Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 15, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Leading Features of Markets at the
Herr's Island Yards.
Light Bun of Cattle and Prices Were
Fair) j Maintained.
Mosdat. October 14. 1SS9. f
In its general features the lire stock mar
ket at these yards did not vary materially
from last Monday. The run was lighter,
but demand was no better. Sheep were the
weak ieature of the markets. Cattle and
hogs held op fairly to last week's prices.
The supply of cattle was light and mar
kets were fairly steady for all erodes at the
following range of prices: Prime heavy
Chicago bought beeves, weighing 1,500 to
1,600 pounds, S5 25 to 55 40, with a few
sales of very choice as high as S5 50; me
dium weights, 1,350 to 1,450 pounds, $4 90
to ?5 10; do. 1,200 to 1,30.0 pounds, 54 75 to
$4 85; prime light weights, 900 to 1,100
pounds, $4 15 to $4 50; common to fair thin
steers, $3 75 to 54 05. Fresh cows were in ample
supply and sold at a range of 525 to $50 per
head. Speculators and dairy agents were, as
usual, the only buyers, and were at latest ac
counts doing their best c
To Brine Price Down
to a lower level. For four head a farmer paid
5168. Calves were in fair demand at 5QXc per
pound. Butchering stuff from neighboring
counties are in fair supply and demand at 3K
4Jc per pound.
Three loads of Washington county cattle
were sold by a Lowenstein at 53 60ffi4 60. Re
ceipti From Chicago, L. Gerson, 106 head, L
Zeiglor, 141; L. Rothschild, 100: A. Fromm, 47.
From Pennsylvania S. lowenstein, 5S; J.
Cruikshank, 12; Bingham Co- 14: various
owners. 8. Total, 4SS: last week, 653; preTious
week, 539.
Sheep nnd Lambs.
Offerings were light, but markets were slow
at a shade lot,er prices than last week, except
ing for fancy stock. Hogs appear to be shov
ing sheep to the rear. Best heavy Western
wethers sold at a range of 54 75 to 54 S5 and
were far from lively at these figures. Medium
weights brought S4 35 to 51 60: l.ght n eights,
53 S5 to 54 10; mixed ewes and wethers S3 50 to
54 00. Pennsjlvanias sold at a range of 53 50 to
54 75. Lambs were (rood stock and a few fancy
touched higher figui es than were recorded last
Monday. The general range of prices was tic
to 6c per pound. One hundred head of Law
rence county lambs, held by E. D.
Eergeant, averaging 87 pounds, were
cold at 56 35 per 1(0 pounds.
Receipts From Chicago. L Zeicler. 180 bead;
from Ohio, J. Lancdon, 44; from Pennsylvania.
E. D. Sergeant. 109; W. Uarvin, 82: W. Craig, 97;
W. McCrearv, US; J. Hammil. 27; Bingham A
Co., 136: D. O. Pisor, 90; J. Wright, 60; J. Allen,
67; G. Flinncr, 57. Total, 1,063; last week, 1,113;
previous week, 1,449.
Hogs Active and Firm.
The market did not vary much from last
week, but was active and firm at a range of
54 755 00 for Chicagos and Ohios and 54 15
4 65forPennslvanias.
Receipts From Chicago, L Zeicler, 76 bead;
from Ohio, Need,- & Smith, S32; J. Langdon,
102; from Pennsylvania, G. Arnold, 41; W.
Garvin, 42; W. Crai, 14; W. ilcCreaiy, 21; J.
Hammil, 57: Bingham t Co., 60: D. O. Pisor, 34;
J. Wricht, 1;J. Allen, 12; G. Flinner. IS. Total.
34; last week, 1,104; previous eek, 79i
The n n of cattle at East Liberty was the
lightest for a number of weeks, and not more
than one-half that of last week and the week
before. This sharp decline in receipts had a
stimulating effect on trade, and prices ad
vanced fully 10c all along the line. For two
weeks past supplies of cattle for local trade
have been far in excess of demand. This week
they are much below demand.
Sheep and hugs at East Liberty are faitly
steady at last week's prices.
Tlie Condition of XtnMneea at the EaMtlAberty
' ' ' MocCTnrds. w '-i.
Office ofPittsbukg Dispatch,!
Mosdat, October 14, 1689. f
CATTLE Receipts, 3,600 head; shipments,
2,060 bead; market slow; good He lower; me
dium 10c bigher: 26 cars of cattle shipped to
New York to-day.
Hoos Receipts. 6,900 nead: shipments. 4900
bead; market firm; best light Yorkers. 54 50
4 60; common light Yoikers, 54 404 45: me
dium and licht Philadelphia. 54 604 70:
heavy hogs, 54 504 60; 6 cars of hogs shipped
to New 1 ork to-day.
Siieep Receipts. 4,600 bead; shipments, 3,400
head: market firm; prime. 51 704 90; fair to
good, 54 404 65; common, 523: lambs, 54 00
4 To.
By Telecrnph.
New York Beeves Receipts, 6,200 head,
making 15.300 head for the week; fresh arrivals
included 97 carloads for ihe market, 175 car
loads for slaughterers direct and 80 carloads
for exportation: trade dull at abont former
figures, with sales of poor to extra native steers
at 53 004 80 per 100 pourds, with a few nicked
fancy steers at 55 00; poor to quite cood'Texas
and Colorado cattle went at $2 C03 35; bulls and
dry cows at Jl S02 25. Calves Receipts, L200
head, making 4,100 head for the week; market
firm lor veals at 55 O0s 00 per 100 pounds: dull
for grassers and mixed Western lots at 52 00S
00. Sheep Receipts, 11.300 head, makinc 40,
000 head for the week; market about steadv for
both sheep and lambs, and nearly all sold, in
cluding common to prime lambs at 55 256 75
per 100 pounds, and common to prime sheep at
53 85 S7K Hogs Receipts, 13,300 head, mak
ing 4t,300 for the week: market reported fairly
firm for live bogs at 54 404 SO.
Chicago The Drovers' Journal reports:
Cattle Receipts. 18.000 head: shipments, 4,000
head; market steady for good: lower for others;
choit-H to extra beeves, 54 604 SO; steers
52 80i 40: stockers and feeders. SI 7552 90;
cows, hulls and mixed, 51 002 60: Texas cattle,
52 003 25; Western rangers, 51 753 75. Hogs
Receipts, 20,000 head: shipments, 8,000 heaa;
market steadv. light strong: mixed, 54 00S4 40:
heavy. 53 954 30; light, 53 954 60; skips, 53 50
4 10. Sheep Receipts, 10.000 head; shipments.
4,ttX head: market steady for good; others
weaker; natives, 53 004 75: Western, 53 oft
410; Texans. 53 004 10; lambs lower; 54 00
6 65.
Kansas City Cattle Receipts, 6,384 head;
shipments, Saturday, 7,121 head; generally slow
but not materially changed in price, except
Blockers and feeders steers which were strong
and S10c hicher; good to choice cornfed
steers, 54 104 40: common to medium, S34;
stockers and feeders steers. 51 603 10: cows
51 352 40; grass range steers. 51 60g2 6a
Hogs Receipts. 1,441 bead; shipments, blank;
market strong 5e higher; good to choice, light,
54 104 20; heavy and mixed. 53 G54 03.
Sheep Receipts, 2.892 bead; shipments, 116
bead; market steady: good to choice muttons,
53 75Q1 25; stockers and feeders, 52 003 25.
St. Louis Cattle Receipts. 1.600 head; ship
ments, 2.400 bead; market steadv; choice heavy
native steers, 54 0064 50; fair to good, do.
53 154 00: stockers and feeders. 51 752 60;
range steers. 52 002 9a Hogs Receipts,
SL200 bead; shipments, 2,900 head; market
steady; fair to choice heavy, 53 904 20;
packing grades, S3 70g4 10; light, fair to besr,
54 004 25. Sheep Receipts, 500 head; ship
ments, none; market strong; fair to choice,
53 20&g4 6a
Buff aix Cattle slow: receipts, 177 carloads
through; sales, 350; extra export steers, 54 15
4 65: choice heavy butchers' 53 501. Hogs
active and higher; receipts 57 carloads
through: 100 sale; Mediums and heavy, 54 40
4 60; corn vorkers. 54 b04 70; grassers. 54 451
4 65; pigs, 54 254 50.
