f aPss wpwsSRragKw i?n ,Tl " 'tIIIMlWt TBJi UXLU'BJJUJttt J Bi r v t THE LAKE VISITORS. Cleveland Sends Representatives to Learn From Pittsburg. A CRITICISM ON THE EXPOSITION Ohio Politics Comes in for a Share in Their Deliberations. tL ATICTOEI PEESAGED FOE FOEAKEE Mayor George W. Gardner, of Cleveland; John C. Covert, editor of the Cleveland Xcader, and L. E. Holden, banker and pro prietor of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, vis ited Pittsburg yesterday as a committee ap pointed by the Board of Industry and Im provement of the Forest City to inspect expositions, with a view to the establish ment of an Exposition in Cleveland. They registered at the Hotel Anderson, and spent both afternoon and evening in the big build ings, on the river bank. They met and talked with Mr. "William McCreery and other members of the Board of Directors. Hayor Gardner teas seen at his hotel, and in the course of a long talk, he said: "Our Board of Industry is an organization of business men. It might be called a com mittee o! 100. Its aim is to promote the wel fare of Cleveland. "We have been ap pointed to visit expositions, study plans and methods, and advise the board on the proposal to establish an exposition in our "city. I think we will recommend the car rying ont of the project. After we deter mine to hold an exposition, we must then decide upon location. Another matter to be considered by us is whether it would not be advisable to combine an agricultural ex hibit with the exhibition of manufacturing and mercantile wares. We have not got that far vet "Hike the Pittsburg Exposition very -well, but it is not as fine as the one in De troit. Your buildings cost more than theirs, but I don't like the shape of your main building. The Mechanical Hall here is a splendid structure and worthy of study, but it seems to me that the exhibits made in it are not truly representative of the products for which Pittsburg is noted. I have no doubt tbat the managers will do better next year. I am sorry that we cannot remain here longer. J would like to have lime to call upon some of your Pittsburg people, whom I know as visitors to the fishing re sorts on Lake Erie, in regard to a project a few of us have concerning Ballast Island. For several years about ten of us in Cleve land have had a fishing club there. Pi ve of us own the island, and we have spent many thousands of dollars in improvements. "We propose to increase the membership to about 50, and admit the new members at a very low figare We want to receive a number of Pittsburg and Cincinnati gentlemen. Ballast Island is about in the center of the bass .fishing ground in the spring and fall. It is always cool there in the summer, and is a beautiful place to take women and children. The Western Canoe Association meets there everv summer. The island con tains about ten acres there are a dozen cot tages, a boat bouse, ice house, steamer land ing and other improvements. "The chief political topic before our peo ple is municipal reform. Our city depart ments are managed by boards, partly elec tive and partly appointive, where there is little responsibility and continually clash ing between rival boards. The Mayor is held responsible for honest and economical government, but he really has little power. Every day I see where money could be saved to the city of Cleveland, if I could do it. THE MATOK EESPOXSIBLE. "What we propose is the Federal plan. The Mayor shall be the responsible head of the -B THE FINEST and There is plenty of Ready-made Clothing in the market that is dear at any price, and many men hesitate to buy a ready-made suit because they or their friends have been swindled by unreliable dealers. Our policy is not only to secure a customer but to HOLD him by giving him the best that money can buy, and ensuring him a correct fit and correct style. 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iii :i Hi Our stock for this fall and winter is the largest ever exhibited by ' ' any retail house in the country, but, look as you will, you can't find a single trashy garment. We handle none but thoroughly good makes, and these we sell at prices that have made the name Kaufmanns' a household word at every fireside within a hun dred miles of Pitts burg. But it would be a futile task indeed, to at tempt a description of our ttatchless inducements of fine Fall Suits and Overcoats. They must be seen to be appre ciated. Will you call? II II I I I I I 111 1 I I I I II I I I I I 1 Depnii :. TRUNKS, SATCHELS AND VALISES. ALL KINDS, GRADES AND SIZES, AT BOTTOM PRICES. government and shall