s . V I I sBBBsbbf, abB raw Jttfr&rrsTTr iW Vy'A'fB LSTABLIBHED FEBRUARY 8, 1846. YoL. No.SS7. Entered t Pittsburg l'ostofflce. November 14, 18S7, as second-class matter. Business Offlce--D7 and 99 Fifth Avenue. Hews Rooms and Publishing1 House75, 77 and 79 Diamond Street. lulen Advertising Office, Itoom 45, Tribune Building, ewYork. Average net circulation of tho dally edition of Tttk Dispatch for rlx months ending September S3, 1SS9, ai sworn to before City Controller, 30,095 Copies per Issue. Average set circulation of the Sunday edition of The Dispatch for four months ending Septem ber 3. 18SS, 54,188 Copies per !sue. TEIUIS OF TUE DISPATCH. rOETAGE rBEC UT TOT! UNITED STATES. DAILT DISPATCH, One Tear S S 00 DAILY DISPATCH, 1'er Quarter 2 00 Daily Dispatch, One Month 70 Daily DisrATcn. Including Sunday, l year. 10 CO Daily Dispatch, Including Sunday, Sm'ths. 2 50 Daily Dispatch, including Sunday, 1 month so fcCKDAY Dispatch, One Year 5 SO M'xisly DisrATCH, One "1 ear 1 25 The Daily DisrATCH Is delivered bT carriers at If ccnla pervert, or including Sunday edition, at iCcents per week. PITTSBURG. TUESDAY. OCT. 22. ISS9. TEEAT ALL ALIKE. The ordinance introduced into Councils last evening looting toward taking down the overhead electric wires of the Pleasant Valley Railway is so manifestly aimed at a single corporation, and goes so lar in the di rection of making fletb. of some electric companies and fowl of another, that we do not think Councils can afford to pass it in its present shape. The only way to rid the streets of the overhead wires is to treat all corporations alike. There is probably little room for donbt that the electric railway's structures add something to the danger, and a great deal to the obstruction, of onr streets, from the overhead wire nuisance. The Dispatcii has clearly and consistently urged that til such wires be put underground; and an ordinance lor that purpose will receive its hearty support But the passenger railway company is not the only, or the chief offender in this respect. Arc light wires are strung all over the city. A net work of telegraph and telephone wires obstruct the streets; and immense masts dis figure the city. As regards tension the rail way's wires are no more dangerous than those of the light companies, while as re gards obstruction and disfigurement their iron poles are superior to the ugly masts which other corporations have planted ev erywhere. If the ordinance should provide that all electric wires must go underground, the Pleasant Valley company wijl have no ground for complaint Or, if Councils can not go that length in facing the united cor porations, let it make the ordinance refer to all wires bearing an electric current exceed ing two or three hundred volts. Such pro visions will be just and impartial, but this measure is not To shut out this single company and leave all the others untouched, is to permit the danger to go practically unabated and to subject the business in which the different companies are engaged, to the grossest favoritism. THERE SHOULD BE BOOK EH0UGH. The statement was published yesterday that there is quite a rush for space in the Industrial Exposition to be made on the visit of the Pan-American delegates here, and that some of the manufacturers who had failed to make exhibits at the regular exhibition just closed will find themselves left on the outside at the coming show. It is certainly to be hoped that this occasion will impress on all Pittsburg firms the im portance of making the regular Exposition a full exponent of P'ttsburg industries; but there is no apparent reason why the useful ness of the coming exhibition should be re stricted. There are two large buildings, one of which will be entirely vacant bv the end of the week. If the exhibit can be made to fill the main building, as well as the machinery building, it will be so much the better for the exhibitors, for the Exposition and for Pittsburg. COHVOTCHiG TESTIMONY. It is rather pleasant in these times when the suspicion of scandal and frequently so much more than suspicion is general with regard to the leaders in politics both cf this republic and of France, to read of the testimony by an authority like Emile Zola, to the irreproachability of President Carnot. In an interview on French politics he says of the President: "Xot a single mud splash has reached his faultless overcoat." This testimony is more convincing from the nndoubted talent and disposition of Zola, if there were any mud splashes, to de tect and point them out The apostle of gutter realism would not be likely to spare the French President for the sake of convention alities or out of respect to his high position. When Zola says Carnot is immaculate we can feci for the pang with which he bears testimony to the fact; but we can also re joice in the purity of the French President as beyond question. TEE SPECULATIVE SQUEEZE The tumble in the Xew York stock mar ket, yesterday, was nothing more than a large-sized and significant demonstration of the old proverb that "what goes up must come down." Talk about tight money and unfavorable conditions of business is heard as giving the proximate causes; bnt the tight money was simply due to the demand for funds'to carry big speculations, and the cut rates of a Western road would not break the market if it had not been boosted on the apparent presumption that everything was going to be favorable for stocks, now and forever. The decline is the inevitable and legitimate result of speculative ballooning. 'The ballooning has not been very aggravated and the decline will not, therefore, be very severe. The largest degree of inflation has been in the trust business, and the trust certificates are, consequently, the leaders in the tumble. Legitimate trade and industry which have kept on a sonnd and conserva tive basis, need not fear that they will be drawn into these purely speculative com plications. BEAE-LEADING DEMO CHATS. The means which the Democrats at Hano ver Court House, Va., adopted to silence the campaign oratory of Julius CaJsar Bur rows the other day was doubtless very success ul; but somehow it fails to convince the impartial hearer of tbe political superi ority of the Virginia Democracy. lir. Burrows commenced to address a meeting at that place the other day; but some ardent Democrats brought out a tame bear, which climbed trees and otherwise performed tricks so as to render it impossible for Mr. Narrows to go on with his speech. cessfal; but it is calculated to provoke a number of reflections which are less com plimentary to the Democrats than those en thusiastic Jacksonians mighthave expected. It must be conceded that the tame bear method of breaking up Bepublican meet ings is a much more genial and good humored method than the regulation Southern vayNof doing it with shotguns and revolvers. In that light it is to be recognized as an advance; but still it leaves a great deal of room for improvement However sophistical Mr. Burrow's argu ments on the subjects of tariffs or the Vir ginia debt may have been, it was hardly a complete refutation of them to make a bear climb a tree; and whatever attack on the cherished institutions of the South may be involved in the success of the party he sup-, ports, we fail to see that their hcinousness is exposed by making the bear get up on his hind legs and growl. In fact, however good the joke may seem to ardent Democrats of tfaeursinestamp, per haps intelligent people may think that the joke is the other way, when Virginia Demo crats themselves reduce their politics to the level of bear-dancing. THE TBUF. STAND. The avowal and repetition by President Roberts of the views credited to him in his speech at the Pittsburg Club, last week, leaves no room for doubt either as to the fact of the speech or the declaration of the President of the Pennsylvania Bailroad that he is Opposed to pooling; that he be lieves in competition, and that he recognizes the right of Pittsburg with other trade cen ters to competing roads. "While tbe surprise of such a