BvBlflHftuiMdsSI mmr: W$&$iw K.3Jia5- & ' , & .&.- "MT-x ' rvsmsiit3M SfRW fj 'pr., ' PITTSBUKG DISPATCH, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1889. ? it,? 8 THE r ai" JtT THE SIGN FOE SALE Will Soon Decorate the Front of the Old University Building. LEGAL AUTHORITY FOUND FOE IT. In Injunction Sonjht to Secnre Use of a Street Car Crossing. TOSTfOSED GKASD JURY FINDINGS Possible rrosecnlioii cf a loathful Bridegroom for feijnry. County Commissioner Robert E. Mercer lias at last unearthed the lone sought legal authority for selling the University build ings. He finds that County Commissioners are empowered to dispose of county property wnen so longer in use. The question of disposing of the old Uni versity building and Criminal Court build ice, on Diamond alley, used for the courts during the erection of the new Court House has been determined. "When Governor Beaver vetoed the act authorizing the County Commissioners to sell the property, he said that it would be establishing a precedent that would give County Commissioners too much power and be dangerous. He intimated, however, that there was legislation on the subject that would enable the property to be sold. The County Commissioners thought differ ently, however, and for a considerable time the matter remained in statu quo. A number of schemes were devised to enable the sale to be made, but all were set aside as impracticable. Recently Countv Commissioner Mercer, in look ins over some old laws, discovered an act still in force giving the County Commissioners the much desired authority. The act authorized County Cemmissioners.ii' necessary, to sell and dispose of county property not in use, perml sion to be first obtained from the Quarter bessions. In accordance with the act, County Solicitor Geyer was instructed to prepare a petion to present to court for the necessary endorse ment. The matter will be presented in a few days, and when tbe court's authority is re ceived the building will be for sale. THE KISBETT DIVORCE CASE. An Effort to Obtain Information Acnlnst the Witness' Will The Disclosures of an Uninteresting Nature. Tbe hearing in the Nisbett divorce case was continued yesterday before Commissioner Cor nelius, Mr. Kisbett being cross-examined by Mr. Bruce. The principal featnre of the hear ing was an effort of Mr. Bruce to mace Mr. Kisbett answer questions directly and the de termination of Mr. Kisbett to answer pretty much in the manner he chose, claiming that the attorney was trying to entrap him. The probing was largely directed toward the ascer taining of Mr. isbctt's financial status He pleaded guilty to having some store accounts and monevdne him. He said he had never told his wile that his homestead was worth 15,- coa: There was a tedious examination relative to presents nf some silver spoons by Dr. Burleigh and a pair of diamond earrings and a diamond pin by Mr. Kisbett to Mrs. Kubett, at the resi dence of Mrs. Kisbett's father, at Qreentree. bo far as could be learned the main point at issue was whether the spoons had been handed the lady by Dr. Burleigh or Mr. Nisbett This was when she was Miss Wooster. The object of tbe examination may appear further along There was a long discu-sion relative to a visit by Dr. Wood one Sunday to Miss Woos cer's father's residence, but the object of the questioning was not disclosed. Mnch time was consumed investigating Mr. Kisbett's transaction in placing $300 in the Diamond National Bank to Mrs. kisbett's ac count. In answer to Mr. Brace's questions Mr. Kisbett stated that after his wife was exam ined in tbe Commissioner's office some weeks ago he went to the Diamond Bank and made inquiry for the deposit check, and, as he had expected, found it in his own hand writing. He thought he bad gotten his check back from tbe Diamond Bank, but can not lied cither it or his bank book of that date. He said he could not find cither book or checks since his wife left, fie denied that he said he had a settlement with tbe bank about six months ago. Mr. Kisbett stated that tbe meeting spoken of previously at Miss Finney's bouse on Web ster avenue. Fifth ward, was, he thought, in tbe latter part of November. 1SS7, and he thonght the engagement between him and Miss Wooster was on the 7th of that month. It is announced that testimony taking will be concluded at the next meeting. THE GRAND JURY Reconvenes and Considers a Large Number of Postponed Cases. The grand jury yesterday reconvened to take up a number of cases that had been postponed. True bills were returned against Richard Bcandrett and William A. Hadfield for corrupt solicitation. They are charged with putting $500 in the bands of C. W. Fisher to be paid to Councilman J. G. fcbbert in caso he voted for Thomas A. Parke for chairman of Allegheny Common Council in opposition to Mr. Hunter. True bills were also returned against Fat Griffin, Pat Moran, Thomas Cunncff. William Dolan, Miles Laushlm and James Crawford, charged with rioting at Dnquesne. The bills against William McCance, Andrew ilotts, Joseph Wilba, M. Lumber, J. McNally, Owen Salmon. W. Rush. Felix Gallagher, M. btrang er. M. Doddson and Andrew Sherwick for the same thing were ignored. The other true bills were: Charles KinzeL attempted assault; Samuel Abernathy, William Hoag. D. R. Strage. John Templemejer, selling liquor without a license; Samuel Abernathy, selling liquor on Sunday; Charles Brooks, felonious assault; Margie Dunn, aggravated assault and battery; Thomas FarrelL Al Hend rickson, larceny; James W, Taggart, leasing houses for immrral purposes: William and Ruth A. W oodruff, keeping a disorderly bouse. Tbe following bills were ignored: Chris Mohrhoff, Albert Lbota. telling liquor without a license: Samuel Abernathy, selling liquor to minors: Freb Bertram, larceny. OWER. YOUNG TO OIARRY. And tbe Result Is a Probable Charge of Perjury. Borne important steps are likely to be taken shortly In tbe case of the clandestine marriage of Willis It. Cochran to Miss Anna H. Lewis, both of Franklin. The Rev. J. C. White, who pel formed the ceremony, called at Register Connor's office sod desired to see tbe record. He said that Miss Lewis' father had spoken very severely to him for performing tbe ceremony, saying that he should have known that the couple were not of age. He replied that be did not know such was tho case, and was farther assured that it was all