THE PITTSBURG- DISPATCH," TUESDAY "OCTOBER '22, 1889. SET HERSELF AFIRE She Said She "Would, and "Woman-Like She Did. SOAKED WITH CARBON OIL. Mrs. Crayley Offered Herself Dp as a Household Sacrifice. AN UNCLEAN WINDOW SHUTTER The Canso of This Most Eemarkable At tempt at Suicide. UEE HUBBAXD GLAD OF WITNESSES A window shutter as a cause of domestic warfare, ending in a deliberate attempt at suicide, is rather unprecedented, yet it has come into prominence in that capacity within the last 24 hours. Mrs. Lena Cray ley, living in the third story of2o2S Penn avenue, yesterday entertained her sister's little girl and toward evening saw her guest home, after which it is supposed she obtained some stimulants, according to the statements of the people from whom she rented her apartments, and her husband. When she returned from her visit, about 6 P. ii., the was seized with a house-cleaning paroxysm and took down the window shut ters of her rooms to wash them and gener ally clean up. Her husband, who is a boiler-maker in Biter & Conley's shop, and is about 35 years of age, returned home at his usual time. The rest of the story is told by Mrs. Henry Smith, whose husband keeps a grocery store on the ground floor of the building, and is the landlord of the Cray leys. Mrs. Smith said: "Shortly after he came home I heard him speaking somewhat loud ly and he came downstairs into the hall. He said 'There is something wrong about mvwife. Has she been out-to-day? She acts as if she was c jzy or had been drink ing, or something. I can't make out what she is after.' " THBEATEKETG CARBOXTCIDE. "Just then Mrs. Crayley came down the stairs part wav and shonted: 'So you have told Mrs. Smith, have vou? "Well, then, I will set fire to myself.' Just as she said this she struck a match and placed it to her dress in front ot her bosom. The dress im mediately blazed up, and Mr. Crayley was struck ss with paralysis. He could not move, bnt stood looking at his wife blazing away up on the stairs. She started to come down, and I ran as fast as I could and tried to put the fire out with my apron, she screaming at the time as loudly as she could. The apron was not heavy enough to quench the flame, and my son Charley ran to her rescue and commenced to tear the clothes from her, while I closed the door leading from the hall to the store, to prevent any of the burning fragments . getting near our oil tank, which, if it caught, would have burned the house down. "I never knew of the couple having any quarrels, nor did I knowtbat Mrs. Crayley was in the habit ot drinking, bnt I think it was very curious that a woman who has no children and all day long to herself should Uke down her window shutters to wash them at 6 o'clock in the evening. Mr. Cray ley told me she said if he did not carry those shutters down to be washed she would 6et fire to herself. They have lived in my house since last June and have always been well behaved and quiet" Charles Smith, a lad of about 18 years, whose right hand was very severely burned by his efforts to save the life of the unfortu nate woman, said he was afraid his mother would set fire to herself in trying to extin guish the clothes of Mrs. Crayley,and pushed her away. He grasped the burning woman's dress at the neck and tore it down the front to get the flames away and prevent her in haling the fire. He ripped the clothing right and left, but the woman sank to the ground while he did so, and was fearfully burned about the breast, arms, neck and face, the skin peeling off in large pieces and the horrible smell of charred flesh sicken ing him while he worked. MR. CEAVXET'S TEESEXCE Or JIKTD. "When he got through and carried the woman to a lounge he came downstairs and the first remark made by Frank Crayley, the husband, was: "It is a good ihing she set fire to herself before you and you heard her say so. If she had done so up in our room while I was there people would say that I did it" This peculiar remark excited no comment ai iue iimc, as ins. .aimer ana ureen, wno had been sent for, arrived just then and pronounced it very doubtful whether the woman would live or not They advised her immediate removal to the Vest Penn Hospital, which was done, her husband ac companying her. Mr. Crayley said that he had no idea his wife had been drinking when he returned to his home, but proceeded as usual to pre pare for supper, when she told him to carry the shutters downstairs to be washed. He told her to put them back in their places, as this was no time to do such things. She then began to scold, and said if I did not do as she told me she would kill herself. This I regarded as simply a threat made in pas sion such as she had often made before, and it was not until I smelled the carbon oil strongly that I suspected she had been tak ing something to drink and wanted to frighten me. I went downstairs to ask Mrs. Smith what my wife had been doing, when she came downstairs after me and bet herself on fire." LITTLE HOPES OP HECOVEItV. The unfortunate victim of her own temper or of a family quarrel was still unconscious at the hospital at midnicht, and the hospital officials have but little hopes of her recov ery. Tnere is no sign yet of a collapse, but, as in other cases, it may occur at the most unexpected moment The case, according to the statement ot the people living in the neighborhood, is considered mysterious owing to the disparity in the ages ot the couple, together with the fact that Mrs. Crayley was thought to be 'hot-tempered. Jealously is alleged as the cause of the attempt at suicide. She had emptied two gallons of oil over her clothing, pour ing it from the neck of the can down her person. It permeated all her clothing, and her bosom is one mass of charred and scorched flesh sickening to behold. Her arms are fearfully blistered, and her hair shriveled up with the flames kindled by her own hand. It is one of the most pe culiar attempts at suicide in the history of such cases in Allegheny county, and the trivial cause alleged is regarded as adding to the mystery surrounding the case. ONCE MORE AT HOME. Tbe Tonne; Girl W bo Wm Fond of Can ning; Awnjr to be Taken Caro of. Olive Daphan, the 12-year-old girl who ran away from the Home of the Good Shep herd last week and has since been sleeping in a barn on Grant avenue, was last night turned over to her step-father. The girl claimed that she had been abused at home, but her story was denied. Major Hunker stated that the girl was well dressed and had been apparently well cared for. Olive was turned over to her step father, who promised to look after her in the Suture. To