T - J" ' - 13 ' " W LOCAL LIVE STOCK. Markets at the Heir's Island Yards Somewhat Sluggish. GRADE CATTLE BELOW AVERAGE. A LJfht Enn of Sheep and Demand Slow, TVith Laml3 Eeduced. HOGS DEIPTING TO A LOWER LETEL Office of PrrrsBtma dispatch, JIondat. October 21, 1SS9. J Markets at these yards are sluggish, and prices -were a shade lower than last Monday. Mild weather of late has been charged up with slowness of markets. Good goods held up fairly well to prices of last week, but these were in the minority. The general quality cf the offerings was not quite up to average. The run of cattle varied very little from last week, but quality was inferior. On ac count of low quality, butchers demanded and received material reductions on prices of a weekaco. Best heavy Chicago cattle, weighing 1,400 to 1,500 pounds, sold at 54 85 to So; fair to good, 1,200 to 1.300 pounds H CO to Si 75; light weights, 800 to 1,100 pounds, J4 15 to H 60; common, thin and rough steers, $3 50 to $105. Butchering cattle from neighbor ing counties were lower. S. Lowenstein sold 05 head of Washington county cattle at a range or S3 25 to $4 00. The range for fresh cows was S25 00 to 550 00, and calves were easier at last week's range of 6 to 6c per ponnd. Receipts from Chicago L. Gerson. 107 head: L Zeicler, 105; E. Wolf, IS; A. Fromm, 84; L Rnthscbild S Co., 114. From Pennsylvania S. Lowenstein, 65; various owners. 14. Total. 504; last week, 4SS; previous week, 550. Sheep nnd Lambs. Receipts were lighter than for many weeks past In spite of the light run markets ruled slow and lambs were a shade lower than they were a week ago. Best heavy Ohio and Penn sylvania wethers sold at 54 T5 to $4 S3; medium weishts, 54 35 to $4 50; light weights. S. S3 to $4 10; mixed ewes and wethers, S3 50 to 54 00; lambs, 4 to 6c per pound. Receipts from Pennslvania: D. O. Pisor, 14 head; Bingham t CxC 143; J. Behler. 51; G. Flinner, 63; J. Wright, 113; William Craig. 202; William McCrearj, 115: Bell 4. Wartington 33; E. -D. Sergeant. 53. From Ohio: Sanford & Langdon, 3L Total, S19; last week, L05J; pre vious week, 1,113. Hogs Plenty nnd in Demand. Receipts were large and demand fair, with prices of last week sustained on Chicago's and Ohio's, while Pennsylvania's were a shade lower, Ohio and Chicago hogs sold within a range of 54 65 and So 00. Pennsylvania's ranged from S3 75 to $4 50. Receipts iiomClucaco 1. Zeigler. 112 bead. From Ohio Needy & Smith, 43S head: Sanrord fc Langdon, 93. From Pennsylvania D. O. Fisor, 89: Bingham . Co., 52; J. iReiber, 61: J. Behler. 6; TJ. t hnner, 2o; W. McCrearj, 78; Bell & Wartington, 28: E. D. Sergeant, 4L Total, 1,025; last week, 834; previous week, 1,104. At Liberty and Chirneo. The ran of cattle at Liberty to-day was some CO carloads larger than last Monday, but prices were fairly maintained for all desirable grades ot butchering stock. Hogs, however, showed weakening tendencies on unfavorable news from Chicago. At Chicago the receipts of bogs to-day were 31,000 head, and prices are oil 20c from last week's rates. The range to-day at the Western metropolis is 54 25 i CO. By reference to statistics it is learned that on the 25th of November, 1879, the receipts of bogs at Chicago were 64.613, and that they sold at $4 40 when corn was 39c per buibel. Corn is now 8c less pel bnsbeL In the spring of lttSO, bogs sold at 54 00, and one of our leading pack ers predicts that they will go as Ion next spring. On tbe 5th of December, 1SS4, was the largest run of hogs on record at Chicago, the total on that day having been 66,597, and of all classes of live stock, 100,000. There are dealers bero willing to bank on the belief that the run of bogs this season will be up to anything in the pact. There seems to be enough of thi faith to give the hog market to bears at this date. LITE STOCK ilABKETS. The Condition of Boatncaa cl the Boat Liberty Stock Yards. OFFICE OF PITTSBURG DISPATCH,! MOKDAT, October 2L 18S9. I CATTC.E Receipts, 3,500 head, shipments, 2,220 bead; market, fairly active at last week's prices; 31 cars of cattle shipped to New York to-day. Hogs Receipts. 8,300 head; shipments. 5.200 head; market very dull: all grades, 54 404 50; 15 cars of bogs shipped to New York to-day. SHEEP Receipts. 6,200 bead; shipniLt 4,800 head; market dull: prime, 54 4001 GO: fair to good, S3 604 00; common, 2 003 00; lambs, 54 505 75. By Tclecr.pb. New Yore Beeve Receipts, 4,900 head, making 14.600 bead for the week; the market was firmer and a shade higher for anything good; inferior offerings dragged, but the pens were nearly cleared: ordinary to prime native steers sold at 3 404 20 per 100 pounds: com mon Texas steers at $2 704 00; native cows and bulls as SI 602 70. Calves Recepts. 1,100 head, making 4,100 head for the week; market about steady for all sorts, with sales at 57c per pound for veals and 52 002 25 for grai-s-ers and Western cal. s. Sheep Receipts, 17, 800 bead, making 38.500 head lor the week: a stow trade and a fraction lower for all sorts of lambs; sbeeD sold at from S3 75 30 per 100 pounds, with a carload of fancy Pennsylvania wethers, at 55 70, lambs went at 55 006 50. Hogs Receipts, 16,900 head, making 41,400 bead for the week; market reported steady for live hogs at 54 G05 00 per 100 pounds. Chicago The Drovers' Journal reports: Cattle Receipts. 13.000 head: shipments, 3.000 head; market steady to a shade higher: choice to extra beeves, 51 605 00; steers S3 0C4 60; stockers and feeders. 52 002 95; cows, bulls and mixed, 51 202 85; Texas cattle, 5150 2 90; Western rangers, 52 003 75. Hogs Receipts, 30,000 bead: shipments, 9,000 bead: market 5c lower; mixed, 54 0u4 40: heaw. S3 85 64 25; light, 3 54 40; skips, 34. Sheep Receipts, 10.000 head; shipments, 3,000 bead; market steady; natives, 53 605 00: Western, S3504 15;Texans. S3 004 10: lambs, 54 005 SO. Kansas Crrr Cattle Receipts, C.831 head; shipments, 4,320head:market active and strong; native beeves,S3 254 40;cows.Sl 502 30;stock rs and feeders, 52 503 00. Hogs Receipts, 3,000 head; shipments, 2,000 head; market steady at opening and closing weak: fair to choice light, 54 005 20; heavy and mixed. 53 904 50. Sheep Receipts. 1.800 bead; shipments, 1,030 bead: market steady; good to choire muttons, 53 503 SO: stockers and feeders, 52 002 50. St. Louis Cattle Receipts, l,500head; ship ments 1,600 head; choice heavy native steers, 54 S04 85; fair to good. do. 3 304 35: stockers and feeders. 51 S02 70: range steers, S2 102 90. Hogs ReceiDts, 3,400 head: shipments, 4,700 Dead; market lower; fair to choice heavy, 53 S04 00; pack jne grades, S3 704 00; -light, lair to best, J390 4 20. Sheep Receipts, 500 bead; shipments, 1,100 bead: market firm: fair to choice, S3 402) 4 60. BUFFALO Cattle receipts C5 loads through 250 loads sale; stronger; 2oc bLSner on good grades. Choice to extra export staers 54 20 4 60: fair to good, S3 754 li Hogs doll; weak; market overstocked. Receipts, 40 loads through, 100 sale. Mediums and heavy, 54 254 50; mixed, 54 854 40: Yorkers, 54 354 40; pigs. 544 25; roughs, 53 253 50. Drycoods. New Yore. October 21. Business in dry goods opened with the usual Monday quiet, though orders by mail were of good volume, in cluding those for spring novelties, which in some instances were the largest yet received. While interests are most active in new fabrics for next season, the market for staple goods maintains a sttiktngly good and firm position. The jobbing trade moves along steadily, with stocks in good shape. Brazilian Coffee. RIO be Janeiro, October 2L Coffee Reg ular first, 6,200 reis; good second, 5,000 reis. Receipts during the week, 47,000 bags; pur chases for United fetates, 32,000; clearances for da 9.000: stock, 367.000 bags. SAKTOS, October 2L Coffee Good aver- ' age, 6,600 reis per 10 kilos; receipts during the week, 52,000 bags; purchases for the United States 6,000; clearances for do, 2,000; stock, 203,000 bags. Grain in Xicbl, CHICAGO, October 2L The Board of Trade report on the visible supply is as follows- Wheat, 22,052,000 bushels: increase, 2,212, 000 bushels. Corn, 11.333.000 bushelt: decrease, 1.122.000 bushels. Oats, 7.106.000 bushels; in crease. 