Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 19, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Barb Fencing and Nails Ad
yanced 5 to 8 Per Cent.
The Boom in Iron and Steel Causes
the Increase in Bates.
Manufacturers Cannot Supply the Demand
for Wire Mis.
At a meeting of barb wire and wire nail
manufacturers held in this city yesterday,
the price of the former product was ad
vanced about S per cent and the latter from
7 to 8 per cent The advance goes into ef
fect immediately, and was made to corre
spond with the advance in the price of raw
The meeting was held in room No. 812 of
the Lewis block and was begun on Thurs
day. Thirty-two firms, or abont 90 per cent
of the total tonnage of both branches of the
business, was represented. Among those
present were George T. Oliver, of this city,
representing the Oliver & Roberts Wire
Company; John T. Gates, of St. Xionis;
President of the Braddock "Wire Company,
officials of the St Louis Barb Wire
Company, Iowa Barb Wire Com
pany, at Burlington, Iowa, and
Allentown, Pa.; H. B. Scntt
& Co., of Joliet, 111.; Hawkeye Steel Barb
fence Company, ot Burlington, Iowa;
American Wire Company, of Cleveland;
American Wire Nail Company, of Coving
ton, Ky.; the Cincinnati Wire Company
and the Cincinnati Barb Wire Fence Com
pany, of Cincinnati, O., and the H. P, Nail
Company, of Cleveland, O.
An organization was formed, by the elec
tion of Thomas Jopling, of Cleveland, as
President, Stewart Chisholm, of the same
city, Vice President, and E. J. Buffington,
of Cincinnati, Secretary. Host of the time
was consumed in a discussion about the
state of trade and the outlook. It was ar
gued thai as the price of raw material had
advanced considerably, especially Bessemer
pig iron and steel billets, it left but a nar
row margin of proht tor the wire manufac
turers. At the conclusion of the discussion
it was decided to advance the price to the
fallowing card figures:
2 cents per pound for wire nails una Z cents
per pound for painted barb wire. A reduction
of 10 cents per 100 pounds or $2 00 per ton, will
be made on these figures on carload orders.
The price on galvanized w ire was advanced to
3.S5 with the same reduction.
MS. oliyeb's views.
In speaking ot the cause for the advance,
George G Oliver said:
"We have been selling wire nails of certain
sizes at a lower price than wo were receiving
for the wire from which the nails were made.
The cause of this was too much competition
and partly on account of the demoralized con
dition of the cut nail trade. It is becoming
impossible to supply the demand for wire nails,
ana the growth of the industry is something
enormous. Two years ago we started several
wire nail machines in our factory to use up the
wire left over. The business "kept growlrc
until we were turning out 500 legs per day.
This has been increased to twics that number.
Our factory is a small one. but the antagon
ism between the cut nail and the wire nail, may
be understood when it is known that we are
running out more product than all the cut nail
manufacturers put together. A few years ago
wire nails -were put up in half pound boxes.
The product of 1S89 will aggregate about 3,000.
000 kegs. As tbe price of steel billets was ad
vanced within the past fonr months fS or 59 a
ton, we found it necessary to make a cor-
responoing aavance.
The large concern of Wsfshburne &2kIoen,
at St Louis, the principal barb wire manu
facturers in the world, was not represented
at the meeting. This is the company that
has been fighting the Oliver ; Boberts
and all other companies against infringe
ment on their patents. Oliver & Boberts
now pay the St. Louis company a royalty ot
5 cents per 100 pounds on all the barb wire
they turn out. The Braddock Wire Com
pany are among those who refuse to pay
the royalty and will not recognize
the alleged rights of Washburne & Moen.
The latter company will agree to the ad
vance made yesterday, as they have been
wanting it for some time. The St. Lonis
concern are still engaged in the pleasant
task of sending ont notices of warning to
jobbers and consumers, threatening prose
cution if they do not stop handling the
product of the Braddock company. The
Oliver Company is the only one in this city
making the barb wire fencing. They send
it to all parts of the world. Their principal
export trade is in Central and South Amer
ica and Mexico.
It was the intention to hold another meet
ing to-day one week, but it was finally de
cided to postpone it until a later day. The
meeting will probably be held within a
After the meeting a banqnet and general
love feast was held. Mr. Oliver was pre
sented with a silver water pitcher; Mr.
Gates, of St. Louis, was the recipient of an
elegant gold-headed cane, and Mr. George
Douglass, of Iowa, received a gold watch.
Discharged Conductors on the ' Citizen'
Line Will bo Heard.
The Citizens' Traction Company has
knuckled down to its employes. The four
conductors who were dismissed will be given
an opportunity of hearing the full charges and
the evidence in support, which led to their
suspension, and if the circumstances of the
several cases warrant it they will be returned
to duty.
With regard to the matter of overcoats it
is understood that the company will allow
the men to purchase them where -they will,
provided they are of a uniform make.
Secretary Dillon Makes a Host Flattering
The affairs of the American Flint Glass
Workers, as shown in the renprt of Secre
tary Dillon, are in a flourishing state be
tokening as well the prosperity of the asso
ciation, as the good condition of the trade.
The total nnmber of furnaces in operation
is 188, and there are ten idle. The member
ship of the union now numbers 6,C21 being
an increase or 250 since the last report The
apprentices number 191.
Carnegie's LnwrenecTlIlo Men Opposed to
Any Alteration.
