9 If Tea wsst Help, advertio la THE DISPATCH. Pnrcha-ers can befoBBd far everything Fered Far Sole In THE DISPATCH. THE DISPATCH I tfaebeit ndrertlstas medium In Western Pennsylvania. Try It. r K)BTY-TOTniTH HUH BUUO FALSE, Mr. Wells Hears of His Runaway Wife for the First Time in Seven Years. A TRUE DAUGHTER OF EVE Who Lured More Than Her Quota of Victims to Destruction. STOEI OP THE DESERTED HUSB1ND. Until the SeniallonalXamrtlTeofHla TOfe' Career Appeared la Print HeHadLoit All Trace of Her How She Left Him and Took With Her $11,000 of HU Money Her Litest VIctlm'a RelatlTea and Friend Talkofthe Case ATraeedy Way End It All AnotherSomewhat Simi lar Story From Trenton Elopement of a Prominent Clnbman With a Hotel Keep er' Wire They Both Leare With Their - Pocket Well Filled. The deserted husband of Caroline I "Wells, the woman who made dupes of seTen or more wealthy men, was as much surprised to read the story of her checkered life for the past seven years as anyone. He tells his story now. Another case of marital in fidelity is reported from Trenton, N. J., where a hotel keeper's wife, formerly of Pittsburg, has eloped with a prominent club man. 'rsrcctAii nuaiux to tot disfa.tce.1 Kew Yobk, October22. The publication or the story of the career of Caroline F. "Wells, who secured a fortune from Contrac tor George F. "Woolston, was a startling sur prise to those in ifew Tort who know the woman. No one person has known the full story of the recent life of the adventuress. Each of her vic tims has imagined himself to be her only dupe, and most of them have been content to pocket their losses at her hands with no more than a vigorous denunciation of their own folly. Three or four men with families and of ' good reputation would rather suffer their loss twice over than make public the facts, and the discovery of a trunk full of com promising letters alter the woman's flight from Sheepshead Bay is giving these indi viduals GEEAT TTKEASINESS. There are one or two, however, who are anxious to recover certain real estate, cash and jewels which, seder various circum stances, they bestowed upon Mrs. "Wells, and theX-are willing-. If necessarr, i encounter publicity in order to ac complish their object. But until the present whereabouts of the woman are dis covered they wiU say nothing. If she should return to New Xork the matter wou d at ones take legal shape in the courts. The first knowledge which Emmet "Wells had received of his -wife's movements for more than seven years came from the publi cation to-day. Mr. "Wells is a hop commis sion merchant, about 50 years old, and he has an office at 19 "Whitehall street He said to-day to a Dispatch reporter: THE HUSBAND'S 8TOBT. "I hsd not heard a word from or about my wife since she started off, more than seven years ago, to make her fortune, until you called on me a week ago at my hotel. I didn't know whether she was alive or dead. She has seemed dead to me, for, after the manner in which she disgraced me and my family, I made up my mind I would never live with her again, so I never made any attempt to follow her or to trace her movements. Neither have I sought a divorce or leeal separation. "When I married her, in 1873 or 1874, she was a poor girl. For several years I supported her two sisters as well as her self. She was extravagant, and our house hold expenses were $3,000 or J6.000 per year, which was more than I could afford. She was lively, fond of company, and a great deal in the society of gentlemen, with whom she was a great favorite. But I KEVEK SA-W ANYTHING to lead me to suspect that she was not a true wife while she lived with me. I see men tioned among her victims the name of a man who was a frequent visitor at our house be fore my wife left me. "Well, if he has suf fered at her hands, I'm glad of it "It is not true that my wife told me when the went away that if she succeeded she would come back, but that if she tailed I would never hear of her again. She made that statement to one of her friends, who told me of it soon after her departure, i fully expected she would return after a few weeks' absence. She took with her about $11,000 - of my money. At that time big fortunes were being made on 'Western cattle ranches. She heard of a chance, or said she did, to get rich in short order, and I let her go. She was a woman of naturally good business instincts, and I thought she would stand A FAIB CHANCE OF SUCCESS. At first I explained her absence to my friends by saying she had gone to Colorado for her health. Then, as time went on and no word came from her, that explanation would no longer suffice, and I felt the disgrace keenly. Finally I told my most intimate friends the facts, and I made up my mind that I was done with the woman forever. The date given of the beginning of her relations with "Woolston shows that be masi haTe entered upon the career of an adventuress almost immediately after leaving me. Mrs. "Woolston, of whom I never heard before, wrote me two or three days ago, asking if I wuld co-operate with her in prosecuting the woman in order to force a separation between her and "Woolston. I have not made up mv mind whether I will do so or not I would be glad to get my money back.butl never want to see the woman. Mrs. "Woolston's sole object, a she explains, is to get her husband to return to her, and she is desper ately in earnest I do not believe she will ueceed; and if she does not it wiu not sur- fri tat a bit if tfe eMM should end in a x. tt - ' r ..SBBBBBkwW Ak .taW -W 4kAtr4aa- aBr ' BBBBBBBi S . i "kA 7 . . 'JSfcWki&b . '- s i ... . . v . . a. - . . - - a. sr - . r r .. m mu MW -WC - v . " i "" ""i uomw k a---saBi' ai . raiB -v- .. i sal T?a .-v . . a .. - . ass -v -.jjrsa2a J,i3i .. j- - -Bria - Hr-vwrn' rmmr wwwnrjmr wwtww s wrw rwr ww-wwm YEAE. PITTSBUHG. