'KLtfT-7 W-Disptay cdverHjeroent on dollar per txuarefor one insertion. Classified advertise mrrUt an fftt page lueft as ITanted, .For Sali Ib"5t, eta, ten cent yer line for each inser tion, and none taken for lest than fifty ents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BE.A2TCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning Advertisements are to bo prepaid except where advertisers already have account with TBI Dis- FATCII. PITTSBURG. THOMAS MCCAFFKKY. 3K8 Butler street r.MIL G. STUCKEY. Wth street and renn are. E. G. STUCKEY A CO., Wylle axe. and Fultoust S. STOKELY. Fifth Avenue Market House. EASTEXD. 'J. W. 'WALLACE. 6121 Penn avenne OAKLAND. - McALLISTXKSHEIBLER,StnaT. ftAlwoodst SOUTHSICX. JACOB srOHJf. 2'o. I Carson street H. A.'DOKALDSON. 1T07 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. 3. KAEKCHEK. 5 Federal street. H. J. MCBKIDF. Market House, Allegheny. FKF.D H. EGGEKS. 17?. Ohio street. F. D. EGGEKS A-SON'. Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENKY, Western and Irwin aTes. G. "W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Bearer axes. 1'EKKYM. GLEIM. Kehecca and Allegheny aves. M1LLVALE BOKOUGH. "W. W. FLOCKER. SUtloner. Ko. 4 Grant ave WANTED. ainle Hcla. WA UTED-A GOOD STROHG BOY TO "WORK in a bake house. Address BAKER, Dis patch office ocl9-a WANTED-3 GOOD TINNERS-GOOD MEN can hare steady work. JOHN P. SCHAF FEK. 70 Wvlle aTC. ocl-90 WA'TE1 THREE GOOD TINNERS. IX QOIKE U. J. AMJIOK, SB ShUoh St.. lit Washington, Southslde. city. oclS-68 -rTTAXTEl)-ENni:GETlC YOONG MAN TO V encage In the real estate business. J. K. COOFEK & CO., 107 Fourth ave OC19-89 -TUT ANTED ONE HUNDRED LABORERS YV and twentv-nve canUers. Apply to OTT BROS.. Boyd's Hill, head of SblnKiss st. ocl.-lOO WANTED-DRUGCLEI5K WrJHTHREETO Ave years' experience. Address, with ref erence. C. G. W., 150X17, Sewlckley, Pa. OC19-33 WANTED-SALESMAN TO SELu GOODS BY sample: cood salary paid. Write to CE TXNNIALMFG. CO., Cincinnati. O., or Chicago. Se3-T3-TTESU WANTED YOUNG MAN FOR OFFICE work: answer stating aye, reference and salary expected. Address H. B, N., Dispatch office. OC17-90 TiT ANTED 100 LABORERS "WAGES 1 SO V and SI 75 per 'day. Apply at De Haven sta.. P. & W. R. B., H. F. GETXLEMAN. Con tractor. 0C19-25 -VYTANTED-A MAN TO SELL LINE OF W cigars: salarv and expenses paid. Address FLORIDA CIGAR CO.. 3 N. Fourth street. St. Louis, Mo. ocl9-8e-p -TTANTED-PRACTlCALHOKSESHOERAND VV one accustomed to generalblacksmlth work; mnst come with good references. Apply at office ofBOOTH&FLINN, Contractors. oclS-24 T1TANTED SALESMEN "WHO HAVE ES VV TAB LISHED trade, to take out spring line of fine cloths and casslmeres as a side line: good commission. BOX 131, Brm Mawr, Penna. OCI7-S9-S -TTTANTLD-STENOGRAPHER STATE AGE, W experience, salary expected: must operate Remington No. S and assist In office duties: apply In own handwriting; no ladles. Address P. O. BOX 739. ocl9- WANTED-REI.1ABLE LOCAL AND TRAV ELING salesmen: positions permanent; special Inducements now: fast-selling specialties; don't delay; salary from start. BROWN BROS., Nurservmen, Rochester. H.Y. 6C17-70-TTS VITANTED BUSINESS MEN AT SMAKT'S VV COLLEGE. No. 4 Sixth St.; expert book keeping and balancing, arithmetic, penmanship, shorthand and typewriting taught thoroughly for 85 per month to ladUs and gentlemen: open dally from 9 A. M. to 9 P. K. OC12-65-TTS Su WANTED-LABOREIK WANTED IN NEW Orleans 2J0 able-bodied men to ship as crew: wares f60 per month and board; to reliable men steadv employment will be given. Apply to M.N.WOOD. Coast and Latausche Line. No. 2 Canal St., New Orleans, La. QC16-C WANTED-MALE HELF-tfiO SALARY, WO expenses In advance allowed each month. Steady rmplorment at home or traveling. No soliciting. Duties delivering and making collec tions. No postal cards. Address with stamp, HAfER A CO., Plqna. Ohio. ocTTSSO -TTT ANTED AGENTS TOSELL TEA. BAKING VV powder and pure spices: gifts with goods: coke workers, miners or mlllmcn can makemoney In their spare time: special Inducements to per sons baTlng established trade. YAMASHIKO TEA CO.. 8S Jackson su, Allegheny, Pa. .aua-7-TTS WANTED-SALESMEN AT 175 PER MONTH salarv and expenses, to sell a line ofsllver plated ware, watches, etc: by sample only: horse and team furnished free: write at once for rull Sartlenlars and sample case of goods free. SXAN iARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston, Mass. se24-90-s Female Heln. -TTTANTED-GIKL FOR GENERAL HOUSE VV WORK: must be good cook and laundress. Apply at 147 SHEFFIELD ST. OC19-46 WANTED 10 FAST HANDSEWERS TO DO finishing; also 5 girls to sew on but tons on cloaks. SAMPLINEK & RICH, 819 Lib erty St. OC19-61 WANTED-LADY AGENTS ALSO MEN Two Immense new specialties; one lady made $27 before dlnner.another ;16 first hour. Ao dress LITTLE i CO., Box 443, Chicago, IU. oc!S-9 TXT-A.NTED-LADY AGENTS FOR THE NEW VV bygela corset: most satlslactory and best money making article out. For terms, etc apply to WESTERN CORSET CO., St. Louis. Mo. sel4-66-8Su WANTED-EXPERIENCED AND COMPE TENT drygoods and trimmings saleslady In nearby town: state length or experience, with whom, and expected salary. Address H. J. M., Dispatch office. OC19-23 WANTED-FRENCH NURSE TO TAKE charge of two children, cooks dining room girls, chambermaids, nurses, 100 l.onseglrts, Ger man and colored girls, farm hands, drivers, man for dairy. MRS. E. THOMPSON, 608 Grant St. oc7-MThS dale and Female xTeln. TTJANTED-50 ITALIANS, tl 75 PER DAY; ' V V child's nurse: 2 nurse girls: girls for board ing houses: cooks, chambermaids, house girls: 2 colored. MEEHAN'S, S45 Grant st. ocM-D TTTANTED-ASPECIALTEACHEROFWRIT-YV ING and drawing for the Ninth ward ccliooL Allegheny. Apply in person to the members of the Board or Directors. JOS. A. LANGFITr, AUorney-at-Law,FourtUave..Pltts-burg, Secreary. ocl8-G5 Situations. -ITT-&.NTED-POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER. VV either for a batchelor or widower with small family: reference exchanged. Address E. P., Dispatch office. OC19-21 Booms. Boneea. Etc -TiTANTED-A WELL-FURNISHED. SECOND VV floorToom; ecntleman desires, permanent ly, at about 10 per month: Arch street, or vicin ity: state hnrch connection: references. Ad dress "HOME COMFORTS," Press office. OC19-S Financial. -rrrANTED-MORTGAGES-M05 EY TO LOAN V V in sums to suit at 4& S and 6 per cent. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. apl9-14-TTSSu pv;h-- ft TTT ANTED-MORTG AGES ON CITY PROP ' r VV ERTY. over H.O0O; 4,S Per cent; no tax. BENRY A. WEAVER CO., KFourth avenue. mh2-a22-D WANTED-?5OT TO 50a000-TO LOAN ON mortgages. 4H. 5 and 6 per cent. J AS. W. llRAlE&fO.. tx iourcu ave., x'lusDurg. 'ieic- phone No. 975. ocI7-4-MThB WASTE D-MORTGAGES-ON CITY OR ruburban Improved real estate. In sums of M00tot20,0U0andnpward, at lowest rates. ALEX ANDER & LEE. 313 Wood st, OC19-39-MW8 VVTANTKD-MORTGAGES ?1. C00, 000 TO LOAN VV In large and small amounts at 4H.5and6 ner cent, free of State tax: no delay. REED B. toYLEA CO.. 131 l-'ourth ave. mva-60 ANTED MORTGAGES IN LARGE OR Ismail amounts on Improved cltv or Alle gheny comity property at 4 K. S and 6 per cent. rHOS."kIGtfErT' 114 Fourth ave. ocl-ia-TTSSn WANTED-TO LOAN JS30.0CO ON MORT GAGES In amounts to suit. In city or coun .trr at 4,f to 6 per cent, as to security; no delay. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. B" lyl4-16-MTh8 TTT ANTED MORTGAGES IN LARGE OR VV small amount on Improved city or Alle irhenrcountyproperty. McCUNE A COULTER. EST Estate Agents and Auctioneers, 98 Fourth veV ocl!- W rANTED-TO LOAN 00,00. IN AMOUNTS ' .r nmand nnward. on city and suburban nrTtr on 4K per cent, free of tax: also smaller Sn&nu'a? sinViper cent. BLACK A. BAIRD. 95 Fourth avenue. seZl-dZB-s Mni fjran fiON, 103 fourth aTenne, ap7-m "WJ rATKD-TO aX)AN $300,000 ON MOBT rixj.iH3.uan and nnward at 6 Mr cent: two. (BO at W cer cent on residences or business ppTrm-atso 1b adjotolag connUes. 8. H. i M Foarw aTSBae. vwi-coi-u TTTANTED-BOKTG AGES-tl. 000, OOOTO LOAN W on city and suburban properties at 4, tand tier cent, aid on tarns In AlTerteny and" aaja- tleiftt d iwr wun a ju. AjMii.vA tx WANTED, TlnaneiaL -TTTANTED MORTGAGES OX IMPROVED V city property. In large or small amounts. See W. A. HEBRON & SONS,' 80 Fourth ave. OC1-96-TTB miscellaneous. -TTTANTED-SECOND-HAND CA8H KEG1S VV TEKS;wlU buy all we can get. ROS3W. BLACK. SJ Diamond street, Pittsburg. OC19-59 ANTED TO START A CLUB OF 42 MEM- BERS to secure line gold watch for each one In the club at fl 00 per week. Address P. O. BOX 501, and I will call and Show you the watch. lyS-40 WANTED-THK PEOPLE TO KNOW THAT YKAGER & CO..70 Federal St., Allegheny, will mike cabinets of anybody during this month for75eperdoz.; bring the little ones: don't miss; No. 70 Federal st. These cabinets will not fade. ocl-91-D WANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER. 9S Fifth avenue. Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that be ts making fine cabinets at (1 50 per dozen; photos -delivered when promised: lnstan taneous process. mh3 FOR SALE I.1IPBOVED REAL ESTATE. Clrv Residence. FOR BALE-GIST 8TRKET-4-BOOM BRICK house, good cellar: a bargain. J. R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. " QC19-88 T7iORSALE-$S.500FOB 3 HOUSES IN CHOICE .A. neiKUDorjiooa; guou renters; iiiijj ,vl.. cent. BALTENSPERGEB WILLIAMS. 154 Fourth ave. oclt-43 T7OR S ALE-2,600-PROSPECTST., MT. W ASH Jt? 1NGTON. neat frame house 6 rooms, hall, city water, nat. gas. etc: lotSOxlOO: a great bar gain. J. R. COOPER 1 CO., 107 Fourth are. OC18-89 F lOR SALE-A FINE INVESTMENT-TWO hrlpt clwplllnir hnnseii. one of 8 rooms, the other 5 rooms, situate on Congress street: price only p.OOO. C. BKR1NGER & SON. 105 Fourth Wisni'.io FORSALE A BARGAIN IN AN OAKLAND residence; brick dwelling of 9 rooms: speak ing tubes, electric bells, etc.; lot 3x150 feet, on Meyran ave. C. BERINGEB & SON, 103 Fourth ave. od9-41-TTS FORSALE-AT 12.000-PAYMENTS CAN BE made at ps per month, or reasonable terms; a neat brick house, 6 rooms: 1S3 Virginia ave.: send for particulars. W. A. HEREON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. oc!2-9-WS FORSALE-DESIRABLE CENTER AVENUE residence near Fulton St.: one of the most desirable residence locations In the city: 9 rooms: late Improvements. For terms see W.A.HEKRON A- SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. ocS-44-TU8 FOR SALE-BARUAIN WYLIE AVE.-7-room brick, hall, side entrance: on line of ca ble cars; two fronts. Urge lot, water, gas, marble mantels. Inside shutters: 2.500 to prompt buyer. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave oc!5-38-TTB FOR SALE-LOCUST ST., BET. MAGEEAND Chestnut sts.,fine new brick dwelling 7 rooms, bathroom, marble mantels, cemented cellar, both gases, Inside shutters: house Just finished: posses sion at once; price 83,600: IMIC0 cash, balance to suit. ALLES BAILEY, 164 Fourth aTe. Tel. 167. OC18-48 OR SALE FOR 82.200, AT S PER CENT IN TEREST; terms fa, and 125 per month until paid for (no other payments required) a good brick house, 8 rooms, late Improvements; 1318 Sycamore st.. Ihlrty.flfth ward, only 25 minutes from P. (). : a rare chance to get a home. Sre W. A. HERRON SONS, 80 Fourth are. ocl0-97-Tus East End Residences. x FOR SALE A LARGE SELECTION OF OAK LAND houses at all prices. J. B. COOPER & CO.. 107 Fourth ave. ocI99 FOR SALE-C200-MAHAN AVE.-BR1CK house 4 rooms, good cellar, water, etc.; lot 21x100. J. R. COOPER A CO., 107 Fourth ave. OC13-89 FOR SALE-A NICE NEW HOUSE AND corner lot. In the East End, 6 rooms, ball, cellar, etc: fine corner lot, fruit trees, etc, etc.: price only 83,850: on small payments; immediate possession. JAS. wJ DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. OC19-47-D FOR SALE A SMALL,' HOUSE-ALMOST new, with good lot. In the East find; 6 rooms with hall and cellar: all In good order; situated on a fine street near school house and cable cars; price only 82,550; small payment down, balance monthly payments. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO.. 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. OC19-47-D E OB SALE-A FINE EAST END RESIDENCE at only 83.000; a rare bargain; lot 70x150 feet; excellent dwelling house; almost new; 10 rooms, replete throughout with all modern anpUances; this Is a great bargaln:owner going East and wants to sell: particulars from J AS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. OC19-47-D FOR SALE-S500 CASH, REMAINDER ON exceedingly liberal payments, low rate of in terest, for a complete brick bouse 9 rooms; every thing complete to smallest details; handsomely finished and papered: 15 minutes' ride from P. O. by Fifth ave cable line F. r terms see W. A. HERRON SONS, 80 Fourth avenue oc5-CS-WS FOR SALE-AT ABARGAIN-ON THE COR NER of two prominent paved aves. In the East End; lot-46xl93: elegant brick bouse, recep tion ball, 9 rooms and finished attic, with cedar room, large drving room and servants' room, basement laundry, electric bells. In short, com plete In every respect. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave ocl3-128-TTESU FOR SALE ON COR. EDWIN A.ND ELWOOD sta.; lot 89 it. front 120 ft. deep to 2)-ft. allev; new frame house of 8 rooms, reception hall, basement, laundry, good sewerage elegant front and side porches, good neighborhood, one square from inland ave: abt. 2 minutes' walk from Fifth ave cable cars; complete In every respect; only S, 750, THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave OCJ3-127-MWFSSU FOR SALE J5.000 SHADYSIDE, ONE square from Firth ave cable line, on a sew ered street, elegant, new and substantial 9-room frame Mwelllng; hall, bath. Inside shutters aod w. c, slate mantels, tile hearths, sliding doors, fine chandeliers, stationary .washstand, range, etc : lot 32x110 feet: tins is a first-class neighbor hood and on a through street. SAMUEL W. BLACK. CO., 99 Fourth ave. ocl'-Sl FOR SALE A FINE. NEW BRICK RESI DENCE property, with beautiful, large lot, situate ou one of the most pleasant avenues In the East End: a gentle elevation, affordlngacharmlng view of Liberty Valley, and securing a perfect sewerage system: 12 elegant rooms, wltn spacious reception hall, billiard room, bath and lavatorial lacllltles with patent Scotch closet; lanndry. nat ural gas and au or the more recent appliances, and everything In the most perfect order; wide piazza covering the entire froutand side; It will prove In teresting to any one In quest or a handsome East End home to examlnethls valuable property. Par ticulars from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO.. 