Cincinnati Cattle Receipts, 2,000 head;
shipments, 440 head; weak; common to choice
butchers, 51 253 50; shippers. 53 604 26.
Sheep Receipts, 900 head; shipments, none;
steady; common to choice. S3 004 50; extra
wethers, 54 755 00. Iambs steady at 54 00
Brazilian Co flee.
Rio de Janeiro, October 14. Coffee-Reg-
AUlar first, 6,300 reis per 10 kifos; good second,
'6.650 reis. Receipts during the week, 50.000
pars, puiwjw" u"nu "wco, ,uw: clear
ances for do. 38,000; stock, 363,000 bags.
Santos, October 14. Coffee Good aver
age. 5.760 reis per 10 kilos; receipts during the
week. 57.000 bags; clearances for the United
States. 25,000; stock, 200.000 bags.
jfirw Yobk-. October 14. Owing to rainy
weather business in drygoods was very light on
the spot the lobbing as well as commission
hon-es doing but little. There were, however,
some good orders by mail for replenishments
as well as for goods for f nture delivery.
Metal MurKcr.
New York Pio iron acttve and strong;
American, 515 E018 CO. Copper unchanged;
lake, October, 510 85. Lead quiet and firm;
domestic S3 90. Tin quiet and firm; Straits,
Nothing sensational In4lbo Wbent PIt
bnt Figures n. Little Stronger Fork
Featureless and Outside Quo
tations Not Maintained.
CniOAGO The wheat market was quiet to
day and the feeling stead; and firm. Nothing
specially developed to affect the course of the
market, which was a local one so far as trading
went. A prominent local trader, who the past
few days did most of the buying and prevented
a further decline, was a desperate seller for
December around S26S2c to-day.
There was apparently no disposition to sell
freely, that is, to go short to any extent, and
what was done on the selling side was mainly
for quick turns. Neither was there any great
buying being done, but one thing noticeable
was that the offerings were not large. The
opening was HxAo better than Saturday's
closing, and quickly advanced a trifle more,
then eased off e, again became strong and
rallied to outside prices, or Kc above inside
figures, and ruled firm, closing about He
bigher than Saturday. Cable advices were
again of a favorable tenor. It is claimed that
the strength in the Liverpool market is due to
some manipulation by a large trader there in
California wheat.
A very good speculative business was trans
acted in corn, and the' feeling prevailing was
quite firm early, but later outside prices were
nut fully sustained. Avery good demand ex
isted for the near futures, and, as offerings
were quite light, an advance followed. There
was some talk early of a decrease in the visible
supply, which had a strengthening effect on
values, as also the purchasing of year and the
near futures by a prominent local speculator.
Offerings of Mav were onite heavv at times.
The market opened a shade above Sat urdaj's
closing prices and advanced $i eased off
iiXc, ruled steady and closed ybic better
than Saturday.
In oats a slow and steady market was noted.
Few outside orders were received, and local
traders onlygave the market passing attention,
and an increase of 901,000 bushels was reported
reported in the visible supply. Offerings for
future delivery were light, and most of the
sales were at the same as Saturday's closing
The mess pork market attracted a little more
attention and trading was a trifle more active.
October met with a little more favor, and there
was an increased business reported in Novem
ber and January deliveries. Prices ruled 25
50c higher for October and 5&7ie higher for
the deferred deliveries, but outside figures
were not maintained.
In lard a moderate trade was reported, and
the feeling was steadier.
In short ribs there was only a fair trade re
ported, and there was no particular change to
note in prices.
The leading prices ranged as follows:
Wheat No. 2. December. S2KS2Jg82i.
82c: year, SO?iSlt0Ji81c: May. BoKfel
Corn No. 2, November, 31U31"S1
SIVic; December, 31W31J.3131kc: May. 33J
Oats No. 2, December. 19J19?6c; May, 22
Mess Pork, per bbL November, 59 37K
9 47KS9 37K9 3iKi year, 59 179 25g9 15
9 15; January, 59 329 37Kg9 && 32k.
Lard, per 100 lbs. NoTember. So 92
5 92KQ5 92K5 92: vear, 55 87K5 S75
5 8a; January, 55 b7i5 87K5 87$ao 87.
Short Ribs, per 100 Sis. November. 54 80
64 854 801 85; January, 54 724 75S4 72
t4 75.
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour
firm and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat, 80
$S0Jc: No. 3 spring wheat. 676Sc; No. 2
red. 80S0c No. 2 corn. 31c. No. 2 oat.
lSJic. No. 2 rye. 41c. No. 2 barley, 62663c No.
1 flaiseed.51 2S. Prime timothy seed, nominal.
Mess pork, per bbl, 510 75. Lard, per 100 pounds,
56 20. Short ribs sides (loose), 55 255 30. Dry
salted shoulders (boxed), 54 254 SO: short clear
sides (boxed). So 505 62. Receipts Flour,
17.000 barrels; wheat, 102.000 bushels: com.226,000
bushels: oats, 212,000 bushels; rye, 17.000 bushels;
barley, 131,000 bushels. Shipments Flour, 31,000
barrels; wheat. 13,000 bushels: corn. 565,000
bu'hels: oats. 229,000 bushels; rye, 24,000 bushels;
barley,b5,000 bushels.
New York Flour Irregular, moderately
active and unchanged. Cornmeal Steady.
w neat spot wean mooeraieiy active ana
stroncer; Northern options moderately active.
Uc higher and firm. Rye dull, western, 48
5Jc Barley quiet; western, 5565c Barley
malt dull. Corn Spot firmer and moderately
active; options firm and quiet Oats Soot fairly
active and H6KC lower; options dnll and
weaker. Hay Fair demand, firm. Hops quier,
steady. Cofleo Options opened steady at 510
points up; closed barely steady, unchanged to
5 points down to 5 points up; sales of 13,250
bags, including October. 15.00c: November,
15.0515.10c; December, 15.0515.10c; January,
15.10c; March. 15.10c; May. 15.0515.10c: June.
la. 10c; August, 14.95c; September. 14.80c;
spot Rio quiet; fair cargoes, ltc
Sugar Raw nominal; refined quiet; off A, &c
lower, closed steady. Siolasses New Orleans,
dull. Rice fairly active and firm. Cottonseed
U quiet and steady; crude, 31c; yellow S7K
3Sc Tallow stronger; city (J2 for packages),
41 3-lGc Rosin steady and quiet. Turpentine
dull.at 47?i4Sc Ecgs steady at 2020c; re-
rolnlc 7 Tift ngpl"io-ai TrT.- nn( nxif
inspected, 512 2512 50; do. uninspected, 512;
extra prime. 510 0010 25. Cutmeats stronger;
easier and quiet: saleft western steam, 56 72U;
October, 56 616 62, closins at S8 61 bid; No
vember, 16 C7 bid; December, 56 29 asked; Janu
ary, 56 2766 28. closinc at $6 28 asked; Feb
ruary, 58 32 asked: March, 56 3766 3S, closing
at 6 38 asked. Butter quiet and easy; Elgin,
25c; western dairy, 915c; do creamery, 1224c;
do held at 1219c: do factory. 713c Cheese
quiet and firm; western, 810c
Philadelphia Flour continued quiet
but steady; Western winter clear, $4425;
do do straight, 54 304 55: winter patent, 54 60
5; Minnesota 54 12: do straight, 54 25; do pa
tent, 54 855 35. Wheat options barelv steady;
cash wheat scarce and firm: No. 2 red October
83g83c: November. S3683Jc: December. 84
;4c; January. 84S5Jic Corn firm, specu
lation tame: sales of ungraded mixed at 40c;
No. 2 mixed and bteh mixed in Twentieth
street elevator, 41c; No. 2 mixed October, 40
choice, 2Sc; No. 2 white, short storage, 28c;
held at 29c regular; futures quiet bnt steady;
No. 2 white, October, 2728c; November.
