Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 21, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Lively Scenes in St. Paul's
Methodist Clmrch.
Eesents the Unexplained Dismissal
From Her Position.
t. Unexpected Interrnptions to the Solemn
Church Service.
Eev. John G. Gogley yesterday began his
fifth year as pastor of St. Paul's Methodist
Church in Bloomheld. The year did not
besin auspiciously. For over a year a part
of tne membership has been dissatisfied with
the minister, claiming that he is domineer
ing. A number of the oldest members have
ceased to attend the church, claiming that
Hev. Mr. Gogley crowded them out of offi
cial place because they would not always
bend to his will.
Among these old members is Mr. 'William
Bast, who was one of the founders of the
church. He has been for some time dissat
isfied with the pastor's methods. Mrs. Bast
is the President of the Ladies' Aid Society
of the church, and that society has been at
cross purposes with the pastor for
several months. Last June the so
ciety prepared to send garments to the flood
sufferers at Johnstown. When this inten
tion came to the ears of Kev. Mr. Gogley he
informed some of the ladies that they must
not send the garments without his consent.
The clothinsr was sent, however. Miss Liz
zie Bast has been the organist for the church
and the Sabbath school for eight years,
since she was a little girl. She has per
formed her duties well, but without pay,
and has even refused a salaried position for
another church.
The church has had, for several years, a
capable choir of ladies and gentlemen, who
have frequently been praised by pastor,
congregation and visitors for their excellent
singing. This choir has not sung for the
Sabbath school, and the music committee
proceeded to organize a choir of young peo
ple for that service.
The music committee consists of M. A.
O'Brien, a shoemaker; Robert Muir, a tea
merchant, and "William Robinson, a brick
layer. The female members of the choir
belong to the Ladies' Bible class in the
Sabbath school, and they refused to have
Mr. O'Brien ior their teacher. They be
lieved that the shoemaker determined, for
that reason, to get them out and other
singers in. Prior to the meeting of thp
Pittsburg conference at East Liberty all
the officers of the church for the current
year were chosen, with the exception of the
organist Of the seven trustees elected,
three were new members, and Mr. O'Brien
was placed at the head of the board.
The first public scene occurred in the
Sabbath school at 2 o'clock yesterday after
noon. "When Miss Bast appeared to ocenpy
her place at the organ and lead the singing,
Mr. M. E. Anderson, the superintendent,
called her aside and told her that a choir
had been made up and that she would not be
required to play the organ.
The young lady was not only greatly sur
prised but sorely pained. She asked why
she had been so suddenly removed. Mr.
Anderson replied that the change had been
made by the music committee, bnt that she
need not ask them their reason, because
they would not reveal it. Miss Pogue went
to the organ and the new choir, composed of
five young ladies and one young man, took
their places.
"When the lesson for tne day had been
read, MLss Bast arose and made qnite a
speech. Sbe demanded that she should be
given the reason for her removal, as she
knew that she had been acceptable lor many
years. Superintendent Anderson said that
the change applied only to the Sabbath
school, and that it had been thought best to
organize a choir ot young people who would
work together. Mr. John "Williams, one ot
the teachers, arose and spoke in praise of
Miss Bast. He declared himself unable to
see any just cause for her removal. Mr.
"Williams then picked up his hat and left
-the church. Another gentleman moved
that the school extend to Miss Bast a vote
of thanks, bnt that spirited young lady said
that she wonld not have it
Last evening the church was crowded.
The congregation was much larger than is
usua1 at evening service. The Fourth
PrsDyterian Church was closed, and many
of ts members were at the Methodist
Church. Miss Bast took her place at the
organ and the members of the old choir were
in their seats. Rev. Mr. Goglev read the
opening hymn. "When he had finished Miss
Bast stood up and astonished the congrega
tion and pastor by saying that she would re
sign her position. She had been displaced,
without assigned reason, from the place of
organist in tne Sabbath school, and if she
were not good enough to play there sne
would not play at the church services. Her
words were emphasized with tears, and she
stepped down to a seat in the congreaation.
One of the male singers announced that the
choir would go with the organist, and every
one ot them left their places and sat in a
row on the front seat below the pulpit.
It is needless to say that there was a pro
found sensation among tne people. Looks
and whispers were exchanged, while the
pastor sat for a few moments nonplussed.
There was an expression of serious con
sternation on his countenance, but he
quickly recovered his composure and asked
his daughter, Mrs. Carey, to go forward.
She and the other members of the new
choir ascended to the rostrum. After some
confusion they sang the hymn, but without
the accompaniment of the organ. During
the remainder of the service Miss Pogue
played. "
Bev. Mr. Goeley preached a fervid ser
mon on the serious import of a rejection of
Christ "When he had come to the end of
the proper discussion of the theme, he de
voted some minutes to an appeal for unity
in the church. He besought all the mem
bers to stand by the church and its work.
He said that he had been 34 years in the
ministry, and would not exchange his place
for the Presidency of the United States. He
believed that he could do good work in the
church, and as ted for the aid of all. He
loved all, he said, and had a heart large
enough to take in all, rich and poor,
learned and ignorant. He then called upon
Brother O'Brien to lead in prayer. The con
gregation knelt, but there was no response
to the call. Mr. O'Brien was not in the
house, and after Rev. Mr. Gogley had
waited for half a minute, he himself offered
After the service was concluded the peo
ple lingered in the house and about the gate
discussing the events of the day. Some said
that the trouble had only begun, while oth
ers predicted a speedy restoration of peace.
& Man Arrested on a V. & O. Train Jumps
Thronch the Window.
Last night the train crew of the Balti
more and Ohio accommodation reaching the
city at 10-35 placed a man under arrest near
Glenwood. Near the copper works, while
the train was moving, the prisoner managed
to raise the window and jumped oat No
trace had been found of him up to 11:30.
Sirs. Nickcmon Claims Mnny Christians
nnd Ministers Aro Spiritualists A Day
Coming for tho Sect.
