ESKRS? rpfi ' . rWBt ' iV3T"k 'ISf'WWSL -JS" & M - , -k - iTtSwIt -a1" .-I' ii " j :Hnwan!K j ", , cv ,; C' W ' v ADVERTISE VyoW 'ksriMHkTMrMg.: If yon wart Beard, Rooms, Heme or Help, advertise Id THE DISPATCH. Purchaser can be found for everything offered For Sale In THE DISPATCH. THE DISPATCH U the best advertising raedinm In Western Pennsylvania. Try It. poMi . -it 3 . . . nimm Tl . s..-..--. .. J - . A 4i - ' j Wi'a,.aa-- - r JM niuii? mre "yJP ptwijti,j rnttoaaen -J - to when advertl rHEBISPATCH. 5a Seal Estate . throngs adver tlsemeat la THE KG?&BwFi ,.ovr 2 Wkt P D. x . ac . . I IN T h TIhTj n i Qsrix inAnii BSKmraa- PORTY-K)UHTfi YEAJL TANNER TALKS, TOO He Protests Against the Insinu ations Advanced by Sec retary Noble. BUSSEY IS ALONE TO BLAME For All of the Trouble Caused in the Bureau of Pensions. SOME OF THE DEMOCRATIC DECISIONS Asserted to be More Favorable to the Soldier Than Those or the Present Administra tion The Iiate Commissioner Did His Whole Duly to the Country and His Party His Letter to the Head of the De partment Made Public Only a Question of Lnw-Thc Report of the Committee Which Investigated the Affairs of the Bnrean. Mr. Tanner now presents his side of the dispute concerning the administration of the Pension Bureau to the public. He ob jects to some of the assertions, and more especially to the alleged insinuations, con veyed by Secretary Noble. The claim is made that General Bussey was responsible for all the trouble in the department A portion of the correspondence of the late Commissioner with his official chief is given. Washington, October 20. Corporal Tanner, late Commissioner of Pensions, has read the correspondence given to the public by Secretary Noble, and has now made a statement in his own behalf. "I object," he says, "to the constrnctiot that I defied Secretary Noble on the subject of rerating, or on the question of dominant authority in the administration of the Pension Bureau. "I did submit to him in an unofficial let ter, a question which arose in my mind, as to whether the power to put to the test a pension which might he under suspicion of having been granted in excess rested in the hands of tbe Secretary, or of the Commis sioner, and I quoted to him the section of the revised statutes which had BAISED THAT QUESTION in my mind; but in submitting that ques tion to the Secretary for his decision, I did it in the most courteous and respectful man ner o ' which I was capable. In order that there may be no further misconception of my action, I qnote my letter in full: Depaetsient op the Interior,! BURExr or Peksions. 1 Washington, D. C July 11, 1889. f (Unofficial.) J To the Honorable becretary of the Interior: Mr JDeah Bib In continuance of the con versation had In the Interview I solicited day before yesterday, I desire to say to you and I pnt it before you as an evidence of my absolute good faith in this matter tnat upon looking into tbe law bearing upon the duti -sand pow ers of the Commissioner of Pensions I find that which, I confess, surprises me, viz: That if I am capable of proper If construing the plain letter of the law, while the Secretary of the In tenor has the power to EEVEESE THE DECISION of the Commi'sioner of Pensions on appeal by a claimant against whom the Commissioner has decided: on the other hand if, for any reason, it be held that the claimant has been granted too much pension, the Commissioner himself is the only person who has the power to call a bait ana reduce the pension. I confess it strikes me as a manifest incon gruity. It should be remedied at the next ses sion of Congress, and I call your attention to it now for the purpose of dealing with the ten cases of claimants who hold positions in this office, whose claims have been subject of con sultation between us. The law I refer to you will find as follows: "Section 3 That section 4.771, 4.772 and 4.773 of the revised statutes of the United States, providing for biennial examina tions of pensioners, are hereby repealed; pro vided that the Commissioner of Pensions shall have the same power as heretofore to order special examination, whenever, in his judg ment, the same may be necessary, and to INCREASE OB REDUCE the pension according to right and justice; but in no case shall a pension be withdrawn or re duced, except upon notice to tbe pensioner, and a hearing upon sworn testimony, except as to tbe certificate of tbe examining surgeon. Approved, 1E9" I desire to say right hese that if you will turn to the section named and I hope you will 1 will accept your construc tion of the statute as loyally as I would the official opinion of the Attorney General of tbe United States. If you hold that I have read the law correctly I want to say to yon that I have such regard for my official and personal reputation and the reputation of this bureau that I shall not per mit those cases to remain as they are at pres ent, but shall order each one of the claimants for medical examination before men whose word upon medical points will be unchallenged when stated, and shall stop at nothing which shall Veep all taiut of suspicion from the action of this office. SOME SUSPICIOUS CASES. I have already had all other cases of persons connected with this office, which have been acted upon since I took charge of it re viewed by three men of long experience m pension matters, which men were selected by the Chief Clerk and tbe Chief of tbe Board of Review; and they report that out of 24 cases, "one case Is broadly open to suspicion and r two reason -bly so. You can rest assured that those three cases will be probed to the bot tom. I do not propose, in any event, to have an honorable lifetime smirched in the slightest degree at this period or my existence; and where I may find well-founded reasons for be lieving that I have been imposed upon and misled, I shall be quick to recommend the con demnation merited by tbe parties concerned. I simply desire to add,f urthermore, that since our interview night before last, I have made a comparison of action in these cases with that taVen by my predecessors in a similar class of cases, and I find that the comparison is entirely ' favorable to tbe present administration. I shall be happy to lay these cases before you at any time when it may suit your convenience. Very truly yours, James Tanner, a question of lav. 