Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 16, 1889, Image 1

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SlO9er A' ' rtT
If yon irant Bonrd, Rooms, Homes op
Help, advertise In THE DISPATCH.
Purchasers can be found for everything
offered For Sale In THE DISPATCH.
THE DISPATCH Is the, best advertising
medium in Western Pennsylvania. Try It.
ffl IS I IT.
Sullivan's Connection With the
Great Jury Conspiracy
Now Established.
TVMcli Was Used by His Con
federates to Corrupt
the Veniremen.
A Full Confession of the Part He
Took, and for Which He Was
to he Liberally Paid.
In Which the Clan-Na-Gael leader's Close
Interest in the Case Was Yerj
Freely Discussed.
One of the bailiffs implicated in the
Cronin jury-fixing conspiracy has made a
full confession to the grand jury. He di
rectly states that the money to be -used in
the work of bribery came from Alexander
Sullivan. Further than that, he says that
this fact was ciearly understood by the
prisoners themselves. He had frequent
conversations with Coughlin in which Sulli
van's connection with the case was freely
Chicago, October 15. Bailiff Hanks
confession before the grand jury to-day is
the most sensational feature of the bribery
cases. His statement is a concise and ac
curate history of the whole conspiracy. He
met Graham last August 9 in a saloon on
Clark street, where they had several rounds
of drinks.
Before they parted Graham said he would
like to meet Hanks again the following
evening. Hanks kept the appointmentand
the intimacy so auspiciously begun was ce
- mented with additional drinks. As Hanks
was one of the bailiffs who were watching
Dr. Cronin's supposed murderers in the
court room,be and Graham naturally talked
about the case.
A Precious Pair of Scoundrels.
Graham commented severely on the
methods employed by the officers of the
State, and said that no court ought to give
countenance to such a prosecution. Hanks
agreed with him. It was not long before
Graham cautiously sounded the bailiff on
the question of money. He found Hanks
eager to run desperate chances for a dollar.
Ihen he boldly asked Hanks why a juror or
two who would be willing to vote for an
acquittal, could not be secured by the de
fense. "In a big town like Chicago," said he,
"there ought to be a few such men lying
around loose."
Hanks finally entered into a verbal
agreement with Graham to procure two or
more men.
Itoner Was No Object.
"If von get them," Graham is reported
to have said, "we will pay you 52,000 each.
Get all you can, money is noobject ."
"Where does my bit come in?" asked
"Why.you ought to be able to split 52,000
in such a way that you won't get left your
self. Give your man half of it, or as much
as you please, and keep the rest yourself."
"But I wan't to know who is going to put
up the stuff. It won't come from your
"Ho, indeed," replied Graham. "I
wouldn't pav a dollar of my own money to
save any of them. The money will be paid
by Alexander Sullivan."
'Has he got it?" Hanks asked.
"Oh, yes," replied the briber, "he's
He Was Easily Satisfied.
This satisfied Hanks that his course was
clear and his pay certain, end from that
time until he was arrested he was a mere
creature of Graham's. He not only sug
gested the names of men who he believed
would be eligible for rating on Graham's
list, but he agreed to approach anybody
whom Graham might suggest.
One of the men Hanks chose was Kohn,
the fruiterer, who agreed to vote for acquit
tal for 51,000 providing he was selected as a
juror. Hanks in his confession also admit
ted that he confided the secret of the con
spiracy to Soloman and that he handed the
latter the list of names which subsequently
enabled the Staie to bring all the chief con
spirators, with the single exception of Gra
ham, into the State's confessional. It also
appeared from Hanks' confession that be
was not only acting the dual role of officer
and briber, but that he was
Keeping; Up the Spirits
of Beggs, Coughlin and O'Sullivan by de
livering to them verbal messages of cheer
from their friends on the outside. Graham
paid him handsomely for this service. In
reply to aquestion from Judge Longenecker,
Hanks said he frequently told Coughlin,
who was his especial charge, that Alex
Sullivan was looking after his interests,
and that no harm would come to him or his
companions if they only preserved a bold
and defiant front
At the conclusion of Hank's examination,
which occupied nearly an hour, Judge
Xoneenecker made ft personal appeal to the
grand jury to preserve inviolate the secrets
they had heard.
-'By doing this," he said, "you will
enable the oresecBtion to carry out a great
work, and I prosafae you, gentlemen, that J
on to-morrow and the next day we will sub
mit to your attention an array of
Pneu That Will Startle
not only Chicago, but the entire world. I
will not tell you now what we intend to
show, but it has a vital bearing on this
great conspiracy, and it will shed light on
the darkness that now enshrouds it."
This was construed to be an admission
that the State is already within reach of the
men who conceived the plot.
There was a great crush of people at the
trial to-day. Hundreds of persons were un
able to gain admission. Among those who
were admitted was Kunze's sweatheart, who
was dressed in a neat fitting dress and a
black bonnet trimmed with ostrich tips.
She tried hard to speak to her lover, but the
bailiffs refused to let her pass insidethe rail
ing. The examination of veniremen con
tinued all day without incident Beggs
lost one peremptory challenge. He still has
ten left
An Incident of the Trial.
It has been arranged that one of the first
incidents after the fall jury has been se
cured will be the exhibition in court of the
bleached and articulated bones of the right
hand of the body found in the catch basin.
They will be used for the identification of
the body as that of Dr. Cronin.
Dentist Lewis, who made the plates and
false teeth worn by Cronin, will testify that
they were those in the jaw of the corpse, and
the insurance societies' records will be in
troduced to prove that the broken joint of
one of Cronin's fingers corresponds to that
of the skeleton and hand stretched out be
fore the jury and the accused.
His Friends Arc Still Hopefnl of the Result
in West Virginia Two Reports Cer
tain to be Made by the Investigating-
Wheeling, October 15. The Legisla
tive Contest Committee arrived here to-day
to prepare their report upon the Fleming
Goff contest for Governor. On account of
the non-arrival of two of the members the
body did not meet to-day. The session will
last several days and some lively thiDgs ate
expected. The decision of a majority of
the committee will nndonhtedly be in favor
of seating Fleming.
