y - tr- k . E8ragrsyst . l ; . . v v - - S t If too mint Board, Rooms, IToraci or Help, advertise in THE DISPATCH. Purchasers can be found for everything offered For Snlo In THE DISPATCH. THE DISPATCH Is the best advertising tnedinm in Western Pennsylvania. Try It. $m$bwtA ..'s'avvii. c ..-. inTSBMev -1 .. . -- Wf BIB , aSAuS! 4 -'&- .... jfc..nia. a-. . VlTni3 VMBar'iMM.uMiMuL' t- mtti fl)h-4a .? ' . .. 3- . " r-3P - 4 'i 3 - -Jfe ,- if ' . iC3 . WInTH BM sllmVI MPMMltl Vy fMlMlfiditd .3J sari. - t "-- " ----i "-'izt'jl. i.9 i . - . ... am. a.-.- . Mirv f K 10 wan aircmiM i ia& bisiiii. ' ; y Real Estate con be sold tfcroagh adrer- tliem-ot la THE DISPATCH. rv' t -T, &),' ,? "ifi-yt" Tf,'? "- w ! 7v A ' .ttl - ji'.jrT . 4J P " JJ fe yf rOETT-l'OUIlTH YEAR. THEPENSIOHMUDDLE Sinks Intoa Squabble aslo Which Side Captures Soldier Sympathy. TANNER HAMMERING AWAY At Bussey and Flinging Harrison's Promises Into His Teelh. THE OFFICIAL RETORT DIRECT IS OUT. Wrangle That Degenerates Iato Person altiesThe Corporal' Knife Sharpened for n. Democratic Krntnckinn'a Scalp He bays the Records Give the Lie to Bussey Apothecary's Scales and Seven Cents a Dny What General Bas-cy Hns to Say In Reply Laws Quoted for Better Fairness Between Soldier and Soldier Noble Also Comes Ont. Tanner is talking again. This time he is hot. Bat he doesn't arraign a silent admin istration any longer. An explanation of the overturning of his $4-a-month-minimum order comes from the Interior Department. It says he was unfair to the pension ers getting over 54 a month. It quotes law, and argues the case. Tanner says, however, that the records give the lie to some of General Bussey's statements. He likewise alludes to General Harrison's epi gram on pension apothecary's scales, and leaves Bnssey alone in his glory to weigh ont on them 7 cents a day to the veterans. Secretary Noble is drawn into the wrangle also. "Washc gton, October 10 Pension Com missioner Tanner was asked this alternoon whether he had anything to say respecting the recent decision of Assistant Secretary Bussey overruling the recent Commissioner's order of April 25 last. He said: "It seems to be necessary, in the interest of trnth, that I should pay a little attention to the honorable Assistant Secretary of the Interior, General Cyrus'Bussey, in relation to his overruling of my order of April 25, in regard to those pensions rated at less than $4 per month. As General Bu'sey refers to me as 'the late Commissioner,' I may be pardoned for not being undnly bound by official etiquette. I feel less bound by it in the present in stance by reason of the fact that IT IS AX OrEN SECEET in departmental circles here that the judi cial reasons of 'Judge Bnsserarc the evolu tions of the mind of a gentleman from Ken tucky, who was appointed under the late administration on the labor force of the Patent Office, tried before the Civil Service Commission for Principal Examiner in the Pension Office, failed to pass, and was after ward appointed a member of the Pension Board of Appeals in the Secretary's office, salary $2,000 per annum, to sit in judgment on the acts of the Commissioner of Pen sions. Having myself seen in his own hand writing his statement that he is a lifelong resident of Kentucky, and for 20 years ed itorof a Democratic paper, and his further statement .n answer to the question if be had served in cither the Union or the Con federate army or navy, that HE SERVED IN NEITHER AElf, and, thereore, was particularly well quali fied to do justice in a place in the Pension Office. I am not surprised that such a man should pronounce favorably on the pre sumed sufficiency of 7 cents a day pension for a veteran who, as a result of the contact with the miasma and foul water of the swauips, is now a sufferer from chronic diarrhea; but what I fail to comprehend is how General Bussey comes to permit him self to put his name to such a decision. "He has little regard for General Har rison's declaration last fall, which thrilled every veterans heart when he said: It is no time to use the apothecary's scales when you come to weigh the services ot the men who saved the nation. BETTER GO IT ALONE. j "If it be the gait to weigh out 7 cents per iay for chronic diarrhea I had much rather General Bussey should be the weigh master and have no assistance from me. I do not believe this decision will be per mitted to stand. "When they post them selves on the power the commissioner has, they will see that it too broadly gives the lie to all our promises for years past- I yes terday sent to the Pension Office for a copy of General Bussey's decision overruling my order of April 25, and found it had been withdrawn. I look for a revised edition. I arraign General Bussey for undertaking to put me IN A FALSE POSITION. before the public Such at least is the re sult of the wordincr of his decision, whether he intended to do it or not. He conveys the impression that the effect of my order of April 25 was to arbitrarily raise all pension , era on the rolls at less than $4 per month (between 33,000 and 34,000) to 54 per month. On the contrary, the order clearly shows to any one who reads it that the arbitrary part of it, and the whole of it, in fact, referred to cases allowed on and after the 27th of March the day I took office. "I determined that I would not issue a certificate for less than 54 per month, it I had the power to prevent it Hooked into the law, and found that clearly and indis putably I bad the power. Jt is broadly jsUtedjthat the ratings fixed by the medical 4boards are subject to revision by the Com TjnTssioner. No one will intelligently dis pute that. HIS POWER AND PURPOSE. "I had the power to take up every case rated at less than 54 per month, and order the certificate issued at 54. I had broadly declared my purpose; I had nothing to con ceal. I saved a vast amount of time and trouble by issuing that order. Then I gave verbal orders that those of the &V 000 pensioned at less than 54 per month who had an application on, file for increase, accompanied by a cer tificate of medical examination held within a y?ar, should have their claim adjudicated i' on Ihat examination "and go up to at least i. Hpir month, or.eo Off the roll. J! ordered . T--3U Tv T verbally that to all the others should be sent an order for a medical examination, and abide the result on a like basis. I think most of them would have gone up to 54. "There is plenty of law for it, General Bussey to the contrary notwithstanding. He says there is no precedent. I jay that every Commissioner who has preceded me has left records of precedent, and when he makes that brash statement he simply suc ceeds in illuminating his ignorance." AIY OFFICIAL EEPLY. Bnssey Gets Back at Tanner by Saying He Was Unfnlr to All Pensioners Get ting Over S4 a Month Some Lnir for It. "Washington, October 16. Tne follow