F& " t .- v V THE PITTSBIIRG 'DISPATCH "ItUESDAY. OCTOBER 22," 1889-" tiP X DEMAND FOE SPACE. 'Ihe Pan-American Delegates Will be -,- Astonished With the Display "1,0F PITTSBURG'S IXDUSTEIES. It Will be a Great Mechanical Exhibition Hard to Surpass. COMMITTEES MAKING PEEPAKATIOXS If the Pan-American delegates who will airire in this city "Wednesday evening, No vember 6, do not haTe their eyes opened concerning the industries of Pittsburg, it will not be because the Mechanical Exhibit Committee is not trying to make the stay of the distinguished visitors an interesting one. If they see everything that is being prepared for them they will have to stay in Pittsburg longer than two days. The first meeting of the Mechanical Committee was held yesterday at the Exposition buildings. The following named well-known gentle men were present: Chairman D. C. Itip ev, John Bindley, Captain Hunt, A. J. Logan and Colonel T. P. Roberts. They walked through the buildings and around the grounds and took a preliminary retro spect of what they intended to do. APPLYING FOE SPACE. Chairman Kiplehas about 40 applica tions from manufacturers asking for space in the special exhibit. They represent nearly every industry in the city, and the exhibits will be novel and unique to the visitors. Among the principal applications is that ot the AVestinghouse Company. They want a space 50 by 75 ieet, and will exhibit their combined interests in it. The exhibition will include the products of their air brake works, machine shops, electric light plant and gas interests. The Thomson-Houston Electric Company, through their agents, Gawthrop & Hughes, of this city, will make a large display ot their alternating system of electric lighting. They will also put in their electric welding apparatus and will have a circular railroad track built to make a practical demonstra tion of their electric railway system. Mr. E. Gawthrop will leate lor Boston to-day to confer with the officials of his company and make arrangements for the transporta tion of tne exhibit to this city. The Oliver and Eoberts "Wire Company will also have a large space upon which they will have a miniature barbed wire plant in operation. They will take out their nail machines now in Mechanical Hall and put in the wire plant. THE WIRE EXHIBIT. The company sells hundreds of tons of their product annually to the South Ameri can jobbers and they will make a special effort to have the display interesting. Kip ley & Co. will also add considerable fancy glassware to their exhibit, which will be al lowed to stand. The tinned plate plant will also be of especial interest to the visitors. After viewing the grounds and making notes, the committee visited the offices of the Philadelphia Company to make ar rangements for a natural tras display. The old stand pipes used along the Allegheny river during the County Centennial cele bration will be put into service. The chem icals will be mixed at the wind-tower house st the entrance to floral hall, and the wide veranda in the rear of the cafe will afford the visitors an excellent vantatre ground to witness the display of many colored gas lights. While in this city the visitors will be taken to all the principal manufacturing plants in this vicinity The visit will in clude the plate glass works on the "West Penn, Homestead, Bessemer, Jeannette and other places. The distinguished party will leave for the East Saturday morning, the Stb. , Rrgemblinc a Sweetmeat. By the occasional use of Hamburg Figs, which is less like a medicine than a sweetmeat, the bowels ana liver can te Lent in perlect condi tion, and attacks of constipation, Indigestion, piles and sick headache prevented. 25 cents. Dose, one fig. Mack Drag Co., N. Y. Thsu The Lucky Number. One of the novel featuresof the Exposition was the registering ot names by the Singer Manufacturing Company, and drawing, at the close of the Exposition, for one of their elegant drop cabinet machines. Every lady, regardless of the machine she was usiug, had an opportunity of drawing this machine by registering her name at the stand, and over 12.000 availed themselves of it. Of these 12.000 ladies, 80 per cent are now using Singer machines. The drawing was conducted at the Expo sition in the simplest and fairest manner possible. At 9 o'clock two little girls were selected from the audience, and requested to draw the tickets, two disinterested gentle men acting as judges. The lucky number was 3,831, held by Mrs. Emma Zimmerman, of Salem, O., and she was at once notified of her good fortune by telegraph. Although the Exposition is now closed, the Singer Manuiacturing Company will continne their exhibit at their main office, Ho. 8'Sixth street. All are invited. TTSSu 810 OO TO CHICAGO. Aominn Excursion Tia the Pennsylvania Linen. The Pennsylvania Company will sell excursion tickets to Chicago on Saturday, October 2G, for trains leaving Pittsburg at 7:23 a. si., 1250 and 10 p. m., central time, good for return passage by trains leaving Chicago until Novembers. For full information apply to Samuel Moodv, D. P. A., 1127 Liberty street. tt" Carpets and curtains slightly soiled by the dust at the Exposition all go at half price next Wednesday. Axminster, wilton and moqnette carpets, Irish point lace and silk chenille curtains, turcouian curtains, drapery silks, rugs, etc.. at Groetzinger's, 627 and C29 Penn avenue, next "Wednesday. Wedding Gifts In Onyx Are as popular as ever. Clock sets, tables, pedestals and fancy pieces Royal "Worces ter, Doulton and Crown Derby are pleasing and appropriate. E. P. Eoberts & Sons have a wonderful collection of articles suit able for bridal gifts, and then they are so obliging and seem to know just what you want TSu' . Groetzlncrr Display nt ihc Exposition TrVa slightly soiled by dust All of it will be offered at half price next "Wednesday morning, at 627 and 629 Penn avenue. Fine Matched Carriage Team" And one good driver at auction at Chau tauque Lake Ice Company's sale on "Wed nesday, October 23. Sold tor want of use. Bee ad. on other page. Bluer Wine of Iron A nerve tissue food and enricher of the blood; pint bottle 50c, at Fleming's Drug Store, 412 Market street ttssu To-day we will sell men's fine kersey, melton and cheviot overcoats, silk-faced, worth 18, at S8 to-day. P, C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamon'd sts., opp. the new Court House. ;F. & V.'s Iron City beer is unrivaled. Connoisseurs pronounce it so. "Waet'WBIgiit's beer gives genuine sat isfaction always. All dealers keep it TuSu Cabinet photos, ?1 per doz. Lies' Pop ular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st ttsu The pleasantest and most wholesome drink is F. & V.'s Pilsner beer. ' "Wondeefcl bargains at Semple's stores. Closing ont See advt to-day. Ulna suffering, from nervous afflictions Hod quick relief In Farter's Ginger Tonic Porter's j Balsam aids the hair growth. AMERICDS TO GO TO OHIO. The Executives Committee Decide to Assist Fornker Big Wins Invited to Go Alone Ohloans Want Pituburg's Crack Folitlcnl Club. The Executive Committee of the Americas Club met yesterday afternoon to make ar rangements for the proposed excursion of the club to "Warren, O., on October 31. In addition to an earnest invitation from the Ohio State Executive Committee, the following telegram was received from the Chairman of the County Committee of Trum bull county, u.: Waerejt, O., October 19. H. S. Paul, President Americas Club, rittsburg: Governor Foraker will address alarge meeting hero on the afternoon ot Ociober31. We cordial ly Invite the Americus Club to bo present Answer. S. V. Basher, Chairman. The Executive Committee decided that if 100 responses are received by next Saturday evening to a notice to be sent out, the club will attend. They will assemble at their rooms Thursday morning, October 31, at 8:30 o'clock and leave for Warren at 9:30. Thev will go on a special train over the Pittsburg, Fort "Wayne and Chicago Kail road, returning