Last evening a deeply interesting seance
took place at the Spiritualists' Hall, No. 6
Sixth street The room was crowded to such
an extent that scores of people had to be
turned away from the doors. The well
known lady medium, Mrs. Nickerson, was
the attraction of the evening. Mrs. Nick
erson is possessed of a musical voice and a
strong, handsome face, which indexes in a
remarkable manner her thoughts and emo
tions. The seance opened with the usual tests,
the great majority of which were quite suc
cessful. But it was Mr. Nickerson's address which
proved the principal event of the seance.
The medium began by tonching briefly on
the youth of Spiritualism, and the wonder
ful strides it has made in popular favor dur
ing the 40 years of its existence. It elevated
mankind by its lofty precepts and snblime
ideals; and'yet it did not destroy the equi
poise of the being who had yet to live his
iife ont before he could hope for the radiant
heaven of which Spiritualism had given
him such promises. It taught men to be
contented with their lot, because it made
them happy in the knowledge that their
relatives and friends, their nearest and dear
est ones, are standing by the side and follow
ing the fortunes of all those who imagine
themselves deserted here upon earth.
"All thinking men," continued Mrs.
Nickerson, "all men who are really in the
forefront of thought and action, are Spirit
ualists at heart But, alas, they are moral
cowards. "We are all cowards more or less,
and they fear to admit their true sentiments.
In New England I have met clergymen,
doctors, lawyers in scores wno have
told me that they believed in my belief, but
considered that the time was not yet come
for their action in the matter. Here in
Pittsburg there are clergymen Methodists,
Presbyterians, Baptists by the dozen, who
believe implicitly in Spiritualism, and yet
fear to cast aside their Old "World Chris
tianity and worn out dogmas to follow the
true light"
At the conclusion of her discourse, Mrs.
Nickerson tried two more test cases, one of
which proved a very remarkable success.
Mrs. Nickerson was then asked for a poem
on "Charity," and, sitting down to the
piano, she sang with great taste and feeling
a ballad on that subject After the singing
of the Hoxology, and a solemn benediction
pronounced by "Mrs. Nickerson, the proceed
ings were concluded.
Quito a Crowd of Pittabnrccrs Will Attend
General Hartrnnft's Fnncrni The
Eighteenth's Floral Offering.
Between 20 and 25 State military officers
of this city left last evening for Norristown
to attend the funeral of ex-Governor John
F. Hartranft, who died Friday alternoon.
The remains will be interred at Norristown
this afternoon, and will be conducted with
military honors. State officials and promi
nent persons from all parts of Pennsylvania
will be present Among those from this
city last night were:
Colonel N. M. Smith, of the Eighteenth Ueg
iment, accompanied by Adjutant Charles
Reese, Major J. L Kay, Captains W, M. Aul
and John Penny, Lieutenants William Soak,
H. F. Lowry and Charles Brown. Quarter Mas
ter of the regiment. The Fourteenth Regi
ment was represented by Colonel P. D. Perch
ment, Lieutenant Colonel W. 3. Qlenn, Major
James L. Graham, Major A. E. McCandlcss,
Surgeons Dr. D. G. Foster and Dr. Scnrodes,
Captains A G. Tim, J. W. Corbett, W. A
Thompson. Henry Schmidt, Lieutenants Eas
ton, Cunningham, Martin, Bell and Johnston.
"With the party were also Colonel T. J.
Hudson, Chief of Artillery of the Govern
cr's staff; Captain James B. Murdoch,
Major Samuel Hazlett, of the Second
Brigade; Lieutenant Colonel J. B. R.
Strcator, and Adjutant Hays, of the Tenth
General "Wylie, Commander of the Second
Brigade, and Major Greenland, who had
been in the city last week, left in the morn
ing to attend the inneral.
The Eighteenth Regiment carried with
them a floral offering. It was in the shape
of the regimental badge, lour feet high, and
was a Sandsome work of art In the center
was a Maltese cross with crossed guns in
bine. Pendant to the above was a bar made
of white carnations. The following appro
priate wording was worked in red roses in
the badge: "Spectamur Agendo." On the
body of the badge was "N. G. P.," "Eight
eenth," "D. G."
The Police swooped Down on Two Disor
derly Places Teslcrdoj.
A crowd of men and boys were raided in
a stable on Turner alley. Allegheny, yes
terday. They had a half barrel of beer and
two quarts of whisky. Only three of the
crowd were captured, as a lookout apprised
them of the coming of the police. "William
Lang, John Martin and John "Williams
were the unfortunate ones.
Lieutenant Clark also made a raid on the
house of Mr. and Mrs. Franz Schutz, at G9
Third street A dance was going on about
8 o'clock and a lot of beer had been set out
before a number of invited guests. Before
the beer had all been consumed some bad
boys in the neighborhood stole it "When
the police went to the house the inmates
were singing and dancing and objected to
any interference. One or two young girls
who were in the house were allowed to de
part, bnt the others were taken to the lock
up. They were Mr. and Mrs. Schutz, Den
nis Rosencranz, Joseph Bcniger and Con
stantino Allen bach.
Will &ce Barbed Wire Made.
The Oliver & Roberts "Wire Company
have arranged to remove their nail-making
machines from Mechanical Hall, and re
place them with a 'barb-wire' machine -to
illustrate in a practical manner to the dele
gates from all the Americas the state of effi
ciency to which the manufacture of this
branch of industry has been brought in
Movements of Plttsbnrgcrs and Others of
Wide Acquaintance.
Yesterday morning and evening Rev.
Frederick A Noble, D.D., who 14 years ago
was pastor of the Third Presbyterian Church,
ocenpied the pulpit of that church. The con
gregations at both services were very large,
completely filling the large building Before
beginning his morning sermon Dr. Noble re
ferred feelingly to the past and present of the
churcb, referring especially to those who have
died since his pastorate ended. His words iu
relation to thelato William Thaw were very
tonchinc and were thesnbiectof considerable
comment. Yesterday was the seventh anni
versary of Rev. E. P. Cowan's nastorato of the
Third Church, or, as he put it, he has preached
just a year of Sabbaths to bis present charge.