'jTbe Honorable Secretary in his letter lay great stress upon Section 4698 of the Bcvised Statutes in connection with the qaestion of re-rating, which section reads: That except in cases of permanent, specific disability, no increase of pension shall be al lowed to commence prior to the date of the examining surgeon's certificate establishing the same, made under the pending claim for (.increase. "It is proper that I should state when I took office as Commissioner I found that, on the question of re-rating, the office was and had been since March 23, 1886, operating in accordance with"a decision rendered on that date bv the Hon. George A. Jenks, then Assistant Secretary of the Interior. In L the case of Charles A. Watson, of the First Begiment of Vermont Infantry, Mr. Jenks, whose ability as a lawyer will be questioned by no wen informed man, in broad terms declares that, 'If, in any case adjudicated under the act of March 3, 1879, the arrears of pension was not graded according to the pensioner's disability, neither Section 4698 nor any other provision of the law prohibits a readjudication of the case.' ONE CASE IN POINT. "This claimant's contention was in part for pension on account of sunstroke, but he made no claim for that disability until 15 years after his discharge. Mr. Jenks states that, while the presumption from the fact that he made no claim for pension on ac count of disability from sunstroke until 15 years after his discharge is not in iavor of the view that the disability was great, still he holds that he should have opportunity to show tbe extent of his disability during that period since his discharge; and he adds: 'If the evidence should show that for any portion of the time since his discharge he has been disabled in a degree greater than Tor whi:h he was pensioned, the pension for that period should be increased so as to cor respond with the degree of disability.' "The legal contention I leave to those eminent gentlemen, Secretary Noble and the late Assistant Secretary Jenks. Mr. Jenks' ruling was law throughout the de partment until it was revoked, and I must say that, in so far as it permits a man who has been disabled in the service of the country to prove that disability and receive the compensation which the law provides, I am in hearty accord with it. A COMPAEISON DRAWN. "If Secretary Noble sees fit to construestat utesso as to make them less liberal to the sold ier than did his eminent Democratic predeces sor, the responsibility must rest with him; and I am not willing that while so doing he shall, unchallenged, arraign me as operating without reason and beyond the pale of thelaw. "Various statements have been published over the country about the vast number of claims of employes of the Pension Office, which have been acted upon daring my in cumbencyoftheCommissionership. The fact is that there were but 33 of them all told. I have been informed that there are nearly 700 soldiers, employes in the Pension Office, so the pnblic can judge as well as I how much foundation there is regarding the point of numbers, for the criticism passed npon the office in that respect A DIFFERENCE OF OPINION. "Suffice it to say, that these four gentle men, men ot long experience in the office andof acknowledged characterand capacity, in their report to me on the 24 cases, broadly impeached the correctness of action in one case, whereupon I immediately called for the papers in that case and finding that the certificate had not yet been issued, I can celed all proceedings taken in the case. But it happened that this case, upon investi gation, proved to be tbe case of a resident of Baltimore, who was not an employe of the Pension Office. "Of the 33 cases they reported that three were simply increase cases and not re-rated cases: that the action taken in two of the others was right in part, and that in one case injustice had been done the pensioner and that he had not been granted enough. Six cases were reported as having been wrongly favored. All the rest were certified to me as absolutely correct. THE INTESTIGATING COMMITTEE. "On the 20th of July came notice to me of the fact that the Committee of Investiga tion had been constituted. When they ap peared a day or two afterward, I instructed the chief clerk to place the office and all it contained at their disposal if they desired it. That terminated my association with the Committee of Investigation right at the commencement of its existence. "I never saw the report of the Committee on Investigation until the afternoon of the day I resigned, when I found it on tbe table in the White House, and was there told by the President and the Secretary that the re port contained nothing which in the slight est degree reflected upon my integrity or impeached the honesty of my action as Com missioner." In regard to the Secretary's assumption of his insubordination, Mr. Tanner presents a letter which he sent to the Secretary on Angust 5 and in .which he expresses regret that they had fallen apart, and attributes the trouble to too little personal communi cation. THE COMMISSIONER'S AIMS. He savs he sincerely desires that their re lations should be ot thorough understand ing, confidence and co-operation, and pledges himself to do everything that an of- ncer ongnt to be asked to do to make them such and to continne them. He bad been a soldier in the ranks and knew how neces sary it was that some one should command and others obey in order to produce the best results. The letter goes on to say: I recognUe that I sit in a position when I have the opportunity of my life to serve our comrades and our country. I desire to serve them ana it to the full extent the law permits and not one iota beyona. I desire to help 70a make this branch of the administration so popular with the veterans and patriotic people over the country at large that, in the future, there can be no question where the support of tne men who served and suffered will be given. However you may judge my act, I can honestly insist that my errors are errors of heart and not of head. I never drew a breath that was dis loyal to my country, my party, or my official superior. I do not propose to commence now. HIS LAST LETTER. Mr. Tanner said the only comment he would make was that that letter was never answered, and that it closed communication between him and the Secretary. "I do not," said he, "blame the Secre tary unduly for the indignities and dis courtesies I suffered from the department. General liussey sat at his elbow poisoning his mind, misrepresenting and misconstru ing my acts and purposes. The fact is, I was not, in the full sense of the term, Com missioner for one continuous week." THE OFFICIAL BEPOBT Of the Committee Which Investigated the Iterated Cases Increased Pension Granted on a D'fference of Opinion and Wlthont Any Evidence. Washington, October 20. The report proper, to which Commissioner Tanner in his interview refers, cover! a little more than 18 printed pages, and is dated Septem ber 5, 1889. It is addressed to "Hon. Cyrus Bussey, Assistant Secretary of the Interior," and is signed by "George Ewing, P. I,. Campbell, H. L. Bruce, Special Board of Examiners." Accompanying the report, and made a part of it, are 465 exhibits, rep resenting the analysis of that number of cases, each of which, savs the report, repre sents, in theory and practice, a large num ber of claims. The board tn the report says: On the 23d day of July we called upon Com missioner Tanner, presented a copy of our in structions, and were informed by him that he was pleased to knsw that such investigation was in