at 11 P. m. The train will be beautifully decorated by the club and the railroad company will decorate the en gine. Thev will be accompanied by the G. A. K. Band. A special committee, by invitation, will make arrangements for a visit to Youngs town, on the return trip from Warren, where they will be the guests of the Repub lican clubs of that city. The following dis tinguished members of the club .have been especially invited to accompany the excur sion: General D. H. Hastings, Hon. G. "W. Delamater, Major E. A. Montooth, Hon. M. S. Quay, Hon. John Dalzell, Hon. T. M. Bavne, Hon. "William AlcCallin and Hon. E. T. Pearson. The regulation black suit and high white hat and white gloves will be worn, and red, white and blue umbrellas will be taken along. FAMOUS KES0KTS G0XE. Two Very Unsavory Buildings Which Are to be Razed. The old rickety two-story brick buildings at Nos. 100 and 101 "Water street, which be longed to the "Woods estate, have been sold and are being demolished. Those vile and gruesome structures have a history, and when the criminal chronicle of Pittsburg shall be written they will make up its longest chapter. For many years Tom Carney, the colored man who is now in jail as an accomplice in the Porter conspiracy cases, kept a dog gery at Eo. 101, Next door, at So. 100, was a desperate resort kept by Jerry Collins. Those two low drinking resorts and the neighborhood were known to the police authorities as forming the worst section of the city. Thieves and fallen women made their redezvous there, and many robberies and violent assaults were committed either in the saloons or in the immediate neigh borhood. About 14 years ago John Foster was mur dered there by George Jones and Jesse Car ter. Those two men were captured by De tective Coulson and were banged for the murder. In the saloons girls without char acter were employed on commission to en tice men to drink, and were often accom plices in desperate robberies. About three years ago the places were suppressed by the public authorities. Oo Time, And very early too. That's what anyone should be in treating oneself for inaction of the kid neys and bladder. The diuretic which ex perience indicates as supplying the requisite stimulation to the organs' without exciting them, is Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. Don't delay; kidney inaction and disease are not far apart. For fever and ague, dyspepsia, consti pation, rheumatism and nerve debility, also use the Bitters. Of Course It Will Stay Here. During the entire season of the Exposition nothing attracted so much attention or won wider admiration than the magnificent Brazilian white mahogany chamber suite exhibited by Pickering, of Tenth st and Penn ave. It was unquestionably the sight of the mammoth show, and everyone ex claimed: "I wonder if Pittsburg will only keep it here?" Of course it will remain here. "Why, already there are three bids in for it, and vou can depend the nearest to $2,500 will get it "We have plenty of citi zens with ample home pride and means to keep it here, and you can rely onr city will continue to boast the champion suite of the world. It is now and will remain on ex hibition in Pickering's window until Wednesday, when the highest bidder will take it So let every would-be possessor of it send in their bid without delay. At any rate, it will well repay you to look at it once more. Roses. "A regular customer said to us the other day: "Mr. Elliott, I notice that you bring to your store every morning a wagon load of beautiful roses and carnations, when other florists send East for their supplies; how is it?" The answer was: "Simply be cause we have the facilities, the know how and energy to stay up o' nights and so have the pleasure of furnishing to onr customers fine fresh flowers for less money than they can buy stale ones that have lost their brilliancy and perfume." "We are the only growers here of the fashionable Hew Eng land rose, Duchess of Albany. She is a darling, please call and make her acquaint ance. B. A. Elliott Co., 54 Sixth street, Pittsburg, Pa. Axminster Capets nt Half Price! "Wilton carpets at half pricel Moqnette carpets at hair price. All the goods we had on display at the Exposition will be offered at half price, beginning on "Wednesday morning, October 23, at 627 and 629 Penn avenue. Edwaed Ghoetzixgeb. To-dax we will sell men s fine kersey, melton and cheviot overcoats, silk-faced, worth $18, at $8 to-day. P. C C C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. Beef, Iron and Wine. A nutritive tonic for convalescents and delicate ladies; full pint bottles 50c, at Jos. Fleming & Sons, 412 Market st ttssu Of Coarse You San- Oar Carpets At the Exposition. On "Wednesday mora ine next, October 23, the entire display which was slightly soiled by the dust will be placed on sale at 50 cents on the dollar. Edward Gboetzikger, 627 and 629 Penn avenue. To My Patrons nnd the Public My branch Steamship and Exchange office, at 639 Smithfield street, is now open for business. J. J. McCoemick, Agent OInral Decorations. "We'are receiving daily the newest things in wall and ceiling hangings, designed by the leading artists. Cuosikike, Bake & Bassett, TTS 416 Wood st Horace W. Hnbbnrd, of Cleveland, Certifies to the efficiency of Coaline Head ache Powders. "Wonderful bargains at Semple's stores. Closing out See advt to-day. F. Ss V.'s Iron City beer is unrivaled. Connoisseurs pronounce it so. "Waetweight's beer gives genuine sat isfaction always. All dealers keep it Tusu Cabinet photos, 51 per doz. Lies' Pop ular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st ttsu The pleasantest and most wholesome drink is F. & V.'s Pilsner beer. "Wonderful bargains at Semple's stores. Closing out See advt to-day, tS-Display advertisements one dollar per square for one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Bale, To Let, etc., ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BKANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except whero advertisers already have accounts with THE D1S rjLicn. PITTSBUBG. THOMAS MCCAFFKEY, 35u9 Butler street EMIL O. STUCKET, Hth street and 1'enn ave. E. G. faTUCKEY ACO., Wylle ave. and Kultonit. K. bTOKLY, Fifth Avenue Alarket House. EAST EXD. J. W. WALLACE, 6111 Fenn avenue. OAKLAND. JJCALLISTEII & SHEIBLER, Sth av. & Alwood t EOtrrnsins. JACOB SPOHN. No. I Carson street. H. A. DONALDbON, 3707 Carson street ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEItCHEK, 59 Federal street. JI. J. McBRIDK. Market House, Allegheny. FRKD H. EGGEKS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEKS & SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS JICHENBY. Western and lrwlnavcs. G.W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. FEKBYM. GLEIM. Itebeccaand Allegheny aves. 111L1.VALE BOHOUGH. W. "W. FLOCK.EK, Stationer. No. 4 Grant ave. WANTED. Ulnlc Ilcln. WANTED-A FIKST-CLASS BAKHER. NO other need apply. Inquire at 3709 Firm AVU. yV oc3-4G -TTTA-STED-IBON V makers. NO. Allegheny. BAILING AND FENCE 4 WEST DIAMOND ST., OC22-93 WANTED-ONE good BELL BOY FBOM 14 to 16 years old,at BOLKY'3 HOTEL, 31 to 33 Diamond, city. ocE-82 "TTTANTED-AT ONCE, TWO COATMAKEKS; TV steady work and good prices. Address J. L. LOCKHABT..Washington,-l"a. ocO-113 WANTED SALESMEN TO SELL AN article that is nowpnt on the market for the first time. Apply 118 FIKST AVE. OC22-G0 WANTED-COACIIMAN FOR LIVEKY: none hot sober aud experienced man need apply. T. B. MORELAND, 6100 l'enn ave. ocIO-147 TvrANTED-ATODiVG MAN FROM 16 TO 18 V years old to work In a retail grocerv store. Address, giving reference, Q., Dispatch office. ocS-37 XTTANTKU-SALESMAN TO SELL, GOODS BY V sample: good salary paid. Write to CEN- TENNIALMFG. CO., Cincinnati, O.. or Chicago. seS-'S-TTSSu WANTED-A COMPETENT 1KUG CLEKK, registered: must speak b'ennan: good posi tion for right party. STRYCHNIA, Dispatch of fice. o2-45 TTTANTED A FIKST-CLASS BARBER. H single; win nay good wages to rignt man steady work. Apply JOE C. BHECK. 