ing authoritative statement has been pre pared at the Interior Department in support of the action of Secretary Noble in rescind ing Commissioner Tanner's order advancing pensions from 52 to 54 per month: In view of the recent decision by the De partment of the Interior relating to the au thority or the Commissioner of Pensions arbi trarily, on his own motion to re-rate some 33, 000 men by advancing their pension oc his or der from S2 to JJ per month, it is worthy of at tention that section 4,69S of the Re vised Statutes of the United States pro vides that, 'except in cases of permanent specific disabilities, no increase of pension shall be allowed to commence prior to the date of the examining surgeon's certificate estab lishing the same, maao under the pending claim for increase, and also that a rating made by the Commissioner of Pensions,cxcept in cer tain cacs where, by law, a certain specified amount is attached by statute to the disability named, is determined by the dezree of disauii itv fonnd by a medical examination of tho claimant" AMOUNTS UNirOKMLT FIXED. Thus, where a claimant's disability is total he is given, under the statute, a fixed amount. This was formerly SS. and is now fixed at differ ent amounts for different cases; among others SIS total, and.the amount that would he S18 for a total disability is subdivided into fractions that i less than total for the leser degrees of disability. Thus, if one man is found to be very little disabled (by the Medical Board) be is given 1-lStli or $1; or, if he is still more disa bled, 2-18th, and so on. If a man, for instance, has Inst a portion of his finger, and is to an appreciable degree dis abled, he may havejieen rated by some Exam ining Board at Sfi lor that: and so in some cases for some other slight disability. QUETE A DIFFERENCE. If, however, he has suffered from chills or malaria, or some other disability contracted by him by exposure in the swamps darinffhis ser vice as a soldier, and which may not prove per manent, or may increase, he may have been thought slightly disabled if at all, and entitled, at tho beginning and at most to a small fraction ot the total, sar $2; which 13 the amount fixed in many of the disabilities al lowed. In this latter cae it might possibly have been a question with the board whether he was to get anything, or was disabled at all; but, from a lenient construction of his case, they have given him S2. If now, by an order of the Commissioner, without regard to this medical examination, the man who has thus been receiving $2 is ad vanced to SI without the man who was more disabled and who had been rated at 84 being himself advanced, it is obvious that injustice is done to the higher graded man, because he is put upon a par with a man evidently less dis abled. WHEEE IT 'WOULD HITCH. And so, between soldier and soldier, there is an unfair preference of the less injured. If these cases however, arc all referred to the examining surgeons, and they find the dis ability to be equal to Si, and it is then allowed, everything has been done in order and in accord with law, and upon a basis that any man can understand, and which will have limits fixed by medical knowledge, and experienced professional reputation. On the contrary, if arbitrary orders of the Commissioner are the basis, it must result that a few are made lavorites, and given a particular amount, and the great mass of the men who have to depend upon medical examinations are put at a great disadvantage. Therefore, it was decided that there is no authority in the law for an order arbitrarily increasing a great mass ot men's pensions in the fare ot the statute already cited, and which order is not extended to all the pensioners' cases. MAT DALZELL LETTER. The Commissioner, whose order has given rise to this decision, in his recent letter to Mr. Dalzell, did not claim that this order was to be construed according to its terms, tor he said: "While Commissioner I issued two orders which I thought, and still think, were mighty good ones, first, that the 33,000 men on the pen sion roll at less than ?4 a month should all, unless they had had a med ical examination within a year, be ordered for examination before their home board, with a view to putting them np to at least SI per month pension, or drop them off the rolls, for it is m v opinion that.f or a man w ho is wortiiy of any pension at all, a dollar a week is small enough to consider a pension." The order itself reads: "April 23. 1SS9 In all cases where a pensionable disability is found the rate allowed shall not be les than S4 per mouth to date from and including March 27 1SS9." ' x TAKEN BOTH TOGETHER. The decision that was made by the Assistant Secretary is in accordance with these two propositions. The Commissioner announced one before he resigned in his office the other day to Mr. Dalzell. The Assistant Secretary takes them together, and not separately. The order as made was arbitrarily unqualified, and required an advance, without exam ination, to the amount specified at Si per month. It did not propose to drop anv one, as the letter pretended it did, and it did riot order any one for examination before the Homo Board, as the letter pretended it did. It was an unauthorized, unqualified and illegal order for every pensioner to be advanced to S4 who was receiving less; it was made April 25. and it vas proposed to have it take effect March 27. A slight consideration nf this matter will show that, to give away S60.000 of the public money on such an order as this, would be but the beginning of a system by which millions could be expended, uncontrolled by law as it was unauthorized by precedent. ' POOR AS BAD AS EICH. There would be no more harm in giving to Senator Manderson $4,000, or more, than there would be in giving to 33,000 men 566,000.- In either case it would bo an unauthorized dis tribution of the public moneys, and the door of the Treasorv might as well be open to actual Invasion as to have such warrants drawn upon it to be cashed without questioning. It is also obvious that such a course as this would not be of benofit to tho soldiers, ulti mately, as u is intended only to benefit those who are the leajt disabled; in other words, those who have the least claim fortiiaMniii.. If one may judcre that these men am in be advanced upon a mere opinion as to what should be tue least amount of pension, the others might justly claim that thcirmore severe wounds and disabilities were quite as uncom pensated as those of less degree. In other words, whenever the opinion of a Commissioner without investigation, is substituted for actual examination as to disability, every man's pension TUT AT BISK another to be so exaggerated as that the Gov ernment or people would allow it or to be so disparaged that nothing could be obtained. If yon can drop a man who is receiving 2 per