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1889. , . i . i i tragedy, with the wronged and desnerate wife as an avenger." SOMETHING OP WOOLSTON. "Woolston's most intimate fneod in New Xork is Frank Sogers, junior partner of the firm of Morse & Bogers, boots and shoes, at 134 Dnane street "When in New York "Woolston has made Mb business head quarters at that address. Mr. Bogers was out of town to-day, on a hunting trip. Mrs. Bogers has known both Mr. and Mrs. "Woolston for many years. She said to-day, about the domestic troubles of the couple: "There can be no defense whatever, of the relations between Mr. "Woolston ana this woman, but it has not surprised me at all, and I think Mrs. "Woolston is herself responsible for theioss of her husband. She is a very peculiar woman. My husband and I lived in the same house with them for some time before this woman came upon the scene, so we could not help knowing more or less about their domestic life. Mr. "Woolston was a kind husband, but his wife was OP A TECULIAB TEMPEKAMENT. She was continually nagging and finding fault, and I don't believe any man could live happily with her. Mr. "Woolston humored her in every way he could, and it often surprised me that he would bear so much at her hands. She fairly made it impossible for him to live with her peaceably." Daniel P. Morse, of Morse & Bogers, has known "Woolston for nearly 20 years. He, too, considers Mrs. "Woolston responsible for most of herown troubles. About 17years ago "Woolston, Morse and Bogers came to New York together from Boston. All three were salesmen, "Woolston for a drygoods house, Morse for a boot and shoe house and Bogers for a clothing house. For some time they lived in the same apartments, ana they have ever since been fast friends. Mr. Morse knows nothing, he says, about "Woolston's relations with the "Wells woman. Eegarding "Woolston's fam ily troubles, Mr. Morse said: "During all the time we lived together I never saw the least thing about Mr. "Woolston to indi cate that he was an immoral man. He was and is A 'WHOLE-SOULED, GOOD FELLOW, full of ambition, and was good to his family. That I do know. Yet, when I was in Bos ton, come little time ago, Mrs. "Woolston sent for me, and when I called on her she told me she, dated the beginning of her trouble with her husband from the time when we had apartments together. ' I know they have not lived happily together for years, yet during all this time I've never heard "Woolston say one unkind word about his wife. I will not say that she is insane, but there'ssometbing wrong about the woman. He invited me, to his house for dinner one day, and when Mrs. "Woolston ascertained that I was the guest she would not come into the room. She treated all his friends is a similar man ner." A. B. Cnshing, who has had important business dealings with "Woolston, has a very uncomplimentary opinion of him. He re gards him as an unscrupulous man,' and says he has LOST .HEALILY AT HIS HA3XS. Mr.Cushing recently saw an offer of terms of separation made by "Woolston to his wife, which he advised that lady to accept, but she did not "In addition to two houses on Union Park, Boston, with a rental of about $2,500, he offered her under. In addition, he was wlinng-to agree to educate the boys and to allow them to remain with their mother. If "Wools ton was as rich as his gifts to Mrs. "Wells, indicated, Mr. Cushing did not re gard this as a liberal offer, but when he made it he declared it was all he could af ford to do. It was stated by one or two of "Woolston's friends to-day, "that he started for.Helena, Mont, about ten days ago. STOLE A EBIB-WS WIFE. A Trenton Bnllder Elope With a Hotel Keeper's Marital Partner Both ot Them Take Plenty ofSIoney .Along With Them. rsPECIAL TXI.EOBXK TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Teenton, N. J., October 22. Brewer Bue, a builder, of No. 25 Union street, left last Saturday with pretty Mrs. "William Cleary, wile of hotel keeper "William Cleary, and they have not been heard of since. The parties are well-to-do, and Bue is a prominent club man. The news of their elopement has caused much excitement Not only did the builder secure the hotel keeper's wile, but Mrs. Cleary took with her over $6,000 in cash, and Bue drew 54,400 from the Trenton Bank, and also converted some of his property into ready cash before going. For some time past the friends of the hotel keeper have noticed that Bue was very at tentive to Mrs. Cleary, more particularly in the absence of her husband. On Friday last Mr. Bue entered the hotel, and h.e and Mrs. Cleary held a whispered consultation. Bue, it was noticed by everybody, BECAME 21TJCH EXEBCISED, and when he began talking too loud, Mrs. Cleary ushered him into a rear room. A lew moments later he left the house. He went home, and telling bis wife he intended going to a county fair, had her get out his winter sealskin hat and heavy overcoat On leaving the house b,e kissed his wife goodby, and in answer to her ques tion of "When will you be home?" rei)lied: "I can't exactly say. I won't be gone over ten years, though, I guess." Mrs. Bue thought nothing strange of this remark until the next day. Her husband not returning, she set out on a hunt, and Sunday night learned that Mrn. Cleary had also disappeared, and of her hnsband's in timacy with the woman. For the first time in her nine years of married life she had cause to suspect her husband. The deserted wife is almost distracted. No children are left by either of the elopers. Mrs. Bue says she has never had a quarrel with her husband, and is utterly at a loss to account for his action. She called on the chief of police to aid her in regaining her husband, and offered the chief several hundred dollars if he would learn where the runaways are. The chief has issned printed descriptions of the elopers and sent them throughout the country. Mrs. Bue has also engaged the services of private detective Hill. A Dispatch representative called on Mr. Cleary at his hotel this morning, ana he said: can't believe it teue. Builder Brewer Bue and I have always been on the most intimate terms. He has bad the freedom of my bouse, and I would be the last one to do him an injury, and he Is the last one from whom I had expected an injury. I am his friend, and always thought him mine. So I think they have eloped? What else can 1 think? I can't help but believe it true now, with all the evidence I have before me. Ithoucbt yesterday I knew where tbey were, but I am satisfied now that I was mistaken. Yes, Mrs. Cleary could have taken much more money than she has. I can't believe her so guilty. The money she has talren was not mine, but her own Drivato mv. tags. I am sure she has been led into this thins. Brewer Bue wai one of the most promis ing young men in this town. He has been very successful in business, is highly con nected, and a member of several clubs. Mrs. Bue Is the daughter of Mrs. Gettler, a well-to-do German woman, and an old resident of Union street Her brother is proprietor of a large hotel on North "Warren street Mrs. Cleary was formerly a resident of Pittsburg. -ar .a - m mm m mj m a.aa a - i iaapat aia .