Robert Shoemaker, V. H. Smith and
Edward H. Hance, of Philadelphia, prominent
wholesale druggists of the Quaker City, arrived
in town last night and are stopping at the An
derson. Thev will be met this morning by
Georgo A Kelly, W. J. Gilmoro and other
prominent wholesale druggists of this city, who
are going to attend the annual meeting of the
Wholesale Drngcists' Association at Indian
apolis. S. B. "Wellington, E. H. Sentenne, H.
M. Sutherland, Thomas A Coakley and Robert
Alexander, of New York, arrived In the city
yesterdav on a pleasure trip and will spend
several days in town lookinc at tne sights.
John J. O'Reilly, of this city, left last
evening for Philadelphia and other Eastern
cities on business. He stated that bis trip had
no connection with the now deceased brewery
Dr.jJohn J. Buchanan, of Penn avenue,
Secretary of the Allegheny County Medical
Society, left last night for New York.
Colonel George "W. ElkinB, President of
the Fifth Avenne Traction Company, returned
last night from Philadelphia,
E. M. Daniels, proprietor of the Allyn
House, at Hartford, Conn., is in the city.
C. C. Craffand wife, of Crafton, went to
New York last night
The Semi-Annnal Official Report of
the First Police District.
Arrests for This Year stimated at
Fifteen Thousand.
In accordance with the rule adopted a
year ago by Inspector McAleese, he has
had a semi-annual report compiled of the
number of arrests made by the police officers
of the various districts in order to show
what work has been done by the bureau,
both as an organization and as individuals
and to give proper ciedit where it is due.
The report of the First district is the first
completed, as it is the most important In
speaking of this, Chiet Brown said that the
arrests last year were 11,000, of which fully
two-thirds were made below Ninth street
He estimated that the arrests for the current
year would reach 15,000 and the same ratio,
he thought, would be observed.
Inspector McAleese was prompted to se
cure this official report through seeing at
the morning hearings the same faces day
after day, and hearing the same arresting
officers make charges, while others whose
beats ran through criminal portions of the
city never showed up. The result of the re
port will be that the officers will probably
receive some recognition of their services
ranging from honorable mention and pro
motion to a chromo. a three days' suspen
sion or a perpetual holidav. The Inspector
said last evening that although the force
was undoubtedly a fine one, still it was not
large enough to admit of carrying members
for purely ornamental purposes.
The reports lor the three station houses of
the Firs't police district are given below,
with the number of arrests made by each
officer, from April 1 to October 1, appended
to his name. The names of the captains,
lieutenants, sergeants and special officers
are omitted as the great majority of their
cases are turned oyer to their officers' credit,
and the nature of their occupation prevents
them standing on an equal footing with the
officers as far as arrests are concerned.
Another point to be remembered is that
each officer is only credited with such cases
as he substantiates before the police magis
trate or in court and convictions follow.
The following is the list of police graduates
in the art of diminishing the criminal popu
lation of the city for the past six months:
Central Station, Second ward Thomas Pais
ley, 156; James O'Hara, 75; Frank Yeager. G8;
Joseph Ketter. 72; George Wagner, 82; Edward
Cross, 69; Truby Shaul, 169; Martin Morgan, 28;
George Wagner, 82; "W. P. Smith, 76; John
Sommerville, 62; Hugh Boyd, 37; William Max
well, 124; James W. Jack, 99; Joseph Baker, 66;
Archy Sharp. 40; Alex. Bovard, 120; Robert
Biley, 40; Harry Thurlow. 24; Chas. Calient 44;
Pat Moran, 18; John McCaffrey, 14: Isaac
Rockey. 15; Albert Hilderbrecbt, 82; Wm.Vogel,
47;Adolph Metz. 82; Charles Kramer, 72; John
McClurg, 9; Charles Grimes, 37; Robert Fowler,
35; John Brennan, 15; John Mulvihill, 69; John
McRoberts, -10; David Lewis, 8; Thomas Welsh,
10; Robert Holmes, 28; Robert Denniston, 121;
Gerret Cranon, 37; Isaac Haines, 18; Patrick
Young, 10; Charles Mersheimer, 21; Ed Fent
waryler, 1: George Cleary, 11; Thomas Malley,
13; James Duffy, 15; Homer Cupps, 20; Miles
Milomy, 14; William Devlin, 82; George W.
Boyd,85 Joseph Leaver.45; Thomas Richardson,
17; Charles Burlbiugh, 19; Archie Hamilton, 13.
No. 'i station, Eleventh ward Jpcob Baly, 18;
Fred Ludwig. 12; M. S. Hanley, S2; Moms
Wilsknpski. 17; Andrew Terry. 33; James
White, 13; V. Beckett, 18; John H. Scott 9; E.
J. Harris, 4; Ben Rosenblatt, 10; John Meksner,
15; H. N. Dlebl, 43; Michael Murphy, 7; D. J.
Sullivan, 16; John Letley,7. he caught; John
Adley. 20; Paul Carson. 5:Wllliam Young, 7; P.
F. Maher, IS; B. Craig, 3; William Beegle, &
No. 3 station, Twelfth ward Captain Unter-
baum 13, but as the Captain turns over most of
his arrests to his men, his record would show a
much greater number. A M. Teeters, 4(1; John
Moran, 120; Oliver Peoples, 055 John Singer, 71;
Samuel Miller, 83; J. B. Thompson, 63: David
Hanna, 34; Charles Metzger, 67; Mike Connolly,
27; John Burns, 28; William Kinney, 21; George
Cole, 77; John Neeland, 4; G. J. Flucker, 11;
George O'Keil, 10; Joseph Dutton, 9; C. J. Lari
mer, 6. The last five are members of No. 3
patrol wagon. Willie Rogers, 28: Anthony
Manion, 63; John Moore, 67; John Maken, 58;
.fat irarren, ov; .awara j.oDin,io; joan xtoacn,
56; Mike Carr, 76: Matthew Bell, 14; Fierce
Brennan, 16; S. H. Brown, 23; Daniel Wilkie,
15: Arthur Lester, 21; John Arnold, 12.