month from the pension rolls on a mere opinion 'of a Commissioner, you can drop off a great many others receiving more, on the same prin ciple. It is a mere question M whim or cap rice. It is upon this that it has been insisted that the law should be adhered to and the pre cedents established should have weight. It must also be obvious in all this there is no expression, as there is no disposition to prevent any deserving soldier from acquiring all the pension his disability entitles him to either by original application or application for increase. All that is being done is to maintain the law, to be liberally construed but by no means disregarded, and to allow each in his turn, without partiality, all he is enti tled to. It the law is a bad one. the weak, the distant and those without powerful friends will suffer, while favorites will flourish. TANNER'S PRIVATE SECRETARY TOO. Squires, of Brooklyn, Notv Fired From the General Land Office. Washington, October 16. George B. Squires, of Brooklyn, special agent of the Generariand Office, has been dismissed. Mr. Squires was formerly private secretary to Pension Commissioner Tanner. PHILADELPHIA FIEST. Senator Q nny Says That the Pittsburg Poit mastership Will Receive Considera tion Tho Pennsylvania Sena tor's New Residence. IfrrcIAI. TELEOUAU TO THE DISPATCH.1 "Washington, October 16. In the two days which have passed since the arrival of Senators Quay and Cameron those gentle men have been exceedingly busy, though no Pennsylvania appointments have yet re sulted. "No matter what reports have been sent out," said Senator Quay to the correspond ent of The Dispatch this evening, "no farther progress has been made in the mat ter of the postmastership at Pittsburg. There is absolutely nothing to report re specting it. In regard to the Philadelphia offices you can say that Senator Cameron and myself have an engagement to meet the President at 9 o'clock to-morrow morning, and'it is possible that after oar conference there pay be something definite to announce touching the Philadelphia offices under con sideration." The Senator is very comfortably instalUd in his new house on the cornerof Nineteenth and I streets, Senator Sawyer's former resi dence. The house is ot the old-fashioned order of architecture, with plain square front, an immense double dwelling with a central hall and saloon parlors on either side, beautifully decorated with paintings and Turkish rugs and drapery. It is a much more suitable house lor snch enter tainment as is expected of the great Penn sylvania Senator and political manager than the dwelling occupied by him last session on K street The Senator expects to be here for a week or so and then to re turn to Beaver to remain until alter the election. SECEETAET NOBLE'S TORN. He Corrects Exncecrated Reports and Re views the Veterans' Prospects. tSFECIAl. TELEGRAM TO TUB DISPATCn.l "Washington, October 1C Secretary Noble pronounces as sensational the state ment of a widely published dispatch that "the wholesale re-rating order of the late Pension Commissioner, which has'just been rescinded, involves uutold millions," and that "it is not certain yet that the present revenues of the Government will be equal to the demands created by that sweep of Tanner's pen." As the order has been rescinded, of course it can effect no damage in the future, and what has been done in the past, even if it were allowed to stand unchanged, would not, it is estimated, loot up more than $100, 000 or 150,000 at the ontside. The havoc had only fairly begun when the Secretary discovered it and applied a summary check. It is understood that the estimates for the next fiscal year, which Secretary Noble is now preparing, will amount to less than $100,000,000, tbongh the precise amount is not yet determined. The Secretary said: "Who knows whether provision of one sort or another may not be made for the veterans one day, when they are grown old and feeble? " I have no objection to the proper re-rating of a man's pension when he has submitted to an examination and been pro nounced qualified. But I do object to hav ing a clerk take advantage of the opportuni ties offered by his position in the Pension Bureau to push his own case forward ont of turn, or write himself hicherjis tbejicnlejrf. rates because he happensto be 'where he can handle the machinery himself." "Do the soldiers take your view of tire matter?" "I have every reason to suppose that they do. Of the vast'mass of correspondence which has poured into this department from Grand Army comrades and members of the Loyal Legion, and other veterans during the last month, the writers are almost unani mous in supporting my position." A PHILADELPHIA FOX HUNT. The Superintendent ot That City's Mint Requested to Resign. (SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DIBPATCB.I Washington, October 16. It was re ported at the Treasury Department to-day that the Secretary had asked for the resigna tion of Superintendent Fox, of the Phila delphia Hint, and the inlormation appears to be quite authentic. BIBLICAL B0MANCE NO. 2. BInhone Quotes Joshua to Secure tho Pious Colored Element Xecro Preachers Supplied With Texts Gratis for the Comlns Cnmpnlcn. rSFJCCIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCU.l B.ICHMOND, OctoberlG. The negroes are wildly excited over Mahone's latest secret campaign circular. Some weeks ago he sent out private letters, asking for the names of colored ministers. To Bnch address he is sending a card and circular. Upon the card are printed scriptural references, calling especial attention to the 14th, ISth, 16th, 17th and 18th chapters of Joshua. In the 17th chapter be calls attention to the following passage: "But the mountains shall be thine, lor itis a wood, and thou shalt cut it down; and the outgoings of it shall be thine; for thou shalt drive the dnaanites, though they have iron chariots and though they be strone." In the eighteenth chapter he calls atten tion to the following passage: "And there remained among the children of Israel seven tribes which had not received their inheritance, and Joshua said unto the chil dren of Israel: 'How long are ye slack to go to possess the land which the Lord God of your fathers hath given you?' And Joshua cast lots for them in Shiloh before the Lord, and there Joshua divided the land unto the children of Israel according to their divisions." - JIahone simply asks the negroes to read these extracts carefully. Joshua is the favorite prophet of the negro race, and these utterances of his are now being read by thousands in connection with the election. Tliey regard it as the promise of a division of the land of the whites among the nesrroes. Indeed, some of their ministers do not hesi tate to tell that they are one of the seven tribes which have not received their in heritance. Mahone also offers large prizes to