I? & u Pi r h I I THE PITTSBUE'G DISPATCH, ERTOAt? OCTOBER " 18, 18'89: .-'"""' '"' t;;" ''l lf '''v- j '',;y;b.lMl T : r : i : i Li : i ! E ' - - - TSSMT Irews Says Tliey Have i Found All Bight. ilCIALSUBYEYMADE Jillion Dollars Held Back by 'Uncle Sam Partially Due. KOW 10 YEARS SIKCE COMPLETION. Mrs. Eads 'Will Shortly Beceive a Portion of the Guaranty Sam. GEEATEE DEPTH OF WATEE OS THE BAE Colonel James P. Andrews, the eminent engineer of Allegheny City, was seen yes terday by a Dispatch representative -who had an unreasonable appetite for an item nngratified by several hours of busy hust iing. The genial old engineer came to the rescue with an important piece of informa tion about the I2ads jetties, with which he was so long and so successfully connected. Colonel Andrews said: "A corp of army officers appointed by Secretary Proctor has just concluded the official inspection of the Eads system of jetties pursuant to the act of Congress which allowed Captain Eads to construct his jetties in the South Pass of the Mississippi river. The enabling act placed all the risks upon Captain Eads, and ar ranged the basis of payment so that even when the deep water had been secured, the Government was to retain ONE MILLION DOLLABS as a security for the perpetuation of a navi cable stage of water. There was to be an inspection of the system within ten years from the date of completion, and a partial pavmentof the sum, the final inspection ami payment to take place in 20 years after completion. "The jetties were completed and formally opened on October 6, 1879, in the midst of a great popular demonstration. The ten vears' payment was therefore due on the 6th of the current month. The formal inspec tion, however, was not completed until day before yesterday, and the official report is probably by this time in the hands of the Secretary of the Navy. He will draw his warrant "for the sum payable under the pro visions of the act, and it will he paid to a representative of the Eads estate, who is sow in Washington. "This latest Government survey must satisfactorily CONCLUSIVELY SETTLE the question which is even now raised by carping critics and doubting Thomases as to the permanency of the jetties. I have been apprised by telegraph that the Government surveyors found, alter elaborate foundings of the bar at the mouth of SonthPass that the average depth of watr was greater than at the completion of the work. In several places an increased depth of three to four leet was found, but in the average the depth has increased. I regret that Captain Eads did not live long enough to enjoy this fresh proof of his foresight and judgment. But his widow will receive a practical evidence of the success of the jetties." Colonel Andrews is very busy upon sev eral mechanical ideas which are the resnlt of sights seen in Europe during his recent trip. He has completely recovered from the effects of the severe attack of pleuro-pneu-xnonia which he contracted on his trip from Denver to St. Louis. FIEE AEAE FIFTH AYE5UE. A Two-Story Stable Consumed Cable Cars Scrionsly Hctnrded. About 8 o'clock last evening fire was dis covered in the two-story stable of H. Ober nauer on Oar alley, near Vine street This stable has been bnrned twice formerly with in two years. It was the property of H. Forest, and had been rented by Obernauer, the wholesale liqnor dealer, only since Oc tober 1. The origin of the fire is unknown, al though it is probable that some man dropped a cigar or spark from a pipe. Two or three men kept their horses in the lower part, and had put them away a short time belore the fire broke out Officer Bosenblatt saw the flames and sounded an alarm. When the engines arrived the entire upper part was ablaze. Three wagons and six horses kept on the lower floor were saved from the flame's. On the second floor, which opens upon a yard leading to Colwell street, there were four horses, five sets of harness, a buggy and a load of hay, all belonging to Ober nauer, which were burned. The property was insured for little over half the value, hut there was no insurance on the building. The fire was put out before the framework was consumed. As patrol wagon No. 2, from the Eleventh ward station, was driving to the fire Officer S. Hanley tried to jump on the rear end at the corner of Fil'tL avenue aud Pride street His grip slipped and he fell back ward. His foot caught between the brass rail and the step, and he was dragged, on his back, along the stone pavement as far as the corner of Marion street There he was seen by one of the men on the wagon and was released. He could barely stand. His shoes were burned, his clothing torn and he was severely bruised on his back and limbs. He was able, alter awhile, to walk to his home on Second avenue. The hose lines across Pi. th avenue stopped the cable cars ior over an hour, and when the theaters and Exposition were out the streets down town were crowded with people waiting lor cars, which had not yet got back to regular schedule. Captain Silvis and sev eral policemen found it necessary to keep the people in order at the crossings when a car arrived. WEST YICGINIA OIL. A Terr B!e Gnshcr Struck in the Vicinity of Pnrkersborsr. Channing II. Smith, editor and proprietor of the Parkersburg Index, who is visiting the Exposition, received a telegram last night stating that a gusher had been struck ( in Pleasants county, W. Va. It is Bonsdall's well in which sand had only been struck last Monday, and it sent out 500 barrels yesterday, although not yet through the sand. The strike is located about 26 miles from Parkersburg. He says also that the Story well in the same locality has a good show of oil and is still drilling. K0 AMAKCE IN GAS KATES. The Brldgrewater Compnny Deny They Will JUnke an Advnncc. Prank Stephenson, Treasurer or the Bridgewater Gas Company, denied yester day that the company would advance the rates on their fuel on December 1. He stated that no circulars had been issued to the effect and the company was not short of gas. On October 1 they lollowed the exam ple of other companies and advanced rates, but nothing has been done since. He also stated that they do not get their supply from the Baden field. W Allowed to Reslcn. After an investigation by Chief Brown yesterday, J. H. Acheson, lieutenant of En gine Company No. 7, was forced to resign, because of a fight which he had one evening last week with James McKee, a member of ..the Twelfth Ward School Board. He has ' been an employe of the fire bureau for sine j ., FOE BUSINESS, NOT BANQUETS. The Pan-American Delegates lo