Bnlld n New Hull. The Germanla Singing Society, of the Southside, will meet in Girard Hall, on South Eighteenth street, to-night, to con sider plans for the erection of their nsw halL It is intended to build a hall suit able for rehearsals at a cost of about J1D.O00. f SEWER CONTRACTS LET. Bids Cannot bo Opened After Being Filed ANombcr of Improvements Sew Street! to be Opened. The Department of Awards met in Cara mon Council- chamber yesterday afternoon with a full attendance of members. Before the work of opening bids was commenced, Controller Morrow appeared before the board and asked for a ruling on a case which came before him yesterday. A contractor sent in a bid on a sewer contract several days ago, but yesterday morning had called and asked the Controller's per mission to open the bid, as he had made, a mistake. The point on which the Controller desired a ruling was whether the contractor has a right to withdraw his bid after send ing it in before it reaches the Department of Awards. Mr. Bigelow moved that a rule be made that once a bid is delivered to the Controller it shall not be allowed to be withdrawn be fore it reaches the Board of Awards. The roll was called and the rule was adopted unanimously. The board then took up the following sewer contracts and awarded tbcm to the lowest bidders: 20-inch sewer on Murtland street, from Penn avenue to Kelly street, to W. J. Dunn, at 55 95 per lineal foot; 15 inch sewer on Bayard street, from Bidwell to Neville street, toOtt Bros., at 51 97 per foot; a 9, 15 and 20-lnch sewer on Center avenue, irom Craig to Barton streets, to E. S. "Watters, at $1 per foot for 9-inch, $3.15 for 15-inch and 3 25 for 20-inch; sewer on Mignonnette street, from Negley avenue to Beatty street, to George Collins, at SI 23 for 15-inch and SI 39 for 18-inch; 15-inch sewer on Howard street, to B. McPollin, at SI 15 per foot; 15-inch sewer on Howard alley, to Ott Bros., at S3 45 per foot; 15-inch sewer on Spring alley to Alex Itobb at $1 29; 15-inch sewer on Mulberry alley to E. F. Hughes at ?2 80; 15-inch sewer on Fourth avenue, from Grant street to Cherry alley, to M. Golden at 51 65 per foot This closed the work, and the board ad journed. Parties acquainted with the latter contract say Golden will lose heavily on the Fourth avenue sewer, as it will cost him at least S3 50 per foot to put it down. There were three bidders against him: Lawrence Sloan bid S3 80 per foot on the job; Ott Bros., S3 50, and P. O'Donnell, S3 25. Mr. Golden's bid was accepted, and, his bond being filed with the proposal,he will have to do the work. The Board of Viewers yesterday held a meeting on the opening of Kirkpatrick street, from Wylie to "Webster, and Moore street, from Bedford to Bidge, to receive claims for damages. BLKLIX DENIES IT. Ho Sara No Charges Were Mndo Against Him by Mrs. Rnllinr. In regard to the statement published yes terday that there were charges of a grave nature preferred against "Warden Berlin, of the county jail, by Mrs. Elizabeth Bail ing, an ex-matron, "Warden Berlin said: "The report that charges have been pre ferred azainst me before a committee of the Prison Board, is utterly unfounded. I dis charged Mrs. Kailinc for inattention to duty, and reported my action to the proper authorities. Mrs. Sailing labored under the impres sion that my authority did not extend so far as to discharge employes of the prison, and she appealed to Judge White and others for a reversal of my action. The committee met this morning to investigate my com plaints against her and her conduct while matron of the jail. She did not appearand the investigation was postponed until she could be notified personally. "There was no talk at any time of in vestigating any charges against me. State ments represented to have been made by me on the subject were very much distorted, and were--misrepresentations in nearly every particular. T have no desire to make public the charges which the Prison Board com mittee will have to investigate beyond the general heading of inattention to duty and absence from her post without permission." AN UNTILIAL SON. He Allow Indignities to be Offered His Mother Without Protesting. A woman giving her name as Mrs. Cochran called at the Central station house last night and told a storyto the effect that she had a son living at Ko. 2 First street with a woman he called his wife, but to whom he had never been married. She formerly lived in Aurora, 111., but her son wrote, asking her to come to Pittsburg and keep house for him, that be intended to abandon the woman but Mrs. Cochran has been here several weeks after leaving a good home in Aurora and the other woman still remains. Last evenincr, Mrs. Cochran claims, the woman went into the house drunk and made her leave. The son sat in the room and watched nis mother being put out without offering a protest Mrs. Cochran wanted Inspector McAleese to lock them both up, but he advised her to make an information against them. Mrs. Cochran will stop with friends she has become acquainted with until the matter is settled. HITHER AND THITHER. Movements of Pittsbnrsers and Others of Wide Acquaintance. James B. Scott, Beuben Miller and a a Marvin left for Philadelphia at 8 JO o'clock last evening, to attend a meeting of the Flood Commission to be held in that city to-day. Secretary Kremer has completed he payment of relief funds to the persons embraced in the first three of tbe five classes into which tbe people of Johnstown were divided, and is ready to pay to the fourth and fifth classes. Those paid were the most needy. Before proceeding to isne checks to the fourth and fifth classes he desires to hare the lists approved by the commission. To do this work the meeting will be held to-day. Lew Hass, of "Wellsville, assistant en gineer; Mr. Lord, superintendent at "Wellsville; W. H. Senvan, engineer of maintenance and way. and I. D. Dixon, Samuel Semple, William Furlong and C. C. Kennedy, supervisors, all of the Cleveland and Pittsburg Railroad, arrived last night They form a portion of the inspec tion party which will travel over the Fort "Wayne road to-day. Charles Loether, delegate of the Social ist party of Pittsburg to the Chicago conven tion. Has returned. He says the United States flag was not hissed at the convention. Mr. Loether puts the strength of his rartv in this city at 2,000, and says they will hereafter take an active part in politics. Thomas A. Crokley, of New York doorkeeper of the National House of Repre sentatives, is at tbe Mononcabela House. He says neither Cleveland nor Hill will be a Presi dental nominee In 18a2, and