KfwfiuJjSB3 srz. 'imywm-.imj j&rj'&rfm 'i-riiOT5S3HB"K7 'mm fUf.U MONDAY, OCTOBER -"Zl, 1889 x THE PlTTSBTTUG- DISPATCH, -' , tv-4T' wl$ BMr ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY 8, 1MB. Vol.44. Ko.tt. Entered at Pittsburg Fostofflce. November 14, isS7, as second-class matter. Business Office 07 and 99 Fifth Avenue. Notts Rooms and Publishing House75, 77 and 79 Diamond Street. Eastern Advertising Office, Koom 43, Tribune BuUdlng, New York. Averare net circulation of the dally edition of The Dispatch for fix months ending September . SO, 1SS9, as sworn to before City Controller, 30,095 Copies per issue. Average net circulation or tbc Snnday edition of The Dispatch for four raontlis ending Septem ber 29. 1SS9. 54,188 Copies per issue. TEB.S1S OF THE DISPATCII. r06TAOE TREE IX THE tTNITED ETATZ8. JLUrLTDlSFATCII, One Year t S CO Daily Dispatch, 1'er Quarter SCO Daily Dispatch. One Month 70 Dailt Dispatch, Including Sunday, 1 year. 10 CO Daily Dispatch, including Sunday, Sm'tlis. 250 Datlt Dispatch, Including Sunday. 1 month 90 Kckdat Dispatch, One Year ISO Weekly Dispatch, One Year l S3 The Daily Dispatch Is delivered bT carrlersat IScents per week, or Including Sunday edition, at Scents per week. p1ttsbijkg. moxday. oct. 2l 1ss9. the exposition's fuuds. The statement of Mr. S. S. Marvin that the Exposition still has to pay 5150,000 on its buildings will cause surprise among those who understood from the announce ments prior to the opening of the exhibition that all the money had been raised either by subscriptions or by loans. However that may be, the public will readily agree that after the demonstration that has been made of the possibilities of such an institution it must not be permitted to be hampered by debt iSotoniy nas the Exposition itself yielded a large revenue, which will be used in Improving the attrac--tions for the future, but the increased busi ness which it has brought to certain leading interests in the city has been very large. "With such success under the difficulties which attended the recent show, the gains that are to be secured for the future should prompt a ready response to all the needs of the Exposition Society. It is practically certain that the Exposi tion will possess greatly enhanced attrac tions next year, and bring a much larger business to this city. The mere instinct of pecuniary profit should make Pittsburg quick to see that its work is not hampered by insufficiency in its resources. TIGHT MONEY PEEDICTIOKS. The tightening of the money market in New Tork was one of the leading features of business during the past week; and its significance is emphasized by the declara tion of leading banking honses that rates as high as 15 to 25 per cent may ml between now and January L As these are excessive rates, the chance from the old condition of monetary ease is marked. The causes probably include an undue spread among the speculators of Wal' street and the-out-ward movement of gold, caused by large purchases of foreign goods and the ex penditures of American travelers abroad. There is no reason why this stringency should affect other interests than the specu lative ones. The separation has been some what clearly preserved, between legitimate business and the business gambles, of late years; and the Treasury purchases of bonds that are called out by these high interest rates will probably prevent the stringency from being felt by legitimate trade. In the meantime, a little squeezing of the inflation out of "Wall street will not harm the country at large. YANKEE AND SOUTH AHESICAN. Some of the many differences of tempera ment, habits and constitution, which have to be understood and adjusted before we can establish close relations with our South American cousins, are doubtless involved in the statement that the delegates on the South American excursion are worn out with ban queting and sight-seeing before the trip is half finished. The South American is generally credited with a disposition to take life easily. He is . even charged by his detractors with a tend ency toward .indolence. "Without accepting . that impeachment, it may be believed as no demerit tbat he likes to get all the sleep . necessary to recuperate his fatigue, that he '' takes time to iully digest his meals, and . that when he sees a new thing he prefers to be sure that he has seen it all before flying off to something new. Such peculiarities of our visitors might have been worth taking into consideration in planning a trip for their enter- . tainment. Instead of organizing it ' to suit the deliberate and slow-going Spanish-American character, it seems to have been taken for granted that - our visitors wonld at once adapt themselves to the Yankee customs of riding all night on the sleeping cars; of whirling through a 2 dozen factories of a manufacturing town in a single day, with a superficial glance at a hundred things each of which might re ' quire hours of study for them to compre hend; and of then sitting all the evening -: ruining their digestion with banquets and listening to speeches which few of them un stand and which those few discover to be exactly the same in all cases. "When we come to reflect on the differ ences of nationality and habit, wc need not be surprised thafthe nation's guests fail to '.take kindly to a trip built upon the most "aggravated Yankee plan of dash and hurry. Perhaps too, upon thinking it all over, we Jmay not find our respect for them lessened iby the fact that they are tired of the at tempt to crowd six months sightseeing into three weeks. LOGIC FOE THE C0EP0SATI0NS. The amiable and disinterested Oil City Derrick is pleased to approve the position of Tub Dispatch that a popular boycott against the natural gas companies of the Northwestern Pennsylvania towns is not the right method of regulating charges; but its disapproval is visited upon us for assum ing "that the corporation must always be ft'wrong, and that those who oppose it must J always be right" Since our cotemporary's tender susccpti " bilities on behalf of the corporations are so ylurrowed up by the supposed injustice, It is v worth while to state that The Dispatch did not pass any judgment on the rates of the gas companies involved in this dispute, Ifor two reasons: First, that it had no exact finformation as to the rates charged; and second, that it did not deem that question important in the point it was discussing. iWhat it did point out was that whether rates were high or low, the system of boy cotts and strikes, being the inevitable result of combination, was not the just or natural ay to regulate charges for public services. But when the sensitive advocate .of the aical monopoly combination proceeds to old the rcgutar corporate argument against competition, to the effect that it is ruinons on account of the wasted capital in the way of duplicating plants, it is prin cipally successful in demonstrating the large amount that it does not know about the methods by which competition In the natural gas supply might be preserved. If itdid not take itfor granted, as it invariably does that every proposition to preserve com petition in the gas supply means a new system of pipes for every competing gas producer, it might be able to bring to the discussion at least a primary knowledge of the means by which competition might be preserved. If the Derrick's claim that competition in the natural gas business is impossble, had to be accepted, it would go far toward demonstrating that combination on the part of the producers, with its attendant strikes and boycotts, is their only means of self protection. AGAINST OVEEHEAD WIBES. The convention of fire engineers, as will be perceived by our local columns, has joined in the general protest against over head electric light wires, and has adopted some very stringent resolutions concerning the course which the heads of fire depart ments should take in refusing to work their men where those wires are permitted. "When we reflect upon the facts in the case, wc can hardly disapprove even this radical action. The obstruction which the ordinary electric wires interpose to