Profit by Their Visit An Indnstrlnl Exhibition The Programme for Pittsburg Slsht Beclnc. The Programme Committee on the enter tainment of the South American delegates during their short visit here met yesterday and concluded their arrangements. The visitors will arrive on Wednesday evening from Cincinnati. On Thursday the trip up the river, particulars of which have been already published, will take place. A return will be made by 5 or 6 o'clock in order to afford time for an in spection of the exhibits of minor phases of local industry which it is proposed to hold in Mechanical Hall on the same evening. D. C. Ripley is Chairman of the committee having this matter in hand, and to him all ap plications for soace should be at once made. The directors of the Exposition have con sented to facilitate the presentation of these industries to the visitors by providing the necessary motive power, etc The shoe manufacturing, nail and broom making ma chines now in operation will be utilized, and it is expected that the citizens will provide an extensive entertainment in this direction for the edification of the delegates. On Friday the programme, as already published, will be carried out, and in the evening the visitors will sleep in their cars, so as to be ready for an early start next morning for Jeannette and the Grapeville gas district, which they will take in on their way East At the special request of the visitors there will be no banqueting indnlged in, but their inner susceptibilities will not suffer on this account, as the very finest service the city affords will be placed at their disposal. There is a strong hope among the members of the Entertainment Committee that the Philadelphia Companv will see its way to treat the tourists to a display of gas lighting similar to that presented by it on a recent occasion. Mr. James B. Scott and other prominent gentlemen will accompany the visitors on their various sight-seeing expeditions in this district A SINGULAR EXPLOSION. Although Many Men Were Around Ibe Boiler Xone Were Hurt. A boiler exploded last night at the Pitts burg Foundry Company, Bennet Nolives were lost, but John Spael, the engineer, sustained a deep scalp wound at the right side of his head. His injuries are not con sidered fatal, although he is in a dangerous condition. The explosion occurred about 6 o'clock, just when the men were tapping a heat of iron from the cupola, and it was a most miraculous circumstance that no lives were lost, because the boiler is situated just at the rear of the cupola. When the report was heard the men around the furnace left the molten irou to pour into the ladle, and ran from the flying debris. The east side of the building was torn out, the patterns were scattered around and broken into fragments, and the engine was slightly damaged. The loss is estimated at 500. It is supposed that the cause of the explo sion was a defective sheet in the boiler; it was, however, tested last October at 150 pounds, and it only carried 100 pounds at the time it blew up. Two years ago yester day a boiler exploded in the same place and about the same hour. AN ABSCONDEE EETDENS. John SIgb, Ex-Secretary of I TJ. 41 Charged With Embezzling $400. John Sigh, formerly secretary of Local Union 41, American Flint Glass Workers, was lodged in jail yesterday, in default of $1,000, for a hearing on Saturday, on a warrant sworn out by John Snyder, a mem ber of the union. Sigh disappeared about July with about $400 of the union's funds. He came back vesterday and was seen by Snyder, who Immediately entered the charge against him. Sigh admitted having appropriated money, and said that he understood if he came back aud explained that no action would be taken against him. HITHER AND THITHER. Movements of PIttaburgera nnd Other of Wide Acquaintance. President of the Pennsylvania Bailroad Comrany G. B. Roberts, Vice President I. N. Dabarry, Second Vice President George P. Green. Wistar Morris H. D. Welsh, A. it Lit tle and G. W. Hntchinson, Directors, N. H. Joyce. E. B. Wail, D. S. Newhall, G. H. Aitken, F. E. Gordon and I. M. Hardine, officials of the company, are staying at the Anderson. They leave this morning on their annual official tour of inspection. Mayor McCallin received a telegram from Mayor Cregier. of Chicago, yesterday, stating that City Controller Onahan, A. Bal lard, W. B. Cunningham. James B. Low and C. It Hopkins will be here to visit the Pittsburg imposition. The gentlemen have been ap pointed to attend by the city of Chicago. Miss Lillian Blanche Bailey, Miss M. Heizer and Thomas McCardy have written Alderman Porter asking cim to deny the report that they were in anyway connected with his agency. The Alderman stated that none of the above were employed by him in any capacity. Maximilian Herrmaun.of Hew Orleans, is a guest at the Anderson. Mr. Herrmann is President of the Gulf Wire Mill Co., the Cos mopolitan Loan Co., and the Territorial Com mittee of the Twenty-sixth Saengerf est which meets next year in New Orleans. A number of gentlemen visited the Western Penitentiary yes'terday, including Charles F. F. Dumtin, Warden of the State Penitentiary. New York; E. W. Abrams, of the Southern Prison, Blinois, and W. C Hornor, of the State Prison of Maryland. . W. C. Turner, a telegraph operator on the P.. McK. & Y.. m this city, has just fallen heir, with eight others, to the estate of the late Jeremiah Nicholson, of Baltimore, valued at 8.000,000. Mr. Nicholson was one of Balti more's oldest citizens. Colonel Harry Wall, of Los Angeles, is on a visit here and is a guest of his friend and cousin. Very Rev. Dr. Wall, rector of at. Paul's Cathedral. Colonel Wall is one of the most successful grape growers on the Pacific slope. Frank Gessner, the well-known glass worker and writer on labor subjects, will de liver an address "On Socialism" to the Single Tax Club on Sunday afternoon, in the Union Veteran Legion Hall, Sixth avenue. C. H. Brace, of Brace Bros., was elected one of the Vice Presidents of the Laundry men's National Association, which has been in session at Buffalo. N. r. The next meeting Will UK XU T lbl&Ulll. James G. Mitchell, Manager of the Standard Oil Company's Philadelphia boiler plant was a delegate at the Boiler Makers' Convention. Mr. Mitchell was a former resident of Pittsburg. Mr. George O. Morse has been appointed Manager of the Morse Electric Supply and Construction Company. Mr. Z. MM). Miller will be foreman for the same company. The genial chief clerk of the Hotel An derson, W. H. Crosby.celebrated his thirty-second birthday yesterday. He