right by tbeir having a marriage certificate. The record shorn ed that Mr. Cochran in ob taining the certificate, swore that he was 22 fears ot age. and Miss Lewis 21 Years. Following on tbe heels of MrWhite's visit, a communication was received at the Register's office, yesterdav, from the clerk of the Orphans' Court at Franklin, asking for a certified cony of tbe record in the case, which was at once furnished. The parties, it is stated, are not of age. Miss Lewis, being but 19 years of age, which would make the groom liabln for perjury. It is not known what steps are intended to be taken. To-Day's Trial Lists. Common Fleas Ko. 1 Martin vs Fuller; Brooks & Co, vs Baxter ctal; Brooks & Co. vs Flynn et al: Hay vs Isaac; Marshall et al vs Rutledge; Godfrey vs Getty & Co.; Bottles vs Bottles; Penn vs Lindquist; Winbauer vs Wlnbauer:' John vs Bauer; John vs Bcheiring; Taylor vs Meehan et al; bchlingman vs Gejer et al; Slade et al vs Habn; DeLong vs McKees port borough. Common Pleas Ko. 2 Duncan vs Evans; Lewis vs Rattigan et al: Callahan vs Miller; Smith vs Burgan; Gordon vs Brown. Criminal Court Commonwealth vs William Lott, Henry Kentzell, Dora Costera, Cha'Ies Wachter. W. Ceigileski (21, Michael Maloney, Christopher O'Ronrke, Joseph K. Shearer, H. Printz, Julius bbeafter, Rose Gallagher. Frank Kill et al, John McQnaide, John Hughes. John Harvey, John Laffy et al (2), Louis bebmuth, Fredericka Uhlig. B. Mc Connell, Charles F. Gnntber, Charles Flack, John Kramer, Jobn Monday et al, Robert Moore, J. M. Shattenberger, H. G. Farrer. Bait for a Heavr Penalty. A bin In equity was filed yesterday by Thomas Harrington against tbe Damascus Bronze Compiny, Limited. Harrington states that, he Is the owner ot & rtfent on an Im provement in anti-friction metal Ho leased the right to use bis SI five years in Allegheny I bronze company tor a royalty pound. They refuse to let ion for tbe tamper how much they manufacture, carrying on the busi ness in secret, and paying bim no royalty, and be asks tbe Court to compel them to make an accounting of all the metal they have made Since Janel,lSS7. A STEEET CAR DISPUTE. A Sntt Involvlnc the Right to the Penn and fecremh Avenue Crossing Tho Decision Is Reserved. An argument was had before Judges Stowe and Slagle yesterday afternoon on the motion for a preliminary injunction in tbe case of the Citizens' and Allegheny Traction Companies against the Federal Street and Pleasant Val ley Railway Companies. Attorney James Reed appeared for the traction companies and D. T. Watson, Esq., for the Federal Street and Pleas ant Valley Company. The matter referred to in the papers in the suit is tbe crossing at Peun avenue and Seventh street, though the real point at Issue, It was developed, is the rights of the Federal Street and Pleasant Valley Rail way Company and the Allegheny Traction Company, under their respective arrangements with the Citizens' Traction Company. The Federal Street and Pleasant Valley lino first made an agreement with the Citizens' line. whereby the latter was to construct tracks from Smitbfield street down Sixth avenue to Liberty street, to Seventh street, to the Korth side bridge, and maintain them, the Federal Street line to have tbe rlgbt to nse them. In return they were to construct double tracks from the Nortbside bridge up Sanousky street to Church avenue, the Citizens' line to have the privilege of using them. Subsequently the Citizens' Company leased the downtown portion of the old Transverse line. Including the Seventh street portion, to the Allegheny Traction Company. Mr. Reed, in presenting his case to the court, read tbe bills of the Citizens' and Allegheny Traction Companies, alleging that the Federal Street and Pleasant Valley Company was about to tear up the tracks on Seventh street and Penn avenue, and relay them to suit them selves, without authority from tbe Citizens' or Allegheny Company, and asking for an in junction to restrain them. JJe submitted affidavits from Superintendent Cotton, of tbe Pittsburg, Allegheny and Manchester line. Chief Engineer Rice, of tbe Citizens' line, and others, showing that tbe crossing at Seventh street was a good one and similar to the one at Sixth street and Penn avenue. Mr. Watson replied for the defendants, sub mitting the agreement with the Citizens' Com pany. He also produced affidavits showing that tbe crossing over tbe Citizens' Company's tracks at Seventh street was defective. The Seventh street tracks were lower than tbe Penn avenue tracks, causing jolting of tbe cars of tbe defendants, and was very injurious to their rolling stock. They bad endeavored to have the Citizens' Company put the crossing in good order and failed, and they were about to ao It themselves. Tbe new crossing would not interfefe with the Citizens' line, and was simi lar to tbe one at Sixth street and Penn avenue for tbe Pittsburg, Allegheny and Manchester Railway. in addition Mr. Watson contended that the Citizens' Company, after entering into an agree ment with them, bad no right to make a lease of tbe same tracks afterward to another com pany to the detriment of their line. Mr. Reed maintained that the right of the de fendant was only a running right, and when tbe road was leased to the Allegheny Traction Com pany It became the proprietor, snbject to the defendant, to run over the tracks as per the agreement witb the Citizens' Company. If there was any repairing to be done cither tbe Allegheny or Citizens' Company should do it, and tbe defendant company had no authority to do so itself. At the conclusion of the argument the court took the papers and reserved its decision. SUPREME COURT WORK. The List for the Week Now Completed Arguments Heard. The Supreme Court yesterday completed the list fixed for this week. Next week they will take np Indiana, Washington and Butler coun ties. Yesterday an argument was heard on the ap peals of S. P. Sweitzer, Jesse Bbujhman and Abraham Shnltz from tbe Conrt of Quarter Sessions ot Somerset county. The three cases are similar and involve the same point. Tbe parties were distillers, and took out distillers' licenses, issued by the County Treasurer, authorizing them to distill whisky from May 1, 1SS8, to May 1, 1SS9. At tbis time there was considerable contrariety of opinion as to tbe construction ot the wholesale license act of 1SS7. They sold liquor at tbeir alstilleries and