the oper ations of the firemen in city districts has long been recognized. By itself it should have been sufficient to secure the prompt re moval of the wires. But when to that trouble is added the presence of the electrio light wires, which as soon as they are cut to permit the firemen to go to work, may turn every wire in the vicinity into an instru ment of death, the danger is multiplied by an infinite factor. The dangers of a fireman's work are great enough without having the hazard of death by electric shock added to them. The fire engineers are right in protesting that they should not be expected to work with that fatal possibility hanging over them. TWO SIDES TO THE CASE. It may be all right for the United States to undertake the preservation of order and the punishment of crime among the gnano workers on islands unclaimed by other countries; but if it does so. it should either provide for maintaining impartial justice at the location of the works or should take care that it does not act without hearing both sides of the case. The report that United States war vessels are on the watch for the ships in which the rTavassa rioters are coming home, with the intention of putting them in prison as soon as they reach land, indicates a need of remembering the duty of impartiality. Two stories of the Navassa riots have been told; and so far as the publio can judge that of the workmen sounds altogether the most probable. That of the company assigns neither cause for the outbreak nor explana tion of its cessation. That of the workmen states that the outbreak was caused by abuse and violence on the part of the em ployers, and that it was quelled by the moderate men among the workmen. The United States should remember that if it is its duty to punish disorder among laborers it is no less its dnty to protect workingmen against abuse by employers. It should also be sure when it imprisons workingmen for riot, that real justice does not require the imprisonment of the people on the othe side for the violence which provoked the riot. EMAIL-SIZED CEITICISM. There is a large amount of unnecessary and misplaced silliness in the intimations of certain papers, that Henry M. Stanley is doing something discreditable if the report is true that he is gathering up a large amount of ivory, and bringing it to the coast. The purchase of ivory in the interior of Africa is perfectly legitimate commerce. It is to open up that trade and make it take the place of the barbarous traffic in human flesh that Stanley's great achievements in exploration have been performed. That he has never, heretofore, permitted himself to be drawn aside from the attainments of greater objects is no reason why, on this occasion, when he has performed his work of relieving Emin Bey, he should not take the opportunity of making some profit out of honest trade, either for himself or for these who fitted out his expedition. The story may be true or false; but if it is true no man with a heart in him will begrudge Stanley a fortune out of his ivory trade. "Whatever doubts there have been as to the existence of one personal devil, the Chi cago revelations seem to leave it beyond question that the "Western center of trade is supplied with a large number of him. The New York Press breaks out in an appeal to the New Yorkers to put up, the cash for the Exposition in a single day. New York ought to do that; but considering the number of days it has taken her to pre pare a plan for beginning to get ready to put up, the reasonable expectation will be that it will take her about as many days as it has to put up the Grant monument fund. That number of days, as the country is aware, is still unreckoned. The outbreak of fever among Yale Col lege students from lack of exercise, reverses all the usual ideas of life at the leading col leges. But perhaps the fever-stricken students belong to the set that studies. The assertion of prominent New York banking houses that money will probably rule from 15 to 25 per cent between now and the 1st of January, indicates either that the New Yorfc speculators have been spreading far too much sail, or that the New York bankers want to get a big slice of the revival of trade. Possibly both are true. It seems to be pretty well settled that the country will have a new prayer book in 1892. In the meantime a great deal of good maybe obtained from a sincere and earnest study of the ideas contained in the old one. Anarchists who hiss the flag and talk of revolution are dangerous elements; but the way to suppress them is to make Eure that no great corporations are permitted to defy the laws, and combinations of wealth allowed to burden the public. If we have no privileged wealthy class, revolution will have no meat to feed upon. "Why does not New York solve the prob lem of electrical execution by turning her murderers loose, and making them walk down the streets and locate the electric light wires? If it be true, as numerous esteemed co temporaries are assuring the public, that the lands which have just been obtained from the Chippewa Indians are "worth not less than $60,000,000, is it entirely creditable to the people of the .United States to obtain the property at Uss than a I'.ILb of the recog nized value? The slate, at present, is to divide the Speakership and bead of the Committee On "Ways and Means between Reed and Mc Kinley. But time is a great breaker of slates. The report that there is to be a combina tion to put up the price of champagne, arouses the opposition of the bright New York Evening Sun. The Sun does not pro pose to have the regular tipple of its staff interfered with. New Yoek dissipation has been carried forward to ultimate result; and money is now on a habitual tight. Fatheb McTiohe's Children's Total Abstinence Society ought to do a good work on the Southside. May it accomplish all that is expected of it in inducing temper ance among children of a larger growth. PEOPLE OP PROMINENCE. EnA8Tra Wiman has contributed 5100 to the fund for a monument to Horace Greeley. The Prince of Wales is said to be suffering from Bright's disease. It is reported that tbe extension of his trip to iigypt is recommended by his physicians. The Hon. H. M. McLane, formerly Minister to France, has offered his services as a stump speaker to the Democratic State Committee of Maryland for this fall's campaign. A London cable says that it is estimated that C. P. Huntington will have to pay $10,000, 000, in dowry and settlement of debts, to Prince Hatzf eldt, who is to wed his daughter. Justice Stephen J. Field looks none the worse for his exciting experience in California. It troubles him, however, and he discourages all allusions to it. His friends understandthat he is to speak of it first. Dr. Fabian Fbankun has been advanced to the associate professorship of mathematics at the Johns Hopkins University, to sneceed Prof. W. E. Story, who has resigned to become professor of the same branch at Clark Uni versity, in Massachusetts. Mrs. Harbison is the first mistress of the White House since Mrs. Hayes' time who reallysup'ervisestbeentlredomesticxnachinery. She has the whole ot it well in band, from the cellars to the attic She goes over the most of it every day. Both the President and Mrs. Harrison are early risers, and the day's work gets started by 8 o'clock. Bbonson Howard recently remarked: "I suppose that I write a whole play about three times from beginning to end, but in doing so I copy many whole scenes unchanged. Certain parts of the play I may write six times before it snits me. Nowadays I begin at the beginning of a play when I come to write it after having arranged the outline. I used to begin with any scene that I felt like writing at the time. I allow six months at least to go by after produc ing one play before I begin another." Mr. Fbancts Loomis, eldest son of the late Prof. Loomis, of Yale, who has been in New Haven for the last two weeks, will soon return to Europe. Mr. Loomis is an invalid and spends most of his time in travel. Ho expects to spend the winter In Cairo, Egypt. Mr. Henry Loomis, his brother, who is settled In Seattle, W. T