Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 17, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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VoUH io.25S. Entered at Pittsburg Postofflce,
November II, 1SS7, as secona-class matter.
Business Office 97 and 99 Fifth Avenue.
News Booms and Publishing House 75,
77 and 79 Diamond Street.
Eastern Advertising Office, Koom 43, Tribune
Building, ework.
Average net circulation of the dally edition of
THE DIEFATCH for Elx months ending September
SO, 1SS9, si sworn to before City Controller,
Copies per Issue.
Average set circulation of the Sunday edition of
The Dispatch for four months ending beptem
bcra, lSSSt
Copies per Issue.
Dailt Dispatch, One Year S 8 CO
Daily Die TCH, Per Quarter 2X0
Daixt dispatch. One Month 70
Daily Dispatch. Including Sunday, 1 year. 10 00
Daily Dispatch, Including Sunday, Sm'ths. I S3
Daily Dispatch, Including Sunday, 1 month 90
bCNDAY Dispatch, Onelear 150
eekxy Dispatch, One 1 ear 125
The Daily Dispatch Is delivered br carrlersat
IScents per -week, or Including bunday edition, at
10 cents per week.
The public is once more favored with the
announcement that the new 36-in& main to
the gas fields will be completed about the
opening of next month, and that thereafter
no more complaints will be possible con
cerning the shortage of gas. .
This is good news, and gas consumers will
earnestly hope that the day of abundant gas
may be hastened. But is there not a certain
sameness about the announcement? If we
remersber correctly.at the time that the short
age first appeared, a similar statement was
made with the difference that then the hope
was held out for abundant gas within a day
or two. How, after the lapse of three weeks,
the promised relief is still three weeks
distant That rate of progress backward
may create a fear that when December is
reached the opening of the new main may
be put off till next spring.
It is not with any spirit of fault-finding,
but for the sake of urging the most reliable
business conduct, that we desire to impress
upon the gas companies the necessity of
observing two rnles: First, to let the public
know exactly what it can expect; and, sec
ond, to make no more contracts than they
can fill.
The strike of an 800-barrel oil well in the
Chartiers Valley, only a little distance out
eide the city limits of Pittsburg, possibly
indicates a new importance for the recently
developed field. While, of course, the one
large well does not determine the size or
permanence of the field, a well of such force
indicates that there must be a considerable
deposit of oil in that vicinity The pres
ence of a rich field of crude petroleum so
near the city should give new stimulation to
the refining industry, of 'which years ago
Pittsburg was one of the leading centers.
It is worthy of notice that with a field so
close not only to existing refineries but to
sites for new ones, and with the benefit of
railroad and river competition for the trans
portation both of crude and refined, it will
be dimcult for the standard to get such a
grio on this field, if it proves of any magni
tude, as to choke off independent refining.
The further development of the new field
will be watched with interest, as it may
prove an important contributor to the
wealth of Pittsburg.
There is a painful rumor afloat to the
effect that a number of Brooklyn brewers
have banded together to fight the British
syndicate which is said to have bought up a
number of American breweries. "What
form the antagonistic movement is to take is
not clearly indicated. There is talk of a
boycott, and cabalistic inscriptions upon the
beer kegs, and awful warnings to the drink
ers of beer. It is to be a patriotic American
league of course, though strange to say most
of the patriots have singularly Teutonic
names, and its aim will be to impress the
beer-drinking public all over the country
with the impious and treasonable character
of the British beer syndicate. "We hail the
movement with gladness, for nothing can be
les3 to be tjesired than the encouragement of
bloated, not to say blarsted, Britishers pre
suming to brew beer in this countrv, which
one hundred years ago and more dismissed
the lion and the unicorn with contumely.
'And yet we foresee trouble ahead for the
patriots in the beer business of Brooklyn.
It is a fact that the strictest American is
not apt to mix politics, domestic or foreign,
with his beer or his whisky. He may take
a little water with the latter, but as a rule
he takes both beverages straight. Nor is he
particular what the nationality, religion,
disposition or complexion of the brewer or
distiller may be, so long as the article he
sells is palatable and pure. So it the alleged
British syndicate lor we have our doubts
about the origin of the money used in form
ing these syndicates wish to checkmate
their patriotic opponents, they need do no
more than sell good beer at reasonable fig
ures and the American public will buy it.
If the Brooklyn brewers want to drive their
alleged British foes out of business let them
brew better beer and sell it at lower prices
than the latter can.
It is rather interesting to observe, in the
controversy as to who shall be the next post
master of Pittsburg, a certain similarity be
tween the names of the supporters of one
candidate and those who have indorsed the
other. One gentleman states that he is
backed, among others, by all the city officials,
all the Pennsylvania Bailroad officials.
Sheriff McCandless, all the County Com
missioners and Clerk of Courts McGunnigle.
On the other hand, the lists of the othercan
didate contain such names as A. JE. Mc
Candless, D. K. McGunnigle, B.E, Mercer,
William McCallin, Thomas H. Watt and
perhaps others who might seem to be in
cluded in the classes claimed by the first
contestant This resemblance may be due
to the fact that one candidate has their sup
port officially and the other their personal
indorsement, .enabling a strict impartiality
to be observed between the candidates. It
may mean that both gentlemen are regarded
as highly eligible for the postoffice; or,
, finally, it may signify the exact value of
signatures to political petitions.
We are obliged to notice the fact that a
large number of our esteemed cotemporaries
are still engaged in holding up the career of
the late S. S. Cox as an example of the
method in which a reputation for wit can
prevent a public man from gaining fame in
'the more serious lines of statesmanship. It
is alleged with regard to Mr. Cox that "if
. ii had not been for his wit be might have
been president," and it is asserted that
when he tried to discuss public issues seri
ously people would laugh at it under the
suspicion that a joke was intended. The
moral of which is that if a man desires to
make a name for statesmanship, he must
never be witty.
Against this effort to abolish humor from
public affairs we enter our protest, both, on
account of its disastrous results and its en
tire inaccuracy. There are too many public
characters already who imagine that a great
reputation is to be won by maintaining a
solemnity equal to that of owls, without
adding to their number by the establishment
of an unwritten law, that no public man
can ever win success who jokes. The culti
vation of that idea would reduce public
affairs to a condition of weary, stale and flat
sameness beyond endurance.
Moreover the idea is totally unfounded.
Since so much is made of Mr. Cox's case, it
is necessary to say that he never rose to a
position of serious leadership because his
treatment of serious subjects was essentially
light He was genial, ready, quick and
sometimes logical; but he had not the earn
estness and ptofound convictions which
make a leader of men on great issues.
Against his case may be placed the career
of our greatest leader in modern times. Ho
one will now deny Mr. Lincoln's statesman
ship; yet he was as ready to give way to
humor as Mr. Cox ever was. The difference
lay in the fact that Mr. Lincoln was also
able to show the grasp and comprehension
of the serious issues.
If a statesman has humor, he need not be
afraid that it will prevent him from secur
ing recognition of far more serious abilities,
provided he can show them. If he has the
humor only, and is able to bring only the
light and airy qualities into the issues of
politics.he should not be deterred from thus
mollifying the acerbities of political con
tests by the knowledge that it is the best
he can do.
The interviews with a number of our lead
ing merchants on the effect of the Exposi
tion in enhancing their trade, testify to the
value of that institution. The interests cov
ered by this information do not include some
of the branches such as the hotels, restau
rants and rail ways, all of which have done
a rushing business. But the expressions of
the leading retail merchants leave no doubt
that a material and gratifying enlargement
of their traffic has been produced by the new
Xet such statements do not give a full
idea of all that the Exposition does, and
still less of what it should be made to do.
