KrW E4 1 ;5 w m .- ,vvm.. V ? i" -. TTHE pittsburg: )ISPATOH, Saturday,- "OCTOBER 19;, w -ft; v ' ?t W7:- 1889. nr "?W V. .4Vtr y GE'OSING OUT SHOWS. The Police Inaugurate a War Upon ' Hie Dime Museum Fakirs. A SHAMELESS EXHIBITION RAIDED. A Circassian Girl Who Wants Her Hair Americanized Again. THE FJYE-1EGGED COW DE1TEK OFF Showman Leriliij it Eeleastd ea Esther Ealty Bail. The police officials have opened war upon the numerous fakirs now conducting dime shows in Pittsburg, and declare thatjlicense or no license, ther must go. when they at tract crowds and cause disorder. One Sixth street show was closed last night Inspector McAleese has declared war upon the itinerant shows which of late hare been filling their coffers with dimes and the air with the profanity of their victims. One in particular, at Ko. 17 Sixth street, was visited last night by Chief Brown, Inspector McAleese and Superintendent O'Mara, and a most disreputable state of affairs discov ered. The alleged performers in the second story of the house were all dressing, or rather undressing, together without regard to age, sex, color or previous condition, for some of them were bnrned cork artists. Three colored men with Indian ont ts set on a high bench and were labeled "Wabash, King of the Ataiiietes, and His Ministers." Bfside the three negroes was a large bull dog with a chain attached to his collar, which might be used for logging. This was supposed to be the favorite Ian dog of Mrs. Wabash, the queen ot the Atahietes There were also a lew "Circassian girls," who were as badly in need of costumes as ot salary. HOW SHE LOST HER HAIR. It was due to the complaint of one of these girls, as well as a number of patrons of the show, that the visit was made by the officials last night. She and her sister, who claim to come from Johnstown, had been engaged as performers, and in order to Cir cassianize her the manager had cut off a luxuriant growth of hair to the proper length which, when treated, like a tramp, with stale beer and curled tight converts a Fifth ward girl into a Circassian beauty. The Inspector' found the hair last night, which had been cnt off and was very much regretted by its former owner. Upon applying to the alleged proprietor, Aaron Levitzky, for a sight of his license, he acknowledged having none, but pro Dosed to run the thow nevertheless. He de clined to close up, and was arrested and sent to Central station. Inspector McAleese then entered the auditorium, and going for ward to the stage, interrupted a sweet singer from Wylie avenue in the second verse of "The Suanee Kiver," and made his first ap pearance upon any stage as lecturer to a dime museum by saying: ''This congrega tion will now be 'dismissed without any further songs. Those who will not go will ingly can be accommodated with a ride in a very handsome carriage provided by the city for that purpose." ADJOTRITED UNANIMOUSLY. The audience of about 100 adjourned by a unanimous standing vote and then the ex terior orchestra, consisting of a colored man playing six instrnments simultaneously and seated on a drygoods box fastened in a third story window was dismissed. These charges will be preferred against Leitzky the proprietor to-day, keeping a disorderly place, maintaining a nuisance, and run ning a free-and-easv without a license. The fire-legged cow was next visited on Smithfield street, and although she had onlv taken a couple of horns she was given 24 hours to leave town. The Braddock farmer who with stentorian vim and cast iron lungs showed this wonderful freak ex plained that be had a license but the license said nothing about maintaining a nuisance so the cow will have to seek pastures new. The police officials claim that licenses are too easily obtained by those fakirs who fleece the public and collect crowds on the streets, ireqnentlv creatine disturbances and are determined that an end must be put to such proceedings. There are four now in operation, but none of the others were so utterly shameless as the one at 17 Sixth street, so summarily closed last night. Aaron Levitzky'6 brother asked at a late hour last night his release on bail. At first 53.000 was demanded, but this was finally reduced to 52.000 by Police Magistrate Mc- ivenna. j.he bail was procured and Levitz ky released about midnight STAMPEDE ON 1HE SOUTHSIDE. A Gasoline Lump Fnlls and Frightens a Mnenra Audience. A slight panic occurred at the Southside Museum on Carson street last night about 9.30 o'clock. A large gasoline lamp which was hanging over the entrance fell from its fastenings, and crushed down upon the floor, where it broke and 6et fire to the curtains around the door. Some imprudent person gave the alarm and there was an instant stampede for the front and rear places of exit In the rush several little boys got severely bruised; among others Arthur Harlan, whose head was badly hurt and who lost a portion of his clothing. Meanwhile the fire spread to the front of the museum and attacked the wood work. Under the command of Officer Michael Wright, however, the nucleus of what might have proved a big conflagration, was got under control. Some ot the museum properties were burned, but the loss was not considerable. THE GERMAN PARADE. Appinlments by (tie Chief Marshal lor Thanksgiving Day. Chief Marshal John If. Neeb, for the parade of the German societies in Alle gheny on Thanksgiving Day, issued an or der yesterday appointing Mr. Frederick Emrich Chief of Staff, and Mr. Paul Woest hoff Adjutant General, Mr. Fred Andries sen, who was first appointed Adjutant Gen eral, having declined on account of illness. The representatives of the various organiza tions who have been appointed by their re spective associations on the staff of the Chief Marshal will meet on Mondav evening October 21, at 8 o'clock, at No". 