were returned for selling without aliceose. They set up their licenses as a defense, but were tried and convicted for selling without a license. Tbe cases were appealed on the grounds that the defendants having acted in good faith and believing that they were pro tected by their licenses, should not have been convicted. An argument was heard in tho case of O. L. Fringle against Margaret A. Pringle, an error to the Common Pleas of Cambria county. The suit was brought to recover from his father's estate 5500, loaned by O. L. Pringle to bis father Tbe suit was decided against him, and be appealed. An argument was heard in the case of Rob ert Steckman against John J. Scheli and wire, an error to the Comm:n Pleas of Somerset 'county. The suit was an action in ejectment for some ground in Garrett, Pa., and was ap pealed by Steckman. Tbe appeal of H. W. Melvin from the Com mon Pleas of Mercer county was heard. The suit was brought by Melvm's wife for a divor:e on the grounds of indignities. She was granted a divorce and alimony of Si per week, and Mel vin appealed. An argument was heard in the case of John G. Scbney against D. W. Schaeffer, adminis trator ot John Scott, an error to the Common Pleas of Armstrong county. Tbe suit was a contest for the ownership of a lot inKittan ning. The appeal of E. Crawford fc Co. from the Common Pleas of Armstrong conuty was argued. The suit was brought against Craw ford & Co. by Gaskill and Miller to recover on a contract HE WANTS IT ALL NOW. Mr. Neal Alleges That a Brokerage Firm Account Wns Short at One End. Attorney C. E. Cornelius yesterday entered suit in Common Fleas Court Ko. 1 on behalf of William B. Keal against George B. Hill fe Co. to recover a balance alleged to be duo on a sale of stock made by the defendants for the plaintiff. The latter alleges that some years years ago Hill & Co, sold 213 shares Consolidated Gas stock for him, and that subsequently during tbe trial of a case before Judge Stowe there was testimony showing that Hill t Co. got 50 cents a share more for the stock than tbe defendants report ed to him. He sues for tbe amount claimed to be withheld from him, witb several years' in terest added. What Lawyers Have Done. Charles Standley, tried for the larceny of $75 from William White, was acquitted. William Lott is on trial for selling liquor without a license in the Twenty-seventh ward. Rose Faqan was found not guilty of assanlt and battery on Nora Lenhart and the costs divided. The suit of Terrence Shields against Floyd A. Allen, an action on a contract, is on trial be fore Judge Stowe. Fred HiLrucE was convicted of selling liquor to minors and in a prohibitory district, Patton township. Tub jury is out in the suit of McFall, Hetzel t Co. against Christ Roebrich and C. Muscher to recover a bill for lumber. In the suit of David Donaldson against Jacob Kelly, for damages for slander, a verdict of Gyi cents for tbe plaintiff was given yesterday. Ik tbe suit of 8. Schmakey against William B. Martin an action on an account, a verdict was given yesterday for S3 for tbe plaintiff. John Melville, tried for selling liquor without a license, on oath of Constable Mitch ell, of Oakmont, was acquitted, but ordered to pay tbe costs. IN the Criminal Court, yesterday, O. Coch ran charged by Inspector McKelvey with sell ing liquor without a license and on Sunday was found gnilty. Ix tbe suit of the Monongahela Manufactur ing Company against Thomas Taylor, an action on an account, a verdict was taken by consent yesterday, giving tbe plaintiffs $537 50. MicnAEL Bneld, tried for entering the house of John Koebler with intent to commit a felony and assault and battery on Kate Koehler, was found guilty of simple assault and battery. He was sentenced 30 aays to the workhouse. In tho case of James Kindlln against Doherty Bros, and tbe Sisters of Mercv to recover a bal ance alleged to be due fur the new Home for Working Girls,a verdict was given yesterday for tbe defendants, and a balance in their favor certified to for $319 82. Mas. Nanct E. Everett yesterday entered suit against the Citizens' Traction Company for $500 damages. She states that on July 15 she was a passenger on car No. 21L Through tbe carelessness of an employe the grip broke. Tbe jolt threw ber across the car, cut her about the head and face and broke some of ber teeth. PetebW. Schmidt petitioned the Court to appoint a receiver to wind np tbe business of the Youghlogbeny Brick Company, Limited. Ho alleges that the company has been so misman aged by A. H. Collins, a partner, that its assets do not amount to more than 13,500, while Its liabilities are over twice that amount. The Court appointed J, E. Patterson receiver. Beech AX'S Fills cure bilious and nervosa ill Fears' Boap secures a beautiful complaxlen LATE NEWSIN BRIEF. The Russian Government has agreed to the creation of a French vice consulship at Baku, Russia. The President yesterday appointed Oliver C. Bosbvsbell Superintendent of the Mint at Philadelphia. A cable to the Maritime Exchange yester day announced that Hippolyte has been unani mously elected President of Hayti. John Jiinnehan, of Fall River, Mass., serv ing a sentence for drunkenness in tbe Taunton Jail, hanged himself in his cell early yesterday morning. -Judge Martin in Part L New York General Sessions, yesterday morning, resentenced to death Henry Carlton, the murderer of Police man Brennan, and fixed the date for the execu tion December 5. At Murray City O., residents burned to the ground the house of George Washington, a col ored man. He lost everything. The excuse given for the outrage is that no blacks are wanted in tbe place. Advices have been received by the Canadian Department ot Agriculture, from the Higb. Commissioner's office at London, that there has been another arrival at Deptf ord, from New York, of animals suffering from pleurc-pneu-monia. As Wilson W. Hazelton was cleaning a cedar cask at Train, Smith & Co.'s pulp mill, at Bristol, N. H., with steam injected from the steam pipe, the cask exploded, burling him some distance and killing him almost in stantly. James Hickoy was arrested on somo minor charge down in Lower Chilton county, Ala. His captors subsequently found that he was concerned in some brutal murders near Montevailo, some weeks ago. In fact, he con fessed, and then he was swung to a limb and shot. General A. B. Campbell, of