: ji. THE ., 'PJTTSBJm&DJSPATOEOuEIOBS "" r " " " r & - t ,-fr a-njyn w2? -tt'Sifir -nwtaxf SCOUTS OFF GUARD. AvWet Sunday Proves an Unlucky One for Four Speak-Easies. THE INSPECTOR'S CLEVER PLAN. lira. Becker's Place Within a Stone's Throw of the Central COPIOUS SUPPLY OF LIQUOR F0U5D It was a cold and wet day for "speak easies." The patrons of these places thought the rain would keep the police in dry nooks, and they were unprepared for general raids. About 11 o'clock in the forenoon Inspector McAleese left his house in the Eleventh ward and walked down to the corner of "YVylie avenue and Kirkpatrick street "While he was standing there waiting for a car, he noticed a party of men turn down Soho street. From their appearance he thought they were going to a speak-easy, and it set him to thinking how he might catch the proprietor of a place which had been bothering him for several months. At No. 27 Soho street, John Boden has been running an illegaltaloon ever since the li censes were granted last spring. His place was resorted toby a very disreputable ele ment. Complaints concerning it have been made to the police by Kev. W. H. Knox and other persons living in the Thirteenth ward. Last June an information was made against Boden, but he escaped arrest by leaving the city. The" Inspector learned of his return to town about two weeks ago and had been watching for him. , Boden kept sentries posted who gave warning on the approach of police, and officers who went there found neither drink nor drinkers. Boden is a man only 25 years old, and has a wife and two chil dren. OFF THEIB GUARD ON WET DATS. The Inspector considered a rainy day the best time to swoop down upon the place. He returned to his house, called up De tective Conlson at City Hall by telephone and told him to get Captain Silvis and a policeman, procure a carriage and drive as rapidly as possible to the corner of Kirk patrick and "Wylie. Twelve minutes later a carriage with its blinds drawn down, and palled by two white horses, dashed up to the corner named. It contained Captain Daniel Silvis, Detectives Coulson, Denimel and MulvehilL Inspector McAleese and Officer Henry Deale were waiting on the corner, the carriage door was opened and they crawled in, six in a box. The carriage was then driven rapidly down Soho Btreet to No. 27, where it pulled up suddenly. Both sidedoors were opened. The officers jumped ont and ran for the doors, three to the rear and three to the front. The occupants were surprised at their drinks. Boden ran np stairs and was dragged from under n bed. Michael Mc Gillicntt was found lying on the floor, stupid with liquor. Eight other men sat about the saloon room and were taken in. The police fonnd ten eighth kegs of beer from John Kaufman's brewery, Cincinnati, and several bottles of whisky. The place was very dirty. AXOTHEB HAUL MADE. As soon as the prisoners were secured, Captain Silvis and Officer Mulvehill hurried to the hocse of Mrs. Eliza Cullighan, at Uo. Ill Soho street, and raided that place. They found several cases of beer from Pier & Dannals.and arrested Mrs.Cullighan, Edwin JIcKibbou, Peter Voelker, James "Williams and James Shaddens. The latter two are colored, and "Williams is only 16 years old; Voelker is a son of Peter Voelker, Sr., who was murdered by Emil Minutb, at No. 9 Soho street, in Mrch, 1888. The Eleventh ward patrol wagon conveyed all the mis- oners to the Central station. McGillicutt, Voelker and McKibbon were bailed out by friends during the afternoon. The police officers proceeded to"1 the Cen tral station, where they prepared for a raid near home. Mrs. Mafia" Becker has been, for about four months, keeping what she called a boarding house at Ko. 419 Smith field street, not over ISO feet lrom the Cen tral station. She formerly sold liquor ille gally at Ho. 27 Diamond. About a year ago she was called np by Inspector Mc Aleese and warned to quit selling. After a display of great indignation that she should be accused of such an offense, she was finally convinced that the Inspector had proof against her, and she promised to stop the business. For some time she did refrain from illegal selling. Since she moved to the house on Smithfield street she has been at her old tricks. A KEG OF POET AST) A JUG. The house was entered, shortly after noon, by Constable Charles Porter, lollowed by Lieutenant George Boyd, Inspector Mc Aleese, Captain Silvis, Detectives Coul son and Fitzgerald. They ran np the stairs to the middle room on' the second floor. There they found Mrs. Becker and five men. On a table rested a keg of port wine and a jug containing two gallons of Guckenheimer's whisky. Piled up at the side of the room were six cases of beer from Barney McGinniss' agency near the Point. In the kitchen were ten more cases, some containing empty and some full bottles. The house was well furnished with glasses and soft drinks. The five men gave their names as H. "W. Poldick, a roomer at the honse; John Smith, Sam Smith, John Jones and Sam Jones. They are workmen on Barnes' new buildings on Dinwiddie street. Mrs. Becker and the men were locked np. The front room on the second floor was oc cupied by a fat lady who is now on exhibi tion at one of the museums. Inspector Mc Aleese ana Captain Silvis toot her by the arms and attempted to lilt her from the sofa where she languished, but she refused to move. The Inspector's sweetest persuasions wouiu not inuuee ner to arise and walk. She was comiortable where she was. The officers consulted and agreed that she ought to be left just where she was, and she was left A daughter of Mrs. Becker, named Cora, 8 vears old, a young woman who gave her name as Maggie "Wiley and said she was working in the house, and Maggie O'Donneli, a washerwoman, who had been trying to calm her nerves with the Gucken heimer, were lelt in the house. About 3 o'clock in the afternoon Lieuten ant Boyd and Officers Mnlvehill and Cramer pulled the house of Mrs. John Mc Ginlev, at Kb. 2518 Mulberry alley. Two women, two bovs and three men were ar rested, and the police confiscated an eighth of beer and two bottles of whisky. S ' TIEED OP LIVIKG ON HUSKS. Tonne Camtbers Sighs for tbe Feast and Parental Blessing. On Saturday night a rather good-looking boy of 16 years, whose clothes were well worn, and whose shoes were almost without wiles, applied to the Central station and begged to be given shelter and something to rat. as he was nearly starved. The boy, who tjave his name as Daniel Caruthers, was taken in and cared for. 1'esterday he was questioned by Inspector McAleese, and stated that he lived in Kan sas City, and that his father was a hardware merchant on Delaware street, in that city. On September 9 he left home, and has been as far east as New York. He said he had not eaten a square meal since he left home. The cause of bis leaving home he said was a nonsensical idea of seeing tbe world, and be wasjbeartily sick and tired of his trip, and would like to get home. The boy's frankness pleased the Inspector, and & tele gram will be sent to his parents, notifying them of his whereabouts and condition. Beecha-Cs Pfils cure bilious andnervons ills Pjeabs' Soap secures a beautiful complexion Use Thea Nectar Tea. P. & V.'s Pittsburg beer pleases better every time. Can't be excelled- THE CLOSING WEEK. Exposition Blanocen Flensed With the Financial Success. This is the last week of the Exposition. The great show will close on Saturday, and the managers are highly pleased with their success. Manager Johnston will sail for Paris, and he has carte blanche orders to bring back whatever he thinks will im prove the Exposition for next year. Some novelties are promised in the way of amuse ments this week. The musical programme for to-day follows: AFTERNOON. PAST L 2 O'CLOCK. L Overture "La Domino Nolr.". 2. Part Song "Sweet and Low.",, 3L Operatic Selection "Marta.".. 4. Solo tor Flute "Air Varie."... buppe BarnDy Flotow Wadsworth Mr. F. Wadsworth. 5. March "Kreutzfldele." Hobile part n. i o'clock. 6. Overture "Alfonso and EstrelIa."Schubert 7. Solo for Cornet "Les Fohes Bergeres." ; Innes Mr. Thomas Clark. 8. Popular Selection "The Mikado,".Snllivan 8. Trombone Solo "The Favonte."