the colored man who shall bring ont the largest number of votes. DESOLATION AND WANT Likely to Result From the Failnre of Crops In South Dakota. St. Patji., October 16. A. H. Trow, once a member of the Minnesota Legislature from Fillmore county, now a resident of Miner county, South Dakota, was at the State Capital this morning, soliciting aid for Dakota sufferers. Mr. Trow tells a sad tale of the desolation and want in Miner and ad joining counties, and says emphatically that unless aid is granted many families must inevitably freeze or starve belore next spring. This state of things is the result of the drouth, which caused a complete failure of crops of all kinds in Miner and a portion of Sanborn counties. Wanted, World's Fair (subscriptions. New York, October 16. The Finance Committee of the World's .Fair to-day re solved to take without delay the necessary steps to obtain subscriptions to the guar antee fund of $5,000,000. and a sub-committee was appointed to prepare necessary sub scription books for that purpose. . t , v PITTSBURG, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1889. IN SULLIVAN'S OFFICE The Place Around Which the Cronin Investigation Centers. HIS STENOGRAPHER ARRESTED. The Han Who Posed as a Beporter at the Discovery of the Bodj, AND WANTED A FAKE JDE0E AFTER. it a Frirate Examination the Prosecution Scores Valuable Folnt. Henry M. Stoltenberg.the confidential clerk and stenographer Alex Sullivan, was arrested yesterday, and after a secret examination, quietly placed where he could be found when wanted. This places Sullij 'Van's office and records as the supposed source of the jury-fixing scheme. JEFECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCII.l Chicago, October 16. State's Attorney Longenecker and the lawyers who are as sisting him in the prosecution of the mur derers of Dr. Cronin, think they are getting closer than ever to the fountain head of the great jury-bribing conspiracy. Late this afternoon Henry S. Stoltenberg, confidential clerk and stenoerapher of Alex. Sullivan and Thos. B. Windes, was arrested by de tectives and hurried to jail for the part he is supposed to have played in the plot. The arrest was made at 5 P. M., just as the big opera house building in which the office is located was crowded with people. It was 6 p. li. when the young man was taken into Judge Longenecker's room. There he met the lawyers for the State, Chief Hubbard and Captain Schuettlcr. A brief conference was held. It was evidently satisfactory to the Statefor when the meeting was over Stoltenberg was sent awav in the custody of two officers specially detailed to guard him, and it was afterward officially stated that he had been taken to a hotel where he conld be closely guarded until his presence before the grand jury is required. WANTED A PAKE JUKOB. The prisoner had scarcely left the build ing when Thomas B. Windes, Alexander Sullivan's partner, and a Master in Chan cery of the Circuit Court, rushed into the State's offices. He said he wanted to see Stoltenberg or any of the attorneys for the State who could give him some information as to the prisoner's whereabouts. Judge Longenecker and his assistants had left the building. The master waited 20 miuutes for their return and then left in high dud geon. He claimed that the stenographer I had been taEen away under the belief that he was to appear as a witness before the grand jury. Stoltenberg's connection with the crime is one of the secrets of the State's Attorney's office. The onlv thing known about him is that both Bailiff Hanks and Fred W. Smith, who were John Graham's chief lieutenants, have made frequent use of his name in their confessions. It is claimed that Hankst whose story is being zealously guarded by the State's Attorney, and he frequently met Stoltenberg in Graham's company, and that the stenographer ap- peared to be deeply interested in the work oi getiing a iai.e jnror. omiia oniy ojjun.c ui uiuiicuunif; ta.au uiut, uucu uc last lecker ioJbe office.nl the county jail, but the conversation was of snch a nature that the State's Attorney made up his mind to have an interview with the stenographer at the first oppor tunity. DESCEIPTION OF THE PRISONER. The latest prisoner is a fine looking fel low with blue eyes and a flaming blonde mustache. He dresses with great care and taste. He attends to all of Alex. Sullivan's correspondence and executes all his private commissions. When Dr. Cronin's body was found Stoltenberg was one of the first men suspected of being implicated in the crime. He was summoned before the special grand jury and submitted to the inspection of a woman who was supposed to be Mrs. Carl son, and though she partially identified him as a man who had called on her in the guise of a newspaper reporter, he was released. Stoltenberg has been in Alex. Sullivan's employ for several years. He has a family. His arrest now brings the investigation into the office of the man who has been popu larly supposed to be the controlling spirit of the conspiracy. . Judge Longenecker declined to say to night whether the prisoner had admitted anything during the conference. The pro ceedings at the trial were dull 'and un interesting. No jurors were secured and no peremptory challenges used. To-night the stenographer's mother told a reporter that she had just received a message of her son through a third party. It was to the effect that he would not be home to night. Many reports in regard to Stolten berg were afloat during the evening. One was that a woman telephoned to one of the hotels had testified before the grand jury to-day that Stoltenberg was the person who handed in a dispatch said to have been sent to Winnipeg directing the lawyers for sus pect Burlte to warn the latter against com municating with Officer Collins on the journey to Chicago. This disnatcb, it is claimed, was signed "J. G.," the same in itials as those of John Graham, A. S. Trude s clerk, who has been charged with being implicated in an attempt to "fix" the Cronin jury. CARS WRECKED AND BURNED. Fifty Persons Injured, One Fatally. In Collision Near Omaha. Omaha. October 16. By a collision be tween an east and a westbound train at Gibson, on the Burlington and Missouri Road, at 6:45 last evening, about 50 pas sengers were injured. Two engines were completely demolished and a chair car and combination car were thrown from the tracks and reduced to atoms. The wrecked cars were crowded with passengers, all of whom were more or less injured. Peter Renland, a hotel proprietor, was so badly hurt that he died shortly after being taken out. The chair car caught fire, and several persons were severely burned before they could be rescued. The exact number of in jured has not been ascertained. There were several persons from New York on the train, but the most of the passengers were Western people. ANOTHER HOCKING VALLEY STRIKE Seems to be in tho Wind, According to bn perQclal Indications. IBPECIAL TELEQBAM TO TUE DISPATCH.! Columbus, O., October 16. Patrick Mc Bryde, Secretary of the Miners' Progressive Union, received a telegram this evening from Alex, Johnson, stating that a meeting had been called for to-morrow to take action on the report of the committee appointed to confer with the Columbus and Hocking Coal and Iron Company and secure recogni tion for the union miners. From what can be learned the indications are that a strike will be ordered. THE BRUSH PLANT SOLD. ' Reported Transfer to the Tbomson-Honston Company far $3,250,000. Boston, October 16. It is understood that the entire plant of the Brush Electric Company has been sold to the Thomson Houston Electric Company on. a cash basis, tne consiueruiioa ueing,auoui jo.iou.uuu. MB. MILLS' BILL Xet Receipted Nor the Brnddock IFnrmer f Olentioned at the Democratic Bios Meeting In Philadelphia Last rtleht Cleveland Again. 'SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Philadelphia, October 16. The mass meeting under the auspices of the Demo cratic Society of Pennsylvania at the Academy of Music to-night was a great success. Nearly all of the younger leaders of the party were in attendancebut the old war horses were absent. Joseph P. Murphy, a promi nent manufacturer, was chosen as presiding officer, and speeches were made by Congress man Mills.4f Texasand Wilson, of West Virginia; 'ex-Governor Abbett, of New Jer sey; Governor Biggs, ol Delaware, and James'M. Beofc, of Philadelphia. Mr. Mills during his speech spoke of the inequalities of the present tariff laws; con demned the policy of the present national 'administration and maintained lhat the fight for tariff reform would coniinue until victory has been achieved. He declared that if the law was changed to suit the Democratic policy there would be no harbor of the world's ports free from American vessels flying American flags. He referred to Grover Cleveland's administration, and commended him for his tariff declaration of 1887. The other speakers followed in the same yein, and the last speaker devoted his re Jnarks to a discussion of the State fight, praising Bigler and urging the party to Jst.ind by him withont regard to factional 'differences. Chairman Murphy, of the meeting, in opening referred to Cleveland's record as President, and predicted his nomination in 1802. His utterances in relation to Cleve land were ronndly applauded, and many of the local leaders here think that Cleveland will be named in 1802. SOUTH DAKOTA'S SENATOR. lion. Gideon C. Moody Elected His Credit able military and Civil Record. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO TOE DISPATCH. Deadwood, Dak., October 16. There is great rejoicing in this town over the election of Hon. Gideon C. Moody to the United States Senate for South Dakota. Preparations are being made to give him a grand reception on his return. Judge Moody is a native of New York; was born at Courtlandt, in that State, in 1832; studied law in Syracuse, and emigrated to Indiana in the fifties; was elected to the Legislature of Indiana in 1860, which position he re signed to accept a commission in the army, where he served with distinction; was a member of the State Convention of Indiana which nominated Henrv S. Lane for Lieu tenant Governor, the same convention nom inating Benjamin Harrison for Ulerk ot the supreme Court ot that State. After the war Moody came to Dakota and went to farming, resuming the practice of law shortly afterward at Yankton. He was a member of the Dakota Legislature for several years, and at one time Speaker. He was appointed Judge of the First judicial district of Dakota by President Hayes. He has always been an advocate of the division Of Dakota, and was a member of the Chicago convention in 1888, and the author of the tilonlr in 4tin T?onnhl!nnn tlntTnivi in varravil to the Territories. Beside this, he is the attorney for the Home Stake Mining Com ! years. MAD WITH THE PRESIDENT. A St. Lonls Congressman Whose Official Recommendation Was Ignored. rSPEClAL TELEOEAM TO THE DISPATCH.l St Louis, October 16. Congressman Nat Frankof this city, is highly indig nant with President Harrison and Secretary Windom. Last July the three St. Louis Congressmen, Kinsey, Frank and Need ringhaus, divided the Federal offices har moniously, and agreed to support each other. Kinsey selected deorge D. Reynolds for the District Attorneyship, and he was appointed. Needringhaus selected C. F. Wennecker for Collector of Internal Bev enue, and Frank selected Louis Witten berg for Appraiser. Last night Wennecker was appointed, and, to the snrprise and dis gust of Frank, L. S. Metcaif was appointed Appraiser. Frank sat down and wrote the following dispatch: St. Louis, October 15. To Bon. Benjamin Harrison, President of the United States, Washington, I), a: Have learned from private dispatches that you have appointed Metcaif Appraiser instead of the gentleman you promised mo to appoint, or to first notify me that you conld not do so. Secretary Windom made me the same prom ises. Has the appointment been made despite these promises? Please answer. (Signed) Nathan Fbank. Mr. Frank has received no answer and his mad is still way up. WITH THE SAME RAZOR. A Dion Almost Beheads His Wife and Cuts His Own Throat. ISPECIAL TELEGKAM.TO THE DISPATCH.: Cambridge, N. J., October 16. Harvey Hodge killed his wife here at an early hour this morning and then attempted suicide, but was saved by his two sons. Hodge has for some time manifested jealousy of his wife, accusing her of too great intimacy with other men. This morning while his wife wa3 asleep in bed he nearly severed her head from her body with a razor. Their two sons sleeping upstairs were awakened by the screams of their mother, and, hasten ing into her sleeping room, witnessed her slaughter by their infuriated father. He had hauled her from the bed on to the floor and soon killed her, the boys being power less to prevent the deed. Hodge then went into the sitting room, and, standing before a look ing glass, was, slashing at his own throat with the same razor with which he killed his wife, bnt was discovered by his boys who took the razor from him. Hodge was too mnch injured to attempt escape and was soon under arrest. A Coroner's jury found him guilty of murder in the first degree. Hodge and his wife were over 50 years old and have children. He was a soldier in the One Hundred and Twenty-third Regiment. THE PRESIDENT'S LITTLE SPEECH. He Welcomes the Maritime Conference Del egates In a Short Address. Washington, October 16. President Harrison, in welcoming the delegates to the Maritime Conference to-day, made' a brief speech, expressing his deep personal interest in the results which might be anticipated, and he trusted attained, by the conference, and hoped