Kansas, contra dicts emphatically a dispatch fromTopeka to the effect that he has been offered the position of Consul General at Melbourne. He says the President has tendered bim no office, and that tbe publication of this report was without his knowledge or sanction. Henry W. GllbertjUnited States Consul to Trieste, Austria-Hungary, reports to the State Department that tbe exports from the district of Trieste, Flume, for 1A83 were 81.630.013, a fall ing off from tbe previous year of 5892,983. The aggregate value of imports from the United btates was $557,007, a decrease of I18i765. The North German Gazette says it is not unlikely that Germany will refuse to recognize Mataafa as King of Samoa, and that It must be assumed that tbe other powers parties to tbe Samoan treaty have similarly expressed them selves, because at tbe conference recently held at Berlin all tho representatives agreed that Malietoa should be King. An injunction was granted in the New York Snpreme Court vesterday to Henry C. Conegys and George Y. Wyman restraining ueorge o. X? leia ei at irom iaiun wuuu ujw a resolution passed at a meeting of the stock holders in Louisville, Ky., on October 7, tonard winding up the affairs ot the North and South American Construction Company. At a meeting of the Andrew Jackson League at Chicago Colonel Robert Rae ad dressed tbe club. He said the timo had come when tbe West should have a Presidental can didate, and that Illinois would present the name of Chief Justice Melville w. Fuller be for the next Democratic Convention. His re marks were greeted by Immense applause. Three young men, residents of Hudson, N. Y., John Lewis, Jerome Race and Thomas Cooney, each about 18 years old, while proceed ing up the track of the Hudson River Railroad at i o'clock yesterday morning, were run over by a locomotive of a freight train as they stepped from one track to another to let an ex press train pass. They were all killed instantly. A wreck occurred on the Texas and Pacific road at Madden, about 60 miles east of El Paso, Tex. A washout threw a freight engine and several cars down an embankment. En gineer R. J. Bible, recently of St. Louis, and Fireman Charles Jones were caught under the side of the engine and literally roasted to death. Brakeman G. W. Mansfield was also killed, Emmet V. Rboades, cashier of tho First National Bank, ot St Pans, O., pleaded guilty rathe United States Court to the misappropri ation of the bank funds. It was shown that there was no ultimate intention of defrauding the bank and that the money was used in a public spirited effort to advance the interests of his community. The minimum sentence, five years in the penitentiary, Mas imposed. The Laundrymen's National Association has wound up its annual convention at Buffalo. M. F. Doremus, of Chicago, was elected Presi dent; C. H. Brace, of Pittsburg, and Major Tavlor, of Indianapolis, Vico Presidents; H. A. Stoer, of Cleveland, Secretary, and Levi G. Carr, of Philadelphia, Treasurer. Pittsburg was selected as the next place for holding the convention, and the second Monday in October, 1890, tbe date. Representatives of the firms engaged in tho barb wire industry are in secret conference in Chicago, with a view, it is ubderstood, of form ing a trust. Tbe principals in the negotiations are said to be G. b. Douglas, ot New York: J. a Gates, of St. Louis, and W. R. Stirling, of tbe Illinois Steel Company. It is not jet known whether or not Washburn and Moen are par ties to the movement Considerable se crecy surrounds tbe conference. The Atlas Line steamship Athos arrived at Nev York yesterday from Haytian points. The voyage was a tempe ituous one. On September 15 and 16 a northeast gale was encountered with a heavy sea running. This state of things lasted for SO hours, during which everything movable was swept from the decks. The vessel, however, sustained no serious damage. The Athos left Port au Prince on September 21, and brings the intelligence that Hippolyte at that time was busily ensaged in arranging for the Presidental election. Hippolyte expects that he will be tbe unanimons choice of the people. The election takes place this month. Superintendent of Census Porter has had a conference with the special agents in charge of the collection of statistics of cotton, wool and worsted and silks and mixed textiles. The de sire is to secure a better classification and a more complete collection of such statistics. Tbe list ot manufactories in the United Htates Is complete now.and shows a total of 5,218. The most noticeable thing about tbe figures is tbe increase in the number of mills in the South. They bave more than doubled since 1SS0. 1 Anomer notaoie tning is mat wnereas mere were LOOO cotton mills in the Onited States in 1SSQ, 1,417 have already been reported. General Master Workman T. V. Powderlv. of the Knights of Labor, in speaking of the eight-bour question, yesterday, said: "I am certainly in favor of shortening the boars of labor in such a manner as not only to give the workingman time for recreation, but also to afford bim an opportunity to study the ques tions of the day, for it Is evident tbat the wont ing classes arc realizing tbe importance of in vestigating these things for themselves. I have never been in favor of a sudden change in the hours of labor, because I bave feared tbat it would cause a terrible disturbance in manufac turing and commercial circles. On tbe contrary I have always preferred a systematic course, one tbat would gradually educate tbe people on the subject" The Paris Temps, in a resurfe of the finan cial results ot the Exposition, says that before its close tbe number of people who will have visited the great show wall reach 26,000,000, and will in all probability exceed that figure. Re ferring to the proposed World's Fair in 1S92, the Temps says it is by no means as certain as it seemed a month ago that the Americansiwill select New York for the location of their Ex position, as Chicago is making strenuous efforts to secure it. Commenting on tbe availability of Chicago, as compared with New York, the Tempt says: "We wonder how many of the Cbicagoans who crossed the ocean to visit the Exposition in the first city of France would have taken the same trouble if th.e show had been held in Lyons, our second city of im portance." Experiments which the British Government ha7e been making for