$512bKc; December. -2SJ4e28c: January,
;&281ic Provisions steady and in fMr de-
mand. Pork mess, new, 511 50612: doprinie
mess, new, SUi do family, 512 5o13 50; hams,
smoked. ll13c Lard Western steam,
56 5a Butter quiet and barely steady: Pennsyl
vania creamery cxtra,2425c: prints do. 2863ic
Kggs steady; Pennsylvania firsts, 23c Cheese
dull and easy; part skims, 79c
St. Louis Flour quiet and steady. Wheat
better. The market was eak early on unex
pected large receipts, both here and in Chicago
and the Northwest: later there was a reaction
and the close was JJc above Saturday: No. 2
red. cash, 77c regular; October. 77JJc, closed
at 78c bid; December, 79S0c closed at S03c
asked: May, 84S4?c, cloed at 8184jc
bid. Corn hicher and firm; No. 2 mixed, casn
282S?ic; October. 29c, closed at 2829c
asked: December. 27K2sJ4c, closed at 2SWc
asked; January, 28c, closed at 2Sc asked: Mav
-.,- i- ;,7 i. .r. j 'i , ' '-
nu iiiu: iitp
o. a ouerau i. tv, .uu u uiu. uaney quiet,
Minnesota, 57c: Wisconsin. 62c Flaxseed
steady at 51 25. Provisions steady and firm at
unchanged prices.
Milwaukee Flour firm. Wheat firm
cash, 73c: December, 75c: Northern, 82c
Corn easier; No. 3. 31c Oats steady No 2
white, 22c Rye qniet. No. L 42U;42c Barley
easy; No. 2 October. 55c Provisions firm.
Pork. 511 oa Lard, 56 ia Cheese unchanged
Cheddars. 910c b
Baltimore Provisions dull. Butter firm
western packed, 13616c; best roll, 6ffil8c
creamery, 23g25c Eggs quiet at 21c Coffee
quiet and nominal: Rio cargoes, fair, 19c
Toledo Cloverteed active, firm; cash and
October, 53 70; November, S3 72; December
53 8a '
The Switch. Bonrd and the Bedford Influ
ent Chamber Figures.
Contracts for the new switch-board for the
fire alarm and the influent chamber for the
Bedford pumping station were let yesterday
by the Department of Awards. The only
bid for the switch-board was that put in by
Gamewell & Co., the amount being $9,135,
the figure at which the contract was let.
" The influent chamber, which will do away
with the Bedford basin, was bid upon bv
J. Schneller at 52,400; Booth & Flinn,
53.450, and M. Gallinger, at 54,745. The
lowest bidder got it. It must be understood
that the switch-board contract is separate
from the annunciator, and other appliances
which will have to be renewed.;
401 Smlthfleld Street, cor. Fourth Avenue.
Capital, 5100,000. Surplus, 545,000.
Deposits of 51 and upward received and
interest allowed at 4 per cent. tts
Time is the true test. F. & V.'a Pilsner
beer grows daily in popularity.
The doctors recommend Wainwright's
beer for purity. Kept by all dealers.
P. &V.'s Pittsburg beer please better
every time. Can't be excelled- 1
Dwellings Cheaper in Philadelphia
Than in Pittsburg, bnt
A Great Tear for Sailroads, Whose Earnings
Make Stockholders Glad.
Philadelphia has a reputation for cheap
rents, and justly, too, so far as dwelline
houses are concerned, but there her claim to
distinction iu this particular ends. Busi
ness house and office rents are 10 to 25 per
cent higher than in Pittsburg. This infor
mation was obtained from Samuel "W.
Black yesterday, who was in Philadelphia
the latter part of last week. He adde'd:
f'The water tax is considerably higher there
than in Pittsburg. For instance, a ten
itoomed house, with bath, closets, etc, costs
515 a year. Here the same bouse would
cost $30- at least Another difference be
tween Philadelphia and Pittsburg is that
people there do not object to buying bouses
that are in a row. Here the objection is so
strong as frequently to prevent sales, the
reason being their antipathy to parti-walls.
Although they come cheaper, the average
Pittsburg house owner or buyer wants the
wall all to himself, and would rather pay
5200 to 5500 more for It than be dependent in
any waT upon bis neighbor."
The story of Increased railroad earnings is a
thrice told tale, and more than that. It is only
a repetition of the extraordinary favorable re
turns that have been presented since mid
summer. Returns are published for the month
of September for 123 companies, which control
71,104 miles of track, as compared with a mile
age of 7I,71o miles one year ago. The aggre
gate of September earnings of the companies
reporting is 532,568,456, an increase of 11.6 per
cent over September, 1838. For August 134
companies reported a gain in gross earnings
over the record for August, 1888, amounting to
10.8 per cent. In July last, as compared with
July, 1880, the increase on gross earnings was
7.8 per cent, and in June it was not quite 5 per
cent Only 36 roads show a loss, and these are
nearly all small lines and affected by special
conditions. The most noteworthy are the At
lantic and Pacific, which is nearly 20 percent
behind hand, and the Hocking Valley propor
tionately a trifle more
At the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn "Foun
der's Day" was observed last week with ap
propriate exercise', and an address by Charles
Pratt was naturally the principal feature.
The aim of the institute, Mr. Pratt said, was to
give facilities for the trial of the best type of
combined academic instruction and mannal
training for boys and girls from 14 years of age
to 17 or 18. The idea was not to teach them
any trade, but to edncate them to work pa
tiently and systematically in the use of hand,
eye and brain. Snch as finished this course,
Mr. Pratt thought, would be able to decide
whatthey were best fitted for in life's work.
Burire the past jear, Mr. Pratt said, over 30
persons bad gone out of the institute who were
now earning an average of 5500 a year, or
more than the interest on 5500,000 in Govern
ment bonds.
The International and Mortgage Bank of
Mexico, with a capital stock of $5,000,000, is the
latest financial venture on a large scale to fol
low the salt trust, and one-half the amonnt of
the stock is to be offered to the public at SS0 a
share. The promoters of this enterprise, says
the Wall" Street Investigator, are obviously
treading an untried field, and any road in Mex
ico may, like Jordan, prove a hard road to
travel. We wish them joy, and would like to
boil the peas in their boots and save them from
encounters with Mexican banditti by the way;
but they will have to fight their own battles and
pay for their ransom with a cheerful spirit as
often as required. Those who are anxious to
go into the banking business in Mexico have
now a glorious opportunity. Let them load up
to the muzzle with the stock. Then, armed to
the teeth, each with a cocked hat and a pair of
spurs, let them organize for the fray and march
into Mexico to defend their all and the bank's
deposits from the avaricious nanas of the Mexi
can bandits and possible revolutionists.
One of the remarkable features about archi
tecture in New York at present is the rapidity
with which buildings are completed, particu
larly the great office buildings in Wall street
and elsewhere down town. Formerly the con
struction of snch buildings was a matter of
years; now they are finished and occupied in a
few months after the foundations are laid.
Nine and ten-story buildings which were only
begun in June are now ready for their occu
The Iron Age wants producers to whistle
"down brakes," and adds: "While every iron
and steel manufacturer desires prices to be
maintained at a point which will yield him a
fair profit on his operations, it may safely be
assumed that there are very few who wish to
see extravagant rates prevail. This satisfac
tory stage of affairs has been reached and
passed. Every point now scored in the up
ward movement is a warmer invitation to idle
blast furnaces or rolling mills to resume activ
ity. Much higher prices will cause new enter
prises to be undertaken where none now exist,
inevitably the supply will overtake the de
mand, then greatly exceed it, and prices will
fall below the point of profit at even well lo
cated and well managed works, to recover
their proper equilibrium only after the long
and expen sive process of weeding out has been
A New York letter says: "Ibere are rumors
in regard to a comprehensive and far-reaching
movement for the control of the market for
barbed wire, but the negotiations have been
carried on with nnusual secrecy, and manu
facturers are very reserved in regard to the
matter, so that there is but little definitely
known to the trade en the subject. The nego
tiations are referred to in the daily press as
looking to the formation of a barbed wire
trust, but we are requested to state by the
parties actively identified with the enterprise
that the proposed arrangement is not of the
nature of a trust. It is thought by some who
are familiar win the matter that it will be
brought before long to a successful issue and
that the result will be a material strengthening
of the market in the lines brought under con
trol." 0NLT TWO SALES.
Stocks Besln Ihe Week Under a Cloud
Cheap Stuff" Wnrited,
There were no sales at the morning stock call
yesterday, bidders still wanting cheap stuff,
w hich they couldn't get. At the afternoon call
there were two sales six shares of Union
National Bank and 200 of La Noria, both scoring
advances, the former reaching the best fleure
in its history. The natural cas stocks showed
no particular change. Electric was stronger.