We take it that the greatest value of such
an enterprise to a place like Pittsburg is in
spreading the general reputation of the city
and giving it snch fame that trade may
come here months after the Exposition
has closed. In its direct effects it
shonld be made of the greatest use to
our manufacturing interests. "We hardly
think that there is yet a full appreciation
of the possibilities of such an insti
tution in displaying the peculiar features
and most striking products of Pittsburg's
manufacturing . interests so that its fame
shall not be confined to any local circle of
500 miles radius. The development of these
possibilities would not only spread the repu
tation of the city, but would act as a stim
ulus on our industries for turning out the
best and most valuable productions.
However that may be, it is a comfortable
fact that the first Exposition has not only
won financial success for itself, but has in
creased the trade of Pittsburg. This will
insure renewed efforts and an expanded field
of usefulness for the future.
The boast of New Yorkers is that Brook
lyn is a part of their city, and the boast has
solid foundations of fact The Bev. T. De
Witt Talmage is the last man to ofier his
testimony to the truth of the assertion. He
lives in Brooklyn, and it was his church,
the Brooklyn Tabernacle, which was burned
the other day. From Brooklyn he has is
sued an appeal to the whole country for
money to rebuild his church. To be sure
be has $130,000 insurance money, but he
wants more. The members of his church
may be slow about subscribing to the fund,
and Dr. Talmage appeals to the United
States to help him out. Nobody but a New
Yorker would do this. The cry may come
from the city across the East river, but the
spirit behind it belongs to the city of unfin
ished monuments and decaying Exposition
Will the people of all the States and
Territories be accommodated with sittings
iu the new tabernacle ? Will their railroad
fares to and from Dr. Talmage's church be
paid by him or the church trustees ? We
trow not But they are asked blandly to
send in their pennies and their bank notes
to aid an immensely wealthy congregation
in erecting lor its own nse a superb temple.
The spirit of mendicancy which pervades
the atmosphere of the biggest city in the
Union has inspired less worthy appeals, but
never one more unnecessary than this from
Brooklyn. If Dr. Talmage and his con
gregation want to build a church to cost
more than $130,000, by all means let them
get together and raise as much as they
please. The rest of the country will bid
them godspeed. And that is about all that
can be required of the country.
There are all sorts of legitimate ways of
courting a young woman. A man in this
enlightened country may woo her with fair
words, with candy, with oysters and even
poetry. He may approach her through her
venerable mother, her maiden aunts, or in
direct attack. The seduction of the pater
nal bulldog, or even of the old man himself,
by comestibles or simple courtesy, is per
missible. But we must say very positively
that it is not in good taste or policy for a
young man to seek topappitiate the object of
his desires by threatening to cut her heart
ont it she declines to hand it over to him.
George Spencer, of Hoboken, in the
pseudo-State of New Jersey, however, tried
this outrageous method of securing the hand
of a certain red-headed young lady named
Miss Leaning. Against her will he called
at her house and pressed his suit vi et armlt.
That is to say, when she said that she did
not like him, never had liked him and never
could, be replied that he was prepared to be a
"Jack the Bipper" to her if shecontinued in
that state of mind. There was no excuse for
his making this threat, for it appears that
Hiss Eenning had not even offered to be a
sister to him an offer which is apt to irri
tate an ardent lover. What his proposal
amounted to was: You must love me,
tawny-haired houri of Hoboken, or I will
make you a subject for instant vivisection.
No nice, refined girl, even In the semi-barbarous
wilds of Hoboken, could be expected
to look upon this proposal with favor. Per
haps she would have preferred dissection in
an irregular way to a matrimonial alliance
with snch a man. but. beinc a self-reliant.
red-haired girl, she took Mr. George Spen
cer, oi a-ooos.cn, or me coat couar and
turned him
ver without ceremony to the I
police. This was the .right course to
take. We commend it .to all young women
who are troubled by cowardly, selfish brutes
in the guise of 16vers.
Sugar Trust certificates got anotheritum
ble of 6 per share the other day; and?p-
ttla ava Viopfinnnf in 4nrtT1& 4a tl& fnnt iltofi
.. j . j,. ... , ,.
another decision on the illegality of combi
nations is auom to appear.
A meeting of delegates from various
States of the Union is to be held in Wash
ington next week to form plans for holding
the World's Fair there iu 1892. In the
meantime New York's project, together
with the Grant Monument and the Wash
ington Arch Memorial, has been placed
under the management of Wilkins Micawber,
Esq., and is waiting for something to
turn up.
It is to be hoped that the characteristics
which are being displayed at the new cap
ital of South Dakota will not develop it
into a market for high-priced corner lots
and low-priced politicians.
The Italians of New York have raised
3,000 of a proposed $20,000 for a monument
to Christopher Columbus. Tnis excess over
the regulation New York proportion of
non-performance produces a demand that
the World's Fair project there shall be
placed under the management of the banana
and peanut interest
On the game of close cross-examination
those agents of the State who were paid for
acting as time-keepers and ran cigar stores
at Johnstown, do not show up to the best
The David B. Hill boom for the Presi
dency is now being exhibited and exercised
in the South. Its transfer to the warm belt
at this season of the year is eminently dis
creet as preserving it from the danger of
getting trost-bitten if left in the North dur
ing the wintry season.
Me. John L. Sullivan is now stated
to be $15,000 in debt This is worse for his
creditors than the other condition in which
he ought to be in the penitentiary for a
That big Gould-Huntington-Atchison-Topeka-and-Santa-Fe-Chicago
- Milwaukee-and-St
Paul Bailway consolidation is the
latest effort of the imagination in Chicago
railway circles to picture a combination
with a name nearly as interminable as its
alleged mileage.
The police force denies the soft impeach
ment that it ever broke a whisky bottle; and
in the case under investigation puts in the
further detail that it did not get the chancel
The Hamersley estate is now being cut
up and a portion of it offered for sale at auc
tion. It keeps even the big American for
tunes very busy to support that expensive
and exotio luxury, a live Duke of Marl
borough. Let us hope that the Montana election
can be settled more promptly and honestly
than the decidedly discreditable West Vir
ginia contest
It is whispered that the $320,000 judg
ment, which was telegraphed from New
York as having been secured by W. N. Bid
die, is not worth much more than some of
the judgments against the defunct Penn
PmsBUEG should wake np to the neces
sity of placing itself solidly on the platform
that the overhead wires must go under
ground. A thousand barrel oil well in the Char
tiers Valley will be likely to develop a new
oil field from which it will not be easy for
the Standard Oil Company to shut out inde
pendent refineries in Pittsburg.
Mb. Gladstone has been chopping down
many trees at Hawardea of late, with all bis
old vigor.
AT Washington yesterday Walter Lyon, of
Pittsburg, was admitted to practice in the Su
preme Court of the United States.
The late King of Bavaria left debts which
will be paid off at the rate of $275,000 a year.
The last payment will be made in 1905.
Pbince Ltjcien Bonafabte has como Into
a fortune of 150,000 by the death of his nephew,
Paul Amadeus Francis Uoutts Stuart.
Hon. StxphenA, Douglass, jB.,addressed
a Republican gathering of 3,000 people in Find
lay, O., last evening. Tariff was what he talked
At Chicago yesterday John M. Harlan, son
ot Justice Harlan, of the United States Su
preme Court, was appointed administrator of
the Illinois estate of the late Justice Stanley
At a meeting of the Chicago bar yesterday a
committee was appointed to act in connection
with the Executive Committee for the purposo
of securing the World's Fair for Chicago.