Upon the completion of the list Inspector
McAleese said there were several matters
connected with the work of the officers to
which he would like to draw attention. Al
though all, as a body, had done well, he
saw considerable room for improvement in
many particulars. For example, there
were beats which had only turned in from
15 to 20 arrests, where, from the complaints
made and his own personal observation, as
well as that of Chief Brown, 100 violators
of the law might have been made to feel the
lash of justice or else get out oi the way of
doing mischief.
In reviewing the work of the men he ac
cords the palm to Truby Shaul, and said:
"Out of the 265 men comprising the police
force there may be as good men, and I have
no doubt there are, but none could have done
better. He was placed in charge of the
Hardscrabble and Yellow Row district when
the department declared war npon the dives
and dens of ill repnteinthat locality, which
were so "numerous and of the lowest type in
the city. To-day respectable people can
live there, and two-thirds ot the arrests made
by the officers are now doing time or have
served their sentences, and other undesirable
denizens have been chased out. Associated
with Shaul in the work, and deserving of
credit was Officer Joseph Biker, who runs
the adjoining beat
The following officers he also named as
worthy of special mention: George "Wag
ner and M. S. Hanley, two small men, but
of determination and known staying quali
ties. They were given the task ol reform
ing the Owl gangdistrict, aboutthe toughest
in the city, and where so many had failed.
The result of their work is shown in the fact
that six of the Owl gang leaders are now
serving sentences of 3; 4, 5 and 6 years in
the workhouse and penitentiary, while two
are now in jail awaiting trial lor highway
robbery, and the neighborhood is compara
tively quiet to what it was a couple of years
ago. Martin Mogan, who had the Point
district, is commended for his good work
and bravery. It was he who was so severelv
stabbed by Barney Gallagher about three
weeks ago while taking the prisoner to the
patrol box, but who nevertheless landed his
man at the Central station. He is still off
duty from the effects of his wound.
Lieutenant Robert Denniston is also
highly spoken of, his 121 arrests being prin
cipally of suspicious persons, most of whom
were strangers in the city, and proven to be
known bad characters, the majority of
whom are now enjoying the hospitality of
the workhouse. His promotion was the re
sult of his energetic campaign against these
people. "William Maxwell and James Jack
are also picked ont for a place among those
who have made an excellent record in the
avenue beats from Smithfield street to Hard
scrabble, and Garrett Crossan, on the Fifth
avenne beat, comes in for a generous meed
of praise.
The other names of men who have dis
tinguished themselves in the Inspector's
eyes are John McCaffrey, John Roach and
John Moran, at Eleventh and Liberty, who,
the Inspector says, lets no guilty man es
cape and takes chances on a good many who
show guilty intentions with very few mis
Adolph Metz, whose services as turnkey
to the Central station preclude his making
a heavy record, takes the opportunity be
tween watches of running in a few crooks
every week and secures conviction in almost
every case. Sergeant Robert Gray, who as
sisted the Inspector in making np the re
port, modestly omitted hisown name, hut
his services meet recognition from head
quarters. The objects Sought by these reports is to
act as an incentive to the men to better their
work, and as no credit is given except where
the case is proved make the service more
effectual. It is also calculated to show both
the officers and the public when any changes
are made, whether promotions, suspensions
or dismissals, why such action was taken,
and to prevent all grumbling by repoving
the cause in the most public manner possi
Tom Carney's Visit Cost Him Hi's Liberty
He Hadn't Been In the City Over an
Hour When Ho Was Captnred.
Tom Carney, late constable for Alderman
Porter, was captured last night by Officers
Sherry and King. Carney was wanted by
the Department of Public Safety, Inspector
"Whitehouse having made an information
against him when he brought the suit for
conspiracy against Alderman Porter last
week, but there was an older account for
him to meet.
Some time ago Carney, Brown and Me
Clure were indicted for conspiracy in the
Mrs. Lies case. McClure and Brown were
tried in the Criminal Court and convicted,
but Carney had disappeared and could not
be placed on trial. "When Judge "White
had McClure and Brown before him he gave
them six years and one year respectively.
He expressed a deep wish to have Carney
brought to trial and Officers King and
Sherry, who had worked up the case, felt
that they ought to have him. They went to
work, and learned finally that he was in
Steubenville. It was their intention to go
after him when they found that he meant to
pay a flying visit to the city yesterday.
Carney got into the city at 7 o clock and an
hour later the two officers located him at
Thirty-seventh street and Penn avenue.
They arrested him on a court process and
took mm to tne central station, xnis morn
ing he will be taken into court
The outlook for Carney does not seem to
be very cheerful. He is under indictment
in the Mrs. Lies case, in which McClure
and Brown were convicted; he is under in
dictment in the B. F. Stewart case, in which
Alderman Porter was held by the grand
jury last week; and besides the information
lodged by Inspector "Whitehouse is pending
against him. ".From his conversation with
Officers King and Sherry last night, they
are of the opinion that he is ready to talk
freely in court it he thinks it will do any
thing toward lessening the penalties that
may be imposed on him. It is probable
that he will not be brought to trial at this
time on any of the charges pending, but
will be turned over to the Department of
Public Safety as a witness to use in the
cases against Alderman Porter. Carney is
the man who formerly kept a resort in the
"Waten street district that caused the police
no end of trouble. The place is now being
torn down to be replaced with a business
It was a notorious den and rivaled the
Yellow Row for scenes of vice and crime.
Bat It is Thought That It Should Not Alrrnys
bo Inforced.
Ordinarily rules are necessary for the
successful transaction of business, but there
are times when some flexibility is necessary
in their inforcement. For instance, Mr. T
O'Brien tells of a case where a woman of
some foreign nationality wanted to get off a
Pittsburg and Birmingham street car
at the Pittsburg and Lake Erie
station, but becoming confused did
not alight at the place where
the car is stopped. When opposite the old
toll-house on the Smithfield street bridge
she discovered her mistake and asked to be
let off, but the conductor refused to stop the
car, quoting the Superintendent's order that
stops must only be made on corners. It
seemed that the woman did not feel equal to
the task of alighting when the car was in
motion, and was carried to the crossing
clear over the bridge to the corner ot Smith
field and "Water streets, where she was told
she might alight. By this time her hnrry
was over; she decided to be put off at the
proper place though she had to make the
round trip to the Union station and back to
the Pittsburg and Lake Erie station.