261 Ohio street, for the purpose of ejecting division commanders. HOMESTEAD WATER SUPPLY, Carnecle & Co. Want Water for Their Plant and Slay feapply the Borongb. Carnegie, Pbipps & Co., have decided on increasing the capacity of the water supply at Homestead. This is necessary from the growing demand for water consequent on the requirements for hydraulic power for the cranes and hammers. Hoacstad citizens have suggested to tnefirssjo take measures for such a supply xs will serve for the township as well as for thefactory purposes, and the matter is un der consideration by the directors. An ad ditional 70-light Thomson-Houston dynamo has been ordered for increased lighting pur poses throughout the plant To Infnie Energy. At the meeting of the Humane Society, to be held next week, Agent O'Brien will ask for the appointment of assistant to attend to cases of cruelty to animals. He feels that he will have all the work be can perform in looking after the welfare of children and aged people. - It is intended to infuse re newed energy into the work of the society. A PfiOBABLE.MOEDER. Arrest of Tire Brakemen for Blot und Very Ajreravnted Assanlt How the As sailant Were Caucht. Harry McCormick and George Gardner were arrested and lodged in Central station yesterday afternoon by Detective Demmel. McCormick and Gardner, who are Baltimore and Ohio Railroad brakemeu, on Wednes day night, it is stated, in company with "Lipp" France, attacked a butcher in front of his shop at New Haven, opposite Con- Knellsville. They beat and kicked him, crushing in his skull and probably fatally injuring him. After ihey had finished with the butcher the three men proceeded to a dance in New Haven. Friends of the injured man went before a Justice of the Peace and lodged in formations against them. Warrants were issued, and a constable proceeded to the dance, to arrest them. The men, however, were surrounded by their friends, who drew revolvers and com pelled the constable to leave without his prisoners. "When the meu left New Haven, France went to McKeesport, where he was immediately arrested. McCormick and Gardner came to Glenwood, where they re mained Thursday night Yesterday they came to the city and were arrested by De tective Demmel, who had been notified of the aSair. Last evening an officer from Connellsville and Officer Waggoner, of this city, took the men back to Conneilsville. The injured man, it is thought, will die. His name could not be learned. A DETERMINED SUICIDE. A Prisoner Attempts to linns Himself Three Times la Central Station He Falls to Borrow a Knife and Gets 60 Days. Early yesterday morning Andrew John son, who had been .arrested on Thursdav night for drunkenness, made three unsuc cessful attempts to commit suicide in the Central station. Between 3 and 4 o'clock one of the turnkeys found the prisoner sus pended from the bars at the top of the cell. using his suspenders as a rope. He was cut down and was found to be not much the worse of the attempt Between 5 and 6 o'clock the tnrnkey again discovered the man suspended from the top of the cell, having used an old necktie that he had in his pocket as a rope. This time Johnson was blue in the face and his tongue was hanging out. He was again cnt down and handcuffed. Shortly before 8 o'clock the handcuffs were removed, and the prisoner, evidently determined to end his. life, again tried to hang himself by taking the sleeve of his shirt and, by tearing it in halt, making a rope with which he once more suspended himself only to be discovered and cut down. Johnson then circulated among the other prisoners, who were being made ready for the hearing, and tried to borrow a knife with which to end his career, but was un successful. Judge Gripp sent him to the workhouse for 60 days. THE LAST PEAT HOUSED. It Has Been Sent to Join the Obsolete Conestogn Wagons. JThe well-known countenance of John Kimmins, towering above a wagon marked "Hussey" attracted the attention of a num ber of people on Smithfield street yesterday. Inquiry elicited the information that the last dray in active service during some years past, and of which Mr. Kimmins was pilot, was housed about 15 months ago. It will not be many years until the dray will be forgotten by the boys and girls now growing up as completely as is the Conestoga wagon, by all except th'e aged, yet within the memory of the middle aged it, the dray, was the vehicle on which nearly all the immense steamboat traffic of the city was hauled. Light packages were hauled in spring-wacons, but for heavy weights the dray was used almost exclusively. In those days a yoke of oxen .hitched to a "Butler county hack" was a common sight in the streets, but with the exception ot a brief recurrence dnringthe epizootic of 187.:, the patient ox has rarely been seen outside of the East Liberty stock yards, where a few still drift from" the West after having worn themselves out iu the service of farmers or in logging camps. AN IMMIGRATION DECISION. A Bloiher of a Child Born In This Country Excepted From the Latr. Washington-, October 18. The Solici tor of the Treasury has given an opinion that a woman now detained in New York on arrival from Scotland as being unable to support herself and two children, cannot be sent back because one of the children was born in this country, when the mother wis living in New Jersey about two years ago, and is therefore an American citizen, for whom, in the absence of her husband, who has deserted her, she is the natural guar dian. He says: 1 am not to presume that It was the Intention of Congress to sever the sacred ties subsisting between parent and child, or to forcibly ex patriate a native-born child for the reason that its parent is a pauper. Moreover, it may be a question whether this case is an immigration in the sense of the statute, as more than three years ago she came with her husband and re sided here for a considerable time, and, after a short absence in Scotland, has returned to the former adop.ed homo of her husband. lam therefore of the opinion mat this case, under its peculiar and exceptional environment, may be justly discriminated from the abuse sought to be corrected by the statute, and that the woman and her children may be permitted to remain in this country. PATTEES0K POST'S FAIR Successfully Inaugurated nt Salisbury Hall Last Evening-. Post 151, of the G. A. E-, held a fancy fair last night in Salisbury Hall, Southside. The attendance was not so large as might have been expected, owing to the superior attractions of the Exposition, but the room was filled comfortably, and there was more room to see the decorations. The hall was brilliantly illuminated with Chinese lanterns, and ornamented with flags and floral trophies. The post will continue their lair on to-morrow night FREIGHT AGENTS FETED. They Tisit Homestead and Braddock and Dine at the Daqnesne. The representatives of the Eastern rail roads who were in town yesterday as the guests of the Buffalo, Rochester and Pitts burg Bailroad Company, went East yester day evening. The morning was occupied in visiting the big plants at Homestead and Braddock, and at 4 o'clock they sat down to dinner in the Duquesne Hotel as the guests of the Alle gheny Valley Bailroad. Jenneai Miller 'Eibbeo union underwear suits ladies' sizes, fine wool and well proportioned underwear counter. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Pen a Avenne Stores. " 75c. 13 More Days, 75c. Only 13 more days for 75c per doz. cabinets at Yeager & Co.'s Gallery, 70 Federal street, Allegheny. Come early, rain or shine. Fine kid gloves at less than import price at the closing out sale of F. Schoenthai, 612 Penn avenue. Natural wool and merino underwear. James H. Aikek& Co., 100 Fifth ave. F. & V.'ti Pittsburg beer pleases better every time. Can't be excelled. MRS. FBAKI LESLIE. SAKSS? Ot QJ JIOWCTM U jWUHCat CTnOtCTTlS, Otta Stiff 1 ywi ujrwwftujwwfrywr America BLAINE WINS A POINT. Lead in Silver Ores Will Be Admitted From Mexico Without ANT TARIFF BEING COLLECTED. Secretary Windom Has Gendered a Decision According to the FOfiMER BTJLINGS AND PEECEDENTS. Congress Alone Has Any Authority to Chango the Present Interpretation. Secretary "Windom's decision in the Mex ican ore dispute is that where the value of the silver exceeds that of the lead, the ore must be admitted free of duty. This ruling is based upon a number of precedents, and the defeated claimants are advised to appeal to Congress for relief. Washington, October 18. The Secre tary of the Treasury has rendered the fol lowing decision regarding the proper classi fication of lead and silver ores: Treasurt Department. ) Washinqtost, October 18. 1889. f Collector! and other Officers of the Customs: I have given dne consideration to the argu ments, both written and oral, submitted sub sequent to the hearing at this department in .May last noon the question of proper classic ca tion of ores containing both lead and silver, associated with other substances, in variable quantities and generally known as lead-silver ores or as argentiferons ores imported from Mexico. Upon examination I find that the decision and practice of this department have been uniform for a number of years. It was held bytue department under the decision dated January 14, 1878, in regard to the classification of 'certain ore imported at Eagln Pass from the Sierra Majada mines in Mexico, and which was claimed to be entitled to free duty as silver ore, that "the value ot the silver contained in the ore being largelv in excess of the value of the iron, the department is of opinion that the ore is entitled to entry free of duty as silver ore." ACCORDING TO PEECEDENT. This decision was reaffirmed in January, 1S8G, where it was held that "when silver in any ore predominates in value it is considered to be silver ore, and as such is exempt from duty under the special provision of the free list for ores of gold and silver; where, however, lead predominates in value the ore is considered as a leaa ore, and is subject to a duty of 1 cents per pound Under the special nrovision in the tariff act for lead ore and lead dross. The question of classification, therefore, is one of fact which can only be determlnad upon exam ination of the importation for the purpose of ascertaining whether it consists of silver ore or of lead ore, as aforesaid " -In a subsequent decision in May, 18S6, re affirming the principle previously laid down, it was stated that ores composed of silver and lead and iron, or silver and lead, or silver and other base metals, of which silver is the com ponent material of chief value, would, under the ruling of January 25, 18S6. be exempt from duty nnder the provisions of the free list for ores of silver. It is Immaterial in the entry and classification of such ores whether the ores are imported for nse as fluxes in the fusion of other metals or on account of the metals themselves. The dutiable or undutiable character of these ores was the subject of an investigation by the Judiciary Committee of the Senate, who re ported on July 3, 1888, in effect that ores of the character mentioned, mainly, ores containing more lead in weight than either gold or silver, but more gold or silver than lead in value, are not in the opinion of the committee subject to duty under existing law. NOT A NEtV QUESTION. If the question presented were a new one and had not been the sublector. administrative construction, fortified by the opinion of the Judiciary Committee of the Senate, 1 would feel at liberty to give greater consideration to the weighty arguments which have been ad duced tending to establish the dutiable char acter of all ores of this description containing lead in appreciable or considerable quantity, the more so if it bad been satisfactorily dem onstrated that these ores are not known nor entitled to be known commercially as ores of silver. It not having been so demonstrated and it being the fact that since the original decision of 1880 on this subject Congress has re-enacted the pre-existing provisions of the tariff wit i regard to lead ores and silver ores, respectively, I do not feel at liberty to set aside the existing classification. It must be assumed that the rulings and practice of the department were known to Con gress when it passed the tariff act of 1S83. It must be held that the designation of lead ore and silver ore in the tariff, in the absence of legislative definition, was that of existing de cisions; that Congress intended the classifica tion should turn on the question of value and not of quantity. It is, therefore, considered that this department is without authority to change the departmental and Congressional definition of these ores, and in faith of which large business interests have been established. INTENTION OF CONGRESS. That Congress did not intend to Impose duty upon the lead which might be found in the different ores, but only upon ores as were then recognized u,nder the decisions of the depart ment as lead ores, is gathered from other parts of the tariff act; for in paragraph 188, "copier" is made dutiable whenever found in ore, and in paragraph 1U1. nicael is also dutiable when found in ore or other crude form. In those cases it is clearly the metal contained in the ore which is made subject to duty and had the same form of expression been used in refer ence to the lead, that metal wonld have been dntiable at the rate prescribed whenever found in ore. According to well settled rules of statutory construction this difference in the form of expression must be deemed to indicate a different legislative intent and to limit the authority of the department to impose duty in all such cases to the ore Itself, under existing rules of classification. I consider, therefore, that the present classi fication has attained the force of Congressional enactment, and that a chance, if desired, must be sought in Congressional intervention. How ever. If ores of this description are imported which are distinctively known as lead ores in the legal and commercial sense, they would, as such, be dutiable. It is deemed advisable in this connection to enjoin upon the Customs officers a strict enforcement of the regulations of this department, intended to correct abuses which formerly existed in the methods of entry sampling and classification of ores of the character mentioned. William Windom, Secretary. IT CONTINUES TO CE0P OUT. . Tho Color Line Giving llio President Con nldcrnble Anxiety Just nt Present. rSFECIAL TELXORAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 "Washington, October 18. The color question is cropping out