668.000 bushels. Rye, 1.278,000 bushels; increase, 49,000 bushels. Barley, 1,614,000 bush els; increase, 671,000 bushels. Metal Market, New York Pig i""1 Tm and active; Amer ican tui8 rvinnernezlcctedilakenominal. Xa quiet and weaker; domestic nominal. Tin uuu ua steady; tnrws, w. MAEKBTS BY THEE. All the Cereal Weaker Under tho Influence of nn Unexpectedly Large Visible Supply Shorts InTFIicat CoverFrccly. Chicago There was rather largo trading In wheat in a.speculative way to-day, and the mar ket ruled weak and lower. The speculative offerings were heavy, 'and a prominent local trader was reportad to have sold 1,000,000 bush els, with other traders selling moderate quanti ties. But with all the influences brought to bear on the market prices suffered a decline of only lo for DocemberandJfcforMay. Fair buy ing prevented a further break; shorts covered lreely, and there was also somo buying from other sources at the Bottom, evidently in ex pectation of a reaction following so large a break, and some on the prediction of smaller receipts. The opening was weak, and KKC lower than Saturday's closing, held for a little while and later broke off c mote for December and c for May, then became stronger, recovering slightly, but closed easy and about c lower for December and Jc lower for May tuan closing figures of Saturday. It will be noticed that May did not rule as weak as the December future, and the preminm was widened from 22Jc Saturday, to 3fflSJ6c to-day. T ,e principal Itature of weakness was in tho visible supply. An increase of about 1,500,000 bushels had been expected, but when the figures began to indicate an increase of iver 2,000.000 bushels, selling became generak The final fig ures showed an increase of 2,212,000 bushels. A great deal of long wheat came on the market. The increase was at Minneapolis, Duluth, Buffalo, Chicago and on the canal. In corn a good speculative trade was wit nessed, and the feeling developed was weaker, lower prices being the rule all round. The chief weakening influences as the free offer ings by a prominent local speculator, whose sales nrobably reached in the neighborhood of L500,0u0 bushels chiefly May and November. A very good demand existed for May around 22Jc and several short lines for tho other futures were covered to-day. The market opened atahout Saturday's closing prices, was weak and i-old off ic, rallied iic when the visible supply was made known, showing a de crease in the amount in sight of 1,122,000 bush els, ruled steady and closed iRJic loner. Oats were depressed Jic by the weakness in wheat and large receipt! The visible supply also increased 56S.000 bushels. Trading was active. Onelarge operator, who was a heavy buyer last week, selling lreely. Several oper ators also bought Slay early, but resold at the decline. The depression iu the near futures was the most marked, October delivery to 17Jc Later, May became stronger, most of tne decline being regained. The mcts pork market attracted very little attention. Offerings were comparatively light and the demand was limited confined to filling a few "shorts." Prices exhibited very little change. In lard more strength was developed, but the trading was only moderate. The belief pre vails that tne market is oversold for October delivery and the inquiry in a quiet wav tended to confirm it. Prices were advanced 57c on October, while other deliveries were strong at 2Kg5c advance. In short rib sides trading was somewhat limited and the feeling easier. Prices ruled about 2c lower and ths market closed quiet. The leading futures ranged as follows: Wheat No. 2. December. 81SlS0Vi eSOKc: year. 79K7tfK?S7ic; May, b3j b4a!3ViS3c. Corn No. 2, November, S05X30X30Vi 30Mc: December, SO-X3J4050t,,&30J; Slay, 324e32e3232c OATS No 2, November, 1S1SM1SVj: 18l-c: December. l&K18Ji18H18&c; May. 21Ji21Xffi21K21c Mess Pork, per bbL November. 9 47 9 509 459 47k; year, 9 4()9 409 27J0 9 7J January, 69 4559 47J9 42)69 45. Lard, per 100 Sis. November, 55 95$ 6 055 956 02X: ear, 5 905 95g5 905 9o; Januarv, o90o 955 905 95. SHORT RIBS, per 100 . November, 4 85 4 925 854 85; January. 54 77K4 77Jf- Cash quotations were as follows: Flour dull and generally unchanged, though with sales rather lower. No. 2 spring wheat, TSJJc; No. 3 spring wheat, C0g64c; No. 2 rei 7SJc. No. 2 corn. 30a No. 2 oats, 17c. No. 2 rye. 41c. No. 2 barley, 6063c No. 1 flax seed. 51 23. Prime timothy seed, SI 003 1 10. Mess pork, per bbL 310 75U 00. Lard, per 100 pounds, 56 406 42. bhort ribs sides (loose), S520540. Dry sailed shoulder (loxed), SI 25 1 5U Short clear sides (boxed), S5 5005 62J. Sugars, cut loaf, SJc; granulated, 7Jc; stan dard A, Tc. Receipts Flour, 15.000 barrels; wheat. 119.000 bushels: corn, 22,000 bnshels; oats, 221,000 bushels; rye, 22.000 bushels; barley, 132,000 bushels. Shipments Flour, 9.000 bar rels; wheat, 68,000 bushels: corn. 168,000 busbels; oats, 79,000 bushels; rye, 5,000 bushels; barley, 51.000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-day the but ter market was dull, weak and unchanged. Eggs, lS&c. New Yore Flour heaw and lower. Cornmeal quiet. Wheat Sjot heavy, KS?ic lower and dull; options freely offered, general pressure to sell by longs, chiefly on acconnt of large receipts at the West; declined llKc, and closed weak at a reaction of KKc- Rye quiet; sales, 16,000 bushels; Western, &0c. Corn Spot steadier and fairly active; options more active and steady. Oats Spot jiuie and weaker; options active and easier. Hay fairly activ") and firm Hops steadv and quiet. Coffee Options opened.steady, 515 points up, closed quiet and steady, 6 10 points np: sales, 30,250 bags, including November. 15.2015.25c; December, 15.1515.25c; January, 15.20 15.25c; February, 1520c; March, 15.2015.2V:; April, 15.2015.25e: Slav, 15.20gl52ic; June, 15.20c; spot Rio quiet and steady; fair cargoes 19c. Sugar Raw nominal; fair refining, 6c: centnf ngals.OC0 test, 6c: refined qniet: about steady. Slolasses Foreign qniet; New Oileans quiet. Rice in fair demand and firm. Cotton seed oil firm. Tallow lower; city, (62 for packages) 4c. Rosin firm; strained, 9c. Turpentine firm. Eugi firm for choice; Western, 2021c: limed, 17c; receipts, 3,333 packages. Pork stronger: mess inspected. 512 2512 50: do ninspected, 511 7512 00. Cutmeats firm. Jliddles stronir. Lard Squeeze on cash and October; prices 10 15 points np: November 10 points up; later months at 23 points advance: dull, sales of Western steam, 56 806 85, closing at $6 85; 500 tierces, delivery latter half November, 56 65; October. 66 80: November, 56 54 bid: December, 56 37 bid; January, S6 15 bid: February, 56 42 bid: Slarcb. 56 47 bid. Butter quiet and steady; Elgin, 25c; western dairy 9loc; do creamery, 1214o; do held, 1219c: do factory. 7UlBc Cheese quietand unchanged; Western. 7$10c Philadelphia Flour qniet, prices steady; Western winter clear, S4 004 30: do, straight, 64 354 55; winter patent, 54 005 00; Minne sota, clear. S3 754 12K: do, straight, 54 25 4 75; do. patent, 54 855 & Wheat weak and lower: No. 2 red, in export elevator, 80c; No. 2 red, October, kOgSOKc; November. 80KMc; December, 81KS2e; Januarv. 83 83K- Corn Options steady under light offerings, but speculation very tame; car lots for local trade dnll and barely steady: No 2 mixed, October. 39 40c; November, 39539c; December, 39c; January, 8s39c Oats Car lots easier and quiet; No. 3 white, regular, 27272c; No. 2 white, 29c; futures quiet but steady: No. 2 white. October. 2Sk2SJc: November. 2ara 2fic; December, 2b5i2j.Xc; January, 2S$ J oc. fiuiuua ah Aii uciuaiiu mu steauy; pork, mess, new, 11 0012 00: do prime mess, hew, 511 00; do family, 512 60Q13 50. Hams smoked, 511 5013 00; Western steam, 0 50. Butter dull: Pennsylvania creamerv extra, 23 2ie; do prints extra, 28SS0c. Zggs scarce and firm: Pennsylvania firsts, 23c Cheese dull, part skims, 7Jc Receipts Flour. 