that Tammany wants a man from the West W. "W. Young, President of the Law rence Bank, returned yesterday from his West ern bunting trip. He denied and ridiculed the rumor circulated a few days ago in Lawrence ville that the bank was not solid and a suspen sion was probable. Mr. Jesu Maria Cordilez, of Lisbon, a retired Portuguese merchant is in Pittsburg In the course of a tour around the world. He has been traveling Eastward, and comes here from Chicago. Judge McCandless and Colonel Scott, of Butler, and Joshua Douglass, Esq., of Mead ville, are at tbe Monongahela House. Thej are attending to business before the Supreme sOuri. Dr. Cadwallader Biddle, of Philadel phia, is staving at the Monongahela. He has just returned from a Southern trip, and from this city goes to Philadelphia. Ed A. Bigler, formerly Collector of In ternal Revenue, and now a candidate for the State Treasurership, is a guest at the Seventh Avenue Hotel. Mrs. Lanonette and Miss Sells, of New Ywk City, are stopping for a few days at the Mononcabela House, and calling upon friends in this city. J. M. Kimball, of Lawrence Junction, an official of' the Pittsburg and Lake Erie Rail road, Is staying at the Seventh Avenue. Judge Charles McCandless, of Bntler, and Lawyer Joshua Douglas are registered at the Monongahela. Charles Bain and wife, of "Wilmington, DeL, are staying at tbe Seventh Avenue Hotel. THEY MUST 60 UNDER The Wires of the Pleasant Valley Eailroad Doomed. SO TESTEEDAI'S ORDINANCES SAY The Eailroad Officials and Others Interested Protest. BLAMI5G THE ANIMUS OP BIYALS A special session of Common Council was held yesterday to consider the Pittsburg and Birmingham Traction Company's ordinance. Mr. Duncan was called to the chair, Presi dent Holliday being yet unable to be pres ent The ordinance was read. There was not a word of discussion or of argument either for or against the bill and the ordi dance was passed finally by a vote of ?0 ayes, there being no opposing votes. Mr. MacGomgle presented an ordinance relating to the operation of passenger railways by electricity by means of the overhead system of wires. The ordinance provides, First That no passenger railway company shall operate its road by electricity by the over head system on any street in Pittsburg between the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers, Grant and Eleventh streets. Second That the Chief or the Department of Public Works Is directed to notify any rail way company who may havo erected any ap pliances for the operation of tbe road by over head wires to remove all such appliances from any street within the prescribed limits within 60 days of the service of such notice upon such company; and in case any company does not comply with such notice the Chief of the De partment of Public Works is directed to re move all poles and other appliances at the cost of the company. HITTING ELECTBIC EOADS. Following this Mr. MacGonigle presented an ordinance relating to the Federal Street and Pleasant Valley Passenger Bailway Company. It opens with a preamble stating that the company in question claims that, under an ordinance of March 12, 1883, it has the right to erect poles on Smithfield street, Sixth avenue, Seventh street and Duquesne way, and suspend wires with which to propel its cars; that there was no intention, in pass ing this ordinance, to give such a right, and it is only done under color of an alleged authorization by the Chief of the Depart ment of Public "Works; that the erection of such poles and wires is a public nuisance and dangerous to life and property; that the company has built a track on Duquesne way, a right which was not embraced in the ordinance of March 12, 1888, and any right granted in a previous ordinance had lapsed. The ordinance then provides: First That the Chief of the Department of Public Works is directed to notify the company to remove the poles and wires within 60 days, and on failure of the company to do so to re move them at the expense of the company. Second That the City Attorney is directed to present to tbe proper court a bill in equity against tbe company to restrain tbe company from using Duquesne way between Seventh and Ninth streets. Mr. MacGonigle then presented an ordi nance repealing the ordinance of March 12, 1888, granting the use of certain streets to the Park Passenger Bailway Company. The preamble of this ordinance states that tbe Federal Street and PleasantValley Com panv, the purchasers of the Park Passenger Bailway Company, claim a right of property in the tracks of the Transverse Kailway Company on Seventh street, Liberty street and Sixth avenue, running from Sixth ave nue and Smithfield street down Sixth ave nue, across Liberty street and along Seventh street to the Northside bridge, and then provides that the ordinance of March 12, 1888, which is supplementary to the ordi nance of November 1, 1881, be repealed. All these ordinances were referred to tbe Committee on Corporations and the Council adjourned. SHOALS AHEAD FOE SOMEBODY. The Pleasant Valley people consider the action of Councils yesterday exceedingly unpleasant for them, and should the ordi nances introduced be recommended to Coun cils and pass, there is every indication of a bitter and protracted legal fight resulting. Immediately upon the adjournment of Councils, a number of gentlemen interested in the matter were seen with the following results: D. F. Henry, President of the Pleasant ValleyBoad: "I consider such action of Councils to be so obviously unfair and seem ingly prompted by the animus of rival cor porations that it needs no demonstration. When the privilege was first accorded the company it was done by Councils and ap proved bv Chief Bigelow, of the Depart ment of Public "Works. At first a clause was inserted requiring only a notice of 90 days to remove onr poles or wires, but to this the company objected, and as it stands now a year's notice is required, and this is operative only on condition of the city pro viding an equally good means of locomo tion. The very boundaries indicated in the ordinance showthat the Pleasant Valley road is the one aimed at. Nothing is men tioned of other wires except those for electric roadSj and you will notice the Pennsylvania road is not interfered with, although it runs overhead wires." A LATVYEB'S OPINION. Colonel Stone, attorney for the Pleasant Valley road, said he saw no excuse in equity or any other way for the city to stultiiy it self by annuling a contract made with the company with a full understanding of the motive power to be used. He thought the position taken by the ordinances introduced