2560 l'enn avenue, UCl--4 VTTANTED-TWO A No. 1 SALESMEN TO onlvmen of eacDe- vV sell candy and crackers nence neea apply, patch of&ce. Address DRUMMER, Dis-oclS-65-TuFSn TTANTED-A STEADY. SOBER MAN TO v Y rnn a nlanlng and floorlne machine: EieauyjQo. inquire cock st, Allegheny. at 1LLEY BROS., 64 1a- OC22-70 -TCT A N T E D EXPERIENCED GROCERY V clerk: must come well recommended. Apply by letter, stating where last employed, and salary expected, 6117 PENN AVE. ocffl-91 TT7-ANTED A GOOD COATMAKEB NO other need apply: prices, S5 50, ?6 60 and 3, takln ir neavT irun un heavy wltb the light. H. A. & K. M. K.EKNOTT, Reynoldsvllle, Fa. ocZZ-95 TTTANTED-WAKEHOUSEMAN "WHO HAS VV bad experience In packing hardware or glassware. Address, statins' where last employed, ABDWABE, Dispatch office. ocS-94 TrTANTED-BKIGHT. ACTIVE BOY. NOT V over 16 years of age, to learn the hardware titiRlnp& Tnnfit he resident of llm rltv. In own handwriting, HARDWARE, office. Dispatch OC22-94 w AN1ED-BEL1ABLE LOCAL ANDTRAV- speclal Inducements now: fast-selling specialties; don't delav: salary from start BROW N BROS., Nurserymen, Rochester, N.y. Eel7-70TTTS ANTED AN INTELLIOKNT.WIPIl' awake man, 15 to 35 vears old. as sailesinan; must come welt lecommended aud be willing to work bard; bond required. Call at ROOM 45, Eisner bonding, aftcr9o'clock. OC22-72 WANTED 3 HONEST, ACTIVE MEN IX) sell household goods In Pittsburg and Al legheny: we have all alnds of goods that people buy fast because thar need them. Call and get terms. E. GATELY & CO., 25 Federal St., Alle gheny. OC20-107-TU6O WANTED-BDSINESS MEN AT SMART'S COLLEGE, o. 4 Sixth St.; expert book keeping and balancing, arithmetic, penmanship, shorthand and typewriting taught tboronghly for 5 per month to ladles and gentlemen: open daily from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. ocl2-65-TTssn WANTED-LABORERS WANTED IN NEW Orleans 300 able-bodied men to ship as crew: wages SCO per month and board; to reliable men steady employment will be given. Apply to M. N. WOOD. Coast and Latausche Line, No. 2 Canal st. New Orleans, La. ocl&-42 WANTED-MALE HELP-tSO SALARY, M0 expenses In advance allowed each month. Steady employment at home or traveling. No soliciting. Duties delivering and making collec tions. No postal cards. Address with stamp, HAFEK & CO., Plqua, Ohio. ocS-63-TTS6n TTTANTED-AGENTSTOSELLTEA. BAKING VV powder and pure spices: gifts wltb goods: coke workers, miners or mlllmcn can make money in their spare time: special Inducements to per sons having established trade. YAMASH1RO TEA CO., SS Jackson St., Allegheny, Pa. u20-79-TTS VTTANTED-SALESMEN AT 75 PER MONTH VV salarvand expenses, to sell a line of stiver plated ware, watches, etc; by sample only; horse and team furnished free; write at once for fnll artlculars and sample case of goods free. STAA AKD SILVERWARE CO., Boston, Mass. se24-90-D WANTED-TO EMPLOY TWO GENTLE MANLY young men (not dndes) for office work: must be energetic and willing workers: one to work on collections and one lor shorthand and typewriting: must be neat writers; young men of Methodist families preferred. Address, with references, M. & S., Bedford, O. OC23-73 Femalo HelD. TTTANTED-A FEMALE COOK AT SIXTH VV Avenue House. Apply at SIXTH AVE. OC22-76 AND GRANT ST. WANTED-OIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE WORK: good wages and good home to the right girl; German Protestant preferred. Ad dress if. V., Dispatch office. OC22-81 TTTANTED-COOK. AND CHAMBERMAID: V middle-aged woman preferred: for family I In Florida. Apply first floor, 150 FOURTH AVE -1 (i a nnnir nr,i iinnr. i.-KiK..iiif.ir-i nvf i city. Deiweenn i and 3 o'clock. Thursday and Fri- day. this week. OC2-C VV' cook and chambermaid for small fimlly; S3 50perweekcacn: iuu uousegins, ;aj lornoieis, dishwasher and night cook, waitresses. MEE HAN'S, 545 Grant st. OC21-D -TTTANTED-LADY. AGENTS FOR OCR NEW Mcintosh raglan; snperlor cloth. In wide stripes on outside; vulcanized rubber on inside; close fitting: very stylish: never spots: beautiful as the finest cloth garment ever made, and is abso lutely water-proof; agents sell six a day nnd make t8; great opportnnltv: also fine line other goods. Address E. H. CAMPBELL, 484 Randolph st, Chicago. ocl-66-TTSu Ulnlc and Female flclo. WANTED-AGENTS. MALE OR FEMALE, In all couulry towns, to sell photograph albums: latest designs for fall trade Just received; big profits and quick returns to energetic agents; write terms, etc. ONION PUBLISHING CO., 103 Fourth ave. seS2-so-TTT8u Situations. WANTED-POSITION AS STENOGRAPHER and typewriter; can give best of reference. Address X. X. Z., Dispatch office. oc22-50-TT WANTED ACCOUNTANT'S WORK. OB writing of any kind that can be done In the evening bv a thoroughly competent man. Ad dress ACCOUNTANT, Allegheny, Pa. OC22-44-TT8 WANTED-POSITION AS BOOKKEEPER, having sold out my own bnslness and wish ing to connect myself with a good house; refer ence or security can be given. Address BOOK KEEPING, Dispatch office. oc22-0 WANTED-SITTJATION. BY A MAN OF 15 years' business experience: is qualified to take charge of the accounts of manufacturers or contractors: has had experience tn buying, selling and contracting. Address W. F., Allegheny, Pa. OC22-43-STWT TUTANTED-SITUATION BY YOUNG MAN V who has a good knowledge of bookkeeping In some reliable business house, wholesale pre ferred, where strict attention to duty will secure advancement: oest of city reference. Address W. S. M.. Dispatch office. OC22-S5 Financial. -TTTANTED-TO LOAN S500,OCIO. IN AMOUNTS V V of 3,000 and-upward, on city and suburban property, on i percent free or tax: also smaller amounts at i and 6 per cent BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. se21-d2S-D WANTED MOlCTGAGES-11,000, 0O0TO LOAN on city and suburban properties at 4K, Sand C per cent, and on larnis In Allegheny ana aajs cent counties at 6 per cent 1. 11. PEN NOCK 4 bON, 105 Fourth avenue. ap7-f41 A WANTED-TO 1.OAN 200,OOD ON MORT GAGES: (100 and upward at 6 per cent; (5fO,000at 4K per cent on residences or business nmnortT! ttlan In adlofnlncp counties. H. H. FRENCH, 125 Fourth avenue. oc31-cS4-s J WANTED. Financial. TTTANTED - MORTGAGES OV IMPROVED VV city property. In large or small amounts, bee u UiiliUUiN s DUJxa, au lourin ave. OC1-9S-TT8 TXTANTED-MORTGAGES-MON EY TO LOAN W In sums to salt at 4K, 5 and 6 per cent ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 107. apl9-14-TTSSU -TTTANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP W ERTY. over 84,000: i ner cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVLk&CO., 2 Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-D WANTED-MORTG AG rS-lt. 000, 000 TO LOAN In large and small amounts at 4H.-aya,6 per cent, free of State tax; no delay. KtED B. COY LE & CO., 131 Fourth ave. my21-60 Partners. WANTED-A PARTNER-OR WILL SELL entire Interest in one of the oldest and best equipped printing, binding, lithograph, station ery and stereotype business west or Chicago: out fit inventories (JO, 000, and is doing a large bank, conntyand railroad business. For full particu lars address PUBLISHER, care of S. C. Beck witb. Tribune Building, New York City. WANrED-FARTNER-55,000 FOR HALF IN TEREST in thriving proprietary medicine hnsiaess. Specialties, protected by U. S. patents; profits average 500 per cent: expenses nominal; no travelers: goods thoroughly advertised and es tablished with leading wholesale and retail drug gists; will guarantee to double investment within two years; splendid opening for young or middle-aged physician to superintend office practice and consultation: none but those who mean busi ness and have the money need apply. For partic ulars address 31., care Carrier 14, Kansas l-ltv, Mo. OC22-J8 nitacellnneons. -VT7ANTED-EVERYONE HOLDING CLUB VV tickets to call at AUFRECHl'S ELITE GALLERY before November 1. 