who is also in New Haven, will remain some time longer to assist in the settle ment of his father's estate, under the will of which he is an executor. SOME BABE OLD Y0LIMES. Books of Ancient Dato nnd an American Map of 1514. From the Athenjeum. Among the many discoveries of unique copies of books that have occurred during the last 20 years only, I can call to mind several tbat have come withih my own limited experi ence, as, for example,. an edition ot the "Sarum Missal," dated 14S7, and printed not by but for Caxton; the existence of such a book would have been treated as visionary had it been sug- Bested before its discovery in an old Shropshire brary. Then, again; who would have believed in the existence of a map of the world engraved on copper, and dated 1514, with the name of America marked upon it, till M. Tross brought it to lightT the earliest map of the kind having previously been supposed to be that printed at Vienna in 1521. It is but a few years since tbeBritish Museum acquired an edition of the prayer book of 1549, printed in small quarto size for the use of the clerk or leader of the congregation. This must have been printed in thousands, yet but one copy is known now to exist, and until its recent discovery a suggestion ot the existence of such an edition would have been treated with ridicule. Then, again, the .Edinburgh edition of Shakespeare's "Venus and Adonis," printed about 1621, and the Bay psalm book, printed at Boston, New Kngland, in 1651 who wonld have suspected the existence of snch books till they actually appeared? I would urge persons of bibliographical tastes and knowledge who have access to libraries in old country houses and mansions, or, indeed, any collection of old books that have lain un noticed and unexamined, to keep their eye3 open.for I feel snre that the tracts of Columbus andvespneius must have been printed by En glish typographers, and may yet be discovered. Nor is it only in old undisturbed libraries that bibliographical rarities may occur, for it is but a few years since that a folio edition of Julyan Notary's "Lives of the Saints" was purchased at a marine store dealer's In Camden Town for Ss 6d and afterward sold for 200. Especial notice should be given to volumes of tracts, for it was a habit of our ancestors to bind together thin pieces by tho dozen, and it Is only a keen and skilled eye tbat will detect tbe presence of the grain of wheat among the chaff. BIG GAME IK PIKE COURT!. A Bear Tree a Clerk nnd li Slain br a . HnntlnK Party. Bexvid-b-, N. J., October 20. A party of sportsmen from this place bad an exciting ad venture in the woods of Pike county recently. The party consisted of Councilman McMutne, County Clerk Theodore P. Hopler and Matt Raisley and Stephen Douglass.two old hunters. They left on Monday for Porter's Lake, intend ing to spend the time in fishing. On Thursday, when all the party except County Clerk Hop ler were on the lake, a large deer came to the water's edge. Hopler had nothing but a shot gun, but fired, wounding the deer. He gave chase, and. after tramping a mile, found the deer badly wounded. He fired both barrels, and the deer fell; but, just as he was about to capture his prize, he heard a growl, and looking around, saw a large black bear. He was unarmed, and. according to his story, scared, and so at once broke for the camp. The whole party at once started in pursuit of the larger game, armed with shotguns loaded with buckshot. They found the deer, partly eaten, and after a short time came up to tbe bear in a clump of swampy land. This they surrounded, and, walking toward the center, expected to pour a concentrated fire into old bruin. Hopler was the first man to sight tbe game, and at once tired. Bruin was struck and imme diately made for tbe County Clerk, who, calling for help, took refuge in a tree. The whole party then approached, whennother big bear came on the scene. This so startled the sportsmen that they at once beat a hasty retreat, but not until they ponred a volley into the bear having the clerk up the tree. This animal they killed, and, after recovering from fright, came and took the carcass away. The party returned here to-day with the bear and 191 pickerel, weighing 325 pounds, S3 pheasants and 24 braco of woodcock. , ' Fortunes That Were Lost. From the Washington Post.; The dally papers last week related the inci dent of a well-known resident of Pierre, Dak., who sold a 160-acre tract on the outskirts of the town for a song and now digs in the streets of a city he might havo owned. The records ot the land office are filled with such incidents. They will show tbat men who took up land in tbe nighborhood of the rapidly-growing cities of tho West have sold it for almost nothing and suffer in poverty for their lack of foresight. A Mecca for tho Weary. From the Chicago Tribune.; In BushviNe, 111., it is said there has not been a game of baseball played this -year. Bushville may look for a rush of wild-eyed refugees next year from other towns and cities in this base ball stricken country that will make her hair stand on end. An Extraordinary Classification. From the Philadelphia Frcss.i In awarding pensions there is a classification known as "Original Widows." As if there could be a widow who was not original! A Fierr Brilliancy. From the Chicago N ews.2 Chicago's World's Fair prospects are now as brilliant as a room full ot red-beaded girls. TBE CRITIC. The Bomauce of Dollard nnd Its Canadian Features A Reminiscence An Educa tional Tendcncr Toward tbo Dominion Alaakn, Our New Eldorado Points From a Trip Down Ibo Danube Other Writ Idsi. All the magazines, no doubt, havo readers who let the serials go by with leaves uncut They object to listening to the story-teller who regularly stops in the most interesting places and goes away to stay a month. Such readers of the Century Magazine are just now to be congratulated. Because, if they had cut the leaves, they would have read Mrs.Catherwood's story, "The Romance of Dollard" (the Century Company, H. Watts &Ca). And, having al ready read it, they could not sit down, as some of us can, and put their feet upon the fender and have the felicity of reading it for the first time. Still, it is worth reading twice. "The Romance of Dollard" is a new book, by a new writer, with a new hero and a new hero ine, and a new plot, and with its scene in a new country. Mrs. Catherwood has discovered Canada. It is not a little remarkable that tho New France of the seventeenth century Bhould so long have escaped the notice of the novelist Because hero are all the conditions of romance. Two hundred years ago Canada was still in the days of the middle ages, feudalism, chivalry, priests, martyrs, fair ladies, fierce barbarian chiefs, civilization and savagery in strong con trastthis is the very stuff out of which ro mance Is woven. And these were the elements of society in that new Franco which "rancis Parknam has made alive again In his histories, and in the midst of which the people of "The Romance of Dollard" live. This story is as re freshing as a journey Into an untraveled country. "Mademoiselle, you like cabbage, is it not so?" "Yes, monsieur," responded Louise, "with out lifting her eyes. "Cabbage is a very good vegetable. Do you wish to bo married?" S'Yes, monsieur." "I, in fact, wish it myself. When you go as a soldier, you don't want a wile. But when you settle down en censlve. then, mademoiselle, it Is convenient to have a woman to work and to help dig." "Havo you a house and farm, monsienrT" murmured Louise. Jacques spread his hands, tho cap pendant from one of them. "I have the island of St Bernard under my seignior, mademoiselle. It is a vast estate, al most a league in extent. Do you ever drink brandy, mademoiselle f " 'I, monsieur 1 Never in my life V '"That must be a good thing in a woman,' commented Jacques, with a nod of satisfaction. " 'Are you at all lazy or thriftless, monsieur?' the demure girl took her turn to inquire. "'No, mademoiselle. I make my clothes do year after year. And had you seen the frozen fish and eels, the venison, the cabbage, the beets and onions I