Em I I s2r THEY DOMTOBSERVE. Eight of Uncle Sam's Signal Stations Suspended. EIVER MEN INDIGNANT. Sergeant 0. D. Stewart Explains the Financial Hiatus. KO WABHISe FOE COAL OWNERS. General Greely Has Hard Sledding to Hake $9,000 Go Around. PITTSBURG EEQUIKES MORE SERVICE The fact that considerable rain has been falling recently around the head waters of both the Monongahela and Allegheny rivers has suggested the idea that it might prove the inception of a coalboat rise, and with that in view a Dispatch representative waylaid a prominent river-man yesterday and proceeded to ask for the latest news of the river. The riverman snorted indignantly and said: "Didn't ycu know that the United States Signal Service has been discontinued for the last two weeks in a number of sta tions, and that a coalboat rise might be right upon our boats without our knowing any thing about it?" Being assured that the public was not in formed on the subject the Jollower of the placid Ohio came down to details: "On the 1st of October we were notified by Sergeant O. D Stewart, of the signal station, tnat there would be no reports from eicht sta tion in Pennsylvania and "West Virginia during the month of October, owing to the insufficiency of the Con gressional appropriation for the river service branch of the "Weather Bureau. So here we Pittsburgers are with 13.000,000 bushels of coal loaded ready lor a rise, and so means provided forlnformation as to the condition of the Monongahela river. MUCH SIOXEY INVOLVED. "Hundredsof thousands of dollarsare thus subject to risk on account of the niggardly policy of the Government. I admit that since January 1. 1885. when the river service was established under Observer Stewart, it Las proved of incalculable value to Pitts burg and Honongahela coal and river men, but" that makes its discontinuance all the more serious at as critical a time as the present. The annual fall freshet is long overdue, and may come at any time. "We have become used to depending on the Sig nal Service for river bulletins, and my firm, in particular, and I fuppose others also, have discontinued the system of information as to the state of the river, made use of be fore the Signal Service began. This is not the first time we have been left in the lurch, imd it is very probable that the coal men ot Pittsburg will present a memorial upon the subject to the next Congress. We ought to be given better service, if anything, than at present, but to have our regular informa tion cut off at short notice is something of a hardship. The coal fraternity is really alarmed because r.ses come so rapidly that thousands of dollars of damage might be done before means could be adopted to insure the safety of the barges, many of which are in a verv precarious condition as regards their moorings and liability to drift away and go to the bottom. APPEALING TO PKOCTOR. "The loss of even one barge would amount to more than the cost of the whole month's service. Something ought to be done, and "we may telegraph Secretary Proctor of the "War Department, asking him to make some special arrangement to cover the interval in which there will be no service." Signal Sergeant O. D. Stewart was sub sequently seen and asked for an explanation of the riverman's emphatic kick. The genial Sergeant suspended his usual avoca tion of throwing dice with Jupiter Pluvius and Old Boreas', and hung his guessing cap up to dry. "It is a fact that the paucity of the appropriation has compelled us to suspend eight signal stations during the month of October. The eight stations shelved for the month are as follows: War ren, Clarion, Parker's Landing, Saltsburg, Brookville and Greensborouch, Pa., and Bowlesburg and Weston. W. Va. The two latter ara of vital importance to the Pitts burg coal men, as they are on the head waters of the Honongabela, Oar rain re ports from these two stations are infallible indications of a coalboat rise when one is in process. For this month the Signal Service river branch is entirely in the dark as to the condition of the Honongahela, with the exception of Horgantown and Lock Kb. 4, from which we receive daily'reports as usual." ErVEnSIEX riGHTING MAD. "The rivermen are np in arms abont the suspension of the reports." "Zes, they have been here to file indig nant protests, and I think the situation is very unfair to them. But we are powerless to adopt any other course under the cir cumstances. General Greely has to do most marvelous pinching and scraping in order to make 9,000 cover the entire river branch of -the Signal Service. Enough money ought to be afforded this extremely important ttction ol the service to entirely remodel it and increase its efficiency. The Pittsburg station is by all odds the most im portant in the United States in regard to the river bulletin service. Not only does more tonnage originate in or about Pittsburg than any city of the country, not barring New York, but the condition of the Monongahela, Allegheny and Ohio rivers hereabouts has an immediate bearing upon the entire Ohio and Mississippi system of navigation. To be sure the steamboatmen below Louisville lave navigation all the year around, which we have not as yet, but shippers all over the "West should be inlormed of the prospects for high or low water, and the river men below us ought to be kept posted as to the liability of floods. MORE MONET NEEDED. "The conditions of the servicehere are that we have 15 stations, inclusive of Johnstown, which, however, has not yet been re-established, nor do I know when it will be. We do not have enough money to run the IB stations during the entire year. This year, for instance, we had 12 sta tions during July, August and September and six stations in October. There will be 12 stations in November and December and full service in January, February. March. April and May. This is the result of verv exact calculations on the part of General Greely, who is obliged to cut his coat by the cloth. Nine thousand dollars is a very small snm when it has to cover river gautres, pay for observations and repair of station furnishments. The observers in the Pitts burg district received $15 a month during the first few years of the work, but are now paid so much or, rather, so little per ob servation. The river gauges cost S100, and therefore form quite an item of expense. The scope of a river station is to take ob servations on the depth of the river, the rain all, direction and velocity