2,400 bar rels; wheat, 8.500 bnshels; corn, 5.700; oats, 7,200. Shipments Wheat, 9,700 bushels; corn, 4,600; oats, 3,400. St. Lottis Flour quiet and easy, but un changed. Wheat lower; there was a sharp break on the increase in the visible, from which there was little reaction and was at a decline of c for December and November c from Saturday's closing figures; No. 2 red casn, 7G76Ic; December, 7i79c, closed at 7b78Kc hid; year, 76c; Maj 822fS3c, closed at 83c bid. Corn dull and lower: No. 2 mixed casn, 2bV28fc: January, 2727c, closed at 27K February, 27c closed at 27J'c bid; Slav. 294c. Oats lower at 17c bid; Janu uary, 19c; Slav, 21c; November, 18c bid. Rye No. 2, 3Sfc bid. Barley inactive and easy; -Minneso'a, 5S60c; Iowa, 3035c Flax seed steady at SI 25. Provisions firm and fairly steady. SiiLWAtncEE Flour steady. Wheat easy; cash, 73c; December, 74c, No. 1 Northern, 81c Corn dull; No. 3. 3031c Oats steady; No. 2 white, 2121c Rye easier; No 1, 42J425c Barley easy: No. 2. ana October. 52c Provisions firm. Pork, 511 60. Lard, 6 3a Cheese steady: Cheddars, 99Xc Baltimore Provisions steady. Butter firm: western packed, 1013c; best roll, 14ISc; creamery, 2325c. Egzs steady; nearby, 21 22c: western, 21c Coffee quiet; Rio cargoes. fair,19Hc Toledo cioverseed steady and higher; cash and November, 53 10; February, S3 70. Boston Stocks. Atch.AT0O..lst7. lCOsf V1. Central, com., AllonezMirCo A.&1, LAnaur'i3S.lU3 Atch. Tod. 11. K... so Boston & Albany.. .214 Boston Maine.. ...as Calumet A Hecla... .217 . 9 . U .. 10 Vi . 51 .200 . 6tf 5 .107 . zs Franklin linron ...... .. V.. B. AW. 105!f Osceola. , l'ewablc Qnlncy , A.iern u. a u Flint fere M. era. 9o Alexlc&nCen. com.. 14j Mcx.C.m mtf. has. 66! . if. & .New En... 4o, ueii 'leiepnone... , Boston Land Waver Fower....... Tamarack , Sin Diego .N. x. & .n. iu. VB....l Did Ooionv... 175 Rutland, com 4 S. "W. Hill, Pittsburg Meat Supply Co., corner oi Church avenue and Anderson street, Allegheny. Pa.," sold for Kelson Morris & Co.. for the week ending October 19, 1889, 147 carcasses beef, average weight 538; average price, fo 42 per 100 lbs. V. & V.'s Iron City beer is unrivaled. Connoisseurs pronounce it so. . . A FISHERMAN'S LUCK. Mr. Young, of the Lawrence Bank, Returns Home to be Surprised. THE BASK AS GOOD AS GOLD COIN. A Pittsbnrger Interested in One of the Greatest Deals on Record. BAD EFFECT OF SOCTDEEN LAND BOOMS The absconding President of the Lawrence Bank, Lawrenceville, "W. "W. Young, re turned from his annnal fishing expedition to the Kankakee Sunday night, and was surprised, and much more, when informed of the sensational and entirely groundless report which had been circulated in his absence regarding his whereabouts and the solvency of the institution of whiph he is the head, to the effect that he had packed all the movables of the bank into a grip sack and skipped to Canada to jointhe fa mous American colony there. It is needless to repeat, for the fact has been made very clear, that the report was out of the whole cloth, tnere being no basis for it whatever. The bank is one of the most substantial in the city, having large resources and an able and conservative management. Mr. Robert Smith, of the Union National Bank,statcd yesterday that the Lawrence Bank wasas good as gold in the pocket, Saving 00, 000 or more to its credit at the Union at the height of the excitement on Saturday, none of which waB needed to tide over the little run caused by tho false report of the President's criminal disappearance, The flurry has sub sided entirely, and business at the bank is moving along as smootbly as before. V Are any of the descendants of John Camp bell living in this vicinity? He was engaged in mercantile pursuits in Pittsburg in 1775. In that year, as a member of the Wabash Land Company, he assisted in closing np one of tho greatest private transactions in real estate on record in this country, tbe nearest approach to it in magnitude being the Symmes purchase in Obio. The only deals which surpass it in importance, were the purchases by the Gov ernment of the Louisiana Territory and of Alaska. It involved about 30,000,000 acres In Illinois and Indiana. Tho sellers were the Piankeshaw Indians represented by 12 ot their chiefs, and the con sideration was 400 blankets, 22 pieces of Stroud, (a species of heavy cloth), 250 shirts, 12 gross star gartering, 120 pieces ribbon for female ornament, 24 pounds vermilion, 18 pairs velvet laced housings, 1 piece of multon, 52 fusils (guns, 35 dozen largo bnckhorn handled knives, 40 dozen coutean knives, 500 pounds brass kettles, 10,000 gunflints, 600 pounds gun powder, 2,000 pounds lead, 400 pounds tobacco, 40 bushels salt, 8,000 pounds flour, 3 horses, and a few articles of silverware to be worn in the noses and ears of the principal men of the tribe. Alongside of this acquisition of an empire, real estate deals in these times, even that of the H. C. Cenck Company appear insignifi cant Mr. Campbell was undoubtedly tbe first, as he was certainly the greatest, real estate operator in Pittsburg. The only drawback to bis great dicker with the Indians was that Congress, after some years of hesitation, re fused to ratify the purchase. k "Whero an employe of a tenant brought suit against the landlord for damages for personal injuries resulting from a defective stairway, and there was no covenant in tbe lease to the effect that tbe landlord should make repairs, the Supreme Court of California held that tho. landlord was not liable. Here is another decision of interest to tho farming community: A conditional warranty on the sale of a har vester provided that the purchaser should re turn it to the seller if it failed to do its work properly, and that if it failed to do good work the purchaser must give immediate npficfar $" ......ufe , u vuit.u ui tue Harvester company in Springfield, O., subject to a second trial in its presence. No notice was given, but the man ager of the company's office at St. Joseph, Mo., personally directed the operation of the ma chine after it failed to do good -work. On an offer to return tho machine tho sellerrefusedto accept it Tho Supreme Court of Kansas held that under the circumstances the purchaser was relieved from his agreement to return tho harvester, and that there n as sufficient notice to the company that the machine did not com ply with the warranty. Monday is not so blue as it looks to some peo ple. Said a leading real estate broker yester day: "I have no fault to find with Monday. Indeed, it is one of the best days I have. I don't do as mnch new business as on other days, but I close npa larger number of trans actions. People are cooler and less disposed to rush things than later in the week. Thev think more about what they have done, or ought to do. It is a day of retrospection and conclusions. In scores of instances where I have been unable to close sales on other days of tho week, I have easily snecoeded on Mon day. "Buyers and sellers would come in and say: I have been thinking over that little matter to day, and have concluded to close it up.' Mon day may he blue to people in other business but it is always welcomed by real estate deal ers, who finish more business on that day than on any other." The New York drygoods market Is very quiet tor the season. The personal demand from jobbers in the "regular" way is light to the verge of dullness. A seasonable distribution is being made of dress goods, hosiery and similar fabrics adapted to the fall trade through tho medium of mail reorders (from nearby and Southern retailers), and by means of price con cessions made by leading jobbers. The trade in holiday specialties with large jobbers has started up actively. With agents tbe same re ports of light but steady reorders for season able goods are made. The chief activity no ticeable is in the receipt ot orders for spring cottons, notably woven wash fabrics, white goods, ginghams and