that the passage of the seas might be made as safe as it has been made rapid. The President, in conclusion, said that the object for which the conference had assem bled was one which would attract universal interest throughout the world, and its at tainment would be warmly welcomed by all nations. Stabbed While Defending- His Wife. ISPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DI8FATCH.J New York, October 16. Thomas M. Keely, a commission merchant, who lives at 83 Danforth avenue, in Greenville, Jerssy City, was stabbed early this morning while defending his wife ami her sister from the insults of JnC, Henry, a railroad brake- man. ,. xne wouna is dangerous. -THE NEWEST S'OUTH: She Appears as the Commercial Rival of tho Eastern Stales. A GIGANTIC RAILROAD "SCHEME. Concentrating the Shipments of the South west at Tampa, Fla. A BIO BID FOR SOUTH AMERICAN TRADE. List of Railroads and Steamship Lines In the Sen Combination. The latest departure of the New South is said upon excellent authority to be a com bination of Southern and Southwestern railroad and steamship companies to make Tampa, Fla., the great depot of the South em and Western export trade. The possi bilities are all in favor of the scheme, and the names of the interested corporations are given. tSPZCIAZ. TELIOBAM TO THE DISPATCII.l Birmingham, Ala., October 16. The greatest railroad deal in the history of the South is approaching consummation here. The scheme is so gigantic in proportions and so far-reaching in its results that one may be pardoned for doubting, bnt it is given out here as absolutely true. The authority for the outline here given, is a United States Senator who is an inti mate friend of the capitalists concerned. H. B. Plant, president of thePlant system of railroads and steamboat lines, and John Inman, president of the Bichmond Ter minal Company, are at the head of the deal. These capitalists have made a deal whereby they have obtained control of the harbor rights at Tampa, Fla., and have determined to make that port the great shipping place for all, or nearly all the export freight from the Southwest and Northwest to Europe, South and Central America. ' ABSORBING EASTERN SHIPPING. The lines will carry their own freight and that of their connections to Tampa instead of Boston, NewYork and other ports. The lines that are in the movement are the Bich mond Terminal Company's system, includ ing the East Tennessee, Virginia ' and Georgia, the Central of Georgia, the Richmond and Danville, the Georgia Pacific, the Plant System of rail roads, the Louisville and Nashville, Texas Pacific, Southern Pacific and proba bly the Queen and Crescent, the Plant steamship liues and several new lines of steamers to be established. The harbor will be improved, new-wharves built and termi nal facilities arranged. 'Beside this, it is given ont that Messrs. Plaut and Inman' will build an air line of their own from Tampa to Mobile and New Orleans in order to facilitate the handling of the great influx of western freight from the Southern Pacific and other lines terminating at New Orleans. HOW THE DEAL ORIGINATED. The deal was brought about by the action of a number of trunk lines in the South and West sending freights over long routes to Eastern ports, and a lack of uniformity in rates ana other complications oetween the managers of Southern lines and the Eastern lines to the seaboard. The result will be that a large portion of the Northwestern ways, besides affording better facilities for Hill UB A tb.mUI.UI .W kUS IWUkU AU iiJBUJ foseign shipment. It will result in the establishment of new steamship lines at Tampa, Pensacola and probably Mobile. There is no question about the deal being on, and its consummation will be received with favor by the South. THAT CONTRACT WITH THE PENNST. Commissioner Schoonmaker Decides That Its Production is Nat Necessary. Washington, October 16. The hearing in the cases of the Independent Refiners' Associations of Oil City and Titusville, Pa., versus the Pennsylvania Railroad Company was resumed before the Inter-State Com merce Commission to day. There were but three Commissioners sitting in the hearing, Messrs. Morrison, Schoonmaker and Veazey. Commissioner Schoonmaker announced the decision of the commission in regard to the request made at the hearing in Titnsville in May, by counsel for the complainants, for the production by the Pennsylvania Bail road ot a contract anegca to nave oeen made in 1879 between the Pennsylvania Railroad Company and the National Transit Com pany, by which the former was to be guar anteed25per cent of all traffic from the oil regions at the same rates for the pipe lines and railroads. In delivering the decision of the commis sion Mr. Schoonmaker called attention to the fact that neither he nor Mr. Veazey had participated in the hearing of the cases at Titusville. They had, however, given the matter due and proper consideration, and come to the conclusion that the compulsory production of the contract was not required for the purposes of the case. Commissioner Morrison, speaking for himself, dissented from the views expressed by his colleagues, and expressed himself as holding the same opinion he did at Titusville, when he gave his opinion that the contract was important evidence in the case. A DOUBLE DIVORCE. Turn About Fair Play With Cannda'sJFlnance Minister's Wife. ISPECIAL TELEORAiC TO THE DISPATCH. Ottawa, October 16. D. B. Chisholm, the former husband of Mrs. George E. Fos ter, wife of the Dominion Minister of Fi nance, who was divorced in Chicago from Chisholm to enable her to marry Foster, will apply to the Dominion Senate during the approaching session of Parliament for a divorce on his own account, failing in which, it is asserted, he will contest the validity of his wife's marriage with the Minister of Finance. Hon. Hector Cameron, one of the ablest lawyers in Canada, and an ex-Member of Parliament, and a strong supporter and friend of the present Dominion Government, says that Foster's marriage Is illegal and that Chisholm will have no difficulty in claiming his wife and making it hot for Foster it he sees fit. to do so. Foster is as mute as a clam. His friends say he has been in constant fear of Chisholm turning up all along, and now that there appears to be a strong Dossibility of it the Minister oi Finance views the situation uneasily. FOILING THE BODY-SNATCHERS. Ralph Wnldo Emerson's Son's Precautions Against the Recent Vandalism I SPECIAL TELEOEAAC TO TUE DISPATCH. Concord: N. H., October 16. Edward "W. Emerson, the son of the illustrious Ralph "Waldo Emerson, whose grave in Sleepy Hollow was recently desecrated, has taken steps to prevent any further dis turbance by amateur grave robbers. To-day he made a personal examination of the casket which contains his father's re mains, and is satisfied that the contents were not