IflW'Ti 1 -' "50 ft? ) LOCAL LITE STOGK. v. Leading Features of Markets at the East Liberty Yards. UKUSUALLY LIGHT RUN OF CATTLE. Jtjedium Stock Stronger, Low Grades Steady, Primes Lower. SHEEP HIGHER AND HOGS STEADY Office of Pittsburg DisrATCiT. Wedxesdav. October 16. issa. J The receipts of cattle for local trade were lighter this week than for several months past Last week and the week before the run was about 200 loads. This week there were not above 100 loads received. Hot withstanding the light rnn, markets were weaker and a shade lower for primes. There were no buyers of export cattle on hand, and, as a consequence, prime stock was Blow and could only be sold at concessions on last week's prices. From the vicinity of TJpper Sandusky, O., there came ten loads of choice cattle, weighing 1,400 to 1,500 pounds, which would have brought 5 to 10c better prices last week than they were able to command this week. The nichcst Prico realized was $4 55, and1 cattle not as good brought, 1 CO a week ago. Several heads of prinre cattle were shipped East. The absence of buyers for export purposes explains the slowness of markets for prime cattle. Hedlnm weights of nice quality suitable for butchering purposes and weighing from 1,100 to 1.300 Its. were stronger than ther-were a week ago. Low grades, having been in an ex cessive supply for a number of weeks past, had already touched hard pan, and for this grade prices were fairly steady this week owing to light receipts. Cattle buyers had stocked up well on the heavy run of the last few weeks, and were therefore prepared for the short sup ply this week. Holders were disposed to be firm in their views because of light receipts, but their success in bringing buyers over to their views was not large. In general the market wa unfavorable for all heavv-weight cattle, and steady for low grades, w"ith a slight advance In nice, tidy butcher stock. Sheep nnd Lambs. The supply varied very little from last week, and quality shows little improvement. For the few choice grades that appeared markets were 10 to 20c per cwt better than last week. Low grades, which predominate at this season of the year, failed to bring any better prices than a week ago. Tender, juicy mntton Is not easy to be had at this time, as the animals that could furnish this quality are reserved for the wool. Besides, the consumption of pork is steadily growing at the expense of mntton, and the lat ter is withheld by farmers on this account. Ho:a in Good Demand. Demand has been up to supply all the week and markets have been firm for corn fed stock, Receipts have been about the same as last week. The range of prices for Philadelphia and Yorkers is 4.50 to H.75. The demand is strongest for the former grade. The outside prices at Chicago to-day was 1.50. Lard has been firmer for the past few days and, as a result, the demand for heavy hogs has improved. Foracnmberof months past the light hog has been most in demand in this market, and brought the best prices. Now the tide has turned towards heavy weights. OlcCall & Co.' Weekly Review. "With a light supply of cattle the market ruled slow with a shade better prices on com mon to medinm. whllo good cattle were very dnll and a shade lower. The market closed very bad at last week's closing prices. We quota the following as ruling prices: Prime, 1,300 to 1,600 pounds. U 2004 50: good, 1,200 to 1.400 jjuunus, co && w; pnm umuuur j.'iwus. i.wu to 1.200 pounds. $3 li?3 00; rough, fat, 1,100 to A.WV iuuuus, v wtfv au. wuu wku.io. .w v 1.209 pounds. S3 103 30; common stockers. C2 252 50; heifers and mixed lots, 2 252 75; bulls and fat cows. 1 502 50; fresh cows and springers. 25 0045 00 per head. The receipts of bogs since Monday have been light and the market active at the follow ing quotations: Good heaw anA medium weights, 4 6g4 75; cornfed Yorkers, 4 700 4 75; common to fair Yorkers, 4 50E4 05: roughs, 3 504 25. Ihe receipts of sheep this week were light, and the market slow at a decline of log 15c per cwt. from last week's prices. Prime Ohio and Indiana wethers, weighing here 110 to 120 pounds, 4 40g4 75; good. 90 to 100 pounds. 4 15 4 35; fair to good mixed, 75 to SO pounds. 3 SO 3 90: good yearlings, 75 to SO pounds, 4 250 4 50; common to fair, 50 to 60 pounds, 3 SXZJ 4 00: lambs. 5 OMJ6 00; veal calves, 110 to 120 pounds, 5 25g6 00. Heavy calves not wanted. By Teleeraph. New Yoek Beeves Receipts. ISO carloads for exportation dead and alive; S3 carloads for city slaughterers direct,-and 79 carloads for the market. Trading was extremely dnll, and 30 carloads remain nnsold; native steers sold at 3 004 GO per 100 pounds, with one carload at 4 70; Texas and Colorado do, 2 603 20; bulls and dry cows. Jl 652 50. Exports, to-day, 900 beeves and 8,420 quarters of beef. Calves Receipts. 1,300 lieadianarket dull ard weak at 4 755 40 per 100 pounds for veals and at 2 00 4 00 for grasers and western mixed lots. Sheep Receipt", 1200 head, and 2.500 head were carried over yesterday; firm, but inactive, at 5 00700 per 100 pounds for lac-un, and 3 75 5 35 for sheep. Hogs Receipts, 9,700 head; market a fraction higher ana firm, with sales alive at 1 755 25. Chicago The Droiers1 Journal reports: Cattle Receipts. 15.000 bead: shipments, 4,000 head; market steady for fancv, others weaker; choice to extra beeves, 4 'i05 10; steers, SI 02 50: Blockers and feeders. 1 902 So; cows, bulls and mixed, 1 003 00; Texas cattle, 1 402 S5; Western rangers. 1 75 3.0. Hogs Receipts, 22,600 head: shipments, 9,000 head: market opened steady and heavy, closed 510c lower; mixed. 4 004 40: heaw, h S3 904 35; light, 4 004 60; skips, 3 004 10. Sheep Receipts, 10.000 head; shipments. 4,000 head; market steady; natives. 2 7505 00; "Western. 3 50Q1 15; Texans, 3 4064 20; Iambs. Kansas Crnr Cattle Receipts. 5,267 head; shipments, 6,050 bead: market steady to strong; common to choice cornfed, 3 154 50: stockers and feeder?. 2 O03 00: Texas, 1 25 2 30l Hogs Receipts, 13 OUOhead; shipments, 1,700 head: market 15c lower; good to choice light, 4 004 25; heaw and mixed. 3 93 4 (Ml Sheep Receipts, 1,100 head; shipments, 1,000 bead; market steady; goodW) choice mut tons, 3 5061 90; stockers and feeders 52 003 75. 8t. Louis Cattle Receipts, 4,900 head; ship ments, 3,100 head: maiket slow; choice heavy steers, S4 30S4 70; fair to .good, do. 3 20 4 SO: stockers and feeders7l 752 50; range steers, 2 O02 75. Hogs Receipts, 4,200 head: liipments, 1,200 bead; market strong; fair to choice heavy, 3 90B4 25; packing grades, 3 SO m 15; light, fair to best, 4 004 85. Sheep- .neceipus, -,-uu ucau; smpmenig, ZUO head; market strong; fair to choice, 3 25J4 50. BrjrFAlC Cattle dull and irregular: receipts. 67 loads tnrougn: 4 sale. Hogs active and higher lor lignt owing to scarcity; others steady: rece.pts 31 loads throngli: 10 sale: corn York ers. 4 805 00; Micbigans, 4 805 00; pigs, 1 40 460. Sletnl Slnrkct. NewYokk Pig iron firm: American, 15 50 IS 00. Copper dull; lake, 10 95. Lead quiet and heavy; domestic, 3 85. Tin firm and more active; Straits. 20 90. DEELEI DISCHARGED. The Boy Who Wns Dropped 40 Feet From n Bridge Not Badly Hurt. John Deeley, the man who dropped his child over the Thirty-third street bridge on Tuesday evening, had a hearing before Magistrate Brush at the Seventeenth ward station house yesterday. He was discharged tipon his own recognizances. Deeley ad- , milled that he held his boy over the bridge. "3Je said he did it merely to frighten him. He also said that he was a little the worse for drink at the time, and while holding him over the railings his son slipped out of his hands, and he dropped 40 leet below. Deeley was deeply grieved at his act, and- he wept bitterly during the hearing. Dr. Clark sent a certificate to Magistrate Brush stating that the child is not badly hurt, and he will recover in a few days. A Denial From Kenrns. John Kearns, of Oliver Bros.