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. oc17-4-htiis Allegheny "Residences. FOR BALE-ON STOCKTON AVE-3-STORY brick dwelling: large lot. Fur rull particu lars call on A. D. WILSON, 65 Federal st.. Alle gheny. OC19-40-MWS FOR SALE-H.800-BRICK: HOUSE 8 ROOMS, hall, porcb. range nat. gas. etc., on Kirk Patrick ave A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal St., Al legheny. OC19-40-UWS FOR SALE-ON JUNIATA ST-8 ROOMS, moderiulmprovements, and 2 frame houses In rear: price 8i60U: will sell separate. A. D. WILSON. 55 Federal St., Allegheny. ocl9-40-MWS FOR SALE-ON FULTON ST., ALLEGHENY 2 brick dwellings, 8 rooms, modern Improve ments: price flO.000; will sell separate. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. .OC19-40-MW8 -I7K)B SALE-A HANDSOME NORTH AVE. JD residence corner lot: one of the best loca tions In Allegheny. For full Information see W. A. HERRON & SONS, No. SO'Founh ave. OC12-49-WS TTOR SALE NO. 32 REBECCA ST., ALLE X; GHENY. 9-room bouse with large lot: can be bought at far less that Its real value as owner -wants to use monev In the West. MCCUNE & COULTER, Agents, 98 Fourth ave OC19-45 FOR SALE-A COZY NEW SIX-ROOM FRAJIE house (Just completed), situated In Alle gheny; convenient to street cars and market house; lot 23x101 feet: 82,200 on easy pavments. W. W. MCNEILL & BRO., 105 Fourth ave OC17-6 FOR SALE-A VERY FINE BRICK RES1 DENCEln Second ward. Allegheny, near parks and street cars: 10 large rooms: llbrarv, cedar room, bath and lavatory, natural gas, fnr nace China closets. pantry.groceryandTegetable niches; a first-class residence in every particular, replete throughout with all modern appliances: everything almost new; large lot, side entrance alley la the rear. Fuller particulars and permit to examine the property from JAS. W. DRAPE CO., ;29 Fourth ave, Pittsburg. Pa. ocl7-4-Th8 Snbnrbnn Renldencea. FORSALE-AT WILKINSBURG HOUSE, 8 rooms, all modern Improvements: lot 40x132: beantlful location. W. E. HAMNETT, 404 Smllhneld street, Pittsburg, andWllklnsburg.Pa. oci6-8 FOR SALE I0-ROOM HOUSE, WITH SIX acres of ground, within 3 minutes' walk ot Hawkins station. P. R. R.: can be bought very low. MCCUNE & COULTER, Azents, 98 Fourth ave. OC19-45 TTlOR SALE A NICE LITTLE SUBURBAN JD home: cottage house: natural gas: stable. etc: 1M acres of good land: at Emsworth: con venient to station; onlj t3.0T0. ALEXANDER & LEE, 313 Wood St. oelS-SS FOR SALE NEAR "SWISSVALE STATION. P. R. B- two 8-room houses, with large lots: lot 180x100 ft., with three double 4-room houtes and bnlshed attics, and lot 103x100 ft., with two double 4-room houses and finished attics. Mo CUNE&COULTER, Agents, 98 Fourth are oc 19-45 FOB SALE-HANDSOME RESIDENCE, HOME ave. Bellevue P., Ft. W. C R. B.. 8 min utes from station: complete bouse, 14 rooms, all modern Improvements: large, well-kept grounds covered with fruU trees: lot 140x200 Teet; will sell cheap. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave ocl7-80-MWThs T7IOB SALE-A GOOD STORE ROOM. 7 BRICK dwellings. Ice houses and outbuilding, etc, and over an acre of land at Hnlton, Pa., on the A. V. H. B., on the opposite corner Irom railroad station; property of tbe estate of Hannah F. Davles, dee'd: all to be sold by order or theOr- 8 nans Conrt at public sale on Thursday afternoon, ctober24, at 3 o'clock on the premises: this is an excellent point for business, one of the best stands In tbe place on account of nearness to the rail road depot, etc; terms at sale or irom JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., Agents and. Auctioneers. 129 Fourth avenue Pltuburg. ocl9-79-MWTh6 FOR SALE LOTS. Cltr Isot RATE-M80 FOB LAWKeVCKVTLLE l lots. AlcCandless and Dnncan streets. 20x100 each: convenient to mills, etc BLACK & BAIRD, wzouruave. ciu ,ocu-w onrUti iTHE., PiTTSBTIRG-ff DISPATCH, SA.TDKDAT,f FOR SALE LOTS. City Lota. FOB SALE-ON FOURTH AVE., ADJOINING the Dollar Bank, lot 45x85 ft. : mnst be sold to settle an estate. Yf7 A. HERRON &SON&, No, 80 Fonrth ave OC12-49-WB OB SALE-IF YOU WANT THE FINEST view or the city, buy a lot on Bailey ave.. In tbe"NantkerPlace"MtC Washington: lota 50x125 each: terms to suit all. BLACK & BAIRD, 96 Fourth ave 21-55. OC15-54-D East.End Lota. TJlOB 8ALE-AT A BARGAIN. LOT 50x130, ON X! Atlantic avenue, near Liberty. GEO. T. MCCONNELL, Forty-third and Butler sis. ocl7-82-ThS FOR SALE-8650MJN EASY TERMS-BEAUTI-FULLY located at Homewood station. P. R. K.. 25x100 reet each. See W. . HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. OC15-00-WS FOR SALE-A VALUABLE BUILDING LOT, lOlxlSl ft., In the East End, near Penn and Fifth avenues: price only flloo. ALEXANDER tt, LEE, 313 Wood st. OC19-38 FORSALE-ON EDWIN ST.. NEAR ELWOOD st.', lot 40x120 to sewered alley; both gases and city water on the street: only tl, 600. THOS. LIG GETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. OC13-12S-TTSSU FOBSALE-IN BAUM'S GROVE, ON AMBER ave., lot 40x132; only $50 per root; easy terms. Address W. E. HAMNETT. 404 Smlthfleld St., Pittsburg, and Wllklnsburg, Pa. QC19-20 FR SALE-CENTER AVE., E. E., 2 MIN UTES' from Roup station: fine building, lot 100x200: choice location for a home; terms reason able SAM'L. W. .BLACK & CO., 99 Fonrth ave OClSO-TTS TTlOR SALE AT SHADYSIDE. ON ELLS JD WORTH ave.. the best lot on the street for the price; must be sold on account or removal of owner. See W. A. HERRON & SONS, SO Fonrth ave. ocl-97-ws FOR SALE-ON BOUP ST., 3 MINUTES' walk from Fifth ave cable cars: lot 45x100, to 20-ft. alley; sets well above grade; sewerage complete: only 82.400. THOS. LIGGETT. No. U.4 Fourth ave. oc!3-127-M'WTS6n FOR SALE-HANDSOME CORNER LOT. Jtlppey and St. Clair streets, surrounded by fine "residences, and all street Improvements made 870 a Toot front. MELLON BROTHERS, 6349 Station St., E. E. ocl 3-181 FOR SALE-ON BATES ST., AT FOOT Ob" Oakland ave, beantlful lot. 50x120. to 20-ft. alley: about 6 minutes' walk from Fifth ave. cable cars: elegant neighborhood: only p, 000. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. OC13-127-MWFSEU TTlOR SALE-BAUM GROVE LOTS. WITH J? improved streets, wide flagstone sidewalks and grass plots, but a few minutes' walk to cable cars: low prices. See MELLON UllOS., East End, or JOHN F. BAXTER, Agt., 512 Smlthfleld St. ocl2-50-WSSn FORSALE-8S7S0 PER FOOT-BOULEVABD. Thomas street, near Linden ave, lot 50x155 feet; this is one of the most desirable lots In the plan; street la 90 feet wide, paved and sewered; 4 minutes' walk from Fifth ave. station. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. oclS-171-MWTS TTiOB SALE-BABE CHANCES FOB PROFIT X1 ABbC Investments In the shape of lots In The Villa Park plan." adjoining the "Bank of Commerce addition," at Brushton, which-has ?iroven so profitable for those who purchased here: better opportunities than ever. JOHN F. BAXTER. Agt.. 512 Smlthfleld St. 0C13-7S-TT8SU Hnzelwood Lota. FOB SALE-HAZELWOOD LOTS. 1500 EACH. 3 vacant lots on Kearcher ave. Twenty-third ward, 41x145. BLACK A BAIRD, 95 Fonrth ave 2D-30S. OCI5.54-D FOR 8ALE-f300 EACH FOB HAZELWOOD lots: 13 beautifully lying lots on Bigelow. n. Sylvan ave, 25X100 feet each. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. 