the past two weeks with Lord Armstrong's new explosive, "cordite," bavo so far proved highly satisfactory, and well informed military men already say it is the explosive of the future for small arms as well as artillery. It is absolutely smokeless, which cannot be said of tbe so-called ismokelecs powder" just Introduced by Germany, and tho deadly fumes which rise from tbe latter are entirely absent in the "cordite." It is confi dently predicted that this new explosive will For Bilious and Nervous Disorders, inch Sslf1 IPInilf It v8L 11 & r"n (fillip SNSc JS wssss ?as ? - IYir.UJbl.Mb SSSS f2S& iSSSSSS ssssss Headache. Giddiness, Fulness, and Swelling after Meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flashings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costlveness, Scurvy, Blotches on the Skin. Disturbed and Trembllnc IDSSi sensations, die. Mxucxitbi MINUTES. This is no fiction. Every sufferer is nndt thetlt trill be acknowledged to be a Wonderful Jtedlenev-"wbrth a guinea a box." BEECHA1TS FILLS, taken as directed, will quickly restore female to complete health. For a WEAK STOMACH; IMPAIRED DIGESTION; DISORDERED LIVER; they, enln: appetite. Iiunian frame. These are "facts admitted hv best guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated is St AST PATIHX jceiicihs in sss wosiiS. .Full directions witn eacn box. Prepared only by THOS. BEBCHAM, St. Helens, Lancashire, England. Bol&by DruggUtM generally. B. F. AIXKN & CO., 305 and 867 Canal St., New Tor. gole Agents tor the United States, who llngubre first), if your druggist does not keep them, .yiLI, MAIL BEECHAH'S PILLS ON RECEIPT OP PBICE, 25 CERTS A BOX. work a revolution in modern armament, and quick-firing guns, which with ordinary powders are of little use after the gunners are enveloped in a suffocating cloud of smoke, will become powerful weapons of destruction in the future At a special meeting yesterday ot the Northern Pacific preferred stockholders, tbe requisite majority was voted in favor of Vil lard's consolidated mortgage scheme. At noon James B. Williams announced that the finan cial plan had been carried, but owing to dupli cate proxies having been deposited, he could not announce the exact result An adjourn, ment was therefore taken Until Monday morn ing next at ll o'clock. Henry Villard voted a majority of the stock. Palpitation ot tho Heart. Persons who suffer from occasional palpita tion of the heart are often unaware that they are the victims of heart disease, and are liable to die without warning. They should banish this alarming symptom, and cure the disease by nsing Dr. Flint's Remedy. Mack Drug Co., N.Y. MWT The Men's Overcoats We offer at 510 and $12 for to-day's sale ex ceed in value anything ever seen in Pitts burg for double the money. They are fine Meltons and Kerseys, imported Vicunas and Venetians. Many of them are silK lined, some silk faced, with satin sleeve linings. They were marked $20, ?22 and $25. They include fall overcoats, top coats, box coats, winter coats and ulsters. We have divided 'em into two bargain lots at ?10 and ?12 for to-day and to-morrow. P. C. CO., Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. Among the many brands o! lager beer thrown upon the market the output of the Bauerlein Brewing Co., of Bennetts, Pa has been justly.assigned a place in the front i r ia krawinv indnfctrv and is ad judged to be one of the finest beers brewed. Families ana tne iraue suppucu. tele phone 1,018, Bennetts, Pa., opposite Forty- third st, rmauuig, " " " " B. &B. Choice goods and low prices is what brings the crowd of customers to these cloak rooms daily. Boggs & Buhl. B. & B. If you can save dollars on your seal pur chase that's the place you'll trade if quality is right We wiil guarantee finest Alaska seal and less price. Boggs & Buhl. Time is the true test P. & V.'a Pilsner beer grows daily in popularity. Cash paid for old gold and silver, at Hauch's, No, 295 Fiith ave. WESu 75c. Tho Public Delighted 75c. Witb Xeager & Co.'s 75c per doz. cabinet photos, at 70 Federal street, Allegheny. Bring the little ones. Crowded Dally. Aufrecht's Elite Gallery, 516 Market st., Pittsburg. Cabinets ?1 per dozen. Bring baby. TJse elevator. Look Pleasant, Please. For a good expression and fine photo of yourseii o nine uuwj s " ......- Elite Gallery, 516 Market Bt, Pittsburg. Cabinets 51 per dozen. 75c 13 More Days. 75c. Only 13 more days for 75c per doz, cabinets at Yeager & Co. 'a Gallery, 70 Federal street, Allegheny. Come early, rain or shine. A Life-Size Crayon for S5, Also one doz. cabinets of anybody for $1, at Aufrecht's Elite Gallery, 516 Market st, Pittsburg. Bring baby. Use elevator, d They Won't Fade. Yeager & Co.'s cabinets for 75o per doz. Bring the children, rain or shine. No. 70 Federal street, Allegheny. S LEATEme POWER Of the various Baking Powders illus trated from actual tests. E0YAL (Pure) Grant' (Alum) Eumford's (fresh). Hanf ord'S (when fresh) Charm (Alum Powder) . . Davil' and O.K. (Alum) Cleveland's Pioneer (San Francisco) Czar Dr.Prioe's Bnow Hake (Groffs) Congress .. Eecker's Gillet'i Hanford'fl (None Such), when not fresh Pearl (Andrews & Co.) Enrafbrd'S (Phosphate), when not fresh Eeports of Government Chemists. " The Boy al Baking Powder is composed of pure and wholesome ingredients It does not contain either alum or phosphates, or other injurious sub. stances. EDWAEDG.LOVK,Ph.D."l "The Boyal Baking Powder is undoubtedly the TinrAAt fmri raMt reliable baldnsr nowder offered to tne public HEHBT A. MOOT, M. D Ph. D." ' Thn TtoTfll Rattnir Powder is purest in quality and highest in strength ot any baking powder ot which I have knowledge. v f. "WM. JfCMCETBTE, Ph.D." AU Alum Baking Powders, no matter how high tielr strength, are to be avoided as dangerous. Phosphate powders Uberate their gas too freely, or under climaUo changes suffer deterioration. OC3-1U-MWFSU GAIN ONE POUND A Day. A GAIN OF A POUND A DAY IN THE CASE OF A MAN WHO HAS BECOME "ALL RUN DOWN," AND HAS BEGUN TO TAKE THAT REMARKABLE FLESH PRODUCER, SCOTT'S MULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL WITH Hypophosphites of Lime & Soda IS NOTHING UNUSUAL. THIS FEAT has been performed over and over again. Palatable as milk. En dorsed by Physicians. Sold by all Druggists. Avoid substitutions and imitations. OC2-28-XW1TSU sisssss " HVS o... lillinnw as TVlnd and Fain In the