stored in onr cellar for win ter, you would not ask if I am lazy.' Louise smiled her bashful approval upon him, and said in explanation : " 'I should not like a thnf tloss, lazy husband.' " 'Mademoiselle, we are cut out of the samo caribou skin, and match like a pair of mocca sins. Shall we go to the notary?' ' 'If you will, monsieur ' " So they were wed. This was In tbe marriage market of Quebec, in tho year 1660. A ship had just come in from France; and His Maj esty, Louts XTV., had freighted It with a most acceptable cargo for bis lonesome subjects who were colonizing Canada. The ship bore by way of burden a large com pany of venturesome French maidens who had volunteered to brighten the skies of this new world, and to take a hand in its hard work, also, by marrying the settlers. The precious freight was unloaded in the mar riage market And here the stout Jacques found the demure Louise. , And here, too, Jacques' master, Adam Dol lard, who had come in to look on at tbe mar riage market, found Louise's mistress, Claire Laval, who also had come to see what the mar riage market was like. Thus begins "The Ro mance of Dollard." In that same year, 1CG0, the battle of the Pass of Thermopylae was fought in Canada; tbe armies of Xerxes were armed with tomahawks and decked out with warpaint: and the name of Leonldas was Adam Dollard. The Five Nations had m&de up their minds to attack Quebec and Montreal and drive the palefaces into the deep sea. It came into the heart of Adam Dollard tbat a company of heroes with stout hands and strong courage might save New France. His plan was not to wait till the invasion came, but to go out to meet it And so it came to pass that the van of the invading armymet an impediment Reside the rapids ot the Long Sant, "behind a picket fence" by way of fort, 17 Frenchmen, i Algonqulns and 1 Hu ron stood in the face of 700 Indians, and for hours held them at bay.. It was a piece of splendid heroism. There is nothing finer in all the stories of adventure. Of dourse the heroes met the fate which befell the Spartans, bnt Dollard's plan succeeded. He had taught the Iroquois such a lesson about the valor of the French that they hurried back afraid. The in vasion was abandoned and Canada was saved. . Thus the "Romance of Dollard," which began in tbe marriage market of Quebec, ended be hind tbat fatal palisade beside the rapids of tbe Long Sant Mrs. Catherwood has taken this fine hero out of history, and found a heroine meet for him in her own imagination, and thus, adding love to bravery, has made this charming story. The people in it are all interesting, tho lights and shadows have just the right depth in them, and the tragedy, without a1 trace of somberness, moves to its end as gaily as ever the young knights in the other France across the water went out to fight .. It is to be hoped that Mrs. Catherwood will keep on making discoveries in this unfamiliar country. The truth is that we know almost as little about the romantic possibilities of Canada as Daniel Webster knew about the financial possi bilities of the West 'What do wo want," said Webster, "with this vast, worthless area this region of savages and wild beasts, of deserts and shifting sands and whirlwinds of dust, of cactus and prairie dogs? To what uso could we ever hope to put these great deserts, or those endless mountain ranges, impenetrable, cov ered to their very base with eternal snow? What can we hope to do"wlth the northern coast a coast of 3,000 miles, rock-bound, cheer less, uninviting, and not a harbor on It? What use have we for this country?" That was not so very long ago, either, The only part of tho United States of which we can make such wild affirmations now is our province of Alaska. And probably there aro but few of us who can consistently throw stones at Webster. For who is there who has not thought of Alaska as a skating park? Mr. Maturin M. Ballon, however, who has been almost everywhere, and seen almost everything and written delightfully about all his journeys, has come back from Alaska and brought a booK with him, which Houghton, Mifflin & Co. publish and H. Watts & Co. have for sale, and which is named "Tbe New Eldo rado," that expresses Mr. Ballou's idea of our great national refrigerator. Alaska is bounded on tho north by the Arctic Ocean, on the east by British Columbia, on the south, by the Pacific Ocean, and on the west by Behring Strait and the North Pacific. Itjis as big as tbe British Islands and France and Spain pnt together, with several other Euro pean countries thrown in to fill up. It Is as big as 71 States of Massachusetts. It it were set over on our Atlantic coast it would reach from Maine to Florida, The islands which are a part of it stretch out so far to sea that tbe city which stands in the center between the eastern and western boundaries of the United States is San Francisco. It cannot bo denied that tbero is ice in Alaska. Nevertheless, it is true that tbe cli mate of Southern Alaska Is as comfortable as the climate of Pennsylvania. The winters at Sitka are milder than tbe winters at Boston. Mr. Ballon has great faith in the commercial future of Alaska. He speaks of the seal inter ests, and gives an interesting account of the seal fisheries. Seal fishing, he says, is no more "fishing" than the driving of Bhep is. The seals come on shore. The men get between them and the water. They are driven up to the warehouses, and there relieved of their valuable skins. The lumber supply is almost inexhaustible. Alaska promises to become the great American shipyard. There Is a great trade in furs of many kinds.. There are codfish; Dcyoaa computation. j.nere a copper ana magnetic Iron and coal, and fine marble and gold. Mr. Ballou suggests that tho ambitious Alp ine climber would do well to leave those slight elevations, and come out and attempt Mt St Ellas. As for tbe natives of Alaska, they seem to be in great need of "Bibles, spelling books and soap." It Is too bad that there aro no pictures in "The New Eldorado," and no map. The only picture is the representation of artotem-pole on the corner. Mr. Ballou ought to. carry a Kodak camera with him. However, he has such a delightful faculty of seeing just the things which we would like to see, and telling us exactly the things which we want toknow about them, that one hardly misses tbe pict ures. ." "The New Eldorado" has for its sub-title "A Summer Trip to Alaska," Mr. Theodore Child took his summer journey in quite another di rection. We have the notes of it in his Sum ner Holidays. (Harper & Broa, J.R. Weldln & Co.) Tbo Summer Holidays begin with a jour ney "Down the Danube to Constantinople," and end with a holiday on the rivers of France. Mr. Child travels onr beaten tracks, but he cares little for tho conventional "sights." He has an eye for the picturesque always, whether in river or mountain, and sees things as an artist sees them. He tells ns about the pictures in the galleries, and how the honses are built, and how the windmills loom up against the sky, and the colors of peoples' dresses. Mr. Ballou travels'like a tourist, with his eyes open and clear and his note book ready, and a cood, common sense judgment to guide him through the difficulties of selection. Mr. Child travels like an artht and a man of letters. Madame de Stael held tbat "traveling is one of tbe saddest pleasures of life." That, however, depends upon the traveler. Mr. Ballou and Mr. Child not only enjoy traveling, but they make us enjoy it too. One of the places which Mr. Child visited was the "Grand Chartreuse." It is a strong con trast after thi s new land ot AlaBka to be set climbing up tbat bleak mountain which tbo good St. Bruno chose for bis retreat, and to get within tbe walls of that ancient monastery where tbe day passes still, just as it did 800 years ago. Men keep the same hours, and sing the same cnants. ana wear mo same .ureao, and observe the same bard fasts and vigils as their predecessors, for now these hundreds upon hundreds of years. When tho porter opens the gate he ushers you into the middle ages. Mr. Child's description of.the midnight service, where