speech from such a source naturally gave rise to some doubts, it is pleasant to give full recogni tion to Mr. Roberts' declarations, because the principles which he states are funda mentally and essentially correct It is true that the legitimate interests of the Pennsylvania Bailroad require no support from pools or trusts. It is true that it need not fear the destruction of its property by competing lines. It would have been more prosperous to day if it bad relused to be dragooned into the railway combination which built up the Standard Oil Company; and every competing line, that comes into "Western Pennsylvania at least, brings its own recompense to the Pennsylvania Bail road by the increased business resulting from the property which they produce. It is well that President Roberts has recognized and declared these principles. "We hope that he will not have to be re minded of them when the business interests of Pennsylvania next undertake to build a legitimate railway through the State. THE BEQULEEMEirr FOB TEADE. One of our leading manufacturing firms is quoted, with regard to South American trade, as saying that, while they have never shipped any goods there, they believe that "the great difficulty in the way of this city furnishing South American cities with goods is the want of transportation." That improved transportation would doubtless be a great aid in increasing our trade with South America, is true; but that it alone will make trade is a great mistake. Enough has been published on the subject to show that our manufacturers must learn what classes of goods th South Americans need, and the form in which they wish them shipped. "When we have learned what sort of goods will command the trade of these countries, the next question will be whether we can furnish them as cheap, or more cheaply, than England or Germany. That the transportation question is not the only, or indeed the chief one, involved, is apparent from the fact that Pittsburg products are already being shipped to those countries. The vessels which bring coffee, sugar and other products from Brazil can and do take back certain Pittsburg products, and will take back more when our manu facturers study those markets for the pur pose of supplying them. Of course regular steamship lines will greatly facilitate trade and should be pro Tided. But it should be recognized that the most important step in the development of such trade, is the study of the wants and capabilities of both continents, such as the South Americans are now giving to our countiy. THE AMERICAN TOWEB. The plan for a tower to surpass in lofti ness the Eiffel structure at Paris, and which is intended to be a leading feature for the Exposition at "Washington, forms an inter esting item in to-day's Dispatch. A structure 1,500 feet high, with an audi torium seating 25,000 people at its base, would possess attractions of its own that would relieve it from the charge of being a copy of M. Eiffel's work. Indeed, as The Dispatch has pointed out heretofore, the famous Parisian structure was only an en largement of the tower at the Philadelphia Centennial, as Mr. KinkePs structure would be an enlargement on the latter. The prin cipal objection to a Columbus tower like this at Washington, would be that it would overtop the monument to "Washington. C0HN AND CUPID. An ear of corn and Cupid are not ap parently related. Poets have made much of Cupid, and the beauties of a field of corn in tassel have often been celebrated in Terse, So much they have in common. Bat we are more apt to associate corn with butter and salt and pepper, than billing and coo ing. Corn on the dinner table seems a good deal more natural than on the altars of Hymen. Yet Cupid and corn go together in Kansas all the time. There corn brings Cupid's victims to Hymen. This year has been abundantly prosper ous for Kansas. Her harvests have never been so great The corn crop was the largest on record; that of wheat was phe nomenal also. Kansas is enjoying a healthy boom upon the strength of an agri cultural yield worth a hundred millions of dollars. Cupid comes upon tbe heels of the big corn crop, and he reaps among the reapers. His arrows have flown among the farmers who have found fatness in the fields. Among the young people the matrimonial movement has been most pronounced. There were never so many marriages in Kansas before. Xobody is bo poor that he cannot take a wife. The cribs are full of corn now and marriage feasts are making the whole State merry. It is not corn that bnngs Pittsburg her present prosperity, though it will help her to keep it, but the same result of pros perity may be seen here. There is a steady demand for marriage licenses. Seventeen were granted on Saturday last,and the num ber is steadily increasing. The earth is very fruitful and marriage seems to be a very popular institution still. Chicago reporters count that day lost whose slow, descending sun does not pro duce some stunning Cronin sensation. The Cotton Oil Trust has concluded that the trust business does, not work. Trusts generally discover this fact when they are nnable to freeze the other fellows out The trust scheme worked for the benefit of the Cotton Oil combine until the inter-State commerce law shut down on railroad dis criminations; and one of the best evidences that the law is doing something ie furnished by the statement that this leading trust is now found to be useless. Governor Forakep.'s illness may or may not have been produced by untoward events In the political campaign; but the Ohio Bepublican leaders can hardly be blamed for being made quite sick by tlfat bad break in the forgery business. It is understood that arrangements are alreadv completed for sending the regular quota of millionaires to the United States Senate, from the incoming States. After the operation of stuffing the Senatorial seats with boodle has gone on for a few years longer, it may be necessary to offer a pre mium which will temper that assemblage with a slight admixture ot brains. Possibly when Mr. Cleveland goes South he may more than get even with Governor Hill by remarking incidentally, in one of his speeches, that he did not bring along a stock of ceiling whitewash with him. The statement that the united efforts of two Senators to secure the removal of Gen eral Bosecrans from the position of Register of the Treasury will cause no mourning out side of the ranks of the office seekers. Nevertheless it is likely to be taken as an illustration of the good it does a man to be cousin of the wife of the President of the New York Central Bailroad. Uncle Eumjs Hatch has contributed to the New York Exposition project just what the other New York millionaires have already supplied it with to repletion. He has given his opinion and advice. Eight thousand cigarmakers have gone on a strike in Havana. But the supply of gennine Havana cigars surreptitiously brought over by gentlemen with a manifest inability to speak English until they have got their money, will be offered cheap for cash in as great abundance as ever. The baseball "Brotherhood" seems to have stirred np the League to at least a per ception that the royal road to riches in the baseball business may not be so rosy in the future as in the past Once more the glad news comes from the new United States building that the derricks are up, a cargo of stone has arrived, and work will go right ahead until the building is completed. It always produces a feeling of certainty that the world does sometimes move, when we hear that story. Chief Brown's raid on the museum humbugs will be universally indorsed. So far as the question of power is concerned the general verdict will be: More power to him. Perhaps after the South Americans have got through their trip they will have arrived at the deliberate conclusion that the surplus products of this country in the line of banquets, sleeping cars and speechifying, are staples which their own happy countries can do without. "Startling developments" were prom ised in tbe Cronin case at the close of