2D-306 OC15-55 Allecbcnv Lots. FOR BALE-ALMOST IN THE CENTER OF Allegheny good building lots, easv of access, for 1400. on easy terms. See W. A. HERRON & SONS. 80 Fourth avenne OC15-79-TT8 TWK SALE-LOT 148X100, LACOCK ST., NEAR 1 Federal St.. Allegheny, at trustee's sale by direction or Orphans' Court. On Thursday? Oct. 24. at 2 o'clock, will be sold on the premises. In lots to suit purchasers, that piece or valuable real estate belonging to the estate or the late Martha McDonald Smith, fronting 148 feet on tbe north side of Lacock st. by 100 feet deep to a street ad jacent to West Penn Railroad; very eligible prop erty for manufacturing purposes: terms, one fourth cash and balance In three yearly payments. A. LEGGATE & SON, Auctioneers. oclG-74 Snbnrban Lota. BALE-AT WILKINSBURG. ON COAL F lOR st.. 2 lots. 60x200 each, nrlce 8375: cheapest lots In Wllklnsburg. W. E. HAMNErr, 404 Smlthfleld street, Pittsburg,. and Wllklnsburg. Pa. OC16-8 FOR SALE-LOTS, LOTS, LOTS IN THE Herr Fulbact plan, between Willow Grove and Bennett stations, on West Penn R. R.. Just outside Allegheny City line at from (200 to 9,1,600; cheapest property In the market. THOS. LIG GETT, U4 Fourth ave ocl2-128-TTSStt Farms- FOB SALE-FARM 300 ACRES, GOOD buildings, near the new Arbnikle oil gusher; great bargain: to close estate ED. WITTISH, 410 Grant St.. Pittsburg, Pa. oclS-D FOR SALE A DESIRABLE FARM OF 235 acres, well located near Bakerstown. Alle gheny connty. Pa.; price reasonable: terms easy. W. A. HERRON A SONS. 80 Fourth avenue 0C8-44-TUS FOR SALE-AN EXCELLENT FARM OF 297 acres, 150 acres cleared, balance in good tim ber; brick house 10 rooms, new bank barn, orch ard, etc : price low, terms reasonable; will ex change for city or Last End property. ALEX ANDER & LEE, 313 Wood St. OC19-33 FOE SALE O'HARA TOWNSHIP TWO miles from Sbarpsburg and one mile from the workhouse, 30 acres of fine garden land under excellent cultivation: well watered and fenced, good Irnlt orchard, etc.: 5-rooin brick dwelling; terms reasonable, SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fonrth ave ocl95-TTS FOR SALE-OR EXCHANGE-FOB CITY property; a very fine Tarm or 110 acres, or will divide Into 60 and 50 acres, with good frame house of 8 rooms, large barn, etc.; land all tillable good lences and abundance of water: located In Wash ington county. Pa. C. BERINGER & SON. 103 Fonrth ave. oc19-41-tts FOR SALE-A FARM OF 175 ACRES IN VIR GINIA, convenlent-to a good town, schools, churches, postofflcc stores, market, etc. In an exceedingly desirable part or the State; soil rich and productive: plenty or timber, good water, etc.: an enterprising northern farmer owns and occupies the adjoining farm; price only 2.500; would exchange In part for small city or snb nrban: one of our firm has been on the farm and can give full particulars. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., Ii9 Fonrth avenue Pittsburg. oc 19-43 FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Cbnjir.ca. FOB BALE A GOOD PAYING GENERAL store at a bargain: storeroom and dwelling. For particulars address S. P. POORBAUGH, Glencoe, Pa. ocS-a FOR 8ALE-GOOD GROCERY: DOING ABOUT 8300 business per week: all good trade; tbe reason for selling Is. owner Is sickly. Address H. L., Dispatch office OC19-19 FOB SALE-GROCEBY STORE IN LIVE, growing town near city: will Invoice abont SAoO: trade rood, mostly cash. JBER & WILLIAMS, 154 Fourth ave. .U A L 1 n S IT X. K- OC17-36 FOR SALE-AN OLD-ESTABLISHED FAM ILY grocerr on one of the best thoroughfares in Allegheny: aflne paying business, mostly on a cash basts: this Is one of the most desirable stands In either city. Particulars from JAB. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fonrth avenue Pittsburg. OCI9-43 FORSALE-2 FINE BAKERIES AND CON FECTIONERIES, In excellent locations, large grocery store In Pltuburg, 89,000 or Invoice doing yearlybusiness or $100,000; smaller grocery stores, HOO to 85, OU); cigar stores, small bakeries, confec tioneries, boarding houses, drygoods and notion stores, feed store printing ofllce and many other business chances for males or females: free par tlcolars. SHEPARD ACQ.. 54 Fifth ave oc3 TTIOB SALE-AN ACTIVE INTEREST IN A A? first-class legitimate business with office In the city; to an acceptable gentleman of sufficient general business experience this can be loosed upon as an unusually fine opening; the most strict Investigation Invited; good references required and given; principals only will be dealt with, and no replies will be sent unless real name Is stated; all correspondence will be treated confidentially. JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fonrth avenue. Pittsburg. 0C19-47-D Huslnesn Stands. TTOR SALE-COB. ROSS STREET AND FIRST X? avenue a good business location: can be bought ebeap. See W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue oclO-98-ws FOR SALE-A VALUABLE PIECE OF IM PROVED property In the Fourth ward: very cheap If sold at once. Call for full particulars at BLACK A BADJD'S, 95 Fourth ave. oclS-90-D FOR SALE-FIFTH AVE. BUSINESS PROP ERTY, only 8S6S per front foot, near the Conrt House, a lot 123x112 ft. to another street: especially adapted for stores, warehouse, light m,nnr,itnriii7 nr anr other nnrnose reonlrlnr large space and down-town location: satlslactory terms can be made SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., I 99 Fourth ave ocij-b-xub FOB SALE-A COUNTBY STOBE AND STORE ROOM, warehouse, dwelling, etc. at a good point on line or railroad: fine country place ex cellent point lor business: this Is an old-established stand ; present owner has made a snug com petency and wishes to retire on account of age; will sell the property with or without tbe stock. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourta ave., Pittsburg. , OC19-47-D Blnnufnctnrinir Sites. TTtORSALE-EXCELLENTMANHFACTUBING X 6lte near Fifty-fourth street, city, fronting 300 feet on Allegheny Valley Railroad by 300 feet deep to a street; one of the most eligible sites In tbe city for manufactnrlng purposes; will sell at a bargain on long, easy payments: owner .being a non-resident, wants to sell. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fonrth avenne Pitts bnrg. Pa. oclT-4-MTli8 rlEPrrTSBUEGPHOTO-ENGBAVINGCOM-PANY.lncorppratedl888,D18PATCHBUILD-ING. 75, 77 and 79 Diamond St. Engraving! of buildings, machinery, portraits, cms. for cata logue!, etc: reproductions of pen and Ink draw ings, wood cut prints, manuscripts, etc: print ing, binding, blank books, etc se4-42-wg OHIO PEARLS &o& patch, describes pearl fishing in the IAttle Miami river. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Iloraes. Vehicles. Lire Stock. fcc TTlOR 8ALE SECONDHAND BABOUCHE. JD as good ai new. Can be seen at C. WES1 CO. '8, Carriage Makerv420 Duquesne way, Pltts- burgPa. ocl0-28 TTK)B8ALFMATCHEDDHIVINGTEAM:TVVO i; black mares. 6 vears old, at stable CHARLES APEEBLE'S, Church street, Allegheny, irom 10 A. u. till 2 F. v. ocW-81 FOR SALE-BLACK MARE, new doctor's bnggy and 7 YEARS OLD, twn road carts cheap. BENNETT FLOCKER, corner Klrx- paincK ana vc est x.na ave. ocl9-92 Machinery and' Metal. FOR SALE-THE NEW INSTANTANEOUS icecream freezer. Call at once at No. Ill BINGHAM ST., Southsldc Pittsburg, Pa.; choice territory for sale. , ocl8-10O FOR SALE-ENGINES AND BOILERS-NBW and refitted! rcpalrlngpromptlv attended to. PORTER FOUNDRY ANDMA45HlNECO..LliL, below Suspension bridge Allegheny, Pa. aulO-29 TJIOR HALE NOW ONE SECOND-HAND tenoning machine 2 surface planers and I sbaper, and new and second-hand engines, boilers, lard kettles, tar tanks, Sii'men valves, castings, etc VELTE & MCDONALD, Thirty-second St. and Penn ave. 4y21-9l-TT8 PERSONAL. TOEBSONAL-MALTBY'S OYSTER DEPOT, JE late 76 Fifth avenue removed to 641 Smith field street: fresh oysters received dally; orders filled at lowest prices. J. B. HEMMEBLE, Mgr. sel-92-P PERSONAL-BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! New and old, ancient and icouern. standard and rare, legal, medical and scientific 30.00OVOI umes to select from. LEVI'S BOOK STORE. 