1 - ' J the old landing of the Brownsville Packet Company. A shoal, however, was forming here before the company did this work. At the junction of the Allecheny and JIo nongahela rivers the lines have been encroached i poii, on the Monongahela front, over 100 feet. This ulace was a harbor of refuse, boats es caping ice or flood in one river by running into the other. The harbor has been entirely de stroyed. The most objectionable filling on the Monongahela river is at the Tenth street bridge, where the lines have been encroached upon on both sides of the river, which is nat urally narrow at this point. There is serious objection not only to the ex tent, but as well to the manner of fillinc. In dividual lot owners with narrow fronts run their lots out into the river beyond their neigh oors' lines. These projections cause violent reaction: In the water during freshets, scour ing out the bottom of the river. The increased Telocity caused by these projections scours out the cinders, sand and gravel. These are dropped by the water as soon as a wider part of the river is reached, this brings about thedo- Sosits or bars which interfere with so many of ie landings about the city. ASHES CAKEIED JLVAT. At one coke works refuse ashes have been dumped into the river for years without the banks being pushed further out. The water carries off the ashes some distance, and other persons are compelled to pay hundreds of dollars annually to have them dredged out. The committee did not have the cost of main taining coal boat lands, but knew that within the past ten years hundreds of thousands of dollars had been spent in deepening and clear ing out the shores to preserve the required depth of water. The committee believe that if the shore lines were brought ont even the shifting deposits would cease to annoy navi gators, xnis coma ue easily accompiisneu. On the score of health alone it w ould be the partofwUdom. The foulest refuse is dumped in the indentations, and girbage floats in the eddies caused by the recesses, and w ith the de cline of the rivers is left to contaminate the atmosphere. Above the citj there is alo much filling in of the Mononcahela river. At the Carrie Furnace, at the BraddOLk Water Works and thence for n mile above by the Edgar Thomson Steel Works, there have been extensive filling. Titty acres have been taken in the last ten 3 ears Irom the river bed. How much more is to be thus converted into building lots the com mittee do not know. In the upper region owners claim to low water mark. They fill ont that far. and when the filling washes away they lose: when it builds out cither from natural or artificial causes the title appears to follow. JTJST 200 FEET TAKEN. At one point just below Turtle creek the fill ing has been extended 200 feet into the river. The river is wide here but very shallow. There is a large bar in the middle of the stream, and the extension of the bank has greatly narrowed the channel between the bar and the bank. To aggravate this Turtle creek empties into the head of this narrow chute, and from that stream tLe annual freshets bring down thousands of of cubic yards of refuse which is emptied into the river. Extensive dredging has been done to keep the channel open, but boats frequently ground there, and surveys show that the en Tire channel is being gradually filled, and un less something is done a complete embargo will be placed on river commerce at this point. The bank filling has not been extended at this place for several years, aud it might be toler ated if the refuse could be keptirom coming out of Turtle creek. It w ould be a small mat ter to arrange this. At the lower end of Mc Kcesport there Js a filling which also needs at tention. The committee devotes considerable spare to the use of the river banks by the rail roads, which it deems necessary. The sug gestion is made that the rights ot navigators De carefully guarded. An instance is given in which a heavy casting shipped bv boat to a shop on the Allegheny rner had to be hauled eight or ten squares owing to the steepness of the banks and the Junction Railroad trestle. COAL CAK'T BE TIED. Again the Honongahela connecting road is to be so built as to greatly interfere with tying up of coal fleets. This road should he compelled to fill its trestle as rapidly as possible, leaving proper modes of reaching the river. The committee further suggests that when the banks are filled out to a proper line one or more railroad tracks be laid tor the use of nil roads entering the citv. There is no question of greater finan cial interest to the river interests than the use of the shores by the railroads, yet they have never been consulted. The committee regarded these franchises as very valuable and warned the authorities to be carctul in granting them. The parties aggrieved have the courts open to tfiem, but they are only individuals, and it would cost them more than the actual loss incurred. The committee thinks that there is a de mand for the revision or the laws, and the appointment of another Harbor Commis sioner, as there is now something more needed than water lines. Prom Freeport on the Allegheny and Elizabeth on the Jlonongahela to the Ohio State line, the river lines should be re-established and placed permanently under the control of supervisors. The questions involved are to urgent and far-reaching in their character that the committee recommends the chamber Make application for a comaiissioa to be ap pointed by the Governor c The report is signed by John S. Dravo, Captain C. W. Batchelor. B. L. "Wood, Jr., John A. "Wood and Colonel T. P. Roberts. RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED. The committee also reported the following resolution: Resolved, That the Chamber of Commerce respectfully petition the fatato Legislature to provide a commission to survey, establish and adjust the high and low water lines of the Al legheny, Honongahela and Ohio rivers, from Freeport on the Allegheny, Elizabeth on the Jlonongahela, to the Ohio State line, and to make the necessary appropriation to defray the expenses of the same. Hon. Morrison Poster called attention to the fact that no mention was made of the water lines on the Korthside which had also been encroached upon. The committee was ordered to look this matter up and incor porate it in its report The report and the resolutions were then adopted, aud on mo tion of Mr. George A. Kelly it was ordered that 1,500 copies of the report be printed for farther use. Alexander Dempster, D. C. Noble, of A. French & Co., Mr. A. French and S. M. "Ward, General