last week, and the promise was made good. Another juryman was accepted. Chicago's most recent natural gas strike seems to have been principally effective in scorching those who discovered it Whether this is prophetic of what will happen with the flow of Chicago gas concerning the Ex position of 1892, remains to be dicovered. PEOPLE OF PROMINENCE. It is said that ex-Senator Warner Miller's ac tivity in tbe New York political campaign is due to a promise of renotnination for Governor. assistant Secretary Batchellor has returned to Washington from a short visit to New Yore, and resumed his duties as Acting Secretary of the Treasury yesterday morning. Kichard Gray, tho general freight agent of the Southern Pacific Company, was yesterday appointed general traffic manager of tbe com pany, vice J. C. Stnbbs, resigned. Tbe appoint ment will take effect November L.. Austin Corbin returned from Europe Sun day in the steamer Umbria. He was met at Quarantine by the tug Monitor, of tbe Reading Railroad, andtaKen to Hunter's Point, where a special train on tbe Long Island Railroad carried blm to Babylon. A movement bas already been started look ing to the erection of a monument to the late General Hartianfr. General Hastings has sug gested a popular subscription from tbe mem bers of tbe National Guard, and it is thought that a sum sufficient to erect a bandsome monument will soon be raised. Ward McAllister has not lost his hold on society by reason of the unpleasantness de veloped In the arrangements for the Centen nial ball. Mr. McAllister is now planning for a great ball at tbe Metropolitan Opera House, New York, to which only the upper "400" will be eligible, but at which it is expected that 1,000 persons will be present Mrs. William Astor has headed the list of subscribers. The Naval Academy Institute at Annapolis has elected officers as follows: President, Rear Admiral S. B. Luce; Vice President Captain W. L. Sampson; Becretary and Treasurer, Lieutenant Richard Wainwright; Commander Glass, Lieutenant Commanders Sperry and Lieutenant Lentze. Lieutenant Briggs, Passed Assistant Engineer Eldriage and Prof. N. M. Terry were elected the Board of Control. Secretary Tracy, accompanied by his aids, Lieutenant Mason and Lieutenant Coles, tbe latter commanding the Dispatch, yesterday afternoon called upon the delegates to tbe In ternational Marine Conference who have here tofore paid their respects to the Secretary of the Navy. Last evening Secretary Tracy went to Brooklyn to register for the election next month. He will return to Washington to-day. Within the next week Mrs. Harrison ex pects to visit Philadelphia as the guest of Mrsl Wanamaker. The exact time of ber depar ture will depend upon certain matters of do mestio regime at the White House. It is also her purpose to visit her sister, Mrs. Lord, who is under the treatment ot a physician in New York. Mrs. Lord is still attended by ber daughters, Mrs. Lieutenant Parker and Mrs. Dimmick. She is improving slowly, but she is yet far from well. Mob. Francis Satolli, titular Archbishop ofLepantoand President of the Academy of Noble Ecclesiastics, is tbe fall name and titles of the Papal delegate who has been designated to represent the Holy See at the inauguration f the Catholic University at Washington and tbe celebration of the centenary of the estab lishment of the Catholic hierarchy In this conn- try. On his arrival in RewYork be will be met down tbe bay by a delegation of prominent Catholics and escorted to 'Washington. The Archbishop, for nine years, held tbe Chair of Dogmatic Theology at tbe Urban College of tbe Propaganda in Rome. IDAHO EEADT TO COME IN. Tho Governor Thinks the Territory Is Pre pared for Stntehood. WAsnrNOTON.October2L GeorgeL, Shonp, the Governor of Idaho Territory, in his annual report to tbe Secretary of the Interior, gives the Important provisions of tho constitntion which will be submitted to the people for their adoption at an election to be held on Novem ber 5 next Idaho, be states, claims all essen tial Qualifications necessary to assume tbe dignltrand responsibility of Statehood. Ignlty'and responsibility of Statehood. The report states that there are over 25,000 people in Idaho wbo are adherents of the Mor mon faith. The population ot the Territory is 113,777. Poll gamy, however, is not at tbe pres ent time openly practiced in the Territory,'and tne constitution wui promuu it. THE PITTSBUEO- DISPATCH, THE TOPICAL TALKER. How Twelve Trunks Went to New York nnd Were Emptied to Their Owner's Sorrow TLo Shows This Week. In a recent number of Harper's Weekly Julian Ralph wrote very entertainingly of cer tain curious avocations to which men devote themselves In New York City. Among these he noted tbe business of buying the dresses of fashionable women an industry very much superior to that ot buying old clothes merely. tt is quite a large and remunerative trade. A few years ago a lady of this city the wife of a well-known Pittsburger went to New York. Her errand was partlj business, partly pleasure. To the former purpose she carried no less than a dozen trucks, packed with dresses which she had no farther use for, though many of them had not been worn more than once or twice. She bad a fondness for costly dresses and was devoted to fashion. Ar rived in New York she went to the Fifth Avenne Hotel, tbe trunks tollowing her there. Tbe next day, as one of the urbane clerks was allowing the public an entrancing view of his figure and diamonds, there passed through the lobby of the hotel a small man with Hebraic features and an immense bundle. The clerk, did not like the look of the old man staggering under a load of something wrapped in an oil skin. He sent one of the strapping Irish por ters after the old man to bring him back. When the old man approached the desk tbo clerk asked blm what he had in tbe bundle. "Old clothes, sir," was the reply. "Where did you get them from?" "From the lady in room 110." "That's Mrs. , of Pittsburg one of onr wealthiest guests impossible!" said the clerk, sternly, and he sent up a bell boy to room 110 to ask tbo lady there if she had been disposing of any clothing. The bell boy returned in a few minutes with the answer that the lady in 110 did not know what the clerk meant, and bad not been disposing of anything to anybody. "Exactly what I thought," said the clerk, putting his soft hands together, and then, ad dressing tbe old man with the bundle, he said: "I shall have to turn you over to the police." The old man was highly excited by this time. He took ont a big wallet and drew from it a letter, which he handed to the clerk. The lat ter took it and found it to be a note addressed by tho lady occupying room 110 to Mr. , dealer in ladies'' and gentlemen's clothing, etc., asking him to call upon her at tho hotel. This complicated matters, and the clerk, with the note, went un to room 110 himself. Mrs. was almost in tears when she confessed that she bad sold a quantity of dresses to the mer chant In question. It was a decidedly unpleas ant situation all around. The clerk bad to apologize to tbe lady in 110 and to tho ola clothes merchant The former was sulky, and the latter threatened to sue the hotel. Tho story got out, and Mrs. , of this city, has never taken her cast-off dresses to New York since then. . The theaters are bidding each for very differ ent support this week. From tbe look of the Opera House lat night "Little Lord Fauntle roy" bas most claims on the women and chil dren; at the Bijou the Byrons appeal to tbe lovers of sensation, and the howls of the gal lery gous last night showed that thousands had turned out to greet them. At Harris' Theater the wolves and Indians and red fire of "Daniel Boone" drew another section of the public that likes its drama most richly seasoned. Fifth avenue was obstructed by the crowds at Harris' doors. Tbo patronage of all the theaters and the Academy of Music is so wonderfully good that all the managers are making money, and an other theater would not be at all in excess of the demand. HAETEANFT LAID