900 Liberty st. an3-98 T5EHS0NAL-HIS LOVE SUDDENLY RE A. Tl TURNED: recently they had not been on the best or terms owing to a little family Jar occa sioned by tne wue insisting on Deing anowea w renovate hla wearing apparel, and which, ot course was done In a bnngllng manner; In order to prevent the trouble they agreed to send all their work hereafter to DICKSON, the Tailor, to Fifth ave, corner Wood st., second floor, and now everything Is lovely and peace and happiness again reigns In their household. Telephone 1558. auSO LOST. LOST RED AND WHITE COW ON SUN DA Y night from the McKee estate Oakland. Any Information concerning her should be ad dressed J. G. FOEULMAN. oclS-6 LOST-ON WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 16, 18S9. a red and white cow, with lump on right front leg. Information can be left with J. R. MCCREARY, Drugstore Homewood. .OC19-85 MEETINGS. THE MEMBERS OP EUREKA COUNCIL No. 88, Jr. O. U. A. M. will meet at their council chnmber, cor. Frankstown are. and Station St., E. End, SUNDAY. Oct. 20, at 12 o'clock, to attend the funeral of oar late broth er, J. H. King. Members of sister 'Councils respectfully invited to attend. iU. A. VrVSJXUiM.AXl, l. A. a JONES. R. 8. oc mHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE X stockholders of the Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturinc Co. will be held at their office. No. 115 Chestnut 8L. Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY, October 23,1889, at 12 o'clock noon, fpr the election of seven directors for tbe ensuing year, and such other business as may be brought before them. AUSTIN M. PUBVES, Secretary. (e2S-2i-TTS LEGAL NOTICES. ESTATE OF JOS. MARTIN, SR., DE CEASED Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary .on tbe estate of Jos. Mar tin, Sr., bare been granted to tbe undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same should make them Known without delay. AUGUST MARTIN, MARY PHILOMENA BUERKLE, oclS-56 SI Pike St., Allegheny, Pa. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN application will be made tobis Excellency, tbe Governor of Pennsylvania, on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1S89, for a charter incor porating the "Iron and GlassBuildingandLoan Association" of the .city of Pittsburg, The subscribers are John S. Coates. Joseph MolL Henry Becker, Joseph Auen, F.'K. Walker and Will S. Jones. The character and object of said intended corporation is the doing and transacting of such business as building and loan associations are by law authorized to do and transact. AUGUST FLACH, ocl9-M-S Solicitor for Applicants. Wm. Ross, executor, etc, et al, ) No. 2, Sep ts tember Term, Elizabeth Donnell, et al. 1889. 310 WM. ROSS, EXECUTOR, ETC., Joseph Donnell, John Donnell, Thomas onnell of John, John Montgomery and Mary A., his wife, Asa Derrick' and Eliza P., his wife. rT'KnmMB Tlnnnnlt nt William TamAQ llnnnAtl Joseph Donnell of William, Peter Ward and Martha H., his wife, Henry Donnell, Minnie M. Donnell, Margaret R.-,Donnell and Margaret Donnell: You are hereby notified that the writ breve de partitione facienda has issued in the abovo case, and that the inquisition will be held ou the 19th day of November, 1889. at 11 o'clock A. M., upon the premises situate in Fawn town ship, Allegheny county, Pennsylvania; begin ning at a white oak, thence N. 2J$ W. 200 perches to a post; thence N. 87J$ E. 2u0 perches to a post; thence S.2KE. 200 perches to a white oak; thence S. 8 W. 200 perches to the place of beginning; and that said inquisition is returnable on tbe 23d day of November, 1889. ALEX. . McCANDLESS, SheriiT. ocl57-8 PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS THE REDSTONE OIL, Coal and Coke Company will receive sealed proposals for the erection ot 10 or more double coke ovens until October 21, 1SS9. Ovens to be bniltwitb dividing wall bearing piers. For further particulars inquire at tbe office of W. R. WILSON, Engineer, Penn building, Pittsburg. ocl82 TO BUILDERS-OFFICE OF THE LIGHT HOUSE Engineer, Fifth and Sixth Dis tricts, Baltimore. Md., October 12. 1889. Pro posals will be received at this office until 12 o'clock noon of FRIDAY, the 15th day of No vember, 1889, for furnishing the materials and labor of all kinds necessary for the erection and delivery of the Newport News Light House, Hampton Roads, Virginia. Plans, specifications, forms of proposal and other in formation may be obtained on application to this office. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids, and to waive any defects. J. C MALLERY, Captain of Engineers. U. B. Army, Light-House Engineer, Fifth and Sixth Districts. OC15-36-TTS TO IRON MANUFACTURERS-OFFICE of the Light-House Engineer, Fifth and Sixth districts, Baltimore, Md., October 12, 1889. Proposals will be received at this office until 12 o'clock noon of FRIDAY, the. 15th day of November. 1889, for furnishing the materials and labor of , all kinds necessary for tbe com pletion and delivery of the metal work of the Newport News Light House, Hampton Roads, Virginia. Plans, specifications, forms of pro posal, and other information may be obtained on application to this office The right is re served to reject any or all bids, and to waive any defects. J. C. MALLERY, Captain ot En gineers, U. 8. Army. Light-House Engineer, Fifth and Sixth districts. ocl37-TTS SEALED PR0P0SAL8 WILL BE RE CEIVED by the undersigned, at the Mer chants and Manufacturers' Bank, at Detroit. Mich., until OCTOBER 20, 1889, .at 12 o'clock noon, for the purchase or 50,000 of the Baraga Graphite Mining Company's 6 per cent first, mortgage coupon bonds, in sums of 500 and' upward, reserving the right to reject any or all bids. Tbe property consists of 880 acres of laud in Baraga cOuntv, Mich., with a vein of graphite or black lead 170 feet in thickness now working, and a personal guarantee given by a good party if required. " . Further information given on inquiring of Fred Carlisle, 61 Campau Building, Detroit, Mich. F. CARLISLE & CO. OC12-21 BUSINESS CHANGES. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I have no partner and am carrying on busi ness in my owu right. Tbat a- K. Natcher is not, nor is any one else, associated with me as a partner. EDWARD HOUSE. Jr. FrrrSBtrBG, October 17, 1889.' oclS-50 1ST OTICE David Lentz & Son, successors to Peter Tesh, formerly of Stall No. 99, Diamond Market, Pitttburg, will open anew stall at No. 63 Alle gheny Market, and continue running tbe old stall, where their sausage can be had at either stands, or at JNO. DAUB'S 80NS, 647 Smlthfleld 8t OC15-63 , Pittsburg, Pa. EDUCATIONAL PITTSBURG ART SCHOOL, ESTAB LISHED 1884, offers advantages ot a tuorougn Acauemic school ot Art, combined with private in struction; each pup-il under joint direction of George Het- zei (uusseiaori Acaaemy), John W. Beatty (Munich Academy): Students who canpot attend dally may enter for limited number of days a week. For prospectus address J JOHN W.'BEATTY. Principal. anS68-Tns 13 Wood street, Pittsburg. p IANOb, ORGANS. a HAMILTON. H AND FIFTH -AVENUE, . FtttoburivPa. ... p39-7-D tSl lis OCTOBER ; 19; 1889.'