Superintendent ot the Junction Railroad, -were elected members of the chamber. THE CIIAiiiVEIi AT WHEELING. Ko Satisfaction Given ibe Rlvermen by the Fresldent of the Kond. A dispatch from "Wheeling received last night says: Messrs. John A. Wood, M. B. Rodgers. James Wood, D. B. Blackburn, S. D. Sweeny, Charles June, John 0'cil and W. I. Wood, represent ing the Pittsburg coal and river interest, came down to Wheeling this morning in reference to the contemplated blockading of the channel of the river at the north end of Wheeling island by the false work necessary in the erec tion of the channel span of the Union rail road bridge. Abont 2 o'clock in the afternoon members of the committee called upon Fresldent Cochran, of the Railroad Cora panv, and made knrwn their wishes, the views of the river men being set forth at length in a written address. They stated that to close the channel span would be to practically suspend navigation, for the bar at the head of the Western branch of the river pre cluded the idea of passing the bridge to the west of the channel, while the space between the east channel pier and pier 2vn.lwastoo narrow to permit the passage of coal tows. To the request that the false work for the channel span be delayed until spring President Cochran returned a refusal, saying there were too many interests involved. Baird Bro., the contractors were bound to con clude the work in a specified time and to delay would be to occasion great loss. The river men then attempted to have a compromise agreed upon, but in this likewise they were unsuccessful, and they with drew, leaving the situation unchanged. They forwarded a protest to the Secretary of War, however, and Engineer Merrill has begun an investigation. The railroad company assured tbo river men the utmost dispatch would be used to enable the work to be completed if pos sible before a coalboat raise. ADAMb' iXTEESS BUILDIXG. Buinora and Not the Home Are Snld to be Wilhoat Foundation. Tbe alleged unsafe Adanis'Express build inn was visited last evening. It was found that the rear wall, over which such a pother had been made, was the division wall, upon yhich the feline tribe of the neighborhood is accustomed noctnrnally to assemble. The extent of damage which this wall could do, even if it did fall, would be the breaking of a few flower-pots. The officials of the com pany said yesterday that they invited an immediate inspection of their building, as the rumors which had been set afloat were Altogether groundless. DE. HOLLAND'S PLANS. The Promoter of the Academy of Sci ence Explains Dis Ideas. HE DEPRECATES DISCUSSION. Mr. Andrew Carnegie Will Follow His Own Ideas in the Matter. A COMMITTEE HUKTIKG FOR A LOCATION At the meeting of the Pittsburg Amateur Photographers' Society last night, pursuant to a resolution, President W. S. Bell ap pointed the following gentlemen as the P. A. P. representatives at the meeting to be held on November 5 at the Pittsburg Club to take action upon the Academy of Sciences project: Messrs. W. H. Beymer, A. B. Neeb and B. Speer. After reading the communication from the Iron City Microscopical Society rela tive to the proposed federation ot Pitts burg's scientific and artistic societies, Mr. Bell quoted some remarks in regard to An drew Carnegie's intentions which he said had been made to him recently by Dr. W. J. Holland. While the sense of the state ment was strongly corroborative of the pre vious publications by The Dispatch in regard to Mr. Carnegie's plans for a library, Dr. Holland, who was seen late last even ing at his Oakland residence, states that Mr. Bell had entirely misunderstood him (Dr. Holland). As the ultimate snecess of the scheme is highly desirable, Dr. Hol land's pergonal statement in regard to the matter is of considerable importance. THE DOCTOH EXPLAINS. He said: "I know nothing whatever of Mr. Carnegie's intentions, not being author ized in any sense to act as his spokesman or exponent. I value him highly a a personal friend, and in recent conversations with him was led to infer that some such scheme as is now under discussion might meet with his approval. It seems to me that the con nection of Mr; Carnegie's name so frequent ly with the proposed federation of scientific and artistic societies of Pittsburg and the discussions of his intentions in advance of an explicit statement by himself is, to say the least, in poor taste. "If Mr. Carnegie makes up his mind to act it will probably be upon lines of his own determining and his plans, judging by the past, will be framed upon no mean or insufficient basis or scale. "In reference to this plan of federation, I may say that it is a pet scheme of my own. Whether or not Mr. Carnegie or some other citizen of equally potential purse or liberal instincts provides an adequate housing for the amalgamated societies, such an union should be formed without loss of time. The mere act of combining the farces would be in itself preparatory; useful inas much as it would demonstrate how large the body of artistic and scientific workers isin comparison with our population. I should like to see a roomy building rented tempo rarily and the various societies assigned rooms. HIS PLANS IN DETAIL. There should be apartments set apart for separate libraries, and there should be one or'niore halls for meetings, the delivery of lectures, etc.; nnd steps should be taken to popularize the results of modern research through the agency of organization and lec ture courses. I would like to see the plan assume the widest scope. There should be botanical and zoological gardens established and maintained under the auspices of the organization. Such an end might not be immediately attained, but could be an ultimate realization. There is a great deal that such an academy of science conld effect and its bearing upon the educa tion of the young people of the community would be most salutary. It certainly would do no harm to bring into harmony and union the scattered societies and their mem bers as parts component of the local scien tific community. But I think it is essential to warn certain enthusiasts that an individual bent unon the good of the community might deem it superserviceable zeal which would make him the recipient of suggestions as to how gifts should be dispensed. This matter is in such shape that injudicious discussion of Mr. Carnegie's plans is greatly to be depre cated. As a noted politician once said to a prominent candidate, "Dear Blank, don't talk." "Have you made any preparation for the meeting of November 5?" was asked. "I have