tbe monks in white and blacE, each with his lantern, chant the Esalms and litanies of the hour, is one of the est things In the book. As for the famous Chartreuse liquor, Mr. Child says that it is the most diabolic and alcoholic drink that is made by man. "Paris," Mr. Child says, "is intolerable In August" To Madam Carette, however, Paris is delightful at all seasons, or was, rather, in the good cays of the Empire, when the Empress Eugenie was at the head of the court of France. For Madam Carette was Eugenie's favorite lady of honor. ..,., 'Recollections of the Court of the Tuilerles" (D. Appleton & Co.: J. R, Weldin & Co.) is quite the sort of book which one would expect a lady of honor to write. It is bright agreea ble, chatty, full of interesting gossip, rambling, and tells fust how the palace of tho Tuilerles was arranged and furnished carpets, curtains, pictures, beds and tables; stores and candle sticks and what the Empress and her courtly visitors wore and bow they conducted them- As for the Emperor, he seems to have worked pretty hard nine or ten hours every day: and the Empress spent most of her time arranging letters and reading the newspapers. Anybody who thinks tbat the main occupation of the King is to "count out his money," and of the Queen "to eat bread and honey," 1111 be un deceived if they will attend to Madam Carette. As for the palace itself, in which they lived, it was built on so sublime a scale tbat it seems to have been but an uncomfortable residence. Thegood lady of honor takes us over this fine Dalace, however, very kindly, ' and shows us everything. Here is a room in which are hang ings of "dull India silk," with satin stripes of pale green; doors and windows of mahogany; the mantel of red marble; tables covered with "green rep," embroidered by the Empress her self; an eighteenth century clock in a brass bound mahogany frame; pictures on the walls. Here are the Emperor's ushers with their brown coats and knee-breeches embroidered with silver, black silk stockings and buckled shoes, "and the silver chain which was their badge of office." So the story goes. " They had no such finery at Holland House, which, I see, is soon to be torn down. Tbe at tractions of Holland House were of quite an other character. It is in print, however, that when General and Mrs. Grant were taken to see this literary palace the General, so says the gentleman who escorted them, "walked with us as far as the door and, seating himself on a convenient bench, told me that if I would tako his wife in, he would stay where he was and smoke till we came out" General Grant's example 13 a good one to imitate, beside the front page of several books, which invite criticism this week. "The Lost Dispatch" (Galesburg Publishing Co.; H. Watts & Co.), is a very slight story of the Civil War. The author says it is true. He put on his rebel cousin's clothes and went to see her lover in the rebel army. The lover thought that this visitor was his sweetheart and proceeded to detail the secrets of the campaign. In the next battle he was pretty badly shot, and served him right! "A Social Diplomat" and "A Woman of To day" (John W. Lovell Co., H. Watts Co.) are marked to be sold at 50 cents each. They are worth half a cent a pound. "Fedor" (The Em pire City Publishing Company) goes into the same wastebasket. It is both dull and dis agreeable. D. Appleton & Co. publish "Great Leaders," edited by G. T. Ferris. It is a well selected series of "historic portraits from tbe great his torians." The range of heroes Is from Themis tocles to Wellington, Gibbon, Grote, Momsen. Hume, Macaulay, Green and other good writers are represented. The extracts are brief, and are prefaced with good historical summaries. J. B, Weldin & Co. have this book for sale. It is a good book to own, A BABI OYER FIVE FEET TALL The First Infant Giraffe In the Country Born at Cincinnati. Cincinnati, October 20. Tho female girafto at the Zoological Garden, in this city, brought forth a young male giraffe this forenoon. This is said to be the first born in captivity in Amer ica. The managers of the Zoological Garden suy that none have been born in captivity else where except In London, and none there since 1877. The youngster at the "Zoo" is nearly 5 feet high, and his estimated weight is 150 pounds. Ofuct Seeker, Go West. From the Denver Bepubllcan. J Joe Smith is not satisfied with the $75,000 a year he makes out of the fees of the office of Clerk and Recorder. He has set up in addi tion a set of abstract books in the Court House, and be pays nothing for the space occupied, or for the gas and fuel used by hisv clerks in writing these books up at night It ft a moder ate estimate to say that he must make at least 520.000 more every year out of the abstract business. ODD 1TEMB FB011 ABROAD. Umbrellas are being imported into India in great numbers. Last year 270,000 arrived in Calcutta alone. Three boys, attending gymnasia or high schools in Berlin, have shot themselves within the last few days on account of disappointment in not being promoted into higher classes. The Paris beauty show begins to-day with SO candidates, including 2 English, 1 Irish, 2 South Americans, 2 from the United States, 2 Russians, 2 Hungarians, 2 Italians, 2 Rouman ians, 6 French and i Orientals. On September 80 a man was executed at Ossuna, in Andalusia, for murder, who up to the last moment was in full expectation of a reprieve from Queen Christiana. The reprieve was actually, signed, and orders were sent to carry it out but it arrived just after the execu tion was over. A noted gourmet recently declared that there are not five parks in England where tbe venison is now worth its currant jelly, and that in the course of the previous season, he had not met with more than one haunch tbat could be cited as even noticeable, and not one that was good enough to seduce him into a second plate. The highest price which Wtlkie Collins ever received for a novel was 5,000 guineas, which was paid to him for ".Armadale" before a line of tbe story had been written. Thackeray, only a short time before his death, congratulated Wllkie Collins on the transaction, and told him that he bad never himself made as much as o,000 by any ot bis books. In a village in the canton of Lucerne, Swit zerland, there is a society of old maids. It num bers E0 members, and, queer enough, it is under the patronage of the St.Catharlne matrimonial agency. They perform acts of charity, and are highly esteemed In their neighborhood. The municipal council lately presented them with a banner, on which there is the following 'start ling Inscription: "Women aro an evil, but tbjr are also ' blessing. They remind us of tbe' oclos that make us weep, hut tbat we love 'all tie samo." . " .'..,, fltCfea&fc' . TOE DEEAD OF 'DEATH. Facta That Seem to Prove That Men Do Not Fear to Die. From the Mew Idea. 1 Sir Lion Playfalr, in a letter to Junius Henri Browne, author ot a paper with the above title, says: "Having represented a largo constitu ency (the University of Edinburgh) for 17 years as a member of Parliament I naturally ca 0 in contact witn tho most eminent medical men in England. I have put the question to most of them. 