of wind and condition of weather Several rivermen have suggested the addition of a thermome--ter observation, which would be useful in cold weather. JUST fC.000 TVJJfTED. "We should have 55,000 a year in the Pittsburg Station for the river branch of the service alone. We could then receive morn ing and evening continuous reports instead of one per diem as at present. We could also pay the observers and get better reports and service. There ought to be stations es tablished at West Newton on the Youghio- gheny and 2, ew Castle on the Beaver river. .. miui ua sicGcswuj w secure u super- I A ior service for Pittsburg ironld be a mere bagatelle compared with the importance of the interests involved. Should the Erie and Pittsburg Canal and the movable dam system down the Ohio be established, the fullest and most accurate river reports would be a positive necessity. Any one report in an impending freshet would be so valuable as to balance the cost of the service for ten years." General Greely has officially notified the signal stations of the country that the weekly weather crop bulletin issued during the past summer was discontinued until next summer. The customary monthly crop bulle tin will take its place. ENDLESS PUNISHMENT. Rcr. W. S, Williams Vigorously Combats I tie Orthodox Idea of Boll. Bev. "W. S. Williams last evening preached to the congregation of Christ Uni versalis! Church on "HelL" He main tained that none of the Hebrew and Greek words translated "hell" in the authorized version, convey in the original language any idea of endlessness or eternity. Sheol is used 61 times, Hades 11 times, Gehenna ten times, and Tartarus once. Sheol in the "Hebrew and Hades in the Greek means, he said, the grave or the world of the dead, without distinction as to the moral condition of those who go there. The Hebrews never believed in endless punishment, and half of the same people did not believe in any future life at all. "Until less than 2,000 years ago," said the preacher, "endless punishment for the wicked was not believed by anv of the races of men. To think that before that, for thousands and thousands of years, God had never intimated such a thing to the human race! To think that God would be so care less of his children when such an awful, awful doom was awaiting nearly all of them." Gehenna was the word used by Jesus, and meant the Valley of Hinnom, near Jerusalem, where the offal and garbage of the city were cast and burned. It'conveyed no idea of eternality. Bev. Mr. "Williams said: "I challenge the world, with un prejudiced mind, to show, by scholarship and investigation, any word between the two lids of the Bible that, by any force, plain or on the surface, or in the use of the term, teaches any such dictrine as endoess punish ment in a place of torment. " DRUBBING CHILDREN. Fifth Ward Citizens Complain Abont Princi pal Snyder. Some of the patrons of the Fifth Ward School, Allegheny, complain that Principal Snyder severely beat their children. The marks of the rattan can be plainly seen on the back of Thomas Porter, a 9-year old son of the Penn avenue grocer. Mrs. Porter says her son came home from school cryipg, and when the principal was asked why he beat the boy, he replied that it could not be done without leaving marks. Albert Steits is another boy who com plains of being drubbed too hard by the teacher. ,Mr. McHenry, one of the direc tors, things the matter has been exaggerated, but the parents are highly indignant Agent Dean said last night that he had heard he would be called to investigate the case, but as yet he has not been notified. CAUGHT IN A HAI LOFT. Mr. Brown Nnbbrd, Charged With Steal- Ins His Fiancee's Dollars. Jacob Brown, a young man who has been wanted by Magistrate Hyndman for some time, is now safely lodged in the Nineteenth ward lockup. A charge of larceny has been awaiting him, but he has managed to avoid it for nearly a year. Annie Gamber line is prosecutor. She alleges that Brown and she were en gaged and that Brown borrowed $60 from her nnder the pretense that he was sick. He then levanted, and Miss Gamberline having married another man, he took the opportunity to return. He was arrested by Officers Gnmbert and Fehl in a hay loft on Ellsworth avenue. HITHER AND THITHER. Morcments of Pitrsburgcrs and Others of Wide Acaualntance. Colonel W. P. Bend was overwhelmed yesterday with telegrams from Chicago in reference to the startling expose f bribery and corruption made in the Cronin case. Colonel Rend is one of the most prominent men in the case at present, being Chairman of theanti Cronln committee of 20 charged with the rais ing of funds for the adequate prosecution of the Cronin murderers. It is understood that Colonel Rend is fulfilling his duties at some personal risks, as threats have been in circula tion in Chicago emanating from the now des perate friends of Alex. Sullivan and other sus pects. But the gallant Colonel pursues the even tenor of his way. He refuses to discuss any leatnre ot the case. Colonel John A. Wise, of Richmond, Va., passed through the city last night to Min neapolis, on legal business connected with the Electrical Convention now in session there. The genial Colonel is one of the most promi nent politicians of the South and the leader of the anti-Malionists. He counts as many friends among his Democratic opponents as he aoes among nis own immediate .Republican following. Speaking of the political outlook In the Old Dominion Colonel Wise said that as a matter of course Mahone would be badly beaten. Quay has furnished supplies for a vigorous fisht but, said the Colonel, it is so much money thrown away. George Martin, one of the brightest of tho Washington correspondents who have grad uated from the ranks of Pittsburg newspaper men, was In Pittburg yesterday long enough to shake hands with a number of co-workers. George has just returned from Russia where he traveled tor several months. He has grown a beard and looks quite ferocious. He returns this mnrnin: to Brooklyn and fiom thence will go to Washington to rcume the thread of his duties at Washington, Mr. and Mrs. Martin will maintain a modest establishment in the capital uity tms winter. L. B. Lockhart, of Bradford, was in town yesterday. He is Superintendent of the People's Combination Land and Petroleum Company, of Bradford, and State Grand Pro tector of the Knights and Ladies of Honor. He said that among Democrats Congressman W. A. Wallace was