secured copies of the constitutions of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences and a number of kindred organiza tions, from which the rough draft of a con stitution may be presented to the meeting." A committee, consistingof Messrs. George V. Macbeth, John I. Brashear and Super intendent Hamilton, is now skirmishing for a centrally located building of adequate size to accommodate the Acad em v of Sciences. It will make a report to the meeting of November 5. THEIR ACTION RESCINDED. Allegheny's Electric Plant Bin j be Located on Irwin Avennc. A special meeting of Allegheny Councils has been called for Thursday evening to consider the advisability of purchasing a site for the electric light plant at the north west corner of Irwin avenue and Oak alley. The joint committee of the Gas and City Property Committee appointed to select a site, met last night. The former ac tion recommending the appropriation of 53,000 for the excavation for the site on Martin street was rescinded. The sub-committee reported that the new site could be purchased for 57,000. Some of the members said it would cost $3,000 to excavate the Martin street site, and about d.iKW more lor a retaining wall. It was then moved that the committee recommend the purchase of the Irwin street property. E0BBING A TOLICEMAN. Officer Zimmerman Captures a Sinn Se creted In HI House. It is not often that burglars invade the house of a policeman, especially in day light when the occupant is at home and asleep. Such a rare occurrence happened in Allegheny yesterday. Officer Zimmer man, who lives on Middle street, was awak ened about 4 o'clock by a man who was prowling about his domicile. He asked the man what he wanted and received the reply that the stranger was looking for something to eat. The man stated that he had knocked at the door, but receiving no response, walked in. The policeman thought he was a daylight burglar and collared him. The man gave his name at the Mayor's office as Thomas Sheriden. John Bedcn III. John Bodcn, arrested on Snnday after noon by Inspector McAleese lor running a speak-easy at 21 Soho street, was remanded from Central station to the Mercy Hospital. He was suffering from lung hemorrhage,and a severe scalp wound, which he inflicted on himself on Sunday night against the cell bars. .c is u u vwiicui cuuuiuun. Ilia Arm Mangled. John Stoker, aged 16 years, an employe of Dil worth, Porter & Co. 's mill on South Fourth street, had his arm terribly mangled in a cog-wheel yesterday afternoon. He was removed to the Homeopathic Hospital. Simply Perfect. The Union Pacific Bailway, "The Over land Koute," has equipped its trains with dining cars of the latest pattern, and on and after August 18 the patrons or its fast trains between Council Bluffs and Denver, and be tween Council Bluffs and Portlnnd, Ore., will be provided with delicious meals, the best the market affords, perfectly served, at 75 cents each. Pullman's Palace Car Com pany will have charge of the service on tnesecars. THE THEY WILL NOT HARM0HIZE. One or Other of the Statical Untoni Wil HitTo the Upper Band Presidont Robe Played nt the Grand. The hand of fellowship has been held out by the K. of L. musicians to the M. M. P. TJ. people, but it has been rejected. Last night at the Opera House union men and K. of L. men played side by side. Man ager "Wilt summed up the situation when he said yesterday that the difference be tween the rival organizations was that, while the M. M. P. TJ. musicians would not play alongside of K. of L. men, the latter had not the least objection, for the present, be it observed, to make music with their rivals. "You will hear mnsic toward the end of the week," said the Manager. He did not say whether any discords would be rung in, but he inferred that it would be loud enough. "There are only between 125 and 110 mu sicians in the city," said Master Workman J. H. Bottkay, of L. A. 1583, yesterday, "and of this number 37 belong to the the atrical orchestras. Now the M. M. P. XT. claims a membership of 350, and taking the orchestras from this number would leave 317 musicians from whom to select the half dozeu or ten required as emergencies in the Grand Opera House. And vet, as the result showsnot six men were available when re quired. When I speak of musicians I mean by the term men who can play at sight, and who are of sufficient ability to take their place at a call in an ordinary band or or chestra. A few days will very likely produce a change in the musical world here. We have our charter, properly indorsed and reindorsed, and before two weeks have passed we will have our organization in working order. At present we number 80 men on our rolls and do not be surprised if within the time mentioned we have drawn in a few more. We propose to increase the Great Western Band by the addition of 15 men, thus bringing up the instrumentation on a line with Gilniore, and we are about to organize a series of thorough rehearsals and produce not alone a first-rate band, but also establish an orchestra which will be a credit to the city. In less than six weeks Irom now a radical change will have been effected in the musical organizations and a com bined military band and orchestra estab lished under the auspices of our L. A. 1583. We made proposals to the M. M. P. TJ. to recognize onr organization and work am icably with us, but they took no notice of our desire for harmony, and now if they de sire peace they must come to us." It was reported last night that several musicians had leit the Grand Opera House Orchestra. When Manager Wilt was seen he said: "Everything is now quiet, and Mr. Buhe, who was supposed to be the stormy petrel of the teacup hurricane, is now calmly playing his 'cello in my orchestra. I have left the musicians to arrange their troubles in their own way; and I understand that they have done so." AB0DT THE SCOTCH-IRISH. Their Executive Committee Arranges for the BIny Meeting. A meeting of the Executive Committee in charge of the preparations for the entertain ment of the Scotch-Irish Society of America, which meets here next May, held a session yesterday afternoon at the law office of Colonel John W. Echols, on Fourth avenue. A long letter was read from Mr. A, C. Floyd, of Columbia, Tenn., Secretary of the bcotch-lrish bociety. It was decided to recommend May 8, 9 and 10, 1890, as the time for the meeting in Pittsburg. Dr. I. N. Hays, W. A. Herron and Colonel Echols were appointed to suggest committees on entertainment, finance, transportation and reception, to be voted for at next Executive Committee