Senator Morris, a Republican member,
when asked to-night it there would be a
minority report in favor of Mr. Goff, said:
"Most assuredly. "What are we here for?
We are confident Goff was honestly elected,
and the alleged Republican frauds were not
Speaker Woods, of the House, is still very
ill, and, should he be unable to attend the
special session of the Legislature, that body
will be a tie ana no conclusion can be ar
rived at Should he resign there will be a
warm fight for the election of his successor.
He is from Ohio county, which is very close,
and the Republicans declare their ability to
elect a successor. If they should succeed
Goff would be seated Governor, as the one
majority of the Legislature would be re
versed and the minority report on the Con
test Committee adopted. Ohio county often
goes Republican, particularly in off years,
and has given Goff a majority every time he
has been a candidate for office, except once.
With the question of making him Governor
as the only issue the Republicans would,
they say, feel confident ot winning.
He Also Relates the History of Senator
Olanderson's Keratins.
Washington, October IB. Corporal
Tanner said to-day, with regard to the re
rating of Senator Manderson: "The facts in
the case are simply these: One evening a
friend and I were seated in my apartment
discussing pension matters, and among other
things we spoke of the number of caseswhich
had come under our personal observation
where injustice had been done the pensioner.
My friend asked me if I knew Senator Man
derson, and stated that he wasonly receiving
about one-half the pension he was really en
titled to. I got to thinking about the mat
ter, and before we parted I asked him to
call at my office the next dav and remind
me of our conversation. He did, and I sent
for the papers in Senator Manderson's case,
and, after a careful examination of them,
found that he was entitled to a pension for
total disability, whereas he was receiving a
pension for half disability only, and I ac
cordingly had him rerated. Senator Man
derson, in his letter to Secretary Noble, re-
and I think the least Secretary Noble could
have done would have been to grant his re
quest" The Corporal recalled to mind the case of
General William H. Powell, who was re
rated just four days prior to Tanner's ap
pointment General Powell had received a
gunshot wound in bis shoulder, and was re
ceiving a pension of $7 50 per month when
Mr. Noble was made secretary. General
Powell went to Commissioner Black with a
note from Secretary Noble, in which the
latter asked the Commissioner to do all he
could for the General. General Powell dc
clinedlo submit to a medical examination,
but notwithstanding this fact had his pen
sion increased to $30 per month, and dated
back to 1865. And this was done at the
instigation of Secretary Noble four days
before I received my appointment"
Death of Both Their Recent Victims
Similarity of Their Injnrleg.
New York, October 15. Both of the
men who were sandbagged on Seventh ave
nue recently are dead. Custom House In
spector Edward H. Woodbridge died on
Sunday night at Roosevelt Hospital.
Thomas Carey, the bartender of Portland,
Conn., died at the same place at 1 a. M. to
day. The police knew nothing of either
case. Circumstances strongly indicate
that both men met their death in the same
manner. Woodbridge received his injuries
a week ago last Snnday night; Carey re
ceived his the following Tuesday night.
Woodbridge was found on Seventh avenue,
between Thirty-second and Thirty-third
streets, and Carey was found at the corner of
Seventh avenue and Thirty-third street
Both were, in the opinion ot the different
doctors, sandbagged. Both had money, but
were found robbed of everything. Both had
their skulls fractured in the same place,
namely, at the base. Both had been drink
ing, though neither were drunk. Both were
stupefied ; and neither could tell how or when
he had been struck.
No Trn Is the Sign Adopted by a St. Louis
rsrxcux. teleoeam to the dispatch, i
St. Louis, October 15. The Whisky
Trust will soon have a fight on its hands in
St Louis. A company has been organized
for the manufacture of whisky and high
wines, and plans for the distillery have been
adopted. Herman Horstkotte, a prominent
business man, is at the bead of the new com
pany. "There is a market in St Louis for
whisky," said Mr. Horstkotte, "and there is
but one distillery running here. There
are four distilleries in the city, and others in
the country near by, that are kept in idle
ness by the trust"
ffte pepttta
The Deadly Electric Lines la New York
Dlo Very Hard Arguments In
Court Darkness Is Re-
llevedby Gas.
NewYobk, October 15. It was after
noon before the hearing on the injunctions
obtained by the Brush and United States
Companies to prevent the Board of Elec
trical Control from cutting their wires or
shutting of their currents, began before
Judge Andrews in Supreme Court cham
bers. Lawyers Choate and Bowers told the
Judge that the cases of the United
States Company and the Brush Com
pany were the same. So Mr. Hagues,
for the United States Company, said:
The complaint or the United States Com
pany, on which the temporary injunction
was granted, read that the company had
over $l,250.000iuvested. lighted much of the
city, and supplied 1,000 arc lights and 13,000
incandescent lights to private customers.
Whenever it had an opportunity to put
wires in the subways it had done so, but
hardly any subways had been constructed,
and the Board of Electrical Control had
constantly refused the company permission
to build subways for itself.
Mr. Bowers read the Mayor's answer, say
ing the Brush and United States companies
were, it was believed, owned by the same
people. The Board of Electrical Control
had declared the imperfectly insulated
wires of the United States Company to be
public obstructions, and it was the "duty of
the Commissioners of Public Works to re
move the wires so designated. Mr. Choate
spoke until 6 o'clock.
Mr. Cravath said that the currents of the
Brush and United States Companies would
be turned off at night, except such as the
Board of Electrical Control's exDert certi
fied were safe. Upon this understanding
the case was continued until 11 o'clock in
the morning.
The city, therefore, did without most of
the electric lights again to-night. The
early night was moonless, but clear and
bright At nightfall, Sbwever, gas was
burning in many of the principal streets,
and New York was pretty nearly as well off
as before the days of electric light. One
who had never seen Third avenue and the
Bowery in the electric glare would have
said that they were well-lighted streets.
Yet the Bowery did not have a single cor
poration light burning.