printed sateens. Prices have shown few changes. Operations in the Boston market are hardly sustaining the promises of the early part of tho month, and yet there is no particular occasion to find fault The retail trade throughout New England is brisk, and jobbers and commission merchants look for an early replenishing of stocks. Prices are sustained, with tbe excep tion of print cloth and some makes of brown sheetings. The position of cotton flannels is unusually strong. In the jobbing department the distribution covers the full range for ttie season. All the wool dress goods are selling well, while clothing woolens are unchanged. From present indications prices during tho coming season will be at least as higb as they are now. a It seems the South is suffering from the "boomers" in land. In Birmingham, Ala., the land speculators have checked the industrial interests and thrown them back for years. Here is the way one of tbe victims talks: "If .the speculators in real estate, the men who boom the prices of lots up until working men are compelled to pay almost, if not quite, as much rent in new towns with lev m no con veniences as they do in Eastern cities where thev get something for their money it the land speculators were shot or drowned, the towns in which new factories and mills, like Birming ham and there are many towns in w'hlch new enterprises are struggling would undoubtedly succeed. But bow can the new concerns com pete with old establishments when the land speculators once get tbeir hooks InT They ab sorb all the land available, put a fictitious value on it and tbe operatives of the new fac tories are compelled to walk a mile, when, if the land speculators were kept out they could find bouses within easy reach for moderate prices." The Pittsburg way slow and sure is the best It is death to booms and a guarantee against disastrous reactions. Philadelphia Stocks. Closlnc quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney & Stephenson, brokers. Mo. S7 Fonrtn. avenue. Members Mew York Btock Ex change. BM. Asked. Pennsylvania Ballroad.,..,! fit UK Readme..- Sljf 2113-K Uuualo. Mttsbnnr and Western..... 9 SS LenlKh Valley 63)4 $i Northern Pacific si "H Northern Pacing preferred 7:,1i 71ft ,,., THE PITTSBURG -' DISPATOH; " STOCKS STE0NG. A Good Deal of Philadelphia Gaa nnd Lm Noria Picked Up. All the business on the Stock Exchange yes terday ws transacted at the morning call. The sales were 1.225 shares. The only active properties were Philadelphia Gas and La Noria, both of which were higher and firm. Ssveral thousand shares of the latter could have been disposed of at the ahovo figure. Predictions were freely made of a dollar for it before the end of the week. The inactive stocks were also firm. The feeling was buoy, ant giving rise to anticipations ot an active market the rest of the week. Bids, offers and sales were: KOIOTNQ. APTIBOOJJ. Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked. Lawrence Bank 60 Pitts. N, B. of Com'cc .... Chanters Val. Uas Co. .... Nat Gas Co. or V. Va. .... People's N. O. & P. Co IS Pennsylvania Gas Co Philadelphia Co 3 H Wheeling Uas Co Hazelwood Oil Co Central Traction 31K Plttsbnre Traction Pleasant Valley 20H Pitts., A. & Wan P., C. & Touch. K. It i... Pitts. June. K. B. Z7 Pitts. & Western K. K. KU P. & W. K. K. Co. prcf 19 N.Y. 4 CGas Coal Co. 32J$ Buspen'n K'de.(6th st) .... Mlilalgo MlnInCo La .Noria Mining Co... Luster Mining Co Westinehouse Elect no 43K Union Storage Co D. S. ASbr. Co 21 235 49 79 15M 17 Kfi 23 "si 43 Z1U 2M 23 50 31 2a 1 n ""H 78 10 49 49 75 22 Westlnghuuse A. 11... 112 113 Sales at the early call were 800" shares of La Noria at K, 400 Philadelphia Gas at 32H. and 25 at 32. There were no sales regular at the afternoon call. After call 10 shares of Phila delphia Gas sold at 32. Sproul fc Lawrenco sold 100 shares of Phila delphia Gas at 32J. R. J. Stoney, Jr., sold 10 shares Philadelphia Gas at 32. The total sales ot stocks at In ew Tcork yester day were 266,859 shares, including Atchison, 14,460; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, 25,896: Erie, 4,440; Laka Shore, 4,736; Louisville and Nashville, 11,193; Missouri Pacific, 15,400; North western,5,865; Northern Pacific preferred, 15,935; Reading, 56,400; Richmond and West Point, 4.530; St. Paul. 22,365; Union Pacific, 6,270; Western Union, 5,943. DOING VERY WELL. Increasing Business Beginning to Slake the Locnl Financier Smile. A large amount of business was transacted at the local banks yesterday. Money was easy with a fair demand at the customary rates. Checking was heavy and discounting of good proportions. There was a revival of the com plaint of a scarcity of currency by some of the banks, but others had enough to get along with. The exchanges were 52,621,049 78 and the bal ances 5311,837 44. BusSell Sage, speaking of the money market yesterday, said that the situation was all right money had been absorbed by reason of the unusual business and railroad activity through out tbe country, and that the bears had taken advantage of the situation to make it appear as bad as possible. They bad bidden away all the money they could get their hands on, but as they were destitnteof collaterals tbe amounts thus hidden away were not very large. It was Mr, Sage's opinion that the present stringency was healthy and natural, and that when mouey begins to return freely from the West the stock market would jump. Money on call at New York yesterday was tight ranging from 6 to 12, last loan closed offered at 5 per cent Prime mercantile paper, 57- Sterling exchange qniet and weak at 84 S1K for 60-day bills, and 54 85 for demand. Closing Bond Quotations. U. S. 4s,reg 127 U. b. 4s. coup 127 U. B.4Xs,reg. ia C. S. 4H conn.... 105H Pacific 6s of '95; II7M SI.K. &T. Gen.53 Mntual Union 6s... .102 N. J. C. Int Cert. M3H Northern Pac. lsts..1I49s Northern Pac. 2ds..H0Ji Northw't'n consols. HS Northw'n deben-s..H4$ Oregon Jt Trans. 0s 105M Lonislanastampedts 89jil jussonn ds .iui Ten s. new set. 6s... 10734 Tenn. new set 5s... .102 Tenn. new set. 3s.... It'4 Canada So. zds ?96H Cen. Pacificists 114 Den. & H. O., Ists...lZlH Den. &K.G. 4s 71H D.&R.G.Westl"s. 10 Erle,2rts 104 U.K. AT. Gen. 6s.. 63 St. L. &1.M. Oen.5s8oy St. L.&b.F. Gen.M.120 St. Panl consols ....126X t. PL C'hl & Pc. lsu. 1 19 Tx Pc.L.O.Tr Ks. 90 Tx.,PcK.G.lT.Kct 33 Union pac. lsu...lI3M West Shore 105j Yesterdays bond offerings aggregated 5187, 200, as follows: Coupon 4. 54,700 at 127; regis tered 4s, 5112,600 at 127; coupon 4s, $3,000 at 105; registered 4s. 567,000 at 105 New York Clearings, 582,400,319; balances, $4,442,760. Baltimore Clearings, 2,362,343; balances, 533L430.' Philadelphia- Clearings, 3U,469,221: bal ances, 51,683,752. London Bar silver 43d per ounce. Pabis Three per cent rentes, 87f 67c for the account Cbicaoo Clearings, $14,290,000. Money con tinues in active demand, with the bank rate firm at 6 per cent for call, and 7 per cent and above for time loans. St. Louis Clearings, $2,905,753; balances, $714,619. ' MIGHT HATE BEEN W0ESB. Not a Bad Oil Market for Monday A Bullish Close. A short horse is soon curried. The oil market yesterday was a short horse. It was strong enough but business was light Still, it wasn't a bad market for Monday. The strength was imparted by Oil City, which did about all tbe buying. New York sold a little, Pittsburg did nothing particular either way, but sellers were in the majority, McKelvey doing tbe bulk of the unloading. The feeling was rather bullish at tbe close. The opening price was 99c, highest 51 00, lowest 99c, closing 51 00 There was no field news of importance. Satur day's clearings were 282,000 barrels. IS THE TATL0EST0WN FIELD. The Wells Finished Recently Prove to be Small Producers. rSPXCIAI, TILEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Washington, Pa., October 21 Zelt oil well No. 2 has drilled through the Gantz Band and is filled up, but does not flow. The Stevenson-Schmitz-Darragh well Is also through the Gantz and without sufficient gas to make a flow. The Gosford failed to flow yesterday until agitated. This is the well that came in a gusher about a week ago. Kelly & Uo.'s Hutson mystery is a small producer. Brown & Co.'s Agnew should get the sand the latter part of tbe week. Aiken fc Co.'s No. 9, on the David Haggerty farm is finished. She is a SO-barrel pumper. Additional oil is reported to have been obtained at Murphy Bros.' well, on the Crotber's farm, Taylorstown. fllondny'a Oil Range. Corrected daily by John M. OaKiey & Co., 45 Sixth street members of the Pittsburg Petro leum .exchange. Opened 99HLowest... Highest lOOftlClosed.... 