meeting. A STEAKOER BDNE0ED. Thomas Hendrickson, of Beaver County, Token In by Friends. Thomas Hendrickson, of Beaver county, met with a bunko experience at the Lake Erie depot last night While in the depot a couple of menjstrnck up an acquaintance with him and one of them invited him out to get a drink. He accepted the invitation and started to gather up his bundles. One ol the men offered to keep an eye on the packages until he returned. Hendrickson started off and took numerous drinks. His companion gave him the slip and he found his way back to the depot. The man and the bundles had disappeared. HITHER AUD THITHER. Movements of Plttsburgers nnd Others of Wide Acaunintnnee. Messrs. O'Brien & Wrangler, of St. Louis, and Scully, of Chicago, who are in town for the convention of the American Boiler Makers' Association, are staying at tbe An derson. The sum and substance ot the meet ing, which opens this morning at 10 o'clock, is to promote tbo better manufacture ot boiler iron and boilers. Mr. Scully said that people might rest assured that If the World's Fair con id not beheld in Chicago, that his towns men would do all in their power to locate It at St, Louis. Mr. O'Brien met Jay Gould and his wife and George Gould at a ball in St. Louis lately, and remarked that the little great man seemed as fresh looking as he was five years ago. All throe gentlemen are consistent readers of The Dispatch, Mr. Sculry remark in; that It was necessary to them for the items of trade intelligence contained. "They could not get on without,'' he concluded. Messieurs Eiffel and Gre, the young French engineers who have been mak ing an extended trip through the conn- try, went to Fhiladelphialast night. They leave for France on La Burgoyne on the 22d. They had an interview yes terday morning with President Paine, of the Wcstingbouse Company, who very courteously entertained them on a variety of interesting subjects, and ushered them through portions of the works. Later on Captain Robert Hunt showed him through his aluminum works at Lawrenceville. Captain Hunt told them that .he expected to yet turn out a ton of aluminum per week, and that when the branch establish ment in England was gotten into good working order that thero would be a probability of ex tending their operations to French soil. They carried away with them some detail drawings of portions of the Westinghouse maohmes and visiting cards of aluminum. An exodus of Democratic politicians occurred last night in the direction of Phila delphia. Among the delegates to the State Convention of Democratic Clubs, which meets to-day in the Quaker Citv, representing the County Democracy, were 'Squire D. J. Boyle, P. J. Foley, Ed. S. Kennedy, John W. Giles and five others, while the Randall Club sent 37 representatives, among whom were the Hon. J. J. O'Neil General P. N. Guthrie, J. J O'Leary, Collector Dan O. Barr and others. The following attorneys were admitted yesterday to practice in the Supremo Court: L. W. Bigham, Mercer county; James W. King, Armstrong county; L. T. Kurtz, Lawrence county: David Jameson, Lawrence county: A. C. Holbert. Somerset county: John R. Scott, Somerset county, and Dennis Meyers, Somerset county. Qpmmon Fleas Court No. 1 yesterday reappointed James Blick, August Steiner and Roger Hartley as the Examining Board for the Seventh bituminous coal district of Pennsylva nia. The board is apnolnted every five year by the court for tbe purpose of examining mine bosses. The old board were all reappointed. I. O. McClellan, Superintendent of Middle division, Pennsylvania Railroad; Thomas Gucker. Superintendent of Philadcl- uhia division, with tbe Superintendents of tbe New Jersey, Media and Bedford divisions are staying over niebt at the Anderson. Captain L. T. Brown returned from his wedding tour Saturday evening. On his going to nis post in Aioorlican, Aicuieane & Uo.'s mill yesterday he was met by 100 employes, and chaired into his department amid cheers and congratulations. John Schraunu, father of Bev. Father S. J. Schraunu, of the St. George's Congrega tion, in Allentown, is lying at tbe point of death at his home in 0'B.ara township, three miles from Sharpsbarg. Brigadier General John H. Wiley, of Franklin: Ira D. Banker, the evangelist, and Chal Dick. ex-Sheriff of Johnstown, are three notables at present sojourning at the Seventh avenue. The-Bt, Eev. Bishop O'Connor, of I Omaha, was a traveler homeward last night -S PITTSBUEG DISPATCH, AFTER MUCH TALKING The Birmingham Traction Road Or dinance Finally Passed. MR. MONROE DOES WELL BUT LOSES. Dr. Evans Scores the Southside Business Men's Opposition. SPICY MEETINGS OP BOTH COUNCILS Both branches of Pittsburg Councils met yesterday .afternoon. A number of ordi nances were presented, the most important of which were granting privileges to the Central Passenger Road and regulating the running of trains on Liberty street. The lobby in Select Council was crowded with persons interested when the ordinance granting the right to use the streets to the Pittsburg and Birmingham Passenger Bail way -was called up for second reading. The spectators were mainly southside business men, and they" evinced a great interest in theproceedings. When the Clerk had read the ordinance Mr. Monroe offered an amendment providing that the company should lav its tracks donble up as far as South Sixth street, up which one track must pass to Bingham street, up Bingham to South Tenth, up South Tenth to Sarah street, up Sarah to Seventeenth street, down Seventeenth to Carson and up Carson to the city line, being double from Seventeenth street east, a single track run ning from Sixth to Seventeenth along Car son. In offering this amendment Mr. Mon roe said he was in favor of the Traction road, but. wanted it surrounded with such restrictions as would make it safe for the women and children, hundreds of whom were continually crossing Carson street which, unless his amendment was adopted, would be very dangerous, because the trac tion cars would travel so fast. At present, he said, the horse cars travel at the rate of four miles an hour, and when two cars were passing eachbther on adjacent tracks this speed was increased eight miles. He un derstood the traction cars would travel six miles an hour, and hence their speed in passing each other would be just double that, or 12 miles an hour. LIVES IN DANGEB. The effect of this speed on the narrow por tion of Carson street between Sixth and Seventeenth streets would be, in case a double track were laid there, to cause the death of many a child or woman or old per