KSHHSili -M W " THE PlTTSBtTRG- - DISPATCH; MONDAY, OCTOBER" 2ip;i889 & ""$ H TALIAGE iPPEAL Brooklyn's Orator Asks Hebrews, Catholics and Everybody TO BUILD HIM A NATIONAL CHDBCH fKo Creed or Bisotry to te Admitted to the Tabernacle of '90. "THE BAPTISM OF FIEE 13 HIS TEXT rSFECIXL TELEGKAlI TO THE DISPATCH.! v Bbookltn, October 20. The Eev. T. J)e "Witt Talmage, D. D., preached at the Academy of Music this morning, his first ; sermon after the destruction of the Brooklyn "Tabernacle by fire. His audience was of vast size, and public interest was extraordi nary. The opening hymn was: God moves In a mysterious way His -wonders to perform; , He plants his footsteps in the set. Anl rides upon the storm. Dr. Talmage's subject was "The Baptism of Fire," and he took as hi text Acts xx, 24, ".None of these things move me." He said: But, Paul, have you not enough affliction to move you? Are you not an exile from your native land? With the most penial and loving nature, have you not, in order to be free for missionary journeys, given your self to celibacy? Have you not turned away from the magnificent worldly successes that would have crowned your illustrious genius? Have you not endured the sharp and stinging neuralgias, like a thorn in the flesh? Have you not been mobbed on the land and shipwrecked on the sea; the san hedrim against you, the Koman Govern ment against you, all the world and all hell against you? "What of that?" says Paul. "Koneof these things move tnel" It was not because he was a hard nature. Gentlest woman was never more easily dissolved into tears. He could not even bear to see anybody cry, for in the midst of his sermon when he saw someone weeping her sob' aloud, "What -mean ye to weep and to break mine heart? for I "am ready not to be bound only, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus." JUST LIKE PAUL. What then did Paul mean when be said, "Uone of these things move me?" He meant, "I will not be diverted from the work to which I have been called by any and all the adversities and calamities. i I think this morning I express not only t my own feelings but those of every man, I -woman and little child belonging to Brook f lyn Tabernacle, or that was converted there, I or comforted there, or blessed there, when I look toward the blackened ruins of the dear and consecrated spot and with an aroused faith in a loing God, cry out: "None of these things move me." J When I say that, I do not mean that we j? have no feeling about it. Instead of standing Here to-day in this brilliant auditorium, it I would be "more consonant with my feelings I to sit down among the ruins and weep at the words of David: "If I forget thee, O Jeru salem, let my right hand "iorget her cun k ning." "Why, let me say to the strangers here to-day in explanation of the deep emotion of mv flock, we had there in that building sixteen years of religions revival. T believe that a hundred thousand souls were born there. They came from all parts of the earth, and ue shall never see them again until the boots are opened. Why, sirs! our children were there baptized, and at those altars our .. young men and maidens took the marriage vow, and out of those gates we carried our dead. When, irom the roof of my hon-e last Sundav morning at 3 o'clock, I saw our church in flames, I said: "That is the last of the building from which we buried our De Witt on that cold December day when t it seraed all Brooklyn wept with our house hold." ONE COMMON SOEROW. And it was just as hard for you to give up your loved ones as it was for us to give up ours. Why, lite the beautiful vines that still cover some of the fallen walls, our affections are clambering all over the ruins, and I could kiss the ashes that mark the place where it once stood. Why, now that I think of it, I cannot think of it as an inanimate pile, but as a soul, a mighty soul, an indestructible soul. I am sure that majestic organ had a soul, for we have olten heard it speak and sing and shout and wail, and when the soul of that organ entered heaven I think Handel and Haydn and Mozart and Mendelssohn and Beethoven were at the gates to welcome it. So I do not use the words of my text in a heartless way, but in the sense that we must not and will not be diverted from our work bv the ap palling disasters which have befallen us. We will not turn aside one inch from our determination to do all we can for the pres ent and everlasting happiness of all the people whom we may be -able to meet "None of these things move me. None of these things move you." When 1 looked out through the dismal rain from the roof of my house and saw the church crumbling brick by brick and tim ber by timber, I said to myself: Does this mean that my work in Brooklyn is ended? Does this terminate my association with this city, where I have been more than 20 years glad in all its prosperities and sad in all its misfortunes? And a still small voice came to me, a voice that is no longer still or small, but most emphatic and commanding, through pressure of hand, and newspaper column, and telegram and letter, ana con tributions, saying: "Go forward!" TO BE A NATIONAL EDiriCE. I have made and I now make appeal to all Christendom to help us. We want all Christendom to help, and I will acknowl edge the receipt of every contribution, great or small, with my owu hand. We want to build larger and better. We want it a na tional church, in which people of all creeds and all nations may find a home. The con tributions already sent in make a small hearted church forever impossible. Would lW not I be a sorry spectacle for angels and men if, in a church built by Israelites and Catho lics, as well as all the styles of people com monly called evangelical, I should, in stead of the banner of the Lord God Almightv, raise a fluttering rag of small sectarianism? If we had 5300,000 we would pnt them all in one great monument to the mercy of God. People ask on all sides about what Tie shall build. I