& Phillips mill, writes to The Dispatch denying the statements made by the Coroner's jury in the case of the death of his son. He says the iron which fell on his boy was not on the platform, but stood against a partition. St sayi the wjr ,iM act work under the Iron. -Tarfbfil Tj liilf.MiHfcV initiWiir irlftMtlfV---i(rf-l4aMiMr(i't-r"lri--l SUBSETS -BY TOE. Very Little 'Spirit in tbo Wheat Pit Ocean Freights nnd Dry, Weather Aro tbo BiOl and the Bear Cards. Chicago There was but little animation on the wheat market to-day. Trading was of a rather restricted character, and the onlyno ticcablefeature was the selling of December by a prominent trader at S2c and the buying by the same party at 62c. There was some sell ing crcaitcd to New York, but trading was con fined principally to floor traders. The opening was at about yesterday's closing,andsteadily ad vanced K5$c, then cased off Js'ffiHc, but about three-quarters xf an hour belore the close be gan to show strength and advanced c, and closed firm and about c higher than yes terday. The influences brought to bear on the market were variable. Ocean freights were again quoted strong and tending higher, acting as a barrier to the export movement, and no new business was reported. Tho strength was at tributed to very dry weather in Missouri. A Very fair trade was transacted in corn, the butk of the business occurring early in the ses tion, after which the pit became less activa. The feeling prevailing as easier. The market opened at a shade under yesterday's closing prices, was easy, and sold off Jic, advanced J-sC, ruled quiet and closed a shade lower than yesterday. Oats were quiet and a shade easier. There was an absence of buying orders, but liberal offers to sell May by a prominent operator. A moderate business transpired in May, but in other deliveries transactions were light. Trading in mess pork was more active, but the feeling was somewhat unsettled, the prices ruling irregular. Early the feeling was stronger, and prices advanced WQ12c Later the market was easier, and prices settled back 57ic but rallied 10S12c and closed steady. In lard prices were a little more favorable to sellers, though outside figures were not fully supplied. Trading was only moderativeiy act- wre. A little more activity was manifested andthe feeling was firmer in short ribs. Prices ruled a trifle higher, and outside figures were fully sus tained. fcTIio leading futures ranged as follows: WnpAT-Ka 2. December. S2SIK6S1K 6S2c: year. S0S05SOSOic; May, S5 So?fi6M?ie!OC. Corn-No. 2. November, 31K631l31 31Kc; December, 3131c; May, Siyt33iiSiJi 33c. Oats No. 2. November, 19c; December, l⁣ Mav. 22K J42222c. Mess Pokk, per bbk November, 9 35 9 37; year. 9 159 27i lo9 27K; Jan uary, 9 359 &!J9 359 52. Lasd, per 100 fts. November, 5 90 5 92K; year, 5 6505 S7U: January, 5 b7k 5 92KS5 S7H&5 S7M. Short Ribs, per 100 lbs. November. 4 77M 64 CTK4 77Hi 87; January, 4 72f4 77 4 7244 77JJ. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour steady and unchanged. No, 2 spring wheat, S0KS0Kc: No. 3 spring wheat, &67c: No. 2 red, 0Kl0?o. No. 2 corn. SOKc Ml 2 oats, 18c No. 2 rye. 41J41Jic No. 2 barley, 63c No. 1 flaxseed. 1 27. Prime timothy seed, 1 15. Mess pork, per bbk. 10 75U 00. Lard, per 100 pounds, 6 20. Short ribs sides (loose), 5 05 520. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). 4254 50: short clear sides (boxed). 5 505 62 Suirars Cut loaf unchanged. Receipts Flour, 22,000 barrel'; wheat 158.000 bushels: corn, 2b5,000 bushels: oats,' 823,000 bushls; rye, 18,000 bush els; barley, 135,000 bushels. Shipments Flour, 19.000 barrels; wheat. 15.000 bushels: corn. 251, 000 bu'hels; oats, 347.000 bushels; rye, 10,000 bushels; barley, 74,000 bushels. On tbo Produce Exchange to-day the but ter market was dnll and weak; fancy creamery, 2S24o: fine, 1719c; finest dairies, 2021c; fine, 1519c -Eggs, lfeQISKc New York Flour moderately a"tive, clos ing easy- Cornmeal dull. Wheat Spot irreg ular, closing firm with fair milling demand; op tions moderately active irregular and KJlc higher, closing firm. Rye dull: western, 48 62Kc Barley quiet; Canada. 63CSc: western, 5566jc Barley malt dull: Canada, 7590c Corn bpot fairly active and easier: options dull and easier. Oats Snot dull and weaker; op tions neglected. Hay in fair demand and firm. Hops quiet and steady. Coffee Options opened steady at!015 points up: closed steady at 2030 points np: sales, 53,000 bags, including October, 15.10l".15c: November, 15.0o15.15c, December, 15.0015.20c; January, 16.0515.10c; Fcbrnan, 15.10c: Xlarch.l5.10g15 20c; May.15.10 (15.25; June, 15.15c; July, 15.0015.05c; August. 15.00c: spot Rio firm; fair cargoes, 19c Sugar Raw nominal: refined, dull and weak. Jiolasses New Orleans dull. Rice in fair de mand and firm. Cottonseed oil quiet and steady. Tallow firm. Rosin firm and quiet. Turpentine quiet and steady at 4NiJlSic. Eegs quiet and about steady; Western, 2020c; I receipts, ,iaaj iiAi-jiaKe. rurik una; iness, I inspected, S12 IjSJ12 50; do. uninspected, 12: receipts, ,iav pacKaes. x-orK nrm: mess. extra prime. 9 o&10 25. Cntmcats firm: fiickled bellies, 12 pounds, 7Jc; 10 pounds, 7Jc: 4 pounds, 7c: pickled shoulders, 4tc; pickled hams, 910Xc: middles steady; short clear, 5 75. Lard sironger and quiet; sales Western steam, 6 65S6 70, closing at 6 70; October, 6 60, closing at 6 70 bid; November, G 41 bid; December, 6 30; January, 8 27. closing at 6 80 askedi February, 6 S2 bid; March, 6 S7, clos ing at 6 38 bid. Butter weak and quiet: Elgin, 25c; western dairy, 9gl5c; do creamery, 12glc; do held, 1219c; do factory, 7K13c Cheese quiet and steady. Philadelphia Flour steady. Wheat steady: speculation quiet; rejected in grain depot. 73c; steamer Longherry afloat, S3c: un- paucu, oou a. u. u.i nw. a reu, uctooer, bots S&4C November. 83S3c; December. 84 SlJic; January. SSgSoWc. Corn Options barelv steady; car lots firmly held but quiet; ungraded yellow, 41c; No. 2 high mixed, on track, 41 41Kc; do in grain depot, 42c: No. 2 mixed, Oc tober. 39fi!40c; November. 3940c; Decern- oer, o37fciw?&c; Car lots stea 29c: futures tober. 2S2SVic: Aovember. 2b2Sc: Decem- ner, 4Sc; januarv, v$iWJX.c Butter Qniet and weak; Pennsylvania prints, extra, 2s31c Egg Fresh stock scarce and market firm: Pennsylvania firsts, 23c Receipts Flour, 1,600 barrels' wheat, i.300 bushels; com. 44,600 bushels; ot:ts;2,900 bushels. Shipments Wheat, 6,400 bushels; corn, 38,300 bushels: oats, 11,500 bushels. St. Loots Flour dull but steady. Wheat The market as dull and apatbetic,prices swing ing within a small range most of the session. Late there was a stronger feeling, and the close was ic above yesterdav. No. 2 red. cash 77Kc bid; December 79JbOc, closed atS0c aked; vear. TTJJc, closed at 78cnominal: May, S4XSSc, closed at 846S4c bid. Corn weaker; No. 2 mixed, casn, 2bJi29c October, 2Sj2SJJc, doed at 2S&C; Novem ber, 29c closed at 252Sc bid; Mav, 29 30c Oats lower: No. 2 mixed, cash, 18?c asked, 18c bid; May, 22c bid: October, ISlJe asked; January, 19Jic bid. Rye firm: No 2. 