A meeting of members of the Amalga
mated Association will be held this evening
in relation to the proposal of Messrs. Car
negie, Phipps & Co. to make an alteration
in the time of the pay-days at their Twenty
ninth and Thirty-third street mills. There
is no trouble of any kind anticipated in re
lation to the matter. Ko official notifica
tion of the proposed change has been re
ceived from the firm at the Amalgamated
bljrk is Mralsuu
John Sigh, who was arrested on a charge
of misusing the iunds of the L. 17. 41 was
released yesterday on his agreeing to refund
the deficiency. Trustees J. A. Snyder and
Tal. Bemmel state that Sigh came back on
his own accord and settled all accounts. ''
A Settlement Looked lor To-Day or a
Strike Will be Ordered Founders Have
Been Notified.
Attempts to obtain from the founders yes
terday an unveiling of the position they in
tend taking on tbe demand of the molders
for an increase of 10 per cent on current
rates were fntile. While some of the em
ployers said that they were totally unaware
of any demand having been made, others
were seen who admitted having heard that
the molders were agitating for higher wages,
but that they had not received any formal
application for a consideration of the matter.
It is certain that the founders, some of them
at least have met in conference on the ques
tion, but, as just stated, their intentions
were not made known. It is equally cer"
tain, from what was ascertained yesterday,
that the men are determined to bring the
matter to an issue, and, this time, foundry
masters cannot seek refuge behind the ex
cuse that they were taken unawares or with
out due notification, because an official cir
cular letter embodying the demand and
which has been already published has been
sent to them, duly registered to insure its
reaching their hands.
The men of 39 shops out of 43 have voted
for prompt action on the question, and every
master of the 39 has received a formal noti
fication in the manner set forth. If a favor
able answer is not received bv the commit
tee representing L. A. 1030, Knights ot
Labor, to-day, a strike will be ordered for
Monday next Some 700 men are concerned
in the result.
The present rate of wages is not uniform,
ranging from $2 SO uo to $2 83, and the ob
ject of the Molders' TJnioii is to make the
scale uniform on an increase of ID per cent
One firm has decided to give its men, who
number about 40, an increase of $1 per week,
but this will not be accrp'ed, Tl e fonr
shops which have not joineii in action are
now under somewhat different conditions
from the others. The work, in general, is
performed under easier conditions in these
and the employment constant, though not as
well paid for as in other'. Among others
the following firms have been notified of the
William Yagle 4 Co., Limited, Thirty-second
street; Kerstnne Bridge Works, Fifty-first
street; Scafe Foundry and Machine Co., Twenty-eighth
street and Smallman; Sterrit and
Thoraa,Tliirt-econd street; Marshall Foun
dry and Constrnction Co..Twebtv-eh?hth street:
Kinzer and Jones, Penn avenue; Jones and
Laughlins; Phoenix Roll Works, Forty-first
street; Oliver Iron and Steel Co.; Pittsburg
Foundry Co.. Penn avenue; Hogg A Totten,
Twenty-fourth street; Fischer Foundry and
Machine Co.. Twenty-fourth street and Small
man; A. Sneer & Co., Cecil Alley: John Boney,
Twentieth street; Pittsburg Manufacturing Co ,
Tn enty-eighth street; and the Rosedale Foun
dry, Preble avenue.
It was understood that the latter company,
which employs 60 men, would grant the asked
for increase.
Starting Dp Old Alines.
Mellon and Corer, the coal operators,
have concluded with tbe Hon. John A.
Hopper for the purchase of the coal under
bis farm, the price being $16,000. This is
the firm that has lately taken over the old
Buffalo mines on the Monongahela and at
which operations will shortlybe resumed.
BIoTemenu of PUrsbargers and Others of
Wide Acquaintance.
H. M. Kinsley, the well-known
restaurateur and caterer, of Adams street
Chicago, was a passenger westward last night.
He Incidentally remarked that the World's
Fair would be held in Chicago, and invited the
newspapermen who saw him to look him np
when they came on to see the big show. Mr.
Kinsley said that they had the space on the
unoccupied ground adjoining Jackson Park,
and if more were reqilred an extensive pier,
60 feet wide and reaching from Randolph
street to Park row, could be constructed along
tbe lake front at a small cost, say $1,000,000.
The building would then have a magnificent
water frontage, which wonld serve
the double purpose of easy trans
portation and a cool atmosphere.
He found a strong feeling in New York among
hotel keepers against having the fair there, one
nf whom told him that be would willingly pay
$23,000 rather than it should be located in New
York. This hotel keeper said that his hotel
was at present worked to its capacitv, and
though he would make a deal of money during
me rair. ne wonia, on me omer nana, mse an
bis regular customers, whom ho would be no
longer able to accommodate. Mr. Kinsley is one
of those who rose through sheer force of in
dustry. He began life 23 years ago with the
proverbial cent and to-day owns tbe largest
citing establishment in that line, proviaing
3,000 me&ls each day. The gentleman's avoir
dupots is quite on a par with the growth of his
finances, it is extenh e. He said that his
motto in transacting bis business was to pre
sent an appearance of liberality when dealing
with his customers, and when he found it
necessary to economize, to do it in a way that
would not be seen."
Hon. James B. Townsend, of Lima,
passed westward through the citv yesteijiay on
his homeward trip from Philadelphia. lie was
tbe Chairman of the democratic State Com
mittee last year, and is an Intimate business
and political associate of Calvin 8. Bnce, the
Democratic National Chairman. Mr. Town
send expressed the opinion that his party would
certainly carry the Ohio Legislature and prob
ably elect Campbell Governor. He would not
say whether Colonel Bricc would be a candidate
for the Senate, but was positive that if he
should be the announcement would not be
made until after tbe election.