Among the members were Bobert T. Lincoln,
John N. Jewett, Lambert Tree, Lyman Trum
bnll, Howard Henderson and Benjamin F.
Chables Scrtbner, the publisher, says
Bobert Louis Stevenson did write "The Wrong
Box" in spite of the denial that has been tele
graphed from San Francisco. "It was In his
handwriting," says Mr. Scribner. "It is not
possible that be wonld deceive us. In addition
to all this tbe work shows intrinsically the
hand of Mr. Stevenson."
Emperor William of Germany is much dis
pleased with the models submitted to him for
a monument to bis grandfather, William L
He has said that not one of them deserves a
prize. Many of tbe most famous sculptors in
Germany refnsed to compete, claiming that
the prixes were too small a reward for the labor
required in the preparation of models.
Mary Anderson has won a high position as
a maker of bread. She writes to the London
Times giving her recipe for the staff of life.
She is cosmopolitan in her tastes, being an
American who makes English bread ont of
Hungarian flour and French yeast. She says:
"Bread, if made as I have described, will not
turn sour, and will be sweet and moist for at
least eight or ten days if kept in a pan." It Is
said that William Wintes. the critic, considers
Mary a great genius as a bread maker.
C Avery Orr, who accompanies the United
States eclipse expedition to Africa, is anxious
to make certain anthropological studies. Upon
reaching the coast of Africa Mr. Orr will leave
the expedition, and, accompanied by five black
and five white men, all fully armed, will strike
ont for tbe interior, 7isiting many of the native
tribes, wbose manner of living he will closely
observe, photographing and measuring them,
noting their habits and manners and studying
all the characteristics peculiar to each tribe.
M. Osiris, who gave the prize of 100,000
francs for the most useful work in the Exhibi
tion, has a mania for statues, and proposes to
erect many In Paris. The representative of
the Voltaire Statue Committee, who inter
viewed him concerning his proposed statues,
proposed that one of them should be that of
Racine; bnt M. Osiris would not hear of it, and
declared that if he erected statues It was
chiefly because he liked to meet in bis walks
the well-known faces of his former friends.
The Conservative Policy.
From the Chicago Times.;
An English paper outlines the Conservative
line of action, which Is to do nothing, is it
Invariably tbo Case.
From the Altoona Tribune.
i When a man's tenmer rets the best of him it
reveals the worst of -him.
People Who Have No Sense of Proportion
or Perspective There Wat No Letter N
in the Little Word Positive Punctuality
During a railroad journey recently, a friend
of mine occupied a seat in front of an old lady
- - who had a half-dozen big paper packages be-
- TRt?wed Deside her and a her in the rack.
When nobody was expecting It. and while the
train was bowline along at 10 miles an hour,
there suddenly came a lond whistling from the
engine and the air-brakes were applied so
quickly thattbe cars shook and oscillated in an
alarming manner. Everybody was very much
.frightened and the old Udy before mentioned
'uttered a piercing shriek and tried to gather
the paper parcels in her arms.
Nothing happened. Probably the engineer
caught sight of an adverse signal that he did
not expect. Anyhow the train slowed up for a
minute and hen pursued its way again. My
friend turned to reassure'ttte lady behind him
directly she screamed. "I do- not think there
is any danger," be said.
"I am glad there isn't" replledShe old lady
in tremulous tones, "for I have'feome vases
here that I fear would be broken. T.bat'8 what
made me cry out."
The old lady veritably dreaded an accident
because she had a cargo of china at stake.
A somewhat similar case to the above re
curs to me.
On the night of May 81, when the awful news
of the destruction of the Conemaugh dam
filled the air, the inevitable baseball crank
invaded the sporting editor's den. Asusual,i
the crank took his seat on the edge of the
sporting editor's desk, and proceeded to make
a running comment upon the ball games of the
day previous. As he was talking away an
excited reporter stopped a moment at the door
to tell tbe sporting editor that Johnstown had
been swept awav, thousands of lives bad been
lost, and the Pennsylvania Railroad disabled.
"Ah!" said the crank with some show of
interest, "then there will be no ball game here
to-morrow. Our boys will never get here in
time," and then be resumed the thread of his
remarks on the national game.
"There is a splendid view from here," said
an old countryman to his daughter as a Fort
Wayne accommodation train'began to slacken
speed for the stop at Avalon station, "of the"
and at this point tbe train stopped with a vio
lent jerk, and the old man added with uninten
tional sonority "dam."
A very prim middle-aged lady who sat In the
seat in front of the old countryman faced
about at this ejaculation, and said with severity
cold enough to chill the overheated car stove:
"Such language is disgraceful, sir-and in the
presence of ladies, too!" 0
The old man did not understand the rebuke
how shonld he f and went on pointing ont
the beauties of the great structure at Bellevue
to the pretty girl who sat beside him.
One can be too much tied to punctuality and
precision, excellent as those qualities are in
dne order and degree
There was a doctor in these parts not a cen
tury ago who would rather have imperiled his
life than departed from established custom in
the routine of the household. Breakfast had
to be served at snch an honr, dinner at another
and supper at another, and woe be to the cook
or the child who was not on hand with the meal
or at it at the appointed time. It is related
that a favorite child of the doctor's was seized
with a violent fit of convulsions just before the
hour set for the reading of family prayers. 1
looked as if the little one might die, but the
doctor insisted on reading prayers at the usual
hour. When he had finished the devotions he
repaired to the child's bedside.
It is also said that when he came to die he an
nounced on tbe evening before that he in
tended to depart thence at 6.30 in the morning,
and when the hands of the clock came around
to that hour, although he appeared stronger to
his family, he deliberately composed himself
and, as several who saw him think, died by
mere force ot will several hours before the
angel of death was ready for him.
Ex-Prcsldent Hayes Is Again Chosen Com
mander In Chief.
Philadelphia, October 16. The fifth an
nual meeting of the commandery in charge of
the military older of the Loyal Legion of tbe
United States was held to-day in the hall of the
Historical Society of Pennsylvania. General
Rutherford B. Hayes, tbe Commander in Chief,
called tbe meeting to order. About 40 dele
gates, representing the various commanderies,
are In attendance. The morning session was
devoted to reading the reports of officers.
General Hayes was unanimously re-elected
commander in chief.
The other offers elected were: Senior Vice
Commander-in-Chief, Rear Admiral A. Ludlow
Case, Neif York; Junior Vice Commander-in-Chief,
General Nelson A. Miles, California;
Recorder-in-Chief, Lieutenant Colonel John P.
Nicholson, Pennsylvania; Registrar-in-Chief,
General Albert Ordway, District ot Columbia;
Trcasurer-in-Chief, General John Mllhau. fletr
York; Chancellor-in-chief, Captain Peter D.
Keyser, Pennsylvania; Chaplain-in-Chief, Chap
lain H. Clay Trumbull. Pennsylvania; Conn-cilor-in-Chief,
General Orlando M. Poe, Michi
gan. Councilmen Major John P. Rea, Minne
sota, Brevet Major General Eugene A. Corr,
Missouri; Major General Lew Wallace, In
diana; Colonel Thomas L. Livermore, Massa
chusetts. ISThe commandery then took np the report of
me committee on ine eugiomty oi candidates.