recarded as having-a. lifer. liboodof occupying the GubernatoriaFseat at Harnsburg. Alonzo H. Stewart, Assistant Sergeant-at-Armsof the United States Senate,fwhohas been visiting his brother, Sergeant O. D. Stew art, of the United States Signal Service, dur ing the past week, returned to Washington last Saturday night. Mr. Stewart visited points of interest in and about Pittsburg and was most agreeably impressed with the city. D. B. McGregor and C. E. Hattie, of Inverness, Scotland, were among a party of British tourists who passed throngh to the West last night They are identified with manufacturing interests m their country and are making an extended tour of tho States. A. H. Buppel, J. B. Scott, Valentine May, Al Holbert and J. H.Ube, attorneys of Somerset, are in town to attend the sittings of the Supreme Court, Judge H. L. Baer and ex-Congressman William H. Koontz, of Somerset, are staying at the Monongahela. Henry Weinkanf leaves Pittsburg to day for Erie, where he will spend a few weeks witn nis menus. Samuel Bellman, the druggist, returned yesterday after a hunting trip of one week in Butler county. Miss,Emma Grine returned home yes terday after a very extensive trip throngh the Northwest. v John Cessna, the old-time politician of Bedford, is a gnest at the Seventh Avenue. LOCAL ITEMS, LIMITED. Incidents of a Day la Two Cities Condensed far Ready Rending. At 2 10 o'clock yesterday morning there was an alarm from box 125 in Allegheny. It was caused by tho discovery of a fire in a framo house on Nunnery Hill caused by natural gas. The house was damaged to the extent of about $300. About 2 o'clock yesterday morning Lieu tenant of Police Thornton, of Allegheny, made a raid on a house at S3 West alley. He arrested Iot" of en men ami !twe Vomer III ihi souse. ffifiST THE" MUSICAL MEN HEAED. President Ruhe Says the Theater Or chestras Haven't Besisned. STILL ADHERING TO THE UNION. The M. JT. P. TJ. Will Starr a Training School for Beginners in Hnslc PREPARATIONS FOR A GRAND DISPLAT, If effect is given to the resolutions passed at the special meeting of the Musical Mutual Protective Union in Turner Hall yesterday afternoon, this city will have, at some day more or less distant, an effective corps of musicians capable of filling all emergencies, and professional union capable of legis lating for its members in every way to their advantage. So far from the M. M. P. U. being in a state of disruption, a stronger cohesion of its members was yesterday effected, and meas ures taken for the foundation of a training school for musicians. The Grand Opera, Bijou and Academy orchestras remain within the union. The meeting was called to take measures for instituting a training school and elect ing the necessary officers, but so much time was taken up in discussing the action of ManaeerWilt, of the Opera House, that the full business of the meeting was not transacted. "When order had been called Mr. Buhe said: MK. BUHE EXPLAINS. "This meeting, as you know, bas been called for the purpose of discussing plans for the constitution of a training school, but since I entered the room I have found it ne:essary to explain, first, what occurred at the Grand Opera House last night between Manager Wilt and myself. "As you all knon, this union was or ganized for the benefit of those musicians who devoted their whole time to the profession, and also lor those who did not make a profession of their musi cal talent, but who devoted some of their time to professional work, as it happened to suit them. You are all aware that under such conditions as these the union could not live, if it were to allow men to enter into competition with it, who held themselves free from the rules and privil eges under which the well being of our members is sustained. When then T was called upon to provide additional men for the Grand Opera HouEe I was disposed to supply only such men as the rules of the union would allow, but I was unable to pro cure as many as I required, chiefly on ac count of financial matters. "On Thursdaynightlast.by engaging men outside the union rather than disappoint the leader, I had the requisite number of musicians together. On Friday I was much surprised on hearing from Mr. Schwartz that he could not accept the men I had furnished, and on Saturday night I saw both Mr. Schwartz aud Manager Wilt in relation to the matter. I had very little to say, because I bad no opportunity, Mr. Wilt doing all the arguing, but I under stood that he was not satisfied with the men I had engaged, and he said something about being quit with the union. IT 'WAS ALIi A MISTAKE. "This morning Mr. Schwarta came down to my house and said that what had occurred over night was all a mistake, that none hut union men would henceforth be employed, and that things were to go as usual." Mr. Buhe next wanted to know what had transpired in relation to the several orches tras, and the supposed dissatisfaction of some of the members, and asked for particu lars. Two or three members said that they had not heard of anything approaching dis satisfaction, and that the orchestras still gave and would continue to yield the union their unqualinea support. Some discussion then ensned on a propo sition to sustain members of the union who should lose employment, and a resolution was put and carried indorsing the power al ready in the hands of the board for this pur pose. The business of the special meeting was then proceeded with. The call was made for the purpose ot instituting a training school and electing officer. Also to form a combination of the military bands of the union-, and hold a rehearsal of thpmusic to be performed at the unveiling of the Arm strong Monument in Allegheny on Thanks giving Day. XHEIB OPPORTUNITY COMING. Mr. Rube said in relation to the combined bands: "Here is an opportunity of showing the people of Pittsburg what they might ex pect from a properly organized musical union. Every member of all the military bands in the union would assemble aronnd the monument of a man who was one of the most enlightened and intelligent leaden ot union organizations that this country ever saw." Mr. Kuhe then explained the object of the school. He said he had not had time to prepare a statement as to how the school would be organized, but the object was to train young musicians and to instruct others in the instruments in which they needed tuition. A director would be ap pointed to supervise the work; there would be