3SJc Barley dull, nothing doing, 42g43c Provisions steady and firm. ' Milwaukee Wheat firm; Nc 1 Northern, tSM. corn ami: xto. a. aiiaaiJic oats quiet; No 2 white, 21Jc Rye quiet: No. L l&ic Barley steady: No. 2, and October, 54512c Provisions firm. Pork, 11 00. Lard, 6 la Cheese lower; Cheddars. SSOXc Baltimore Provisions dull. Butter firm creamery, 2325c Eggs quiet; western, 21c Coffee- nominal; Rio cargoes, fair, 19c Toledo Cloverseed active and steady; cash. 3 70: October, 3 65; November, 3 72&; Janu ary, 3 77; February, 3 SO. n' u LATENEWS IN BRIEF. The King of Portval, reported dying a day or two ago is Improving, the feter having abated. "Mother" Stewart opened the sixteenth annual convention of the Ohio W. C. T. U. at Fmdlay yesterday. It is now reported that the African traveler, F. Monks, has been killed by his men on the Zanzibar river. He started on bis last explor ing expedition about two years ago. The American Gas Light Assbciation, com posed of 200 delegates from the Northern and Eastern cities, met in Baltimore yesterday and discussed topics of interest to the association. Albert Holt, of Moberly.'Mo., knows more about three card monte to-day than he did yes terday. It cost liim 200 to learn it on a Wabash tram on his road to Seattle The montc men escaped. . The strike of the Newark, N. J., bakers has become general and open violence is now expected at anytime The depots are patrolled by workmen to prevent the importation of New lork bakers. The semi-annual Conclave of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, Knights of Malta, met at Vilkesbarre yesterday. An address was de livered on the objects of the order by Eminent Commander George Henry Pierce Curtlss and Kimmill, the pugilists who fought in the Casino Theater, Ashland, Wis., on Tuesday night, have been arrested with their seconds, the proprietors of the theater. A number of other arrests are ordered, includ ing that of the Chief of Police, who guaran teed no interference to the fight The Directors of the Baltimore andOh!o Railroad Company met at Baltimore yesterday and declared a dividend of 5 per cent on the stock of the Washington branch for the six months ending September 30. For the 12 months ended September SO, 18S9. the net earn ings were 6,481.118, against 6,152,931 for the previous year showing a net increase of 328, 487. It was declared to be inexpedient to pay a dividend on the common stock of the main line of the company. Mother or child suflering from weak ness and indigestion will find a pleasant, safe and reliable corrective in Dr. D. Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge. "With children, where worms are present, it is the best of remedies pleasant to the taste, easily administered and withal not expensive. Sold by all dreg gists. V ' THE LIFE AND COMEOBT Involved in the. Proposition to Change the Annual Moving Day. EVERYTHING IS IN ITS PAYOE British Scientists Think the Petroleum Sup ply is Inexhaustible. GA8 COAL DISCOVERED IS VIRGINIA The proposition to change "moving day" from April 1 to May 1 is meeting with almost universal approbation, and that it will be carried into effect there is scarcely a doubt. Eeal estate agents and landlords are equally in favor of the change. The custom is a legacy from the early settlers of "Western Pennsylvenia, who, for some rea son, found it convenient to niakefarm leases begin and end April 1. But that is no reason why it shouldjbe indefinitely continued, like a law of the lledes and Persians, to the great discomfort of a large class of people, and to the benefit of none except the doctors and grave-diggers. The need of a change is so generally recog nized that it does not require a prophet to pre dict that it will be made. w At tho meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, a few days ago. Prof. Hull referred at some length to the great expansion of the mineral industry of the United States. He agrees with the late Prof. Jevons that future British manufacturers must not expect to derive any help from the United States when coal shall have become dear or scarce at home In the discussion which fol lowed the papers numerous speakers expressed their agreement with Prof. Hull's anticipation of a heavy increase in the future cost 9! coal. Mr. G. W. Hastings, M. P., stated that in the Staffordshire and East Worcestershire; coal field the owners found that the recent increase in wages had considerably diminished their output. If these prognostications are true, English industry has an evil time before it. Fortunately we have an escape from such diffi culties in tho shape of petroleum. "The employment of petroleum in the arts is still extending rapidly," said Mr. Wm. Ander son in the presidental address baf ore the Me chanical Section of the Association. "Used originally for Illuminating purposes, it is now employed as fuel for heating furnaces and steam boilers, and as a working agent in heat engines. As a lubricant It stands unrivalled. As an illuminant, it is, even In this country, to a large extent superseding every other in pri vate houses, and even in public lamps." Mr. Anderson is sanguine upon the subject of pe troleum. He regards it as a universally ap plicable fuel, and he seems to believe that its deposits are practically inexhaustible. s The remarkable permanence of oil wells, and the apparently inexhaustible evolution ot hydro-carbon gases in certain regions almost force one to believe according to Mr. Ander son, that the hydro-carbon products must be forming as fast as they are consumed, that there is little danger of the demand ever ex ceeding the supply, and that there is every prospect of oil being found in almost every por tion of tho surface of the earth, especially in the vicinity of great geological disturbances. Mr. Anderson is full of confidence in the ca pacity of petroleum to fulfill all claims upon it to put it in a hackneyed phrase "with promptitude and dispatch." Improved methods of boring wells, be tells us, will enable greater depths to be reached; "and it should be remem bered that, apart from tho extra cost of sink ing a deep well, there is no extra expense in working at great depths, because the oil gen erally rises to the surface or near it." Mr. Anderson speaks with the authority of an able and intelligent expert, and his assurances may help English manufacturers to console them selves against the prophecies of the approach ing extinction of the coal measures. Tho results of experiments made with sam ples of gas coal recently sent to New York, taken from veins tributary to the Clinch Val ley division of the Norfolk and Western Rail road, in Southwest Virginia, establish the fact, in the opinion of the Roanoke Herald, that it will command a share of the patronage now en joyed by thr Pennsylvania, Westmoreland and Youghiogheny coals in all the Eastern markets. It is equal in valne to the best coals from the districts named, and is thought by experts to be superior to the gas coals mined on the Chesapeake and Ohio and Baltimore and Ohio roads. The veins aro five to six feet thick and very easily mined. Tho owners of these prop erties are prepared to make leases for coal operations on reasonable royalty. Tbo greater portion of the gas coal field is controlled by tho Tazewell Coal and Iron Company, with head quarters at Tazewell Court House, Va., and T. P. Trigg and associates, Abingdon, Va. Tho demand for this class of coal is increasing yearly, and it is expected that the shipments to Eastern cities from the line of the Clinch Val ley division during the year will be very large. The Philadelphia Real Ettalt Record takes occasion to, remark: "It is a noticeable fact that .the man who naturally takes to real estate either as an investment or as a safe way to husband his earnings, is generally counted among the winners. Ho may not be able to count his gains with the same frequency as does the man who speculates in stocks, neither is he compelled to estimate his losses as often, nor is be so frequently worried with financial embarrassment. The characteristics of the two men are entirely different. There is an air of solid comfort and equanimity about the man who owns land and houses, while the stock speculator's face and manner are indicative of his extra hazardous calling." LOST MEIi: GRIP. Philadelphia Gas and Electric Weak Spots of the Stock Olarket. Considerable animation was displayed by brokers at the Stock Exchange yesterday, as if they were possessed of a premonition that something would happen. Bidding was lively at times, and if holders had looked through buyers' eyes business would have been heavy. Sales were better than the general average, however, aggregating 