. TO LET., City Residence!. TO LET-NO. 511 PENN AVENUE. 8 ROOMS fall the bouse except tbe parlor). W. A HERRON SONS, 80 Fourth avenne. ocl5-8!-TTS TO LET-A VERY DESIRABLE HOUSE; 9 rooms; first-class order; rent low: No. 2 Bluff street, east or Chestnut street. See W. A. HERBQN i SONS, 89 Fourth avenue. 0C19-37 TO LET-ROSS 8T.-NEAB PARK. 8-STORY brick dwelling, 11 rooms, bath and c: hand somely painted and papered; first-class location ror roomers or boarders. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO.. 99 Fourth ave. ocl9-S6-uws East End Residence". TO LET-VERY CHEAP-83 PER MONTH, neat brick house 8 rooms: late improve ments; on Ward St., Oakland. SeeW. A. HEB RON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. OC15-81-TIS T. LKT-TtlHISR HIP 1 ROOMS. STABLE and outbuildings- larpe arronnds: on Negley avenue near Penn avenue cable cars. Inquire of HENRY ROBERTS, t Oliver A Roberts Wlreco;, Soutbslde sel9-U TO LET FINE BRICK RESIDENCE AND beautiful grounds In the East End, conven ient to railroad station: 10 rooms, bath, natural s, furnace full Jlow or water, etc. J.S. W. 'RAPE Jt CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. OC19-78 Allegheny Itealdencem. TO LET-ON BOYLE ST.. ALLEGHENY, brick house on rooms, cellar, etc., at 89 per month. ALEXANDER & LEE. 313 Wood St. CC19-33 mo LET-MA BSH ALL AVE., COB. IBWIN dL av!., near netr urignton l road, a very Dleas- antly located suburban home or H rooms, good cellar, waver and large yard, etc.; rent only 840. BLACK A BAD2D, 95 Fourth ave. OCJ8-89 Apartment. mO T.TT A -FIRST-CLASS FURNISHED X front parlor for one or two gentlemen; rent very reasonaoie to ngntp&ny. 45 THIRD AVE. OCI9-94 TO LET THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS on Smlthfleld street, for light housekeeping; natural gas. water and other conveniences: imme diate possession. JAS. W. DBAPE & CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. QC19-48 Bnalneaa Stands. TO LET-BAKERY IN A SPLENDID LOCA TION. Inquire at the premises, No. 2130 SARAH ST., S. S. OC18-87 Offices. Deik Room. &c TOLET-IN STANDARD BUILDING LARGE and well lighted ofilces, cheap; Wood, near Sixth avenue v. A. HEBRON & SOUS. 80 Fourth avenne, 0C5-45-TTS TO LET-IN THE NEW DISPATCH BUILD ING, 75, 77 and 79 Diamond street, twoorthe roomiest and best-lighted ofilces to be found in tbe city; rent, 8200 and 8300 per annum, including elec tric lights, lanltor service and steam heating. Apply between 10 A. K. and 1 r. v., or between 2 and 4 p.m. jy23-er AUCTIOH SALES. ASSIGNEES' SALE. AT AUCTION - J. H. BORLAND, Auctioneer. Important to the public. The stock of a large drygoods Importing house, oyer $159,000 worth of foreign and domestic drygoods, car pets, rugs, druggets, etc., eta, by auction, at J. H. BORLAND'S Large and Spacious Commission Rooms, NOS. 723 and 725 LD3ERTY STREET, at the head of Wood street, opposite the Ar buckle block, commencing MONDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1889. ' Sales will commence daily at 10 A. K., 2 F. K. and 7:30 s. M., and continue from day to day until the entire stock is disposed of, and In quantities to suit the purchaser. Consisting of English, French and German Cloths and Cas slmeres, Beavers and Fine Overcoatings, Ladles and Children's Fine Fancy Cioakings, Broche, India Kashmyr, Real Camels' Hair, French and American Velvet Reversible and other fashionable and desirable Shawls. Tambour, Brussels, Nottingham, Madras and Antique Lace Curtains, Portieres, etc., etc. DRESS GOODS In great variety, such as Black and Colored Bilks, Satins and Satin Rbadamas, Figured and Striped Brocades, etc.,of the latest designs and patterns. Black and Colored Henrietta Cloths and Cashmeres, "finest Imported," all-wool Fancy Plaids, Tricots, Serges, Combination Suits, Fine Silk Plush Suitings of the latest designs in suits or by the yard. Velvets and Velveteens. Irish, Scotch, German aod French Linens of every description. Prints, Ging hams, Chambrays, ete, Bleached and Un bleached Cottons f rdm one to three yards wide, a large assortment of Ladies, Gents and Chil dren's Hosiery, Underwear, etc. English and American Blankets "of the finest makes." Flannels, Marseilles. French Reversibles, Turkish and other Choice Quilts, together with a large and elegant assortment of Carpets, Turkish, Oriental, Smyrna. Crossley's Velvet and other rich and rare Rugs, Druggets, etc., etc., with an immense variety of other goods too numerous to mention. This is without exception the largest sale of Fine Drygoods, Carpets and Rugs ever offered in Pittsburg, and is well worthy the attention of tbe public generally. The entire stock must be sold regardless of cost or price In order to make a prompt settlement with the creditors. All goods sold at this sale positively guar anteed and warranted as 'represented. Special accommodations provided for ladies. OC15-49-TTSSU BY JAa W. DRAPE & CO.-HOUSE AND Slots in the East End at auction. Mar cband st. Extension near Shady and Dennison avenues, and between Penn and Fifth avenue cable cars, next FRIDAY AFTERNOON. OCTOBER 25, at 3 o'clock, on the premises; house has 6 rooms, with ball and cellar, batb, porches and all in good order throughout. The lots aro each 24x120 feet to an alley and will be sold sep arately or together, to suit purchasers. Terms at sale. JAB. W. DRAPE & CO , Agents and Auctioneers, 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. ocl9-60-D TY JAS. W. DRAPE CO. VALUABLE MANUFACTURING SITE AT PUBLIC SALE. On A. V. R. R, near Fifty-fourth street, 30a I feet fronting on railroad, witb facilities for side track, and 301 feet in depth, to a wide street. One of tbe most eligible manufacturing sites of any point in tbe city. To be sold on TUESDAY, October 29, at 2 o'clock P. l.jxm tbe premises. As the owner is a non-resident be is anxious to sell, and will let the property go at a great bargain. Terms at sale. Title perfect and unencum bered. Full particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., Agents and Auctioneers, i 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. ocl9-61-D EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE OF VALU ABLE BOOKS Comprising works of history, science, travels ana voyages, theology, law. ere, Commencing MONDAY EVENING, OctoJ ber21, 1889. and continuing each evening dur-T lng the entire week, at 7 o'clock, at the auction rooms. No. 311 Market st. -. Persons unable to attend the sale can bare their orders attended .to by addressing tbe Henry Auction Co. All that is necessary in making out bids is to give yonr highest limit, and purchases will be made as much below as possible. Each night's sale will embrace abont 160 lots of the catalogue In the regular order. ii.ISN.KX AUUiWII to, U.JI., Auctioneers. CIOR SALE HOUSE AND 3 LOTS IN THE EAST END AT AUCTION, NEXT FRIDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER25. At 3 o'clock, on the premises. Marcband street extension, near Shady and Dennison .avenues, and between Penn and Fifth avenue cable cars. Six rooms in house, with hall, cellar, porches, bath; ete, all In good order. The 3 lots are each 24x120 feet to an alley; will be sold to gether or separately. Terms at sale JAa W. DRAPE & CO.. Agents and Auctioneers, OC19-49-P 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. RESORTS. THOMASVItLE,, GA., Piney Woods Hotel. Season opens December 1 1839. M. A. BO WER, Proprietor. For circulars, rates, ete, address WM, E. DA VIES, Manager, Thomasville, Ga., or F. A. BUDLONG, Windsor Hotel, N.Y.City. 0C12-97-TTS IF THEY WERE W01BM T. men tell in to-morroufs Dispatch, wAaffAet would do tj.they belonged to the weaker ex., g .