Mimmmkm lliMW , Transient Atoliseieits'ReceiTei At tlio OBraxiolx Offices of Tlie Dispatch For to-morrow's issue up to 9 o'clock P. K. For list of branch oi. ces In the various dis tricts see THlrtD PAOE. Xi ; iPRTT-FOimTH TEAS. f '$ A GIGANTIC DEAL iOptions Closed in a $3,500,000 Scheme to Beat the World on Glass. JAS.&M'KEAN CONDUCTS IT -AnclrGets One-Fifth of 250,000 Al ready Staked on a Consummation IN THE HONONGAHELA FOUETH POOL Three Farms of 500 Acres, With One and a Half allies of River Front, Purchased Fnel and Transportation the Magnets A CUT of Many Thousands to be Built Plate Glass Works Alone to be 1,500 Feet Lens Nearly 3,000 Men to be Em ployed at the Outset Other Industries and a Great ImproYemcnt Company Eminent Eastern Capitalists Backing the Project. The greatest industrial enterprise at tempted in or around Pittsburg for years is at hand. Eastern bankers, co-operating with home capitalists, will invest $3,500,000 in it. It embraces one and one-half miles of river front in the Monongahela Fourth pool. On this tract of BOO acres, for the purchase price of which (5250,000) the op tions were closed and deposits made yesterday, there will be erected, among other factories, plate glass works 1,S00 feet long and employing at the outset nearly 3,000 men. A city is to be built in the same manner as Jeannette was, and the project in all its bearings is a, colossal one. James S. McKean, of Pittsburg, has con ducted this end of it, and pockets about 550,000. The final options were made good yester day in one of the biggest realty and business deals ever transacted in the Honongahela valley. The financial agent is one of the largest international banking houses in the world; one whose reputation ii equally gilt edged in London, Hew York and Phila delphia. A mile and a half of river front on the Honongahela, on the Fourth Pool, has been negotiated for and secured, and a prospective town of many thousand in habitants, the largest plate-glass works in the world, and several other schemes of magnitude are comprehended in the plans thus far vouchsafed in connection with the purchase, the whole enterprise involving an investment of $3,500,000. A LONG TIME LOOKING. For several years the firm which has thus evinced its belief in the future of Washing ton county and its great naturaL-fuel, has been quietly hunting for a site which would combine the several requisites for a scheme of such immense scope. The location was not easily found. Finally, in a semi-accidental way, a prominent Pittsburger, while chatting informally about "Western Pennsyl vania and its resources, while in the Wall street office of the banking firm the invest ors above described mentioned his posses sion of a tract of land which seemed to be just the thing they wanted, if some contigu ous land could be secured. The Pittsburger was asked what he wanted for his land. His figure was promptly covered by cool cash, and he was commissioned on the spot to se cure what was wanted by the firm for their investment. A MOST INVITING SPOT. Lying in a nook sheltered by a semi circle of abruptly slanting hills on the Fourth pool of the Honongahela river is what might be termed a garden spot. The river runs in an almost straight line, as does the P., V. & C. B. B., a few hnndred feet from the river bank. The scenery is beautiful, the soil is alluvial and the stretch ot ground is a gentle slope. It is an ideal site for any purpose. Lying right in the heart of the Bellevernon gas field, rich in deposits of sand, limestone and coal, with 14 feet of water for navigation, and that in shore, the natural conformation of the prop erty could not have been more desirable. Every manufacturing desideratum was right at hand. The McMahon, Eedd and McKean farms, 500 acres in all, with a water front of one and one-half miles, were secured by options or paid for in cash. A number of gas leases in the Bellevernon field were also quietly secured, the capacity in.that respect being sufficient for an im mense number of factories, as well as the utmost exactions of a large industrial popu lation. ANOTHER Cm OF JEANNETTE. An improvement company, to operate in conjunction with the manufacturing plans, will have control of the $250,000 worth of real estate now secured by the syndicate. A town will be platted, much on the style of Jeannette or Wilmerdring, and a town site large enough to contain 50,000 inhabitants, with public buildings, and all other im provements, is in contemplation. There is some waste land along the river bottoms, which can be reclaimed by being used for a few years as a dumping ground. McKean Station, on the P..V. & O. E. E., will be about the center of town. There will be enough room for switches to accom modate the applicants for man ufacturing sites, no matter how many present themselves. Some half a dozen Philadelphia and New York concerns of big capital are already allotted space along the river bank, and more appli cations are under consideration. The site is soexlremely advantageous in every respect that "TT is expected to attract a wide di versityof corporations which are anxious to escape the heavy taxation municipalities impose. A PLATE GLASS COLOSSUS. Steelworks, iron works and other indus tries are Jalready booked for positions, and anythingbut glass works will have no trouble in securing space. But the enormity of the plan is empha sised by the fact that a plate glass works, in tended to be the largest and finest in the world, is to be constructed on (he banks of the river, fast below McKean station. Three million dollars is to be invested out right in the glass werks. The main build. ' ' .5 ing of the works will be the largest structure devoted to industrial nses in the world. Every department will be thoroughly equipped with the newest and most improved machinery, and it is hinted that several new patent processes have been secured and will be made use of in the perfection of the plate glass turned out It is rumored that one of the buildings of the works will be of such enormous dimensions as 1,500 feet long and several hundred wide. The syndicate is familiar with the dimensions of the huge plate glass works at Ford City, and