..Hartman Mr. F. N. Innes. 10. Galop "Southern Plantation.".. EVENING. PAKT I. 7 O'CLOCK, L Overture. ''Rosamunde,''. 2. Spanish Love Song, "Roses and Thorns,".... 3. Solo for cornet. "Strut Hearts .Cassidy .Schubert Avilal ease," . "Willmer Air. w. rani unamDers. 4. Operatic selection, "II Trovatore,".... Verdi Introducing solos for clarinet (Signor Nurnto), comet (Mr. Clark), trombone (Mr. Sco fleld), and euponium (Mr. White). 5. Grand ensemble, "Hallelujah Chorus,".. . .....Haendel PABT II. 9 O'CLOCK. 6. Overture, "The Martyrs," -Donizetti 7. Trombone solo, "Robert toi qne yaime," aieyeroeer Mr. F. N. Innes. 8. Concert polka (descriptive), "Our Baby" (by request), BIal Baby obligate, Mr. H. Tiout 9. Grand international Fantasia, "Congress of Nations,"... Innes With electrical cannon accompaniment. In troductioo:"Sunrise" "Reveille," "The Star Spangled Banner. ' No. 1. Germany. No. 2, Norway. No. 3, England. No. 4, France. No. S, Sweden. No. 6, Ireland. No. 7, America. Fi nale, "My Country, 'tis of Thee. Sweet Land of Liberty." (Note. This composition is copyrighted ac cording to act of Congress; all rights reserved). 10. March, "Thirteenth Regiment N. G. 8. N. Y." Innes DISPOSED OP 40 CASES. Judge Grlpp Doesn't Show RIneh Mercy to Violator of the Law. At the Central station hearing yesterday morning Magistrate Gripn disposed of 40 cases, most of which were of the common order. "William J. Conway, for disorderly conduct, was sent to the workhouse for 30 days, as were Charles Bell, John Smith and Charles Melville. Kate Deuhart, for keeping a disorderly house on Poplar alley, got 30 days to the workhouse. Geoige Deuhart and Hugh Kirk, who were found in the house, were sent to jail for ten days each. The house of Lavina Seals, 17 Pasture street, was also raided, and five men arrested. At the hear ing yesterday the testimony was not suffi cient to convict the defendants, and they were discharged. ' THREE RMAWATS. They Will be Sent Back to the St. Joseph's Orphan Asylum. Ahont 11 o'clock on Saturday night three boys, named George Biphorn, John "Work man and Louis Bullock, none of them over 9 years old, were found on the corner of Thirty-third street and Herron avenne and locked np in the Central station. When arrested the boys claimed they lived on Washington street, but could not tell where. Yesterday when questioned by Inspector McAleese they admitted that they were runaways from St. Joseph's Orphan Asy lum on Troy Hill. They will be sent back to that institution. SO DISSATISFACTION. The Molders Claim They Are Unanimous In Their Action. S. C. McAllister, President of the National Brotherhood of Machinery Molders, denies that any of the members at the meeting on Satnrday night were dissatisfied. The reso lution to strike nnless their demands are granted, he says was supported by all the men present except two. The men in the Carnegie foundry, he also states, are unani mously in favor of the movement The men were coming and going while the meeting was in progress, and this led to the supposi tion that some dissatisfaction prevailed." Cnncbt on n Trestle. Another accident occurred yesterday morning on the Pittsburg and "Western Eailroad trestle at the foot of Chartiers street, Allegheny. Several small boys were bantering each other by walking on the trestle. Charles Hiddleton, 8 years old, seeing a freight train coming, climbed on the trestle and endeavored to cross before the train reached him. He did not have time, and to avoid being struck, jumped, and had his left leg broken in two places. PIANOS. ORGANS. Mellor & Hoene. "We can furnish yon with the best pianos and organs made, and can give you the best and easiest terms of payment. "We have been established since 1831 (nearly 60 years), and, being the oldest music Erm in the city, we have had more experience than any other house. Pianos: Hardman, Krakauer, Harring ton. Organs: Palace, Chase, Chicago Cot tage. Persons buying from ns can be satisfied they are getting the full worth of their money, as the pianos and organs we sell are the best made in the United States. Send for circulars and full particulars of our easy payment plan. Mellor & Hoene, mwfssu 77 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg. A Cold Wove Coralnp. This is the prediction of the weathSr clerk at the signal station, and our prediction is that you will rue it if you do not visit onr store and see the elegant line of overcoats we are offering at onr special $14 sale to day. "We also have fine overcoats selling at $8, $10 and $12. Don't fail to come early and get your pick. P. O. C. to., Cor. Grant and Diamond sts. opp. the new Court House, Scissors AH Sharpened for Oar Special Dress Goods Sale To-day the bargains are here; if yon are wise you will see them to-dav. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn.Avenue Stores. Howard Watches. Have you seen that beautiful one at Henry Terheyden's? It is one of their finest move ments in gold case, ornamented with more than 100 diamonds, set with artistic skill, and valued at $450. Remember, Henry Terheyden, Manufacturing Jeweler, No. 630 Smithfield street. MWF Silks, Velvets and Plashes. P0ur prices save yon money and our stocks in these departments are immense! Come to-day and see. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Pittsburg Beef Co., wholesale agents for Swift's Dressed Beef, sold during the week ending October 12r166 -carcasses, av erage weight per carcass 606 pounds, aver age price per pound 6.34c. The Great Atlantic & Pacific-Tea Co. is the place to Nget yonr teas, coffees and bak ing powder. Beautiful presents. . - G0IUG TO ST. LOUIS. Rer. A.H. Miller Will Take Coarse of a millionaire' Church A Reaver Falls Pastor Borry to Leave Friends. Key. A. H. Miller has resigned the pas toral charge of the Beaver Falls M. E. Church, and proceeds next week to St. Louis to begin his new duties as pastor of the Niedringhaus Memorial Church. Mr. Miller was seen last night at the Emory M. E. Church, East Liberty, where he has been attending conference. Speaking of his de parture, he'said: "This is the bitterest sacrifice I have ever been called upon to make. It is a terrible wrench to resign one's old pastorate, and to say goodby to so many friends and relations all around Pittsbnre. Dr. J. L. Fulton recommended me to Mr. Kiedringhaus, the founder, as a fit person to take charge of his church. At first I refused to accept the offer of the pastorate, but finally aereed to step into the gap. I have been to see the church, which is a very fine and extensive building, capable of containing a congrega tion of from 15,000 to 18,000. There are dining rooms, Sabbath schoolrooms, a gym nasium, and a home for deaconesses in con nection with the chnrch, and as it is situated in the center of a populous district, I am confident that in a short space of time quite a large congregation can be got together." The church is intended as a memorial to the son of Mr. Niedringhaus, who died not long ago. The founder said to Mr. Miller, on the occasion of his visit to St Louis: "I thought that money would be no use to my boy where he has gone to; but it came into my head to put that money out at interest for him by building this church." "That was a verv noble sentiment." said Mr. Miller, "and I am sure that the church will prove a blessing, not onl v for the dead son, but also for the living fatter." HE WAS NOT DEUNK. William Barns Slipped on Fifth Avenne nnd Hart His Ankle. William Burns, of Mansfield, who fell on Fifth avenue, Saturday night, injuring his ankle, says he was notdrunk. "When he was hurt kind people carried him into Neweii's restaurant and gave him a slug of whisky, which afterward turned his head slightly. He was then taken to the Central station. Mr. Burns isacrippleand in consequence of the report that he was drunk has lost his position on the Panhandle road. The Dis patch takes pleasure in making this cor rection. The assignees sale at auction of dry goods, carpets, rugs, etc., at 723 and 725 Liberty street, corner Eighth, will com mence this morning at 10 o'clock, afternoon at 2 and evening at 7:30, and continue from day to day until the entire stock is sold. This important sale is well worthy the at tention of the pnblic generally. The goods are all the choicest qrfality, and must be sold regardless ot cost or price, and in as small quantities as the bnyer may desire. The management has made special arrange ments for the accommodation of the ladies. For further particulars see advertisement in auction column. Monday, October 14 Onr Great Dress Goods Sale. Be sure to read our advertisement, then come to the store for the special bargains. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Monday, October 14 Onr Great Dresa Goods Sale. Be snre to read our advertisement, then come to the store for the special bargains. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. ARRANGEMENT PERFECT Of the Cnblnefe Hade of brass, onyx and glass. Can be seen at the old established jewelry house of Henry Terheyden, No. 530 Smithfield st. MWF Armour & Co. report sales of dressed beef for week ending Satnrday, October 12, 175 cattle, average weight 509 pounds, at an average price ot 5c per pound. Time is the true test F. & V.'s Pilsner beer grows dally in popularity. MEETINGS. TTEMBERS OF C. W. STEWART LODGE 1VJL 179, B. of R. R. B., are requested to meet at W. H. Devore's undertaking rooms at 12.30 sharp MONDAY, October 14, 1S89. to attend the funeral of our late brother, Wilson Stouffer. Sister lodges are earnestly requested to at tend. By order of QC13-121 Master G. A. KEIFER. NOTICES. PERSONS WHO KNEW WM. H. OAPPE, late of Hampton's Battery, after his dis charge, and that he suffered from lane disease, will do his widow a great favor by calling on or addressing JAMES M. CHRISTY, Notary Public. 155 Fonrth ave., city. ocl4-U OFFICIAL- PITTSBURG. PrxTsnuno, Pa., Octobers, 1S89. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE report of viewers on tbe grading, paving ana curbing of Cargill street, from Thirty third street to Jewel street, has been approved by Councils, which action will be final, nnless an appeal is filed in tbe Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. OC3-43 Ptttsiiurq. PA.. October 3. 1889. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE report of viewers on the paving and curb ing of Boggs avenne, from Bailey avenue to south line of property ot Louis Nepe, has been approved by Councils, which action -will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E.M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Pnblic Works. ocS-48 Pittsburg. Pa.. October 3. 1889. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE reports of viewers on the opening of Riverside street, from Maloney alley to South Main street: Tripod alley, from Meadow street to Shetland street; Post street, from Forty-second street to Forty-fourth street; Garden alley, from Main street to Brown alley; Rural street; from Hiland avenue to Nejley avenue, and Hampton street, from Hiland avenue to Neg leyavpnue."have been approved by Councils, trhish action will be final unless an appeal Is filed in the Court of Common Fleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELO W. OC3-48 Chief of Department of Public Works. October 3. 1BS9 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Bureau of Health of thocityof Pitts burg bas this day established and provided, and does hereby designate the foot of Seven teenth (17) street. In the city of Pittsburg, at tbe Allegheny river, and Clark's dutnpboat, Immediately above the north end of tbe South Tenth street bridge, in tte city of Pittsburg, on tbe Monongahela river, as the places where are to be received and deposited tbe contents of all privies as they shall from time to time be cleaned and emptied, and all other offensive .substances found upon tbe public highway. XUUMAO W. BAKER, Superintendent of the Bureau of Health. ocl-90 TOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SE AXED iM proposals will be receivedat the office of t-lty controller unui juim ua. x.iuezist aay oi October, A. D. 1889, at 2 P.M., for the follow. ' lug. viz.: i ' i Murtland St., from Penn ave. to Kelly St.: 20 inch pipe. Bayard st, from Bidwell Bt, to Neville St.; 15-inch pipe. Center ave., from Craig Bt to Barton st; IS and 20-lnch pipe. Mignonette st. from Negley ave. to Beatty st: la and 18-inch pipe. Harvard st, from Negley ave. to Euclid ave.; 15-inch pipe. Howard alley and Thirty-fourth st, from 300 feetnortheast of Thirty-fourth st. to connection with a sewer on Thirty-fourth st at Llgonier st: 15-inch pipe. Spring slley, from Twenty-first st to Twenty second st; 15-inch pipe. Mnlberry alley, from Sixteenth st to Seven teenth st: 15-inch pipe. Fourth ave., from Grant st to Cherry alley; 15-incb pipe. Plans and specifications can be seen, and blanks for bidding can be obtained at this office. Each proposal must be- accompanied by a bond, probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. Tbe Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. E. M. BIGELOW, oclO-19 Chief of Dept ot Public Works. Continued on Fifth and Sixth Paget. a&-Display advertisements ont dollar per ignore for one Insertion. Classified advertise? menu on this page such as Wanted, For Bale, To Let, eUu, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for lets Gum fifty tents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BBAJfCS OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following plaoes, where "Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have account -with Tub DIS PATCH. prrrsBUBG. THOMAS MCCAFFREY. SK9 Butler street. EMIL G. STUCKEY. 24th street and Penn are. . G. STUCKEY A CO., WyUe ave. andFultonst. N. STOKELY. Filth Avenue Market House. "bast KKD. J. "W. WALLACE, tm Fend avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER &SHE113LEK,5th ay. AAlwoodlt. soumsinx. JACOB SPOHN. Ho. I Carson street H. A. DONALDSON. 1707 Carson strest. ALLEGHENY. A. 3. KAEBCHEK, 9 Federal street. H. J. McBBIDE, Market Honse, Allegheny. FEED H. EGGEBS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEBS SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. i'EKBYM.GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. M1LLVALE BOBOUGH. W. "W. FLOCKEB, Stationer. Ho. 4 Grant ave. WANTED. Male HcLo. WANTED-GOOD BABBEB; GOOD WAGES paid, at 233 FIFTH AVE. OC14-21 -TXTANTFD FIRST-CLASS BARBER. AD YV DRESS BOX 9S, Gallltzln. Fa. OC13-66 TXTA.NTKD-A GOOD CAKE AND PIEBAKER V to go to Johnstown. Address BAKER. Dis patch office. . OC1M5 -YTTANTED-100 LABORERS AT FOURTH VV ave. and Wood st. apply at once, booth OC14-33 &FL1NN. XTTANTED-TWO BOYS TO RUN ERRANDS. W Apply to BOEUEL BRAUN A CO., 639 Wood St., city. odi-3 WANTED-PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER; highest salary paid to right man. M. J. SM1T, 311 Smlthfleld st. OC13-137 WANTED-A COMPETENT U RUG CLERK to manage store: must speak German. Ad dress XX, Dispatch office. OC13-60 -fTJANTED-EXPERIENCED SINGLE CLOTH YV ING salesman: Hungarian or Swede pre ferred. THE MODEL, Braddock. ocll-5 WANTED ONE HUNDRED LABORERS and twenty-five corkers. Apply to OTT BROS., Boyd's Hill, head of Shlngess st. oc!4-8 TT7-ANTKD-8 FIBST-CLASS ENTERPRISING VV real estate salesmen; liberal commission. ALLES ft BAILEY, 181 Fonrth ave. Tel. 167. OCG-32 -TTJANTED A HAMMERMAN FOR MEDIUM V V and small sizes toot steel: mustbe a good workman and steady. Address HAMMERMAN, Dispatch office. oclO-23 TT7-ANTED-SOBEB AND HONEST MEN TO VV sell umbrellas, albums, blankets and silver ware on payments ln th- city: good salaries paid to persevering men. UNION CREDIT CO.. 103 Fourth ave OCS-9S-MIWTP VTJANTED TWO MEN ACCUSTOMED ID VV using an ax to go to the country. Call at HOTEL CHEbCENT, Smithfield street, to-morrow, Monday morning, between the hours of 7 and 8 o'clock. oc!3-160 WANTED A BRIGHT, ACTIVE YOUNG man. with some knowledge of bookkeeping, and one willing to make himself generally useful about music store: references required. 123 S A N DUSKY ST., Allegheny. oclS-157 TTT-ANTED-SALESMEN AT 875 PER MONTH VV ealarvand expenses, to sell a line of silver plated ware, watches, etc. ; by sample only; horse and team furnished free; write at once for full Bamculars and sample case of goods free. STAN ARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston, Mass. se24-90-n WANTED-10 LABORERS FOR FACTORY, 20 laborers for railroad, SO laborers for pipe line, 2 woodchoppers. 