TO BEST. His Remains Followed to the Grave by Jinny Well-Known Men. Norristown, October 2L Fully 20,000 visit ors were in town to-day, and about 8,000 fol lowed the remains of the late General Har tranf t to the grave. The burial services of tbe Episcopal Church were read by the Rev. Dr. Davidson, of Philadelphia. The other services were under the ansplces of the Presbyterian Church. At 11 o'clock the body was taken to the Court House and lay In state until 3 o'clock. Dr. McCook, Chaplain of the Loyal Legion, as sisted by Rev. Dr. Bieber, of Norristown, con ducted the services in the Court House, as well as in tbe cemetery. In addition to tbe re ligious and military services the Knights Templar performed tbe ceremonies of their order over tbe grave. Tbe procession formed at 3 o'clock, headed by tbe First Bngade Band. Then came General Snowden and staff, with a military escort On either side of the caisson marched tbe pall bearers, ex-President Hayes, Commander of the Loyal Legion; General B. A.Alger,Commander-in-Chlef of the Grand Army; Major General D. McM. Gregg, Commander of tbe Pennsylvania Commanderyof the Loyal Legion; Major Gen eral John G. Park, late Commander of tbe Ninth Army Corps; ex-Governors Cnrtin, Pol lock, Hoyt and Pattison; Chief Justice Paxton, Supreme Conrt ot Pennsylvania: Brigadier General James W. Latta, ex-Adjutant General of Pennsyltanla; Major General William J. Bolton, Colonel R. H. L Goddard, General C. H. Bnrnev, Colonel George H. North, Colonel Chailes S. Green, Samuel C. Perkins E.C. Knight John Slingluft, Hon. Henry Rawle, ex-Treasurer State of Pennsylvania: United States Senators J. Don Cameron and Matthew S. Quay, General Lewis Merrill and Chester N. Farr. Following the body of his dead master marched the General's handsome horse, bear ing his sword and boots. Then came the chief mourners, incinding the family, and 200 officers of the National Guard. Governor Beaver and staff followed, then tbe Loyal Legion and vet erans of the Fifty-first, General Hartranft's old regiment and veterans of the Two Hun dred and Ninth Pennsylvania Volunteers oi the old Ninth Corps. Then came the Grand Armv Veterans, under Department Com mander Stewart, over 1,000 strong. They were led by Zook Post, of Norristown, followed by Meade Post No. t Post 2 and Post 10, of Phila delphia. Tbe civic demonstration was very Impressive, under Chief Marshal Rennyson, and included tbe State Legislature. SALARIES OF MISSIONARIES. A Proposition Beforo Episcopalians to Raise Them In Liberln. New York, October 2L The Board of Mis sions of tbe Protestant Episcopal Church held its final meeting and adjourned sine die to-night Bishop Burgess, of Qnincy. presided. A resolution was offered by Panlus Moort, of Liberia, asking that the salaries of missionaries in that jurisdiction be fixed at S50, and deacons at 8500, payable quarterly. The resolution was favorably received, bnt action was deferred. Tbe report of the Treasurer of the board showed that children contributing to the Lent Missionary Fund numbered 190,000. The aggre gate received in money from this fund was $16,705, no less than 1,629 Sunday schools being represented by the donors. The triennial report of the chnrcb building fund was read by its treasurer. Judge Prince, of New Mexico, displaying a mo9t flourishing condition of the fund. The final disposition of the Moribund million-dollar enrollment fund was referred to the Board of Managers. Emma Juch'g Success in Opera. IsrxciAi. telegram to toe DisPATon.l Philadelphia, October 21. The Emma Juch Grand English Opera Company inaugur ated Its career with a remarkable performance Pof "Faust" at the Academy of Music to-night. If to-night's performance is a criterion of those that are to follow, it is safe to say that Miss Jnch's company will have a lengthy and pros perous life. , DEATHS OF A DAI. Alexander P. Kcwlou. Alexander P. Newlon. late an employe of the William G. Johnston Printing Company, dropped dead at his home in Mansfield, Pa., yesterday at 6:20 P.M. Heart disease was found to have been the cause of his death. Mr. Newlon was a very prominent Mason, and a member of one of the Pittsburg commanderics. Mr. Newlon had Just alighted from a Panhandle train when he was seized with the fatal convulsion. He was 50 yeara of age, and leaves a wife and four daughters. Centennial Lodge, P.'and A. M., will conduct the funeral, Edward C. Colgnn. LOUISVTllb, October 21. Edward C. Colgan, editor of the Cumberland Gap, a paper published In the new town of MIddlesboro, died this morn ing in this city of pneumonia. Mr. Colgan was on the staff or the Courier-Journal and other local papers for many years. He was a Confederate Soldier and ameinber of Morgan's famous cavalry. He was about 43 years old, and leaves a wife and two children. Jnred E. RedCeld. Habtfobd, Conn., October 21. Jared fc. Eed fleld, of Essex, Conn., died Sunday, of pneu monia, aged 65 years. He was President of the Saybrook Hank, and largely Interested in railroad operations, being President of the Little Rock, Mississippi and Texas Railroad. James Pentfleld. Boston. October 21. The well-known Inventor m - ii. w -. n..sa.1S v. . Is closely associated with the early lace and wool manuiaciuriug u uu vvuu uvu wua. i .TUESDAY," OCTOBER 22, AT THE THEATEBS. Little Lord Fanntleroy Himself The Byrons Other Plays nnd Players. . Every man, woman and child who goes to tbe Grand Opera Honse this week will be tbe bet ter for the visit To the average man it will be a glimpse of the best and most gracious hours of his boyhood that little Lord Fauntleroy will bring back to him; to every woman, and especially to every mother, the revelation of that almost divine sympathy between mother and child, which is the keynote of Mrs. Bur nett's story.must prove indescribably touching, and to tbe children all tho natural truth of this portrait of a princely boy cannot fail to be de lightful. Tbe reader of tbe book "Little Lord Fannt leroy" is prone to doubt tbe possibility of translating tbe story into tbe diama without losing the wonderful charm of Mrs. Burnett's style, and tbe delicacy of the toncb, as it were. We are free to admit that we expected to find Lord Faunlleroy in her play a very much coarser character than the. hero of the book. Those whom the footlights shine upon have to be made np to stand the glare. Tbe lights of the stage are artificial; and the great charm ot Mrs. Burnett's tale is its naturalness, the accuracy of the distribution of light and shade. Well, we were disappointed, for all the charm of tbe book is in tbe play, my little lord loses none ot his nobility upon tbe stage, and tbe only differ ence is and it is desirable that tbe play tells tbe story more dramatically than the book. Last night Master Tommy Russell stepped out of one of the illustrations of Mrs. Burnett's book upon the stage of the Grand Opera House, and a large andience had tbe pleasure of making the acquaintance of Little Lord Faunlleroy himself. Never was there in the world a prettier picture f a sweet-tempered, high-spirited boy than this theatrical Lord Fanntleroy. A beautiful boy with golden curls, and bright honest eyes, and straight Hmbs,and a ruddy cheek,and a voice that would melt a stonier heart than bis lordship's the Earl of DorlncourCs. Inbiswbite blouse and knickerbocker, as Cedric Ferrol, the son of a poor widow in New York, tbe intimate friend of Hobos, tho groceryman, and Dick, tho boot black, be was as delightful as be afterward was in the tastiest of clothing befitting tho Karl's son and heir. Lord Faunlleroy. And ashe Is graceful and fair, and sweetvoiced and the very Imase physically of Mrs. Burnett's crea tion, so Master Tommy Russell by bis extraor dinary ability as an actor succeeds in bringing ont every point of pathos, every jot of humor that lines or sitnation contain. He never made you remember be was merely acting. Self consciousness be apparently knows nothing of. None of the defects of child actors that awful cleverness that makes the spectator desire to hide his eyes or tbe f