Stomach, Sick Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous uusJii ivixo.uxvjiiusiukirxi xnii.iin earnestly Invited to try one Box of these Fills, i, Strencthi le keen edge of energy or ina matfff-IM thotnssds. in aU dosses of sodetv. and one of the that BEICEAU'O PILLS HATS THE LASSSSI SALS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Constitutional Catarrh. No single disease has entailed more suffering or hastened the breaking up ot the constitution than Catarrh. The sense of smell, of taste, ot sight, of bearing, the human volco, the mind one or more, and sometimes all, yield to its de structive Influence. The poison it distributes throughout tbe system attacks every vital force, and breaks up tho most robust of constitutions. Ignored, because but little understood, by most physicians, impotently assailed by, attacks and charlatans, thosesutfering from it have little hope to be relieved of it tuis sido of tbe grave. It is time, then, that the popular treatment. of this terrible disease by remedies within the reach of all passod into hands at once compe tent and trustworthy. Tbe new and hitherto untried method adopted by Dr. Sanf ord in the preparation of his Radical Cube has won the hearty approval of thousands. It is instantane ous in affording relief In all head colds, sneez ing snuffling and obstructed breathing, and rapidly removes the most oppressive symptoms, clearing the head, sweetening the breatht re storing tbe senses of smell, taste and hearing, and neutralizing the constitutional tendency of the disease toward the lucss, liver and kidneys. 8 ax ford's Radical Cuke consists of one bottle of tho Radical Cube, one box of Ca tarrhal solvent, and Impboved In haler; price, $L Potteb Drug and Chemical Corpora tion, Boston. NoRheumatizAboutMe! In Orta minute the Cuileura Anii- Psln Plsster relieves rheumatic. aaisuiaiic, suuuen, snarp ana nervous ; pains, strains and weaknesses. The first and only pain-killing plaster. A new and infallible antidote to pain, inflammation and weakness. Utterly unlike and vastly superior to all other plasters. At all druggists, 23 cents; Ave for SI; or, postage free, of Potteb Drug and chemical Corporation, Boston, Mass. OC14-MF The eyelet of 'a corset seems a trifle to make a busi ness on; but what if one eye let cuts the- laces, while another eyelet don't? And what if the eyelet that cuts is in universal use? And what if the eyelet that cuts the laces also rusts the corset? And what if the eyelet that cuts is not so neat and proper and womanlike as the other? And what if it costs as lit tle or less to put in and never comes out or wears out? The new eyelet is made of loops of corset lace instead of metal. The Ball and Kabo corsets have it; the Ball is the easy corset, the Kabo the one that does not yield a barleycorn. You can wear them two or three weeks and return to where you got them, if you want to. The makers pro vide you that privilege, Chicago Corset Co.,Chlcago and New Yorks Established 1832. BROOM CORN. Broom Manufacturers Supplies PEANUTS. ROBERT DICKEY k CO., 77 WATER ST. AND 98 FIRST AVE. Telephone 163. uSSl-MWI1 P .TEISTTS O.J. LEVIS. Solicitor of Patents. Sll Fifth avenue, above Smithfleld. next Leader office. (No delay.) Established 20 years. se2W0 w&P IMMENSE THRONGS-WELL-PLEASED BUYERS AT DOUGLAS t M ACKIE'S Will be laid out SO pieces fancy checked, 54-inch cloth dress goods that cost 50c to make, this week for S9c a yard, A most recherche collection of pretty check and-silk stripe, all wool dress goods, in all new and lovely colors for S9c a yard; the' yd be cheap at 50c The plain, striped and plaid all wool dress goods we'll exhibit this week at 50c a yard, for beauty, variety in patterns and wears, and altogether general excellence, are unsurpassable in this or any other city. Another couple of hundreds of those famous 7 50 Applique embroidered cloth robes, all colors, bave been secured to sell at 5 00 each. And tbe elegant assortment of 51-Inch all wool cloth suitings we are offering at 15c a yard Is simply astounding; they're worth 60c Interesting and Profitable For You This Weeks Our mammoth, well-lighted cloak salons are filled to repletion with all the latest novelties and designs In wear, fashion and manufacture of ladies, misses and children's cloaks, wraps, etc, from the modest SI 75 garment np to tbe finest London Dye Alaska Seal Skin. Visit Us This Week. We'll Make it Pay You, 151 and 153 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY. oci4-srw' THE LARGEST STOCK. LATEST STYLES. W. M. LAIRD, XjOBAJDUSTG- shoe dealer Wholesale House, 515 and 5T7 Wood street. selB-65-Wirsu ILTZEW MM QftEU s.stf0' We have just reoeived and have now ready for Inspeotlonj beautiful China Dinner Sets, Fish Sets and a full line of nice China, odd pieces, to vhioh we invite the attention of the ladies. .R. P. W ALL 211 "Wood s-b. OPPOSITE ST. CHARLES. THE1 made 0m.ybyhin theyy uhlij Geo:A.Macbeth&Co. Pittsburgh, NEW ADTEBTISEIHBNTS. A VERITABLE SENSATION HA)3 been caused by ?1 25, 1 SO and 51 90. FUR HAT 'SALE. Certain local dealers have been filling tbe columns of the dally papers lately with "cheap hat" advertisements. Knowing by experience that these were tricks to Catch the unwary, we have examined one of these eheao hats and find tbat they are cheap in more senses than one, being not only cheap In price, but also cheap in looks and no doubt will make tbe wearer feel pretty cheap besides. In contrast with these goods we would urge economical bnyersto inspect our low priced but reliable Fur Hats, which we guarantee strictly hand mafle, silk trimmed and positively fast black. You'll never make a mistake by patronizing the reliable establishment of RUBEN, The Hatter and Furnisher, 421 and 423 Smithfleld St P. a Mall orders promptly filled. 0C13-WT3U Latest improved Spectacles and Eye-Glasses; will fit any nose with ease and comfort The largest and best stock of Optical Instruments and Artificial Eyes. KOBNBLTJM, Theoretical and Practical Optician. No. SO Fifth avenue, near Wood street. Telephone No. 1688. selS-DSU RAILROADS. BALT1MOKK AMU OHIO .KA1L.KUAU Schedule In effect May 12, 18S9. For 'Washing ton. I). 