The police upon the Eastside were or
dered to be more than usually vigilant, but
in all the station houses it was reported that
the night was very quiet and orderly. There
were crowds of people on the streets in the
early hours.
About 11 p. si., when the shop lights
went out, the great old monopolist who runs
the light plant up in the moon turned on
his reflector and provided light by the half
Ex-Prealdcnt Riddle, of the Penn Sank,
Obtains a Judgment Against Upton In
Boyce, the Railroad Man, for
8320,000, Through De
fendant's Neglect.
New York, October 15. William M.
Riddle, formerly President of the Penn
Bank, of Pittsburg, who now lives in this
city, has obtained a judgment, by default
from Judge Andrews in the Supreme Court
Chambers, against Upton L. Boyce,the well
known Southern railroad man, for 5320,000.
In Mr. Riddle's complaint, on which the
judgment was obtained, it is set forth that
on or about December 15, 1887, Riddle pro
cured" a loan for BoTce of 525.000 and also
found a purchaser ior 51,200,000 of the com
mon stock of the Covington and Macon Rail
road Company at -par value. Boyce is sup
posed to have been interested in the railroad
whose stock he wished to sell, and Riddle
declares that for floating the stock and pro
curing the loan, Boyce was to pay him $70,
000 in money, besides giving him 5250,000
worth of the stock at par value. Riddle
declares that he has not yet been paid for his
services, although he has frequently de
manded the money and stocks.
The complaint was first served on the de
fendant's attorney, John Sergeant Cram, on
June 3 last. A delay was granted on ac
couotot the absence of Mr. Boyce in the
South. Finally, after several delays, the
attorney for the plaintiff, Robert Mazat, of
No. 237 Broadway, refused to grant any
more, and then Mr. Cram applied to the
courts for a further postponement. This re-
Suest the court refused to grant, and since
lat time the defendant's lawyer has paid no
attention to the case. When the case was
reached on the Supreme Court calendar no
one appeared for the defendant and conse
quently Judge Andrews granted a judg
ment by default Mr. Boyce is still in the
South looking after his railroad matters
there. As the judgment is for so large an
amount he will undoubtedly attempt to
have it reopened when he returns.
The Trl-State Bottlers Association Declare
War Against Junk Dealers.
Philadelphia, October 15. Represen
tatives of the Bottlers' Associations of Penn
sylvania, New York and New Jersey met
to-day in parlor C of the Hotel Lafayette,
and decided to form a permanent organiza
tion for mutnal protection, its main object
being the adoption of an inter-State arrange
ment for the exchange of bottles and siphons.
Thirty-two delegates were present, and these
officers were elected: H. S. Harris, of New
York, President; William J. Cunningham
and George Herman, "Vice Presidents, and
L. Munsinger and G. W. Otto, Secretaries.
The three States represented have a regis
tration law which affords ample protection
against the local traffic of junk dealers in
registered bottles, but there is no method of
prosecuting their sale in other States, and
the new association proposes to extend its
operations until it can make its local pro
tection law national. Another meeting will
be held to-morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock, at
which a constitution and bylaws'will be
He Will Not bo He-Elected Chlet of the En
gineers Without n fight.
Denveb, Col., October 15. Chief Ar
thur and staff arrived here late last night,
and this morning a special train of Pullman
coaches arrived over the Union Pacific,
bringing 300 delegates to the convention,
which will convene to-morrow. The meet
ing will be of unusual importance, and sev
eral questions of great interest are to be de
cided, among them the election of a suc
cessor to Chief Arthur.
The principal opposition to Arthur, it is
claimed, comes from the Union Pacific lines
and the Southwest, while the Central and
Northern Pacific are entirely solid for Ar
thur. The element opposed to Arthur, it is
claimed by his friends, are the radical ones,
and do not represent more than one-third of
the delegation, so that the friends of the
Chief are confident of his re-election. About
400 delegates will be present representing
430 divisions and a membership of 26,500.
A Three-Year-Old Child Believed to be a
Victim of Bmio.
Black Riveb -Falls, Wis., October
15. A three-year-olddaughter of George
Beilly, living near City Point, in this
county, has been missing for several days,
and as numerous bear tracks are found
there it is inferred she has been carried off
by one of these animals.
Chauncey Black Sees Jo Dissensions
in Democratic Societies,
While Smiling Openly at Pat Foley and
Thinking of Tim O'Leary.
A Colored Man Made Vice President and Eeadinz
I vChostn for Stit Meeting.
Seven hundred Democratic club repre
sentatives met in Philadelphia, and re
elected Chauncey Black State President
He talks effusively of harmony and slightly
on the tariff question. The next meeting
will be at Reading.
Philadelphia, October 15. With
three times three for President Chauncey F.
Black, the first general assembly of the
Democratic societies of Pennsylvania
opened its proceedings at the Thalia Theater
on Crown and Callowbill streets. It was
Bhortly after the noon hour when the 700
delegates took their seats. Small white
banners with the names of the different
clubs and counties in bright red letters served
as a guide to the seats, and there was little
confusion. The front of the gallery was
decorated with the national colors, while
the stage boxes were brilliant with shields,
flags and banners. The banner of the
Samuel J. Randall Association occupied a
prominent place on the right of the stage.
The Jefferson Club's banner was on the stage
in the background against the wall adjoin
ing the center piece decoration, the coat of
arms of the city of Philadelphia. On the
left of the stage, over the proscenium box,
hung the handsome black banner ot the
Crescent- Club, of West Philadelphia, its
gilded crescent serving to draw attention to
its beauty.
It was a Democratic convention in all the
word implies. The business man, the law
yer, the clerk, the mechanic, the laborer
were there, and each was accorded the full
est liberty of debate. The brainy youth
and sturdy brawn of the State was in at
tendance. Every county was represented,
and with these numerous delegations, twice
as large as the Democratic State Conven
tions have had. the business was transacted
expeditiously and without leaving any trace
of bad blood behind.
Among the most noticeable of the party
leaders of the State who were in attendance
were Congressman D. B. Srunner and State
Senator Green, of Berks county; Repre
sentative Samuel M. Wherry, Temporary
Chairman of the last State Convention,
and F. E. Beltzhoover, of Cumberland; E.