616 Market st. 0CJ2-53 WANTED-SECOND-HAND SPRING WAG ON, suitable for hauling sawdust: must be In good condition. Inquire at WlFlltoT AVt OC22-41 A. -VT7ANTED-YOU TO GET A BAKER'S VV doien (13) of Stewart A Co. 'J fine cabinet photos Tor II, at 90 and 92 FEDERAL ST.. Alle gheny. mv23-49-TT8a WANTED-TO PURCHASE AN INTEREST In a wholesale produce and commission business: references given, patch office. Address J, (1. DIs- 0C22-36 WANTED-MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN to receive the benefit of AUBRECHTIS ELITE GALLERY MS Market st. 1 S7T I T 'CUV ln ll nta. in rtSTfl TT1 flTT" club tickets; 10 days more. oc -jo -TT7-AN TED-TO START A CLUB OF 42 MEM VV BERS to secure a fine gold watch for each one in the Chili at (1 CO per week. Address P. O. BOX 501, and I Will call and snow you the watch. JyiHO WANTED-BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE, parents should have their children's photos taken at AUFBECHT'S POPULAR ELITE GAL LERY, 516 Market St.. Pittsburg; cabinets, finer dozen; Ufe-slze crayons, f5; come early. oc22-o8 WAITED-THE PEOPLE TO KNOW1HAT YEAGER & CO..70 Federal St., Allegheny, will make cabinets of anybody during this month for 75c per doz.; bring the little ones: don't mlssi No. 70 t ederal st. 'these cabinets will not fade. ocl-91-D TTTANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO VV TOOKAPHER. S6 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street Allegheny, everybody to know that he is making fine cabinets at 81 50 per dozen; photos delivered when promised: instan taneous nrocess. uihl3-63 FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Cltr Residences. FOR SALE-A VERY PROFITABLE INVEST MENT, on Marion, one-hair square lrom Fifth avenue, near Court House: price only 3,700. W. A. UERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. OC22-31-TUF FOR SALE-A FIME INVESTMENT-TWO brick dwelling houses, one of 8 rooms, the other 5 rooms, situate on Congress street: price only 17,000. C. BER1NGER & SON, 103 Fourth aie. OC19-41-TTS FOR SALE-DESIRABLE CENTER AVENUE residence near Fulton St.; one of the most desirable residence locations in the city: 9 rooms: late Improvements. For terms see W. A. HEREON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. ocS-H-Tua FOR SALE-LOCUST ST., BET. MAGEE AND Chestnut Sts., fine new brick dwelling 7 rooms, bathroom, marble mantels, cemented cellar, both gases, inside shutters: house Just finished: poses sion at once; price (3,600; ll.OOO cash, balance to suit. ALLES & BAILEY, 154 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. oclS-48 ' IT"OR SALE-REDUCED TO F.OOO-A MAG 2 NIFICENT brick residence. In Duquesnc Heights, containing 8 commodious rooms, 2 large attic rooms, reception hall, bath room, 2 w. c's stationary washstands, parlor and ball finished In hard wood, natural gas, beautiful lot, 76x125: this bargain on easy terms. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. 21-154. oc20-U7 East End Resiaences. I7IORSALE-FOR 830,000 UNTIL OCr. 23-AN East End residence property; cheap at 915. 000. Address S1IADYS1DE, Dispatch office. oc21-7 FOR SALE A BARGAIN IN AN OAKLAND residence: brick dwelling of 9 rooms: speak ing tnbes, electric bells, etc.; lot 22x150 feet oa Meyraaave. C. BER1NGER SON, 103 Fourth ave. oc19-41-tts FOR SALE BEAUTIFULLY LOCATED frame residence of 7 rooms and finished attic; St. Clair, near RIppev st.: 4,500. on easy pay ts. MELLON BROTHERS; 6319 Station si., men E.E. OC20-119-TTSU FOR SALE-DAIRY ST., NEAR LINCOLN ave.. East End, 2 acres or ground wlth2room bouse thereon; good spring of water; a bargain to an Immediate buyer. BLACK HAIKU, 95 Fourth ave. Sa-211 OC21-2 FOR SALE-NEW 6-ROOMED FRAMEHOUSE and nice large lot In good location, near Point Breeze; handy to cable and railroad and a rare bargain; (2,600. on easy payments. MELLON BROTHERS, 6349 Station street E. E. oc20-119-TTea FOR SALE-A SMALL CASH PAYMENT AND balance on long time will buv a fine residence site In Villa Park plan, Brushton: our prices are very low and now is the time to Invest. JNO. F. BAXTER, Agent 512 Smithfield st OC20-59-IThSU FORSALE-FINE BRICK RESIDENCE OF 7 rooms and large grounds, on Rlppey St., be tween Hlland and Neglevaves. ; all conveniences and Improvements mide: price 80.900, on time. MELLON BROTHERS, C349 Station St., E.E. oc20-119-TTSn FOR SALE-TWO OF THOSE NICE NEW 6 room frame bouses which we have been sell ing for 52,200. on easy terms and small payment down: well situated, near East Liberty station and cable cars. KELLY ROGERS, No. 6315 Sta tion street East End. OC20-4S-TTSU FOR SALE A GOOD FRAME HOUSE OF 6 rooms and attic, porches, etc., situated on good street near East Liberty station and cable cars; lot 41x120: easy terms: S50U to IdOO down, bal ance in small payments. See KELLY ROOEK3, N 0. 6315 Station street. East End. OC20-46-TTSU FOR SALE-$3,750-E. E.. NEAR FIFTH AVE. cable road or P. R. R. station: cozy and sub stantial 2-storv 6-room frame dwelling, hall, gas, water, etc. : lot 43x109: this Is a corner property and verv desirably located: easy terms. SAMUEL W. BLACK. CO., 99 Fourth ave. QC22-85-TwyB ITOR SALE-HANDSOME RESIJJENCE, JUS-T ? flntshed, late style of architecture, reception hall, 8 rooms, elegantly finished, thoroughly im proved, electric lights, cor. lot. 54x115 ft., 1 square from Shady avenue: onlvf7,000; termsreasonable. W. A. HERRON SONS, 60 Fourth avenue. OC4-93-TUP FOR SALE-AT A BARGAIN-AN ELFGANT brick house and good lot near East Liberty station: homse contains 9 rooms and reception hall, bath, 1. w. c, laundry, etc.; this property will be sold at a low figure and on easy terras. See KELLY & ROGERS, No. 6315 Station street East Eud. OC20-40-TTSU FOR SALE-J500 CASH-REMAINDER PAY ABLEfoOO per year. Interest low on deferred payments: neat new house, late 6tyle, well finished and convenlenced; street Improvements made; centrally located In Oakland, near Fifth avenue cable line. W. A. HEBRON SONS. SO Fourth avenue. ocl-91-TUP FOR SALE-faSOO-SYLVAN AVE.-A GOOD 2-story brick of 8 rooms, wide hall, bath, h. and c -water, both gases, marble mantels, rooms newly papered and painted. 2 porches, about 1 acre of ground, with shade trees and shrubbery; exceeding cheap and reasonable termb. BLACK BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. OC20-136 FOR 8ALE-$5,10-FARKAGUT ST., NEAR Hlland or Stanton aves., E. E., new 2 story modern style frame dwelling, 8 rooms, ball, bath. Inside shutters and w.c, range, both gases, slate mantels, tile nearth, slate roof, etc.: lot 75x2C8 to a 60-foot street; this property will be sold at a very low figure on account of ill-health of the owner; terms easy. SAMUEL W. BLACK CO., 89 Fourth ae. oc22-86 Allcslicny Residences. FOR SALE-J7.000. CONSIDERED CHEAP, A deslraole Allegheny residence. No. 20J Junl atta st. : lot !4xl29 ft. : a good brtrk house: 6 rooms and attic; late Improvements. See W. A. HER RON SONS, 80 Fourth avennc. oc22-61-Tup T70R SALE-AT A GREAT REDUCTION U truly a bargain: only J,uuv; a good brick house: 9 rooms. In ftrstclass order: late lmprove iteil In Fourth ward. Allegheny. RON & SON S, 80 Fourth aye. menu well locate Set W. A. HERRON OC22-61-TUF Fc OR SALE-8,000 FOR AN ALLEGHENY home: Franklin st. near Bidwell. a irood 2 siory Dries: 01 o rooms uu uiuc uaiu, Dotn gases, other linprovcmentslarge lot; good neighbor hood. BLACK BA1H1J, 95 Fourth ave. 2B-1M. OC20-136 rr :...""- .i..-...