contemplation, and at once provided a room for our occupancy, and offered any other facilities necessary to aid as in tbe prosecution of the work. The report then says that there were no records in the office showing specifically the number of cases which had been rerated during the period suggested in the Assistant Secretary's order, and that until a period commencing September, 1888, the rerated cases were all included in the record among the re-issues for all purposes. "THE CASES IN QUESTION. Commencing, however, with September 1, 1888, and continuing through each succeed ing month, the certificate division has noted on its record ot all reissues of certificates numbered belowl71.000 of those which hn been reissued for the purpose of changing 1 the rate. On examination tbe board ascer tained that the issue of certificate No. 171,000 brought the work down to about July 1, 1880, the date when the arrears act of March 3, 1879, took effect, and it also ap peared that a much larger proportion of the certificates issued prior to tnat date had been rerated than those issued subsequently. The report, therefore, covers all cases numbered below 171,000 re-rated during the months of December, 1888, and January February, March, April, May, June and July, 1889. A statement showing the total number of cases re-rated during the eight months cpecified and also showing that in about 83 per cent of the total nnmber of coses re-rated, the rating extends back to the date of discharge, is given, and the com ment is made that the statement indicates that there has been A SUBSTANTIAL INCREASE in the number of cases rerated from month to month, during this period, which, the re port says, is indicative of what isapparently an established policy of the bureau, the re sult of which, if continued, will be to re adjudicate and rerate a very large percent age of the cases in the admitted files. The report continues: The mode of procedure in tbe majority of cases is about as follows: Pensioners, prompted by the present liberal policy of the bureau, in making an application for increase of pension, also in tbe sameapplication request a re-rating, giving no specific reasons therefor, but stating generally that they have been rated too low; or this question is considered on an application for increase alone, and In very many cases it is considered and acclon taken without so far as tbe record shows a request having been made for such action on the part of the pensioner. In tbe process of adjudication, tbe Board of Review have adopted the following form, of in dorsement which is generally found upon the briefs as its action: "Re-rating not approved unless manifest injustice has been done in former rating." After action thus indorsed, the case then passes to the medical division, where tbe new rate is indorsed on the .face brief without, in most cases, assigning any reason why a former rating should be disturbed. Tbe theory or rule which tbe office claims to follow in the adjudi cation of cases for re-rating is that of "mani fest injustice" in the original or former rating. NOT 8TEICTLT FOLLOWED. But an inspection of the accompanying ex hibits will, we think, convince you, as the ex amination of the papers necessary in the pre paration of the same has convinced us, that the theory or principle above mentioned has not been followed as a rule. Thongh the action on tbe face of tbe briefs by tbe medical division, where the responsibility seems to have been placed, assigns, as a role, no reason for the re ratings as made that is, does not set forth that "manifest injustice" bas been done, or that mistiKo or palpable error was committed in former ratings. It seems manifest, whatever the reason was theoretically, that practically and, in fact tbe action in a large majority of tbe cases, was the result of mere difference of opinion from that which governed tbe original or former adjudication. It was the opinion of to-day, overturning that of 10 or 20 years ago on the weight of evi dence and, in many cases, on evidence which, properly considered and weighed, would, un der existing law, rnles and regulations,, be found inadeqnate were the cases now properly open for adjudication of the weight of evi dence. Several exhibits attached to the report are cited and analyzed as illustrative of what is here meant, and the methods generally pur sued in re-rating cases. Two cases re-rated prior to Mr. Tanner's taking office are cited as illustrative of tbe methods which then prevailed. Of these cases the report says: MUCH THE SAME WAY. It becomes apparent that, so far as any rule of action prevailed, there was not, generally speaking, a wide difference between the princi ples which governed re-ratings in December, 1SS8, and those which governed in May, 1589. The cases which are analyzed and cited in the report are in all important particulars substantially of the same general character as those cited in Secretary Noble's letter to Commissioner Tanner, dated July ,24.1at, and already published. The report con tinues: -- One thins seems manifest, the rule "palpable or manifest error," in former adjudications, has not, in any proper sense as applicable to de liberate official judgment; been as a matter of fact the controlling principle in tbe majority of the re-rated cases, however much it may be urged to tbe contrary. Tbe adjudications, in most cases, have been based on mere difference of oninion, and tbe judgments have been made, as a rule without even the reasons for those differences of opinion appearing. THE CASES OF EMPLOYES. Of the "employe" cases the report says: It may be said generally in regard to the em ploye cases, that they are line many others which we have examined, and to which, in the adjudication for re-rating, the rale "palpable error" or "manifest injustice" in former ratings seems to have been utterly ignored and lost sight of. They have almost without exception been re-adjusted on mere opinion, the judg ment of to-day annulling and setting aside that deliberately rendered years ago, and against which until recently no protest bad ever been made by the pensioners. The board in conclusion says that: Whifethe rule purports to be that which calls for the correction of a palpable error by reason of which manifest injustice has been done, snen rule nas not, as matter ot iact, Deen followed in any proper sense or use of the term "palpable error or manifest injustice," the actual practice being tbe re-rating of pensions on the judgment to-day against that or years ago, when the claims were deliberately and officially adjudicated. AGAINST THE LAW. The practice of rerating pensions in cases the papers in which do not disclose an error In the original or former adjudication which is patent, manifest and palpable, is violative of tbe spirit if not tbe letter of tbe law. The prac tice of taking cases out of their order and mak ing them 4S-bour cases, that is, direct them to be finally adjudicated within 48 hours, is spe