10 stonecutters, 20 laborers for stone quarry, farm and gardeners, st 640 Grant street. AUG. P.GEISLER, General Agent. OCI4-I2 TTANTED-BRlCKLAYERS-THOSE WANT VV ING work and employers and all others who may wish to employ bricklayers should regis ter such wants, free or charge, at the headquarters of the INDUSTRIAL MUTUAL BENEFIT AS SOCIATION, 93 Fourth ave., first floor front. upen until 9 p. M. Saturdays. ocii-so-Mwrsu WANTED-MEN OF EXPERIENCE WITH good references, to canvass the city for a work on advertising and printing: exclusive ter ritory; tbe work has been subscribed for by the most prominent merchants throughout the coun try: something a man can be prond to handle. Address P. O. BOX 3297. Boston, Mass. ocIJ-71 WONTED-GENERAL ANDLOCALAGENTS to handle the new patent chemical Ink eras ing pencil; greatest novelty ever produced; erases ink ln two seconds; no abrasion of paDer: 00 to 500 per cent pront: one agent's sales amounted to (620 coin six days another $32 coin two hours; territory absolutely free; salary to geodmen; no ladles need answer; sample 33 cts. For terms and full particulars, address, THE MONROE ERASER CO- manufacturers. La Crosse, Wis. oc!2-62 Female IlelD. WANTED DISH-WASHER, WITH SOME knowledge of cooking, at MILLER'S. 121 and 123 Fifth are. ocll-30 WANTED ONE GOOD EXPERIENCED dining room girl Immediately, at BOLEY'S HOTEL, 31 to 33 Diamond, city. OC14-22 WANTED-EXPEBIENCED SALESLADY lnadrygoods store. Apply at once toT. (IFERUUbON, No. 182 Wylle ave., Pittsburg, Pa. OC13-172 WANTEU-A GOOD COOK WHO IS ALSO A good laundress; best of iwages; reference required. Apply or address 6014 PENN AVE., East End. oclS-6 Male and Female fleln. -TTJANTED LADY AND GENTLEM AN VV agents for city and surrounding towns: a household necessity; Just out; no kitchen com plete without It: it recommends and sells Itself. Call at MARTELL'S, 411 Smlthfleld st. 0C7-32-MWV WANTED-FRENCH NURSE TO TAKE charge of two children, cooks, dining room girls, chambermaids, nurses, 100 l.onseglrls, Oer man and colored girls, farm hands, drivers, man for dairy. MRS. E. THOMPSON, 608 Grant St. oc7-MihS TXTANTED-M ITALIANS, U 75 PER DAY: 8 VT farmhands, hotel steward and housekeeper, took and chambermaid for small family. (4 per week each: child's nurse: 2 nurse girls; girls for hotels and hoarding houses: cooks, chamber maids, house girls: 2 colored. MEEHAN'S, 5 Grant st. ocl4-D Rooms. Homes. Etc. WANTED TO RENT HOUSE OFABOUT10 rooms, wittr modern Improvements and stable; Last'End preferred: stale price and loca tion. Address RENTER, Dispatch office. OC12-27 Finnncinl. "VTTANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP YV ERTY. over S4, 000; 4 per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER A CO., KFourth avenne. mh2-a2Z-n WANTED $500 TO to0Q.00O-TO LOAN ON mortgages, 4J& 5 and 6 per cent. JAS. AV. DKAI'Ei CO,, 129 Jfourth ave., Pittsburg. Tele phone Iio. S76, 0C9-S7MWFS "TrAKTKD-MOKTGAGfcb-JI,C00,000TOLOAN tl lnlarfreand small amounts at 4)4, 5 and 8 per cent, free or State tax: no delay. ligi B. COYLE& CO., 131 Fourth ave. my21-0 WANTED-MOttTOAOES IN LAKGE OK small amounts on flttsburfr, Allegheny or suburban Improved real-estate at lowest rates. ALEXANDERS A LEE, 3U Wood 6t. ocl2-81-irwS' WANTED-TO LOAN 350,000 ON MORT GAGES In amounts to suit, In city or coun try, at 4K to C per cent, as to security: no delay. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO., 99 i'ourth ave. Jyl4-16-MThS TXT"ANTEl TO LOAN 1000,000. IN AMOUNTS TV of $3, COO and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4K percent, free or tax: also smaller amounts at Sands per cent. BLACK A BAIBD, 85 i ourth avenue. stll-dJO-D TTJANTED - MOirrGAGES - ri, 000, 000TO LOAN on city and snbnrban Dronerties at 4K. Sand e per cent, and on larms ln Allegheny and auja cent counties at s per cent. 1. 1L -MONMOCKT A bON, 10j Fourth avenue. ap7-fll TTJANTED-TO A.OAN 00.000 ON MOKT- V GAGES; 100 and upward at 6 per cent; 1 500,000 at 4,H per cent on residences or business property: also ln adjoining counties. 8. H. FULN Oh. 125 Jfourth avenue. oc31-e84-D Miscellaneous. TTTANTEH-TOSTAKTACLUB OF 42 MEM r V BEES to secure a nne gold watch for each one in the club at Jl 00 per week. Address P. O. BOX 601, and I will call and snow you tbe watch. Jy3-40 TTTANTED-PEKSONb It) KNOW THAT BY TV agreeing to pay ft per week you can get possession of line gold or silver watches, clocks. Jewelry, diamonds, silverware, etc J. .M1TSCH, 130 Federal st., Allegheny, Pa. selS-uwrsu for 75c per doz. : bring the little ones: don't min; No. 70 Federal St. These cabinets will not fade. ocl-91-D - WAJJTED-BY PEABSON, LEADING FHO TOGltAPHEB, 96 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he Is making Une cabinets at tl 50 per dozen; photos delivered when promised; Instan taneous process. mhlJ-63 WANTED. Mlseellaneon-. "T7"ANTED HIGHEST SPOT CASH PBICES .it PId for second-hand furniture, carpets and household goods of all kinds, mi FEN & AVE NUE. au26-25-MWF TJTTANTED-1BON AND GLAB3 WORKERS J V to take notice Where employment ii steady, " Cochran station, and purchase cheap lots in the Patterson Plan; cheap; on easy terms; month ly or yearly payments. J. K. WYLIE, Agent. JJuquesne, Pa., or No. 8 Wood street, room S, Pittsburg. Pa. oc 12-91 POK SALE IMPROVED HEAL ESTATE. Clrr Residence-. TJWB 8ALE-ON COLWELL ST.. NEAR X! Ulnwlddle. a-sty. brick dwelling-. 6 rooms, juand a. gas; In good condition: a bargain; lot 20x100 to alley. J. 0. BEILLY, 77 Diamond St. OC13-150 FOR BALE-AT HfM-VEHY REASONABLE u. terms; short walk from the poitofflcc, on Bluff st.. Sixth ward; a neat brick honse or 8 rooms, late conveniences. See W. A. HERRON & SONB, No. SO Fonrtu ave. ocl0-20-irrh FOR SALE-MT. WASHINGTON, SOUTHERN ave.. Thirty-second ward: frame dwelling house. 8 rooms, good location, large grounds: a very pleasant place for a borne: price reasonable; terms easy. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO., Fourth ave. oc9-53-10.12.K18. is EOR SALE ONLY 10 MINUTES FROM THE Court House a new complete brick honse. 8 rooms, thorouffhlv lmnroTEd. on Locust, near 'atlon? TirleA low Mlltenberger st, ; a desirable location uu terms easy. Fourth ave. W. A. HEBRON A SONS. 80 ocs-si-irr FOR SALE VERY CHEAP-A DESIRABLE new house, late style, 9 rooms; lot sort, front: street Is paved, city sewer; centrally located and a very short distance from the Court House; a bar gain Is oHeredir sold quick. W. A. HEREON A SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. oclO-50-jcih East End Residences. FOB SALE-LOT ON HOMEWOOD AVE., 24X 100 feet: good location for store; handy to P. R. R.; price, px. on easy payments. MEL LON BBOTHEB37 6349 Station St., E. E. OC13-130-XW7 TjUlB SALE-MODERN 8-BOOMED BRICK X house, nicely located, on Margaretu st.; handy to B. B. and cable line: price, 83,600; on time. MELLON BROTHERS, 6349 Station St.. E. E. OC18-U9-UWT FOR SALE-SHADYSIDE DWELLING, WAL NUTst.; a 2-story frame of 7 rooms and fin ished attic, hall. b. ft e. water, gas, etc : call and get full particulars. BLACK A BAIBD, 95 Fourth avenue. 3A-147. ocl3-74 TTIOR SALE-SECURE ONE OF THOSE VERY V desirable lots for a, home or Investment; Villa Park plan: now Is the time to secure a se lection. Colored plan from JOHNF. BAXTER, Agent, 512 Smlthfleld street, i ocl3-7S-MW7 TPOR 8 ALE MODEL OAKLAND HOUSE, AT JJ WOOD street, near Cable place, a s-story-brick dwelling of 8 rooms, hall, laundry, front porch; other conveniences; large lot 93x123 to an alley. BLACK A BAIBD, 95 Fourth ave. 2P-83. OC13-74 FOR SALE A NICE NEW HOUSE AND corner lot. ln the East End, 8 rooms, hall, cellar, etc. : fine corner lot, fruit trees, etc.. etc.: price only (3,850: on small payments; Immediate possession. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. OCI2-S9-D FOR SALE FIFTH AVE., NEAR SHADY lane, a very desirable home at a very low figure: 11 rooms, with all modern Improvements; nearly new; stable on lot; this Is a very fine residence and Is worth more than we are now asking: lot 55x100. J. V. REILLY, 77 Diamond st. ocllW FOR SALE-A PRETTY HOME IN THE EAST End: paved street, well sewered, and only a short distance from the railroad; a Queen Anne dwelling containing 9 commodlons rooms, recep tion hall, range, bath, laundry, all the latest Im proved conveniences; large lot: 81.000 cash, bal ance to suit. BLACK A BAIBD, 95 Fourth ave. oclS-74 FOR SALE-ON COR. EDWIN AND ELWOOD sts. ; lot 89 it. front 120 ft. deep to 20-ft. alley; new frame honse of 8 rooms, reception haft, basement, laundry, good sewerage, elegant front and side porches, good neighborhood, one square from Huand ave.: abt. 2 minutes' walk from Fifth ave. cable cars: complete ln every respect; only 6,750, THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. ocl3-127-HwP8sn FOR SALE A FINE. NEW BRICK RESI DENCE property, with beautiful, large lot, situate on one of the most pleasant avenues ln the East End; a gentle elevation, affording a charming view of Liberty Valley, and securing a perfect sewerage system: 12 elegant rooms, wltn spacious reception ball, billiard room, bath and lavatorial facilities with patent Scotch closet; laundry, nat ural gas and all or the more recent appliances, and everything ln the most perfect order; wide piazza covering the entire front and side; It will prove In teresting to any one ln quest or a handsome East End borne to examine this valuable property. Par ticulars from JAS. W. DRAPE A CO.. 129 Fourth avenue, Plttsbnrg. ocli-87-MWS ATIecheny Residences. FOR BALE-WASHINGTON STREET, ALLE GHENY, brick residence, S rooms; bath room, etc.; all conveniences: price 18,500: easy terms. This Is a bargain. W. W. MCNEILL A BRO 105 Fourth ave. odS-83 FOR SALE A FINE 2-8TOHY FRAME house Just completed, or 8 rooms, hall, front porch, slate mantels, and has lot 50 ft. front on California ave., Allegheny, by 165 to Colorado st. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. oolO-42-liThBsn FOB SALE-MORRISON AVE. . ALLEGHENY, convenient to streetcars and market house; elegant new 6 room frame house, large lot, nice porches: this property must be sold: price low: terms to suit. W. W. MCNEILL A BRO., 105 Fonrth ave. ocls-84 FOR SALE-ON LACOCK ST., ALLEGHENY, centrally located, only 10 minutes' walk from Pittsburg P. O., a very desirable property: lot 21x100 feet, well improved: brick dwelling 7 rooms ln front; frame house of 4 rooms on street ln rear: at a low price. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. oc2-40-wfm FOR SALE AN EXCELLENT BRICK dwelling with largo corner lot ln AUegheny; near parks and street cars; 9 rooms, with bath, w. c, laundry, natural gas, wide hall, dry cellar, finished attic, etc.. all ln prime order: almost new; price and terms reasonable. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO.. 129 Fourth avenne, Pittsburg. oclZ-87-HWS T?OH SALE-A VERY DESIRABt.T! REST. X' DENCE, Clifton are.. Rpcnnri wnril a lip. Kaeuy, near a ireei cars ana electric roaa, s rooms, hall, sliding doors between hall, parlor and dining room, inside shutters, porches, front Bud rear, fine mantels, nat. and art. gas, batb, inside w. c, range and laundry, etc.: this honse Is well finished and papered throughout; grounds large and well kept, surrounded by large forest trees: corner lot 106x130: more ground can be had If de sired: price low; must be sold at once. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 89 Fourth ave. ocl3-51-M,16,18,22,24,zS Suburban Residences. FOR SALE-NAE SANDY CHEEK STATION, A. V. R. R.. 2-story frame dwelling, 6 rooms and finished attic; new and modern; i acres of level gronnd: a verv pleasant country home. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond st. OC13-150 FOR SALE-BELLEVUE P., Ft. W. A C. B. k., frame dwelling house 8 rooms. Iji acres ground, well improved; stable, carriage bouse, etc.: must be sold at once; owner going away: price very low W.ilJjACtt. A ss., vj x ounu aye. ocll-6-MWT FOR SALE-A NICE SMALL HOUSE, WITH large lot at Ingram station: 2 mlnntes' walk from station; 6 rooms, hsll and cellar, natural gas, water, etc, etc.: fine double lot: small amount down, balance monthly payments; Imme diate possession. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO.. 129 fourth avenue Plttsbnrg oc!2-86-p FOR SALE LOTS. East End Lots. FOR SALE 8HADYSIDE BUILDING LOTS very desirable, on Bellcfonte St., one square from Fifth avenne: cheap; lot 40x100 ft w. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. ocl3-77-UTh FOR SALE-ON ROUP ST., 3 MINUTES walk from Fifth ave. cable cars: lot 4uzlu0. to ZO-ft. alley; sets -well above grade sewerfi cumpieie; ouiyiw. THOS. LIGGETT. No. 114 Fonrth ave. OC13-127-MWF88U FOB SALE-BUY A LOT IN BAUM .GKOVE, notice the Improvements now being made; when completed will certainly enhance value. MELLON BKU3.. East End, or JOHN V. BAXTEK. Agent. 512 Smlthfleld st. ocll-1-Jrrhr FOB SALE-ON BATES ST., AT FOOT Of Oakland ave. , beautirnl lot, 90x120, to 20-ft. alley; about 6 minutes' walk from Fifth ave. cable ears: elegant neighborhood: only S3, 000. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. OC13-127-MWFSSU FOB SALE-467 50 FEB FOOT-BOULEVABD, Thomas street, near Linden ave., lot 50x155 feet; this is one of the most desirable lots ln the Plan: street Is 90 feet wide, payed and sewered; 4 minutes' walk from Fifth ave. station. SAMUEL "W. BLACK A CO., 89 Fourth aye. oclS-171-uwrs FOB SALE-EAST END LOTS. 40x155, J. W. ABBOTT plan, Fifth ave. extension, Franks town aye.. Grazier and Kelly street: city im provements and conveniences; the proposed new Firth ave. station, F. B. it., electric road within one (1) minutes' walki a very low price lias been put on those desirable lots; call soon. BLACK & BA1KD, 95 Fourth ave, ,, OC13-125 FOB SALE A FINE LOT 50 OB 60x150 FEET on Fifth avenue near Bellefield Fresbyterlan Church tone of tbe most eligible loUon the ave nue; price for 50 feet J2.0CO and for 60 -feet $2,250; Schenley property. 48 years lease; rare bargain. JAS. "W. DBABE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue. .Pittsburg. OC12-89-D Farms. FOB SALE FABM 300 ACBES. "WELL IM 1'BOVED: will divide toadvantage: at sta tion 10 miles from Plttsbnrg: must be sold to settle estate. ED. W1TITSH. 410 Grant st.. Pittsburg, ocll-D FOB SALE FABBI-TO ANY CAPITALIST, either lady or gentleman, that wishes to boy one of the finest Improved farms ln tbe State of Kentucky; price, $65,000: It contains over 700 acres, and as 1 nave a personal knowledge of It ana the surrounding country, 1 will give a guar anteed, truthful statement of the facts to any per son wishing to Investigate, whoisableandwllllng toDuy, trail be found correct. Call on or address LEVI I J. JEFFBIES,Bellevernon. Fayette Co.. Pa. ocl3-2iorwFa FOB SALE A FARM OF 175 ACRES INVIB 61N1A, convenient to a good town, schools, churches, postofflce, stores, market, etc., ln an exceedingly desirable part of the State; soil rich and productive: plenty of timber, good water, etc. ; an enterprising northern farmer owns and occupies the adjoining farm: nrlce only tisoo- would exchange ln part lor small city or sub-. urban; one of our firm has been on the farm and X.r S"o inn particulars. iab. w, CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. DBAPE A 0CU-80-D FOR SALE LOTS. Glonwood Lou., FOB BALE-LOT'S AT GLENWOODNEAB the station: graded streets, sidewalks, clly vrater.housesand lots lor sale, tl.0. 8L73B. f2.0Cu, ten per cent cash, balance on monthly payments: Second Ave. Electric Railway will pass In front of these lots; B. A O. Ballroadfare monthly tickets, Mi cents per trip; 12 minutes from Smltnflcld sto 10BUlSO. BUBGW1N, 1M Fourth ave. 1V24-12-MWSB. Allechcnl Lota. FvAtJhE1,.EVENTHWAKlJ. ALLEGHE- nXf?0lce ,0.,s ln Mrg- Cooper's plan, near 1ie.wPrigh.t,"ir5&',lind wTUe avenue, lot 40x125 ,.,25.;l!?SU?t.for"ther Price: longtime. A. LEG GATE A SON, Agents, Si Fedcrafst., AUegheny. . OC12-29 Miscellaneous. tT5DS'iIjE-IT WILL BE TO YOUR 1NTER A. jusr to secure one of our new revised cata logues with supplement (Just published) before buying elsewhere: we have a large variety of new properties coming ln dally, and ran supply your wants without delay; lots and dwellings ln all parts or the 2 cities and suburbs: all prices and i?W5?u 0T ndfor this valuable book. BLACK ft HAIKU. 