The Randall Club and County De
mocracy delegates who visited the Democratic
pow-wow at Philadelphia, retnrned home yes
terday. Pat Foley and others expressed great
admiration for the manner in Which they were
entertained. Mr. Foley somehow got it into
his head, during this little Eastern trip, that
James E. Campbell will be elected Governor of
Ohio, and will accordingly be the Democratic
candidate for the Presidency in 1692.
Mr. Alfred Barber, of McKeesport, who
is visiting England, his native country, writes
borne that he has been surprised to find the
English workingmen en jot tag their first season
of real prosperity in 15 years. Miners are
scarcely allowed to stoD work forlegalholidays.
Laboring men receive $135 a day ana miners
about tl 75, while boarding is onlv $2 50 a week.
Still Mr. Barber prefers the United States.
United States District Attorney Lyon
has come home from Washington. He con
ferred with Secretary Windom concerning tho
case of tbe English glass blowers brought to
Jeannette. The Treasury will send a special
agept to England to Investigate. While in
Washington, on tbe motion of Attorney Gen
eral Miller, Mr. Lyon was admitted to practice
before tbe Supreme Court,
G. "P. Davis, a Director, and Captain
A. L. Bayne, Secretary of the Etna Insurance
Company of Hartford, Conn., are staying at
the Duqnemc Mr. Davis is also Vice-President
or the Travelers Insuraneecompany and Presi
dent of the City Bank of Hartford.
Colonel Ehhu Hulton, of Weston, W.
Va., was in the city yesterday perfecting the
agreement for a deal in .several thousand
acres of West Virginia land. Colonel Hnlton
is a member of tbe Cheat Mountain Sports
men's Association.
Hon. Charles M. Stone, Secretary of
the Commonwealth, was at tbe Seventh Avenue
.Hotel yesterday. He avowed his candidacy for
the Republican nomination for Governor.
James Lappan, who presided at the
Boiler Makers' Convention, took a party of
visiting boiler makers over the various mills of
Pittsburg and tbe district yesterday.
Jesse O. Lippincott, the efficient and
always gentlemanly clerE of the Seventh Ave
nue has returned from a brief vacation.
President Boberts and other Pennsylva
nia Railroad officials went ou atrip yesterday
morning over tbe Monongahela division.
C. A. Egly, traveling freight agent of
the Cincmnati Southern: Railroad at Cincin
nati, is in tho city. .
He Was Sandbagged.
Thomas Williams, night annunciator of
the Pittsburg and Lake Brie Bailway at
Chartiers, was sandbagged night before last
while making his rounds near the glass
house and his skull fractured. He was
taken to the West Penn Hospital. The ob
ject of the attack is not known, and the
victim was no. roooeo.
DR. B. M. FUxyA. Eye, ear, nose and
throat diseases exclusively. Office. 718 Penn
street Pittsburg, Pa. s&su
U-U VXlUllllI UVBiriJBl
ceroid, in
tomorrow' Dispatch.
en picture of
th' per ton concerned in I
go irageay.
pittsbuegIispatch: sathrday;
Chicago Asks Pittsburg to Aid it to
Secure the World's Fair.
Sent as Ambassadors to the People of Their
Native State
The delegation of citizens of Chicago,
representing the World's JFair Company,
who are visiting this city to secure the
co-operation of Pittsburg business men in
Chicago's effort to secure tbe fair, reached
here by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad at
1 o'clock yesterday afternoon and proceeded
to the Hotel Anderson. Mayor McCallin
had been wired that the delegation was
coming, but expected them over the Ft
Wayne Railroad. Carriages were at the
Union depot to receive them.
The Chicago World's Fair Company was
incorporated last June with a capital stock
of $5,000,000. It is intended to double this
capital. The nine gentlemen now here com
pose a special committee from that com
pany, and, with one exception, are natives
of Pennsylvania. Judge W. B. Cunning
ham is the Chairman of the committee, of
which the other members are: Addison
Ballard, a retired capitalist; George G.
Newbury, real estate dealer and capital
ist; Dr. W. O. Osgood, representative of
Chicago interests in Central America; H.
Barkhardt, retired iron merchant; C. .
Hopkins and S. F. EeQua, insurance men,
W. H. Esch, .wholesale plumber, and Har
old B. Vynne, of the Chicago Evening
Journal. Mr. Esch did tbe plumbing tor
tbe Chicago Auditorium, a job which
amounted to $150,000.
The gentlemen took dinner at the Ander
son. At 3.30 o'clock they were visited by
Mayor McCallin, President Marvin, of the
Exposition Society, Colonel linger and D.
C. Ripley, members of the Exposition
Board of Managers. The meeting occurred
in the hotel parlor. Judge Cunningham,
addressing Mayor McCallin, said:
"We come from Chicago as a delegation
of former Pennsylvanians, to enlist yonr co
oneration and support in locating the
World's Fair in Chicago. When we came
to-day near your great citv.wXh its familiar
hills, valleys and rivers, we felt that we
were again amid the scenes of onr boyhood.
We do not come as strangers, but more like
children returning to tbe home of their
lathers. These are some of the gentlemen
who represent the bnsiness interests of Chi
cago. We do not pretend to be wise men
from tbe East, but we represent tbe broad
shouldered, big-hearted, enterprising gen
tlemen who have stood by Chicago in all
her history, when reverses came upon her
and when'the waves of panic and war and
fire rolled over her. They have helped to
build Chicago twice, and are ready to help
build her again if necessary to make her
the' greatest and proudest city of the West.