Central Traction was a shade firmer, bnt the
others were neglected. Bids, offers and sales
ma. Astea
Bid. Asked.
Allegheny Nat. Bank,
thnzens' 'st. Bank...
Diamond Nat. Bank...
iler. & Man. Nat, B'k.
Allemannla Ins. Co...
Tcntonialns. Co
Bonthsldc Oas Co. 111..
Allegheny Heating Ce.
Brldccwater Gas
Cliarllcrs Val. Oas Co.
Nat. Oas Co. of W. V a.
Philadelphia Co
Wheeling Gas Co.......
Hazelwood Oil Co
62)4 ....
Central Traction SI
Citircns'Tractlon 69ii
rittsbnrr Traction.... 47
Pleasant Valley 18
Pitts., A. & Man
Pitts. June K. K 27
N.Y.AC. Oas Coal Co
Mononnhela Bridge.. 25
Fomt Bridge 8M
Hldalco MtnlneCo .,
La Noria Mining Co... M
Yankee Girl Mining... 2H
Westinehonsp Electric 49 if
Granite Kooflng Co
Mon'gahela Water Co
U.S. A Big. Co......... 21
Wcstlnghome A. B
Pitts. June. 1st raort.. 117
Citizens Traction, is.. 10SH
Pittsburg Traction 5's 108
"ix-JOlv. .,
Sales were 6 shares of Union National Bank
at 850. and 200 La Noria at k. F. D. Morris
Co. sold 125 shares of Electric at 49 to 49K
Andrew Caster sold 20 shares of Electric at
49. E. P. Long sold 100 shares Central Trac
tion at 31Ji; so shares Electno at 4 and 20
shares Philadelphia Oas at 3
The total sales ot stocks at Now 1ork ye,ter
dav were 221,771 shares, including Atchison,
62,295; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western,
26.411: Lake Shore, 4.030; Louisville and Nash
ville, 10,960; Manhattan Consolidated, 4.125;
Missouri Pacific, 17,000; Northwestern. 4,680;
Northern Pacific preferred, 8,460; Oregon Trans
continental, 7.807; Beading, 7,300; St. Paul,
The Demand for Money In Plttsbnre Still
Behind the Supply.
The local money market was moderately ac
tive yesterday, there being a fair demand for
accommodations and good checking and depos
iting. Funds were abundant and rates were a
little easier, if anything, though still ruling at
67, with 5 or thereabouts on call, though but
little was doing In the latter, which is a con
comitant of speculation, of which there is next
to none here. The exchanges were 52,538,036 94
and the balances 5265,004 53.
Money on call at" New York yesterday was
comparatively easy, ranging from 57,lastloan
6, closed offered at 6 per cent Prime mercan
tile paper. 5k7.. Sterling exchange quiet but
steady at 54 S2K for 60Kiay bills, and ti S&H for
Closing Bond Quotations.
U.S. 4s,reg 1Z7
U. S. 4s. coup 127
U. 8. 454-s, reg 103!
U. S. IjJs, coup.... 105'
Pacific ta of 'M. 118
LoulBlanastamped4s 87
Missouri 6s 101
81. K. AT. Gen. M . S7M
Mutual Union 6s.. ..1WX
N.J. C. Int. Cert.. .U3
Northern Bac UU..1H
Northern Bac. 2ds. .113
Northw't'n consols. 145
Northw'n detien's..ll4x
Tenn. new set. 6a... 107
Tenn. new set. 5s. ...101
Oregon & Trans. 63.104H
St. L. 4I.M. Uen. 5s 87
St. L.A S. If. Oen.il.lI
Si. Paul consols ....VAX
St. PI, CM &, Pc. 1st. 113
Tx., Pc.L. G.Tr Bs. MM
renn. new set. S3.,
Canada So. zds...
Cen. ra.clflc.lsts..
Den. ft U. O., lsts
lien, s, it. u. 43..
ix.,icicu.iT.iicu ";
Union Pae. lst H3!4
West Shore 106H
D. ft K.O. West, lsts. 110
Erle,2ds WH
U.K. ST. Gen. Cs.. 6351
Government bonds were doll and steady.
State bonds were neglected.
NEW Yobk Clearings, 586.102,944; balances,
Boston Clearines, 51,001,066 ; balances,
51,951,097. Money, 34 per cent.
Baltimore Clearings. 52.370.552; balances,
PHn-ADKLPHlA Clearings, 510,559,957; bal
ances, 51,887,384.
London The amonnt of bullion cone into
the Bank of England on balance to-day is 270,
000. Bar silver, 42 15-16d per ounce.
Paris Three per cent rentes, 87f 15c for the
St. Louis Clearings, 54,671,200; balances,
Chicago Money on call, .6 per cent;
time loans, 67. Clearings, 512,769,000.
Oil CoqaetlnK Around a Dollnr, With Very
Llltle Doing.
The oil market yesterday presented a scene
ot stagnation that was discouraging to even
professionals, and it must have been a
veritable wet blanket to such of the lambs as
were in the loDby. It opened at 100, ad
vanced to 100, declined to 99, rallied and
closed at 100. The rallies were caused by the
shorts covering a little, and the slumps by the
anxiety of the longs to earn an honest penny
bv the advance. Trading, however, was light
ail alone the line. Saturday's clearings were
294,000 barrels.
Features of tho Market.
Corrected dally by John M. Oasiey Co., 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened ICO (Lowest 99K
Highest lOOXlciosed 100 ..
Average runs 5 490
Average shipments 82,893
Average charters 40,956
Refined, New York. 7c
KeflneC, London. 6)f1.
Refined, Antwerp, 17Mf.
Kenned. Liverpool, 6 l-16d.
A. B. McGrew & Co. qnote: Puts, 99?c;
calls, 51 00X1 00.
Olber OH Markets.
On. Crrr. October 14. National transit
certificates opened at 51 00; highest, 51 COM:
lowest, 99c; closed, 51 00c
Beadford, October 14. National transit
certificates opened at 51 00; closed at 99Jc;
highest, 51 0U; lowest, 990.
TITC8VII.I.E, October 14. National transit
certificates opened at 51 00; highest, 51 00;
lowest, 99c; closed at 51 0U.
New York, October 14. Petroleum opened
steady at 99c, and after a slight advance the
market became quiet and remained so until
the close, which was steady at 99c. Stock Ex
change: Opening, 99c; highest, 99Mc; lowest,
99Kc: closing, 99c. Consolidated Exchange:
Opening, 51 00; highest, 51 0rc. lowest, 99fc;
closing, 99Jc. Total sales, 459,000 barrels.
Bnyera and Sellers of Realty Pat Their
Bends Together.
C. Beringer Son, No. 103 Fourth avenue,
sold to Isaac Goldman for Thomas B. Cook the,
brick dwelling No. 122 Washington street for
W. A. Herron ASons sold a new frame dwell
ing of six rooms and modern conveniences, with
lot SOxloO feet, on the north side of Claybourn
street, Shadyside, for 53,650.
Black fc Baird, 95 Fourth avenue, sold to
Frank A. Hopper two vacant lots, being Nos. 1
and 2 in J. Bunlevy, Jr.'s Linden Place plan of
lots, in the Twenty-second ward, city, each
having a frontage of 22$ feet on Linden ave
nue by 120 feet to an alley, for 51.100.
Baltensperger Williams, 154 Fourth avenue,
sold to Antonia Barckya two-storv brick dwell
ing in the Sixth ward," city, for 85,800.
Samuel W. Black Co., 99 Fourth avenue,
sold threeinore lots in the Blair estate plan of
lots. Twenty-third ward, situate on the corner
of Lytle and Elizabeth streets, having a front
ot 83 feet on Lytle street and extending back
120 feet along Elizabeth street to a 20-foot alley,
for 51,800.
Railroad Shares Feverish and Unsettled,
Thongh Final Prices Show Fraction
nl Gains Over Saturday Bonds
More Active, bnt Heavy.
New Yobk, October 11 The stock market
was exceptionally feverish, unsettled and, in
portion weak to-day, though the general run
of railroad stocks were well supported and a
few displayed undoubted strength. The indus
trial stocks were the weak spot in the market,
and they served to check the advancing ten
dency which was shown in the regular list
whenever tho pressure was lifted for a time.