orgetf nlness so natural in a youngster; none of these has be. Tbo result was that the beauty of tbe character in living flesh and blood was set before the audience. How they admired It was shown by tbe laugh ter, tears and applause in all parts of the house. The company supporting Master Russell Is a very good one. The Dearesot Miss Elizabeth Garth had a rare sweetness and dignity which personal beanty and refinement heightened. Mr. Aiken was admirable as tbe Earl of Darin court, simply admirable. Mr. Snyder gives a very fair picture of an English family lawyer. Bobbs, the groceryman, could hardly be made more humorous than Mr. Parkhurst makes it, and Dick has at least tbe true New York Bowery accent in bis impersonation by Mr. Henderson. There is just room for question as to whether Miss Emily Lytton does not make Minna, the pretender, a little too offensive, but there is no doubt at all about the cleverness of her acting of the part The scenery is not wonderful, but good enough. It ought not to take such an awfnl time -to set as It did last night Tbe play ought to be over by 1030 In stead of lLandasso many children wtll be pres sent each night this matter is worth attend ing to. t In conclusion it may be said that such a re freshing and beneficial play as "Little Lord Fauntleroy" Is a rare treat indeed. It is unlike anything in the catalogue of plays. Harris' Theater. Tbe lovers of border drama turned out in full force yesterday to see "Daniel Boone" at this popular playhouse. There wasn't a bit of standing room to be had half an hour before either performance. In the evening the side walk was nearly blockaded by hundreds who could not gain admission. Even this house, always well patronized, bas seen no such crowds this year. As for the attraction. It was the same old frontier play, well rendered by a ca pable company, and the realism of the en counters with red men heightened by the fact that the Indians were real Cherokees, there be ing four braves, one squaw and the 'cutest lit tle papoose, about 2 years old, dressed In buck skin and wearing a feather headdress as large as his father's. His appearance interrupted the action of the play for several minutes, the audience going fairly wild over the comical and unexpected sight of the little fellow crawl ing ont of a blanket and taking bold of his father's band. The trained horses came next to the Indians in the estimation of the specta tors. There are half a dozen of tbem, all good actors. The week's business here will doubt less be as big as that of any week this season. BIJoa Theater. A large audience was present last night when the curtains were drawn apart and tbe snow drifted down npon the first scene of "Across the Continent" Miss Eate Byron came out Btrongly In the first act as tbe broken-hearted and dying wife, while Charles Willard. as Dennis OPDwyre, excited the risibilities ottbe gallery to a considerable extent. When, after a supposed elapse ot 20 years, Oliver Byrou made his appearance as Joe Ferris, the "Ferret" he at once attracted the sympathies of the audience. During tbesecond act some clever specialties were introduced, and in tbe interval Mr. Samuel Barkell gave a very pleas ing cornet solo, receiving generous applause. Harry Williams' Academy, Harry Watson's American Specialty Com pany began a week's engagement at this house last evening, a very large audience being pres ent They were treated to a good variety show, as the following long list of performers will attest: Tbe Four Emeralds, Little Ida, Bonlden, Retlaw and Alton, B. M. Carroll, Miss Nellie Russell, Allen and Delmain, Satsnma, the Japanese juggler. Miss Annie Girard, the Bouldens, Gannon brothers, the Mendclls, Prof. Ei G. Johnson, and last, bat not least, Harry Watson, the funny Dutch comedian, and Mrs. Harry Watson, the well-known sou brette. The World's Museum. Tbe babies are the great card at the museum this week. There is a regiment of them on ex hibition and the prettiest is to get a t diamond ring. Beside tbe half man half horse there are several other notable attractions, among which may be mentioned the stage performance, in which the Day Family, Kelly and Hines, Emma Sunlin, the Swiss warbler, and the Peasleys take part. The museum was crowded all yes terday. DISFEASCHISE THE M0EM0NS. Such Is tho Recommendation to Congress Made by Arizona's GdVcrnor. Washington, October 21, Lewis Wolfrey, the Governor of Arizona, to-day submitted his annual report to the Secretary of the Interior. Concerning the Mormons tbe Governor says: "Arizona bad a law disenfranchising all who practiced, taught or encouraged polygamy. The first legislative act signed by my prede cessor was tbe repeal of thatTact I request and urge that Congress repeal the repealing act ana re-estaoiisu tne auuvo xernioriai law. "Politically the Mormons have adopted the nl.n of fiOnHlnv inlnnli and -fitnlrna' tA ,K& surrounding Territories in sufficient numbers to form a balance of power between the two political parties. They are willing to trade with either, but remain true only so long as the interests of tbe Cbnrch are best served. Tbo Church is their law and aH other lawissubserv lent to tbe orders of the Church. The Mor mons in this Territory number about 8,000." A LEAGUE OF C0L0EED MEN. A Proposition to Establish a National Or conization to Assist the Race. Chicago, October 21. John G. Jones, a law yer, of this city, who, many years ago, strongly advocated the forming of a State and national league among his race, with a number of prom inent colored men in different parts of Un united States, has agreed to call a conference of tbe leading colored men from every State and Territory In the Union to meet in Chicago in June next for the purpose or forming a na tional league. This movement, he, says, is not a work of men of their race, whose aim and am bition Is to hold office, bnt is for the protection and elevation of tbe entire race In the United States. This organization. MrTlOTt rtmi"t -wlTI ( ta claimed, largely aid and assist the colored men fln Ka Hnntham Bt'n rna f4 will i1a t-j colored people all oyer the country to work as ujj i 1889. MRS. MILLER DISCUSSED. A Woman of Embonpoint Skeptical A Thin Woman Likewise Another Womnn's Comments. 't After allowing tbe ladies sufficient time to tborongbly digest the lecture given by Mrs. Jenness Miller last week, I sallied forth to see with what favor dress-reform and its fair ad vocate had been received locally. As the early portion of her address was directed especially, to tbe fleshy woman. I selected for my first in terview a woman prominent in society, who freely admitted being "shockingly fleshy." In conversation with ber I learned that she did not believe It possible, as Mrs. Miller stated, to keep one's weight at any certain point unless that point was the natural weight She said she had tried every known remedy to rednca her own superabundance of flesh, bnt, with the exception of actual starvation had found noth ing effectual, and you know it is perfectly natural for weights to vary among people just as tbe Intellect does As to my adopt ing the system, I wouldn't think of it A slight person, or one of Mrs. Miller's weight, can afford to ignore the stays, bnt the fleshy woman, never! When asked if she didn't think Mrs. Miller rather severe npon those inclined to embonpoint she ad mitted that she did. but was inclined to laugh over the tirade.against them and their lack of taste in dressing. Of course ber criticisms were really against onr modistes, for most of us depend upon them for selections of goods and styles of making up, expecting them to make us look as small as they can. My next call was upon a lady who was as shockingly thin as the other one was corpulent She fully Indorsed what Mrs. Jenness bad said about voluminous draperies and folds for the nse of the slender person, but did not believe flesh could be put on or off to pleasure one's fancy, not even by a rigid course of treatment for sbe had exhausted physicians' skill, foreign travel, malt and chewing gum, in