expects to excel even that tremendous concern in size and output. A BIG THING INDUSTBIALLV. No less than 2,200 men will find employ ment in the immense factory. The materi als within easy reach are said to be excel lent, the sand in particular being unrivaled in quality. Plans for the works are in course of preparation, and the work of erec tion will be commenced at the expiration of a month or so. Contracts will shortly be advertised for, and all possible haste will be made in the perfection of details as yet un attended to. Yagne intimations of the nature of this big deal have been heretofore made; but Thb Dispatch is able to state that the particulars here given aro authentic in every instance, as far as they go. The Mc Kean farm, purchased by the syndicate, was the joint property of James S. and Bobert McKean and their father, and has been re garded as a fine piece of property for years. The syndicate has expressed gratification at securing the property upon reasonable terms, owing to its fine location. The Pitts burg, Yirginia and Charleston Eailroad skirts the entire tract, while the McKees port and Bellevernon, Eailroad isjust across the river. At almost any portion of THE BIVEB PBONTAGE freight can be discharged or taken on direct, owing to the depth of the water in the Fourth pool. Wharves will be constructed, however, along the entire length of one and a half miles. Washington county people are consider ably exercised over the ensrraftini: of such a slice of capital in their -midst, and are dis cussing vigorously the propriety of seizing upon the matter as an opportunity for ad vertising to the world the advantages which they can scare up as an inducement to more capital to locate. McKean station is 40 miles from Pittsburg and occupies a promi nent place in a section of the county rich in historical reminiscences. Mr. James S. McKean, who is supposed to have conducted and shaped the entire deal from its inception, was seen yesterday by a Dispatch reporter. The candidate for the Pittsburg post office admitted that the facts enumerated by the reporter were correct, but declined to make a personal statement as to HIS SHAEE IN THE DEAL, and refused to be quoted as to details of the scheme. He stated that some matters were yet to be closed up, and that undue public ity was not desired by the syndicate. It is positively ascertained, however, that in the intervals oi running for the postmas tership and selling threshing machines Mr. McKean has fonnd time to transact the en tire Washington county end of the syndi cate's operations. His numerous trips to the East within the last three months have not been wholly upon political business, as was so generally surmised. Mr. McKean's personal profits in connec tion with the matter are estimated at the neat figure of $50,000, to say nothing of cer tain contingent profits, which cannot yet be estimated. At all events lhe .candidate for the postoffice wore a smilej with his other comfortable and neat-fittue attire, yester day, and it (the smile) illuminated his vis age after the manner of a Venetian sunset. FRIGHTENED THE MOURNERS. A Corpse Breaks Up a Funeral by Sitting Up in Bis Coffin. rSFZCTAL TELEGBAM TO THB DISPATCII.l St. Louis, October 18. Jeremiah Mc Carthy, who is a laborer 57 years of age, to all appeal ances departed this life after a long illness at 730 o'clock Wednesday morning, surrounded by his wife and family. A parish priest was with him in his dying moments, and when all was seemingly over an undertaker was sent for and the bodv laid out All day Wednesday friends watched the remains, and Wednesday night the neighbors came in and smoked pipes and conversed about the virtues of the deceased. This was repeated last nieht, and the corpse was duly "waked." The" papers this morn ing announced in due form the death and proposed funeral of Mr. McCarthy. At 10 o'clock to-day all arrangements had been made and a group ot friends were sit ting abont the coffin, when they were startled almost out of their senses bv notic ing the eves of the corpse onen and ipn close, and then the head bobbed up and looked over the side of the coffin, and there were hair-raisine gasps. The watchers fled in terror. The physicians were summoned the funeral was postponed,, and a search is now being made for the vital spark that caused such a sensation. y AFTER A RUNAWAY WIFE. A Shamokln Preacher Elopes With a Neighbor's Brunette Partner. rSrit-IAI. IZXEQBAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Shamokin, October 18. John Fessler left lor Shenandoah this afternoon in search of his wife Annie, who disappeared from home last Saturday morning, presumably to join her lover, Thomas Gray, who left the day previous, and this evening the citv is full oi the sensational doings of the guilty pair. Mrs. Fessler is a handsome brunette of 30 summers, und is a sister of George May's wife, whose husband is a son of Isaac May, the coal baron. Gray is a local preacher, and is well known to different congregations in the country districts to whom he preached the gospel. He is the father oi three children, while Mrs. Fessler is the mother of lour. Gray made the acquaintance of Mrs. Fessler while canvassing for a book firm. He is not a handsome man, but his smooth tongue and pious airs soon ingratiated him self into Mrs. Fessler's confidence. JAMES A. BEAYER ELECTED. Ho Is Unanimously Chosen as President of the Forestry Congress. Philadelphia, October 18. To-day's was the closing session of Hhe American Forestry Congress. Samuel Lowery, of Alabama, the only colored man in the Congress, read a paper on the cultivation of the mulberry tree for feeding silkworms. Mr. B. G. Horthrup read an essay on "Ar bor Day" in the schools, in which he showed that the vernal holiday is now being cele brated very generally. He said the children are planting millions of trees, California taking the lead. A resolution asking Congress to withhold public lands from tale until the timber is old enough to cut was adopted. Hon. James A.Beaver, of Pennsylvania, was elected president, and the meeting then adjourned sine die. This afternoon the delegates cele brated Arbor Day by going in