a conductor for the band and one for the orchestral section. The control of the whole would be subject to the board. A com mittee of seven was then appointed to con sider the details and directed to meet Sun day week at 7 o'clock in the evening at the office on Filth avenue, One of the members present said that he proposed to establish a class on his own ac count for tnition in his instrument The president asked that every member of a military band would bring along his in strument to the next meeting, so as to have a rehearsal of the Armstrong music. TWO E1TAL ASSEMBLIES. The Brotherhood of machinists Draw np Beneficial By-Lnivs. The By-Law Committee of the Brother hood of Machinists met at their old ball, 102 Fourth avenue, yesterday, and drew up a series of laws of a beneficial character. The society was started about two weeks ago, and now numbers 72 members. The members state they are practically old Assembly 791, K. of L., now defunct. They claim that within the past nine years they paid $8,000 into the order, for which they received no direct benefit. As a result of a division there are two rival bodies of machinists in Pittsburg. There are about 3,000 machinists in the city, bnt so far no steps have been taken to form a coalition. The brotherhood has not yet decided to form another association, but'its members are looking around for a strong organization to tie to. The Federation of Trades has been suggested, and the chances are they will connect themselves with this body. NO BEER FAMINE. Tho Journeymen Brewers "Decldo Not to Mriko for Ten Hours. The journeymen brewers of the two cities who are organized in the Brewers' Union, held a meeting yesterday afternoon in Ar beiters' Hall on Ohio street, Allegheny, to take action in regard to tbe impending strike for shorter hours. The meeting was a lengthy one and did not adjourn until after 6 o'clock. Master Workman John O'Shea, of the Ice Drivers' Assembly, Knights of Labor, was present and made an address to the men. He advised them not to strike for the present on account of not being fully organized. In Frauenbein & Vilsack's and Pier, Dannals &Co.'s the men are not mem bers of the union. Committees were ap pointed to get these men in. When this is done the journeymen will be in a better po sition to en orce their demands. It was de cided not to strike for the present. .. Membership Increasing;. District Master Workman Boss said yes- DISPATGHf terday that the published reports about the membership increasing in D. A. 3 will be fully verified at the convention of the dis trict to meet on Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock. At this meeting the 'delegates to' the convention of the general body, to as semble at Atlanta, will receive their in structions. Meeting of Labor Leaders. Secretary Martin, of the A. A. of I. and,, S. W., left on Baturdaytto be present this morning at the Executive Council of the executive officers of all labor organizations. Bepresentatives will attend from the K. of L., the A. F. of L., the B. of L. E. and F., the B. of B., and other national organiza tions. The object of the meeting was ex plained at length in a previous issue of The Dispatch. TflET HAVE SAID G00DBY. Onion Service of Presbrterlao Churches In Honor of Missionaries Going- to Egypt and India. About 2,500 people congregated at the Firfct United Presbyterian Church, Alle gheny, last night, to wish a hearty "God speed" to the missionaries, male and female, who will be sent to India and Egypt by the combined churches of Pittsburgh and Alle gheny of this denomination. The exercises were conducted in the usual manner, but there was a touch of sadness in them. Many an eye silently dropped a tear at parting with friends who they had been familiar with for years. They recognized that the lapse of a few hours would separate them, possibly never to meet again in this life. And so they parted. At 8 o'clock this morning one-half of the missionaries will be speeding across the continents to Egypt to wage war against false prophets, and the other half will go across trackless waters to convert opulent rajahs and the worshipers ot the great Mogul. Dr. Grier, of the Allegheny Theological Seminary, introduced the missionaries in a brief speech, saying that these men were going away from them, but they carried the sympathies of the church to which thev be longed. The Eevs. W. M. Nichol, E. M, Giffen, Krindenier, T. F. Cumings, T. E. Holliday, E. E. Pile addressed the meeting. These gentlemen are the missionaries, and they will be accompanied by their wives, together with the Misses Gary, Gordon and Anderson. Bev. J. B. Dale', of Philadelphia, the veteran Corresponding Secretary of the United Presbyterian Board of Missions, spoke on the necessity of foreign missions. He said: "The men who are leaving you are full of zeal for their laudable work. Upon their brow sits youth in its pristine glory. In their hearts is enthroned the love of Christ, which has fanned their ambition into the lofty purpose of carrying light into dark lands beyond the sea. With them they take partners who will help them to minister more effectively the gospel of peace in those heathen lands." Dr. Dale then drew a comparison of mis sionary work to-day from what it was when the union of the Presbyterian body was formed. He said at that time there were only two stations, with six missionaries, while to-day this body had 175 stations, with about 500 laborers, 36 churches and 8,000 communicants. They also had 236 schools, with 9,441 pupils, who werereceiving secular and religious education. They con tributed about $108,585 annually for the sup port of the work and subsistence of the workers. THEI CASHED IN. Detective Conlson Interrupts a Game of Sunday Poker Playing-. Detective Sol Coulson last night located a gambling resort for colored men at No. 19 Old avenue. It was next door to the News boys' Home. The room occupied was in the attic of a bricc house, and there were front and rear entrances. The front of the build ing was locked, but Coulson and half a dozen other officers found their way to the open rear door. They went through the cellar and up a rear back stairway. Seven colored men sat around a poker table, with chips piled before them. The cards had just been dealt and the players were chip ping in for the draw, when a fat fellow who sat opposite the door looked over the top of his three kings and yelled, "Jehoshapnat, there's Sol