cially mischievous. The decisions of the department are not al ways followed by the Pension Office as they should be in points of law and practice. As a result of the investigation the board bas made a number of recommendations with a view to the correction of errors which have crept into the practice through 1 x methods which are found to prevail in the Pension Office. HE ALWAIS DISLIKED TEUSTS. President Roberts Thinks There Should Be No Combine In Traffic. ISFTCllt. TSLEOKAM TO TUB DISrATCH.1 Philadelphia, October 20. President Roberts, of the Pennsylvania Railroad, having returned home on Saturday night from the directors' annual inspection of the road, said to-day: "Everywhere we found that business is in a favorable condition and the prospects good. Indeed, the outlook is so tempting that I fear it may induce over speculation and bad results." "Did anything come under your observa tion which led you in your speech at Pitts burg to refer adversely to railroad pools and syndicates?" "No, I never did believe in them, and I see no reason now for changing my opinion. I have always been and am now opposed to anything that tends to restrict the ireest competition. Distribution can no more be in a healthy condition when traffic is in the hands of trusts, than the body when the cir culation of the blood is imperfect" President Boberts denied that there was any truth in the report that the Pennsylva nia had entered into a traffic agreement with the St Paul and Dnlnth. SHOT BT A POLICEMAN. An Officer Pnta Sadden Stop to a Boy's Throwing of Stones. St. Xouis, October 20. At an early honr this morning Andrew Getcbeuser, aged 17 years, was shot and instantly killed by Officer Robert McCormick, of tbe Central district. Young Getcheuser and several companions attempted to force tbeirway into a dance without paving and were ejected. They then commenced throwing stones and the officer attempted to stop the trouble. He was hit in the face with a rock and Getcheuser was about to hnrl another missile when tbe officer fired and the boy fell dead. The Coroner's jury exonerated the officer. PITTSBURG, MONDAY, THE CHINK OF MONET , Made Joseph Hillman Hurder anJJld Pack Peddler While Asleep. A CE1ME CAUSED BY CUPIDllT. v Only $11 20 the Price of the lives of tfwo New Jersey Men. THE MUBDEBEBCOflFESSESTOAFBIEND He Says He Founded Hi Poor Old Victim's Bead in With a Hatchet A condemned New Jersey murderer tells how he killed an old peddler who stopped over night at his house frequently and only gave him 35 cents' worth of goods for each night's lodging. All the money he secured for his crime was $11 20. tSPCCIAI. TXXXOBAM TO TBE DISPATCH.! Woodbury, N. J., October 20. Joseph M. Hillman, lound guilty by the jury of Gloucester county of the murder of Peddler Herman Seidemann, has confessed his guilt to more than one person, including several who are near and dear to him. He is to be hanged on November 13. Hillman has, in addition to his true recital of the cold blooded murder, made many half-way con fessions, in which he has sought to implicate other people. The actual story of the crime, as told Jy Hillman to James Jackson and others, is now for the first time made public. Jack son is an inmate of the Woodbury jail, where the murderer is confined, and occu pies the cell adjoining that of Hillman. He is a member of the New York City bar, and is highly connected in the metropolis. Drink has brought him to the New Jersey jail, he having been committed as a va grant. GAINED HIS CONFIDENCE. Jackson is an assumed name. He is well educated, intelligent and refined when kept away from liquor. Under the rules of the jail, as a well-behaved, tractable pris oner, Jackson has been given the freedom of the corridors, and bas had many talks with Hillman before the death watch was placed over him, after the conviction. They became intimate, and Hillman gave to Jackson his free and full confidence. The old peddler, Seidemann, said Hill man, had been in the habit of stopping over night with him during his periodical trips through West Jersey, and he then con tinued: "Seidmann only gave me about 35 cents' worth oi his goods for a night's lodg ing. The last time he came to my bonse was on the day of the Wood sale, last No vember. I met David McGill that day, who was at the sale, and he asked me who Seidemann was, when he saw him at the house. I told him HE WAS A TEDDLER who came to my house, and I asked Mc Gill what he thought it was worth to stay at my house all night. H said $1 was lit tle enough. I told McGill I thought so too, and that ' it would be the last night Seidemann wonld stay at my house. I bung around till the Wood sale-was over, and when I got home Seidemann was still there. He had a big pack with him, and took sup per with us. Seidemann told me he.intended tatavinf nil nifrlit snil. watltfw! in ro , early, as he had a long tramp to make the bext'dav. I made him 'a bed on the floor of the downstairs room. "Me and my wife went upstairs early and went to bed. I laid there thinking about that big pack, and how Seidemann had rat tled money in his pockets before I went up stairs. I couldn't sleep thinking about the thing, and about 11 o'clock I got up and put on my pants and SNEAKED DOWNSTAIRS without waking up my wife. When I got down there Seidemann was sound asleep, with his clothes on, in the corner. I picked up a hatchet from near the fireplace, and went over to Seidemann, and struck him on the head with the hatchet over the eye, and he never moved. I hit him twice more on the head to make snre of it, and he was dead. "After killing him I went through his pockets and got 11 20. I then wanted to get rid of the body, and thonght of the mill pond. I took him by tbe heels and dragged him out of the door to the road, and down the road aciosi the first bridge to tbe second one that crosses the creek. I dumped the body into the creek, and then went and opened the flood gates. The water washed him down to the swamp. I shut the gates and went back home." AFTEE ONE BUNDRED YEARS A Box of Hidden Treasure Falls Into tbe Hands of Strangers. fSrrCTAL TELEGRAM TO TUB DISPATCH. 