95K lOOVj Barrels. 51,737 82.427 37,793 Average runs Average shipments .......... ..., Average charters Kenned, Heir York. 7c. Kefine(, London. 5rt. Refined, Antwerp, 17r. Kenned, Liverpool. 6 1-lCd. A. B. McGrew & Co. quote;- Pats, $1 00; calls, $1 011 01. Other Oil Markets. On. CrTT, October 21. National transit certificates opened at 51 00; highest, $1 00; lowest 51 00; closed, 51 0U. Bradford. October 21. National transit certificates opened at 51 00: closed at $1 00; highest $1 00Ji; lowest, 51 00. TrrcisviLLE, October 21. National transit certificates opened at 51 00; highest $1 00; lowest 51 "0: closed at $1 00. New York, October 2L Petroleum opened steadv at 99c,and moved up to 51 00 in the first hour, when the market became quiet and remained so until the close, which was steady at 51 00. Stock Exchange: Opening, 99c; highest 51 OOK: lowest, 99c: closing 51 00. Consolidated Exchange: Opening. 51.00; high est $1 001: lowest 51 00c; closing, 51 00. Total sales, 443,000 barrels. t A GOOD BEGINNING. Seal Estate Moves on Every Dar in the Week. Alles & Bailey, 164 Fourth avenue, sold to S. J. Fleming ten acres of land on tbe Pittsburg and Lake Erie Railroad, near Fleming station, an oil and gas belt development near theAr buckle farm, for Jacob Fogek Consideration, 51.000. Charles Somers & Co.. 313 Wood street, sold for Charles Somers to Joseph Schwarea lot in the Thirteenth ward, near Herron Park, front ing 22 feet on Herron avenue by 110 to a 20-foot alley, for 5050 cash: also, sold to Thomas Weit haus lot No. 13S In Groveland plan of lots, hav ing a frontage of 50 feet on Euclid avenue and a depth of 140 feet for 5250; alo, in -aroe plan, sold to John Swartiwelder lot No. 94 fronting 50 feet on Euclid avenue, and No. 263, fronting 50 feet on Minis avenue and 140 In depth to a 20-foot alley for 5623 making about 70 lots sold within a very short time in this plan,where values are bound to enhance, tbe lots lying per fectly level; streets 60 and 75 feet wide, and an electrio road to be completed in the spring. Mellon Brothers sold to J. A. W. Johnson lot No- 2 in Mellon's plan of Copeland lots at Brad- t. TUESDAY, ' OCTOBER '' 22; dock; 24x115 feet, for 5450; also to Jacob Con rad lot No. 4 in same plan, size 24x115 feet for 550: also to Samuel Silverstein lot No. 64 In Mellon's plan of Alllnder Place, Homewood, 24x135. for 5950. Black & Balrd, 95 Fourth avenue, sold for T. C. Lazear and C. P. Orr lots Nos. 79 and 80 on Thomas street Boulevard Place, with a total frontage of 110 feet by 143 feet in depth. The purchaser has already commenced the erection of an elegant stone structure nn the lots. They also placed a inortgige of 512.000 on property In the Sixth ward, city, at 5 per cent for five years. J.B. Zimmerman. 101 Fourth avenue, sold to Rev. H. H. Pershing lots 83, 84, 85 and 88 at Re flectorville,jrice 5760; to Nathaniel Madden, lot 76 on Plan No. L price 5200: to J. J. G. Keifer. lot 67 on Plan No. 2. for $200: to George AKeifer.lot 66 on Plan No. 2, price $200: to James Farrell, lots Nos. 56. 57 and 58 on Bailey & Moon's plan No. 2 at Reflectorville, price 5600. Bize of all tbe above lots, 50x200 feet L. O. Frazler, corner Forty-fifth and Butler streets, sold for Matt WeiBS, lot 20x100 ieet to a 20 foot alley, situated on tbe sonth side of Cv press streer, near Gross street 'Twentieth ward, to Mrs. Sarah J. Eesch. for $550 cash. Jamison A Dickix closed the sale of seven lots in Lang avenue plan, Twenty-seoond ward; one to A. Ml Bestwick, 50x150. corner Edgerton I aTenue ana ijang. xor ai.uou; iwo w . j. utuu say, size 60x150 each, on Lang avenue near Ed gerton, for $2,000 casb, and fourto Mrs. Caroline McFarren, 60x120 each, corner Lang and Wll lard avenues, for 53,000; a lot on Frankitown avenue, near Murtlana, to Jeremiah Gnmbert for 51,100 cash, and a house of five rooms, with lot 33 1-3x150 feet on Winslow street, for John Gordon to Andrew McClean for $1,985. James W. Drape & Co. sold on Marchand street near Denniston avenue. East End. a Blx roomed bouse and lot 72x120, for 54,200 cash. Samnel W. Black & Co . 99 Fourth avenue, sold lot No. 51. located on Paul avenue, and Nos. 102 and 103 on Lafayette avenue, in the S. L. Boggs plan of lots, Allentown station. Pitts bnrg and Castle Shannon Railroad, for 615. STOCKS LET GO. Tight Money Gives iho Bear Crowd n Cbnnce to Get la Their Work Trusts and Grnngers tho Principal SntTerera. New Yosk, October 21. The stock- market was more active but decidedly weak to-day, and the declines were very material, reaching all portions of the list, although Trusts and Grang ers are the principal sufferers. A variety of causes contibuted to this end. though the per sistent attacks of the bears under cover of the high rates for money, were most effectual in bringing about the downward movement To aid them this morning there were not only decided opposition to tbe Sugar Trust by Spreckels, but the publication of the statistics of tho coal trade for tbe expired portion of the year and the late decreases in the earnings of tbe Grangers. New cuts in rates by the Burlington and Northern aUd some opposition to the Atchison plan which has developed in London were also unfavorable factors. The opening of the market-was tame and heavy, and tbe bear imme diately began the attack, paying special atten tion to Sugar, Cotton Oil. Lackawanna, Rock Island and Chicago Gas. The traders lent their influence to tbe bears, and there was undoubt edly considerable long stock dislodged, while tbe uncovering of several stop orders accel erated the drop. The pressure upon the coal stocks was es pecially severe toward noon, but later the at tention was transferred to National Lead and Missouri Pacific "Among the specialties, how ever, Tennessee Coal, Manitoba, Delaware and Hudson and Jersey Central were most conspicu ous for the declines established. There was later some opposition offered to the decline by covering of shorts put out earlier in the day, and money also eased up. dropping to 6 per cent against 12 during the early demand. Tho improvement however, was of small propor tions, and the market, while becoming some what quieter, made no rally of importance ex cent in Jersey Central, which here covered about all of the loss, Tho market closed quiet but heavy, at some thing better than the lowestprices. The entire active list is materially lower this evening. The most Important declines were Sugar, Dela ware and Hudson 2, Manitoba 2, Lead and Cotton each 2. Cleveland, Columbus, Cincin nati and St. Louis and Burlington each 1, Lackawanna 1, Transcontinental 1, Mis souri Pacific preferred and Lake Erie and Western preferred 1 each, Missouri Pacific 1, Northwestern and Lake Shore each 1, Reading, St Paul and Chesapeake and Ohio seconds preferred each 1, Rock Island and Union Pacific each 1 per cent and the others fractional amonnts. Tbe Post's financial article says: "The whole stock market was active, weak and lower throughout the forenoon, and this time it was not the money market which caused selling, but tho realization of the fact that tbe roost Important grants of stocks, the Coalers and the Grangers, do not afford as flattering prospects in the matter ot earnings as they did some weeks ago. It does not matter whether the stocks were attacked by bears or not It is quite certain that they were widely held and by tbe uncovering of stop orders all went down easily, carrying the rest of the market with them. Railroad bonds were dull as usual, the sales of all issues aggregating 5810,000. Tbe following tame snows tne prices oractlve stocks on the Mew York Stock Lxcnange yester day. Corrected dally for the Dispatch by W iiitnet & Stephenson, oldest Pittsburg mem bers of H ew York Stock Kxcnange, 57 fourth ave nne: Clos-Open- Blgh Low- lng lor. est. est Bid, Am. Cotton Oil 43X 43 41 4m Atcn., lop.A S. F tOU 30 3l3 23 Canadian Pacific 6d Canada Sonthern 53 53 E3 M4 Central of New Jeriej.lIl.V 1! 