have power to ap point and remove the heads of departments. If be be a corrupt or inefficient man he will last for only one term. Each department skall be run by one man, who shall be re sponsible to the Mayor and appoint his sub ordinates. That is somewhatlike the Chicago plan. In your city I find hat the Mayor is a mere figure head and that you hare a few men who run everything. Our best people favor the reform, but the politicians are op posed to it. It is a lively issue in the elec tion of our legislators. "I feel satisfied that Foraker will be re elected. That Halstead business about Campbell willnotmakemuchdifierence. Our registration in Cleveland has been remark ably light, showing indifference. That is the only thing I am afraid of. The Demo crats are making strenuous efforts to carry the Legislature. If they do succeed Senator Payne, it is generally understood, will not be a candidate for re-election. A. FEEBLE OLD MAS. "He is a man for whomJT;have always had a high regard as a citizen, but he is grow ing old. Within the past two years he has failed rapidly. He presided at the banquet which we gave to the Pan-American dele gates, and when he arose to speak his voice could hardly be heard. "I met and talked with nearly all of the delegates on that occasion. They are taking a lively interest in American man ufactures, but the trouble is that they have too much to see in a short time. At Cleve land they were much interested in ship building. Fortunately we had four steam ers on the ways, in various stages of con struction. When they learned that those vessels were 300 feet long, 50 feet wide, with 16-feet draught, were being built of steel, would carry 3,000 tons of freight, and were to be constructed in 60 days, they were as tounded. Many of the delegates remained over to inquire further. "I think your people here would be wise not to attempt to take the visitors around the city much, or to the various manufac turing establishments. The best plan woula be to prenarean exhibit'of your chief manufactures in the Exposition building." CAST QDEEE THE GAMBLERS. St. Jjonls the Favorite Stnmplng Ground of All the High Hollers. rSFECUX. TXLZOKAK TO TBI DISPATCILl St. Louis, October 19. The fact that setting up a faro game is a felony under the Missouri law appears to have no terror for blooded sports. Word has been passed along the line that practical immunity could be obtained in St. Louis, and so the New Orleans sports who were left without a home by the recent en iorcement of the law there, and the Cin cinnati and Chicago gamblers who found the field too crowded in their respective cities, have been invited to come to St. Louis, and they have come. Six faro banks are now running full blast, and 20 poker games. The police claim to be doing their utmost to suppress gambling, and yet never since the passage of the Johnson law has the city been so full of gamblers. $10 00 TO CHICAGO. Autumn Excursion via the Pennsylvania Lines. The Pennsylvania Company will sell excursion tickets to Chicago on Saturday, October 26, for trains leaving Pittsburg at 7:25 a. M., 1220 and 1:00 P. M., central time, good for return passage by trains leaving Chicago until .November 2. For full information apply to Samuel Moody, D. P. A., 1127 Liberty street. Carpets and curtains slightly soiled by the dust at the Exposition all go at half price next Wednesday. Axminstcr, wilton and moquette carpets, Irish point lace and silk chenille curtains, turcoman curtains, drapery silks, rugs, etc, at Groetzinger's, 627 and 629 Penn avenue, next Wednesday. I I I I II I I II II I I I I I I I I I I I I I One-half of the mothers of Pitts burg and Allegheny buy their Boys' Clothing from us, and if the other half would but stop and think of the great ad vantages we offer to buyers of Juvenile wear, we should sell all the Boys' Clothing bought here in this city. But we would like to have you call and ex amine our extraordi nary bargains in Children's Kilt Suits and Boys' Short and Long Pant Suits. You will agree with us that nothing approaching them for value has ever been offered to the purchasing public ::: of Pittsburg. ::: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I Boys Boil Dni JENNI MARSHALL IS DEAD. Demise, In Great Pain, of the Handsomest Race' Track Frequenter. ISFXCIAL TKLEOBAH TO THE DISPATCH. New Yoke, October 19. Jenny Mar shall is dead. She had the reputation of being the handsomest woman who visited the racing tracks at Sheepshead Bay and Monmouth Park, and was a noticeable figure on all occasions, by reason of her jewelry and Worth gowns. She