1 Ottawa, October 20. About a century ago a rakish-looking schooner bore down to Mace's Bay, which strikes in from the Bay of Fundy, on the New Brunswick coast. After some maneuvering she ran into the bay and came to anchor. A boat was low ered, and with muffled oars the men pulled for the shore. The moon peeped through the clouds sufficiently bright to throw light -upon the whole proceedingsr The men dug a hole and buried their treas ure. The bearings were taken, and the boat again headed for the vessel, which was soon running out ot the bay with a stiff breeze alter her. The men who were engaged in this business have all long since been plated under the ground, and the whereabouts of the treasure has been kept a secret nntil re cently the chart locating the treasure found its way into enrious hands, who determined to investigate. The secret was known to two only, who one year ago went to the spot, dug up the long-hidden box, and returned it to its hid ing place. They admit finding the treasure, in evidence of which it is said that one of the men has begun the erection of a fine dwelling near St. Stephens. They refuse to divnlge their secret or make any explana tion. WOMEN TO HA YE A CLUB. The Latchkey to bo Carried by 500 Mem bers of the Fair Sex. rSPECTAl. TELIOBAM TO TH DlSPATCn.l ' New Yobk, October 20. A club for women is about to be established in West Ninth street The intention is Jo make it in all respects like a man's clnb. It is to have a restaurant and bedrooms for the benefit of country members; in fact, its chief patronage is expected to come from the latter. .The dues are to be $10 a year, and a mem bership of BOO is expected. Among the ladies interested in the success of the undertaking is Mrs. Pierpont Morgan, THE JOB! ALMOST COMPLETED. Testimony In the Great Cronln Trial to be Taken on Tuesday. Chicago, October 20. State's Attorney Iiongenecker to-night expressed the opinion that the Cronin jury will be completed to morrow. His idea is that Messrs. Bryan and Bontecotur, who were tendered by each side yesterdayi will be sworn in with some new talesmen to be examined to-morrow, and the four vacancies thus be filled. Should this be done the State's Attorney thinks the taking of testimony will begin promptly Tuesday morning. OCTOBER 21, 1889. THE TABLES TUBNED. A Canadian Boodler Flees to New York Accompanied in His Flight by a Highly Connected Married Woman From London, Ont. iSPrClAI. TZLEORAM TO TBS DISPATCH. 1 Ottawa, Ont., October 20. New York once, more affords an asylum for a refugee from Canadian justice, whose name is Amos Withrow, and whose downfall may be at tributed to the fascinations of woman, wine and the turf. Young Withrow belonged to one of the best families in Woodstock and Toronto, away up in social, religious and commercial circles. A few months ago he was engaged to take charge of the United States Protective Bnreau at Montreal. He had not held the place long before he began drinking heavily, and an investigation oi his affairs showed that he had, in order to relieve himself of temporary embarrass ment, committed several forgeries. He blamed all his trouble to tbe turf and the fascinating influences of wine and women, and promised to reform. A few days later farther forgeries were discovered, followed by the announcement that he had cleared out from Montreal, leav ing his business in a very bad condition. He was traced to Kingston, where he was joined by a young and highly connected married woman belonging to one of the best families in London, Ont They registered at the Kingston Hotel as E. T. Williams and wife. The general manager of the concern by which he -was employed in Montreal got on to his trail, but arrived in Kingston five minutes after the couple had taken the boat for Clayton, N. Y. They have now been located in New York, and if caught, Withrow will be ex tradicted and brought back to Canada on a charge of forgery, an extradictable offense. The husband of the young married lady who accompanied him to New York says she may go, as he is done with her forever. TBE CZAB TO BLAME For Not Personally Investigating Some of , His Subjects' Grievances. rSFZCIAL TELEOBXM TO TBS DISPATCB.I Lewiston, Me., October 30. George Kennan lectured on Siberia to-night. On his arrival here he was interviewed by a reporter, and among other things said: "I have every reason to believe that my articles in The Century are read by the Czar. The Czar's power is not absolute to correct the evils I have described, but he could do much to improve matters. What I blame him for chiefly is his entire lack of any effort or inclination to find out for him self the condition of things in his empire. He receives all his information second-hand from his ministers and has but an indefinite idea if the condition of things. He has with! i sight of his palace, only half a mile away across the- Neva, a prison where are constantly confined large numbers of politi cal prisoners. It would seem to be the most ' natural thing in the world for him to go over there once in awhile and talk to those men, and try to find ont what grievance they had to make them desperate enough to attempt such things as the blowing up of the winter pal ace and the destruction of railway trains upon which the Czar was supposed to be traveling. "He never has done so. Should he do so, he would find these men to be in every particular, except the mere accident of posi tion, his equals, and he would be compelled to admit that they were so, and not wild fanatics, as the officials term them." AKXHBACITE COAL TEET CHEAP. 1 The 'Snmnf er"Schc3nf e of Prices Xtkelr to" . Prevail Thro neb the Year. reriCIAL TTLEQItAK TO TUB DISPATCB.1 Pottsville, October 20. Yery low prices for anthracite coal, and decreased wages for the miners, is the situation in the coal bavins for the rest of the year. It Is almost impossible to sell ordinary sizes of coal at anv price. In previous years there was always an advance of 10 per cent made in the autumn and another advance when winter set in, but this year is a notable ex ception. The summer schedule of prices still prevails, and in all probability will continue for the rest of the year. The quantity of coal at Tidewater has accumulated since the last report The October production may fall short 700,000 tons, all told, as compared with last year. The total falling off tor the business year mav reach 3,000,000 tons, representing a drop from 38,000,000 to 35,000,000 tons. The Beading Bailroad Company will con tinue about a dozen of its lesser collieries in idleness for a short time, and in the mean time much-needed repairs will be made. TWO PURSE GRABBERS GRABBED., New York Policemen Succeed In Catching a Couple of Scamps. tEPECIAI. TELECRAK TO THE DISPATCH. 1 New Yoke, October 20. Miss Ida Dare, who was playing at the Windsor Theater last week in "The Spider and the Fly," was robbed in front of 62 Bowery, after the matinee Saturday, of 11, which she was carrying in a reticule The man crowded her to the edge of the walk, grabbed 'the money and started up the Bowery. Police man Herbolschieman captured the man after a short chase. At the Essex Market Police Court, this morninc, he said that his name was Frank Day. The officer said that Day threw away two $5 bills and a $1 bill when he saw that he was pursued. Day was held for examination. William Richardson, the ex-convict who snatched a pocketbook from Mrs. Elizabeth Daly, of 187 East Seventy-first street, on Saturday, was remanded in the Harlem court to-day. . G0VEENUE F0RAKEE BETTER. His Condition Is Now Pronounced Favorable by His Physicians. rSPECIAl. TZLEGttAU TO TUB DISPATCH. Columbus, October 20. Governor For aker was in a critical condition yesterday from bowel complaint, but the facts were not given to the public. He was threatened with peritonitis, but