95 Fourth ave. oc9-53 FOB. SALE BUSINESS. Business Chances. FOB SALE-A GOOD PAYING GENERAL store at a bargain i storeroom and dwelling. For particulars address S. P. POOBBAUGIL Glencoe, Pa. ocS-3 TTOB SALE-A SMALL BAKEBY" AND CON X?' FECTIONERY business, with horse wagon, etc, ln the city, on a good business thorongbrare; vslne about 11.000:, a good opening. JAS. W. DBAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. 0C13-86-D ORSALE-AN OLD-ESTABLISHED FAM . ,fLY grocerr on one of the best thoroughfares '" -".ucgneny: a nne paying business, mostly on a cash basis; this Is one of the most desirable stands in eitner city. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 123 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. oclZ-SS-D FOB stor SALE A FINE CONFEtrTTON ERY store, centrally located on Fifth ave.: doing a business of 18 to 850 per day; leasehold on store. Ice cream parlor and 4 dwelling roomi ite cream parior ana saweiung rooms, only 830 Per month ; stock and fixtures will Invoice about fcfW: will be sold cheap If sold at once. -THOS. """! 114 J! ounn ave. oeiu-ro-xwTSsa FOR BALE-2 FINE BAKERIES AND CON FE0TlONERIES,ln excellent locations, large invoice, aoing rucerjr ebores. enea, coniec I and nntlnn stores, feed store, printing office and many other business chances for males or females: free par ticulars. BHEPABDACO., S4 Fifth ave. oc3 Business Stands. FOB SALE lflEST-CLASS BOARDING house. Jl rooms, lolly oceupled: permanent lodgers; positive bargain owing to sickness. Ad dress at once, GOOD BARGAIN, Dispatch office. . 0013-175 TTOB SALE-iN VESTMENT FIFTH AVEN UE, V near Logan street, 3-sty. pressed brick iront, 7 rooms and storeroom; price low enough to be considered a good purchase; lot 21x89. J. C. BEILLY, 77 Diamond st. ocl3-150 TTIOR SALE-THE VALUABLE BUSINESS oroDC property ino. iiareun avenne, city, between Eleventh and Twelfth streets, to be sold at Mas wr's saie, oy oraer or the court or common Pleas, on next Thursday morning, October 17, at 11 o'cioca, on me premises: get handbUl orrull par ticulars at our office. JAS. 8. YOUNG, Master. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO.,129 Fourth avenue, Pltta bnrg. OC12-88-MTTS Manufacturing: Sites. FOR BALE (99) PENN AVE.. E. E.. BET. HUandand Collins ave., fine business loca tion; 10120x145, to another street; this is a bar gain. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO., 99 Fourth ave. OC13-89-MWF TPOR SALE-EXCELLE ST M ANUFACTUEIN G AJ site, near Fifty-fourth street, city, fronttngSOO feet on Allegheny Valley Railroad by 300 feet deep to a street; one of the most eligible sites ln tbe city for manufacturing purposes: will sell at a bargain on long, easy payments; owner being a non-resident, wants to sell. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenne, Plttsbnrg, Pa. OC12-87-MWS FOR 8 ALE EXOELLENTMAN UFACTURIN O site near Fifty-fourth street, city, fronting 300 feet on Allegheny Valley Railroad by 300. feet deep to a street; one of tbe most eligible sites ln the city for manufacturing purposes; will sell at a bargain on long, easy payments: owner being a non-resident, wants to sell. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pitts burg. Pa. oc5-g7-MTTB FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock, etc FOB SALE SECOND-HAND BAROUCHE, as good as new. Can be seen at C. WEST A CO.'S, Carriage Makers, 4J0 Duquesne way, Pitts burg, Pa. oclo-28 TTHJE BABE BAY MARE 9 YEARS OLD, JU good driver and don't scare at cars: also har ness and good buggy doetor style: will be sold cheap. Inquire at McCUE'S COAL YARD, J. Third OC14-14 ave. and xry st., city. Machlncrr and Sletat. FOR BALE ENGINES AND BOILERS NEW and refitted; repalrlngpromptly attended to. PORTER FOU NDBY ANDMACHINE CO.. LIM.. below Suspension bridge, Allegheny, Pa. aulO-29 TT'OR SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers: all sizes and styles kent ln stock, from 4 to 100 tup.; all refitted: good as new, at lowest rices: mounted portable engines. 8 to 23 h. p. MB Park way. J . S. Y O UN G, Allegheny, Pa. Ja3-92-MWT FOK SALE - HOISTING ENGINES, NEW and second band; Wire and manilla rope, der rick and fittings, hoisting tobs andean, clay and ore pans, engines, boilers and machinery. THOMAS CARLIN'S SONS, Lacock and Sandusky sts.. Allegheny.;.,. anS-lT-jrws" - ESTRAY. E STRAY-CAME TO THE HOUSE OF THE undersigned on Sunday, October 6, a bay uuiici u.uu cia uvb p&me oy proving properly and paying charges. A'ilUIllAa DEILY, Davis ABl&UU. OC13-3 BUSINESS CHANGES. Em.CE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE partnership between E. M. Roberts and Adamsv. under the firm name and style of Roberts A Adams, is dissolved by mutual con sent C. EL Adams withdrawing. All debts owing to said partnership are to be received by E.M. Roberts, and all demands are to be pre sented to him for payment. E. M. Roberts will continue the horseshoe ing business at the old stand, cor. 8. TWENTY-SECOND STREET and CAREY ALLEY, Pittsburg. OCI4-20 VTOTICE Of DISSOLUTION. 4o otlce is hereby riven that br vote of thn members of Elcas, Reimer & Co., Limited, a joint stock association, the same was dissolved by mntualconsent. All debts of the associa tion will be paid by C. N. Reimef, to whom all payments for accounts due said association will be made. S. P. EKAS, C. N. REIMER, October 12, 1SS9. JERRY BEACOM. OC13-11 AMUSEMENTS. THE LAST WEEK of the EXPOSITION. Many Special Attractions Arranged. Another Season of Delightful Music by INNES' FAMOUS NEW YORK THIRTEENTH REGIMENT BAND. ocl4 TICRS. JENNESS MILLER, THE LOVELY DRESS REFORM ADVOCATE. Will deliver another lecture AT OLD CITY HALL, Market Street, ON WEDNE8DAY, OCTOBER 16, AT 2 P. M. Seats nowOn sale at Hamilton's music store. Fifth avenne, city. ocIO-5-mtts A WONDERFUL MACHINE Answers Intelligently all questions put to it. A perfect marvel unheard of before. Direct from Paris Exposition, where it was one of tbe chief attractions. On exhibition in theNEW SIXTH ST. MUSEUM, where there are be sides many novelties, curiosities and fine stage performances. All Improper characters ex cluded from the museum, its exhibitions being ot a strictly moral nature. Stage performances every hour. Ten cents will admit to all parts of tbe museum. Opens MONDAY, Oct. 14, 18S9. at 7 P. 31. OC13-U2 pi RAND OPERA HOUSE 'TO-NIGHT, RUDOLPH ARONSON in tbe Comlo Opera Company, BRIGANDS. Oct. 2L Little Lord Fanntleroy. ocl4-16 TLTOU THEATER. TO-NIGHT, J. M. BILL'S A POSSIBLE CASE COMPANY. Oct.2L Oliver Doud Byron. 0014-23-31X17 TTAl ARRIS' THEATER-EVERY AFTER NOON and evening. . A. Brady's Original Version of SHE. Weird, Mystical, Barbaric, i Gorgeous in Scenic Effects. Week October 21 Daniel Boone. ocl3-31 TTARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY Xo-nlght, Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Satnrday, HYDE'S BIG SPECIALTY SHOW. ocI3 '., 'I - ,TOLET?'f, City Residence TO LET-flS FEB MO. -THE BEST HOUSE IN either city for the money: neat hrtefc house, 6 rooms, late Improvements: No. 261 Plymouth st. W. A. HEBRON A 80NS, 80 Fourta ave. oc 10-21-11 Th East End Residence. TO LET-BELLEVUE, P FT. W. O. B. B.. elegant residence, 14 rooms, complete .In every respect; large lot, fruit and sbaoe trees. SAMUEL W.BLACK.ACO., 89 Fourth are. OC12-S-JTWTS TO LET-HOUSE OF 14 BOOHS, STABLE and outbuildings; largo grounds; on Negley. arenne. near Penn avenue cable ears. Inquire of HENBY EOBEBT3,at Oliver AKoberts Wire Co.. Soathalde. sei9-W Business Stands. TO LET BAKEBY IN A SPLENDID LOCA- TlON. Inquire at the premlsesT No. 2130 BAB AH ST.. 8. fi. ocl(-l& TO LET-WAREHOUSE, NEW,-STOETAND cellar, 40x80; power elevator; convenient to Slarket st.; first class for any wholesale hnslness. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO., 99 Fourth ave. OC3-93-HTTS rTK) LET FOUR (O STOREBOOMS-GOOD JL. business stands on corner Liberty and Fourth and on corner of Penn and Third, with dwellings; 24 unfurnished rooms for housekeep ing. Inquire of S. MU3GEAVE, 44 Fourth street. o13-57-HWTSa Offices. Desk Room. tc TO LET-IN THE NEW DISPATCH BUILD ING, 75, 77 and 79 Diamond street, twoortne roomiest and best-lighted offices to he found In the city; rent, SSOOand two per annum. Including elec tric lights. ;anltor service and steam heating. Apply between 10 A. M. and 1p.m., or between 2 and 4 P. if. jyZ3-7 PERSONAL. P ERSONAL-MALTBY'S OYSTER DEPOT, late 7S Fifth avenue, removed tA an Hmith- neld street; fresh oysters received dally: orders filled at lowest prices. 4. D. tlKMMWKIiE. JHgr. sel-92-D PERSONAL-BOOKS! BOOKS 1 BOOKS! New and old, ancient and mouero standard and rare, legal, medical and scientific 30,009 vol umes to select from. LEVI'S BOOK STOKE. 960 Liberty St. au3-M "PERSONAL - HIS LOVE BTTDDETT1.V T1E- A. 'A'UKNED; reeentlT the-r had not bp-n nn thn best of terms owing to little family tar occa- diuucu uj iuc nno insulin us oerng aiioweu to renovate his wearing apparel, and which, ol course, was done ln a bungling manner; In order to prevent tbe trouble they agreed to send alt their work hereafter to DICKSON, the Tailor. 65 Fifth ave.. corner Wood st.. second floor; and now everything Is lovely and peace and happiness again reigns ln their household. Telephone 15SS. aua LEGAL, NOTICES. NOTICE I HEREBY NOTIFY Ali PER SONS not to give my son. GEORGE GUIBERT, or any person else, any (roods on my credit, as I will not be responsible for the same. PETER GUIBERT. ocl4-9 OFFICE OF FIDELITY TITLE AN1I TRUST CO. ESTATE OF TIMOTHY BO WE. DECEASED--Notice Is hereby given that letters or admin istration on the estate of Timothy Bowe. deceased, late of Pittsburg, Pa., have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate pay ment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delay. FIDELITY TITLE AND TRUST CO., AdmlnlJl trator. DAVID Q. EWlNQ, Attorneyl seH-l-K BRUCE A SHIELDS. Attorneys at Law, Corner Fifth avenno and Grant street ESTATE OF-JOHN McKAY. DECEASED. Notice is hereby given that letters testa mentary on the estate of John McKay, lata of Penn township, Allegheny county, Pa de ceased, nave been granted to tbe undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the sama should mass went Known witnout delay. .,?MES HcKAY; Executor. oco-ai.M 1005 Liberty street Pittsbnrg. Pa. FTHE ORPHANS' COURT OF ALLE GHENY county. Estate otIia.baiW.C.i0-ePb"mi Comingo, deceased. -A-. Ira8- Writ, of t, , ..c-o. j partltlon or valuation. To John Beckley. of Raleieh a H "West Virginia; Jsaoe C Beckley. of Hatton. Mis souri; William G. Beckley, of Aux Vasse, Mis souri; Alfred Beckley. of Fincastle, Virginia: Mary Isabella BIoss, of Wayne a H West Virginia: Emma Strickland, of Noble, Illinois: Robert Beckley, Alfred cCBeckley and Mrs. Annie D. Parsons, of Spencer, West' Virginia; Neville Beckley; Jr.. ot Illinois; Gilbert Lee Beckley; of East Las Vegas, Now Mexico, and Clarence J. Beckley, of Roanoke. Virginia. You are hereby notified that an inquisition will be held ln pursuance ot the above men tioned writ of partition or valuation on tbe premises In the Fourteenth ward, Pittsburg; corner of Center avenue and Craip street, Al legheny" county, Pennsylvania, on Wednesday, the 23d day of October, A- D. 1888. at 10 o'cIock a. M to make partition to and among' the heirs of said deceased in such manner and ln such proportions as by the laws of this Com monwealth is directed, etc:, at which time and place you may attend if you think proper. ALEX. .S. McCANDLESS, Sheriff. -Sheriff's office, Pittsburg, September 27, A. j..xoog. t - seauue-x ADCTIOa SALES. BRUCE fc SHIELDS, Attorneys at Law. Cor. Fifth Ave. and Grant St. MASTER'S SALE OF VALUABLE REAL estate. No. 1125 Penn avenne. Jn the Court of Common Pleas No. 2, of Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, sitting ln equity, at No. 209 October Term, 1887. Robert W. Wrlehtvs David Garrett, trustee et aT, to the highest and best bidder, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17. '89, at 11 o'clock A. M., all that certain piece ofreal estate ot Robert Wright, deceased, late of the city of Pittsburg, in Allegheny county, situate In the Ninth ward of said city, fronting on Penn avenue, and beginning at apoint two bun- "" sua sixteen inoj leet west of Twelfth street, running thence parallel with Twelfth street, one hundred (1001 feet to Mulberry alley; thence along said alley twenty-four (2ij feet to lot or property of. James McCIain, and now of Margaret McCIain and Isabella W. Meeds; thence along said lot or property one hundred (100) feet to Penu avenne; thence along said street twenty-fonr (24) feet to the lii-vo ui ueKiuniug. Deingmesame wnicn John Wright et ox by deed dated 21th Marco, 1849, as recorded ln the Recorder's office of said county. .uucu vuu-, TUJ. DO, Jjagu oo, KIUICU ZLBQ COn- veyed to the said Robert Wright; see also deed of Robert WriEht with Susan, alias Susannah H. Wrigbt, bis wife, to David Garrett, dated the 21st day of December, 1834. as recorded in said Recorder's office, ln deed book; vol. 118, page 25L TERMS OP SALE-One-thlrd or one-half ln cash on delivery of deed: and the balance in two equal annual payments, to be evidenced by common bond, secured by tight mortgage on the premises, with Interest semi-annually, or all cash on delivery of deed. 10 per cent of purchase money to be paid down on day ot sale. JAS. a YOUNG. Master. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., Asrents and Auctioneer- QC12-100-D 129 Fonrth avenne. Pittsbnrg. BY HENRY AUCTION CO.- LIM. Aa T AUCTION-60 SECOND-HAND CAR- large hotel,' TUESDAY MORNING, October 15, at 10 o'clock, at the rooms. No. 311 Market street, uac cnerry ana wainutcnamDersnits, bedsteads, bureaus, washstands, wardrobes, cupboards, tables, chairs, rockers, lounges, couches, chiffoniers, mirrors, pictures, shades, door and window curtains, 2 very large hand some parlor suits. haUracks, bookcases, desks, cabinets, ornaments, bedding; hair and busk mattresses, springs, Dianiceis, aruggets. rugs, china, glass and delfware. toilet sets,aideboard, cooking range and utensils, kitchen table and chairs, tinware and kitchen goodsand roo qhette, velvet and Brussels carpets. HENRY AUCTION CO., LIM., Auctioneers. ocl3-85 A DJOURNED SALE DESIRABLE XI. nra ours properties ai auction, on T HURSDAY. October 17, at 3 o'clock p. jc on the premises on Short, Liberty or Llgo nier street. Sixteenth ward, near Thirty fourth street and Howard Public School honse. Lot 90x100 feet, with two 2-story bricks, five 2-story frames and one frame cottage honse thereon. The attention of capi talists is invited. For f nil information apply to L M. PENNOCK fe SON, 105 Fourth avojor &.j.rrjixtuoi Auctioneer. uu urancst. 0013-82 ADJOURNED SALE DESIRABLE Pittsbnrg properties at Auction, on THURSDAY, October 17. at 2 o'clock p. jf on tbe premises, on the corner of Tbirty-ntth and Butler streets. Fifteenth ward; lot 96 ft. on Butler St.. 240 ft. on Thirty-fifth stand 79 ft. on Penn ave., on which are 13 brick and frame houses; eligibly situated for business purposes or dwellings; now a good parine Investment; can be improved to great advantage. For fnll information apply to L M. PENNOCK A SON. 105 Fourth ave., or A. J.PENTECOST. Auc tioneer, No. 413 Grant st ocl&82 F OR SALE- TWO FOim-STORY WAREHOUSES, On Liberty, near Eleventh ft. HENRY A. WEAVER & CO. ocWT-xw jr W-OHT 3W T TaOF03A-- -ta-tf-.' X Coat a4 ja Coshwbt w- seated propomH let Mw erection of Me doable coke avow sua October SL mt. tone built wit cnvMiac wall hearts For farther aarMonJars Inquire at the psTjc at w. xt. TYxususi, n(paeer, renn Mil V-- - r "'- x.vBm amw'ifldK?nBaC jpssas) ttSsf. x-iHtrarv Oftjce of Cotrerrr Costkoixkb. i 1 PmSBUBG, October 11, 18b. ( OEALED PROPOSALS WlUi BE WtV O CE1VKD at this eee an til o'clock r. it . aHURSDAY. October 17,18, for wtdetMac uuu uLKiiuiBKapuraKaH m iniHze aver LaH tlers creek atMcCahea. Bids to be by te tea ' stun for work comptote. Work to be completed' on or before December 1, H8BV Bpectteattona can bo seen at the oftoe of the Coaatv g-gt -peer after MONDAY, October H, 1839. Bidders should visit site before bidding. JOSIAH SPESK, 0&Z48 Ceoaty CentroHer. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BB K CEIVED by tbe ntHierelfwd at tsw-Me-cbantg and Manufacturers' Bnak. at , Mlctt, until OCTOBER . 