405 shares. Philadelphia Gas was panicky on fresh re ports of shortage in the supply. The constant repetition of this story, with variations, has discouraged holders so much that they appear to have about "reached the conclusion that the best thing for them to do is to realize. The stock sold at 33 in the forenoon, and closed freely offered at 82. The Trust sold down to 30. These are tho lowest quotations ever made on these properties. All the other natural gas stocks were weak in sympathy. Wpctric waB somewhat weaker at 4SVT. Th! sagging is not particularly slinificant, being nothing more than a natural reaction from the sharp advance of last week. Holders manifest no uneasiness in regard to the future. The Tractions were dull and practically unchanged. Tbey are held above the views of buyers, who demand concessions to correspond to the earn ings and remoteness of dividends. The rest of the list moved along in the old way, heme as barren of features asa monkey's physiognomy. Bids, offers and sales are appended: MOKSDJG. ATITl!irnn Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked.' lf. T R Kf. EX: Masonic Ban..... 6$ Allemannla Ins. Co... 47)4 SO 43 Si 53 50 33 CitUens' Insurance Teutonlalns. Co....... .... .... Allegheny Gas Co.. Ill 33 Southside Gas Co. IH Nat. Gas Co. or W. Va. .... Philadelphia Co S3 Wheeling Gas Co Haielwood Oil Co 50 Washington Oil Co Central Traction Sift ritubure Traction i'leasant Valley 19 I'ltts., A. A Ma? Pitts. June K- It 27 P. C. Abt. L.K. B..... 18J Pitts. Western K. K. .... P. & W. K. K. Co. pref .... Mononcahela Bridge Point Bridge S,"f IIMnlffn MlnlnffCO .... 23 783 79 SIX 32 29 Sl 43 19Jf 3 20 81 "isji 225 31X i& "27 18 12 19 25 2 110 m "mi La Norla Mining Co... K H H Luster Mining Co Yankee Girl Mining 3 ... Westingbouse Electric 4SX .... , 4S) Slon'ganeia waier iv. n. H-ASIe. Co 33 Westlnghouse A. B. Sales In the forenoon were 75 shares of Phila delphia Gas at 33K. 25 Philadelphia Gas Trnst at 30, 25 Electric at 4SK.S200 La Norla at, and SO Central Traction at 81. At the afternoon session 50 shares ot Philadelphia Gas went at 32. ( Andrew Caster sold 40 shares of Central Tract won at 8 ana bought 40 shares of Electric ai PITTSBURG - ' DISPATCH, i&. Henry M.Long sold 50 shares of Elec trio at 49. The total sales of stocks at N ew Tcork yester day were 162,075 shares. Including Atchison, 31,340; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, 7,919; Louisville and Nashville, 8.S00; Missouri Pacific, 14,050; Reading, 15,400; St. Pank 20,310; Union Pacific, 3,365; Western Union, 3,857. MOVING AL0KG H1CELY. The Bank Surplus Lamely Reduced SInco Ibo Fall Season Opened. Local bankers who were seen yesterday re ported a fair demand for discounts at regular rates. This is the backbone of commerce In money, and although its expansion has been slow it has been steady and uninterrupted since the beginning of the fall season. There is con siderable Idle money, but It should be remem bered the supply was very large probably $20,000,000-at the beginning. A. cashier said yesterdav he thoucht this amount had been re- r dnced at least one-half. This leaves the banks a good working margin, and puts them in a position to take advantage ot any unexpected expansion of business or flurry in tho money market. A bank out of funds might as well bo out of business. Check ing and depositing were good. Currency was rather scarce, as has been the case for somo time, and some of the bank balances were set tled with gold. Tho exchanges were 2,435, 004 93 anathe balances 319,302 S3. Money on call at New lork yesterday was tight, ranging from 612, last Joan 10, closed at 10 per cent bid. Prime mercantile paper, 6M7. Sterling exchange quiet and weak at 4 82 for 60-day bills, and 4 18 for demand. Tho report of Manager William A. Camp, of the New York Bank Clearing House, suomitted at the annual meeting, shows a membership of 63 banks and the sub-treasury. The total trans actions of these for the year ending September 80 were 36,554,103,002, of which 34,796,4Go 528 were exchanges and 1,757,637,473 balances. The average daily transactions were 120.610, B. Tho largest transactions in any day were 206,321,346. Since the establishment ot the Clearing House, 06 J ears ago, the total transactions have amount ed to 917,689,376,212. George S. Coe, President of the American Exchange Bank, was elected Chairman fof the ensuing year, and Mr. Camp was re-elected Manager. Astatement prepared at theTrcasury Depart ment shows that the total amount of standard silver dollars in the United States Treasury against which certificates may be issued is 5. 076.17L Of the total coinage of 341,199,650 silver dollars there U1 in the Treasury 282,829,333, against which there is in circulation $277,753,162 of certificates. The amount of standard dollars in circulation Is 5S,370,317tand tho amount or silver certificates in the Treasury is 2,582,205. The gradual decrease of the silver balance is being urged upon the administration as an argument in favor of an increase in the coinage of silver dollars to the maximum limit of 4,000, 000 a month. Under the present system the minimum limit of gwo,uuu only is cornea. Closing-Bond Quotations. TJ. S. ,reg.... U. B. 4s. coup., U. 8. 4Xs, re?., U. S. 4$s, cout 127 127 SI. K. &T. Gen.Ss . 57 Mutual Union 63....iw;j N. J. C. Int. Cert.. .113 Northern Vac. lsta. .11414 Northern Jfac. 2ls..lll Northw't'n consols. H5" Northw'n deben's..H5 10) t .... M5i racinc 63 01 m .lis Louisiana stamped 4a 89U Missouri 6s 10A lenn. new set. 63... nr lean, new set. 53....IO1H Tenn. new set. 3s,... 74k Canada bo. 2d 3 $6K (Jen. Pacificists 113M Den. AK.O., lsts...I21)i Pen. It. O. 4s 79 I).AK.G.West,au. 110 Krle.J.18 W'. 11. K. &T. Gen. 6s.. 64 Oregon & Trans. 6s.im; St. L. Ul.il. (ien. Is & at. I-.& S. V. Ocn.il.120 at. Panl consols ...A26H St. PI, ChlPc.Uts.U9 Tx.. PcL. C4.Tr Kg. BOW Tx.,Pc.K.Ci.Tr.Kctf 17 union jfac. lata 113 West Shore 106 Government bonds dull and steady, bonds dull and featureless. State New Yohk Clearings, 133.450,860; balances, 5,467,237. Boston Clearings, 19,354,490 ; balances, 1,841,295. Money, 5 per cent. Philadelphia Clearings, 813,668,304; bal ances, 1,780,847. Baltimore Clearings, 2,312.903; balances, 358.382. London The amount of bullion gone into the BanE of England on balance to-day is 126. 000. Pabts Three per cent rentes, 87f 37Kc for the account. CHICAGO Clearings, 12,521,000. Money in active demand, and bankers maintain that tbey are loaning on call below 6 per cent. Outside money is going at anywhere from 5 to 6. Regu lar time loans are made at 67 per cent. St. Louis Clearings, 3,784,006: balances, 746,030. BULLS TORN TAIL. Tho Strike at Cbnriiers Takes tho Snap Oat of Oil. There was considerable backbone to the oil market at the opening'yesterday, and it lasted for some time, but the big strike at Chartlers proved too heavy a weight tor the bulls to carry, and they finally turned tall. The open ing quotation was 1 01, the highest SI 0 the lowest 1 00, and tho closing 1 00. Pittsburg and Oil City were buyers, while New York sold. There Is said to be a fight eoing on between New York and Oil City for the honor of mak ing" the market, the former bearing and the latter bulling. The unpleasantness might de velop something interesting, and perhaps get things out of the rut, if there was only enough stuff to allow tbem full swing. The market closed weak as a result of the Chartiers gusher. Trading was of fair propor tion, but not heavy. Tuesday's clearings were 882,000 barrels. AParkersbug, W. Va., special says: The Eureka oil fieM, just above here in the adjoin ing county of Pleasants and upper edge of this county, is just now attraetlng a great deal of attention and reports from there are that the excitement is high and land is selling and leas ing at very high figures. The farmers and storekeepers here caught the excitement and are investing their all in oil ventures. Fcatnres of tho Market. Corrected dally by John M. Oauiey & Co., 45 Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro leum Exchange. Opened 100 I Lowest 100 100 Barrels. 