the danger point was passed last night. He came home Thurs day and has not been out of the house since. His engagements in the campaign for sev eral days have been cancelled. At 10 o'clock "to-night his condition was pro nounced favorable. SHIFTED HIS BASE. A Mutilator of Fine Cattle Transfers His Scene of Operations. ISPZCIAL TZLEOOAJI TO THE DISFATCH.l Hanover, October 20. The fiend who has been mutilating cattle near here has transferred his base of operations to York township. This morning Farmer Anderson Miller, on going into his stall, fonnd that the tail of a valuable Alderney cow had been entirely cut off and hung beside the poor animal, which had nearly bled to death. BULL AK0THEE VICTIM. One More Death Charged Up to the Cincin nati Incline Accident. Cincinnati, October 20. Mrs. Agnes Hochstetter, one of the, victims of the Mount Auburn inclinvplane accident, last Tues day, died at the Cincinnati Hospital to-day of injuries by tbe crash of the car at the bottom of the incline. JlissLillie pskamp and Mr. Josiph Mc Faddeu, who were also injured, are doing well to-night with a fair and much im proved prospect ol recovery. EEED AND M'KTOEY Now the Two Most Prominent Candi dates for Speaker of the House. THE MAINE MAN HAS THE CALL, With the Probability of Ohio'a Fayorite Son Leading Bis Party AS SDCCESS0B TO MILLS OF TEXAS. A Scheme Afoot to Freeze Out the 5cmeroas Minor Candidates. It is now thought that the Speakership contest has narrowed down to a fight be tween two men, Beed and McKinley, with the probability ot tbe former being selected on tbe first ballot. McKinley might then be chairman of the Ways and Means Com mittee. ISPECIAI. TELXGI1AJI TO THE DISPATCH.l Washington, October 20. There are about 0 members of the House in the city now, preparing in one way or another for the first session of the Fifty-first Congress, which will convene the first Monday in De cember. Even noUie Speakership is the chief topic of gossip, and for two weeks previous to the day of meeting the canvass will be almost as hot as that which attends a national convention for the nomination of candidates for President and Vice Presi dent. Nobody here can forget the scenes of the memorable contest between the two factions of the Democracy for the control of the House by the election of Speaker in 1883, when Bandall was for the first time re pudiated b his party in Congress, Carlisle elected, and a policy initiated in the House on the tariff question which did little harm until the Democrats gained possession' of the Presidency, and which then wrecked that party at the end of a single administration. A BITTEB FIGHT. It is expected that a fight of nearly equal bitterness will attend the election of the next Speaker, on account not only of the strong personal influence of each of the1 can didates, but also on acconnt of the disagree ment of members of tbe Bepublican party in various sections of the country in regard to what constitutes a fair tariff. The South ern Republicans are in favor of one kind of tariff, the Western Republicans of another, those of such States as Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia another, while the New England States have an element of tbeoret-y ical tree traders and low tan 11 advocates like Prof. Elliott, who are probably in favor of a more conservative tariff than either the Southern or Western economists. These are the sectional influences which bother all the Congressmen here in their at tempts to figure out the situation in regard to the Speakership, and they are the in fluences that are only now beginning to make themselves felt as the assembling of Congress comes close to hand. ALL PEEACHING ALIKE. So far as the individual opinions of the candidates are to be considered, they are all of about one color. Each is on record with speeches for the highest kind of high tariff, but the differing Republicans of the differ ent sections do not look upon this as ex tremely important They-want the man whom they can -most readily control,' and he is tne one; wnoBr-tfiey.XfiinK wui M dip lomatic enough to treat all sections fairly in nis parliamentary control ot tne Mouse, and who will not be silently at the beck and bidding of any one great interest or "trust7' One of the curious phases of the situation which crops out on every side 'in this con nection is that conservative elements every where fear that McKinley would be devoted to the highest Kind ol protection for. a few special industries, without considering closelv the interest of the masses. Many of the Western men, therefore, who are here and who have been here recently, have ex pressed a decided opposition to "McKinley and a surprising friendship for Beed. A CHANGE OP SENTIMENT. . Earlier in the discussion -of the question it was asserted on every hand that the whole West and Southwest, with their abounding agricultural interests, would insist on a Western man. This sentiment hag greatly changed, and most probably for the reason that there is a growing teeling that the con test will narrow down to Beed and McKin ley, and that of the two thev would prefer Beed. Another reason may be a tendency to drift to the candidate thought to be the strongest and most likely to win. Recent developments in tbe canvass among' the great Bepublican delegations of New York and Pennsylvania, in Congress, showing them to be practically unanimous for Beed. has undoubtedly had the effect to bring many to the snTJDOrt of thatleader who were fnrmerltr disposed to go to Burrows, or Cannon or Henderson. They want to cast their lot with the winning man, that they may get chair manships or good positions on committees. beed on tikst ballot. It is the private opinion of three-fourths of the Congressmen in town that Beed will be nominated on the first formal ballot. It is probable that several States or sections may cast complimentary ballots for "favor ite sons," for one or two calls of the roll, like General Henderson, of Iowa, who is training for the Senate, and Houk, of Ten nessee, and Brower, of North Carolina, who want to control some votes temporarily, partly for the sake of notoriety and partly to add to their influence in securing places for constituents on the official rolls ot the House. These believers in the certain success of Beed are also already persuaded that other candidates for the Speakership, recognizing the certainty of Reed's election, are merely engaged in a struggle for second place, which natdrally brings with it the Chair manship of the Committee on Ways and Means and the leadership of ihe majority in the House. This is scaecely second in importance to the Speakership itself, and it is assumed that tbe Speaker, in making up his committees, will confer this honor on the opposing candidate who, next to him self, controlled the strongest following. It is even asserted that Beed and his friends are already fixing a deal with one of the other candidates by which they will con trol both positions and