The favorable bank statement of Saturday,
with the higher figures fromLondon this morn
ing, and the foreign buying made the opening
of the markat strong and moderately active,
first prices showing advances over Saturday's
closing figures of from to per cent
Atchison early became the strong point in
the market, and while the buying was chiefly
on the expectation that the plan of reorganiza
tion to be given out to-morrow wonld bo one of
positive value, and acceptable to the security
holders of the company, the August statement
showing an increase of over 5265,000 in net
earnings was undoubtedly of great influence in
making the advance. A few other stocks
showed positive strength, among which Jersey
Central and Cleveland. Columbus, Cincinnati
and St Louis were most prominent, the last
named being bought by insiders with consider
able talk of a dividend.
The trusts resumed their old time promi
nence in the market, and were raided vigorous
ly throughout the entire day, and while most
of the buying had the appearanco of coming
from insiders, there did not seem to be any
real support in the market. There was still no
decision in the North River Refinery case,
thongh it was held up as a bugbear to the hold
ers and would-be buyers of Sugar. The stock
was knocked off from 83 last Saturday to 78Jf,
and rallied slightly, but another raid sent the
price down to 76H,and It closed weak at 76
Cotton Oil had an appearance of strength at
the opening, but tho stock was raided with
Sugar, and while there appeared to be scaled
buying orders they were not of sufficient mag
nitude to stop the decline, and it dropped from
43 to 38J, recovering to 4C.
The Coal stocks, with the exception of Jersey
Central, were rather weak, and Lackawanna
was subjected to considerable pressure, as was
also Missouri Pacific, but the impression made
upon them was slight. Manitoba and Canada
Pacific, upon a story of an alliance between
them, were qnitn strong, though very dull,
while the Chesapeake ana Ohios were strong in
a moderate volume of business for those shares.
The market continued feverish and unsettled
the entire day, and finally closed rather heavy,
though the final prices are fractionally higher
than those of Saturday in all hut a few In
stance?. Atchison Is up 2K Jersey Central 2
and Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and St.
Louis Ki, while Sugar is down 6V and Cotton
Railroad bonds were a shade more active to
day, but the general tone of the market was
rather heavy. The sales of all issues reached
The following table snows the prices or cuts
stocks on the New York stock Excnange yester
day. Corrected daily for Taz Dispatch by
Whitney ft Stephenson, oldest Pittsburg mem
bers of New York Stock Exchange, 7 Fourth ave-
ing Bid.
126 Vs
Am. cotton Oil 43
Atcn.. Top. Jta.r..., 29K
Canadian Pacific 70S
Canada Southern S4
Central ofNew Jersey.l25H
Central Bacilli. 34U
Chesapeake A Ohio.... UK
C.. Bur.& OaliicT.....108H
C., Mil. a St. Baul.... 71
p.. Mll.&Ht. P.. pr,...114!4
C., KockL 4P 100
C. St. U & Pitts
C, St. L. Pitts, pf.
C.. St. P..M.&O
C. A .Northwestern UIU
C.4 Northwestern, pf. ....
C., C, O. & 1 75
C., C, C 4L, pf 69X
Col. Coal it Iron
Col. ft Hooking Vat
Dei.. L. 4-W. 143K
Del. ft Hudson...; ISO
Denver Bio O.. pi... BIX
E.T.. Va.40a ....
B.T..VS. ftOa. lit pr. ...
JC T.. va. AGs. 2dpf. ....
Illinois Central. ....;. 117
Lake Erin ft Westerrf.. 1BH
Lake Krieft West. pr.. 64
Lake Shore ft M. 8 106
LoulsvUie&Nashvllle. 81
Michigan central 03
Mobile uhio 14)4
Mo.. Han. ft Texas
Missouri Pacific 71
. .. L.E.& W 293
N. Y a ft St. L,
N. Y., O. ft St.Ii. pr.. 63
N.Y., C. ft8t.t-.2dpl ....
N. Y&N. B 46M
. Y.. O. ft W ISh
Norfolk ft Western
Norfolk Western. pi. 66J4"
Northern Pacific 33X
Nortnern Pacific nret 75M
Ohio ft Mississippi
Oregon Improvement. 52Jf
Oregon Transcon 3S
Peo. Dec. ft Kvans
Phlladel. ft Beading.. 4S
Pullman Palace Car.. .189
Rlchmona ft W. P. T 22
Klchmond A TV.P.T.nl K)
8t. P.,, Minn, ft Man. .117)4
St. L. ft ban Fran
St. L. ft san JTran pf.. K
St.L. ft San r. 1st pf.. ...
Texas Pacific 20
UnlonPaoIflo 65X
Wabasn 1634
Wabash preferred 11
Western Union Hlf
Whaling ft L. X. TlX
Sugar Trust 83
esL. 43H
U2 112J4
S2ft KX
45 45
189 180
23 22
80 m
118 117
MM 56
20" 20"
65 64
31 31
85V 85
71 71
83 76M
23 23
57 S7
national Lead Trust.. Z3K
Chicago Oas Trust..
Philadelphia Stock.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia. stocks, fur
nished by Whitney ft Stephenson, brokers. No. 57
Fourth avenue, Members New York Stock Ex
Pennsylvania Katlroad. ....". 54
Beading 22
Bufialo. Pittsburg and Western 9
Lehigh Valley 53
Lehigh Navigation 53
Northern Pacific 32
Nortnorn Pacific preferred 75
Boatnn Stocks.
Atch. 4 Too.. 1st 7s. 109
A.ftT. LandOr't7s.l00
Atch. ft Top. K. K... 31
Boston ft Albany.. .215
Boston ft Maine. ....216
Rutland preferred.. 45
Wls.Central.com... 29
AlIouezMgCo H
Calumet ft Recla....218
Kranaiin tU
C. B. ta 108 Huron.
Clnn. Man. ft Clere. 22 Osceola. .
... 9
.. 2
.. 49
... 6
II 5
Kastern K. B 109 Pewablc
rilntftPereM. nfd. 93 Onlncr...
Mexican Cen. com.. 14 Bell Telepnone.,
aiex.u.istmtg. oas. gg Boston Lana....
N. Y. ft New Kng. .. 46 W ater Power.,
Ogd.4Ij.Cham.com. 6 Tamarack.,
Old Colony. 175 San Diego.
flnalnrsft Notes.
E. B. Jenkins has been elected a member of
tho Exchange.
The available balance iu the National Treas
ury is 0,091,780.
The national bank depositories bold $41,929,
288 Oovernment deposits.
J. N. Ricbabtjs is no longer a member of the
Exchange having sold his stock.
Twenty-tbeee mortgages were recorded
yesterday, the largest being for 54,400.
R. J. Stonev, Jn., has returned from a trip
to the West, and was on 'Change yesterday.
Philadelphia expects a boom in the iron
trade, with pig iron selling up to at least $20
per ton.
Rea Bros. & Co. sold 83,000 Maryland Cen
tral Railway general mortgage 6 per cent bonds
at 95 flat.
The Oovernment figures on the October crop
report are taken in Chicago to mean a wheat
crop of 493.000,000 bushels.
Nearly all the bank stocks are very firm
and some of them are higher. Six shares of
Union National sold yesterday at 350, the high
est price ever realized for it.
La Noria mining stock is coming to the
front again. Two hundred shares sold at
yesterday, and ii and were offered for any
amount of it. Holders asked 1 at the close,
and were not particularly anxious to sell at
The Pennsylvania Railroad reports that the
quantity of coal and coke originating on and
carried over its lines east of Pittsburg and Brie
for the week ending October 5, was 321,375 tons,
of which 227,295 tons were coal and V4,080 tons
S. W. Hill, Pittsburg Meat Supply Com
pany, corner of Church avenue and Anderson
street, Allegheny, sold for N elson Morris fc Co.,
for the week ending October 12, 131 carcasses
of beef, averaee weight 595 pounds, at an aver
age price of 5 24 per 100 pounds.
The monthly report of the condition of blast
furnaces in the United States shows 313 in
blast and 286 out of blast. The weekly tonnage
of those In operation is 153,546, and from those
idle 79,975. In the bituminous or coke furnaces
in blast there is an increase in capacity of 11,
463 tons since September L
Dr. Lee, ot the Stole Board, Inspects and
Condemns Butchers' Ran.