60,151 61,62 33,823 mi llghest., .101MI Closed., Avers pre runs Averase Ehlpments Average charters ., , Refined, New York. 7c Kenned, London. iH d. Refined, Antwerp, lHf. Kefincd, Liverpool, 6 1-lSd. A. B. McGrew & Co. quote: Puts, SI 00J-a: calls, 51 01. Other Oil Markets. Oil City, October 16. National transit certificates opened at $1 01; highest, SI 01; lowest, 1 00Jc; closed, $1 00c Bradford, October 18. National transit certificates opened at $1 01; rlosed at SI 00; highest, SI 01K; lowest, 11 00. Titusville, October 16. National transit certificates opened at SI 01; highest, SI 0lxA lowest, $1 OOJi: closed at SI 0U. New York. October 16. Petroleum opened steady at SI 00, and moved up to SI 01K- Re alizing sales then caused a decline to 1 WA, which was followed by a reaction on which the market closed steady at SI 00. Stock Ex chance; Opening, $1 00; highesttl 01: lowest; $1 W-Ax closing,Sl 00. Consolidated Exchange: Opening. SI 01; faichest, SI OIKc: lowest, SI 00; closing, SI 00. Total sales, 715,000 barrels. EEALTI IS MOVING. A Big Dicker on Fourth Avenue Other Important Transactions. O. H. Love, 93 Fourth avenue, sold the property, Ho. 162 Fourth aveune, lot 22 by about 88, with three-story brick building, for C. F. Klopfcr. J. Murray Clark was the pur chaser, Tho price paid was $19,380. I Jamison & Dickie sold for William J. Rltz, a fivo-roomed frame house on Hastings street, lot 50x120 feet, toW. H. McMordi for $2,350, and for J. 11. Huffman, lot on Rural avenue. East End, 80x187 feet, to J. W. Moore for Jl.SOO cash. Black & Baird. 95 Fourth avenue, sold for W. A. Scott, Jr., to F. W. Mueller a new two-story and mansard brick dwelling, situate on the west side of Meyran avenue, Fourteenth ward, city, with lot 22x145 feet to an alley, for 56,250. W. A. Herron t Sons sold another house on Sycamore street, Thirtv-fifth ward, No. 1322. for 32,200; S25 cash and S25 per month until paid for, at 5 per cent. Thqmas McCaffrey, S509 Bntler street, sold for Mrs. Eliia Kenworthy to J. Killian, lot 25x 100 leet. being No. 109 in Mellon's plan of lots, situated In the Twenty-first ward, citv; he 'also sold for Major G. W. Hammer to A. Whitfield, property on Elllar street. Seventeenth ward, lot 29x154x156 feet, with a good frame house erected thereon, containing three rooms, for SL200. Keed B. Coyle Co., 131 Fourth avenue, sold to J. N. Cooke and H. D. Totten seven lots in the Marion Place plan for a price approxi mating $2,000. L. O. Frailer, corner Forty-third and Butler streets, sold tor Charles Hall, No. 5223 Keystone street, Eighteenth ward, a two story frame dwelling of four rooms, lot 20x105 feet to a 20 foot alley, to Thomas Mayburyfor Sl,250cash. Ewlng & Byers, No. 93 Federal street, sold for Messrs. Mercer $ Mcllwain, attorneys, to Nor man King, anowtwo-Btory frame house of six rooms, ball and attic, with lot 50x101, corner Hubbard and Sipes streets, in Sutton 4 Rich ters plan. Eleventh ward, Allegheny, for $2,500. James W. Drape & Co. placed a mortgage of 810,000 on city property at 6 per cent. Samnel W. Black & Co., 99 Fonrth avenne, sold for B, Stevenson, between eight and nine acres of land in Haielwood, Twenty-third ward, for a price approximating $4,500. In view of the numerous electrio street car lines chartered for that section ot the city the price 1 consid ered very cheap, THURSDAY, " OCTOBER NEW TACTICS Used by the Benrs to Rattle the Shoro market No Really Weak Spots Un covered and No Important Chances Effected. New Yobk, October ML The stock market drifted into dullness to-day, and had it not been for Atchison, Missouri Pacific, St. Paul and the two Trusts utter stagnation In business would have occurred. The bears resumed. their pressure upon those shares with the open ing 01 business, but it was without the vim of the late operations, and the impression made upon prices was small in comparison with the wide fluctuations of the past week. The pres sure in Missouri Pacific was a means of creat ing distrust of the Atchison plan of reorgani zation, which seems to have been a failure, and to-day, after the first raid was over, covering of shorts was in order. New tactics were used, however, to break prices, and money was manipulated up to 12 per cent, the influence of which was only to create a waiting market, and was partly offset by the decline in fpreign exchange rates. The trusts, after a decline of about 1 per cent, bo came positively strong, and in Sugar a rise of 3 per cent from its lowest figure was scored, though most of the improvement was after wardlost. Atchison was quite weak in the forenoon, bur recovered later in the day, and finally closed with a small fractional advance. The rights were sold moro freely to-day, and the clemand was such as to raise the price from A to , settling back to at the close. There were no really weak spots in the mar ket to-day, but some of the specialties dis played marked strength, notably Manhattan and Consolidated Gas, and among the low priced shares the Chesapeake and Ohio wero most conspicuous. The market at the opening was heavy under the pressure brought to bear by the bears and first prices were generally Blight fractions lower than last evening's fig ures, and although the early demand for stocks gave the list an advancing tendency at first, tbo entire list reacted and declines extending to 1 per cent from the best figures were established. The efforts for a decline met with too much re sistance, however, and Sugar developed most positive strength, jumping, up 3 per cent, and the whole list folloned, though the movements were generally made within the narrowest limits. Dullness and stagnation became the ruling features after noon, though Atchison and Cot ton Oil were Btrong. The market finally closed dull and steady, with most stocks but slightly changed from last night's prices, though ad vances wero in a majority, and important changes were few in number. Jersey Central lost li per cent, and Consolidated Gas rose 1J aDd Manhattan i. Railroad bonds were asrlin extremely dnll and entirely devoid of feature of any kind. Tho sales were 732.000. The following table snows tne prices of active stocks on the Hew York Stock iqxcnange yester day, corrected daily for The Dispatch by W hitnet & STEPHENSON, oldest Pittsburg- mem bers of Mew York Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth ave nue: Clos ing lilrt. fl 53V 1Z4K 107 70X 113, 80 33U 112g 142 77 ma 17 my luH 75 22 116 is 61 H Open lnr. Am. Cotton OU 40K Atcn.. lop. A b.F 3u s Canada tioutbern MJ4 Central of New Jersey. 12S Central PaclfiL Chesapeake & Ohio.... 2RH v.. iiur. & Qaliicr..,..I07M C., Mil. St. laul.... 70X C, Ull.&St. f pf....H4 C, KocKl. F ma 0., U L. &. Pitts, pf.. 37 C. St. P..M. cSO 33JJ C. 4 Northwestern 112 C.4 Northwestern, pf. .... C, C, O. A 1 76K C, C, C. &L, pf Col. Coal s. Iron i Col. & HocklnK Val Dei.. I.. A W 143)4 Del. A Hudson 1S1 K. T.. Va. AUa - .... E.T..V&, AUa. 1st pf. .... C T.. Va. AOa. 2dpr. .... Illinois Central. Late En Western Lake Krle A West. pr.. Ui Lake Shore AM. 8 106 Louisville A Nashville. WH Michigan uentral S3 Mobiles Ohio Mo.. Kan. A Texas Missouri faclflc 69 HJ New rork Central 106S N. If.. UE.& W 29M n. .. a a st. Li n. x a a st. l. pr. N.r.. C. ASt.L. 2d nf .... High est. 41K 31H 54 126 :& loax ji in 100 S7 33H 112 ' Low est. 89H 29 833, 125 ii'i'i 107H 701 113 09 SI 33 112 m via I51)f 151 S4K 106J ma 8 64! IC57& 7WS 93 loss & 13 6SV ZMH 23 -a 16!4 S3 34 45K 8 55U E2 74ft, 51 Wi KM 20 H 1ES 22K 89 JIT W 57 107 tj 19 KX 16 Sl 844 T0 79H 23 67X loeu 29)2 loss son N.Y&N. JS 45W N. If.. O. A W 183? Norfolk a Western Norfolk Western.pt. 56 Northern Pacific 32 Nortnern Pacific pref. 74 Oregon Improvement. 