answer, it all depends on the contributions sent in Irom here and from, the ends of the earth. I say now to all the Baptists that we shall have in it a baptistery. I say to all Episco palians, we shall have in our services as heretofore at our communion table portions or the Liturgy. I say to the Catholics, we JV shall have a cross over the pulpit and prob- ably on the tower. I say to the Methodists, we mean to sing there like the voices of mighty thunderings. I say to all denomina tions, we mean to preach a religion as wide as heaven and as good as God. We have said we had a total loss. But there was one exception. The only things wc saved were the silver communion chalices, for they i happened to be in another building, and 1 take that fact as typical that we are to be in communion with all Christendom. "I be lieve in the communion of saints!" NOT A SPLINTER OP BIGOTET. I think, if all the Brooklyn firemen and nil insurance companies should search among those ruins on Schermerborn street, they would not find a splinter large as the tip end of the little fiuger marked with big otry. And as it is said that the exhumed bricks of the walls of Babylon have on them the letter N, standing for Nebuchadnezzar, I declare to you that if we ever get a new rhnrch the letter we should like to have on every stone and every timber wonld be the letter C, for that would stand both for Christ and for Catholicity. The last two words I littered in the old church on Friday night, 6ome of you may remember, were "Halle lujah! Amen I" The two words that I utter now as most expressive oi mv iceiings minis onrnrsti service after the Baptism of Fire, are Halle- lujahl Amen! "None of these things move me." We are kept in this mood by two or three consideration. The first is, that God rules. In what wav the church tooK fire I do not know. It has been charged on the lightnings. Well, the Lord controls the lightnings. He managed them several thousands of vears before our electricians were born. The Bible, indicates that, though they flash down the sky recklessly, God-builiife&oJhfm a road to travel. In the Psalms it issaid: 'HeBSd.pwiq ,, 4l,n imlitiilnn rt .. A 4 r (liHitil.. if.A.H Ul hue JlUtUlUg SHU UJC fcUUUUCi. 1UIC1 since the time of Benjamin Franklin the world has been trying to tame the light nings, and they seem to be quite well har nessed, but they occasionally kick over the traces. But though we cannot master jreat natural forces, God can and does, and that God is our Father and best Friend, and this thought gives us confidence. ISEINFOECED BY THE FIEE. We are also reinforced by the increased' consolation-tbat comes fromconfraternity ot sonow. The people who, during the last 16 year;, sat on the other side of the aisle, whose faces were familiar to you, but to whom you had never spoken you greeted them this week with smiles and tears as you said: "Well, the old place is gone." You did not want to seem to cry, and so you swept the sleeve near the corner of the eye, and pretended it was the sharp wind made your eyes weak. Ahl there was nothing the matter with vour eyes; it was your soul bub bling over. I tell you that it is impossible to sit for years around the same church fire side and not have sympathies in common. Somehow you feel that you would like those people on the other side of the aisle, about whom you Know but little, prospered and pardoned and blessed and saved. You feel as if you are in the same boat, and you want to glide up the same harbor and want to di&J emoarK at tnc same wnail. If you put gold and iron and lead and zinc in sufficient heit they will melt into a conglomerate mass; and I really feel that last Sabbath's fire has fused us all, grosser and fluer natures into one. It, seems as if we all had our hands on a wire connected with an electric battery; and when this chnrch sorrow started it thrilled through the whole circle, and we all leit the shock. The oldest man and the youngest child could join hands in this misfortune. Grandfather said, "I expected from those altars to be buried;" and one of the children last Sab bath cried, "Grandpa, that place was next to our own house." Yea, we are supported and confident in this time by the cross of Christ THE CEOSS IS NOT BUENED. That is used to the fire. On the dark day when Jesus died, the lightning struck it from above, and the flames of hell dashed up against it from beneath That tearful, paiuiul, tender, blessed cross still stands. On it we hang all our hopes; beneath it we put down all our sins; in the light of it we expect to make the rest of our pilgrimage. Within sight of such a sacrifice, who can feel he has it hard? In the sight of such a symbol, who can be discouraged, however great the darkness that may come down upon him? Jesus lives! The loving, patient, sympathizing, mighty Jesus! It shall not be told on earth, or in hell, or in heaven, that three Hebrew children had the Sou of God beside them in the fire, and that a whole church was forsaken by the Lord when thev went through a furnace about 200 feet wide. O Lord Jesus! shall we take out of Thy hand the flowers and the fruits, and the brightness and the joys, and then turn away because Thou dost give us one cup of bitter ness to drink? Oh, no, Jesus! we will drink it dry. But how it is changed! Blessed Jesus, what hast Thou put into the cup to sweeten it? Why, it has become the wine of heaven, and our souls grow strong. I come now, and place both of my feet deep down into the blackened ashes of our con sumed church, and I cry out with an ex hilaration that I never felt since the day of my emancipation, "Victory! victory! through our Lord Jesiis Christ!" Your harps, Te trembling saints, Down from the willows tale. Loud to the praise of lore divine Bid every string awake. TniBTY CHUECHES INSTEAD OP ONE. We are also reinforced by the catholicity that I have already referred to. We are in the academy to-day, not because we have no other place to go. Last Sabbath morn