Dr. Benjamin Lee, Secretary of the State
Board of Health, made his long promised
tour of the Butchers' Bun district yesterday
morning, accompanied by Drs. McClellan
and Thompson, of this city, resident mem
bers of the State Board, Health Officer
Bradley, of Allegheny, and Messrs. Ebbert,
Einstein and Curry, of the Allegheny Health
Committee of Councils.
Starting from the head of the run the
party inspected it on foot, and at every step
were confronted with evidences of singular
negligence in the disposal of garbage, offal
and general rubbish. Dr. Lee' was amazed
at the condition of affairs, and said that it
was plain to be seen that the butchers who
have so streriuously denied any responsi
bility for the horrible stench and clogging of
the run were plainly culpable. He ex
pressed strong condemnation of the guilty
"When the tour had been concluded Dr.
Lee said that he would officially notify the
Allegheny' Health Committee that the State
Board would make use of its police powers
to aid the committee in the construction of
an adequate sewer. Dr. Lee expressed his
approvai of the city garbage iurnacc and
the Herr's Island abattoir and said that
there was no excuse for the condition of
Butchers' Bun.
The action of the State Board will be sub
ject, to Dr. Lee's recommendations, and it is
believed that something will be done to
abate the nuisance permanently.
Bla Father Negligent.
Coroner McDowell held an inquest in the
case of Frank Keam who was killed at
Oliver's South Eleventh street mill. The
jury decided the men disobeyed orders in
piling up the pipes ou a weak platform, and
the boy's father was negligent iu allowing
his son to work under the platform.
Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special pff crings this week ia
For largest assortment and lowest price call
and see us,
15, 1889;
Monday's Produce Trade Depressed
by Eawf Damp Weather.
Choice Grades of-Cereals Steady and Cora
moil Stall Weak.
Office or Fittsbubo Dispatch, I
Monday. October 14, 1883.
Country Produce Jobbins Prices.
A raw, rainy Monday morning is not calcu
lated to boost produce trade. Buyers were
scarce and markets were slow. The week is
too yo nng to d e velop any new features. Dairy
products are steady at old rates. Choice eggs
are firm enough to go higher. Large quantities
of potatoes are coming to market from the
Northwest and the drift of prices is toward a
lower level. Our shortage a couple of weeks
ago has been sufficiently advertised to bring an
over-snpply to- this marker. Apples, too, are
overdone and the movement is slow. Cool
weather and the wane of other fruits has stim
ulated the tropical fruit trade in the past few
days. New layer figs from Italy and Spain and
new dates have put in their appearance within
a few days.
Butter Creamery, Elgin. 2830c; Ohio do,
2627c; fresh dairy packed, 2325c; country
rolls. 216122c.
Beans Navy hand-picked beans, 2232 40;
medium. 52 302 4a
Beeswax 23S30c Vt & for choice; low grade,
Cideb Sand refined, 16 507 60; common,
S3 G04 00; crab cider. 8 008 50 ? barrel;
cider vinegar. 1012c T gallon.
Chestnuts U 004 60 per bushel.
Cheese-Ohio, lllljic; New York, HVc;
lilmburger. 9K10Kc; domestic Bweitzer,lU
13c: imported bwcitzer, 23c
Egos 22c f! dozen for strictly fresh.
Fbuits Apples, S2 00275 w barrel: grapes.
Concords, 4ac fl pound, Catawbas, 68c,
Delawares, 79c; Bartlett pears, $5 00 barrel;
quinces. 17 003 00 fl barrel; cranberries. Jer
seys, 53 003 25 tjR bushel box; Malaga grapes;
large parrel, $8.
r'EATHEBS Extra live ceese, 6060c; No. 1
do. 4043c; mixed lots, 3U33c ft &.
Poultry Live spring chickens, 40loc $1
pair; eld, 6570c pair.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 fts to bushel, (3 00
5 23 bushel; clover, large English, 62 as, 13 6u;
clover, Alsike, S3 00; clover, white, 19 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 lbs, SI 60; blue grass, extra
clean, 14 &s. 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 As, SI 00;
orchard grass. 14 fts, Jl 63; red top, 14 tts, II 23;
millet, 50 tts.'Sl 00; German millet. 50 tts, 11 50;
Hungarian crass, 50 lis, $1 00; lawn grass,
mixture ot fine grasses, ?2 50 ?1 bushel of 14
Tallow Country, 4Jc; city rendered, 4J
Teopical Fruits Lemons, common, 54 50
5 00; fancy. 5 506 00; oranges. S4 505 00;
bananas, 2 00 firsts, SI 60 good seconds, $)
bunch; cocoannts, $4 004 60 fl hundred; figs.
80c f) &; dates, 5Xtc V fi; newlayerfigs,
14K16Kc: new dates, TKc y ft.
Vegetables Potatoes, SI 5001 75 fl bar
rel: tomatoes 6575c bushel; wax beans, 75c
fl bushel; green beans, 4050c fl bushel cu
cumbers, 2 252 0 fl bushel; cabbages, tt 00
65 00 a hundred: celery, 40c fl dozen; Southern
sweet potatoes, 2 002 25; Jerseys, t2 75.
Gbeex Coffee Fancy Klo. 2223Kc;
choice Rio, 2021c; prime Bio. 20c; low grade
Bio, 1819Kc; old Oovernment Java, 27c; Mar
acaibo, 2324c; Mocha, 2S29c; Santos, 20
23c; Caracas, 2123c; peaberry, Klo, 2325c;
Li Uuayra, 2223c
Boasted (in papers) Standard brands,
23Kc; high grades, 25J2e$e: old Govern
ment Javar bulk. 31K2c; Maracaibo, 26
27c; Santos, 2123c; peaberry. 26c; choice Rio.
24c; prime Rio, 22c; good Rio. 21c; ordi
nary, 21c
Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c: allspice, 8c;
cassia, 8c; pepper, 18c; nutmeg, 70380.
Petboleum (Jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c;
Ohio, 120, 8c; fieadlignt, 160, SKc; water
white, 9c; globe. 1414Kc; elalne, 14)Jc; carna
dlne, llc; royalme. He: globe red oil, 11
STRUTS Com syrups, 2629c; choice sngar
syrups, 33SSc; prime sugar syrup, S033c;
strictly prime, 3335c; new maple syrup, 00a
N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c; choice, 46c;
medium, 43c; mixed, 4042c
Soda Bi-carb in kegs, 3K4c; bi-carb in X.
5c; bi-carb, assorted packages, &Q6c; sal
soda in kegs, lj,c; do granulated. 2c
Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine, fl
set. 8Kc; paraffin e, ll12c
Bice Head, Carolina, 77Kc; choice, 6K
7c; prime. 56Vc; Louisiana, 6&Kc.
Starch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, 56c; gloss
starch. 57c
Foreion Fruits Layer raisins, S2 65; Lon
don layers. $3 10; California London layers,
S2 50; Muscatels, $2 25; California Muscatels,
SI 85; Valencia, 8c; Ondara Valencia, 910c;
sultana, 8Uc; currants, 55c; Turkey prunes,
45c; French prunes, 813c; Salonica
prunes, in 2-B packages, 8c: cocoannts, fl 100,
16 00; almonds, Lan.. fl fi, 20c: do. Ivlca, 19c;
do, shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap.. 1215c; Sicily
filberts. 12c: Smyrna fies. 1216c: new dates.
5Gc; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans, Il15c; citron,
fl ft, 2122c; lemon peel, fl ft, lS14c; orange
peel, 12Kc
Dried Fbuits Apples, sliced, per fi, 6c,
apples, evaporated, 8c; apricots, Califor
nia, evaporated, 1215c; peaches, evaporated
pared, 2223c: peaches. California, evaporated,
unnared, 1012c; cherries, pitted, 2122c;
cherries, un pitted, 56c; raspberries, evapor.
ated. 2424Kc; blackberries, 7Sc; huckle
berries. ioai2e.
Sugars Cubes, 8c; powdered, 8J4c; granu
lated, 7c; confectioners' A, 7Jgc; standard A.
8ic: soft whites, 7j47c; yellow, choice, 7
7Kc: yellow, good, b66Kc; yellow, fair, 6c;
vellow. dark. SHc
Pickles Medium bbls (L200), J5 75; medi
um, half bbls (600), S3 25.
