Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 15, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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VoL 44, A'o.150. Entered at limbers I'ostoHce.
November 14, 18S7, as seeond-clua matter.
Business Office 97 and G9 Fifth Avenue.
News Booms and Publishing: House 75,
77 and 79 Diamond Street.
Eastern Advertising Office. Room 46, Tribune
Building, AewYork.
Average net circulation of tie dally edition or
THE Dieimtcij for six months ending September
30, 1SS9, as sworn to before City Controller,
Copies per Issue.
Average net circulation or the Sunday edition of
THE UisrxTca for four monthi ending Sentem
ber23, issa,
Copies per Issue.
Daily Dispatch, Per Quarter S 00
Daily Dispatch. Including Sunday, 1 year. 10 CO
Daily DiSPATCH.includlng bunday.Sm'ths. S 50
Daily Dispatch, Including Sunday.l month 90
tUMjAY DISPATCH, Oneltar 250
Weekly Dispatch, One Year 1 25
The Daily Dispatch is delivered by carriersat
15 cents per wee V, or Including Sunday edition, at
ICccnts per week.
.' The:report withTeference to the encroach
ments on the lines of the rivers about the
city, which was presented to the Chamber of
Commerce yesterday, deals with a very im
portant subject in a thorough and able
manner. The facts which it presents should
receive the early attention of the authorities.
Everyone who has given even a passing
observation to the matter has been able to
perceive the fact that that there have been
decided encroachments on the rivers. The
report, however, shows them to have been
more general along the entire river bank than
could have been supposed. .Everyone seems
to have participated in them. Kailroads,
bridge companies and manufacturing firms
h-ive taken part in the encroachments which
are gradually destroying the navigable
value of the rivers, and the encroach
ments are to be found all the way from
Sharpsburg on the Allegheny, and Turtle
Creek on the Monongahek, down to Verner
station on the Ohio.
It is certainly a public duty to support
measures which will preserve the rivers,
rcctily the lines and prevent further trans
gressions on tne river bed. These steps are
outlined in the committee's report with the
addition of a very valuable suggestion, such
as Tun DisrATCir has often urged for its
value by itself namely, that railroads
occupying the river bank should beheld
open lor the use of all railroads desiring to
enter the city, now or in the fnture.
Such a full presentation of so important
a subject should certainly lead to prompt
and adequate public action.
The rather singular argument is advanced
to prove that the present rise in the prices
of iron is not a boom, that the rise is based
on a general demand for iron. "Was there do
demand for iron in the booms of 1879 and 1872?
The fact is that every such undue advance
is caused by a sudden development of de
juand in excess of the supply which sends
prices up until they both check consump
tion and stimulate increased supply so as to
cause an overstock and a rapid reaction of
prices. The present rise has not exceeded
moderate proportions as yet, and the best
protection against a boom Is the knowledge
that a large capacity of iron production is
ready to go into operation if prices advance
very little more. There is also a good safe
guard in the fact that nearly everyone in
the iron trade is desirous of avoiding the
dangers of such an advance as would cause
a reaction.
A Chicago grand jury hap found indict
ments against the gang that was trying to
pack the jury box, in the Cronin case, with
jurors bribed in the interest ot the defense.
It is probable that the jury in the primary
case cannot be completed with safety until
the jury fixers in the collateral case are
lodsred in the penitentiary. But this proba-
bilitv indicates an indefinite succession of
cases for jury fixing which places the date
ior trying the Cronin murderers in the dim
Suppose the Chicago courts proceed to
the task of making an example of these jury
packers. Of course the task will involve
the same struggle that has been going on in
the Cronin case; and by the time that a jury
has been half empanneled a new lot of jury
fixers may have got in their work on those
who are to try the first lot. This involves
the postponement of jury-fixing case No. 1
until the jury-fixers lib. 2 are convicted.
But on their trial a third relief of jury-bribers
may rally to the rescue; and so on, until
at the close of the century the succession of
jury-fixing cases may stretch out to the
crack of doom, and the original murder case
be lost sight of under the mass of attempts
to set up the various juries.
If this sort of thing should go on much
longer, it would not be strange for the Chi
cago people to conclude that the only way
to get prompt justice is by an appeal to
Judge Lynch.
Hardly any better proof of the innate dis
position toward oppression that lies at the
bottom of the Southern "race question" can
be afforded than the reply of the Birming
ham. Ala., Jge-Herald to the suggestion of
such Northern Democratic papers as the
2few York World and Philadelphia .Record
that its true solution is in the education of
the negro race. The Southern paper asserts
that "the more education the negro ac
quires the sharper the race conflict be
comes." If the inter-dependence of em
ployer and employed is destroyed, it is as
serted, the two races cannot occupy the
same country. It is hard to construe this
in any other light than as a declara
tion that the only condition of the negro
race which will satisfy the'Southern whites
is a servitude that, amounts to practical
bondage. The negroes cannot be permitted
to vote because they are ignorant; they can
not be allowed education because they might
rise above & servile condition. It is plain
that the negroes are not the only people in
Tie South who need education.
Bishop Huntington, of the Episcopal
Church, is not satisfied with the "evening
party" as we are accustomed to find it in
American society. He thinks it is a sham,
a superficial affair, in which the partici
pants are bored exceedingly aj a rule, or
are simply exhibitors of fine raiment and
shallow brains. Almost all the world will
secretly agree with the good Bishop; there
are very few indeed who really enjoy this
Huntington's proposition to transform the j
evening party into an instrument for good
stands small chance of being carried into
effect. It is true, as he says, that "people
could get together with a direct intention to
improve themselves and one another." But
could thev improve themselves and those
they meet? Their intentions might be the
best, and still mutual improvement be out
of the question.
Bishop Huntington's reform would be
feasible, perhaps, it the habitual party
goers were of different material and bent.
Taking them in the mass the sedulous
votaries of society are not the brainiest peo
ple in the community. Tney may be good
to look at though many of them are not,
they may dress expensively and in good
taste, they may be on speaking terms with
the fine arts, they may dance well, play
euchre and whist, and know when to get up
and when to sit down in accordance with
the politest rules in vogue, but they very
seldom possess brains or know how to use
them. To improve evening parties we must
then educate and reform the people who go
to them. A small job that even a Bishop
might hesitate before undertaking. It is
not fashionable to send missionaries into
polite society we know, but there is no deny
ing that there is plenty of room for mission
work there.
The very natural disquietude of a city so
gridironed with electric wires as our own is,
produced by the numerous deaths from that
cause in New York, obtains another reas
surance in the shape of an interview with
an electric light official declaring that the
insulation of all wires in this city is per
fect; that they are all under the most careful
and constant inspection; and that they are
proved by tests twice every day.