a body to Fairmount Parle; where they dan ted trees, and celebrated the occasion with addresses. slFD TUlTTADCt BIT I C andiheenor. uun iuvivg itxuiJO mottt fett tomehme paid to practitioner it therubject of an article by CharlciLcUardo in tomorrow i Dispatch. PITTSBURG, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1889 TWELVE PAGES. SUKPLUS IN DANGER, The Very Voluminous Reasons Giyen by Secretary Noble for CALLING A HALT ON TANNEE. large Amounts Paid Out to Clerks in the Tension Bureau. SEYEN 0E EIGHT THOUSAND CLAIMS For Berating There Being Filed Erery Week, and the Prospect Was Berioas. The Secretary of the Interior has made pnblic a portion of the correspondence bear ing upon his dispute with the late Commis sioner of Pensions. Mr. Noble intimated that an organized raid wa made upon the Treasury soon after the advent of the pres ent administration, and that if a halt had not been called the surplus would have speedily vanished. The names of pension clerks who were illegally rerated are given. Washington, October 18. The follow ing is the substance ot Secretary Noble's first letter to Commissioner Tanner upon the subject of relating pensions: Depjletjiekt op the Interior, Washington, July 21, 1859. f The Commissioner of Pensions: Sru I have heretofore acknowledged yours of the 11th Inst, marked 'Unofficial," but which, owing to the very important matters therein discussed, I could not receive as such, and therefore acknowledged as an official paper. The paper was official in the highest sense of the term, raising a question of authority as between the Commissioner and the Secretary and asserting that of the Commissioner to be superior as to the matter discussed. I have since, amid many other duties, found time to consider the question raised by your letter, and will now give you my reply in f ulL TANNEB'S POSITION. Your position in your own language is that, "While the Secretary of the Interior has the power to reverse the decision of the Commis sioner of Pensions on appeal by a claimant against whom the Commissioner has decided, on the other hand, it for any reason it is held that the claimant has been granted too much pension, the Commissioner himself is the only person who has the power to call a halt, and red nee the pension." This is your own statement. You base this conclusion on section 8. act of June 21, 1879, which reads as follows: "That sections 477L 4772 and 4773 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, providing for biennial examina tions of pensioners, are hereby repealed. Pro vided. That the Commissioner of Pensions shall hare the same power as heretofore to order special examinations whenever, in his judg ment, the same may be necessary, and to in crease or reduce pensions according to right and justice; bnt in so case shall a pension be withdrawn or reduced except upon notice to the pensioner and a hearing upon sworn testi mony, except as to the certificate of the ex amining surgeons." A GEEAT misappbehension. The power granted the Commissioner of Pen sions by this section is expressly no greater than heretofore, and It is to Increase or reduce pensions according to right and justice. It would be, as you express it, "a manifest incon gruity" if the Secretary, who is responsible for your bureau, had no powet to correct obvious abuses, or even call a halt, and that if bis in ferior officer did not act nothing could be done. You remark yourself, this incongruity sbonld be remedied at the next session of Congress." The Commissioner is laboring under a great misapprehension as to his relations to the Secre tary in this business. Congress has not com mitted this incongruity, and it will not be necessary for it to remedyaaytblng that now exists. The Secretary has the control to cor rect any abases In the 'Bureau' of Pensions or any other bureau in the department. I might assert my conclusions on so plain and well-settled a question and so leave It; but a due con sideration for jour office leads me to explain the ground on which this long-established rule rests. THE LAW POB IT. The Secretary, in support of his position, quotes sections 437, 161, 441, 470 and 471 of the Eevised Statutes, and declares that the Commissioner of Pensions has no more power in the section quoted in Commissioner Tanner a letter tban he had previously un der the direction of the Secretary of the In terior, who is charged by law with the super vision of pnblic business relating to pen sions. He says: It wfll not do to say that th Secretary may not interfere and stop by his own power the execution of any orders obviously illegal and amltrary. If it were attempted by a Commis sioner of Pensions, in other than cases of permanent speclno disabilities, to in. crease pensions and to allow the ac cumulated increase of 10 or 15 years to be paid over at once and in a cross sum to the applicant, it would not do to say that the Secretary could only refer this back to the Commissioner with a word of advice and call his attention to the law and take no steps either to recover the money thus improperlypaid out, or correct the evil thus attempted to be done; that he conld not even call a halt The Secretary is responsible for the condnct of the Commissioner; is bound to see that the law is enforced, that the public treasury is not unlawfully invaded, and that one citizen, en titled to a right, whether of pension or land or anything else, is not unduly preferred either in time oi nearing or allowance oi money. the bekating cases. The Secretary lays down the srooosition that he has the same jurisdiction over the Commissioner of Pensions as over other bu reaus of his department, argues at some length in support of it, and says that Su preme Court decisions sustain him. The Secretary then takes up the "rerating" cases which, he says, seem to be largely mere in creases of pensions allowed for long periods prior to the date of the examining surgeon's certificate establishing the sams under the pending claim for increase. In fact, he says, the Commissioner himself acknowl edged them to be cases of increase of pen sions. The Secretary continues: These cases referred to were ten Jn number. In each one of