-fr--"' - - i i hi? 0 mwrm rzri'wwwT'iw iwiii'iTsi inr v- .; - - w im m nav v m m m n .,. . a -a-., m m m . tows LbbbW V I J Hi Hi HI JHI -. HP Hi HI Hi 7 HI HI HI Hi HL HI HI HI a-. II h hi x. HI -.. HI HL HL HL Hi Hi Hi y vi i JaM i aaBk. a m i -w - ' r I - ' ' W NO JINGOISM IN HIS. Blaine and the President Don't Quite Agree on a "Foreign Policy Other Matters on Which They Are at De cided Variance, rsrxctu. txxxquak to tot Drar-iTcn. "Washington, October 22. At the Cabinet meeting, to-day, all of the members were present, and certain features of the President's message were discussed. The President is probably between more fires on more questions tnan any other President has been since the days of reconstruction, and he finds it difficult, if not impossible, to reconcile the arguments that are being thrust upon him by tremendous influence, either with his conscience or his judgment It is understood that Secretary Blaine is urging utterances in regard to "a foreign policy which are opposed to the cooler, less dramatio disposition ot Mr Harrison, who desires to be conciliatory and leave troubles whiqh may chance to arise to arbitration, rather than to make bold and somewhat boastful declarations from which the Government would possibly be compelled to back down. The Canadian and Alaskan fishery questions are therefore being carefully discussed, and onr strained diplomatic, relations with China and the re sulting injury to trade comes in for slow and serious consideration. Another vexed question touched on to day, is more subsidies to vessels engaging in the South American trade, and the en couragement, in various ways of lines of steamships between the United States and South American ports. A policy looking in this direction will be urged upon Con gress during the approaching session, with more powerful influence than ever before. The entire bent of the Three Americas Con gress is in this direction, and the national pride will be appealed to, in view of the approaching Exposition of 1892, to draw closer together by every posjible tie, the p'eople of the vast, fruitful, uneqnaled coun tries of the entire continents North and South America, and the great uniting xstbmus of Uentral America. Onll sides there are new converts to this formerly objectionable policy, but the very name subsidy has been made so odious in the minds of the public, otten by good argu ments but oftener by the mere senseless howls of demagogues, that the subject is ap proached by the -President and his Cabinet with extreme timidity, and it is doubtful if even the influences engendered by the three Americas Congress will be sufficient to in duce the President to more than present the matter in a neutral way for the considera tion' of Congress, with some strong sug gestions that the new and closer relations of American countries call for the most serioup disenssion of all methods that 'can be de vised lor strengthening the ties between them. , These international questions, judging from the discussions of Cabinet meetings, promise to play a most important part in the forthcoming message. There will be frequent considerations of them. Capital ists and shippers, and men with trans ocean interests will be conferred with, and the utterance ot the message on these sub jects will probably not be complete before the ere ot the meeting of Congress. A TEET SWELL WEDDING. Miti Alice Wnltion United In Man-Use to a San of General Porter. ISFXCIAt TELEQKAK TO TOT DIB PATCH. 3 PHlLADECPHlA.Octo'ber 22. In thepres ence of a large and fashionable company Horace M. Porter, son of General Horace Porter, of New York, and Miss Adelaide "Wattson, daughter of Thomas B. "Wnttsoo, ofjthisj.arve 4. unnrcb; Uils:"eveiflng. The :eiersTvere: Clarence Porter and D. "W. Evans, bf New Yorkj George B. Sloan, of Oswego, New York: Clarence Hahtead, a son of Murat Halstea'd, of Cincinnati; K. P. Brad ford, of Dover, Del., and J. Parke Hood, Ulysses Merour and Bobert Bobinson, of Philadelphia, The bride was escorted by her father to the chancel of the church, where the Bev. Di. McVickar, the rector, performed the marriage ceremony. There was a beautiful bevy of bride maids, consisting of Miss Alice Stet son,' of Beading; Miss Florence Pullman, daughter of George M. Pullman, of Chicago, and Miss Min nie Harris, Miss Frances Farr, Miss Cath erine Gregg and Miss Annie Wilson. This evening there was a brilliant reception at Mr. "Wattson's residence, 1815 Sprnce street. Later Mr. and Mrs. Porter slarted'on an extended trip West A E0W IN A PARSONAGE. Several Men Injured In a Fight for Posses alon of a Church. "WlXKESBABEE, October 22. About three months ago Bishop O'Hara, of Scran ton, deposed Bev. Father "Waraagari, the pastor of the Polish Catholic Church at Plymouth, and afterward expelled him from the priesthood for unbecoming con duct The congregation was divided into two factions and one of these insisted upon holding possession of the church and parsonage. This afternoon Bishop O'Hara appeared in Plymouth for the purpose of obtaining possession of the church and its property. The police were called upon to interfere in case of trouble and a call was made at the parsonage. Upon admission being refused, the officers battered down the doors and arrested six of the inmates. A fierce fight ensaed while the prisoners were being removed, and in the strnggle Chief of Police Melvin had his leg broken and back injured. A num ber of other persons were hurt ANOTHER INCLINE ACCIDENT. This Time It is at a Coal Mine, and Two Slen are Fatally Hart. "Wilkesbaebe, October 22. While a train ot coal cars and a truck were being hoisted up the Ashley plane this morning the wire cable broke just as they had al most reached the top of the "Wiikesbarre mountain. Thus freed, the cars descended the plane at a frightful speed, and were smashed into fragments at the bottom. There were three men on the truck, all" of whom were buried in the debris. Strange to say, the men were taken out alive but very badly injured. Two of the men will die. A TILLAGE TERRIBLI STRICKEN. One-Third of an Ohio Town' Population III ot Typhoid. Fbemont, O., October 22. The village of "Woodville, this county, is a terribly ravaged place. Nearly one-third of the 800 persons in the town are victims of typhoid fever and diphtheria. Last week there were ten deaths from typhoid fever, and nearly that number from diphtheria. Dr. Busch, the leading physician, has about B0 cases under his care. Great ex citement prevails in the town, and business is entirely suspended. UNION IN CENTRAL AMERICA. The General Congrei Approve the Bail for Joining the htnte. New Yobk, October 22. Mr. Jacob Baez. Consul General of Guetamala, has received the following cable dispatch from Guetamala: "The Central American Con gress has approved the basis for the union of the Central American States." Guilty of Murder In the First Decree. Easton, October 22. The jury in the case of "William H. Bartholomew, charged with the murder of Aaron "W. Dillard, to night returned a verdict of. murder in the first degree. , r i - - - BEADYFORTHEK.OFL Preparations to Receive the Delegates in the City of