52 Oregon Transcon 31 K Pacific Mall l'eo. Deo. s. Kvans 20 Phlladel. A Reading.. 45 Pullman Palace Car...lSS Richmond A W. P. T.. 22 Klohmond A W.P.T.pf .... St. P., Minn. A Man..ll7X St.li.ASan Fran St. L. a San lfran pf.. 51 St.L. A San K. 1st pr. Texas Paclfie 20 Union faolflc et Wabasn Wabash preferred 11 Western Union. MX Wheeling A L. 2, Tt SUfrar Trust 75H' National Lead Trnst.. 23i Chicago Uas Trust.... UH 43M .... 54 S2K 75H 52 31H 26" & J2H ii7 1SH 65J MM HX 52 33 20 " 45 1SS 22M liili 0 S4K 20 64K SIM 31M 85 Wi JI 71 77 liSi izH ny, 57M K Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whltney Stephenson, brokers. No. 57 Fourth avenue, lumbers New York Stock Ex change. JIM. Asked. Pennsylvania Itallroad MH Ml, Keadine 2211-18 221, Bufialo. nttsbur and Western t 9K LehlKh Valley M S3H LehlKh Navigation 83 65H Northern Faclac 32M KJi Northern facltlc preferred 74 75 Boatnn Stocks. Atch. AToclstTs. I0SM A.iT. Land Gr't7s. 101 A ten. ft Top. K. B... 31K Boston & Albany. ..215 Boston & Maine.. ...215 c, a. id , v- Clnn..Uan. A Cleve. H Eastern K. It Ill Flint JtPereM, nfd. 95H Mexican Cen. com.. UU Mex.U.Istmtg.bds. 6SX N. Y. & New Ens;... 45J N.Y. & N. E. 7S....107 Did Colony. 175 Wis. Central, com, AllouexMgCo Calumet ft Heda., Copper Falls FranKlln Huron Osceola. Pewablc Bell Telennone..-. Boston Land S!4 Water Power S Tamarack 1O6J4 San Diego...,..,,,,.. 23 Business Notes. The Coal Trade Journal says the anthracite output will be 3,000,000 tons less than last year. The largest mortgage recorded yesterday was for $12,210. Twenty-six others ranged from $10,000 to $225. It was the opinion of several prominent brokers yesterday that Philadelphia Gas hadn't quite reached bed-rock. It is unfortunate that when petroleum is ready to boom a big well should be brought in and upset all calculations. Booth & Fltnn are pushing things on Wood street. If the Central Traction be not in opera tion at the time promised, it won't be their fault. Black & Baird closed a transaction yester day involving three adjoining pieces of down town property. The consideration approxi mates $80,000. A distbibution dividend of about 80 per cent will be declared by the directors of the Pennsylvania Insurance Company within the next fortnight. More than one-half of the grading for the Oakland and Squirrel Hill Electric Railway has been completed, and the remainder is being vigorously pushed. The completion of this road will open up a fine residence district. Philadelphia advices say the Northern Pacific meeting' to-day will be harmonious. Wright and Wiflard control the situation. They will name the board and vote three-fourths of the preferred stock in favor 01 tne mortgage plans. Govehnoe Seat, of Alabama-, has sold to parties in New York $951,000 worth of Alabama bonds bearing 4 per cent interest, to replace the same amount ot 6 per cent bonds which are due January 1, 1890. Tb price paid for tho 4 per cent bonds was 101 1-10. A peominent capitalist was looking for well located tenement property in the East End yes terday, with a view to purchasing as an invest ment, instead of, as heretofore, putting his money in mortgages. He figured that it would afford him a larger Income than to loan on mortgage at market rates. Peesident G. B. CLAB&of thThoroasIron Company, says: "Steel rails are now $32 a ton, and you can't get any from us at a less price. Everything that goes into tbje making of rails is booming. The proposed purchase ot the Thomas Iron Company is still in abeyance. The English people are considering onr latest offer to sell at an advance of $1,000,000." The Baltimore Will Get a New Trial. Washington, October 16. Secretary Tracy has notified .Messrs. Cramp, con tractors for building the Baltimore, that the vessel may have another trial. The condi tions have not been made public, bnt it is said they do not wholly agree with those proposed by Mr. William Cramp in bis con lerences with the Secretary. Fob throat and lung troubles take Ball's congh syrnp. 25 cents a bottle. Dr. F. & V.'s Pittsburg beer pleases better every time. Can't be excelled. vfi. :17, 18895 DOMESTIC ''IAKEETS. The Sugar Trust Losing 'Its Grip aud ,? Prices Declining. CEBAMEEY BUTTER SHADE LOWER Choice Oats Continue Firm, and Loose Bay in Good Supply. ACTITB DEMAND FOE HAED LUMBER Office op PrrTSBUBO Dispatch, WEDNESDAY. OctObejr 16, 18S9L i Country Produce Jobbing Prices. Elgin creamery is oft 1 to lc by tho decree of the Better Board on Monday. After two or three wffks of an upward movement, a reac tion has come. Our Quotations are reduced on Elgin and Ohio creamery, in accordance with stubborn facts. Eggs are firm at quotations. Cheese is active and steady, but unchanged. There is general complaint of qualities of pota toes coming to market. Carload lots are selling under 40c on track, but they are probably dear at this low price. The general price is 40 to 45c on track, and markets drag at these figures. Tropical fruits are in improved demand, a fact attributed to cooler weather and the wane of Home-grown fruit. Produce trade is in general quiet. Stuff is in supply above demand and quality is too low to tempt buyers. Buttee Creamery, Elgin, 2728c; Ohio do, 2526c; fresh dairy packed, 2221c; country rolls. 2021c. Beana Navy hand-picked beans, 2 252 40; medium. $2 S02 4a Beeswax i330o a & for choice; low grade, 1820o. Cidee Sand refined, S6 607 50: common, S3 504 00; crab cider. S3 OOS 50 V barrel; cider vinegar. 1012c $1 trallon. Chestnuts SI 0004 50 per bushel. Cheese Ohio. lllljic; New York, lljc: Llmburger, 9K10c; domestic Sweitzer,lu 13c: Imported Sweitzer, 23c Eqgs 22c 3R dozen for strictly fresh. Fbuits Apples. S2 002 75 i? barrel; grapes. Concords, 45c j pound, Catawbas, 68c, Delaware!!, 79c; Bartlett pears, So 1)0 fl barrel; quinces, 7 00S 00 $ barrel; cranberries. Jer seys, 3 0003 5 9 bushel box; Malaga grapes, large Darrel, 8. Leathers Extra live eeese. 6060c; No. 1 do. 4045c; mixed lots, 3035c ft. Poultry Live spring chickens, 4045c S pair: old. 65S70c pair. Seeds Clover, choice, 62 lis to bushel, $5 00 5 25 1$ bushel; clover, large English, 62 fts, $5 50; clover, Alaike. $8 00; clover, white, $9 00; timo thy, choice, 45 fts, 81 60; blue grass, extra clean, 14 fts. 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 fts, SI 00; orchard grass. 14 fts, SI 65; red top. 14 fts, SI 2a; millet, 50 fts, tl 00; German millet. 50 fts, t'l 50; Hungarian grass, 0 fts, SI 00: lawn grass, mixture of fine grasses, $2 50 bushel of 14 ft9. TALLOW Country, 4c; city rendered, i Tbopical Fhctts Lemons, common, 81 50 5 00; fancy. S5 50S 00; oranges, $4 505 00: bananas, S3 00 firsts, SI 50 good seconds, bunch; cocoanuts, S4 004 50 H hundred: figs, 8J9c f ft; dates, 5K6j $ ft;newlayerflgs, 14k16Kc; new dates, 7$3 fl ft. ' Vegetables Potatoes. SI 5001 75 bar rel: tomatoes b575o ?J bushel; wax beans, 75c fl bushel; green beans, 405Qa 1 bushel; cu cumbers, S2 252 50 $ bushel; cabbages. 84 00 65 00 a hundred; celery, 40c ft dozen; Southern sweet potatoes, 82 002 25; Jerseys, 82 75. Groceries. Tho weakness of sugar for a few days past has culminated in another drop and our quota tions are reduced c all along the line, in ac cordance with facts. The grip or the Sugar Trust, is evidently loosening, and the general unit is steadily downward, cosees are un changed, and no mortal can tell what a day may bring forth. Geeen Coffee Fancy Rio, 22K23Jc; choice Rio, 2021c; prima Rio. 20c; low grade Rio, 1819Xc; old Government Java, 27o; Mar acaibo, 2324c; Mocha, 2S29c; Santos, 20 23Kc; Caracas. 2123c; peaberry. Kio, 2325c; La Guayra, 2223c Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 23Jc; high grades, 2526kc: old Govern ment Java, bulk, 31Ks2ie: Maracalbo, 26 27c; Santos, 2123c; peaberry. 