these the claimant was an em ploye or clerk in the Pension Bureau, receiving salary sufficient for his comfortable subsistence, and at his workdaily. They were associated together, and most of them had been in their places under the former administration. Bnt they did not prefer their claims; tbey made them soon after the advent o( the present ad ministration. There was no reason under the existing rules that their cases should bo made special, or BUSKED THE0UOH IN ADVANCE of all others. On the contrary, there was then, and had been forborne years, a printed rule in foil force that no cases should be mado special except in cases of destitution, or when the ap plicant was at the point of death. Yet these cases were all hcrried through by your order, while hundreds of thousands of other pen sioners were awaiting throughout the land the allowance fortlio first time of the bounty the Government had promised them. These other pension claimants were, manv of them, supponeci uy nu ouca saianes as tnese particular men were receiving, and the asso ciation together of these men, whereby this preference in time seemed to have been se cured and the subsequent allowances obtained, is in Itself a fact that their purpose was to Im pose upon the Commissioner. The further fact in each case is that the increase was allowed prior to the surgeon's certificate in tho pend ing claim, and that the sums allowed aggre gate over 116,000. The following is the list: THEY GOT THE BOODLE. First Frank D. Butts, allowed and paid 2,195. Second James F. Smith, allowed and paid ,238. Third Alvan H. Doan, allowed and paid (3,021 Fourth William P. Davis, allowed and paid ( Jlay 27) 81,061; William P. Davis, allowed and paid (June 14) (737. Fifth William J. HiUIgoss, allowed and paid 181 Sixth Silas Colgrove, allowed and paid $1,822. . seventh-Joseph Dickinson, allowed and paid 71 s. Eighth John F. Carpenter, allowed and paid J NiaA-JoMf)) O, Secret, allowed and paid I1.6H " t Tenth John L. Payne, allowed and paid 82.897. Total, 816,735. It is in regard to such cases as these that yon have thought the Commissioner alone can call a halt; and, In regard to'which, the Secretary thinks otherwise, and proposes to call a halt long enough, at least, for inspection. I do not repel the expression on. your part that you would accept my construction of the statute quoted by yon as- loyally as you would the official opinion of the Attorney General. But neither you nor I can afford to aot upon PEESONAL CONSIDERATIONS, in matters of this magnitude. ,We are each bound by law in all tbtogi.'fcreat and small, and it is our duty to take the law as we find it; toiully exercise that power given to either of us. and abstain from the abuse ot it to any de gree whatever. Our loyalty is due alone to the Government of these United States and the people who support it '. Lest the Commissioner may deem the Sec retary is influenced by a desire to magnify his office, Mr. Noble says that he has brought to his assistance the services of others in the department and that the opinion of the Assistant Attorney General ot the department agrees in the conclusions reached by the Secretary. The Secretary then says that there is a Board of Eeview in the department which assists him in the decisions of pension cases taken up on appeal. These "decisions are the law of the department until reversed or annulled by some authority higher than the Secretary and uo one has ever maintained to tho contrary. He continues: CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE, In these decisions it has-beeojannounced many times, and it is the established and well known rule, that the department will uniformly refuse to disturb an adjudication of claims by a former administration, -except upon the most conclusive evidence that ,anl error has Deen committed. When the question aB to the pro- priety or a given rating is Sue of judgment. merely depending upon the weight ot evidence, it will not allow the opinion of xe-day to over turn the opinion of yesterday. But where the incorrectness of the former action is so manifest npon a review of the evi- parttoent will not refuse to do justice because the error is 'of long standlngiand has beeu sanctioned by subsequent action. And, further more, that old cases will not be reopened, re considered nor readjusted, except upon pre sentation of new and material evidence tend ing to show the existence or o palpable error or a mistake, and which therefore tends to change the real status of the claimant before the department Such old, cases are clearly within the rule of res adjudjeata. It is to be distinctly ofterved that I am now speaking of cases only where there have been allowances ot sums .arising from the In crease of pension back for, periods greater or less prior to the date of the Burgeon's certifi cate under the pending claim. PAIB PLAY POB ALL. I do not say a word or entertain the least ob jection to an increase of pension, the Increase to commence under the pending claim as tbe law directs, and upon evidence to support it Nor do I complain of these very pensioners whom I have mentioned haf ing an increase of pension, to commence as the law directs, upon proof, and to be considered In due course and witn a proper regard to tnenght to be heard belonging to the thousands ot other claimants ior pensions, wno do nor happen to be em ployes in the Pension Bureau. In view of tbe provisions ot section 4698, re vised statues, and the deokions ot the Depart ment in pension cases, ''consider the case of Frank A. Butts, a principal examiner in the Pension Office and First Lieutenant of Com pany H, Forty-seventh New York Volunteers. The original declaration was filed December 6, 1879, in which disability from malarial disease is alleged. Certificates issued in JSS2, granting pension for disability from malarial poisoning at the rate of S7 60 from August 1, 1S65. Certificate reissued May 3, 1889, by you, allowing the rate of S17 per month. AGAINST ALL PBECEDENT. The action ot .rerating this- claim, taken in May, 18S9, it seems, according to what has been said, was against the established practice and against decisions ot department; which hold