The discussion which followed tbe presenta
tion of the report was lengthy and at times. It
is said, somewhat heated, bnt after a few mod
ifications it was finally accepted. The adoption
of the report concluded the official business,
and after remarks by several of tbe members,
Commander-in-Chief Hayes declared the meet
ing adjourned. Ex-President Hayes, when
seen alter the adjournment, expressed himself
as being highly complimented at bis re-election
to the office of Commander-in-Chief and also
pleased at the selection the legion made of the
officers to serve with him. Tbe ex-President
altbough looking very much aged by his recent
bereavement, declared himself to be in excel
lent health. A banqnet was tendered the Commander-in-Chief
to-night at the Union League
Clubhouse by the Pennsylvania Commandery,
at which Mr. Hayes ws the recipient of many
Pittsbnreers and Others Who Have Invented
New Devices.
The following patents were issued to Western
Pennsylvania, Eastern Ohio and West Virginia
inventors for the week ending October IS, as
furnished by O. D. Levis, patent attorney, No.
131 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg:
B. M. Barber, Ashtabula, O., harrow; John
Barnhart, Altoona, steam boiler; J. AV. Book
waiter, Springfield, O., converter: JK. N. Colwell,
Allegheny, manufacturing drawheads: A. J. &
H. Koberts. Pittsburg, .rod rolling mill; H. A.
Dietrich, Bonth Bethlehem, steam boiler; Wm.
L. Groff, Steelton, Pa., machine for manufactur
ing convertor bottoms; J. I. Hancock, Montrose,
Pa., slead; P. I". -Hanley, Homestead, rolling
mill; John Heathy, lurnace door: B. H. Hlte,
Morgantown, W. Va., cornet; C. H. Irwin, Wil
mington, O., auger bit die; Julian Kennedy and
H. Aiken, Homestead, hydraulic crane and rolling
mill; H. A. Koogler. De Uraff, u holdback for
vehicles: C. . Landes, Tltusvllle, violin bow;
Luelen B. Martin. I'oetorla, U., toilet case: M. L.
Luclen B. Martin, I'oetorla, O., toilet case; M. L,
Morvers, Lucas, O., pile driving machine: John
Aiorvers, r.ncas, u.v pue driving macnine: Jon?
redder, .Pittsburg, manufacturing steel bodies
Paul Oliver, Oliver Mills, Pa., mixer; Jacob
Keese, Pittsburg, crystalline calcic tetraphospbate
ana apparatus ior maitm puuspuaies; u. u.
Kexer, Bellefontlne, 0.,blp attachment for boots;
Peter BlesUk, Allegheny, stairway; Abraham
Shlreley. Hanoverton, O.. air heating device; A.
A.. Stover, Hamilton, O., car coupler; Henry
Swindell, Allegheny, heating furnace: J. 1
Wenger, Burton City, O.. machine for dipping
animals; 8. W. Wilt, Clllton MUls, W. Va.,
burglar alarm; F. E. Youngs, Plttsbnrg. propor
tional meter, two patents; W. (i. Walter, Pitts
burg, bottle (designs).
If He Remains In Jersey He Slay be Sum
moned by a Canadian.
Ottawa, October 16, Mayor Beaugrand, of
Montreal, bas sued La JUinerve, the organ of
the Dominion Government, for libel for having
asserted tbat he bas no right to the decoration
of the Legion of Honor which he received
when General Boulanger was the French Min
ister of War.
Tbe Chief Justice of the Province, Sir R. R.
Dorionhas been asked to issue a peremptory
order that General Boulanger come to Mon
treal at once to testify that Beangrand's decora
tion is legitimate and was given by President
Grevy, of France. As Boulanger is now on the
Island of Jersey it is beld tbat he must answer
V a summons from British courts.
. '
Mabel Locke.
There Is deep grief In the home of C. E. Locke,
the well-known Pittsburg newspaper man. Mr.
Locke's bright little daughter Mabel died last
night of diphtheria, at her father's residence In
Hazelwood. Little Mabel was only in her ..7th
year, and ber death was as sadden and unex
pected as It was heartrending to ber family.
SIIis Blanche Tag-cart Was Married to Mr.
Galen C. Hartaian.
The wedding of Miss Blanche Taggart and
Mr. Galen C. Hartman was celebrated last even
ing at pie residence of tbe bride's parents, on
Ackley street. Rev. George Muckley, of Cin
cinnati, officiated. The bride was attended by
Miss Ada Foster, of Allegheny, as maid of
honor, and Miss Olive Harton, Miss Mary Goff
and Miss Carrie Taggart as bridemaids. Mr.
Edward S. Grace was master of ceremonies,
and the ushers were Messrs. John Nicholson,
Edward Spencer and Edward Minnemeyer.
The bridal dress was of cream faille silk, the
maids were arrayed in delicate shades. The
gentlemen were all in tbe usual dress. A large
number of friends were present and the recep
tion which followed was a very enjoyable
affair. The first few weeks upon the sea of
matrimony will be sailed in New York and
other Eastern cities, but a home on Irwin ave
nue will anchor tbe young couple eventually.
Mr. IL E. Sample and Miss Robinson,
Mlllvale, Jalned for Life.
At the residence of Captain and Mrs. Daniel
Dempsey, Butler road, Millyale, Mr. Harry E.
Sample was united in marriage toMIssLufle
M. Robinson. .The ceremony was performed
by Rev. A. D. Light, of tbe Millvale Presbyter
ian Church, in the presence of a limited num
ber of guests. Afterward supper was served
by Goettmann.
Mr. Sample is a son of the Hon. H, K. Sam
ple, and is one of the prominent young men of
tbe neighborhood, while the bride, the step
daughter of Captain Dempsey. is a well-known
and highly respected young lady who bas many
friends. The young couple received many
handsome testimonials of regard from their
friends, and thev start housekeeping In anew
residence with the best wishes of all who know
A Young Railroad Man Wedded to a Beaver
County Belle.
Mr. A. W. Carey, contracting agent of the
Missouri Pacific Railroad in this city, was mar
ried yesterday to Miss Ida Inge, of Rochester,
Pa. Ihe ceremony was performed at 11X0
o'clock in the forenoon in the Fourth Avenue
Baptist Church by the Rev. Dr. Grose, pastor
of the church. A select gathering of represen
tative men of the city, friends ot the groom,
were present. The bride is the daughter of
Mrs. II. M. Inge, and is a well-known belle iu
Beaver county.
Married in Brldgowater.
Miss Vida Hurst, only daughter of Mr. A. C.
Hurst, of West Bridgewater, was married to
Mr. Will C. Coffin, of Allegheny, yesterday
afternoon, at four o'clock. The ceremony was
performed in the Presbyterian Church at West
Bridgewater, after which tbe guests repaired
to tbe residence of the bride's parents, where a
reception was held. The house was a mass of
palms, potted plants, ferns, and cut flowers
artistically arranged, and the supper was
served by Kennedy.
In a Social way.
About 60 friends of Mr. and Mrs. John L.
Mills gathered at their residence on Charlotte
street Monday evening to say farewell to them
ere they departed for their future home at
Colfax. Though taken by surprise the host
and hostess were soon successful in making
their guests feel at home, and to the strains of
tbe Wlnterton Band dancing was indulged in
till a late hour. Refreshments were served,
and after expressing their regret at losing such
desirable neighbors, the company dispersed.
Mb. Thomas McCutcheon, of Irwin ave
nue, will soon brine home the bride he wedded
in the person of Miss Annie Banner, of Somer
set. The ceremony was solemnised in the Dis
ciple Church of that place on Tuesday after
noon, the church being beautifully decorated
for the occasion. Eight attendants added to
the beauty of tbe occasion. A reception will
be tendered the young people in Allegheny
when they return from a short Southern trip.
Oveb 300 people witnessed the presentation
of the American flags Tuesday evening to the
public schools at Castle Shannon and Fair
Haven by Castle Shannon Council No. 297, Jr.