again at the White House, and the President has no hesitancy in stating that it has placed him in a very embarrassing situation, and one that he would gladly be extricated from. He is confronted with the problem of pleasing the colored people of the District ot Columbia at the risk of offending all the white inhabitants of the capital of ths'nation, and it all grows ont of the question who shall be Recorder of Deeds. President Harrison is seri ouslv contemplating its bestowal upon Prof. James M. Gregory, who is connected with Howard University, near the Soldiers' home, in this city. A few years ago, while one of the Board of Public School Trustees of the district, an unenviable notoriety was attained by Prof. Gregory, because of bis hobby that 'there should be mixed schools, and ' be did not hesitate to preach this doctrine upon every occasion that an opportunity was presented. His record has been consistent in this respect, and his reward ias been the score and re proach not only of white people, but decent black ones as well, who did not believe in the new gospel preached by the colored pro fessor. To say that the citizens of the district are indignant at the mere suggestion of Prof. Gregory's name for such an important posi tion is a mild expression, and in the event of his selection by the President, arrange ments have been made for a public demon stration which will open the eyes of the President considerably. An appeal will probably be made to the Senate against the confirmation of Gregory if he is appointed. "Winter hosier? 25 per cent cheaper than elsewhere at the closing out sale of F. Schoenthai, 612 Penn avenne. F. & V.'s Pittsburg beer pleases better every time. Can't be excelled. A SUBPBJSE PARTY. The International Delegates Amazed bv the Variety nnd Extent ot American In dustries A Little TroSJInar Work of the Chicago Boomors. Grand Eapids, Mich., October 18. The international delegates were well enter tained here to-day. After lunch the party went out to the fair grounds where they saw 5,000 people on the stands and on the in field, a splendid array of turnouts. The delegates were rested and greatly pleased with the one trotting and one running race prepared for their diversion. Petty pools to add sport to the occasion were made up among the travelers who saw a mile trotted on a halt mile track in 2.27, and a half dash in 55 seconds. After their dinner at the hotel ex-Lieutenant Governor Crosby welcomed the dele gates to Grand Eapids. The citizens had been looking forward to their coming as marking an era in the history of the city. Their visit would both be of great im portance and mutual interest. If their de liberations should bind us more closely as brethren in social and commercial relations, their visit would not have been in vain. The delegates were going to see one of the wonders of the world Chicago, where, in 1892, the "World's Exposition was to be held. Applause. Mr. Piera responded in behalf of the delegates, thanking the citizens of Grand Eapids lor the hearty welcome accorded them, and then proceeded to set forth the objects and method of organization of the Spanish American Commercial Union, which he represents. "When the speeches were conclnded the party was escorted to the City Hall, where an informal reception was held. At 10 o'clock they boarded their special train and began their journey toward South Bend, accompanied by Delegate Studebaker. They will be met there by Mayor Cregier, of Chicago, Senator Far well, Marshall Field, General Crook and others. One of the attaches, who is a keen ob server and, from long residence in the European capitals, well informed respecting Old World methods, to-day summed up the general sentiment of the visitors when he said: "We are filled with amazement. Yester day Grand Bapids was to us but a spot on the map of the United States; perhaps a fairly active "Western manufacturing town. To-day we find a city of 80,000 people that has erown like magic upon our attention; we find 42 great factories making furni ture much of it as to quality and finish that would compare favorably with the very best European hand work, yet largely made by machinery, and we are 'ready to believe thev are the largest furniture factories in the'world." FITLER'S AMBITION. Forgetting Qony at Chicago, Be Wonld bo Don Cameron' Successor Witbont 01. Stanley's Help How He's Working the Wires. ' rSPKCIAI. TXLEOIUU TU THE DISPATCH.! Philadelphia, October 18. Mayor Edwin H. Fitter has decided upon his future in politics. He proposes to represent the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the United States Senate, and thereby become tht successor of J. Don Cameron. The next Legislature, which meets in 1891, will elect Matthew Stanley Quay's colleague, and a number of the members-elect of the State Senate bold over. Mayor Fitler has already approached several of the holding-over Senators to seek their influence in his ambition, and is now officially in the field to succeed United States Senator Cameron. The Mayor is managing his own campaign, and is thoroughly reliant and independent. In discussing his Senatorial aspirations, not long since, with an influential man in politics he was asked: "Have you spoken to Mr. JUcilanes yetV "Why should I consult him?" demanded the Mayor. "Only, jour honorpthat Jieis very friendly with Senator Quay, who is a power in the State." "Why should I seek Quay's influence?" again demanded the Mayor with indigna tion, and the conversation was quickly turned in another direction, One of the Mayor's plans of campaign is to demonstrate his power in making candi dates. He has boldly declared in favor of Adjutant General D. H. Bastings for the Bepublican nomination for Governor next year. But he even looks further ahead than naming a Governor. Under the new charter the Mayor cannot succeed himself, but Mr. Fitler has selected his successor in Thomas Dolan, and proposes to have him nominated. The Mayor is at this time shaping the im mense patronage at his disposal and under his direction to that end. With the powerful influences of the De partments of Public Safety and Police Works, Mayor Fitler firmly believes that he can control the Mayor's nominating conven tion. In the meanwhile he will dictate, if possible, the nominations for such minor offices as Beceiver of Taxes, Police Mag istrates, City Solicitor and Councilmen. A RECIPROCITY TREATY. The Hawaiian Government Anxlona to Es tablish Unrestricted Trade Rela tions With the United, stales A Statement of the Terms Proposed. San Feancisco, October 18. Informa tion has beeu received from Honolulu by the steamer City of Pekia that the Hawaiian Cabinet, in answer to a committee represent ing a public meeting of Hawaiian citizens, who made inquiry concerning the relation be tween the kingdom and