that ratings long since fixed should not be dis turbed, except upon proof-that there was a mistake in the tormeg,nggyNo new evidence bearing,upon the rate from ths date otdis chargewas filed in tho claim for reissue. It is not at all evident that there was a mistake in the original adjustment of tbe rate. The whole proceeding in tbe matter in behalf ot this man looks like an arbitrary increase of his pension, to take effect from a long interior date and to have been against the repeated testimony of men not only incompetent, but selected to de termine his case. The case of James F. Smith, Chief of Divis- iu m iue .Tension umce ana uaptam oi the Fourth New York Independent Battery, is next taken np, and shows that in 1880 he made application for a pension, alleging disability from rheumatism contracted in ifav, 1SS2, in iug rfum&auuujiuy Bwaiups. An loc4 ne Was f ranted a pension at the rate of three-fourths isability, 815; from 1S63 to January 30, 1884, and total disability, 820, from tho latter date. In 1887 he was re-rated and given tbe rate for total disability for the period during which he received a three-fourths rate. Again in May, 1889, his pension was increased to the rate pro vided for inability to perform manual labor, 824 a month from 1872 and 830 from 1883, the name of the disability being changed from lumbago to rheumatism of the spine. On tbe first examination made in IS&i it was reported that e SMITH WAS 1TOT DISABLED. andinlSS4 the. Medical Board reported that tbey could not find any physical evidence ot rheumatism, but that they had rated the dis ability as total "on claimant's statements." No additional evidence was filed, nor any further medical examination had in this case, yet it was re-rated in May last and SL230 back pension given Smith. Alvah Doan, of Ohio, a 81,600 clerk, was re rated in Jnne, 1889, and allowed $3,022, he al leging that his disability had increased. The report ox tne meaicai examination would en title the claimant to only 824 Instead of $30 per montn, ai seems wb evidence. month, and tbe re-rating made in June fast seems wholly illegal and unwarranted by the I will not go Into the other cases. They are before you. I have said enough, I think, to show that the Secretary mavweii rn halt until these cases can be more carefully ex- amiucu. a uuuuo buai. juu uay in your letter to me that you have such regard for your official and personal reputation, and the BEPUTATION OP YOUB BUBEAU you will not permit these cases to remain as they are at present, but will order each one of the claimants for medical examination before men whose word upon medical points will be unchallenged when stated, and will stop at nothing which shall keep all taint of suspicion from the action of your office. This certainly would be a proper proceeding if it affected the question in band, and 1 appreciate your desire to maintain the Integrity of your character and the legality of your proceedings; bnt it is not the question what may vet and hereafter ba fonnd out about these men. The question is. what should ham bpn flnno upon the record as it stood when judgment was rendered, and the SSSftSrlality and importance or this question arises, not only from the effect it may have upon tbe particular individual named in these several papers, but upon the course of procedure that will effect if it goes on unchecked and unremedied, when the vast Bums ot money at the command of the Govern ment which might be distributed, illegally and summarily, to those who are not as much en titled to it as tens of thousands whose cases have not yet been heard. It may be that this Government is strong and great, and has at its command a surplus that no other nation has ever had, but if sums of money to the amounts above mentioned may be granted without any further considera tion of PACT OB LAW than seems to have been given in these cases, It will depend solely upon a single officer's dis position whether the resources ot the Govern ment shall be sufficient for Its maintenance or not Thero are more than enough ot these ap plications already in the field, add increasing daily, to exhanst Indeed the surplus, of which so much has been said in connection with this matter, and I am informed that the applica tions for reratings are greatly on the increase, and now reach the amount of from 7,000 to 8,000 a week. i uo not asK nor aesire, so iar as I am con- cerned, a re-examinatlon of these applicants; but what I Insist upon is that there shall be a reconsideration of these allowances on the record, and that any further allowances for tnem that may oe mane snau ne made in due course of proceedings upon new application, new evidence and without any advancement of the cases before those of others equally mer itorious. Your statement that tbe Pension Board of Review reported that out of U cases rerated, one was .broadly and two reasonably open to suspicion, in connection with what I have already pointed out in these other cases, indicates that there is need of PAB CREATES CIBCUMSPECTION and rigid enforcerfent of the law In these mat- Cestinvsdl on Swinth page. ' " MUST BE SETTLED UP. Great Britain Instructs Sir Julian Pauncefote to Proceed at Once TO SAVE TROUBLE AND EXPENSE By an Amicable and Speedy Adjustment of tie Several Disputes BETWEEN GANUCES AND UNCLE SAM. The British Minister t be the Intermediary la ne gotiations. The British Government has instructed Sir Julian Pauncefote, its Minister at Washington, to feel the pulse of the Har rison administration on tbe subject of set tling all disputes between the United States' and Canada quickly and amicably. tSPICIAL TXXXanAH TO THB DIBFATCH.l Ottawa, Ont., October 18. The Do minion Government has been advised that Bir Julian Pauncefote, British Minister at Washington, returns with authority to feel the pulse of the United States Cabinet on the principal matiersof dispute between Canada and the United States, tbe fishery question- and tbe Bearing Sea difficulty. It is stated here in official circles that Secretary Blaine has intimated his desire to informally take the several questions np with the British Minister, that a policy may be agreed upon, with reference