It is to be conceded that the immunity
from fatal accidents in this city makes these
precautions seem reasonably adequate; and
if there is a public assurance that the vigi
lance will never be relaxed, it is to be hoped
that this happy security will not be dis
turbed. Nevertheless, the statement evokes
two comments. The first is that if such pre
cautions as these will secure safety, it sets
down the action of the companies in New
York in failing to adopt them as crim
inal negligence, little better than man
slaughter. These precautions are with
in the reach of every electric light cor
poration; and if numerous lives have been
sacrificed by their absence, those responsi
ble for the neglect should atone for it in the
The other point is the authority of no less
an electrician than Mr. Edison, that no
insulation can make a high ten
sion electric wire wholly safe, cither
above or below ground. This looks
like a sweeping assertion in view of the
capacity of the earth to absorb any electric
current; but Mr. Edison's statement must
certainly have force with regard to over
head wires. His remedy lies in the pro
hibition of electric tension on the streets of
such power as to contain any danger.
If the underground wire does not secure
ample safety, as there is-there is good reason
to believe that it does, certainly Mr. Ed
ison's plan for the regulation of electrical
tension is the least that can be expected. A
device for the benefit of humanity must not
be turned into an instrument of death, in
order to save money for a few corporations.
The advance in the rates for natural gas
by the companies supplying Erie, Corry,
Jamestown and "Warren has resulted ih a
popular movement to secure a universal re
fusal to take the gas at the advanced rates.
In other words, the proposition is to boycott
the gas companies, as some of the newspaper
advocates of the scheme put it: and the ex
pectation is plainly held out that if the
people stand out firmly enough, the gas com
panies will be forced to reduce their rates.
This method of regulating the price of gas
is a natural result of a system of exclusive
privileges in the supply. It may be the
only immediate remedy within the reach of
the people; but it is open to vital objections
as a method of placing a check on the exac
tions of corporations. The first is that when
the union of thousands of consumers is pit
ted against that of a single corporation the
former always proves the weaker. Some of
the thousands will give in before the corpo
ration does, and, the union being broken,
the rest will follow like sheep. If there
were competing companies, the union of
consumers, to transfer their patronage to
the company that would first make cheap
prices, might be effective; but the endur
ance of thousandsagainst a concentrated cor
poration is rarely such as to win victory.
Another main objection is that the method
of settling the price of a staple by a test of
power does not base the price on the le
gitimate foundation ot the cost of furnish
ing it, but on the opinion of the strongest
side. The proper price fo gas, as for any
thing else, is the cost of delivering it to the
consumer, including a fair return on the
bona fide investment. This is always un
erringly fixed by free competition; but it
can never He fixed by contests such as are
proposed in the Northwestern Pennsylvania
towns. The tendency to fix prices by a
series of gigantic strikes, is a natural out
growth of the combination system. In no
respect is the abnormal and injurious effect
of that system plainer than in this.
The trouble with the natural gas business,
as in a great many other things, is that in
the introduction of the system enough care
was not taken to preserve the influence of com
petition so broadly that if one agency did
not snpply gas cheaply another wonld be
ready to do it. The fact is worth remem
bering in other connections than that of
Chicago still continues to be the central
point of treason in the United States.
Traitors seem to gravitate naturally toward
Chicago, and they are allowed to plot and
spout treason there with very little interfer
ence. On Sunday, at a meeting of so-called
Socialists the stars and stripes were hissed,
while the red flag of anarchy was cheered to
the echo. Abont a thousand men and
women joined in this disgraceful demonstra
tion, and a lovely Bussian by the name of
Sergius E. Shevitch made a bloodthirsty
address, in which he congratulated Chicago
on the probability of its becoming the Paris
of America, the city of revolutions.
There ought to be one revolution right
away in Chicago. Treasonable utterances
and insults to the nation's flag ought to be
punished surely and severely. The author
ities in Chicago can make it very unhealthy
for these unwashed, beer-swilling revolu
tionists, If they will but act firmly and
swiftly. There is such a thing as carrying
forbearance, even if born of contempt, too
far. The Stars and Stripes wave over the
freest country in the world, and that very
fact ought to secure for the flag courtesy and
respect from all who seek a refuge beneath
it. This very man Shevitch is in all prob
ability a refugee, owing his life to the
United States; a man who knows tbatpun
ishment follows plotting too closely in
Eussia to make the conspirator's life a com
fortable one. He ought to revere the land
which gives him a refuge, and have nothing
but the warmest feelings of regard for the
flag. As he and the scurvy fellows who
cheered him, have not the grace nor the
sense to appreciate our institutions the
police should instruct them in the schools
of court and jail.
It further appears that the directors of
the Comptoire d'Escompte' in France are
sentenced to remain in prison until the de
ficit in the accounts of thai institution is
made up. As this practically means im
prisonment for life, it appears rather severe.
It is further noticeable that if the same law
were applied to this country it would require
either a marked contraction of the loans
.made by financial institutions to trust man
ipulators or a permanent enlargement in the
penitentiaries of the land.
The statement that the real estate boom at
Pierre, S. D., has progressed to such an ex
tent that they are selling off lots by moon
light might suggest to some of the boomers
that a large share of the boom is simply
The Czar having made up with Emperor
William, he then -held a consultation with
Bismarck to see if he could keep out of a
fight with Germany. It is intimated that
the Iron Chancellor was favorable, and the
Bussian monarch left Berlin whh the assur
ance that white-winged peace will hover
over Europe until one of the powers builds
more war ships or military railways.
The report that Canada's Senate is to be
deprived of its function as a secret divorce
mill indicates that the abuse of private di
vorce trials is to be reformed everywhere
but here in Pennsylvania.
Ik view of Mrs. Potter's passionate pro
duction of proof that her health will not per
mit her to play in the United States this
season, it is permissible to remark that all
this earnestness is unnecessary. The theater
goers of the country are not calling for her
appearance with so much urgency that sworn
testimony is necessary to reconcile them to
her absence.
Do the electric power wires of Pittsburg
furnish an additional possibility in the way
of illustrating the probabilities of electrical
executions upon unsuspecting and law abid
ing citizens?
The old suggestion that safety against
railroad collisions could be secured by tying
a railroad director to the cow-catcher of
every locomotive, might be adapted to the
electric light danger. "Would we not be
likely to get perfect insulation if every elec
tric light director should be required to test
the wires daily by handling them without
En gland's willingness that the United
States shall have the Sandwich Islands can
be appropriately reciprocated only by our
making her a free gift of Kalakaua.
Mb. Jat Gould's declaration that "the
"World's Fair will be held in St. Louis if it
is located where it ought to be," shows the
disposition of the amiable Mr. .Gould to
boom his own property. Inasmuch as he
owns St. Louis, it is natural that he should
be desirous of accepting all possible methods
to increase the revenue thereof.
Chicago appears to be turning out more
confessions in the jury-fixing case than
with regard to the murder itself. Chicago
alwavs tries to beat her own record.
The opening of new coal and coke lands
in "West Virginia, which will be nearer
Chicago than the fields tributary to Pitts
burg, so far as the Baltimore and Ohio line
is concerned, does not trouble car shippers
half so much as the problem how they can
induce the railroads to furnish cars enough
to transport their business.
An actress has been robbed of her dia
monds. The fact that she is able to prove it
to the public's satisfaction is where the news
comes in.
The cancellation of Senator Manderson's
increased pension as unlawful appears to be
a decided reversal of the late practices of
the Pension office, which affords a pre
cedent for getting back the funds from a
good many others who were more anx
ious for the money than Senator Manderson
Mb. Austin Corbet has gone to Europe.