H. Ranch, of Mauch Chunk; J. Irvin
Steele, of Ashland.
William J.Brennan, Patrick Foley, John
Giles and John Sullivan, Allegheny's quar
tet; Congressman James B. Seilly, of
Schuylkill, Permanent Chairman ot the
State Convention which nominated Bigler
for State Treasurer; Benjamin N. Nead, of
Dauphin, Secretary of the State Committee;
Wm. W. Hensel, of Lancaster, whom the
convention honored by electing as Tempora
ry and Permanent Chairman of the assem
bly: ex-Senator Hess, Of NorthamDton. who
sat opposite Postmaster-William F. Hsr-"
rity; Captain McClelland, of Pittsburg,
wlwinformed" his friends that William L.
Scott of Erie, wonld be here to-day; Secre
tary John D. Worman, President of the
McClellau Memorial Association; Sheriff
Krumhaar, County Commissioner John P.
J. Sensenderfer, ex-Representative George
Morgan, William H. Murphy. Edward J.
Logue and Robert Barry, of the Iroquois
Club; ex-Representative Hugh Mackin, Sen
ator William McAleer, Representative
James C. Hassett, John J. Moloney, Depu
ty Sheriffs Donnelly and Pattison, Assist
ant Postmaster Drake, George Hoffman, ex
Hull Inspector Peter D. Glazier, John Hug
gard and Eugene Townsend, of the bat
talion, and an array of legal lights of the
Philadelphia Bar.
President Black opened the proceedings
and, after a glowing tribute to ex-President
Cleveland and indorsement of his course,
he said:
We are as nearly as may bo what onr fore
fathers were when, to rescue the Constitution
and the Republic from Hamiltoman Federal
ism, they united in a mighty fraternal union of
Democratic societies, elected Thomas Jeffer
son and seated him and gavo us 60 lustrous and
blessed years of Democratic administration.
We believe as they did, we feel as they did, and
we can do as they did. All true Republicans,
all true Democrats must be with us for a purj
Government, for lighter taxes and for the re
moval of every needless restraint upon the
freedom of the people. Squared by the Jeffer
sonian standard, tried by the Jeffersonian
touchstone, onr principles and our purposes
are those of our forefathers, the founders of
the Republic and of the Democratic party. We
know no differences, no dissensions in the
Democratic societies; indeed, in the Demo
cratic party, properly speaking, there can be
none. OUriundamental doctrines are the same
yesterday, to-day and forever.
As to tariff taxes, for instance, discriminating
against many industries to artificially stimulate
a few, pillaging the mass to enrich a class, no
Democrat ever, as an original proposition, be
lieved their imposition consistent with a Re
publican system.
"It is," cried Thomas Jefferson, the first
Democratic President, "a question whether we
are to llvo under a limited or an unlimited
Government," and after the lapse of a century
come ringing down to us the answering words
of G rover Cleveland, the last Democratic Pres
ident: "Unnecessary taxation is unjust taxa
tion." Congress has power to tax only for tbe
support of government, economically adminis
tered, within plain, specified, constitutional
limits, and a seiiure of the property of the
people, by the exercise of the power of taxa
tion, for any but a public and general purpose,
is an unconstitutional and monstrons abuse.
Ours is no fight for party; it Is a holy crusade
for humanity and for liberty, and. we expoct, as
wo have a right to expect, the help of every
good man who has a heart to feel for his kind,
or an ambition to leave to his children the In
heritance of free institutions, with equal oppor
tunities to all, which he received from his
clevelahd's letteb.
Letters were read from Samuel J. Ran
dall, regretting his inability to be present,
and from ex-President Cleveland, in which
he said:
In my opinion this is no time for the search
after makeshifts and temporary expedients.
We as a party are fairly enlisted in the cause
ot the neople and patriotism; duty and party
success require that we should be consistent and
steadfast. All personal feeling and selfishness
should be subordinated. I confidently expect
that In the work we have In hand our Demo
cratic societies will exhibit an efficiency which
will be gratefully acknowledged by all who
have at heart the welfare and prosperity of tbe
American people. Yours, very sincerely,
Qboveb Cleveland.
H. H. W. Howard, of Harrisburg, col
ored, was elected one of the five Vice Presi
dents for the ensuing year, and in a speech
before tbe convention declared his intention
to support the party. A recommendation to
change the system of representation in State
and county conventions in order to have the
nominations made direct from the people
was adopted.
The assembly adjourned after re-electing
Chauncey F. Black as President, and choos
ing the city of Reading as the place of hold
ing the nexconvention.
The Indianapolis Breweries Bold.
Indianapolis, October 15. Mr. H. M.
Bigelow, of Boston, agent of the English
syndicate, to-day .completed the purchase of
the three breweries of this city. These
breweries are Hans', Schmidt's and Liber's.
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Senator Sherman Declares la Its Favor la
an Address to tbe International
Delegates Speeches by
Payne and Foraker.
Cleveland, October 15. The delegates
to the International Congress were enter
tained at a banquet here to-night Mayor
Gardner made the welcoming address. He
said that as he knew that the excursionists
had been feasted when they desired to rest,
he wonld abbreviate his remarks. He spoke
briefly, welcoming and speeding the guests
happily, saying thatthe United States de
sired to go hand in hand with her Southern
neighbors toward materialJprogress.At 11:45
Senator Paynn arose and said that the
objects of the Congress had been set forth
already; the object of the excursion was to
enable the visitors to study the United
States Government and its people. There
should be no concealment on our part. The
visitors were statesmen, and came to ascer
tain if it was for the interest of their people
to become more intimate with ours.
William E. Curtis, who is in charge of
the excursion, then delivered a lengthy ad
dress, to which ex-President Caamano, of
Ecuador, responded. Senator Sherman
was called upon to respond to the
toast, "The Congress ot American
States." In the course of bis
remarks be said that he was almost
inclined to be a convert to free trade if that
' free trade was confined to American States.