ing at 9 o'clock we had but one church; now we have about 30, all at our disposal. Their pastors and their trustees say: "You may take our main audience rooms, you may take our lecture rooms, you may take our church parlors, you may baptize in our baptisteries, and sit on our anxions seats." Oh! if there be any larger hearted ministers or larger hearted churches anywhere than in Brooklyn, tell me where they are, that I may go and see them before I die. The mil lennium has come. People keep wondering when it is coming. It has come. The lion and the lamb lie down together, and the tiger eats straw like an ox. I should like to have seen two of the old-time bigots, with their swords, fighting through that great fire on Schermerhorn street last Sabbath. I am sure the swords would have melted, and they who wielded them would have learned war no more. I can never say a word against any other denomi nation of Christians. I thank God I never have been tempted to do it I cannot be a sectarian. I have been told I ought to be, and I have tried to be, but I have not enough material in me to make such a structure. Everytime I get the thing most done, there comes a fire, or something else, and all is gone. The angels of God shake out on this air, "Glory to God in the high est, and on earth peace, good will toward men." I do not know bnt I see on the hori zon the first gleam of the morning which shall unite all denominations in one organi zation, distinguished only by the locality as in apostolic times. ONLY A DISTINCTION OF LOCALITY. It was then the Church of Thyatira, and the Church of Thessalonica, and the Church of Antioch, and the Church of Laodicea. So I do not know but that in the future history, and not far off either, it may be simply a distinction of locality, and not of creed, as the Chnrch of New York, the Church ofBrooklyn, the Church of Boston, the Church of Charleston, the Church of Madras, the Church of Constantinople, the Church of America. Mv dear brethren, we cannot afford to be severely divided. Standing in front of the great foes of our common Christianity, we want to put on the whole armor of God and march don n in solid column, shoulder tar shoulder! one commander! one triumph! iiie trumpet gives a martial strain. O Israil! gird thee lor the light; Arlic. the combat to maintain; Arise, and put thy foes to flight. We also feel reinforced by the thought that we are on the way to a heaven that can never burn down. Fires may sweep through other cities but I am glad to know that the New Jerusalem is fireproof There will be no engines rushing through those streets; there will be no temples consumed in that city. Coming to the doors of that church, we will find them open, resonant with songs, and not cries of fire. Oh, my dear brother and sister! if this short lane of life comes up so soon to that blessed place, what is the use of onr worrying? I have felt a good many times this last week like Father Tay lor, the sailor preacher. He got in a long sentence while he was preaching one day, and lost himself, and could not find his wav out of the sentence. He stopped and said: "Brethren, I have lost the nominative of this sentence, and things are generally mixed up, but I am bound for the kingdom anyhow." HE -WANTS TO ATTAIN TO 89. And during this last week, when I saw the rushing to and fro and the excitement, I, said to myself, "I do not know just where" we shall start again, but I am bound for the kingdom anyhow." I do not want to go just yet I want to be pastor of this people until I am about 89 years of age, but I have some times thought that there are such glories ahead that I may be persuaded to go a little earlier for instance, at 82 or 83; but I really think that, if we could have an apprecia tion of what God has in reserve for us, we would want to go, stepping right out of the Academy of Music into the glories of the skies. Ah! that is a good land. Why, .they tell me that in that land they never have a heart ache. They tell me that a man might walk 600 years in that land and never see a tear or hear a sigh. They tell me that our friends who have left us and gone there, their feet are radiant as the sun; that they take hold of the hand of Jesus familiarly, and that tbev open that hand and see in the palm of it a healed wound that must have been very cruel before it was healed. And they tell me that there is no winter there, and. that they never get hungry or cold, and that the sewing girl never wades through the snow bank to her daily toil, and that -the eJbck Jisver strikes 12 for 'the night, but oniyi2for-thfrday. See that light in. the window. I wonder who set it there. "Oh!" you say, "my father that went into glory must nave set that light in the window No; guess again. "My mother, who died 15 years ago in Jesus. I think must have set that light there." " WHO SET IT THESE? No; guess again. You say, "My darling Iittle' child, that last summer I put away for t5WBtrrec06n, I think she must have set thaTtghPtahre in the window." Nojguess again. Jesus set it there; and He will keep it burning until the day wc put our finger onthe latch of the door and go in to be at home forever. Oh! when my sight gets black in death, put on my eyelids that sweet ointment When in the last weariness I cannot take another step, just help me put my foot on that doorsill. When my ear catches no more the voices of wife and child, let me go right in, to have my deafness cured by the stroke of the harpers whose fingers fly oyer the strings with the anthems of the free. Heaven never burns down! The fires of the last day, that are already kindled in the heart of the earth, but are "hidden because God keeps down the hatches those internal fires will, after a while, break through the crust, and the plains and the mountains and Tfche seas will be consumed, and the flames win mug meir long arms into iiie buies, uuv all the terrors of a burning world will do no more barm to that heavenly temple than the