3IM( 121 J Central Pacini Mi Wi 34)$ 31 !4 ChesaDCake Ohio.... 28 S6 25k 25's C. Bur.4Onli.cv...106), 106)j 104! iW, C, Mil. & St. Paul.... G9U 64, (& 6S'j C, MU.&8t. P.. pr.,..112iS 112M Hl2 111 C, KockL&P Sa 93 SGX 96 C, St L. ft Pitts W4 C, St L. & Pitts. Dt 2i C. St. P..H.&U 33X 33X 33 32H C.& .Northwestern 111M MM 110 1I0H C.JS Northwestern, pr. 141 C, C, C. 1 76 76 74 74 C, C, 4J. &L, pr 99K WJ MX S&H Col. Coal & iron 30Ji 3034 30W SOU Col. & Rocking Val .. 17 17 17 17 Dei.. L. AW UV, Wi 140 U0K Del. & Hudson 150 150 J47X usg Denver AKloG liu Denver & Bio O.. BI... 61 51 51 50K E.T.. Va. AOa 10!$ lOJf lOjf l)i K.T..Va,Ua. 1st pf70 70 70 63 C 1.. Vs. ft Ga. 2d pr. 21! Illinois Central. 117 Lake Grin A Western.. 18H KH 18 is LakeKrleft West. or.. 62 62 CIS, gii Lake Shore A M. 8 105 VSH 1(M 104K LonlsvlIleftNashvlIle. COM WH 7BJ 80 ilo.. Kan. ft Texas UK Missouri Pacific 70 7o; 63 68fe New Kork Central VH 106 10fl iee'4 h. Y.. L. E. & W 29M 29X 2SJ 2SH X. .. C ft St L, 16! ft. X., C. ft St L. nt 66 N.Y.. C. JtSt.lj.2d Df 14 N.tAS.K 45, CH 4IK 43 h. r., o. aw is -Norfolk i Western 18W Norfolk Western, Df. 60H !ili KU 55) Northern Pacific 31 3iU 31 11 Nortnern Pacific oret 73 73 7IK 71 Uhloft Mississippi..... 22K 22J( 2U( KH Oregon Improvement 50 Oregon 'Iran scon S3 5, 33 S S2Jf n& PaciflcMall 32 7S.fi 32 33 Peo. Dec. .Evans 20 20 20 20 Phlladel. ft Reading.. HH Wi J 43!j Pullman Palace Onr...lS2 1ST 15! 1S2K Richmond ft W. P. T.. 23tf 231 22 22J4 Richmond ft W.P.T.pf 79 7 79 79 St. P., Minn, ft Man. .113 116 11JK 11334 St. L. ft San Fran 24!a 24V 24)2 " St L. ft San Fran pr. 55 st.L,. ft San F. 1st pr. 105 Texas 1'aclflc 1 19 19 19 -Union Paclflo C5 65 I3J M Wabasn 16 16 16 16S Wabash preferred VH SO," 30 30M Western Union S4)i 841? 64 83 Wheeling ft L. 2. 70 70), 69I4J 694 Sugar Trnst 78 73 74K 74J4 National i.ead Trust. 23j 233, 2G)J 21 H Chicago Gas Trust.... 55 55 1!X KX Kx-dividend. Boslnrss Notes. Two of the largest banks in ITew York say the demand for money from the South is over. Heby M. Long starts this morning on a pleasure trip to the headwaters of Cheat river, accompanied by his family. Tub coal agents will meet in New York to day, and nn advance in rates will probably be ordered to take effect two weeks bence. The condition of trade Is said to be improved. There is a kick among the people down the valley over the announcement that tho Electric Railroad Company will lay its tracks on Cali fornia avenue before it is graded or paved. "Wby this hurry? The Reading Railroad reports that its coal shipment estimated for the week ending Octo ber 19, was lSo.000 tons, of which 34,000 tons were sent to Port Richmond, and 21,000 tons were sont to Port Liberty, Mb. H. N. WnrrsEY, of Kissam. Whitney & Co., New York, says: "It is a question of ex traordinary prosperity and large railroad earn ings versus temporary tight money. Prosperitv and earnings will win tbe race; tight money may be the horse which will lead tor a day or two, but he will quickly And himself outpaced." The Pennsylvania Railroad reports that the quantity of coal and coke originating on and carried over its lines east of Pittsburg and Erie for the week ending October 12 was 192, 865 tons, of which 201,747 tons were coal and 91, 118 tons coke. Tbe total tonnage for tbe year tbns far has been 11.695,800 tons, compared nith 12,194,003 tons in tbe corresponding period of 1888, a decrease of 498,708 tons, of which 8. 306,225 tons were coal, a decrease of 795,197 tons, and 3,349,075 tons coke, an increase of 296.489 tonsj QK TO 5100 JUDICIOUSLY INVESTED in stock options in Wall st leads to wealth. STEVENSON & CO., Brokers, ocl7-ll-TTSU ONewst, New York. - A . ft -. ?zs. M880. DOMESTIC MARKETS. Monday's Usual Quietness in Produce lines Eeporled. POTATO GLUT IS WELL WORKED OFF. Yery Heavy Cereal Becelpts, and Tone of Markets Weaker. HOGS DEOOPING, PE0YISI0HS 1YAK Office of PrrrsBTTBO Dispatch, J Mondat. Octoberl, 18S9. 5 Country Produce Jobbing Prices. Monday seldom furnishes pointers to trade. The potato glnt is fast disappearing, but at considerable sacrifice to snippers. An Iowa dealer closed out his stock this morning, and the result was J160 freight on a carload and (40 proceeds. Abetter quality of potatoes is an ticipated by dealers than that which has been coming of late. Dairy produots present no new features. Eggs are active and Arm. The sup ply of graped is large, and quality all that could be desired. Apples still go slow, except very fancy, which are in short supply. Walnuts and chestnuts begin to come in freely, hut the crop is reported below average in volume. Butter Creamery, Elgin, 2728c; Ohio do, 2526c: fresh dairy packed, 2224c; country rolls. 2021c. Beans Navy band-picked beans, $2 23Q2 40; medium. $2 3002 40. Beeswax 2S30c S lb for choice: low grade, 18020c. Cider Sand refined, $6 &07 50; common, S3 504 00; crab cider. 3 00&S SO $1 barrel; cider vinegar. 1012c p gallon. Chestnuts So 00Q5 CO per bushel; walnuts, 6075c a bushel. Cheese Ohio, HlUc; New York, llKc; Limburger, 9K10c; domestic Bweitzer.lu 13c: Imported Sweitzer, 23c Eggs 22c dozen for strictly fresh. Fkotts Apples, S3 002 75 W barrel: grapes. Concords, 45c pound, Catawbas, CffiSc, Delawares, 79c; Bartlett pears, 55 00 fl barrel; quinces, $7 0003 00 f) barrel; cranberries. Jer seys, S3 003 25 $1 bushel box; Malaga grapes, large Darrel, $8. Leathers Extra live geese, 5060c; No. 1 do. 4045c; mixed lots, 3035c $ lb. Poultry Live spring chickens, 4045c jfl pair; old, 6570c pair. Seeds Clover, choice, 62 Ss to bushel, to 00 5 25 bushel; clover, large English, 62 Us, 15 fio; clover, Alslke, $8 00; clover, white, 9 00; timo thy, choice, 45 Its, SI 50; blue grass, extra clean, 14 Sis, 90c: blue grass, fancy, 14 fts, SI 00; orchard grass, 14 fis, 81 65; red top, 14 lbs, SI 25; millet 60 fts, SI 00; German millet 60 fis. II 60: Hungarian grass, 60 fis, $1 00: lawn grass, mixture of fine grasses, S2 60 13 bushel of 14 Sis. Taimt-Country, 4c; aty rendered, 4 5e. Tropical Fruits "Lemons common, $4 60 5 00; fancy. S5506 00; oranges. S4 605 00: bananas. S2 00 firsts, SI 60 good second, ? bunch; cocoanuts, S4 O04 60 ) hundred; figs. 8J9c ? B; dates, 6KMc ?? ft; newlayerfigs, 14k16Xc: new dates, 7&c $ ft. Vegetables Potatoes, si 6001 75 91 bar rel: tomatoes 75c$l fl bushel; wax beans, 75o J3 bushel: green beans, 4D50c f bushel; cu cumbers, S2 252 50 ?1 bushel; cabbages, J4 00 Q5 00 a hundred; celery, 40c 51 dozen; Southern sweet potatoes. 52 002 25; Jerseys, S2 75; tur nips, SI 5001 75 a barrel; onions, S3 a barrel. Groceries. Green Coffee Fancy Rio. 2223ic; choice Rio, 2Q21c; prime Rio. 20c; low grade Rio, 1819Xc; old Government Java, 27c; Mar acaibo, 2324c; Mocha, 2829c; Santos, 20 23c; Caracas. 2123c; peaberry, Rio, 2325c; La Guayra, 2223c Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 23c; high grades, 25k26c: old Govern ment Java, bulk, 31$c; Maracaibo, 2C 27c; Santos, 2123c; peaberry. 26c; choice Rio, 24c; prime Rio, 22c; good Rio, 21c; ordi nary. 21c. Sfices (whole) Cloves, 2125c: allspice, 8c; cassia, 8c; pepper, 18c; nutmeg, 7080. Petrolkum (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c; Ohio, 120, 8Kc; headlight 150, SKc; water white, 9c; globe. 1414c; elaine, 14c; carna dine, lljjc; royaline, 14c; globe red OIL 11 llKc bYBUFS Corn syrups, 2629c; choice sugar syrups. 