Loud applause. He wished to see not
only a commercial union but a union of
hearts. He also said: "We want a rail
road from the United States to
Patagonia. An eminent engineer bad
stated that the work was feasible; that it
would cost less money and time and present
less difficulty than works we had already
executed within twenty years past"
Governor Foraker was called upon to
state the resources of Ohio. This be said,
was the newest State the delegates had
visited only 100 years old. They would
see its present resources for themselves.
Ohio had the best people in the world, and
he said it without fear of contradiction.
Becomes Tmbued la tbe South With Blood
Thirsty Business methods Four Killed'
in a Faction Fight Between Farm
era and Prodace Dealers.
Dothen, Ala., October 15. The com
mencement of open hostilities between the
Farmer's Alliance and the local dealers to
day will cost four lives, if not more. The
Alliance men had started a warehouse in
this town and teamed their own prodnce in
for sale. The appearance of the Alliance
men in the business world, antagonized the
merchants of Dothen, and they called upon
the town officers to subject the Alliance
business house to all the taxes and bnrdens
borne by other business houses, and espec
ially to a dray tax.
Thus challenged, the Alliance men looked
upon the potion of the the town men as hos
tile, and bad feeling was aroused. Mr.
George M. Stringer, the manager of the
warehouse, resolved to resist the collection
of license, and to show nis spirit drove a
dray himself. When Marshal Domingo at
tempted to arrest him he resisted by draw
ing a knife. The fight was short, but effec
tive, and Mr. Stringer was pnt nnder bond
to appear to-day. He appeared, but he was
surrounded by about 250 men from the
country, who, armed with pistols and knives,
were a silent but determined looking body
guard. Mr. Stringer was the first man to
break the peace. He flourished a formid
able looking knife and with it fully drawn
-advanced Upon Marshal Domingo1. He was
shot down by Deputy Marshal Parker
Fowell. while another shot killed George
M. Stringer. A shot from an Alliance man
laid the Town Marshal and his deputy in re
tirement, while on the third round Mr. Jeff
Walker, an Alliance man, fell dead. With
the two town marshals mortally wounded
and the two Alliance leaders shot dead, the
crowds became lurious and for an hour the
war waxed warm. The feeling between the
town and country people is intense and fur
ther trouble is feared.
Mahone's Supporters Reject Iiangston 'on
Arr.naot of Color.
wmiT. ncT.HAT TO TITO mniAl'm 1
Washington, October 15. The consul
tation between Prof. John M. Langston, the
colored Virginia "Republican orator and
Mahone's friends at Petersburg last Fri
day threatens to cause a tremendous breach
in the party. Langston met the Mahoneites
for the purpose of arranging terms on which
both could stand with dignity and he could
consistently support the Mahone ticket
All he asked-from them was that his color
should not stand in the way of his proper
recognition. He has a Congressional con
test on his hands which must be tried before
the next House, and he requested, not that
he should be helped if his cause was not
just but that if they found that he had a
good case they should promise not to throw
obstacles in his way because he is a negro.
They scornfully rejected this proposal and
added insult to injury by refusing to let
him take part in the campaign as an orator
before white audiences, saying that he must
confine himself to negro gatherings. His
friends are very angry. Prof. Langston
started for Ohio to-day to take part in the
Foraker campaign.
A Fierce Fight for the Honors In the New
State of Washington.
Spokane Falls, Wash., October 15.
Great interest is being taken in the Sen
atorial question, and members-elect to the
Legislature are being besieged with letters
from rival candidates. It is agreed that
Eastern and Western Washington shall di
vide honors, Walla Walla and Spokane
each having two candidates Brentz and
Allen from Walla Walla, Hyde and
Turner from here. It is difficult to tell the
real strength of the different candidates.
The Walla Walla delegation is divided be
tween Brentz and Allen, who also have
strength in several other counties. Hyde
has his home delegation and a number of
votes in other counties, and his friends
claims 20 of 46 votes west of the Cascade
mountains on tbe first ballot
Allen and Brentz are ex-delegates to
Congress. Hyde is a prominent lawyer;
Turner an ex-judge. The result will depend
largely on the support the candidates can
get in Western Washington. There the
contest is between Allen and Hyde, both
having many friends. For the Western
Senator, Watson C. Squier, of Seattle, it is
generally conceded, has thelead, as he has
not only home support, but many votes on
this side.
Breaking Jail and Medical malpractice
Considered Unpardonable Crimes.
Habsisbubo, October 15. The Board of
Pardons was in session to-day. Pardons
were recommended in the following cases:
J. J. Gaul and W. S. Kerr, Clarion, con
spiracy; Annie Kerr, Lawrence, misde
meanor; Millard F. Hildebrand, Lancaster,
The following were refused: Abe Buz
zard, Lancaster, breaking jail; Charles Gib
son, Lancaster, breaking jail.
Robert H. Crum, of Lycoming, embezzle
ment, was granted a rehearing. A rehear
ing was refused Dr. Jesse M..Lindsey, of
Blair, convicted of malpractice.
The Inter-State Commission Again
Takes Up tbe Case of tbe
Against the Pennsylvania and Tarions
Other Railroad's,
Eioits a Tery Decided Protest .Iron the Attorneys
for tbe Opposition.
The bearing of the case of the Independ
ent Refiners' Association, of Titusville,
against the Pennsylvala and other railroads
was resumed by the Inter-State Commerce
Commission yesterday. Some supplemental
evidence was introduced and a Boston firm
filed a protest as to oil discrimination
against that city. The demand for a con
tract between the Pennsylvania and the
Standard caused a lively discussion.
Washington, October 15. The Inter
State Commerce Commission heard evidence
to-day in the complaint of the Independent
Refiners' Association, of Titusville, against
the Western New York and Pennsylvania,
the Erie, the Delaware and Hudson Canal
Company, the Fitchburg Railroad, Boston
and Maine and the Lehigh Valley Railroad.
The petitioners allege that the present rates
on oil in the barrels are unjust and unrea
sonable, so much so as to render it impossi
ble for independent refiners to compete in
the New England markets.