Atlanta. ALL OF'THE DETAILS PERFECTED. The Usual Attendance Expected and a Meet ing of Great interest. IMPOETAKT MATTERS TO BE DISCUSSED. Eeteral Local Evils Taat Mij Demand Considerable Attention. General Secretary Hayes, of the Knights of Labor, 'has completed arrangements for the international convention of that order in Atlanta, beginning November 12. Low rates have been secured at the hotels for delegates and their families, and a hall en gaged for ten days or longer. The order is reported in excellent condition. rSFECTAL XEXZOBAX TO TRZ DIBPATCII.l Atlanta October 22. The Interna tional Convention of the Knights of Labor, or the "General Alssemoly of the "World," as it is called, will convene in Atlanta on November 12. This will bring here 200 or 300 delegates from all parts of the United States, Canada, England, Germany, France and Austria. The foreign delegates will include distinguished men, possibly John Burns. Mr. J. "W. Hayes, the General Secretary and Treasurer, has been in the city for sev eral days making arrangements for the meeting. He was met by a party of Atlanta Knights of Labor, and the details have all been perfected. Special terms have been made by the hotels, and the average will be $1 a day. At the Kimball rooms tor 75 have been engaged, and Mr. Powderly and the General Executive Board will have their headquarters there. The rates at the Kim ball for the Executive Board will be $2 a day. Beside this, arrangements have been made in private houses for those delegates who will be accompanied by ladies. THE MEETING PLACE. The Assembly will meet in Knights of Honor Hall, at 38 South Broad Btreet The room will seat 600 to 700, and was rented by Mr. Hayes for 10 days or longer. Desk's and every facility will be provided. The Committee on Law will meet on November 6, and the Credentials Committee will con vene on the 10th. Mr. Powderly will arrive on the Gtb, and with him a number of prom inent members of the order, including Charles H. Litchman, Dick Trevelick, George Blyer, John Devlin, of Detroit; A. "W. "Wright, of Toronto; John Costello, of Pittsburg; J. J. Holland, of Jacksonville, and Mrs. L. M. Barry, director of woman's work. Secretary Hayes reports a great advance in the condition of the order in the past jti. When it adjourned at Minneapolis t was greatly in debt Now all the debts are paid and there is money enough in the treasury to pay the expenses of all the dele gates. Beside this, the order has property worth over 5300,000. "It has been the general impression," said a prominent local Knight to-day, "that the order has been on the wane for the past year. On the contrary, there has been A GEEAT INCREASE,. t TnTspite of the last that many have with drawn to form trades unions and other labor organizations, according to the recommend ation of their Executive Board. Tne order comes to Atlanta with 200,000 members, and we have in Atlanta about 2,000. The At lanta membership already shows signs of new life. It is not yet known whether Henry George and Dr. McGIynn will be here, but a number of distinguished re formers are expected to be present, among them, probably, Washington Gladden. "The Heights ot .Labor were invited here by the State and city officers, and it is' prob able that they will be welcomed with short speeches by the Mayor and the Governor. Besides the secret work of the order, there will be public meetings and addresses, the programme of which will be made up when Mr. Powderly arrives. There are some in teresting questions to be discussed. The proposition of the trades unions for a gen eral strike in 1890 to secure the eight-hour day will come up, and an effort will be made to get the co-operation of the Knights of Labor, who have heretofore opposed the strike by a considerable majority. The question of trusts will occupy some time, especially the larger combinations and rail road monopolies." ITEMS OP INTEEEST. A local Knjght says the Bichmond and West Point Terminal combination will be discussed and handled without gloves. The Olive bill, lately pending in the Georgia Legislature, will also come up, as well as the child labor bill, recently passed here; the arbitration bill, and the ten-hour bill, now pending. Secretary Hayes thinks Georgia far ahead of most'States in legisla tion ot this kind. The farmers have a ma jority of the lower House. Another important subject of discussion will be the control of telegraph companies by the Government, and n memorial to Con gress on that subject will probably be adopt ed. The strike now in progress in the mining region of Alabama, the one on the Louis ville and Nashville Bailroad, and all strikes which have occurred among Knights of Labor dnring the past year will be reported on and discussed. -The city of Atlanta will furnish material for discussion on the ques tion of employing convict labor in the city limits. This county (Fulton) employs the misdemeanor convicts of a number of coun ties, and the force has largely been employed within the city limits. The City Conncil ap plied to the Legislature for .the authority to discriminate between FREE AND CONVICT LABOB. in bids of contracts for city work, but that part of the amendment to the city charter wasrefnsed by the Legislature. Resolu tions touching this subject were indorsed by the Knights of Labor, who will try again for the amendment A feature of the week while the General Assembly is here will be the presence of a convention of leading colored men called together to formulate their grievances against the white men. It will give the working men of the country an opportunity to see the class who do the work of the South. Tne Piedmont Exposition, which now keeps the town full to overflowing, will have ended, and the town will be in posses sion of the Knights of Labor for the time. Atlanta will give them a warm reception. COULDN'T STAND MISFORTUNE. A Young Lady Crazed Became Her Manu script Wo Rejected. rSFECIAJ. TELIQBAK TO THE DISPATCH. I Canandaiqtja, N. Y., October 22. The other morning Mrs. Jacob Beaton, who lives Naples, in a remote part of On tario county, discovered lying on the steps of her house a young lady about 20 years of age, clad in-a nightdress only. To the sur prise of her captors she was recognized as Hattie French, a handsome and prepos sessing daughter of a prominent farmer of that neighborhood. The young lady had lately displayed symptoms of insanity, and at midnight fled from. the house in her nightdress. She had shown a taste for writing novels, and when some of her manuscript was rejected it-unsettled her mind. A JURY AT LAST. The Cronln Trial to Begin In Earnest To morrow Over 1,000 Jurymen Examined Before Twelve Good Slen nod True Wero Found. rsnCIAL