0., Baltimore; Philadelphia and Mew York, 8:00 a. m and 9:20 v. m. Tax Cum berland, '3:00 a. m 1:00, 9:3J p. m. For Con nellsTllle, ?S:0 and 3.00 a. m.. tlitf, UM and 930 p. m. For Unlontown, tt:4B, SMt. m il 100 and tcco p. m. For Mount Pleaaant, $S:0 and MflO a. xn.. and tlUX) and ?4.00 p. m. for Washington. Pa . S-45. $3: a. m 3:33, is-jo and "3 30 p. m. Jfor Wheeling, "6:15, 49-40 a. si., 3:33, "S.SOp. m. For Cincinnati and St. Louis. 6:45a. m., "8:30p.m. ForColumbns. 6: and 9:40 a. m 8:30 p. m. For Newark. 6:43, ?9:40 a. a 3:35, 8:p. m'. For Chicago, t:45. 3:40 a. m 3:35 and 8:30 p. m. Trains arrive from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, 8:20a. ra. and 3:S0 p. m. From Colnmbus, Cin cinnati and Chicago. 7:4S a. m. and 8:00 p. m. From Wheeling, "7:45, 10:50 a. m., tl:00, 9:00p. m. Through sleeping cars to Baltimore, Wash ington and Cincinnati. Wheeling accommodation. 8:30 a. m.. Sunday only. Conneilsvllle accommodation at $8:35 a. m. Dally. tUally except Snnday. SSnnday onlr. The Pittsburg Transler Company will call for and check baggage from hotels and residences upon orders left at B. & U. Ticket Office, corner Fifth avenue and Wood street. CHAd. O. SCULL, Gen. Past. Act. J.T.ODKLL, Qen.iigr. PITTSBUKG AND CASTLE SHANNON R. R. Summer Time Table. On and after May, 1&39, until further notice, trains will run as follows on every day, except Sunday. Eastern standard time: Leaving Plttsbsrg-4:20 a. m., 7:10 a. nu. 8.-00 a.m., 9:Xa. m., 11:30 a. m., 1:40 p. m., 3:40 p. m- 5:10 p. m 5:50 p. m., 6:30p.m., S:30 p.m., 11:30 p. m. Arlliifftoii-S:40- a. m., 6.-20 a. ra., 7:10 a. m.( 8:00a. m., 1050a, m 1:00 p.m.. 3:40p.m.. 4:20 p. m., 5:10 p. m 5.50 n, m., 7:10 p. m., 10.34 E. m. Sunday trains, leaving Pittsburg 10 a.m., !.5up. m., 2:30p.m., 5:10 p. m., 7:10 p. m., 9:30 p. m Arlington "J:1J a. m.t 13 m., 1:50 p. m., HO p.m. 6:30p.m., 8:00p.m. JOHN JAHN. Supt. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD Tralns leave Union Station (Eastern Standard time): KKtannlngAc. SiSS s-m.: HlagsxsEx dally. 8.45 a. m.. Unlton Ac, 10-.U a. m.: Valley Camp Ac, 32:06 p. m.; Oil aty and lluBols Ex-press,2.00p.m.;HultnAe.,l.-00p.m.:Klttannln2 Ac, 4i00p.m.; BraebnrnEi,6)p.m.; Klttann lng Ac, 6.30 p. m.; Eraebnm Ae-6:20p.m.: Hal ton Ac, 730 p. m.; Buffalo Ex., daily. SsAO p. m.; Hulton Ac, 9:45 n.m.: Braeburn Ac, 11:30 p. m. Church trains Braeburn. 33:40 p. m. and 9JS p. m. Pullman Sleeping Cars betwsea Pittsburg and Buffalo. JAB. P. ANDERSON, i,T. Azt.; DAVID MCOABGO. Gta. Burt. BEST ASSORTMENT. LOWEST PRICES. Retail Stores, 406 and 408 Market street OC16-48-MWF Established 1847. Ii. G1JESENKA rP & SON. ' Builders of FINE CARRIAGES. Our assortment Includes light and heavy work of every description. See Display at Exposition. Salesrooms, 318 and 320 Fenn avenue. No connection with any other carriage house.) Q - OOX5S. ACE & CO., an4-WTSo LAMP HV, H-:iliisssR . fea -rtlssB EST QNey$ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W - O - R - K - I - .A. WORD WITH -2TOTT- You have to figure close. You seek to buy where you can bay the cheapest That's sensible. You have got a certain sura laid by for rent another sum for fuel a third for clothing, shoes and other wear ing apparel which you and those dependent upon you must have thi3 winter. You have figured it over. A dollar saved is a dollar earned. t Now, then, sit down and listen to a few words of reason from KAUFMANNS' 1 Our large Fall and Winter stock, partly bought from the best makers our counters xcauy ur sue uuusumer. .every article anu garment in u was bougnt for SPOT CASH at rock bottom prices. We propose to sell, it on the same basis. We are "Cash People" through and through. We are neither Debtors nor Creditors. We fear or favor none. WeseJloar' jj-J. j it..!. :- ....i -j .: . t ..1 !.. . fc gOOQS uu men Lucius, we auraci auu ter value ior meir money man any oiner nouse in tne state, upon tnis line we fought and won our battles for commercial supremacy and upoa! this line we shall seek to maintain it By adhering to this policy we are SuvlUg Luc wuisuuguieu nuu Lrat.iuuii,c ua uatiiAjf Hi.uU5a.UU3 Ui UUUaiS.aa nuauy. come, now, ana sec ior yourselves. LOOK WHAT YOU SAVE:1 On our $6 Men's Suits and Overcoats, sold elsewhere at 750, you save $1 50. n On our $8 Men's Suits and Overcoats, sold elsewhere at $10, you save $2. On our $to Men's" Suits and Overcoats, sold elsewhere at 13, you save $3- . On our $12 Men's Suits and Oyercbats, sold elsewhere at $16, you save 4. On our 15 Men's Suits and Overcoats, sold elsewhere at $20, you save On our $18 Men's Suits and Overcoats, sold elsewhere at $24, yok'save $6. THESE MONEY-SAVING EIGUEES - ARE JUST THE SAME IN OUR ::: BOYS' CLOTHING DEPARTMENT On our $2 Boys' Suits or Overcoats, 50c ' On our $2 50 Boys' Suits or Overcoats, sold elsewhere at $3 '25,, yi save 75c On our 3 Boys' Suits or Overcoats, On our $4 Boys' Suits or Overcoats, sold elsewhere at $4 50, yoa save $1 50. On our $S BoyV'Suits or Overcoats, sold elsewhere at $?, you save $2. On our $6 Boys' Suits or Overcoats, sold elsewhere at $8r you save $2. NOW, NOTE WHAT YOUR WIVES WILL SAVE BY PATRONIZING OUR ::: GRAND CLOAK On our $4 Newmarkets or Wraps, sold elsewhere at ?5,-yon save $u u"-1 On our $6 Newmarkets or Wraps, sold elsewhere at $j 50, you save ' On our $8 Newmarkets or Wraps, sold elsewhere at $10, you save $2. On our iiio Newmarkets or Wraps, sold elsewhere at $ 13, you save $3.'. , On our $12 Newmarkets or Wraps, sold elsewhere at $16, you save $4.-1 - On our $15 Newmarkets or Wraps, SHOES, Too, Are a Source of Great SaYing When Bought fin nnr J!t Men's or Women's Shoes, roc. On our $1 50 Men's or Women's save kc On our $1 98 Men's or Women's save 77c. On our $2 50 Mea's or Women's Shoes, sold elsewhere at $3 50, save $1. On our $3 Men's or Women's Shoes, sold elsewhere at 25, you . On our 54 Men's or women 3 snoes, Pi 5- Prices of Hatst and Puriiishing Goods in Proporti KAUFMANNQ Fifth Avenue and RAILKOAD3. FESaSTLVANIA KA1LKOAD-ON ANU ler September a. lSea. trains leTe Union (Station, ftttssnrK as roUoirt, pastern Standard HA1N LIKE EABTWAB1X New York and Chicago Limited oxmuman Ves tibule daily at 7UJ a. m. . . Atlantic Express dallr for the Cut. JM a.m. Max train, datl7, except Sunday. -6a.m. Sun day, mall, 8140 a. m. liar express dallr at SiOO a. m. Mall express dallr at 1:00 p. m. FMladelphl express dallr at 4:30 p. m. Eastern express rJsllT at 7:15 p. m. . Fast Line dillrSt 8:10 p.m. ., Grrenstrarx express uo p. m. -weer oars. Derrr express 11:00a.m. weekday. Alltfiroueb. trains connect at J"crCltywIo boats cf "Brooklyn Annex" for Brooklyn. S. . Y aToidlngdoublelerrlage and Journey tnrougn K. Trains arrlTe at Union Station as follows: Mail Train, dally J'SS m Western express. daUy. ,!' 