The Czar offended his host at the Imperial
banquet in Berlin by making a speech in
Us. C. A One, of Clark University, is to go
as an anthropologist with the eclipse expedi
tion to Africa.
Mes. Zebelda Wallace is lecturing in
Louisiana on woman suffrage under the patron
age of the W. C. T. U.
Mrts. L. P. Mortou, Mrs. Grover Cleveland
and Governor Beaver are exported to be the
bright particular stars of the Hahnemann Hos
pital Association's benefit ball at Philadelphia
on November 20.
The son.of Baron de Fava, Italian Minister
to the United States, has been naturalized as a
citizen of the United States. He has been
with his father at Washington, and is a civil
engineer by profession.
Queen Olga, of Greece, is particularly
fond of American literature. She is a constant
reader of the principal American magazines
and newspapers. Her favorite of all authors is
Nathaniel Hawthone.
Baone Koczalski, a Polish boy of 5 years,
is the latest musical prodigy of Europe. He is
going to play in Berlin the Mendelssohn Con
certo in 1), a Chopin mazonrka and other com
positions equally difficult.
Miss Rachel Sherman, the youngest of
tho daughters of General W. T. Sherman, is
booked to sail for Europe on the SOth of Octo
ber. She has been invited to spend the win
ter with the family of Minister Whitelaw Beld
in Paris.
Wilford Woodbutp, the President of the
Mormon Church, was born in Connecticut 83
years ago. He has the compactly-built figure
of Grant. In the square face, the strong nose
and the set of the eyes there are reminiscences
of the old Commander sufficiently strong to
make strangers comment upon the likeness.
A Wnshlncton Man Will Attempt to Bid tho
White Dome of Rodents.
Washington, October 11 Having gotten
rid of the red ants which infested the White
House, the President is trying to drive the rats
away. Major Ernst, the new Superintendent
of Public Buildings apd grounds, has made a
contract with W. H. Hosiner, of this city, to
clean out the entire building of rats. The
contract allows Mr. Hosmer $10 a day, with
time unlimited. Ferrets and dogs are to be
used in the work of extermination, and the
work Is to proceed until It is completed, if it
takes all winter, the Government to pay for all
the losses of ferrets.
Mrs. Harrison has requested the contractor
to begin work at once. In her room, as there was
one impndent rodent who nightly invaded the
room, greatly to her annovance. The work will
begin earlv on Monday. Tho ferrets used will
be brought from New York.
Agricultural I'lnglarlsu.
from the Baltimore American. 1
Charges of plagiarism still continue. It is
now hinted that successful and hitherto unsus
pected farmers crib the stores of their corn
magazines from nature's cereals.
Fino Architecture In PUuburs Life la Cer
tain, LioTe Is Not Left Lcg-gedncss.
Beyond ail qnestion the new building
erected on Fifth avenue by Dr. Hussey, in
which the Chronicle Telegraph will soon be
completely housed, is an ornament to the city.
It is really unfortunate that its situation does
not allow all the structure's beauties to be
seen. Bat from the upper windows of any of
the tall buildings in the lower part of the city
tho graceful outlines of the turret and stone
battlement with which the Hussey building is
crowned may be seen to advantage. The
street front of the building, the wide arch of
the first floor especially, is essentially novel in
design, and, better still, is simple and yet highly
ornate. Tho architect, Mr. Frederick Oester
llng, although a very young man, has done well
before in Pittsburg, of which he is a native,
but his last work must be regarded as his best.
If the stumpy architectural horrors of elder
Pittsburg are to be replaced by such handsome
structures as Mr. Oeeterling's example. Fifth
avenne after the removal of the unsightly
hump will be worthy of the city whose most
important street it is. .
The religious editor was trying to persuade
a fair member of a city church congregation to
reveal to him the inside facts of a very pretty
church squabble, and finally he resorted to a
mild form of bribery.
"If you will tell me," said he, "the names of
the principal parties who are to be disciplined
I will see that my paper gives you a splendid
send-off when you get married. It shall be the
prettiest our wedding reporter has secured a
patent on the word 'pretty' as applied to wed
dingsthe most fashionable and the best at
tended wedding of the season."
"No, sir," the modest maiden replied, "I
never gamble. Promise me an extra superfine,
wire-wove obituary and I might consider your
offer, but thero are too many risks about a wed
ding." ,
In a paper on "Left-Leggedness," read be
fore the British Association, Dr. Sibley speaks
of a. man as having been supposed to bo a
right-handed animal. Being right-handed, it is
popularly assumed that be is also right-legged;
but this does not appear to be the case. Stand
ing working with the right hand, there is a
tendency to use the left leg for balance. Many
people find less exertion in going round circles
to the right than in circles to the left; race paths
are nearly all made for runnings in circle to
the right So the majority of movements are
more readily performed to the right, as danc
ing, running, etc. Tho rule in walking is to
keep to the right, and this appears to be al
most universal. Crowds tend to bear to the
right The left leg being tho stronger it is
more readily brought into action; hence troops
start off with the left foot; it is the foot which
is placed in the stirrup of the saddle or step of
the bicycle in mounting; so the left is the foot
which a man takes off from in jumping. Man,
being naturally or artificially right-handed and
left-legged, tends unconsciously to' bear to the
right, lower animals, on the other hand, appear
always to circle to the left
Somo Grent Men Whose Retentlveness of
Facts Was Remarkable.
from Blackwood's Magazine.
Thero have been stupendous memories
enough in ancient and modern times to stagger
belief such as those of Theodectes and Hor
tensius and Cineas, of whom Cicero speaks,
and in our later days, Pascal, who, it is said,
never forgot anything he had seen, heard or
thought; and Avicenna, who repeated by rote
tho entire Koran when he was 10 years old; and
Francis Buarez, who, Strada tells us, had the
whole of St Augustine in his memory enough,
one wonld think, to destroy all his mental
power of digestion; and Justus Lipslus, who
on one occasion offered to repeat ail the
"History" of Tacitus without a mistake on
forfeit of his life: and. in our own days.
Jedediah Buxton and Zerah Colburn among
others, who had such a prodigious power and
rapidity of calculating in their minds. Col
burn, it is said, could tell the number of sec
onds in 58 years almost before the question
could be repeated. The story is told that Jede
diah Buxton was once taken to the theater to
boo Garrick. and that ho was observed to pay
an unremitted attention to the great actor
throughout the play, when he went out his
friend, who accompanied him, asked bun how
he had been impressed by tho acting, and Jede
diah answered by stating the number of words
and syllables that Garrick had spoken. His
mind had been interested solely in this enumer
ation. I dare say it was a purely mechanical
operation of mind with him, and I rather think
tbaf with all these great memories it is the
As I have not a good memory, I wish to decry
it out of pure envy. I wish I could say that
great men never have great memories. Unfor
tunately, it is not true. The names of Pascal.