It is just possible that a strict compliance
with this order might some time involve the
company in a lawsuit should a passenger be
be carried past a station and lose a train.
Talk of Bnllding a Catholic Church In the
Vicinitr of Oakland.
The three new altars in St. Agnes Church
atSoho are almost completed. They are
beantiful pieces of workmanship, and when
finished will be equal, if not superior, to
anything of the kind in the two cities.
The main altar is made of wood, Gothic
style, and in it are three large niches. In the
center niche is the scene of the Transfigura
tion with the Apostles, etc. The statues have
not yet been placed in the other niches.
The altars are painted white, with burned
copper and gilt The main one is about 25
feet high. The other two altars are finished
in white and gold and marbleized iu yellow.
They will be completed in about two weeks.
The attendance at the parochial schools
connected with the church has increased so
rapidly under Father Corcoran's manage
ment that the pastor found it necessary to
engage several more sisters. The school
buildings and church are taxed to their
limit to accommodate the people. The par
ish has grown so large that there is consid
erable discussion about building a new
church in the vicinity of Oakland. There
is no Catholic place of worship between
Soho and East Liberty and it will soon be
necessary to have a church in Oakland.
An Allegheny &penk-Eny Proprietor Van
ishes Into Air.
Officer Alexander and two other police
men yesterday forenoon visited a "speak
easy" establishment located in a stable on
Turner alley, in the Third ward, Allegheny.
The place was kept by Jake Hasley, and
has been iu operation on Sundays lor sev
eral months. Three men, "William Lang,
John Martin and John "Williams, all poorly
dressed and possessing little money, were
captured, hut Hasley could not be found.
The police knew that he had been in the
stable a few minutes before they entered,
and they were puzzled at his sudden disap
pearance. About two months ago police
men tried to catch Hasley in the stable, and
were certain that they had him entrapped.
"When they entered the old building they
found a badly frightened woman, but Has
ley had vanished, as if into thin air. No
persuasions could induce the woman to tell
how Hasley had dematerialized himself.
Incidents of a Day In Two Cities Condensed
for Rcndy Beading.
TnE Moorhead Union, W. C. T. U., held an
interesting meeting last night Mrs. B. Allen,
president and a large crowd was in attend
ance. Addresses were made by Mrs, B. H.
Jones, Mrs. Huutley, Mrs. A. M. Hammet and
W. T. Powell.
Columbia Enoine Company, of Allegheny,
has completed a now floor for the house, the
entire work being done by tho men themselves
The old floor was pnt down 14 years ago. The
new one is composed of two and a half inch
white pine.
A man named Sullivan attempted to jump off
one of tbe Penn avenue cablo cars at the corner
of Fourteenth street yesterday afternoon. Mr.
Sullivan's nose was broken bjr coming in vio
lent contacHyitu the ground..
Eomh boys set fire to a lot of rubbish on
Twenty-fourth street yesterday. No. 7 Engine
Company was called out to prevent the flames
spreading to a frame structure-close by.
No. 7 Enoine Company, on Penn avenue
was called out to answer a still alarm yeiterday
at the foot of Twentieth street
Wendell Doranberger Beaten and Cat
With a Knife by Two Men.
The Object of the Footpads is Supposed to
Have Been Eobbery.
About 6 o'clock yesterday morning a
Southside man was attacked by two men
and almost murdered within 0 feet of his
own door. At that time "Wendell Doran
berger, a glass sorter at the -factory of
Thomas Evans & Co., was set upon, beaten
over the head with a coupling link, cut and
slashed in several places about the head
and body and left lying in an unconscious
condition on the sidewalk, three doors from
his own home, on Manor street, between
South Tenth andEleventh streets. The cir
cumstances of the assault as detailed by the
injured man would make it appear as
though the motive was robbery or that the
men had mistaken their victim for another
Mr. Doranberger had been at the glass
factory, where he is employed, attending to
some duties, and then started down Manor
street on his way home. "When he reached
the corner of South Twelfth street two men,
one large, the other quite small, came toward
him from the direction of Nusser's brewery.
They appeared to be perfectly sober, and
walked down Manor street at the side of
their victim until they came to South
Eleventh street, near where Doranberger
lives. "When they had proceeded to that
point, not a word having been exchanged on
tho way. the smallest of the men stepped
close up to Doranberger and said: "You are
the. man who was going to do us up on
Twelfth street last night, ain't you?"
"No, sir, I am not," was the answer.
He had scarcely finished speaking when
the man stooped down and, picking up a
link used for coupling cars, struck him a
a terrific blow over the head. The assault
was too quickly made to be warded off, but
as he staggered to one side from the effect
Doranberger, who is a large, powerfully
built man, clutched the larger man to pre
vent him from assisting the other. "When
he grappled with his companion the man
who had started -the affair lunged at the vic
tim with a knife, cutting a terrible gash
over his leftytemple. In spite of the stab,
Doranberger threw the big man to
the ground but was prevented
from inflicting any punishment
upon him by the smaller man, who danced
about like a fiend. He kept his knife in
nlav all the while, and so effectively that in
the very lew minutes the wounded man was
able to make a struggle for his life, he re
ceived no less than six stabs and slashes
about the back, left side and arm. The most
serious ones are the cuts made on the side of
the heart and a deep cut just below the left
shoulder-blade. Doranberger says the strug
gle was of only momentary duration, when
he became unconscious. After he recovered
from the insensibility he crawled to the door
of his home and awakened his wife and
brother-in-law. His clothing was cut and
torn and covered with blood.
Dr. Donovan was called in to dress the
wounds and said that the Injured man's con
dition was serious. His skull was thought
to be slightly fractured, but an examination
later in the day showed that to be a mistake.
The many cuts and the deep stab in the
back, however, together with the almost
complete prostration consequent on the great
loss of blood and the danger of erysipelas
setting in, makes the victim's condition
serious. The medical attendant considers
his chances for recovery fairly good.