the United States, on October 4 issued a statement, in which its position relative to the proposed treaty is explained. It stated that the cabinet has for a long time had nnder consideration the practicability of extending the treaty re lations so as to enhance and increase the commercial and political benefits which the two countries now enjoy by reason of the existing treaties. As a result of nearly two years consideration of this subject by the cabinet the minister resident at "Washing ton has been instructed to ascertain whether the Government of the United States is will ing to entertain a proposition looking to the end above indicated, and should he find such willingness, he is instructed to open negotiations with this Government for the conclusion of the treaty whereby the fol lowing objects may be secured: First, The continuance in force of all the treaties and conventions now existing between two nations until they .shall find it mutually advantageous to abrogate or modify such treaties or convention, or any of them. Second. That all the products of either conn- trv which are by virtue of reciprocity treaty admitted free of duty Into the other country, shall be treated in respect of bounties paid, exemptions or immunities and in all other re spects as if such articles were of growth, pro duce or manufacture of the country Into which thev were so admitted. Third To provide for the entry into either of the two countries without the payment of duty of all the products of the other, except. Ing, however, opium, spirituous liquors of more than 18 per cent alcoholic strength, and all articles prohibited by law In either country. Fourth Positive and efficacious guarantee by the United States Government of perfect independence of this autonomy of the Hawa iian Government in alHts dominions and use right of sovereignty over such dominions. To enable the United States Government to do this witbont danger of complication with the other powers, we do agree not to negotiate treaties with other nations without the knowl edge of the United States Government. 73c 13 More Days. 75c. Only 13 more days for 75c per doz. cabinets at Yeager & Co.'s Gallery, 70 Federal street, Allegheny. Come early, rain or shine. The latest in English linen collars at James H. Aiken & Co.'s, 100 Fifth ave. filTC 1 tte Capital city of Alaska, together OIlBa) with the manner and customs of the natives, is graphically described in Jo-mor-rovft Disvatch oy O. & A' s r A STARTLING SCHEME That Was Well Kept Up Until Its Disclosure Was Unavoidable. A HALT CALLED AT ITS CRISIS. A Yery Important Fact That Goes a Good Way Toward Clearing Up THE HTSTEBIOUS DE. CR0N1N MUEDEB Secretary Stoltenberg's Admissions Somewhat Sellers Starker. Another important fact has been disclosed that assists in clearing up the Cronin mys tery. Private Secretary Stoltenberg shows how the scheme to keep a fictitious Dr. Cronin traveling from Chicago to France, by way of Canada, was kept up until the body of the real doctor was hauled out of the catch basin. 1 SPECIAL TILIORAM TO THI DISrjLTCH.1 Chicago, October 18. Henry N. Stol tenberg, Alex Sullivan's confidential clerk and stenographer, has disclosed one Impor tant fact that goes a long way toward clear ing up one of the most mysterious episodes of the Cronin murder case. 'A. few days after Dr. Cronin was killed, Annie Murphy, daughter of the treasurer of the 'notorious Camp 20, in which the death sentence was decreed, claimed she had seen Dr. Cronin riding south on the Clark street cable train, nearly two hours after the doctor hSfl fallen under the bludgeons at the Carlson cottage. The next day a newspaper reporter in Toronto, named Long, sent sensational tele grams to all the Chicago newspapers in which he claimed to have met Dr. Cronin in the streets of Toronto. THE PLOT WELIi PKESEETED. The gigantic plot to carry a fictitious Cronin from Chicago, to Prance by wav of Toronto and Montreal was kept up until the dead body of the doctor was hauled out of the catch'basin on Evanston avenue. Then a halt was called. After a hasty investi gation it was claimed by Chicago Irishmen that Long's dispatches had been inspired by "William Starkey, a fugitive jury briber of this city, and who was then in Toronto. This claim was strengthened by the knowl edge that Starkey, during his checkered Chicago career, had been intimate with a man who was suspected of having engin eered the murder conspiracy. Stoltenherg's admissions to the grand jnry have in a measure relieved Starkey of the charge of complicity in the plot, and placed the blame on Mike Crean, a Toronto merchant. Stoltenberg admitted that he corresponded with Crean almost daily lor nearly two months after the murder was committed, and that he received Crean's let ters through the office of a friend named Dahl, who is a clerk in the store ofC. Jevne c& Co. He claimed, however, that the let ters, which were destroped, in no way re ferred to the Cronin case. SOMETHING- OF THE CBEANS. Mike Crean is a brother of the late Tim Crean, whose grave in Mt Olivet, is marked by the imposing shaft erected to the memory of the Irish nationalists. Tim Crean in his lifetime was one of the Triangle's most ardent supporters for years he was district member for the Clan-na-Gael in this city, and it was chiefly due to his fine work that Alex Sullivan cap tured the Land League in 1881. It was a dnll day aronnd the Criminal Conrt building to-day. O'Donnell and Kavanaugh were released early in the morning, they having found men who were quite willing to furnish the $20,000 bail de manded by the Court.' The only member of the jury bribery conspiracy now remaining in jail'is Smith, who is deep in the mire. Two more men have told Judge Longenecker that they were approached by Smith, who had offered each of them $1,000 to get on the jury and bang nut for an acquittal. In the trial of the supposed murderers of Dr. Cronin ten jurors have been accepted. It is hoped that the taking of testimony will begin on Monday. NOT TEEY FBUITFUIi. Michael A. Mauley, who has a room on Oak street, opposite the residence of Alex ander Sullivan, was before the State's At torney this evening. Kolhing of what Mauley said could be learned from him or the State's Attorney, but a report became current that Manley was asked whether he had not seen the suspects, Cooney and Conghlin, a Clan-na-Gael named Foy, and another man enter Mr. Sullivan's house together during March. Accompanying this rumor was the report that Manley's examination did not prove very fruitful. F. W. Smith, one of the men charged with attempting to fix the Cronin jnry, appeared to be working with the prosecntion in the numerous consultations which were in pro gress at the State Attorney's office to-night. The inference was. drawn by reporters, who were