could not stand the test of the courts. Mr. Graham, General Manager of the road, said: "It is perfectly outrageous. There is no justice in such a proposition. To single out one particular line for adverse legislation is manifestly unfair, and must be prompted by some other motive than the good of the city. I cannot see how these ordinances, ii they were passed, could stand the test of the court" Councilman S. A. Duncan, who presided at the meeting of Common Council, and evidently speaking as a Councilman, not an electrician, said he thought the net work of wires overhead was thick enough over Smithfield street and the center of the city. Morris Mead, Chief of the Bureau of Electricity, said regarding the iron posts and wires located by the Pleasant Valley Company: "They say the wires are per fectly insulated, the cross pieces on the iron poles being of wood and insulators being used all through. ICE A CONDUCTOE. ' "I think, however, that of a wet day, or with sleet or ice, the electric current would be likely to reach the pole. The current is not, I think, strong enough to kill a man, but a nervous person or a delicate woman would be pretty badly shaken up by touch ing one of the poles while in connection. The current of an incandescent light about 100 volts would scarely hurt any person, and that required for an electric street railway is between three and four times as strong. The average passerby would be in no dan ger, however, from contact with the pole or the wire. Still, the wires are rather low in the street, and, of course, it is not desirable to impede the firemen any more than is absolutely necessary." STEEL TIES FOE THE WEST. A Shipment Sent on Yesterday From the Homestead Works. A carload of steel railroad tics for the Chicago, "Western and Indiana Eailroad was shipped to Chicago vesterday from Car negie's Homestead "Works. These are the first steel ties manufactured in this country. The Chicago, "Western and Indiana road has practically decided to adopt these ties. The New Trnck Paid For. The new Gillespie trnck was accepted by Chief Brown, of the Department of Public Safety, yesterday morning on a report from the chief and assistant chiefs of 'the bureau of fire. On the receipt of the report and a request from Chief Brown, Controller Mor row made out a warrant for $3,000 in favor "Ti TTlITlAaniA nkn lafl itia r.!(w 1nl ing so much the richer. STILL Af LOGGERHEADS. A Committee of Employe Confer With Cnrneele, Fhlppn & Co. A committee representing the employes of Carnegie, Phipps & Co. were in conference with the firm at the Fifth avenue office yesterday morning, relative to the proposed change in the pay days. The proposal of the firm is to adopt the practice geneially in vogue among the iron firms in this vicinity, viz.: That of paying off twice in each month. At present the men are paid every second Saturday, and nnder the change payments would be made as usual, excepting that, four times during the year, the time between pays would be extended to three weeks. -This is what caused the dissatisfaction. "Where 1300 or 1400 men are concerned, there may be a con siderable number who have arranged for a series of payments, for various purposes? at intervals of time based upon the existing plan, and in view of a change it may be possible that quite a number would be seriously embarrassed through the deferred pay. Mr. Abbott would not say what would be done in the matter. . The employes of Carnegie, Phipps & Co., at the Union Mills in LawrenceviJle, are at a standstill in resrard to the present molders' strike. The company has accepted the ad vance of 10 per cent, but stands on the proposition to decrease the number of pay days from 26 to 21 days a year. Inquiry among the men last night developed the fact that most ot them are in favor of the 24 days payday. It is extremely unlikely that the employes of Carnegie, Phipps & Co. will strike against the 24 days payday. Most of those seen last evening were in favor of the change. Everyone of them admitted that they would not have made the change had they been running affairs, but not doing such a thing, they were very ready to ac quiesce, and saw abundant reasons for the LOCAL ITEMS, LIMITED. Incident! of a Day in Two Cltiei Condensed far Ready Roadlns. Fbank Swaetz, agea 55 years, employed as a miner at the Scottdale mines, was visiting friends at Finleyville yesterday. Crossing the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad track near the above station he was struck by a passing freight train and thrown to one side of the track. When picked up he was found to be suffering from a compound fracture of the left leg, beside being severely bruised. He was re moved to the Mercy Hospital, where his leg had to be amputated. This evening a lodge of colored Odd Fellows will be organized in McKeesport Members of Industry Lodge No. 1535, of Pittsburg, will con duct tbe installation. Among the important officials who will be present are Ajax Jones, J. W. Anderson, G. D.: B. F. Gross, M. V. G. P., and William Catlin, D. M., of Pennsylvania, The new lodge will have a good, strong mem bership. Olive Dappmann, a 7-year-old girl whose mother lives in the rear of No. 185 Ohio street, Allegheny, manifests a liking for sleeping in stables on Grant avenue. She will be turned over to Humane Agent O'Brien. Her mother Eroposed to send ber to the Home of the Good hepherd, Troy Hill, but the girl skipped, and the mother charges her with incorrigibility be fore Mayor Pearson. Mr& Makt Glynn, who lives on Second avenue, near the Pennsylvania Tube Works, was arrested by Constable Jones, of Alderman Jones' office, yesterday, to answer two charges, selling liquor without license and Bellingliquor on Sunday, preferred by Mrs. BarahAfcSteln. She gave JSOO bail for a hearing on Thursday. Db. Chesroun, the Jail physician, says Wes ley O. Way was as well treated for recovery from hi debauch as he would have been in a hospital, and he was administered all the nec essary stimulants. The Doctor still considers, however, that the attendants in the Jail at night are too few. Lawrence Knorr, a 13-year-old lad of the East End, is under arrest in Columbus. The youngster devoured vellow-coverod litorature until he got to a point where Indian fighting was the only thing that would do. But the po lice checked his warlike incursion. The annual cribbage contest for a gold medal between the Half Moon, Fee Qee and BlgFour. Fishing Clubs, began last night at tbe litter's rooms on Washington street, Sontbside. Twelve of the 110 games comprising the series were played. Sneak thieves made