O. U. A. M. Thomas F. Ashford was master of
ceremonies, and E. Lindsay Grier delivered the
presentation address. '
The wedding of Miss S.N. Mooley and Mr,
Emmett Queen was celebrated at 201 Locust
street, Allegheny, last evening. Annmberof
friends witnessed the ceremony and enjoyed
the wedding supper. The house was fragrant
with cut flowers furnished by A. M. & J. B.
AT tbe home of Mrs. Daniel Dempsey Tues
day evening the wedding of Miss Lilian Rob
ertson and Mr. H. E. Sample occurred. Miss
Robertson is the daughter of Mrs. Dempsey,
and Mr. Bample is tbe son of Hon. H. E. Sam
ple, ex-member of the Pennsylvania Legisla
ture. The residence of Captain Thomas H. Laps
ley, of tbe West End, was the scene of a gay
wedding last evening, his daughter, Miss Sadie
Lapsley, was married to Mr. Albert C. Weaver.
Miss Lapsley Is a sister of William H. Lapsley,
paymaster of the Edgar Thomson Steel Works.
Mb. Chatjncet Rowe, formerly of the firm
of Joseph Eichbaum & Co., now of Boston, was
married last evening to Miss Mary Louise In
graham, of Portland, Me. Their future home
will be in Dorchester, Mass
The marriage of Miss Annie Overbolt to Mr.
Carl Clayton Low will be celebrated at the
home of tbe bride's parents, in Mt. Pleasant,
this evening at 6 o'clock,
Mrss Myers, daughter of E. H. Myers, Roup
street East End, will marry Mr. Scott the last
of the month.
Mes. B. F. Raitebtt, of 4919 Fifth avenue,
will entertain friends on Thursday evening.
An Asylum Patient, an Being Released,
Hants Up Hidden Applrjnck.
tsrxciAi. teleqram to the nsrATCH.3
Weston, W. Va., Octoher 18. David Ander
son, a patient recently discharged from the
State Asylum for tbe Insane at this place, has
developed a remarkable memory. Anderson
first showed evidences of insanity in 1S83, and
became very violent When the ofllcers started
to arrest him he was on bis way to his home
with a gallon jug of applejack. On catching
sight of the officers, Anderson secreted tbe jng
under tbe roots of a big tree, and a few mo
ments later he was in custody and on bis way
to tbe asylum. For the ensuing six years he
was a raving maniac, and for four years was in
close confinement in that portion of tbe asylum
devoted to the worst patients.
A year ago he began to improve, and a few
days go be was discharged cared. The first
thing Anderson did was to make a bee line for
the jug of applejack, and he found it safe and
sound under tbe old tree where be bad buried
A Strongly Flowing Well Struck at a Depth
of Only 60 Feet.
SALEV. S. D., October IS. A strong flow of
natural gas bas been struck on the farm of M,
Dnclos, three miles northeast of this city, at
the depth of 60 feet The pressure is strong
enough to throw gravel and sand 30 feet into
tbe air.
It was tested to-day and burns excellently. It
roars like the escape valve of a locomotive.
Byron In the Old and New.
On Monday, October 21, the ever popular
Oliver Byron will open at tbe Bijou Theater.
He will be supported by Eate Byron and his
famous company of comedians, presenting on
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday
evenings, "Across tbe Continent,-" Thursday
and Friday evenings and Saturday matinee,
"Ten Thousand Miles Away." Miss Molly
Benchler, daughter of Fred Beuchler, of
Allegheny, Is a member of tbe company. The
reserved seat sale opens to-day.
Failed for 880,000.
New Yoke, October 16. Henry B. Shaen,
Frederic B. Stewart and Nathan L. Phipps,
composing the firm of H. B. Shaen & Co., dry
foods Importers and commission merchants, of
36 Broome street made an assignment to-day
without preferences. Mr. Shaen says tbat the
liabilities are 80,000 and the assets are yet to
be determined.
Chicago's Greatest Need.
From tbe Washington Postl-
The more we hear of tbat Cronln case tbe
more we feel that what Chicago most needs Is
somebody to teach her citizens the graceful
and effective lockstep.
A Hint to Mayor Grant
From the Philadelphia Inquirer.
Perhaps the best way to make electric wires
safe would, be to connect each one with a
director of Pie company. '
The Delegates to the maritime Conference
Received With Much Ceremony.
Washington, October 161 Secretary Blaine
received tbe delegates to the maritime confer
ence at tbe State Departmenr,this morning at
11 o'clock. The members are a noble-looking
set of men and, attired in the gold lace of
every maritime nation ot the world, made a
striking appearance. The exceptions to tbe
glitter of uniforms and decorations were the
delegates from China and South America, tbe
former in their distinctive national dress and
the latter in regulation 'dress suits. The dele
gates were accompanied by the Ministers of
tpelr respective countries.) The delegates were
S resented to Mr. Blaine by their respective
inisters, after which the Secretary made a
formal address of welcome as follows:
Gentlemen It is the cause of supreme fortifica
tion to tbe Government or tbe United Slates that
Its Invitation to the maritime powers or tbe world
has met with so general a response. Representa
tives from Asia, from Europe, from North and
South America and from tbe isles or the sea will
compose the conference. (In behalf of the United
States 1 welcome yon all. gentlemen, to the honor
able, the scientific, the philanthropic duties
which He before yon. The already great and the
rapidly increasing Intercourse between continent
and continent, between nation and nation, de
mands that every protection against tbe dangers
oi ine sea ana every guaru ior im
e safety of human
life shall be nrovlded. The s
The spoken languages of
the world will continue to be many, bat necessity
commands that tbe unspoken language of the sea
shall be one. That language must be as universal
as the needs of man for commerce and Intercourse
with bis Tellow-man. The deep Interest which the A
maritime nations nave ta&en in me question at
issue li shown by tbe eminent character and the
wide experience of tbe delegates to whom they
nave committed the important work. Again, gen
tlemen. I welcome tou. and after Tour prelimi
nary organization Is accomplished It will be my
-pleasure to present yon In Dersoa to the President
ui ine unitea states.
At the conclusion of Secretary Blaine's brief
, address, on motion of one of the delegates from
ureai Britain, Admiral ransom was cnosen
President of the conference, and anadiournment
until to-morrow morning at 11 o'clock was then
taken. With Secretary Blaine and Sir Julian
Pauncefote, the British Minister, at their head,
the delegates then started for tbe White House,
where they were presented to the President by
Mr. Blame.
Governor Hill Compliments Confederate
Prowess and the Solid South.
Atlanta, October 16. Governor Hill, of
New York, was received with enthusiasm to
day at tbe Piedmont Exposition. Tbe town was
crowded with people anxious to see and hear
the redoubtable Governor of New York. In
his address he complimented the Southern peo
ple very highly and tickled Southern sentiment
by an allusion to Confederate prowess. He
When I refleetnpon the scenes which took place
In this vicinity only twenty-live years ago how a
stubborn and loyal army, battling for a cause
which It believed to be lust, for homes, for fami
lies, for country, for life, was driven southward
step by step by a force superior in numbers and
resources; how day after day the sound of cannon
and musketry revlbrated through these valleys
and the flames of burningbomes lit up the horizon;
how vigorously the Federal forces, spurred on by
the one desire, of preserving the Union oryonr
fathers, fought thetr way through shot and Shell,
destroying homes as they went and devastating
fields; bow anally those brave men In gray,
driven from every stronghold, felt back within
the fortifications or this lair city; and now at last
Atlanta lell.