Avicenna, Scaligcr, who committed to memory
the whole of tne Iliad and Odyssey in three
weeks; old Dr. Thomas Fuller, whose memory
was equally remarkable to say nothing of
Cyrus, Hortensius. Mithridates are so terribly
against me that I give up such a proposition;
and I have serious thoughts myself, despite its
disgusting ingredients, of resorting to the
learned Grataroll of Bergamo's recipe for im
proving my own memory. He gives several,
buf one above all others as efficacious and com
forting to the memory. It is this: To make a
mixture of mole's fat calcined human hair,
cumin and bear's grease, and swallow a pill of
them of about the size of a hazelnut at bedtime.
Tho Hnaband Welsh' 410 Pounds nnd the
Wife Tips tho Benm at 315.
Btjskibks, N. Y., October 11 Mr. and Mrs.
Addison G. Hayner, living here, are a substan
tial, solid married couple. Mr. Hayner weighs
410 pounds and his wife pulls down tho scales
at 315, making a conjugal total of 725 pounds,
and it is all solid flesh. Both are in good health,
and cheerfully do the ordinary work of a farm.
When Mr. and Mrs. Hayner walk arm in arm
they take up the whole sidewalk, and when
they sit tozether in the Methodist Church there
is not much room in tho pew foranyonoel&e.
They have two children, one a beautiful young
lady of 19, tall and of graceful and delicate
build, the otber a short, stout girl of 12 years,
who weighs a plump 100 pounds.
Mrs. Hayner's mother, formerly Mrs. Amelia
Warner, of Canaan, Conn., was a small, spare
woman, who never weighed over 115, and her
father, Mr. Franklin Waters, both physically
and politically, is a man of the Andrew Jackson
type. When Mr. Hayner returned from service
in the late war he was a man of ordinary build,
aud when be married Miss Waters she was a
young lady of graceful figure. They havo been
gradually growing stout together until they
have both become eligible to membership in
the Fat Men's Club,
Novel Colony to be Established in
Eaton County, Ind.
Fort Wayne, October U-The queer will
of L. B. Eaton, the eccentric farmer of Steuben
county, which was contested by Isaac Eaton
his son, has been declared valid by the court
The terms of the document will, therefore, be
executed. The 400 acre farm will be divided
into ten acre lots, and 40 homes for widows and
old maids above the age of 35 will be erected
The colony is to be known as the "Eaton
Home." The value of the estate thus bestowed
is about 530,000.
He Goes Without Food for 12 Days to Ho
duco His Weight.
Eatj Clause. Wis., October 16. Alderman
Jacob Stumm, a wealthy citizen, to-night com
pleted a voluntary fast of 12 days, and declares
he can bold out thrco days longer. He has
taken nothing but water. His purpose is to re
duce his superfluous flesh.
Mr. Stumm weighed 290 pounds and was
gaining. He now s weighs 230. Hois not very
hungry and feels well.
A Political Prophecy.
From the New York World. 3
In a quiet, clever way Senator Quay, of Penn
sylvania, is placing his Prcsidental boom on a
strong foundation. "Quay and Foraker" is a
combination which will have considerable
strcneth at the Republican National Conven
tion of 1S92.
Turning tho Accent to Account
From the Minneapolis Trlbune.1
Kenry Irving estimates that of the 20,000
actors in England, quite half of them would
be glad of an assured $1,000 a year. Let them
come over here; a cockney accent is worth large
currency on mis side.
Ux-GoTornor Willlnm T. Oil
Stamfokd, Conn., October 15. Y llllam T,
Minor, ex-uovcrnor of Connecticut t ed Tester
day, aged 74 years. He was appoli ted Consul
General at Havana In ISM byJPresident
The Brlffnndi a Success A Possible Case
in Good Hands Other Plays.
In'the first place it is only fair to say that
the now comic opera produced at the Grand
Opera House, "The Brigands," deserved suc
cess. The cast chorus, the scenery, the cos
tumes were as nearly perfect as mundane
things can be. Of the opera it may be said
that it has enough good music in it to com
mand favorable consideration, though its mer
its are not stupendous. In the second place
"The Brieands" achieved a great success.
Tho plot of "The Brigands" does not amount
to much. A band of Italian brigands swoops
down upon an inn, the robbers violently assume
the garb of the Innkeeper and his servants,
and when the JPrincett of Grenada and' her
suite come that way the brigands imprison
them in the inn, take their attire
and proceed to the court ot tho
Duke of Mantua, whom the Spanish
princess is to marry. The brigand chief aims
to get 8,000.000 francs which the Duke of
Mantua is to pay over on the weddlDg day.
The scheme fails, and yet the opera ends in
general happiness. The truth ii,the plot is
very nebulous and devoid of point after the
close of the first act StiU, plot never counts
for much in comle opera.
One is Inclined to expect great things from
the libretto because it is from the best librettist
of the time, W. 8. Gilbert but the fact is that
Gilbert wrote it twenty years ago and is
heartily ashamed of It, as well he may
be. It has none of the snap and keen
wit neatly toned rhymes and jingles
which characterize Mr. Gilbert's work
with Sir Arthur Sullivan. If it were not for
the excellence of the actors ftie dialogue
would flag painfully at times. The music is
in the familiar stain of Offenbach; light
in two senses, it is neither heavy nor dark. It
is brightest at the finale of every act and the
waltz movement with which the first act closes,
and also the last l3 a marvelonsly magnetic
piece of stirring, tuneful music. There is a
grand sweep to the measure that carries one
away from the parquet chairs, and if it lands
you anywhere the place is somewhere near the
Mohammedan paradise. The tremendous ef
fect of this waltz is upheld and inflamed
by the incessant movement of the
mass of men and women upon
the stage. The principals sweep up
and down the stage in step with the ravishing
strains, and the torches of the fair brigands on
the rocks at the rear wavo to tho tune. Then
the voices, swelling and falling alternately, and
finally soaring into a crashing climax, complete
the whelming fascination of tho scene.
Now we como to the company, and uncom
monly pleasant it is to be able to say that there
is not a weak spot in it The women are all
pretty, the principals not only, bnt the chorus
also. We expected all along to find a corps of
less favored choristers filling in the crevices,
but we were disappointed. Every girl was
pretty and some of them entirely too good
looking for the safety of weak vessels. Let
us start off' with Miss Lillian Russell,
there is no otber; way to start She is a royal
beauty, and far lovelier to-day than she was a
few years aco. Her voice has improved also,
and is a powerful, rich soprano well under
command. The depth and purity of this voice
was tested severely by the numerous high pas
sages in which the opera abounds. She sang
with a wonderful spirit aud enthusiasm;
was cheered as she deserved, and
won approval in other quarters
by her exquisite dresses. Miss Fanny Bice,
plnmp, pert and pretty as ever, made herself
prominent enough in a thin, thankless part a
part in shadow most of the time. But her
vivacity shone all the same. She seemed to be
suffering from cold and her voice would not re
spond to her demands upon it always. Miss
Urquhart appropriately completed the central
group in this dream of fair women.
Her beauty is of a statuesque and
slightly severe order, and it contrasted well
with the cheery roundness and redness of Miss
Kico and the queenly but sunny Lillian Rus
sell. AH the chorus girls deserve mention on
the score of looks, and they sang well, too, and
the little morsel of dancing in the last act
showed that some of them were graceful in
that direction. There is need of more rapid
rhythmical movement in the chorus, more
dances, more quick marches.