-"?. OFFICIAL-PITTSBURG. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE VS report of viewers on the grading and par ingot Dresden Alley, from Fifty-second street to fMcCandless street, has been approved by Councils, which action will be final,, nnless an appeal is filed in the Court ot Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date E. M. BIGELOW. Chief of Department of Public Works. J'TTTSBUBG, PA.. Oct. 17, 1889. ocl7-37 VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE X report of viewers on the grading of Wall tngford street, from Neville street to Barton street, and Grazier street, from Fifth avenue to Homewood avenue, has been approved by Councils, which action will be final, nnless an appeal is filedTn tbe Court of Common Pleas within ten (lOkdays from date E. M. BIGELOW. Chief ot Department of Public Works. FrrTSBCBG.'PA., October 17. 1889. ocl7-37 "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE LN report of Viewers on the damages caused, by the grading of Grazier street from Fifth avenue to Homewood avenue, has been ap proved by Councils, wbicb action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in tbe Court of Com mon Pleas within ten (10) days from date E.M. BIGELOW. Chief of Department of Public Works, Pittsburg. Pa. October 17. 1889. oc!7-37 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE reports of Viewers on the grading; paving and curbing of Fitth'aTenue, from Penn are? nue to Frankstown avenue,-and Negleyarenue, from Hampton street to Roup street, have been approved by Councils, which action, will be final, unless an appeal is filed In the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Pnhlic Works. PrTTSBORG, PA, October 17. 1889. 0C17-37 October 3. 1889. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Bureau of Health of the city of Pitts burg has this day established and provided, and doe hereby designate the foot ot Seven teenth (17) street, in the city of Pittsburg, at the Allegheny river, and Clark's duinpboat, immediately above tho. north enifof tbe South Tenth street bridge, in ttscityof Pittsburg, on the Monongahela" river, as the places where are to be received, and deposited the contents of all privies as they shall from time to time be cleaned and emptied, and all other offensive substances found upon the public highway. I THOMAS W.BAKER. Superlntendent'of tbe Bureau of Health. OC4-90 VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1M reports of Viewers on the opening Of Omaha street, from Bigham street to Merrimac street; Emily street; from Craft avenue to Halket street; Felicia alley, from Murtland street to the city line;' Zenith slley, from Felicia alley to Formosa alley, and Ecru alley. from Felicia alley to Formosa alley, have been approved by. Councils,, which action will be final unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E.M. BIGELOW. Chief of Department of Pnhlio Works. PrrrsBrntG; Pa October 17, 1889. ocl7-37 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE reports of Viewers on the construction of sewers on Meyran street, from crown between Louisa and Bates streets to Louisa street sewer; Carey alley, from South Twenty-ninth street to a point 450 feet westwardly; Fifth street, from Liberty avenue to the Allegheny river, and Fifth avenue from Amberson avenue to a point west of Moorbead's lane, have been ap proved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Com mon Pleas, within ten (10) days from date E.M. BIGELOW. Chief of Department of Public Works. Prrr8BUBG, Pa.,' October 17, 1889. ocl7-37 N ORDINANCE-LOCATING CHAUCER i. street, from Lang. street to Lincoln aye- nop. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the .... rtf DtM.l,-! Ih llalut ,n rnmmnn flnnn. cils assembled, and It is hereby ordained and enacted by, the authority of the same, Tbat Obaucer street," from Lang street to Lincoln avenue be and the same is hereby located as follows, to wit: The south 5-foot line ot Chaucer street shall begin at a point situated at the in tersection of tbe South 5-toot line ot Chaucer with tbe west 5-foot line of Lang avenue, and at a distance of 1,102.095 feet northerly from an angle in said Lang street, thence deflecting to the left 75 21' 30" for a distance of 91103 feet to a point on tbe center line of Lincoln avenue, intersecting said line at an angle of 35P 2B and said Chaucer street shall be of a wideth of 0 feet. ocl9 ANw ORDINANCE LOCATING IDLE- WTLD street, from Lang street to Beecber street. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by tbe city ot Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted" by the authority of the same, Tbat Idlewild street, from Lang street to Beecher street, be and the same shall be located as fol lows, to-wit: The southflve-foot line shall begin on the west fire-foot line of Lang street at a distance of S34 feet northerly from tbecenter line of Frankstown avenne; thence deflecting to tbe left 90 In a westerly direction and par allel to tbe said Frankstown afenue a distance of 1,183.77 feet to tbe east line of Beecher street, and the said Idlewildstreet shall be of a'width of fifty (50) feet ocl9 AN ORDINANCE-ESTABLISHING THE grade ot Sheridan street, from Penn ave nue to Ellsworth avenue Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and' enacted by the authority of the same. That the grade oMbe center line of Sheridan street, from Penn avenue to Ellsworth avenue, be, and the same shall be established as follows, to-wit: Beginning, on the south curb line ot Penn avenue at an elevation of 218.68 feet; thence rising the rate of 3 feet per 100 (eet for a distance of 20 feet to the south building line at an elevation of 219.28 feet; thence falling at tbe rate of L963 feet per 100 feet for a distance of 393.30 feet to the west curb line of Ellsworth avenue at an elevation ot 21A50 feet. ocl9 AN ORDINANCE-LOCATING FOREST alley, from Lang street to Gerrit street. Section I Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, anditis hereby ordained and em acted by the authority of tbe same. That Forest alley, from Lang street to Gerrit street be and the same shall be located as follows,. to wit: The south 5-foot line shall begin on the west 6-foot line of Lang street at a distance of 170 feet northerly from the center line of Frankstown avenue, thence deflecting to tbe left SO3 in a westerly direction and parallel to Frankstown avenue a distance of 10 13.85 feet to the east line- of Gerrit street, and the said Forest alley shall be of a width of twenty-fonr (21) feet. ocl9 4" Wan N ORDINANCE-RELOCATING BATES street, from a point 4is.il feet south ef ard street to a point 1.026.71 feet south of ward street Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg. In Select and Common Coun cils assembled.and Itis .hereby ordained and en acted by the authority of tbe same. That Bates street, from a point 419.11 feet south of Ward street to a point 1,026.71 teet soutb'of Ward street, be and the same shall be relocated as follows, to-wit: The center line shall begin at a pin at a distance of. 419.14 feet' sonth of the center line of Ward street; thence deflecting to the left 16 23'." 