TBLEQBrLM TO TOT DISPATCH.! Chicago, October 22 Ajury has at last been secured to try the Jive men charged with the murder of Dr. Cronln. The twelfth man was found at 3:45 o'clock this afternoon, and an hour later court ad journed until 10 o'clock Thursday morning, when Judge Longenecker will formally open the great trial with an address to the jury. There was not much excitement in the court room when the last juror was ac cepted by both sides. Judge Longenecker asked for two days in which to prepare the evidence he intendsjto submit to the jury, but the Court thought one day was sufficient time, and ordered the trial to be resumed Thursday morning. Mr. Forrest, leading the defense, was opposed to wasting any more time. He wanted to be gin right away. Mr. Foster, who represents Beggs, was also opposed to any delay. The last juror to be accepted was Ben jamin F. Clarke, a real estate dealer. He is 52 years old. The full list of jurors is as follows: John Cnlver, James Pearson, John L. Hall, Charles C. Dix, Henry D. Walker, Frank Allison, Charles L. Cook, "William L. North, Edward S. Bryan, Elijah Bontecou, Charles Marlor, Benjamin F. Clarke. With two exceptions, the men are of blue American stock. Cook and Marlor are of English parentage. The body, as a whole, is strikingly intelligent Mr. Culver will probably be foreman. He is a real estate dealer in Eranston. Seven weeks were consumed in finding thejury. In that time 1,091 men were examined,, and about 558,000 paid out by the county in fees. Of the jurors summoned 927 have. been excused by counsel for cause. In addition to the 1,091 speeial veniremen summoned there were also 24 on the regular panel disposed of. One hundred and seventy-five peremptory challenges have been used, of which the defense has nsed 97. At the time thejury was sworn in Mr. Beggs, a defendant, had three peremptory challenges left and the State 22. It is probable that the trial proper will last four weeks if not longer. PLAIED THE BABI ACT. A Physician DUhonor a Note Given by Him at tbo Gainbllus; Table. SPECIAL TELEQBAM TO TOT DISPATCH.! Boston, October 22. Dr. William Thorn ton, who is the defendant in the somewhat remarkable suit brought by the proprietor of a gambling house to recover 515,800, which the Doctor won at the roulette wheel, has quite a reputation here for playing big stakes. At first he lost heavily, but kept on playing, and on the night of January 31 and February 1, his luck returned with a rush. He won on every play. The ball seemed bewitched in his favor. Wherever he placed his chips and each one represented $5 the ball stopped. There was bat $4,000 in the bank and it was soon in the doctor's possession. He played single numbers and every time he won his stakes were multiplied 35 times. His winnings for the night were $10,000. He took $4,000 in cash and a check for $6,000. Henry Beeb, the proprietor of the club, cashed the check that afternoon. The next night the doctor tried his luck again, and carried off $2,000. The next 4th ot February he stopped, alter. winning luck. A few days later Dr. Thornton" BfnMn. uigu ue won an equal amount, anu aa vac visited the club and lost $d,000. He didn't have the cash with him, and tendered his note, payable in 14 days. The doctor dis honored this note on the ground that the note was given by him in consideration oi money lost at gambling. YAKDERBILT's SOUTHERN HOME. A Landscape Artist to Fairly Transform a Pretty Place. ISFECTAI. THJMEUI TO THE DISPATCH.l Ne-w Yobk, October 22. George W. Vanderbilt has begun to put to use the ex tensive property that he has lately been purchasing near Asheville, N. C, his pur pose with regard to which have been some thing of a mystery. What was begun this week under direction of Frederick Law Olmstead, the land scape artist, in laying out the immense ground Into a park, is intended to be one of the most beautiful pieces of land scape in the world. Beside miles of drives, it will contain artificial lutes, fountains. groves, meadows and other features worthy of the finest public parks. At the same time, Bichard M. Hunt, the architect, is -preparing to construct, in the heart of the do main, one of the most elegant residences that art, skill and money can devise and create. Mr. Yanderbilt's ownings aggregate 5,000 acres, and the extensive plans on which his preparations have been made give rise to the reports that it was his in tention to found in Asheville an institution like Tuxedo Park for thebenefit of himself andsome wealthy associates. This is un true. The estate is to be simply a private residence for Mr. Vanderbilt A KENTUCKY JUDGE BESIEGED. Fortified la a Court Home Which I Sur rounded by Deipernte Men. Louisville, October 22. A report, at first discredited, that Wilson Howard, with 100 men, is besieging County Judge Wilson Lewis, id the Court House at Harlan town, received confirmation to-night from two men who have just come in from that section. Lewis is said to have 50 men and to be fortified in the Court House. Howard is the man for whose arrest large rewards have been offered both in this State and Missouri. The report of the present trouble is probably exaggerated. IELL0W JACK AT KEI WEST. Another Cao of the DreadDiseaieReported and Qaarantine Established. Washington, October 22. Dr. J. L. Posey, of the Marine Hospital service on duty at Jacksonville, Fla., telegraphs to the bureau that Dr. Porter reports another sporadic case of yellow fever at Key West, Fla., and in consequence quarantine regu lations have been resumed. The patient is Mr. JE. Ellingers, who left Havana on the 21st &f September lor New York by sea. Ht came from New York by rail to Key West, October 2, and was taken sick last night in a locality of the city distant from that of the former cases. , I BABIES BDRNED TO DEATH. Two member of a Charcoal Man' Family PerUh ia a Burning; Bout, Des Moines, October 22. Two children, aged 2 aud 4 years, belonging to the family of a charcoal bnrner named Clarke, 12 r miles southeast of this city, were left alone in the nouse this morning. - The mother soon returned and found the house in flames and both children were con sumed. BRADLAUGH YERr ILL. The Well-Knawn Political Leader Belloved to be Dying;. London, October 22. Mr. Bradlaugh is very ill, and it is feared he is dying; He is sufferlng'from congestion. ot the. lungs, and to-night he has a high fever. , ' CRAZED BT CDPIDITT. A Brooklyn Han 8hoots Six Times, at His Sick Spinster Sister. TWO OF THE SHOTS TAKE EFFECT. Tragic Sequel to a Bitter Quarrel Over Some Property That Was LEFT TO THE WOMAN BI HER MOTHER. Too Woula-Be Murderer Perfectly Indifferent to His Sister's Fate. Miss Mary Daniels was shot at six times. yesterday