disturbed. He ordered the coffin placed in a new box, and will have the whole en closed in a heavy stone tomb under ground. The slabs are to be hermetically sealed, and the tomb will be made so strong tnat only a determined j effort by professionalbody snatchers could rob the coffin of its contests. THE A8TI-WIEE Mayor Grant Determined to Pmh It the Streets are Made Safe The Health Board Recommends Forbid, dins; Heavy Corrents. New York, October 16. Mayor Grant said to-day that he would continue to use every possible means to prevent the electric light companies from operating their plants until such time as the wires would bo abso lutely safe. All day long workmen were busy replacing gas lamps and burners on the posts in the public parks, and these squares looked a little more cheerful to night The Park Commissioners have ab solute control of the parks and are not af fected by the legal proceedings now pend ing. This afternoon they revoked permits given for overhead electric wires' in their jurisdiction, and directed the removal ef poles and wires used for the transmission of high tensi6n or alternating current Extra policemen will be assigned to tha. publio parks until they are efficiently lighted. The Board of Health to-day sent to Mayor Grant a communication recommending that continuous currents above 00 volts and alternating currents above 250volts be for bidden until other and better means for safety be provided. The arguments in court on the injunctions against the munici pal authorities were squashed to-day ex cepting the case of the Electric Power Com pany which will be concluded to-morrow. Briefs will be submitted on Saturday: A DASTARDLY CRIME. X Thlrleen-Year-Old Girl Nearly Murdered for Six Dollars. rXFECIAI. TXLEOBAV TO TIIEDISPATCH.1 Nett York, October 16. Annie T. Green, a 13-year-old daughter of William S, Green, of Kearney, near New York, was sent from her home this morning by her father, who is a builder, with $6 to Newark to pay a bill at L. L. Carlisle's lumber yard. At noon she had not returned and he went in search of her. At Carlisle's he learned that she had not paid the bill. He waited until nieht, and then went to the Newark police headquarters and left a de scription of the girl. She was found by her mother last night unconscious on the boardwalk near her father's bouse. Her clothes were wet and bedraggled, and she appeared to have had a sharp tussle with somebddy. Doctors restored her to her senses for a few moments when she struck out with her hand and cried: "You.can't have it, you can't have it." Soon afterward she put her handtoherheadandsaid she had been struck there. She was found near the Kearney end of the Erie bridge, which is crossed, daily by a thousand girls working in the thread mill. The money was pinned in her pocket when she started from home and it was gone when she was fonnd. It was thought she; was knocked senseless and thrown into the river where the water is shallow", or in a brook-near at hand, and that t e crawled out alter recoverine her senses and fainted again on her way home. There are reasons for thinking that some body may have carried ber to where she was found. Her mother heard a noise in front of the house at 9 o'clock last, night,, and going to the door, she saw a manwalk ing awav. Then something fell 'On the walk. On going to investigate, Bhe found her child cold and senseless. Kearney was laboring under Intense ex citement during the day. and whenthe girl was found the bell oa-.the 'tewa Sail was rung to announce t&e feet, and, immediately a xi crowd gathered, at Mr. Green'-a? "houseT "-The" doctors Baythe- girt will. proDabiy cue. one was insensible at midnight and apparently was fast sink itigT The theory is that she was clubbed and robbed by someone who knew she had the money, and that she was carried back near her house to save her life and make the case something less than murder. DECAPITATION MADE EAST. A Letter From the President That Pro- dneed the Desired Resalr. Teeee Haute, October 16. President Harrison's letter to General M. D. Hanson, late Collector of Internal Bevenoe for the Seventh district of Indiana, which called ont his resignation, has been made public. The letter is as follows: EXECUTrVE MANSION. I Washington, September i, 1889. ( Bear General When I was -at Indian apolis 1 endeavored to have a conference with you, bnt the demand upon your time and mine seemed to prevent you from responding to my request. Sir. Ransdell informed me that you had said to him that you would address me a letter, relieving me of a possible embarrass mentconnected with a change in the Collector's office now held by you. and I have been expect ing to bear from you. I do not wish to make anv official reauest or smrcestion to too. bat a change cannot much longer he deferred, and my desire has been that it might be made in a way as agreeable to you as nossible. This is the object of this personal note. Please inform me of your purpose. Very respectfully yours, Benjamin Harrison. On September 16 General Manson sent his letter of resignation, made public to day, and on the 23d he received a letter from the President "thanking him for his Inanly and friendly course in the matter." BUTT LIVES WERE I0ST. An Explosion Wrecks a Colliery and Buries the Bllners. London. October 16. By an explosion in the Bentilee colliery at Longton, County of Stafford, early this morning at least 60 persons were killed. The pit was com pletely wrecked and the miners en tombed. The bodies recovered to night show that the victims died of gas poisoning. The rescuers were com pelled to relinquish their search bytbe accumulation of gas. It was hoped that the search would be resumed at midnight, but the latest advices from the scene state that a fire is raging and that another exDlo sion is feared. The underground manager is among the victims. The record of the men down the mine has been lost, hence it is impossible to verify the number. It is supposed that the explo sion was caused by leakage from a disused seam. A relief fund has been started. T0UNG BLAINE'S DOCTOR'S BILLS. The Secretary's Son Confesses Judementln Favor of His Physician. New Yore, October 16. J. G. Blaine, Jr., son of the Secretary of State, to-day confessed judgment in the New York Su preme Court for $329 65 in favor of Dr. Foster C. Fuller. The action was brought to recover payment for professional services rendered to the defendant's wife and child between June 1 and November 1, 1888. HARTRANFT DANGEROUSLY ILL The Ex-Governor's Condition Critical, and nis Friends Fear the Worst. Norristown, October 16. The condi tion of General John F. Hartranft, who has been ill for some time with pneumonia, is said to-night to be critical. He is now said to be suffering with uremia, and this, la view of his feeble condition, renders his re covery a matter of grave doubt. His friends fear the worst. Anxious About a SmallpoxtSeoarge. tSFZCIAI. TXLEOBAJI TO-THE DISPATCH. Columbus, October, 16. Dr. Probst, Secretary of the State Board of Health, has received eoanflaniealion irom the Mayor of Sandusky, asking instructions as to how to preteet tfeeatsel ves from the reported seearge OI seiaupe ai. jrumixtm. OENTS'&ij BRAND OF HERESY on Wonld-Be liaEioMrifjtV" nlty Examinations. THREE CntIft.TJHfe ssssst.