'Did you, in your extensive practice, over know a patient who was afraid to die? with two exceptions they answered 'No.' ."One of these exceptions was Sir Benjamin Brodie, who said be had seen one case. Tbe other was Sir Robert Christian, who had seen one case, that of a girl of bad character who had a sudden accident I have known three friends who were partially devoured by wild' beasts under apparently hopeless circumstances of escape. Tbe first was Livingstone, the great African traveler, who was knocked on bis back by a lion, which began to munch his arm. Ho assured me that he felt no fear or pain nnd that his only feeling was one of in tense curiosity as to which part of the body the lion would take next Tbo next was Rustem Pasha, now Turkish Ambassador in London. A bear attacked him and tore off part of his band and part of his arm and shoulder. He also assured me that be bad neither pain nor fear, but that be felt excessively angry because tbe bear grunted with so much satisfaction in munching him. "Tbe third case is that of Sir Edward Brad ford, an Indian officer now occupying a high position in the Indian Office. He was seized in a solitary place by a tiger, which held him firmly behind the shoulders with one paw and then deliberately devoured tbe whole of his arm, beginning at tbe end and ending at the shoulder. He was positive that Le had no sen sation of fear, and thinks that he felt a little pain when tbe fangs went through his band, hut is certain that he felt none during the munching of his arm." THE MAN TO SD1T BLAISE. One Terr Interesting Phaso of the Contest for Speaker. Washington dispatch to N. Y. Times. If there is to be any opposition to the election of Mr. Thomas B. Reed, of Maine, to the Speakership it ought to be provoked to appear as soon as It is learned that all the talk at pres ent favors Mr. Reed's success. Mr. Cannon, tbe Illinois candidate, is here, and he is talk ing hopef ally, but bis strength in and out of bis own State is unknown. Mr. J. C. Burrows, of Michigan, who is, per haps, as formidable a candidate, on some accounts, as any in the field, is here to day. His strength ought to be great It Mr. Blaine is in earnest in bis determination to force the peonle into partnership with the South American steamship lines and to use part of tbe taxes to insure those companies a greater profit than they can make in the ordinary course of independent trade, Mr. Burrows would be altogether tbe most appropriate, well informed, and boldest of the candidates to carry out the objects of the administration. Mr. McKinley's campaign has been a quiet one. No one appears to know just where his strength lies. - Pennsylvania is almost solid for Reed; New York is to boa unit for him. although tbat does not mean tbat he fa to be elected. Mr. Reed may be fated to fall, as Hiscock did, when he was cock sure of holding the prize that Keifer grasped. By holding together un til the casting of 19 votes will elect the man to whom they are given the State that reserves the vote may be able to make a very advan tageous bargain. If such a bargain can be made on better terms with McKlnley than with Reed or Burrows or Cannon, it will be se cured by the Ohio candidate. If Blaine is to have any influence in choosing the Speaker, the betting ought to be in Bur rows' favor, for he is the beau ideal candidate of the subsidy hunters. THE HEROINE OF THE CORONA. A Colored Woman Who Sacrificed Her life to Save Others. New Obxkans, October 20. In almost every great disaster among the steamboats ot the Mississippi river some Ideal Bludsoe or realistic Given has appeared to leave the impress of his heroism and self-sacrifice upon the terrible event Charity Lambert, the simple black ne gress whose bravery saved so many lives in the recent explosion ot tbe Corona, is one of these heroic souls. Charity was born in Maryland wnen sne aoes not euow, ne crowning glory of her life was her heroism in this disaster, in which 40 souls were hurled into eternity with out warning. Charity was taken aboard tbe boat by Captain Blanks as chambermaid. The ill-fated boat was ascending the river at tbe usual rate of speed, and Charity was toward tbe rear of the boat ironing when she heard the whistle blow. The familiar tooting of the Corona had scarcely died away when tbe most terrific ex plosion tbat ever shocked her ears took place, and the gallant craft shivered and shook and seemed to be parting in two. Mammy bad scarcely time to look around when the door burst open and the ladies ran in Imploring her assistance. Her quick Intuition came to her aid, and she saw that something must be done, and done quickly, to save the passengers. Hur riedly, but calmly, she went to the place where tbe life preservers were kept and parceled them out to the terror-stricken ladies until all were supplied but herself, and, heedless of her own safety, she led the way to the roof. All who bad been provided with life-preservers by tbe noble, self-sacrificing old negress floated on the surface and were saved, except Mrs. Hough, who was struck by a door and drowned beneath the weight above her head. Old Mammy, after struggling in the water for several minutes, was finally rescued by a roust about Ever unselfish she begeed her rescuer to save the white ladles first and leave her to take care of herself. CDEIOUS PEOYENCAL CUSTOMS. Habits Tbat Can be Traced Back to tbe Dnys of Pnsnnlsm. Investigation into the customs and habits of the Provencals of our own day discloses the fact tbat among these interesting people there are still to be fourid vestiges of pagan practices, as they continue to observe numerous pecul iarities in their modes ot worship and in their social and domestic habits tbat can be traced back to the days of paganism. Curious in stances of this are supplied by the practice of libations, still followed by the peasants of Provence, who. after having concluded some unusual transaction or an agreement of import ance, commemorate the event by pleasing those present after wnich they extend their right arm and turn their glasses down, so as to let tbe last drop fall to the ground. Similarly, at the festival of Christmas, which is locally known as "Leis Festos de Caleno," (the Calends), a solemn repast is partaken of, at which too eldest and the youngest member of the family perform, amid tbe profoundest si lence, the ceremony known as the "benediction of the fire." This act is performed by pouring wine three times upon tbe burning log, which must be of oak or olive wood. This is accom panied by the singing of some verses, in which the excellence of the fire la praised and God is thanked for having given man beat. These verses vary in different localities, but every where the ceremony of the silent libations pre cedes the supper, of which the combined household partakes. MOUND BUILDERS' SKELETONS. A Largo Number of Them Unearthed Near n Honlher. Ohio Town. y?AltixaTOV C. H O., October 2a A short distance west of this city, on the banks of Sugar creek, there Is an ancient burying ground, where many remains of what are sup posed to.be Mound Builders have been found within the last few years. A large force of workmen are now engaged ex ploring a large gravel bank. They have found during tbe last four days the remains ot 9 bodies, 7 men, 1 woman and a babe. The skeletons are in a fair state of preservation, considering the remote age at which they were. deposited in the bank. They were not burled systematically, but looked as though they had been tumbled in without any care. The work of excavating the skeletons stlu goes on, and the explorers are anticipating rich finds. All told, probably 25 skeletons have been taken out THE MESAGE. She sat beside the window low And sang a sweet refrain, Her face with Joy was all aglow, As blossoms after rain. And swift as thought her needle flew Above her 'broidery rare. And fast the silken roses grew Beneath her fingers fair, Bnt now a shadow In the door, A letter at her feet And quick the blushes mantle o'er Her forehead pure and sweet With eager hands she breaks the leal And opes the missive white. But ah! what specter grim doth steal jTrom tbat dear face Us light? For whiter than the page she turns Grows ruby Up and cheek, While in her lovely eyes there barns A grief she may not speak. Yon tell me that words cannot kill? , Well, not the mortal part 'But words when barbed with venom, will ?,Btabnto death the heart l?r- . ?7 i3 ,. ,. e 1 .. ,, S . --,orm mn ww. m iwirtfw , FULL OP GOOD THM, The Mammoth Slipntcta of Yesterday a Moit Excellent Number. "Get tbe best" Is good advice, yet the maxim Is sometimes hard to follow. Readers, how ever; who are in quest of the best literature printed in any newspaper fn the country find no difficulty in supplying their wants. They buy Thk Dispatch, whose 20-page edition contains not only all the important news, foreign and domestic, but also a quantity of choice reading matter equal to tbat contained in any of the leading magazines. The contents of yesterday's Dispatch, both in quality and