26c; choice Rio, 21c; prime Rio, 22c; good Rio, 21Kc; ordl. nary,l21c SPICKS (whole) Cloves, 2125c; allspice, 8cj cassia, 8c; pepper, 18c; nutmeg, 7080. Petboleum (jobbers prices) 110 test, 7c: Ohio, 12Q, 8Kc; headlight 150, 8Ke; water white, 9c; globe, 1414Kc; elalne, 14Jcj carna dine, UKc; royaline, 14c; globe red oil, UQ HKc Sybuts Corn sirups, 2629c; choice sugar syrups, 3338c: prima sugar syrup, 30s3c; Bbiivi.iy prime, ottigotjc; new mapie syrup, wc. N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c; choice, 46c; medium, 43c; mixed, 4042c. SoDA-Bi-carb in kegs. 3K4c; hi-carb in Ks, 5c; hi-carb, assorted packages, 6g6c; sal soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c. Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine, S? set.8Kc;parafllne,ll12c ' """"' Rice Head, Carolina, 77Wc: choice. 6K 7c; prime. 66Vc: Louisiana. 66Jlc Starch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, 5S6c; gloss starch, 57c. Fobeion Feutts Layer raisins, $2 65; Lon don layers, $3 10; California London layers, $2 50; Muscatels. $2 25;.California Muscatels. $1 85; Valencia, 8Hc; OiSdara Valencia, 910c; J6 00; almonds, Lan.. ft, 20c: do. Ivica, 19c; do, shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap.. 1215c; Sicily filberts, 12c; Smyrna ngs,1216c; new dates, 5K6c; Brazil -nuts, 10c; pecans, ll15c; citron. 1 ft, 2122c; lemon peel, p ft, 1314c; orange peel, 12c Dried Feutts Apples, sliced, per ft. Be. apples, - evaporated, 8c; apricots, Callfor- ft nia, evaporated, lzjaioc; peaches, evaporated pared, 2223r; peaches. Calif ornia, evaporated, unpared, 1012fc; cherries, pitted, 2122c; cherries, unpitted, C6c; raspberries, evapor ated. 21212rc; blackberries, 7k8c; huckle berries, ioal2c. Sugars Cubes, 8c; powdered, 8c; granu lated, 7c; confectioners' A,7c; standard A. 8c; soft whites, 7Q7Jc; yellow, choice, 6 6c: yellow, good, 66ic; yellow, fair, 6c; yellow, dark, 5c Pickles Medium bbls (L200), $5 75; medi um, half bbls (600), $3 25. SALT No. L ft bbl, 95c: No. 1 ex. bbl, $1 05; dairy, ?l bbl, $1 20, coarse crystal, fl bbl, $1 20; Higgins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, $2 80: Higglns' Eureka, 16-14 ft pockets, S3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches. $2 00 2 25; 2ds, $1 501 65: extra peaches, $2 402 00, pie peaches, 95c: finest corn, $1 OOgl 60; Hid. Co: corn, 7090c; red cherries, 90c31: Lima beans. $1 10; soaked do. 85c; string do, 7585c; mar rowfat peas, $1 101 15; soaked peas. 7075c pineapples. $1 401 50; Bahama do, $2 75; dam; ovu yiuuis, ouvi iceiii;aUB, ex u; egg plums, $2; California pears, $2 50; do greengage, $2; do, egg plums, $2; extra white cherries, $2 90; red cherries, 2 fts, 90c: raspberries, SI 401 50: strawberries. SI 10; gooseberries, Sl-Sagjl 40; tomatoes, 90cl 00; salmon, 1-ft $1 752 10; blackberries, 80c: succotash, 2-ft cans, soaked; 99c; do green, 2 fts, $1 25t oO; corn beef. 2-ft cans, $2 05; 14-ft cans, $14 00: baked beans, $1 45 1 50; lobster, 1-ft. $1 751 80; mackerel 1-fi cans, broiled, $1 50; sardines, domestic, Jis, $4 24 50; sardines, domestic. Us. $7 25j)7 50; sardines, imported, i&, $11 6012 50; sardines, imported, s, $18; sardines, mustard, $3 50; sardines, spiced, S3 50. Fisn Extra No.l bloater mackerel, $38 p bbl.: extra No. Ido, mess, $40; extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, $32; extra No. 1 do, messed, $36; No. 2 shore mackerel, $21 Codfish Whole pollock, 4c fl ft; do medium, George's cod, 6c: do larce. 7c: boneless bake, in strips. 6c: do George's cod in blocks, 6K7Kc. Herring -Round shore. $5 00 $? bbl; split, S7 00; lake, $2 00 V 100-ft half bbl. White fish, $7 00 W 100- ft half bbl. Lake trout, $5 60 ? half bbl. Fin nan haddock, 10c ft ft. Iceland halibut, 13c it ft. Pickerel, K bbl, $2 00; Kbbl.$l 10; Poto mac herring, (a 00 bbl. 82 50 J bbl. OATMEAL-JO 306 60 Ifl bbl. Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 5557c 1 gallon. Lard oil, 75c. Grain, Flour and Feed. Total receipts as bulletined at the Grain Ex change, 40 cars. By Pittsburg. Ft. Wayne and Chicago, 3 cars of corn, 4 of hay, 1 of feed, 1 ef flour, 2 of malt. By Baltimore and Ohio, 4 cars of hay, 1 of oats, 3 of wheat, 1 of bran. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis, 1 car of wheat, 2 of hay, 1 of bran, 2 of oats, 2 of corn. By Pittsburg andWestern, 1 car of corn, 2 of hay. Sales on call, 1 car of No. 2 white oats at 27c, track; 1 car No. 1 timothy hay, $12 50, 5 days,B. feO.; I car extra No. 3 white oats, 26c. P. 4 L. E., track; 2 cars extra No. 3 white oats, 26c, 5 das, B. & O. The cereal situation presents no new features. Choice oats continue very firm. Wheat and flour are fairly steady. Loose hay Is In good supply and fair demand. Prices below are for carload lots. Wheat New No. 2 red, 8586c; No. 3. 81 82 c Corn No. 2 yellow, ear, 4344c; high mixed, ear, 4213c: No. 2 yellow, shelled. 40c; high mixed, shelled, 39i0c; mixed, shelled, S8K 39c Oats No. 2 white. 2728c; extra, No. 3, 26KQ27c; mixed, 2425c. RYE No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 5051c; No. 1. Western, 4S19c; new rye. No. 2 Ohio, 45S16C. Kloub Jobbing prices-Faney winter and spring patents, $5 005 50; winter straight, $4 25f4 60; clear winter, $4 004 25: straight XXXX bakers', $3 503 75. Rye flour, S3 608 4 75. Millfeed Middlings, fine white, Sl-6 009 10 50 9 ton; brown middling. $13 OBgR 60; win ter wheat bran, til 59311 75; chop feed, $15 59 18 00. HAT-Baled tlmotbv. No. L 12 06812 50; No. 2 do. 11 00 U 50; loose from wagon, 11 00 613 00, according to quality: No. 1 upland prairie. S3 50Q9 00; No. 87 007 60; packing do, 7 6007 75. Straw Oats, 8 607 00; wheat and rye Straw, to ooa 25. Provisions. Sugar-enred hams, large, lOJfc; sugar-cured hams, medium, llJic; sugar-cured hams, small, Uc; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar cured shoulders, 6c; sugar-cured boneless shoulders, 7c; sugar-cured California hams, 7c: sugar-cured dried beef fiats, Bc; sugar-cured dried feeef sets, 10c; sugar-cured dried beef rounds, 12Kc: baco shoulders. &c: bacon clear sides, 7Xc; bacon clear bellies, 7c; dry salt shoulders, 6c; dry salt clear sides, 7c, Mess pork, heavy, Sll oO; mess pork, family; 812 oa Lard Refined, in tierces, 63c: half barrels, 6Jc; 60-ft tubs. 6Jc; 20-tt pails, 7c; 60 ft tin cans. 6Kc; 3-ft tin pails. ic; S-& tin pails, 7c; 10-ft tin pails, 6c: 5-ft tin pails, 7c; 10 ft tin pails, 7c Smoked- sausage, long, 5c; large, 6c. Fresh pork links, 9c. Boneless bams, lOKc Pigs feet, half barrel, 81 00; quar ter barrel, 82 15. Dressed Meat. Armour 4 Co. furnished the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses 450 to 550 fts, 5c; 650 to 650 fts. 6e; 650 to 760 fta, 67c Sheep, 8c $ ft. Lambs, 9c f? ft. Hogs, CJic. Fresh pork loins, 8c Lumber. Sealers In hard woods are unable to keep np with orders owing to delays of transportation. The run of perishable stuff is so crowding rail roads that lumber and iron are forced to wait. One dealer in bard woods reports that he has had a dozen or moro cars just outside the city iimits waiting their chances for several days. a the meantime bis customers are clamoring for stuff. Walnut lumber is fully 20 per cent lower than it was this time a year ago. The popular hard wood is oak. Poplar, ash and cherry are all In the lead of walnut at this lata for inside finish, in barroms, parlors and churches, and also for furniture. prai trsTLAsin tabu quotations. Clear boards, per II S2 0095S 00 Select common boards, per M. 30 00 Common boards perM 20 00 Sheathing is 00 Pine frame lumber per M 2 00027 00 Shingles, No. L 18 In. perM 5 00 bhlngles, No. 2, ism. per M 275 Lath 300 rLASID, f 00 00 .30 CO!; 00 . 2800 35 00 , 30 00 23 00 . SO CO CO '3000 2500 aj oo Surface boards , Clear, K-lnch beaded celling Partition boards, peril Flooring-, No.l f. Flooring. No. 2... , Yellow pine flooring Weather-boarding, moulded. No. 1., Weather-boardlntr, moulded, No. 2., Weather-boarding, X-lach BABO -WOODS TABS QUOTATIONS. Ash, 1 to 4 in , S40 00I3K0O Black walnut, green, log run SOWMOCO Bl ek walnut, dry, log run 60 00(375 00 Cherry 4000(380 00 Green white oak plank. 