Conlson!" "Sit still, boys," Mr. Coulson said, as he walked in. The plavers were allowed to cash their chips, and the banker paid out abont $350. It was a blooded game, nearly all the players being known to the police as professional gamblers. The tabic, cards and chips were confiscated and the men taken to the station. Clayton St. Clair was booked as the keeper of the gambling house. He and Tom White, an old-time gambler, were refused bail, and the other men were released on forfeits. SELLING THE PICTURES. Tho Opportunity to Buy Works of Art at the Exposition. A number of the pictures on exhibition in the Art Gallery of the Exposition have been sold, and it is likely that a great many more will be purchased during this week. The Exposition will positively close on Satur day evening next, and on Monday morning the removal ot the pictures will begin. The manager of the Exposition says that the prices-attached in the catalogue to the vari ous pictures are the bottom figures, and that persons who desire to buy works ot art will not in many a day find'an opportunity to select from so large an assortment of excel lent works. Moreover, it will promote tbe success of future exhibitions to effect a large sale list at this time, for if many pictures be sold artists will be stimnlated to send their works to the annual art display. Men and women of wealth and taste will recogniz? the opportunity to foster art exhibitions in Pittsburg. IJKDOKSED BI SOME. A Business Man hacffests Erecting; a Market on Duquesae Way. In the connection with the scheme to widen Diamond street, a business man suggests it would be a good idea to erect a market House on Duquesne Way below Sixth street bridge. A nnmber of traders interviewed on the subject, favor the scheme. In widening Diamond street, it is proposed to erect an arcade through both sides of the market house, extending across Market street. This will take up consid erable space, and a new honse has been suggested as a remedy. Another business man believed a better plan would be to cut down the hump and use the old Fifth Avenue Market House. The building is available aud centrally located. KILLED ON RAILROADS. Information of the Death of Men oa the Fennsy and Panhandle. Word was sent to the morgue last night that a young man named Dempsey had been struck by a train and killed on the Pennsyl vania railroad at Walls station. No fur ther particulars were learned. Yesterday afternoon word was telephoned to the morgue that a man had been killed on the Panhandle road at Mansfield. Neither the man's name nor any particulars of the accident were furnished. Escaped by tbe Roof Route. Police belonging to the Fonrteenth ward district surrounded the alleged "speak easy" run by Mrs. Mary Murphy.on Forbes street, near the St. Agnes Church, last night, but before they could gain an entrance the occupants made their escape through a trapdoor to the roof, and from the roof man aged to get to the ground. The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. is the place to get your teas, coffees and bak ing powder. Beautiful presents. i PITTSBTJKG 03STPATOTOBEPpi88 NEW C0STLI CHAPEL. Father Mollinger, of Troy. Hill, to Improve Bis Sacred Edifice. A $50,000 BUILDING GOING UP. His Claimed it Will Eival Anything Seen in this Country. EAEE EUB0PBAN STONES AND EELICS Bev. Father Mollinger,. pastor of the Church of the Most Holy Name, on Troy Hill, Allegheny, has begun work on an ad dition to the old chapel adjoining his house on the hill. The new building will cost $50,000. A number of residents of the hill claim that it will be the finest and most magnificent church structure in this part of the country, if not in the United States. The foundation of the new addition has just been laid. The new struature will be 70 feet long and 48 feet wide. An idea of what it will be like may be learned by comparing the cost to a 70-foot building. The front of the building will be of fine cut stone, with two towers or spires, each 100 feet high. A statue of St. Anthony eight feet high and made of gilded bronze, will surmount the gable in the front of the church. ORNAMENTED "WITH FIGURES. .The new addition will contain 14 small chapels or large niches in the walls contain ing the Fourteen Stations of the Cross. The figures will be life-sized. Seven of them will ornament each side of the sacred edifice. The figures will be made in Belgium. The chapel, will also contain 18 stained glass windows which will be made in Munich. Two bronze altars costing $5,000 each will also be placed in the church. The altars will be made in France and will contain a number of precious, sacred relics, which are expected to arrive from Europe. On the side of the building will be erected a little sacristy. When joined to the old building the chapel will be 120 feet long. The present structure will be transformed into a sanctuary for the new building. An effort will be made to have the chapel ready for dedication on the feast day of St. Anthony, June 13 next. So much has been written about the present, and as it is so well known that it is needless to say anything about it now. CAN'T AKSWEB THE IiETTEBS. Father Mollinger is daily in receipt of dozens of letters coming from all parts of the world asking for information about his wonderful cures. He now has at his home baskets full of them, and finds it a physical impossibility to read, let alone answer them. Last week he received one from a man in Cuba. The letter contained four crosses which the writer asked Father Mol linger to bless. This he did and sent them back. Some people write to him and upon not receiving any answer send abnsive let ters. Father Mollinger is always ready to answer any questions or hear invalids' com plaints when they call upon him, but he cannot nd time to answer the letters. If the writers call upon him they will get all the help he can give them, which cannot go to them through the mails. He has become so used to getting all kinds of ridiculous letters that he takes no notice of any but business or private communications. HELPING P00E HEBREWS. Lover of Zion Oreanizo n. Wealthy Branch of the Society. A meeting of the '"Lovers of Zion" was held last night in the Grant .Street Syna gogue to lay before that congregation the object which a number of influential He brews have at heart in this country and in Europe, which is to render aid to poor members of that ancient faith to return to ,the land from whence their