bring in their favor ite for second place, neck and neck with the winner, that there may be no qaestion as to who will aid the Speaker as the leader on the floor. It is only in this way that the strong combination of forces can be brought about which will be highly desirable in view of the meager majority of the Republi cans. BIG POSSIBILITIES IN SUGAR. Congressman Tnrner in Favor of a Bonnty to Save 832.000,000. v tSFXCUL TZUtOBAX TO THE DISPATCH. Washington, October 20. Congress man E, J. Turner, of Kansas, who favors the Senate tariff bill, with one exception, makes a point on that exception. In an interview with your correspondent, he says: I represent tbe Kansas idea of a bounty of 2 cents per pound on the sugar produced in this country. It will eventually cheapen the pro duction of sugar, break up the Sugar Trust, and save over S30,000.0uu annually to the con sumers. It waj established in the tariff debates in Congress that the United States collects $38,000,000 annually in duties on sugar, whlcn of conrse. comes ont of the pocKetsof the people. To pnt sugar on the free list and pay the home manufacturers a bonnty of 2 cents a pound would cost but $0,000,060 annually. The industry would be as well protected, and I maintain that, as- a business proposition, it is ridiculous to compel tbe public to contribute 133,000,000 per annum to accomplish a purpose that can be as well carried oat by an ex penditure of 8,000.000. The latest results justify that belief. Kan sas and Texas are capable of producing an im mense amount of sorghum. Each ton ot cane will yield 113 ponnds of sugar and 17K gallons of syrup. From seven to ten tons of cane can be raised on an acre of ground. If it is not worth while to develop an industry with such great possibilities it would seem to be useleia to try to build up any other enterprise by af fording it legislative protection. 1 do not believe that the Senate would will, ingly recede from the position it bas taken on the scgar question. But legislation is gener ally ettecteil by compromises, and I am hopeful that we can cany our point if tbe merits of the case are once fully understood. CHAMED HIS CHUECE. Iter. Dr. Lenvltt Leaves the Protestant Episcopal Cbnrcb for the Reformed Episcopalians His Bcnsons for the Change at This Time. ISPECIAI. TXLXOBAX TO THE DISPATCIT.I New York, October 20. There was a good deal more than the usual attendance, to-day, at the morning services in the First Protestant Episcopal Church, at MadisOn avenue and Fifty-fifth street. Rev, John McDowell Leavitt, for more than 40 years a clergyman of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and a man of wide reputation in that body, announced his parting from the communion with which he had so long been connected, and his accession o the Re formed Episcopal Church. Dr. Leavitt's letter of resignation was sent to Bishop Potter recently. In bis sermon Dr. Leavitt said that some public expression of the reasons which led him to take the important step he had taken were fitting, in view of his service of more than a quarter of a century as a Prot estant Episcopal minister. "Let me put in one sentence," he said, "the result of my long struggle and study. I believe the Anglican communion to be a mixture of political compromises and irreconcilable contradictions. I turn to the calendar of the English prayer book, and I see that January 30 commemorates Charles the Martyr King of England, and May 29 com memorates Charles, the royal trifler, who polluted the thought, polluted the litera ture, polluted the court, polluted almost everything in England in his tfme. In the old prayer book a clergyman is called a minister; now a minister is called a priest "Tradition has come to overbalance Script ure. The Scriptures contain all things which are necessary to salvation that's what the articles of the church say vet the Episcopal Church is comintr to think more of tradition than of the Scriptures to-day. I j.u us xew Acstamept tne worn priest is used to designate, a very different thine than a minister. It may be thought a small mat ter, but ritualism roots itself in this word priest. I renounce it forever; no man shall ever give me that title again. I enter the brotherhood of Protestant ministers." BEAL B0UANCE IN LIFE. A Young Doctor Married to an Unknown Young Lady la Germany. rSPICTAI. TXLXOBAX TO. TUX DISPATCH, t Dubuque, Iowa, October 20. About four months ago a music teacher named Kleine, of this city, went to Germany and brought back with him a bride. Shortly 1 alter settling down lnxhis oity, a yonngand prominent physician named Minges called upon, 'the, couple and was shown by Mrs. Kleine the ' photograph, of he- ".sisferL -.iir. -GeroABy. ,It't(M the younVdoetor kfoncefell In love"witfe"' the original. He had never seen the young lady, nor had he ever heard of her prior to seeing; her photo. He asked for a letter of introduction to her, and managing 'his-business so he could safely-leave it, he departed for Germanv to visit the unknown obiecf of his affections, bringing with him the cre dentials procured in Dubuque. He met the young lady a few days ago, and word nasjust reached this city that the couple were married in Dresden last week. Here is a real romance, no fiction, being necessary to give it an interesting flavor. Dr. Menges is one of onr leading physicians. He has long been considered a "good catch," as the saying goes, and a few years ago was sued for breach of promise by air interesting girl, whose desire to wed him overcame her reason. No case was made out against him, "and his social standing was in no way affected. The news of his strange infatua tion and sudden marriage is the principal topic in Dubuque social circles. THE LARGEST P0TLATCH OP ALL. Contain Jim Will Make His One Hundredth Loan a Whopper. rSFXCIAX, TEUtaOAM TO THE DISPATCB.I Ottawa, October 20. The Government here have been advised that great prepara tions are being made among the Indian tribes of British Columbia for the largest "potlatcb," or "give away feast" that has ever been held on the Pacific coast, which is to come off on the Northern extremity of Vancouver Island, near Ft. Rupert, on Christmas Day. The potlatch. will be given by Captain Jim, an aged Indian chief known from one end of the province to the other. The articles to he lent will comprise 6,600 blankets, 800 pairs of silver bracelets (Indian mate;, 40 large canoes, and mucK-a-mucK galore, in all valned at $10,000. For this $10,000 Cap tain Jim, according to native custom, will receive within two years $20,000. The pot latch will embrace 19 tribes residing be tween Qualicnm and Ft. Rupert. This will make the one hundredth pot latch Captain Jim has given, and he now intends to eclipse all former efforts in that line. The centurion hero of the potlatch is about 65 years of age, of fine physiqne, and speaks English with remarkable fluency. DRIVEN ABOUT BY A 6ALB. Echoes of ths Storm That Lately Swept Over tbe Ocean. SPECIAL