fires of the setting sun which kindle up the window glass of the house on yonder hill top. Oh, blessed land 1 'But I do not want to go there until I see the Brooklyn Taber nacle rebuilt. You say, "Will it be?" You might as well ask me if the sun will rise to morrow morning, or if the next spring will put garlands on its head. You and I may notMo it you and 1 may not live to see it; but the Church of God does nor stand on twe legs nor on a tl onsand legs. MODULATION -WEAES HIM OUT. How did the Israelites get through the Eed Sea? I suppose somebody may have come and said: "There is no need of trying; you will get your ieet wet; you will spoil your clothes; you will drown yourselves. Whoever heard of getting through such a sea as that?" How did they get through it? Did thev go back? No. Did they go to the right? "No. Did they go to the left? No. They went forward in the strength of the Lord Almighty; and that is the way we mean to get through the Bed Sea. By going forward. But, says someone: "If we should build a larger church, would you be able with your voice to fill it?" Why, I have been wearing myself out for the last 16 years in trying to keep my voice in. Give me room where I can preach the glories of Christ and the grandeurs of heaven. Forward! We have to march on, break ing down all bridges behind us, making re treat impossible. Throw away your knap sack it it impedes your march. Keep your sword arm free. Strike for Christ and His kingdom while you may. No people ever had a better mission than you are sent on. Prove yourselves worthy. If I am not fit to be your leader, set me aside. The brightest goal on earth that I can think of is a coun try parsonage amid the mountains. But I am not afraid to lead you. I have some dollars; they are at your disposal. I have good physical health; it is yours as long as it lasts. I have enthusiasm of soul; I will not keep it back from vour service. I have some faith in God, and I shall direct it to ward the rebuilding of our new spiritual house. Come on, then. I will lead you. A BAD JOB FOE .SATAN. Come on, ye aged men, not yet passed over Jordan! Give us one more lift before you go into the promised land. You men in miuuie me, uuriicsa vuur uusiness lacui ties to this enterprise. Young man, put the fire of your soul into this work. Let women consecrate their persuasiveness and per sistence to this cause, and they will be pre paring benedictions for their dying hour and everlasting rewards; and if Satan really bum that Tabernacle down, as some people say he did, he will find it the poorest job he ever undertook. Goodby, old Tabernacle! I pnt or fingers to my lip and -throw a kiss to the departed church. In the-last day, may we be able to meet the songs there sung, and the prayers there offered, andthe sermons there preached. Goodby, old place, where some of us first felt the Gospel peace, and others heard the last message ere they flew away into the skies! Goodby, Brooklyn Tabernacle of 1873! But welcome our new church. (I see it as plainly as though it were already built!) Your gates wider, your song's more triumphant, your ingatherings more glorious. Biseont of the ashes and greet L our waiting vision! Burst on our souls, oh day of our church s resurrection! By our altars may we be prepared for the hour when the fire shall try every man's work of what sort he is. Welcome, Brooklyn Taber nacle of 1890! FOR TIRED BRAIN Uio Ilorsford'i Acid Phosphate. Dr. O. C. Stout. Syracuse, N. Y., says: "I gave it to one patient who was unable to trans act the most ordinary business, because his brain was tired and confused' upon the least mental exertion. Immediate benefit, and ulti mate recovery followed." B. fc B. 46-Inch Caahmerei at 75c Ex. ex. fine and good. Choicest shades. Dollar goods these are, and we bought them and can make a small profit and sell them at 75c; and such fine bargains will sell them fast Boogs & Buhl. Penons HoldlnE Club Tickets At Aufrecht's Elite gallery, good until November 1, should come early for their sittings, so as to avoid the rush, at 516 Mar ket street, Pittsburg. Pittsbtjeg Beef Co., wholesale agents for Swilt's Chicago dressed beef, sold for week ending Oct. 19, 153 carcasses of beef; average weight per carcass 629 pounds; average price per pound 5.41 cents. Birthday Glfta. Diamond pins, Garnet pins, Plain pins, Finger rings, set and plain, As well as quite a lot of odds and ends suit able for such occasions, at Henry Terbey den's, 530 Smithneld st mwf Come, Only JO More Day For fine cabinets at 75c per doz. at Yeager & Co. 's gallery, 70 Federal St., Allegheny. Bring baby. Bnrgatni In Clonks. Tailor-made, perfect fitting plush jackets, cloth jackets, beaver jackets, broadcloth wraps, Connemaras, Newmarkets, etc., in largest largest variety and prices that cannot be ifsoftEjyCome to-day. BOSENBAUM & CO. The pleasantest and most wholesome drink is F. & V.'s Pilsner beer. rjACOBsoif ti AH RDC&T IBDYfApJ CHROSnC PAINS. Cases 40 Years StandlngCurcd. Cases 30 YearsStandlngCured. Cases 20 Yeans StandlrrgCurod. Cures Promptly & Permanently. At Dbcooists Airb Deaixbs. THE CHARLES A. V06ELER CO. BaNatrt, H4. jr TRADE fggMKJgL f U Ma. -TUC ntu TIPH0ID .FEYBR AT IALE. r A Number of Student! Ill, One of Them a Pltlabjarg Boy. JEPECIAI. TBLXOXUU TO THE DISFATCTI.1 New Haven, October 20. Typhoid fever is raging to a small extent in Yale University. Tnis morning Thomas J. Kob erts. of Scranton, Pa., died at the hospital, where he has been confined nearly two weeks. Boberts was a member of the sopho more class, a head student, and disobeyed the advice of physicians in attempting to keep up with his studies after being ordered to keep to his room. Among other stndents who are ill with the fever in a mild form are Gerald W. Bordin, '93, of Chicago; Edward P. Drew, '91, of Mclndoes Falls, Vt; Arthur B. Ens sell, '91. of South Norwalk, and. Albert H. Barclay, '91, of Pittsburg. Dr. Seaver in sists that there is no danger of the disease