Of the solid South he said:
It issometimes said in 'the North that theSoufh
Is solid. Ho it Is-solid for good government, solid
for the welfare of Its people, solid for integrity In
private and official Hie, solid In If opposition to
a paternal administration of public attain, solid
against Congressional extravagance, solid In its
enunciation of the errors of the past, solid for
American Ideas, solid in IU devotion to the new
nation, solid In its aspirations for a higher civili
zation, and solid for all that would give us a pros
perous and powerful Bepubllc Of such solidity I
amnot afraid. I see no danger in such unity as
springing from the coolest motives and subserves
the most exalted patriotism.
V. G. M. Slntterly Advises the Brotherhood
to Fight Shy of Relief Schemes.
St. Paul, October 1&-The Important feat,
urea of this morning's session of the Brother
hood of Railway Brakemen, were the officers'
reports, which were read in detail, They were
all in the nature of reviews, containing some
suggestions. The most important recommend
dations, however, were made by Vice-Grand
Master Slattery, of' Butte. First of all,
he was iu favor of changing the
name of the order to tbe "Brother
hood of Railway Trainmen." Reason for this
is found in the fact that at least one-third of
the membership is made np ft conductors,
baggagemen, and others so that the present
title is no longer distinctive or popular. It is
more than likely that this recommendation
will be earned out, as the motion is popular.
Mr. Slattery also advocates State unions, to be
beld annually under the supervision of the
Grand Master, and called attention to tbe
relief schemes tbat are just now being pushed
forward by several leading railroads, such as
the Philadelphia and Reading, Baltimore and
Ohio. Pennsylvania and Chicago, Burlington
and Quincy, recommending that the Brotber
hood let tbem alone, "as they are only a snare
to draw yon on and make you a slave to your
Grand Secretary and Treasurer O'Shea's re
port gave valuable statistics concerning the
growth and state of the order. The general
fund shows a balance $1,600 95, and the bene
ficiary fund a reserve ot H$i 30.
I Caused by a Little Piece of Misplaced Iron-
Pathetic Incident
Cincinnati, October 16. Mr. James M.
Doherty, Secretary of the company operating
the Mt Anbuin Inclined Plane, made a state
ment this morning which throws some light on
tbe cause of yesterday's accident He Bays it
way a little pieced of iron, not
more than an inch long, that became
lodced in the cut-off valve and was found
tills morning by the men who bave taken the
machinery apart How it came there no one
yet knows. It was not broken off any of the
surrounding machinery as far as bas yet been
ascertained. By occupying a space required
for the rod to move in it so disarranged the
machinery as to render it impossible for the
engineer to sbnt off the steam.
One of tbe most touching incidents in con
nection with the tragic accident at tbe Mt Au
burn inclined plane yesterday occurred at the
morgue last night when Russell Errett Presi
dent of the Standard Publishing Company,
recognized the remains of bs wife. Mrs.
Errett who was instantly killed, was
the last one to be identified,
and this cave nse to several incorrect state
ments of the names of the dead. She lived at
342 Findlay street, and was going to Mt Au
burn to iook ior a nouse. wnen Mr. errett
went bome last nigbt she bad not returned!
The possibility that she might have been in tbo
accident occurred to him, and be went first, to
the hospital and then to the morgue, where be
found her mangled body.
The President Selects a Number of Western
Men to TJn"ndle the Malls.
WASHlHOTOir, October 18L Presidents! post
masters were to-day appointed as follows:
E. T. Lee, at Lamar, Col., vice 3. C. Outhouse,
removed; Jay L. Hamlin, at Kankakee, IU , vice
John H. Shaffer, removed; Emma E. Palmer, at
Onarga, III., viee A. S, Palmer, deceased; Henry
T. Kockwell, at St. Charles, III , vice J. T.
Dougherty, removed; Morrell M. fuller, at Ellis,
Kan., vice William D."XeIley, removed: Isaac E,
Lembert at Emporia, Kan., vice Marshall Bird
sail, removed; William L.Cnambers, at Stockton.
Kan., vice 1?. H. McKanna, resigned; Arthur E.
Bailey, at Cassopolls, Mich., vice H. L. Glover,
removed; Edwin R Fhtnney, at East Saginaw,
Mich., vice M. V. Meredith, resigned; Samuel M,
Billings, at Marquette, Mich
en.. vice,
vice James KnsselL
removed: Charles E. Wells, at bt Ignace. Mich.,
vice F.M. Mnlcrone, removed; Charles E. 8.
Osborn, at Sault Bte. Marie, Mich., vice h. P.
lYemper. resigned: Isaac O. Hlller, at Greenville,
O., vIceD. 15. Hlne. resigned; John C. Ardrey. at
nruugiuu, vie, nun,, ucwuio f rcaiuciiuti; iver
Forkeison, at Black Klver Falls, Wis., viceG.W.
Lewis, removed: Hamilton M. Adams, at Huntlnz-
ton, W. Va., vice C. L. Thompson, removed: J.
C. DeGress, at Austin, Tex., vice J. C. Johnson,
Nobody Authorized to Issno Certificates to
North Dakota's Senators-Elect.
St. Paul, October 16. Some of the members
elect to the Legislature of the new State of
North Dakota are having a troublesome expe
rience with a legal dilemma. This appeared at
Grand Forks yesterday when the members
elect from that county went to the Connty
Auditor to receive certificates of election.
County Auditor Anderson refused to Issue a
certificate of this character to Captain McCor
mick, tbe Democratic Benator-elect in the
Sixth district on the ground that the Connty
Canvassing Board, which has heretofore issued
tbe certificates, has no authority to do so in the
present case.
United States District Attorney Cochrane
supports this view, and says' tbat the point Is
covered by the Constitution, which gives the
State Canvassing Board authority to issue sucb
certificates. Captain McCormick and some of,
the best lawyers in tho city claim that the State
Is not working under the Constitution, but
under tbe Territorial laws. Certificates have
not been issued, however.
His Address Is Rogues' Gallery.
tsivv tObk bubjsau spxculs,!
New Yobk, October 16. Peter Lake,
better known as "Grand Central Pete,"
No. 1,468 Rogues' gallery, was arrested
to-day, for something over the hundredth time
by Inspector Byrne's detectives. Pete" has
made a national reputation as a confidence
man. Only once has he been sent to prison.
His last victim is William Stewart, an old gen
tleman living in Harlem. "Pete" met him on
Friday walking down Lenox avenue and ac
costed him with all tbe effusive heartiness tbat
has made him so famous. He had a little ac
count to settle; would Mr. Stewart loan bus
the cash? No, Mr. Stewart would not. Coma
to think of it, cash was not necessary to Pete.
With many protestations of the warmest
of friendships, and by aid of a specious story,
be uscceeded in borrowing Mr. Stewart's gold
watch and diamond ring, promising to bring
tbem back that very night Of course be did
not If Mr. Stewart's complaint will not hold
this time, Pete goes to Brooklyn to answer for
robbing David L. Allen, ot Jefferson avenue.
He Stole His Wire's Leg.
Thomas Conn oily was arraigned in court to
day on tba charge of stealing his wife's leg.
Tbe leg was artificial and cost (75. Connolly is a
steamship steward. A little over a year ago he
married Elizabeth Chamberlain. To-day ha
returned from an ocean voyage and found that
his wife had started for herself as a profes
sional nurse. Connolly went to her room and
quarreled with her. He grabbed her wooden
leg, pulled it off and walked out of the house
with It, leaving his wife helpless. Mrs. Con
nolly got a cab and went to a police station,
where she made a complaint against her hus
band. The leg was returned this morning and
Mrs. Connolly refused to prosecute. Connolly
was discharged.