was roundly con gratulated by numberless friends. L F. Miller, General Superintendent of the Pennsylvania lines, went to Columbus last night in the C., St L. fc P. private car 3S. W. Clarence Andrews, of Dayton, O., is on a visit to his father. Superintendent An drews, of the Bureau of Highways. John Waller, of McKeesport, claims to have invented a jonmal which will do away with hot boxes on railroad cars. Ex-Judge J. A. Bailey, with his family, have taken up their residence at the Monon gahela for the winter. J. O. Furcb, of Allegheny, returned home after a three months' trip through Germany. General B, S. Granger and Mrs. Granger are guests at the Monongahela, President Norton, of the Louisville and Nashville road, went East last night Mr. Henry G. Hale and Miss Hale left yesterday for Philadelphia, Allegheny Common Council Wrestles With the Question Again. GRADE CROSSING CHESTHUT BELLS. Eock Asphalt Experiments on Irwin Avenue Discourajed. A COUNCIL MANUAL COMPLIMENTED The Allegheny Common Council held a special meeting last night relative to the purchase of ground for the electric light plant Learning of a piece of property on Irwin avenue and Oak alley, 60x120 feet, very desirable for the purpose and that could be bought for $7,0,00, the committee recommended its purchase and had an or dinance framed to that end.. The report be ing filed, the ordinance was taken up and passed. The rules were suspended and the Council proceeded to regular business. Mr. Watson submitted a communication from the Penn sylvania Bailroad Company asking for the repeal of an old ordinance requiring en gineers to ring the bells on their engines while passing grade crossings in the city. The company claimed that any danger was prevented by the safety gates now in use. The paper was referred to the proper com mittee. Mr. Watson also presented a petition for an ordinance providing for the taking and approval of corporate sureties by Councils and committees. , It is intended to cover cases where se curity is needed for a bond filed by con tractors or others doing work for the city, and provides for the approval of bonds filed by any corporation authorized by State law. This "was referred to the Finance Com mittee. A HEW BAHWAY PBOJECTED. Mr. Stayton presented an ordinance for the Northside Railway Company. It is a new line to be operated either by electricity or such other motive power as the company may desire. The line begins on the Ohio river at the foot of' Franklin street, and runs along and over Manhattan, Sheffield, Bidwell and Cabinet streets to Allegheny avenue, thence to Boquet street, to Grant avenue, to North avenue, to Monterey street, and there connect with the Federal street and Pleasant Valley Bailway. The ordinance was referred to the Committee on Street Railways. Mr. Smith, of the Twelfth ward, offered a resolution authorizing the Mayor to remove wagons and other vehicles left standing from the streets, to prevent danger, espe cially in cases ot fire. It was adopted. Mr. Steffen called up an ordinance for the construction of a sewer on Sigel street, Sixth ward, which was passed; also the ordinance for a sewer on Arch street, First ward, called up by Mr.Neeb. Mr. Striepeke reported that the Commit tee on Wooden Buildings bad recommended favorably a number of ordinances, and the ordinance of the Pittsburg and Western Railroad for the right to erect a frame store room on Kilbuck street was passed, as was the ordinance giving Mrs. Sweeney the right to build a frame stable in the rear of 153 Cass avenue, and the ordinance granting the United Bohemian Society the right to build a two-story frame hall on Vinial street The ordinance vacating the sidewalks on the north and east sides of the Carnegie Library was passed. GENERAL MATTERS ATTENDED TO. Mr. Knox called up the ordinance author izing the regrading and repaying of Irwin avenue, from Western to North avenues, with Sicilian sheet rocs asphalt Messrs. Stayton, Dahlinger, Kpox and Robinson objected to its passage, as it was a costly experiment to the city, and as the street was in good repair it were better to experiment on some other street that was not Stockton avenue for example. Beside, the residents on Irwin avenue had not pe titioned for it. The city had to pay the en tire cost. Mr. Stayton moved that it be referred back to the committee, and that if the prop erty holders agreed to pay one half for the improvement then let it be recommended. Chairman Hunter called attention to the elegant manual lately gotten out by Clerk Dilworth, of Common, and Clerk White, of Select Council, and Mr. Parke moved for a vote of thanks for them, which was passed unanimously. MORE TELEGRAPH FOLES. Permission Given tbe Wcstinelionse" Com pany to Erect Tbcm. The Committee on Streets of Allegheny met last night The Westinghouse Com pany submitted a plan of the towers for the electric lights that they propose erecting. The company also asked for the right to erect poles upon which to place wires for the lighting of the High School. This was granted, and the plan of towers submitted to a sub-committee. The sub-committee ap pointed to look into the work, of the rail road crossing at Agnew's station reported that the company proposed erecting a bridge with approaches 32 feet wide and 6 feet to the hundred, which was entirely sat isfactory. SOME FUNNY FEATURES About the Stowe Township Petroleum Ex citement Yesterdny. The road frcm Chartiers to the Arbuckle oil well was lined yesterday with pilgrims on foot, on horseback and in buggies, dog carts and all kinds of vehicles. A large number of perspiring Muldoons who would have paid handsomly for transportation were forced to hoof it as the liverv capacity of Chartiers was exhausted. Some of the visitors owned land in Stowe and Bobinson townships and others wanted to get leases, while others simply went out ot curiosity. There were all sorts of stories, as to the well's production, ranging from 300 to 1,080 barrels a day. A party of lessees negotiated with a man who owns land near the head of Neville Is land, giving him a dollar to bind a verbal bargain. He was told to come to the city to sign the papers. When he got here he was informed the deal was off, as it had been ascertained that he was not in the line. After deducting car fare the would-be lessor found that his time had been paid for at a very low rate. The next party that makes an engagement of this kind with him, will have to pay more than a dollar to bind the bargain. Bnlldlns Permits Issued Yesterday. The Central Traction Company yesterday took out a