an unsuccessful at tempt to enter the residence of Mrs. Mary White, on Franklin street about 9 o'clock Sunday evening. They were frightened away by a member of the family entering tbe rear door. The omission of the borough of Jeannette from the election proclamation of Westmore land connty. it is thought, may result in knock ing tbe Republicans out in their stronghold. They denounce the omission as a Democratic trick. The widow of John Baden, upon being fully informed of tbe circumstances preceding her husband's death, and being shown that he re ceived no ill treatment at tbe hands of the po lice, has decided to bring no suit for damages. A cow belonging to Peter Simon was struck by a train last Wednesday, but Simon made no effort to have the poor animal cared for. Humane Agent O'Brien wasable to have Simon fined S10 on -account of the above facts. The Southside, Birmingham and Allentown Turn Vereins are making preparations for tbe dedication of tbe new Allegheny Turner Hall. They have elected John Arras as Marshal of the Southside division of the parade. Secretary Hunker still maintains that no such accurate history is kept of children of uncertain parentage by the Allegheny General Hospital people as to enable tbe city authori ties to trace the record of each case. DisstANTLiNO the Exposition was actively Indulged in yesterday. The Art Gallery will be open to-day to those who desire to purchase. Ttose who bave exhibits in Machinery Hall are moving rapidly in tbe removal. Thieves endeavored to open the safe of Beese, Lindsay & Co., contractors, No. S031 Liberty street, last Sunday night, but an en trance was not effected. The thieves obtained ingress by jimmying a window. Leon Busht I, an Italian, was fined S25and costs by Magistrate Hyndman for chasing some boys, who were pelting him with mud as hei laved ins apparei in me peuucia water of a run in the Nineteenth ward. J! Justice ofthe Peace J. R. Byers, of Im. perial,Fa,. last night committed to jail Michael Malott and Prudent Cassait on a cbaree of malicious shooting with Intent to kill, pre- ierreu uy iieuieut uuiieiu EmUi Baetlick, a resident of tho First wird, sued George Merphel for larceny before Magistrate McKenna, charging Merphel with larceny in the theft of $103. The accused was held in 51,000 bail for court SosrE of the public schools are losing scholars temporarily on account of the prevalence of in fections diseases. In the whole city last week there were reported to tbo schools 83 cases of contagious diseases. Alleghenians are wondering what maybe the reason for the neglect to put Ohio street in repair at various portions, and some say that a new pavement scheme Is behind the alleged lethargy of officials. Humane Agent O'Brien notified the father of Hannah Turney, the girl sent from Grundy connty, III., of her whereabouts, and he put in an appearance and claimed his off spring yesterday. THE wickets of Davis Island dam will be lowered to-day to allow the repairing of the lock. Coal men do not feel uneasy because of possible Injury to their barges. The now siding of the Allegheny Valley Railroad at Forty-third street Is causing some kicking among residents, who say they cannot pass when they desiro to. Dr.Doman says that Wendell Daranberg er. who was assaulted on Monor street Sunday morning, is in no danger from erysipelas and will recover. The advocates of the Semple building for a new postoffice in Allegheny are waiting for tho United States authorities to look the mat ter up. Jacob Linbruneb, who iwas charged be. fore Alderman McGary with keeping a speak easy, by Mrs. Kate Bill, was discharged last night Magistrate Getpp disposed of 13 unfor tunates yesterday, embracing a wide range of offenders against social and moral laws. THE alarii of fire from box 49, yesterday, was caused by a small blaze in a shed In the rear of Spencer & Liddell's brewery. The Mercy Hospital received two typhoid patients yesterday. The hospital departments are all very crowded. The officials of tbe Pennsylvania Company will leave this morning for an inspection of the company's lines. The employes of the Cleveland and Pitts bnrg road are again undergoing a test for color blindness. .Magistrate Bbokaw .fined Frank Crowe So and costs for abusing his wife yesterday. MUSEUM MEN HELD. Keepers of Dime Shows Put Off, by Aid. McKenna, for One Week. QUEER SCENES AT THE HEARING. The Man With the Long Beard Eefused to Bail Mr. Levitzky. SEEI0U3 CHARGE INVOLVING GIRLS Two gentlemen, Anton Levitzky and M. McNeil, and the attorneys representing two others, Ad. Carlisle and John Walthauer, were in Alderman McKenna's office yester day afternoon to undergo a hearing on tbe charge of maintaining public nuisances in the shape of dime museums on Sixth and Smithfield streets. Some of the defendants were also charged with conducting public exhibitions without license. The office was crowded with theatrical people and fakirs of all kinds. The two candidates for District Attorney, Richard H. Johnston and Archie Rowand, were both present as attorneys for the several defend ants. The failure of Messrs. "Walthauer and Carlisle to appear in perron was owing to the fact that they were confined in the Cen tral station. There were numerous conferences in the back room, which delayed the hearing past the hour of 4 o'clock, but kept the crowd on the tip-toe of expectation. Inspector Mc Aleese and Detective Sol Coulson slipped in about 4:30 o'clock. Coulson had a mys terious package under his arm, which he carefully marked with his name and depos ited behind the rail on Judge McKenna's desk. Inspector McAleese and Attorney Johnston slipped into the 'Squire's back office, and Major Montooth went in after them. STRUGGLED THROUGH TIIE HOB. The secret conference lasted half an honr. Finally, only a few miuutes before 5 o'clock,' Alderman McKenna appeared in the outer room, and, with an exceedingly grave look on his handsome countenance, worked his way through the circumambient tobacco smoke to his seat of justice. He called the cases. Inspector McAleese asked to have the cases of all the defendants continued for one week. The Alderman said that the cases would be continued. He asked if the defendants were ready to renew their bail, and with that query he cast his steel gray eye upon Mr. Levitzky, whose tall lorm loomed over the Magistrate's desk. Mr. Levitzky, who is a handsome, well-dressed fellow, "of at least six feet in height, said that he was. ready to give bail again, and he edged toward the door to look after his bondsman. "Sol," Inspector McAleese called out, to his big and trusty assistant, who