2 Pacific ExpresaTdally "HllSP'S Chicago Limited Express, dally 8:30p.m. JastLlne, dally USp, la. souTinvEar rni bailwai. Tor Unlontown. : and .a. jn. andaBp. m.. without change of cars: ItM P- m-. e??"" lng at Greenshnrg. Trains arrire from Union town at 9:13 a. m.. U20, 85 and 8:10 p. m. WEST rBNNSXWANlA JUVJSlOa. rromFZOEBAL . JfTATION. Alleghenrag. Mall train, connecting for ill!j""; ?' ExoressTfor Blalrsrllle, connecting for BnTr'Icenrr. 'ZS& aVmii .ud SS Bprtogdale AceoniSUf-m-'nd P.m. rteeportAceom 4ui f,-5Vl,V S" OnBunday ,- i:'s0 J?? !: North ApoUoAcconu....U:W-m.nd. 6-00 p. m. Allegheny Junction Accommodation connecting for Butler., ,5:2 5 2 Blalrsrllle Xeeoraroodatlon ;-;-1v1j:-ft5;,5h Trains arrire at FEDERAL STREET STATION s Express, connecting from Bntlcr,.....W:35a. m. Mall Train. i".VVj!D m Butler Aceom ..:l0a. m., Blalrsrllle Accommodation....;"....-':?, m. Kreenort Aecom.7:40a.m.. 17a)andnd0p. m. On Bandar vW?,,i.?"Sll2nS5" Bprlngdale ieom...i8,n:--. &P- 2 Nort4 Apollo Accom 8:a. m. asdS:p. ra. MONONGAHELA DIVISION. Trains leare Union station. Plnsosrg. as follows. jMoaongaheta City, West Brownsrllle and uSlratSwB. lo!io m. Jlonongaheu City and West Brownsrllle.7 and 10:40 a.m.and 4:40 p.m. On Sunday. UOVpl m. Jfor Monongahela CUy;;) p. m week days. DraTosbnrg Ac. week days, lao p.m. West Elisabeth Accommodation. 8:20a. nu, ziOS, 8:20 and 11: p. m. Sunday. : p.m. Ticket offices Corner fourth arenna and Try street and Union station. ,..... ' CHAS. E. rUUU, J. B. WOOU. General Manager. Gen'l Pass'r AsrenV T1ANHANULE ROUTE-JULT J. UG9. UNION X station. Central Standard Tint. Leare for Cincinnati and St. Louis, d 7 9 a-m., d 8-00 and d lliU p. m. Dennlson, 2: p. m. Chicago, 12.06. d 11:14 p. m. WbMllng; J JO a. m., lifts, 8:10p.m. Steubennlle. J8s- a. Washington. tat, 8:888. m.,ldi,t)8&4lsSl4d6p. m. Bulger, 10:B a. m. Burgettstown, 58 p. m. Mans field, 7:11:30, 11:00 a. to., lie. ItiB. d ; WtfS n.m. McDonalds, d 4:18, d:16 p. m. X-rom the West, tXZiK, dsaa a. m J.-fle. dtift MB. Dennlson. iJ8a.m. Stoabeartlle, 1:05 p. ra. Wheeling,? M, 8:44a.m.. J:OV J: p.m. Bnrgatts town, 7:a. m.,Bl a.m. WseMngtos. II, 8:49TlO. a. m-. Ji B. m. Mas!, 8t)C Bulger, li0p. a., Miiiil1i..dtJ6, eVM JUytJsWiiaitol a4Mr JffaW N - G - M - EN - , partly manufactured by ourselves of clothing in the country, is upon $ iciaiu patrons DT giving mem Del- ' is r sold elsewhere at $2 50, yoa savet sold elsewhere at $4, you save tx.v DEPARTMENT :;:r w sold elsewhere at ?2o, you save $5. ,. - at Kaufmanns'. sold elsewhere at ti to. vom save. j Shoes, sold elsewhere at $2 25Jyoa; ..4.' Shoes, sold ekewhefe at $2 75570 soia eisewnere ar 5 50, yoai l Smithfleld Street eel7-B KA1LKOABS. T-ENNS1.VANL. COMPANY 1JI X. Sept. 2fc R(B. Central StaBdardTtasa.;- , AAAlil MB4TAM. . ii follows from Union StattoBi jfor Chi n,aTm a. m., d HtX. dl.-e, d7i4, exatvt SaWJejrT.&A Sn,: Toledo, 736 a. m. dataa. dla4e turday. 1130 p. m. CresMlBe, 8:46 a. m.S CMTft land, 8:10 a.m- M: and d 11:86 p. a. asd 7:M a. m., rla F-, y. W. C. Ky.: New Castla and Toungstown, 748 a. m. USSS, list p. ra.; VonngstownandMUea, dllda p. K.t MealrKle. Erie and AshUbute. IMka, 11 p. m.; NUM and Jamestown, I:4 p. m.t Maasttlsa. 4:49p.m.: WbeeUag and Bellalra, OJOa. as, B:4s, MBs. m.; Bearer alU 4rtB, p, m, Beaver raMs.8 a. u.l Leetsdale. 8:80 a. m. ALLEGHENY Hoehester. (X a. m.t Bearer Falls, 8:18, UiOO a. m. : Enos, 8:00 p. a.j Letts, dale, 16m, Ui4S a. m., 2.-OQ, 4iV 4i4i, S:3B. 7. M0 p.ra.; Conway, M JO p.m.; Fair Oaks, 8 W40 a, m. : Leetsdale, s 8:3pp. m. TKAINHAKsUVB Union station from CUeago, except Monday l-a, dsa-dOdS a. m.. d : p. au ; Toledo, except Monday 1:88, d 8:88 a. au, IM &BU, Crestline, 2:10 p. m.; Yonngstown and ew Castle. 8:10a. m., 1:28, sis. 10:18 p. nurNHe) andYonnsjstown. at-Mp. susClereland, dSdOa. a:.. 28, 70 pJm.t WbeeUag and BeSalre, a. m 2:26, Trfb p. m.: Erie and Ashsabuta, lit, 10:15 o. nut Massttloa, lfl.-flo a. nu; Nftes and Jamestown, i:m a. m.i oeaTer raits, iw a. m 1110 p. nu, tieayer n an, a aaa p. 1 m.t Leetsdale. VMS p. m. AHktVK ALLSeHEKY-Frtna Xaas. 8 .-OS a. m.: Conway. 8:58; BooBester, 0:49 a. m.: Bearer away, 8:80; BooBester. 0:40 a. m.: Bearer 10 a. m, 8:48 p. m.: Leetsdale, 8dB, 8:18, o.. a.-ee. i:s, lis. a.aa, tsm p. ar.: Fstr 8:S8 a. m.t Leetadalf, 8o p. ra.l Bear jrxiis, tzar 7: a.ra Oak. 38 f mils. Sl'ln. m O, f3liVJ VUfJ, U, MAi IflWS mttt v.viu. Sunday, s38?, -TDITTSBUKG AND LAKE ERIE BAILMI s. cuJirAJti scneaaie in bbbhv Central time. UrrasT ror derelaad, , W, u.., -m.rv, ET, ai A' V. .....w.hh efA and St. Lfils.aDa. m.. 1:2& safti For Buffalo, 8.-a8a. ra.. 4:ML S.D- m. Fori manca, "3.00 a. ra.. 4:10 p. m. For Vobb6w and New Castle. 8:08, S. 10:18 a. ra., I:. 4:W, 9:30 p. ra. lor Bearer rail, 8:08. -30, 10:18 i. m '1:36. 2.m. 4:1. 8:1. "SJOp. ra. For Cbartier. 5,J8aO a. in., 5:, :, 8.88.7:13, 8.06, 8:38, iOS. 10:18 a. mZ :& 'Villi, 1:40. 3 JO, tl-JB. 41S0 '5.06. 8:16, S8, -S0 p. m. Assirx From Clereland, tJB a. ra., '12:30, sas. 7:88, :40 p. hi. From Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis. ! 2:30, 7.98 p. ra. From Buffalo. 830 a. ra., i::8,0, I40 p. ra. From BaUsan; ei. lido. 7a p. ra. From Toungstown and New Castle. :, tM a. ra., niiOO. SJ6. t- :40p. m. Frea Bearer Falla. 8:iS. JO, 7:30, 9 33 a. ra.. 12:80. 1:M, 8:88. TM, :40 p. m. F., CAY. trains from. Maaaaeld, 8.39 a. m., J 4:80 p. m. For Essen and Beeehaont, 3.30 a, ra., 3:80 p. ra. Y.. C.4 Y. trains from 41" aeld, Lssen and Beechmont, 7 .-08 a. m., H?-J2 2. McK. A 1. B. M DrABT ForNew Haren. 18:30 a. ra., 3 p. ra. For West N ewton, 18 J 10.03 a, ra., 8:30. 5:18 p. ra. AUBIVI-Froin Bsw ton. 8:18. tn:50 a. m l:2t S JO n. ro. ForSic Keesportr Elisabeth and Monongahela Cir J"ft 4 M:86a. m., 30, 2:18 p. ra. From Monongaael?! wkt. jsiizaneui ana ascjLeesnon. -, w - 30 p. ra w Sunday. City ticket ogee. 889 Balthfleld street. TOnTSBUB AND WESTERN BAILWATj X. TtatssCDT istan dttrae) Awlre.i SmSW IsiiV If98Sp9nKvl 'bESSST ii TwilJP la.o. UrEx..Akren.Teelo,iCaBe 6:40 a m JJJjTj mtttr AecosBSMidattMi - J 5 f fcT fjint lagoisiisioasfl'' s 30 Bt ra SHsriS v :? 5f-i - ,la Mslfr " i w. 1 " Wk&. MfciMP saveraSv:. TvlH ontS AJSsSk aE i-? - tjj e