to avoiding expensive and lengthy arbitrations or sittings of com missions. It is .learned in the State Department here that Lord Salisbury has advised the Dominion Government of its desire to have these unpleasant controversies brought to a speedy and amicable settlement. Sir Julian also returps with instructions to ascertain the views of the Harrison ad ministration on the question of a more ex tended extradition treaty with Great Britain, and the outlook for the successful negotiation of a new treaty. LEPT TO CANADA. The question of extending the commercial relations between Canada and the United States in the way of a reciprocal trade treaty, a member of the Dominion Cabinet states, has been left entirely in the hands ot the Canadian Government by Lord Salisbury. Of course the British Minister at Washington would be the intermediary figure in any negotiationsor proposals, as all correspondence on the subject while origin ating with the Canadian Government would have to pass through the hands of the Im perial authorities. The Citizen, the organ of the Dominion Government at Ottawa, in commenting on tbe possibility of negotiating a commercial treaty with thex United States, says this morning: The Government of Canada has at all times displayed Its readiness to enter into fair re ciprocal trade relations with the United States, consistent with tbe country's commercial Inde pendence and tbe protection of its Indus tries.but up to tbe present time there has not been manifested by the United States a desire to meet its standing off er of limited reciprocity halfway. EVIDENTLY INSPIRED. The article, which is intended as a refuta tion of the charge that there is dissension in the Dominion Cabinet over the question of reciprocity, bears a strong imprint of having been inspired. It is understood that Sir Charles Tupper will leave-London' for' Canada llextBlonthJ and will meet Sir Julian Pauncefotaat Ottawa, when the programme for future negotiations will be outlined and dis cussed with the Dominion Cabinet Tbe fact is that Sir Charles is the back bone of the whole legislative machinery at Ottawa, when diplomatic negotiations enter the field. Sir John Macdonald, able a statesman as he is, cannot attempt to deal with matters of international trade or dis pute such as the fishery question and Bear ing Sea difficulty now presenting them selves. The British Government has also re quested to be fully posted and informed on the Alaska boundary question, with a view to having the boundary defined before any serious international complications with the United States arise on that account ANOTHER GIGANTIC TRUST. Barbed and Ordinary Wire Mnnnfactnrers Enter Into a Ciose Combine ISFXClU. TEIXOEAJT TO TBS DISPATCH. 1 Chicago, October 18. One ot the most gigantic trusts ever organized in this coun try is about to be organized, if, indeed, its organization is not already complete. It contemplates the control of the entire barbed and ordinary wire. The head of the monopoly is the patent grabber Washburn, of tbe iron and wire manufacturing firm of Washburn, Moen & Co., of Worcester, Mass. A aecret meeting of barbed wire manufacturers has been in session in this city all week. There are in the United States bnt five mills that manufacture the rods from which all kinds of wire is drawn. With these five mills Washburn has gone into combination, and has taken into the pool besides, all the pullers and drawers of wire and wire nail manufacturers. There are also 42 mills engaged in barb ing wire. Eleven of these have been taken into the combine and the others left out in the cold. Barbed wire is to be advanced $8 a ton, and a proportionate increase ordered on all other kinds of wire. THE CANNON BALL WEEOKED. A Score of Persons Injured In an Accident on the Santa Fe Bond. Hutchinson, Kan., October 18. East bound train .Ho. 4 on the Santa Fe, the "Cannon Ball," reached here at 8 o'clock this evening, 13 hours late, with only an express car and two Pullman coaches. Tbe balance of the train, consisting of a baggage car, two Pullman coaches and a tourists' and a Pull man sleeper, were left at the bottom of a ten-foot embankment near Howell, a small station 20 miles west of Dodge City, on the main line. They had gained a little and bad slacked up from their usual rate of 35 miles to about 20 miles an hour when a broken jail was encountered. The engine and ex press car passed safely over, but the others were ditched as indicated. Fortunately fire was prevented and all passengers were shortly rescued. No one was killed and no limbs were broken, but a score or more persons were bruised ana more or less injured. CALLING EAILBOADS TO TIME. Texnns Want Titles Cleared to Millions of Acre of Land. ISrZCUt TELIOUAM TO TUB DtBPATCH.l Austin, Tex,, October 18. Three hun dred delegates reached here last night on a special train from the Great Panhandle, to call on the Attorney General relative to the disturbing and clouding of land titles all over that section of the State by reason of suits Instituted by him and by suits he threatens to bring. The threatened suit is against the Houston and Texas Eailroad to recover some-2,000,008 acres ofland granted the company by the State, but other suits against other railroads are to be brought, including lands amounting to seyeral mil lion more acres. , , Many of the lands are occupied by actual settlers. The dlatia,IlV without any hope. f rwWerire. - 5S " "WANTS. TO CEAPTEB SECOftD In a Mow Famous Church Trouble Talk Even More Bitter Than Before Kelly and Dempsey Fully as Obdurate as Ever.. ISriCIAL IXUEGBXX TO TUX DISPATCH. 