No motive for the murderous assault can
be conjectured, unless it were for the pur
pose ot robbery. Doranberger is a well
known man, sober and industrious, and has
been employed at Evans & Co.'s factory
for almost 20 years. Recently he has
handled considerable funds in his
duties connected with the manage
ment of an estate and his assailants may
have supposed that they would make a haul
by robbing him. He does not know whether
they rifled his pockets or nof, but they were
disappointed it they did, for he had only
some small change, his money having been
deposited at home on Saturday evening.
One of the men had his hat knocked off in
the struggle, and as it was left lying beside
their nnconscidus victim, they had evidently
been frightened from the place. The hat
was given to the police as the only clew,
although Doranberger is able to describe
his assailants, and says he will be able to
identify them.
A Sontbtldo Officer Had to Call Down the
Guests at a Marriage.
The Southside speak-easieskept the police
busy yesterday afternoon and evening, 11
cases of drunkenness coming from one lo
cality in Limerick. In Sligo a Polish wed
ding was being celebrated by a dance when
Officer Johnson came down upon the house
and ordered the dance to stop. The gaily
bedecked bride and the happy groom, in
company with the house full of guests in
various stages oi exhilaration, protested
against the policeman's interference with
their festivities, but obeyed, nevertheless,
Neely Burns, an old-timer, was brought ihto
the Twenty-eighth ward station about 9
o'clock drunk and badly cut and bruised
about the head and face, the result of a row
on the niasiae above South .Eighth street.
At the Sunday morning hearing at the
Twenty-eighth ward station, Magistrate
Brokaw disposed of ten common esses.
Thomas Biscuss, Joseph Kotski, Jacob
Brunnier and Charles Eicc were arrested at
a house in Limerick that bears the reputa
tion of being troublesome according to Offi
cer Smith. Each paid 58 40 into the public
treasury. Bichard James, Thomas Collins
and Michael Farrass paid the same amount.
William Aimer and Michael Collins will
reside at Claremont for 30 days, and Sarah
Smith will board with Warden Berlin for
ten days.
Uov. Mr. McClelland Drawing Crowds to the
Seventh Presbytorlnn.
The services at the Seventh Presbyterian
Church, on Herron avenue, are attracting
considerable attention under the ministra
tion of Bev. C. S. McClelland, tbe new
pastor. Mr. McClelland has been in charge
since October 1, and since that time the at
tendance has so increased that it is almost
impossible to find seats for all who come. If
the present increase in the size of the con
gregation continues it is in contemplation to
increase the seatingcapacity of the building.
Fifty Societies Will be In tho Parade on
Thanksgiving Day.
The parade of the German societies, to
celebrate the opening of the Allegheny
Turner Hall, on Thanksgiving Day, prom
ises to be a grand affair. The indications
are that there will be more men in line than
at any previous demonstration of the Ger
man element of the connty. Fifty societies
have notified Chief Marsb'al Neeb that they
will parade. Representatives of the socie
ties meet to-night at 201 Ohio street, Alle
gheny, to elect the division commanders.
Kilted by the Limited.
John Doldstrom, a German, pmployed by
Captain Shallenburg, ofBraddock', while
riding by Camp Copeland yesterday morn
iDg was struck by the limited express on
the Pennsylvania Railroad. The horse and
man were thrown over 30
instantly killed.
feet and both
n,t. . V. . n.t .' fa '". '
xoo usoiaers tvania jwibbt ivvotb; 'Abu
- Walk, bat Remain Firm.
In pursuance of the action decided uponj
at a meeting of tne men in Imperial
Hall on Saturday night particulars of
which were fully reported in yesterday's
Dispatch the molders of this city, with
the exception of the Carnegie men, and pos
sibly tnose employed by A. Speer & Sons,
will remain on strike. Up to late on Satur-
"day night the latter firm had not signed the
scaie, tnougn.asaireaaystatea, tneyhaa ver
bally agreed to it, but- yesterday it was re
ported that tbey had intimated to their men
that they might turn in this morning, as
they were prepared to formally concede the
increase. As stated yesterday, there is very
little probability of the molders long remain
ing on the outside, as business is so pushing
with the founders jnst as present that they
will likely at once make the required con
cessions rather than see their business suffer,
il ackintosh, Hemphill & Co. haye a big 20
ton casting in hands, the molding work on
which is about half done, and other firms
have hurried orders which can ill afford to
wait The feeling among the strikers is
that they would rather be at work than
walking around, but they say they can wait
the conveniences of their employers. A
good many men called at the E. of L. head
quarters on Fifth avenue yesterday to as
certain if anything had been heard from the
employers, but nothing had been heard.
The UnvolIIne of the Armstrong Monument
Will be a Big Affair.
The dedication of the Thomas A. Arm
strong monument on Thanksgiving Day
will mark an epoch in the history of or
ganized labor in "Western Pennsylvania. It
is expected that some 25,000 men will take
part in the proceedings. The Passenger
Agents' Association is considering the
question of issuing excursion rates, and also
of extendrng their periodso as to accomo
date delegates coming from a distance.
Many of the iron and steel mills will close
down to allow their men to attend. At
Scottdale the request of the men that the
mill would shut down on the day was
acceded to. The printers' demonstration
will be a large one and delegations lrom the
printers' unions from Steubenville, "Wheel
ing, Toungstown and other points are ex
pected to be in line. The turn-out of the
coal and coke miners will be a large one; no
class of men held Thomas Armstrong in
greater esteem. It was said that the paint
ers would not take any part in the demon
stration, but this was incorrect. They will
be present in full force.
The monument is nearly completed and
about to be placed in position. The orator
of the occasion will be Miles Humphreys,
than whom probably no one could so well
fulfill the task of reviewing the life and
works of the great labor organizer.
Carnegie's Men Will Consult With tbe Firm
About Time of Payment.