forefathers wan dered. After the meeting was over a branch of the society was formed, with Mr. Morris Bosenthal President pro tern. Mr. Korn hlum was to have addressed the meeting, but he"was unavoidably absent He, how ever, sent a letter, which was read. He expressed entire approval of the object of the society. He said he would render what ever aid he could to forward the desires of the societv. Eabbi S. Sivatz, said: "It is not for any selfish or penurious reasons that this society was organized. It is to lift the poor and needy Hebrew from poverty into a better ana purer spnere. j.osena mem iromtnis and oirjerianas, oacK to Palestine, where they will be able to embark in enterprises not open to them here. It is also the object of the society to have the land of old Jeru salem, so fertile and productive, farmed by tnose wno nave a ngnt to it. xnat we will ultimately gain the object we have in view, no one doubts. Leading European bankers, merchants, and philanthropists are giving us material aid. There will be another .meeting after vespers next Sunday. OIL STILLS BDBNED, Unnsed Property of the Citizens' Oil Keflnery Co. Burned. At 620 o'clock last evening fire broke out in the Citizens' Oil Eefinery, on Butler street, near the Sharpsburg bridge. The Standard Oil Company owns the property which was burned, consisting oLa large number of old sheds, under which are sev eral parafine stills. None of the stills have been worked tor a long time, though there was considerable material in some of them. Engines No. 6 and 9 were kept at the fire until 10 o'clock to prevent any possibility of the fire spreading to a large oil tank con taining 5,000 barrels of oil, which was near. The- loss to the sheds and a small brick office occupied by the company will amount to $1,000, covered by insurance. Chief Coates stated "that he believed the fire to have been incendiary. A HEW CABLE. The Middle Rope on tbe Fifth Avenue Line Replaced. The Pittsburg Traction Railroad laid a new cable between Oakland and the Wash ington street power house yesterday morn-. ing. The old cable had been in service since October 4, 18S8. It outlasted the other two cables about 90 days. As soon as the last car left the Oakland power house the work was begun to stretch the new rope, which is just 21,000 feet long. At 7 o'clock Sund.iv morning John Morgan had the splice finished and the circuit completed. The old cable traveled 113,280 miles. TO T1S1T BOTCHER'S EON. Dr. Lee, of tho State Board of Health, Will be Here To-Day. Dr. Benjamin Lee, Secretary of the State Board of Health, will start ont with the Allegheny Health Committee this morning to make a tour of the Butcher's run district between the city line and Reserve town ship. Dr. Lee comes here at the solicita tion of the Allegheny committee. The city has no authority to make the residents of the locality change the unhealthy condition of the place ana wants the State to inter fere. Wreck on the Panhnndle. A small wreck occurred on the Panhandle road lato Saturday night. Two freight cars were entirely destroyed and several were thrown from the track. It was a westward bound train, and when near the Clinton Mills, at the south end of tbe Point bridge, one of the cars lelt the rails. The alleged cause is the spreading ot the track. The train could not be stopped nntil several other cars had been also dragged of Use A. & P. Baking Powder. MILITARY SCHOOLING.. A Branch of tbe Nndoosl Cadets Organised la rittsburg Trnlnfog lbs 'Yeats to Mnko Goad Soldiers. A branch of the National Cadets, Com pany A, Second, of the United States, has just been formed in Pittsburg. The com pany is two weeks old, and has an enlist ment of 20 young soldiers, sufficient to form one company. The first meeting for drill practice will take place next Thursday even ing in the Old City Hall Armory, which has been placed at their disposal by tbe Washington Infantry. It is expected, bow ever, that the Franklin school house will be set apart two evenings of the week for the military training of the boys. The National Cadets, though new in Pittsburg, is well and favorably known in eastern parts or the country. New York had the honor of forming the first company. Lientenant Hamilton, of Governor's Island, conceived the idea of organizing tbe Cadets about two years ago and got together about 180 bovs, whose ages ranged from 14 to 20. These boys composed a regfment, including cavalry, infantry and artillery, 60 members making up each of the divisions. The idea proved a success and now the Cadets num ber upward of 75,000 members, scattered over the country. The majority of them are located in the East- Each boy must enlist in the regiment for one year at least, during which time he must pledge himself to be on duty for drill twice a week, unless detained by some rea sonable excuse. He has to drill one hour and a half, and go through all the move ments embodied in the manual of arms in the division he has chosen. The cadets pur- cnase ineir own omm, wnicn is similar to the regular army dress. The outfit costs a private $11 and an officer 515. This in cludes a "Springfield cadet gun," made especially for this organization, and is much lighter than theregulation gun. Captain McFareland, who has been asso ciated with the Washington Infantry, will give his service as drillmaster, and train the boys until they are strong enough to pay for a regular drillmaster. It is not at present proposed to charge an initiation fee, but a subscription of 10 cents per month will be demanded so as to keep the corps up. The regiment is officered, as in the army, with a colonel, lientenant colonel, a major for each company, 4 corporals, 2 duty sergeants, 2 lieutenants and a captain. Each boy has to undergo a medical examination. He must also be over 4 feet 10 inches and under 6 feet. Each State has its own Commander-in-Chief. Major General Potter, of Phila delphia, has been appointed to hold the. jur x-ennsyivsnia. jae nas arranged to hold an annual encampment, and inspect the progress that these youthful warriors make in tbe year. One excellent feature of this military school is that a strict rule will be enforced against the use of tobacco and drink among the members of the company. If any cadet is found disobeying the rules while on duty he will be expelled from the order. It he is found transgressing the orders off duty, he will be renrimanded for the first nffin and removed for the second. Before a boy