permit for the erection of a brick power house on Wvlie avenue, near Tun nel street, to cost 557,000. The building is to be one story high and 60x82 feet in size. C. A. Balph is the builder. Dilworth, Porter & Co. took out a permit to erect an ironclad addition to their mill on Bingham street Southside, to be 22x32 feet and cost $1,000. Mrs. W. F. McBride got a permit to build a two-story brick dwelling on Meyran avenue, Fourteenth ward, to cost 53,800. A Home Saddened by Dentb. Ruby, the daughter of -Assistant City Controller John J. Davis, died yesterday forenoon of membranous croup at the age of G years. The death was sudden. Mr. Davis was at the office when a telephone message warned him that his daughter was dying.' When he reached his home she had passed away. Mr. Davis has the sincere sympathy of his associates in the City Hall. "Petebsos" for November is issued as a Thanksgiving number, with a handsome new cover, and has some very fine illustra tions and numerous stories and sketches equal to those of any other publication. This magazine is to many a household ne cessity, and woold .be(:to mapy others did they know its attractions. ' W. D. I!foore Preienta Startling Affidavits In Criminal Court Ex-Mayor Llddell Involved Attorney Porter's ExplIcItDe nlal. W. D. Moore created a sensation in Criminal Court yesterday by presenting an affidavit made by Joanna May Clark in re lation to the case of assanlt and battery in which Hannah Clark was the prosecutrix and ex-Mayor Robert Liddell the defendant Mrs. Clark deposed that while waiting to be called before the grand jury she heard Mr. Liddell say to one Townsley, "Swear she was drnnk and stick to it." She also avers that Townsley so swore, and that the bill was ignored by reason thereof. Mr. Moore also presented an affidavit made by Hannah Clark substantiating her mother's testi mony. Mr. Moore then made a graphic statement of the fracas in which Mrs. Clark was ejected by ex-Mayor Liddell from thelatter's office, and claimed that the grand jury had as sumed the functions of. a traverse jury in trying the case, and charged that things looked crooked. Judge White asked some questions, said he was astounded that Mr. Liddell should have been permitted to remain in the grand jury room, and that he wonld have the case sent back and reconsidered. Mr. Haymaker, Assistant District At torney, said he had not seen anybody but Attorney L. K. Porter in the room. Mr. Portfrasked to have the case disposed of as quickly as possible. The Court rose to his feet and said with some warmth that Mr. Porter had no busi ness there, and any member of the bar who did that should be disbarred. He again expressed his amazement at Mr. Liddell 's presence in the grand jury room, and said that he would refer the case to the next grand jury. Last evening ex-Mayor Liddell, accom panied by his attorney, Mr. L. K. Porter, visited The Dispatch office for the pur pose of making a statement abont the events of the day in the Criminal Court Mr. Townsley is a night watchman in my employ. I si mnly want to say that I was not in grand jury room as charged, and didn't com municate with either tbe grand jnry or the Assistant District Attorney, Haymaker. I was simply there to escort our engineer and foremen who were to testify before grand jury. I waited in the waiting room until I found the case couldn't bo called, whenlleftfor home. They had to wait I deny every charge made by them completely. I am very much astonished at a charge of jury-hxing, and can only ascribe it to personal reasons. Townsley was jot called by the grand jury at all, and it could not have been his testimony upon which the case was ignored. I propose to make an information against Hannah Clark and her mother for perjury and against W.D. Moore for subornation of perfury, and until the case is tried I ask a suspension ot opinion. I propose to probe the thing to tbe bottom, as I am tired of being misrepresented." Mr. Porter was indignant at what he termed the unwarranted assumptions made in the case, and last evening secured the fol lowing letter from Assistant District At torney John C. Haymaker: PrrrSBUBO, October 17, 1889. In relation to the statement made by Judge White in the Criminal Court this morning in the case of the Commonwealth versus Robert Liddell, ignored by the grand jury, in justice to L. K. Porter, Esq., I desire to say that two or three days before the case was heard by the grand- jury Mr. Porter called on me in the waiting room.which is separate from that occu pied by the grand jury, and requested simply that an engineer who had charge of a large engine be heard as soon as possible in the Lid dell case, as it was almost impossible for.him to be away from bis engine this witness was subpoenaed by the Commonwealth and made a similar request; this was on Friday and tbe case was heard on the following Monday or Tuesday. Mr. Porter made not the slightest reference to the facts or merits of the case, nor did he say anything about the prosecntion of his client I know that his sole purpose was to relieve the engineer from any further delay and not to obstruct the course of justice. Mr. Porter's reputation is well known, and 1 think I can safely say that he is far above doing any thing calculated to tarnish the rcpntation of a member of the bar. Yours truly. JOHN C. HATMAKEB, Ass't Dist Att'y. PrrrSBUBO, October 17, 1SS9 I am the engineer referred to by Mr. Hay maker, and it was at my request that Mr. Porter went to see Mr. Haymaker, myself being with him. The conversation was as stated by Mr. Haymaker. It was Friday morning, two or three days before tbe case was finally called. We jointly requested that my testi mony be taken, as I had left my engine and was uneasy to get home. Mr. Porter said nothing to Mr. Haymaker or myself about tbe facts of the case, nor did he express any opinion. This was the only time Mr. Porter was there, and I was responsible for that as it was a matter of kindnws to me. 1 will be qualified to this, and further will say after waiting until the case was heard was never called as a witness. This conversation took place in the waiting room, at which time the grand jnry was locked up in another room. Chables McDonald. Mr. Porter said in regard to Judge White's comments upon the case: "What Messrs. Haymaker and McDonald say is correct in every particular. What I did was not wrong, and 1 owe no apology to Judge White, Mr. Moore or the pnblic If Judge White s keen sense of moral rectitude sees in hese charges any cause for disbarment let him prefer charges at once ana do his dntyasa Judge. If I am right let him then make the apology that in justice I am entitled to. In this case he cannot bide behind his judicial er mine and publicly slander me. If he was mis led by the exaggerations of Mr. Moore of conrse it is pardonable, but it is difficult tar, me to believe that a man whom I have admired and esteemed could have said what he did with out sending for me." STRIKE IN A PIPE DEPARTMENT. The Thread Cotters In A. M. Byers it Co.'s Will Strike for on Increase. The thread cutters at A. M. Byers & Co.'s mill on South Sixth street went on strike yesterday for $1 60 per day.