The trouble between the employes of Car
negie,' Phipp3 & Co. and the firm, which is
a result of the new pay system that has been
adopted in the lower and upper Union
mills, is on a fair way to be settled amica
bly. The company pointed out to tbe men
that by paying the first Saturday following
the 15th and 28th it will enable them to
keep their books straight with much less in
convenience than hitherto. The firm say
that they have the State law on their side,
which allows them to pay their employes
twice a month. A consultation will be held
to-day in the Carnegie Thirty-third street
office between the representatives of the
company and the men to adjust the diffi
Several Pltubnrg Factories Hnvo Decided
on Oilng It
Mr. Asa G. Neville, of Lazearville, W.
"Va., the inventor of the flint glass melting
pbt, was in town yesterday. His pots are
now in operation in factories in Martin's
Ferry, Wheeling, Lazearville, Canton,
Steubenville and Philipsbnrg, and he has
contracts for 21 additional houses. He will
return here in two weeks' time to place his
pots in operation in the Peerless Lead
Glass Works on the' Southside and Thomes
Evans & Co.'s factory, and later on in the
houses of the O'Hara and George Duncan &
rilcnlrn Bays President Robert
Didn't Talk as Reported.
In face of the strong desire of the gentle
men connected with the dinner given to the
FennsylvaniaBailroad officials at the Pitts
burg Club on last Friday, that no undue
publicity should be given to the affair,
as the entertainment was of a
purely private and informal nature, as
already reported in The Dispatch.
considerable surprise was expressed
in many quarters yesterday at the publica
tion in a cotemporary of what purported to
be a speech delivered by President Boberts
during the dinner. The opinions on some
of the matters with which Mr. Boberts is
credited with dealing are so much at
variance with the previous utterances and
well known ways of thinking of that gentle
man, that it was more than hinted yester
day that tbe Teport must have emanated
from the imaginative brain and feriile re
source of its author, who, perhaps, though
not necessarily, had overheard some or
other of tbe guests in casual allusion to
what President Boberts did say.
That the reported speech deserved to be
classed under the category of "fakes" was
amply proved yesterday, when Mr. Bobert
Pitcairn was seen for an expression of his
opinion on its authenticity. This gentleman
said that, while the report contained one or
two things that would be touched upon by
snch a nan on such an occasion, that' in the
main, as far as his recollection served him,
Mr. Boberts had not made any allusions to
pools or syndicates or the extensive com
ments on railroad development with which
he was credited.
Another Yonag Lad Who Thought He Was
a Second Buffalo BUI.
Lawrence Knorr, a 13-year-old hoy who
has been living with his guardian, a well
known East End clergyman, was arrested in
Columbus, O., yisterday while on his way
West to right Indians and seenre glory at
the point of the scalping knife. He has
been a diligent stndent of wild West litera
ture for a long time, and his friends learned
that he was going to take to the Panhandle
trail. He assumed the lurid name of Dick
Over, and boarded the 9 o'clock train Satur
day mgnt ior tne west, a telegram to tne
Superintendent of Police at Columbus
headed him off before he had time to make
the acquaintance of any Indians or bufialos.
Both Dr. McGIynn nnd Henry George Will
Iiectare Here This Winter.
Mr. C. F. Knight delivered an address
before the Pittsburg Single Tax League on
"The Single Tax." Mr. Knight explained
the evils of our present industrial and social
system, and how the reform he advocated
would act as a remedy. Dr. McGIynn
will lecture under the auspices of this soci
ety on tbe 21st of January in Lafayette Hall,
subject: "How to Abolish Poverty." The
society also expects to have Mr. Henry
George stop over on his way to Australia,
and deliver an address in some publio hall.
Hallowe'en on Wednesday.
Wednesday evening will be Hallowe'en,
when the small boy, will be np to all sorts of
high jinks, That occasion Ms a memorable
one in Scotland, and the Scotch people in
this city will celebrate it, bnt only by pri
vate parties. No club or society events will
oeeur on aeeount of the anniversary.
J THEY HEED $150,000.
President Mania Asks Those Whs Probed
by the Exposition to Pony Up Doqnesne
.Parks Assured. .
"Mr. S. S. Marvin was seen last evening at
hisjesidence on Amberson avenue, In -connection
with the reported Exposition im
provement plans. He said: 'There is not
the smallest doubt but that improvements
will be made in the Exposition buildings,
but their precise nature is as' yet unde
termined. Mr. Johnston is gone to Europe
to collect hints for this purpose. With re
gard to the proposed park, from the build
ings to the Sixth street bridge, some people
seem to think it a mere visionary project,
but it is not anything of the kind. There
will certainly be a park, probably by next
year, and the city authorities will be the
men who will put it there.
"There is one other point I should like to
mention. We want $150,000 to par the con
tractors. I think that all those gentlemen
who have made so much by the Exposition
the hotel keepers, restaurant keepers and
street car companies ought to come for
ward and helpusont Certainly some of
them can afiord it Why, the car companies
alone have made a fortune through the Ex
position. Tne very fact of the1, wonderful
improvement in the locality, occasioned by
the Exposition buildings, ought,' fo make
every citizen ready to spend money in help
ing us."
Mr. Patterson Denies Bis Remarks About
ibe Allegheny Hospital.
J. C. Patterson, Manager of the Alle
gheny General Hospital, said last evening
that the statements attributed to Major
Hunker, of the Allegheny Poor Board, are
either misquoted or untrue. There have not
been 70 illegitimate births in the hospital
since its opening four years ago. Mr. Pat
terson continued: "Major Hunker is re
ported to have said no record is kept of the
births in the hospital. The easiest refuta
tion of the charge is an extract from the re
ports'to the State Board of Health and the
Board of Public Charities, showing 115
births to have occurred since the establish
ment of the hospital. Of these some 48, or
about one-third, were illegitimate.
"Another thing in this connection is that,
unless in extreme cases, we do not receive
any patients of that description unless
vouched for by someone we know. Of
course when they are able to leave the
hospital it is not our business to follow them,
and it is not done, but if llajor Hunker
wishes to place the responsibility for aban
doning children upon patients of the Alle
gheny General Hospital he is very much,
mistaken. Out of the 115 cases I have
mentioned there has been only one in which
the infant has been abandoned. I wish to
set tbe hospital management right in this
matter before the public."