son, simply because the street was so narrow that they would not have an opportunity to get out of the way. There was scarcely a day, Mr. Monroe said, but that he had ob served drivers of horse cars stop their cars to let a team get out of the way, and the street was so narrow that there was not room enough to drive to one side, but the teamster must pull off one track on to another. Increase the rate of speed and it would be impossible for vehicles to keep out ot the way of the cable cars. He thought it would be a saving in the long run for the traction company as well as a safeguard for the citizens if his amendment was adopted, because it would not only allow the cars to make better time, but would save them many suits for damages. Mr. Monroe presented a petition a yard and a half long, signed, he said, by ail of the business men on Carson street except two, who asked the Councils of the city to protect them in this matter from the railway coiporation before it was too late. The com pany had once a single track along Carson street, but they stole the street and forced a second track along it, in spite of the opposi tion of the citizens. Now was an oppor tunity toJcompel the company to lay its tracks where they would best suit the citi zens. Mr. Keating thought Mr. Monroe's plan was much more dangerous than the original, as far as pedestrians were concerned. He believed that, if it were adopted, the average number of persons killed at the corners where the cable cars would whirl around would beaboutoneeverv hour. The corner of Seventh street, where tLe Penn avenue cars swing from Seventh street into Penn ave nue, the Fifth avenue traction's crossing over renn avenue in irontoi tneir station in East End, and the crossing of the sidewalk on Liberty street by the Penn avenue cars coming out ot their station were referred to by Mr. Keating as illustrating the danger of turning street corners with cable lines, for a person walking along could not see the car until it was right on him, when crossing the street at snch a place. HIS BEMABKS INDOBSED. Mr. Warmcastle said he would like very much to vote with his Southside friends on this matter, but he thought Mr. Heating's objection too important to be overlooked. Dr. Evans said he had been informed by a member of the traction company that their charter would not permit of their using any streets except those traversed by the present streetcar line on the Southside. More over he thought the cable cars much safer on a straight street like Carson where they conld be seen approaching for nan a mue man to nave tnem come whirl ing out of a side street where they could not be seen until within a few yards of the pedestrian. Mr. T. A. Gillespie thought the traction company would never build its lines il com pelled to follow the route proposed by Mr. Monroe, as the great number of switches re quired would be too expensive to keep up. Mr. Monroe's motion was then voted on and defeated by the following vote: ' , Ayes-Messrs. Braun, D. P. Evans, Monroe, McCord, Nlshet, Paul, Robertson, Rohrkaste and Warren 9. Nays Messrs. Anderson, Brnphy, Cave- uauu, vwmuo. iw;ic, wtur.j't fiizsimmong T. A. Gillespie, Haslett, Keating, KingtLaml bie, Matthews, Miller, Murphy, McKinley Perry, Treusch, Warmcastle, Watson, Williams; Wilson. Ford 2S. Mr. Monroe then offered another amend ment, providing that the line should leave Carson street at First street, and run to Tenth on Bingham, up Tenth to Sarah, up Sarah to the city line. This he said was to meet the objection of Mr. Paul, that the street was narrow below Sixth street as well as above, and tbe objection of Mr. Warmcastle, who had said that Carson street was narrower from Twenty-seventh streeteast than it was at any other place. This amend ment was also defeated, and Mr. Monroe then made nis last attempt ty offering an amendment to compel the traction company to pay into the city treasury the same amount per annum as the company having the franchise now nays. STEONO OBJECTIONS MADE. Mr. Keating said .that would not be right. No other traction company was compelled to pay anything for their privileges, and it would be wrong to pick out the South side company for that purpose. In the past the Birmingham Passenger Company had been taxed $25 per year for each C3r, but Mr. Keating thought the clause in the ordinance which would compel the new company to keep the street clean and the pavement between its tracks in good repair would amount to con siderably more to the city than the tax on the carer Mr. Lambie thought Mr. Monroe's amend ment a good suggestion. The city had been too liberal with her franchises for years, and too little attention was paid to the details of a big affair like this. In other cities a com pany enjoying the privilege like this ordi nance contemplated would -4e expected to contribute liberally to the city treasury. He admitted that the first cost of construct ing a cable road was heavy, but he thought the Fifth avenue road demonstrated that tbe earnings were greater in proportion than the cost. Tttat road, a lew years ago, was an insolvent corporation, was sold out three or four times by the Sheriff, but now we hear of it hauling 6,000,000 or 6,000,000 of people. It's no longer an insolvent corpor ation, but actually a competitor of the Penn sylvania Railroad for traffic, and its direc tors are contemplating a reduction in tbe fare to the East End to 5 cents and they would, by reason of tbe increased travel, make money at that. The Southside line, some 25 years ago, ran for half its length through green fields, and it was only a few a-iTn VT TUESDAY j s r OCTOBER years ago that Mr. Patrick took hold of it, and in the last five or six years it has been a good paying investment. A BIO CAPITAL STOCK. Dr. Evans said that the capitaliza tion of the present Southside line was $350,000, while the new one was (1,500,000. The receipts would have to be doubled sev eral times in order to make it a paying in vestment. He thought stock in the new company would be a poor investment, as there was scarcely enough on the Southside to justify such an outlay as $1,500,000. Mr. Monroe said in reply that his ex perience had taught him that whenever the interests of the city of Pittsburg camein contact with interests of some pet corpora tion in the city, the citizens always had to be struck down in the interest of the corpor ation. Mr. Monroe thought a traction road unnecessary to increase the valuations on the Southside, because they were high enough now. Property on certain parts of Carson street was, he said, as