watching outside, that Smith had made a complete confession, going further than any previous one. Another expressman has been brought into the case. He was taken to the State Attorney's office to-night and confronted by young Carlson, son qf the aged owner of the Carlson cottage. The expressman, it is be lieved, was subsequently taken to some secure place by the authorities. THE CHINESE FLOODS. Definite Information About the Hundreds That Perished Another Steamer Ar rives With Facts nnd Figures of the Awful Catastrophe. rsrZCTAI. TM.EQRA TO TBI DISPAIC1M San Feancisco, October 18. The steamer City of Peking arrived to-night from China and Japan. She brings an ac count of a tidal wave in which nearly 800 persons lost theirlives and about 2,000 houses were washed away. On September 11, the same day Yokohama was so severely damaged by a typhoon, a violent wind and rain storm set in at Hazugun and Aicbiken. By 2 o'clock the sea had risen several feet above ordinary high tide, and just after nightfall the waves mounted to a great height, washing away the embankments and leveling the build ings near the shore. Shortly after ward a wave 15 feet higher than the highest of those that had preceded it. rolled in with a great roar, washing away the remaining portions of the embankment and carrying with it nearly all the- houses of the various villages along the beach. This was done so suddenly and unexpect edly that the inhabitants' bad not time to escape. At Okudo, in Ognri-Shinden, all the houses, 23 in number, were washed away, and out ot SO inhabitants 54 lost their lives. At JitsurokUf Eoyabu-Mura, 40. houses were washed away and about 50 out of the population of 250 were killed. At liuta-Mury, 120 honses were washed away, about 20 broken np, nnd about-40of the inhabitants killed. At Yoshida-Mura, 350 out ol 650 houses were washed away, and 628 of the population of 3,260 were killed. AtTobamura, containing 220 houses and a population of 1,130, 10 houses were broken up and 10 persons perished. In addition to those already enumerated 360 bodies have been found, and there are yet 280 persons missing. The Emperor and Empress have sent $1,500 and $500, respectively, for the relief of the sufferers. Jenness Miller Bibbed union underwear suits ladies' sizes, fine wool and well proportioned underwear counter. Jos. Hoene Ss Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. All the newest and, best makes kid gloves 35 per cent cheaper than elsewhere at the closing ont sale of E. Schoeathal, 612 Tenn avenue. ' , THE POP E'fl LETTEB. Ho Writes to Cardinal Gibbons Concerning the Comlnc Catholic Centennial Many Expressions of Love and Confidence for America. Baltimoee, October 18. Following is the letter sent by the Pope to Cardinal Gib bons -with regard to the Catholic centennial: To Our Beloved Son, James Gibbons, of tho Title of St. Mary Beyond, the Tiber. Cardinal Priest of the Holy Roman Church, Arch bishop of Baltimore: .Beloved son, health and apostolic benedic tion. The great lore for country and religion which you and our brethren, the Bishops of the united States of America, have so often and so nobly manifested is again strikingly illustrated In the letter which you have recently addressed to u. From it we learn that pastors and people are about to assemble In the city ot Baltimore to celebrate the one hundredth anniversary of the establishment of the sacred hierarchy In the United States. On that occasion yon pro pose to dedicate the university which, with the generous help of the faithful, you have founded in the city of Washington as a happy prestige of future greatness for the new era upon which yon are about to enter. It is truly worthy or your faith and piety thns gratefully to recall the bless ings bestowed upon your country by divine Providence, and at the same time to raise up In memory of them a monument which will tie an honor to yourselves and a Iastmc benefit to your fellow citizens and to the country at 19 arge. r trail And. therefore, we eladlv nnita with you in returning thanks to God, the author of all gifts. At the same time, we cordiallv con. gratulate you on the zeal with which you emu late the example of your glorious predecessors, faithfully treading in their footsteps, while ever widening the field opened up by their apostolic labors Most joyfully 'have we welcomed tho ex pression which yon, beloved son. and the other bishops convey to us of your loyalty and devo tion to the Apostolic See. We desire, in return, to assure you that, like our predecessors of be loved memory, we too, bear an especial love toward you, our brethren, and the faithful committed to your care, and that we pray fer vently for your prosperity and welfare, gathering comfort meanwhile no less from the readiness of your people to co-operate in all manner of good works, than from the ex amples of sacenfotaL In regard to your wish that some representatives from this city should. In our name, be present at your cele bration, we readily assent to it; the more will ingly, because their presence will be an especial mark both ot our esteem and benevo lence and of that bond of faith and charity which united pastors and people to the supreme head of the chnrcb. In conclusion, we earnestly pray to God, pro tector and guardian ot the Catholic cause, that under the prosperous and favored public insti tutions, by which you are enabled to exercise with freedom your sacred ministry, your labors may redound to the benefit of Church and country. And, as a pledge of our special affection, we lovingly impart the apostolic benediction to you. beloved son. to our vener able brethren,the Bishops of the United States of America, and to all the clergy and faithful committed to your charge. Given at Borne at St. Peter's, the 17th day of September A. D. 1889, In the 12th year of our pontiflcate. Leo P. P. Xin, SUSAff B. ANTHONY Figuring; a Plaintiff la a Salt to Eecover $200,000 or More The American Glucose Company Defend ant In the Case. ISrZCIAI. TZLXOHAJt TO THX DISPATCH. 