1 Aububn, N. Y., October 18. Another chapter in the trouble in St. Mary's church at Waterloo was commenced last evening. When and where it will end nobody knows. It was simply a continuation of the old trouble, but the manner of this new compli cation in the well-worn question, is the sub ject of considerable comment, and the talk is even more bitter now tban it has hereto fore been. Far from settlement is the trouble, and the breach grows wider and wider with every 24 hours. Upon the arrival of the 6i5 o'clock train from the West, last evening, a young priest alighted. He had a business like air, and acted like one who had a solemn duty to perform, and was anxious to get through with the errand. The fact of his arrival soon became noised about, and the curious were on tip toe with excitement Informa tion was meager and unsatisfactory at first, but at last the nature of the visit leaked out, and then began the hum of gossip. The messenger was from Bishop McQuaid, and he had been intrusted with a message direct from the Bishop to Messrs.' Kelly" aud Dempsey. At a late hour a re porter saw Mr. Kelly, and learned that the priest was a representative from the bishop. He bad first sought out John P. Welch, a trustee of the church, the young man who "ordered the Auburn con stables to remove Kelly and Dempsey from their pews last Sunday. Then the two called, first upon Mr. Kelly, Jto-whom they handed an envelope. Then Mr. Dempsey was called upon and a like ceremony re peated. The object of the young priest hav ing been fulfilled, he retired. Mr. Kelly informed the reporter that in the message tbe bishop ordered him not to enter St Mary's Church next Sunday, and that if he disobeyed the orders he, the bishop, reserved the penalty. It is very probablevthat Kelly and Dempsey will at tend church, as usual, next Sunday. TBE COLOR LINE IN THE CHURCH. A Preacher Who Objects to Separata Re ports Made to the Baptist Union. rSPXCXAI. TZUCOBAlt TO TUX DISPATCH.1 Baltimobe, October 18. The color line has again been drawn in 'church circles, this time at the session of the Independent Baptist Union, at which both white and colored people are represented. The Com mittee dn Colored People made a report and urged that the work among the colored people be continued,. This provoked Eev. P. H. A. Braxton, a colored minister, -who objected to the word "colored," affofalso to the word "continued," aa-ifa use implied, that a doubt might have" existed as. to the work being continued. He said he was op posed to ecclesiastical bossism, and that he was opposed to being under the authority of an autocrat The colored people were op posed to separate reports, one for the colored people and the other for the whites. After a somewhat heated discussion, dur ing which the colored delegates we're severe ly censured for raising the color question, Eev. J. W. M. Williams moved that a com mittee be appointed to consider the advisa bility of the colored churches withdrawing lrom the union. The colored delegates made haste to acknowledge their mistake, and the. resolution was withdrawn. For a time it looked like a split' . TTiGINeAPlEECEWAB, Eetlro. CIttes Betn Boyeattedjay tW.'Far BSePjTXliinnco la South CaraHaa. ISTXGIAI. TZXESBJUt TO TBI OISrATCS.1 Chablest" on, S. C, October 18. The war waged by the Farmer's Alliance in this State against theute Bagging Trust is be coming serious, and gradually involving side issues of a somewhat serious business character- The Alliancejs: extending the boycott, not only to the manufacturers and dealers of the jute bagging, liut also to news papers, towns- and cities. THe Greenville News, one of the five daily newspapers pub lished In'this State, has been boycotted by a ?? local Alliance, because the editor wrote- something that did not please the Alliance men. Theity of Greenville, ther third largest city in the State, is suffering from a stagna tion ol business. The city of Spartanburg, the fourth largest city in the State, has also been boycotted by the Spartanburg County Alliance. CRIME OF A CANADIAN. The Trusted Dlayor of a Town Defaults t the Tone of $100,000. SrXCIAI, TXtlOEAM TO TUB DISPATCH.1 Ottawa, Ont., October 18. The town of Oshawa was thrown into a state of great excitement to-day over the announcement that the Mayor, E. McGee, had failed, and that a cursory examination of his accounts showed that through his speculations widows and orphans had been left penniless, while the trust and loan companies of which he is the local representative and the corporation, treasury, have suffered severely. Mayor McGee was regarded as an ex emplary business man. and he had a large number of estates to look after. A few days ago be was prostrated with paralysis, and there'being no further opportunity of cook ing up his accounts the truth came out In vestigation has already disclosed defalca tions amounting to nbout flOO.OOO, but it is expected these figures will fall far short of his actual stealings. PBETEXT Of A PBEACHEE, He Sold a Tonle That Proved to be a Poor Quality of Whisky. rETXClAr. TEt-XOBJUI TO Till SISPA.TCS.1 Chicago, October 18. The Eev. S. J, Brakwell runs a grocery store at Ft Sheri dan when he is not preaching, in the little Methodist church near the barracks. Ft Sheridan is a temperance village. Ever since the preacher opened his store he has been selling a "tonic" which was recom mended for all kinds of bodily ailments. The demand for the tom'o soon became so furious that the village board called for an investigation. The inquiry developed the fact that the tonic was merely a mediocre quality of whisky. The preacher was arrested. He made no defense when he appeared before Justice Wohlbrock to-day, and promptly paid a fine of $5. The tonic left in the store wae confiscated. MASKED FOB LIFE. A Colored Woman Sears Her Rival's Face With Vitriol or Lye. ISrECIAL TXLIOHAM TO TBI OI&TATCB.1 Chableston, 8. O., October 18. A hor rible outrage committed by a negro woman upon another, has just come to light A negro woman named Eebecca Perkins, on her way home from church last night, was horribly burned by a rival with a can of vitriol or concentrated lye which, wasr thrown in her face. The victim's eyes were burned out and her face horribly scarified. There have been no arrests made as yet, but a woman who keeps company with a gardener who lives on the premises, is sus pected. The two women belong to Eaianuel A. 1. B. Church, and had been attending services. The police hare charge of the cue. GufTVTVV 11 1 W W iviierrtne't 9. BBJMumn.wmjmmi pa.t, iTV tgrit. the Wt SfTTwTWTijpW ley JJ "ihnlUtnm 'ttSr . TransiMt Ariveriiiemmis, IXCLTJDING " LETS," FOR SAtES. ET . .. . 