- The men, to the number of 80, formally notified their employers on Tuesday of their demand for the increase of 15 cents per day, and they say that, had not the firm discharged three oftheir number who were supposed by them to be- leaders in tbe movement, they were willing to consider the matter further. Mr. JSyers wanted tbem to return to work, say ing that the matter would be fixed on Satur day, but the men refused. It was stated that the firm had agreed to pay a few of the. strikers the wages de manded, bnt the men held that, siuce they all did the same work, they should receive like pay. The men are confident of receiv ing the increase. Yesterday a few men went, to work in the strikers' places, but very little work was turned out A good many of the men returned to work last night, having been granted the additional 15 cents asked for. The firm has not decided to -allow the rest of the strikers to resume at the same terms. Those who went back were rather afraid to do so until the firm had furnished them protec tion. Hostile demonstrations were indulged in, and those still out believe their demand will be complied with. M0NEI IN EEAL ESTATE. A New Allceheny Company Formed With S7?.000 Capital. A charter was filed in the Recorder's. Office yesterday for the Ridgeview Land Company of Allegheny. The purpose of the company is to buy, sell and improve real estate. " The capital stock is $75,000 divided into 1,500 shares at ?o0 per share. The directors are C. W. Dahlinger, John Gullett, S. C. Grier, Alex. Callow and S. L. Fullwood. i Public Works' Monthly Receipts. The September report of cash receipts to the Department of Pnblic Works, filed in the Controller's office yesterday is as follows: From the Diamond markets, $1,004 43; Fifth avenue and Adams markets, $85 50; South side markets, $132 25; Monongahela wharf, $175 11; Allegheny whnrf, $223 92; South side wharf, $60 50; city Bcales, $169 89; Bureau of Water Supply, $31 61; Bureau of Water Assessments, $515 10; total, $2,987 21. Fire on the Mount. A fire, originating from a defeotlve flue, broke out in the bouse occupied by Jacob Hines, on Ruth street, Mt Washington, last evening! A still alarm was sent in to No. 17 engine company, and the, blaze was soon extinguished. The damage' will not exceed $200. , ' - Patrol Wagon No; 1 Struck by a Maddened Runaway. A HORSE TEANSFIXED BY A SHAFT. The Patrol Horses Enn Away In Turn and Nearly Collide With Ko. 3. FOREMAN H'ANDREWS WAS INJURED A collision between a runaway horse and police patrol wagon No. 1, which occurred on Fifth avenue shortly before midnight, resulted in serious and perhaps fatal injuries to Thomas McAndrews, the driver of the patrol wagon. ' A gray horse, driven by young Scott, a son of the blacksmith on New Grant street, ran away on Smithfield street near Seventh avenue, threw the driver out of the sulky and dashed south toward tbe postoffice. Patrol Wagon No. 1 was going rapidly north on Smithfield street, to answer a call from box 25, at the corner of Eleventh street and Liberty avenue. McAndrews saw the runaway horse coming and tried to pull to one side. There was not time, and the horses collided. One of the shalts of the sulky penetrated the breast of the off horse iu the patrol wagon a distance of eight inches and broke off. The sulky was reduced to kindling wood and its horse tore loose and escaped. The patrol team, re covering from the shock, started at a terrifio pace along Smithfield street At that moment wagon No. 3, from the Twelfth ward, turned into the street with a load of prisoners for the Central station. Another collision was imminent Officer McAn drews tried in vain to hold his maddened team. Officer Keller snecceded in catching one of the horses by the bridle and tried to stop them, but in vain. The team was, however, drawn to one side of the street so that it escaped wagon No. 3 very narrowly. The wagon ran against a telegraph pole and Officers McAndrews and Daniel Deal were both thrown to the ground. In some strange manner Officer Keller escaped in jury. Tom McAndrews was thrown upon his right side upon the stone pavement He was unable'to rise, and was conveyed to the Central station by patrol No. 3. Coroner McDowell happened to be near and at tended to the injured officer until the ar rival of Dr. Moyer. Mr. McAndrews com plained of pain in his head and in his right groin, and it is feared that he is seriously hurt internally. He was been for many years on the police force, and was a Lieu tenant until a short time ago. He volun tarily relinquished that position to take the place in the patrol service. He is very popular in the department Daniel Deal, ofpatrolNo. 1, suffered a slight injury to his ankle, which made him lame. The wagon was badly injured by the collision with the telegraph pole. The wounded horse could not be saved, and bled to death. Young'Bcottj the driver of the sulky, was arrested and will he held until an investiga tion can be made. During the remainder of the night patrol No. 3 was put into service for the Central station district, while patrol No. 5 was called in from the Seventeenth ward to take its place in the Twellth ward. GLASS BLOWERS' TROUBLE. The Men at the O'Hsra Works Agitated Aboat a New Mold. The employes of the OHara Glass Com pany, corner of Thirtieth and Railroad streets, are becoming agitated over a matter that may lead to trouble between the firm and themselves. On Sunday next a meeting of Local Union No. 4, of the American Flint Glass Workers' Association, will be held to consider the matter, when definite action will be taken. T, , The officials of the association say there is no possibility of a strike, although the men are much dissatisfied. The cause of the trouble is due to a mold in use in the works by which the services ot one man are dispensed with. The mold is for the purpose of giving a polish to glassware, and if it was not used another man would be given employment. The men have pro tested