tS fo : Naples, S to fMO: Venice, 9.
Draft on Ureat Britain, Ireland or Italy,
and letters or credtt at favorable rates.
AnlVtoiENpEltfOMBBOTHEHS. N. Y., or
J. , VoTOKMlOK. FeaHto and SmMiaeld; A. U.
BCHUpft SON, lbeld St., TOtrtorr; W.
(nu " "' " .-t w"v
..T. ;-... . l
m IMS'3
Eight years ago cancer came on my lever ;
lip. it lOOK oil my unuer up ixmxi two no 1
thn nthnr And down to mv Cfiifl. I had it 4
treated by burning, and got so weak Wat Id
not think tbat I could stand It muck longer. J
Alter much suffering I discarded aH swiri1
treatment, and began taking SwlfVa 0ieuis,vj
and the cancer soon began to seal, and la a !
snort time re was completely neaieei uan
entirely welL It is now over three years 4i
I got well, and there baa been no tfeiofaarJ
return oi tne disease, ikhow nwa eaaeev,
and I know it was cured alone bv H. 8. S. .
E. V. Ferr and. Hasten, La. , I
Treatise on Cancer mailed free. -,
The SWOT Specific Co.,Drawer 3,Aa,j
ua. . suvw'ifvrq
Merchants visitinc tbe city wffl flad'kTtaj
their interest to inspect our COMPLKTXl
line of "
Ladies', Misses' and Children
ocMI-twt nttBtonrsr, Ia7!l
Lor. Wood and Liberty ttt,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings thia weekia
For largest assortment and lowest jilis aait J
ana see ua. .J5
fe22-r83-D .
Transact a Gneral
Accounts solicited. Issue Clroalar LslwJ
oi treait, lor use ox travelers, ssa
cial Credits,
Available In all paita of the world.
Fqr use In tills country, Canada, Meats o," 'Was
xnoies. BOBia ana ienirai amiim. !
Issue travelers' credits throaah Mesa
.Morgan 4, Cof, Mew York. Passport
Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Petroleum.
Private wire to New Tort and (
45 SIXTH ST, Pittsburgh
As old residents know and baok "lea c
bnr? caners Drove, is the oldest eett
and most prominent physician ta tb t
voting special attention to an esrswe (
lirnimiloand mental rltsotnes
iHn V UUO decay. Barrens efefeHHv.
i w . ... -J't , .-.
1 energy, ammtion ana nope, unpurea
aisoraerea signi, u amrust. a
dizziness, sleeplessness. sisatles.ersi
poverished blood, faillDg powers, orgs
ness, ayspepsia, cousiidhod, coosvsai
flttintr the nersoa for bosiaeM.sodeiy
r!at-e. nermanentlv. safely and nrivateir
Dl finn Aim OllMdfeeaeea )m.
ULUUU tViU Of I II stages,
blotches, falling balr, hones, paiaa.
swelling's niceraaoos oi HHwiie,Bwi
ulcers, old sores, are eared for life.
poisons thoroughly eradicated from Hm
II DIM A UV Kuwyana numr
Ullllinil I jments, wealc Oaci,
tarrhal dischargee, toSaaraattea
painful symptoms receive searealag
prompt renex sou reaj oarar
Dr. Wbittler'a life-long; exteaeive
ence. insures seientiSo and reliable
on common-sense principles. Cumuitattea
.Patients at a distance as careioay
here. Office boors a.m. wsp.
10 A. K. to 1 p.m. only. DB. w.
Fenn avenue, Pittsburg; l"a.
tbu nartieaiars la
sent iree. The
SpeeUe setd by c
yellow wraoBer.
package, or ax tot ft, or
on recATDC of nrlaa. by i
Sold la Flttsbarg by S. 3. HOLLANI
osuuinitiu ibq umnj .
quiring scientific aM i
rial treatmentl Dr. 8.1
M.R.C.P. a,UHe t
most exnerienced si
the city. ConsultattoB :
scictly eontklBnWal.
hours y to 4 andTto sp. v.; Baa
Ljlke. 328 Penn ave PiMasurs, Pa.
?B Oottoao.
loosed of Cotton Beat. 1
Pennyroyal a reseat i
'old nhvaicten. It mu
tmnuuau fiafa. EsTeetnaL Price
neaifA. Ladies, ask your drnscist
Cotton Boot Compound aad tafeeaaa
or mewses stamps ror mum i
Block, 181 Woodward aveJDelroH, 1
O-isoId In Pittsburg, Pst, by Joe
mfr ot oon, xnamnuu ua Aaraei I
Banixd,fc IwtfSjR52&
rontilnlnr fall HlwwJrt sir Imsm
MOT, f. e. PWri.Mf UNstisy I
iiiloaT wf