The comedy element was not so strong as it
has been in some recent operas, but Mr. Fred
Solomon was funny as a brigand of ton type of
Cadeaux in "Erminle," and Richard F. Carroll
made a decided hit as a most whimsical Cap
tain of Carbineers. George Olml was very
satisfactory as the Captain of the Brigands and
several others in the cast deserve praise. The
chorus as a wholo was the best we have
seen in comic opera for a long while.
Tbescenery, a splendidbitofltalianmountain
and sea in the first acta charming inn of the old
Italian style in the second, both by Marston,
and one of Mr. Hoyt's famous interiors a lav
ender salon for the last act, were simply su
perb. The costumes could hardly be richer In
color or more gorgeous generally. A crowded
house applauded the opera liberally, and many
encores were demanded.
A Posslblo Case at the BIJon.
Tho diversity of the marriage laws In the dif
ferent States of the Union, and the humorous
and tragic entanglements which may result
therefrom is the motive of "A Possible Case,"
which is being presented at the Bijou this
week. The play has been here before, and has
been duly criticised. "A Possible Case" is a
bright and polished society comedy, and is
presented at the Bijou by a thoroughly compe
tent company of artists. Mr. M. A. Kennedy,
as Otto Brinkerhoff, Etq., a retired merchant
of susceptible tendencies, is a charmingly
funny, yet always gentlemanly, imperson
ation, Charles Dickson, as Allen Week), a
wealthy young trifler, is also a clever come
dian, while Herbert Archer, as Senor deVidat,
is all that could be asked for lu the way of a
polished villain. Miss Helen Russell Is a beau
tiiul and more than ordinarily artistic actress,
who does full justice to the character of Violet
Mendoza. upon whom and ber three husbands
the plot hinges. Henrietta Lander, as Ethel
Serrero, Bnnkershoff't wife, played a rather
difficult emotional role and played it well while
Mbs Belle Archer was a very bright and win
some Oladut. The other members of the cast
are up to the standard, and there are few com
panies in which the standard is so high. The
staging is perfect the scenes in the first and
second acts being very artistic. The house was
crowded last evening.
Votes of the Stage.
TnB production of "She" at Harris' Theater
yesterday was notable on account of its splen
did mounting and its great spectacular features.
The She of Miss Marie Rene is very fine.
Crowded houses testified their delight with it.
The novelty of a complete circus at the
World's Museum yesterday drew large
audiences. A further notice of this departure
shall be given on Tuesday.
Hyde's Big Specialty show repeated its pre
vious success at tho Academy last night.
A Congressman Who Actually Contemplated
Asking nim Oat to Drink.
From the New York Trlbune.1
Strange as it may seem, despite all that has
been published about him in thd last five
months, the Postmaster General's habits of
temperance in speech and action as well as in
other respects have not become known to all
the men In public life or even to allot the
members of his own party. A few days ago
two Congressmen making the tonr of the De
partments stopped at one of the bureaus of the
Postofflce Department, and after transacting
the business for which they had come said to
the head of the bureau:
"Have you time to come out and cet a
drink?" fa
The bureau chief did not havo time, for it
was an unusually busy day with him.
"Well," said one of the Congressmen, "I am
going npstairs to see the Postmaster General,
I wonder If he can spaio tho time to go across
the street?" ,
The bureau chief grew pale.
"I wonld advise you," he said, "if you havo
anything to ask ol the Postmaster General not
to ask him to drink."
Aud as the Representatives were satisfied to'
ioiiow mis aavice unquestiomngiy, Mr. Wana
maker's nerves were spared a great shock.
A Yonnic Woman Svrallows a Fatal Draught
nnd at Once Turns Gray.
New York, October 11 Lucy Eddy,20 years
old, tho wife of John Eddy, a young carpenter,
committed suicide last evening by swallowing a
dose of carbolic acid. The pair occupied apart
ments on the top floor of No. 281 Rivington
street They had a slight spat after supper,
and, while Eddy was taking a nap In the bed
room, his young wife took the fatal draught
After she bad swallowed it she relented, awoke
her husband and told him what she had done.
Eddy alarmed the neighbors and rushed for
Drs. Harley and Goldeuberger. They gave
Mrs. Eddy doses of milk and sweet ell, but all
to no purpose. In 20 minutes she was dead.
A strange feature of the case was that in the
short interval between the taking of the poison
and her death the hair of Mrs. Eddy, who was a
brunette, turned almost white.
Ber. 3Ir. Klddlo Presented With Silver Br
His CanKrcsntlon.
"Every cloud has a silver lining" and last
evening it was a cloud of crystal with a silver
lining, which was presented to Rev. W. Riddle
and wife of the Nineteenth Street Baptist
Church by the members of the church and
congregation. The present was in honor of the
15th wedding anniversary ot the pastor and his
wife, and the occasion was also celebrated by a
reception held in the churcb, which was beau
tifully decorated with cut flowers, plants aud
Mr. J. H. Skelton made the presentation
speech, and voiced the entire gathering iu
wishing Mr. and Mrs. Riddle many happy re
turns of the day. Mr. Riddle responded with
surprise, delight and gratitude all depicted
upon his face. Music aaded much to the pleas
ure of tbo evenlnsr, and other addresses were
made by Rev. H. B. Grose, of the Fourth Ave
nue Church, and Rev. George Street of the
Mt Washington Church. Refreshments were
served in the lecture room of the church by the
ladies, and in every woid and action was
plainly perceptible the unity existing between
pastor and people.
A merry Catherine at the Residence
Airs. John Owston.
A large and merry crowd of railroad people
gathered at the residence ot Mr. John G.
Owston, one of the oldest and best
known engineers of the Pittsburg, Fort
Wayne and Chicago Railroad, at No.
286 Franklin street, Allegheny, last evening.
The cause of the meeting was to celebrate the
fifty-third anniversary of Mrs. Owston's birth,
and wish her and her husband many happy re
turns. An elegant banquet was served oy the
hostess, who has gained a record
for her hospitality. Among those
present were: Rev. Hudson, pastor of tho
Baptist church at Library, and wife; Mr. and
Mrs. William Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. A. Martin,
Mr. and Mrs. John Weber, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Wolf, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Shook,
Mr. and Mrs. B. Callachan. Mr. and Mrs. John
Keys, Mr. and Mrs, James Owston, of Leets
dale, Mrs. Henry Grabing, Mrs. Orrison Harris
and Teeters, of Alliance, O., Mrs. Frank John
ston, Mrs. Baker, Mrs. O'llonnell, Mrs. Mc
Knight and Miss Sippey.
SIlsscs Learn of Europe.
The baseball club, the boating club, the
equestrian club and the pedestrian club have,
with the falling of the leaves and the advent of
cooler weather, given placs to a class of clubs
that aim at something more than mere physi
cal development and endurance. With the re
vival of the Woman's Club,tho Dramatic Club,
the Cup and Saucer Club, the Tourists' Club,
the Magazine Club, is also noted the organiza
tion of a new and ambitious club composed of
about 0 young ladies, who, with Miss Killikelly
as instructor, meet in the Library parlors every
Monday morning to study and discuss the cit
ies and countries of the Old World. Yes
terday a very interesting meeting was con
ducive to an extended knowledge of the city of
In a Social War.