against 'its use. claiming that the agreement between the firm and the associa tion does not allow it, and they are violat-i ing the rules in consequence. The firm claims the machine is not a violation of the rules, as it is not used on finished ware. THE MARTIN DROWNING. How tbe VIctlmMet II In Death After Getting a Job. Alderman Martin Shafer held an inquest yesterday afternoon on the body of George Martin, the man who was drowned at the foot of South Twelfth street A verdict of accidental death was rendered. The man was a former resident of Philadelphia, and had been in this city but a short time. He was employed by Stolzenbach, Pfeil & Co. on one oftheir sand boats. He began to work yesterday morning, and met his death bv falling from a barge on which he was walking. The location of his Philadelphia relatives could not be ascer tained, and the body will be buried to-day from Miller Bros.' undertaking rooms. LOCAL ITEMS, LIMITED. Incidents ofn Day.ln Two Cities Condensed for Heady Itondlne. Edward Ckosse, employe in King's Glass House, West Carson street got drunk on Wednesday, and having procured an English bulldog and a revolver, succeeded in raising a shindy in tbe glass house. He expressed a de sire for somebody's gore, and wonld no doubt have been gratified, had not Officer Johnson appeared on the scene, and marched him off to the Twenty-eighth station. Magistrate Brokaw to curb tbe doughty warrior's hangbty spirit, sent him to tbe workhouse for 60 days on yes terday. At the request of Coroner McDowell. Presi dent W. J. Smith, of the Flint Glass Workers Union, last evening visited the Jlorene for the purpose of endeavoring to identify the man who was killed on Wednesday morning at Stew art station. Mr. Smith thousht he recognized the body as that of a man who had worked at Jeannette, and he promised to communicate with somo of the Jeannetto people to-day. The inquest on the death of Charles E. Sanson, who died from a railroad injury re ceived at West Newton, was completed yester day. The jury censnred Dr. Vankirk, of "West .Newton, and Dr. Black, of McKeesport, for careless treatment of tbe man after he was injured. Va. E. E. Rig as, of South Fifteenth street had his horse and boggy stolen about 7 o'clock last evening. Tbe doctor was called to Allen town, and left his rig standing at the door. When bo came out the horse and buggy had disappeared. i Last evening a small boy named Zeigwas swinging on a rope attached to a hook in front of Beckert's grocery store, corner of Ohjo and James street Allegheny. His bead came in contact with a J50 pane of glass andsmashed it JonK McCarthy entered suit betore Alder man Rodgers, of the West End, yesterday charging Amy Grav with the larceny of a gold watch valued at 00. A hearing will be held Tuesday. Joseph Devlin, a blacksmith, living on Spring street Allegheny, and employed at Long's Steel Works, had his leg badly crashed by a roll falling on it while at work yesterday. JonK Boden, the koeper of the speak-easy at No. 27 Soho screot, died in Mercy Hospital yesterday morning. A partial inquest indi cated that the cause of death was alcoholism. Samuel Oee, employed at Painter-'s mills. West End. had his foot crushed in the box rolls yesterday, He was taken to his home on Stenben street Thirty-sixth ward. An Insane man named Lawrence Kindle was found wandering abont the streets of Alio gheny last night and was placed in the lockup. Daniel McNallt, living on Orphan street fell down a flight of stairs at his borne yester day and had bis leg broken. J ack McCtedt was committed to jail yes terday for court oa a charge of robbery by Aiaersuut unpjH Mr. Ross Explains Wby tbe McGaw and Evans Resolution Was Lost. Ittranspired yesterday that at the meet ing of D. A. 3, K. of L., on Wednesday, the following preamble and resolution were brought np for consideration: Whereas, We have learned through the press and otherwise that L A. 300, K. of L., at the late convention instructed Its delegates to vote for the expulsion of J. L. Evans and Homer McGaw from the order because of their alleged antagonism to the officials o(LA 800; therefore, be it Resolved, That the delegate from D. A. 3 to the General Assembly be instructed that if charges are preferred against the above-mentioned brothers he shall insist on a full, fair and impartial trial, with the right to examine charges at least three weeks before the trial, the right to employ counsel, and all other rights common to an American citizen. The resolution was defeated. Master Workman Ross yesterday said that he had disapproved of the passing of the resolution because it would have taken the appearance of siding with the Central Trades Council in their fight with Li A. 300, which is composed of window glass workers, of whose association James Campbell is president. Should the charges brought against Messrs. Homer L. McGaw and Jo seph L. Evans, said -the Master Workman, be laid before the General Assembly, he wonld see to it that they got a fair and im partial trial and their cases fully heard. Mr. Joseph Evans was seen and said that if any charges were brought against him at Atlanta he would be thereto meet them, not otherwise. HE WAS IH SORB HEED. A Young- Man Steals Jewelry and Runs for It U Broad Daylight. Rinehart Hohamann, who lives at No. 75 Chartiers street, Allegheny, entered tbe jewelry store and pawnshop of George Cohen, at No. 629 Smithfield street, yester day forenoon, and tried to sell a cheap watch. He said that he was in sore need of money, bnt Mr. Cohen refused to bny the watch. Watching an opportunity, Hohamann seized a tray of rings from a show case and ran to the street Mr. Cohen gave chase, and Lieutenant Denniston caught the man at the corner of Sixth street. He said that he was a peddler. After being in the Cen tral station for a few hours, he was bailed by L. Beinhauer, the undertaker, who said that he had known the man for several years. Hohamann has hitherto had a good reputa tion. $2,000 FOB EXPENSES. The Knlgbts and Ladles of Honor Bring Their Convention to a Close. The convention of the Knights and Ladies of Honor was bronght to a close yesterday afternoon. The work of the day was of a routine and secret natnre. The constitutions of tbe Grand Lodge and subordinate lodges were passed with a few changes, the principal ones being the dispensing with all commit tees but the Financial and Law Committees; also the abolishment of the offices of Guar dian, Guide and Trustee. Two thousand dollars were raised to defray all the expenses of tbe convention, and an adjournment was taken