quantity, were unsurpassed, by any newspaper in America. X. A review of tbe political situation in Ohio, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and other States was a leading feature of the tele graphic news. General Green B. Raum's ap pointment as Pension Commissioner gives general satisfaction. Interestiag testimony was given in the Cronin case by Mrs. Griffln. at whose house Burke formerly boarded. A maniac, armed with a knife, created a wild scene in a Chicago street car, threatening the Uvea nt tmsati pt. nrciF "N". TTvlii a Massa- chusetts man, after seeking in vain for several years to procure an office for a friend, yielded to disappointment and hanged himself. The Pan-American delegates have reached Chicago, greatly wearied by their journey. Senators and Representatives now In Washington talked with a Dispatch correspondent on questions to come before tbe next Congress. Two per sons were killed and several others injured by a wreck on the new railroad near Confluence, Pa. XTho indications, are that Father McFadden ana a score of Donegal peasants will be con victed of murder and conspiracy. Their trial is pronounced the merest farce. The first ap parent result of the Czar's visit to Berlin is tbe entire cessation of war talk. Tbe Socialists are again giving trouble to the German Gov ernment The usual interesting gossip by cable was furnished by London correspondents, rx. There Is trouble between" the Mayor and De partment ot Public Safety. Museum licenses Issued by tbe former have been revoked by the latter. Seven hundred molders have decided to strike because a 10 per cent advance in wages bas been refused. A new electric road to West Liberty is proposed on the Southside. Interest ing talks with leading citizens on a variety of topics were given on the second page. The En glish syndicate declines to purchase Pittsburg breweries. Tbe prices were too high. Willie Morrow, a 15-year-old lad, Is believed to have been cured of a partial paralysis by faith and prayer. The Pittsburg Exposition closed after a successful run. The profits were $12,600. The snorting news, both local and general, was given very completely. m. In the second part, Wales fn an interesting article, described tbe manner in which tbe im mense mail received at tbe Pittsburg postoffice is handled. Henry Norman wrote of the coal fields of Asia and told bow mining la conducted there. The great story "Joshua," by Prot Ebers, grows in Interest with each succeeding Installment Bob Burdette, Cbauncey M. De pew, Admiral Porter, Dr. Talmage, Joaquin Miller and other noted men told what they would do It they were women. Other "writers of interesting articles for this part of the paper were .Ronald Dunbar, A. F. Aldrldge, Rev. George Hodges, Gerald E. Flanagan, Henry Haynle, W. F.,Pond, T. J. Fitzgerald and Clara Belle. Tbe usual departments of society, mili tary, musical art and theatrical news were full of interesting matter. Part third included a description of scenes at the city markets by Wilson Wlndom: "A Day In Sitka," by 0. 8. R.; "Some 81ns of Women." by Harriet Prescott Spofford; a paper on the inducements offered to young men to become architects, by R. W. Shoppell; "A National Flower," by Mrs. Frank Leslie; "Our Doctor's Bills," by Charles Lebardo; "Old Abolition Grit," by Shirley Dare; "The Stolen Treasure," a story by Ernest H.Heinricts; "Little Miami Pearls," by James K. Reeve; "Love's Young Drnam," by Bessie Bramble; "Sunday Thonghts," by "A Clergyman," and "Lucia Felando," an Italo-American romance by Dante Frealli. CHICKENS BREED DIPHTHERIA. Some Statements That May Startle the Friends of Barnyarel Fowls.' From the Indianapolis Sentinel. It fa now said that the poor' chicken breeds disease. Coroner Wagner said there was no doubt of It Pasteur has made Investigation, proving that fact to his own satisfaction. He claims that diphtheria -Is epntagious from a chicken disease. All medical men concede the fact that fowls have a disease closely resem bling diphtheria. Pasteur bas specimens In his laboratory showing tbe progress of the dis ease in chickens. That (pedes of diphtheria is the most fatal wherein the lungi ordiph theretlc vegetation is attached to the mucus membranes by a very fine pedicle, and bangs cnrtaln-Uke across the laryngeal cavities. This type of tbe disease also is more apt to spread; and this Is the very kind prevalent among chickens poor chickens. Ferrand, another of the great French savants, corroborates the statement of Pasteur on these diseases, further stating that a chicken suffering with it, closely resembles one afflicted with tbe gapes. "I have seen in my own practice," said Coro ner Wagner, "chickens having this disease with the fungus protruding from the nasal orifices. On the onterurface of the beak the mouth of a chicken presents but very little mucus for tbe fungus to develop upon, conse quently It works downward into tbe body, as it often does in the human. There are cases on record of tbe fungus being found in a human stomach. About one year ago a family in my practice had a child 3 years old lying ill. An other child about 8 years old brought in a pet chicken for it to play with and in a few days after both children were taken with diphtheria, while the three children of the family who had not played with the bird did not have it One of the flock of chickens was killed and the fungus was found protrndlng from the throat when the head was cut off." HOUSES THAT WONT BURN. How South Americans Make Genuine Fire Proof Structures of Wood. From the New Orleans Picayune. 2 . They build fire-proof houses in Buenos Ayres and Montevideo without thinking of it and while using all the wood they can afford to, and they use neither iron nor tbe area. Trees are scarce in the neighborhood and timber bas to be brought down from tbe upper waters in hardwoods. Being dear, a little of it is made to go as far as possibl e. The floors and the ' roofs are supported by joists of hard wood, as among us; across these are lald-flat rails of the same, and the spaces between these are bridged over by thin bricks 13K inches long, with their ends resting on the rails; another layer of bricks is then laid with nmo, ana generally on this a layer ot tiles. The doors and windows have no boxes, but simply frames, which are setup when the walls are going up and built in. There is no lathing or wainscot or skirting of the bottom ot the walls. A house thus built cannot be burned. ' TRI-STATE TRIFLES. A Lancaster county pensioner drawing $14 a month recently boasted to a stranger that he could set more fence than any man in the county. When his pension was stopped he learned that the stranger was a Government detective sent to investigate his case. Pxssons living near tbe sulphur springs of TJwcbland, Pa., have lost the sense of smell. A PAVonrra cat in a Yonngstnwn store was found alive after being Imprisoned six weeks without food or water. Beaver Faxls Is to have a shootlng'matcb. A live bear has been secured and Is expected to take a prominent part Lantjis Mcuueb, of Auburn, Berks county, with bis family, has jnst returned from, Kan sas, having made the journey both ways in a wagon. THE explosive qualities of celluloid were practically demonstrated a few days ago in a Philadelphia saloon, when the spark from a cigarette landed on the collar of one of tbe frequenters of tbe place and blazed up In a sec ond. Tbe bartenders saved tbe man's life by turning the seltzer water on him. A bbab, going about seeking whom be might devour entered a schoolbouse in Adams county, O. The lady teacher, with fire ia her eye and a ten-pound poker in her haad, drove the beast from tbe door. A Wbst VrasiwtA paper is h Mseit n- popnl-r by mHiHuhmg a Met itwimi to 'CimiOUS COHDINSATMS. A two-legged horse is on exhibition in a New York mnseurn. Madison, Ga., claims to have a hc-rie that took part la the Indian wars In 1888. A Devon bank clerk has fallen heir to a baronetcy and an Income of 14,680 a years, At Pensacola, Fla., a mustang that was abused by its driver rushed into tbe water and held its head beneath the surface until K drowned. The people of the Korthwest say that'. u u ..