3338c: prime sugar syrup, 305Sc; strictly prime, 3335c; new maple syrup, 90a N. O. Molasses Fancy, c; choice, 48c; medium, 43c; mixed, 4042c Soda Bi-carb in kegs, 3Kic; bi-carb in Ks, 5c; bi-carb, assorted packages, 6Q6c; sal soda in kegs, lc; do granulated. 2c. Candles atar, full weight 9c; stearine, W set, 8c; paraffine, ll12o. Rice Head, Carolina, 77Vc; choice, 6) 7c; prime. c9i6Vc: Louisiana, 16e. Htabch Pearl, -3c; cornstarch, 66c; gloss starch, 57c. Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, 32 65; Lon don layers. S3 10; California London layers, S2 50; Muscatels. S2 25; California Muscatels. 81 85; Valencia, 8&c; Ondara Valencia, 910c; sultana, eUe; currants, 65f c; Turkey prunes, 45c; French prunes, 813c; Salonlca prunes, in 2-ft packages, 8c; cocoanuts, B 100. 6 00; almonds, Lan.. $? ft, 20c; do, Ivica, 19c; do, shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap.. 1215c; Sicily filberts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 1216c; new dates, 56c; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans, ll15c; citron, fl ft, 211322c; lemon peek $1 ft, 1314c; orange peel, 12a Dried FBtrrrs Apples, sliced, per ft, 6c, apples, evaporated, 8c; apricots, Califor nia, evaporated, 12K15c; peaches, evaporated pared, 2228c: peaches. California, evaporated, unpared, 1012c; cherries, pitted, 2122c; cherries, un pitted, 56c; raspberries, evapor ated, 242iJc; blackberries, 7K8c; huckle berries. iUS12c. Sugars Cubes, 7Jgc; powdered, 7fe; grann- iiueu, iw, coniecuoners' a, ic; sianaaraA, jfcc; son wiui.es, oiBicryeuow, cnoice, 6jjc: yellow, good, 6i0c; yellow, fair, yeitow, uarit, o?ac Pickles Medium bbl(L200), E75:edis mS urn. balf bbls (600), S3 25. Salt-No. 1. W bbL 95c; No. 1 ex. ft bbL SI 05; dairy. bbl, 81 20, coarse crystal, $? bbL 81 20; HIggins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, 82 80: Biggins' Eureka, 16-14 ft pockets, 83 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches. 82 000 2 25; 2ds, 81 501 65; extra peaches, 82 402 60, pie peaches, 95c: finest corn, 81 001 60; Hid. Co: corn, 7090c; red cherries, 90c$l; Lima beans. 81 10; soaked do. 85c; string do. 85c; mar rowfat peas, SI lOffil 15: soaked as, -70875c-pineapples, 81 401 50; Bahama do, S3 75; dam; son plums, 95c; greengages, 81 25; egg plums, 82; California pears, 82 60; do greengage. 82; do, egg plums, 82; extra white cherries, 82 SO; red cherries, 2 ftt. 90c: raspberries, 81 401 EO; strawberries, 81 10; gooseberries, 81 301 40; tomatoes, 90cl 00; salmon, 1-ft SI 752 10; blackberries. Sue: succotash, 2-ft cans, soaked; 99c; do green, 2 fis, 81 261 60; corn beef, 2-ft cans, 82 05; 14-ft cans, 814 00: baked beans, 81 45 m 60; lobster, 1-ft, 81 751 80; mackerel 1-ft cans, broiled, SI 60; saruines, domestic, Us, 84 254 60; sardines, domestic, Vs. 57 257 60; sardines, imported. &s, 811 &012 50; sardines, imported, s, 818; sardines, mustard. S3 60; sardines, spiced, S3 50. Fish Extra No.l bloater mackerel, S33 $ bbl.: extra No. 1 do, mess, 840; extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, 832; extra No. 1 do. messed. 138; No. 2 shore mackerel, 824. Codfish Whole pollock, 4)cft ft; do medium, George's cod. 6c; do large, 7c; boneless hake. In strips, 6c; do George's cod in blocks, 6Jf7Jc Herring Round shore, 85 00 $ bbl; split 87 00; lake, 82 00 ffl 10O-& half bbL White fish, $7 00 W 100 ft half bbL Lake trout S3 50 V half bbL Fin nan haddock, 10c ft ft. Iceland halibut 13c ? ft. Pickerel, K- bbl, 82 00; y. bbl, 81 10; Poto mao herring, to 00 fl bbl. 82 SOU KhbLi Oatmeal 56 306 CO V bbl. Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 6557c ft gallon. Lard olL 75c Grain, Flour and Feed. Receipts as bulletined at the Grain Ex change, 63 cars. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St Louis, 4 cars of corn, 15 of oats, 3 of mid dlings, 2 of wheat 2 of barley, 2 of feed, 11 of hay. By Pittsburg. Ft Wayne and Chicago, 8 cars of bay, 5 of flour, 1 of feed. By Balti more and Ohio, 2 cars of oats, 3 of corn, 1 of rye. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 2 cars of bay, 3 of flour, 2 of wheat By Pittsburg and Western, 1 car of bay, 1 of bran and middlings. There was but one sale on calLviz: a car of No. 2 white oat, 27Jic, 10 days, regular. The week starts out with unusually heavy receipts. This on tbe heels of weak markets at the close of last week does not promise well for sellers ot cereals. Oats are particularly weak. Hay is slow, aud corn steady. Prices below are for carload lots on track. Wheat New No. !s red, 84685(5; No, 3. 80 81c Cobn No. 2 yellow, ear, 4344c; high mixed, ear, 4243c: No. 2 vellow. shelled. 40c; high mixed, shelled, SS40c; mixed, shelled, 3S S9c OATS No. 2 white. 2727c; extra. No. 3, 2626c; mixed, 2425c Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 5051c; No. 1. Western, 4849c; new rye, No. 2 Ohio, 43046c i LOUR Jobbing prices Fancy winter and spring patents, 85 0085 60; winter straight S4 254 50; clear winter. 84 004 25: straight XXXX bakers', S3 603 75. Rye flour, S3 50 4 75. Millfeed Middlings, fine white, 816 00 16 50 ton; brown middlings, 813 0013 60; win ter wheat bran, Sll 5011 75; -chop feed, 815 50 016 00. Hay Baled tlmothv. No. L 812 00813 50: No. 2 do. Sll 001L 50; loose from wagon, Sll 00 13 00, according to quality: No. 1 npland prairie. 88 509 CO; No. 2, S7 0087 50; packing do, 87 60Q7 75. Straw Oats, 86 60(37 00; wheat and rye straw, 86 OOQO 25. ' 1 Provisions. . . X- Hogs are steadily drifting toward; a lower. level, and provisions feel the effect of this downward drilt Provisions are quiet and from present outlook are not at all likely to go np higher this season. A turn the other way is more pro able. Sugar-cured hams, large, 10Jc; sugar-cured bams, medium, llc; sugar-cured bams, small, Uc: sugar-cured breakfast baconiOc: sugar cured shoulders, 6c; sugar-cured "boneless shoulders, 7c; sugar-cured California bams, 7c: sugar-cured dried beef flats, 9c; sugar-cured dried beef sets, 10cr sugar-cured dried beef rounds, 12Kc: bacon shoulders, 6c; bacon clear sides, 7Kc: bacon clear bellies, 7Kc: dry salt shoulders, 5"c; dry salt clear sides, 7c, Mess pork, heavy. Sll 50; mess park, family. 812 00. Lard Refined, In tierces. 6c: half barrels, 6c; 60-ft tubs. 65c; 20-ft pails, 7c; 6C & tin can 6Kc;3-ft tin palls. c;6-fttlm Sails, 7c; 10-& tin pails, 6c: 5-ft tin pails, 7c; 10 1 tin palls, 7c Smoked sausage, long, 5c; large, 5c Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless bams, lOKc Pigs feet half barrel, 84 CO; quar ter barret 82 15. Dressed Meat, Armour & Co. furnished the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses 450 to 650 fis, 6c; 550 tp 650 fis. 6c; 650 to 750 fts, 67c Sheep, 8c f) ft. Lambs, 9c ft ft. Hogs, 6c Fresh pork loins, 8c Tbe Tiaible Supply- of Grain. New York, October 2L The followlngs is a statement of the visible supply of grain afloat and. in store on Saturday, October 19, as issued bv tbe Produce Exchange: Wheat, 22,057,370" bushels; increase, 218,451 bushels. Corn, 11,331,475 bushels; decrease, 1.12.133 bnKhels. Oats, 7,113,311 bushels; in crease. 