30" f or a distance of 007.60 feet to a point intersecting center line of former location of Bates street, at an angle of 23 IC and at a distance of 206.51 feet south of the center. line of Wilmot street, and the said Bates street, shall lie of a width ot fifty (50) feet. ocl9 VTOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED IN proposals will be received at the ofllce of City Controller until MONDAY.tbe21st day ot October. A. D. 1889, at 2 P.M., for the follow ing, viz.: SKWMtS.. Murtland st. from Penn ave. to Kelly St.; .20 Inch pipe Bayard st from Bidwell stto Neville st: xa-men pipe .Center are., from Craig st. to Barton at; 15 and 2n-lnrhnlne. -. Mignonette st, from Negley are to Beatty st: 15 and 18-inch pipe. Harvard st, from Negley ave. toEudld ave; 15-incb pipe ) Howard alley and Thirty-fourth st, frofc 300 feet northeast of Thirty-fourth st to connection with a sewer on Thirty-fourth st at Ligonier st; 15-Inch pipe Spring alley, from Twenty-first st to .Twenty second st; 15-tnch pipe. Mulberry alley, from Sixteenth st to Seven teenth St.: 15-inch pipe Fourth ave, from Grant st to Cherry alley: 15-incb pipe Plans and specifications can be seen, and blanks for Bidding can be obtained at this ofllce l Each proposal must be accompanied by a' bond, probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards, reserves the right to reject any or, all bids. E. it BIGELOW, oclO-19 Chief of Dept of Ptf blic. Works. AN ORDINANCE-RE-ESTABL1SHINGJ. grade of Brady street, from Forbes street p lu r ittu avenue. Section 1 Be It ordained and enacted by tbe city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Councils assembled, aud it, is hereby ordained and enacted by tbe authority of .the same. That the grade -of Brady street from Forbes street to Fifth avenue be and tbe same shall be 're-established as' follows, to wit; Tbe grade of tbe east curb line' shall begin at the north curb line of Forbes" street at an elevation of SU.4 feet: thence, rising at tbe rate of 4 feet per 1C0 feet for a distance nf 30.52 feet 'to a point at an elevation of 8US feet; thence rising at the rate of 15.93 feet for a distance of 158.89 feet to a point at an elevation of 108.51 feetjtbence rising at tbe rate of 25 feetper 100 feet for a distance of 44.93 feet to the south building line of Fifth avenue at an elevation of 117.74 feet; thence rising at the rate ot 7.26 feet for a distance of. 12.58 feet to the south curb line of "Fifth aveaae, at an ftio vatIoaofll.BDfeetJTbe:grade of'tte west carb Use to be aa f 9ews,,to wMr Utahmlng at 'chtnciAVrarrsBVUB. the north curb liae-ot , Katie sweet, at an 4e--ratios of 86.1 fret: tbiSe rsig at the rate e-f t feet per 100 feet for 3-dtaaeo of "12 feet, at as elevation of 80.9 feet; laeaee rieise at tio rateofl5J2feetforaateUnc of 2t2feetto the south building line of Fifth avenue at aa elevation ot 118.38 feM; (heace rising at the rate of 7.25 feet for a dhtanfie of 12.5 fee to the south curb line of . Flftl aveaae at an eie-vationofH7.19feet- -,' V" oe Continued oh Tenth i"Bre. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE BOOMING COCHRAI STATION The greatest inducements to get houses for permanency or speculation yet offered. Why? Because the , PATTEESON " PLAN: LOTS,- -AT- CQCHRAN.STATIOIV. On'thellononjahela Division, P. R.R.,ares situated" that they are easy oi access (every ' hour In the day) to three or four of the largest manufacturing works is Allegheny county? and they .1 4"' -, CAN BE BOUGHT ON FAIR TEHM& JS-Good chance for steady- werk at tbe) Howard Plate Glass .Works-'. Allegieay Beee mer Steel Works and Duqnesne Tube Works, - ' ?- J. K.; WYLIE, AGENT.7 " ".--I V r DUQUESNE,xVLr.i Or No. 8 Wood street, Rom 6, Pitta-eurfc. . ,ocl3-a-ws NEW -ELECTRIC RDAD Being constructed in OakHadraaaby,7 the end of ".''" .- 'i. -, -i-" . ? OAKLAND SQUARE;. and will carry passengers- dfreeUy from the square to the' clty rk Pittebarg Tractlon'road for 5 CENTS. We ofter for sale is this square for f8,5fifl to 57,560 (which includes an impTsreueataVHreet-" or otherwise), elegant new two-story and mansard' 8 and 9 room brtek ilweH lng. with calls, oatb.lauHdryv stationary tubs, cementedi:ellar, range, flae caa dellers, both gases, baadseme' slate mantels, with tile hearths,- alset ttie.vesv tibul'e, bay windows, Fre-aeh plate ejusy electrlc .lighting apparaws, freat sad rear porches, etcf- larellof fetrteg front, side andrearyard),faotegaihaitV paved and sewered "street 128 feet m width with park is center; teaa-sUeest view, perfect drainage, Wgh and heaksy location. These dwellings are beiagbBttt by day work. TERMS-SMALI CASK , PAYMENT DOWty BALANCE W6 . PEA YEAR.. See and "be coarteeed. , SAM'L W. BLACK &.CO& 89 fourth: avenue. r OC15-70-TT9 AMUSEMENTS., ONE MORE' CHANCE' TO VISIT TT-JT7 i7 VPOQTTrTOM i x hi. ox v t.w, Kf9 POSITIVELY THE EAST "DAY. GRAND MUSICAL PROGRAMME. oclWl TrTTVSTnAT. nTTr.TTlRE.: ' 4C--CK .: . sk. " --vxss A-lVXIAAlil. 1lJCJawi n. vajBXj TfflM ,.... - Um Pnui Vfats lillMJtf U W '- f. Church. .Anegheny, on Tuesday eveatt; ;.;2 TJJ 1CMUID to .UB VHW . MH wnww-- ',. ,' October 22. 1W8. . .. ,. Take Pleasant Valley cars from Plttsbarjr - jj Postofflcc - -- Tickets, for sale at the. Cbnrclv Methodist . Bookstore and at fiennraan'sxnmmtBEenere, Market street. ioeS6 GRAND OPERA HOUSE Matinee at S PfJtr To-nteht at 8 P. X. KUDOLPH ARONSON Comfe Opera Company, In , -THE BRIGANDS. Qct 2L TittleLordFanntleroy.' ocl4-W ; B IJOU THEATER. MATINEE TO-DAY5 J. M. HILL'S - . - . A POSSIBLlSUABJSi LUrjU1 X. Oct 2L Oliver Dond Byroa. oeJ4-34-TV8 TTA1 ARRIS" THEATBR-EVBRY AFTBR- HOOM ana evening.' . , A. Brady's Original Verfiea of SHE. WeirdVMystlcal, Barbaric, Gorgeoes ta Seenie Btfeet. Week October 21 Daaiel Booee oeK-K TTAHRY WILLIAMS: ACADEMY f To-night, Matinees Tuesday,- -Thttaday! aad Saturday -; - HYDE'S . - - , BIG SPEClAIiTY 8gQs. oelT SIXTH AVENUE DYE1J0KS, I. 'MAY' SOts' '& CO.,' STEAM DYERS ANDSC08HSRS And general renovators of textile faeries, la dies' and gentlemen's soiled or fade garaeots neatly cleaned or restored-! eeter; CartslasT of every description carefgBjr aMeafeel te.. M. MAY SONS'&.Cb. . jell-rra 68 SIXTH, AVE.. PrMswasg. Pa. WALTER J. OSBOtTBKE; rJBCTf UTjjl 11 BelTg. BARROWS 4 OSBOURNE- JOB PXINTERS.- . 90 Dtaaead street Telephone No, 812., V-.. at81Trt CJM ALL EXPENSES-iiALL-PBOFITS. k5 FrieaoVif you wttat a tee ssaMwMebgete Fourth ave; mine UaeedrretJskwasboaeM 80 years ago' at WILSOKv. 9. Peerth ave, Pittsburg. WatohoieeeraMje weary reBaklBft a specialty. -'" 8e8TM C. A. RALPH, BUILBINS. CONTRACTOR. i '; Tla8w 1I44. .vfi :.' "$Z&jim -" .' " Si's' X -if ' ? r iV, vr-ZA&L 2 '7i. ::'.t ,l4.- T L ,3 , p.-SmK ataaMaa &Wm 'lr A- AflljlL fe5&&1 J&K .an.'- ..i vf5" "1,1 -., 3, m utJ ktea M ;:': I'' far jymBrin JIM