74"? s 4 i TO.MORROW'S ISSUE " -Tf Mt ba handed In at ths main imitatai i,- ;- u? office of The Dispatch, Fifth arenas, np to -midnight. - ; THREE CENTS. mV AIL OlfcTHL- X50-A in s Xriefe The Pr.f5electg HisOw&MaiT. "X to Sritj-poral Tanner. - HE'S A WESlrA.fi. COXEADI. Chief Justice- Fuller Nips His Presideufal Boob in the Bud. ' HE WILL NOT OPPOSE HIS LATE CHIE. A Enaday School Sensation Caused by the Posts, ter General. Unless something now unforeseen happens within a few hours the President wiU ap point Corporal Tanner's successor as Com missioner or Pensions to-day. The coming man is a prominent G. A. E. man from a Western State. Chief Justice Fuller em phatically denies that he is a candidate for thePresidency in 1982. Postmaster 'Gen eral Wanamaker causes a sensation Ja Washington. '" rsrzcxAx, tzleoeam to thb dispatch.i Washington, October 18. Senator , .Hiscock is a badly disappointed man, anil Major Poole, of Syracuse, will be another when he hears the news from the White House to-morrow. Harrison has been feel ing these two New Yorkers all the time, and has a surprise in store for the public He is not going to make Major Poole Cos- , missioner of Pensions at all. He has se lected for the place a prominent Grand Army of the Eepnblio man from a Westers State. This information is reliable, and comes direct from Harrison himself, through an old soldier friend with whom he talked to-, day. The public has been misled for the past week by statements as to Poole's chances, which are easilv traeeable to the Hew York Senator, who may have beea acting in perfect good faith in spreading abroad the impression that Poole would be appointed. The name of the new commissioner wilt ba announced to-morrow, unless some osfore- seen circumstance arises within the next 13 hours. The name of the new official eaaaot be given because it might upset the Presi dent's programme. There is no doubt, how ever, ihat the Western man will heT ap pointed, and President Harrison says he is one the announcement of .whose seieeties will be hailed with approval by Eepmbli cans generally, and that the old soldiers will be especially gratified bj the oheiee. THE GEI Mil SOON CLEAI, Thoush Nothing; of Importance to PhHadeU ' phlaa Haa Yet Dropped. rtPSCIAL ntLTCBAX TO THS DISPATSS.! Washington, October 18. Hbthinjs new occurred to-day in relation fo AaPeaa-' sylvania appointments. Senator Quay, having important correspondence to leek after, yid not all npon tbe President Sen ator" Cameron had intended to take the morning train for Harrishsrg; WwaskeJ lafed and did not go. A number of Phila delphians made their appearaaoa to nrge a boM stead ini rapport of Lelaad fer sr veyer'othe PMMkJpUswveft, . prospect is that withis a day ortwoaaeksA not fight writ'1, have developed against Walters, of Chester; that President .Harri-r son will be compelled to abandon tha-idea , of appointing- the college mate of Ms sea -Eussell, and either give the plum to Lelaad -oranewinan. There is some talk that Walters may he ' made naval officer, bnt the friends of Pow ers, who is 'the candidate of the Pennsyl vania Senators and the Philadelphia poli ticians, protest against anv new deal of thk ' kind, and insist that the fight for the Sar- veyorsnip snaii not db transierrea to tseir field. Any new deal would, also probably affect the candidacy of Sbelmire for the pension agency, and the friends- of Judge Kelly are here to insist that each office shall ; ' stand on its own bottom. Shelmire k'a near relative of Judge Kelly, and his ap-! pointment is the one place that venerable statesman has asked, from the new Adminis tration, and it is inferred "that his wish will be granted by President Harrison. Altogether, things are in a very confused' state with regard to'the Philadelphia, hat v the sky may oe cleared at any moment HE. WANAHAKEE'S SENSATION. Ho Gives Up Bis Philadelphia .SaBBj School far One In Washington. rSPZCUX, TELXQEAMTO TBI DISPATCH.! Washington, October 18. Postmaster General Wanamaker has created quite a sensation by the announcement that he haa decided to abandon his Sunday school class in Philadelphia and take charge of a class in the Church of the Covenant, which is, tbe congregation made fashionable just now by the fact that the President worships among them. The church edifice is the newest and finest in the city, and is situated in the fash ionable "(Juarter on, the corner of -N and Eighteenth streets, opposite the British legation. The decision of Mr. Wanamaker will add greatly to the Sunday attractions of the, church, aud will draw even larger audiences' than those which bave been in the habit of attending to see the President and his fam ily. Mr-Wanamaker fixed upon this eonrse on account of the fatigue and loss of tiara consequent from going every Saturday and' returning on Monday from his Philadelphia charge. FULLEE SQUELCHES IIS BOOM. f The Chief Justice Will Rat be a CandMate' Against His lata ChleC ISrlCXAI. TXUCOKAM TO THE DISPATCH. T WAf hington, October 18. Chief Justice Fuller says he does not want to be President. He has put aside the crown. He expressed surprise this morning when he learned that his boom had Seen started In Chicago last night, at the meeting of the Andrew Jack son League Club. A reporter asked the Chief Justice, just before the court con vened this morning, it he knew that he had been made a candidate for the Presidency, Tbe reporter asked: "Are you a candi date for the Presidency?" "Ho, no, no," Mr. Falter said; "net at all." "And the use of your name k aaantheiw . ized?" "Certainly it is." u "And you won't allow theaa to use your name as a candidate?" 'Ho, sir; not at all." , HONORS FOR TEE DEAJ. The Signs of MoHrning Displayed per she Late General Hartrasft. rSTXClAL TH.IOKAM TO THX MSPATSK.1 Habbisbubg, October 18. At a kta hour to-night Adjutant General Hastings issued an order detailing Brigadier General Snowdea an escort to attend -the funeral of General Hartraaft. The Governor's steff will assemble at the resMmee of Celeeel Louis W.lteedat2?.x. The State aai fqmi will be were. t . Fiftess senate cum will be fired at Mm I v State Ajnaaj oa t MsaisMbiet- tM day; ef the faaeral, ad f, wtllbe ferMskft 4gjf 'A mk'j &l, "i r ri K. t . ,ji fr' it . '!ff rjn. i J rwr . jy ,