1889, at 12 o'etoete noon, tor tne purcnase or w.uwoi toe xsaraas Graphite Mining Company's 8 per eat ttat mortgage coupon bonds, ia sans, est Mf-aMiy upward, reserving tbe riaht to reteec ssrar ail bids. The property consists of 8a are s( ; una in jsaraza connty, iHlctL. mtn a vets ef graphite or black lead 171 feet la thMciwas mw workine. and a personal guarantee give W a- a ' good party If required- - j- li runner luiormaooa given oa Mnmtc af Fred Carlisle, 51 Campau Buildta, BetratC, Mich. F. CAJtUfttiAt. OC12-21 i -,-- wi- ii i a., pITY CLERK'S NOTICE OF TBK CITT J ot Spokane Falls, W. T. To a wn kr may concern: NatinA ! lif)Mr ! - sealed proposals for the furnishlnc awl feat, , ta the city of Spokane Falls, WVT.,atsW (12) inch water main, teBgth aworsssMrt nueu uw uixeo laouBanu sevsB annftt ana eighty (3.780) feet; also to furnish awl lay a stx (8) inch water main, length approxiaiaielr when laid one thousand eizht hundred a-!. fifty 1 1,800) feet: also furnish And. lav a-n '- hundred and sixty feet of four (41 tacit akM for hydrants, will be received by neat time or tne meeting or the City CoweR mfr. WEDNESDAY EVENING, Novesaber &, Masfc and not latar thnn fltfl nVtv nr uLi jlT specifications for above furnishiBg awl teyiasr, of water mains can be examined in the oc at the .Pittsburg Dispatch. All bids xritet a . securely sealed, and Indorsed on the aavs4ng . substantially, sealed proposals for the favaiaaV ing and laying of water mates in tbe ettraf opoiuuio j? alls, yy. a., ana also aceewmaassa Br a certified check of five hundred (4aMMii as a guarantee of good faith. The CoataTi- serves taensnt to reject any or ail bias. i J.J.WHrTE,CirCJ.f DroKAOT"Aij3.WAH.ATB0eafS, awH-l,-, PROPOSALS FOR STEEL POR USE : jl sue construction onwo crataers. T ari 3,009 toss displacement each, for tba Ua oiates ravv, one oi saw cruisers (fleC 7T constructed at the Davy yard.Broo4riBc J and the other (No. 81 at the navy j iiisL Tana I mouth, Va. Navy Department. WaasssaaaW D. O, September ZT. IS. Under aarttkafstf " ujuiciicu uy mo act ua i,onfrresB ma propnations for the naval service, i September 7,1388 (Statutes at Lane. pae 472), sealed proposals, are berey i and will be received at this Imimsmas i o'clock noon oa THURSDAY. day ot October, 1888. for Jar ing and delivering the following oh ami quantities oi material at eaesv e sm aasa. yards, for use In tbe conetateefea 4, saii cruisers: uiass a. steel Plates. Aaasst hundred and seventy-two (575) tons putes-ztoxipounas persqaarafo B. About one hundred and atsety foot. ClasaO. One arsaored tabe oC steel, 80 pouans per square feet; clear inside. 12 inches, to be in one 3 inches long; weight about 5.8M counter tower, oval Shane, time fa 7 feet 8 inches by 4 feet 9 Inches by 10 inches hieh. of wrouEht ssaai. per square foot; weight aboat ,) une top to conniBgr tower ot steel piate oi 00 pounds par una ess the enge to be flanged down about iaci snape or conning tower; weight aa pounds. One shield or roar d -lata to wrought steel plate ot 80 pounds par. AooKweigataooai,SBvpoanas iraeiaq over entrance extending from sWeM te or. wrought steel piate ot w poumla per foot: weight about L2Q0 pounds. In aH. ten (10) tons. Class D Steel Shapes . one uunarea ana sn iko; ions ot steel of -various sizes; aboat fifty-six (St) Bfcee aBi aoa A-Buiu'Deams, wisa vatnrevirom lotoaa pounds per : thirty-eight (38) tons ot steel to 14 pounds per foot. Class About seventy (70) tons steel rivets to IK inch diameter. Class F Steel Aboat elchtv-three (83) tons of stee various shapes, stem, stern poet, rodder snais tuces, snare struts, hawse etc. The teas of material herein-e be of 240 poaBds each. Alls-id be of such detailed dimensions, i shapes as may be required in the of the vessels, and to be deflvand place or placeewn the said navytyasefcae do uewgoateu oy lue respective t thereof. Deliveries to cotomenee laoi days from the date of contnoc-a-t 1 completed within six (8) month fiiaa oata. a no material to ae deirverad in accordance with detailed prepared by the Naval s said navy yards, respectively. order required to carry on the wort to ttw lwstviMl riM'Ha mierests ox tne uovernmeot. Ail ma he of domestic manafaattwe, aod . cepted only after passing sods teats as : prescribed therefor by the. Secretary a aibtj. AxuyusAis oiuat ue ansae aw the material for each vessel. -hr with forms whleb will be f ursisbed w tion to tne Bureau of CoostrneooB i and any one or more. of rhn iirannrn may oe emoracea in toe same pi bid for a portion ot any class ere A. Each proposal most be ac satisfactory evidence that tea is aoie to lurnlsn and deliver tenal for wnteli be bids; also, b check, parable to tbe order of the the Navy, for aa amount equal to S per tbe bid. The check received from fts i f ul bidder will be returned so Mm oa'Ms ing into a iorraai contract xor tae doe ance ot tne wane ana giving oood lor witn saufliaasory surety, in a penal aa to 25 per cent of the amoant of bit War; case ne snau tail to enter into suoa come the property of the United All checks accoajpanyinir propeaes are not accepted wIQ be n immediately alter the awareT nave been made. Information relative to cumensions ana Shapes oi- material. other Information essential to bidden, waa wl furnished on personal application to the immm. i of Construction and Repair. NavyDeiaiiumair 1 Proposals closed in e must be made la dopHcate, aal la-"!! closed in envelopes marked "Proposals ier aseeti for U. SL 8. CraJser (Nol. "). and aaerooood lei tbe Secretary of the- Navy. Navy DeBansaeac, Washington, D.C. Bach class of mataeayawflti be bid for separately; and tbe Secretary ef tba i Navy reserves the right to refaet ur a sot 1 bids, or the bids on any esass or classes, aa, iar his Judgment, tbe Interests of, tbe niiniaaiimlj may require. li.XKAUY,. Secretary-asaeXfl retarr eel Navy; sW-k.-C' VTAVY DEPARTMENT, "WASH! JL.S uuiunc xecv. azus Aep advertisement dated Seetember 27., h Sf lnc proposals for steel for use is the tion of two cruisers, ot about S.0M &' Placement each, for tbe United atatasl one of which (No. 7) is to be cons trusted a I navy yarn, BrooKiyn,!. a., ana bsomh 8) at the navy yard. Portsmouth. Va. is i fled as follows- Tbe Department reserves site 1 right to give orders for material in aay esass or classes from time to time during a peria 4c cue year iroxa sob uaro ot tae OOBCrees. classes A and a (steel plates). 1 (steel i and E (steel rivetsl deliveries of m shall begin under each order or senedale as or designated at any time by tne Jepartaisaaa within 30 days from the date of the reetapt di luB viucr ur Bciiexiuw, aau snau ee eees pleted within 80 days from mU date. Incase the completion of the deWvelee oi an tne materials required under any or BcuBuoie suaii ue ueiayea oeyoiia see oi eu aays irom ine aaie oa toe receipt H deductions of KfAOO per day may. in tne tion ot the Secretary ot theNayv.be from tbe contract price for each and every dasrl lexcepung- ounoays j aunng wsucn sees eel Stetton is delayed beyond tbe said period i days: provided, that such orders or sahodat shall not require tbe delivery of more tkaa a sixth of the amount of any class ta aayc month. In classes C and F deliveries ef mat ials shall be completed within 80 days frost 1 date of the receipt of the patterns or compel orders for such materials. Payment, last reservation of S per cent, will be made- classes A.B.D and E,on tbe first of month, and tor the materials delivered dariear the nrecedlse? month. Payment, less a reeeriaf. tion ot 10 per cent, will be made oa classes ana x , on each oeuvery. reservation wmi Hsl withheld until the completion of all the MfcrV eries under tbe contract. B. F. TRACT: Sael retary of the Navy. ooHNeurt, MORTGAGES WANTED? 1 mortgage for. 1 mortgage for. 2 mortgages for 2 mortgages for..... 3 mortcneesfor snvael at low rate oa well-Improved d VBBACoSI HENRY A. WEA ocll-O-XW jjoartai pIANOS, ORGANS. S. HAMILTON, Hasp vs f ap ill AVTOXi J32 & mt aa-.S pteeaJMajfcfir filial laiJ ill aliiataiaal 3 asj-V wrewsajaa A3! Unm-C:' Bsatiya: SMisI Pittetraff, Pa. WH VI mfta IjK US' b...- &-;.j '!