Franklin B. Gowen, of Philadelphia, and
M. J". Heywang, of Titusville, appeared for
complainants. The Western New York and
Pennsylvania Company is represented by
James D. Hancock. James A. Buchanan,
of New York, is counsel for the Erie. For
the Lehigh Valley and Pennsylvania Rail
roads, Francis L Gowen, B. H. Bristol and
James A. Logan.
Supplemental evidence to prove the in
justice of current oil "rates when shipments
are made in barrels, was introduced by the
petitioners. A somewhat important point
was reached when Lawyer Gowen asked
Logan to produce the contract existing be
tween the PennsylvaniaRailroad Company
and the National Transit, Company, a cor
poration owning a pipe line that is controlled
and operated by the Standard Oil Company.
The attorney of the railroad argued that the
contract referred to related exclusively to
crude oil and was of no concern in the case
under investigation, as the present contro
versy was confined to refined petroleum :
that the pipe line transported nothing but
the crude article. He accused the plaintiffs
of seeking, in advanco of trials in the courts
of these same matters, to exbloit a contract,
the outcome of which is to affect prospective
litigation. It was his opinion that no light
could come to tbe commission in disposing
of the present case by virtue of the prod no
tion of the paper.
the baxlboad plea.
"We are not compelled to criminate our
selves," said he. Mr. Gowen said that be
offered to prove by the paper that it is a
contract entered into between tha Pennsyl
vania Railroad and the Standard Oil Com
pany to the, effect that in consideration'of
its receiving S&per'-cent of the oil carrying
trade the railroad company is to maintain
equal rates. In addition to that, however,
the contract contains a provision nnder
which, instead of giving the oil to the rail
road in the oil region and compelling them
to carry it 450 miles for 62 cents, the pipe
line gives the rail carrier a large quantity
of the product at Milton, a station only 170
miles from Philadelphia.
Kin connection with the hearing to-day,
Mr. Lanrens Maynard, counsel for F. W.
Babcock & Co., wholesale dealers in illu
minating oil at Boston and Providence, sub
mitted a printed statement in which the
company recites alleged improper classifica
tion of oil and unjust and special discrim
ination by the railroads against Boston and
in favor of 'New York, and says that what
ever may be the motives for these apparent
injurious acts of the railroads, the result is
felt in Boston and New England so as to
render it practically impossible for the in
dependent refiners to compete in the New
England markers, and places such markets
practically at the hands of the Standard Oil
Experience With Baby Squalls a Cleans of
Kara! Promotion.
Washington, October 15. It is said
Lieutenant Robert M. C. Brown will suc
ceed Colonel Roming, Judge Advocate
General of the Navy, in 1892, and has been
ordered to duty in the office as a prepara
tory course. He will have the rank of
captain, with the highest pay of the rank,
Other ambitious officers of the navy do
not appear pleased with Lieutenant Brown's
promotion. They say it is another case of
favoritism and family influence. Lieuten
ant Brown is a son-in-law of ex-Senator
Henry O. Davis, of West Virginia, one of
the Democratic delegates to the traveling
Pan-American Congress. Mr. Davis ex
erts ereat influence at the White House.
the members of his family and that of Pres
ident Harrison being old -and intimate
friends. Lieutenant Brown spent the sum
mer at Deer Park, and won great favor
with the President by his devotion to baby
McKee, the autocrat of the White House.
The President never forgets a kindness
shown to the baby.
Recommendations That Are of Espeelal In
terest la .This Vicinity.
Washington, October 15. Brigadier
General Casey, Chief of Engineers, in his
annual estimates, submitted to the Secretary
of War, makes recommendations as follows
tor appropriations for continuing work on
some of the principal improvements nnder
his charge during the year ending June 30,
1891. Among the estimates are: Herr's
Island dam, Allegheny river, $100,000;
Ohio river, 600,000; falls of the Ohio at
Louisville, Ky., 300,000; Cleveland har
bor, $200,000.
The Mississippi River Commission rec
ommends appropriations for the fiscal year
1890-1 as follows: Continuing surveys, $150,
000; from the mouth to the Ohio river,
$4,000,000. Improvements at Hickman,
Kv., Greenville, Vicksburg and Natchez,
Miss., and New Orleans, $1,086,250.
A Remembrance of the Career ofaYanng
Napoleoa of Finance.
Deteoit, Mich., October 1& F. E.
Kearsley, of Bucyrus, O., has begun suit in
the Circuit Court here against Mrs. Nellie
Avery-Auger, daughter of the late Newell
Avery, to set aside two mortgages for $13,
000 on city property held by him.
This mortgage was negotiated in Septem
ber, 1887, by some person to the plaintiff in
the case unknown, but in reality it is one of
the cases engineered by Howard W". Ster
ling, the young Napoleon of finance, who
disappeared two years ago after nis crooked
neea was discovered,
Socialist SfcevltcB Darea Mayer Cregler to
xpel Them From Chicago He Will
Talk With His .nonor Tho
Hissing of the. Flag.
Chicago, Oct 15. Sheviteh, the isarf
who hopes to see the day when the red flag:
will be carried triumphantly through; tha
streets of Chicago, says be proposes to call
upon the Mayor to 'see what the city is going
to do about it After reading areport of the
Socialist convention Snnday afternoon, in'
which it was said the American flag was
hissed, Mayor Cregier is reported to have
said that Sheviteh and his crowd ought to
be drummed otf t of the city. Sheviteh says
he is going to ask Mr. Cregier what he aaeaas
by this language and just how he is going
to work to drum him out of town. He says
that he meant just what he said when he
wished that Chicago would become the
Paris the city of revolutions of America.
Concerning the flag episode, he said : "Tha
American flag was not hissed. , On the con
trary it was greeted with great applause
when it was unfurled."
"What gave rise to the story that it was"
"1 will tell yon. The flags were- brooght
at the moment the Chairman had stepped
forward to call the meeting to orderv The
red flag was first run up and it was cheered.