stoodo b servant in a corner, "look after Levitzky." Sol shot through the crowd of little theat rical men like an sereolite disrupting the cloud1! on its eager search for a snug bed in some Illinois farm, and placed himself be side Mr. Levitzky, while everybody, in cluding the tall victim, laughed. Mr. Leyitzky found his man, and dragged him before the Magistrate. HE WOULDN'T BAIL HIM. The bondsman expectant was a little gen tleman, with assertive nose, immense tangled gray beard and faded, weary rai ment. The Alderman asked: i'Willyou go bail for $2,000 for a week?" "No, no," said the gentleman of the pa triarchal beard, standing onlhis toes 'spread ing his accumulative palms and vigorously I tjuamuK uia iicau. mr. xjevux&y men begged a reduction of bail. Alderman Mc Kenna said that he conld make no reduc tion. Inspector McAleese put in. "I can ncrease the bail, if you wish, by making, Mr. Levitzky "smiled a sickly sort of smile." He disclaimed with much gesticu lation, any longing for an, and ad dressed himself to pleading and expostulat ing with his short, gray bondsman. The gentleman with the beard continued his head-shaking and palm exhibition, and backed out of the crowd, llr. Levitzky cast a longing look after him, but his eye fell upon Sol Coulson smiling his calm, neutral tint smile near the doorway. Inspector McAleese asked Alderman McKenna to make out commitments to the jail for Levitzky and the other defendants. He was tired, he said, of keeping Walthauer and Carlisle at the Central station. The commitments were made out promptly. At the last moment Harry Davis appeared as bondsman for M. McNeil. The other gentlemen were taken to the county jail. It was said last evening, by the police authorities, that the reason Inspector Mc Aleese would not allow a reduction of bail in the Levitzky case was because tbe authorities had secured information that yoang girls had been led astray in the Sixth street place. Information in regard to this charge has been accumulated during the last two days and will be sprung on Mr. Levitzky next Monday. GAINING GROUND. Three FirmsHaveSlcned the Sloldert Scale More to Follow. The molders are still on the outside up to last night, but three firms had signed the card requesting the increase of 10 per cent, namely, Carnegie, Phipps & Co., A. Speer & Sons and Evans Bros. In the two lormer the men were at work yesterday and in the latter they turn in to-day. Among the shops which are not concerned in the movement, for the reason that they employ non-union men and have not been notified of the demand, are the 'Westing house Machine Company, the"Westingbonse Air Brake Company, Robinson Bea, the Pittsburg Locomotive Company and one or two others. In these shops the men are at work as usual. At Mackintosh, Hemphill & Co.'s shop yesterday morning the firm ordered some six or eight labor or s, Poles, to take the place of the molders, bnt they refused, demanded their payand left. Several firms have inti- mated their willingness to grant tbe increase, bnt have failed to sign. 'WJien they sign the men are prepared to return. Until then they will watch developments. It is be lieved that a day or two will see the men at work again. WILL MEET EVERY DAT. The Committee on the Exposition Display for Pon-Amcrlcancrs is Hastling. The committee composed of Col. T. P. Boberts, John Bindley, A. J. Logan and A. E. Hunt, who have iu charge the display to be made at the Exposition upon the ar rival of the Pan-American delegation, met yesterday afternoon and proceeded to the Exposition grounds to consider what space could be given for displays. A large number of bids have been re ceived for display room. The committee will meet informally everyday until the delegates arrive. . GRAFP-BEMETT'S CREDITORS, A Meeting Held Testerday Bat tbe Cash Was Not Distributed. Tho creditors of Graff, Bennett &-Co. held a preliminary meeting yesterday in the office of Jacob H. Miller, Esq., to take steps for a distribution ofthe funds held by the assignee. Nothing was done at the meeting except going through the form of an appearance, and an adjournment was made until the 28th inai The amount of assets held by the assignee are between $150,000 and (160,000. More Money Needed. Bey. Father Corbinian, of St. Joseph's Church, Johnstown, was in the city yester day. He said his new church wnnld not ha dedicated on the 3d of next month, as 'was reported. There is considerable more work yet to be done and more money needed. AKOrilEB SHOW RAIDED. Both Star and Snpport Behind the Ban In tbe Thirtieth Ward Elation. A bear, who deserted his native woods some years ago, surrendering his freedom and unalloyed and untrammeled happiness, sacrificing all in pursuit of the mirage called Fame, as a histrionic artist, occupied S cell in the Thirtieth ward stations last night. Hisbearship accepted the situation philosophically, but refused to be inter viewed. He had been arrested in the "West End for giving a performance without having secured a license from Mayor Mc Callin or Chief Brown, and was left to re flect on his mistake in leaving his habitat, where be might have given as many per formances as he chose untrammeled by tbe conventionalities of municipal manage ment under bureau rule. Mr. Bruin showed himself to be a true Democrat, a real Socialist, allowinghis at tendants to share his cell without showing any ofthe littleness that characterizes some stars when put to room with the supes and members of a stock company. At 10:20 o'clock, all were reposing peacefully and not a wave of trouble rolled over their couch as they slept the sleep ofthe laboring man which, a King said, is sweet, whether he ate little or much. The men who danced attendance upon Bruin were John Feoff, John, Loucks, John Joess and Joseph Eeker. They will receive a hearing this morning. The bear made a pleasant bedfellow for tbe party last night A CLEVELAND CLDB. Lawrencevllle Democrat Organize a Neir Association. A number of prominent Democrats of Lawrenceville met last night at Houston Hall, corner of Butler and Forty-ninth streets, .to organize the Grover Cleveland Democratic "Club of Alle gheny county. A temporary organization was effected by choosing Samuel L. Bell man, Chairman; C. E. Conner, Secretary, and Dr. F. "G. Gardner, Treasurer. The club was started with 22 charter members. Mr. Bellman made a short speech, setting forth the objects of the organization. He was followed "by Dr. Gardner, who also made a few remarks. L. B. Duff, James Mills and Dr. N. W. Brown were w appointed a Committee on Constitution and By-Laws. A permanent organization