had been ill for some months, of Bright's disease, and died in great pain. She left a will returning dia monds said to be worth many thousands to a wine merchant of this city, who gave them to her. She gained notoriety about five years ago by being connected with the robbery of $12,000 in bank bills from a rich Staten Islander who was visiting her home in Seventh avenue. She left a fortune esti mated at several hundred thousand dollars. nORsFORD'S ACID PHOSPHATE, For Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and diseases incident thereto. If Not. Say Why Not Come to the closing-out sale of F. Schoen thal, 612 Penn avenue, and buy corsets, gloves and hosiery 23 per cent cheaper than elsewhere. Its superior excellence proven in millions of homes for more than a quarter of a century. It is used by the United states Government. Indorsed by tbe heads of the great universities as the Strongest, Purest and most Healthful. Br. Price's Cream Baking Powder does not contain Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Sold only in cans. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. NEW YORK. CHICAGO. ST. I.0TJI3. mySSZ-Tiseosu PACE'S GBEAM 4KlNg fcOEA tnr sMx- sW$f tsMssT'ssm 7a A wMEDICINE . m MmmP' For Billons and Nervous Disorders, anch as Wind and Pain In the Stomach, Sick Headache, Giddiness, Fulness, and Swelling after Meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flashings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costlxeness, Scarry, Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations, &c THE FIRST DOSE TVILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. This is no fiction. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to toy one Box of these Pills, and (hey will be acknowledged to he a Wonderful Medicine. "worth a guinea abox." Kra;HAi-s pi i .i -s, taeen as directed, win quicsiy restore jemaies to complete ueaim. tor a WEAK STOMACH; IMPAIRED DIGESTION; DISORDERED LIVER; they ACT t.tktc MAtilct a few aoteaynu :nintr the muscular System; restoring long-lost it. tha miicmilflF fiviljim rprfnrlnfr lnnc.lnst nnnntlf n. RTirt Amn-rimr withthn KOSEBDD OF human frame. These are " facta " admitted by thousands, in all classes of society, and one of tho best guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated is that EEXCBAH'S FILLS SATS THE LAE3ISI SALS 0? ASI PATENT HEDICHIS IS THB WOSLB. Full directions with each Box. Prepared only by THOS. BEECHAM, St. Helens, Lancashire, England. Sold by DruggUts generally. B. F. ALLEN & CO., 305 and 367 Canal St., New York. Bole Agents for the United States, who inquire first), if your druggist does not keep them, WILL MAIL BEECHAM'S PILLS ON RECEIPT OF PRICE. 25 CENTS A BOX. EST LmKJ I I l"l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I Come when you will, any hour in the day, and you will always find our Hat department crowded with purchas-, ers. This fact is easily accounted for when it is taken into con sideration that we not only showall the new styles and handle none but the thoroughly good brands and qualities, but also sell them at prices which no hatter can or will match. Here are examples: Our $3 50 Silk Hats, sold elsewhere for $5. Our $2 little shape English Derbys, sold elsewhere at $y, our silk-lined French Crush Hats, 74c, elsewhere $i. I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I II I I lis . M Oeini See Hendricks & Co.V photographs by electrio light. Finest work 'in the two cities. 68 Federal street, Allegheny. At Groetzinger's Special Sato Kext Wednesday, of all goods on displav at the Exposition, will be included all short lengths of brussels and ingrain carpets ac cumulating from the brisk fall trade at half price. The pieces run from 10 to 30 yards. 627 and 629 Penn avenue, next "Wednesday. Hendbicks & Co., 68 Federal street, Allegheny, make the finest work in the two cities. Cabinets ?1 a dozen. Bring the children. A wrong corset tortures or worries a woman worse than anything else she has on, or can put on, unless it be a wrong shoe. There is a right corset, a ready-made' corset, right for almost every woman one. There is only one of which the seller will say "Bring it back in a week, or two, or three, and get your monoy for it, if you are willing te ipart with it;" and that one is Ball's. There's a primer on Cor sets for you at the store. Chicago Cobskt Co., Chicago and New York. Latest improved Spectacles and Eye-Glasses; will fit any nose with ease and comfort. Tbe largest and best stock of Optical Instruments ana Artificial Eyes. KORNBLUM, Theoretical and Praotical Optioian. No. SO