becoming epidemic, and that the illness in all cases is due to lack of exercise taken by the students afflicted. -' c HO SECTION IN SUCH A CASE. Secretary Tracy Draws No Line When Good Music la Wanted. rSPECIAI. TELEGRAM TO TEE DISFATCH.I Washington, October 20. Senator Bansom, of North Carolina, has secured the promise of the United Slates Marine Band from the Secretary of the Navy, and of United States flags from the Secretary of War, to be used to add to the eclat of his State's centennial celebration of her ratifica tion of the Federal Constitution. The event will take place at Fayetteville on the 21st of November, and Jefferson Davis is ex pected to be present. Many Republicans here are inclined to severely criticise Secretary Tracy for allow ing the band to leave the city at all, and particularly to aid in a Southern celebration in which Jeff Davis is to be the central figure, but Mr. Tracy says he knows no section when good music is at stake. The people's remedy. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Price 25 cents, for sale everywhere. The pleasantest and most wholesome drink is F. & V.'s Pilsner beer. A Llfe-blzo Crayon for S3, Also one doz. cabinets of anybody for $1, at .auirecm s iMiie uaiiery, oio juarKei si., Pittsburg. Bring baby. Use elevator. B The pleasantest and most wholesome drink is F. & V.'s Pilsner beer. CATARRH TO CONSUMPTION. Catarrh in its destructive force stands next to and undoubtedly leads on to consumption. Ic Is therefore singular that those afflicted with this fearful disease should not make it the ob ject of their lives to rid themselves of it. De ceptive remedies concocted by ignorant pre tenders to medical knowledge have weakened the confidence of the great majority of suffer ers in all advertised remedies. They become resigned to a life of misery rather than torture themselves with doubtful palliatives. Bat this will never do. Catarrh must be met at every stage and combated with all our might In many cases the disease has assumed danger ous symptoms. The bones and cartilage of the nose, the organs of hearing, of seeing and of lasting so anectea as to De useless, tne uvuia so elongated, the throat so inflamed and irritated as to produce a constant and distressing cough. Banford's Radical cure meets every phase of Catarrh, from a simple head cold to the most loathsome and destructive stages. It is local and constitutional. Instant in relieving, permanent in curing, safe, economical and never-failing. Each package contains one bottle of the Kadical cube, one box catarrhal Sol vent, and an Improved Inhaler, with treatise; price, $L Potter Drug and Chemical Corpora tion, Boston. UTERINE PAINS And Weaknesses instantly relieved hv thn Cufimtpd Anti.PsiH Plitlap a Perfect Antidote to Pain, Inflam ed mation and Weakness. A new. most agreeable, instantaneous and infallible nain- kllllng plaster, especially adapted to relieve fe male pains and weaknesses. Vastly superior to all other plasters. At all druggists, 25 cents; five for 81; or, pistage free, of Potter Dbuq and Chemical Corporation, Boston. Mass. OC21-MF MR& ANNIE EVANS, No. 910 Second avenue, has recently been enred of catarrh and a bad lung trouble, from which she had been a great sufferer. Sho had ringing In ber ears, pain over her eyes and dizziness She had a continuous hawking and spitting of the catarrhal secretion that gathered in her tnroat, and as the poisonous matter extended to her Inugs she coughed badly. The pressure and pain she felt in her lungs told ber only too plainly that the disease was fast progressing. Ulceration set in, causing frequent hemor rhages. She became very weak, nervous, and soldom could get a good night's sleep. Her stomach gave ber much distress after eating, and she also suffered terribly from diseases pe culiar to women. After consulting the physl clans of the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute at 323 Penn avenue she began treatment, and of the result she says: "I am very glad to give my testimony. .1 have been cured of all the abovo diseases.and gladly recommend these physicians to those suffering from diseases of their spe cialty. MRS. ANNIE EVANS.'' Ihey cure catarrh, dyspepsia and diseases of women. Consultation free. Office hours, 10 A. M. to 4 P. M., and 6 to 8 P. M. Sundays, 12 to 4 P. M. ocll-MWP RAYMOND'S VACATION EXCURSIONS. ALL TRAVELING EXPENSES INCLUDED. A WINTER CALIFORNIA. The first and second narties of tho season wil Leave Philadelphia Thursday, November 14, day, 12, for and Thursday, December Pasadena, Los Angeles, and other points in Southern Califor "Sa. The route will be via Buffalo, Niagara Palls, Chlcago.Kahsas City, Las Vegas, Hot Springs, Santa Fe, Albuquerque, Barstow and San Bernardino. The trip to be made In a special (rain of Magnificent Vestibuled Pullman Palace Cars, with Pullman Palace Dining Car. Every ticket entitles the holder to visit Los Angeles, Tho Raymond, at East Pasadena, Riverside, San Diego, Santa Monica, Santa tiarbara, San Francisco, Santa Cruz, San Jose, MountHamlltun, San Rafael and other leading resorts in California. A Choice of Four DifT r ent Routes Reluming. Fifteen Returning Parties Under Special Escort. Return Tickets also good on all trains until July, 1890. Inde pendent tickets, covering every expense both ways, giving entire freedom to the passenger while In California, and also in making the journey homeward. Hotel coupons supplied for long or short sojourns at The Raymond, East Pasadena; Hotel Vendome, San Jose; Palace Hotel, San Francisco: Hotel Del Cor onado, San Diego; Hotel Rafael, San Rafael; Santa Cruz: The Arlington and San Marcos, Santa Barbara: Hotel Arcadia, Santa Monica, and other famous Pacific coast resorts. Dales of other California Excursions: Jan nary 6. 