- -.... v .. - FOR SALE-IRWIN AVE.. ALLEGHENY, near Pleasant Valley cars, new six-room house; excellent dry cellar: porches; front aud side entrances: water and gas; lot 25x80; place in nice order; now 'occupied by owner, but posses sion can be given at once: price, to prompt buver, 12,250. CHARLES HOMERS CO., 313, Wood st OC23 77 FOR SALE-A VERY DESIRABLE RESI DENCE. Clifton ave.. Second ward. Alle gheny, near street cars and electric road. 8 rooms. J nail, suaing uuors ucineen nail, p&nurauauimng room. Inside shutters, porches, front and rear, tine mantels, nat and art. gas, hath, Inside w. c. range and- lanntlry, etc.: this honse is well finished and papered throughout; grounds large and well kept surrounded by large forest trees: corner lot 1U6X130: more gronnd can be had irde slred: price low; must be sold at once. SAMUEL W. BLACK CO...V9 Fourth ave. 003-51-14,10, 18, 22, 24, 30 FOR SALE-IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Alleaheny Residences. FOR 8ALE 20 PER CENT INVESTMENT-9-room brick honse. Fourth ward. Allegheny; price ss, 00O: must be Bold; this Is your Chance. W. W. MCNEILL &BRO., 105 Fourth ave. ocZO-79-Tnsa Hnzeltvood Residences. FOR 8ALE-t3.500 FOR A HAZELAVOOD home; a 2-story frame of 7 rooms and finished attic hall, washhouse, 2 porches, with well water on back north: lot 50x150: covered with fruit. BLACK & BAIRD, 05 Fourth ave. 20-307. OC20-136 Suburban Residences. FOR BALE-BRUSHTON-HOUSE S ROOMS, good cellar, water, gas, etc. ; lot 29x100: good location: close to station: s-.all cash payment balance long time. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood Bt. OC22-77 TTORSALE AT BELLEVUF, ON ACCOUNT of removal of owner: onlrS2.300: aneathonse of 5 rooms: lot 40x176 feet: very conveniently and desirably located. For full Information see W. A. HEREON 4 SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. " ocIl-100-TuF FOR SALE-BEAUTIFULLY LOCATED AT Edgewood, fine large dwelling of 15 rooms, with one acre of ground; fruit and ornamental trees: everything In first-class order. For terms see W. A. UEKltON Jt SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. OCll-lCO-TUP FOR SALE LOTS. Cltr l.ot FOR SALE-ELEGANT LARGE BUILDING lot on Forty-fifth St., near Hntler at. ; cheap, on your own terms. W. W. MCNEILL & BRO., 105 Fourth ave. OC20-78-TTSU T7U1U SAI.E-SC0O FOR LAWRENCEVILLE X? lots, McCandless and Duncan streets. 20x100 each; convenlentto mills, etc. BLACK &BA1RD, w r ouriu ave. ci4 OClO-33 FOR SALE-IF YOU WANT THE FINEST view or the city, buy a lot on Bailey ave.. In the "Nautker Place. " Mt. W ashington: lots 50x125 each: terms to suit all. BLACK & BAIRD. 95 Fourth ae. 21-55. OC15-54-D East End Lots. FOR SALE-S300 EACH FOR OAKLAND lots. Frailer and Booth sts.; gas and water on street. BLACK BAIRD. 95 Fourth ave. 2D-214 oc21-3 T7lORSAr.F11.1(--F.ASY TERMS. FRANKS' V TOWN ave., near Brushton. a nice level lot 50x150. covered wltb fruit trees. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. 3A-301. OC20-139 FOR SALE-LEVEL BUILDING LOTS fronting east 24x100 ft., on Homewood ave., one square from Homewood station, P. R.R.; terms easy. W. A. HEBRON SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. oc4-77-TUF FOR SALE-OAKLAND AVE. LOTS. 30X100, nicely elevated above the street: flagstone, sidewalk and paved street: convenient .to cable road, and very reasonable price. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. 2D-2U oc20-133 FOR SALE-RARE CHANCES FOE PROFIT ABLE Investment; by buying a lot now In Baum Grove plan at present low prices you are bound to make money; Baum Groye plan will have more fine asphaltum streets and wide flag stone sidewalks than any other plan la the mar ket. MELLON BROS., East End, or JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent, 612 Smithfield street OC22-29-TF Bnzelwood Lots. FOR SALE-HAZELWOOD LOTS. 1500 EACH. 3 vacant lots on Kearcher ave., Twenty-third ward, 41x145. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. 2D-300. OC15-54-D T710K SALE-JWO EACH FOR HAZELWOOD JL. lots: ij oeauuiuuy lying 101s on mgeiuw, u. Sylvan ave.. 25X100 feet each. BLACK BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. 2D-306 OCl-Oi FOR SALE-HAZELWOOD AVE., TEN MIN UTES walk from station, on line of proposed electric road; one acre nice laving ground: six room house; stable, etc; price, &OU0. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood st ocSJ-77 FOR SALE-FINE. LEVEL BUILDING LOTS In the Blair estate. Twenty-third ward, 3 to 5 minutes from Hazelwood and Glcnwood stations, and on line or Second Avenue Electric Hf.; If you want a lot either for a home or speculation, don't miss this chadce, as wewlll soon have sold all that we can let go at present prices, ftoo to 1 1,500; terms, one tenth cash, balance on small monthly pay ments. SAMUEL W. BLACK CO., 99 Fourth ave. OC22-56-TUS Allechcnv Lots. FORSALE-FINE BUILDING LOT-FRONTING 25 ft. on Avery St., Allegheny, near parks, will be sold cheap. W. W. MCNEILL BRO., 105 Fourth ave. oc20-80 pi IOK BALE-ALMOST IN THE CENTER OF Allegheny EOOd building lots, easy of access. for $400, on easy terms. See W. A. HERRON SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. OC15-79-TTS FOR SALE-LOT 148X100, LACOCK ST., NEAR Federal st. Allegheny, at trustee's sale by direction ofOrphans' Court. OnThursday, Oct, 24. at 2 o'clock, will be sold on the nremlses. in lots to suit purchasers, that piece of valuable real estate belonging to the estate of the late Martha McDonald Smith, fronting 148 feet on the north side of Lacoekst. by 100 feet deep to a street ad jacent to West Penn Railroad; very eligible prop erty for manufacturing purposes; terms, one fourth cash and balance In three yearly payments. A. LEGGATE SON, Auctioneers. OC16-74 Snburban Lots. TT'l rOR SALE- -LOTS 40x120 FEET, IN MAPLE- J? WOOD Park: easy payments. GEO. S. MARTIN CO., 105 Fourth ave. OC20-25-TTSSU FOR SALE-1NGRAM, P., Inst at the statfon. bH acrei C. & ST. L. RY acres of fine land with young orchard: would divide Into lots to t :ood ad vantage and meet rapid sales. For a good invest ment don't mtss getting full particulars at BLACK BAIRD'S, 95 Fourth ave. OC20-138 I7IOR SALE-CHOICE LOTS; 50x194, HOO TO 600, , Belmont Place, Ingram. P., C. & St. L. R. It ; streets 50 ft wide: sewered: houses to set back 40 ft., cost at least $MK: terms 125 down, balance tlo per month. INGRAM LAND AND IMPROVE MENT CO., 60 Fourth ave. (second floor). OC13-I02-TTSU FOR SALE-LOTS AT ASPINWALL STA TION, on the West Penn R. R., adjoining Sharpsburg. only 7 miles from Allegheny City; firlces lew; terms very easy: to those building on ots at once great Inducements are offered. Call for plans at W. A. HERRON SONS', 80 Fourth ave. ocI-94-tuf FOR SALE THE LARGEST, BEST AND choicest lots In Allegheny county are found In Maplewood Park. Wllklnsburg; over one-half of the lots In the plan are sold; houses going up In every direction; secure one while you have choice; Ismail payment down, balance weekly or monthly. GEO. S. MARTIN CO. , 105 Fourth ave. OC20-25-TTSSU Lots. T7oR SALE-A NICE LOT IN ALLEGHENY cemetery, Address LOCK BOX 710, Pltts- burg Postotflce. OCWl Farms. FOB SALE-FARM 300 ACRES. GOOD buildings, near the new Arhuckle oil gusher; great bargain; to close estate. ED. WITllSH, 410 Grant St.. Pittsburg, Pa. oc!8-D FOR SALE-A DESIRABLE FARM OF 235 acres, well located near Bakerstown. Alle gheny county. Pa. ; price reasonable; terms easy. VV. A. HERRON SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. OCS-44-TuS "P OR BALK-OR EXCHANGE-FOR CITY nroDertv. a very fine farm of 110 acres, or will divide Into 60 and 50 acres, with good frame house of 8 rooms, large barn, etc.: land all tillable, good lences and abundance of water; located In Wash ington county, Pa. C. BEEINGER SON. 103 Fourth ave. oc19-41-tts TJ'OR SALE O'HARA TOWNSHIP TWO X miles from Sharpsburg and one mtle from the workhouse, 30 acres of flue garden land nnder excellent cultivation: well watered and fenced, good fruit orchard, etc.; 6-room brick dwelling; terms reasonable. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., S9 Fourth ave. oc 19-65-TTS FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Cnonces. FOR SALE-A GOOD PAYING GENERAL store at a bargain: storeroom and dwelling. For particulars address S. P. POORBAUGU, Glencoe, Pa. oc8-3t FORSALE-2 FINE BAKERIES AND CON FECTION ER1ES, In excellent locations, large grocery store In Pittsburg, 59,000 or invoice, doing yearly business of tlOO.COU; smaller grocery stores, S4O0 to $5,0X0; cigar stores, small bakeries, confec tioneries, boarding houses, drygoods and notion stores, feed store, printing office and many other business chances for males or females: free par ticulars. 