can be admitted into the regiment he must have his parents' consent, and a recom mendation as to his moral character. DASHED PROM HIS LIPS. An Officer Smashes the Bottle of Three Bibulous Toons: Men. About 730 o'clock last night three young men, partially under the influence of liquor, stopped in front of the Second M. P. Church, on Fifth avenue, near Marion street, to drink out of a bottle. Officer Rosenblatt happened along jnst as one of the young men was drinking. The officer hit the bot tle with his mace, smashing it and leaving a piece of glass in the drinker's month, slightly cutting his lip. V THE EETITALS CLOSED. Major Cole Conducts" the Last Meeting; of the United Churches. The revival meetings that have been held for several weeks in the Mammoth Bink, Southside, by Major Cole, under the au spices of the combined churches of that portion of the city, were brought to a close last evening. Major Cole was the speaker and delivered an impressive address. Three Modest Quakers. The services in the jail yesterday after noon was something out of the usual order. They were conducted by three Quakers, two from Philadelphia and one from this city. None of them would give their names. The flf1viaa warn in tbe Uuaker fashion, with- out music or singing. One is supposed to be Thomas H. Whitson, of Philadelphia, who is visiting in Pittsburg. Ida Shannon Barled. Miss Ida Shannon, the 13-year-old daugh ter of W. C. Shannon, who died about 4 o'clock Friday evening from the effects of being run down and trampled by a horse ridden by Thomas Tracy, last Monday afternoon, was buried from her residence, No. 114 Elm street, yesterday afternoon. Foil From the Window. Mrs. Mary Chapman, an elderly lady re siding in Millvale, while leaning from the second-story window of her home" yesterday lost her balance and fell to the ground. She suffered a very severe fracture of her skull, which may result fatally. EYEBETT PIANO CLUB, Or Co-Operatlvo System of Selling; Pianos, Is the most successful and satisfactory plan ever tried. We are delivering pianos as fast as our wagons can haul them. Our mem bers get the lowest possible price, because there are enough members to contract for 350 pianos, and thus save 575 in the price of each piano; 350 members, each paying $1 per week, will pay for one piano in cash each week, and we deliver one piano per wees on tnese payments, juemoers wno pay all cash, or who pay $25 cash and $10 monthly can take their pianos at once, and still get the discount obtained by the club contract. The piano selected by the club has no superior. Having the whole market to choose from on so large a contract, we chose the Everett because it gives full value, dollar for dollar. We pay nothing for rep utations of men who died years ago. The Everett is a piano of to-day, with all the latest improvements. The tone is rich, powerful and musical, and they are made to wear. Each 'piano is warranted for seven years. Now don't wait too long. Our club is not yet full, but we are delivering pianos, and it is filling up rapidly. Send for cir cular or call and see the pianos at once. ALES'. Boss, Manager, 137 Federal street, Allegheny. A Cold Wave Coming-. This is the prediction of the weather clerk at the signal station, and our prediction is that you will me it if you do not visit our store and see the elegant line of overcoats we are offering at our special $14 sale to day. We also have fine overcoats selling at $8, flO and $12. Don't lail to come early and get your pick. P. C. C. Co., Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court Honse. Silks. Velvets and Flushes. Our prices save ydu money and our stocks in these departments are immense. Come to-day and see. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Time is the trae test F. & V.'sf ilsner beer grows daily in popularity. See Onr All Wool ballings 33o to SB Cents a Tnrd. Big lots, all new; the yard sticks will be busy to-day, if you see these goods. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Use A. & P. Baking Powder. Jipj 'JC2s !. ffqv ds, nuuuAn in uar.HO. -? rtjv fc He Ceaws BaekvOt tbe OSehd Wb BM lealed tbe African Exprdttloa The Other FeHotr Waited to Go. JBbt. Dr. "VT J, 'Holland was sfcowa the item yesterday containing the subetaaee of an Interview with a Government ofieial at Washington ..ridiculing the expedition to Africa and especially making light of the qualifications Of Prof. Todd-, "I am no longer -a member of the expe dition," said Dr. Holland, "and I ofl speak, therefore, the more freely. I recog nize at a glance the source of the aspersions upon tne quauncaiions of .Prof. Todd. Tbe attack is as. cowardly as it is malicious. It is the product of'pnre envy, and emanates from some of the understrappers of the Navy Department connected with the Naval Observatory. Thereby hangs a tale. "After Congress, , had impropriated the money to send tbe expedition to Africa the next step was tbe appointment by the Secre tary of the Navy of an Advisory Board of three to whom the mutter of making pre liminary inquiries and ascertaining a proper course of procedure was intrusted. This board reported recommending the division of the paltry f5,000 appropriated into two equal sums, and the sending out of expedi tions, at the head ot one of which should be Prof. Todd, and at the head of the other one of tbe attaches of the Naval. Observatory. The report was received, tbe board dis charged, and the whole matter intrusted finally to Commodore Dewev, head of the Bureau of Equipment and Becrniting, and the man at the Naval Observatory was quietly Unformed that in the interests of good discipline and science it was not deemed ad visable to organize a double headed expedi tion, so his services would not bfe required. "Now he is natnrallv mad anA httm talrpn in 'slinging mud. Prof. Todd and his friends can well allow to smile at the performance and pity the author of these reports, which are as contemptible as" they are calumnious. The latter portion of the attack which is leveled sauarelv at Pro Sham Neweomb is simply beneath contempt. Prof. Newcomb is too great, too noted and too famous a-man to allow his equanimity to be disturbed' by the maanderings of a disappointed and envious subaltern." . Tbe Everett Club Plana This Week Will be delivered to certificate No. 68. held by J. C. Sbarrer, 4010 North street, Pittsburg. Mr. Sharrer will receive a mag nificent npright grand Everett piano, and only pay