Cards are outfox the wedding of Miss 'Ida
Fahnestock and Mr. Boyd.
The Woman's Literary Club will hold its
regular meeting this afternoon in the Library
Wednesday evening, November 13; the
Carlton Club will have a select reception at
Turner Hall, Forbes street
Tns second reception of the Carroll Club
will be held atheir clubrooms, 6230 and
6232 Penn avenue," East End, Thursday even
ing, October SL
Miss'Exka J. Nicxebson, of Boston, Mass.,
the inspirational spiritualist will hold a recep
tion for her friends at 378 Wylle avenue this
afternoon and evening.
The St Helena Guild, of Braddock, will
give a tea and musical entertainment at the
residence of the Misses Farley, corner of Sec
ond street and Camp avenue, on the 18th ol
The Concordia Club will open the season at
their hall on Stockton avenue, October 17.
The committee are devoting a great deal of
thought and money to the event, and a very en
joyable time is predicted.
Oiraof the most notable weddings of the
season will be that of Miss Nora Gucken
heimer, of Western avenue and Fulton street
daughter of the wealthy distiller, to Mr. Arthur
Einstein, a popular young business man of Chi
cago. This event is the principal subject of
comment in Hebrew circles, and will abound in
new and unique features.
Doc, the Dog Trotter, Gives an Exhibition of
His Speed.
From the Kansas City Journal.
The spectacle of a dog, harnessed to a wagon,
trotting upon a race track as fairly and squarely
as any horse, is certainly a novel one, yet that
is what was witnessed by 100 curious persons
who gathered at Exposition Driving Park en
October 0. When Mr. Ketchum first announced
that he bad a dog which could trot lfke a horse
and make faster time on the track than some
horses, his statement was received with a great
deal of incredulity, especially on the part of
the horsemen. But that his statement was
correct in every particular was amply demon
strated when Doc, pulling a load weighing
twice as much as himself, trotted half a mile in
1:52 on a track that was rough and bumpy. Doc
is a handsome red Irish setter, 2 years and 7
months old, and weighing just 3 pounds, and
was brought upon the track harnessed to a two
wbeeled caff weighing 36 pounds, and driven by
little WillieKetchuni, aladwelghingoopounds.
Mr. J. E. Riley's horse Loafer was sent with
the dog to make the pace, and at the word they
were sent away together.
Doc gave one jump to start bis load, and then
atonco settled into a fast square trot, which
took him over the ground in an amazingly
rapid way. His action was a perfect trot, and
he went without a skip or a jump. Without
urging the quarter was made in 055. Around
the turn, where the track was lumpy, the pace
was not qulto rapid, but when the straight was
reached the little driver let Doc out again, and
he came to the wire with a great burst of
speed, finishing in the fast time of lal Doc
did not seem at all distressed after his per
formance, running and leaping playfully after
he was taken from the wagon. The perform
ance was a surprise, and elicited much ap
plause from the spectators. Doo has been
carefully trained to trot, and has given fre
quent exhibitions of his powers in trials and In
races against horses in various cities.
Some Genuine Cariosities Exhibited ntnn
Old Settlers' Sleeting.
FLEMlNaSBDKa, KY., October 11 The re
union just closed of the old settlers of Fleming.
Lewis and Mason counties, held at Ruggle'a
camp grounds, drew together 800 or 400 of the
oldest people of, the three counties. An im
portant feature of the reunion was a collection
of old relics handed down from generations.
One attracting a great deal ot attention was a
JJt-M Araee nt whftfl dfmitV. exhibited bV
his Gertrude Owens, wom by an ancestress 17o
years ago, the fashion of which would astonish
the modem bride.
Another curiosity was a genuine pod-auger,
i..nni. n tMa .nrmtrv in 1779. A. novel feat-
H Af th. irtit.'iinm.ne' was the music, fur
nished by Colonel Tom Brown on a 8cotch bag-,
pine brought here in nn, tne instrument umun
over 200 years old. About 2,000 persons were
in attendance.
Troth In nn Artless Eemark.
From the St Paul Globe.
The young lady in Detroit who did not know
exactlwhat female suffrage was. but supposed
it was some kind of a disease, was artless and
not sarcastic. She illustrates the difficulty In
the way to the ballot box of tho sex.
Each heart has Its moments of pleasure and pain
That follow the ebb and the flow;
Each soul has its portion of sunshine and rain,
Hope dawnlngs and sunsets ofwoe.
Bnt there're few other evils to which flesh is heir
That with sorrow our Joy can so fleck
And fill our whole belnic with so much despair
As a boll on the back of the neck.
A man's wile may tell him In tones low end sweet
Her mother Is coming to stay, ...
He may tread a banana peel down In the street
And swear in a dignllled way.
Somebody may walk on his favorite corn,
He may foolishly cash a snide check,
But the one thing that makes blm regret he was
Is the boU on the back of the neck.
The brooklet e'en sings In a sad undertone.
The skies are all clouded with care,
And nature's voice echoes a saddcnlnc moan,
The breezes come freighted with care.
The future Is nanght but a desert ot night
The present a mis'rable wreck.
Without even Just one faint spark of delight
Tor the man wltha boil on his neck.
QMcago Herald.
A Blot Interrupts the Peaceful Progress of
Police Blackmail.
New Yobs, October, 11 There was an
Italian riot in Mulberry street late last night
A quart of beer caused the trouble. The riot
occurred in the dimly lighted hallway of a
notoriously riotous tenement -house known as
'The. Barracks." Mrs. Teresa Delafaro was
bringing a quart of beer tor her husband and
eight or ten of his friends who were gathered
In his room. There is a Sunday law against the
sale of liquor, but it is used only to enable the
police, from captain to patrolman, to levy
blackmail on such saloon keepers as desire to
keep open. This Is the simple, unexaggerated
truth. Mrs. Delafaro bad no trouble getting
the beer. As she entered the hallway ol "The
Barracks" a strange Italian snatched the pail
from her band, drank the beerwhile she
screamed for help. Help came immediately In
the shape of Delafaro and his friends. Delafaro
smashed tho pail in the stranger's face and
drew a knife. The stranger also drew a knife
and the dnel began. The men fought up and
down the hallway, out into the gutter and half
a block up tbo street Blood flowed in streams
from their wounds In the neck, breast and face.
The stranger's friends came to his aid and tried
to do up Delafaro's friends. When a policeman
came, a dozen Italians were cut and- battered
and covered with blood. All the rioters escaped
arrest except Delafaro, who was arraigned to
day for assault with Intent to kill As no one
appeared to press the charge he was let off with
a fine for disorderly conduct
An Involuntary Suicide.
Louis Gamper, 28 years of age, became so ul
ten days aga that he could not go to his little
notion shop. Consequently his income ceased
and he grew very despondent Early this morn
ing he cut an artery in his arm. While bleeding
to death be tried to leave his bed and fell
across the top of a hot stove. He was too weak
to rise. His clothing took fire and he gradually
burned to death. Smoke Issued from the
windows of his apartments and someone, think
ing the house was on fire, sent out an alarm.
When the firemen arrived on the scene they
found poor Clamper's charred remains.