by her brother in BrookIynrJf. X. Two of the shots took effect, but neither wound is considered dangerous. The brother is at least weak-minded, and was once con fined in a lunatic asylum. rsPZCIAI. TXLXOBAU TO TOT DISPATCH.! Bbookltn, N. Y., October 22. William Daniels tried, hard. this afternoon to murder his sister, Miss Mary Daniels, at the house of their aged father, Thomas Daniels, 600 Marcy avenue. He fired six BhoU from a revolver at his sister, nearly all of them at very close range, but only two took effect, and the wonnds inflicted are not considered dangerous. , The shooting was the sequel to a bitter quarrel over some, property which had been left by their mother. The brother is 48 years old and the sister is 37. Their father is nearly 80. Six months ago the latter re tired from the bookbinding business in New York City. He got about $4,000 for the use of his name in the firm. He placed this money in the bank for the benefit of his daughter Mary and an idiot son who is in the asylum. CAUSE OF THE SHOOTING. The son, William, who is married and has children of his own, waa greatly incensed against his sister on account of this disposi tion of the money. He had had previous trouble with his sister about the will of their mother, who died about a year ago. Mrs. Daniels owned the house in Marcy avenue, and she left it to her daughter Mary and the sou in the asylum. William contested the will on the ground of undne influence, and it was set aside and the Surrogate. ordered the property to be sold and equally divided between the'heirs. Since this litigation the father has heard 1 that when he should die his son would drive Mary from the house, and it was mainly on this account that he placed the $4,000 in the bank to her account- Subsequently Will iam told his father that Mary was trying to poison him, and he seems to have convinced him, for the old man began a suit against his daughter for the recovery of the $4,000, Two weeks ago the suit was tried in the city court, and it resulted in a verdict for the daughter, the Court concluding that the money was a free gift. , PBIGHTENElV BY HI3.THEBAI3. William became mors and more incensed against his sister, and made snch threats against her life that she left the house aad went to live with a relative at 39 Pulaski street On her departure William took u P.Jv ? 'O0OTX '; his refliQeuce,with his father, bringin by. her cousin.': Mrs. Stewart, eaoanc, wens to tne Marcy avenue house, tto-seeir-.father. They were sullenly received by William. but dinner was cooked and eaten withont any disturbance. When .Mary and her cousin however, were preparing to leave, something was said.which excited William, and, drawing a revolver from his hip pocket, he seized his sister by the neck with his left hand, and pressing her forearm and throw ing her down on the floor, he fired two shots at her in rapid succession. She succeeded in freeing herself from his grasp, and, rush ing tnrougn tne nanway, managed to reach the street without being hit by four other bullets which her brother sent after her. These bullets passed over her head. two shots take effect! With blood pouring over her face, the woman ran a half a block, when she fell from the effect of the shock. She was taken to a neighbor's honse. Drs. Fold and Hall found that of the two bullets which had taken effect one had passed through the right shoulder and the other had flattened itself against the skull over the right tem ple. This latter was extracted in two pieces, and as tne sxuii was not iracturea it is ex pected she will recover. Miss Daniels, however, has been in delicate health for some time. After emptying his revolver, Daniels went upstairs and locked himself in a room on the top floor; but when four policemen from the Gates avenue station arrived he opened the door and surrendered himself. He expressed no regret Jot his, act, and SEEMED TO BE rNDIEEEBENX whether he had been success! ul in his mur derous plot or not He was locked up in the Gates avenue station. Friends of the lamily say he has not been in his right mind for some time, and that they antici pated the family quarrel would be marked with some such occurrence as that this after noon. More than a year ago Daniels went to a police station, placed a loaded revolver on the desk, and told the Sergeant that he was insane and wanted to be locked up, as, if allowed at large, he was sure to kill some one. He was sent to the Flatbnsh asylum, but after two months he was discharged as cured, FIENDS IN HUMAN FORM Bob and Bora a Home and Torture a Help le Babe. Lafayette, Ala., October 22. Wnile Mr. Albert Smith and his three oldest children had gone some miles to church, five negroes approached the house and asked Mrs. Smith to give them something to eat. On being relused they went into the house, and, learning that there was no one home but Mrs. Smith and her babe, forced her into the yard and ransacked the house. After appropriating all they could find they set fire to the house, and added horror to the terrible scene by forcing the distracted woman to witness the most brutal of fiendish deeds, which was the tossing of her little baby in the air and letting it fall back al most on the point of sharp knives which they held under it The brutes finally heeded the frantic wo man's entreaties and went away, leaving her with nothing to greet the return of her hus band and children but her hall dead babe and a smoldering heap of coals. People for miles around have been searching for the villains, and at last accounts three of the negroes had been captured. HANGED IN EFFIGI. Kelchbors of a Hooiler Reent a Widower' Speedy ainrrlnae. ' rcrxcTAx. TBLEOBAM,TO TH DISPATCa.t Spenceb, Ind., October 22. George W. Shirley, proprietor of the Merchants' Hotel, was hanged in effigy to a tree on the public square last night The reason is due to his marriage last night, to a Miss Frame, of Terre Haute, and the fact that it was only two weeks since his wife was buried. Shirley's help about the hotel all left af ter breakfasc this morning, declaring "that' they .would not remain in the same hoase with his present wife." tk? '' VmG! - W4 Hi. ..-r Vjh I?f LESS THAN A TEAE. The Sarerera by the Johnstown Flood t0 Receive a Portion of Several Mil lion Sent to Them Basis of Payment. ISrXCIAZ, nXSQXAH TO TOT DtST-ATCS.1 Philadelphia, o'ctober 22. The com mission appointed to distribute the funds for the relief of the sufferers by the flood last June held a meeting to-day at the Manufacturers' Club, at which the final ar rangements for the distribution of the fund were made. At the morning session Gov ernor Beaver, Mayor Filler, General Hast ings and Messrs. 