"We do not forget that this city of Pitts
burg has been like a mother to us. When
onr citv was in ashes, and our people almost
naked, Pittsburg was then our mother. In
rebuilding the city, in furnishing material
for its reconstruction, Pennsylvania has
been like a lather toward it. The great
engine that distributes water to all our
homes was made here. The largest plate
glass ornamenting our store fronts was made
in Pittsburg, and in ten thousand ways
Pittsburg and Pennsylvania have contrib
uted to the building of Chicago. Nearly
every prominent business house of Pitts
burg has established a branch house in
Chicago, for the purpose of reaching the
great Western market'. While Pittsburg
assisted ns by way of building up onr city,
we in turn furnish a market for all the
productions of your great manufactories.
The interests of our people are tbe same.
The 38 railroads that lead into Chicago
radiate like the spokes of a wheel over the
mighty West, and by all those avenues the
products of yonr great manufacturers are
scattered to the West, the South, and the
This market (or your products can never
be satisfied. It is a market that will re
main permanent for all your business
houses. We think that the people of
Pennsylvania would be blind to their
interests, to the interests of this great
bnsiness center especially, if thev do not
take advantage of this great avenue for
reaching the markets of the West, There
fore our business is co-operative.
"We do not speak lor Chicago as a city in
contradistinction from other cities; we do
not put our claims for the fair on the basis
that we are a better city than anv other, but
upon the broader, fairer basis that patriot
ism and interest upon the part of all of us
require that this fair, which is to be na
tional, should be located where it will do
the most good to the greatest number of peo
ple. When we consider the mountains on
tbe east and the west, with the great Missis
sippi Valley and the unmeasured prairies
between, we find that our region is nomi
nated, bv the force of circumstances, by the
shape of the country, as the location for the
World's Fair. It is right that othernations
should see our country. Our country itself
is the greatest exhibit that the nation can
ever make to the other nations of the world.
It is tbe grandest panorama that ever the
stars of heaven looked down upon.
"Onr city itself, we claim, is the truest
and best type of American progress. It is
tbe grandest achievement of the American
people. She sits like a queen on the pebbly
shore ot her inland sea, the wonder and ad
miration of the world. Because it is the in
terest of the whole people, wo ask you, gen
tlemen, and all Pennsylvanians through
you, to unite with us in locating the
World's Fair in Chicago .or in the Missis
sippi Valley."
Mayor McCallin, in reply, said; "Al
low me, as the executive officer of the city
of Pittsburg, to extend to you a heartv
welcome in behalf of the city. Our folk's
from the Exposition have asked me to ex
tend to you an invitation to see what they
have. In regard to the World's Fair of
1892, 1 cannot speak now. Anything that
we can do to introduce you to the merchants
and manufacturers of our city we are pre
pared to do."
Messrs. Marvin, linger and Ripley were
then introduced in turn to each of the
visitors. Carriages were ready and con
veyed the partv to the Exposition. There
they met Mr. Herbst, of the Board of Man
ager, and Mr. Marshall, who built Me
chanical Hall. The Art Gallery wis first
seen, and then -a tour was made of the main
building, where the delegation listened to
the playing of the Thirteenth Kegiment
Band. Last of all the Mechanical Hall
was inspected, and there the delegates
spent the longest time. They were inter
ested in tbe manner of its construction,
which was explained to them by Mr.
In conversation Mr. Ballard said: "We
do not object to the location of the fair in
St. Lonis, Omaha or Kansas City. We only
insist that it shall be in the Mississippi
Valley. We believe that Chicago has
manv advantages, its railroads, hotels, cen
tral location, abundance of breathing space
and its ability to place the fiiir within a
short distance of the hotels and depots. If
we get it, it will probably go to the lake
shore, near either Lincoln or Jackson Park.
We have now over $8,000,000, and the work
is constantly proceeding. George M. Pull,
man has subscribed $100,000, Charles J.
Yerkes, of the North Chicago Passenger
Bailway, $150,000; the Southside Passenger
Bailway, 5150,000, and Marshal Field $100,
000. Yet tbe great body of our millionaires
have not yet signed. They are waiting until
they see how much remains necessary."
After supper at the Anderson, the Chicago
visitors repaired again to the Exposition,
and were received in the office of the man
?&mm "war-m
ager. In the afternoon they had been un
able to meet many of the directors, but
nearly all were present last evening. Mr.
William McCreery spoke a few words of
welcome, and Judge Cunningham, of Chi
cago, made a short address. In the course
of it he took occasion to speak in high praise
of the Pittsburg Exposition. Speeches ex
tolling Chicago were mado bv Mr. Addison
Ballard and Dr. W. O Osgood.
Mr. S. S. Marvin said that he had not
given much attention to the projected
World's Fair, but he was of opinion that a
good point in favor of Chicago was the fact
that foreign visitors going there would see so
much of the resources and energy of the
United States at large.
This forenoon the Thirteenth Regiment
Band will give a complimentary concert to
the Chicago visitors. The delegation will
depart tor home about noon.
City Hall Attaches Dabbling In Photography
Some Comic Pictures Cleverly Exe
cuted. If such an organization existed as a Local
Assembly of K. of L. photographers the
scene on the fifth floor of Municipal Hail
yesterday afternoon 'would give that col
lective and deliberative body a feeling as if
raw oysters were crawling up ana down its
combined spinal column. It was a mutual
admiration society that occupied the floor,
the principal object of whose existence ap
peared to be to preserve the lineaments of
each other through the action of the neces
sary liniments on a dry plate after ex
posure. The pictures taken were by no means
crude specimens of art, as Albert Dnckam,
who manipulated the camera, is an expert,
and the well-known figure of Stokes posing
as the Apollo Belvidere was a brilliant suc
cess. When Bobert Thompson, chief
draughtsman of the engineering department,
stood in front of the lens his comi osure was
somewhat ruffled bv remarks from a ribald
clerk of the Water Assessor's office on the
floor below, which were in the following
strain: "You'll make that camera cross
eyed if you look m it thai way." "An ex
pansion like that wonld crack the muffed
object glass." "Don't shoot with that gat
ling at the man," etc.