to meet again at Erie two years hence. ANOTHER PUGILISTIC CONDUCTOR. A Citizen Line Employe Makes an Alleged Assanlt. A warrant was issued by Alderman Doughty yesterday for the arrest of the conductor of car No. 206, of the Citizens' Traction line, on a charge of assanlt and battery. Michael Scheider preferred the charge, alleging that the defendant struck him and endeavored to eject him from the WONDERFUL WEEK THIS! At H. Kleber 6c Bro.V, 506 Wood Street. It .really seems as if the entire city and country was bent on buying their pianos and organs at H. Kleber & Bro.'s, on Wood street Seven pianos a day is the brilliant record of this old and trusted musio house. The people know that the Klebers' have the monopoly of all the best, most celebrated and most desirable instruments, ranging in price from 225 to $1,500. A full warranty for eight years is given with each piano and organ. Purchasers are absolutely safe in dealing at Klebers', for they (Klebers') take the smallest profits and offer the very best assortment of instruments in their spacious warerooms, 506 Wood street, five big floors of which are filled up with the great Steinway pianos, the wonderful Conover pianos and the popular and lovely Opera pianos and Emerson and Gabler pianos. Then they offer the phenomenal "Vocalion church organs and the famous Bnrdett or gans. Kleber & Bro.'s store is the center, of at traction for all music-loving and music-buying people, and to say "I've bought my piano at Klebers' " is a sure guaranty that the purchaser has got the best instrument in the market, and at a lower price and easier payments than can be had elsewhere. Tbe Ken's Overcoats We offer at S10 and 812 for to-day's sale ex ceed in value anything ever seen in Pitts burg for double the money. They are fine Meltons and Kerseys, imported Vicunas and Venetians. Many of them are silk lined, some silk faced, with satin sleeve linings. They were marked $20, $22 and $25. They include fall overcoats, top coats, box coats, winter coats and ulsters. We have divided 'em into two bargain lots at $10 and $12 for to-day and to-morrow. P. C. C. 0., Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. A Light in Ibo Window. There's a light (overcoat) in the window for you at Sailor's, Sixth and Liberty streets. It is a beauty, and will make the ugliest man in the two cities look like a section of a fashion plate. Sailor is making a special drive on this line ot goods, and the sales of the past week show fiat his efforts are ap predated by the people. The usually, big trade is being done in Brokaw Bro.'s famous clothing garments that for utility and cheapness cannot be surpassed. "vyr B. &B. Never before such an offering of fine dress goods, "Tailor-made suitings," broad clothsfine qualities and low prices tell our large business proves it Boggs&Buhl. Bio Moitey Sated Buy your winter underwear, blankets.comforts, child's dresses and coats, ladies' wrappers and infants wear this week at reduced prices. Busy Bee Hive, cor. Sixth and Liberty. 73 c 13 more Days. 75c Only 13 more davs for 75c per doz. cabinets at Yeager & Co.'s Gallery, 70 Federal street, Allegheny. Come early, rain or shine. Diamond Cat IJrIIHact Earrings, Solid gold mountings, $1 a pair, at Hauch's, No. 295 Fifth aye. "vsa F. & V.'s Pittsburg beer pleases better every time. . Can't be fexcelled. Cash paid for old teold and silver, at Hauch's, No. 295 Fiith'ave. wfsu Astonishing! Howmothers savemoney buving Infants' cloaks, slips, caps, etc., at Busy Bee Hive, cor. Sixth and Liberty. B. fcB. New, rich Paris robes individual pat tern $10, $12 60. $14, $16 each up to $75 each largest and finest assortment shown. BOGGB Ss BUHL. Fbee To-Day-. negro doll with $1 pur. chase. Busy Bee Hive, cor. Sixih & Liberty,. 'General Chronic Catarrh Is an inflammation of any mucous passage usually giving rise to a discharge. We have catarrh of the held, discharging through the nose or dropping backward into the throat The mucous membrane becomes spongy and thickened, giving one an ap pearance of having a cold. In the most common forms of catarrh we have redness, ulceration and a tendency to dryness of mucous membrane of the nose and throat The discharge is tenacious, pus like matter, hoarseness, headache, poor memory, loss- of smell, at times affecting hearing sometimes forming scales in the throat which can only be dislodged by the finger, also forming in the nose and ex tracted with difficulty. They come out like green balls most every morning. Catarrh may eause a fullness, soreness, dryness, heat and. a constant desire to swallow and clear the throat When.the vocal cords are reached we have hoarseness more or less severe. The next step is bron chitis and cough, if predisposed there is then dansrer of asthma, broncorrhcea and consumption. On the other hand we may have catarrh of the stomach and bowels per verting digestive processes; chronio diar rhea, dysentery and obsenre abdominal dis orders, rendering one unfit for work and at times indifferent to life. Treatment overcomes the tendency to colds. This can be done by mild' persever ing treatment This together with internal treatment and my apparatus for medicated air will rapidly reduce, the thickened, spungy membrane. No douches or washes required with this treatment. 'TatienU treat themselves and may hope for a cure In one-half the time by the usual methods. Dr. Moore devotes his -whole time to the treatment of nervous and chronic diseases. Call at 34 Arch street, Allegheny, Pa., and see his apparatus for the treatment of catarrh. MB. ELI BBOW1T, OF JACKSBOEO, TENN., MAKES THE TSOLLOWlXa STATEMENT: "I Was affected with catarrh in my bead for ten years. The principal trouble tbe first two years was the formation of scales and scabs in my nostrils, the occasional stopping np of one or both sides, a dryness in my throat, a dull, heavy aching in the front part of my head, a tendency to take cold more easily than common, and con tinual roaring, buzzing- and ringing sound in my ears. After the disease bad run on abont two years my hearing commenced to fail, and for seven years I was so deaf that I could not hear ordinary conversation. I used the Moore-McGregor Medication in June, 1888, and the very first application of the treatment opened ont my ears and restored my hearing fully; in fact it seemed that my hearing was more acute the first few days than it ever was in my life. My ears were .very sensitive to the tone of the organ, the rattle of dishes, footsteps on the floor and many other, sounds that I could not hear at all before. "The first