John Hall Helps Himself Ont With s Handy
Patrick Fitzgerald and John Hall, em
ployed by T. B. Moreland, the East End
liveryman, quarreled at the stable yesterday
morning about the nse of a broom. One
word brought on another and they came to
blows. After a desperate struggle, in which
Hall was getting the worst of the fight, he
managed to get hold of a cobblestone and
L struck Fitzgerald on the side of the head,
knocking him down and. cutting an ugly
wound. He was taken to a doctor's office
near by, where his head was dressed, and he
was then sent to his home on Center avenue,
near Hfland avenue. While this was being
done Hall skipped out Information was
made before Magistrate Hyndman, charging
him with aggravated assault and battery. A
warrant was issued, bnt the police have not
arrested him yet.
Anniversary Gifts.
Tea sets,
Tete-a-tete sets,
Water sets,
Tilting pitchers.
Just the thing for silver wedding presents,
at Henry Terheyden's, 520 Smithfield st
Kid Glove Bargains!
The celebrated Bon Marche, 5 Foster
hooks, 69c; seven hooks, fl; Primiere at $1
and $1 50; four-button, fresh goods, 68c, 75c,
89c, $1. Misses' fine 4-bntton, 65c, at'Bosen
bantu & Co. '3.
B. asB.
60 cents for 40, 100 cents for 75, in the two
great bargain lots of choice all-wool cash
meres this morning. Come and ask for
them. Bogos & Btnrx.
Persons Holding Clnb Tickets
At Aufrecht's Elite gallery, good until
November 1, should come early for their
sittings, so as to avoid the rush, at 516 Mar
ket street, Pittsburg.
F. & V.'a Iron City beer is unrivaled.
Connoisseurs pronounce it so.
Weakness, Indisposition to Work,
Headache, Dullness, Heaviness,
Lack of Appetite, Constipation,
all Indicate that you need a few doses
of the genuine
Dr. HoLane's Celebrated
They strengthen the weak and 'purify the
They are prepared from tbe purest
materials and put up with the great
est care by
Pittsburg, Pa.
Be sure you get the genuine ' Count
erfeits are made in St Louis.
jyS-irwp ,
has been made to please the Ladles In the L
Millinery line and we are happy to say they
seemed to appreciate the beautiful display
in Hats and Bonnets, and many were the
remarks: ''How reasonable In price," and
"bo stylish, too,'and that is Just what we
want to accomplish, viz Stylish. Millinery
at Beasonable Prices. Wa have competent,
experienced Milliners and we can give you
good value for your money,
::: T. T. T. :::
109 Federal Street,
H BBfl sWfJv t BBBBy JW
. -- fji
- 1 '
Pittsburg, O ctober 2LU
Tho Exposition la over and now, ,.,
can get right down to your fall nop
plngln real earnest. That's what'ttoaJ
sands wai do this week,' and we are pre- -s
pared to meet tbe most unprecedented;''' .
rush. fr.
However familiar with the
any particular department laat' -weekfefj
there are surariaes Inn for vnn tfeH
" ' tM
week the every day arrivals keep every "'
department bright and interesting. L. .
Colored Cashmeres at 35c a yard, la
about 39 different new and fashloaabla
shades, warranted all-wool, the
value known for the money.
Our extra wide (46-Inch) Cashmere,
- 1 if A.
n -...1 i - .i A..vtuJ
oii-i uvi, uiarasKo ui una itius pubmmh
able colorings of the season, at eait tita
a yard is unequaled value.
full 43 inches wide, all-wool and extra;
heavy, in the following fashloaaMo
colors: French Gray. Sapphire, GeWea
Brown, Navy, VIn, Garnet, Mafcegaa:
Myrtle, etc, at the extremely low pri
of 50c a yard.
A line of Armare Striped ,
SB Inches wide, something entirely new,(
, 1
th a1 latest shades, at 73c a yard. ' .
A bargain in 38-lach Silk Warp Hesri'-i
ettas, extra fine flalsb, sett desbaHe1.
colors, at fl a yard exemption! Talue. s ,
50-iBch. All-wee!
In new mixtures and solid colon, at 8e J
and 56c yard. "i
No better valu e la. the house than oar
fiftoch.faote.the.wWta) ,
elegant value, Use" fiaisfe, tfvespsfieetj
MtfeCaeties, 75e a yari-abtifjataMl-;
dommet with.
63-Inch All-wool ExpesMea Clefe, i
solid colors, an axcelleat wearag bkkrttjj
stylish and new, 66c a yard.
In full line of newolts,atHayV
62 inches wide.
Freneh Twilled Brondilotht, gmmr-
Imported eoede, 59 aad 3 ftiefcM wide,
fl and & 35 a yard.
A nBBaDer of ttfn fW bargus at 1
E0o yard la AH-weol DeaMe-wttsB I -
Plaids. Novelty-Cheat
. T . -ttZmbOfiti
-BOToefji aaa maeyotaarawraaai
stylish fabrics.
On our center oeneter
special offering of
la Camel'. Hair aSeett, mkVtz55i;
Embroidered, Appose
choice and entirely sew offsets
tremely tew prises.
la entirely new mixtures ssd stries, M0
dlftfrreat deafens, goods esyesifillfj
adapted for TaHof -Made CoarmM, very
Oar stock of goods far eresJs wear
is sew ceaelete aad mwotmss!
Every desirable evenlac shade in
meres; AlB4teoss,VeB3, LaasdowaeV
La Glorias," Berfes, Caaael's
Beatrice Cloths, Camel's Hair
dines, Crepe Lawe, Freash
cletfe, ete e,
cloaks and surra.
" J
You Bd aot read abeaf Mm vwder
Jul offeriasjs la these wfcea yea oaa
come to the stores?" Coaaa whe every
u -
r Jem
Casa-ikfiv 3
.a' zz: :&
Lp5rV sh,.i - rifH
jm.. -
, ' &ti'?
jra& '
gs- i
t c?n.