Observations of this and a similar natnre
made tbe expression on Mr. Thompson's
face a little severe, bnt the likeness gen
erally is good, as he stands with folded
arms in the front rank of the whole group of
the engineering force. Another view of the
interierof the draughtsmen's room shows
the boys at work, and the reflection from
the hnge sheets ot drawing paper in front of
them imparts a thoughtful, if not ascetic,
appearance to the workers.
The groups of tbe different surveying
corps in the city employ are gracefully
postured and with theodolites, transits,
graduated staff and other instruments of
their protession lolly displayed, resemDie
small solar eclipse expeditions slightly out
ot their latitude. The pictures, although
sicklied o'er with the pale hue of "blue
print" proofs, are very attractive, the lead
ing ones being known in the office as "The
Diamond Corps," Frank Schwartz in charge;
"The Hoosiers," Peter Gilson in charge:
"The Kid Glove Corps," W. S. Wakefield
in charge. The heroic figure of Mr. Brad
ley, janitor of Municipal Hall, as Narcissus
gazing into the Monongahela, is one of the
best executed in the art annex lately added
to the attractions of the engineering depart
ment in City Hall.
Thomas Moron Objected to Belne Too
Famlllnr to tho Police.
Tom Moran, who sooner than submit to
arrest tried conclusions with Special Officer
John McTighe on Thursday night in a
rough-and-tnmble, was fined $25 and costs
yesterday morning. At noon he was taken
from the cell and shown to tbe police day
relief, so as to be readily recognized when
He made no objections to the first exhi
bition, but, like all, star performers, when
he was about to be" placed on exhibition for
the benefit of the night force he objected to
a matinee and evening performance as well
without special inducements, and when led
ont did a variety of contortionist acts. He
turned his eyes inwards, opened his mouth,
twisted his features into every conceivable
shape, limped and bent his body so that
identification from one moment to' another
was difficult, much less at a longer interval.
The police, if they might find a difficulty in
recognizing the unwilling subject, certainly
had nothing to compiain of on the score of
amusement, for he gave them a full ten
minutes of hearty laughter.
Moran threatens all sorts of vengeance,
legal and otherwise, as he claims never to
have been convicted in a Criminal Court
here. He is the man whom Boger O'Mara
arrested while supposed to be working a
crowd in Milwaukee during the Grand
Army National Encampment, in company
with McCurdy, the man who was arrested
in Pittsburg" on Wednesday, night lor
"standing a man up" for $16.
Lawyers Porter and Moore Enliven Grant
Street somewhat.
Attorneys L. K. Porter and W. D.Moore
made things interesting in front of the office
of the latter on Grant street yesterday. Mr.
Moore was talking of the charges against
ex-Mayor Liddell and Mr. Porter heard
him and intimated ratber forcibly that -Mr.
Moore wasn't telling the exact truth. Mr.
Moore rnshed at Mr. Porter demonstratively
and the latter invited him to come where
glory awaited him. Both stood in battle
array for some time, but finally Mr. Moore
decided not to open tbe engagement.
The statements of the opposing forces are
still diametrically opposite, and Mr. Porter
states that he demands an apology from
Judge White, and if it is not given, aid
will agree not to take refuge behind his
judicial character, 'he, Porter, will trust the
case to settlement by a jury trial.
Mr. Moore states that he is not afraid of
Mr. Liddell's threat to sue him for suborna
tion of perjury, and that he, Moore, had
nothing to do with inducing Mrs. Ctark and
her daughter to make the affidavits; that
they had voluntered, and that he had ex
amined the records and found that the girl
had really been before the grand jury, and
nlso that James Townsley was a witness.
Under all this smoke it is believed there
will be found considerable combustion.
The OH Well Supply Bmlnesa Crowded to
Its Utmost.
Notwithstanding the decadence of petro
leum speculation, it is said the oil well sup
ply companies cannot fill their orders.
There seems to be a vehement desire to sup
ply oil at $1 a barrel.
Mr. Charles-Arbnckle was in the city
yesterday and he vent out to see the big
well on the Arbuckle farm back of Char
tiers. It is said that while only $30,000 was
Offered for the farm a year ago, since the
big strike $4,000,000 has been offered for it,
the well to be included in the purchase, but
that the offer has not been accepted. If is
believed the Arbuckles will operate the
farm themselves.
Solid Men as Officers.
The Pittsburg Coal Company was or
ganized at Memphis, Tenn., on Wednesday,
with tbe following officers: President,
Captain Samnel S. Brown, of Pittsburg;
Vice President, Colonel N. M. Jones; Sec
retary and Treasurer, G B. Bryan; General
Manager, George T. Miller; Superintend
ent, Charles Eberhart. All except Captain
Brown reside in Memphis. The company
is a consolidation or the firms of Brown &
Jones and the G. B. BryansCoal Company,
and will engage in the coal trade on the
lower Mississippi.
CLARA BELLE) Txftmeattegirl
tome nwn vjwn note v cmeriam weir aeon.
s ay.
a- f w
It Was Fairly Goocl in This City Ac
cording to the Bureau Report.
The Document Was Printed in United States
Census Style.