-. h. 0.0 hiwuui .lieu- UOnQfl"j, usually high, and tbat this is a certain sign of ' V a very eold winter. .- A Litchfield, Mich., couple who have been married 30 years, had a misunderstanding about two years ago, and since then they, have never spoken to each other, though living in the same house. Among tbe many curious sights the' traveler witnesses in the lower Columbia ia men on horseback, wading about ia what , a pears to be almost aimless manner. They are In reality fishing for salmon with huge setes, which are so heavy as to make the assistance ot the borses imperative. The Flathead Indians of Kontans differ widely from most other tribes aa this conti nent Tber are not warriors, nor are tsey lazy and good for nothing. On the contrary, moat 01 -.th5JK ar8 thrifty farmers, whoso industry and skill are attested by big stacks ot hay aaet graln about their dwellings. James "Watkins, who lives about six miles north of Golconda, HI, recently took to' town the skin of a monster catamount whiea? he killed on his places It is pronounced b' different people the largest one they ever saw. Where it came from fs a mystery, as wild animals of all kinds were exterminated ia that section years ago. Daniel Frederick, of Knox oaantv: Ind., was 100 years old October 18. He was bora In Knox county and has always resided there. His life pursuit has been that of a farmer, and his habits plain, simple and regular; He has never been sick but twice in bis long, quiet life, and to-day he is a remarkably bale, spry and vivacious old man. His hair is still Mack, with but few silver threads, and he has no use for spectacles. There is a curious effect wrought oa the hair and beard of men engaged In the Martin White mine at Ward, Neb. The ore is roasted, but ho disagreeable perfumes arise from tbe beating process, yet there is some unknown substance that change the hair, beard and eye brows as green as grass. The hair is not lured, but retains ita softness and -Ioiul It i problem tbat fumes of tbe green tint of copper. ; vwuMwgu in iuo viu cuauge e nair to ssas color. A noted Indian hunter of the Foa-ddE Lac Reservation, Wa-me-quanee, died Toes day on the reservation at tbe age of Ml years. His memory went back to the war of 1812 and long before that A short time ago, m talking of his life, he stated that the British authorities offered him a big bribe to disclose to tbesa certain movements of the American forces' with which be was familiar, but tbat be refused their offer and was afterward connected with the American campaign. Two Hallowell (Me.) sportsaea saw aa Interesting family is the Cobbosseeeeatea stream the other day. They suddenly found their boat surrounded by young muskrats, who were as playful as kittens, diving and coming to the surface again, swimming around the boat and looking op to it with eyes that did not betray the least suspicion of danger. For soma minutes tbe gentlemen watched their maneu vers until two old muskrats made their appear ance. The latter came out from the shore and dove with a splash that seem to be the signal for tbe young ones to follow, whleh they quick ly did. At Burlington, N. J., a valuable dog that had escaped from its owner's kernel, was caught by a policeman, who locked it the Mayor's private office for safe keeping. Be turning to the office a short time afterward tbo officer discovered the dog bad cause- saa havoc. Blx policemen's helmets had bees com pletely demolished, and the Mayer's court Bible, a copy of the city charter and ordinances and other publle documents reduced to pulp. The Mayor has issued strict orders prohlbftSng. in the future, tbe locking of stray dogs is office. The great Bear river oaaal Utah, for the construction of whleh V,m,m has ' been provided, fs expected to he oot tfcev most extensive irrlgaMoa works is Amertea. , To get the river along the side hill along Bear river canyon and oat os to the ptaiaaear Plymouth win necessitate moving ,9W eeie yards of solid rock, llf,086 oable yards of tease rock, 1,888,000 cublo yards of earth, and -tafeg 1.200 feet of tunnel. This oaaal will irrigate 200,000 acres ia Salt Lake valley, and t,088,eet oa Bear river. Increasing the value of the hud to (60 per acre, while fencing, building aid tttafa are expected to double this valuation ia a few" years. Bear Lake Is in Southeaster- Make. The reservoir for this canal oovera 16D sqears miles, ana mo ci wiu oecure tse irrigation of a territory extending to Ogdea. One of the most wonderful of ss is the one bearing the name of eMasaodon Bfeetv', or the great swallower. The body is elongated, ' of nearly uniform thickness mast of tholsagea- nfthn filth- ThalavsiraTflrvtMV iu! S m with sharp teeth, some of wbiofc seem to he re- -C verslble. The manner or leedtsg Is to grass a. fish by the tall and proceed to climb over it with its jaws. As the oapMve ft-e ia ft atoaaoh and integuaeM Hreteh'nt. the dfs teaded belly appears as a peat bag. The fteh. will swallow another one 6 or 13 times bis owa size. This rapacity proves his own'destrueea sometimes, as tbe gas formed by the presses o; digestion makes a baltooa of Msttsmaea that, brings the fish to tbe sarfaee. As Ms habitat to supposed to be 1,500 feet betew the sarfaee, thisistheonlywavheouM to be introduced to tbe public, through the three specimens now on exhibition in museum. There is a little girl ia Atlasta woe goes by the name of Bright Eyes Bird, ate hi the daughter of Bob Bud, who was a eewbey ' in Texas ror several years, and came by bar name In a romantic; manner. When the WW -' West show was In Atlanta several years saa Mr. Bird went to see the performs. Ha knew some of the cowboys aad invited than ta his home. They accepted t-e.iaTiMtiad brought several 01 the Indians with these. Mr. Xf Bird's little girl was then a baby la the ar-de. and as the- wild-looking red men gMfeared around her she gazed at them with woadertoe eyes. Tbe Indians were sliest a momoat, leek-, ing intently on the pale-face papoose, as tteey called her. In a solemn manner ooe of the Indians untied his neeklaee, aad matteriag aa Indian word, the English to whleh was 'Brigs Eyes." laid it fn the baby's cradle. B&ei of tbe other Indians did the same, aad "Bright Eyes" has been tbe baby's name ever sfeee. . FASCIES OF FENNY MIX. When they overtake a horse thief la Texas they call a halt and then they cill a h-Her.' Tvcat mfttngt. '. '.'" "What is the use o that girl jria' away L . on the piano, Maria?" ''V3Si "Practice, John. Practice makes perfect" ,f,1ff "Perfect what pandeonlir" Ikirptrfl'if Batar, , - : OHANOXS. Her mother used to make a spleadtd pk. 'ton which contentedly I'd often chew; , " ' . Bat now we're married please excuse a sigh . The aged dame Is expert bnt fa stow. ', - Jtarptf Jkaar. a:i1. TOa11 TA,"tAW AM A .-! . J ouiliu 1,C, UUBTO, io J" tV-"6iHj on. old fellow? Jones-Poorly; lost fW, 060 yesterday. , Howwasthatf" "St nre. Maria's father ared me."-JKn-l apoll Txmu. -j Tomley Hear you are running that ea-1 gine down on central wasrr. Didn't you kaawj that It had been condemned? I should think tfeat l von wonld be a little arrain or beta- Mown OD. Engineer My dear feUow. I have been married 6 13 years. JCxrn y Jinurprut. The Ups and Downs of Life. Tib Actor (at hoteI)-Your charges are Hi up lJ?"Js-!ri Clerk-Yes. sir. 'Si.& T.A.-Any exceptions? .-Jjp V1CI , fv tOTa nD m ofvfsetttlWS, A rft. t. And the T. A. got HarBtr's Baxar. . S4j Abie to laentuy mm. xew .err JSeawi Ki,v itn p uitomerl I can't ea7 m HiU. alr , Customer men 1 snau nave to give yoa 4 c my son. Thatlsallt-seBangeiBave. Bootblack (calling out to -newsboy hi IheoWJ Unce)-Say, Cull, one, o theseyereWorH'e millionaires is loose. Lioec est B '. CA Triun. The Force of Habit Oa the day before the execution tee keeper taferaas a doomed maa . that a visiter withes to see h. 'Do you know who be 1?M asks the deeaed man. ' 'Well, Jmt aik him if hfl wants to collect a MtL and if he does, tell him to salt day after to-sMH row." Ttio 8VMg-r Peat Suppose I.read eae of my. paesse . Moatsii for nesTea-s sai, don't s K J : wwleveritet teineewhaK) ' 3 .-