9 and SO; February 10 and 13; and March 6, 10 and 20. Dates of Mexico Excursions: January 13, February 10. and March 10. W. RAYMOND. I. A.JVHrrCOMB. rSend for descriptive .circulars, desig nating whetber book relating to California or Mexico tonrs is desired: " RAYMOND & WHITCOMB. Ill South Ninth SL, under Continental Hotel, Phlladslphls, Pa. ocl7.12-XTh ? A SADJOME. ' , The Vain Regrets of a Sorrowful Hutband OvSr the Needless Lots of His Wlfe,-and the Warning ii Conveys to Others. ' Probably the saddest moat unhappy man In New York City to-day is Mr. G. V. Remington, who resides on East 33th street A few weeks ago be had a beantlf ul wife and a happy home; nor his ears arc pained by the cries of his motherless children. Mrs. Remington passed through the Summer,ln good health and spirits, but the first change In the weather chilled ner, csuiedlier to cough, quickened her pulse and brought on a gen eral feeling of weariness. Mr. Eemlngton thought it was only a cold, ana so neglected iu "Oh! 'Why didn't Ido something before It ws tot) late?" he exclaimed bitterly. "I knew she was weakened by the heat of the Summer, all the pores of the skin were open and she was an easy Victim to disease, but I might have saved her If 1 had only assisted Nature in time, instead of waiting-, and then sending for the doctor when it was too late." Nearly every man or woman who has passed through the Summer months is specially liable to the attack of this same demon, Pneumonia, which comes so quickly, so unexpectedly and often ends so fatally. Immediate assistance to nature of a strong stimulant is the only way by which It can be avoided, and It is for this very purpose that Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey has achieved such a national reputation and become so popular. The dangerous, often fatal, diseases which attack the system when It Is specially weak can be quickly thrown off by this pure stimulating whiskey. The highest testimony of the leading physicians oi the land amply prove this, and the thousands who have been saved from untimely graves also attest it. Great care should be exercised to secure only the genuine, as it is the only preparation on the market which has the power to cure ana which does so invariably, , IT'S TIME TO LOOK AROUND To keep your feet warm and dry, especially so with parties that have corns and cold feet. These I would advise to come and see my large stock of Beaver Cloth, Felt and Heavy Serge, Flannel Lined, Quilted Shoes, Boots and Slippers. Also, Gents' grain fur-lined Boots. Gents' Cloth Slippers and Shoes at 1 to 1175. In Ladles' Cloth Fpxed Bala, at 81 to $1 25. Fine Serge Flannel Lined Bals. and Slippers atS125to160. ' Beaver Foxed Button Shoes at SI SO. Ladies' Cloth Slippers at 75c A Large Stock, Good Goods and Low Prioes, -AT- , G. D.SIM EN'S, 78 OHIO ST., ALLEGHENY. Corner of Sandusky street. OC17-HW ANCHOR REMEDY COMP'NY, 229 LIBERTY STREET, Anchor specialties. Catarrh Remedy, Rheumatic Remedy, KIDNEY REMEDY, Dyspepsia Remedy, Beef, Wine and Iron, Beef, Wine Iron and Cocoa. Cod Liver Oil. Sareanarilta liver Pills. Liniment, and extra larze strength. ening nlasters. We have thousands of testi monials from people who have used the ANCHOR REMEDIES and all commend them as being the best prep arations in the market. We guarantee satis faction in all cases where the directions are carefully followed. selB-uwr Established 1832. BROOM CORN. Broom Manufacturers Supplies PEANUTS. ROBERT DICKEY & CO., 77 WATER ST.AKD 98 FIRST AVE. Telephone 183. d231-mwv oopmy STILL THEY COME! BARGAINS FOR ALL THE PEOPLE -AT- DOUGLAS t .For this week an exceptionally fine assortment of Ladles' Stockinette Jackets in all the latest styles will be offered from SJ 50 up to the finest. You can save from 91 00 to S3 50 on this Amostsn snnerb ranee of Ladles' Cloth Jackets will be submitted at prices ranging from SI 0 Money in your pooket to see this lot. i of styles, Ladles Nowmarkets, in all the newest materials, to be laid out at S3 00, md on up to most superior. They're worth from SI 50 to S5 00 more. UNDRED only superiorly fine Seal Plosh Bacaues. that are really worth 823 00. to be up to best Lezmns H 00, Jo 00 and on up to most superior. They're worth from SI 50 to S5 00 more. ONE TTTINDRKn nnlv cilnnrlnrlvflna Snal TJlnnl. QnAMA. !... .. .-!!.. given away this week at S19 50 each. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS LOT EAKLY. uixr. uu.i unisj very extra seal riusn sai be offered at prices varying from SS 75 to S25 00. ONE HUNDRED very extra Seal Plush Sacaues. that alwavs sell from S10 00 to 830 00. will nrluo .t.l.. .. CD T .Iff AA. " " Of Pocketbook-Saving Interest to You. Thousands of MIssps and Children's Garments in all the latest and most approved styles of fashion, weave and material at prices that'll surely make your money ko as far in purchasing three garments as ordinarily it would do for two. Every Department Loaded With Bargains. 151 and 153 FEDERAL STREET, AIjHEIGHENT. OC21-HWJ" THE LARGEST STOCK. LAJEST STYLES. XjEAJXasTG- SHOE DEALER Wholesale House, 515 and 5 t 7' Wood street. FURNITURE AND CARPETS GRANDEST VARIETY! BEST QUALITIES! NEWEST .STYLES! Oasln. axLd. Oz?eciti BIo-o.se3 , 923 and 925 Penn avenue, near Ninth street THE MADEOM-YBY G eoAMacbeth&Cq. Pittsburgh 1 NEW "ADVERTISEMENTS. I BE WISE! Overcoat weather Is rapidly approaching. Prepare for It In time by investing your dollars in one of Nicoll, the Tailor's OVERCOAT& Far Beavers, Chinchillas, Kerseys. Meltons, etc., made to your order from $18. wool lined, satin lined. lined as you please. Largest stock in town. 2,000 Btyles to select from. icofflj (lat&yr 313 SMTTHPIELD STREET, PITTSBURG, PA. Samples and self measurement rules mailed on application. oclo-MTh Latest improved Spectacles and Eye-Glasses; will fit any nose with ease and comfort. The largest and best stock of Optical Instruments and Artificial Eyes. KORNBLtTM, Theoretical and Practical Optician. No. 50 Fifth avenue, near 'Wood street Telephone No. 1686. sel9-csu D ATEITTS. O. D. LEVIS, Solicitor of Patents, 311 Fifth avenue, above Smlthfield. next Leader office. (No delay.) Established 20 years. se35-60 HAttROADsT BALTIMORE AND 'OHIO RAILROAD Schedule in effect May 12, 1889. For Washing ton, D. C, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Hen York, 8:00 a. m., and 9:20 p. m. For Cum berland, 8:00 a. m., $1:00, 9.20 p. m. For Con nellsviile, $8:10 and "3:00 a. m.. J1.