Another Pearsall Proves a Hero.
A street car full of passengers was driven
upon the Pennsylvania Railway's net work of
tracks in Jersey City last midnight, just as the
St Louis express, slightly overdue, came
around a curve one block away. The car horses
bad just stepped on the rails In front of the
train, which was going at the rate ot 23 miles an
hour. William Pearsall, the driver, saw that
he had not time to cross before the train. would
be upon him. He ground down the brake,
leaped to tho heads of the horses and pulled
them into a position at right angles with the
car. The passenger train struck the haunch of
the outside horse and ripped its body from tall
to head. As soon as the train had passed
Pearsall fainted. The passengers ran out; and
some fled up and down the street Two women
fainted. None of the 22 persons on the inr was
hurt thanks to the driver's presence of mind.
The danger was caused by the stupidity of a
sleepy gateman, who is now no longer in the
company's employ.
A Good Young Man Gone Wrong.
The fact that Fred J. Warner, a clerk of the
Wagner Palace Car Company, is out of town
aud that also nearly 2,000 of the company's
funds seem to have taken a trip at the same
ttme to expand the circulation, causes a good
deal of anxiety here. Fre W. Seymour,
auditor of the passenger accounts has been
dismissed without any reflections upon his
honesty, but as a comment on his negligence.
Warner is only 24 years of age, and has been
identified with the Y. M. C. A. branch of the
New York Central road in this city for several
years. He is said to hare bet heavily on the
recent races.
Warner walked into General Superintendent
Flagg's office this morning, accompanied by his
brother, and admitted the pocketing of a day's
earnings on the cars that run to Jerome Park
race track, on Friday last Mr. Flagg said
Warner had taken only between $300 and 100.
As Warner's brother offered to restore the
missing funds, nothing farther will be done.
A Reporter Jastly Honored.
At a meeting of the bridge trustees to-day
George B, McClellan, a son of the late General
31cClellan, and at present employed as a news
paper reporter in this city, was, on motion of
Mayor Grant, appointed Treasurer and Audi
tor. This is a new bridge office, and a couple
of months ago it was tendered to Lawyer An
drew J. Hammersley and declined, The salary
was fixed at S1000.
Nllsson'a Loir Notes.
Christine Nilsson, the singer, obtained a ver
dict of $175 and costs in part third of the City
Court to-day against the Bogota City Hallway
Company. The verdict was secured by default
Mme. Nilsson is in Paris, and the suit was
brought through Goodrich, Dealy &. Goodrich,
her counsel. Mt. Goodrich said to-day that he
knew very little about it Mme. Nilsson owns,
it appears, five bonds of the railway, the par
value of which is $5,000. There was a default
In the payment of the coupons in May, J8S9.
Each coupon was worth 35, and she sued for
their value.
Starfish That Get Into His Bed aad Cause
Great Loss to Planters.
Brtdqepobt, Conn., October li-The
United States steamer Fish Hawk, of the
Government Fish Commission, has made this
port her headquarters for several weeks,
and is carrying on a work of
great interest to oyster growers in
this section. It is that of obtaining the
most complete information as to the habits and
manner of feeding the starfish, with a view of
exterminating the greatest of enemies to the
oyster. Lieutenant Robert Piatt is in com
mand of the ship, detached from the navy for
special duty. As fast as the grounds are ex
amined charts are carefully prepared, which
will be submitted to the Fish Commission for
inspection. Around Bridgeport Lieutenant
Piatt has found fewer starfish than he ex
pected, and of these the greater numoer were
on the natural bed'.
There Is no effort to restrict the stars on the
natural beds, and ho Is of the opinion that
these plots are the chief breeding places of the
stars. The stars have been found by Lieuten
ant Piatt in every temperature of water and
every condition of bottom, from the frigid
zone to the equator. In the vicinity of Bridge
port constant fishinz has kept down the
stars, but the proximity of the natural beds he
considers a source of great danger. He says
that a single female star produces millions of
eggs a year. Stars have power to move a quar
ter of a mile a day, and, moving from one feed
ing ground to another in search of food, they
are a deadly enemy to the oyster, and a great
element of trouble and loss to the planters.
Bosslsm Thnt Isn't Political.
Fromtbe Dramatic Mirror.
Wong Chin Foo says that "the real boss of a
Chinese troupe is the property man, the one that
owns or manages the costumes." The real boss
of an American troupe is the property man, the
one that owns or manages the female star.
Sevzbai stones, forming one ball-like mass,
12 inches in circumference, were found in the
stomach of a Hallertown horse which dropped
The Dictionary of Fossils, Issued by the
State, contains 3f pages in small print correct
ing statements found on the other 405 pages.
Seven bushels of fruit have been picked
this season from tho apple tree on the Deaver
property at Lancaster. It was planted 127 years
In tho absence of a Bible a document was
sworn to in the Beading courts on a copy of
SmuU's Hand-Book.
Two gunners near
snow-white squirrel.
Williamsport found a
AntratER near Wheeling claims to have
shot eight squirrels on the same tree in less
than ten minutes,
Faiucer Maktin, of Mahoning county. O.,
gave an old pair of pants to a tramp, forgetting
to remove 13 and valuable notes from the
, A stbanOeb at an Akron hotel got up In his
sleep and threw his watch out of the window.
Alt Ohio peddler claims to have cleared 18,910
outof aJesusamet's.work,. w' --
A blacksnake was captured at sea off
the Brenton Reef Ilghtsfilp, In Newport har
bor, the other dav.
Messrs. Seldomridge and Pebbles, of
Colorado Springs, are arranging to dispose or
their sheep. One has 10,080 aad the other 17
J. G. Bicb, of Bethel, Me., a veteran
trapper. Is engaged In the novel business of
catching wild hares to ship to sportsmen who
wish to stock game preserves.
James Clevenger, aged 15, of Nashville,
Brown county, and Miss Anna Patterson, aged
11 were married recently at the home ot the
bride's father, in Columbus, Ind.
Miss Minnie Earhart, of Glendale, O.,
awoke in a Chattanooga hotel to discover a
man in ber room. She put her hand under her
pillowdrew out a long black silken purse,
polnttn It at him and threatened to shoot The
fellow thought it was a pistol aad left la
stanter. Yourie T. B. Garrison, of FordlaBd,
Ma, was walking home from church Friday
night when he felt a strange impulse to go and
see his mother. He started to walk to her
home, 15 miles distant; aid when he arrived
there, at 3 o'clock Saturday morning, foaod
her dead in bed,
A few days since Sergeant Groo, of fee
New York police force, met five brothers at
his father's bouse in the town of Neversfek.
The total weight of tho six was 1,125 poweta
and their aggregate length 36 feet The father
is a sprightly old man of 74 years, and eaa jet
hold his own with anyone of bis Boys.