The Angelas Bang an the Public.
Mfllett's "IAAngelus" will be exhibited at the
American Art Association's Gallery on and
after November 10, In connection with the
large collection of other Important works of
art which have been lent to enhance the inter
est of that exhibition. James F. Sutton said
to-day; "The statement that the painting
would ultimately go to the Metropolitan
Museum of Ait is merely surmise, founded
upon tbe fact that tbe museum seems to be tbe
final destination reached sooner or later by all
the important works of art which come to this
country, The 'Angelus' was brought here for
exhibition, and will probably remain in New
York for three months. Its disposition at the
expiration of that time has not yet been deter
mined upon. It is owned by the American Art
'Association. It has not been sold, and It is not
for sale. We are considering the project of
showing it in Europe next season. It has never
been publicly exhibited there, except during
the two days of the Secretan sale. It was out
of the question to display it there after the
painting came into our possesslen this year, be
cause the Season both in Paris and London was
The Veteran Lesion on Pensions.
The Union Veteran Legion of this city has
issued a circular containing the following: "We
condemn the present pension system as unjust
and illiberal, as well as uselessly expensive and
eccentric in administration; and we protest
against any law that demands that a Union vol
unteer shall have to swear that he is practically
a pauper to become a petty beneficiary of this
great nation. We propose that, as a national
debt duly and truly and long owed to the poorly
compensated veterans of the war, in lieu of all
other future pensions:
"First That a pension be granted to each
honorably discharged Union soldier, sailor or
marine who asks It, proportionate to his service
in the Union war; and,
"Second That a suitable pension be granted
to each widow and oipban minor child of a de
ceased Union volunteer, not under present
laws receiving or entitled to the same."
Discussion on the Subject by Members of the
Forestry Congress.
PmLADELFniA, October IS. About 60
delegates responded to their names this morn
ing when tbe eighth annual convention of tbe
American Forestry Congress and the fourth
annual convention 'of the Pennsylvania
Forestry Association were called together at
Horticultural Hall. The first business before
the meeting was the reading of a long report
by Corresponding Secretary Harrison, of
Franklin Falls, N. H. In tbe course of his re
marks Mr. Harrison called attention to the
pressing need of the permanentmalntenance of
forest conditions on the mountains of Califor
nia and Colorado. The roll was then called
and each delegate in 'his turn made a verbal
report concerning forestry In his own particu
lar locality.
8. G. McCIennlng, of Thomasville, Ga., said
he renresented a big pine section, which is
steadily growing smaller under the ravages of
the ax. "The total destruction nf the pine
tree, be said, "would be an Incalculable disas
ter tothe human race. It is of more value to
humanity .than any other tree, famishing, as it
docs, not onlv timber for bouses, shins and ears.
but turpentine for medicine and paints, rosin, I
creosote, tar and other valuable products It I
keeps more people alive than even the plantain
Brief reports of an Interesting nature were
made by A. H. Logan, of Kentucky: John S.
Titcomb. Colorado: Colonel Edgar T. Ensign.
Colorado: Charles Mobr. Alabama, and Bernard
E. Fernow, of Pennsylvania. The following
papers were read: "The Forests of Illinois, and
my Experience in Tree-planting," George W.
Mlnier; "Statistics in Regard to tbe Forests ot
Pennsylvania," John Harahberger: "The Tree
Planting on tbe Glrard Estate in Schuylkill
County," E. C. Wagner; "Forestry in Dakota,"
J. C. Duffey, of the Dakota Agricultural Col
The Convention Closes, Voting to Meet at
a Philadelphia, Next Year.
Cincinnati, October 18. The Master Brew
ers' Convention closed to-day. A mutual bene
fit branch was organized with headquarters in
New York. The election of ofllcers for the en
suing year resulted:
President WlUIam Gerst Cincinnati; First
Vice President L. Frlsch. Chicago; Second Vice
President Charles Schneider, New York; Treas
urer, Henry Aner, Chicago; Secretary, K.0,
Wagner, Chicago; Directors, John Grnter.'La
Crosse; Peter Alterman, Brooklyn: Leo FJk, New
iotk; unaries -. Anion, 1-itisDurg; unanes
Uebel, Cincinnati; D. Blrkenrock, Philadelphia;
F. Fasche, Detroit; Jacob Hepp, Newark. N. J.;
John Bussert, Laporte, Ind.; N. Bermet, Erie,
Pa.; William Lelb, Chicago: C. Hartmano,
Bridgeport Conn. A.; Hook, Indianapolis; Paul
Elsentuper, Baltimore; John Schneider, Cleve
land. The next convention will be held next year
in Philadelphia.
No Bed Flag for Vs.
From tbe Chicago Trlbnne.1
If the American flag is not good enough for
an Anarchist lot him get out fromnnderlt
The world is still roomy, and there are several
good sized places yet where tbe natives are not
as sensitive on the subject of flags as they are
in this country.
A Wheblejq statistician figures that it
would take a train of 175,000 cars to carry the
freight of the Wheeling district for one year.
Such a train would be 1,160 miles long, and
would reach from New York to the Mississippi
A GnEENSBtraG man who made application
for amarrlage license stated on oath tbat
"hunting for money" was bis, occupation, and
that ot bis prospective wife was "home adorn
ment" Newtown (Pa.) has a Presbyterian church
erected In 1769. It is a quaint, old-fashioned
stone edifice. '
Sbebtff Fttelliiabt, of Warren county. Is
a humane man. The other day he started for
Allegheny with a prisoner whom be was to land
In the Western Penitentiary. They had to stop
over nigbt in Oil City, and Sheriff and prisoner,
tbe latter manacled, attended the entertain
ment at the Opera House.
Mb. Gkoboe Offerle, of Warren, Pa
while whipping a carpet a day or so since, dis
located his right arm at the shoulder.
Akos RstDEBhas contracted to attend to the
street lamps of Fleetwood, Pa for 95 a month
in which lme he will have walked 90 miles
and lighted 720 lamps. '
AWbstebn Ohio editor apologises for tie
lateness of Ma nansr hr av!u Wo mm m.'
'. I
able to uive eroner aHoattan te work
oar wives' ton."
cueiods cesEisiiioss.
A Harlem eirl fell in love witk the
"Salamander Man" la a dteemwewa and the
two were married on the stage.
Partridges are so uBBseroas in the
vicinity of Eastport, Me that they f requentiy
invade the business streets of that town.
Becent statistics show that 9,060,090
91SE2S3 liTe ontslde of Fatherland of whosa
7,060,000 are to be found in the United Stes.
Lyon county, Kan., has a hari eera
mtll which toI50years old. It was captured at
Cerro Gordo, and was tbe first commill is the
An Aurora, Me,, man, eaily the otfcer
morning, found a fine 4-year-old buck roaidisg
his yard. He shot ths intruder and found it
weighed 204 pounds.
At the Portland, Ore., Exposition a
vote was taken on the question, who 1 the;
handsomest and most popular raau In the oitjt
Charles Miller got the prize a gold medal..
A woman who, like Charles Dickens
Jenny Wren, made her living by dressing and
repairing dolls, died in Bt Paul last week.
Hundreds of her little friends are saouraiag
her loss.
Tie Kentucky Legislature at its Beit
session will bo asked-to insert a clause in its
game andflsh laws providing fora tax of SI a
yf,o be levied on every shotgun as soon as 1
shall have passed from tha hand of the dealer '
into that of the individual owner.