ILOOjierweek. This is the fourth piano w'e have delivered on these payments. Now why don't you join our club? We are offering you the opportunity of your lifetime to get a piano which has no superior on pay ments and at a price impossible "to obtain on any other than our co-operative or common sense plan. Call and see us or send for circular. Alex, Boss, "Man ager," 137 Federal st, Allegheny. An Easy Way of Saving; Money. The saving in an ordinary family of five by using Walker's Wax Soap, instead of any ordinary soap, is fully 10 cents per week on the actual cost of the soap, and probably five times that amount on the wear and tear of the clothes, estimating tbe total saving at 60 cents per week, that would be $31 12 per year, and in 25 years with interest would amount to $1,167. Ask: your grocer for Walker's Wax Soap. nxmr A Cold Wave Coming;. This is the prediction of the weather clerk at thesignal station, and our prediction is that you will rne it if you do not visit our store and see the elegant line of overcoats we are offering at our special $14 sale to dar. We also have fine overcoats selling at $8,' $10 and $12. Don't fail to come early and get your pick. P. C. C. Co., Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. French Cashmeres on4 French Broadcloths. We offer to-day the best goods for the money ever measured with a yardstick. Come and see them. JfW. HOENE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Store. BiaeeUim Brewing; Co " Bennetts, Pa. Telephone 1,018. Established 1845. Opposite Forty-third. st, Pittsburg, Pa. Extra standard Wiener and Kulmbacher lager beer. Families and the trade supplied in bottles, quarts or pints; or in the wood. JTWMa French Cashmere and French Broadcloths. We offer to-day the best goods for the money1 ever measured with a yardstick. Come and see theai. Jos. Horse & Co. 'a Penn Avenue Stores. Best In the World. Do you know tbe best is always the cheap est? One pound 6f -"Walker's Wax Soap will outlast two pounds oljany ordinary soap. Ask your grocer for Walker's Wax Soap. MTUF " Use Thea Nectar Tea. EVIL.AIR From bad sewerage or undrained swamps deranges the liver and un dermines the system, creates blood diseases and eruptions, preceded by headache, biliousness and constipa tion, which can most effectually bo cured by the use of the genaine DnO.McLane's celebrated Liver Pills. Price, 35c Sold by an druggists, and pre pared only by Fleming Brothers, Pitts burg, Pa. Get the genuine; counterfeits are made in St, Louis. JjS-jiwt A GREAT EFFORT . has been made to please tne Ladies In tbe Millinery line and we are happy to say they seemed to appreciate the beautiful display in Hats and Bonnets, and many were the remarks: "How reasonable in price," and "so stylish, too," and that is jnst what we want to accomplish, viz Stylish Millinery at Seasonable Prices. We hare competent, experienced Milliners and we can give you good value for your money, tOURS TKTJLT, , ::: T. T- T. ::: THOMPSDNBRDTHERB, 1O9 Fxdzral Street, Allegheny. Note change lo Mile ,Ead dssplay In ExpesC ties. .We sell the feeds, ocls-xwr. JDS. HORNE: it CD..IB1 PENN AVENUE STORES. "Wo are better prepare thaa ever with Fan and Winter GooAyaaHoiowssaay dertaeats. Customers, oW udnv deHgated wik the woBderfal TriaT aadcompletenesa of the stoefa of needs A '?$ H 14 OU AWBa Oar laeflMtes are equal tatkessoK" atresia demands, and wo l-inlrt a4 $ V etahB tfeftt Bowhere etoeoasbttjeiedjo as well Jb qaaJity and priees as here. Our great aad uneaoaled vaJaes-taJ '?' Blaek Sflts lsetefe aHttetatett weaves1 In standard aad beet Colored lk, from Ssnfcs at See tneet and costliest Fwae BreeaoW, ever sees la tMs city. Plain Colored TrisHaJsg Velvets, 8M" to JB a yam; finest all pare BiHc LyeM Costume Velvets, In latest skades. Special barsain Infancy Brocades Figured Velvets at 65e sad vpward, for combtfiteg-wHSwoM dress fseries. ' Plosaes, 3So sad 46c s yard (H teases " wlde);-lsohatflee.3-biehat7Sa a' SI a yard art tfco.beai abades. Our great bargaiasiaFreBehABwooI Casteeres Lupin's she seat Hr, best la weight, la Safest la feefMW,t' inches wide, See x yard aote this yftaaT i- fi They eest mare money to maVfi ts-4w are worth 6Se a, yard. Bay these Labia's French Casaauaree at He; 48-teek at ft. f Another wonder the 8-iseh 'zeal Franca Broadelotes at H 35 a ja,' qaaled at tho price. ' ' ' We also are s at 68 ay the ftaest'BreadeletBS made, f oBy as good. If set better, thaa eteths Oat ace sesaaf; ior It to 18 SB per yard, set a aSe away from this; store. "We, have nieaty ot thesa fer an aadta the greatest variety of ceiefs sad aewert shades, ealy IS SO a yard. Next -the tS-teeb wide? AP-wW Freaea Serges, best esters, oslySec 1 yard. Another ease of away-aader ' Berenl tesge sew lets of Bele " LaJ . widtiLv AU-weel . StaKfe,. SMe SectfmL? tar the best values ever shew 1st aay dress good department Largest "Uae of KngHsh Striae aid Check Fine "Wool SaWags, By the yard aad ta single pattens, very Styles. Our AB-weol SB to, SB-teea tittlng aoths.laplJacieraadiBixtwes,8le tn ISe x vard. Oat mnriiiss ua ta - - - j.?!4. Ton wra saa year ohoiea of color aaa a. saadeae. . tssHtsasM Black Bress Good steekfsHspwMh bargain ta Cashmeres, Bessjes, Broad cloths, Caaefs hak BsiMss, fase Brocade aad other latest BOTeMes, 80 mash ior SxHes aad Dress Seeds; Only a gssetsi settee ot or stock of Faa and "Whiter styles ia oar, ever basy Cloak aad SK Garments by the thnnsanan Jaekshy Short Maatte, Shoulder Cspes, Loag Garments, Seal PlashtJaekets (Maad up), Hantles aad Coats. - Oar great S Cloth SaKsbsjgeias. The okeieest aad largest steeklao? Fur Boom of real Alaska, London dye, Sealskla Garments ia Coats, MaiMes and latest novelties ia Jaekets aad "Walktee Coats lowest prices here est reliable Seal Garmeats aad newest effects fa Small Furs. The new Table Linens are hers? the new Lace Cartaias, Heavy CsrtaJM TJphe4stenag Goods. Onr popular Drees TrhssalBg Depart? seat bas bread sew novelties this week In all Black sad Colored Triaaatea'; Buttons. Hlfllnery Depaitmeat faH stocked , t 1. with oharmiag; Trieaxasd Bonnets sad Hats for ladies aad ehadrea. Hosiery and Uaaerwear, Kid Gloves, Laces aad Bzabreideries. Ot coarse joa Bast oesae this weekte see this largest 3fi& OriTiyrflgQffV OvssVBsSfififSv swu av weaaerfal steek, of FaH aad Wtater Goods. JDS. HDRNE I ED. J 4 - PINK AY1NUE STOXltJ mw&k. itBH ff liaam. sadT 8 V" , x; "5 & 1C - E 5 &a 3H 4 K t. 2 "TH 9 TM Vte S&SbJB . r ,-KS