1 Eochesteb, N. Y., October 18. Snsan B. Anthony, the noted woman suffragist, and her sister, Mary S. Anthony, are after the American Glucose Company, of Buffalo, to the extent of about 125,000, for, which they have begun suit. It appears-from the complaint that in 1883 the Leavenworth, Kan., Sugar Company, in which the plain-1 tiffs, with their brother, Colonel D. E. Anthony, were large stockholders. Together with the Firminish Sugar Company, of Buffalo, the Buffalo Grape Sugar Company, the American Grape Sugar Company and the Peoria SugarJEefinery were, consoli dated into one corporation, under the name of the American Glucose Company. This corporation was organized under the laws of the State of New Jersey, but its business headquarters are located at Buffalo, on ac count of the stringency of the New Jersey laws. Under the agreement br which the con solidation was effected, Colonel Anthony and his sisters should, it is claimed, have re ceived 125,000 in stockat par value as their share in the newly organized company, but the defendant never issued to Colonel An thony or his sisters the stock to which they claim they are entitled, and though annual dividends have been declared and large profits made, the defendant has never paid any dividends on the Anthony interest Colonel Anthony has transferred his rights to his sisters, that action may the more con veniently be brought here. This action is brought to compel the de fendants to issue the stock to plaintiffs to which they claim they are entitled, to account for the concern s afSairs since the organization of the consolidated company, and then pay back dividends. In the an swer the defendant claims that the defunct corporations should also have been made de fendants in the action. The attorneys for the Hisses Anthony say they have a sure case, and may recover nearly 200,000. Both ladies are in moderate circumstances. HE GOT HIS MONET BACK. A Sheriff's Deputy Who Mads Honey by Extortion from Convicts, israelii. TiLionut to tux dispatch. t New Yoek, October 18. John Lynch, a Sheriff's deputy, whose duty it is to deliver convicts by van to the penitentiary on Blackwell's Island, was suspended sum marily by Under Sheriff Sexton to-day for the extortion of money from George Hart, a prisoner in his charge. Hart's story was as follows: On May 17 1 was convicted of petit larceny f or stealing nocketknfves from Strauss, on Broad way. I was sent to the nenitentlary on Black well's Island for five months I was one of about 20 prisoners who were sent over that day. Deputy Sheriff Jack Lynch was m charge of the van. We were driven over to the dock at the foot of Twenty-sixth street We were all handcuffed. When we got out Lynch ap proached me and asked me if I did not want a drink. I said I did. and ho took rav handcuffs off and we went to a saloon close by. While we were drinking Lynch remarked that he was well acquainted with Deputy Warden Curren, in the penitentiary, because Curren used to be a deputy sheriff. He said that a word from him to Curren would insure me easy jobs. He ashed me bow much it would be worth to me. and we agreed upon $12. When we got over there the Deputy Warden spoke so harshly to me that I knew then that Lynch hadn't kept his bargain. I got the hardest work that was going. J was set to work in the quarry, and kept there chopping stones two-months. Then I was sent to the mess room.where X did slopwork early and late, seven days in the week. Fiually they made a hodcarrier of me on a new building. Hart got his $12 back. to-day, by threaten ing Lynch. The latter, when called upon to explain, did not deny the story. He will be discharged by Sheriff Flack, when he goes to the office. AH IMPORTANT MATTEE SETTLED. One Feature of the Prayer Book Revision Is Finally Adopted. New Yoek, October 18. In the Protest ant Episcopal Convention this afternoon quite a discussion was caused by Dr. Hunt ington's resolntion for a short office of prayer for sundry occasions. The subject was re opened by Dr. Egar, ot Central New York, who happened to be absent when the matter was before the Committee of the Whole. Mr. Burgwin, of Pittsburg, hoped the mat ter would not again be discussed, and said. that he had voted in favor of the resolution, and believed thoroughly in the excellence of the proposed short office. Judge "Wilder opposed the procrastination which animated a certain small minority. Dr. Egar moved to postpone the resoln tion, but the motion was lost, first in a viva Yoce vole, and then by orders and dioceses. At 10 minutes past the set hoar of adjourn ment, Dr. Huntington's resolution was put and carried. Clerical vote: Ayes, 28; nays, 14; divided, 2. Lay vote: Ayes, -24;, Bays, 11; divided, 3. This finally disposes of as important matter. 0U1GIT MAIIfTS S. thema buyers and sellers art 4 iisu m I7W m unrAibK im ri ! SURPLUS IN DANGER :, Cdntintied from First Page. ters than has been recently practiced for tho public safety; but when It becomes a question of official authority and official responsibility, and the good of the people, the preservation of the Treasury and the meting out of. exact justice to all alike, and giving the pensioner who is abroad and unprotected the same right and the same sums of money as to him who, by official Influence, attempts to get hi claim pre ferred, I shall act, as I am doingin the present Instance, regardless of personal considerations, and intent upon the strict and exact enforce ment of the law. The Secretary further says that he intends to have all these cases re-examined and has ordered an investigation of the practices of the pension office, and that he will de'erany further orders until the investigating board reports. The letter closes as follows: I write this that yon may be fully advised of my views and purpose, and my belief in my authority to control all abuses in this depart ment by whatever means I deem legal and effi cient, TAMER'S BEPORTS. The Commissioner Favors a Libera! 1W crease of the Pension List FIgorea SboTrlnc tbs Bnreaa Trans- ,. actions Since the War. W-Ashihgtoh", October 18. The annual report for the fiscal year 1888-9 or the Com- " missioner of Pensions has been submitted to t the Secretary of the .Interior and is now in h the hands of the Public Printer. The fol lowing summary of the report will show the ' more important details of the work of the Bureau of Pensions during said fiscal year: There were at the close of the year 489.729 pensioners. There were added to the rolls dur ing theyear the names of 51,921 newpensloners. and the names of 1,754, whose pensions had been previously dropped, were restored to the rolls, malting an aggregate of 3.675 pensioners added during the year, while 18,a07 pensioners were dropped from the rolls for various causes, leaving a net increase to the rolls ot 37,188 names. The average annual value of each pension at the close of theyear is shown to have been J131 18. The aggregate annual value of pen sions is 64,24&5a2 SS. The amount paid for pensions during the year was 275,113 28. The total amount disbursed by the agents tor all purposes was 189,131,968 . QUITE AIT ITEM. Amount paid as fees to attorneys, 11,188, 83 47 There was a disbursement of 111.515 73 for the payment of arrears of pensions la cases -where the original pension was granted prior to January 25, 1879, and the date of commence ment of pension was subsequent to discharge or death. In the aggregate, 1.243,146 pension claims have been filed since 1881. and in" the same period 789,121 have been -allowed. The amount disbursed on account of pensions since 18S1 has been 