Salt-No. 1. fl bbl, 95c: No. 1 ex. fl bbl, SI 05;
dairy, fl bbl, SI 20, coarse crystal, ft bbl, SI 20;
Higgins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks; S2 80: Higgins'
Eureka, 16-14 ft pockets, S3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches. S2 00
2 25; 2ds. SI 501 65: extra peaches. 52 402 60,
pie peaches, 95c: finest corn. SI 001 50; Hid. Co:
com, 7090c; red cherries, 90cSl: Lima beans.
SI 10; soaked do, 85c; string do, 7585c: mar
rowfat peas, SI 101 15; soaked peas, 7075c
pineapples, SI 401 50; Bahama do, S2 75; dam;
son plums, 95c; greengages, SI 25; egg plums,
$2; California pears, S2 60; do greengace. S2; do,
cge plums, 52: extra white cherries, $2-90; red
cherries, 2 fts. 90c: raspberries, SI 401 50;
strawberries. SI 10; gooseberries. Si S01 40;
tomatoes, 90cl 00; salmon, 1-ft SI 752 10;
blackberries, 8ucsuccotasb, 2-ft cans, soaked;
99c; do green. 2 fts, SI 2S1 60; corn beef. 2-ft
cans. S2 03; 14-ft cansrS14 00: baked beans, SI 15
1 60; lobster, 1-ft. SI 751 80; mackerel 1-ft
cans, broiled, SI 50; sardines, domestic 34s,
$4 2o4 50; sardines, domestic K'- S7 257 50;
sardines, imported. s, 511 6012 50; sardines,
imported, s, SIS; sardines, mustard, S3 50;
sardines, spiced. S3 50.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel. 338 ft
bbl.: extra No. ldo, mess, $40; extra No. 1
mackerel. Shore 532; extra No. 1 do, messed,
36; No! 2 shore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4cft ft; do medium, George's cod.
6c; do large, 7c; boneless hake, in strips, 6c; do
George's cod in blocks, 6K7Ks. Herring
Round shore, 85 00 fl bbl; split, 57 00; lake,
2 00 fl 100-ft half bbl. White fish, S7 00 fl 100
ft halt bbl. Lake trout. So 50 fl half bbL Fin
nan haddock, 10c fl ft. Iceland halibut, 13e fl
ft. Pickerel, K bbl, S2 00; i bbl, SI ID; Poto
mac hcrnng, to 00 fl bbl. 82 50 f H bbl.
Oatmeal 56 30C CO fl bbl.
Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 5557o
fl gallon. Lard oil, 75c
Grain, Floor and Feed.
Receipts as bulletined at the Grain Exchange,
47 cars. By Pittsburg, Ft Wayne and Chicago,
8 cars ot hay, 2 of feed, 8 of flonr,2 of bran, 5 of
oats, 3 of barley, 1 of middlings, 3 or com. By
Pittsburg, Cincinnati aqd St Louis, 1 car of
corn, 1 of oats, 1 of hay, 2 of wheat By Pitts
burg and Western, 3 cars of hay, 4 of oats, 1 of
brhn.. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 1 car of com,
1 of hay, 2 of floor, 3 of wheat Sales on call,
4 cars of No. 2 white oats, 27c, 10 days' deliv
ery. Cereals have developed no new features
thus far since the close of last week. Good
coods are steady, but low grades are slow.
Prices below are for carload lots on track.
Wheat New No. 2 red, 8586c; No. 3. 81
CORN No. 2 yellow, ear, 4S44c; high mixed,
ear, 4243c: No. 2 yellow, shelled. 40c; high
mixed, shelled, S940c; mixed, shelled, S8
Oats No. 2 white. 2728c; extra. No. 3,
2BK27c;' mixed, 2425c
Hye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 505Ic;
No. 1. Western, 48S19r; new rye, No. 2 Ohio,
4516c .
Flour Jobbing prices Fancy winter and
sprint patents, $5 005 60; winter straight,
S4 254 50; clear winter, 84 0C4 25: straight
XXXX. bakers', S3 503 75. Rye flour, J3 60
4 75.
MlLLFEED Middlings, fine white, S18 00
16" 60 fl ton; brown middlings, S13 00I3 50: win
ter wheat bran, Sll 50U 75; chop feed, S15 50
18 00.
Hay Baled timothy, choice, S14 00Q14 23;
No. 1 do, S12 00012 50; No. 2 do. Sll OOgll 60;
loose from wsgon, til 0013 00, according to
quality; No. 1 upland prairie. $8 60g0 00; No.
2, ST 0087 50: packing do, 57 607 75.
Straw OaW, S6 607 00; wheat and rye
straw. SO 006 25.
Ttntm ant & thirls il?her at Chleacro. smd
products axe steadier. lord ia fm ana the J
tone is firmer all along the line than It was a
west ago.
Sugar-cured hams, large, lOJics sugar-cured
hams, medium, HVic; sugar-cured bams, small,
llc; sugar-cored breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar
cured shoulders, 5c; sugar-cured boneless
shoulders, 7c; sngar-cured California bams. 7c:
sngar-cured dried beef fiats. 9Je; sugar-cured
dried beef sets, lOKc; sugar-cured" dried beef
rounds, 12Vc: bacon shoulders, 6c; bacon
clear sides, 7c; bacon clear bellies, 7Kc: dry
salt shoulders, 5c; dry salt clear sides, 7c,
Mess pork, heavy, Sll 50; mess pork, family.
512 00. Lard Refined, in tierces. OKct half
barrels, 6c; 60-ft tubs. 6c; 20-ft pails, 7c; 50
ft tin cans. 6Vc: 3-ft tin nails. IXc: 5-ft tin
pails, 7c; 10-ft tin palls, 6c; 5-ft tin pails, 7c; 10
& tin palls. 7c Smoked sausage, long. 6c;
large, 5c Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless
hams, 10Kc Pigs feet, half barrel, 4 00; quar
ter barrel, S2 15.
Dressed Kent.
Armour & Co. furnished the following prices
on dressed meats: Beef carcasses 450 to 550 fts,
6c; 650 to 650 tts. 6c; 650 to 750 fis, 607c
Sheep, 8c fl fi. Lambs, 9o fl ft. Hogs, cc
Fresh pork loins, 8c
Two Accidents
A pulley fell on Neal Conway in the)
Keystone mill and cut an ugly gash in his
head. Albert Ellis was fishing on the wall
at Lock No. L He fell off into a boat, 20
feet below, and was seriously injured.
A pore dry Soap in powdered form. The great
labor saver and quick cleanser) without injury to
hands or fabric. Economical, pore and good.
Beats the world for cleaning glasses, windows,
houses, dishes, milk pails, milk cans, clothes, c.
Keeps moths out of carpets, bureaus, &c. See
that you get BELL'S SOAPONA-Red Packages.
R. W. BEa MFG. CO., Bnffato. Y,
Simply apply "Swaiss's OnniEiT." Ho In
ternal medicine required. Cures tetter, eczema.
Itch, erysipelas, all unslKhtly eruptions on the
face, hands, nose, etc., leaving the skin clear,
white and healthy. Its great beallngand curative
powers are possessed by no other remedy. Ask
your druggist for SWAT2rx1s.OiHTMST. se24
A. purely Vegetable
Compound that expels
all bad humors from the
system. Removes blotch-'
es and pimples, and
makes pure, rich blood.
Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Brexe,
Morgan & Co., New York. Passports procured.
Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Petroleum.
Private wire to New York and Chicago.
45 SIXTH ST' Pittsburg.
A Home Security,
Fiye Per Cent Interest
The FidelityTitle and Trust Company offers
for sale, at 1 02K and accrued interest, a lim
ited number ot 30-year first mortgage bonds of
the H. C. Frick Coke Company, the capital
stockpf which is t5.000.fXMl fully paid In.
These bonds are redeemable by a sinking
fund at the rate of $100,000 per annum, at Jl 05.
commencing Jnlv 1, 1894, interest being payable
semi-annually. January and, July 1, at the
office of this company.
We have carefully examined into the sound
ness of this security, and can recommend it as
oneot the most desirable' investments on the
121 123 Fourth avenue.
sel53 Pittsburg. Pa.
Bailing every Wednesday from Philadelphia
and Liverpool. Passenger accommodations tor
all classes unsurpassed. Tickets sold to and
from Great Britain and Ireland, Norway, Swe
den, Denmark, etc
General agents, SOT Walnut sL. Philadelphia.