The report of the Chief Clerk of the Bu
reau of Health, W. F. McKelvy, gives
some interesting statistics, comparative and
otherwise. Clerk Gray distributed copies
yesterday. For instance the city is still
growing naturally in population as well as
by additions from the outside. Births for
the year 1888 being 6,103 and deaths 4,189, a
gain from this source of 1,913. The mar
riages were 2,215, which is a greater number
than for any other year except 1883, when
tbey were 2,224, while births for that year
were bat 5,513. In the matter ol replenishing,
the East End keeps up its row quite well.
As might be expected, the Southside, with
an army of manual workers, leads with a
birth rate of 3LST per 1,000, the East End
coming next with 28.97, while in the old city
the rate is but 22.88, an average in all of
27.74 in 1,000. Over one-third of all the
marriages were of Catholics, which imparts
fresh interest to the subject of parochial
schools. Over 14 per cent of the marriages
were civil, the civil list exceeding those of
any other denomination except the Catholic.
The marriage rate was 10.1 in the thousand
ot population. The argument in favor of
monogamy was maintained by tbe birth of
330 more boy babies than girf babies.
The original registration act went into
effect July 1, 1852, and since then the ceme
tery population has been increased 101,867,
nearly five-elevenths of tbe present living
population of the city, and in this computa
tion several cemeteries are not included, as
the Southside has been in the city bnt a lit
tle over one-third of the time. Marriages
registered since July 1, 1852, aggregate 29,
468. They have not increased in proportion
to me growtn oi population, oeiug oniy
twice as many last year as in 1853, when the
city's population was less than one-fourth of
what it is now.
The highest death rate from infections dis
eases was on the Southside, being 13.06, to
12.32 for the East End and 10.77 for the old
city. It isn't hard to understand why the
death roll from these causes should be
largest on the Sonthside, but as to the East
End the explanation might be harder to
reach. The old city contains abont 35,000
inhabitants to the sqnare mile, and above
one-ninth of all the deaths in it were due to
infectious diseases. On the Southside,
which contains abont 11,500 inhabitants to
the sqnare mile, nearly one-seventh ot the
mortality was caused by infections diseases,
and the JIast End, with only about 4,000 in
habitants to the square mile, comes a good
second to the Southside.
The market value of beef, pork, poultry,
game, oysters, vegetable, etc., confiscated as
unfit for food, was $10,203 16. In addition
there were condemned and slaughtered 584
hogs, 37 head of cattle. 29 calves and 24
sheep by Meat and Milk Inspector Mc
Causes of disease visited and abated as
nuisances by the sanitary police, 471 filthy
alleys, 77 filthy courts, 431 filthy cellars, 482
defective drains, 35 leaking drain pipes, 46
filthy gutters, 51 obstructed gutters, 223
garbage nuisances on streets, also, 191 on
vacant lots, 65 filthy honses, fi infected
houses, 9 damp houses, 3 infected beds, 436
fertilizing heaps, 66 unclean boxes on
streets, 56 piles of offal, 39 filthy slaughter
bouses, 110 stables, 303 sewers obstructed, 98
filthy vacant lots, 220 cellars with water in
them, 16 cellars, leaking, 25 filthy water
courses, 34 water courses obstructed, 1,381
filthy yards, 2,588 dead animals, 1,740 cases
of disease yisited, 1 cistern, a total of 8,365.
Chief Brown was not altogether compli
mentary in his remarks regarding the time
intervening between date of deliverv of
mannscript to the printer and the return of
a 43-page book some seven months. It
being customary to exchange reports be
tween cities, Pittsburg is somewhat late in
returning compliments this season, but per
haps typographical excellence will atone
for the deficiency. Then the report is got
ten up iu silk-finished madin back with
lettering of gold leaf, and most people will
admit that perfection is a plant of slow
Cupid was most active in November, and
least so in March, according to the marriage
record. The greatest number of births oc
curred in September and the smallest in
April. The mortality was greatest in June
and smallest in December.
Another Democratic Lie Nailed.
Jtjet Commissionebs' Office, )
Cobbt House, Pittsbubg, Oct 17. (
It having been reported that Arch H.
Bowand, Jr., now Bepublican candidate for
District Attorney, while Clerk of Courts of
this county never had a soldier in his office,
I desire to state that Mr. Bowand appointed
me as one of his clerks in December, 1879;
that I was in his office for five years; also,
that my appointment was unsolicited, either
by myself or any of my friends. He also
had the late Major William Collier, brother
of Judee Collier, in his office for four years.
Major Collier served throughout the war and
for 15 years after its close. He also had
George Erwin, son of the late Captain Will
iam Brwin, of the Thirty-sixth ward, in his
office four years. Leon J. Long, although
he never was in active service, enlisted seven
times and each time was taken out by his
father on account of his youth, bnt, as it is
generally known among G. A. B. men. Mr.
Long has volunteered his services probably
oftener than any man in this county in aid
ing the different G. A. B. posts. I would
state that I enlisted in the army on the first
call of President Lincoln, and served almost
continuously until December, 1865. At all
times that I was in the Clerk of Courts' office
Mr. Bowand never refused a request made
by a comrade. I know of Mr. Bowand secur
ing two comrades their pensions without any
compensation whatever, one of whom re
ceived $700 as first payment. The report
that I was appointed at tbe instance of Judge
JurkpatricK, and that Air. Jiowana triea to
discharge me, is. not true. At the time of
my appointment the county officials ap
pointed their own clerks; no salary board
was in existence. John J. Walkeb,
Jury Commissioner.
401 Smithflold Street, cor. Fourth Arenne.
Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $45,000.