TXLXOBAX TO THE DISPATCH.1 New Yobk, October 20. A big fleet of sailing craft which had been quarantined by the northerly gale, got in to-day. The logs of all told stories of rough usage by wind and seas. The bark Orman Pasha, 82 days from Port Louis, had a three days' fight with a hurricane, and lost her foretop mast and several sails, and stove a boat. The bark Holmsdale, from Colombo, got the fury of the storm off Hatteras on Wednes day. Her bulwarks and rails were crushed in by big seas, and all her cabin skylights were smashed. The auxiliary screw schooner Louis Buchi, with a cargo of hard pine from Jacksonville, met it on Tuesday. The ship David Crockett, 6i days from. Hamburg, was within sight of harbor Monday when she met the gale and was driven down to Cape Charles. MUCH ADO ABOUT J0THI5Q. Postmaster General Wanamaiter Not to Lenvo His Philadelphia Church. rSPEOlALTILEOBAMTO TUX DISFATCH.l Philadelphia, October 20. Postmaster General Wanamaker was at Bethany Church as usual to-day, and was in charge of the class of which he has so long been the teacher. When asked if he would continue to attend the church he replied: "Certainly: I.have no idea of giving up my class; and I will be here evwy' Sunday, as I have always bees. Tberekfrt that I would give up my class bad no foundati-e-a whatever." . 3slta?5 GENTS FEAT. HEMESTi An Attractive C&dian Grass Wj&w Captures a British Yeteraa. THEY TEAVEE ALL 0YI EUI0Pf,1 And When They Return Shi 9tm St&Iatj the Soldier's Prwerty-. j II THE COLONEL TIBES Of HIS CIAOi,? And Baes Her te Starrer Hi Era! Bstate, Hmtji Bebeatores. An attractive grass widow sncecede'kij getting an ex-British army cefoaeiffitej squander about half his fortune os her in? a trip they took to Europe. A i tag been brought against her for fraad, whiefeTf however, is likely to be compromised. tSPECIAE TXXSdBAlX TO TSX DtSf ATC8. 'C-. v T-r Ja Oxtawa, ONT.October20. Theadvet-S ures of Colonel James F. Mulligan, fersa-j erly an officer in the British army. wiw'Ism" attractive grass widow, Mrs. Patieace Ae-,"J lia Pas?,neeMaud James, of Whitley, weW, as ventilated in the court af WhiUer. ! fill a good-sized volume. The Coloaef, thirli hero oi many battles, who has rcoehoflfi the allotted three score and ten, raet ySsLj Pass, who had been recently separated 1 her husband, in Winnipeg is 1882. Tfcjy fascinating influences of the charming grata widow were successfully set to work, ami she soon persuaded the Colonel to take iwr for a trip tbrouzh Europe. '.' They stopped for a time at Liverpeii,1 after doing up the continent, wbeeAej Colonel invested some of hi3 wealth S Mal estate proDerty. The two made a oevaaaatj in effect that Mrs. Pass should act aa keeper for the old veteran, whose jwsier sm was oy some no years, ana assume tne mm of Mullican. in consideration of S1.9M year. The commercially united erapte in turned to Toronto, where they moved in the best society: - - wsa having started the report that tbey Mk been married while abroad. TheyleK. onto and settled, in Ottawa, OBly,hew4J to disagree, 4nd Dring taeir long uwiirn; together to a. scnarntinn. The charming widow had not beea isHs'Safi iog to secure herself a eompctoaay SMC'afg tbe old colonels hoard, ia ease, as m pnts it. he might "go Mek -t ber." While they were ftpjifg togetner tne woionei aeeoea oer,pi in Liverpool valued at 88,300. aad g 1 land in Manitoba valued at 96,669, fca i tion to which she managed te seeare, w and debentures-, $6,000 mere est of tfc i man s purse. The Colonel having tired of his aneel. who bad on more teas oae aroused the spirit of the green-eyed i In tbe warrior s breast, enters azalnst her a few days: ago for-then of his property and money, wassfc Wl leged had beea Fki o'bTAINKD BY TBAUB. Depositions were read in above effect, the defendant, hnwrssr, lag that ber. salary was 98,960 a thattiie property " obtained Colonel wSJ for wiwwi fore aay witnossw wW vet relid adda 'Mv -VSsMBafSB' arrive a.-w4Mca.Jrs. .Pass to the JoliowmeeSeet: XaeLi erty to remain in the possession of lendant. who also receive ,7SO .frojH the .Colonel. All other, pre aisputeTevens to ins, v-ooa, ui. of fraud and impropriety being w on both sides;" It is 'rumored that a reeonoiHarlM i Ml beea effected between tbe Colossi aWsfl fair companion, and that la cobbWmH4 nis consenting to siateaerDMHsti his property they are soon to be i A BOX MURDERER ISDICTM. J Wesley JBlktas. Atted 11. Co KllHng Both. Hb.Pareasa. ;jM$j IBrxexAXKfeMMiAJK :ruTa BfMbraK.g DtJBTJQPE, Ia., October 28. The trict Court of Clayton county,, kMi ionrned. The Grand Jury rstari indictment against Wesley Elkiw., tfcaTl year-old boy who cruelly murdered MM parents lost July, five miles B9ithi!saj .CiUgewooa. Aaere was no evioesee asa him excepting his own stateateat, 1 i ing, under his signature, wbJek k m follows: I was sleeping at tbe bam, and I wu utasl j get away from home. I bad raaaway mumt borne a number of times, but they brought ja j back; I thought I would Ulltaeaa. mIismrV! ud to the house. Nobody helped aw ia Marl way, nor told me to kill them. vs A COW 0$ THE TKACE The Cause of a Serioas Wreck Northers PaeMe KaHread. Portland, Oee., Oeteber 30. A senger train on the Northern PaeiSe road, was derailed to-day Bear' Hosiers, 461 miles from Portland. TaeeagiBe jsssfdj tne tracE, went aown as esaawHcssM.aa" capsized. James Nolan, fireraas, was fully scalded and soon after died. TfceesM gineer, Jones, was also badly Injured and'.' will probably die. Several ears were Bdy.;; smashed. There were about 200 passengers e be!,! but all escaped with nothing Sore than a good shake-up. The aeeideat 1MB caused by a cow getting on the traek. : : si TWO PISHEEJf EJT DK0WHH . The Disaster Which Overtook Party oa Lake SbbbtIop. JS Poet Aethub, Ont., Oeteber 36. Oct Thursday three men, Frank DsweyewJ.1 Paul Mark and and another kaewkgas "Curly," left Penineula harbor, 96 east of here, on the north shore of Superior, for Port Caldwell is a smack. When a short disteaee ot were overtakes by. a storm and tbe baai capsized. SB' ' The disaster was noticed by roaifoaea T the village and a. boat went to tbe and saved J. Paul Mark, bat the o4W;fcr had gone down. The bodies were ered. TALXAGE'S NEW TAlEUTACUtii An Eligible. Site Purchased at a Cast 8 Saudi la be 8135,669. New Yoke; October 30. Rev. r3 mage announced to his c)OBgregatmjfj!h Brooklyn to-night that tne isoara at Truwisj of the church had purchased last wee- nroDertv. ISO by 200 feet, on the corner of Clinton and Greea avaaasaffcj which to erect a new tabernacle to sjiajvj the burned one. It is understood that the pries paMt the neighborhood ol cira.wv. vr. also stated that ho weald perseaaslyl ground for the chursh on the aftarassa! the attb instant. ; , A Missouri YiHage Destroyed W PtrWj - . . . ' ' -. MABSHFIELD, .HO., UecaoerJBB.l tie village of Cartiss, eoatsia 380 aad S66 fahaVltaata. oa the Central , Kaiiread, rtfa e .1 destroyed ay ire em Atdai least s66,Wf. .-j'j , - o" $ ,'