8HEFARDCO.,54Flfthave. oc3 Bnaincss Stands. FOR SALE-A VALUABLE PIECE OF IM PROVED property In the Fourth ward: very cheap if sold at once. Call for full particulars at BLACK BAIRD'S, 95 Fourth ave. QC18-90-D FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock, dec FOR SALE-A CARLOAD OF FRESH MILK COW son Tuesday, October 22, atM. MARX, 45 First St., Allegheny. OC20-24 17IOR SALE SECOND-HAND BAROUCHE. ? as good as new. Can be seen at C- WEST CO.'S, Carriage Makers, 420Duquesneway, Pitts burg, Pa. oclO-26 FOR'SALE-BAY MARE, 9 YEARS OLD, good driver and don't scare at cars: also har ness and good buggv, doctor's style, will be sold cheap. Inquire at MCCUE'S COAL YARD, Third ave. and Try st pc2i-13 Machinery ana Metals. FOR SALE-ENGINES AND BOILERS NJ5W and refitted; repairlngpromptlv attended to: PORTER FOUNDRY AND MACHINE CO., LIM.. below Suspension bridge, Allegheny, Pa. au 10-23 FOR SALE -NOW ONE SECOND-nAND tenoning machine. 2 surface planers and 1 shapcr, and new and second-hand engines, boilers, lard kettles, tar tanks, bh'men valves, castings, etc VELTE MCDONALD, Thirty-second st and Pena ave. ivll-91-Trs Miscellaneous. FOR SALE-GKOCEBY FIXTURES AND stock. Address N. 11. D., Dispatch office. OC22-30 FOR SALE -OUTFIT FOR A GROCERY store; shelving, counter, blnns. stove, etc.. formerly used In George Rolls' store. Liberty and Ferry sts. InqulreTl FOURTH AVENUE, Pltts borg. -. - 'ocX-at - TO LET. Cltr Residences. TO LET A NICE BRICK HOUSE OF S rooms. No. 108 Erin st. C. BEEINGER SON, 103 Fourth ave. oc20-55-Tus East End Residences. TO LET-HOUSE OF 14 ROOMS, STABLE and outbuildings: large grounds; on Negley avenue, near Penn avenue cable cars. Inquire of HENRY ROBEETS,at01iverEobert Wire Co., Southslde. sel9-10 AllcBbenr Residences. TO LET-LOCUST STREET, ALLEGHENY. elegant new brick house, 8 rooms, perfectly flntshed and supplied with all conveniences: rent 40. CHARLES bOMERS CO.. 311 Wood at. OC22-77 Suburban Residences, mo LET-ONE OF THE BEST NEW HOUSES JL In Crafton; 9 rooms: natural gas. good water, large lot, handsomely Improved: rent M per month. J. K. MURPHY, office opposite Craf ton station. OC22-51 Business Stands. TO LET-A NICE HOUSE OF 4 BOOMS AND store room, a large lot and stable, at Third Toll Gate, on Perrysvllle ruad: rent $12 per month. C. BEKINGKlt & SON, 103 Fourth ave. oc0-55-TUS Offices. DeU Room, etc TO LET-IN STANDARD BUILDING LARGE and well lighted offices, cheap; Wood, near Sixth avenne. W. A. HERRON SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. oc5-45-tts TO LET-IN THE NEW DISPATCH BUILD ING, 75, 77 and 79 Diamond street two of the roomiest and best-lighted offices to be found In the city; rent ?200 and (300 per annum. Including elec tric lights. Janitor service and steam heating. Apply between 10 A. M. and 1 P. if., or between 2 and 4 p. M. jy23-67 Miscellaneous. TO LET-A DESIRABLE STABLE BETWEEN Crawford st, Wylle and Center aves.: ac commodation s for 9 or 10 horses, with bay mow. feed box and furnace: now occupied by Booth Fllnn; It will be leased for l year or a term or years; can get possession 10th or 15th of Novem ber. Apply toX). W. GREEN, Penn BuUdlng, 7C8 Penn ave. OC22-48 PERSONAL. PERSONAL TO YOUR INTEREST TO CALL Immediately at AUFRECHT'S ELITE GAL- LERY, If yon hold a club ticket. 516 Market st. OC22-S9 PERSONAL-MALTBY'S OYSTER DEPOT, late 76 Fifth avenue, removed to 641 Smith field street; fresh oysters received dally; orders filled at lowest prices. J. B. HEMMERLE, Mgr. sel-92-D PERSONAL BOOKS! BOOKSI BOOKSI New and old, ancient and modern, standard and rare, legal, medical and scientific 30,000 vol umes to select from. LEVI'S BOOK STORE. 900 Liberty st au3-93 PERSONAL EDWIN SLATER, P. O. BOX 178, Cincinnati, O.. who suffered years from pfles, and has been effectually cured, wtil send iuji cireciions ror seir-treatment. falling. Freeto all. Simple and un- oca-w-ns PERSONAL THE GENTLEMAN "WHO helped a la Jy on with her wrap at the end of the "Brigands" at the Grand Opera Honse. Wednesday night 16th. and expressed a desire for further acquaintance, can bear from her by addressing H. , Pittsburg P. O. OC21-4 Personal-Patrick oarlin-in forma tion wanted of Patrick csrlln. who left N ew York City about 13 years ago, and Is supposed to have gone to Pittsburg; anyone knowing his whereabouts please write to his brother, PHILIP CAKLIN, 323 Third st. San Francisco, Cat OC22-W PERSONAL HIS LOVE SUDDENLY RE TURNED; recently they had not been on the best of terms owing to a little family lar occa sioned by the wife Insisting on being allowed to renovate bis wearfng apparet and which, ot course, was done In a bungling manner; In order to prevent the tronble they agreed to send all their work hereafter to DICKSON, the TaUor, 65 1 Ifth ave., corner Wood st., second floor, and now everything Is lovely and peace and happiness again reign, in their household. Telephone 1558. au30 LOST. LOST-LADY'S GOLD "WATCH, "WITH FOB chain and two fjl gotd pieces, with Initials C. F. T. and M. T. ; reward offered. Leave at office Penny Press. OC22-97 T OST-OBSTOLEN-MONDAY AFTERNOON, JLi cor. Fourth ave. and Market st, one large brown satchel, containing cuff and collars wltb the name of II. F. Myers on same; also, one seal skin sacque. one silk dress, one seal neck muffler, one lady's cloak. Reward If lea at DISPATCH OFFICE. OC2S-93 OFFICIAL- PITTSBURG. -VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE JM report of viewers on the grading and pav ing of Dresden Alley, from Fifty-second street to McCandless street has been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal Is filed In the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIOELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. Pittsbueo. Pa. Oct 17, 1889. ocl7-37 "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE JLN report of viewers on the grading of AVall mgford street from Neville street to Barton street and Grazier street from Fifth avenue to Homewood avenne, has been approved by Councils, which action .will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. , E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Wonts. Ftttsbubo, Pa October 17, 18891 ocl7-37 "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE l report of Viewers on the damages caused by the grading of Grazier street from Fifth avenne to Homewood avenne, has been ap proved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Conn of Com mon Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Pnblic Works. PrrraBPBQ, Pa-. October 17. 1889. ocl7-37 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE reports of Viewers on tbegrading, paving and curbing of Filth avenue,Trnm Penn ave nne to Frankstown avenue, and Negley avenue, from Hampton street to Roup street, have been approved by Conncils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Conrt of Common Pleas within ten (10) nays from date. E. 41. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Pnhlic Works. PrrrsBORG, Pa, October 17. 1889. ocl7-37 October 3. 