will be effected at the next meeting on November 4. INTEEESTIAG TOPICS. What the City ministers Dlscnmed Yeiter day at Their Meetings. At the Presbyterian ministers' meeting yesterday Bev. E. B. Doneboo addressed those presentupon "The Hebrews of the Pres ent Day." Kev. F. B. Farrand will be next Monday's speaker. The O". P. clergy men were talked to by Bev. McCrory on the subject: "Can Temperance and Other Po litical Beforms be Preached from the Pul pit so as not to Hinder, but Promote, the Efficacy of the Gospel 1" Mr. McCrory ar gued from an affirmative standpoint, and his ideas were not in conflict with the majority of those present. Bev. J. C. Taylor, colored, read a paper upon the Southern colored churches to the Baptist ministers yesterday. At the M. E. ministers' meeting Bev. C E. Feiton read a paper on tbe "Perils of the Ministry." THAT ARBDCKLE WELL. Amid a Mnlilpllcity of Reports There Are Some Stray Grains of Truth. The Standard hasn't bought the Arbuckle well, and there is no specially good reason why it should, unless it wants to shut in the territory. It cannot, of course, buy it cheaply, as tbe owners are able to operate it themselves, and there is no especial reason why they should rush thflgs. Mr. Jamison, whahas been attending more closely to the !weII;tb"ftQ a,nyther one in interest, reports it1 is doing about as it started out, and he hasTJeea informed by drillers that it would likely be largely increased if drilled deeper. EVERETT PIANO CLUB, Or Co-operative System of Selling Pianos, Is the most successful and satisfactory plan ever tried. We are delivering pianos as fast as our wagons can hanl them, Our mem bers get the lowest possible price, because there are enough members to contract for 350 pianos, and thus save 575 in the price of each piano; 350 members, each paying SI per week, will pay for one piano in cash each week, and we deliver one piano per week on these payments. Members who pay all cash, or who pay $25 cash and $10 monthly, can take their pianos at once, and still get the discount obtained by the club contract. The piano selected by tbe club has no superior. Having tbe whole market to choose Irom on so large a contract, we chose the Everett, because it gives full value, dollar for dollar. We pay nothing for reputations of men who died years ago. The Everett is a piano of to-day, with all tne latest improvements. The tone is rich, powerful and musical, and they are made to wear. Each piano is warranted for seven years. Now don't wait too long. Our club is not yet full, but we are delivering pianos and it is filling up rapidly. Send for circu lar or call and see the pianos at once. Alex. Boss, Manager, TTSu 137 Federal street, Allegheny. The Flowers That Bloom In-the Spring:. A Dntch house in Holland, from whom we buy bulbs, were instructed by letter to duplicate our last year's order for bulbs. They consulted their dictionary and found that duplicate meant to double, so they in nocently shipped us twice as many as the year before; consequently, we have just double the number we wanted, so to help them and ourselves we will allow a discount of 15 per cent on all purchases amounting to 1 and upward. Hyacinths, tulips, crocus, narcissus, etc: B. A. Elliott Co., C4 Sixth st., Pittsburg, Pa. v At Groetzinger's Special Sale Next "Wednesday, of all goods on displav at the Exposition, will be included all short lengths of brussels and ingrain carpets ac cumulating from the brisk fall trade at half price. The pieces run from 10 to 30 yards. 627 and 629 Penn avenue, next Wednesday. Wedding; Gifts In Silver. The handsomest assortment ever shown. Trunks of silver, elegant pieces in cases, new designs, superior workmanship. Make your selection at E. P. Boberts & Sons, cor ner Filth avenue and Market street tsd. To-day we will sell jnen's fine kersey, melton and cheviot overcoats, silk-faced, worth 518, at ?8 to-day. P. O. C. O., cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. 75c. Only 9 More Days. 75c. Fine cabinet photos at 75c per doz. at Teager & Co.'s fine galleries, 70 Federal st, Allegheny. Bring baby. Irish Point Lace Curtains at Half Price! Silk chenille curtains athalf pricel Turco man curtains at half pricel Slightly soiled by dust at the Exposition go abalf price, beginning Wednesday morning, October 23, at Edward Groetzinger's, 627 and 629 Penn avenue. Wine of Pepsin For dyspepsia, indigestion and enfeebled condition ofthe stomach. Pint bottles, 75c, at Fleming's Drugstore, 412 Market st TTSSU Use Angostura Bitters to stimulate the appetite and keep the digestive organs in order. "Wainwbiqhx's beer gives genuine sat isfaction always. All dealers keep it xusn ; F. Ss V.'fl Ison Citr beer is vnrivaled. uonnoisseura pronounce it so. GLASSWORKERS THIS TIME. The A. Flint Glass Workers' Unlsn Compels O'Hara's Men to Strike The Reason, a Former Which Benefited the Employes. Another strike was initiated yesterday morning, this time among the flint glass blowers. One hundred and fifty men and boyTemployed at O'Hara's flint glassworks at Thirtieth street and the Allegheny Val ley Bailroad, turned in when the whistle blew at 7 o'clock, and almost immediately turned out again. The difference between the men and the firm is owing to the use by the latter of a former, which facilitates the operation of fashioning the "lip" on the ordinary glass pitcher. This "jormer"has been used in the works for the last seven oreigbt years. It is made of metal and shaped similarly to the interior of the pitcher. Before it was introduced by the firm the unfinished article was taken from the hands of the presserand gatherer by a boy, who, alter reheating it in the glory hole, handed it over to "finisher," whose business it was to manipulate it into a cylindrical shape, fashion the handle and turn out the lip. Under this plan the oper atives took all the responsibility of the work. If it was cot properly done it conld be broken up, and of course no pay allowed for it About COO pitchers' are usually turned out in a day, and the entire 500, if not prop erly rounded and finished, would be de stroyed, the men being at the loss. To ob viate the loss of time from this cause the former was introduced. The boy, after reheating the half finished pitcher, instead of turning it over to the fin isher for manipulation into shape by hand, presseu iv uuwu vu iue lormer, wnen tne up was formed and the vessel given a perfectly round shape. On this arrangement the firm took all responsibility for inferior work, and the result was an increased output and cor responding gain to the men. The "finisher" was dispensed