tbe vain endeavor to accumulate avoridupois. She thought Mrs. Miller bad living down to a science, but rather .felt sorry lor Mr. Miller, as he probably was known only as tbehnsbandof the beautiful and talented Mrs. Miller. Regarding tbe much abused corset she said for ber part shouldn't need any, and it was easy tor ber to discard them. Didn't think she wonld, however, if sbe were at all fleshy. Sbe thonzht the divided garment was a horrible ngly thingln spite of the efforts to make it appear attractive. The last lady called upon was of medium weight and height but bad above a medium will of ber own. She said she admired the sys tem, intended to adopt It; admitted the beanty and talent of tbe reformer, but did not consider ber a philanthropist by any manner of means; there was too much business about ber for that Thought the advertising of her garter, magazine, school of culture, herself and ber gowns a little too prominent in her lecture for good taste. And so far as her gowns were concerned, didn't think any of them but the blue walking suit especially pretty. The idea was conveyed that they were just from tbe tissue paper, but the tissue paper wrappings must have been meant for some of the gowns shown in other cities over six months ago. She seemed to think we never had seen bandsome toilets from the way sbe referred to her gowns drawing ns all to the lecture, when in reality the dresses worn at any of our swell receptions far exceed hers in boauty and costliness. Of course sbe is doing lots of good and it takes a woman like ber to successfully inaugurate a reform. You know that until she married Mr. Miller and exploited dress reform she was a temperance lecturer. Thoene Branch. In a Social Wot. The Carlton Club, of Fifth avenue, with their orchestra and quartet were entertained at tbe residence of Mr.W. A. Case, Forbes avenue, Oakland, on last Thursday evening. Tbe night's enjoyment ended with an elegant spread, after which a good-night speech was made by Mr. Steven W.Clancy, president of the club. The tenth conference of the Woman's Inter national Christian Association which will have its opening session in Baltimore to-day, will be of absorbing Interest to all engaged in tbe work. The Twin Cities can boast of the best organized plan of work in the United States. The many friends of Rev. Dr. George F. Kaylor have presented blm with a valuable gold watch as a testimonial of their affection. Rev. Kaylor has for some years been assistant to Rev. Father Nolan, Dut will depart In a few days for his new appintment at Sewlckley. The wedding bells will chime to-day for Miss Mary Tooley.of Penn avenue. East End, and Mr. Bernard F. O'Callahan, of. Philadelphia. The ceremony will be performed In St Mary's Church by Rev. Father Tobln. 'Tifi! wedding of Miss Mary A. Wacker and Mr. Henry J. Holman will be celebrated during Hlgh""Mass at St. Mary's Church lu Sharps burg. Rev. Father J. Otter will officiate. The Select Club had their usual meeting at the Library parlors this morning. The interest among tbe young ladies increases with every meeting. SAEAH ALTHEA LEFT OUT. The Relict of Judge Terry Can't Claim Any of Bis Fortune. rSFZCIAL TXLIOBAM TO IM DISPATCH.l Washington, October SL-Tudge Matthew P. Deady, of the Oregon Federal Circuit and District Court, is in Washington. It was be fore Judge Deady that the famous Sharon Hill case was brought to a bearing. Judge Deady wrote the opinion declaring the famous marriage contract a forgery, and Judge Saw yer wrote the concurring opinion. "I came East" said Judge Deady, "as a dele gate to the Episcopal Convention in NewYork. Yes, I sat in tbe Sharon-Hill case. Tbe fact is he gave bert500 a montb, furnished magnificent quarters and spent money on her lavishly. He always had a woman about him, more as a nurse than anything else. Finally she began to pry into bis private affairs, look into bis papers, and betray his business secrets. When he fonnd that out he discarded her, bnt rather than see ber go on tbe street be gave ber 57,500 in notes, all of which were paid but the last and that would have been but for tbe suit she instituted against him. Tbe thousands of dol lars he lavished upon her she lost in stock speculations. Her Influence on Judge Terry was undoubt edly bad. She urged him to acts beyond even his own inclination. Yet he was of au arbi trary, bullying, overbearing disposition. She is an adventuress now about at the end of her rope. Judge Terry left I understand, about 260,000, but encumbered. She gets none of this, asunderthe California statutes there is no dower or courtesy. A wife has Interest only In that portion of ber husband's property ac quired during their marriage. In November she will be tried before me for resisting the au thorities." IT WASN'T KEELrs M0T0E. Some Excitement Among Ills Neighbors About Ills Burslar Alarm. From the Philadelphia Record.! Residents in the neighborhood of Seven teenth and Oxford streets were rudely awak ened from their slumbers a few nights ago by the clanging of a deep-tonedgong. Men, women and children put their heads out of the windows expecting to see a terrible conflagra tion. Two drowsy policemen who were resting under a neighboring awning awoke, rubbed their eyes and then dashed toward the scene of the disturbance at the residence of Inventor Xeely, of motor fame, on the southeast corner Of Seventeenth and Ox ford streets. It was tho latter's powerful burglar alarm that was ringing with might and main. Frantic neighbors shouted, "thieves," "burglars," in a weird chorus. The stalwart Inventor dashed down his richly carpeted staircase into the dining room, where tbe family silver is stored. Heranplnmp Into the armsof the policeman, who promptly forced the inventor to the floor, but instantly recog nized him and apologized. Afterthehonse bad been searched from cellar to roof without lo cating any burglar, it was discovered that the wind had blown a shutter against tho gong, causing the electrical apparatus to start) When informed of the cause of the row a facetious neighbor observed that he had an idea the famous motor was about to mote. SILYER IN WESTVIKGINIA. Discovery of an Ancient MIno Supposed to Contain Valuable Ore. (BFXCTAL TELEGRAM TO TBI DISPATCH. J Raleigh C. HM W. VA., October ZL-For some time past there has been a belief in this county that silver In paying quantities existed somewhere in the vlcimtv of the Isaac Dickens farm. For 100 years there has been a tradition that the Indians, or a race prelum mciu .u this portion of tbe country, were familiar with the existence of the mine, the story current Kitni. tn th..ffpitthatth route to the mine was marked by upright stones, each bearing. rude nierogiypnics. A short time ago railroad surveyors discovj ered strange characters cut upon a rock, and Mr. Dickens was informed of the fact He had always been a firm believer in the silver mine tradition, and he at once instituted a search, which resulted in the discovery of other stones, of a similar nature, and later the mine itself. Specimens of the ore have been taken out and sent East for analysis. A DiHcult Precept to Follow. From the Christian Inquirer. The Scriptures call on ns to "honor all men.'