high in price as Fifth avenne property. Dr. Evans took advantage of the op portunity here to say that the Southside had some of the narrowest minded business men he had ever seen, the most ridiculous ideas he bad ever heard emanated from them. The secret of the whole opposition to the new traction road, the secret to tbe long remonstrance handed in by Mr. Monroe, was all plain to anyone who took the trouble to look. The business men were afraid the traction cars would cause Southside citizens to come to this side to buy. AFBAID OF COMPETITI6N. That wa the secret of the enterprising business men. They wanted to corral the Ecople over there so they couldn't get out to uy anything. It wasn't the people of the Southside who were objecting, but the narrow minded Carson street business men. Mr. Evans thought they would be glad to have the railways torn up, the bridges torn down and the women compelled to swim the river in order to keep the business from getting away from them. This ended the debate and the. final amendment of Mr. Monroe was defeated. On the final passage of the ordinance Mr. Monroe cast the only negative vote, Mr. Kisbet and Dr. McCord, each explaining that he voted aye because he thought the cable road would be a good thing for the Southside. The Bea & Co. switch ordinance was then taken up but was referred to a committee and councils adjourned. In the Common Councils W. A. Magee presided. A number of ordinances for grading streets, opening sewers, etc., were presented. Mr. Kearns presented a resolution asking the Chief of the. Department of Public Works for an estimate on the cost of a sub way for electrio light, telegraph and tele phone wires on Filth, Penn and Liberty avenues, Smithfield, Wood and Market streets, west of Grant street Mr. Duncan moved to amend by including the city po lice and fire, electrio railway and all other wires. As amended the resolution was adopted. An objection was made to the order of the Board of Awards for a fire alarm switch board costing $9,135, but it was finally granted. The ordinance providing for the purchase of a lot in the Thirty-first ward lor an engine house, as adopted in Select Council, was taken up and passed finally. Mr. Duncan presented an ordinance regulating the manner of making connections with the public sewers. It was referred to the Com mittee on Public Works and Council ad journed. INSPECTING THE PENNSY. One Hundred nnd Fifty Officials Start East ward To-Day. A party of about 150 Pennsylvania offi cials arrived in Pittsburg last night for the annual inspection of the tracks, bridges and way of the lines east of Pittsburg and Erie, which will begin to-day. All the general and division superin tendents, their civil and maintenance ol way engineers, road masters, track super visors and section supervisors and the entire staff of the construction department were in cluded in the party. They arrived by special train, and most ol them put up in the Mo nongahela House. Tne party will return east, examining all the lines to New York as they go. 1I0EE NEW BUILDINGS. Permits Issued Yesterday for a Number of Structures. The Bnilding Inspector issued a permit to James B. Mellon for the erection of a 2-story brick dwelling on Bippey street, to cost 812,000; to John Beerford for the erection of a two-story brick dwelling on Boup street, Twenty-second ward, to cost 53,000; to B. Dunwoody for the erection of a tour-story brick store and dwelling at No. 2321 Penn avenue, to cost 84,500; to H. E. "Wainwright for four two-story brick dwell ings between Main and Fisk streets, Seven teenth ward, to cost ?3,800; to Adolph Zuiser for three two-story brick dwellings on Carnegie street, Eighteenth ward, to cost $3,000. AN0TUEB PLACE CLOSED. The Police Offlslala Weeding Ont Disor derly Places. Chief Brown and Inspector McAleese, last night, visited the row of houses on Lfoerty street which the police have been trying to rid of its vicious inhabitants. They found No. 1155 occupied by Mrs. Bishop. She promised to quit business immediately. The Inspector gave her 48 hours in which to quit the premises. LOCAL ITEMS, LIMITED. Incidents of a Darin Two Cities Condensed for Bendy Bending;. John Tayioe, a lad of 10 years of age, was brought to the city and sent to the Mercy Hos pital last night, suffering; from injuries re ceived while picking coal from the track near Mansfield. A bar connected with the framing of a stationary coal car fell on his head ren dering him insensible. DtmiHO the past two weeks tbe Bociety or the Improvement of the Foot has distributed 576 loaves of bread, 267 bars of soap, 450 bushels of coal and 275 garments. During the same time 499 families, comprising 759 persons were visited and 203 families aided. ouu.wcre Dr. Vankirk. of West Newton, will be asked by Coroner McDowell to explain his failure to properly dress the injuries of diaries E. Sanson, whose leg was crushed by a B 4 0 train last Friday evening, at McKeesport, the injuries resulting in death. n Frank Burdenstoff, a passenger on an accommodation train on the Panhandle Bail road, yesterday, had a dispute with the con ductor concerning his ticket. It is alleged Burdenstoff drew a revolver and attempted to shoot the conductor. ' Verdicts of accidental death were ren. Hered yesterday in the cases of Pat O'Toole, of Braddocb, J. H. Brown, drowned in the Mo nongabela on Saturday, and Frank Koback who was injured by the falling of lnmber at West Liberty. The St. Joseph Orphan Asylum, on Mt. Oliver, has just been presented with Ave wagon loads of countrr produce and clothing, and at the same time 127 75 was banded to the Mother Superior of the asylum. There are now 88 cases of typhoid fever in the Mercy Hospital. They corao from all parts of the city. Dr. Scott says that the disease usually attacks foreigners. The Pennsylvania road ran three Pullman trains from Philadelphia to Pittsburg last Saturday night without a schedule. This is something to crow over. J. W. Martin, of Washington, was struck and killed by express 108 on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, near Taylorstown, yesterday morning. ' AWABBANi amounting to 1188 25 was paid yesterday to the man who furnishes meals for the Central station. The bill was for Septem ber. Mrs. Annie Wiomon wants damages from Andrew M. C. Home, a driver for Frauenhelm uaava, jor uumug ner cniid with a whip. Chief Kibsohlkb arrested eight colorod men for loafint? aronnd thn Aiiatrhanw itrvA TTmt.a iut..if. rp...... - .. j. " "' vMwjwiu.j, u. hub uaeo 1 -I M" " lm .. . ,-Ti? l'.'.'Vjr 10, . 