Deposits of $1 and upward received and
interest allowed at 4 per cent. TT3
Mnral Decorations.
We are receiving daily the newest things
in wall and ceiling hangings, designed by
tbe leading artists.
Cbumbine, Bane & Bassett,
its 416 Wood st.
Why is Dreydoppel Soap Like Mr. Ellf
Because it gets there; washes clothes
clean, beautifully white, sweet and health
ful to wear; is the finest, best and most
economical for all purposes that soap can be
used for. Beduced to 8c a full pound bar,
at grocers everywhere.
Pratt's Great Annual Book Sale'
Is open to-day at 428 Wood street. Every
body that reads books should see this splen
did collection, selling at less than half regu
lar prices; also, splendid albums andBibles.
Don't fail to attend the sale to-day.
Paris Robrk.
Special display of.French dress robes to
day in center ot store, dress goods depart;
ment very rich goods and moderate prices"
Peaa Areaae Store. .
7? J"-?'
jr ij
- IP milki WHY SOT
make a Police Station of tho Abandoned
Criminal tonrt Enildlng Arguments
The eoncty want to sell some property
and the city wants to buy some, and there
are some people, and quite a large number
of them, who think city and county might
make a deal that would be mutually profit
able. The connty wants, to sell its disused
court buildings on Diamond street, and it is
suggested that the buildings in which, the
criminal court was held, the one located
where Diamond street fades into Old ave
nue, would be about as nearly the correct
thing for a ciy station house and all con
nected with it as it is possible to get. The
building is of the most- substantial charac
ter anicontains ample room not only for a
court room and cells for prisouers, ont for
the housing of the entire Department of
Public Safety, and there are safes and
vaults ready to use.
The advocates of the measure pile reason
upon reason, tn the first place they say the
location of the. present station house is an
eyesore, and" that it is shameful
that women and children should be com
pelled to witness daily the degrading spec
tacle of God's image in either alabaster .or
ebony being dragged handcuffed through
one of tbe most public thoroughfares in the
city- The proposed location is remote from
general travel, is quiet and convenient to
the Court House, and the transfer of prison
ers from it to jail would involve bnt the cross
ing of the street. In fact, a tunnel might
be constructed under the street to connect
the two institutions. It's a tunnelish sort
of a place around there anyhow.
It is also suggested that all tbe offices of
the entire Department of Fnblio Safety
would find ample room in the building, with
space to spare for a policedrill-room, gymna
sium, hospital, etc., in fact for everything
thata sense ol utility or fancy might suggest.
Then, too, the city might have a special car
bnilt, and a track run under the building,
where the car could be housed, and in it
conld be loaded prisoners for the work
bouse, or paupers to be sent ta the city farm
by the Department of Charities. Prisoners
conld be transferred from the Allegheny
Valley railway to the workhouse, and there
would be no need to continue the spectacle
o '-hauling them over to Allegheny in the
Black Maria, like sheep or hogs.
Connty Commissioner JIcKee wasasced
what he thought of the saeeestion. and he
said he thoughtitan eminently proper one,
and that the city might get what it needed
more cheaply in this way than any other.
Commissioner MoWilliams states that tbe
building is very substantial, but he had not
thought of its being utilized for the purpose
Mayor McCallin did not take kindly to
the proposition, arid suggested in lien a site
near the Seventh avenue engine house, but
he did not bolster his preference by argu
A Thorough Test to be Hade of the New
Apparatus This Morning.
Superintendent Evans, of the Bnreauof
Eire, said yesterday that a complete test
will be made of the new Gillespie truck this
morning at 10 o'clock.
The maneuvers will take place on Seventh
avenue, in front ot Ho. 3 engine house, and
will include every exercise required for an
extension ladder drill, the most difficult
and probably the most useful being the art
of dodging telegraph wires -without making;
a shocking failure, or cutting mora wires
than are absolutely necessary to get within
20 feet of tbe building!
The telegraph, telephone and light com
panies will have representatives on the
ground to see fair play for the wires, while
the insurance men will be there in force to
see that the firemen get a. chance.
Kid Glove Bargains!
The celebrated Bon Marche, S foster
hooks, 89c; seven hooks, $1; Primiere at $1
and $1 50; four-button, fresh goods, 68c, 75c,
89cL$l. Misses' fine 4-button, 65c, at Bosen
baum & Co.'s. . .-..-.
- Gentlemen's Underwear
And furnishing goods department open un
til 9 o'clock to-night
Jos. Hobne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
75c 13.More Days. 75c
Only 13 more days 'for 75c per doz.
cabinets at Xeager Ss Co.'s Gallery, 70
Eederal street, Allegheny. ' Come early,
rain or shine.
Come to-day Kednced prices for blank
ets, comforts, winter underwear, girls'
dresses, wrappers, infants' cloaks, caps, etc
Busy Bee Hive, Sixth and Liberty.
SrxK hosiery nearly half price at the
closing ont sale of P. Schoenthal, 612 Penn
Sectjbe a sound mind, which seldom
goes without sound digestion, by using
Angostura Bitters.
JTbee to-day A negro doll with $1 pur
chase. Busy BeelHive, Sixth and Liberty.
Eoub-IN-hand scarfr, new styles, at
James H. Aiken & Co.'s, 100 Fifth ave.
Time is the true test. E. & Y.'s Pilsner
beer grows daily in popularity.
snTPDO Prominent men and women who
VUuoo art experts at the King' game
are detcribed in lomorrou? DISPATCH by JL.
F. Aldridge.
Sos and 507 MARKET STREET,
This 'Week.