.! It is too bad that some men say and write snob mean thlags that t&ej make obBweta ttiM jJieucyi. BittiwtrawB wswwcts GOSSIP OP GREAT GOTHAM, ' Life Saved by Transfusion of Blood. tNXW TOEJC BUSXAtrFXCIALS.1 NEW Yoke1, October 2L Morris A. Redding an artist and bis roommate, A pocketbook, maker named Ffeffer, went to bed at their boarding house, 208 East Thirty-fourth street Bunday morning, and turned on the gas full bead. They intended to commit suicide. The blinds were closed and there was no ventilation In the room. Tbe door was broken open to day. Pfeffer was found dead; Redding was dying. Pf effers body was taken to tbe morgue; Redding was removed to Beilevue Hospital. The doctors thongbt the only thing that could possibly save Redding was transfusion of blood. Dr. Cnmmings entered ward 23, and when be explained tbe urgency of tbe case, Henry Von der Leith volunteered to undergo tbe operation, "if noth ing else will save blm and he'll die without It" Von der Leith is a brawny German carpenter in New York, but report says be was a baron in Germany. He is tem porarily confined at Beilevue with an injured foot Von der Leith was laid npon a bed near the dying man. His right arm was bared and stout ligatures were bound around it above the elbow, causing the veins to swell. Dr. Cnm mings then opened tbe median cephalic vein In the German's arm and inserted tbe transfusion apparatus. Then they opened Redding arm, and the other end of tbe instrument was forced into the opening. Blood was then forced from Von der Lelth's body to that of Redding. The latter began to revive, slowly at first and then quite rapidly, until, in a few minutes, he opened his eyes and regained consciousness. By that time 12 ounces of blood had been trans fused. Tbe operation lasted but 15 minutes, ana the man's life was saved. The doctors say Bidding's recovery Is now assured. All Ties Broken Bnt One. Theatrical circles have just discovered that E. J. Henley and Miss Mary Hampton were married here last Thursday, and with perfect disregard ot their ironclad contracts with their managers, left immediately for San Francisco. Mr. Henley was one ot the actors who came over from England to play "Deacon Brodie." Since those days Mr. Henley bas played in many companies and bas been recognized generally as a good actor. Mr, Henley and Miss Mary Hampton were not even acquainted, some weeks ago, when they met in Chicago in "The Spider's Web Company." "The "Web" failed to catch the public, and the play was discontinued. Mr. Henley and Miss Hampton came to New York, and within two or three weeks arranged to, marry and go West despite the fact that Henley was engaged to play tbe leading part in Edmund Mortimer's play, "The Shanty Queen," that is shortly to be produced, witb Frankie Kemble in the leading part while Miss Hampton was to bavs assumed the role in the No. 2 "Shenandoah" Company, now played by Miss Dorothy Dorr. Neither engagement will be filled. Saved by tbe Skla of Their Hands. Tbe Campbell andlMyers famnies,who live in tbe third story of 1025 Third avenue, Brooklyn, over Mr. Campbell's drygoods store, awoke early this morning to find their rooms 'full of smoke and the stairways half burned away. The firemen had not yet answered tbe alarm which a policeman hid turned In, andnolad bers were at band, Mr. Campbell cut the rope from a corded bedstead, knotted it together and bung it onUof the window. Mrs. Camp bell, with her youngest child clinging to her back, let herself down the rope, her little boy followed ber. and Mr. Campbell, Mr. Myers and Mrs. Myers slid down behind him. Tbe hands of all were badly lacerated and their clothes were scorched, but no one was seriously injured. The fire was extinguished after doing some 53, WW worth of damage. Three Days of Awlal Horror. News has just been received that the steam ship City of Brooklyn, of the Bristol Liner when two days out on her last Eastward voy age from New York, rescued 14 men and a cabin boy from the wreck of the Italian bark Barone Podesta. The bark hailed from Genoa, and was en route tromPensacola to St Nizarre with a cargo of lumber. Early in the month the bark sprang a leak, and she steered for New York. On September 10 sbe encountered a hurricane. Her deckload went overboard, carrying the masts with It, and the bark cap sized. The cook was washed overboard with, the deck load. The bark settled, and the bow sprit and a stump of the foremast remained above the water. The seamen put the cabin boy in a barrel, and lashed him to the bowsprit with them. The 13 men remained clinginsto the bowsprit until September 13, when they were rescued by the City of Brooklyn. During the three days they ate the raw salt pork tbat washed up out of the ship, and drank the rain water that they squeezed out of their clothes after a heavy rain storm. They were landed in safety at Bristol, and turned over to the Italian Consul. HE DEPOSED THE PBESIDENT. TheExperlcnCB a Wheeling Republican Had While on a Train. From the'WheellDg Register. Avery good story Is told on a prominent Wheeling gentleman, which Is vouched for as strictly true. The gentleman had been East on a trip and was returning, having secured a seat in a parlor car. Some time before reaching Deer Park, the Wheeling gentleman arose and took a walk through the train to stretch bis legs. When be returned In the course of half an hour he saw a gentleman 'occupying his chair. Walking up he politely remarked: "Beg pardon, sir, you have my seat" The gentleman, who was a medium-sized mas' wearing a full gray beard and a silk, hat im mediately arose and having politely asked par don for his mistake, walked to the rear end of tbe car, where he stood until the train reached Deer Park, as be was unable to secure a seat When the train stopped he stepped out and quite a crowd was in waiting on the platform. Then tbe Wheeling gentleman discovered that he bad deposed the President of the United States, Beniamin Harrison, and ha a Republi can, too. xne snocic was great, ana toe wheel ing man hasn't exactly recovered yet PE0HIBITI0K IN THE NEW STATES. An Organization to be Formed to Blake War on tbe Liquor Traffic Kansas City, October ZL James C. Traut man. President of the Kansas City Temperance Union, bas submitted a plan to the presidents of the temperance unions of North and South Dakota, Iowa and Nebraska for the formation of a central organization. His plan, as outlined in bis letter, is as follows: Tbe success of prohibition next year In Nebraska closes the gap and cements fire Imperial States. lying side by side. In a united crusade against the liquor traffic. There ought to be strong central organization, embracing these fire States, and I suggest tbat a convention be called at Omaha about tbe first of January for the purpose of form ing such an organization. Limit the organization at nrst to these Are States, adding adlacent States whenever they submit the question of prohibition. Mr. Trautman to-day received replies from C. F. Atkinson. President of the Nebraska as sociation, and W. W. Barnes, President of tho 'South Dakota association. Indorsing the plan, and promising their co-operation. TEI-STATE TEIFLES. WrrxiAM K. Beabd, master carpenter of tbe Philadelphia division of-tbe Pennsylvania Railroad, on Friday last at Washington bor borougb, Lancaster connty, caught a salmon In the Susquehanna that weighed SJipoands. Twins weighing 20 pounds were born in Beading the other day. THE Labor Union Council of Beading will Sght Western beer and 5-cent barbers. AN Ohio church elder has been arrested, charged with robbing his neighbor's hencoop. He claims tbat be only took his own hens. Hknbt Hitt fired into a flock of wild tur keys in the Cheat fiver region asd killed three with one shot A FARMHOUSE In Wetzel county, W. Va is said to be haunted. No ghosts are seen, but tbe place is fall of mysterious noises. The other night 'the family were aroused by the crash of crockery, and awoke to find that every dish left on the supper table had been broken. A. man named Williams, living in Harrison county, O., loaded bis market wagon 'and was about to start for town oa Sunday morsiag when hesaw his paster passing by aad was re minded that it was tbe Sabbatb day. . ALesS&aBastbatbad bees stssdisg far Mi yOaWSlMaiii vOHBL WWsa fat AtC4 aaa ssesc at tas iibi i isi naaa-a ' CURIOUS COHDIKSATIOKS. J. W. Branch, of St. Loais, received a letter the other day that was written to Mm 13 years ago. 1 Henry Drum, of Tacoma, will be lone some wben be gets to tBe Legislature. He Is the only Democrat in the State Senate. An eccentric Detroit millteaaire get Into an argument with a woman, one of his tenants, and she slapped his mouth with a Msa cloth. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. E: W. Dunning, of Bridgeport, Conn., bas nine grand parents and great grandparents living. The other day the baby was photographed, with flvo of its grandmothers and great grandmothers, la one group. A recent clever invention is the tax anum, a little lantern-like apparatus which, in geniously placed at tbe back of a can, meas ures the exact distance traversed by it It is now being tried at Berlin, under poliee insp ee tion, and is said to answer exceedingly well. The other evening an Atlanta clergy man received a call from a couple wbo desired to be married. Tbo yonag people declined to enter the bouse and. be performed tbe cere mony while they were standing on tbe perea in the pale light coming horn an electric street lamp. The magnificent Romanesque Cathedral of Worms, which dates from the eleventh cen tury. Is to be entirely restored, under the sa perlntendency of Baron vos Schmidt of Munich. This church is built of red sandstone, and the interior is remarkable for soae very line sculptures and carvings. Lucile Fountain, of Grand Rapids, Mich., Is only 33 years of age, but has been married 12 times in almost as many States. Not one of her lords and masters think enough, of ber to look ber up, now tbat sbe is oat in the cold world again. She says she will get raarrlea again as soon as anyone comes along who wants her. At the Paris Hippodrome the chief" at traction for the season bas been tbe spectacle of a lion taking equestrian exercise the animal really mounting on the back of a horse and be ing carried several times round an lnciossre. Tbe receipts accruing from this novel perform ance are sated to amount np to the present to more than 8500,000. A big brown horse got out of a stable in Jacks on, MiclL, Sunday evening, and walked across the long Lake Shore railroad bridge over the mill pond, crossed several culverts, and wasound quietly grazing near the Fort Wayne track, beyond the crossfae. Tbe target tender saw the strange performance, and says that tbe horse crossed the bridge like a tight rope walker, never once mlsslBg bis foottae. An artesian well flowing 4,060 gallons per minute was completed at Yankton reeestJy, It is tbe largest in tbe Northwest disesarsa; nearly 18,000 barrels everv U hdsrs. There are now 25 artesian wells in that coanty. whose combined capacity is nearly 50,060 barrels per day. 'The force of tbe water is so great that if Is being used for motive power, and is attract- ing the attention of Eastern aunafaefarers, who find In these wells a never-ceasing pewec "Grandma" Brown, of Winsted, Conn., was 100 years old Thursday, and her friends made up a purse for her of $1 for each year In ber life. Last week Mrs. Brown fell and broka ber collar bone. Her condition from tbe in jury and shock was so serious tbat her death was expected, bat she has rallied and passed the day In safety, rounding oat tbe fall oeetary of ber life. Sbe was born in tbe year that George Washington began bis first term as President and was a young woman of 28 when tbe War of 1812 broke out Through inadvertently kiseiag a pretty customer, George Winch, a batcher at Sydney, New South Wales, has come Into a fertoae. Tbe girl objected to tbe attention, and bad, Winch taken up before tbe magistrates, who fined him. Tbe local newspapers improved the occasion by preaching several leading articles on human depravity in general, and the mis conduct of George WIseh in particakr. Ha woke next morning and found bteseif famoas, and it was then discovered, owing to the pub licity given to his name, that be was a arisiiBg heir. A shepherd dog belongiBg to S. C. Boylan, of Battle Creek, got his tall covered, with burdocks, then in some manner K took fire from a burning brush heap asd the untmal TMhed to a straw steck, whteh be setaaflfe.i From. the straw stack the fire spread to Mr. Boylan's wheat and" oat stocks, coetaiatog UU9 bushels of wheat and 2Saerss of oats. Frew there the fire spread to tares large bars, esa tateteg oreffiO teas.oTii iarsntw iawta- , meots, etc.", and to ta dwUHsg ftettse, wkBd mni and outhouses. Ererytalag was eosssmsd with the exception of a sous settees ef tbe household furnitare. The les will re&eat J6,0W. s ' - One of the juost remarkable iBttaMc oi -rmtknttoUinoraamBttntfeeBesoaBeek ' was separating the eetasans of tke Leados Py- giotittbie, completed in lw, by rutagTMHM) between the columns of prist on eash kaaa.'' ' Five red lines were necessary oo eaea paoe. '' These were made by band, of oearse, aad m4 ' t for the exercise of the greatest' still sad . V for a single blot raised at least fear piiatel y pages. This is tbe famoas Mate watefe was a v. , first dedicated to tbe Lord High Frotosisr Cromwell, bat who in a sasstHatsd ilniHoatloit .f- to unanesAU. alter urom wail's Heats, is ales-i,. antly styled "Draco Die Magaas," That tWsat Dragon!" ( A gentleman employed' at a eriMtrr'a few miles from Glasgow had a dsg nsWij Jimmy, which he parted who to a friend at a colliery some miles ttistaBtV Tke two eSsea are- connected by telephone, asd tbe otber morning the gentleman raagapWs Mead asd. asked how Jimmy was oolag. "Oh, he's flas." was the answer: "he's at my feet just bow; rH hold him np and see If be kasws your vette." -This was done, and tbe former owner shouted over tne wire, "HiBo, Jimmy!" Jimmy made no sign of recognHk, but oo being set down again he at onee mads for tbe deer, asd wbea his old master went home to dteser, tae deg was there to weleoae him. -R. G. McCeBBeU, of tbe Caaaiiaa Geological Barrey, bas returned irea bis ia-j spection of the region between tbe Pease "aaetjl a.iuauaufir7i3. a.a coajaeeeea asssc asi miles nortn oi uaigary aw exteadsel Ms t tions for some 300 miles farther aorta ta vicinity of Vermillion. This regies easmiis' an area of 30,000 or 40,080 square mites. LJtsie ' of this tract was ever explored befere by waste men. a great ura oi h is gsoel raiiniB. taao. but swamps abound and make it Matter, set tlement Tbe trees are principally isnue aaa poplar. Sneaking of tbe depeette eti re ported to be there, Mr. MeCeaaeU saM he cer tainly found qaaatttles of tar, iadteaMBg tbe presence of oiUbat Jat la wbat qnaailafss it existed be was net prepared to say betexo making bis reports. DXBIAN SUMMER SUNSHISX. A sulky girl may sometimes be eared by taking her in abnggywltb a sest last wMe saOBas for two. Somtrclll Journal. 4 YoHBgboy Fignres eaa't lie, sir. V; Oldboy-Caa't tbey, taeajtb? TeH teat to tbe modistesf-J&w Tork Herald. A ''Do yon believe in this will power?" Nothing is so powerful; you Jasttry to break one tbat an Insane old aaathas made." BttrvU JfrttFrtM. Dorothea After all, what's ia a same? Polly (stHehlng iadastriossly oa ierwed4tng trousseau) About U, 090 a year, my dear. Jfun- tey's Wetktg, A little reflection will prove that it-ta more often your own cross-grained streak tas' yonr wife's eooxiag oat spoils tas oiwaer. Jass- rmtet asrwaa. . t In a Chicago Grocery Store I wait .s.a .a .t. nf nun n.nt. - Tm Iwa &A Harp l Mill Rlntlitt kilTiSt.TjvaliusuY jrenXoTkXeraltt. "iJtffOr "Slow and rare," tbe wise heads oaalax Is by far the better Stan, The slow man gets there aH tke sates Just behind tbe otaermaa.. ,. -. -, -VHroitJi4 Prttt. Oae Objection. "How intense are tas fires of love I" ejaculated the post "Yes," answered tbefatber of sfraasriagtsbls daughters; bet tbey delate u M tight o coat" arpjr Bator. "Can yes give me same of tbe rales aboat writing poetry!" asked tbe smbHIons rhymester ., ortnenceessfiueaKor. : "Yes," said tne editor, "I can give you tbe? first sad asest toportaat; den'tl" SontnUU Journal, First Sport Tes, pard, it's hard timesva Ueeond Bport-Wbat was Mr What d'ye HJ on it? , 3 First Seort Umbrella-est rain oa It. -Awl JorA-iferafcf. Hoasewife (to baker) Toar rolls wessjl short yesterday sfrate. If ibis conttaaes rHbaW to ohm eft ha ten VQ Baker (who han't bees said for amoasbiTfl wish yoa weeM. iM'am; 1 wish yea weesaj jVsssassiaUBaasBaafssBSBl LsjsSsVsasssa SasBBsasBBsBBa JiaansBBjsBfa"4 Hum Beaeon, o Boston Da ym fesl sals usSfls asaTtas; torts OWWsiTsrsBawar 9BMaaB V sTaVBBW wsaja, fetMfcMaiatMr. sad a wsBBraaaaasBsss as saw i Mi um ItlLn i Hg .., j i 2vnfc.silMA.-. ggjjra .rf) n.-t A