Then the American flag was unfurled and
placed in position, the audience cheering it
warmly. Some hisses were heard, but they
were not directed against the flag. They
were intended to rebuke those who were de
laying business by unnecessary demonstra
tions. The Chairman, yon will understand,
was all this time waiting to call the meet
ing to order, and I understood the hissing,
to come from those impatient to have the
proceedings opened. I have seen the inter
views with Mayor Cregier and T wonld like
to ask the Mayor on the ground of what laws
of Illinois or the United States he intends
to drum out of the country any organization
of men propagating whatsoever idea as long
as they do not commit any breach of tbe
peace or other crime?"
"Then," Mr. Sheviteh concluded, "the
Mayor objects to my calling the execution
of the Anarchists the greatest crime of the
century. 1 would like to ask him whether,
if the disclosures about the moral character
of certain Chicago policemen and all the
rest of the gang that hounded those men to
death are true, he, as an honest man, really
believes that those men got a fair trial, and
whether he further believes that it was not
an outrage on all sense of justice to pnt men
to death as accessories to an act whose
author was and is unknown. And speaking
Of crimes," continued the distinguished So
cialist, smiling quizzically, "I would like
to ask the Mayor his opinion of the Cronin
trial, and whether a police force whose chief
object has been thus far to cover up a cow
ardly murder, is not the worst gang of An
archists the world has ever sees. As to
putting me out of the city, I might say that
I am an American citizen, and the Mayor, is
welcome to try and do it"
Mr. Sheviteh said he would call on
Mayor Cregier and have a talk with hlmr if
the Mayor wonld reoive him.
Colored Tennessee Democrats WM Try to
Help Defeat Foraker.
Nashville, Tenn., October IS Ata
meeting of the negro Democratic State Com
mittee, held in this city,, to-day following
resolutions were adopted:
Wheeeas, The Republican leaders of the
North are misrepresenting the two races of the
South by, mating Incendiary speeches, wholly
uncalled ior, and which. do more to widen the
breach between the races than anything else,
therefore, belt ""
Resolved, That this committee state to the
colored people of this country thatthe thine
that will do the South and the North more good
than anything else, is a division of the negro
vote. Beit farther
Resolved, That the educated and business
negroes here are doing better, two to one, than
those of the North, ana thatthe wealth of the
Southern negroes is due to aid given them by
the whites. Be it further
Resolved,That the best thing that tha South
ern negro can do is to cease his war policy
upon his white neighbors.
H. C. Smith, of Chattanooga, was selected
to go to Ohio and take part in the campaign
in that State. Negro Republicans here
made an effort to prevent the holding of the
meeting. Delegates were present from
every Congressional district except one.
A Gallant Engineer Saves Three Miners on
a Burning Rope.
Scbanton, October 15 During the burn
ing of the Bellevne breaker of the Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western Company, the
largest in the anthracite coal re
gion yesterday, it was discovered that
three men were at the bottom
of the shaft Thomas Reese, in charge of
the sinking operations, jumped into the
bucket and went down like a flash to
notify the men whom he res
cued, although the rope was on
fire several times during the ascent They
had hardly landed before the heavy sheave
wheel fell down the shaft, the supports hav
ing oeen ournea tnrougn.
New York Advised to Follow Pennsyl
vania's Example la Protecting Girls.
New Yoek, October 15. Coroner Levy
and a jury to-day finished the investigation
of the death of Lizzie GerTach, of Stapleton,
Staten Island, who took carbolio acid on the
morning of September 30 in Bedford Park,
after passing tbe night at the Bowery Hotel
with Frederick Bender, a marrieda man.
The jury found that Lizzie killed herself.
and added this recommendation: "That a
law be made to punish any person that en
tices any young girl from her home for im
moral purposes, and that the proper author
ities be vigilant in enforcing such law."
Bender was discharged.
Heartless Work of Bobbers on a Spring
Held, Ohio, Merchant.
Spetnofhsld, O., October 15. Chris
Hax, a well-known shoe merchant, was go
ing home to-night, when he was sand
bagged and robbed of his gold watch, $7 in
money and other valuables. The thief or
thieves, not yet, satisfied, placed him in the
depths of unconsciousness on the Cleveland,
Cincinnati and St Louis Bailroad track to
be killed bv a train. He lay there for some
time, and about 11 o'clock was accidentally
discovered by a policeman. His face is hid
eously bruised and swollen. There ia no
clew to the perpetrators of the crime.
A Brother of Manager Loftna the Tietlm of a.
Bmtal Murder.
St. Louis, October 15. Frank Loftus, a
brother of Manager Tom Loitns, of the
Cleveland Baseball Team, was shot and
tilled withont provocation to-night Loftus
was a fireman on duty. He stepped across
the street to a saloon, and bought a cigar.
As iHc was coming out the door he accident
ally stepped on Paul McBrlde's foot
M;)Bride is a son of a prominent attorney,
and tlthoueh but 21. is a noted tontrh. He
.follovred Loftus oat on the sidewalk, and
FATCBV Treatst riMm aasarad.
WANTS are always areesatls'-i'esseaaea'
to when advertised la TW5 WsWATCH.
Keal Estate can h sold Me4 adver
1 -.
," .
for the Local Poet?
ke a ShoW of A
Mr. H. P. Ford Constats io. Partm
larize as to lis Sapportws.
J. S. X'mS'S LOSS LIST. 01
Both Caadldatea Confident of WIswtag tho
Plam Mr. Ford Cfaisaa Coggressmm
Datesll's Rights SfcoaloVt he lamed
Mr. MeKean KeHea Coa Qaay swat
His Array of Sobhs Ah Abmsk.
DnpHeatlonln Several Instances Com
phthant Politicians Have Stave Both
Petitions Senator Qaar Interviewed at,
Length He Fears Xo Foe.tMt Wafehea
Wana maker Mr. Ford Haya HeKsyre.,
seats KejmhHcsn Hostlers.