with, but not his services; he was provided with other work. O'Hara's men of themselves did not take exception to the use of the former, they were quite inclined to see it in use because they found their ad vantage in the increased output It is said that the present action of the Flint Glass Workers' Union is tbe outcome ofthe late strike at Tiffin, which was brought about bvthe introduction of aping for mold ing eightiuch dijbes. Two of O'Hara's former employes are shareholders . in the Tiffin Company, and remembering that the former was in use at the O'Hara works, an adjustment ofthe difficulty was arranged on the understanding that the union would take action against that firm for using it This, then, is tbe canse of the present dif ficulty. The A. G. W. Union held a meet ing on the question last veelc. and on Sun day evening the glass workers held a lengthy session to decide on their action. It was un derstood that the O'Hara men were strongly opposed to going ont, but they were finally ruled by the executive. When the men appeared at the works yes terday morning they asked the foreman to dispense with the former. He said he could not do so withont authority from the firm, none of which were present, They then re quested that a boy should at least occupy the finisher's seat at a rate of 52 per day so as to smooth over the difficulty, but this also the foreman declined to do without authority. The men then left, saying they had no op tion but remain out Tbe firm when seen vesterday had not yet decided upon any course of action. They claim that since tne former has been in use for seven or eight years without any difficul ties occurring on the head of it, ana since in stead of dispensing with a man they were at present in want of a good finisher, that the action of the union is incomprehensible. When the packers have gotten through with their work they will be idle until the works start up again. Indications would point to a lengthy tussle between the firm and the union. The firm feels itself aggrieved, and holds that a prin ciple is involved which they cannot well concede, while tbe union charges that the firm has disregarded the scale of last Decem ber in employing a boy to do a man's work, and in dispensing with a man in the position' of a finisher. , CAEHEI NOT A DETECTIVE. 'Squire Porter Says the Former Never Served a Warrant. Alderman Porter was seen yesterday in regard to the statements made by Constable Tom Carney in regard to the "speak-easy" conspiracy cases. The 'Squire stated that Carney never executed a warrant or mads an arrest for him. If Carney held a commission as a detective for the Porter agency the alderman said he had no knowledge ot It Cabinet photos, l per dor. Lies' Pop ular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st rasa Wondebfui, bargains at Semple's stores. Closing ont See advt to-day. BIBER i EASTDN, 505 and 507 MARKET STREET, SOME SPECIAIj bargains This Week. 42-inch sideband costume cloth. These are all wool and a real bargain, 60c. - 42-inch solid colors, all wool, 37c 38-inch Tricot, extra value, 37Kc 51-inch all wool costume cloth. These are choice colorings and worth 65c, 50c 54-inch striped suitings, all wool, 75c. 51-Inch extra quality costume cloth, 63c " Fine imported broadcloths, a, $1 37, $2. VELVETS AND PLUSH. 18-inch silt: plush at 50c. 21-inch silk plush at 73c 16-inch black and colorad velvets at 50a 18-inch black and colored velvets at 75c. Our elegant and commodious CLOAK AND SUIT BOOM Otters to you immense variety in low, medium and finest imported garments. Special provision for Misses and CMI-, dren. Genuine Seal Garments at special'5 close figures to early buyers. BIBER &EASTON. OC19-TTSSU -FURNITURE B. J. HOBHER & CO., 61, 63 AND 65 WERT TWENTT-THHtD ST., NEW YORK. LARGEST EXHIBIT OF ABTISTIO FURNITURE IN AMERICA Ten Show Booms filled with the latest pro ductions of the Furniture and Upholstery Art from the recognized manufacturing cen ters of tbe world, Novelties of London production. Novelties of Paris production. Novelties of Vienna production. v Our own importation. '" Novelties of American production. fnelBdJsg those or our own manufacture. . Visitors to New York are cordUlIy'lsvtte to' call 'and examine our stoek and price, The central loeatloa of oar ostabHahmeat (adjefe- feu- Bl II WttAAAt OLMfeA t AU. mJ - . ".. . w w u uy mim WJ .WW. an puts ec hh etr , SEW ABTCTTISgMlK.YiH.w . , ,'',ir ' ' JDB. HDRNE-X ED.'B PENN AVENUE STORES. ,14 -...-s r ,'$' -"J '3-j ,' PriTSBrao, October v 'w ' 1 & There's a special sale of Mu -1.4 GLOVES , f this mornlng-the blegest glove bpif if Pittsburg and.AIlegheny buyers ever saw. ,It begins this morning how lsz-f3 - A3 It will last denenos noon how wall oat . .- ? reaaers appreciate a genuine Bargain. -k 1 ' $z A very large lot . PERRIN FRERES, ' j.'&ifcti Lacing Eld Gloves, efi ., ' Colors and Black; ' j tl a pair worth at least 1 54 This Is worth your attention. And a special sale of - m Booth and Fox Best Quality EIDERDOWN COAlFORT$ 6x8 at $7 60, usual price, flL i 6x7 at S3 80, usual price, til Bo you know that these are the beet J-y Comforts made and that they cannot be " 2?y.v- duplicated. They will not last loss ,,' 1 "vr J7V& ndredandFlftr -'-'' ?. One Hundred and Fifty ' (150) ITALIAN SILK BLANKETS, Fulislfe, ' ,. "Best quality, At 3 each. These are geaufaie. fiffir, imported fromlhellM BnHf&'urej Earlier Importations all sold oat at 7 88. These blankets areJapee&Hy ate for solas, cenefees, eta, fcefeg both viceable and ornamental. The e lugs are of Eoaun eeets. rieh bright See them la the "Blaaket Ease" -.? THE CLOAKCAND SUIT! Departments are 1 buyers by the thoaeesd. There 1 conceivable BhaW la a Iesg or shorty garment t&at la net feaad here la the. most extensive variety of luoisWoatlous. Some compete teat so sosyof 1 beautiful new shapes arerrisaaed; V gaudily. They .find all tbe ska trimmed for every taste hers. The pletesess of the steak Is a Barrel. A grand opening hniiness la. SEAlf GOODS. Onr Seal ganaeBts are 6-f fcebettaVj talnable quality, strictly Americas - (taken In Alaska) of tse best Loaim dye. If we charged 15 to E9 sere pert ment than other booses oar guarantee, would not be better than It is while we charge so more and generally less.. seal garment should be bought ears- fully quality and fit beta JMt la good. SEE OUR NOVELTY SEAL JACKETST 1 . a 1 .'tlT,1 " f,S Bead oaf "ad." dHy-aet fer beaaty t". 1 - of rhetoric, feet far a .;' ofte iii homely, statement of faeu.ttai wJM be -ff oflstKesttoyea. JDS. HDRNE i CO PINN AVENUE STOMJfl j 1 if. & m .H 5fr . .. V.i :'' .' V l