time Iused the AirMedicator it caused cracking ana popping in my head like pistol shots, the air was forced out through my ears and these disagreeable' sonnds that had annoyed me so long have not been heard since, and np to this time December 1, six months after commencing the treatment my hearing is perfect" MAJOE VT. E. PEUK, THE TEXAN EVAH- GEIiIST, WHITES FEOSI ANTHONY, KAN..TOTDEB DATE OP DE- CEMBEB 31, 1886: Dr.MooEE Your Medicated Air Kemedy is a great success. It has benefited me greatly, particularly in restoring my hear ing. Every family shonld have one of your instruments. I heartily recommend it to all. Yours truly, W. E. Pehn. OENEEAIi CATABEH OP HEAD, THEOAT, EEONCHITI3 AND BOWELS, TOOETH- EE "WITH NEKVOT3 PBOSTBATION. Geeece Crrr, Pa., July, 1889. Dr. 8. O. Moore, M Arch it., Allegheny, F : Deab Sib I came to yon for treatment March, 1887, having heard of your success in nervous and chronio diseases. Being a sufferer from general catarrh and attacks of prostration on exertion. X could do no work, and was compelled to hire a man to work my farm. .I.had always sam that if X could go under the JareoT some specialist that X could get better, and I may add that I be lieve my life nas been prolonged through your admirable system of treatment My progress has been slow, but what could one expect from such a complication of diseases. To sum up: X can now work my own farm; the weak spells have left me, and X am re lieved of the general catarrh, which was a constant source of annoyance. Adam Cubby. N. B-Office closed Wednesdays. S. G. Moore, 11. D., Zit Arch st, Allegheny, Pa. B.&B. 50-inch plain cloth all-wool suitings at 45 cents all choice shades. Booos & Buhl. F. & V.'S Pittsburg beer pleases better every time. .Can't be excelled. Fine watch repairing at Hauch's, No. 295 Fifth aye. Jjowest prices. wpsu EVIL AIR From bad 'sewerage or undralned swamps deranges the liver and un dermines the system, creates blood diseases and eruptions, preceded by headache, biliousness and constipa tion, whlch'can most effectually be cured by the use of the genuine Dr.C.McLane's celebrated , Liver Pills. Price, 25c Sold by all druggists, and pre pared only by Fleming Brothers, Pitts burg. Pa. Get the genuine; counterfeits are made in St Louis. jyS-srwr A GREAT EFFORT . has been made to please the Ladies in the Millinery line and we are happy to say they seemed to appreciate the beautiful display in Hats and Bonnets, and many were the .remarks: "How reasonable in price," and "so stylish, too," and that Is just what we want to accomplish, viz., Stylish Millinery at Reasonable Prices. We have competent, experienced Milliners and we can give you good value or your money, YOTJBS TKULY, , ::t.T..T. T.' ::: THOMPSON BROTHERS, 109 Federal' Street, . .,, Allegheny. .. Nc4eeABel JiBe Bad dtarinr laTlai 1' T tiW-WMatiMSMd.'V. :mUmS k. - .tw ... .i. ?- jl' s zz-?'zyim JOS. HDRNE I ED5l PENN AVENUE STORES. 'Wk We are better prepared than ever wita Fan and Whiter Goods in all of our many departments. Customers, old and new deMghted with the wonderful variety1 "" and completeness of the stocks of goods, ' as seen here. ,., Our facilities are equal to the most ,. i extreme demands; and we insist and,:.: claim that nowhere else can buyers do' A. as well in quality and prices as here. ;H Qur great and unequaled valses la. " r"eW;l .", Black Silks include all thetotest weave in standard and beet makes. -Jk Colored Silks, from Surahs at We to iv- a finest and costliest French Brocade. ever seen in this city. '?'$'& Plain Colored Trimming Velvets, 6Ss to Ka yard; finest all pure 'Bilk LyoaaV Costume Velvets, in latest shades. V : Special bargain in fancy Brocade and. Figured Velvets at 65c and upward, Xor combining with -wool drees fabrics. - Plashes, 35c and 5c a yard (M lathes wide) ; 19-inch at 66c 24-inch at 76c and $1 a yard all the best shades. Our great bargains in French AB-weel - Cashmeres Lupin's the beet aaM best In weight, in finish, fa nseeeeevSj inches wide, 69c a yard note tMf priee.f.t,. They cost more money to make to-day- are worth 65c a yard. Bny these Lafte'gj French Cashmeres at GBe; 8-teeh at 75PP Another wonder tbe Se-teeh'reai. French Broadcloths at 25 a y,ne qualed at the price. We also are selUneat JBSOayaratee finest Broadeloths made, fully as igood, if not better, than cloths that are selling for 88 to $8 50 per yard, net a mge away '. from, this store. We have plenty of : " them for all and in the greatest variety. ". -, of colors and newest shades, only IB 59 v'" ' yard. , Next the 46-inch wide ATt-weeJ J ' ' 'if1 French Serges, best cetera, only 58c a " yara. Asouier case, 01 away-usder price. ' u. .Several large '.new IoH e. : t4 f,i width, AH-wool Sattfegs, SWe 'i iTn i' tUlds and Stripes, 59c to 35e a A. 1.a tt .!. - 'LJV A& hog to iaiucs aianwwiaujw dress goods department Largest llae of EngUah Strife and. Check Fine Wool Bakings, Dy tfeeyar and in single patterns, very nhrioe ...... , - - w TfcJAOO t . . a?. rkw 1 11-wmaI KO fa. ur l..w a i s Cloths, In plain colors and mixtures, 58c to 75c a yard. Our reorders are is steera Yon will find yoarcheieeof ooleraad ' shade here. - - k ' Black Dress Goods steek full up with Z-t i -v- niHC. raK-Je' bargains in Cashmeres, Senjes, Bread-" " S -1 yi cloths, Camel's hair SaMsgg, &m? . " '' Brocades and other latest noveHtes. j Bo much for SMks and Drese Good, jj Only a general notice of onrtea stock of Fall and Winter styles fa awl ever busy Cloak and Sntt DepartsseaC Garments by the 'thousands Jackets, Bhort Mantles, Shoulder Capes, Loaf Garments, Seal Plush Jackets (M and' up). Mantles and Coats. 1 --! Our great 80 Cloth Salt bargains. . 4 The choicest and largest steek in ear - '- - Fur Boom of real Alaska, London dye, "? Sealskin Garments in Coats, Mantles and latest novelties In Jackets ''and: Walkins Coats lowest priees-here "on - reliable Seal Garments and newest . effects in Small Fnrs. The new Table linens arehere: the nsw Laee Curtains, Heavy Curtains a4 TXphotetensg Goods; Our popster Dress Trimming' Depart, ment has brand new novelties tnte week; in all Black and Colored Trimmings and Buttons. Millinery Depaitsent fall stocked with charmlas Trimmed Bonnets and Hats for ladies and chHaren Hosiery and Caderwear, Eld Gloves, Laces and Embroideries. Of conrse yoa must oeme this week to see this largest and.eempletest establishment and its y .Vonderfal Steele of Fall and Winter , Good. JOS. .HDRNE i EUJ MKKM AVENUE STOjIg fc -tj, -j,rr -?., J - 4V Wi ' "m& s5 3 4 L;!?r: --- .'""tfevsguB.-,-:;'? -jk-i 'ill jrii'sS't "?..? mnrtin