1889 DELE6ATES AREIYE. American Boiler Manufacturers' As sociation Convenes Here. GOOD FOR A BILLION OP DOLLARS. The National Subjects They Will Prob ably Consider To-day. P0ETEAITS OP SOME OP THE LEADERS Many delegates to the American Boiler Manufacturers' Convention arrived in the city last night. They will be quartered at the Anderson, Seventh Avenue, Duqnesne and Moi ongahela. The sessions will begin to-day. Five hnndr -d manufacturers, from all parts cf the Unite 1 States and Canada, will be present They will represent a com bined capital of $1,030,000,000, many of them ranking as m'llionaires. A. T. Douthett, of this city, the founder of the association, with James Lippau and other Pittsburg boiler men have been busily en gaged makinsr arrangements for the affair. A. T. Douthett, Its Founder. As already stated in The Dispatch, Secretary Douthett has received a letter from Secretary Windom, ot the Treasury Department, which will be read at the meeting. Secretary Windom, by virtue of his position, has charge of all tariff matters relating to boiler materials. .The Pennsyl vania Bailroad Company has also forwarded to Mr. Douthett a statement of the official tests made by their celebrated engineers at Altoona, which will form an important sub ject for discussion at tbe convention. Other topics pertaining to the safety of steam boilers and various industrial questions will be discussed. There is a long list of committees on such subjects as "Materials and Tests," "Eiveting and Caulking," "Manheads and Manholes," "'Safety Valves and Horse Power." These will give an idea of the character of the debates which will take place. It is expected to be the greatest gathering of iron manufacturers tnat has ever been held in this city. James Lappan, Acting President. The American Boilers Association was organized at the Hotel Anderson in April last, at which time James Lappan, of Pitts burg, was elected President; A. T. Douthett, of Allegheny, Secretary; E. Hammond, of Buffalo, N. Y., Treasurer; Philip Bohan.of St. Louis, Mo., George Marshall, Dayton, O., and Christopher Cunningham, oi Brooklyn, N. Y., Vice Presidents. This association was organized for the purpose of attaining the highest knowledge and pro moting the greatest intelligence in the man ufacture of steam boilers. The first thing in order to-day will be the reports of committees. These will bring out some scientific matters for debate. It is expected that much of value to the trade will then be elicited. Some of the ableit men in the country will make these reports. Colonel E. D. Neier. It has been suggested that some attention be given the subject of boiler explosions by this body. Although it will come in inci dentally, still the field is so wide that it is a pity special committees had not been named to prepare special reports on a snbject of such vast importance. Often the charge has been made that bad iron in boilers has been the cause of explosions. Nowhere else than in Pittsburg has this charge been made oftener. It is the same in all other large cities A. T. Douthett founder of the associa tion, is one of the most widely known men in the business circles of the city. For sev eral years he was engaged in educational affairs, and was always alert and introduc ing new methods. Since his entranceJnto business he has steadily increased in popu larity, until he can now claim a national reputation. He is a partner in the well-known Porter Foundry and Machine Company, . Allegheny, and is a frequent contributor to the press, and author oi several miscellan eons publications. Fob asthma, bronchitis, cough, cold and croup take Dr. B nil's cough syrup. 25 cts. B. tB. Gentlemen, have you read our glove "ad," 5th page? Boogs & BunL. After a sleepless night use Angostura Bitters to tone np your system. All drug gists. B. cfcB. Gentlemen, have vou read our glove "ad," 5th page? - Bonos & Buhl. The doctors recommend Wainwright's' beer for purity. Kept by all dealers. JaU K "V KEGOttATIKQ TO SETTLE. Worlr Will Boon Commence In (ha La Sails nnd Spring- Taller District Slight Dif ference! Exist. Coal mining operations in the Spring Valley and La Salle districts maybe recom menced almost immediately. Negotiations for a settlement of the differences between the operators and miners arenearing a close, and at the La.Solle mines there is a very slight margin of difference between those concerned. Mr. Arthur Zemm, ex-President o( Local 27, N,P. TJ., who has been visiting the coke regions in aid of the Illi nois mines, made a statement yesterday o( the present position of affairs. Previous to the closing of the mines in Maythe prices paid were 75 cents for coal digging and IS cents for Erushing. The operators tried to do away with the 15 cents, and have succeeded so far in getting the miners to listen to a reduction of 7K cents. The La Salle operators have come within four inches of the concession of the whole northern district, which, according to Sec retary Scaife, will make a difference oi one inch in brushing in last year's prices, pro vided the miners accept the concession, which, ia the opinion of Messrs. Scaife and Zemm, they will. It is only a short time since that W. L. Scott would meet any organization at all in matter, and his latest offer to the miners stands at 82 cents. He has arrived within ten inches in the dead work of the whole district, and there is a strong proba bility that in the event of the La Salle rmines opening up, which, it is claimed, is imminent, tnat ocoti win concende similar terms to bis men. It is costing considera bly to keep the Spring Valley mines open, as on the system on which they are worked a force of men has to be continually em ployed in keeping them open. This matter of expenditure will no doubt influence the operators to close with their men. Mr. Zemm expressed a confident opinion, based on his correspondence with Secretary Scaife, that tbe troubles between the operators and men-would be settled at a very early date. Yesterday he was expecting a dispatch bearing out this view, and remained over until to-day for instructions before traveling further. The Everett Clnb Fiona Thl Week Will be delivered to certificate No. 68, held by J. C. Sharrer, 4010 North street, Pittsburg. Mr. Sharrer will receive a mag nificent upright grand Everett piano, and only pay 81.00 per week. This is the fourth piano we have delivered on these payments. Now why don't you join our club? We are offering you the opportunity of your lifetime to get a piano which has no superior on pay ments and at a price impossible to obtain on any other than our co-operative or common sense plan. Call and see ns or send for circnlar. Axes. Boss, "Man ager," 137 Federal st., Allegheny. Dining; Can on the Panhandle. Beginning Wednesday, October 16th, Fast Line, train No. 1, on the P.. C. & St. L. E'y, leaving Pittsburg at llilB P. M., Central time, will carry a dining car, Co lumbus to St. Louis, in which breakfast, dinner and supper will be served at 75 rents each. Returning, this car will be carried on the Pennsylvania Special, leaving St. Louis at 8:10 A.1., Central time, stum IN GKOGAH'S WINDOW. 