'Miller, Scott, Marvin, Beeves, Ogden and Huber were present A committee 'from Williamsport, consist ing of Mayor 'Foresmaa and Mr. Mason, made Application to the commission tor a farther appropriation for the relief of the Williamsport district, but no action was taken upon it by the commission. At the afternoon session Governor Beaver was not present, being called toHarrisburg. Secretary Kramer reported that claimants at Johnstown in classes 1, 2 and 3, excepting the orphans, had been paid on the basis rec ommended by the Board ot Inquiry, except in some cases where changes had been made after reference to the Committee on Classifi cation and Distribution. , AJteXjlong discussion it was resolved to payout the money appropriated on. the fol lowing plan: In losses in class 4, of $500 or less, a sum shall be paid sot exceeding $400; on losses of $1,000 and over $500, a sum not exceeding $600; on losses of $2,000 and over $1,000, a sum not exceeding $800; losses of over $2,000 shall be paid a prorata of the amount appropriated to the class remaining after payment had been made on the recommended basis, but no payment shall exceed $6,000. In class 5 losses as established by the board ol inquiry, of $500 or less, shall be paid a sum not, to exceed $200; losses of $1,000 andcover $500, a sum not to exceed. $350; losses of over $1,000 shall be paid a pro rata of the sum appropriated to the class of the amount remaining after the payment of above claims, bnt no payment shall exceed the sum ot $2,500. The commission also resolved that in making payments in these classes any amount heretofore received by the claimants shall be charged against the payments in this distribution. A committee was ap pointed consisting of Messrs. Beeves and Ogden to take charge of the matter of annui ties for the benefit of orphans, and the final report was made from the Lewistown and Benovo districts, and they were audited and found correct The commission has in its hands at the present time, beside the $80,000 lying in the bank at Johnstown, $1,600,000, and will at once commence its distribution under the plan adopted at this meeting. I0ED HINTON LIED When He Bet on the Estonia Race and Promised to Pay Hla Debt The Son ol a Very Noble Bettor. rSPECIAI. miGEAK TO TOT DI9PAICH. I Louisville, October 22. Search is be in? made here for Lord Hinton. an EneJish 'nobleman, who is accused of aumerous acts of swindling. The fugitive is a genuine lord, and 'his title can be found In Burke or Debett't "Peerage." At the beginning of the recent ricemeetings a Cincinnati Af registered at the Gibson.HouM in-that citX;s7SJlney S. Xres.ranee.tof ""-""-"- "" ----J &e FWW'hekliili liMir-'Eut.liyiwBeWSgOfl credits vAn,ac(BMntaBcexeeogBiaed him as ' Lord Hintoa,"va notorious peer"; Of Great Britain,' who had recently served a nine months term of imprisonment in England tor swindling tradesmen- but the acquaint ance was persuaded to keep the secret The last day of the Latonia meeting there was weeping and wailing among the, horsemen ana bookmakers over the de parture, of the distinguished Englishman, who had swindled them n'cht and left, having backed horses without paying his bets and having borrowed money and got drafts cashed; his indebtedness amounting' to about $3,000. 4 Not until then was lis identity discovered. The account of this nobleman's life forms quite an interesting story, even his birth creating a domestic scene unusual at such proceedings. 'The 'Earl of Poulett in the year 1849 was a Lieutenant in the Twenty second Begiment stationed at Portsmouth. and one night, taking a little more than was good for him at mess, he made a bet of 1,000 that he would marry the first woman he met TJpen leaving the barracks the first woman he met was a character about the streets, known as Betty Newman, though Debett gives the name' Miss Elizabeth Lavina Newman, daughter of Mr. James Newman, a pilot ot Port Sea, George Poulett (he had not then come into the title) could not afford to lose 1,000, so he married the lady June 22, 1849, anil the gentleman who honored Louisville with his presence Snnday was born December 15 of the same year. At the death of his uncle George Poulett became Earl Poulett .and this son of bis wife, born-in lawfnl wedlock, was legally Viscount Hinton, and, upon ar riving at the age of understanding, was net slow to take that title upon himself. He has had a checkered career. CHIME BEF0KE A SUBKENDEB. Anon Committed in Preference to Glvlnc Up a Point. rSrXCXAI. TXLXORAJI TO TOT DISPATCH.1 Baltimobe, October 22. The trial was begun at Princess Anne, Somerset county, to-day of Miss Sarah F. Hall and Levin B. Hall for arson. The accused are people of eminentrespectability. The property burned was a house adjoining Miss Hall's, owned by Miles Ss Cox and occupied by a number of families. George W. Cox. of the firm ot Miles & Cox, testified that ne asked Miss Hall for permission to use her premises, so far as necessary to paint his wall adjoining her property, but was refnsed, and when the painter went to work from a scaffolding sup ported by pulleys from the top, the ropes were cut by the Halls. Miss Hall then declared that Cox should never paint that wall, rnd on the following night, when the house was discovered to be on fire, Hall was seen moving off the place. E0IAL GUESTS ABEITING. Denmark' Baler Beacbea Athena and the Kalier 1 on Hla Way. Athens, October 22. The King and Queen of Denmark and Prince Waldemar arrived here to-day, to attend the marriage of Princess Sophie of Prussia and the Crown Prince of Greece. The streets were thronged with people and the royal visitors were given a hearty welcome. Emperor William and Empress Augusta Victoria departed from Genoa to-day on the German Imperial yacht Hohenzollern. The weather was bad'. The Italian squadron fired a salute as the yacht passed out of the harbor. STRIKE IN A SUNDAX SCHOOL. A Cla of Boy Refuse to be Taught by a Scab Subititnte. SrXCUI. TELXGRAM TO TOT DISPATCH.! Holbeook, Mass., October 22. A class of boys left the Methodist Sunday School here last Sunday because a teacher, who was a scab workman in Edmund White's shoe factory, was appointed as a substitute in the absence of their regular teacher. One of the boys said that they had decided that a man who would take the place of a workman out On a strike was not capable of directing them ia' the paths of Ckrisfcaa UU.J. , --. v r. Jr" ABTKXTISE your taatoew! THE BIS Pnatatretans w4 , are alvraya rair rerjmded' Airertlied n tue mertrAiun. 4cas bo oW tfcresch adrer- THEEE CENTS : -LSPEAESOUE In Favor of Free Traie- WiHi Gr Smith Arm primp NAitrhtvorg. J' - ? a. TO GIYE THEM. EXPORTS CHIAPLT, Ho Would Have Lezisktioa Making Cm.