81,052213,413 17. The issue of certlHcates during the year shows a grand total of 145,288. Ot this number 61.921 were original certiflcates." The report shows that at the close of theyear; there were pending and unallowed 479,660 claims of all classes. Commissioner Tanner recommends that Con-, gress be asked to amend the act of Jnne 6, 1874, so as to extend the benefit of all pension laws, as to rates to all pensioners whose pen sions have been granted by special acts passed subsequent to said date, and that the benefit of pension be granted to the widows of soldiers who died from causes originating m the service ' prior to March 5, 1861, during the time ot peace. ANOTHEB FEATUBE. The Commissioner calls attention to many irregularities in the rates of pensions, Eigat- keen dollars per appears, is the high- ately divided for different degrees of disability, if such disability or disabilities are not eqaiviK, lent to the loss of a hand or afoot. If,how- j ever, a pensioner has lost a hand, for which,', existing law now provides the rate of SJ80 psc, month, and has received in the service in line of dnty an injury to the back, for example, which wonld alone entitle him to a pension of $24 per xnpnth. he can receive no rate la excess of $30 a montb for the combined disability re sulting from the loss of his hand and his said injuries, -unless, br reason of them, he Is totally helpless or so nearly so as to require the con stant aid and attendance of another person, for which degree of disability the rate of lie a month can now be granted. It will be seen that the pensioner in such a case actually receives nothing for his said in jury; as the loss of his hand alone entitled biui,r , to the rate (1301, which la the highest allowable . rate under the law for both disabilities. Numerous otber instances, he says, could bo v" cited to show the unfairness in rates now pro vided by law, and heabinks this statute should be amended so as to permit the rate ofS72 per month to be proportionately divldedfor all ols. -' i abilities which are shown to have been incident !t to the service and line of duty. The ' Ef JUSTICE AND UKFAIBKEfiS caused by the act of Congress approved Joss 16, 1880, should be corrected. This act limits -the right of pensioners to receive 373 permonttt to those who were receiving ISO per month at the date of said act. No provision Is mads therein tor granting said rate to those who were totally helpless on said date, but were not re ceiving 830 at said time, and none for those who have become totally helpless since that date. The anomaly Is presented of two men eauaHv disabled, nosslbly living side byslde, ttsa one,,tr . ' receiving 073 per month and the other MO per "' c montn. io state tnis case, is in maxe an wa argument necessary to snow the absolute neees-t .vl slty for an amendment to this act. . ";- He further recommends that the act August jf i. 1886. so far as it provides the rate of 180 far ", the loss of a hand or a foot; and for total dlsa-' -billty of either, beamendedsoas to lncladetse r cases of those who aropewloned not for disa bilities to the extremities, bnt for diseases Ja other parts of the body and for causes whiea, mis oureau uss aireauy cuaccireu to iw bjbu to the loss of a hand or a foot for purposes of manual labor. The Commissioner is of the opinion tbit'k a man sufficiently disabled by a disease of tfre lungs, or of the heart, or the head, to entitle . ' him to 24 per month. Is as badly disabled (If -he is not more greatly disabled) as a man who' ' has either lost a band or a foot, or has a disa bility in the hand or foot which totally dts- ' ables him for manual labor. . A QUESTION Ol" DISABILIXT. t , The Commissioner Is also ot opinion that tho act of Congress approved February 12, MSB, providing a rate of 1100 for the loss of botbr, hands unjustly discriminates against tttese pensioners who have lost both feet or the sight of both eyes. No previous legislation has ever assnmed that a greater disability resulted from ,. ' the loss of both bands than from either of the other disabilities stated. The Commissioner further recommends teat ' the pension due a dependent father ssoaldbe made to commence from the date of the sol dier's death, though tne mother survived thSj soldier, but died without receiving pension, la the same manner as the law now provides that, minor children shall be pensioned from' the date of tho soldier's death, and orovfded tfce . widow dies without receiving pension, and even . though she had made an application la herllf e time. The Commissioner earnestly recommends -that whenever an Invalid pensioner dies, the usual nenslon be eranted to bis widow, or if ha .. laiToi nn nlilnv than tn hta minor. Ahljiriu , without regard to whether or net his death waV ' dne to anv cause incident to the service and' ' line of duty. He is of opinion that tho pre- -v , visions of EXISTING JJLW i nhleh terminate nension to. or on aeeoset at .. minor cniiuren at mo ago oi m aaeaia oo -.'r: amended so as to continue such pension after' .! ... I. s(V jsr t-tl , !J ! a . I mo BalU cuiiu suui ujo icnearattsustia- t USSCS IIUCIC sia was omn-ttu, Mau w, ' -.3 conseaneiice. unable to -earn a anDDort. He ?. asks attention also to what be believes to be a; t manifestly insufficient sum (K)per raoartr' granted by the act of July 26,1886 to-widows ' for the care and support oi sucaoi ibo minor children of their deceased husband as are nnder 16 years of age. The Commissioner favors granting pensions to all soldiers who are disabled. As the war period recedes from us and age and its attendant infirmities afflict the veteran who Served his country falthtully and well a quarter of a' century ago, it is a very serious question whether the Government does Un justice in limiting the application of the . pension laws to t&eee, disabilities only which were contracted in the service and in line of dutv. I earnestly recom mend that a pension be granted, to every honor-' ably discharged soldier and sailor who is now or. , wbu may hereafter become disabled, witaeat , regard to whether such disability is chargsaWe,. to cne service ox me umteu mates or m Been . contracted sides discharged therefrom. The Commissioner also favors a pension for army , nurses, and makes an earnest appeal io their; behalf. t OIIrlNWESTYIRGim A Thousand-Barrel Well Has Been Sttnck In Marlon Coentr. Wbeeliko, October 18. A special dfa-i patch received kt says tfeat the Jaekses. well, which has been going down at Jfaa nington, Marlon county, near Fakmoflt, has come in 1,000 barrels per day. This k rename. t A route tnr ft 1iui Uu AMnaA4t wlib vt Vau uLT kl ii l aJ fti-'V strike opes mjsttMrely'Bew oil tewi- TaWKaEt torv. Great 'ir,K "it vBwWW WKrlswv tt ,-iSBsiTif &&KSfci 7, hM -?j ' i& J&as. Vj J9 (. ? iV. ,:rM.k ?: ;tfU