42-inch sideband costume cloth. These
are all wool and a real bargain, 50c
42-inch solid colors, all wool, 37c
38-lnch Tricot, extra value, 37c
Stinch all wool costume cloth. These
are choice colorings and worth 65c, COc
61-inch striped suitings, alt wool, 75c
54-inch extra quality costume cloth,
Fine ImporteiUbroadcloths, , fl S7, R
silk plash at GOc
24-inch silk plash at 75c
15-inch black and colored velvets atSOc
18-inch blackandcoloredvelvetsat 75c
Onr elegant and commodious
Offers to jon-immense variety In low,
medium anct finest imported garments.
Special proTision-for Misses' and Chil
dren's Genuine Seal Garments at special
close figures to early buyers.
new Malaga raisins and grapes, currants,
layer figs and French prunes, recelred by
OC5-75-WS .- Liberty and Ninth sts.
j peaches aadasneots, very eboloet aisa
Golden Gsteeaaae f rails, wholesale ami e-
!''" sHsBrssVi HssV J
- " X
We are better prepared than ever with'
Fall and Winter Goods In all of oar many ,
departments. Customers, old and new"
- sy
delighted with the wonderful-varietf ft
and completeness of the stocks of jceodsti '"
as seen here
Our facilities are equal totbaBett ,.'"-
extreme demands, and we insist aad ... 1
claim that-nowhere ehjacanbayersdo '
as well ip quality and prices as hete. ' -- '
- S,
Our greas and useqsaled values fas ,
Black Silks Include all thelatest wearb, S5 ,
In standard and beet makes.
Colored Bilks from. Surahs at Seofcfl
.-. .. ....- - t -'
,. uu wauien xiieaBO OTPoaasii,
ever seen In this city.
Plain Colored Trimming Velvets, 68a
to2 a yard; finest all pure Silk Ljoa
Costume Velvets, in latest shades
Special bargain In fancy Brocade as4
Figured Velvets at 6ec ad npwul, "ff
tot combining with wool drees fabrics.,.
Plashes, 36c and 45c a yard (M isohef ?
wide); 19-inch at eec.3-teoh at 7SeMi
tl a yard all the best shade.
O urgr eat bargaias la French AH-wool-Cashmeres
Lupin's the beat maia,. -.
1 Si Xm
best to weight, In finish, la flaeness, 49 4tr
inches wide, 50c a yard note tWs prW?:
-xney cow sore mosey to maxe te-dy
t S3
are worth 860 a yard. Buy these Lsjm'ff. ;
French Cashmeres at 66c; 48-Inch at 7Sc,J(
Another wonder the 8e-tech real S-
jiTenca uroaocioins un9 yara, 1
qnaled at the price " '
"We also are selling at SBSfiayardtfc
finest Broadcloths mads, folly as good, '
it not better, than cloths that are sefflsg ,
for 98 to $3 0 per yard, not a mfle away
from this store We bare plenty of'
them for aB and In the greatest variety '
of colors and newest shades, only JB 58 a -.. '
yard. ' -
Next -the Mach wide AlVweel ., s
Trench Serges, best colors, oBlySSea'-,3
yard. Another ..case of away-Bsde
T puff
price. ' "OV
fitAva.4l TaMi .. ltta .. TV-V ..3.Xl
.,.... ... . 7TT7 .. .-54
wiaujiB-swH oaigflg, rnaa jseraats, y
PUlds awl Stripes. 58c to So a yaid-iy
far tha best values ever shewn las?
dress goods department.
Largest line of English Stripe m
Check Fine "Wool Saltings, ny the jm1
and in single patterns, very efcesW
Onr All-wool 68 to 6Maea
Cloths, in plain colors and
to 75c a yard. Our reorders are la steefc?
Ton Will find Tour cheiM of solar sad
i. mm
mlxtaresfaVe 4K-. TmM
shade here J '
Black Drees deeds steak fell op wHh W&f
fcargatas in Cashmeres, Barges, Broad- '-
cloth7 Camel's hair SaUfsaa, faaay . '
Brocades and other latest nevelslss. "
-f 4
bo muca lor BUfcs and Dress GeeasV-ia
uwy KBHsnu hohoo our J
stock of Fall aad "Winter styles ia'aa
ever bnsy Cloak and Salt DepaitulaaW
sf3n an tal Kv 4i$ia tiAnaamla T .1.Aa f1"
Short ManHea, Shoulder Cafes, Lose
Garments, Seal Plash JaokatS'DS sad
np), Mantles and Coats. - J
Oar" great US Cloth Bait bargains,
The choicest and largest stock ia oar
" si-
For Boom of real Alaska, Loadea dye.
Sealskin Garments in Coats, Maattee1?
and latest aovelstea la Jackets. aedt
WaUdnz Coats lowest prises hereon1"
reliable Seal Garments asd newest ..
effects ia Small Furs.
The new Table Uasaa are here? tha
nsw Laee cortai&a. Heavy enrtaas aaa
Upholstering Goods.
Our popular Dress TrIatBiagDfatv
meat has brand new novelties this weak
in all Black aad Colored TriaHfiiBgs and 5;
Bo.'s. Jg
Millinery Department fan tteeked
with eharmtee Trimmed Beanets and
Hate for ladies and ehfidres.
Hosiery aad Underwear, Kid Gloves,
Laces aad Bmbroideriec'Of course yoa
Bast come this week to see this largest
aad completes establishment and Its
weaderfal staek of Fall and Whiter
.yTfikMSL-rmnjB stormj
. .. r . ..'U .r K
-t -dBI
4 JSasaT-
s mB
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