- i merce Unrestrioted. A BIG BANQUET AND MANt ZIWMM. Tie Paa-Aa-erioa Delegates Say Jkey lie Btt st At Weary of a-ratSeeia-. ThePan-American delegates were girm.' a grand banquet at Chicago last nigfet Several of them made speeche-t, Tkeydeer- that they are tired out Senator Far-rail,. in an address, said that he would favor saefc . legislation as would give the South Ameri cans our commodities as cheaply as ofter' countries. Chicago, October 22, At 5 o'cleek cMc, afternoon the doors of the Grand PseiaW . banquet hall were thrown open that CMaaga people might come in and view' the appoint? ments made by the citizens of this crtT&r the banquet given this eveningia hosorof the All-Amencas excursionists. The ar rangements were very complete and the floral decorations very elaborate. At ose end of the table was a floral ship 10 feet long with the word "Chicago" oa her bew; at the other end of the table was a train ot' of flowers, and' on each side the saae of line, "North and South American Bail road." Each window was filled with a bed of -ferns. On one side of the hall a map of tkar Western Hemisphere, the oceans ia white immortelles and the various natioaal terri-. tories in tinted immortelles. OppeaMf tfek g.i.p. t ' . "v'V s.2S a rlHr huge piece, reaching from fleer to eetBcM, was t A GEEAT AMERICAN SHIELD " ' of flowers against a background of Oke fl. of the nationr represented. EaehoftfeeeV decorations was studded with iBeaadooosBt' lamps that produced a mellow, yet brUHMt,. -effect Beds of roses were every where; tfce lighting was brilliant- the table ditiujng,'-" dazzling and the arrangement for apatite. ' perfect Two rows of square tables teavsM4 -the entire length of the room oa eoek ste rf of the central table. The 400 guests began gathering isfts flag-decorated corridors later, aad at 749. the doors again roiled, the gaests we- -f J seated. Senator Farwell presiding, Gover-1-nor Fifernear him, and the gaeste frmiw' south on either baud at the oestral mm When eight courses of feed had fcis i served, and five classes, of varriBg aws bast been drained of as many kinds ofMMmF1 Hon. Charles B. Farwell proposed, a keattH ui we xxtsiueuw ui tne .a-iuericHa. n and the Emperor of Brazil. It was standing, and was the first teaat journey to the President of lac State. In presenting this seatu&eat i tor Farwell, among other remarks, sail EAN-AMESICAN EKEE TKAM. We most offer to you our exports w as others dor and to that end I shaH ttnm. legislation aa wm bring aboHt tMs to the extent el aBiutonauwa. in is aH the oountrios et tfcfe JrXjRnSa)BjsJs)saMU3l n-rflMevjK aaeea, ana. a nw speeea vm the hardships; trial and liberal i on this continent within ne fear since America was diseevered, bade ,1ML visitors welcome on behalf of tha 0ijJsf the State of Illinois. .' , The Mexican minister, Matias Boatw.f of tsW- t responded for the guests, atatiag the tBt, ; , J Americans had every reason to be im si. their country and paving a high evsavH-y ment to the people of Chios- ad a - , West He also eulogized atephsa A. AJOUgias, .ADnujam. xitnooui as opboc ia .nois statesmen. ,- Delegate Charles B. F.lint was tfee Mfltt, speaker, his address relating eiieiy commercial importance of the 8iwfsr8l the United States. Aoong osaer IMags he said: " A STANDABD CUBEENCT WANTBD. , , Dealings betweea the people ottfee Hmit4as should ba direct, without foreign la terra Miats.i For want of a proper mechanism of esotaaaa, ; t our purchases of produce from. South Auim. are paid for by drafts on bankers for sar'-r count, we paying- tbem $l,0ee,Ge0 armwaltr la, commissions cm this basisess alone set 1 any advance in cash, hut for their autoCTaphs. as we the cash in Londoa to meet drafts on or before their maturity, wa establish onr own standard, and If maa fnrmnlatpH a frratufR of ftSAr.j a.nK,.IM nrl TimVufrM ft tll4i mlllllrlrl tt . dollar which, shall be a standard for deackass ."' between the countries whose repress -' are here to-nieht, it will accompHsb a prttoslsai ,. result, and will place la the posaenslon of Hm" people a coin symbolizing tee natleasl fra-t ternlty of the Americas. That weaM be t -medal worthily commemsrataag a meettss; ot, nations. . . . He called attention to te feet tat tWs I country had already red need its tarHT. aadf -"Ty tlUS (MO- j. that over 80 per cent of th produce comiay j ' was admitted free of duty. .; A UNION OF EATLBOABS. George B. Blanchard, Cfeairaaa of tfce Central Traffic Associatioa followed, spank ing of "international cosamanieaties.'1 Jte . sketched the development of the transssita tlon in this country, aad advocated she,, union of our railways with these ofSek A .ui Tiw anhTantlnn nt tlka vuiiiuIIa tra XklilCKIIrl. MJ O.UIW.-Wii r. .WW -WWW.n. r- . terna.ionai urns. - ci "Closer friendly and commercial relatfoas between the American States" was the sea-J timent assigned for response to ex-Jamislirf to Bussia, Lambert Tree, who said that we were coming to a better understanding wHt. , our Mexican friends and more familiar be-" 1...B anil uwial mlfltinnff wftTrvtttA i aiathf He honed the day was not far distant wfee'. the Argentine Republic would clasp haasls ' with Atlantio coast cities oy means ot eeeaa '. steamship lines. y A response to the same toast, ia eefealf t the visitors, was made by Hon. Justus? Alfonso, delegate from Chili, who ass aott. before dnrinc the trip made a saeeeh. Xe said that his country ceatesaplate-i wftkj. interest the great progress of oars. He was rf surprised, at the - "J MAGNITUDE OP OUR nrDUSTSIBB " V and pleased with our people. His saestk was followed by another, ia a similar sSMia, from Alberto Nin, the Minister frees TXn- guay to .England, tjubsequeatly all mm delegates visited the Chicago worWsJasr, headquarters,, where an informal distassfca,, . 1.n riwunAUta flf Ifl.TMBlllIr tllA fHrAr&a BttfW U. .ur ,". Jiv.-a w. .-!-..-, ..... ..v W f-f. tween the Ameneas aeveiopea eouoiam." good leeimg towsra tne proreet, waism ana z Trade, looking' toward the estabtahmssrt f c a fast freight line betweea Chicago aaeV "' Americas at ao-oie puiuw . . Early this morning Minister Beaera. it il F?... Mimn 4..1 Br r.rr 4rnr. 1Tn A f 111 jnuivu, iKCilcu .. K.oa-w HUB. UI.VMWVWU of State Blaine, stating that raitWl: reached him that the visitors were se ' that they would prefer to abandon tatsW and asking if this were so. AaoaHlBlf the visitors was held this evening; aa. a telegram sent W Mr.. Blaine statm-r the rumors reterrea to in- bis mesas wi without foundation; that tbeeataeM-a the receptions was laereasiso. aat equaled only by the appreeJatioa e-f tNr guests. Peraker Settta BeMetv - Columbus, Oeteksc' aker is raaeh improved -A" talinuUB tvlditkB 1u wal h i rn.rw.-a...- . ----, .,-..,.-.. !v JL i