Ottnmwa, la., is to have a Ceal Pakee,
in design and Idea similar to the Cora Palace
of Sioux City. A committee baa been ap-
Ern-?.J?InT,e,ti8at0 the construction of the
Bioux City palace, and they will at oaee f orss
nlate plans to carry out the erection of the
Black Diamond Palace during the oeatec sea
son. While passing through his farm last
Wednesday, Mr. David Hembree, of Milton, '
Ga-, saw a king snake swallow a rattleSMte'S
pilot When he found ttem the klngssake bad
killed the pilot and had swallowed abeet half.
of it head first Mr. Hembree stood by and saw
tbe job completed, which took about 20 min
utes. The king snake was 3K feet Ion r and tho
pilot two feet He did not kfll tbe king snake,
knowing it was not poisonous and was the
enemy of all poison snakes,
The Chief of the Bureau of Statistic; "
reports that the total values of the exports of.
mineral oils from the United States daring the
month of September, 1889, and daring the nine
months ended September SO, 1S6, as compared
with similar exports during the correspeBdlng
periods of the precedes year, were as toBewst
September, 1886, $1,578,888; September, JWR. H
002,371. Nine months ended September 3ft le,
S3U,197,615: nine months ended September 38,
1388, 3I,889067.
A statement ins prepared bthe Mex-
lean Foreign Office showing the value ot the
commerce of the coantry with the UaMed
States for the past year has been sent to tba
State Department by Minister Ryan. The lm
Sorts were J19,26i&73, of which 18.731,888 went
i free of duty. Of dutiable goods tfce prte
cipal receipts were cottons. provWoBs, drags
and ohemicals, iron and steeL .The experts te
the United States aggregated $lOtS,m, as fel
lows: Merchandise. I3,1,510: precious metals;
31715,116. Tbe apparent balance ot trade in
favor of Mexico is I U.794.968, but the dSerenca
in currency rednces this balance to 29&,9W..
The" total number of arretfe msieby
agents of the Treasury SecretSerriee last year,
assisted in some cases by local officers was 7,
tbe great majority of which were for Bssnsfae
tnring, dealing in, or passing eoasterfelS
American money and raising Treatarr notes.
The fines imposed Dy courts ia these oases ag.
gregated,M,EH8,a84 the sentences iaMsed to
872 years, six months and 21 days. ABeBSare
foremost among foreign art as counterfeiters' In
this country. The representative value of
counterfeit and raised notes and other imita
tions of money captured during the year was
An Albany, Ga., hoBsekeeper kotagat
at one of tbe stores a large cabbage. Sfce cat
one-balf of it which she served up to ber f ara
ily, keeping the other half until next day, when
he commenced to cut it up flnelir, as is Vie
habit Imagine her surprise when, eeeslsrta
bly coiled up in tbe solid half of the vegetable,
was a pled snake, which Immediately ran one
as its snug winter quarters were eacreaehed
upoo, and plunged Into the paa of water- hHo
which she was cutting tbe cabbage. It
emerged from this and attempted to esesp
across the water shelf. Tbe lady eat Kia twa,
when the bead bit vfeioauly at tfee ke, sea
tinning to attack it nnttl it expired. Tfts lady
now warns all' housekeeper agaiaet ftoHing
cabbages whole.
The grave of King Hitesas' metier, wke
died recently, was about aa big as that ot tba
fatmaBatNewberg.N.Y.,whieh leeks Hke
a cellar. It was 30 feet deep and abeat 15 feel
wide. This spacious hole in the ground was
not necessitated by the else of the royal mother,
however, but by the peculiar casteras of tba.
conntry. The standard of Social cHgaKy is
Mltesas' kingdom appears to be determined by
the relative possessions ofcotton doth, a priee- ,
less article for which the natives are wWisg te
exchange their dearest possessions. To demon
strate the queen mother's social and poHMeal -standing
in tbe kingdom it Was necessary te -bury
a large quantity of cotton oleth with her,
and tfaeportion of the grave not occupied by
her coma was filled up with this inexpeasiVF
fabric. Some 15,000 or 30,960 yards were ftac
disposed of.
Queen Victoria's crews, kept wkk
other royal regalia under strong guard at tbe
old Tower, and worn only Cn state oeeasisss, is
one of the most costly iawgnias Bewlaesiet-
ence. xo cegin witn, taere are an dtamefid
around the circlet or bead-band, each worth
17,600, or 150,060 for the set Besides these 39
there are two extra large center diamonds, each
valued at $10,080, making 188,080 more; 4
smaller diamonds, placed at tbe angles of the
others, each valued at 1500; four crosses, each
worth 860,000. and composed of 36 diamonds;
four large diamonds os top of crosses, each
having a money vame of 86,000; 12 diamonds in
the fleur-de-lis, KO.OOS: 18 smaBer diamonds
contained in the same, 810,080; pearl, dtasends
and rubies upon arches and circlets, net men
tioned before, 860.088: also HI small diamonds,
formed in roses a&a monograms. 536,888: 28 dla-
I mimfliln nmw flrnM ftl.liifiA? tan jHjtaI nf i
t "-------rr-- 7----J .T?T",", ""VZri
pearls aoout me xibi oi (as aeaa-ptece, sisvven v
each. Tbe total money value of this reMe taftS
any jeweler's market in the world woald be fttph
least 8600,000, metal and all Included. -tJ
Why are rich widowers like tbe feehlea
able trousers?
Became the Cronus are aopslar-J'wtyr.
Gaggs How have yoa been feelisg sicea
I saw yoaf
Waggs (holding up the stamps of fear reentry
amputated sagers WeB,notmaeh of any, Blank
you. JUcfgt.
The earth swings through space without
tremor or stop,
And yet It Is mighty queer
That we are not appalled by some dreadful kerfop ;
For this U the fall of tbe year. Kbm.
hacks hik Diarr.
" 'Tis love that makes the, world go round,"
To that your &lth doa't pla.
For marriage 'tis, It has been found,
Tbat makes man's head to spin.
Botten Courier.
Lost A Golden Opportunity. She
(archly) Whom should yoa call tee prettiest girl
la this room?
He (looking about hla) H'm. Well, to tell the
truth, there Isn't a pretty girl Is the place. Lfft,
He wooed her and sued her and sought bet t.
Tin he melted aer heart so cold.
Then he married the iceman's danrMer
And now he Is roWfig In gold. '
Botton Couriers x
"Pa, where do yoa keep your wings la HS)t
What do you mean, Orestes? I have no
"Well, ma said you were a nigbt owt" PAs
Silphta Call.
Not Much at Stake Betters Wosaaa
Tou'r married, yoa say? Ah, marriage Is a lot
tery! Western Woman (ealmly)-Yes. bat! only hold
a tenth ticket Yoa see, my btisfessd's a Mormon!
eider. ran,
Mrs. H., mistaking a mirror for a dee
snd suddenly starting back.
Mr. H. (laaghlac) Why didn't von ro through.
my dear?
Mrs. H.-Upon rejection, 1 thought I would
better not Lift. -
Ethel Don't yoa think Charley Desaoael
a tremendously nke young man?
Clara-Tes, If he H4a't dress with such awfully"
poor taste.
"I hadn't noticed It"
"Why, he carries the same ease In the tfteraooa
feat he dees In the moralng!" Time.
"Tee, Daa is dead," said the Aratene,
maa. "Yoatee, afswdavsas-oseweo'thefeBers,
struaea manna tea trM tar steallnc horses, sa
Dsa palled too hard on the rope, aa strslas4
a Hen ir."
"" hrt' -, ww't SMi
wtsxr nSMlliS smmi, jseetietsu,1