-0C, $4:00 and ts20 p. m. For Unlontown, :, "8.-00 . m.. tl 0 and $4:00 p. m. For Mount Pleasant, $S:o and $8:00 a. m.. and $1:00 and $4:00 p. m. For Washington, Pa., 6:43. $9:40 a. m,, 1-.3Z, $5:30 and 'SiMp. m. For Wheeling, 6:45, $9:40 a. m., 3:35, 8:30 p.m. For Cincinnati and St. Louis. 6:45 a. m '3:30p.m. For Columbus. 6:45and9:40 a. m.. 3:30 p. m. For Newark. 6:45, $9:40 a. m 3:35, '8:30 p. m. For Chlcasro, t.K, $9:40 a. mZ J:35 and 8:30 p. m. Trains arrive from .New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, 6:20 a. m. and "8:50 p. m. From Columbus, Cin cinnati and Chicago, "7:45 a. m. and "9:00 p. m. From Wheeling, 7:, KfcMa, m.. $5:00, 9:00 p. m. Through sleeping cars to Baltimore, Wash ington and Cincinnati. Wheeling accommodation. 8.30 a. m.. Sunday only. Conneilsville accommodation at S8:3S a. m. Daily. $Dally except Sunday. SSunday onlT. The Pittsburg Transfer Company will call for and check baggage from hotels and residences upon orders left at B. & O. Ticket Office, corner Firth avenue and Wood street. CHAd. O. SCULL, Gen. Fail. Agt. J.T.ODKLL, Oen.Mgr. P1TTSBUEO AND CASTLE SHANNON R. B. Summer Time Table. On and after May 1, 1889, until further notice, trains will run as follows on every day; except Sunday. Eastern standard time: Leaving Plttsburg-iiS) a. m., 7:10a. m., 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a. m 11:30 a. m., 1:40 p. m.. 3:40 p. m., 6:10 p. m.. 6:50 p. m., 6:30 p. n., 9:30 p.m., 11:30 p.m. Arlington 6:40 a. m., 6:20 a. m., 7:10 - m 8.m m 1nH 1Alti m t.M .. M 4:20 p. m., t:10p. m., 6:60 p. m., 7:10 p. m., 10:34 p.n 12:51 . m, sunuay trams, .eaving xiixsDurg iua.m., :5up. m.. 2.30 p. in., 6:10 p. m., 7:10 p. m 9 JO p. m Arllngton-'J:Ua. m., 12 m., l-Wp. m., 0 p,m. 6:30 p. m., 80 p. m. JOHN JAHN. Sapt. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD Trains leave Union Station (Eastern Standard timeli Klttannlnff At fi.&5 a. m. Nlarara Ex.. dally. 8:45 a. a... Httlton Ac, 10:111 a. m.; Valley Camp Ac, 12:05 p. m.; Oil City and DuBolj Ex- press,2-00 p.m. ; Hultcn Ac, 3:00p.m. : Klttannlng '& Ac. 40 p.n m.: raebumKX.,5:oop.m.: JUttann- lng Ac, ,6.p m.: Braebura Ac. 6:20p.m.: Hul- ton Ac, 7.50 p. m.; Buffalo Ex., dally. 8:M- p. m. llulton Ac, 9 u p.m. : uraeDurn Ac, 11:30 p. m. Church trains Braebnrn, 12:40 p. m. and 9:35 p. m. Pullman Sleeping Cars between Pittsburir and Buffalo. JAS. P. ANDERSON. Ci.T. Agt.: DAVID MCOABOU, Gen. Sunt. M ACKIE'S. BEST ASSORTMENT. LOWEST PRICES. Retail Stores, 406 and 408- Market street. OC16-48-MWF LOWEST PRICES! EASIEST TERMS! BEST TREATMENT! geSS-mrF LAMP ii Kill M jiuio jm&Mmm; xfisiiuZ y flCST IHJMNEY5 WW0HLD NEW ADVERTWCMCNTS. : ? PEOPLE DON'T COME TO KAUFMAN NS': because they like them better than other dealers, but the true cause ia they have found and others are discovering the same thing i. e., they get better values, pay out less of their earnings and save their money, thereby obtaining greater returns than can be had elsewhere. This'is just what our patrons want and what we are determined they shatf havs and are giving it to them every day- a-Bargains ARE BARGAINS here and not a pitfall for the un wary. Our entire establishment bristles with them this season nntil thev "stand out like quills upon a fretful 'TIS HIGH TIDE IN OUR CLOAK DEPARTMENT Come early and learn who sells the Cloaks in Pittsburg. Close buyers are always close sellers. If you want to live well, board withan epicure. Moral If you want to get best values in Cloaks, do your pur chasing at Kauf manns'. , f j-Si J ffli Ira fNJa rL.y. V'a& n Km. fer 'a?m. I jt. vl ra " ifcnfc . jh V, ' If fjJii!y IHHSSrt? 1 mmilmXVw Seal Plush Garments in all their Excellence Can be Found Here in Every New Style,, Yes, the GENUINE LISTER and WALKER ENGLISH SEAL PLUSHES, and not the rubbishy stuff that masquerades under "that name- These goods are absolutely guaranteed by the manufacturers not to wear off at the edges, to retain their rich, seal like appewaace and to give satisfaction in every particular to the wearer, t Wfcea bayingk a .flusn garment get -no other but Kaufmanns', you can buy the best mediocre qualities. Have you any doubt where These few things hinted at Many of our styles in Ladies' toire garments, Wraps, Jackets, etc., of Children's absolutely is. We aim as we are the only house in this city whose buyers anasaMy visit' European markets, things of this kind come our way. i Be sure and visit us this Week, For it'll be a banner week for bargaias. I KAUFMANNQ Fifth Avenue iand kailboIds. PENNSYLVANIA KAILKOAD ON ANO after September a, 1869. trains Ieare Colon Station, ntubarg. u lollows. Eastern Standard Timet MAIN LINE EASTWAED New York sod Chicago Limited or tollman Ye. name oaitT i :id a. m. Atlantic ex: Man train, i press dalljr lor the East, Sso a.m. dally, except Handay. 6:30 a. m. Sua- daT. mall. s.40a. m. Var express dallr at 8:00 a, m. Mall express dally at 1:00 p. m. ixpi deli Greensturgexpresss:iop. m. weekdays. Derry express 11:00 a. m. week days. AUtnronrh trains connect at Jersey Cltywia boats of "Brooklyn Annex" for Brooklyn, S. Y aToldlngdoubleferrlaKe and journey uronjtn N. Y.Clty. Trains arms at Union Station as follows: Mail Train, dally 8:10 p. a. Western Express, dally 7:45 a. m. Pacific Express, dally 12:45 p.m. Chicago Limited Kxpress, dally 8:30 p.m. Fast Line, dally 11:58 p. in. DOUTUWEyr WN KAIL WAX. For Unlontown, 5.30 and 8.35 a, m. and 4:3 p. m., without change of cars: 12.50 p. m connect lng at Oreensbnrg. Trains arrlro from Unloa town at S:S a. m.. 12:20. 