Senator Quay has broken his lesg
on the local postoifiee fight, and he
that he will fight hard and openly fees tMft
out for his candidate. Ma afee fammkm
a list of Mr. McKeaa's signers, tmi Jatttsm
Mr. Ford shows his strength. If ose Ism
formidable list of backers so has the ntiw.
and it is not yet appareat whiah ee win,
win. Boae innay dnpiisatie af
Before leaving far WaaMagto,
Quay submitted to an Interview o the lawf
pofttoffiee fight Last ajght'hle tk;
have It published was gives. It
M. S. Quay has bees able, Uumtm
in Waeaugtea three days age, to Aef-Met
political pnlse and test the prevaisfcas; imtf
meat enough to justify hha iatmn ring Mm
silence of a smmmiied 'elan that he he as
stadioasiy preserved duriag ifee
stages of the Plttsbrg yoitomsi
Thatthe Senator leoseaa his toagme .fe
height of the Boyer oaapaJgn is all UK
more significant Kaay, have she.
reperterkl attempts to seesre his views
theposteSes sitaatiea, tat fee svejeet ka.'
always been adroitly evaded, IMmswMIj'
the local contest has assamed a aatteUbfe
portanee, for a number of Cesfissssnssi jgf
very anxiou to be posted as te toe
which will obtain-in the.Pndnffcn-.
Bntaers of,adlve tags haasas;. I .
reached in the PiHsbwg yisistlsa shaWWaa,
have been prevaketfer several day Sfef
Pestegee Dopartieat-lsiaili hwMr1iy '
edLlhe'rweof-wr! aAeifW
telegrams 'from Pittsburg, aad, th mtmm&
desire id know sometbieg "deisite eV sfc
statas of the contest will oly be ajaenaS,
by speeifio infernmUoB. WWfe tMs Mm he .'
view a Dispatch mas waited mm St,
ator (juay at his home la Beaver.
to his departure for WaskiBstoo.'
patron saint ot Western Pensylwis JWnV
era! emoluments was requested! to Weak Mm
long silence whieh ha bees. TTutntfthjig
upon the subject He does it as foHowec
"Wen," said the Senator, who was k MS
library, wheeling himself around te aa
office chair, "What do you wish me te sayf
-weiL,m wnat eoamuon m toe niisuig
postoffice fight at the present timer"
Matthew Stanley Quay bit o the e4 at a
raadtrro dear and was silent uatfl suaatjf Ma
rings of smoke carled through the n minimi stt'
in close propinquity to bis majesHe brow.
'The Pittsborz nostofice neht." utf -.
Senator, "is la precisely tea same (haste as '
has been since tas 16th of last Marek waesvMM
filing of Mr. McKeaa's petitions was asMest.
"Senator, In a recent interview pwliHaaiata
New York and widely circulated. Canyismwaa
Dalzell claimed that his candidate, Jfr. H.1j
Ford, would be the appointee, beeanse he bail
the support and baekJag of the laaaufteuiBsa"
and business men ef Pittebsnr. What as
you to say in regard to that eJeimf
The Senator craned ht head te eae sMe aae
emitted a puS of smoke. With Ms era
obliquely concentrated upon the nraral deeora
tloas of the ceiling, he said: "In last Sseem.
per, Mr. Paul and Mr.MeKeaa waited aeea.
me in Washington, and requested my sapfort
for Mr. McKean's oaadMaoy. I re paled
that my support wonld be gives te tha
man who brought to waeBtegiea 'the
strongest indorsement f mm the bntmess later. .
estsof PitMbure. I have steadily sanailjA
the opinion that the baetness mes. Ihaati Us .
tate their choice of men for that important yoi
sition, as It is one In regard to waiefc gnsfcm
men have a right to be heard, as their tajliysnw
are directly involved. 1 aJeo teM Me. Mellss a
that if be secured suoh aa indorsement J weaM
support his candidacy, hut if it proved that a
eonldnot command tha aasrehattea et tin
business bouses, I wonld tapport tMaaira
could. This seemed te satisfy the g
and they with drew."
'Did Mr. McKeaa's friends do the
amount of hustling hi his inteteats, Bsaatetf.t,
are 366 pages of closely writtea Barnes ef
burg's foremost citizens on ale la too
Department, constituting tae meet
sive and representative petKtea ever
ted to Washingten ia the Interest of a eeasfti
date for auy postoffice."
"Senator, can you give me the Basses ef
any of the prominent men who oipoTUe Ms.
McKean's causer"
The junior Senator from Fesastvta
studied a moment and then turned te alt desa.
from which he drew forth a saabec of sheetf
of legal cap covered with names eestedvety
"Here are a few hundreds ef the ssaaf
thousand names attached to Mr MeKaaas ae
tition. Ifrou are familiar with Plttstnti's
lndnstries von can decide for veaneKasta
whether these Barnes should have aay wolsht, ,
or whether their bearers are entitled to a viilia
in tbe selection of one of their rearatei
for the postoaee appointment."
Mr. H. P. Ford, President of Seles ,
Council and opponent of James S. MeXeasi '
for tha Pittabnre TXMtaiaatersaiP. was see
at his cheery home, No. 1 Green street, to
the Eleventh ward, last night He was'
informed that The Dispatok was i i
sosseuion of an Interview with asaator '
Quay in relation to the pestoSee1 fight ajtsl
also a nartial list of the Baste of Mr. Xe,
Kean'sbackers for the position. Kr.Fejrsl
was asked if he would like to presort ;
case to the public. He was modestly dster.j
mined to say nothing; but finally constats ,
to make an explicit and , detailed itatssswt
j HANlio
LmSH tfiW- y1 i
u -8 -. -. --- JX
"The Pittsburg postomee ngnt is a mattar
which mostly concerned Congressman Iataftr
for a precedent in the matter has existed fee at
least 25 years, xne appointment
mister at Plttsbanr. is Mr. DaJselTt s
hfiTnnil sit auestion of donbe. Tbe SWtt i
be settled who the patronage hiasaaa f, I
there wui oe no.cafBBreaws hi:
square contest. Ia ratHA te Mr,
list, he had Uspettueatla aettve
least a wees wonnuwirew
11 Bin jlMllWifl