443 Market Street. Two bars fine silver on exhibition during the week from mines of Sterling Silver Mining Co., Tombstone, Ariz. The stock owned entirely by Pittsbnrgers. Best to tbe World. Do yon know the best is always the cheap est? One pound of Walker's Wax Soap will outlast two ponnds otjany ordinary soap. Ask your grocer for Walker's Wax Soap. JITUP Just What Xoxj Waitt. Do yon want the finest oyster crackers that are made? Then get hand-made or shell brand and be happy. All grocers keep themt Txsen Cabinet photos, 1 per dor. Lies' Pop ular Gallery, 10 and. 12 Sixth st, xxsu F. & V.'s Pittsburg beer pleases better every time. Can't-te excelled. Those who seek relief from pain- and weak ness should use Parser's Gingzb Tonic. Pabxxb's Haib Balsam never falls to please. Cabinet photos, ?1 per doz. Lies' Pop ular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st ttsu F. & V.'s Pittsburg beer pleases better r time. Can't be excelled. every ONEofDabbs' fine portraits will make a splendid Christmas present TT ' BIBER KASTDH - SILK WARPHENRIETTAS AND COLORS. These goods are 40 inches wide and range in price at $1, Jl 25 and up. The material is a combination of the best Italian Silk and the finest Saxony Wool, thus giving you, a fabric tbat will not weigh you. down while walking or prove . cumbrous In ,t he drawing room. We strongly recommend our Silk Warp Henriettas for durability and effect, for lightness and strength, for REAL ELEGANCE AND CHEAPNESS. French, English and German Combi nation Dress Patterns in new and Origi nal Designs. Prices, $3, J10, 112.815 to JoOeach. Take the Elevator for CLOAK AND SUIT BOOMS. Garments for Ladies', Misses' and Children in immense variety at' POPULAR PRICES. BIBER &EASTON. 505 and 507 MARKET STREET, OC12-TTSSU -FURNITURE. K. J. HORNER & CO, 61, 63 AND65 WEST TWENTT-THniD ST., NEW YbRK. , LARGEST EXHIBIT OP ARTISTIC FURNITURE IN AMERICA Ten Show Rooms filled with the latest pro ductions of the Furniture and Upholstery Art from the recognized manufacturing cen ters of the world. Novelties of London production. Novelties of Paris production. Novelties of Vienna production. Our own Importation. Novelties of American production. Including those ot our own manufacture. Visitors to Now York are cordially invited to call and examine our stock and prices. The central location of our establishment (adjete ing Eden Mnsee) makes It easr of access fnm parts oXWMotty. M-tbk.j.J ss. ilea" r-.j JDB.'HDRNE i CD.'S PENN AVENUE STORES. We are better prepared tfeaa ever with Fall and Winter Goods fn all of oar aaay departments. Customers, old sad new delighted with the wonderful variety and completeness of the stocks oi good " as seen here. Our facilities are equal to the most extreme demands, and wa insist and NKW JlYOTMlTriiHlfc 1 1 " ., a..... . , . " j. 4 as well in quality and prices as here. ""f 1 Onr great and unequaled values ! - ? j J Black Silks Include all tbe latest weaves .-wSfcCftV ....i..j j v. ,. ' K?JrK m .MUUAiU uta ue OiUeB . uO Colored Silks, from. Sarahs at G6e to finest and costliest French Brseadesl ever seen In this city. Plain Colored Trimming. Velvets, fiSej to t2 a yard; finest all pure SUk Lyons t Costume Velvets, in latest shades. ' Cna.t.1 Vm.- n . J wfMM Mubu'uiAacjDTOCUSUS Figured Velvets at 65c and upward," for combining with wool dress fabrles. Plushes, 36c and tec a yard (M inches wide ); 19-inch at 66c 34-teca at 75c and SI a yard an the best shades. Our great bargains in Freach AH-wool Cashmeres Lupin's the best mads, best In weight, ia finish, fci Saesess, $ inches wide, 56c a yard note this prioej They cost more mosey to make to-d j. are worth 600 a yard. Buy these LiafU French Cashmeres at S8c; 46-Iaefc at We? Another wonder the fiB-tfieho'fesi f qualed at the price. Ws also are ssIUseattSSeayardthe finest Broadcloths made, folly as good, If not better, than cloths thatare selliag for IB to 18 50 per yard, not a mBe away from this store. We have plesty of t them foralland In thn cTMtAt-rrt.t" - ; ESSS " "P? of colors sxd newest shades, only IS 56 a - JAU Next the a-fach-fir'de Al'-weeT-? French Serges, best colors; only 89c a yard. Another ease of away-BB&t?"c price. ' J7v' Several large bsw lets of DeiWe-S width, AJl-vrol-8fi(tte&;Bi4eBa?4fis Ftel&Saad Stripes, 69c to 3uc a yard-b iar tne Best .values ever saewn la aay.La- . TV dress goods department. . t JihflaT Largest line of English Stripe asd' M , Check Fine Wool Saltings, by the jui and In single patterns, very chelae styles. Our All-wool SB to fig-inch SaMtafff r?1nthv. in nlifn rotor inA nfrfu HA -s to 75c a yard. Our reorders are in stosk. '" Yon will find your ckefce of ceJer&adS shade here. Blaek Dress Goods steekfullup wMal bargains In Cashmeres, Serges, Broad cloths, Camel's hair Baitings, fancy' ' " Brocades and other latest noveMies. So much for Silks and Dress Geeds? Only a general notice of oar loaaease stock of Fall and Winter styles Is oar ever busy Cloak and Salt Dewtaiw!! Garments by the thousands -JaoketB, ' Bhort Mantles, Shoulder CapesVLosg Garments, Seal Plush Jackets (M aad up). Mantles asd Coats. Our great J19 Cloth Suit bargains. The choicest and largest Steele la our Fur Room of real Alaska, London dye. Sealskin Garments ia Coats, Mantles and latest novelties In Jackets and Walklns Coats lowest prices here est reliable Beal Garments asd newest effects In Small Fan. The new Table Linens are here; new Lace Curtains, Heavy Curtains t&A Upholstering Goods. Our popular Dress Trimming Depart-i ment has brand new novelties this week in all Black and Colored Trlmmvngii and Buttons. Millinery Department full stoeksd with charming Trimmed Bonnets and Eats for ladles and children. Hosiery asd Underwear, Kid Gloves Laces asd Embroideries. Of course yej must come this week to see this largest and completes establishment and its wonderful stock of Fan and Winter Goods, job; horne k mm ' 1 pennVenue STOMSJ - Ad -? s. ? umKL -9mEW WJ .w-t ''& m 'JH57, s JK 'V 2BHi f 4 'i irwin i 'V mirii"Yriiiliiiiiitfii;ritiiM iTin if