675.954 bushels. Rye, 1,277.778 bushels; increase, 4S706 bushels. Barley, 1,582,572 bnsh els; increase, 639,422 bushels. ArPETITE is generally restored to deli cate children by the nse of Br. D, Jayne's Tonie Vermifuge; and not only an appetite, but strength and vigor as well. Sold by all druggists. WHOLESALE HOUSE, JOSEPH HORNE & CO., Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts., Importers and Jobbers of Special offerings this weekin SILKS, PLUSHES, DRESS GOODS, SATEENS, SEERSUCKER, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, and OHEVIOTa For largest assortment and lowest prices call and see us. wholesaleIxclusively fe22-rSrs-D TenYears of Intense-Suffering Mr. Frank Bordar, a well-known gentleman, suffered for ten years from kidney disease. After receiving two months' treatment from the physicians of thePolypathlc Medical Insti tute, be gave the following interesting history, with permission to publish it. Be said: "I had much pain across my back and lower part of my body. My bands and feet would often get cold, aud sharp cramps would often seize me. My heart would at timespalpitate as if it would Jump out of my body. Hot flashes would often come over me. I was always tired on getting np in the morning. The disease finally ex tended to my lungs, causing much pain and tightness in my chest. In vain I tried to find some doctor who could wire me, but could only get a little relief, and so I suffered on in this way for ten years. I finally read in the papers of wonderful cures being made by the phy sicians of tbe Polypathic Institute, and as X read that they made a specialty of my disease, 1 began treatment and I am glad to state that IJhave been cured." DR. SHAFER. Remember the Polypathic Medical Institute is permanently located at Pittsburg, 420 Penn avenue, for the treatment ot all forms of kid ney and urinary diseases. Office hours, 10 A. X. to 4 p. scandS to8r. M. Sundays, 1 to 47. K. OC12-TTS WASHING POWDER A nnm drv Ssid In nowdered form. The great labor saver and quick cleanser, without Injury te hands or fabric Economical! purs and good. Beats the wvU for cleaning glasses, windows, ' houses, dlsbsi, milk pails, milk cans, clothes, &c. Keeps moths out of carpets, bureaus, &e. See that you get BELL'S SOAPONA-Rea Packages. BELL'S BUFFALO SOAP-Best Soap Hade R.W.BELLMF6.C0.,Bfiffa!6lN.r. PILES; 6THPTOMS-Hlr ret I B tenia lthtn adtlnslc;Mtftl iffnil worse dt M7enu at mi I lowed to eoatUoe I ITCHING PILES.iKS-iftJ beeaaitiic tT ure. S WAYNE'S KLNT. aE-i-atoptnitcaiacmaaDieediaraeij H leratlon,andlaioateBeareiOTetbetiB Bion. SwAmaOtTTMraTlioldb7(lmcglxt,ormAUedia KD7ddru(mncvlitorprie,fioeta.ftbox; SboxM,ttJft, AaOnu Icucn, DR73WATNE t BOS, Philadelphia, Pa. (Ji'PP'P'PlfB Il!iIilUia9 A purely Veeetable Compound that eineH all bad humors from the system. Removes blotch es and pimples, and makes pure, rich blood. ijrsrm tiaii ap2n5S UROKEKS FINANCIAL. -TTTH1TNEY STEPHENSON, 7 FOURTH AVENUE. "Issue travelers credits through Messrs. Srexcl, Morgan a. uo., riew xors. rasspons procured. ap28-J JOHN M. OAKLEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS. Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Petroleum. Private wire to New York and Chlcaeo. 45 BXSTH ST., Pittaburj, vK9tt-SL IS LABOR-SAVING t A PERFECl M Purifier. TTerz CLOAK i M-iMsl WHOLESALE EXCLUSIVELY. Merchants visiting the city will Had tt tef their interest . to Inspect- our COMPLBTM1 line of Ladies', Misses' and Children's' CLOAKS. RAMPT.TNTRR & RIOH SIO MBERTx ST ocj)-51-twt 'Plttsbvrg, 3?su JAS. D. GALLERY. JesMeaJ-l JOHN W. TAYLOR CaaWerj CITY SAVINGS BANK,! SIXTH AVE. AND SMITHFrELD SZ Capital and surplus. J136,99&. Transacts a General Bonkisg Business. Jy&TT3 MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER 814 PENX AYESCE, PITTSBURG, PA. As old residents know and bock Aies of PMM. burg papers prove, is the oldest ualnhllstml 'A and most prominent physician in the etty, e- j voting special attention to ail cnroaie asNOFEEUNTILCURED MCDni lO and mental ottseates pays! an I IN Ln V UUo decay, nervous debtltty.feek'eC energy, ambition and hope, impaired lueuiwy, disordered sight, self distrust, baseln tans, dizziness, sleeplessness, pImples,eraptiofi8, im poverished blood, failing powers. organic wek nesa, dyspepsia, constipation, coduhipUb,- ntung tne person ior Dnsmess.soaeiy aaa 1 fiaee. nermanentlv. safelv and nrivatelv cm BLUUD AND SKINZ?r5- Dlotcnes, tailing nair, nones, pains, 1 swelling ulcerations of tongue.mouth, thfaf. ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, asd Mot poisons thoroughly eradicated fromtke nyMw. IIWIIWAWV Jtjunev atou uiauuer piuimpii U 11 1 1 1 n n I j menu, weak back, graveJ, s tarrhal discharges, inflammation and owec painful symptoms receive searching treatss oaf, e prompt relief and real cures; Dr. Whittlert life-long, extensive -expest , enee. insures scientific and reliable treafeMaC1 on common-sense principles. CoeraHatfeBfrev. ' .patients at a distance as careiauy ireawa as m. , here, utnee nonrs tf a. . to s r. m. bmwt, ., , 10A.3f.tolP.Jl. only. DR. WH1TT1HB, 84 Fenn avenue, .rittsDurg; rx, oc8-4JDSu-wk MOW THYSELF, KVH H SCTB1ICB OF UaTTMl ASclentlfloand Standard Popular MadlMJTmwio the Errors of Youth, Premature Dedtee.NervMW and Physical Debility, Imparities of the BiM H mMm Resulting from Folly. Vice, Irhovhw, j, cesses or Overtaxation, Enervating m&xmm ting tbe victim for Work; Buslftesa. tfcfl ;. riage or Social Relations. u Avoid nnsklllfnl pretenders. Pnwm tH great work. It contains 300 pages, royal . Beantifnl bindine. embossed, fall (fit. Pita. only Jl by mail, postpaid, eoaoeaMd la fWi wrapper. Illustrative Prospectus Freej4yMi apply now; Tbe distingnishsd aattor. WSsH 'Parker. M. T). receiTed the SOLD AW. JEW. ELED MEDAL from ttia National MedieaiAa. sociation, for this PRIZE EMAYeaHCimip and PHYSICAL DEBILITY. BX.Yvt corns of Assistant Phvsieians mar fce J suited, confidentially, by nail or lajMMMkHpr the office of THE PEABOOY HEIHeALIfl'V STITUTE, No. Bulfinch SL, B4i. Mm, whom all orders for books or letter far iMt should be directed aa above. a184r-TaMMI4t HealthisWealtl How Lost! How RegaiMti, Xtm BKBIr aSaaaaaaaaal 'VT Hk ' '" WaTaaV taajl DS. E. C. WEST'S NKBYX AND JHLU.,!5 Treatmest. a guaranteed sDecifle for hinmli. dizziness, convulsions, tits, nervous BearaUat, headache, nervous prostration caused by OH use of alcohol or tobacco, wakefulness, mmtM, depression, sotteaing 01 ure Dram lesiuuf 1 insanity and leadlnz to misery, deeay a death, premature old aze, barresMec, hn i nower in either Bex. involunlarY jmm spermatorrhoea oaused by over-eierti brain, self-abuse or over-ladstaeseeu run: contains one month's treat meat. Mai or six boxes for SS, sent by mail prepaid a m ceipt 01 price. - WE GUARANTEE SIX MXE To cure any case. With eaeh order weetvedayw ' for six boxes, accompanied with IS 88; we n4K tend the nnrcbaser our written nanatean refund the moneyif the treatment (tees at ag fectaenre. Guarantees issued only by gaB, (k Stucky. Druerf'rt, Sole Agent, 1701 and avcandcor. Wylie ave.and Fnltoa L.PMW burg; Pa. se2T-luoo DOCTORS LAKE SPECIALISTS la aH quiring soieatMe sad Hal treattnest! Br. &. M.R.C.P.a,ifleoSJ M most experieseed speeMMC tbe city. uoBatananaa arHntlv eonfliiniitial. l,ntiTllto4and7to 8 P. K.: Saadays, x ta JLConsUlt tnem perwmauy, 01 wins. Lake. 328 Penn aveu, Pittsburg. Pa. jeia-i5-DWfc ,'a Ccrtrfecm. mommZ COMPOUHB .Composed of Cottom Soot, Thst tst ' PeBByroyal a leoeat dJeewerr inrsfi montUir-Safe, Effectual. Pries 'old physician, htaeeemfymr -Hafe. RffertnaL Pries St. fir sealed. ladles, aek your draMist for f Cotton Root Compound sad take bo nr innlrxw 2 stamns for seeled pert a pond lily company. n.i : Biock, 181 Woodward a ve-, Detroit, Math. 43-aold in Pittaberg; Pa., by Joseph ing & Hon. Diamond and Market sta. m CHICHESTER'S EHSUSH PENNYROYAL PILLS RED CROSS tHAMONS . IUS aa4 ahran RBatM. 1 mm DrwMtfial tar JMaanwJ J la red, wia auo, waa wmm una rutoon. itie aaten. aai ami la paitrteart Bona mat pen an su VUB iimaau j A. fitamoal air DarUaakus, s and -Belief ferXavdfe" a aaaar, j Mfm mail. Mamm Tmm. aitimtnaeieXtaHmatnl-,'? , oeg-7wtr MfTIMniMIV a rosrrnra aM t ituff a IWI I IV I fill I AAflWV,; III H I 1 J I Km I bhl Weski BodrAMInd, Lack of Streak, Vifr JIAHUOU (tealed) free. Addreas JCBIJC MtlWCA Bnaalo. N. Y. otaa-af-n HARE'S REMEDY 44 For men! Checks the worst trnthtflti days, and cores in five days. Prieett Hkaa -i J. FLEMING'S DRUOS3k 1a5-29-TT38u 4l2MarkatW Mantiood RESTOIH BKOmrFaaS. A1 OC ToatnflU Mti4jur PuimaliiTa Deour. mrroos D Kjuihood, x, fiavtoii tried biTaJn erary kraiant dy , n aucorerea a mm mui oi aan hj will antl faMladl PftjEK ta hla f rikyaMmfl Addraa, i. B. RBEVBB, P.O. Box 3a,w oe V b . afcakatatat OK TflWEAKMCHsS MMtalaMBC' tvA JftrtlfJafcBW 9mW mmm 1 . forf J?r( .... .- '.r js.. fi'a .. l wjTiij 7 j x, I III 1 111 1 1 III