Full Information can be had of J. J. McCOB
BIICK, Fourth avenne and Smithfleld street;
LOUIS MOESER, 618 Smithfleld street
Royal and United States Mill Steamers
Teutonic, Oc.lG, 10-JOa m
Tentonlc, Nov. 13, 9am
Germanic, Nov. 10,3 pm
Adriatic Dec 4,1pm
uermanie, uct. 3, ipm
Britannic, Oct. 30,10am
Adriatic Nov. S, 3pm
jrrom v niie star oock1
root or wei iei:uist
Second cabin on these steamers. Saloon rates.
S50 and upward, second cabin. S3S and upward,
according to steamer and location of berth. Ex.
cnrslon tickets on favorable terms. Steerage P.
White Star drafts payable on demand In all the
principal banks throughout Great Britain. Ap
ply to 5eHN J. MCCOBMICK, 401 Smithfleld St.,
Flttsbnrjr, or J. BKHCKI3MAX, General Agent,
41 Broadway, New Yore. oell-D
To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin
and Liverpool.
Cabin passaee 35 to $50, according to location
of stateroom. Excursion SSS to (90.
Steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Bates.
AUSTIN BALDWIN & CO.. General Agents,
S3 Broadway, NewYorK.
J. J. MeCORMICK. Agent, Pittsburg. Pi.
Bold by alt stove dealers. Manufactured by
8tt and 884 LIBERTY STREET.
MQHaV9NfsW ' sssssHl
Merchants Ttsitfeg the oMy wffi Sad it. to
their interest to iasfeet oh COMPLBrKJ
line of -Si
Ladies', Misses' ami Children's
IPlttsbvtrsr, PswaH
JAS. D. CALLERY......... PresWeMj
Capital and surplus. HX.86&.
Transacts a General Banking
JsM you want to know what yes. oas lata
f. snow, sena ior special oirenur rfjHVWfl
a prompt ana permmneat cw9 z frerrsw
Debility. Weakness etc Price per box. WBf; ,
CHESTER t CO.. Chemists. Mfe, Wttim M
N.Y. myMW-TTWIrar '
MEDICAID,.. jjf;
As old residents know and back ale of
burg papers prove, is the oldest estaM
ana most prominent pnysician in ise otsr, y-Je
voting special attention to airobretde
from respon
sible persons
Fromrespon-MnrrrrilMTir PIIEHml
WFRnilQnd " dteeamhysjsst.S
nun v uuuoecar, nervous oeDrei,iaec .
energy, amoition ana nope, unpairea i
disordered slent. self distrusr, bast
dizziness, sleeplessness, plmples,erBptlnit.
poverished blood, failing powers. organic we
ness. dyspepsia, constipation, consume
rlace. permanently, safely and privatery
AMtiiM hn ndvAi aw hnllnau snnfBtv
di nnn Ann eiiMaiseM:?r
uuuuu niL omissus
blotches, falling hair, bones, na
swelling, ulcerations of tongBeraasth. till fcl
ulcers, old sores, are cured lurlife, a4 Msssm
poisons tnorougniy eraareatea iroraiBa a
1 1 DI M A U V Kiuney ana maaaer
U 111 N All T meats, weak back.
tarrhal discharges, lnflammatioa aad"
palnfnl symptoms receive searehinfr;
prompt reiiei ana reax oaxee.
Dr. Whlttler's life-long,. exteesive
enee. insnres .cientiflc ana retiabM ts
on comraon-sense principles. COBsmlftto sjOegg;
Patients at a distance as carefully tenj m4Cf'
here. Office hours 9 a. u. to 8 p. x. mmiimtr
10 A K. to 1 P. K. only. UK. WilUTMR. '..
Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.
oca-i4-D3n-wg w:
Ua..rl..(l UxuOsMiaajaJ '
nun uwau inn noy .,
ASdeatlflcand Standard PonoJar IMksi 1
the Errors of Youth. Premature Dectine.H
and Physical Debility, Impurities of UhsWwkJ,
Resulting from Folly; Vice, lgnonsaa.
cesses or uvenaxanon, juoervatincaBa
ting the victim for Work. Bnsineaa. iita
riage or Social Relations,
Avoid unskillful pretenders. PoeseM
Seat work. It Contains 300 pages, roysd Lf
nnMfnl lilnrtlnir amluu.il fnll ril 1Jk2r:
only SI by mall. 'postpaid, concealed ta
wrapper. Illustrative Prospectus Fr.l
apply now. The distinguished aatbor. wi
Parker. M. v., received the BOLD AW
ELED MEDAL from h NiIIomI Medferi Afar
socistion. for this PRIZE ESSAY on NRVt)ii
and PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr. Parker aWai
corps of Assistant Physicians may be tMst.3
snlted. confidentially, by mail or In panes, V?
the office of THE PEA&OOY MEffleAL WvM
STITUTE, No. 4 Bulfinch St, Boston, MsnsMtS
whom all orders for books or letters for a4ria J
should be directed as above. auIS-Tarannt"
Health is WealtHI
Db. E. C. West-'s Nrsvi! awit5' Bsxnr
TREATilEJTT. a guaranteed specific fox htsteria,
dizziness, convulsions, tits, nervous- neorsJgia;
neauaciie, nerrous prwinuga raumt jvy Ma -
use oi aicouoi or .ouacuov waeiaineBo, aww
depression, softening of the brain resnltiBg ta
insanity and leading to misery, decay aad.
oar- zaansHc"
death, premature old age. barrenaoss, few of i.l
power in enner sex, involuntary losses asa.
spermatorrhoja caused by orer-exerttoe eTtho
brain, self-abuse or over-tedalgssee Baeb
box contains one month's treatment. 91 a box,
or six boxes for 15, sent by mail prepaid oa Mr
To cure any case. With each order reeeiveetaw-ft i
for six boxes, accompanied with 16 SeVwe w
send the purchaser our written guarantee v.
refund tha monevif the treatment doBtef-'i
fectaenre. Guarantees issued only by Huislw'tg
Rtrirlrv Tlriii.HitRolft Affint. 17S1 9liw144MTm 1
ave. and cor. Wjlie ave. and Fulton st P.--.;
burg. Pa. se37-18Brras.
quiring scientific and eonls ,
tlal treatment! Dr. S. K. Lajsa,'.
M.R.C.P. &,isthe oMett atuli
most experienced speetaMsr'sWf
the citr. Consultation fre sjsmL
strictly confidentiaL OsaiaLf
hAurt u b4 andTto 3P.X.: Bondais. 2WR..!
uXlonsnlt them'personally. or write. Xo0Mbs:
Lake. S3 Penn ave irmsourg, ra. t -
Jel2-45-DWi: , ,
3o3sz's Oottoax 00i
iComnosed of Cotton Boot, Ttatrjmii
, wamiwwrriisi i jisi l. inwtiwnrv ibssj ssssi h
m nhnlHin. Ik sinYmrfussH lltli
montWir-Safe. Effectual. jPrtoe tU brmMLl
sealed. Ladies, ast your drucgiK ror V?. .
CoKon Root Compound aad'tako no ssesttMM,,
. t ..l.. 9 n.n. rt maAlii MTtlMtkM. JUS..
ur lUDiuss.awuiLniwi ow. ,... .. .
Block, 131 Woodward ave, Detroit, JHeh.
j3-Sold in Pittsburg; Pa., by Joseph Ftesj-'
lUg Oi OUR, JJVUtlUlHA (AUU ASUAD 0(0- trmrmm
Safe ul alns RlUMa. Laoea,
m PrasSUt Br jnamtmn otvm,'
ilnred,iuiaoijan. Mated Mk
Kin. Hbhoa. Tabs aa a4Aeh A&
Ipin. la pasteboard oozm wtth: ybdcwi.a'
rrs.ritaKCTaamatntl ta. Basil
4, (namp lr partlealara. wiHiwulits
sail "KeMef ftr Ladfea," te tMMr, If-
ntM wail. jvaM javer.
OJckBttr Oum'l Ca,aa4kaa 8c HaVa, .
yor Lowror
III si a -v s a am a DeH, Wwa-'
Body Mind, Lack of Strength. Yhror atai 1
velonment. cansed by Erron, Kxeaases, A.
liuamlfli. N. Y,
iree. Aoorcaa ausiA namuspj
For meet Cheeks. fc worst
day, and cures m avedajg.
v ff