6:53 and 8:10 p. m. WEST rENNSX-nVANlA DIVISION. FromFEDEBAL or. BTAriON. Allegheny City. Mall train, connecting for Blalrsrllle. , 0: ioa.ni. Express, for Ulalrsrui Be, connecting for Butler Accam :20a- m., 235 and 8B5. m. cntier 1.23 p.m. Eprlngdale Accom9:00, 11:50 a,m. S JO and too p.m. rreeport Accom sua. :'"1'"iS' " OnBnnday .-. 12.60 and Jp. m. North ApoUo Accom U.-OOa.m. and 6:00 p, m. Allegheny Junction Accommodation connecting for Butler .8:20 a, m. Blalrsrllle Accommodation ....10;4Qp.m. TralnsarrlTe at KEDKKAL 8TBEET STATION: Express, connecting from Butler. 1036 a. m. Mall Train. .A""vJ:JSp-BU Butler Accom :10a. m., 4:40 and 7:20 p. m, BlalrsTlUe Accommodation.............-. & p. m. Freenort Accom.7:40a.m.. las, 7:20 and 11:10 p. m. On Sunday 10:10a.m. and 7:00 p.m. 8pitagdaleAccom....e.J71ll:48a.m.,:25f30p-m, NortU Apollo Accom 8:49a. m. and 6:40 p. m. MONONOAtlELA UIVI81ON. Trains leare Union station. Flroourg. as follows: For Moaongahela City, Wtn BrownsTllle and Unlontown. 10.40 a.m. For Monongahela City and wt Hrivwn vrMl7:ftt and 10:40 a. m.and 4:40 D.m. b On Sunday, 1:01 pm. For Monongahela City, 4:40 p. m.. wecKuaja. UraTosbura Ac, week days, 120 p.m. West Eluabetb. Accommodation. 8:20 a. m 2)03, 6:20 and 11:85 p. m. Sunday, 9:40 p. m. Ticket offices Corner Fourth arenua and Try street and Union station. CHAS. E. PUUH, J. B, WOOU, Ueneral Manager. Gen'l Pase'r Agent. PANHANDLE KOUTE- JULY 8. 1889. UNION station. Central Standard Tin. Leare for Cincinnati and St. Louis, d 7:39 a.nu, d 8:00 and d 11:15 p. m. Dennlson, 2:ti p. m. Chicago, 12:03, d 11:U p.m. Wheeling. 7 JO a. m., 12:06, 6:10 p.m. Btenbennlle. ItHa. m. Washington. 8.65, 8:38a. in. ,1:56, 10,4:15,4?. m. Bulger. 10:19 a. m. Burgettstown, all:3ia.m.. 5:p. m. Mans- neid, 7:15, 9:30, 11:00 a. m p. m. McDonald. d4tl&, 1 ltttt, vutt a lUV, VOB uonaios, a-tiiL a From the West, le West, d 2: inlson. 9.30a. .7 10. 8-46 a.n 4 2:10. d 6.-00 a. m.. 2.-08, dbfS 9:45 p. I-Rtf p.m Whi m. Dennlson. 9J0a.ra. SteubenrUle, 1 teucenruie, ton p. m. eeltnr, 7 10, 8-45 a.nu. 2:05, 6.56 p.m. Bargetts- t tows. 7ilS m.S9.-aB a 7:15a. m.,sa:86a.m. Wartungton. 1.16,18, 8:40. 10.26 a. m 2-36. 6:46 n. m. Mansflsld, 8:30, 11:49a. nu. 12:46. 35.. w:e ana a 6:30 p.m. jsuicer, iitop. m MeUoaatdft d a. au, d 8188 d Hiyj a Ses4ar oattr pother " All .. SENTIMENT BUSINESS., porcupine." j& T3$t. 1 $Ai the BEST, and, if yoa bat compter. for le3S monev than others charge Al THE Cloak business of Kttsbarg'LiV to-day stand for all. Newmarkets, Peasant CdatsDirec are exclusive, while our entire stock to have what others caa'r ger,-ad "-?& Smithfield Street GCH-B RAILK0AB3. "DENN3YLVANIA COMl'ANTfnj Lift itral Standard TIba. X Bept.22.188R. TRAINS DEPART As fonowa nom. u mob station : For CMeaca. d 7B a. m d 12:20, dl, d7:46. exeept gatwSf. 1S p. m.r loieao. van a. B.ana.giasWeMeit Saturday. 11J0 p. m.: Crestline. 6:46 a. m.iCfanit- urn y u... wcuiu ViB A. K.S VBBTV m, 12-45 and d 11:46 p.m. aa1 7a r, r. W. C. Kr.t Hew Catito town. 7.9S -a. : Ma. htt ., lono, quu a, "1 ",. v- ...:, -.. .n -..:" r .. r.Tr1' ana laungnown. 7.txt a. m nag. )Hft b Youngstown and Miles, d 12:20 p. m. 5 Jfeafr xieaua Asaiairaia. 7aDa.ia.. lzn . n and Jamestown, : p. m.t Matiilloa. 4:4p. 11 urauui uu iwiuira. o:aia..B n:k . as.: Bearer Fall 4.-&S. 56 p. m. Bearer FaHaT B 849 a. ia. ; Leetsdale. 5:30 a. a. ALLEGHENY-Rochester. J0 a. m.t Bearer f ".'".SlSS' J?1 m! Bbob' ? -J Leets dale, 10:00, 11 : a. m., 2.-00, 4:36, 4:, VdEL Jas. WS p. m.; Conway, 10:30 p. m.: .Fair OaiaTtJ H.-40 a. m.j Leetsdale, S8:30pnv TBAINBARKiVEUnlonatattoatrem C4eag except Monday ltie, d:08. d6J8 a. ., 111 m.; Toledo, exeept Monday 18, dSiaS a. bu, W S. m,, Crestline, 2:10 p. m.: YouBgatowa sfci ew Castle, :Wa. m., 1-J6. 8 jn. 10:18 p. m.rNHea and Youngstown. d:p.m.:CleTelaBd, d 5586 a. m.. 2:26, Tj,a: Wheeling and Betialre, ftst a. m., 2.-26. 7:0t p. in.: Erie and .Ashtabula, irx. 10:1 o. nut Masslllon, MSB a. m.; NHes ani, Jamestown. t:K a. m.: Bearer Falls. 7:86 a. nu. loop. m.. Bearer Falli, a 8:26 n. m.: Leetsdale. 10:40" p. m. 7 AKfelVK ALLEGHEKT-Frsm Kara, 86 a. m.;' Conway, 6:6Cj Hoeheater, 9:40 a. bus Bears Fills, 7:10 a. m, 8: p. m.: Leetsdale. 8)88, e-K. 7:45 a. tn 12.-00. 1:46, eo, 8:36. B.-eo p7 BtT: Fair Oaks. 88:86a.m.: Leetsdale. 8 86 p. ra.: Bearer Falls. S 3:15 n. m. S, Sunday only: d. dally; other trains, ex UUUJ PITrSBUBO AND LAXE ERIE KAILBOA& COMFANY-Sehedol In effect Jane 2, m' Central time. DarAST For Clereland, S.-tt.j'Mh a. m., -i.-jd, 4us, ii:30 p. m. For ClnclBMli. rago ana as. una, txna. m.. -aB, ."sail Jor Buffalo, 8M0 a. m... 4 M, JO p. m. Fet manca, -a.uua, m.. .:iep. m. For IcwiKsmwa and New.cattle. 5:88. -869. :1S a. m., 1:8s. tH. v vi joaicr riiSm aiUQL aiao. bml JSitf m- 2 33- -,! " ? T? 0.-J 8.06. 8:38. :-. 10:15 a. -. "iHB, V Aw ,:w "aH :, SH, IMts v. 1 ARnrrx rrom uiereiano, 68 a. ns.38; -mw ' 7"? . e:J!2 -Troin CIbc1bbU. aicaro and St. Loals. It-.JO. 7: p. m. Fn'JeaUo. 8:80 a. 11 13:8,9, :44) p. m. .Freffl'Sa4maa- ca. '1236. 7u5 B. irorn VHsnttus and New castle. 8J8. 9:20 a. m.. maaT 9:40 p. m. From Bearer FaUa. fclLI: m asea. -jj" .-8:88, 7. 9rJ9 ?r mw- :!:.. ii18- ?? p- -' a a. a. n. uwa ianseia, Km a. at., -way 4:50 p. in. For Essen and BeeolnnoBt, 8:30 a. m.. ,3:80 p. nu r.. C.Y. tralM from ilans flcld. F-stea and Beeelunont, 7.99 a. m., llJOa. nu r5J0a.m., dip.nu For Weet Newton, l3- TT.. -r Baa- aTi " T .. TaJ. v .uo a, AHsnrx From tpn 8:it5.-9 a. m.. 1:2V sleB p. ra. For Me- " " en.. i. .1 dii .SL ia. . --l ui m ir----Fs u, : urn- jveespon, jstuaoeth and Monongahela city. -s 5.?L.,P",!38 2:lSp. m From Monongahf' Wry, Ifllaabeth and MeKeesport. 1 M a. . iafc '.UUL' lnTi wJy. 2W111 rtraonehoor late on Sunday. I V. HI ran two hours Ute Sunday. CWy ticket O-Bce. 98B Smlthfield street. TorrrsBUHQ and wwtebn bai;1 js. xTainn.viBtan'gtlHg) Leare. Arrlre. jTSX., Akron. Teiedo, Kane 6:40 a m 7:37 p : 9.-8B a. m '? 9 m.M n IniJIW . . -3? r Y.j. - . a-n n ml 5 JO all ,t88.'S ins oaf SB. ow3JI im w sr.aKs. c jjg. t "iT. i5 s m ii . W. 5---.V K 'ft'SSBE mJHbF p? 'J 1 iWi i till 3B K " KJi ". &i . , J fe f,