In Stockbridge township, Hick., ji
hungry hawk swooped down on someyeaag
turkeys. The mother turkey tried to drive
him away, but failing to do so, sped away, aad
in a few raomeats returned with a whole fleekr
of able-bodied adult turkoys and made a com-
blued attack on the barn-yard pirate aad beat
him off. f
A combination of "Western live sleek
exporters, headed by a Chicago firm, has de
vised a new plan to ship its cattle to Europe by
utilizing th'e between decks of the tank steam
ships which now cross the Atlantic Ocean with
bare decks. All of the tonnage has been char
tered by the combination, which will first ex
periment as to what effect the vapor from oil
will have upon cattle. It is thought the odor
from the cargo will be a benefit rather than as
injury to the animals.
A few days ago a large hog belonging
to LeRoy Hardy, of Stark. Ga while the fam
ily were all out of the house, went into the
house, and after cllmbin? upon a featherbed,
proceeded to tear the bed and clotMBg teto doll
rags. Hfs hogship thought he had feoad a
beautiful play-house, ancl in his delight and
playfulness tore things np generally. When
the inmates of the house eatae in the fleers
were literally covered with featfcers, sad the
festive Drute ran from the house Ieekisg ssen
like one of the feathered tribe than a is
porker. ' , f
A "Winipank, Conn., oat owner oae day
not long ago heard shrieks from bis wife aad
lady guest in the-parlor of his house, and ei
pitchfork; In the middle of the parlor fleer,
with her kittens about her. sat the fassily eat,
and in front of heron the carpet was a Hreiy
greensnake. The ladles were oatae ptsao.
screaming, while the kittens, with areaed
backs and bristling fur, betrayed a terror sec
ond only to that of the occupants of the ptaao.
The eat was trying to convince her faai&y that
the snake was worth trying for a baaqaet. The
householder set his heel on the reptile.
There is at least one woman, in North
Berwick, Me-, who wastes no time admiring
herself before a looking glass, and saa proved
it last Sunday by attending' chorea, aad Sab
bath school with her bonnet adorned with half
a dozen cards which a raasculiae sinner had
tucked in among the trimmings a day or two
before, probably supposing she would see
them when she put on her headgear. But
the good woman's mind was on Seaday school
lessons, not bonnets, when she dressed far
church, and so the Sunday school got a chaaee
to giggle.
Henry Smith, of Brook. Center, Cons.,
was fn the highway oa his way to bis day's
work in the fields, when he saadeely beheld la
the road what seemed to him a cartons eireas.
A blacksnake. a six-f ooter,,was earled oa the
ground, tut Instead ot having a head, as the ser
pents Mr.Smlth had been familiar wita all had,
this snake seemed to begin aad end. in talis.
Eager to know the mystery of his queer con
struction, if possible, Salts picked op assess
and hurled it at the strange reptile. Ha didn't
hit him, tut the mystery came apart la tea
middle. The big black fellow had swallowed
about half of another one that was nearly ,aa
large and of the same species, bo tiastaauy ae
diseoreed him when the stsae straak- tfce
grouna.. ;jBfB.. sauces wsesu
into the roadside wallbefore
nnd anotaex missile.
Sixteen-year-old Harry Spencer, el
Hansom, Pa., is a successful crow ttapaer.
Young Harry's guinea hens got intenee
of laying their eggs In the bushes back of taa
house last summer, and every now and toes
the crows would swoop down and carry oS. tea
eggs. At first Harry was ataloss toaeeeaat
for the disappearance of tee eggs, bat oae day
he ought two crows lathe act of steaaae
them, and he straightway went to work to oat
wit the black thieves. Oat in the field he baSt
a little well of soda, with an opening on oae
side wide enough for a crow to passtareagh,
and In the passage be seta steel trap. Tfcea
he placed an egg in the easier of the weH, aad
the first crow that siw it alighted oa tea eat
side of the circle of sods, tripped into tee open
ing after the egg; aad got its foot ia tee trap.
The crow began to flutter like fury, aad Harry
ran out and clubbed It to death. He has caagat
nearly two dozen of the sly birds 1b that way
mis season.
In the western part of North Carolina,
about seven miles west of Hot Springs, there
lives a family by the name of Brooks. It Is a
very interesting- oae, aad many a visitor to tea
quiet little town of Hot Spflsgs has had his
curiosity so aroused by stories of this family
that he has hired a team and driven seven miles
to the Brooks residence. This consists of a lit
tle, low log cabin In as unsettled district, aad is
occupied by lather, mother and 30 excepties
ally handsome children. Every one is a Meade,
with yellow-golden hair aad peachy complex
ion, and all as ignorant, wild and natatered as
they are beautiful. In additiou to the above
family proper the two oldest girls are married;
one is a widow with two children and the other
has three children and a hasband, Both these
little families are Uvicg with the oM fetes at
home, making in all a family of 38, wheaaaae
are missing. The borne or log cabin consists of
bnt one room, and that a very small oae. The
family sleeps in berths, an angsd like taese oa a
First Bagman How is business?
Second Bagman Oh, picking up. .Yew Jort
It takes a smart man to tell a good lie;
but nearly all men grow smarter the longer they
are married. SomtniUe Journal.
"Marriages are made in heaven," quoth
Miss Antique. "Then there Is some chance for
you yet," was the creel reply of her younger sli-ter.-iforper'
Thompson (proudly) Bobinson, yon see
that gun? My wife killed a bear with that once-
Bobinson Ah. Indeed I What was she thootlng
nilJtumteyt Wetktv.
He my greatest fault is that I'aa apt to
speak wlthoat tnmklng.
She Well. 1. suppose It ean't be well avoided
unless you quit talking. Terrs Haute Exprtst.
I've changed ray mind, old fellow,
And the maiden I'll ne'er wed;
I asked her for her hand, last evening, ,p
Ana got it sias or tne neaa. , .gfk
Kearnty SnterprtttS
Sweet Girl "What under the sun areayesr
going to marry him for? ' $
The Other Sweet Olrl-He looks so auchflike
poor 1'ldo when he was alive. Trr Ue.utenx
vrttl. J ff
Mormon Boy (whose JOsther has ,n:any
wires) You hit me oa the nose again and I'll tell
my ma.
Gentile Bey Which one of year bus are yoa
gola' to tell. Toss Btftlnft.
A Fortunate Man. ITTesJ' said the
stranger, "1 have made over SS,0S0 this year br
parachute descents."
"Ton are a balloonist, eh?"
"No, lam an undertaker." Kevo Tort Sun. .
He'll Get There Some Day. Strangerr
Boy, will you direct me to the nearest bank?
Street Uamln Will I' SS cents.
Btranr Twentr-STf- cental Isn'tthst hlgnr
Gamin Bant directors always gets big Pr. (
mister. JTo Tort Sun.
Younglove I don't care tor fashionable j
wnn -r.lf sail, mv ilr. I will always Del
quite content If yoa never wear anything morej
expensive than a calico gown aDoni m YTl
Mrs.YounglOTe Iamnrpnsea ju i
I thought you objected so stronily to women s
pearlng ia print. America.
, OeoraaVj
Scribbler When is that review of'jsyj
ini..l.nmliirnlil HnMiorr SMttlf r (profel
crltlo-WeH, toteH tho truth. 1 have not re4Utj
yet. ScrtbWw-Vetwlwnl broogut saebMta
toh m sHBrsd bh that Ton would lose M sat tal
readtefftt. SaSear-So I did- WeaVXha
t Jlncola.
," ... ,- i '.