Fifth avenue, near Wood street Telephone No. 1686. sel9-DSu HERBERT WALKER ARTIFICIAL EYE MAKER, tltlSr 60 JNiiNXtl BT. Office hours for insertine eyes. 1 to 3 p. u. Saturdays, 1 to 6 P. M. se25-Su 'S-iSSSSJ SS, a -n euiweaox worKwonaersupgn tne viiai ur; ins. Strensrth- complexion; Ti Comnleiian: bringing back t lekeen edge of HEALTH the whole vhtfsical energy of the ALL THE WORLD PATE0J1ZES3 Alien and American, white and black, rich and poor, old and young, "while differ ing in other respects, all ageee on one point, viz,: That IAUFHI5S' 6R1SD DEPOT, 5th Ave. & Smithfild St., Pittsburgh, is the best PLACE IN THE WOELD to buy Clothing, Cloaks, Shoes, and JFurnishing Goods.' AND WHY? Simply because Kaufmanns offer the best inducements in every par ticular. Gigantic Stocks, end less assortments, best qualities, lat est styles and low est prices. These are the magnets which at tract purchasers from near and far to KAUFMANNS, The Great Tk.'. H.'. I I rnVKSt xSSv fm9 I 1 A Rife!.' W8 m& ' Jrfi :i vl r s rCl ' ix hSlWIf iiN NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 0-- Fiiizer's Old Honesty. The Chewers of OLD HONESTY TOBACCO will soon find that it lasts longer, tastes sweeter than other tobaccos, and will please you. Ask your dealer for it and insist on getting it. Genuine has a red H tin tag on every plug. mh2S-S5-S8u WE GRABOWSKY, RenoYator of Ladies' and Gents' Hals. Gents' light-colored stiff or soft hats dyed black, retrimmed and renovated into the new fall styles; fast color, correct styles; this means saving $2. Silk hats renovated into the Broadway. Dun lap or Knox style, well trimmed, fine finish, ap pearance as good as new and a saying of $3 to H on each hat. If you wish a fine French mourning band, your bat blocked, a new leather band or binding, come to us; we do our work in pleasing style. Our Ladies' Department, felt and straw hats, is booming. We show tbe most fashionable styles; our renovating is done with effect; we recommend THE METKOPOLE, The most attractive turban tor the season. You can have your old-fashioned felt or straw hat made into this or any of our many samples. Flames and tips dyed to any sample. Get your work done at the reliable old busi ness stand of WILLIAM GRABOWSKY, PENN AVE., Opp. Penn Bnlldlng. se22wsu J. DIAMOND, PRACTICAIi OPTICIAN, 22 SIXTH STREET. The Eye examined free of charge. Spectacles perfectly fitted. ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted and warranted to suit. sel2-6-TT8u OUR GREAT ANNUAL Fall and Winter Sale Is'now in progress, and our extraor dinary bargains are attracting thou sands of purchasers daily. Prom city, town and farm they come to take advan tage of our low prices', and return home rejoicing in the knowledge of having received better value for their money than ever be fore. To those who cannot come, and wish to order goods by mail, we will send, upon application, our beau tiful 66 page Fashion Cata- 7ogue, free of cost. If you want a suit or overcoat, a cloak' or wrap, a hat, a pair of shoes, &c, SOW IS THB TfflE TO BUY. KAUFMANNS Fifti ATe. & Smithfield St.' PITTSBURGH, PA. Hats, Pittsburgh Clothiers. ,NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CLERGYMEN, DOCTORS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN. Your attention is called to Prices, $3 00, $3 50, $4 00. BROADWAY KERSEY. The Kersey or Casaimere, which we illustrate above, is growing in wonderful favor as a semi dress hat, and professional men in general pre fer it to any other, combining as it does the statelinets of a silk bat with the hardiness of a derby. We have just received a fresh Invoice of these splendid goods. They are exceedingly light in weight, and as we carry three varying di mensions, we are thus enabled to perfectly suit different physiognomies. Gentlemen whose only objection to a silk hat Is their tendency to roughen, the Kersey is the very very thing, as neither rain nor steady service affects their ap- Eearance. By all means come and Inspect these ats. RUBEN, The Hatter and Furnisher, 421 and 423 Smithfleld St P. B. Mail orders promptly filled. OC20-WTSU SEASON 1889. ALL : NEW r GOODS ! Calif. Evap. Apricots, fancy. 