- fc . sucHUrf HE CHAKGM fEFEIEID JJ By tie Rev. Dr. Griffith Azatet tin Btu4 of PoreJffH Xisstow; '; . EPISCOPAL. LITUB6ICAL ' etAJNMti V Brought Before the Coflteattei Testerfsy.jai Sma of Them A&fted. X 'Ur: A lively debate took place ctarisg tb . liberations o f the Am exioaa: Beard - v- i eign Missions. Dr. Griffiths style iM system of examinations, a sestet trftanal,) inconsistent with, a Christian. body. la tfca Protestant Episcopal Cqaveatlea ttrftmlL ritualistic changes were preposedj e, f New York, October 16. To-iky';,ywT ceedings of the Ameriean Beard of Fereigi Missions were far .mere live! v thaa &.d-:r liberations of inch a. staid rxxlv nranllg are. There wasa warm debate aad,e 4 Bystem of examining candidates was at tacked, and bv no means milrllv. ' The proceedings began at 9 o'oleekat'lktai Broadway Tabernacle. After a Bapet lsrFsg -&". .aaucu vu kuo jittcc ui prayer jsl aasjjp sionary work, and reports from Dr. Tyhs? an African missionarv, Dr, W. D. OWta read a paper entitled "Twenty Yeaw ) Jsq pan. icspoceor tne wore ooae-ia Jaeia, during the 20 years that the boars! 1mm ImmIJ missionaries in. the held, x&e oaMeofc Japan was very encouraging. and Confucianism had brokea dewa. ' American minitpr Tlr. flTavV 'mW- honor of having done their foil sjwre JklsM gicu. wura. oi me post uecsQe. A WASH DEBATE 8TAHTHW. board and the church, and the alciiHWa. efJ Paw TT W Tll..tlrAw1 T7..i LA hli a.. .w. i jk.ai;.iv.u. UCJIHIUil lust nsv AAmmlttaa .tail .ui.!. fci 1 1 m - " ..u proiessors ana others replies to UMra lars in which 325 advocated a efcaagaayf; opnosed and 39 expressed bo opiaMa.HtK .' those addressed 1,023 made no re!y. .. tt .i " .-.:.. . i, UfNU fcU7 XCUUlUJiieUUiftUttU w WWK ISSHi mittee tne bylaws were ametHlea , the president and vice prestdeat members of the Prudential Bev. Dr. Griffiths, of Boston, started a i argument by stating that be wuatstltatja change in order that three andahii board might be cleared uu. It was. a, j ..wire .., u. wuu. W SW CAV81IIIUHI 'the board for candidates was sisaiy a i !! I LI.L ?1A ,-..1 uiouuai wuicu raieat completely a man and utterly ruin bia Wj questions which they well kaew he not answer to his own heart. Seek a set? An K tUl,t A, tllA luutt1 " 1. - " . KTLT.Tm AJfg BXTHgSIASK which candidates might have foe work. If any sms or-vmaaR at lore the board that did not aer a factory examination, he or tW was' ' as a heretic. Such thiag were at est with the worK ot tan board as a nan body, and the speaker prsy we proposed changes. i JMvtflO pQMttvfi to do so. Dr. Griffiths was applauded, aash wIsR-. the excitement began to subside 2tav wK-i TV. Meredith startled everybody by sariigll "If this is not a ConzreeattesaX 1 missionary society, letus form oae MnrtK j?i just as soon as we can start the wfeeais .1 motion. FApplause.1 As a paster I. recognition." I cannot .understand wbf,. j.f that when any business is transacted Wttw board that the chairman turns his aaast me. The quicker this question is seM the better it will be, for there is mMiWHi the church. You can sleenoa it if vm.1 but there is unrest. "We wast a eknasa.j At was aeciuea ra &eep iue oommmes other year. ; nTm-rr I TTranrn t-rr i nnM Jill UAlilDllU UllAiXttAtVJ fy Work of the Committee of UtargJeoJ 1 ioa la the V. E. Convention Sev- . oral Alterations Propose z and Adopted. , New York, October 16. Prayeta, read in the House of Deputies this i by Bev. Dr. Bancroft and Bishop "VrUMaai. "Whitaker, of Pennsylvania. The repasts special committees were first takes bb. !HH J sentiment of that to which tha memorial its colored clergymen was referred, was dirfrJWpj A majority and minority report wee, sen ted. DnPhilip Brooks, who preeestedi minority report, said in speakiag t tj church, "She knows nothing of the eetorefal man's skin." Dr. Dix thea took ouaaija ? remind the convention that the Uurteeatfc day?; of the session had arrived and that ; ti.iv Tttenltif innf Jinlf? ha nSatrtt fTM i lution of the Bev. D. Fair, ot MfeWpaa,- providing lor tne spiritual seeds df taase navigating imauu wawra, wwi jnwuuu., r, wj At iiav iriio aauusv. ,.n. isw yvr(rstisn : of the "Whole on the aajorlty repert 'Mb iioint uommii.ee ou Aji.urxietu jwrHSf Chancellor Woolwortb, of Nebraska, ia chair. Bev. Samnel Hart, of Cknnotwsv moved that the first resolution be passed". jf says: "That the word 'Proper be before the word sessions in the the tables of lessons for Sundavs. he 1 Davs and for the forty days ofleat-i that tables of proper lessons be inioplo;ist the table of contents." This was aitsflBiij unanimously. Dr. nan then bmvm adoption of the second resolution, : for the insertion of additional words 1 prayer, after the response "oar meats. I lt-- ' ... .i. ;. " t, .,. ti -i BUUW lUlbU MJF J.J.MV. It final action was taken oa the third aaaV mpnt Tirovidin? for chanees la the wtsjSMBsrl of the prayer for the State, the minister aawj the people In the morning aaa evsaJayjj prayer. Sjijil At the afternoon sessioa the Hoais.efj Deputies resolved itself into a ootBBsiltee e J the whole, and debated the rottrttt ment of the Committee oa Eitargieal" vision. Bev. Morrison, of Albany, tatt. that some people objected to Psalm xev.lr eanse It was English, but he theaeht tawsJ was no such thing as Anglophobia imn ligion. Dr. Carey withdrew his asea and a vote was taken to approve the of the House of Bishops and adept amendment, but this, motion was lost. , M Hunt read the tilth amendment: Ihat there be added to the rubric befete I benedidte this note: "But note that wsa 1 1l.ltt. fi. an.... 1. Lf. 11 1. A, h. VuUafia. repeat the words 'Praise Him and magaujr J f.aa.aa -. Itl. Ond SI? aaaaa aaaa T, . ilflOlU V- a w a.rf .a.av. p This was voted on and lost. The I and seventh amendments met the same The eighth amendment, that the prayerissfl all conditions of men and the gsasssjl thanksgiving, where they oeew, be yilaMJ Wltn a Dracsewu ci-use am usrgnta as now provided In the merniog prayer, A adopted, xne ninm ameaaaseat y and the tenth taken up. This reads: the words 'from fire and flood" be faed 1 the front deprecation la the lataay" ried. a.ne eleven tn ameudmest was s "That the wards 'here esdeta tha be omitted.' The original prayer fat SoraWaa t and Rogation, days as agreed ape If I House of JSisftsfis was aaestsasasi other proposes pfayers wse i reran No. 1 of tike Ceases, Book id regard, to the ,asa i1 MMaksgivtSf.' 1 n-V : , ..t . s. jf T. . s. :