1889. TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE IN Bureau of Health of the city of Pitts burg has this day established and provided, and does hereby designate the foot of Seven teenth (17) street in the city of Pktsburg, at the Allegheny river, and Clark's dumpboat, immediately above tbe north end of the South Tenth street bridge, in tt9 city of Pittsburg, on the Monongabeia river, as tbe places where are to be received and deposited the contents of all privies as they shall from time to time be cleaned and emptied, and all other offensive substances found upon tbe public hlgbwav. THOMAS W. BAKER. Superintendent of the Bureau of Health. ocl-90 . - VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE LN reports of Viewers on the opening of Omaha street from Bigbam street to Merrlmac street; Emily street, from Craft avenue to Halket street; Felicia alley, lrom Murtland street to the city line; Zenith alley, from Felicia alley to Formosa alley, and Ecru alley, from Felicia alley to Formosa alley, have been approved by Councils,, which action will bo final unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Pnblic Works. Pittsburg, Pa., October 17, 1889. ocl7-37 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE reports of Viewers On the construction of sewers on Jleyran street, from crown between Lonisa and Bates streets to Louisa street sewer; Carey alley, from South Twenty-ninth street to a point 450 feet westwardly; Fifth street, from Liberty avenno to tbe Allegheny river, and Fifth avenue, from Amberson avenue to a point west of Moorhead's lane, bare been ap proved by Conncils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in tbe Conrt of Com mon Fleas, witbin ten (10) davs from date. E.M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. Pittsburo, Pa., October 17, 1889. OC17-37 LEGAL NOTICES. CHARLES B. PAYNE, Attorney-at-Law. 173 Fourth avenue. ESTATE OF WS1. A. PAYNE, DECEASED. Notice is hereby given that letters testa mentary on the estate of Wm. A. Payne have oeen grantea to tne unaersignea, to wnom ail persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims against tbe same should mako them known without delay. D. H. WALKER. sel7-62-ru Option, Pa. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN application will be made to tbe Governor of Pennsylvania on THURSDAY, October 31, 18S9, by Charles O. Smith, A. Clark Draro, Dominick O. Cunningham, Abuer U. Howard and Robert Cunningham, under tbe act of As sembly entitled -An act to provide for the In corporation and regulation of certain corpora tions," approved April 29, 1871, and the supple ments thereto, for the charter ot an intended corporation to be called Pittsburg Consoli dated Window Glass Company, tbe charactor and object of which is the manufacture and sale of window glass, and for theso purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of said act of Assembly and sup plements thereto, w. F. Mccook, solicitor.-ocS-51-TU piANOs, ORGAN& d S. HAMILTON. H AND 8 FIFTH AVENUE. i-HTBUuxg, ra. apav-rs-B- AUCTION SALES. ASSIGNEES' SALE. AT AUCTION J, H. BORLAND, AUCTIONEER.- Important to the public. Tbe stock ot a large drygoods importing bouse, over 159,000 worth of foreign i and domestic DRYGOODS, CARPETS, RUGS, , DRUGGETS. Etc, Etc, BY AUCTION AT J. H. BORLAND'S LARGE. AND SPACIOUS COMMISSION ROOMS, NOS. 723 and 725 LIBERTY STREET, at tbe bead of Wood street opposite the Arbuckle block, commencing MONDAY, October 14, 1889. Sales will commence daily at 10 A. at, 2 F. M. and 720 P. x., and continne from day to day until tbe entire stock Is disposed of, and in quantities to suit tbe purchaser. This Is without exception the largest sale of Fine Drygoods, Carpets and Rugs ever offered in Pittsburg, and Is well worthy tbe attention of tbe public generally. The entire stock must be sold regardless of cost or price in order to make a prompt settlement with the creditors. All goods sold at this sale positively guar anteed and warranted as represented. Special accommodations provided for ladles. oc22-6S-TTSSa AUCTION SALE HORSES AHD MULES, ' ON WEDNESDAY. OCT. 23, 1889, At Cliantaiiiina Laelce Company's Depot, THIRTEENTH AND PIKE ST&, PITTSBURG. PA. Having a surplus of about 80 head of horses and mnles every fall, we have concluded to make an annual sale. As we always buy tbe best of stock, teamsters, contractors and farm ers will find it to their advantage to attend this sale. In tbe lot will be fonna horses and mares ranging in weight from 1,200 to 1,700 pounds. Also one extra line matched carriage team, color bay, star on foreheads, snipe on noses and two white hind feet on each, 15 bands high, good necks, carry bigb beads, and weigh about 2,300 pounds, half brothers, 6 years old, and out of tbe horse "Starlight." Also onebajdrivintr horse, well bred, 9 years old, can show a 2:K clip; would make a great doctor's horse; not afraid of anything. SALE POSITIVE, commencing at 10 A. X. No reserve and no postponement on account of weather. TERMS CASH. 0C2239 J. A. McKELVY, Auctioneer. "TUNE FURNrrURE, BRIC-A-BRAC, PIC Jj TORES, carpets, etti, at auction TUES DAY -MORNING, October 22. at No. 311 Mar ket St., 10 o'clock. Parlor suits in tapestries, brncatelles, rugs, plushes and hair cloth, easy chairs, fancy rockers, lounges and couches, mirror door wardrobes, chiffoniers, folding beds, dressing cases, washstands, bedsteads, pier and mantel mirrors, door and window cur tains, pictures, cnamDer suits, center ana ex tension tables, cabinets, bookcases, ballracks, sideboards, druggets, rugs, fancy goods, ladles' wraps, notions, reed rockers, clocks, blankets. moqnets, velvets, body brussels, tapestry and ingrain carpets, stoves, kitchen goods, etc.. etc Goods now on exhibition and nntfl the time of sale. HENRY AUCTION CO., oc20-So Auctioneers. T Y JAS. W. DRAPE CO. VALUABLE MANUFACTURING SITE AT PUBLIC BALK On A. V. R. R, near Fifty-fourth street, 30z feet fronting on railroad, with facilities for side track, and 301 feet in depth, to a wide street. One ot the most eligible manufacturing sites of any point in tbe city. To be sold on TUESDAY, October 29, at 2 o'clock P.M., on the premises. As the owner Is a non-resident be Is anxious to sell, and will let the property go at a great bargain- Terms at sale. Title perfect and unencumbered. Full particulars from JA& W. DRAPE & CO, Agents and Auctioneers, 123 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg; ocl9-51-D TIOOKS AT AUCTION THIS EVENING at 1-JS0 o'clock at the rooms. No. 3U Market, on second floor. HENRY AUCTION CO., LIM., Auctioneers. OC22-S0 AMUSEMENTS. PHYSICAL CULTURE. MADAME COLEMAN E. BISHOP Will lecture at the Boena Vista Street M. E. Church, Allegheny, on Tnesday evening, October 22. 18S9. Take Pleasant Valley cars from Pittsburg Postoffice. Tickets for sale at the Cbnrcb, Methodist Bookstore and at Fleishman's Trimming Store, Market street. ocl9-55 pOL. J. W. PATTERSON POST. NO. 151- Continuation ot tbe Exposition at tbe Fair of CoL J. W. Patterson Post, So. 15L at Salisbury Hall, Southslde. every evening. The wonderful phonograph and many other exhibits of the late Exposition to be seen, at the fair. . Admittance 10 cents. oc2Z17 T3IJ0U THEATER. X To-night, OLIVER BYRON, ACROSS THE CONTINENT. October 28-ZIG-ZAG. oc3 GRAND OPERA HOUSE-TO-NIGHT, Matinees Wednesday and Saturday, LITTLE LORD FAUNTLEROx. October 23, Roland Reed in THE WOMAN HATER. oc2M3 H ARRIS' THEATER-EVERY AFTER- NOON and evening. DANIEL BOONE, THE PIONEER. Week October 28 Gray and Stephens, oc-20 TTARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY lo-night. Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and 't Saturday. HARRY WATSON'S AMERICAN OC20-20 BPEC1ALTY COMPANY. EDUCATIONAL. PITTSBURG ART 8CH00L, ESTAB LISHED ISSi, offers advantages of a thorough Academic School of Art, combined with private in struction; each pupil nnder joint direction of George Het rel (Dusseldorf Academy), John w. ucaity launicn Academy. Students who cannot attend dally may enter for limited nnmber of days a week. For prcpectus address JOHN W. BEATXY, Principal. au388-Tns 413 Wood street, Pittsburgh JQ. QLEIOH, GROCERY, CORNER OK . Madison and East streets, Allegheny, has received a fresh sapply ot produce. Fresti butter received every Wedseseny; large sapely WfciBnTf ErvtaHv BQw OB JBftBnU Give .Mm -a. oaH aaasave m Z23kmammm MEETINGS. mHE JL st JUanufa "ANNUAL -MEETING Off Tl MeclcholderS of the Pennsvlvaala, Sattl anufactnriBC Co. will be held at their ofice.1 No lis Chestnut St.. PhlladelBhte. , oaH WEDNESDAY, October 28,1368, at 12o'elelcf noon. lor the election oi seven airectorsxerwoi ensuing year, ana sacn outer Dustsessaai be brought before tikem. H AUSTIN M. PURVES. Seeretarr 1 se22!-TT8 . -i PROPOSALS. mn null .nnna-nifRtnii: (IF TTfETJOMT, JL HOUSE Engineer, Fifth and Stxta mik tncts. Baltimore. Md.. October 12. 