2 to 4 in 20 00(323 00 IJry white oak plank, 2to 41n 22 00S2S 00 Dry white oat: boards, lln 20 09323 00 West Va. yellow pine, 1 Inch.-. JOOtvasoo WestVa. yellow pine, 1J$ inch 2SOO5ooo WestVa. yellow pine, 1J$ inch 2S00ac West Va. yellow poplar, Xtolln 18 00(3250 Hickory, fofo 3 &......'. '... 13 CO$a 0 Hemlock building lumber, peril 14 0 oo 00 m Bankrolls urn Boat studdlnir moo Coal earplank is 00 HAED WOODS JOBBISO FZICZg. Ash S30 0035 00 walnut logrun,grei een., ou uainnr inwwnn .. a. nn-. White oak plank, green 18 0o22 00 Whe oak Plank, dry (.. MOCfSoO White oak boards, dry is maa CO West Va. yellow pine, 1 in 20 tags 00 West Va. Yellow nlnn. lit in -n mats; m Yellow poplar.... 20 oSaii CO Hickory, iito I In. M 00036 00 Hemlock. , 11 coi2 co Bunk rails..... 14 00 Boat studding. 1400 Coal earplank ,,...- IS 00 Drrsoodj. New York. October 16. The demand for drygoods holds up remarkably well, though there is no special activity in fall fabrics. Cut ters, converters and exporters are operating more freely, and the jobbing request continues fair, with considerable activity in new goods for spring, many of which are sold np for two and three months' delivery. The market to day is good and improving, though print cloths and kindred goods are temporarily weak. A few wholesale buyers from the West were in the market to-aay. The fall season is already voted one of the best, while the outlook for spring is unprecedented. Wool Markets, J? T-Loms-Wool Receipts for the week, 207,848 pounds, against 8L875 pounds tho pr? vious week. Market firm, hut prices are un changed. pj TO $100 JTJDICIOTJ $100 JUDICIOUSLY INVESTED 1 n stock options in Wall st. leads to wealth. STEVENSON & CO., Brokers, ocl7-Urrsn 60Newsr.,NewYork. "Why toll and alave forever P Ufa w&3 meant for living-, not eternal slaving. Ceass this -weary drudgery- SOAPONA does your vrork itself, and neither injures hand nor faDiio. Then why do it youP 'Tia nonsense, very nonsense. Awake, Ladies, Awake I Your health, and life axe at stake. Use SOAPONA everywhere. It cleans like magic WASHING BELL'S BUFFALO SOAP-Best Soap Made. R.W. BELL MFG. CO., Buffalo, N.Y, myl5-6Vrr ILLS BTUPTOH-UoUt. nrl InttiiM fteJiln and ctlnnct most 1 nlckt; woria by ftcrsieninxw I lowed to eoatlane ITCHING PILES.ire5,,iS;lhi& becoming tt ore. 8AVAYE8 IT. 1IE.NT top the ltehlnff ad blerdlBcw ht&U nleeratlan. and In moat eases renoTCS the t mors. 8wAYn'ODmixirrUioilbjdrafglu,ormAUelia war sddreti oa raoeipt of pric 60 eu. t box; S boxss, UX Ailrew letten. DR. SWATK2 A SOY. nilsdelphU. F- JAS. D. CALLER.... JOHN W. TAYLOR... .President ....Cashier CITY SAVINGS BAKE, SIXTH AVE. AND SMITHFIELD ST. Capital and surplus. $125,000. Transacts a General Banking Business. jvS-tts CELEBRATED GRAND DENVER RANGE Sold oy all stove dealers. Manufactured by ORAJPXN JaXTGTTS fc CO., 632 and m LIBERTY STREET. au&MXMTS wmi'mn A PERFEC1 izi'imimn 'lol Purifier. llfl I1MM1 A nurolT Vegetable IComnonnd that expels all bad bnmors from tbe f system. Removes blotch- 'e and pimples, and makes pure, rich blood. ap2-58 IF von want to know what vou ought to know, send for Apeoiat circulnr relative to WINCHESTER'S SPECIFIC PILLS. a prompt and perm&neat cure for Nervosa Debllltv. Weakness ctcfrieetiper box. WIN CHB6TBR & COn Cbeatots, 1 WHtaw St., N. Y. asygl-3sVzMWk SOiPQNA 't ' y sm T , , ,. KEW APTER'nsEXBjrTS. -0. MORTGAGES WANTED l mortgage for ... .... ,,..... 1 mortgage for.. ...f ., ..,..,... 2 mortgages for., 2 mortgages for. 3 mortgages for. , at low rates on wen-improveo cityprnsertr. HENRTC A- WEAVER CO., oclS-45 92 Fourth ave. CLOAK ; MAHUFACTURERS.1 WHOLESALE EXCLUSIVELY. Merchants visiting the city will find it to their interest to tospeet oar COMPLBTH , line of Ladies', Misses' and ChiWreq': OIDGLAIS. " SAMPIxIjNER &. KICHS 810 LIBEBTY ST OC9-51-TWT XMttstrursr, 3PaiVl WHOLESALE HOUSE. JflSFPH HilRHF i m ww ' V.. ""." tor. Wood and Liberty b&, - Importers and Jobbers of Special offerings this weekia SILKS, FLTJSHBS, DRESS GOODS, QTsTTTTD CITTt"TLera GlffGITAMS, PRINTS andOHSVlOmi For largest assortment and lowest gripes and see uj. "' WHOLESALE EXCLUSIVELY fe22-r8S-D 'J BROKERS FINANCIAL, TrrHUNEr STEPHENSON, CT FOURTH. A.VENTJR .W.-W issue Travelers' credits tnrougn uum 1 Morgan fe Co., New York. Passports mo ap2S-l y tt JOHN M. OAKLEY fc I BANKERS AND BBOKBB8.I Btocks, Bonds, Grain, Petroleum. , Private wire to New York aad CfclBSf.; 45 SIXTH ST., PiMBtrerg. hsbical. DOCTOR WHITT1ER 814 PKNN AVENUE, FITTSMHMK . As old residents know and back m burg papers prove, is tho oMeati and most prominent nhvsielanlat voting special attention toIl otrai SbrpouaNOFEEUNTILl WCDn PM4 mental decay, nervous d ener ambition and hope, impal disordered stent, self distrust. dizziness, sleeplessness, pimpfea,t poverlshed blood, failing powers,! ness, ayspepsia, constipation, luuhjt ins person ior Dususess. rlage, permanently, safely and privately Ul fill 1 Ain L(-iaianeses ULuvl ftl'l L orxll 1 ssasFea. e blotches, falling hair, bones, paiM, j Bweuings, uiceraBons 01 ioQgu,BBOw ulcers, old sores, are cured lor life. 1 poisons thoroughly eradicated from A 1 IIRIMADV Mdneyaml Nar Ullllinil I jments, weak bttex, 1 tarrhal discharces. inflamraatiom 1 painfnl symptoms receive searefeiBg I prompt reuei ana real cures. Dr. Whittiet's life-long, extesw ence, insures screnunc ana reaaaM 1 on common-sense principles, usm Patients at a distance as carefnHv here. Office hours 9 A. K. to Jr.: 10A.H.tolp.M. only. DR. WJ renn avenue, i-ittSDurg, fi. oc8-4-DSn-wk Health is Weal Dk. K. C west's Nsstz and Treatment, a guaranteed specifle for 1 dizziness, convulsions, nta. nervous Be headache, nervous prostration cassed kf i use of alcohol or tobacco, wakaf alBess. saea depression, softening of the brain, resoMtag Hi insanity ana leaajne to jniseiy, ojcsit death, premature lold afre. barreaaass, fssa k power in either sex. Involuntary lassos aatt spermatorrhoea caused by over-ezarMaB eftbaj brain, self-abuse or over-ladalgemM. Wnj box contains one month's treatBe&tV M a feMtj or six boxes for la, seat by mail prnyajW aa w ceipt oi price. rjt WE GUARANTEE SIX, BOXES Tocuraanycase,With each order rotojvedi for six boxes, accompanied with JS , w sena tne pnrcnaiser onr writtea refund the money if the treatmei feet a cure. Guarantees issued m Stuckv. Dmszist. Sola Asent. 17ft as4i aval and car. Wvlie ave. and Forte aL. bnre;Fa. ' sesg-Me luMttl DOCTORS IAKEI SPECIALISTS la al quiring scientific va& tial treatment! Dr. 8. M. K. C. F. B- is tfee oH most expetiesced sp the city. Consultattos strictly- conadeatfasL hours 9 to 4 and 7 to 8P. H.: K.Consnlt them personally, or write. LAKE. i renn ave., utsourg; x-a. jel2-45-DWK CHICHESTER'S ENGU9H PENNYROYAL P. LI RED CROSS DIAMOND I flh sad stvtTi reHWt 1 irunitflii bt jftamama 4 lt& red, metaMo boxes, ss)eii I Dioa nwo.. x ikEe ne mm pills iapsitebasrd boxes i Dsri srs danjegoM esm ji inunmi rar umniciuaH. ul "KrHrffcr L.dtM.'b. t.m HtftH. Mimt j iiji akhUrC14TCfc,liwlit, ,'S OottOD. COMPOUND mmeA of Cottoa Boot. Ppnnyrnval a recent dfaee 'old phTsiciaa. U inttmrnmi nontnltf-6afe. efectaaL Friee p, lr sealed. ladies, ask your dragsjttt Cotton Boot CompouBd and take no or inoiose a stamps ior Boaaw Ama POND ULT COUP. Block, 131 Woodward ave Detroit, 1 3-3old in Pittsburg, Pa., by Jesayh lug & son, inamona ana jaarset see. MEN ONLY! A POisTrTv"- for LUSJT i MAMMOIM less, hum STVAStaiBl .SBL' atrRUr; S3. W Body Mind, Lack of Streajrtli, vl velopment, caosea Dv-r.rrors, i Unm nf SELr-TRKATMIXT. (sealed) free. Address XBU Ml Baaalo, N. X. HARE'S REMEKW For meat Cbeeka tbe -7V33&i: JaSMM gn MslW rT M i m PflMViLn WJ W2 Es 1 w r k..