20c & Calif. Evap. Peaches, fanoy 20c tt Delaware Peaches Jficft Evaporated Whortleberries l8o ft Evaporated Pitted Cherries 18c ft Dried Elderberries 15c ft Calif. Evaporate? Plums 10c ft Tennessee Dried Peaches 6c ft CLOVER HONEY. Virginia, fancy 20c and 22c ft CATSUPS. " Snider, Flaccus', Beefsteak and Blue Label only 23c per hot. Fancy Catsup, in Jugs, only 15c PRESERVES AND JAMS. Old Virginia Fine Preserves, all kinds, only 50c per jar Crosse fe Blackwell's Jams, all klnds.23c per jar Red and Black Currant Jelly, import ed, 8KB jars 65c Loose Olives, medinm size 25e per qt Butler County Buckwheat, 0 lbs tor. 2oc Housekeepers' Guide mailed on application. JAPANESE WARE BAZAAR, "GRAND HOLIDAY DISPLAY. k Select Family Grocers, 18 DIAMOND, Market Square, PITTSBURG, PA. oc20u I ill pSj HASLAGE THE CHEAPESTand MOST RELIABII 'i This is the enviable reputation enjoye'd by Kaufmanns'. plicit confidence in this house. They rely on getting; honest merchandise at honest, pmeg and they are never disappointed. The smallest child can purchase here with the same safety as the most experienced shopper, and the best evidence of bur popularity is'out constant increasing irauc I I I I I I I I I II II 1111 Ml Mil I Li Style, comfort, durability and price! These are the four axles on which the Shoe trade turns. It takes but a brief inspection of our goods and prices to con vince the investigator of the fact that our goods meet all these require ments. , If you have never bought your fahoes from us, give us a trial. The first pair will make you our steady customer. Gentlemen who are in the habit of getting their Shoes made- to order should bear in mind that the celebrated Hanan French Calf Dress Shoes, for which we are . sole agents in Pitts burg, are equal to the finest custom-made . y Shoes in the world, and ' l ::: , cost much less. ::; ""- II I I I 1 I II I II I III I I I I III I I Boot u Diil RUBBER GARMENTS AND RUBBER NONE BUT STRICTLY l$fiff: ." 217. TWO HUNDRED SETENTEEN. 2153 la the Record of Sales THE HOUSEHOLD CREDIT CO. 405 Wood street, made inflvedays on the CHEAPEST SUIT IN AMERICA. Teniae the price and terms and cease to wonder how its done $18. EIGHTEEN DOLLARS. $18 EASY TERMS, AS Ann CJ i-y tP2Zi. OBO ULLt - -JJltHJO $25. See our 7-piece $35. See our 7-piece $37 50. Our 7-piece LADIES' CLOAKS. LADIES WRAPS. Tailor-made and form-fitting. Manufactured expressly fer us, ' See them, by ail means. HOUSEHOLD 405 "Wood Sla?ee-b. Acknowledged Champions of 2T. B. All goods sold out of the .' ' " t'?- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ll "Trifles make, perfection, but per? fection.is no trifle." Here you have. in a nutshell the ne cessity of proper fix ings. Vell dressed gentlemen select tfieir scarfs, collars, cuffs, shirts, etc., with the same care as' their clothing. In doing this, however, they are compelled to go to a house.where they can make the'ir selections from an assortment that is complete in every particular. The fact that the most particular and fastidious dressers buy their Fur . - nishing Goods from us speaks -volumes, not only in favor - of the magnitude of - -' our stock, but our ' low prices as well. , Apropos: Our great Un derwear Sale continues this week. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I WATERPROOF GOODS AT Hi m Department HEW 'ABVEBTWEMEHTS.' J,.; - YOU LIKE THEM. $6 DOWN, $1 PER WEEfcfl FOR BALANCE. $6. " '; Exactly as cut shews it, ' f$&,'? sua mi.M. 7-i;t. aioi $ ? ?..v Aijiwcft vmnei ipjLO.t $6 down, $1 per weekfer once. . , Bring cut for comparison $18.' Eighteen Donors.,, $18, 5 $6 down, $1 per week for aU ance. Three pieces, 'Antique finish, $18. Eighteen Dollars. $18. $6 down, $1 per week for toil ance. T0 see is to buy iti ' ':. $18. Eighteen Detktrs. . $18,, $6 down, $1 per week fer. ance. " i' niF tin ri: 'hippy unu nnu ui, Jmw rn. -u a m 4ftn r VAUOLUUtU. OU1U, pji. " Chamber Suit, $25. Chamber Suit, $35. Chamber Suit, $37 5a . CREDIT CO. y .zSfflt&i' beUfmKa !jp Law Prices and Easy Terms:' city packed and delivered free ef " IN Customers have the mostxin I I I I I III I I I I 14 I 1 1 I I I I I III I Hill The choicest prc-dttcticofjBer'i lin, - PariSjiLondoa adi-New York, the great Cleak manufacturing centers? 4 of the world, are t placed by us at tfcf't' disposal of oar lady pat-' 'roas. If any other local Cloak, hoase can sake an eqaal skowisg, we would like to hear of it But it is not only in point of assortment that we beat all competi- tioB, bat in the quality 3 of our goods, the beauty"; of our styles and the lowaess of our prices.' Under these, cumstances it is no wonaer V our Ckk department al- thougkn sat a, few years old, eaioys tke largest trade in "tfceTJf city. 'Madam, we expect :;: yon this week; -::: I I I I I 1 I I I I I I II in I I II Nil SHOES! VERY - LOW FIGURES aM-tefj CM ifflft 1 SsR. AtHT tfiKJJ! rllHi Bt . ' vJ i',1 Kfl 3 i va M sv aw KAUFMANNS' FIFTH: "VZEnSTTJ-IE AND- . ' SiETHFICELID STREET. t -i; fr-i . . 4. . ... . , f 'j,-'4ik.bi llliigHHHHHHtiiiwi