1888. Pro posals will be received at this oSee bbMI 13 o'ciocs: noon oi euiua.1, tne mu oaj ot ii vember. 1S8S. f or f urnishf ne the materials ad labor of all kinds necessary for the ereeWes. and delivery of the Newport News Lights House. Hampton Roads, Virginia. Pleas,, specifications, forms of proposal and other ta-f lormauon may do ODtaineu on ppucaraB v, this office. The right Is reserved to rejeet tag or all bids, and to waive any defects. J. C i MALLERY, Captain of Enitaeers. U. B Army, Light-House Engineer, Filth and Sfectt JJISfcWVbB. VX..M-W- iW , J mn rRnw ir A'vrnrirrrrrRSiRS nSTrsrnr- JL of the Light-House Engineer, Fifta a4 Hixtn districts, Baltimore, a a, uctooer sz, tarn. Proposals will be received at thisr oSee aMM 12 o'clock noon of FRIDAY, the loth day of? November. 1SS, for furnishing the masoriale i ana labor or all Unas necessary tor tne oesa- n pletlon and delivery of the metal work ot s. Newport News Light House, Hampton Boa, ;J Virginia. Plans, specincations, lorms oi pre- posal. and other information maybe obtaaseA on application to this office. Tbe rhcht I -re- served to reject any or all bids, asd to wra' any defects. J. CMALLERY. CaDtaa of J gineers, U. S. Army. Light-House Esglseeri Fifth and Sixth districts. od5-37-TT8 ' Otficte of Borough Clerk, f 1fnVvvDftm Va nntuv-HI lfiifi I " --rrvrwB? rr tTi'tiiTX rrrm?c HK&r.snt 11 cronosals will be received at the oSeec the Borough Clerk until WEDNESDAY, OCTJ so, issw, at 4 ociocic i X., iot ins leuoi sewers, viz,: One on Jerome street: from a point : street car barn west to new brick sewer, of; aiameteroi 10 menes ana approximate i 600 ft. Oneof 18 in, diameter, from north. Vaate Power's line to center of Thirteenth are length 200 ft; thence along Thirteenth anCt tne r ougn. river, or a aiameteroi i : lencth400ft. Plans and specifications of the above can be seen and blanks for bidding and ait h formation can be bad at tbe Engineer's on and after October 25. x-a istcn proposal must ce aeeorapaniea i bond in amount to eanal that of the ooe and be probated before a Notary: and saM l posais must be banded in on or befetel above specified time. Unless said recta are strictly earned out the Did will net be siaerea. , Tbe Council reserves tbe right to rejeet a or all nronosals. oc22-93-XTur GEORGE BOSSART, Clerk. J -rROP08ALS rOR MATEEIAL fLM-t JL QUIRED for nse in the coBstmetfes. aU the navy laru, .Brooklyn. N. x.. oc. w machinery for two cruisers of aboat 3.888 displacement each. Navy DepartmeBt. Wa ington. D. C Octobers. 1S. Under aatbei .jhia..uI V.W ,Y.a , nt f" , . iihi, null Tl I,, I, fc ' propriations for tbe naval serviee, assrereel? September 7, 1888 (Statutes at Large, voLsML'g page 472). sealed proposals are hereby tavHei. and will be received at this department nai Hi. o'clock noon, on WEDNESDAY, the 8M 0r) of November, 1889, for furnishing and dever-i lng the following classes and quantities of mt- terial at said navy vard. for nse in tbe eea-f . straction of said cruisers: Class 38. Fuel fmrp foundry. Anthracite coal and ovea or kAa,,'! coe, suooi -iwi hub o& euco. ujaes m 'lai'i tern maker's lumber. About 37.880 feeci.,' sbaftlng. Crank, thrust and propeller skaM.- . rriA fKB. Corrugated steel fnraaeaa. Fins.-' six in alL Class 38 C Condenser tabe sttaMs if and nackinz. Eizbt tube sheets, aeoat SSwWr glands', and about 35,000 cotton-tape pn tikis .. Class 39 A. Antl-frtction metal. Five vtM t sana ponnas. mass jo o.rif; us. ire sand pounds, uass 3H u (Meet aasmm Ahnn, inn tnnm Ctoa S9. "Plcp i-A . 1,..t-ari tun, rtooa AS A fttmAl nlntna 'fc-1 boiler Bbells. About 30Q tons, trimmed. . shape. Class U B. Firebox steel and AMtgetl. plates. About 125 tons, trimmed t o skaae tmsY, , flanged. Class U C Steel rods, leases aatti forcings for boiler braoine. Abeat 38 . Class 41 D. Steel engine forriBes. Abeat JR tons, comprising connecting and states' mJ ., valve-gear, etc Class 68 jA. Boilec tmi About 8,860 lap-weiaea or seas steel tubes. Class as jj. vsaaeaser tunes. aoouk io,wf seamiese-uraws tubes. Class 66 Steel rivets. Aboat 38 of nneo-heartil or ClaoivGrifith boflir A Tbe tons of tbe material hereto oatteeVJbei be of 2J3tt?Dounds earn. All of saM to be of such detailed dimensiosw, ' and shapes as may be required, ana to I ered at such place or places in saM nayv j may be designated by toe commanaae Tbe material to be delivered ssSS0 HmsVi cordance with tbe requirements ot ule. All material to be of domestic ture, and to be accepted only after such tests as may be prescribed thev the Secretary ot the Navy. Proposals be made in accordance wisa loraM be furnished on application to of Steam Engineering, and any more of the classes desienated embraced In the same proposal, but no a portion of a class will be considered. proposal must oe aceompaniea ny s evidence that tbe bidder is able tol deliver tba material for which he bide; a a certified cbecK, payable to tee oraei Secretary of the Navy, for an amosate nve per cent oi tne ma. ias cnees from the successful bidder will be i him on bis entering into a formal tbe due performance ot the work and bond for the same, with satisiaetary i a nenal sura ennal to twentv.flve ner c amount of bis Md: but in case he shaH enter Into such contract and to give ssek 1 within twenty days alter notice or tee ance oi nts nroDosai. tne cnecjr. ae sacb proposal shall become the pre the united states, au cnecss see nronosals which are not accepted turned Immediately after the award steH 1 been made. A schedule of the material : quired and all other information essential m'J bidders will be furnished on applicative M Mm ment. Proposals mast be mad is teBAoaAit for material for machinery of cruisers and 8." and addressed to the Seeretarr c Navy, Navy Department; Washington, 1X3 i The secretary oi tne navy reserves iae n torejecf anyorall bids, or the bMs oa Class or classes as, in aa jBogBserat, vae : estsoi tne uovernmeni may require. t, & r. TRACY, Secretary of tkeNavjT' ocS-69-Tu '' RESORTS, THOMASVILLE, GA..-3 Piney Woods Hotel. Season onens December 4. H88. M. A. BO WJSR, ProprteteikVi For circulars, rates, etc.. address . '."J. WM. E. DAVIES, Manager, ThemasvHie, or F. A. BUDLONG. WiadeorHotel, N.Y. oelMT-na DrawLiauflli TElEptinnEj $2,000 REWARD. A. description or mention of Daniel Dmnr-1 ban?h'a talklnc machine or telephone lavea-V tfnn waft nrinfctd In ftnran PMrVftB4ifc smh.4 papers at sometime between tta yean 188 sramt 1876. -! searcn has been maae m we jmMieinfMMi and the newspaper offices of that State forsssmv newspapers-. The flies ot sselt -naseM are? in many cases complete, both prior asd infcgs ? qnentto saia years. Dunae men covens is; precise period in question have either efca-t peared or been mutilated. ' The undersigned will pay a reward ft K.WV, to tbe person who will be the first tontaeeimlt' tneir possession a genuine original copy ok newsnaner contaf&lnff such decritlOB or 1 tlonot Daniel Drawbauzb's talking maeatas fVi or to the one who first restores HiefUesasa- V taining snea cony to tbe DWic library er itw ' paper omce irem wmen tee same was t roe nnaerstgnea wui aiso pay ine am $1,000 for the detection and coavfetiea M person or persons causing said disaeaeafi or'mut llation of said flits. , 'S& All persons who have old flies of nia newspapers are requestea to erases same for such publication made oaring years mentioned. SEWARD. DACOSTAAOUTH 29 Nassau street. New York DATED. MEW YOBJT, October, 1888. SIXTH AVENUE DYB WORKS, I. MAY SONS & CO' STEAM DYERS AND SCOURBBK M And general renovators of textile 1 dies' and gentlemen's soiled or faded neatly cleaned or restored in color. C of every description carefully attended M, -'. M. MAY SONS & Co. jell-TTS 58 SIXTH AVE.. PlttsWjg, 1 fi A. RALPH, mmniNo nnNTRinroa .Seve avenne, . -" Telepb one 1344. TTJE WILL NOT. JNt VS1 V wa Patakee,oti 6v6 OVf. tae eWiau na,j Minna imw tae BassmfV sa - Buar lu BlC a 3L --,flb ) '